personnel placement - science...personnel placement sciencepublishes eachfriday, except the last...

Personnel Placement SCIENCE publishes each Friday, except the last Friday of the year. Advertising is accepted only in writing; no abbreviations. Any deadline in ad must be at least 2 weeks after date of issue in which ad appears. Also, personnel advertising is accepted only with the under- standing that the advertiser does not discriminate among applicants on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, handicap, or sexual prefer- ence. UNE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADUNES: Thursday, 10 a.m., 2 weeks prior to issue date (mailed on issue date). POSMONS WANTED: 400 per word, plus $4 for use of box number, per week. $10 minimum, per week. Prepayment required. This rate is available only to individuals seeking jobs. LINE CLASSIFiED (POSITIONS OPEN, COURSES, FELLOWSHIPS, MARKETPLACE, and so forth): $35.00 per line; $350 minimum, per week (minimum charge covers one inch on a single column; one inch equals 101 inesof 52 characters and spaces per line). No charge for use of box number. No agency commis- sion for ads less than 4 inches. No cash discount. Prepayment required for all foreign ads. Purchase orders and/or cover letter including billing address required for all other advertising. To ESTIMATE ad cost: Structure ad copy on a separate page, on lines of 52 characters and spaces. Include any desired heading. Each line of heading, and/or extra line spaces, and all partial lines (including centered reply information) are counted as full lines. Ad titles located within the text are printed in boldface caps and are only 42 charac- ters per line. In ESTIMATING the cost, multiply total lines x $35.00 = approximate cost of ad. (This is an approximate cost ONLY: Allow for variation between estimated lines and actual typeset lines and the result- ing final cost. Purchase orders must allow for some degree of flexibility and/or adjustment.) CANCELLATION POUCY: NOTE: Ad cancellations made after Thursday, TWO weeks prior to issue date incur a 10% production charge. Final deadline for cancellations is 12 p.m. Tuesday, ONE week prior to issue date. Cancellations must be in writing. Send copy for all Positions Wanted ads and Une Classifd ads less than 1/6 page in size (39 lines) to: SCIENCE Claselfied Adverting 1333 H Stret, NW, Room 940 Wahington, DC 20005 Telephone: 202326.6555 Send copy for Fractional Display ads, 1/6 page and larger, and all Marketplace ads to: Scherago AocIates, Inc. 1f15 Broadway No York, NY 10036 Telephone: 212-730.1050 Blind ad replies should be addressed as follows: Box (ive number) SCIENCE 1333 H Stret, NW Washington, DC 20005 POSITIONS WANTED BiochemisCell Biologist, Ph.D., 1980. Expenrence in industial and basic research. Enzymology, protein chem- istry, puron and characterization, protein sequenc- ing, RIPLC, cll culture, cloning, EIA, RIA, folate, ncidines biological rol metabolisms, and so forth. research position. Box 87, SCIENCE. 6/12, 19, 26 Biomedical Scientist D.V.M., Ph.D. Twelve years of asperience in drug/medical device industry including eFD¶cacy/s dry testing and new product registration with g/device, animal heal or biotech- nology firm to utize managerial and sentific skis as menber of R&D mnagement team. Telephone: Dr. Charlcs Chesney, 612-45)-0045. X Biochemist, Ph.D. (1979). Medicinal chemistry, M.Sc. International teaching with research experience in en- zyme purification and characterization. Seeks an suit- able position. Languages-English, French, and Abic. Box 87, SCIENCE> 6/12, 19, 26; 7/3 12 JUNE I987 POSITIONS WANTED Entomologist, Ph.D. Creative researcher interested in insect-plant interactions. Experience in natural and man- aged systems, reproductive strategies, biochemical tech- mques, gel electrophoresis, and GLC. Three years teach- ing experience. Excellent communication and analytical skills. Seeks research/teaching position in university/in- dustry. Box 86, SCIENCE. X M.D. Experience in virology and clinical research, AIDS surveillance, education, an counseling seeks AIDS-relat- cd position. Box 88, SCIENCE. X Microbial Biochemist/Molecular Biologist, Ph.D., England (1984). Experienced in bacterial protein synthe- sis and ribosome/antibiotic interactions. seeks academic position to work on archaebacterial, mycobacterial, my- coplasma ribosomes, and antibiotic resistance mecha- nisms. Canada or the United States. Box 89, SCIENCE. x Pathologist, AMD. (1980). Certified AP/CP with strong interest m comparative pathology. Experienced in surgi- cal pathology, electron microscopy, and microbiology. Seeks challenging position in comparative medicine in research/industry. Available July 1988. Box 88, SCIENCE. 6/12, 19, 26 Plant Physiologist, Ph.D. Postdoctoral experience. Ex- pertise in tissue culture and hormone physiology. Re- cently established a forage stress physiology research progm. Desire relocation to western United States in academic or industrial environment. Box 81, SCIENCE. x Virolo/fImmunology, Ph.D. Thirty years of pharma- ceutical industry R&T) experience; developing human vaccines, other biological products. Planning, imple- menting clinical studies to support licensing of new products, with statistical analysis, publication of rcsults. Laboratory director, contract management. Seeking con- sultanc arrangements/professional assignments in areas of experience. Box 89, SCIENCE. 6/12, 19 Zoologist, B.S. Animal Scientist, B.S. Experience; neural-behavioral, teratology, and toxicology research. Seeks a position in any type of animal research. Will relocate. Available: 15 June 1987. Box 74, SCIENCE. X POSITIONS OPEN UTAH STATE UNIVERSlTY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Tenure-track, to par- ticipate in interdepartmental molecular biology/biochem- istry program. Research emphasis on molecular a proaches to the stuctu and fiuction of nucleic acis; experience in recombinant DNA technology desired. Teaching indudcs molecular biology and nudeic acid biochemistry. To be filled during the 1987 to 1988 academic year. Send risume, description of future re- search interests, and names of at least three refercnces by 30 June 1987 to: Dr. E. A. Boeker, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-0300. Affirmative Ac- tion/Equat Empknent Opportunity. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MICROBIOLO- GY. This tenure-track position is available immediately. Candidates should have a Ph.D., M.D., D.D.S., or an equivalent degree and postdoctoral training. Preference will be given to applicants with research interests in host- parasite interactions, especially in mechanisms of micro- bial pathogenesis and host immune response to infec- tious microorganisms. Teaching experienc in medical microbiology IS desirable. The appointee is expected to conduct vigorous independent research in medical mi- crobiology and to teach microbiology to students of hcalth-reated professions. Laboratory space and start-up support will be provided. Salary is negotiable. Interested persons should send curriculum vitae and brief descrip- tion of research as well as the names and addresses of three individuals from whom recommendations may be obtained to: Dr. Thomas D. F , Professor and Chairman, Department of Micoiology, School of Medicine, State Unirsityi of New York at Buffalo, 205 Sherman Hall, Buffo, NY 14214. Target date for receipt of applications is 1 August 1987. State University of New York is an Affirmative ActionlEqual Opotnity Employer POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. NEUROSCIENCE FACULTY/research position fbr appropriate Ph.D. Qualifications and experience must inctude strong gradu- ate or medical school teaching skills and signficant research accomplishments. Applicant must have postdoc- toral experience and a proven track record. Send curricu- lum vitae, statement of proposed research, and names of three references to: Gloria Semente, Director of Spe- cial Projecs, New York College of Osteopathic Medi- cine, OId Westur, NY 115-68. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF BIOCHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Biochemistry position, tenure-track, assistant profes- sor (higher ranks considered). Must have Ph.D. in a mokcular area of biological sciences. Postdoctoral expe- ricncc is preferred. Demonstrated ability for creative research and the promise of effective teaching of bio- chemistry courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and of establishing a vigorOus well-supported research program. Preference given candidates who strengthen existing areas of molecular genetics, nucleic acid chemistry, protein chemistry, molecular pathology and toxicology, molecular ecology, bioregulators, trans- membrane signaling, and/or cytoskeletal element re- search. Screemng of apphcants will begin 26 June 1987 and continue until a suitable applicant is hired. Appli- cants should send a letter of application, rsume, reprints of representative papers, a summary of research plans, and names, addresses, and current telephone numbers of three references to: Biochemistry Search Committee, Departennt of Chemistry, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. Montana State University is an AffirmativeActionlEqual Opportunity Employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL A tenure-track position to begin October 1987. Com- petence in flow cytometry and associated computer and other instrumentation, as well as a demonstrated com- mitment to research are essential. Duties include supervi- sion of a flow cytometry laboratory involved in both patient and research activities. Although persons in- volved in various facets of biological investigation will be considered, preference will be given to those doing research on cell growth and cell transformation. Appli cants should send curriculum vitae, a statement of re- search, and names and addresses of dwee references by 15 July 1987 to: Dr. D. G. Scarpelli, Chairman, Depart- ment of Pathology, Northw n Universiy Medical School, 303 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611. Northwestern Univeity iS an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. Molec- ular biology/virology-tenure track. Develop research program applying advanced molecular biology proce- dures in stuies of viral respiratory diseases ofcattle. Seek external funding to help support this research. Teach professional and graduate level courses. D.V.M. or equivalent and Ph.D. with postdoctoral experience pre- ferred. Candidates with Ph.D. and a minimum of 2 years of postdoctoral experience will be considered. Scnd cumculum vitae and names of three references to: Dr. S. B. Mohanty, Associate Dean, Virgia- Maryland Regona CoWg of Veterinary M cine, Universit of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Application deadline 15 August 1987. The Uniersity of ha,ad is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Emplyer. The Section of Pediatric Neurology at the Universiy of Michigan in Ann Arbor has a position available at the ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE RESEARCH SCiENTISr LEVEL (RESEARCH FACULTY TRACK). A Ph.D. in molecular or cell biology and 2 years of postdoctoral training arc required. -We are mvestigatmg interactions between brain endothelial clls and astrocytes with an emphasis on response to injury. A joint appointment with the appropnate basic science department may be arranged. Contact: Gary Goldstein, MD, Secion of Pediatric Neurology, Uersit of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor, MI 48109; Tde- phone: 313-763-6645. A nondaininatoy Affirmativ ActionEployer. PERSONNEL PLACEMENT 1479

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  • PersonnelPlacement

    SCIENCE publishes each Friday, except the last Fridayof the year. Advertising is accepted only in writing; noabbreviations. Any deadline in ad must be at least 2weeks after date of issue in which ad appears. Also,personnel advertising is accepted only with the under-standing that the advertiser does not discriminateamong applicants on the basis of race, sex, religion,age, color, national origin, handicap, or sexual prefer-ence.

    UNE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADUNES:Thursday, 10 a.m., 2 weeks prior to issue date (mailedon issue date).

    POSMONS WANTED: 400 per word, plus $4 for use ofbox number, per week. $10 minimum, per week.Prepayment required. This rate is available only toindividuals seeking jobs.

