performance evaluation of power transmission …


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ID: 102237-P



January, 2018

Gazipur, Bangladesh






Md. Dara Abdus Satter

ID: 102237-P


Dr. Md. Raju Ahmed


Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering




January, 2018

Gazipur, Bangladesh

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The thesis titled “Performance Evaluation of Power Transmission System in Bangladesh” submitted

by Md. Dara Abdus Satter, Student ID: 102237P, Session: 2010-2011 has been accepted as satisfactory

in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering on

January 30, 2018.


1 ………………….………………………… (Prof. Dr. Md. Raju Ahmed) Head of the Department Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur


(Supervisor) & Member (Ex-officio)

2 ………………….………………………… (Prof. Dr. M. Bashir Uddin) Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur


3 ………………….………………………… (Prof. Dr. Md. Anwarul Abedin) Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur


4 ………………….………………………… (Prof. Dr. Md. Saifuddin Faruk) Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur


5 ………………….………………………… (Prof. Dr. Pran Kanai Saha) Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka

Member (External)

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This is to certify that this thesis work entitled "Performance Evaluation of Power Transmission

System in Bangladesh" submitted by Md. Dara Abdus Satter bearing ID 102237 (P) is a

bonafide thesis work carried out under the supervision and guidance of Professor Dr. Md. Raju

Ahmed and fulfilling the nature and standard required for the partial fulfilment of the degree

of Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The work embodied in this

thesis has not been submitted elsewhere for a degree.

(Md. Dara Abdus Satter)

Student ID: 102237-P

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur

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I will forever be grateful to the almighty Allah, the king of kings, for giving me grace to

complete this research work. I am very grateful for the unrivalled support I enjoyed from my

amiable supervisor, Professor Dr. Md. Raju Ahmed. His guidance, encouragement and

constructive criticisms of the research work at every stage made it a success. I am also greatly

indebted to Professor Dr. M Shamsul Alam, of Daffodil International University, for his

valuable suggestion and direction to accomplish the study. I am grateful to Engr. Md. Imdadul

Islam, Executive Director, operation and planning of the power grid company of Bangladesh,

for providing advice and support along with necessary data from various departments of PGCB

during whole study period.

My special thanks go to all staff and faculty members, especially Professor Dr. Md. Bashir

Uddin, Professor Dr. Md. Anwarul Abedin and Professor Dr. Md. Saifuddin Faruk of the

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Dhaka University of Engineering and

Technology, Gazipur.

I cannot but mention the support and encouragement I enjoyed from my family members, very

especially from my parents and wife Mufti Minna. I will also like to mention the

encouragements from my friends and colleagues. I am also grateful to all the batch mates

of the M. Sc, Electrical and Electronic Engineering ‘10 batch.

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Availability of electric power has been the most powerful vehicle for facilitating economic,

industrial and social developments of any nation. Electric power is transmitted by means of

transmission lines which deliver bulk power from generating stations to load centers and

consumers. Therefore it is essential to check the performance of power transmission network.

This research efforts to develop the framework and define parameters, which can be used to

evaluate the operational (financial and technical) performance of Bangladesh power

transmission system. A set of performance indicators are selected and used to evaluate the

performance of the Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB). The selected key

performance parameter comprises system availability indicators (Transmission line and

transformer availability, system average frequency of outages of transmission line and

transformer), transmission system power quality indicators (transmission losses, voltage and

frequency deviation index), supply security indicators (energy not supplied, system minutes

lost), transmission system asset utilization indicators (capacity factor, transmission

transformer utilization factor), financial indicators (Current ratio, interest and debt service

coverage ratio etc.), commercial indicators (account receivable days, revenue growth rate, bad

debts etc.), maintenance cost related indicators and social impact indicators. All these KPI’s

have specific standard equations to measure their value. This thesis also evaluates the selected

key performance indicators (KPIs) during last three fiscal years (2013-2014 to 2015-2016) of

Bangladesh Power Transmission Grid. The obtained results are analyzed and explained in

terms of KPIs. By analyzing these results a company can monitor the trend of different KPIs,

take necessary actions, plan for future expansion, set targets for upcoming years and

comparison can be made with international benchmarks. Ultimately which will help to

improve the transmission system performance. This research may be used as a guideline to

formulate a development plan for Bangladesh power transmission system standardization.

