philippine economy (post-war to post-cold war)

The Philippine Economy (POST-WAR TO POST-COLD WAR) Kristine Angeli S. Sabillo Philippine Studies 201, U.P. Diliman

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Report for Philippine Studies 201, Asian Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman. Presented in 2011.


Page 1: Philippine Economy (Post-war to post-Cold war)

The Philippine Economy(POST-WAR TO POST-COLD WAR)

Kristine Angeli S. SabilloPhilippine Studies 201, U.P. Diliman

Page 2: Philippine Economy (Post-war to post-Cold war)

Aftermath of World War II (1946-1949)

• Struggle to rebuild. Approx P40 billion invested to re-construct physical capital.

• Foreign aid flowing, $803 million from the US (= debt).

• Rehabilitation funds from the US through the Tydings Rehabilitation Act which required:

• Bell Trade Act- prohibited Philippines from protecting new industries, manufacturing or selling products that may be in competition with US goods.

- no import duties for US products.

- pegging of peso to dollar at P2:$1 rate.

- quotas on PH export to US and free trade.

- Parity Clause allowing US citizens and corporations access to natural resources and operation of public utilities.

Page 3: Philippine Economy (Post-war to post-Cold war)

Aftermath of World War II (1946-1949)

• Heavy importation. American goods flooded the country, draining Philippine dollar reserves and causing local prices to depress by 50 percent = large accumulated balance of payments deficit

• Pre-control era (before import and foreign exchange restrictions)

• With peso overvalued, trade deficit rose (averaging around $300 million for each of the four pre-control years).

• Dollars from aid were lost on imported goods instead of developmental purposes.

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Controls (1950s)

• Controls were then activated by the newly-established Central Bank and Congress to save Philippine economy

• There was an exchange control system - peso was depreciated from P2:$1 to P2.40:$1. - quantitative limitation- gov’t channeled the dollars into dev’t projects.

• Import substitution industries prospered, created jobs, taught skills.

• Manufacturing output grew and by 1959 its share innational output doubled. Filipino businessmen demanded dollar priority = Filipino First

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Decontrol Program (1962 onwards)• Lifting of controls, devaluation of peso (from P2:$1 to P3.90:$1).

• PROs: - Wider field of financial business opportunities. (Financial institutions multiplied. There were 22 new banks with 111 branches from 1960 to 1967 compared to 7 new banks in the 1950s.)

- Evolution of a Philippine money and capital market.

- Improvement in climate of foreign investment.

• CONs: - Slow down in the industrial sector.

- Cost of imports increased which resulted in industrial weakening.

- Economy was flooded w/ imports even as prices soared

• Resulted in trade deficit again.

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Decontrol Program (1960s)

• In exchange of letting go of the foreign exchange control system, IMF lent us a $300M stabilization loan. From a natl debt of $150M, we had a $600M debt by 1965.

• Even as author of import control law, Marcos thought decontrol was inseparable from free enterprise. Congress thought otherwise.

• After his re-election in 1969, Marcos attested to the ills of devaluation. But in 1970, the peso was devalued from P3.90:$1 to P5.50 to P6:$1.

• In 1970, the Philippine peso was subjected to a floating rate, meaning its value will be determined by market transactions.

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Floating Rate (1970s)

• Finance Secretary Cesar Virata admitted that the floating rate was among the conditions of the IMF for new loans.

• Debt reached $1 billion. Unpaid loans had to be paid at much higher rates.

• Some industrial projects (Iligan Steel, Elizalde Steel Rolling Mills) had to be aborted

• Far Eastern Economic Review: « When a country is in the throes of a political crisis as the Philippines is today, a floating exchange rate makes no sense. »

• In 1973, the Bureau of Investments removed heavy industries from the Priorities Plan andgave emphasis on labor-intensive, export-oriented (LIEO) industries.

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Industrialization plans (1970s to 80s)• By 1979, while almost every country in Asia had developed its basic

industries, Philippines had none.

• Marcos’ 11 major projects (1979): integrated steel mill, petrochemical complex, copper smelter, phosphate fertilizers, aluminum smelter, diesel engine manufacturing, integrated pulp and paper, cement industry, expansion and rationalization of coconut industry and dev’t of non-conventional sources of energy. But the World Bank recommended caution in launching large-scale projects, substantial investments from gov’t.

