personnel planning and recruiting 1 workforce planning and...

Personnel Planning and Recruiting 1 Workforce planning and forecasting 2 The need for effective recruiting 3 Sources of candidates 4 Recruiting a more diverse workforce 2017/11/10 Dr.Jian Li 1

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Personnel Planning and Recruiting

1 Workforce planning and forecasting

2 The need for effective recruiting

3 Sources of candidates

4 Recruiting a more diverse workforce

2017/11/10 Dr.Jian Li 1

At the very beginning

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At the very beginning

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➢ Linking employer’s strategy to HR plans

At the very beginning

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➢ Steps in recruitment and selection process

1 Workforce planning and forecasting

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1 Planning and forecasting

Employment (or personnel) planning isthe process of deciding what positionsthe firm will have to fill, and how to fillthem.

Like all good plans, personnel plansrequire some forecasts or estimates, inthis case, of three things: personnelneeds, the supply of inside candidates,and the likely supply of outsidecandidates.

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➢ Definition

Trend analysis means studying variations in your firm’s employment levels over the last few years.

Ratio analysis means making forecasts based on the historical ratio between (1) some causal factor (like sales volume) and (2) the number of employees required (such as number of salespeople).

Scatter plot shows how two variables –such as sales and your firm’s staffing levels – are related.

1 Planning and forecasting

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➢ Forecasting personnel needs

1 Planning and forecasting

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➢ Forecasting personnel needs: An example

Computerized forecasts enable the manager to build more variable into his or her personnel projections.

• Personnel replacement charts are company records showing present performance and promotability of candidates for the most important positions.

1 Planning and forecasting

Whichever forecasting tool you use, managerial judgement should play a big role.

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➢ Forecasting personnel needs

➢ Forecasting the supply of inside candidatesThe main task here is determining which current employees might be qualified for the projected openings.

• Department managers or owners of smaller firms often use manual devices to track employee qualifications.

• Manual devices include information about education, company-sponsored courses taken, career and development interests, languages, desired assignments, and skills.

1 Planning and forecasting

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➢ Management replacement chart

2 The need for effective recruiting

Second, the success you have recruiting depends greatly on nonrecruitment issues and policies.

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➢ What makes effective recruiting a challenge?

First, we’ll see that some recruiting methods are superior to others, depending on the type of job for which you are recruiting.

➢ Definition

Employee recruiting means finding and/or attracting applicants for the employer’s open positions.

Third, you know by now that employment law prescribes what you can and cannot do when recruiting.

2 The need for effective recruiting

First, doing so makes it easier to apply the company’s strategic priorities company-wide.

Second, recruiting centrally reduces duplications (having several recruitment offices instead of one).

Third, centralized recruiting makes it easier to ensure that recruitment experts who know work related laws are doing the recruiting.

Fourth, it’s simply much easier for employers to recruit centrally now that so much recruiting is on the Net.

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➢ Organizing how you recruit

➢ A question

Q: Should you centralize your firm’s recruitment efforts, or let each plant or office do their own recruiting?

2 The need for effective recruiting

Recruiting yield pyramid is the historical arithmetic relationships between recruitment leads and invitees, invitees and interviews, interviews and offers made, and offers made and offers accepted.

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➢ The recruiting yield pyramid

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Overview

Q: What possible internal/external sources can you imagine for employee recruitment?

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

Q: What are the pros and cons of using internal sources?

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➢ A question

➢ AdvantagesFirst, there is really no substitute for knowing a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, as you should after working with them for some time.

Second, current employees may also be more committed to the company, and morale may rise if employees see promotions as rewards for loyalty and competence.

Third, inside candidates should require less orientation and (perhaps) training than outsiders.

➢ Disadvantages

First, employees who apply for jobs and don’t get them may become discontented.

Second, too often internal recruitment is something of a waste of time.

Third, inbreeding is another potential drawback.

Job posting means publicizing the open job to employees (usually by literally posting it on company intranets or bulletin boards). These postings list the job’s attributes, like qualifications, supervisor, work schedule, and pay rate.

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Finding internal candidates

➢ Rehiring

Q: Should you rehire someone who left your employ?

On the plus side, former employees are known quantities (more or less) and are already familiar with how you do things.