    LINE CLASSIFiED (POSITIONS OPEN, COURSES,FELLOWSHIPS, MARKETPLACE, and so forth):$35.00 per line; $350 minimum, per week (minimumcharge covers one inch on a single column; one inchequals 101 inesof 52 characters and spaces per line).No charge for use of box number. No agency commis-sion for ads less than 4 inches. No cash discount.Prepayment required for all foreign ads. Purchaseorders and/or cover letter including billing addressrequired for all other advertising.

    To ESTIMATE ad cost:Structure ad copy on a separate page, on lines of 52characters and spaces. Include any desired heading.Each line of heading, and/or extra line spaces, and allpartial lines (including centered reply information) arecounted as full lines. Ad titles located within the textare printed in boldface caps and are only 42 charac-ters per line. In ESTIMATING the cost, multiply totallines x $35.00 = approximate cost of ad. (This is anapproximate cost ONLY: Allow for variation betweenestimated lines and actual typeset lines and the result-ing final cost. Purchase orders must allow for somedegree of flexibility and/or adjustment.)

    CANCELLATION POUCY:NOTE: Ad cancellations made after Thursday, TWOweeks prior to issue date incur a 10% productioncharge. Final deadline for cancellations is 12 p.m.Tuesday, ONE week prior to issue date. Cancellationsmust be in writing.

    Send copy for all Positions Wanted ads and UneClassifd ads less than 1/6 page in size (39 lines) to:

    SCIENCE Claselfied Adverting1333 H Stret, NW, Room 940

    Wahington, DC 20005Telephone: 202326.6555

    Send copy for Fractional Display ads, 1/6 page andlarger, and all Marketplace ads to:

    Scherago AocIates, Inc.1f15 Broadway

    No York, NY 10036Telephone: 212-730.1050

    Blind ad replies should be addressed as follows:Box (ive number)

    SCIENCE1333 H Stret, NW

    Washington, DC 20005


    BiochemisCell Biologist, Ph.D., 1980. Expenrence inindustial and basic research. Enzymology, protein chem-istry, puron and characterization, protein sequenc-ing, RIPLC, cll culture, cloning, EIA, RIA, folate,

    ncidines biological rol metabolisms, and so forth.research position. Box 87, SCIENCE.

    6/12, 19, 26

    Biomedical Scientist D.V.M., Ph.D. Twelve years ofasperience in drug/medical device industry includingeFD¶cacy/sdrytesting and new product registration with

    g/device, animal heal or biotech-nology firm to utize managerial and sentific skis asmenber of R&D mnagement team. Telephone: Dr.Charlcs Chesney, 612-45)-0045. XBiochemist, Ph.D. (1979). Medicinal chemistry, M.Sc.International teaching with research experience in en-zyme purification and characterization. Seeks an suit-able position. Languages-English, French, and Abic.Box 87, SCIENCE> 6/12, 19, 26; 7/3

    12 JUNE I987


    Entomologist, Ph.D. Creative researcher interested ininsect-plant interactions. Experience in natural and man-aged systems, reproductive strategies, biochemical tech-mques, gel electrophoresis, and GLC. Three years teach-ing experience. Excellent communication and analyticalskills. Seeks research/teaching position in university/in-dustry. Box 86, SCIENCE. X

    M.D. Experience in virology and clinical research, AIDSsurveillance, education, an counseling seeks AIDS-relat-cd position. Box 88, SCIENCE. X

    Microbial Biochemist/Molecular Biologist, Ph.D.,England (1984). Experienced in bacterial protein synthe-sis and ribosome/antibiotic interactions. seeks academicposition to work on archaebacterial, mycobacterial, my-coplasma ribosomes, and antibiotic resistance mecha-nisms. Canada or the United States. Box 89, SCIENCE.


    Pathologist, AMD. (1980). Certified AP/CP with stronginterest m comparative pathology. Experienced in surgi-cal pathology, electron microscopy, and microbiology.Seeks challenging position in comparative medicine inresearch/industry. Available July 1988. Box 88,SCIENCE. 6/12, 19, 26

    Plant Physiologist, Ph.D. Postdoctoral experience. Ex-pertise in tissue culture and hormone physiology. Re-cently established a forage stress physiology researchprogm. Desire relocation to western United States inacademic or industrial environment. Box 81, SCIENCE.

    xVirolo/fImmunology, Ph.D. Thirty years of pharma-ceutical industry R&T) experience; developing humanvaccines, other biological products. Planning, imple-menting clinical studies to support licensing of newproducts, with statistical analysis, publication of rcsults.Laboratory director, contract management. Seeking con-sultanc arrangements/professional assignments in areasof experience. Box 89, SCIENCE. 6/12, 19

    Zoologist, B.S. Animal Scientist, B.S. Experience;neural-behavioral, teratology, and toxicology research.Seeks a position in any type of animal research. Willrelocate. Available: 15 June 1987. Box 74, SCIENCE. X




    ticipate in interdepartmental molecular biology/biochem-istry program. Research emphasis on molecular aproaches to the stuctu and fiuction of nucleic acis;experience in recombinant DNA technology desired.Teaching indudcs molecular biology and nudeic acidbiochemistry. To be filled during the 1987 to 1988academic year. Send risume, description of future re-search interests, and names of at least three refercnces by30 June 1987 to: Dr. E. A. Boeker, Utah StateUniversity, Logan, UT 84322-0300. Affirmative Ac-tion/EquatEmpknent Opportunity.ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MICROBIOLO-

    GY. This tenure-track position is available immediately.Candidates should have a Ph.D., M.D., D.D.S., or anequivalent degree and postdoctoral training. Preferencewill be given to applicants with research interests in host-parasite interactions, especially in mechanisms of micro-bial pathogenesis and host immune response to infec-tious microorganisms. Teaching experienc in medicalmicrobiology IS desirable. The appointee is expected toconduct vigorous independent research in medical mi-crobiology and to teach microbiology to students ofhcalth-reated professions. Laboratory space and start-upsupport will be provided. Salary is negotiable. Interestedpersons should send curriculum vitae and brief descrip-tion of research as well as the names and addresses ofthree individuals from whom recommendations may beobtained to: Dr. Thomas D. F , Professor andChairman, Department of Micoiology, School ofMedicine, State Unirsityi of New York at Buffalo,205 Sherman Hall, Buffo, NY 14214. Target datefor receipt of applications is 1 August 1987. StateUniversity of New York is an Affirmative ActionlEqualOpotnity Employer


    ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. NEUROSCIENCEFACULTY/research position fbr appropriate Ph.D.Qualifications and experience must inctude strong gradu-ate or medical school teaching skills and signficantresearch accomplishments. Applicant must have postdoc-toral experience and a proven track record. Send curricu-lum vitae, statement of proposed research, and names ofthree references to: Gloria Semente, Director of Spe-cial Projecs, New York College ofOsteopathic Medi-cine, OId Westur, NY 115-68.



    Biochemistry position, tenure-track, assistant profes-sor (higher ranks considered). Must have Ph.D. in amokcular area of biological sciences. Postdoctoral expe-ricncc is preferred. Demonstrated ability for creativeresearch and the promise of effective teaching of bio-chemistry courses at the undergraduate and graduatelevels, and of establishing a vigorOus well-supportedresearch program. Preference given candidates whostrengthen existing areas of molecular genetics, nucleicacid chemistry, protein chemistry, molecular pathologyand toxicology, molecular ecology, bioregulators, trans-membrane signaling, and/or cytoskeletal element re-search. Screemng of apphcants will begin 26 June 1987and continue until a suitable applicant is hired. Appli-cants should send a letter of application, rsume, reprintsof representative papers, a summary of research plans,and names, addresses, and current telephone numbers ofthree references to: Biochemistry Search Committee,Departennt ofChemistry, Montana State University,Bozeman, MT 59717. Montana State University is anAffirmativeActionlEqual Opportunity Employer.


    MEDICAL SCHOOLA tenure-track position to begin October 1987. Com-

    petence in flow cytometry and associated computer andother instrumentation, as well as a demonstrated com-mitment to research are essential. Duties include supervi-sion of a flow cytometry laboratory involved in bothpatient and research activities. Although persons in-volved in various facets ofbiological investigation will beconsidered, preference will be given to those doingresearch on cell growth and cell transformation. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, a statement of re-search, and names and addresses ofdwee references by 15July 1987 to: Dr. D. G. Scarpelli, Chairman, Depart-ment ofPathology, Northw n Universiy MedicalSchool, 303 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL60611.

    Northwestern Univeity iS an Affirmative Action/EqualOpportunity Employer.

    ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR. Molec-ular biology/virology-tenure track. Develop researchprogram applying advanced molecular biology proce-dures in stuies ofviral respiratory diseases ofcattle. Seekexternal funding to help support this research. Teachprofessional and graduate level courses. D.V.M. orequivalent and Ph.D. with postdoctoral experience pre-ferred. Candidates with Ph.D. and a minimum of2 yearsof postdoctoral experience will be considered.Scnd cumculum vitae and names of three references

    to: Dr. S. B. Mohanty, Associate Dean, Virgia-Maryland Regona CoWg of Veterinary M cine,Universit of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742.Application deadline 15 August 1987. The Uniersity ofha,ad is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity


    The Section of Pediatric Neurology at the Universiyof Michigan in Ann Arbor has a position availableat the ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE RESEARCHSCiENTISr LEVEL (RESEARCH FACULTYTRACK). A Ph.D. in molecular or cell biology and 2years of postdoctoral training arc required. -We aremvestigatmg interactions between brain endothelial cllsand astrocytes with an emphasis on response to injury. Ajoint appointment with the appropnate basic sciencedepartment may be arranged. Contact: Gary Goldstein,MD, Secion of Pediatric Neurology, Uersit ofMichigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor, MI 48109; Tde-phone: 313-763-6645. A nondaininatoy AffirmativActionEployer.



    ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR-TheUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison and the William S.Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital Psychiatry Ser-vice, Madison, Wisconsin, is seeking a Board-certified orBoard-eligible psychiatrist to direct the Mental HealthClinic outpatient care. Candidates will receive a profes-sorship at the assistant or associate level at the UniversityofWisconsin Department ofPsychiatry. We are seeking aperson with interest and expertise in alcohol or othersubstance abuse who is able to generate an independentresearch program in addition to providing leadership forclinical services in the drug and alcohol abuse area.Duties may include involvement at the University ofWisconsin Hospitals, collaboration with other faculty,and involvement in medical student and resident educa-tion programs. The salary is competitive. The position isavailable 1 July 1987 to 1 October 1987. Applications,including curriculum vitae, should be directed to: Dr.Burr Eichelman, Chief, Psychiatry Service, William S.Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, 2500 Over-look Terrace, Madison, WI 5370 The Univerit ofWisconsin is an Equal OpportunitylAffimatiiv AciownEmploycr.




