peter rickmeyer v. michael browne, jacc, megan goodmundson, john hoff, will mcdonald

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  • 7/29/2019 Peter Rickmeyer v. Michael Browne, JACC, Megan Goodmundson, John Hoff, Will McDonald


    Peter Rickmyer


    Michael (KIP) Browne, Jordan AreaCommunity Council, MeganGoodmundson, John Willard Hofi WillMcDonald in his individual capacity andJohn does 1-3

    case No. ij tv t?l 9\Y,lF;0J1To b. urrigll.d by of Dittri.rCourt)

    Drsrrucr oF MnmpsorAPlaintiff(s),


    COMPLAINTPARTIES1. List your name, address and telephone number. Do the same

    a. PlaintiffName Peter Richard RickmYerStreet Address 2ll8 25th Avenue NorthCity MinneapolisState & Zip Code Minnesota 55411TelephoneNumber 612-516-2853

    for any additional plaintiffs.

    2. List all defendants. You should state the full name of the defendant, even if that defendant isa government agency, an organization, a corporation, or an individual. Include the address

    SCFffiJArrt I 6 20t3Lr..S. Dt$TfiiCT COUHT

    CASE 0:13-cv-00141-PAM-FLN Document 1 Filed 01/16/13 Page 1 of 5

  • 7/29/2019 Peter Rickmeyer v. Michael Browne, JACC, Megan Goodmundson, John Hoff, Will McDonald


    where each defendant may be served. Make sure that the defendant(s) listed below areidentical to those contained in the above caption.a. Defendant No. 1

    NameStreet AddressCityState & Zip Code

    b. Defendant No. 2NameStreet AddressCityState & Ztp Code

    c. Defendant No. 3Name

    Street AddressCityState & Zip Code

    d. Defendant No. 4NameStreet AddressCity

    Defendant No. 5Name

    State & Zip Code Minnesota 55411

    Michael (KIP) Browne350 South Fourth Street, saite 239MinneapolisMinnesota 55415

    Jordan Area Communitv Council2901Emerson Avenue North, SuiteMinneapolisMinnesota 55411

    Megan Goodmundson

    2718 Newton Avenue NorthMinneapolisMinnesota, 55411

    John Willard Hoff2226 Bry arfi Avenue NorthMinneapolis


    William McDonald

    CASE 0:13-cv-00141-PAM-FLN Document 1 Filed 01/16/13 Page 2 of 5

  • 7/29/2019 Peter Rickmeyer v. Michael Browne, JACC, Megan Goodmundson, John Hoff, Will McDonald


    Street AddressCitYState & Zip Code


    300 South 6th Street, Suite A-800MinneapolisMinnesota 55487

    Federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction. Generally, two types of cases can be heard infederal court: cases involving a federal question and cases involving diversity of citizenship ofthe parties. Under 28 U.S.C. $ 1331, a case involving the United States Constitution or federallaws or treaties is a federal question case. Under 28 U.S.C. $ 1332, a case in which a citizen ofone state sues a citizen of another state and the amount of damages is more than $75,000 is adiversity of citizenship case.3. What is the basis for federal court jurisdiction? (check all that apply)

    X Federal Question n Diversity of Citizenship4. What is the basis for venue in the District of Minnesota? (check all that apply)

    X Defendant(s) reside in Minnesota X Facts alleged below primarily occurred inMinnesotaG Other: explainSTATEMENT OF THE CLAIM5. Plaintiff Peter Rickmyer ( Rickmyet'', I , me ) resides in Jordan Neighborhood which has

    a neighborhood organization called Jordan Area Community Council ( JACC) which I was amember of.

    6. Defendant ( d. ) Michael (KP) Browne lives in Jordan Neighborhood and a member of andheld leadership role in JACC in2009,2010 and 20lI and continue to have close ties withJACC.D. Megan Goodmundson ( Goodmundson ) is a eligible member or member and or onboard of directors of JACC between 2009-2013 and significant other is d. John Willard Hoff.D. John Willard Hoff ( Hoff') is a eligible member or member of JACC who operates awebsite called The Adventures of Johnny Northside.


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  • 7/29/2019 Peter Rickmeyer v. Michael Browne, JACC, Megan Goodmundson, John Hoff, Will McDonald


    9. D. William McDonald ( McDonald ) is a employee of Hennepin County Department ofCorrections ( HCDOC ) who at relevant times supervised Plaintiff Rickmyer.

