phirepower business improvement program

The Phire Power™ System of business improvement by BTH Performance Australia Business Improvement System Find the REAL capacity of your business Break those constraints holding you back Leverage your strengths Boost your sales & stock profitability Give yourself a Decisive Competitive Edge! An experienced hand keeping an eye on your business success

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Post on 29-Mar-2016




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An overview of the PhirePower Business Improvement System, developed specifically for small to medium businesses in the Australian and New Zealand Retail / Trade Market space


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The Phire Power™ System of business improvement by BTH Performance Australia

Business Improvement System

Find the REAL capacity of your business Break those constraints holding you back Leverage your strengths Boost your sales & stock profitability Give yourself a Decisive Competitive Edge!

An experienced hand keeping an eye on your business success

Page 2: PhirePower Business Improvement Program

BTH Performance Business Improvement Systems Phone: 042 335 9004 Email: [email protected]

STOP your business from leaking money… NOW!

Owners receive generous salaries. Business provides large profit shares. Owners work on the Business, not in it. This is a very valuable Business with great saleability. Owners receive generous salaries but no significant share of profits. They work in the Business. This is a low value Business. Owners receive a very low paid salary, with no share of profits. They have a high mortgage as the business continually soaks up cash. There’s no value in the business. The business is a liability not an asset. Owners receive little or no salary; they live off the equity in their home. The business loses money, it has no value. Closure or bankruptcy is a high risk.

Are you the ‘worker’, ‘manager’ or ‘CEO’ in your Business? Your answer may determine where you’re standing on the ladder?




You feel like the EMPLOYEE in your business

• Not earning much money • Sometimes having to put

more money into it. • Most time spent working

IN the business putting out fires

• FOCUS: Juggling Cash

The business requires immediate attention with different ideas required to release cash into the business.

The bleeding needs to be identified & fixed first so that your business can be stabilised before it’s too late

You feel like a MANAGER in your business

• Makes money but not reaching its capacity

• Bare cash flow • Long established business • You’d like to have more

time to work ON the business

• FOCUS: Stability & Staff

You know the issues but struggle to find the time and methods to deal with them.

There’s a different level of thinking available for you to grow the business, making it successful and more profitable

You feel like the CEO in your business

• Makes good money • Excellent cash flow • The system is running the

Business • FOCUS: Growth

Strategies & Planning

Opportunities exist to take the business to the next level. The right plans need to be developed with clear vision, proper management and implementation of the tasks across all areas of the Business

If this isn’t done correctly the Business may lose profits and slip backwards from healthy to unwell.

If you’re sick: If you’re healthy: If you’re bleeding:

Where is your business on this ladder?

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BTH Performance Business Improvement Systems Phone: 042 335 9004 Email: [email protected]

Phire Power™ gives you a solid system to stop the losses & increase the value of your business

4 Step Business Performance Improvement Processes

With our system, everything changes:

You can make more informed decisions that improve your return on the stock you’ve bought

You & your staff have a clear direction. Without this, they’re stumbling around very day

You are better informed & have a thorough insight into your business performance

Your team is more accountable to the customer, themselves… and to you

Your business is more responsive to your customers needs, and they come back!

Your Business provides a better lifestyle for you and your family

And it grows into a valuable asset with a higher saleable value

What’s the best way to fix it:

Stop bleeding, take the medicine:

Acting quickly to stop your business leaking cash and help you fix the causes.

Keeping you on track and ensuring you get the most out of your stock, staff and operations

If you need us, we’ll be there throughout the whole programme to help you succeed in building a better business.

Put systems in place to keep the business moving forward in the years to come.

This lets you focus your attention on other areas of the business that may require your attention.

This is where you start to become the owner of an even more valuable business.

We give you the specific actions that will deliver the results we’ve agreed on.

The planning process is critical to your success and we stay very committed to creating a process that gets you a return on your investment as quickly as possible

Gather and analyse data from your business.

Get your ideas, thoughts and vision for the business… The reasons you became a business owner and the areas you need to improve in.

Finding where your business is hurting the most, where the money is being lost.

6 weeks Ongoing

Fix it, for Good: What’s hurting you the most:

Every business that we’ve analysed with the Phire Power™ System has been leaking more

than $100,000!

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BTH Performance Business Improvement Systems Phone: 042 335 9004 Email: [email protected]

Here’s how the Phire Power™ System delivers your vision…

Investigate & uncover the full capacity of your business

Find the constraints causing the bottleneck on your profits

Create a clear system to reduce those constraints &

leverage your efforts to fill the new capacity.

Only then can you move up the ladder to the top 5%. Does that sound simple? Well it is when you’ve been working with businesses across Australia.

Once you’ve seen our unique Phire Power™ system & analysis, you’ll have a far better understanding of where your business REALLY sits on this ladder and how to use our plan that takes your business into the top 5%.

More Phire Power™ is your best answer:

You make more right decisions and less of the wrong ones

You have a clearer direction of where you are going

You are more informed & have a deeper insight your business

Your team is more accountable to the customer… and to you

You are more responsive to customers, and they come back!

