persian greatness persia was a vast, multi-ethnic empire that controlled more than 35 million...

Download Persian Greatness Persia was a vast, multi-ethnic empire that controlled more than 35 million people. Their Monarchs had absolute power but they allowed

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The Early Greek World *Greece was MUCH smaller and more decentralized (Remember…city states) *It had a scattered population of 2-3 million people. *Its city-states were fiercely independent and fought amongst themselves. Some had monarchies, some had democracy; some had a mix! Persia had a clear cut monarchy! * There was not as much cultural diversity: every Greek followed the same basic religion and had the same language


Persian Greatness Persia was a vast, multi-ethnic empire that controlled more than 35 million people. Their Monarchs had absolute power but they allowed local autonomy: many languages and religions flourished in Persia. The Empire was divided into satrapies or provinces. Each satrapy had a governor (a satrap) who relayed the wishes of the Monarch. Eyes of the King supervised the satraps and made sure they remained loyal. Persian Monarchs & Absolutism Persian monarchs had conquered much of the known world. They did not believe that any power could defeat them. The Greeks seemed like puny irritants to them. NO FEAR! Darius I will start the conflict with Greece. His son, Xerxes will finish the war The Early Greek World *Greece was MUCH smaller and more decentralized (Remembercity states) *It had a scattered population of 2-3 million people. *Its city-states were fiercely independent and fought amongst themselves. Some had monarchies, some had democracy; some had a mix! Persia had a clear cut monarchy! * There was not as much cultural diversity: every Greek followed the same basic religion and had the same language Greek Obstacles to victory: City-States are not unified Athens and Sparta HATE each other Persia is an enormous empire that is far more organized and has far more people The Greek Way: Trade, not Conquest The Effects of Greek Colonization Greece had built cities in Ionia, an area Persia considered to be inside its sphere of influence. Greek city-states were not powerful enough to assert themselves over long distances: the city-states could not rule their colonies Greece had far less political unity than Persia: It was more tribal, more democratic Individual Greeks cherished their ability to live independently The idea of living within a foreign empire like Persia sickened and frightened them Athens sent troops over to Ionia (colonization site) to help them fight off the Persians. They did not win, but it sent a message to Darius I The Greeks were motivated to fight. Why did Persia want to fight Greece? Reason 1: To expand & consolidate the empire. The Greeks controlled many trade routes and the Persians wanted control! Reason 2: Revenge (thought Athenians were arrogant for thinking they could win) After the Athenians helped Ionians to fight the Persians, Darius was so outraged by their arrogance that he started planning his attack. To motivate him, he had a slave whisper in his ear every night: Master-remember the Athenians Reason 3: Thought Greek land to be wealthy, plentiful, and useful When the Persians invade at Marathon (490 B.C.E.) the Athenians are all alone! Its one city- state against an Empire! Results of the battle: 6,400 Persians dead 192 Athenians dead Athens wins! Athens emerges as THE military might in Greece The victory was so important that a messenger ran 26 miles to deliver the good news to Athens! He died from exhaustion immediately after the message was delivered It takes 10 years for the Persians to re-group and try again. This time it is Emperor Xerxes turn My intent is to throw a bridge over the Hellespont and march an army against Greece, that thereby I may obtain vengeance from the Athenians for the wrongs committed by them against the Persians and against my father. Your own eyes saw the preparations of Darius against these men; but death came upon him, and balked his hopes of revenge. In his behalf, therefore, and in behalf of all the Persians, I undertake the war, and pledge myself not to rest till I have taken and burnt Athens -Xerxes as told by Herodotus Engineering the Persian Invasion Persian Monarch Xerxes had to get his army into Greece. That meant he had to cross the sea, so he picked a place known as the Hellespont. He built a giant bridge across the area. It was not easy! Engineering Troubles! When a storm sank his bridge across the Hellespont, Xerxes got angry. His warriors lashed the sea 300 times and dropped chains into the water to display his power. He also had his engineers beheaded. The next bridge lasted. Attack layout of Persians How did Greece prepare for the Persian invasion? Officials from Athens came to Delphi to ask for a prophecy. The Oracle told the Athenians they would win with timber but that no Spartans would return In your pods discuss what your plan would be if you were an Athenian at this time. BE SPECIFIC! I. Create an un-easy alliance with Sparta Sparta is also alarmed by the Persian invasion They do not want Athens to have another solo victoryThey want to share in the glory! This is called the Pan-Hellenic League and is the first example of Greek nationalism! II. Build up the Navy The Athenian statesman Themistocles convinces the Athenians to build up their Navy They go from 70 warships to 200! The Mountain Pass of Thermopylae: 7,000 Greeks against 300,000 Persians! Why would the Greeks want to fight here? SEE YOUR VIDEO NOTES FOR THE ANSWER IF YOU WANT TO REWATCH THE VIDEO GO TO HISTORY.COM ITS CALLED THE LAST STAND OF THE 300 KILL ZONE The Phalanx This is what the Persians were marching into! The Greeks would have won but. The Persians were able to cut around the pass and encircle the Greeks In order to allow the other Greeks a chance to escape and re-group, King Leonidas and 300 Spartans face the ENTIRE Persian Army All 300 are killed. They sacrifice themselves to save Greece. The Oracle was right about the Spartans.Now the Persians are marching to Athens! Athens will be saved by timber.What does that mean?!!?!?! Themistocles decides that the timber is the Navy ALL of Athens is evacuated People, art, valuables Similar to Thermopylae: The Persians got stuck in a bottleneck and were then trapped! Thats it for the Persians! Xerxes has enough and goes back to Asia He learns his lesson: Dont mess with the Greeks! Review! How did Greece prepare and win 1. Formed an alliance with Sparta 2. Picked battle sites that would give them the upper hand: Ex.: Battle of Thermopylae- Spartans picked Thermopylae b/c it was a strategic position. It allowed them to take away the Persian advantage (more numbers Ex. Tricked Persian Navy (Battle of Salamis) 3. Implemented brilliant military strategies Use of the phalanx to protect their men (and keep their army numbers high!) Persian Wars: Famous Battles Marathon (490 BCE) GREEK VICTORY 26 miles from Athens The Greeks had endurance! Thermopylae (480 BCE) PERSIAN VICTORY 300 Spartans at the Mountain pass Salamis (480 BCE) GREEK VICTORY Athenian navy victorious This was more than 2,000 years ago, who cares? Epic battles occurred that enhanced cultural pride among the Greeks Creates a sense of nationalism. Greeks are the same ethnicity, speak the same language and worship the same gods. Maybe a united Greek empire isnt so crazy after all? Who cares? The Delian League was formed and allowed Athenian power to increase but this hurt alliances! (more on this in a few days) Even the artwork changed. Before the Persians invaded statues smiledduring the Persian Wars the statues frowned! But most importantly. PRESERVES DEMOCRACY!!! The Greeks exported democracy to the world Western-Style government and culture is rooted in ancient Greece. Had the Persians won, who knows what the world would look like today. This is a BIG deal. Seriously.