piping-pdms handbook - diainch report

1.0 PURPOSE Purpose of this handbook is to teach on how to generate a Dia inch report using PDMS Design Module Software. 2.0 SCOPE For this particular guideline, the project Procurement and Construction will be the main references for this guideline. This documents covers on the areas of Setting up the Dia inch folder Generating the Dia inch report Sorting the output data of the report Summary of the Dia inch report This guideline will shows the Dia inch based on the zone in the PDMS design module. Zone consist of piping that having many services such as Instrument Air (AI), Closed Drain (DC), Diesel Fuel (FD) and others. So it is basis on the total Dia inch per zone. 3.0 REFERENCE http://support.aveva.com/index.htm 4.0 PROCEDURES SETTING UP THE DIA INCH FOLDER 1. First, copy the Dia inch folder into your local folder, specifically in the C:\AVEVA\Pdms11.6.SP(x) or if your are using 12.0 version then C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP(x) folder. Here (x) stands for service pack for respective version used in your company. 2. Make sure that the content of the folder is having 3 major files, namely the Diainch.exe, DIAINCH.LIS and MATERIAL.COD files 3. These files is crucial in generating the Dia inch report, if one of the files is missing, the report cannot be generated 4. The folder is than copy to the local folder which is in the C:\AVEVA\Pdms11.6.SP(x) or C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP(x) directory. 5. This step is done only once, there is no need to do this step again next time when wanted to generate another Dia inch report.

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Post on 21-Feb-2015




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Purpose of this handbook is to teach on how to generate a Dia inch report using PDMS

Design Module Software.


For this particular guideline, the project Procurement and Construction will be the main

references for this guideline.

This documents covers on the areas of

� Setting up the Dia inch folder

� Generating the Dia inch report

� Sorting the output data of the report

� Summary of the Dia inch report

This guideline will shows the Dia inch based on the zone in the PDMS design module.

Zone consist of piping that having many services such as Instrument Air (AI), Closed

Drain (DC), Diesel Fuel (FD) and others. So it is basis on the total Dia inch per zone.





1. First, copy the Dia inch folder into your local folder, specifically in the

C:\AVEVA\Pdms11.6.SP(x) or if your are using 12.0 version then

C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP(x) folder. Here (x) stands for service pack for respective

version used in your company.

2. Make sure that the content of the folder is having 3 major files, namely the Diainch.exe,


3. These files is crucial in generating the Dia inch report, if one of the files is missing, the

report cannot be generated

4. The folder is than copy to the local folder which is in the C:\AVEVA\Pdms11.6.SP(x) or

C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP(x) directory.

5. This step is done only once, there is no need to do this step again next time when wanted

to generate another Dia inch report.

Figure.1 example for diainch folder in the local directory

6. Next, go to design module in PDMS. Before running the Dia inch program, make sure that

all the pipes is not having any duplicate, or original pipes or may copy of the same pipe


7. If there is any pipe having duplication, we have to include the pipe into other zone. This can

be done by going to modify � hierarchy � include. Make sure that the CE is at the zone

that you wanted to include the duplicate pipe

8. After all the pipes have been check thoroughly, without having any duplication, now the Dia

inch report can be generated


1. Firstly, the go to Design Module in PDMS. Key in “PML REHASH ALL” in the command

window. This is done to refresh up all the Programmable Macro Language (PML) in the

Design Module.

Figure.2 PML REHASH ALL in the command line

2. Then key in all the address or the URL of the folder that previously been copy before. Run

the macro in the command line as follows:

“$M C:\AVEVA\Pdms11.6.SP(x)\Diainch\Diainch.exe”


"$m C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP(x)\DIAINCH\ Diainch.exe"

Figure.3 Executing the Dia inch program

3. Before running the program, make sure that the CE is at the piping zone that you wan to

get the Dia inch results.

4. The results may take a while depends on the quantity of pipes, so be a little patient.

5. After the program is successfully run, the current element will be at the last member of the

last branch pipe, to indicate that the Dia inch is successfully run

Figure.4 The CE is at the last member of the last branch of last pipe


1. Open Microsoft Excel program. Search for the Diainch folder previously copied in the local

PC. In the Diainch folder, opened up the DIAINCH.LIS file

Figure.5 Open and search the DIAINCH.LIST file on the local drive

Figure.6 Diainch folder in the C:\AVEVA\Pdms11.6.SP3 directory

Figure.7 DIAINCH.LIS file

2. When opening up the file, there will be a pop window showing the Text Import Wizard –

Step 1 of 3.

3. This part is curial in order to sort the data generated from the Diainch.exe program

Figure.8 Text Import Wizard pop up Window

4. For the first step, make sure to check on the fixed with button instead of Delimited. Then

next button

5. For the step 2 of 3, make sure that the data is sorted as followed, put the break lines

exactly before number value, before material, before quantity and before Diainch. Refer to

the figure below. Only put the break line at these specific places in order to make sure that

the raw data becomes easier to sort later on.

Figure.9 Break line at the specific location

Figure.10 Break line at the specific location continue

6. Then just proceed with the Step 3 of 3 without changing any default setting. Then proceed

by clicking finish button

Figure.11 Steps 3 of 3 of the Text Import Wizard

7. The excel file will show the results as follows. Since the data is separated, we need to sort

all the data and cluster same type of materials together.

8. Delete the columns (#12 & #13) that separate CARBON STEEL so that the data is

combined together. Ignore the total Dia inch value since we want to get the sum of all the

CARBON STEEL material.

9. Do the sorting for all the materials available. This will took some time because all the data

is scatter around.

Figure.12 Raw data that need to be sort out

Figure.13 Columns that need to be delete

Figure.14 CARBON STEEL is cluster together

Figure.15 Sorting format

10. For easy references and reading the report, make sure that there are a column in between

the materials and its total joint number and total Dia Inch value

11. To differentiate between one material to another material, it is advisable to separate two

materials with two columns

12. After all the materials that have been sort out, the value can be sum up together to get all

the total weld joint number and the total Dia inch value.

Figure.16 Sum of all the total joint number

Figure.17 Sum of all the Dia inch value

13. When total of joint number and total Dia inch value for every type of materials have been

sums up, the data then can be put into a summary template

14. The template is then can be submitted to others for further use.