    Applications are being accepted for an assistantlasso-ciate professor level appointment in the newly formedInstitute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Candi-

    dates should have research interests which involve mod-

    em molecular genetic techniques in the investigation ofprotein structure/function relationships. Postdoctoralexperience, expertise in modem molecular biologicaltechniques, and demonstrated research potential are re-quired.

    Applicants should forward a complete curriculum vi-tae, reprints of recent significant publications, and threeletters of reference to:

    Dr. J. W. George IvanyVice-President, AcademicSimon Fraser UniversityBurnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6

    Closing date for applications will be 15 September1987. Preferencc shall begiven to ap'plicants who are eliqibkfor emplyment in Can at the time of application.

    BIOLOGY-One-year appointment to teach animalphysiology, embryology, histology, microbiology, andgeneral biology. Fall term in Arkadelphia and springterm in Little Rock. Ph.D. preferred. Contact: Dr. P. R.Dorris, HSU Box 7544, Arkadelphia, AR 71923;telephone: 501-246-5511, extension 3207. HenderonState University is an Equal OpportunitylAffirmativeActionEmplryer. Selection begins 1 July 1987.

    CHAIRPERSON, Department of Medicinal Chem-istry, Virginia Commonwealth University. Applicationsare invited for the position of Professor and Chairpersonof the Department of Medicinal Chemistry, School ofPharmacy, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Com-monwealth University, Richmond, VA. The Depart-ment, with eight full-time faculty, is an integral part ofthe undergraduate B.S. program in pharmacy and offersM.S. and Ph.D. degree programs in medicinal chemistw.Currently 14 predoctoral students are enrolled. Appli-cants must present a distinguished record of research andteachin accomplishments, extramural research funding,and a demonstrated capability for administration. Thecandidate must possess an earned Ph.D. or Sc.D. degreein medicinal chemistry or the related chemical or phar-maccutical sciences. A professional degree in pharmacy isdesirable. The successful candidate must have stronginterpersonal skills, the ability to motivate faculty andstudents, and a demonstrated capacity to provide effec-tive program leadership. Salary and starting date arenegotiable. The Search Committee will review applica-tions received by 1 October 1987 or until a suitablecandidate is identified. Applicants should send a com-plete curriculum vitae and the names of three referencesto: Dr. Joseph F. Borzelleca, Chairman, Search Com-mittee, Box 613 MCV Station, Virginia Common-wealth University, Richmond, VA 23298. VirginiaCommonwealth Univerity is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


    CELL GENETICIST-To work as an independentinvestigator in a section of molecular genetics composedoffour molecular geneticists and a protein chemist. Areasof research involve in situ hybridization, somatic cellhybrids, and the analysis of specific abnormalities ininherited disorders, solid tumors, and leukemias. Candi-date should be trained in cytogenetic methods and havepractical experience in molecular genetics. Position re-quires advanced degree and at least 2 years of relevantpostdoctoral experience. Appointment will be on a ten-ure track with an academic rank equivalent to experienceand training. Send resumn to: John A. Barranger,M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Pediatrics and Biochemis-try, USC School of Medicine; Head, Division ofMedical Genetics, Childrens Hospital ofLos Angeles,4650 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90027.Equal Opportunity Employer.


    The School of Medicine of the University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) seeks an individualcommitted to academic excellence to provide profession-al and administrative leadership for the research andteaching programs of this basic science department.Located primarily in excellent modern facilities of theSchool of Medicine, the Department also serves as auniversity resource. There is a large research base withinthe Department, and excellent collaborative relationshipsexist with other basic science and clinical departments,research centers and institutes, other health professionalschools, and the College ofArts and Sciences. Reply withcurriculum vitae and a list of at least three referencesbefore 15 September 1987 to: Dr. G. P. Manire, Chair,Search Committee for Chair of Biochemistry andNutrition, Office of the Dean, School of Medicine,125 MacNider 202H, University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Women andminontes are encouraged to identify themselves voluntarily.UNC-CH is an Equal OpportunitylAffirmativeAction Em-ployer.


    The State University of New York Health ScienceCenter at Syracuse, College of Medicine, a center forresearch, professional education, and patient care, invitesapplications and nominations for the position of Profes-sor and Chairperson, Department of Pharmacology.Candidates must have an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalentdegree, a distingished research record, and provenleadership and a inistrative ability. A highly competi-tive salary and generous fringe benefits are offered. Sendnominations or letters of application (with curriculumvitae, summary of experience, and four letters of refer-ence) to: Dr. Larry F. Lemanski, Chairperson, SearchCommittee, Department ofAnatomy and Cell Biolo-gy, SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse, 750East Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210.

    Affirmative ActionlEqual Opportunity Employer.CLINICAL CHEMIST. Applicants with M.D. and/

    or Ph.D. degree are invited to apply for an unexpectedopening in our clinical chemistry section. Faculty ap-pointment can be tenure-track or clinical-track depend-ing on experience and interests. The successful candidatewill help to lead the clinical chemistry laboratory ofBarnes Hospital, a 1054-bed teaching hospital of theWashington University Medical Center. Successful can-didates should have a commitment to excellence inteaching and patient care. Academic rank and salary willbe commensurate with prior experience and accomplish-ments. Send letter of inquiry and curriculum vitae to:Jack H. Ladenson, Ph.D. or Jay M. McDonald, M.D.,Division of Laboratory Medicine, Washington Uni-versity School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid-Box8118, St. Louis, MO 63110.

    CURATOR OF FISHRequires B.A./B.S. in marine biology, biology, or

    zoology, with minimum of 3 years of experience as anac,uarist. Must be experienced driver. Supervisory/ad-mminstrative experience preferred. Will assist in the designand planning ofmajor new public aquarium. Send letter,resume, and three references to:

    Dr. Judith L. Wellington,Vice President, Project Development,Zoological Society of Philadelphia,34th Street and Girard Avenue,

    Philadelphia, PA 19104.

    COMPUTER SCIENTIST. Develop systemwideplans for scientific and commercial application of artifi-cial intelligence. Implement plans for moderate sizeproduct components. Design solutions. Standard pro-gramming languages, Basic, Pascal, C, LISP, OPS5,PROLOG, and assembly languages PDP-8, PDP-11,6502, IBM/370, UNIX operating system. Forty hoursper week, 8:00 to 5:00, $35,000 per year. Require-ments: B.S. in computer science or computer engineer-ing and 1 year of experience or Master of ComputerScience with concentration in artificial intelligence; train-ing required in programming and assembly languages;technical interview. Send resumes to: Illinois Depart-ment ofEmployment Security, 402 North RandLolphStreet, Champaign, IL 61820; Attention: WandaByrd, Reference #7020-H. An employer-paid ad.


    Applications are being accepted for the position ofdirector of the newly formed and funded Institute ofMolecular Biology and Biochemistry. The Institute is amultidisciplinary body with six faculty from the Depart-ments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry. Currentfaculty research interests vary from physical biochemistryto molecular genetics.

    The Director will be expected to oversee the growth ofthe Institute, including the selection of several newfaculty members. The duties of the Director, in additionto maintaining a strong research program, will be tosupervise the administration of the graduate program, toact as official spokesman for the Institute, and to adminis-ter all funds allocated to the Institute.

    Applicants should forward a complete curriculum vi-tae, reprints of recent significant publications, and threeletters of reference to:

    Dr. J. W. George IvanyVice-President, AcademicSimon Fraser UniversityBurnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6

    Closing date for applications will be 15 September1987. Preferencc shaUl be given to aplicants who are el,iibekfor employment in Can at the time ofapplication.


    Sixty-five acres plus herbarium, requires now an excep-tional individual to lead it into the 2Ist century. Respon-sibilities: Lead, motivate, manage, and direct 35 staff toplan and implement programs of display, education, andresearch; establish Inter-institutional links; undertakefund-raising; act as spokesman: be technical adviser tothe Board. Qualifications: Scientist with leadership skills,to manage annual budget aproaching $1 million: writ-ten/oral communication skls: fund-raising experience:ability to manage research. Salary: competitive/commensurate with experience: health and retirementplans.

    Submit resume in confidence to: Mr. Philip Thresh-er, President, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, C/o P.O.Box 50437, Santa Barbara, CA 93150. job descriptionon request. Appointment date soonest but to suit suc-cessfiul applicant.

    SCIENCE, VOL. 236

    CYTOGENETICISTA major university-affiliated hospital invites

    applications for a position to share the responsi-bilities to oversee the Clinical and ResearchDivisions ofGenetics. Salary and position will becommensurate with experience. Please send cur-riculum vitae or telephone: 718-780-1576:

    James CampbellJL Assistant Director of PersonnelI_ _1 The Long Island,*ur, College Hos 'tal

    Brooklyn, NY T1201Equal Opportunity EmployerMIFIH



    DIRECTOR OF AQUARIUM OPERATIONSRequires 5 years of experience in facility maintenance.

    Expenence in water treatment and management. Willassist in design and planning of facility mechanical andlife support systems or major new public aquarnum. Willbe responsible for operation and maintenance of same.Send letter, resume, and three references to: Dr.

    Judith L. Wedlinton, Vice President, Project Devel-opment, Zoological Society of Philadelphia, 34thStreet and Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

    DIRECTORCLINICAL CYTOGENETICS LABORATORYThe Department of Laboratories and Pathology at Los

    Angeles County-University ofSouthern California Med-ical Center, the principal teaching hospital ofthe Univer-sity of Southern California School of Medicine, seeks aDirector for its Cytogenetics Laboratory. Requirementsinclude a Ph.D. in cytogenetics or related field, experi-ence in medical diagnostic cytogenetics and moleculargenetics, and eligib[e for or certified by the AmericanBoard of Medical Genetics. Responsibilities include di-recting the cytogenetics laboratory, establishing an inde-pendent research program and participation in the teach-ing programs of the Department of Pathology. Facultyappointment in the University of Southern CaliforniaSchool ofMedicine at a rank commensurate with qualifi-cations and experience.For further mformation, tclephonc: 213-226-7151.

    To apply, send curriculum vitae and three references to:Edward T. Wong, M.D., Associate Director ofLabo-ratories and Pathology, LAC/USC Medical Center,Room 2900, 1200 North State Street, Los Angeles,CA 90033.



    AT CARBONDALEApplications are invited for the position ofDirector of

    the Coal Extraction and Utilization Research Center,available immediately. A Ph.D. degree in science orengineering is required. Applicants must have leadershipability and significant experience in coal or coal-relatedresearch, grantsmanship, and in developing coal or coal-related research programs. Applicants must also havedemonstrated the ability to communicate well with oth-ers at all levels, and to work constructively with facultyand staff from a variety of disciplines. Responsibilitiesinclude developing and coordinating research programsrelated to coal, assisting the faculty in securing andmanaging external research funds, acting as an interfacebetween the University and industry, the state govern-ment, and the federal government in coal-related matters,and to coordinate the collection and dissemination oftheresults of faculty and staff research relating to coal.

