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Oral hygiene maintainance in children April 11th, 2010 Dentistry has come a long way toward reaching this treatment ratio. At the cor e of this preventive foundation is home oral hygiene and plaque control. The main objectives of the oral hygiene are:To consider the patient as a whole entity. To maintain a healthy mouth for as long as possible. To stop progression of disease and to provide appropriate rehabilitation. To provide patient with the necessary knowledge, skills, and motivation.

Plaque Formation

Dental Plaque is defined clinically as a structured, resilient, yellow grayish s ubstance that adheres tenaciously to the intraoral hard surfaces, including remo vable and fixed restoration. Plaque is primarily composed of bacteria in a matri x of salivary glycoproteins and extracellular polysaccharides. This matrix makes it impossible to remove the plaque by rinsing or the use of sprays. Plaque can thus be differentiated from other deposits that may be found on the tooth surfac e, such as materia alba and calculus. Materia alba refers to soft accumulations of bacteria and tissue cells that lack the organized structure of dental plaque and it is easily displaced with a water spray. Calculus is a hard deposit that f orms by mineralization of dental plaque, and it is generally covered by a layer of unmineralized plaque. Dental plaque is composed primarily of micro organization. One gram of plaque ( wet weight) contains approximately 1011 bacteria. The number of bacteria in supr agingival plaque on a single tooth surface can exceed 109. In a periodontal pock et, counts can range from 103 bacteria in a healthy crevice to greater than 108 bacteria in a deep pocket. More than 500 distinct microbial species are found in dental plaque. New molecular approaches for bacterial identification, which rel y on analysis of ribosomal dexyribonuclie acid (DNA) sequences, suggest that as much as 30% of the micro- organisms associated with gingivitis may represent unc ultivated species. Thus it is apparent that substantial numbers of plaque micro organism have yet to be identified. One individual may harbor 150 or more differ ent species. Nonbacterial micro organisms that are found in plaque include Mycop lasma species, yeast, protozoa, and virus. The micro organization exists within an intercellur matrix that also contains a few host cells, such as epithelial ce lls, macrophages and leukocytes. Dental plaque is broadly classified as supragigival or supragigival based on its position on the tooth surface towards the supragingival margin as follows. Supragingival plaque is found at above the gingival margin when in direct contac t with the gingival margin, it is referred to as marginal plaque. Supragingival plaque is found at or above the gingival margin, between the tooth and the gingival pocket epithelium. Supragingival plaque typically demonstrates a stratified organized of a multilav ered accumulation of bacterial morphotypes. Gram positive cocci and short rods p

redominate at the tooth surface, whereas gram- negative rods and filament as wel l as spirochetes, predominate in the outer surface of the mature plaque mass. In general, the subgingival microbiota differs in composition from the supraging ival plaque, primarily because of the local availability of blood products and a low oxidation reduction (redox) potential, which characterizes the anaerobic en vironment.

MECHANICAL METHODS OF PLAQUE CONTROL Mechanical methods of plaque control are the most widely accepted techniques for plaque removal. Tooth brushing and flossing are the essential elements of these mechanical methods; adjuncts include disclosing agents, oral irrigators, and to ngue scrapers. MANUAL TOOTHBRUSH

The toothbrush is the most common method for removing plaque from the oral cavit y. A number of variables enter into the design and fabrication of toothbrushes. These include the bristle material; length, diameter, and total number of fibers ; length of brush head; trim design of brush head; number and arrangement of bri stle tufts; angulation of brush head to handle; and handle; design. In addition , many features, such as the use of neon colors or familiar cartoon caricatures, are designed to attract the attention of potential purchasers Today, most commercially available brushes are manufactured with synthetic (nylo n) bristles. Brushes are classified as soft, medium, or hard based on the diamet er of these bristles. The diameter ranges for these classifications are 0.16 to 0.22mm for soft, 0.23 to 0.29 mm for medium, and 0.30 mm and higher for hard. Of the three types of bristle ends coarse-cut, enlarged bulbous, and round, the ro und end is the bristle type of choice because it is associated with a lower inci dence of gingival tissue irritation. However, even the coarse-cut bristles round off eventually with normal use

The soft brush is preferable for most uses in pediatric dentistry because of the decreased likelihood of gingival tissue trauma and increased interproximal clea ning ability. In evaluating the best toothbrush head and handle for children, Up dyke concludes that it is best to use a brush with a smaller head and a thicker handle than on the adult-size brush to aid in access to the oral cavity and faci litate the child s grip of the handle. The cleansing effectiveness of toothbrushes is maintained until pronounced tooth brush wear has occurred. This implies that patients are much more likely to disp ose of a brush well before its clinical usefulness actually ends than to continu e to use a toothbrush that no longer cleans effectively. In this regard, one man ufacturer claims that their commercial toothbrush indicates when the brush shoul d be replaced by means of centrally located tufts of bristles dyed with food col orant. When the blue band fades to halfway down the bristle, it is time to repla ce the brush. The company states that on average this occurs after 3 months but that the time varies depending on the individuals brushing habits.

The best advice is to replace the brush when it appears well worn. This can pres ent some problems for parents, because some children, especially toddlers, chew their brushes when brushing, which rapidly gives the bristles a well-worn appear ance. Floss Although tooth brushing is the most widely used method of mechanical plaque cont rol, tooth brushing alone cannot adequately remove plaque from all tooth surface s. In particular, it is not efficient in removing interproximal plaque, which me ans that interproximal cleaning beyond brushing is necessary. Many devices have been suggested for interproximal removal of plaque, such as interdental brushes, floss holders and floss, and end tuft brush. floss holders for children. there appears to be no substantial difference between these devices in their abi lity to remove plaque and their tendency to produce gingival inflammation effect s when they are used properly; however, floss is the standard device to which other devices are most often compared. The other devices are more often recommen ded in certain unique circumstances, for example the interdental brush may be re commended for orthodontic, patients. Several different types of floss are available; flavored and unflavored, waxed a nd unwaxed and thin tape and meshwork. Almost all commercially available floss is made of nylon although floss made of Teflon material (polytetrafluoroethylene ) is also available. The manufacturer claims that, because the material has a lo wer coefficient of friction than nylon, this floss does not shred, slides easily between tight contacts, and minimizes snapping of the floss.

Based on the work of Bass, unwaxed nylon filament floss has generally been consid ered the floss of choice because of the ease of passing the floss between tight contacts, the lack of a wax residue, the squeaking sound effect produced by mo ving the floss over a clean tooth, and the fiber spread, which results in increa sed surface contact and greater plaque removal. From the perspective of patient acceptance, flavored waxed floss may be the most effective type. In addition, many parents complain that their fingers are too l arge for their child s mouth. Floss- holding devices (see Fig. 11_4 ) are an excel lent alternative for parents when this complaint is voiced or when the dexterity of the parent or child prevents hand holding of floss. For orthodontic patients flossing is a tedious process but is nonetheless essential to maintenance of or al health.

POWERED MECHANICAL PLAQUE REMOVAL The rationale for using powered brushes is that many patients remove plaque poor ly because they lack adequate manual dexterity in manipulating the brush. The po wered brushes should decrease the need for dexterity; by automatically including some movement of the brush head. use of the latest power brushes, such as the Sonicare or the Braun Oral B Kids, Power Toothbrush (D10), May prove to be more beneficial than use of other brush es. The Sonicare uses sonic technology in the form of acoustic energy to improve the plaque removal ability of traditional toothbrush bristles. The brush has an

electromagnetic device that drives the bristles motions at 261 Hz or 31, 320 br ush strokes per minute. Powered toothbrushes removed significantly more plaque than the manual toothbrus hes for children.

Power brushes with a rotation-oscillation action design removed more plaque and reduced gingivitis more effectively than manual brushes in both the short and th e long term. Braun Oral B Interclean. This electrically powered cleaning device requires only singlel-handed usage while its filament rotates to undergo an elliptical movemen t disrupting plaque attached to adjacent and proximate teeth.