    10. Plaintiff Peter Rickmyer sometime in February of 2009 requested JACC to vacate 2009James Avenue North since it was inappropriate for their organization to hold public eventsand have their headquarters their and told them it appeared they were disguising a bribe asrent payments by paylng top dollar to rent a foreclosed home.

    11. D. Browne, Goodmundson and Hoff retaliated against Plaintiff Rickmyer for complaining ofJACC's blatant disrespect for persons with disabilities by violating ( ADA ) and suggestingthey were bribing their landlord Aky-Berg.

    12. Plaintiff Rickmyer attempted to stop the harassment by attempting to access the Courts byrequesting restraining order and filing a lawsuit, the d. Browne, Goodmundson, Hoff andJACC took steps to deprive Plaintiff Rickmyer constitutional rights of freedom of speech,access to court, due process, freedom of liberty by having d. McDonald give me directivesand or violate my parole.

    13. D. Hoff requested McDonald for relief after being served in existing case 27-cv-10-3378 byprocess server on March 2,2011, D. McDonald as HofPs representative requested (ex-parte)the summons be not accepted, Judge Blaeser honored the request by ex-parte and ruledsummons was no good.

    14. D. McDonald on behalf of d. Browne, Goodmundson, Hoff and JACC falsely accused me ofviolating the courts order and therefore violated his directive for sole purposes ofincarceration for voicing my opinion, accessing the courts. D. Goodmundson ( her ) is aknown liar to me who lied to McDonald stating I was harassing and stalking her in theHennepin County government center. Which I was charged with but dismissed.

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  • 7/29/2019 Peter Rickmeyer v. Michael Browne, JACC, Megan Goodmundson, John Hoff, Will McDonald


    15. D. McDonald committed fraud upon the Judicial system when he lied in the administrationhearing of Minnesota Department of Corrections Hearing so to get rid of me by having meincarcerated on behalf of d. Browne, Goodmundson, Hoff and JACC.

    16. D. McDonald violated my parole three separate times to either silence me and or get rid ofme by incarceration or in custody some agencies call it house arrest and or curfew.

    REQUEST FOR RELIEF$305 dollars each day my liberty was restrained by incarceration or house arrest or curfew.Dated: January 16,2013Signature of Plaintiff Z ti6t.. Ri.k*u.,2ll8 25tn Avenue NorthMinneapolis, Minneso ta 5 5 4l I612-5r6-28s3

    CASE 0:13-cv-00141-PAM-FLN Document 1 Filed 01/16/13 Page 5 of 5

  • 7/29/2019 Peter Rickmeyer v. Michael Browne, JACC, Megan Goodmundson, John Hoff, Will McDonald


    3zvt*l PArr /P c.rJ44 (Rev. I 2/1 2) CIVI COVER SHEETeetandtheinformationcontainedhereinneitherrep|acenorsupplementthef|ingalrdserviceofpleadingsorotherpapersasrequiredrulesofcourt. Thisform,approvedbytheJudicial ConferenceoftheUnitedStatesinSeptemberl9T4.isrequiredlbrtheuseottheLlerkotCourtlortheol initiating the civil docket sheel. rSEt tusrnircnoNs oN NEXT PAGL' oF THIS F)RM.)(a) PLAINTIFFS

    Peter Rickmeyr

    U.S. GovemmentPlaintiffU.S. GovemmentDefendant

    E 3 Federal Question(U.5. Government Nol o Party) 4 Diversityqndicate Citizenship ol Parties in ltem III)

    (b) CountyofResidence ofFirst Listed Plaintiff E9449pjn(EXCEPT IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES)(C) ettomeys (Firm Nqme, Adclress, and Telephone Number)

    BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Ptace an "x" in one Box onty)

    DEFENDANTSMichael (KIP) Browne. Jordan Area CommuniW Council, Megan CoodmundJohn Willard Hoff, Will McDonald, in his individual capacity and John Does

    County of Residence of First Listed Defendant i.)Ennffgr(lN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES ANLY) t *" ::IN LAND CONDEMNATIO-].I CASES;ESE THELOCATIONTHE TRACT OF LAND INVOLVED.:.,j- ,..NOTE:Attomeys (IfKnown)

    CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL(1.-or Diversrty Cases Only)

    Citizen of This State HT ogt"tCitizen of Another StateCitizn or Subject ofa

    Foreign Country

    PARTIES rPlaggan "I:}n one Boxlor Pla' ** n,l O n b, "* r r, ;{ r ro nlncorporated or Principal Place tr 4ofBusiness In This State