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CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................ iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................... iv

ABSTARCT ...........................................................................................................................................v

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................x

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................. xii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................1

1.1 Prologue ..........................................................................................................................................1

1.2 Literature Review ...........................................................................................................................1

1.3 Problem Statement ..........................................................................................................................4

1.4 Research Objective .........................................................................................................................4

1.5 Possible Outcome ...........................................................................................................................5

1.6 Thesis Outline .................................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER 2 PRESENT STATUS OF BANGLADESH POWER SYSTEM ......................................6

2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................6

2.2 Bangladesh Power System at a Glance ...........................................................................................7

2.3 Electricity Generation .....................................................................................................................8

2.3.1 Generation Capacity ..............................................................................................................9

2.3.2 Forecasted Demand .............................................................................................................11

2.3.3 Generation Planning ............................................................................................................13

2.3.4 Maximum Generation ..........................................................................................................14

2.4 Electricity Distribution .................................................................................................................15

2.5 Electricity Transmission ...............................................................................................................15

2.5.1 Geo Map of Bangladesh Power Transmission Network ......................................................17

2.5.2 Transmission Grid Network.................................................................................................18

2.5.3 Transmission Lines ..............................................................................................................19 400 kV transmission lines .....................................................................................19 230 kV Transmission Lines ..................................................................................19

Page | vii 132 kV Transmission Lines ..................................................................................20

2.5.4 Grid Substations ...................................................................................................................25

2.6 Cross Border Electricity Trade .....................................................................................................28

2.7 Steps Taken for Enhancing Power Sector in Bangladesh .............................................................29

2.8 Summary .......................................................................................................................................30


POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM .................................................................................................32

3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................32

3.2 Identification of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ...................................................................32

3.3 Proposed Key Performance Indicators .........................................................................................33

3.3.1 Technical Performance Indicators .......................................................................................34

3.3.2 Financial and Commercial Performance Indicators .............................................................35

3.3.3 Efficiency Performance Indicators ......................................................................................36

3.3.4 Social Impact KPIs ..............................................................................................................36

3.4 Definition of Key Performance Indicators ....................................................................................37

3.4.1 Technical KPIs .....................................................................................................................37 Transmission Line Interruption Duration per Year ..............................................37 Overall System Unavailability – Transmission Lines ..........................................37 Transmission Line Availability ............................................................................38 Substation Transformer Interruption Duration per Year ......................................38 System Transmission Transformer Unavailability ...............................................38 Transmission Transformer Availability ................................................................39 System Average Frequency of Outages of Transmission Line per Year ..............39 System Average Frequency of Outages of Substation Transformer per Year ......39 System Average Frequency of Outages per km....................................................40 Average Circuit Outage Duration (ACOD) ........................................................40 Average Transformer Outage Duration (ATOD) ...............................................40 Transmission Losses ...........................................................................................41 Force Outage Rate (FOR) ...................................................................................41

Page | viii Energy Not Supplied (ENS) ...............................................................................41 Average Interruption Time (AIT) .......................................................................42 System Minute Loss (SML) ...............................................................................42 System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) ....................................42 System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) ......................................42 Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) ..................................43 Transmission Transformer Utilization Factor ....................................................43 Capacity factor (CF) ...........................................................................................43 Overall Reliability of System .............................................................................44 Incremental Cost per Unit Incremental Energy Transmission (IC/IET) .............44 Voltage Deviation Index (VDI) ..........................................................................44 Frequency Deviation Index (FDI) ......................................................................44

3.4.2 financial and Commercial KPIs ...........................................................................................45 Main camp service profit margin ..........................................................................45 Total assets turnover rate ......................................................................................45 Sales Growth Rate (SGR) .....................................................................................45 Return on RAB .....................................................................................................45 Current Ratio ........................................................................................................46 Gearing Ratio ........................................................................................................46 Interest Service Coverage Ratio ...........................................................................46 Debt Service Coverage Ratio ...............................................................................46 Accounts Receivable Days ...................................................................................47 Bad Debts ...........................................................................................................47 Working Capital .................................................................................................47 Operating Cost/Sales ..........................................................................................47 Revenue Growth rate ..........................................................................................48 EBIT or Operating margin ..................................................................................48 Transmission Line Maintenance Cost Index (OHTLMCI) .................................48 Substation Maintenance Cost Index (SSMCI) ....................................................48

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3.4.3 Efficiency KPIs ....................................................................................................................49 Installed Capacity per employee ...........................................................................49 Energy Transmitted Per Employee .......................................................................49 Kilometer of Network per Employee ...................................................................49 Operating Cost per Employee ...............................................................................49

3.5 Categorize the indicators according to importance .......................................................................50

3.6 Summary .......................................................................................................................................52

CHAPTER 4 CALCULATION AND ANALYSIS IN TERMS OF KPI ...........................................53

4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................53

4.2 Calculation and Analysis of Technical KPIs ................................................................................53

4.3 Analysis of Financial and Commercial KPIs ................................................................................69

4.4 Analysis of Efficiency KPIs .........................................................................................................74

4.5 Analysis of Social Impact KPIs ....................................................................................................75

4.6 Overview of the KPI .....................................................................................................................76

4.7 Suggestions to improve .................................................................................................................79

4.8 Summary .......................................................................................................................................80

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................81

5.1 Conclusions...................................................................................................................................81

5.2 Recommendations .........................................................................................................................83

PUBLICATIONS .................................................................................................................................85

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................86

APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................................90

Appendix A: Frequency and Voltage quality control ...................................................................90

Appendix B: Outage of Sub-Station Equipment due to Emergency Outages...............................92

Appendix C: Outage of Transmission lines due to Emergency Outages ......................................95

Appendix D: Outage of Sub-Station due to Schedule Outages ....................................................99

Appendix E: Outage of Transmission Lines due to Scheduled Outages ....................................101

Appendix F: Maximum & Minimum Voltages of Grid Sub-Stations ........................................103

Appendix G: Sub-Station Maximum Load .................................................................................106

Appendix H: Transmission System Data ....................................................................................111

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Figure No. Title Page No.