Dentifrices serve multiple functions in oral hygiene through the inclusion of a variety of agents. They act as plaque and stain-removing agents through the use of abrasives and surfactants. Pleasant flavors and colors encourage their use. T hey have tartar control properties because of the addition of pyrophosphates. Fi nally, dentifrices have anticaries and desensitization properties through the ac tion of fluoride and other agents. A child s dentifrice should contain fluoride, r ank low in abrasiveness, and carry the ADA seal of acceptance. Child is more likely to practice oral hygiene procedures if the tools to be used are pleasing to the child. Although the caries-preventive efficacy of fluoride toothpastes in children

children tend to use larger amounts of dentifrice, brush for a longer period, an d rinse and expectorate less when using a children s dentifrice than when using a n adult dentifrice. Manufacturers should market a low-fluoride dentifrice for intents or reduce the diameter of the tube orifice. Parents should be advised to delay the use of fluo ride dentifrice until the child is older than 36 months and to use small, pea-si zed quantities of toothpaste. Dentifrice for children called Baby Orajel Tooth and Gum Cleanser. The manufactu rer states that it is nonabrasive, nonfoaming without fluoride, safe for infants , and ideal for babies aged 4 months to 3 years. It contains a mild surfactant a nd simethicone, is sugar-free and comes in vanilla and fruit flavors. DISCLOSING AGENTS In an effort to increase the patient s ability to remove plaque, several agents ha ve been developed to allow for patient visualization of plaque. These include io dine, gentian violet, erythrosin, basic fuchsin, fast green, food dyes, flouresc ein, and a two-tone disclosing agent. Use of these agents is particularly helpfu l in teaching children toothbrushing techniques and educating them on the ration ale for oral hygiene. FDC red No. 28 is a plaque-disclosing agent commonly used either as a liquid to be dabbed onto the teeth with a cotton swab or in the form of a chewable tablet this dye stains the oral soft tissues and dental pellicle

, as well as plaque, leaving an objectionable pink discoloration that lasts up t o several hours after use. Most younger children do not appear to be bothered by the discoloration, but as children approach adolescence it can become a problem . Fluorescein disclosing agents were developed to address this problem because f luorescein is not visible under normal light. Their use does, however, require s pecial equipment. Disclosing agents have some antimicrobial activity, according although short-ter m quantitative inhibition of plaque growth has not been observed clinically; lon g-term home use of disclosing agents may contribute to qualitative differences i n plaque composition. Several other devices, such as oral irrigators and tongue scrapers, have been su ggested for routine oral hygiene. Oral irrigators use pulsed water or chemothera peutic agents to dislodge plaque from the dentition. Tongue scrapers, which are flat, flexible plastic sticks, are used to remove bacterial and food deposits th at accumulate within the rough dorsal surface of the tongue. In addition, gauze or special dental washcloths are useful in infants to massage the gums and to re move plaque on newly erupted teeth. Although these adjuncts add to our basic hyg iene tools, toothbrushes and floss remain the most effective means of mechanical plaque removal. Professional recommendation of these adjuncts should be to sugg est them as supplements to and not substitutes for the basic tools


As with toothbrush design, several different types of tooth brushing techniques for children have been advocated over the years. The more predominant techniques are the roll method, the Charters method, the horizontal scrubbing method, and the modified Stillman method Roll Method. The brush is placed in the vestibule, the bristle ends directed api cally, with the sides of the bristles touching the gingival tissue. The patient exerts lateral pressure with the sides of the bristles, and he brush is moved oc clusally. The brush is placed again high in the vestibule, and the rolling moti on is repeated. The lingual surfaces are brushed in the same manner, with two te eth brushed simultaneously. Charters Method The ends of the bristles are f the teeth and the gingiva, with the bristles e toward the plane of occlusion. A lateral and on the brush, and the brush is vibrated gently . placed in contact with the enamel o pointed at about a 45-degree angl downward pressure is then placed back and forth a millimeter or so

Horizontal Scrubbing Method: The brush is placed horizontally on buccal and ling ual surfaces and moved back and forth with a scrubbing motion. Modified Stillman Method The modified Stillman method combines a vibratory actio n of the bristles with a stroke movement of the brush in the long axis of the te eth. The brush is placed at the mucogingival line, with the bristles pointed awa y from the crown, and moved with a stroking motion along the gingiva and the too th surface. The handle is rotated toward the crown and vibrated as the brush is moved. The Bass method is used on 2-3 teeth at a time. The brush is placed at 450 angle to the tooth surface and is moved back and forth, allowing the bristles to rema in in the same place.

Horizontal scrubbing method exhibited a more significant plaque-removing effect than the roll, Charters, and modified still man methods.

The horizontal scrub technique removes as much or more plaque than the other tec hniques, regardless of how old the child is and whether the brushing is performe d by the parent or the child. In addition, it is the technique most naturally ad opted by children.

For flossing, the following technique is recommended

1. A 46-to 61-cm (18-to 24-inch) length of floss is obtained, and the ends are w rapped around the patient s or parent s middle fingers. Floss should be long enough to allow the thumbs to touch each other when the hands are laid flat. 2. The thumbs and index fingers are used to guide the floss as it is gently sawe d between the two teeth to be cleaned. Care must be taken not to snap the floss down through the interproximal contacts to a void gingival trauma. 3. The floss is then manipulated into a c shape around each tooth individually a nd moved in a cervical-occlusal reciprocating motion until the plaque is removed . In between cleaning each pair of teeth the floss is repositioned on the finger s so that fresh, unsoiled floss is used at each new location.

Some children and their parents prefer to make a loop of floss. Tying the two en ds of the floss together, instead of wrapping it around their fingers, assists t hem in holding and controlling the flossing and other plaque removal activities are added to this time. If should be the last thing the child does before bedtim e at night. Because the flow of saliva and its buffering capacity are reduced du ring sleep, it is addition, the development in children of a learned behavior pe rformed at a specific time of day, each and every day, will prove beneficial thr oughout childhood and into adulthood.

Chemotherapeutic Plaque Control

FONES METHOD OR CIRCULAR SCRUB METHOD (1934) Indication: Indicated for young children who want to do their own brushing, but do not have the muscle development for techniques which requires more co-ordinations Technique: The child is asked to stretch his/her arms such that they are parallel to the fl oor. The child is then asked to make big circles using the whole arm to draw cir

cles in the air. The circles are reduced in diameter until very small circles ar e made in front of the mouth. The child is now ready to make circles on the teet h with the toothbrush, making sure that the teeth and gums are covered. Advantages This technique has equal or better potential than Bass technique for plaque remo val and prevention of gingivitis. It is easy to learn Shorter time Physically or emotionally, handicapped individuals Patients who lack dexterity for a more technical brushing method Gingiva is provided with good stimulation Disadvantages Possible trauma to gingiva Interdental areas are not properly cleaned Detrimental for adults especially who use the brush vigourously

Chemotherapeutic PLAQUE CONTROL

Although the use of mechanical therapy for plaque control can provide excellent results, it is clear that many patients are unable, unwilling or untrained to pr actice routine effective mechanotherapy. In addition, certain patients with dent al diseases (e. g. immunocompromised conditions) require additional assistance b eyond mechanotherapy to maintain a normal state of oral health. Because of this, chemotherapeutic agents have been developed as adjuncts in plaque control. Van der ouderaa has stated that the ideal chemother apeutic plaque con trol agent should have the following characteristics. Specificity only for the pathogenic bacteria

Substantivity, the ability to attach to and be retained by oral surfaces and then be released over time without loss of potency . Chemical stability during storage . Absence of adverse reactions, such as staining or mucosal interactions . Toxicologic safety . Ecologic safety so as not to adversely alter the microbiotic flora Ease of use

No agent has yet been developed that has all of these characteristics. There are several main routes of administration of antiplaque agents designe d for home use. They are mouthwashes, dentifrices, gels, irrigators, floss, chew ing gum lozenges, and capsules. All of these are designed for local, supragingiv al administration, except the irri-gator and capsule delivery methods. The irrig ators can provide both supragingival and subgingival delivery. The capsules are designed for systemic distribution Both van der Ouderaa and Mandel have provided excellent reviews of the vari ous chemotherapeutic agents and their uses.