Your Business provides a better lifestyle for you and your family

It grows into a valuable asset with a higher saleability.

Are you wasting or leaking money?

Are you really not sure?

Would you like to find out?

You simply MUST get your business checked NOW!

Why wait?

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BTH Performance Business Improvement Systems Phone: 042 335 9004 Email: [email protected]

What’s in the Phire Power™ Business Improvement System?

Phire Power™ is about giving you the right tools for the job and helping you use them.

Some of our clients already have some sort of plan sitting in a drawer gathering dust – but we won’t give you an “off-the-shelf” type of plan thrown on your desk as we walk out the door.

Your Phire Power™ System is created especially for you, your business & your products.

Our services toolkit includes a choice of;

Full business reviews (over 20 pages) Reports and recommendations on specific areas you want to address Operational analysis – Are you operating in the best or most efficient way Sales analysis on customers, products and suppliers to increase your capacity Marketing strategies to grow customer retention and return visits Training on a wide variety of topics for line managers and staff: Systems and procedures – creating systems that run the business for you. …And much more including workbooks designed to help your staff & management improve their knowledge in cash-flow, managing financial data, inventory & profit.

Data analysis & reporting is a key component and without a doubt it’s where we find the most leakage and lost profit in product based businesses.

Below is an example of a client that has over 13,000 products, presented in a way that tells us exactly where you’re losing money.

We know what every single dot is and we can give you the exact products that are wasting your money and those that are making you the most. We can do this analysis on your suppliers; departments, customers; in fact, we can slice your data all sorts of ways.

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BTH Performance Business Improvement Systems Phone: 042 335 9004 Email: [email protected]

Why do we provide these services for you?

Firstly, what’s so special about this?

We use a truly amazing and unique analysis to uncover literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in wasted money and lost opportunity.

No one else does what we do

1. We use software & programs developed by us and used only by us 2. We use data analysis software that is licensed to us as the sole Australian

distributor 3. We combine these unique tools with something else that can’t be replicated, our

knowledge, experience and passion as business owners and managers.

We do what we do to provide a clear sense of purpose to business owners and managers, to inspire them to be more inspirational in their own business.

A clear sense of purpose and meaning in the workplace means everyone will do their job better.

Our commitment to you:

Act with integrity

Treat all people with fairness and respect.

Listen to our client & endeavour to provide them with prompt solutions

Get back to our clients to ensure they are kept up to date and informed

Return calls within 24 hours and free of charge “five minute” type phone calls

Act professionally in addressing the needs of our clients

Continuously seek to improve what we do

Continuously seek to improve what our clients do

Provide information that is helpful, accurate, complete and easy to understand

The single most important thing to us is a satisfied client.

But the real question is WHY we do this?

“Our goal is not to do business with people who want what we have; our goal is to do business with people who believe what we believe.”

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BTH Performance Business Improvement Systems Phone: 042 335 9004 Email: [email protected]

Case story #1 Building & Hardware Supplies

The Situation… Another business is opening in town soon. That will put even more downward pressure on sales and margins. Tens of thousands of dollars have been poured into marketing with minimal effect, further reducing the cash reserves of the business. It’s now an urgent matter to get some cash back in the business and devise new strategies that will help insulate the

business from increased competition. Furthermore, the local economy hasn’t been doing too well and the management have the opinion that things may only get worse in 2013 & 2014.

Working harder & adding pressure to the staff hasn’t worked. Answers have to be found…quickly.

The Solution… BTH Performance interviewed the owners and performed a full business review of the systems and procedures over 2 days, clearly exposing the gaps between the owners’ vision and the business reality. We began our Phire Power™ process to analyse the data & found over $250,000 of unrealised capacity within the business. The product mix was very wrong for the customer mix. This hurt sales dramatically as well as the reputation of the business. Changes were made that meant staff would not be made redundant. The stock mix was fixed within months and sales increased as a result of satisfied customers and repeat business. Suppliers became an important part of the business instead of an interruption to the staff. Accountability and responsibility increased as systems were implemented & adopted. Staff and customer retention rose to new levels, reducing costs of marketing and hiring. Profit leakage was plugged and dormant money was put to work to earn a return. The breakeven point to cover expenses dropped significantly which means the competition will have much less of an impact on profitability. Managers are able to manage instead of being an extra pair of hands

As a guide for our product based clients; the average dollars to be recovered are in the range of 10% to 20% of the total stock value.