Figure 2.1 Power Sector Structure ............................................................................................ 8

Figure 4.1 Transmission line availability (FY 2015-16) ........................................................ 56

Figure 4.2 Transformer availability (FY 2015-16) ................................................................. 56

Figure 4.3 Line and Transformer Availability ........................................................................ 57

Figure 4.4 ACOD and ATOD ................................................................................................. 58

Figure 4.5 Trend of Outages Frequency ................................................................................. 61

Figure 4.6 Force Outage Rate ................................................................................................. 62

Figure 4.7 Trend in SAIFI ...................................................................................................... 62

Figure 4.8 Trend in SAIDI ...................................................................................................... 63

Figure 4.9 Transmission Loss (FY 2015-16) .......................................................................... 63

Figure 4.10 Trends of Transmission Losses ........................................................................... 65

Figure 4.11 Substation Loss .................................................................................................... 66

Figure 4.12 Capacity factor ..................................................................................................... 68

Figure 4.13 Profit margin ........................................................................................................ 70

Figure 4.14 Trend in current ratio ........................................................................................... 70

Figure 4.15 Trend in interest and debt service coverage ratio ................................................ 71

Figure 4.16 Tendency of asset turnover rate and sales growth rate ........................................ 72

Figure 4.17 Accounts receivable ............................................................................................. 72

Figure 4.18 Trends of working capital and operating cost/sales. ........................................... 73

Figure 4.19 Revenue growth rate ............................................................................................ 73

Figure 4.20 Installed capacity and km of network per employee ........................................... 74

Figure 4.21 Energy Transmitted per Employee ...................................................................... 75

Figure 4.22 Operating cost per employee ............................................................................... 75

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Table No. Title Page No.

Table 2.1 Present Installed Generation Capacity (owner wise) ..............................................................9

Table 2.2 Installed Capacity of BPDB Power Plants (fuel type) ..........................................................10

Table 2.3 Installed Capacity of BPDB Power Plants (plant type) ........................................................10

Table 2.4 Dreaded Capacity of BPDB Power Plants as on January 2018 ............................................11

Table 2.5 Demand Forecast 2010-2030 ................................................................................................12

Table 2.6 Sector wise short term Power Generation Plan ....................................................................13

Table 2.7 Long term Generation planning ............................................................................................14

Table 2.8 Eleven year maximum generation ........................................................................................14

Table 2.9 Distribution line by company wise (up to FY 2015-2016) ...................................................15

Table 2.10 Summary of the power development plan up to 2020 ........................................................30

Table 3.1 Technical KPIs .....................................................................................................................34

Table 3.2 Financial and Commercial KPIs ...........................................................................................35

Table 3.3 Efficiency KPIs ....................................................................................................................36

Table 3.4 Efficiency KPIs ....................................................................................................................36

Table 4.1 Transmission Line Availability (June’ 16) ...........................................................................54

Table 4.2 Substation Availability (June’ 16) ........................................................................................54

Table 4.3 Interruption duration of transmission lines ...........................................................................55

Table 4.4 Transformer outage duration ................................................................................................55

Table 4.5 Availability Indicators ..........................................................................................................57

Table 4.6 ACOD and ATOD ................................................................................................................58

Table 4.7 Interruption due to substation equipment .............................................................................59

Table 4.8 Interruption due to transmission line problem ......................................................................59

Table 4.9 Reliability KPIs ....................................................................................................................60

Table 4.10 Force Outage Rate ..............................................................................................................61

Table 4.11 Calculated Loss (FY 2013-14) ...........................................................................................64

Table 4.12 Calculated Loss (FY 2014-15) ...........................................................................................64

Table 4.13 Supply security indicators ..................................................................................................67

Table 4.14 Financial Indices .................................................................................................................69

Table 4.15 Commercial Indices ............................................................................................................71

Table 4.16 Efficiency indicators ...........................................................................................................74

Table 4.17 Satisfactory KPIs ................................................................................................................77

Table 4.18 Below Standard KPIs .........................................................................................................78