    Inquiries should be directed to:Chairman, Search Committee

    Coal Research CenterSouthern Illinois University at Carbondale

    Carbondalc, IL 62901Closing date: 15 June 1987, or until filled.An Equal OpportunitylAffitativeAAaion Employer.

    DIRECTOR, MOLECULAR BIOLOGYA leading independent and well-established biotech-

    nology company in southern California is seeking aqualifed individual in their research and developmentdeparunent to direct the company's efforts in its newlyformed molecular biology department.The candidate should have a Ph.D. and at least 5 years

    of experience in all aspects of molecular biology andimmunology, especially recombinant DNA such as nu-cleic acid hybridization, RFLP, and monoclonal technol-ogy. In this capacity the candidate will interface with ahighl prestigious and knowledgeable scientific advisoryboard and will be responsible for recruiting an initial staffof ten scientists. The candidate must have proven leader-ship skills, and be able to communicate well both withinthe company as well as with outside contacts. Remunera-tion and fringe benefits conmmensurate with experience.For further information please forward your resume in

    strict confidence to Box 82, SCIENCE.

    Tne Bristol-Myers' Pnarmaceutical Researcn anc Development uivision Is seek-ing a Pbstdoctoral Fellow to join its Central Nervous System ElectrophysiologyResearch Team at our new research facility in Wallingford, CT. This appointmentis for one year (with possible renewal for a second year) and is completely fundedby the Company.Responsibilities will include carrying out neuropharmacological andneurophysiological studies utilizing intracellular recordings from neurons main-tained in-vitro. Publication of research results will be strongly encouraged.The successful candidate will be working in a stimulating and interesting multi-disciplinary research environment which includes ongoing work in the areas ofneurochemistry, receptor binding, neuroanatomy, behavioral pharmacology, andmedicinal chemistry. Besides Central Nervous System research, the Bristol-MyersResearch Community is composed of Anti-Cancer, Infectious Disease and Car-diovascular research areas. Bristol-Myers supports and encourages interactionand collaboration with the scientific community both internally and externallywith scientists affiliated with various academic institutions worldwide.Candidates must have or be nearing completion of their Ph.D. Persons havingprevious experience with electrophysiological techniques, especially involvingintracellular recording from brain slices or cultured neuron, will be givenpreference.For confidential consideration forward your curriculum vitae in confidence to:Bristol-Myers Company, Pharmaceutical Research & Development Division,Department PD-SC24, 5 Research Parkway, e Box 5100, Wallingford, CT 06492.An equal opportunity employer. (Principals Only Please)

    Bristol-Myers12 JUNE I987

    EPIDEMIOLOGISTSThe Epidemiology Branch of Environmental Epide-miology and Biometry Division, Health EffectsResearch Laboratory, U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) seeks epidemiologists to conductindependent and collaborative research on theeffects of environmental exposures on humanhealth. Study designs integrating epidemiologicand laboratory approaches will be emphasized,initially focusing on the use of laboratory measure-ments of genetic damage in human specimens.

    Candidates should have a M.D. or a doctoraldegree in a health-related field, and a strongacademic background in epidemiology and biology.Experience with complex field studies involvingcollection of biologic specimens, specialized clini-cal studies (such as neurologic testing), or otheruse of laboratory assays in collaborative clinical orepidemiologic studies would be highly desirable.Applications will be considered for positions rang-ing from the equivalent of postdoctoral fellows totenured senior investigators (GS-11 to GS-13). Thesalary range is $27,172 to $50,346 per annum;physicians may be eligible for Comparability Payup to $10,000 annually. The position is located inResearch Triangle Park, North Carolina.

    Forward curriculum vitae and three references priorto July 10, 1987, to:

    Chief, Epidemiology Branchc/o Marcy Kesselman, PMO (MD-29)Research Triangle Park, NC 27711


    a_ s AgriculturalX Research


    United StatesDepartment ofAgriculture


    WYNDMOOR, PAARS is seeking a Research Chemist to lead adrug residue research program to developpoly and monoclonal and immunoaffinity,immunochemical and other chemical or bio-chemical methods to screen animal physio-logical fluids and tissues for drug residues.Candidate must have knowledge of and/oractual experience in the analysis of animaldrugs, drug metabolism, pharmacology, phar-macokinetics and physico-chemical isolationtechniques. Ph.D. is desired. Must be a U.S.Citizen. Salary is commensurate with experi-ence GS-13/15 ($38,727-$53,830). For in-formation on the research program/position,contact Dr. Donald W. Thayer, 215-233-6582. For information on application proce-dures/forms contact Lisa Botella, 215-233-6573. Applications in response to thisannouncement should be marked 7E023. Ap-plications should be sent to: Lisa Botella,USDA, ARS, NMA, 600 East Mermaid Lane,Philadelphia, PA 19118. Applications mustbe received by June 29, 1987.


    i i


    Ow.-I 5r4iw-,-m Lei il 11



    Research scientist (master's or Ph.D.) with specialinterest in the immunology of early pregnancy andpregnancy loss is needed for basic and clinical researchprogram in reproductive immunology. Emphasis oncellular and molecular immunology desirable. Expectedto be an independent investigator who is willing to workclosely with clinicians and oversee an immunology labo-ratory which performs routine lymrphocyte cultures andtissue typing assays. Assistant professor level preferred.For further information, send letter and curriculum vitaeto:

    James R. Scott, M.D., Professor and ChairmanDepartment of Obstetrics and GynecologyUmversity of Utah School of Medicine

    Salt Lake City, UT 84132Applications must be postmarked by 30 Jul 1987.

    The nivesity ofUtah is an Equal OpportunitylAj mativeAction Employer. Applications received after the deadlinemay be considered if no qualified applications have beenreceived by that time.

    FACULTY POSMON. Portland State University.The Department of Chemistry announces a tenure-trackposition at the level of assistant professor starting Sep-tember 1987. A Ph.D. and research experience in bio-chemistry and/or analytical/spectroscopy are required inaddition to teaching ability at the undergraduate andgraduate levels of chemistry. Candidates wiE be exectedto develop a vigorous, externally funded research pro-gram which will complement our existing Ph.D. pro-gram. Applicants shouid send curriculum vitae, a state-ment of research interests, and three letters of referenceby 15 July 1987 to: Dr. John H. Golbeck, Departmentof Chemistry, Portland State University, Portland,OR 97207. Position is contingent upon available fund-ing. Portland State University is an Equal OpportunitylAf-firmativt Action Employer.


    SCHOOL OF MEDICINEThe Department of Pharmacology has tenure-track

    positions open for a full professor and an associateprofessor. Applications are invited from qualified candi-dates with a Ph.D. and/or M.D. in pharmacology orrelated field. The full professor position requires anestablished research program in the area of biochemicaland physiological functions and controls of endogenousopioid and neural peptides. The successful candidateshould also have demonstrated the ability to teach, advisegraduate and health professional students, and direct asuccessful research program. The associate professorposition requires an established research program in theapplication of an in vitro cell culture model system forstudying mechanisms ofdrug action, have research expe-rience in receptor-effector coupling and receptor-signaltransduction, as well as a demonstrated ability to carryout a successful research program in molecular biologicalapproaches to current pharmacological problems.

    Curriculum vitae and names ofthree references shouldbe sent to: S. B. Sparber, Ph.D. (for fulil professorposition), or A. E. Takemori, Ph.D. (for associateprofessor positon), Search Committee, Departmentof Pharmacology, 3-260 Millard Hall, 435 DelawareStreet S.E., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,MN 55455. Deadline for receipt of applications is 30June 1987. The University of Minnesota is an EqualOpportunity Educator and Employer and specifically invitesand encourages applications fron women and minoriies.The Department of Anatomy at the University of

    Missouri-tolumbia invites appli'cations from qualifiedindividuals for two full-time, tenure-track FACULTYPOSITIONS (one available 1 September 1987, theother 1 January 1988) to conduct research in such areasas molecular neurobiology, neuroendocrinology, and/orcell biology. Teaching duties are negotiable. Applicantsshould have a Ph.D. or equivalent and should haveevidence of teaching experience and active research.Salary to be commensurate with qualifications and expe-rience. Applicants should send their resumes to: Dr. W.K. Pauil, Chairman, Department of Anatomy, Uni-versity of Missouri Medical School, University ofMissouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65212 by 1 No-vcmber 1987. The University of Missoutn is an EqualOpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer.




    SCHOOL OF BASIC LIFE SCIENCESThe newly created Division is establishing a program

    in virus research with strength in the following areas: (i)viral genetics, (ii) virus structure/assembly, and (iii)molecular immunology. Applications are encouragedfrom individuals employing biochemical and biophysicalmethodologies, and molecular biologists experienced inrecombinant DNA technology. Successt candidatesmust have demonstrated research potential through post-doctoral experience and recent publcanons, an areexpected to maintain an independent research program,seek extramural funding, participate in training ofprofessional health science and graduate students. Start-up funds will be provided for tenure-track appointmentsat salary and rank appropriate to qualifications. Sendcurriculum vitae, statement of research goals, and namesof references to: Dr. George J. Thomas, Jr., Head,Division of Ceil Biology and Biophysics, School ofBasic Life Sciences, University of Missouri-KansasCity, Kansas City, MO 64110. Screening of applicantswill begin 1 August 1987 and continue until positionsare filled. UMKC it an Equal OpportunitylAffirmativeAction Employer.

    GENETICS: Tenure-track position available in anexpanding Department of Biological Sciences. Modemwell-equipped facilities and modem programs provideexceptional opportunities for teaching, research, andconsulting. Nine-month appointment starting Septem-ber 1987 at salary commensurate with qualifications andexperience. Responsibilities include: Teach introductorygenetics at the undergraduate level; develop advancedundergraduate/graduate course in genetics; advise anddirect undergraduate/graduate (M.A.) student research;maintain an active research program in modem eukaryot-ic genetics and work with other faculty and students inrelated areas such as physiology, biotechnology, toxicol-ogy, and cell biology.Mankato State oniversity, with a current enrollment

    of 14,200 students, is the second largest university inMinnesota. The Greater Mankato area population of42,000 is located 80 miles from the Minneapolis-St.Paul metro area. Send three letters of reference, curricu-lum vitae, official undergraduate and graduate tran-scripts, and a one-page statement of teaching and re-search interests to: Dr. John Frey, Chairperson, De-Partment ofBiology, Mankato State University, Man-kato, MN 56001. Applcants must be able to legallyaccept employment in the United States and have dem-onstrated abllity to communicate effectively with stu-dents and colleagues. Closing date for applications is 14July 1987 or until filled. Mankato State is an EqualOpportunity Educator and Employer.