ANTISEPTIC AGENTS Positively Charged Organic Molecules: Quaternary ammonium compounds cetylpyridinium chloride Pyrimidines hexedine Bis-biguanides chlorhexidine, alexidine Noncharged Phenolic Agents: menthol, Listerine and (thymol,



triclosan, phenol, and thymol Oxygenating Agents: Peroxides and perborate Bis-Pyridines: Octenidine Halogens: Iodine, iodophors, and fluorides Heavy Metal Salts: Silver, ANTIBIOTICS Niddamycin, kanamycin and vancomycin hydrochloride ENZYMES Mucinases, pancreatin, fungal enzymes, and protease PLAQUE-MODIFYING AGENTS Urea peroxide sulfate, tetracycline hydrochloride, mercury, zinc, copper, and tin


Xylitol, mannitol

PLAQUE ATTACHMENT INTERFERENCE AGENTS Sodium polyvinylphosphonic acid, perfluoroalkyl ANTISEPTIC AGENTS The antiseptic agents used in chemotherapeutic plaque control have been show n to exhibit little or no oral or systemic toxiaty in the concentrations used. V irtually no drug resistance is induced, and in most instances these agents have a broad antimicrobial spectrum. Chlorhexidine, a positively charged organic antiseptic aoent. has batter ab ility to reduce plaque and gingivitis scores. Chlorhexidine binds with anionic glycoproteins and phosphoproteins on t he buccal, palatal, and labial mucosa and the tooth-borne pellicle its antibacte rial effects include binding well to bacterial cell membranes, increasing their permeability, initiating leakage, and precipitating intracellular components. Several studies have demonstrated the use and efficacy of chlorhexidine ther apy in children as young as 8 years of age. Studies have examined its use in the form of a rinse, a spray, a varnish, and a chlorhexidine gel used in flossing. Lang et al investigated the effects of supervised rinsing with chlorhexidine in 158 schoolchildren, aged 10 to 12 years. The children were divided into four groups. Group A rinsed with a 0.2% solution of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) six times weekly. Group B rinsed with 0.2% CHX two times weekly. Group C rinsed with a 0.1% CHX solution six times weekly . Group D rinsed six times weekly with a placebo solution. All rinsing was performed under supervision, and no effort was made to change the children s oral hygiene habits. Graph shows the results of the study All three experimental groups, A. B. an d C, exhibited statistically significant reductions in the gingival index compar ed with the control group. Group D. The investigators concluded that gingivitis can be controlled successfully in children by regular rinsing with a chlorhexidi ne solution over an extended period. Chlorhexidine spray has stimulated interest regarding its use in disabled po pulations because of its effectiveness and ease of administration. Burtner et al demonstrated a 35% reduction in plaque levels with use of the spray compared with placebo use in a study of 16 institutionalized adult males w ith severe and profound mental retardation. Chikte et al conducted a 9-week, doubleblind, randomized crossover clinical trial involving 52 institutionalized mentally disabled individuals 10 to 26 year s of age. By the end of the trial, plaque and gingival indices had been reduced by 48% and 52%, respectively, in the group treated with a stannous fluoride spra y. Ferretti et al found that the prophylactic use of chlorhexidine mouthrinse produced reductions in gingivitis and mucositis and oral microbial burden in p atients undergoing bone marrow transplantation.

The use of a chlorhexidine mouthrinse as an antiplaque and antigingiviti s agent in bone maarrow transplant patients to augment their oral hygie ne. Finally, chlorhexidine varnish has been shown by Fennisle et al and by Peter sson et al to suppress the level of mutans streptococci. The use of positively charged antiplaque agents has been hampered by adverse reactions such as staining of teeth, impaired taste sensation, and increased su pragingival calculus formation. Different attempts have been made to decrease th ese side effects, such as alteration of dietary habits, increase in mechanical p laque removal efforts, and use of hydrogen peroxide solutions in conjunction wit h the antiseptic agent. The most widely known noncharged phenolic antiseptic agent is List erine. it was the first mouthrinse to be accepted by the Council of Dental Thera peutics for its help in controlling plaque and gingivitis. Despite its long hist ory of use, studies by Clark et al and by Brownstone et al have shown chlorhexid ine to be significantly more effective than Listerine in reducing plaque and gin givitis indices. Listerine tends to give patients a burning sensation, and it has a bitter ta ste Lang and Brecx have summarized the changes in plaque index, gingival index, and discoloration index scores resulting from the use of four well-known chemoth erapeutic plaque control agents. The effects of two daily 10-mL rinses with either 0.12% chlorhexidine digluc onate, the quaternary ammonium compound cetylpyridinium chloride, the pheno lic compound Listerine, or the plant alkaloid sanguinarine were compared with t hose of rinses with a placebo. All rinses were supervised by registered dental hygienists during these 21-d ay studies. The subjects were divided into five groups of eight individuals each and wer e instructed to refrain from oral hygiene during the 21 days. Mean indices in five groups of eight individuals refraining from oral hygien e for 21 days rinsing with either 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX), 0.075% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), Listerine, sanguinarine, or placebo. A, Mean pla que index (PLI). B, Mean gingival index (Gl). C, Mean discoloration index (Dl). Although the sanguinarine, Listerine, and cetylpyridinium chloride inhibited plaque formation to some extent, they did not prevent gingivitis significantly more than the placebo. Unfortunately, all of the antiseptics demonstrated higher discoloration ind ex scores than the placebo. As can be seen in graph C, chlorhexidine had the sec ond highest discoloration score of the four agents. Listerine has one of the highest alcohol contents of any mouthwash, approxim ately 25%. Alcohol intoxication is use has been investigated, alcohol intoxication is m ore relevant to pediatric dentistry. The relationship of alcohol containg mouthw ashes to oral carcinomas is equivocal.

Alcohol intoxication of children and adolescents from mouthwashes is a conce rn because of the products availability. Most parents do not recognize the potent ial harm from these rinses. The use of fluoride as a halogen antiseptic plaque control agent are appropr iate. The fluoride ion inhibits carbohydrate utilization of oral organisms by bloc king enzymes involved in glycolytic pathway. As mentioned earlier, stannous fluoride can produce reduction in plaque an g ingivatis scores approaching those of chlorhexidine, but this effect is caused b y the tin content of this salt, not the fluoride content. it is interesting to note that two antiseptic agents, chlorhexidine and tric losn have been incorporated into dentifrice formulations.



Enzyme system intended to alter plaque architecture and adherence, as well a s enzymes designed to generate antibacterial products, have been investigated. Problems associated with the long term stability of enzyme molecules in envi ronments with potentially high concentrations of alcohol or surfactants have yet to be addressed. The use of urea peroxide as a plaque modifying agent has been investigated b ecause of its increased stability over hydrogen peroxide and the protein denatur ation effect of urea.