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BTH Performance Business Improvement Systems Phone: 042 335 9004 Email: [email protected]

Case story #2 Plumbing Industry

The Situation… The owners wanted great service to be the mantra of the staff but every day there were fights and struggles between the staff, many times this led to the customer being let down with missed deliveries, incorrect special orders, incorrect pricing and so on. The owners and management knew the problems were costing them money to fix but they were adamant that the service levels were their point of difference from the competition. Everything they tried to fix the issues seemed to generate bigger problems and they often thought it was better to just leave things alone, after all, the mistakes did end up getting fixed and eventually the customer got served. Besides, the competition wasn’t much better. The Solution… An initial interview and review of the managers, owners and staff revealed that everyone blamed everyone else for the problems. It seemed that no one was at fault and a lot of energy was being spent avoiding people, avoiding blame and trying to fix errors. A series of meetings with the senior team established a vision for the business that they all agreed on. Next an organisational structure was created that would support that vision, where every person had clear roles, accountabilities and responsibilities that were aligned with delivering the vision. Every interaction with every customer, every day, was structured in a way that brought the people together with a common goal. Job descriptions were put in place that underpinned & supported the organisation structure and gave everyone very clear direction in everything they did. The level of service increased dramatically, the error rate dropped which lowered costs and therefore increased net profits. Sales increased over time as the business was seen to be a professional and preferred place to buy goods. In Summary Forgetting or ignoring the reasons owners get into business, their initial vision or dream, is very often the cause of many frustrations in business. People always think more sales is all they need, when in fact if they got more sales, their problems would simply increase, so would their costs and usually the profits will get wiped out.

When a business owner tells us what’s wrong in the business, very often what we hear is the best version of what’s not actually wrong.

Why is that? Primarily the owners and managers are so deeply involved in the detail of the business they perceive the issues they are dealing with to be the things that need fixing. It’s a bit like putting a bandaid over a severed artery… it may stop the blood coming out but on the inside there’s serious & dangerous chaos.

That’s why outside help from BTH Performance can add so much value to you.

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BTH Performance Business Improvement Systems Phone: 042 335 9004 Email: [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions…

How much is the Phire Power™ Performance System? Your business will invest $1,497 up to $2,497 per month for a program, depending on what you decide to implement. But don’t forget to ask, what’s the value you’ll get in return. The capacity we find for you is many times the price of the investment. Why is the Phire Power™ Performance System managed over 6 to 12 months? Because we put you on a “Client Care Plan”, and your improvement is important to us. The program is an extensive and unique investigation into your business and if you want the rewards, we help you get there. It takes time to smoothly make permanent changes in your business but the results keep paying dividends for years to come. However, you can get the analysis and plans and do it on your own if you prefer, no problem. Do I need special training? No, we’re extensively experienced and have been providing these services for years. We also have access to our own network of high quality people if something requires specialist assistance. As our client you are under our care, guidance and protection. Why do I need a BTH Performance consultant? Our clients love what they do and they’re great at it, but they often find themselves short on time, or just want help with the finer details of intricate business management. It’s the finer points that can make the real money in your business so why not leave it to someone who is experienced in these things. How quickly will I see results? Fast results depend on the constraints you have and the implementation of our recommendations. The Performance Programmes are designed to start delivering results very quickly by focusing on the areas of highest return for you; in fact, our aim is to get your investment back to you as fast as possible. But we won’t apply “bandaid solutions” How can you be so confident that you can help me? You know the business & we know how to analyse, find leaks and plug them. Together we can make a huge difference. Not every business we analyse chooses to use our monthly services, some just take the analysis and work it through by themselves… but we haven’t found any business yet that wouldn’t make more money, faster improvements and have a better asset if they worked with us. That’s why we offer the ongoing support. Are you a Business Coach? A Business Coach tends to work on improving the Business Owner. We work with the Business Owner, on improving the business itself. This might include some interpersonal skill upgrades to the owner or manager, but that’s just a bonus isn’t it. We are Specialists. I’ve had consultants before – they just write up a plan and then nothing happens. I want things to be different his time! Some consultants or coaches only give you an “off the shelf” plan and they often lack the experience to turn the plan into REALITY. Implementation is a huge problem and it’s true that most plans gather dust on the shelf or in a drawer after they’re written. BTH Performance is different – we get a simple plan prepared and then we help you turn it into reality by putting you on our Client Care Plan. We stay with you to make things happen

Profit through superior Phire Power™

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BTH Performance Business Improvement Systems Phone: 042 335 9004 Email: [email protected]

Fax or email this page to get more information

02 4334 5282 – [email protected]

To BTH Performance:

I’d like more information on the following: Please tick the boxes

Analysing my stock to find underperforming products / suppliers or departments

1 day on-site full business review (includes a safety review)

Organisation structure review / creation

Systems and procedures that run the business & improve service / performance

Monthly implementation programs

Bi-Monthly implementation programs

Remote assistance programs (not on-site)

Remote data analysis & reporting on inventory / business performance

Staff / management training days

Customer experience reports (Mystery shopper)

Marketing strategies

Workbooks – Cash-flow / profit / stock control / basic financials

Other – specify below:

Email to [email protected] Fax to: 02 4334 5282 Or call Jeff White: 042 335 9004

BTH Performance Business Services Suite 34 / 2-6 Warrigal Street The Entrance, New South Wales 2261 M: 042 335 9004 E : [email protected] W