pitch boostcamp alchemio

Download Pitch boostcamp alchemio

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Post on 12-Jun-2015




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Alchemio is GitHub for documents and presentations. It's a webservice that aims to transform the way people make documents.


  • 1. GitHub for presentationsand documents

2. 2 key observationsCall to actionReuse content 3. Presentations are expensive $Sponsorship 4. And not always effectivePeople at a conference Interested in your session Identify with your message About to buy Contact? 5. Mobile changes everything 6. Integrated call to actions People at a conferenceInterested in your session Give email addressIdentify with your messageRetweet your messageAbout to buy Get an appointmentContact? 7. Collaboration & reuse 8. Single sourcing - DITA-60% 9. Outline editorHighlight to distill Tech hubs on the riseNew Orleans DesktopBerlin Tech hubs that made it IntranetBoston WebLondonSilicon Valley ...Call to action Transform 10. Exo-brain 11. GitHub for documentsFree - Open Paying - ClosedFreemium 12. http://alchem.io/ZkA@lchemio wants to transform the way weeducate and convince people http://alchem.io 13. Call to actions Reuse content