SUGAR SUBSTITUTES The use of sugar substitutes such as xylitol, mannitol, sucrose and aspartat e has been advocated. Park et al have shown that sugar substitutes can have a positive influence o n plaque pH, the intrinsic antiplaque activity is much lower than that of other plaque control agents. These agents have been suggested for use in chewing gum to decrease plaque a ccumulation and pH. Hoerman et al demonstrated that in a less oral hygiene environment plaque ac cumulation was lower when gum with sucrose or sorbitol was chewed than when gum was not chewed. The study demonstrated that the combination of xylitol gum chewing and fluor ide usage resulted in a significantly lower incidence of caries than fluoride us age alone. They also showed that flowing hot water was more effective at removing the simulated plaque than flowing cold water (300 to 350 C). When a produt is selected for a patient consideration be given to necessity efficacy adverse effects and cost effectiveness

Age specific home oral hygiene instructions

The appropriateness and effectiveness of home oral hygiene procedures change throughout childhood. It is necessary to involve the parent at some level of the oral hygien e procedure for each of the age categories. A) PRE NATAL

The best time to begin counseling parents and establishing a child dental preven tive programme is actually before the birth of the child. The parents to be become acutely aware of their child dependence on them for all of the child nurturing and health care needs parents have a strong insti nct to provide the best that they can for the child. Counseling them on their ow n hygiene habits and the effect they can have on their children as role models w ill aid in improving both the parents and child oral health. Discussing pregnancy gingivitis with the mothers to be and dispelling som e of the myths about childbirth and dental health can prove beneficial. B) Infants (0 to 1 year old):-

It is important that a few basic home oral hygiene procedures for the child begin during the first year of life. There is general agreement that plague removal activities should begin on eruption of the first primary teeth. The early clearing must be done totally by the parent. It can be accompli shed by wrapping a moistened gauze square or wash cloth around the finger and ge ntly massaging the teeth and gingival tissues. Cradling the child with one arm while massaging the teeth with the hand o f the other may be the simplest and provides the infant with a strong sense of s ecurity. The introduction of a moistened, soft bristled, child or infant sized too th brush during this age is advisable only if the parent feels comfortable using the brush. The use of a dentifrice is neither necessary nor advised as the foaming a ction of the paste tends to be objectionable to the infant. Because fluoride ing estion is possible, use of non fluoridated tooth gum cleaner are indicated. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children have their first dental visit at approximately the time of eruption of the first too th, or at the latest by the age of 12 months. When the child has special dental needs, such as medical problems or trauma, this visit can be sooner. An infant dental examination and fluoride status review should be accompl ished, and dietary issues related to nursing and bottle caries as well as other health concerns are addressed. C) Toddlers (1 to 3 years old):During toddler hood, the tooth brush should be introduced into the plaque

removal procedure. Because of the inability of children in this age group to ex pectorate and the potential for fluoride ingestion, only a non-fluoridated denit rifies should be used. Most children enjoy imitating their parents and will readily practice too th brushing. The child should be encouraged to begin rudimentary brushing; the parent remains the primary care given in these hygiene procedures. Positioning of the child and parent is important. Most children enjoy bru shing their own teeth, many are resistant to allowing anyone else to do the brus hing.

Several positions can be used by the parent, but the lap-to-lap position, allows one adult to control the child s body movement while the other adult brush ed the teeth. For single parent households, a one-adult position often becomes necessar y. In this situation the parent sits on the floor with his or her legs stretched out in front and the child is positioned between the legs. The child s head is pl aced between the thighs of the parent, with the child s arm and legs carefully con trolled by the legs of the parent. D) Pre-Schoolers (3 to 6 years old):-

Children in the preschool age range begin to demonstrate significant improvement s in their ability to manipulate the toothbrush; it is still the responsibility of the parent to be the primary provider oral hygiene procedures. It is important to stress to the parents that they must continue to brush their child s teeth. A fluoride dentifrice can be introduced at 3 years of age as most children develop the skills to expectorate toothpaste adequately. In the primary dentition, the posterior contacts may be the only areas wh ere flossing is needed. The closure of the spaces between the primary molars ten ds to occur somewhere near the start of this age range. In any inter proximal area has tooth to tooth contact, however, daily flo ssing of that area becomes necessary. Proper positioning of the child continues to be useful for this age group in performing oral hygiene. One method advocated is that in which the parent st ands behind the child and both face the same direction. The child rests his or her head back into the parent s non-dominant arm wit h the hand of this arm the cheeks can be retracted, and the other hand is used t o brush. This position is also appropriate for flossing. It is also during this stage that fluoride gels and rinses for home use m ay be introduced. Use of there chemotherapeutic plaque control agents is generally not reco mmended.


School aged children (6 to 12 years old):-

The 6 to 12 year stage is marked by acceptance of increasing responsibili ties by the children. The child can begin to assume more responsibility for oral hygiene. Parental involvement is still needed. However, instead of performing t he oral hygiene, parents can switch to active supervision. By the second half of this stage, most children can provide their basic oral hygiene (brushing or flo ssing). Parents do need to actively inspect their child s teeth for cleanliness on a regular basis. By this age, ingestion of fluoridated materials, such as denitr ifies, gels or rinses, is not as pronounced a concern because the children can n ow expectorate well. Certainly the use of fluoridated dentifrices is essential, however, fluoridated gels and rinses can be reserved for those children at risk for caries. The use of chlorhexidine or Listerine can be introduced to those at risk for periodontal disease and caries. Although fluoridated dentifrices provide cost efficient fluoride exposure , the use of fluoridated gels or rinses is strongly encouraged. Patients at risk for caries and periodontal disease, the use of chemother apeutic agents and adjuncts such as oral irrigators is recommended.


Adolescents (12 to 19 year old):-

Although the adolescent patient usually has developed the skills for adeq uate oral hygiene procedures, compliance is a major problem during this age peri od. Macgregor & Balding s survey of 4075 children 14 years old suggests a posit ive relationship between self esteem and tooth brushing behaviours and motivatio n for month care in adolescents. Because self esteem declines between the ages o f 11 and 14 and then shows a gradual improvement into adulthood, it is not hard to understand why plaque control in these patients declines. In addition poor di etary habits and pubertal hormonal changes increase adolescents risk for caries and gingival inflammation.

Share and Enjoy: 2 comments Posted in energy efficiency statistics Tags: .ppt oral hygiene smaall children 'Eco "chemical approach for plaque contr ol" "cleanliness at school" ppt "good habits for kids" "health and hygiene in ch ildren ppt "instructions for children" control "oral habits" poster "presentatio n for kids" "personal hygiene" "school hygiene ppt" [ppt] dental health educatio n for kid [ppt] good habits for childs 1 year old gingivitis 1 year old with gin givitis a comparison of the effectiveness of the charters', scrub, and roll meth ods of toothbrushing in removing plaque a good habit useful the head a powerpoin t presentation on brushing and flossing a powerpointpresentation on cleanliness a presentation about cleanliness (level 6) a small ppt on health and hygenie acc umulation of plaque to materia alba act disclosing agent act of removing plaque bulbous ada classification of tooth brushes ppt ada fones method addition for ki

