phi4313 chomsky

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  • 8/14/2019 Phi4313 Chomsky



    PHI 4313:Philosophy of Language:

    Humboldt & the Continental European Heritage :
  • 8/14/2019 Phi4313 Chomsky



    Main figures discussed

    Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835)

    Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913)

    Roman Jakobson (1896-1982)

    Noam Chomsky (1928- )
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    Biology, then and now



    Linguistics the new science

    As a Tool of expression?

    As a Social Institution, means of communication As Intellectual competence

    As World-views, as Mans means of discerning the world

    House of Being(Haus des Seins)?

    Language as a system

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    Quotations from Chomsky (1)

    Erzeugung(17) -> generative grammar. Spracherzeugung(20)

    [die Sprache] muss daher von endlichen Mitteln einen unendlichen Gebrauchmachen.(17) The fact that every language makes infinite use of finite means(W. von Humboldt) has long been understood. (LM 127)

    The generative grammar internalizedby someone who has acquired a language

    defines what in Saussurean terms we may call langue.(10) Concept of Internalization(CIL 11, 112; LM 119, 170)

    For Humboldt, as for many others before and since, a worddoes not stand directlyfor a thing, but rather for a concept. There can, accordingly, be a multiplicity ofexpressions for the same objects, each representing a way in which this object has

    been conceived through workings of the process ofSpracherzeugung


    Consequently, a language should not be regarded merely, or primarily, as ameans of communication, and the instrumentaluse of language is derivativeand subsidiary.(21)

    Schopenhauer: (PP-II-620) Polyglottism, neben seinen vielen mittelbarenNutzen, auch ein direktes Bildungsmitteldes Geistes ist.

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    Quotations from Chomsky (2)

    The notions deep structureand surface structureare intended as explications ofthe Humboldtian notions inner formof a sentenceand outer formof a sentence(the

    general notion formis probably more properly to be related to the notion generative

    grammaritself. The terminology is suggested by the usage familiar in contemporary

    analytic philosophy [cf., for example, Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations 168

    (Oxford, 1953)]. C.F. Hockett has also used these terms [A course in modern linguistics,Ch. 29 (New York, 1958)] in roughly the same sense.(Topics in the Theory of

    Generative Grammar, 1966, p.16)

    It is, however, important to be aware of the fact that the concept generative grammar

    itself is no very great innovation. The fact that every language makes infinite use of

    finite means

    (Wilhelm von Humboldt) has long been understood. Modern work ingenerative grammar is simply an attempt to give an explicit account of howthe finite

    meansare put to infinite usein particular languages and to discover the deeper

    properties that define human languagein general..(Language & Mind,127)

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    Quotations from Chomsky (3)

    reservation against empiricism

    The childs ultimate knowledge of language obviously extends far beyond the datapresented to him. In other words, the theoryhe has in some way developed has a

    predictive scopeof which the data on which it is based constitute a negligible part.

    (Language & Mind,171)

    Until quite recently, no one, to my knowledge, was aware of this phenomenon

    I also think, and have argued elsewhere, that the empiricistdoctrines that have beenprevalent in linguistics, philosophy, and psychology in recent years, if formulated in a

    fairly precise way, can be refuted by careful study of languagethese conclusions are

    relevant to philosophy, both in its classical and modern varieties.(Language & Mind,


    It seems to me that present theories of transformational generative grammar provide abasis for extending and deepening our understanding of linguistic structure. In any

    event, whether or not this hope is ultimately justified, it seems clear that to pursue the

    goals of 1 in any serious way, it is necessary to go far beyond the restricted

    framework of modem taxonomic linguistics and the narrowly-conceivedempiricism from

    which it springs.(CIL 113)

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    Quotations from Chomsky (4)

    Linguistic creativity Rule governed creativity

    Rule changing creativity (ironic, poetic, metaphoric and philosophic-speceulative

    use of language)

    Sapir:All grammar leaks.