    HYDROLOGIST OR GEOCHBEMISTThe Bureau of Economic Geology has a position open

    for a research associate. Applicant must have a Ph.D. inhydrology/geochemistry or geohydrology with a broadfundamental background in aquifer systems and/or fluid-rock interactions, and some knowledge of modem ap-proaches including modeling and isotopic applications.Preference will be given to applicants with expertise andexperience in fluid-flow modeling and saline geochemis-try, especially in basins with thick evaporite sequences.Knowledge of isotope applications and/or numericalmodeling techniques is desired. The successful candidatewill develop and conduct research aimed at resolvingscientific issues related to isolation of hig-level nuclearwaste in bedded salt. Individual will be expected toreview technical publications dealing with hydrologicand/or geochemical research that addresses nucTear wasteisolation. Oral and written communication abilities arecritical. Scientific publication record will be required.

    Salary depends on research experience and publicationrecord. The University of Tecas at Austin is an EqualOpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer. Send resumeand names of three references to:

    E. G. WermundBureau of Economic Geology

    The University of Texas at AustinUniversity Station-Box XAustin, TX 78713-7508

    GEOCHEMISTSThe Bureau of Economic Geology has openings for

    two Ph.D.-level research positions (research associates)in the field of low-temperature geochemistry. Applicantsshould have a Ph.D. in geology, geochemistry, or otherphysical science and interests in broad aspects of thegeochemistry and petrology ofsedimentary rocks. Prefer-ence will be given to individuals with expertise in one ormore of the following areas: electron microprobe analy-sis, thermodynamic and kinetic modeling, and fluidinclusion research. Research will involve studies of dia-genesis and water-rock interactions in evaporites, carbon-ates, and clastic rocks. The microprobe specialist will alsosupervise the operation of the Bureau's automated CA-MECA electron microprobe and JEOL scanning electronmicroscope with energy dispersive spectrometer.

    Salary depends on experience and publication record.The Univerity ofTexas atAustin is an Equal Opportuni-ty/AffinnativeAction Employer. Send resume and names ofthree references to:

    E. G. WerinundBureau of Economic Geology

    The University of Texas at AustinUniversity Station-Box XAustin, TX 78713-7508

    HYDROGEOLOGISTSTwo Ph.D.-level research associate positions are avail-

    able at the Bureau of Economic Geology to conductquantitative research on hydrogeologic processes andcontrols on chemical and isotopic composition ofgroundwater. Requires Ph.D. in geology, geochemistry, geolog-ical sciences, or hydrology with specialization in physicalhydrogeology or hydrogeology. A physical hydrogeolo-gist position requires experience in modeling ground-water flow and solute transport; familiarity with strati-graphic mapping and aquifer testing is desired. A hydro-geochemist position requires experience in field datacollection, use of environmental isotopes, and aqueousgeochemical modeling; familiarity with modelingground-water flow and solute transKort, or with investi-gation techniques for vadose-water ow is desired. Salarvdepends on research experience and publication record.The University of Texas atAucein is an Equal Opportuni-ty/AffirativeAtion Employer. Send r&sum and names ofthree references to:

    E. G. WermundBureau of Economic Geology

    The University of Texas at AustinUniversity Station-Box XAustin, TX 78713-7508


    ior research position in gwing biotechnology firmheadquartered in Palo Alto, California. Postdcoralexpenence in cellular immunology necessary to investi-gate the therapeutic uses ofgrowth factors, lymphokines,and cytokines. The company has a long-term commit-ment to R&D. Relocation package available. Please sendcurriculum vitae, bibliography, and names of severalreferences to: S. Hansen, Collagen Corporation, 2500Faber Place, Palo Alto, CA 94303.An Equal Opportu-nity Employer.

    IMMUNOPARASIT IAGIST/IMMUNOOLOGISTThe Department of Tropical Medicine, Tulane Uni-

    versity School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine,invites applications for a regular, tenure-track position atassistant or associate professor level in the area of immu-noparasitology. The candidate must have a Ph.D. degreeor its equivalent, postdoctoral training experience, andprospects for a competitive research program. He or shealso must have a commitment to teaching and training atthe graduate level. The research interests of the candidateshould focus on cellular immunology especially as itrelates to leishmaniasis, malaria, filariasis, or schistosomi-asis. Rank and salary commensurate with training andexperience. Starting date 1 October 1987 or thereafter.Send curriculum vitae to: Chairman, Search Commit-tee, Departent of Tropical Medicine, Tulane Medi-cal Center, 1430 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans, LA70112. Application deadline 15 August 1987. TulaneUniversity is an Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction Em-ployer.

    SCIENCE, VOL. 236




    Northrop Services, Inc. - Envi- Applications are invited for appointment to the 3M BEHAVronmental Sciences is seeking Harry Heltzer Multidisciplinary Chair in Materials EHAVIORa neurobiologist with expertise Science. It is anticipated that this tenured professor- The University of Massachusetts at Amherst has openedin in vitro systems to imple- ship appointment will be as early as Fall 1987 but no a search for the Director of the new interdepartmentalment, validate and apply var- later than Fall 1988. graduate program in Neuroscience and Behavior, now iniouspproachtoutiliein vitroaoThe appointment will be made in a field of advanced its second year of operation. The membership of thetesto metdsi rorap rotich ito materials science. This includes such areas as materi- Program includes 21 core faculty from the Departmentsneureen icoogiand t gevaluations. als synthesis, characterization and processing. Scien- of Psychology, Zoology, Computer and Informationneurotoxicofogn or oSciences, Biochemistry, and Microbiology, as well asThe successful applicant will tristasu enieers,ite h outsandindgtoar rd neof affiliated faculty at the University and at Amherst, Mountrot jon anS ovr research. excellencelresour inviedetoapplThenpewHolyoke, and Smith Colleges. Applicants should have'shave a major role in developing professor will be expected to provide leadership in strong commitment to graduate education, a distin-an approach to utilize in vitro research, postgraduate supervision, teaching in mate- guished record of research accomplishmentw and atest methods for neurotoxicity rials science, and as a link between the University, position of leadership in an area of neuroscience orscreening, and testing chem- advanced engineering centers, and 3M. behavior. The successful candidate will be expected tosend Departmentwith Chemical Engines-ing and Ma aensure the excellence of the graduate training program,icals and complex mixtures e Departmenteoaf CemeicalEnginering adm ateri-al to assist in the planning and development of commonfor their neurotoxic potential. CmarS ienc has exellt failiesnfao mersiya research facilities, to participate actively in the recruit-Candidat esshouldr hvesaresearch andlalgrowingneffortli nM aterialsS.ene and) Bmment of new faculty members, and to foster collabora-Candidates should 625-854Engineering. Currently, the Department has about 150 tion with other departments and programs in the univer-Ph.D. in neurobiology or re- graduate students, mostly PhD candidates, and nearly sity. Funding is available for graduate assistantships,lated field, a record of publi- one half of those are in various aspects of materials support staff, equipment, and other program activities.

    cation,and experience with a research. Additional resources include the Supercom- Space and facilities will be provided for the candidate'scation,aputer Institute, the Surface Science Center, and the own research group. Appointment will be made at thevariety of in vitro techniques. Microelectronics and Information Sciences Center senior faculty level, preferably in affiliation with the

    (MEIS). Salary and research funds available are Zoology Department. Salary will be commensurate withQualified applicants should commensurate with the $2 million endowment. qualifications and experience. The position will be avail-send resume with salary his- ApiainshudbmdeySptbr1,97o:able September 1, 1988. Applications or nominationsApplications should be made by September 1, 1987 to: including the candidate's curriculum vitae, a current listtory and salary requirements, Professor Wiiiiam Gerberich, Chairman 3M Chair of publications, and the names of three referees, shouldin confidence to: Search Committee, 151 Amundson Haii, University of be sent to: NSB Director Search, Neuroscience and

    Huma R s uc sMinnesota, Minneapoiis, MN 55455. Teiephone (612) Behavior Program, Morriii Science Center, University625-8548. Include curriculum vitae and the names of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003; teiephonedetecnand addresses of three references. The University of 413-545-2046. Applications will be accepted until Sep-

    Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and tember 15, 1987, or until the position is filled. Theemployer and specifically invites and encourages University of Massachusetts is an Affirmative Actionlapplications from women and minorities. Equal Opportunity Employer.

    BIO/MOLECULAR U.S. Department of EnergyENGINEERING

    Naval Research Laboratory oS GR DUATNRL. the Navy's corporate laboratory, is seeking P S G A U Thighly motivated Ph.D's to fill permanent staffpositions for expanding programs in Biosensor andBiomaterials Development. Current research areasRE A CH P OA Minclude projects on the development of sensitive ESe r P R O G R Adetection systems using immunological and recep-tor-based sensor technology, synthesis and charac- Toxicology Engineeringterization of novel lipids, research on the propertiesof lipid-derived tubules in various matrices, and the Fossil Energy Physical Sciencesuse of biomolecules in microlithography. Candi- Hazardous W#astes Environmentaldates should possess the following qualifications:* Biochemist/Immunochemist-Experience in Economics! Sciencesprotein chemistry. fluorescence techniques, and Energy Policy Life Sciencesantigen/antibody coupling to solid substrates.* Neurochemist/Pharmacologist-Strong back- Artificial Computer Sciencesground in membrane protein biochemistry. receptor Intelligenceisolation, and diagnostic techniques.* Materials Scientist-Experience in developmentand analysis of novel materials containing biolog- * Research at national laboratoriesical components.* Process Engineer-Experience in colloids, * Stipends $19-35,000 depending on degree, program,coatings, and electrode processes with potentialbiophysical applications. research area* Lipid Physical Biochemist-Experience in util-izing advanced physical probes to characterize *Recent graduate degreelipids. '" ctzn rP A* Genetic/Protein Engineer-Experience in chem- * U.S. citizens or PRAs eligibleical and/or genetic modification of proteins. * InformationSalary range GS-I I to 15 ($27,172 to $69,976)based on qualifications and experience. Postdoc-toral and technical positions are also available.Send resume and references to: m Postgraduate Research Programs

    Civilian Personnel OMce U PCode 1813.1 (S) University Programs DivisionNaval Research Laboratory l | | /T\IS U Oak Ridge Associated Universities4555 Overlook Avenue, SW.Washington, D.C. 20375-5000 - - P.O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0117ATTN: Ms. Kathy Weaver (615) 576-3190

    JI An Equal Opportunity Employer - U.S. Citizenship Required


    Endowed Chair in Materials ScienceAdvanced Materials Synthesis,

    Characterization and Processing


    IMMEDIATE OPENINGA position to establish a cell culture laboratory for

    growing cerebral endothelium and tumor cell types.Additional experience in electron microscopy and in vivotechniques is desirable. Salary is commensurate withexperience.

    Richard Broadwell, Ph.D.Division of Neurological Surgery

    University of MarylandMedical School Teaching Facility10 South Pine Street; Room 634

    Baltimore, MD 21201Telephone: 301-328-5482



    Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in biomedical engi-neerng with emphasis on biological information pro-cessing or neuroscience, as well as evoked potentials.Must be experienced in research into the understandingof human brain function, specifically relating to vision.Candidates must possess the ability to establish andsupport an independent program of research, as well asteaching ability and interest. Submit current curriculumvitae, names of three references, and a statement ofresearch plans to: Kenneth W. Wright, M.D., Divisionof Ophthalmology, Childrens Hospital ofLos Ange-les, 4650 SunsetBoulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90027.Affirmative ActionlEqual Opportunity Employer.