ds powerpoint addition ppt for kids addition with carry over ppt for kids Admini stration adolescence hygiene ppt adolescent does not brush teeth adolescent pers onal hygiene ppt advaces in first aid advances in periodontics advances in perio dontics plaque control methods ppt advaned in mechanical plaque removal advantag e and advantages of heavy metal salts in chemical plaque control advantage and d isadvantage of interdental brush advantage of bass tooth brushing advantage of m odified stillman tooth advantages and disadvantages of bass method brushing adva ntages and disadvantages of charters tooth brushing techniques advantages and di sadvantages of horizontal scrub method of toothbrushing ppt advantages of bass t oothbrushing technique advantages of disclosing agent advantages of fluorescein disclosing agent advantages of stillman brushing advantages of stillman brushing method adverse effect in pediatrics.ppt age for fones technique alba dentaria a lbadental materiale alcohol agents for plaque removal alcohol and oral health po werpoint allintitle:modified bass method Alternative American american food habi ts ppt animated cartoon on hygiene animated images for gingival pocket animated picture of a virus undergoing dental treatment animated pictures of kids brushin g teeth animation pictures in pedodontics anticaries agentppt anticaries device anticariesagentsppt antigingivitis agents.ppt antimicrobials in food ppt antipla que agents ppt antiplaque sanguinarine .ppt antiplaque,antigingivitis agents.ppt antiseptic agent , power point . antiseptic plaque ppt antiseptic used in denti stry ppt Architecture attain good oral health Auto avances in periondontosis b d eposite.ppt b. braun medical inc. baby 1 year old who has a gingivitis baby bott le hygiene and bone marrow transplant baby bottle tooth caries ppt baby orajel t ooth tissues spry baby wet tissue powerpoint back care procedure ppt bacteria ba sics powerpoint for kids bacteria for kids powerpoint bacteria for kids ppt bact eria power point for kids bacteria powerpoint for kids bacteria responsible for dental plaque ppt slides bacteria.ppt for kids basic dental hygiene presentation basic first aid for school children.ppt basic health and hygiene in ppt basic h ealth and hygiene presentation basic hygiene children presentations basic hygien e for children ppt basic oral health education ppt basics in tooth brushing tech niques free pictures bass brushing technique including rationale bass brushing t echnique ppt bass meathod of brushing ppt bass method and stillman method bass m ethod brushing used for bass method brushing.ppt bass method of brushing powerpo int bass method of brushing ppt bass method of brushing technique in buccal surf ace ppt bass method of tooth brushing technique ppt bass method of toothbrushing images bass method ppt bass technique of toothbrushing animation bass technique ppt bass toothbrushing benefits of teeth brushing ppt best brushes for tooth pp t best brushing method for kids bis hygeine practices bis mania body cleaness pp t. body cleanliness pictures for kids body cleanliness ppt body hygiene for kids ppt bone marrow transplant power point for kids brush and floss powerpoints bru sh in buccal surface ppt brush teeth children powerpoint brush teeth edu ppt bru sh teeth ppt brush the teeth ppt brushing and flossing powerpoints brushing effi cacy and oral hygiene instructions in children ppt brushing habits cartoon brush ing habits ppt brushing in children ppt brushing kids ppt brushing methods for s chool age kids brushing methods ppt brushing mouth and teeth for kids powerpoint free brushing positions pedodontics brushing ppt brushing presentation for kids brushing technique bass ppt brushing technique for 6 years old brushing techniq ue for children ppt brushing technique for children's ppt brushing technique for kids ppt brushing technique for school children brushing technique in school ag e children brushing technique ppt brushing technique roll .ppt brushing techniqu es circular fones brushing techniques for 6 year old brushing techniques for chi ldren ppt brushing techniques in children ppt brushing techniques power point pr esentation brushing techniques ppt brushing techniques used in children ppt brus hing teeth for children powerpoint brushing teeth methods ppt brushing teeth pow erpoint made for kids brushing teeth ppt brushing teeth ppt kids brushing teeth presentation for kid brushing teeth presentation for kids brushing teeth, ppt fo r kids brushing tooth method child brushing with stillman method buccal surface plaque bulbus tooth brushing technique burshing ppt burtner et al , 35% reductio n in plaque levels burtner et al demonstrated a 35% reduction in plaque levels w ith use of the spray compared calculus formation on teeth: ppt calculus formatio

n powerpoint calculus in dentistry.ppt calculus powerpoint presentations calnlin ess ppt car. carbamide peroxide in reducing dental plaque and gingival inflammat ion with institutionalized patients was observed by zinner care and hygine for p reschool ppt care and hygine for toddlers ppt care of teeth and gums for school children - powerpoints caries disclosing agents carton pictures kids fingers car toon caries pictures cartoon cleanliness cartoon for children about leukocytes c artoon image of oral hygiene cartoon images for hygiene practices cartoon images of oral habits cartoon images of orthodontic patients cartoon images on health and hygiene cartoon leukocytes pictures cartoon on cleanliness school picture ca rtoon oral health pictures cartoon photos cleanliness cartoon pics of clean envi roment cartoon pics on hygeine for school children cartoon pics teaching ersonal hygiene cartoon picture of hygiene cartoon picture of kid and dentist cartoon p icture stillman brushing techiques cartoon pictures cleaniness cartoon pictures enzymes cartoon pictures of cleanliness cartoon pictures of dentaldiseases carto on pictures of effective use of water cartoon pictures of flossing cartoon pictu res of good habits for kids cartoon pictures of kids cartoon pictures of kids an d parent cartoon pictures of kids group cartoon pictures of kids heads cartoon p ictures of kids hygiene cartoon pictures of mouth acid cartoon pictures of my gr een planet cartoon pictures of orthodontist cartoon pictures of teeth for lil ki ds cartoon pictures on claenliness cartoon pictures on cleanliness cartoon solar energy ppt cartoon teeth and gingiva cartoon type ppts to show kids in school c artoonpictures of caries cartoons hygiene pictures cartoons pictures on pedodont ics cartuned immages for kid's hygiene catoon picture on hygiene charters brushi ng method ppt charters brushing technique charters technique brushing teeth char ters toothbrushing method disadvantages charters toothbrushiung technique powerp oint chemial approach of plaque control chemical ,mechanical and chemotherapeuti c methods of plaque control chemical and mechanical methods of plaque control ch emical classification of listerine phenol chemical control of dental plaque ppt chemical control of plaque.ppt chemical method of plaque control chemical method to control dental caries ppt chemical method to control dental plaque ppt chemi cal methods of plaque control chemical methods of plaque control pediatric denti stry chemical methods of plaque control.ppt chemical methods plaque control chem ical plaque control chemical plaque control agents chemical plaque control agent s classification chemical plaque control agents classification ppt chemical plaq ue control for children ppt chemical plaque control methods chemical plaque cont rol methods.ppt chemical plaque control ppt chemical plaque control slide presen tation chemical plaque for special needs patients chemicals under study for plaq ue control chemo therapeutic agen,dental chemotherapeutic agent aid in periodont al treatment ppt chemotherapeutic agent in periodontal treatment ppt chemotherap eutic agents for calculus chemotherapeutic agents in periodontal therapy ppt che motherapeutic agents periodontal patients chemotherapeutic agents ppt chemothera peutic agents ppt in perio chemotherapeutic agents ppt in periodontia chemothera peutic agents- proximal plaque control devices chemotherapeutic agents, periodon tal,ppt chemotherapeutic perio agents ppt chemotherapeutic proximal plaque contr ol devices child body cleanliness powerpoint presentation child care and hygiene .ppt child denal education ppt child dental education ppt child food habits ppt child health hygiene presentation child hygine ppt child oral health ppt child o rthodontics cartoon pictures child with one arm cartoon Children children dental education powerpoint children dental education ppt children dental health educa tion ppt children dental presentation cleaning and brushing children eating habi ts ppt children education about healthy planet ppt children good habits powerpoi nt presentation children handicapped oral hygiene children health and hygiene pp t children hygiene powerpoint children hygiene ppt children hygiene presentation children hygiene slides children lack of oral hygiene stats children motivation for dental health.ppt children my family ppt children oral health ppt children oral hygiene instruction lesson ppt children oral hygiene instructions children personal hygiene products powerpoint presentation children plaque disclosing stu dy children ppt of teeth children school - ppt children tooth ppt children tooth brushing directions children toothbrushing fones methods children's disclosing a gent for at home use children's food guide ppt children's good habit pictures ch