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AC Alternating Current

ACOD Average Circuit Outage Duration

AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process

AID Average Incident Duration

AIT Average Interruption Time

APSCL Ashuganj Power Station Company Ltd

ATOD Average Transformer Outage Duration

ATR Asset Turnover rate

BDT Bangladeshi Taka

BERC Bangladesh Electricity Regulatory Commission

BPDB Bangladesh Power Development Board

CAIDI Customer Average Interruption Duration Index

CAIFI Customer Average Interruption Frequency Index

CEA Canadian Electric Association

CPGCBL Coal based Power Generation Company Bangladesh Ltd

CZPDC Central Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd

DC Direct Current

DESCO Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd

DPDC Dhaka Power Division Company Ltd

EBIT Earnings Before Interest and Tax

EGCB Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh

ENS Energy Not Supplied

FCO Frequency of Transmission Circuit Outages

FDI Frequency Deviation Index

FTO Frequency of Transformer Outages

FVSI Fast voltage stability index

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GOB Government of Bangladesh

HFO Heavy Fuel Oil

HSD High Speed Diesel

HVDC High Voltage Direct Current

IPPs Independent Power Producers

Page | xiii

KPA Key Performance Area

KPI Key Performance Indicator

kWHr Kilo Watt- hour

LDC Load Dispatch Center



MIS Management Information System

MPEMR Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources

MVA Mega Volt Ampere

MW Mega Watt

NWPGCL North West Power Generation Company Ltd

NWZPDCL North West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd

NZPDC North Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd

OETC Oman Electric Transmission Company

OHTLMCI Overhead Transmission Line Maintenance Cost Indicator

PGCB Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd.

PSMP Power System Master Plan

RAB Regulatory asset base

RE Reciprocating Engine

REB Rural Electrification Board

RPCL Rural Power Company Ltd

SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index

SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index

SARI System Average Restoration Index

SGR Sales Growth Rate

SISI System Average Interruption Severity Index

SMCI Substation Maintenance Cost Indicator

SSMCI System Substation Maintenance Cost Indicator

SZPDC South Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd

TB-BM Bus minutes of load interruption

TB-LPLP Bus based transmission loss of load probability

TL-AIDI Transmission lines Average Interruption Duration Index

TL-AIFI Transmission lines Average Interruption Frequency Index

Page | xiv

TLMCI Transmission Line Maintenance Cost Indicator

T-LPLP Transmission loss of load probability

TR-AIDI Transformer Average Interruption Duration Index

TR-AIFI Transformer Average Interruption Frequency Index

T-SM System minutes of load interruption due to transmission

VCPI voltage collapse proximity indicators

VDI Voltage Deviation Index

WASP Weigh Automatic System Planning Package

WZPDCO West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd

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In today’s modern and energy-hungry world electrical power is one of the most important

issues for sustainable development. It is also required to ensure reliable and affordable

transportation of electrical power from generation to the end users sometimes termed as

prosumer. That is why, power system network is the critical backbone of modern society.

Bangladesh, officially People republic of Bangladesh, is a large populated country and its

current population is 160.995642 million (as per world bank data up to 2015) [1]. Though

total energy consumption per GDP tends to decrease until the middle of the 2020s, it is

expected to turn upward and, in 2041, reach the same level as the actual figure in 2014

(3.42 toe/million BDT) [2]. Bangladesh established a master plan towards achieving the

overall energy sector policy goal. The forecasted/projected demand in 2041 using GDP

Elasticity method (base case) is 51000MW [2]. There need a huge development in power

system to meet this demand. As transmission system is one of the vital parts of power

system, it is essential to assess, monitor and evaluate the performance. By this way we can

rationalize the current efficiency and plan for future.

The objective of this research is to develop the framework and define parameters, which

can be used to evaluate the operational (financial and technical) performance of Bangladesh

power transmission system. In power system master plan 2016 [2] key performance areas

have been selected. Based on energy policy goal, these areas are encourage investment,

growth and financial sustainability of resources, ensure sustainable use of resources and

ensure safe, reliable and security of energy. From these point of view key performance

indicators need to be selected considering financial, commercial, technical, efficiency and

social impact aspect for power transmission system.


Electricity transmission companies normally measure their performance by using various

types of qualitative and quantitative assessments. They measure achievements of their

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objectives through monitoring number of performance indicators. Performance Indicators

are the parameters that are related to transmission lines or transformers availability, service

continuity or voltage wave. The indicators for the present technical performance of the

transmission system are useful when planning the future developments to ensure a high

degree of reliability of the transmission system.

Reliability is considered to be a key element in power system operation and planning. The

term ‘power system reliability’ can be defined as a measure of the ability of an electric

power system to provide acceptable electricity supply [3].

Methods for power system reliability evaluation have been developed over the past 40 years

[4–6]. B. Porretta et al. selected adequacy indices T-LPLP (Transmission loss of load

probability), TB-LPLP (Bus based transmission loss of load probability), T-SM (System

minutes of load interruption due to transmission), TB-BM (Bus minutes of load

interruption) in 1991 [7].

