pilandok crosses a river

Pilandok Crosses a River By Juan Punong

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Plot and summary of Pilandok crosses a river


Page 1: Pilandok Crosses a River

Pilandok Crosses a River

By Juan Punong

Page 2: Pilandok Crosses a River

SUMMARY Pilandok wanted to cross a wide

and deep river but he could not do it because there were so many crocodiles in it. So he thought of an idea. He used the datu’s name by saying to the crocodiles that the datu wanted to count them so that could feed them.

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And the crocodiles believed on it. He asked the crocodiles to align themselves without knowing that it was just a trap so he could go to the other side of the river. He jumped from the crocodile’s back then what he had planned happened. As he reached the other side he told to the crocodiles that what he said was not true. Then he ran home as fast as he could.

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SETTINGIn a wide and

deep river, full of crocodiles.

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CHARACTERSPilandok – a man who wanted to cross a wide and a deep riverCrocodiles – the reason why Pilandok could not cross the river Datu – Pilandok used him in order to manipulate the crocodiles

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One day Pilandok wanted to cross a wide and deep river. However, there was no banca available. He wanted to swim to the other side but he was afraid of the crocodiles.

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Rising Action: For a while, Pilandok did not know

what to do. So he sat down near the bank of the river then he started to think and an idea struck him. He shouted to the crocodiles that the Datu wished to find out how many crocodiles were there in the river in order to feed them all.

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Climax: When the crocodiles heard this, they

got out of their hiding places. Pilandok asked them to form several lines extending from where he stood to the other bank of the river. Then when the crocodiles had aligned themselves, Pilandok started counting them. As he counted he jumped from crocodile’s back to the other. Then as soon as he had reached the other side of the river, he jumped out.

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Falling Action:Then as soon as he had

reached the other side of the river, he jumped out. He said that the Datu did not want to do anything with them.

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Denouement: As he said those words,

he ran home as fast as he could.

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CONFLICT: Man vs. Circumstances

POINT OF VIEW: Third Person Point of View

THEME: Gullibility, Slyness and Intelligence/Wiseness

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MORAL/LESSON: It is our knowledge that

saves us during difficult times.

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That’s all and Thank you…