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ool ppt disadvantages of plaque disclosing agents' disadvantages of round end br istles disadvantages of scrubbing toothbrush technique for adults disadvantages of stillman's toothbrushing method disadvantages to modified bass technique disa dvantages to using a end tuft toothbrush disclosing agent disclosing agent activ ities with kids disclosing agent and oral hygine disclosing agent and supragingi val calculus disclosing agent cell membrane bacteria disclosing agent for calcul us disclosing agent for plaque identification disclosing agent in plaque control ppt disclosing agent ph disclosing agent ppt disclosing agent uses ppt disclosi ng agents and their colours disclosing agents and their uses disclosing agents f or children disclosing agents for plaque disclosing agents in dentistry action d isclosing agents in plaque index disclosing agents in supragingival plaque contr ol disclosing agents powerpoint disclosing agents review disclosing agents use d isclosing agents.ppt disclosing solutions ppt diseases of gingiva ppt Diseases. does material alba produces less inflammation than plaque? drawbacks of chemical plaque control drawbacks of using stillman's dual component dental composition containing enzyme available for children duration of toothbrushing educating hyg eine to children ppt education for children.ppt educational for children ppt edu cational power point on how to brush teeth for kids effect of oral hygiene in ch ildren effect of oral hygiene instruction on brushing skills in preschool childr en effective plaque control effective use of water cartoon picture effectiveness of age in hygiene effects of oral hygiene education in pre school children effi cient brushing plaque from teeth efficient dental hygienist elementary health po werpoint els Energy energy efficiency powerpoint for kids energy picture.ppt ene rgy savings powerpoint presentation for kids Enviro Environment enzyme enzymes i nvolved in calculus formation enzymes plaque control enzymes plaque control agen ts enzymes presentations for kids Equipment example letter for parents after sch ool oral hygiene presentation extraction of permanent teeth for orthodontic purp oses ppt free family for kids ppt family powerpoint for kids family powerpoint f or pre-school fgood ood habits ppts first aid education for kids ppt first aid p owerpoint presentation for kids first dental visit, ppt floss tooth ,ppt flossin g for orthodontic patient ppt flossing powerpoint flossing technique ppt flourid e ppt flouride ppt for children aged 10 fluorescein disclosing fluorescein discl osing agent dental fluorescein disclosing agents fluorescein plaque disclosing f luorescein plaque disclosing solution fluoride application in pediatric patients ppt fone's method fones brushing children fones brushing for children fones bru shing for kids fones brushing instructions fones brushing method fones brushing picture fones brushing technique fones brushing technique for 6 year old fones b rushing technique picture fones circular method fones circular method oral hygie ne fones circular technique fones method for effectiveness of toothbrushing fone s method of brushing fones method of brushing for parents fones method of brushi ng pics fones method of toothbrushing fones method of toothbrushing - best for 5 year olds? fones method toothbrushing fones techique of toothbrushing in childr en fones technigue of brushing fones technique fones technique in children fones toothbrush technique fones toothbrushing for kids fones toothbrushing instructi ons fones toothbrushing method fones toothbrushing method for kids fones toothbr ushing technique fones toothbrushing technique for kids fones toothbrushing tech nique powerpoint fones toothbrushing technique ppt fones toothbrushing technique s fones' toothbrushing children food and its components - kids ppt food for chil dren ppt food for kids effectiveness food habit in children ppt. food habits for children ppt food habits in children ppt. food habits in school children ppt fo od habits of school children food habits of school going chidren food habits ppt food hygiene ppt food personal hygiene by ppt food ppt for kids formation and i nhibition of dental calculus formation of dental calculus pictures formation of dental calculus.ppt formation of material alba formation of salivary pellicle pp t free children's hygiene cartoon free dental health education ppt free dental h ealth power point free dental health powerpoint free dental powerpoints free den tistry powerpoint for children free disclosing agents ppt free downloadable dent al powerpoint presentation for kids free good habits pictures free good habits p ictures for childrens free health hygiene ppt for kids free kids health powerpoi nt free kids oral hygiene powerpoint presentation free lessons about teethpowerp

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and disease ppt for kids health and hygeine for kids ppt health and hygeine pres entation health and hygiene at different age groups ppt health and hygiene carto on pictures health and hygiene children presentation health and hygiene for chil dren ppt health and hygiene for kids health and hygiene for kids .ppt health and hygiene for preschoolers health and hygiene for school children.ppt health and hygiene for small kids health and hygiene kids ppt health and hygiene pictures f or kids health and hygiene power point presentations health and hygiene powerpoi nt presentation health and hygiene ppt health and hygiene ppt 4 small kids healt h and hygiene ppt foe kids health and hygiene ppt for children health and hygien e ppt for kids health and hygiene ppt in school manner health and hygiene presen tation health and hygiene presentation for school health and hygiene tips,ppt he alth and hygiene-preschoolerppt health care health education among hild school.p pt health education devices ppt health education for children ppt health educati on for kids powerpoint health education for school children ppt health education methods powerpoints health education of dental hygiene for school children heal th education on children ppt health education ppt health education ppt about ado lescent health maintenance health education ppt for dentistry health for childre n:ppt health for kids ppt health for school children ppt health hygiene behaviou r ppt health hygiene ppt school children health hygiene ppt small health instruc tions in school health is good for children.ppt health of young children ppt hea lth powerpoint for kids health presentation for kids health presentation for sch ool goinh children health&hygiene for childrens under 6years introduction health and hygine ppt healtheducayionperio.ppt healthy food for kids ppt healthy food f or school children ppt healthy habits for children ppt higiene nios presentacion ppt history erythrosin history modified bass brushing technique history modified stillman brushing technique history of dental hygiene history of disclosing age nt history rolling stroke brushing dentistry home energy use habits ppt horizont al method of tooth brushing horizontal method toothbrushing horizontal scrub bru shing technique horizontal scrub brushing technique.ppt horizontal scrub method horizontal scrub technique horizontal scrub technique tooth brushing animation h orizontal scrubbing charter toothbrusing hot to wash teeth ppt Hot* how how kids brush teeth ppt how often shoual disclosing agents be used for dental plaque? h ow people brushed their teeth before toothbrushes -info for children powerpoint how should kids have good habits in school powerpoint how to act on cleaniness f or kids in school how to be a good parent and good children?( ppt) how to brush teeth by stillmann technique how to brush teeth ppt how to brush,floss, ppt how to disclose dental plaque how to do a good powerpoint presentation kids how to e ducate mentally challenged children on oral hygeine ppt how to educate parents o f mentally challenged children on oral hygeine ppt how to give a good presentati on of oral health to 6 years old child? how to improve children's oral hygiene h ow to maintain cleanliness ppt how to maintain good hygiene in the workplace ppt how to make yourself hygiene ppt how to prepare a child for procedure ppt how t o take care children health power point presentation how to take care of orthodo ntic appliances, ppt how to teach school aged children oral hygiene how to teach toothbrushing technique to a 6 years old child how to use plaque index ppt Hydr ogen hygeine for handicapped children hygeine for middle school powerpoint hygen e ppt for childrenene hygience powerpoint for kids Hygiene hygiene and cleanline ss pics hygiene and cleanliness powerpoint hygiene and health ppt hygiene calcul us removal ppt hygiene care for children ppt hygiene cartoon photos hygiene chil dren ppt hygiene development children.ppt hygiene education for school children ppt hygiene environment ppt hygiene for children .ppt hygiene for children power point hygiene for children presentation hygiene for children-ks2 powerpoint hygi ene for kids hygiene for kids powerpoint hygiene for kids powerpoint presentatio n hygiene for kids ppt hygiene for kids,ppt hygiene for school age powerpoint pr esentations hygiene for school children ppt hygiene habits,preschool hygiene in and around school hygiene in children ppt hygiene in environment.ppt hygiene ind exes ppt hygiene instructions for kids pictures hygiene kids presentation hygien e mouth and teeth for kids powerpoint hygiene of children and adult - ppt hygien e of mouth and tooth .ppt hygiene of oral cavity for children going to school hy giene power point for kids hygiene powerpoint elementary hygiene powerpoint for