CIGRE Study Committee C2 and JWG B3/C2-14 Task Force 02 recommended the Key

Performance Indicators [8] as System Availability Indicators (e.g. Energy Not Supplied

(ENS), Average Interruption Time (AIT), System Minute Lost (SML), Reliability

Indicators (e.g. System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), Customer Average

Interruption Frequency Index (CAIFI)), Service Quality Indicators (e.g. System Average

Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), Customer Average Interruption Duration Index

(CAIDI), Average Incident Duration (AID) etc.), maintenance quality indicators (e.g.


Samir and Hamed used the indicators SAIFI, SAIDI, SARI and SISI by way of performance

evaluation of transmission system in Egypt [9]. Reducing the values of SAIFI and SAIDI

over years reflect the improvement of the interruption performance. Higher the value of

SARI indicates the supply restoration required long time.

Oman Electric Transmission Company (OETC) analyze Operational and Safety

performance, Financial Performance, System Availability and transmission losses as

evaluation performance indicators [10]. Analyzing these indicators they found their system

availability 99.23%, reliability of the system 99.994% and average interruption time 34

minutes in the year 2013 [11].

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In some cases more specifically indicators for only transmission line and transformers such

as TR-AIFI (Transformer Average Interruption Frequency Index), TR-AIDI (Transformer

Average Interruption Duration Index), TL-AIFI (Transmission lines Average Interruption

Frequency Index), TL-AIDI (Transmission lines Average Interruption Duration Index) are

used to examine transmission system performance. Also requirements of reliability indices

SAIFI, SAIDI and CAIFI threshold defined as “Each one for the twelve months ending on

the second assessment date is less than the three years average” [12].

On the other hand, some cases voltage stability indices such as Line stability index (Lmn),

Fast voltage stability index (FVSI), Line stability factor (Lqp) and voltage collapse

proximity indicators (VCPI) are taken into account for performance evaluation [13]. With

respect to increase in load, line with highest index will be treated as the critical line.

Siqueira and Souza [14] make analysis on interruption frequencies, interruption duration,

Expected demand not supplied (EDNS), Loss of load probabilities (LOLP), Loss of load

expectation (LOLE), CAIFI, CAIDI, Loss of customer probability (LOCP) for evaluating


At the same time Jako kilter et al. mentioned to evaluate harmonics, flicker, unbalance,

voltage dips and swells, interruptions as benchmarking indices [15]. They recommended to

calculate 95th percentile value of all site indices for harmonics, flicker and unbalance. In

[16], evaluation index system discussed from two point of view, operational or technical

efficiency and economic efficiency. These two are also sub-categorized as Index of

operation efficiency, reliability, equipment utilization, coordination, business efficiency

and social benefits. These index are evaluated by Analytic hierarchy Process (AHP),

increasing the results through consecutive years means the evaluation ranking is fine,

tending to on “good” level [17-18].

Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka set performance indicators for measuring the

performance of electrical power transmission system by using various types of qualitative

and quantitative assessments [19]. The commission using Transmission system availability

indicators (e.g. Transmission line interruption duration per year), power quality indicators

(e.g. Frequency and Voltage excursions), supply security indicators (e.g. ENS, SML), asset

utilization and maintenance cost indicators (e.g. TLMCI, SMCI). In Australia, Average

Circuit Outage Duration (ACOD), Frequency of Transmission Circuit Outages (FCO),

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Average Transformer Outage Duration (ATOD), Frequency of Transformer Outages

(FTO), SAIDI and SAIFI are using as KPI of transmission system performance [20].


It is a well-known empirical evidence that electric power grids are inherently prone to

frequent disturbances of different sizes. System and network performance standards are

important issues in modern power system as they ensure the efficient and secure

functioning of the power system and appropriate quality of electricity supply. Therefore

there is a demand for common indicators that enable system operators and others to evaluate

their performance. These indicators measure the reliability of electric power service and

reflect operational problems. Moreover, they can also be used as a tool to compare or

benchmark the power system performance among utilities.

In many countries they have some standard methods to evaluate the performance of

transmission system [21-22]. However, in Bangladesh there is no systematic methods for

evaluating and planning the power transmission system. For that reason research is needed

to develop systematic ways and specific indicators to evaluate the performance of power

transmission system for its standardization and optimal operation of power transmission

system, as well as sustainable development which is the main objective of this research.

This thesis is intended to identify the key performance indicators and their definitions

which are currently used worldwide to assess the technical and financial performance of

transmission systems.


Through systematic methods, a set of indicators will be determined to evaluate and

standardize the power transmission system to improve the technical and financial


The specific aims of this research are summarized as follows:

a) To study the structure and status of power transmission system of Bangladesh.

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b) To review the standard indicators used for performance evaluation of power

transmission system.

c) To identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) for Bangladesh power

transmission system.

d) Finally assess the performance in terms of KPIs with respect to benchmark.


There is no systematic and cumulative methods to evaluate the power transmission system

performance of Bangladesh. It is expected that, a guideline will be available as an output

of this research to formulate a development plan for Bangladesh power transmission system

standardization and this will play an important role in the sustainable development of

energy sector. And as this is the very first research in Bangladesh under this area, this will

work as pioneer for transmission system evaluation and planning.