On the other hand, employees who you let go may return with negative attitudes.

In any event, you can reduce the chance of adverse reactions.

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

What are the pros and cons of web-based recruiting methods?

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➢ A question

• Web-based recruiting generates more responses quicker and for a longer time at less cost than just about any other method.

• However, it has two big potential problems.

First, fewer older people and some minorities use the Internet, so online application gathering may inadvertently exclude disproportionate numbers of older applicants.

The second problem is Internet overload: Employers end up deluged with resumes.

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

One survey of 256 alumni from graduate business schools showed why many firms Web-based recruiting turned them off. The objections included the following:

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➢ Improving online recruiting effectiveness

• Job openings lacked relevant information (such as job descriptions).

• It was often difficult to format résumés and post them in the form required.

• Many respondents expressed concerns about the privacy of the information.

• Poor graphics often made it difficult to use the Web site

• Slow feedback from the employers (in terms of follow-up responses and receiving online applications) was annoying.

Furthermore, the best Web ads don’t just transpose newspaper ads to the Web.

To use help wanted ads successfully, employers should address two issues: the advertising medium and the ads construction.

➢ Advertising medium

The best medium depends on the positions for which you’re recruiting.

Please choose the best medium for following job openings:

✓ Clerical employees/Lower-level administrative employees

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Job advertisement

✓ Specialized employees

✓ Middle- or senior-management personnel Local newspapers

Trade and professional journals

E.g. Wall Street Journal

Experienced advertisers use the guideAIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) to construct ads.

Frist, you must attract attention to the ad, or readers may just miss or ignore it.

Next, develop interest in the job.

Then, create desire by spotlighting words such as travel or challenge.

Finally, the ad should prompt action with a statement like call today.

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Constructing (Writing) the ad

Do remember that the ad should also comply with equal employment laws, avoiding features like man wanted.

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Employment agency

(1) Your firm doesn’t have its own human resources department and feels it can’t do a good job recruiting and screening.

(2) You must fill a particular opening quickly.

(3) There is a perceived need to attract a greater number of minority or female applicants.

(4) You want to reach currently employed individuals, who might feel more comfortable dealing with agencies than with competing companies.

(5) You want to cut down on the time you’re devoting to recruiting.

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Why use an employment agency

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Offshoring and outsourcing jobs

Outsourcing means having outside vendors supply services that company’s own employees previously did in-house.

Offshoring is a narrower term. It means having outside vendors abroad supply services that the company’s own employees previously did in-house.

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Offshoring and outsourcing jobs

Rather than bringing people in to do the company’s jobs, outsourcing andoffshoring send the jobs out.

Sending out jobs, particularly overseas, presents employers with some specialchallenges. One is the potential for political tension in countries such as India. Others include the likelihood of cultural misunderstandings (such as between your home based customers and the employees abroad).

The bottom line is that neither outsourcing nor offshoring always brings all the savings one would have hoped for, and both require careful consideration of human resource issues

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Offshoring and outsourcing jobs in practice

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

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➢ Offshoring and outsourcing jobs in practice

College recruiting means sending an employer’s representatives to college campuses to prescreenapplicants and create an applicant pool from the graduating class – is an important source of management trainees and professional and technical employees.

3 Internal and external sources of candidates

However, the problem is that on-campus recruiting is expensive and time consuming.

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➢ College recruiting

4 Recruiting a more diverse workforce

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➢ What is the diverse workforce?

4 Recruiting a more diverse workforce

In 2010, there were almost 10 million single parent families with children under 18 maintained by the mother, about two-thirds of whom were employed.

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➢ Single parents

Being a single parent isn’t easy, and recruiting and keeping them requires understanding the problems they face in balancing work and family life.

Flexible work schedules and child-care benefits are thus just two big single-parent magnets.

In addition, surveys suggest that a supportiveattitude on the supervisors part can go far toward making the single parents work home balancing act more bearable.

4 Recruiting a more diverse workforce

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➢ Older workers

Over the next few years, the fastest-growing labor force segment will be those from 45 to 64 years old. Those age 25 to 34 will decline by almost 3 million, reflecting fewer births in the late 1960sand early 1970s.


1 Write a report on evaluating the job advertisement on page 20 of this slides.

Please answer the following question as your homework…

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