kids hygiene powerpoint presentation kid hygiene powerpoints fopr kids hygiene p owerpoints for kids hygiene ppt hygiene ppt for children hygiene ppt for kids hy giene presentation hygiene presentation for 5th graders hygiene presentation for kids hygiene presentation for kids ppt hygiene presentation for school hygiene presentation preschool hygiene presentations for children hygiene products carto on pictures hygiene school presentation hygiene skills for children.ppt hygiene, middle school, ppt hygiene, school, ppt hygienic enviroment pictures hygienist school presentations ideal properties of disclosing agents ideas for a childrens presentation over oral care ideas for an oral hygiene presentation to preschool age children ideas to exhibit health&hygiene image for child good habbites in c artoon images bass technique for toothbrushing images bass toothbrushing techniq ue images of cleanliness at home images of good habits of kids images on bass to othbrushing techniques importance of clean teeth ppt importance of cleanliness i n environment ppt importance of good hygiene when taking care of babies ppt impo rtance of health in children ppt increase tone"brushing teeth" index in which di sclosing agent are used indication bass brushing technique indication,purpose,pr operties,types,of disclosing agent of dental plaque indices in pedodontics.ppt i ndividual vs group oral hygiene instructions infant mouth hygiene ppt informatio n for kids on hygine information on the fones method of brushing instruction how to brush your tooth ppt instructions fones brushing instructions for orthodonti c patients ppt interdental brush disadvantage interesting ppts for kids -english intro pedodontics ppt introduction of good habits for kids introduction of pedo dontics introduction on cleanliness in villages introduction to chemical plaque control introduction to pedodontics introduction to pedodontics ppt introduction to pedodontics,ppt introduction to periodontology ppt is the stillman method of tooth brushing still istruzioni di igiene orale ppt kid environment ppt kid hea lth powerpoint kid hygiene cartoon pictures kid hygiene presentation kid powerpo int for hygiene kids and hygiene cartoons kids and hygine powerpoints kids compo nents needed in food kids dental education ppt kids dental health powerpoint kid s dental hygeine powerpoint kids dental powerpoints kids fones brushing method k ids habits presentation kids health powerpoint kids hygiene cartoons kids hygien e education ppt kids hygiene powerpoint presentation kids hygiene powerpoints ki ds hygiene ppt kids hygiene routines cartoon kids interesting powerpoint present ation "health" kids mechanical teeth brushing kids oral health powerpoint presen tations kids oral hygiene powerpoint presentation kids oral hygiene presentation kids personal hygiene ppt kids planet powerpoints presentations kids ppt on goo d food habits kids ppt on healthy food habits kids ppt on my body kids ppt on pe rsonal hygiene kids ppts kids soft powerpoint kids toothbrush power point kids t oothbrushing powerpoint kindergarten/ bodycleanliness habits knowledgeable ppt f or small childs lack of fones methods Large latest advances in periodontics late st pictures for dental plaque & its control ldr learning children how brush the teeth ppt learning oral hygiene to kids ppt. lecture on hygiene for kids ppt lec tures on teeth for children.ppt Led legs hygiene in children Light list the basi c habits of daily personal hygiene/ppt listerine clinical study plaque reduction local drug delivery in periodontics ppt lumhs child hygiene ppt Magnetic magnet ic oral irrigators schulze maintain of oral hygiene ppt maintainance maintainanc e of cleanliness in school and villages maintainance of health like cleanliness maintainence of cleanliness in school maintainence of oral hygiene in children m aintance of cleanliness in villages and school maintenance of children oral hygi ene maintenance of cleanliness in school man in health and hygiene ppt managemen t of mental handicapped child in pediatric dentistry management of physically ha dicapped chil in pedodontic.ppt manual brushing modified still man manufacture o f dental caries disclosing agent manufacture of yeast ppt materia alba materia a lba contribute to materia alba dental materia alba dental means materia alba den tal plaque materia alba in dentistry materia alba of the gingiva matria alba plac a materia alba tem bacteria? materia alba vs plague materia alba vs plaque mater ial alba material alba (dental deposit)ppt material alba and plaque material alb a dental material alba in dental materials alba on tongue materials used for dis closing plaque matria alba dental pellicle plaque calculus mechanical & chemical plaque removal in children ppt mechanical and chemical plaque control mechanica

l and chemical plaque control and special needs. mechanical and chemical plaque control in children ppt mechanical control of plaque in primary dentition mechan ical control of plaque.ppt mechanical methods of plaque control mechanical metho ds to remove plaque ppt mechanical plaque control , poster mechanical plaque con trol and efficiency -journal mechanical plaque control importance mechanical pla que control in primary dentition mechanical plaque control measures power point presentation mechanical plaque control power point mechanical plaque control ppt mechanical plaque control ppt - current concepts mechanical plaque control ppt slide show mechanical plaque control, technique mechanical plaque controll in pe riodontics mechanical plaque removal in special needs mechanical vs chemical pla que control method fones toothbrush method of tooth brushing ppt methods and eff ectiveness of health education on preschool children ppt methods for how to main tain good oral hygiene ? methods of brushing teeth for children ppt. methods of chemical plaque control methods of chemical plaque control.ppt methods of childr en brushing methods of clealiness ppt methods of controlling plaque methods of d ental hygiene at home powerpoint methods of plaue control methods of tooth brush ing techniques ppt methods of toothbrushing and their disadvantages methods of t oothbrushing techniques ppt methods to attain good oral hygiene methods to contr ol plaque methods to maintain school cleanliness micro organism for kids cartoon micro teaching health ppt microbes ppt for kids microorganism ppt for kids micr oorganisms for kids microorganisms for kids powerpoint microorganisms powerpoint presentation for kids microorganisms ppt microorganisms ppt for kids microorgan isms ppt kids microsoft powerpoint - hygiene for kids middle school hygeine powe rpoint middle school powerpoint presentations good habits mini-scrub tooth brush ing technique- advantages and disadvantages Model Models modifed bass technique for children modified bass method modified bass method brushing pictures modifie d bass technique modified bass technique toothbrushing,pics modified bass techni que toothbrushing,ppt modified bass toothbrushing method modified bass toothbrus hing with image modified stillman modified stillman brushing tech modified still man brushing technique for periodontal disease modified stillman method modified stillman method for tooth brushing modified stillman pictures modified stillman ppt modified stillman recommendation modified stillman technique modified still man technique plaque control modified stillman toothbrushing method modified sti llman toothbrushing method advantages and disadvantages modified stillman's modi fied stillman's brushing technique.ppt modified stillman's method modified still man's method ppt modified stillman's technique of brushing pics modified stillma ns technique modified stillmans toothbrush most common children brushing method most widely accepted mother toddler school ppt mouth and teeth hygiene,ppt mouth teeth ppt hygiene mouthwash bacteria ppt my 1 year old has gingivitis my 1year old has gingivitis my 1yr old has gingivitis my child has gingivitis my family f or school children my family powerpoint my family powerpoint presentation my fam ily powerpoint presentation for school children my family powerpoints my family powerpoints for kids my family pps my family ppt my family ppt for kids my famil y ppt kids my family ppt presentation my family presentation for children my fam ily presentation for kids my house ppts forkids my powerpoint presentation on fa mily my school in ppt my six year old has gingivitis name of methods for disclos ing plaque need and method to attain good oral hygien need and method to attain good oral hygiene need and methods to attain oral hygiene needs and methods to a ttain good oral health needs and methods to attain oral hygiene newer method of plaque control ppt nj normal health and hygine ppt nursery dental higiene powerp oint nylon (powerpoint) forkids occlude disclosing agent Oil. old control techni ques ppt older oral hygiene ppt one year old has gingivitis online radio Oral or al b braun electric toothbrush black residue oral b brushing technique ppt oral b cartoon pictures oral b manual toothbrushes interdental cleaning ppt oral b to othbrush ppt oral bacteria images cartoon oral brushing techniques ppt oral care child education ppt oral care for children ppt oral care in children ppt oral c are kids ppt oral care presentation for kids oral habit ppt oral habits in child ren oral habits in children .ppt oral habits in children photograph oral habits in handicapped childrens oral habits ppt oral habits ppt for small children oral hard deposits oral health care for children .ppt oral health care in infants pp