This thesis consists of five chapters, and the main content of each chapter is described as


Chapter 1: This chapter introduces the background of key performance indicators for

transmission system evaluation, statement of the problem, objectives and possible outcome

of the research.

Chapter 2: This chapter mainly deals with the present situation and future planning of

Bangladesh power system. Detail of transmission system is described in this chapter.

Chapter 3: The definition and rationale of the selected key performance indicators for

transmission system evaluation is presented in this chapter. The equations for proposed

parameters are given briefly in this section.

Chapter 4: The analysis of calculated result, tables and figures are demonstrated in terms

of key performance indicators (KPIs) in this portion.

Chapter 5: The findings of the study and recommendations are given in this chapter.

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Bangladesh is a country in South Asia. It has made great strides in improving the lives of

its people since gaining independence in 1971.

Bangladesh's energy infrastructure is quite small, insufficient and poorly managed. The per

capita energy consumption in Bangladesh is one of the lowest (407 KWh) in the world [25].

Bangladesh has small reserves of oil and coal, but very large natural gas resources.

Commercial energy consumption is mostly natural gas (around 66%), followed by oil,

hydropower and coal.

Electricity is the major source of power for most of the country's economic activities.

Bangladesh's installed electric generation capacity including Captive Power has increased

to 13,846 + 2,200 = 16,046 MW (as on December’ 2017) [2]; only three-fourth of which is

considered to be ‘available. Present generation of electric power in Bangladesh is not

sufficient to meet the consumers growing demand. So it is not possible to ensure a constant

supply of electric power to all consumers throughout the country. Only 76% of the

population has access to electricity with a per capita availability of 407 kWh per annum,

which is low compared to other developing countries. Problems in the Bangladesh's

electric power sector include corruption in administration, high system losses and delays in

completion of new plants, low plant efficiency, erratic power supply, electricity theft,

blackouts, and shortages of funds for power plant maintenance. Overall, the country's

generation plants have been unable to meet system demand over the past decade. Moreover

the demand is increasing day by day. It is essential to set up more generating station for

over demanding load. Shortage of power is serious problem and strong barrier for the

development of our country. Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has so many limitations to

set up sufficient power station. The current GOB has given top priority to development of

the sector considering its importance in overall development of the country. The GOB has

set the goal of providing electricity to all citizens by 2021. So it is necessary to have a deep

look on transmission system to carry this extra power efficiently.

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Different utilities are working under the guidance of Power Division, Ministry of Power,

Energy and Mineral Resources (MPEMR). Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Power,

Energy and Mineral Resources (MPEMR), the Power Division (PD) oversees the whole

electricity utility [23]. It has six generation, one transmission and five distribution entities.

Electricity is generated by the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB), a company

spun off from BPDB, Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and private power producers.

Generated electricity is supplied via the Power Grid Company of Bangladesh’s (PGCB)

power grid and then distributed by Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) and Dhaka

Electricity Supply Company (DESCO); BPDB and West Zone Power Distribution

Company Limited (WZPDCL) and Palli Bidyuit Samity (PBS) [24]. The organogram of

the power sector of Bangladesh is shown in Fig. 2.1. As transmission system is linking

between generation and distribution, the transmission licensees need to be concerned about

both the generation and distribution as well as transmission system.


Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)

Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited (APSCL)

Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh (EGCB)

North West Power Generation Company Limited (NWPGCL)

Rural Power Company Limited (RPCL)

Coal based Power Generation Company Bangladesh Limited (CPGCBL)

Independent Power Producers (IPPs)

Joint Venture

B-R Power Gen Limited


Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Limited (PGCB)


Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)

Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO)

Dhaka Power Division Company Limited (DPDC)

Page | 8

Rural Electrification Board (REB) through

Rural Electric Co-operatives called Palli Bidyut Samati (PBSs),

West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited (WZPDCO)

North West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited (NWZPDCL)

Formation Stage:

North Zone Power Distribution Company Limited (NZPDC)

South Zone Power Distribution Company Limited (SZPDC)

Central Zone Power Distribution Company Limited (CZPDC)

Figure 2.1 Power Sector Structure


Electrification of the capital city Dhaka began in 1901, only 19 years after New York and

13 years after London, by the then Nawab Khwaja Ahsanullah [26]. Later, an Electricity

Directorate was established in East Pakistan in 1948. There were few Steam Turbines in

Siddhirganj (maximum size 10MW), Chittagong and Khulna area at that time. In 1962, 40

MW Kaptai hydro-electric project was installed a 132kV transmission line between Dhaka

and Chittagong was commissioned. In 1971, after the independence of Bangladesh only

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3% of the population had access to electricity. It has been increased to 59.6% in 2012 [27].