• In 1983, Ninoy Aquino was assassinated. People Power.

• From 1973-1986, importation of luxuries reached a level 10x higher than South Korea’s

• Led by NEDA (under Solita Monsod) and DOF (Jaime Ongpin), import liberalization was intensified. LIEO thrustwas continued.

Page 9: Philippine Economy (Post-war to post-Cold war)

Free trade, free reign (Post-EDSA)• AQUINO administration: $26 or 28 billion external debt was a pressing

problem, honored instead of repudiated.

• Progress was hampered by Pinatubo , coup attempts, and daily brownouts.

• Industrial growth fell from 6.9 percent in 1989 to 1.9 percent in 1990.

• Amid stagnation of industrialization, growth rate increased from 1.9 percent in 1986 to 6.7 percent in 1988. As growth increased, so did trade deficit.

• Privatization of crony and bad assets. Sold hundreds ofsaid assets. Build-Operate-Transfer Law was enacted.

• 10% value-added tax imposed (EO 273, 1987)

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Free trade, free reign (1990s to present)

• RAMOS administration: Philippines 2000. Further privatization of public utilities such as electricity, telecommunications, banking, domestic shipping and oil.

• World Trade Organization membership.

• PROS: Helps in handling disputes. Creates trade rules. Free trade makes products cheaper. Working with other countries provides more product choices and export opportunities.

• CONS: Erosion of national sovereignty. More beneficial to developed than developing countries. Damaging to local agriculture.

• Asian Financial crisis. Why did the Philippines fare better than the other countries amid hitting 0.6% growth in 1998?

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Where are we going?

• ESTRADA administration: deficit increased , though GDP and GNP rose (from almost 0% during the Asian crisis).

• ARROYO administration: fastest growth in three decades (2007),fared relatively well in the 2008 global financial crisis. However, it has been criticized for a jobless growth and a stagnant poverty rate.

• Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (2006).

• AQUINO administration: Philippine Development Plan of 2011 – targets globally competitive industries and services (foreign tourism, BPOs, electronics, extractive mining, ship building), public-private partnerships (PPP), conditional cash transfer program (CCT)

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Where are we going?

Pressing issues:• OFW Remittance.

• Inflation. Price increase of basic commodities.

• Issue of stagnant wages.

• Debt management

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Page 14: Philippine Economy (Post-war to post-Cold war)

IBON Foundation:3 decades of globalization

• Economic results…– Greater trade & foreign investment– Rapid growth

• … yet underdevelopment– Manufacturing & agricultural decline– High & rising joblessness– Growing poverty– Severe inequality

Page 15: Philippine Economy (Post-war to post-Cold war)

Philippines Real GDP Growth by Administration, 1986-2010







































Aquino 1:ave. 3.9% Ramos:

ave. 3.8% Estrada:ave. 2.4%

Arroyo:ave. 4.5%

Aquino 2:7.3%

Source: IBON estimates on NSCB data

Page 16: Philippine Economy (Post-war to post-Cold war)

Gross Domestic Product, by Industry1946-2010 (% of GDP, current prices)








1946 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010



Agriculture, fishery & forestryIndustry ManufacturingServices

Manufacturing (23.0%)

as small as in 1950s

Agriculture (16.8%) smallest in history

Source: IBON estimates on data from NSCB

Page 17: Philippine Economy (Post-war to post-Cold war)


• Constantino, Renato, The Philippines: The Continuing Past

• David, Fernando, Economic Perspective 1945-1968

• IBON Foundation, “Midyear 2011”

• Lichauco, Alejandro, Nationalist Economics

• Lichauco, Alejandro, The Financial Crisis in Asia

• NEDA Report on the Economy 1975

• Noland, Marcus, “Philippines in the Asian Financial Crisis: How the Sick Man Avoided Pneumonia.”

• Padilla, Arnold, “EDSA 25”,

• Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016

• Rivera, Temario, Landlords and Capitalists

• Sicat, Gerardo, The Philippine Economy in the 1960s