    Applications for a full-time research position at theassistant professor level are sought from candidates witha Ph.D. in an appropriate scientific discipline, an M.D.and at least 2 years of postdoctoral expenence in studiesof bowel motility in large animals with emphasis onchanges in motility patterns due to surgical operations.Experience should include independent studies of theeffects of hormones and of intestinal intrinsic neurons;experience with intrinsic denervation of small bowel ishighly desirable. Publications in refereed journals arerequired as documentation of experience. Individualmust be proficient in fabrication of bipolar electrodesand strain gages, in aseptic surgical implantation of thesedevices, and in recording and analyzing myoelectric andmotor activities of the bowel. The successful applicantwill conduct independent studies of intrinsic nerves andof regulation of small bowel motility, and studies ofbowel motility in postoperative patients. Proven abilityto secure extramural funding is required. Responsibiltiesinclude classroom teaching and supervision of postgrad-uate students in the Department of General Surgery.Submit curriculum vitae and references to: Robert E.Condon, M.D., Ausman Foundation Professor andChairman, Department of Surgery, Medical Coliegeof Wisconsin, 8700 West Wisconsin Avenue, Mil-waukee, WI 53226. The Medical College of Wisconsin isan Affirmative ActionlEqual Opportunity Employer.


    The Fox Chase Cancer Center, a nationally knowncomprehensive cancer center, is seeking a highly qualifiedMRT Specialist. Candidates for this position shouldpossess a Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, electrical engineer-ing, or a related field, and have an understanding ofMRIand NMR theory, as well as experience with hardware,software, and programming. The individual selected forthis position wilt be responsible for developing andextending the imaging methodology with the depart-menes 2T Magnetom Clinical Imager, the initiation andimplementation of experimental imaging sequences onthe departmenes 2.3T Biospec and 9.3TrAM400 and in abroader sense, they will have responsibility for develop-ing and expanding the imaging research program both interms of technique and application within the overallgoals of the MMR Department. For consideration,please send curriculum vitae along with list of referencesand publications to:

    Director of PersonnelFox Chase Cancer Center7701 Burholme AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19111Equal Opportunity Employer


    MICROBIOLOGISTA position is available in the Wadsworth Center for

    Laboratories and Research for a Ph.D. with backgroundin sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia,mycoplasma, and viral agents. Duties of this positioninclude participation and supervision of public healthreference and diagnostic services and related research,laboratory evaluation and improvement. Salary commen-surate with experience. Send curriculum vitae and threeletters of references to: Dr. Mehdi Shayegani, Wads-worth Center for Laboratories and Research, EmpireState Plaza, Albany, NY 12201.

    MOLECULAR BIOLOGISTA position is available in the Laboratories for Bacteri-

    ology of the Wadsworth Laboratories for a Ph.D. with astrong background in molecular biology and prokaryoticgenetics and an interest in clinical bacteriology. Duties ofthis position include genetic studies on bacterial pathoge-nicity, development of nucleic acid probes for detectionand identification of certain bacteria, and other molecularepidemiology techniques appropriate for use in a publichealth laboratory. Salary commensurate with experience.Send curriculum vitae and three letters of reference to:Dr. Mehdi Shayegani, Wadsworth Center for Labora-tories and Research, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY12201.

    MOLECULAR VIROLOGISTThe Department of Microbiology, Immunology and

    Parasitology, New York State College of VeterinaryMedicine, Cornell University, seeks candidates for atenure-track position as assistant professor. Appointmentat a higher level may be possible for exceptional candi-dates. The successful applicant will be expected to devel-op an independent competitively funded research pro-gram focusing on an animal virus system and to teachveterinary and graduate students. Applicants should havea Ph.D. and preferably a D.V.M. or equivalent. Experi-ence in molecular virology and training at the postdoc-toral level is required. This position is part of a majorcommitment by the department to apply molecular ap-proaches to infectiousdisease research. Applications in-cluding curriculum vitae and the names of three refereesshould be sent to: Dr. Roger J. Avery, Chairman,Department ofMicrobiology, Immunology and Para-sitology, New York State College ofVeterinaryMedi-cine, Schurman Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY14853-6401, by the end of July 1987. Telephoneinquiries will be welcomed: 607-253-3400. Cornell Uni-verity is an Equal Opportunity/Affimative Action Em-ployerlEducator.

    NEUROBIOLOGY POSTDOCTORAL POSI-TION available immediately to generate monoclonalantibodies to vertebrate olfactory epitheial tissue. Anti-bodies will be used as specific cell markers and forselection of cDNA clones from bacterial expression li-braries. Experience in protein purification, Western blotanalysis, antibody preparation, and monodonal screen-ing on tissue secuons is particularly desirable. Opportu-nity to learn neuro-molecular biology and interact with amultidisciplinary group studying both human and animalolfactory neurobiology, supported by a Pew Neurosci-ence Program Grant. Salary is $19,000 for at least 2years. Send curriculum vitae and names of three refer-ences to: Dona Chikaraishi, Neuroscience Program,Tufts University School of Medicine, 136 HarrisonAvenue, Boston, MA 02111.PATHOLOGIST-MOLECULAR. The Depart-

    ment of Pathology at the University of California, LosAngeles (UCLA) School of Medicine, has a positionavailable at the assistant professor level to start on orbefore 1 January 1988. Qualifications include an, Board eligblity or certification in anatomic andclinical pathology, eligibility for California licensure, anddemonstrated research ability. Specialized training inmolecular genetics and/or cel biology is required, andthe individual selected will be expected to develop inde-pendent diagnostic and research programs in this area.Other duties will indude teaching of undergraduate andgraduate students and residents. Applications includingcurriculun vitae, summary of research interests, andnames and addresses offour references should be sent to:P. A. Cancilla, M.D., Chairman, Department of Pa-thology, UCLA School ofMedicine, Los Angeles, CA90024. UCLA is an Equal OpportunitylAffirmativeActionEmployer. Minoriy a wo candidates are encouraged toaply.

    NEOGENE/QUATERNARY STRATIGRAPHERThe Bureau of Economic Geology has a Ph.D.-level

    position open for a geologist or physical geographer(research associate) with a strong background in clasticsedimentation, soils, and geomorphic processes. Thegeologist will participate as a member of a research teamstudying the sedimentology, stratigraphy, geomorpholo-gy, and neotectonics of a large region in the Panhandle ofTexas. The candidate is expected to contribute to thiseffort through his/her abilities to investigate Cenozoicstratigraphy, soils distribution and development, andgeomorphic processes. Applicants should have Ph.D.-level experience in soils development, stratigraphy, andsurface and near-surface geologic processes. Researchexperience in geologic processes in semiarid environ-ments is desired. The successful candidate should havegood interpersonal skills. Publication record of researchresults is expected.

    The Univerity ofTexas atAustin is an Equal Opportuni-ty/AffirmativeActwn Employer. Send resume and names ofthree references to:

    E. G. WermundBureau of Economic Geology

    The University of Texas at AustinUniversity Station-Box XAustin, TX 78713-7508

    Roswell Park Memorial Institute is conductinjg anactive search for a PATHOLOGIST-SCIENTIST toorganize and direct a Tumor Procurement Unit torespond to current and future research needs. The posi-tion carries the opportunity to conduct and coordinateindividual and group research and the candidate shouldbe able to procureimdependent funding. An academicbackground of anatomic, clinical, and/or experimentalpathology is essential and qualifications at the level ofassociate professor or full professor would be highlydesirable.

    Submit all correspondence to: John F. Gaeta, M.D.,Chief of Pathology, Roswell Park Memorial Insti-tute, 666 Elm Street, Buffalo, NY 14263. Telephone:716-845-5716. Affirmative ActionlEqual OpporunityEmployer.

    PERMANENTTRACK POSITION in immunolo-gy and molecular biology for person with M.D. and/orP.D. degree. Applicant shouldhave exyencnce in thetechniques of molecular biology and conducting researchrelated to the ontogeny and differentiation of immuno-competent cells and/or the pathogenesis of virally in-duced immune abnormalities. This position is in theDepartment of Immunology which conducts basic re-search and has active predoctoral and postdoctoral pro-grams. Excellent start-up funds are available for theestablishment of the laboratory. Will receive academicappointment commensurate with his/her qualifications.Send curriculum vitae and brief description of researchinterests to: G. J. Gleich, M.D., Department ofImmu-nology, Mayo Medical School an&Mayo Foundation,Rochester, MN 55905. An Equal OpportunitylAffirma-tive Action Institution.


    (Anticipated) postdoctoral position, available July1987 for functional analysis of regulatory elements inplant emb o-specifc genes. A Ph.D. in plant moleculariology, biochemistry, genetics, or with experience in

    recombinant DNA technique preferred. Salary $24,000per year. Send resume to: Dr. Norimoto Mura, De-ptment of Plant Pathology and Crop PhysiologyLuisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803;tclephone: 504-388-1380. An Equal Opprtunity Em-ployer.

    POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATEPosition available immediately to study microcircula-

    tory blood flow by intravital techniques. Microhemody-namics of normal and abnormal erythrocytes; erythro-cyte-endotheial interaction; role of vascular tone inblood flow. Candidate should be recent Ph.D. withbackground in circulation hysiology. Please send curric-ulum vitae and names of ee references to: Dr. D. K.Kaul, Dparment of Medicine, U-917, Albert Ein-stein Colle ofMedicine, 1300 Morris Park Avenue,Bronx, NY 10461. Salary range $20,000 to $25,000,depending on qualifications, plus fringe benefits. EqualOpporuntmy Employer.

    SCIENCE, VOL. 236



    MEAD IMAGINGIDue to continued growth and company expansion, excellent oppor-tunities have become available for experiended individuals to join ourteam.

    * COATING ENGINEERIThe professional we seek will have responsibility for procgssdevelopment in our R & D area. Your engineering degree will beutilized in solving coating problems on both exciting and new R&Dproducts. Will act as liaison with our Scientists requiring proficiency inlight sensitive media coating.

    * CONVERTING ENGINEERExcellent opportunity for results oriented, hands-on individual able tosolve problems of converting bulk rolls into manageable pieces. Aproven track record working with light sensitive media as well as athorough understanding of various converting techniques a must.Background in an R&D and/or process development environmentrequired.

    * TOTAL QUALITY DIRECTORHightly visible opportunity for seasoned professional with at least 10years quality control experience in a photographic and/or light sensi-tive media industry. We require a problem solver with familiarity withSPC (Structured Process Control) and be familiar with Orientalphilosophy of Q.C. (i.e. Kaizen). Responsibilities will entail maintainingQ.C. programs throughout the manufacturing level.These outstanding opportunities offer excellent starting salaries, fullrange of benefits and growth potential. Please forward your confi-dential resume including salary history and indicating job preferenceto: Professional Recruitment, MEAD IMAGING, 3385 New-mark Drive, Miamisburg, OH 45342.