However, 79 % percent of the connected consumers suffer from load-shedding, and 60%

of the consumers face low voltage supply [28].


The total generation capacity of Bangladesh is now 16,046 MW in December, 2017.

Bangladeshi Power sector is mainly divided by two sector, Public and private. The installed

generation capacity of the public sector is 7701 MW that is 56% of the total installed

capacity. On the other hand, it is 6145 in case of private sector that is 44% of the total

installed capacity [4]. The reasons for lower peak generation with respect to generation

capacity is (a) Some plants are out of operation for maintenance, rehabilitation and

overhauling (b) Capacity of some plants derated due to aging and (c) gas shortage. The

owner wise generation capacity mix as on December 2017 is given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Present Installed Generation Capacity (owner wise)

Public Sector Installed Generation Capacity (MW)

BPDB 4627

APSCL 1508

EGCB 622




Subtotal 7,701 (56%)

Private Sector

IPPs 3245


SIPPs (REB) 251

15 YR. Rental 169

3/5 YR. Rental 1721

Power Import 660

Subtotal 6,145 (44%)

TOTAL 13,846

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Also the generation capacity by fuel and plant type is given in Table 2.2 and 2.3

respectively. Though the installed capacity is 16, 046 MW, due to several causes it is

derated to 13, 147 MW which is listed in Table 2.4.

Table 2.2 Installed Capacity of BPDB Power Plants (fuel type)

Plant Type Total Capacity (in MW) Percentage in total

developed power

Gas 8934.00 64.52

HSD 880.00 6.36

HFO 2889.00 20.87

Coal 250.00 1.81

Hydro 230.00 1.66

Imported 660.00 4.77

Renewable 3.00 0.02

Total 13846.00 100%

Table 2.3 Installed Capacity of BPDB Power Plants (plant type)

Plant Type Total Capacity (in MW) Percentage in total

developed power

Steam Turbine (ST) 2194.00 19.12 %

Gas Turbine (GT) 1105.00 9.07 %

Combined Cycle 4959.00 30.29 %

Reciprocating Engine (RE) 4695.00 35.21%

Hydro 230.00 1.75 %

Imported 660.00 4.56 %

Solar PV 3.00 0.02

Total 13846.00 100%

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Table 2.4 Dreaded Capacity of BPDB Power Plants as on January 2018 [29]

Type Total Capacity (in MW) (%) Percentage in total

developed power

Coal 170.00 1.29 %

F. Oil 0.00 0 %

Gas 8161.00 62.07 %

HFO 2792.00 21.24 %

HSD 1134.00 8.63 %

Hydro 230.00 1.75 %

Imported 660.00 5.02 %

Total 13147.00 100 %


Demand of electricity is increasing rapidly due to enhanced economic activities in the

country with sustained GDP growth. At present growth of demand is about 10% [30] which

is expected to be more in the upcoming year. The maximum demand FY14-15 was 10283

MW [31] (as per PSMP 2010). The electricity development is required to be accelerated to

increase access and attain economic development. According to PSMP- 2016 Study year-

wise peak demand forecast is given in Table 2.5.

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Table 2.5 Demand Forecast 2010-2030

Fiscal Year Peak Demand (MW)

2010 6,454

2011 6,765

2012 7,518

2013 8,349

2014 9,268

2015 10,283

2016 11,405

2017 12,644

2018 14,014

2019 15,527

2020 17,304

2021 18,838

2022 20,443

2023 21,993

2024 23,581

2025 25,199

2026 26,838

2027 28,487

2028 30,134

2029 31,873

2030 33,708

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Generation Planning is the most important part of the power system and the reliability of

the whole power system depends largely on the reliability of power generating system [3].

The generation in the system should be such that it can supply the demand at all times under

the outage of normal maintenance and forced outage. To develop generation addition

sequence Power System Master Plan of 2016 used PC-based WASP (Weigh Automatic

System Planning Package) and PDPAT software. This software determines least-cost

generation addition sequences based upon the load characteristics, schedule maintenance,

forced outage, and reliability level plant cost etc. The least cost generation addition

sequence includes peak and base load plants of optimum unit size. Since then BPDB has

been using PC-based WASP for generation planning. Annual LOLP (LOSS-OF LOAD

PROBABILITY) of 2% is being used as reliability criteria. The equivalent to about 8


Indigenous natural gas, coal, nuclear, cross-border trade and hydro resources are mainly

considered for generation planning as fuel. In case of generation plant sitting regional

balance in generation is being given due importance. Other factors such as availability of

fuel, cooling water, transportation of heavy equipment, proximately to grid network and

load center etc. are also considered for plant sitting. Short term and long term generation

planning is given in Table 2.6 and 2.7 respectively [5].