    Problems vs Mysteries

    Our minds are fixed biological systems with their intrinsic scope and limits. Wecan distinguish between problems, which lie within these limits and can be

    approached by human science with some hope of success, and what we might call

    mysteries, questions that simply lie beyond the reach of our minds, structuredand organized as they are.(Rules & Representations, page 6.)

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    Piaget and Apel on ChomskyPiaget:

    Bloomfield: Baconian-inductive model

    Chomsky: Keplerian-deductive model Chomsky: Within the empirical bounds just stated, we are free to

    construct theories of innate structures and to test them in terms of theirempirical consequences.(LM: 170)



    Res extensa => Newton

    Res cogitans => Chomsky (the Newton of res cogitans)

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    Chomsky Critics

    George Lakoff Cognitive Linguistics / core-periphery distinction

    Charles Fillmorecase grammar

    William SY Wang

    Bresnan, Joan: "He revolutionized linguistics but did it in a divisiveway," says former student Joan Bresnan, now a respected linguist atStanford University, in California. He's a polarizer. He's createdwarring schools.

    Mason, Timothy, Could Chomsky be wrong?
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    Chomsky criticizes Saussure from a Humboldtian aspect

    Saussure, like Whitney [], regards langue as basically a store of signswiththeir grammatical properties, that is, a store of word-like elements, fixedphrases and, perhaps, certain limited phrase types (though it is possible thathis rather obscure concept of "mecanisme de la langue" was intended to gobeyond this - cf. Godel, 1957,250). He was thus quite unable to come to gripswiththe recursive processes underlying sentence formation, and he appearsto regard sentence formation as a matter of parole rather than langue, of freeand voluntary creation rather than systematic rule [])There is no place in his scheme for "rule-governed creativity" of the kindinvolved in the ordinary everyday use of language. At the same time, theinfluence of Humboldtian holism(but now restricted to inventories andparadigmatic sets, rather than to the full-scale generative processes thatconstitute Form) is apparent in the central role of the notions "terme" and

    "valeur" in the Saussurian system.Modern linguistics is much under the influence of Saussure's conception oflangue as an inventory of elements(Saussure, 1916, 154, and elsewhere,frequently) and his preoccupation with systems of elements rather than thesystems of ruleswhich were the focus of attention in traditional grammar andin the general linguistics of Humboldt.

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    Chomsky and Kant

    Descartes and Cudworth believed the mind to be endowed withthe principles of Euclidian geometry as an a priori property. Wesee a presented irregular figure as a (possibly distorted) triangle,straight line, circle, and so forth, because our minds producethese figures as exemplars, just as the intelligible essences of


    are produced by

    the innate cognoscitive power


    InKants phrase, objects conform to our modes ofcognition. (Rules and Representations, page 246)Tracing the development of such ideas, we arrive at Kantsrather similar concept of the conformity of objects to our mode ofcognition, the mind provides the means for an analysis of data asexperience, and provides as well a general schematismthatdelimits the cognitive structures developed on the basis ofexperience.(Reflections on Language, p7)

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    Schopenhauer: On Language and WordsLearning of several languages is not an indirect, but direct, means of acquiringculture

    When one knows many languages, just as many times is one a man (So vieleSprache Einer kann, so viele Mal ist er ein Mensch / Quot linguas quis callet, tothomines valet)Charles V (1500-1558)

    For every word in a given language there is not the exact equivalent in everyother


    linguistic valueaccording to Saussure

    Dictionary entries of a word in a different language like shifted circles

    Learning of foreign languages

    we learn not merely words, but gain concepts and ideas,

    ie. concept spheres arise where there were previously none

    Learning Latin: remoulded and recast

    connections and references, previously not known, are discovered

    we thus obtain a more comprehensive view of everything

    in every language we think differentlythrough the study of each new language,our thinking undergoes a fresh modificationand that polyglottism with its manyindirectuses is, therefore, a direct means of mental culture

    Polyglottism (bilingualism vs triangulation) (Grice, Holenstein, Kwan)