t oral health education for kids ppt oral health education for kids pwerpoint or al health education for school students ppt oral health education in children pp t oral health education ppt oral health eduction for parents of school age child ren ppt oral health for kids powerpoint presentation oral health hygiene present ation for children oral health instructions for school going children- ppt oral health issues,ppt oral health maintenance instructions for school going children oral health of mentally disabled children oral health power point presenttation for foundation stage children oral health powerpoint for kids oral health ppt o ral health presentation for kids .ppt oral health presentation ideas for childre n oral health,pregnancy,ppt oral hyeine in mentally challenged children power po int presentation oral hygeine methods ppt oral hygene among kids power point ora l hygene instuction for mother of small children /babies oral hygiene affects ch ildren in school oral hygiene aids for low dexterity oral hygiene aids used in c hildren ppt oral hygiene and vancomycin oral hygiene cartoon oral hygiene child 1 year age oral hygiene children powerpoint oral hygiene children ppt oral hygie ne children ppt presentation oral hygiene children presentation powerpoint oral hygiene education ppt oral hygiene for 10 years paitient power point oral hygien e for children powerpoint oral hygiene for children ppt oral hygiene for handica pped powerpoint presentation oral hygiene for kids powerpoint examples oral hygi ene for kids ppt oral hygiene for kids presentation oral hygiene for mentally re tarded ppt oral hygiene habit graphs oral hygiene habits "oral hygine habits for children ppt oral hygiene habits and oral cleanliness oral hygiene in children. ppt oral hygiene in powerpoint oral hygiene in school age children oral hygiene indices ppt oral hygiene instruction for children in ppt oral hygiene instructio n pictures kids oral hygiene instruction powerpoint oral hygiene instructions fo r babies oral hygiene instructions for children oral hygiene instructions for ch ildren presentations oral hygiene instructions for kids oral hygiene instruction s for orthodontic patients ppt oral hygiene instructions for toddlers oral hygie ne instructions group vs individual oral hygiene instructions in babies and chil dren's oral hygiene instructions ppt oral hygiene instructions presentation oral hygiene kid technique oral hygiene maintaince picture oral hygiene maintainence in children oral hygiene maintenance for orthodontic patients ppt oral hygiene maintenance in children oral hygiene maintenance in handicapped children.ppt ora l hygiene maintenance ppt oral hygiene of handicapped powerpoint oral hygiene pe diatrics powerpoint presentation oral hygiene pictures oral hygiene power point free oral hygiene power point presentations oral hygiene powerpoint oral hygiene powerpoint presentation oral hygiene powerpoint presentation for kindergarten c hildren oral hygiene ppt oral hygiene ppt for preschoolers oral hygiene practice ppt oral hygiene presentaion to kids oral hygiene presentation oral hygiene pre sentation chil oral hygiene presentation children oral hygiene presentation for children oral hygiene presentation for kids oral hygiene presentation for presch ool age oral hygiene presentation for school aged children oral hygiene presenta tion for special needs oral hygiene presentation kids oral hygiene presentation to kids oral hygiene presentations oral hygiene presentations for high schoolers oral hygiene prestations oral hygiene procedure ppt oral hygiene statistics ora l hygiene toddlers ppt presentation oral hygiene, ppt for kids oral hygienist pr esentation oral hygienits presentations oral hygine for children presentation or al hygine for kids oral hygine in handicapped children ppt oral hygine in school age oral hygine instruction ppt oral hygine procedures ppt oral hygine.ppt oral irrigators for preschoolers oral presentation on good habits oral-b ppt oralhyg iene ppt orla hygiene kids presentations orral hygiene for ortho patients powerp oint orthodontic drawing foe good hygiene orthodontic tooth brushes ppt r health & hygine parallel angles technique.ppt parent involvement with personal hygiene parental concers during the dental management of a handicapped child pa tient motivation and compliance in periodontology ppt patient teaching on oral h ygiene for school aged children patients guide to good oral health ppt pawer poi nt, family and school pediatric dentistry for handicapped ppt pediatric dentistr y periodontal disease in cbildren.ppt pediatric habits.ppt pedodontic cartoon ph oto pedodontics .ppt pedodontics power point pellicle cartoons pellicle dental p emakaian disclosing agent periodontal antibiotic use ppt periodontal disease in

children classification ppt periodontal disease in children ppt periodontal pock et.ppt periodontal therapy ppt periodontics powerpoint periodontics ppt periodon tics ppt brushing technique periodontics- calculus ppt periodontics:beyond the p ockets ppt periodontology group powerpoint periodontology ppt irrigation peronal hygiene for kids ppt personal health for kids powerpoint personal hygene ppts p ersonal hygiene and cleanliness school childrenppt personal hygiene cleanliness kids ppt personal hygiene cleanliness ppt personal hygiene for adolescents ppt p ersonal hygiene for children:ppt personal hygiene for children.ppt personal hygi ene for disabled children personal hygiene for kids powerpoint personal hygiene for kids ppt personal hygiene for school children ppt personal hygiene in kids-p pt personal hygiene lecture for school children ppt personal hygiene performed m odified, dental plaque personal hygiene powerpoint presentation for kids persona l hygiene ppt personal hygiene ppt background free personal hygiene ppt children personal hyginepictures phenolic-antiseptic ppt photo tooth brushing method pho tos of bass brushing technique photos of educating children on oral hygiene phys ically handicapped children ppt pics of expectorating cartoons picture for clean liness habits of kids picture of cleanliness of the body for kids study picture of good habits for kids picture on fones picture ppt dental cares for kids pictu res for cleanliness and good habits pictures for teaching kids bitter taste pict ures of cartoon kids brushing teeth pictures of cartoon kids brushing their teet h pictures of cleanliness in school pictures of disclosing agents pictures of go od cleaning habits kids pictures of healhth and h ygiene maintained by school ch ildren pictures of hygiene pictures of hygine pictures of materia alba in the or al cavity pictures of material alba pictures of oral hygiene instructions pictur es of plaque control pictures of powerpoint background about sugar pictures of t he modified bass technique tooth brushing pictures of tools used by a dental hyg ienist to remove caculus pictures of toothbrushing method pictures showing proce dure of brushing teeth pictures tooth brushing method pink and blue disclosing a gent plague food dye brush Plane plane charters planet powerpoint for kids plane ts cartoon for kids planets powerpoint for kids Plant plaque and calculus ppt pl aque and material alba plaque calculus ppt plaque control agents in periodontics plaque control agents ppt plaque control can be performed by two methods. plaqu e control can be performed by two methods.ppt plaque control for children power point plaque control for handicapped children. plaque control for kindergarten p laque control for periodontal patients ppt plaque control in children, ppt plaqu e control in infants pics plaque control in orthodontic patient ppt plaque contr ol in pediatric patients plaque control in pedodontics ppt presentations plaque control in periodontal diseases ppt plaque control in periodontal patients ppt p laque control in periodontics- ppt plaque control methods plaque control methods by chemotherapeutic agents plaque control methods pictures plaque control pedod ontics plaque control tooth brushing instructions plaque control, ppt plaque con ppt plaque controlling methods plaque controlppt slide show plaque dis closing agent ppt presentations plaque disclosing agent used in children plaque disclosing agents plaque disclosing agents composition plaque disclosing agents iodine plaque disclosing agents used in which index? plaque disclosing pills mer cury drug philippines plaque finder disclose solution patient size plaque format ion materia alba plaque index ppt plaque method ppt plaque microorganisms cartoo n pictures plaque modifying agents for children plaque modifying agents periodon tics plaque power point for kids plaque reduction toothbrushing techniiques modi fied stillman techniquue plaque removal cartoon plaque removal efficiency of dif ferent brushing methods plaque-control chewing gum and lozenges positive habits: ppt positive microorganisms for kids Poster Potential power point .pediatric ora l hygine power point about good habits power point hygiene kids power point of b rushing method power point of dental calculus power point of type dentifrices po wer point on brushing teeth for preschoolers power point on care of hygine baby power point on formation of dental plaque power point on health and hygiene powe r point on oral health power point presentation of dental calculus power point p resentation of dental subjects power point presentation on cleanliness in childr