    E2 lZ IncorporatedandPrincipalPlace E5 ofBusiness In Another StateE 3 ForeignNation o

    NATURE OF SUIT (Ptsce sn "x" in one Box onty)CONTRACT TORTS FORFEITURE/PENALTY RAilIl{RII|?T{:Vllo lnsurance

    t2o Marine130 Miller Act140 Negotiable InstrumentI 50 Recovery of Overpaynent& Enforcerent of Judgmentl5l Medicare ActI 52 Recovery of Defaulted

    Student Loans(Excludes Veterans)

    I 53 Recovery of OverpaymentofVeteran's BenefitsI 60 Stockholders' Suitsl9o Other Conhact195 Contract Product Liability196 Franchise

    PERSONAL INJURY :lo eirplanefl 315 AirplaneProductLiability 320 Assault, Libel &SlanderE. 330 Federal Employers'LiabilityE 340 MarineE 345 Marine ProductLiabilityD 350 Motor VehicleE 355 Motor VehicleProduct LiabilityD 360 OtherPersonalInj ury

    362 Penonal Iqjury -Medical Malnractice

    PERSONAL INJURYE 365 Personal lnjury -Product LiabilityE 36THealthCare/PharmaceuticalPersonal InjuyProduct Liability 368 Asbestos PersonalInjury ProductLiabilityPERSONAL PROPERTYEl 370 other FraudE 371 Truth in LendingD 380 other PersonalProperty DamagelJ Jd) rropeny uanrageProduct Liability

    E 625 Drug Related SeizweofProperty 21 USC 881[ 690 other-422 Appeal28 USC 158 423 withdrawal28 USC 157

    I lzs False Claim Act 400 State Reapportionm 4l0AntitrustE 430 Banks and Banking[ 450 Comercefl 460 DeportationE 470 Racketeer InfluenceConupt OrganizatioE 480 Consuner Credit 490 Cable/sat TV

    PRO?ERTY RIGHTSE 820 CopyrightsE 830 PatentE 840 TrademarkI,ABOR socrAr. sncrJRrTE 71 0 Fair Labor StandardsActE 720 Labor/ManagementRelationsD 740 Railway Labor ActD 751 Family and MedicalLeave ActE 790 Other Labor Litigation

    LJ /vr rnlpioyee KerrremenrIncome Security Act

    Ll 861 HrA (13esf0fl 862 Black Lms (923)fl 863 Drwc/Diww (aos(g))E 864 sstD Title xvl sos Rst 1+os1g; sso Securities/ComrodExchangefl 890 Other Statutory ActE 891 Agricultual ActsD 893 Environmental MatD 895 Freedomof InfomnActE 896 ArbitrationI gsg Adninishative Pro

    AcL/Review or AppeAgency DecisionI 950 Constitutionality oState Statutes

    REAL PROPERTY CIYIL RIGH'I-S PRISON-ER PETITIONS FEDERAL TAX SUTTSz lu Lano Lonoemnauon220 Foreclosure230 Rent Lease & Ejectmenl240 Torts to Land245 Tort Product Liability290 All Other Real Property

    X 440 Other Civil Rights| ++t voting 442 Employnentfl 443 Housing/Accommodations[ 445 Arner. w,/DisabilitiesEnrployment[ 446 Arner. w/DisabilitiesOtherI 448 Education

    Habeas Corpus:E 463 Alien DetaiileeE 510 Motions to VacateSentenceD 530 ceneralD 535 Death PenaltyOther: 540 Mandamus & Othern 550 civil RightsLl 5)) Pnson LonOrnonE 560 Civil Detainee -Conditions ofConfinement

    I 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiffor Defendant)I 871 IRS-Third Party26 USC 7609

    IMNIIGRA I I(.'NLl 40l Narurarzauon Appllcauox465 Other llmigrationActions

    X" in One Box Only)I Original ll 2 Removed from 3 Remanded fromPro-eeding State Court Appellate Court Ll4 Reinstated orReopened l__l 5 Transferred from Ll 6Another District(sPecifl) MultidistrictLitigationCAUSE OF



    $305 per day ofDEMAND $ liberty loss orrestricted CHECK YES only if demanded in comp'lainJURY DEMAND: IYes E No

    the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are fiing (Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity),description of cause:


    (See instructions):



    CASE 0:13-cv-00141-PAM-FLN Document 1-1 Filed 01/16/13 Page 1 of 1