    1rTbad 1m09in9I equal opportunity employer m/f


    POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE to conduct NIH-funded research on postsynthetic modifications of pro-teins in diabetes and aging. Candidates with a Ph.D. inbiochemistry or chemistry and a strong background infields related to protein chemistry, analytical biochemis-try, and immunochemistry are invited to send curriculumvitae, reprints, and names of references to: Dr. VincentMonnier, Departnent of Pathology, Case WesternReserve University, Cleveland, 0H 44105. CWRU isan Affirmative ActionlEqual Opportunity Employer.


    Research on structure and assembly of viruses, andprotein-nucleic acid interactions, using laser spectrosco-py, FTIR, and biochemical methods. Objectives includedevelopment of dassical and resonance Raman methodsto probc structure/function relationships, protein fold-ing, DNA packaging. Positions require background ineither (i) physical methods for macromolecular structuredetermination, or (ii) molecular virology. Send curricu-lum vitae, statement of research interests, and names ofreferences to:

    Dr. George J. Thomas, Jr., HeadDivision of Cell Biology and Biophysics

    School of Basic Life SciencesUniversity ofMissouri-Kansas City

    Kansas City, MO 64110.UMKC is an Equal OpportunitylAffirmativeAction Em-


    POSTDOCTORAIANSTRUCTOR position avail-able immediately to study angiotensin II receptor regula-tion and relationship to changes in polyphosphoinosi-tides and calcium flux in adrenal cells. Relevant Ph.D.required; experience in cell culture, cell fractionation, andmembrane protein biochemistry desirable. Send curricu-lum vitae and names of three references to: Thomas J.Moore, M.D.; Endocrinology Division; Brigham andWomen's Hospital; 221 Longwood Avenue; Boston,MA 02115. Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Em-ployer.


    POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW in molecular genet-ics ofhuman cancer. Position immediately available for aPh.D. with a background in molecular biology andgenetics. Candidate will work with team to map locirefine linkages, and pursue molecular bases of thesegenetic diseases as linages are found. Current projects

    s on familial colon cancer, melanoma, and neurofi-bromatosis. Appointment for 2 years with possible-newal. Competitive salary. Send curriculum vitae withthree letters of reference to: David F. Barker, GeneticEpidemiology Group, Department of Medical Infor-matics, Research Park, 410 Chipeta Way #105, SaltLake City, UT 84108. The University ofUtah is an EqualOpportunity Employer.

    POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW, PULMONARYHYPERSENSIIIVITY. Position begim'nninguimmdiate-lywith assured support for 3 years ito develop mcthodsfor assessing the allergenic potential of inhaled anthro-quinone-based dyes in smal laboratory animals. Thesemethods will then be used to evaluate several dye mix-tures. Work would involve dose collaboration withestablished small animal pulmonary physiologists andimmunotoxicologists. Send curniculum vitae to: RobertaSpratt, Center for Environmental Medicine, Univer-sity ofNorth Carolina-Chapel Hill, Trailer #4, Med-ical Research Building C, 224H, Chapel Hill, NC27514.

    POSTDOCTORAL POSITION AVAILABLE:immediately to study the generation of active oxygenradicals by cells and subcellular organelles and their rolesin alcohol toxicity. Experience in oxygen radical bio-chemistry and/or liver cell preparations and culturesdesirable. Salary commensurate with experience. Pleasesend resume, brief description of research experience andinterest, and names of three references to: Dr. Arthur I.Cederbaum, Department of Biochemistry, The Mt.Sinai Medical Center, Box 1020, One Gustave L.Levy Place, New York, NY 10029. An Equal Opportu-nity Employer.



    An immediate opening for a recent Ph.D. in immunol-ogy with expertise in hybridoma technology. CandidatewiSl work independently within a multidisciplinary groupin the Department of Nuclear Medicine. Research in-volves the production ofmonoclonal antibodies and theiruse as carenrs of radionucides for diagnosis and therapy.Salary $18,000. Please contact: Dr. A. I. Kassis, ShieldsWarren Radiation Laboratory, 50 Binney Street,Boston, MA 02115. Telephone: 617-732-2183.

    POSTDOCTORAL POSITION IN MOLECU-LAR NEUROBIOLOGY available immediately formolecular-level studies ofpeptide packaging and/or regu-lation of secretion from neuronal cells in culture and in areconstituted system. Applicant should have backgroundin cell biology and neurobiology, and experience inbiochemical, immunological, or molecular genetic ap-proaches. Send curricu[um vitae and three letters ofreference to: Dr. Erik Schweitzer, Department ofAnatomy, University of Wisconsin School of Medi-cine, Madison, WI 53706.


    Svstems ecologist for interdisciplinary study of coastallagoon in Puerto Rico. Experience desirable in modelingof nutrient cycling and factors affecting productivity ofcoastal and mangrove-estuarine environments. Send cur-riculum vitae and three references to:

    Dr. Jose M. L6pezDirector, Marine Ecology Program

    Center for Energy and Environment ResearchUniversity of Puerto Rico

    College Station, Mayaguez, PR 00708Telephone: 809-832-7912

    CEER is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

    SeniorRegulatoryToxicologistThe Agricultural Research Division of AmericanCyanamid Company has an immediate need for aSenior Regulatory Toxicologist to design, monitorand review the full range of toxicity testing per-formed in-house and on contract for EPA and FDAregistrations of pesticides and animal drugs.Requires PhD in Toxicology or related medical fieldand preferably 7 to 10 years of experience in toxi-cology in industry, government or a contract labora-tory.American Cyanamid offers a competitive compen-sation and benefits package. For prompt and confi-dential consideration, please forward your resumeand salary history to the Employment Office

    ,_ CVAN-MIDAmerican Cyanamid CompanyAgricultural Research DivisionPO. Box 400Princeton, New Jersey 08540An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H






  • It'sWhatMadeYouBecomeA Scientist In

    The First Place.The opportunity to do important research - work that reallymakes a difference. And at Cetus, you'll have that opportunity,because we're committed to pioneering work in pharma-ceuticals and biotechnology. We offer you the resources todo that work - in a stimulating environment with the supportof other dedicated, knowledgeable professionals.WecurrentlyseekaspecialistinAUTOIMMUNITY RESEARCHto establish relevant animal models for autoimmunediseases. You should possess a PhD/MD/DVM and at leasttwo to three years of post-doctoral experience with spon-taneous and antigen-induced models. A familiarity with therelationship between animal models and in vitro cellular inter-actions would be beneficial.Please send resume in confidence to:

    Cetus CorporationBox IBS

    1400 Fifty-third StreetEmeryville, CA 94608

    cetuseAn equal opportunity employer.

    The TexasA&M University System


    Institute of Biosciences and TechnologyThe Texas Medical Center - Houston

    Applications are being sought for the position of Director of a new Institute ofBiosciencesandTechnologytobe located inTheTexasMedicalCenterin Houston.The qualified individual will have the responsibility for planning and implementing thedevelopment of the Institute in the areas of molecular biology, comparative animalmedicine, nutrition and bioengineering; serving as scientific spokesman for TexasA&M in the Houston community; and developing linkages between the CollegeStation campus and Texas Medical Center institutions. Candidates should have thePh.D. degree in molecular biology or related fields with the Ph.DJM.D. beingpreferred, and at least 10 years of experience. Candidates also must havedemonstrated achievement in research and leadership ability, direct line manage-ment experience at university department head level or higher, and competence toassume leadership in planning, staffing, directing and allocating resources for amajor research program.

    Closing date for applications is July 15,1987, or until a suitable candidate is found.Applicants should send curriculum vitae to: Dr. Perry L Adklsson, Chancellor,The Texas A&M UnIversity System, Collge Station, Texas 77843.

    The Texas A&M University System is anEqual Opportunity Employer

    ImmunonalytcalChemistThe Procter & Gamble Company is seeking an individual withexperience in the development and application of immuno-assay(RR ELISA) techniquesforthemeasurement of analytesin biological matrices. This individual should have Ph.D. orpostdoctoral training in analytical chemistry, clinical chemistry,biochemistry, or immunology. The position is at the MiamiValley Laboratories in Cincinnati, Ohio.Responsibilities will include the supervision of a divisionalimmunoassscy/ligand binding laboratoryaswell asthe devlop-ment of assay systems for novel drug candidates and endo-genous species of pharmaceutical interest. Backgroundexperience in poly/monoclonal antiboty production and puri-fication, hapten-carrier conjugation, and enzymatic/isotopiclabeling is highly desired.Good communication skills and research experience in aninterdisciplinary team environment are also important candi-date requirements.Applicants must be U.S. citizens or possess a permanent resi-dent visa and should send their resume and publication list to:

    Dr. T. J. Logan, ManagerPh.D. RecruitingImmunoanalytical Chemist PositionThe Procter & Gamble CompanyMiami Valley LaboratoriesPO. Box 398707, Cincinnati, Ohio 45239-8707



    BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMACEUTICALS, Inc., ahighly respected and rapidly growing pharmaceutical companyis currently seeking to add a qualified individual to its Researchand Development staff.

    This opening is in a laboratory responsible for providing in-formation on the absorption, distribution, metabolism and ex-cretion of drug candidates at the preclinical stage of drugdevelopment. The incumbent will perform in vivo studies to deter-mine drug pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, routes of drugelimination, and metabolite profiles in biological samples. In vitrotechniques will also be employed to answer special questionsrelating to drug absorption and metabolism. The position willinvolve new methods development and additional experimen-tal capabilities are needed. The incumbent will also participateon interdepartmental prject teams. The candidate we seek mustbe skillful in animal surgery and possess a Masters degree orequivalent experience in a biomedical discipline. Practicalknowledge of analytical methods, such as chromatography andscintillation counting, and statistics is desirable.

    Our state-of-the-art research facility located in DANBURY,combined with a competitive compensation/benefits package,including generous relocation assistance makes this an excellentopportunity for an individual interested in developing a careerin pharmaceutical research.

    Please send your resume and salary history to: Dept. JC-1J,R & D, BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMACEUTICALS, Inc.,90 East Ridge, P.O. Box 368, Ridgefield, CT 06877. An equalopportunity employer m /f / h/v.

    f BoehringerInge heim

    P170 10-



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    REPLICATION-Position involves participation in aproject to clone and express the HIV reverse transcni-tase in microorganisms, to develop assays for the purifi-cation of human host factors, and to reconstitute HIVreverse transcription m vitro.ENZYMOLOGY OF DNA REPLICATION-Po-

    sition involves characterizing the unique reactions of anatural multiprotein replicative complex and/or deter-mining its structure.GENETIC REGULATION OF REPLICATION

    PROTEIN SYNTHESIS-Position involves studyingthe regulation of replication protein expression and thecoordination of this process with the global control ofcell division.

    Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, a de-scription of their research and career goals, and thenames of three references to: Dr. Charles McHenry,Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Biophysicsand Genetics, h-121, University of Colorado Schoolof Medicine, 4200 East Ninth Avenue, Denver, CO80262. Equal OpporetunitylAffirmativeAction Employer.

    POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS-PROTEINKINASES/CANCER BIOLOGY. Two positionsavailable to study the role of the distal arms of signaltransduction in the regulation of normal and neoplasticmouse lung development. One project will focus oncAMP-dependent protein kinase; RlI-binding proteins,subunit turnover, role in lung cell pharmacology in vitro.The other concerns protein kinase C; interactions withcalpain, in vitro changes using lung tumor promoters,characterization of endogenous substrates. Please sendcurriculum vitae and names of three references to: Dr.Alvin M. Malkinson, Molecular and EnvironmentalToxicology Program, School ofPharmacy, Universityof Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309. The University ofColorado has a strong commitment to the principk ofdivcrsi-ty. We arc interested in receiving appicationsfom women,ethnic minorities and disabkd individuals.


    GENENTECH, INC.Positions are available for work in two areas: (i) the

    function of cellular oncogenes and their activated coun-terparts; and (ii) mechanisms of gene control and mam-malian cells. Applications are invited from highly moti-vated individuals with backgrounds in related areas ofmolecular and cellular biology. Duration of appoint-ments will be 2 years, with the possibility of extension.Salary is funded internally and is very attractive; excellentbenefits are also provided. Please send curriculum vitae,names of three references, and a short summary ofresearch interests to:

    Arthur D. LevinsonGenentech, Inc.

    460 Point San Bruno BoulevardSouth San Francisco, CA 94080

    Equal Opportunity Employer.


    BIOLOGISTStudy ofpeptidehormone processing and secretion by

    normal and gcnetically transformed mammalian cells.Background should include techniques of cell culture,protein separatory procedures, and familiarity with mo-lecular biologic techniques. Salary $18,000 to $20,000per annum, 2- to 3-year term. Send applications to: Dr.David V. Cohn, Health Sciences Center, University ofLouisville, Louisville, KY 40292. RS.Equal OpportunitylAffirmativeAction Employer.

    POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH dealing with be-havioral aspects of chemical communication in Lepidop-tera. Application ofcommunication theories to studies ofthe functions of multicomponent pheromones. Back-ground in insect behavior or chemical ecology preferred.Available after 15 August 1987. Send curriculum vitae,relevant publications, and names and addresses of threereferences to: Dr. Kenneth F. Haynes, Department ofEntomology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY40546.

    TWO POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSO-CIATES. EPA-sponsored program on vegetationchanges (one position) and hydrology (other position) inGreat Basin. Experience needed in ield ecology, groundwater hydrology, computer databases, geographical in-formation systems, federal and state resource agenciesand the methods they use preferred. Available 1 July1987, $19l,000 per year. Send curriculum vitae and letterof recommendation to: Dr. Neil West, Range ScienceDepartment, Utah State University, Logan, UT84322-8300. Telephone: 801-750-2572.


    NEUROBIOLOGYStarting 1 December 1987, one or two postdoctoral

    positions will be available in a research program aimed atelucidating the function of protein carboxyl methylationin mammalian brain. The ideal candidate would possessexperience in either of the following areas: (i) purifica-tion and characterization of proteins and HPLC ofpeptides and amino acids; (ii) cloning and sequencing ofcDNAs. The overall ability, interests, and demonstratedproductivity of the candidate are more important thanthe exact nature of their previous research experience.Salary for this position will be $18,000 to $22,000,depending on qualifications and experience. For consid-eration, send curriculum vitae, including the names,addresses, and telephone numbers of at least two refer-ences to: Dana W. Aswad, School of Biological Sci-ences, 231 Steinhaus Hall, University of California,Irvine, CA 92717. The University of California is anEqual OpportunitylAffimativeAction Employer.

    POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH POSITIONParticipate in ongoing research into the biochemical

    mechanisms of transformation by SV40 and polyomaviruses. Studies involve the generation and characteriza-tion of mutant forms of the transforming proteins withthe aim of identifying domains and activities contribut-ing to oncogenic transformation. Approaches include invitro mutagenesis, gene fusion and expression, and bio-chemical analysis. Initial assignment is for 2 years. Inter-ested applicants should send their curriculum vitae andthe names of three references to:

    Dr. Alan E. SmithDepartment SC612

    Integrated Genetics, Inc.31 New York Avenue

    Framingham, MA 01701An Equal Opportunity Employer

    PROFESSOR OF NEUROLOGY-The HarvardMedical School and its affiliated hospitals in the Long-wood Medical Area have initiated a search for the JamesJackson Putnam Professor ofNeurology whose responsi-bility it will be to direct the academic program at thesehospitals as well as at the Harvard-afiliated VeteransAdministration Medical Center. Substantial researchspace for the department will be available at the BethIsrael Hospital, the Brigham and Women's Hospital, andthe Children's Hospital Medical Center. The institutionsare seeking a well-established investigator in some aspectof basic or clinical neuroscience who is sufficiently con-cerned about clinical aspects of neurology to provide thekind of leadership that will assure a vigorous clinical andteaching program. He/she must have the administrativeand leadership skills to consolidate the activities ofa largenumber of academic neurologists now in several hospi-tals into a single department. Please send curriculumvitae and bibliography to: Eugene Braunwald, M.D.,Brigham and Women's Hospital, Department ofMedicine, 75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115.Harvard Medical School is an Equal OpportunitylAffirma-tive Action Employer. Qualifiedfemak and minority appli-cants are encouraged to apply.

    RENAL CLINICAL RESEARCH!CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIANNewly established renal laboratory in University-affili-

    ated hospital in Brooklyn Heights seeks technician withexperience in clinical research and statistical methods atthe master's or Ph.D. level. Some clinical laboratoryexperience (including microscopy, autoanalyzer, RIA,etc.) preferred. Good opportunity for motivated individ-ual. Please contact: Dr. Philip Goldwasscr at 718-780-1247. Strictest confidence is assured.


    PROTEIN CHEMISTJunior faculty level position for experienced protein

    chemist to conduct an independent research programwithin the Center for Neurologic Diseases, Brigham andWomen's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Suc-cessful applicant will participate in a research programdirected at the protein chemistry and molecular biologyof neuronal aggmg, particularly in Alzheimer's disease,and wi1 devop independent experiments in tandemwith ongoing research at the Center. Candidate will alsodirect a protein microsequencing facility requiring a 25to 30 percent time commitment. Prefer three plus yearsofproductive postdoctoral research, including expenencein protein purification and sequencing. Pending or se-cured grant support is desirabe. Sen curriculum vitaeand letter detailing experience to: Dr. Dennis J. Selkoe,Center for Neurologic Diseases, B gh-am and Wom-en's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 75 FrancisStreet, Boston, MA 02115. An Equal OpportunityEmployer.

    PROTEIN CHEMISTRY: Two postdoctoral/re-search associate positions available in the laboratory ofProfessor Timasheff, Brandeis University, to carry outresearch in protein chemistry. The areas of research are:(i) Mechamsms of protein- and protein assembly struc-tural stabilization by solvent additives and of solventmodulation of biological activity; (ii) mechanisms ofinteraction of anticancer drugs with tubulin and conse-quent inhibition of microtubule formation; linkages be-tween drug binding and tubulin polymerization, andeffects of structural modifications and structural simplifi-cations of the drug molecules on interactions with tubu-lin; (iii) pathways of tubulin self-assembly and ligand(nucleotides, ionic species) control of the end productsformed (microtubules, rings, sheets); and (iv) solutionmapping of the surface of the tubulin molecule bydistance measurements between the various ligandingsites (GTP, cations, drugs and drug moieties) usingenergy transfer fluorescence and resonance techniques,and changes in topography induced by the binding ofvarious ligands. bend applications to: Dr. Serge N.Timasheff, Graduate Department of Biochemistry,Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02254. EqualOpportunitylAffirmative Acon Employer.

    RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (MEDICAL RE-SEARCHER): Will perform medical research pertainingto the cardiovascular, metabolic, and nutritional assess-ments of enldotoxin-induced shock. Will perform hemo-dynamic and liver function studies by cannulating carotidarteries, jugular veins, and portal veins in rats and dogs todetermine cardiovascular measurements such as cardiacoutput and heart rate. Will perform such measurementsusing Roche dye-dilution densitometer, Roller Holterpump, Gould Universal amplifier, and X-Y plotter. Willprepare necessary biological samples after performingproper dissection. Will report to various societies onfindings as well as instruct medical students and medicalstaff on proper research techniques and findings as theyrelate to any particular medical specialty. Requires M.D.or Ph.D. in physiology. Also requires 2 years of experi-ence in the job to be performed. Experience must includecannulation of carotid arteries, jugular veins, and portalveins in rats and dogs as well as use of this equipment:Roche dye-dilution densitometer, Roller Holter pump,Gould Universal amplifier and X-Y plotter. Hours, 8:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 40 hours per week at $35,000 per yearsalary. This is a university position. Please send resumeto: Illinois Department ofEmployment Secunity, 401South State, 3 South, Chicago, IL 60605, Attention:Leonard Bokska, Reference #6756-B. An employer-paid ad.

    RESEARCH ASSOCIATE/MOLECULAR VI-ROLOGIST: We are seeking a scientist with expertise inmolecular biology to direct research in an active retrovir-ology laboratory. Salary is commensurate with experi-ence. Curriculum vitae and three letters of recommenda-tion should be submitted to: Lionel Resnick, M.D.,ChiefofRetrovirology Laboratories, Departments ofDernatology and Pathology, Mount Sinai MedicalCenter, 4300 Alton Road, Miami Beach, FL 33140.An Equal OpportunitylAffirmativeAction Employer.

    SCIENCE, VOL. 236



    The Garvan Institute ofMedical Research has severalpostdoctoral positions availablein molecular and cellularbiology. Applicants should haveexperience in techniques ofmodern molecular biology andwill join world class researchteams investigating themolecular mechanismsresponsible for diabetes,osteoporosis, senile dementiaand cancer. In particularvacancies exist for work on DNApolymorphisms in Type IIdiabetes, steroid hormoneregulation of gene expression,molecular genetics ofosteoporosis and the role ofgrowth factors in control ofbreast and prostate cancer.

    Applicants should send acurriculum vitae including thenames oftwo referees to:Dr. John Shine,Deputy Director,GARVAN INSTITUTEOFMEDICALRESEARCH,St Vincent's Hospital,Darlinghurst,2010Syny NSW 2010 1


    FOR BIOMEDICINE announces the establishment ofa Department of Cellular Biochemistry. The Insti-tute, which is non-profit, is seeking a highly moti-vated SENIOR INVESTIGATOR with establishedleadership capabilities to serve as Chairman. Thisdepartment, which will occupy