Table 2.6 Sector wise short term Power Generation Plan

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total


sector 1015 1875 1289 1987 2011 750 8927


sector 481 213 1404 1402 1224 2658 7382

Imported 100 - 500 - - 400 1000

Total 1596 2088 3193 3389 3235 3808 17309

Page | 14

Table 2.7 Long term Generation planning

Year Capacity (MW)

2021 24000

2031 40000

2041 60000


The maximum generation of Bangladesh illustrated in Table 2.8 was 4130 MW in 2007 on

August 17 whereas, it was 7485 MW on 30 June, 2016. The maximum generation of the

history in Bangladesh was 9507 MW on October 18, 2017 [8].

Table 2.8 Eleven year maximum generation

Maximum generation in 2017 9507.00 MW as on 18/10/2017

Maximum generation in 2016 7485.00 MW as on 30/06/2016

Maximum generation in 2015 7349.00 MW as on 13/08/2015

Maximum generation in 2014 6886.00 MW as on 13/07/2014

Maximum generation in 2013 6254.00 MW as on 12/07/2013

Maximum generation in 2012 5999.00 MW as on 01/08/2012

Maximum generation in 2011 4925.50 MW as on 23/08/2011

Maximum generation in 2010 4698.5 MW as on 20/08/2010

Maximum generation in 2009 4296 MW as on 18/09/2009

Maximum generation in 2008 4036.7 MW as on 19/09/2008

Maximum generation in 2007 4130 MW as on 17/09/2007

Maximum generation in history 9507.00 MW as on 18/10/2017

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There are 5 Distribution companies in Bangladesh – Bangladesh Power Development

Board (BPDB), Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB), Dhaka Electric Supply

Company Ltd. (DESCO), Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd. (DPDC) and West

Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd. (WZPDC). GOB has taken several project in

different sector to provide electricity to the more consumer with its growing generation. At

present the total distribution line is 384000 circuit kilometer under this 5 companies [5].

The detail of distribution line is given in Table 2.9.

Table 2.9 Distribution line by company wise (up to FY 2015-2016)

Company Name Distribution Line

(Circuit km)

BPDB 41919

BREB 295309

DESCO 4319

DPDC 4698

WZPDC 10936

Total 357118


Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) is solely responsible for Operation,

Maintenance and Development of the transmission system of the Country for distribution

of generated electricity. The main operating function of PGCB is wheeling of energy from

BPDB power stations and Generation Companies to Distribution entities utilizing

transmission network. PGCB gets its energy wheeling charge from its clients (distribution

entities) at the rate fixed by Bangladesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC).

Page | 16

The PGCB took over about 1144 circuit km of 230 kV lines, 5255 circuit km of 132 kV

lines, six 230/132 kV substation and 63 number of 132/33 kV substations from BPDB and

DESA in different phases [32]. Transmission lines of the company up to June, 2016 stood

at 220.70 circuit km of 400 kV lines, 3185.166 circuit km of 230 kV lines, 6486.83 circuit

km of 132 kV lines and 1 no’s of 400 kV HVDC Back to Back Station, 1 number of

400/230kV substation, one 400/132kV substation, 19 numbers of 230/132 kV substation

and 91 numbers 132/33 KV substation. The company has taken infrastructure development

projects for further development of its operation.

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Transmission system consists of transmission lines and substations. The list of transmission

lines along with length is illustrated in this section [33]. 400 KV TRANSMISSION LINES

SN Name of Lines Length in

Route km

Length in

Circuit Km

No. of

Circuit Name Size Date of Commissioning


HVDC Bheramara-

Bangladesh Border


27.35 54.70 Double Twin Finch 1113 MCM 5th October 2013

2 Aminbazar-Meghnaghat 55.00 110.00 Double Quad Egret 636 MCM Commissioned at 230kV,

28th June 2014

3 Comilla(S)- Bangladesh

Border 28.00 56.00 Double Twin Finch 1113 MCM

Commissioned at 132kV,

21th December 2015

Total 110.35 220.70 230 KV TRANSMISSION LINES

SN Name of Lines Length in

Route km

Length in

Circuit Km

No. of

Circuit Name Size Date of Commissioning

1 Ghorasal-Ishurdi 175.00 350.00 Double Mallard 795 MCM

2 Tongi - Ghorasal 27.00 54.00 Double Mallard 795 MCM

3 Ghorasal - Ashuganj 44.00 88.00 Double Mallard 795 MCM

4 Raojan - Hathazari 22.50 45.00 Double Twin 300

5 Ashuganj - Comilla North 79.00 158.00 Double Finch 1113 MCM

6 Ghorasal - Rampura 50.00 100.00 Double Twin




7 Rampura - Haripur 22.00 44.00 Double Twin




8 Haripur - Meghnaghat 12.50 25.00 Double Twin




9 Meghnaghat - Hasnabad 24.50 49.00 Double Twin




10 Comilla North - Hathazari 151.00 302.00 Double Finch 1113 MCM

11 AES, Haripur - Haripur 2.40 4.80 Double Finch 1113 MCM

12 Comilla North - Meghnaghat 58.00 116.00 Double Twin




Page | 20

SN Name of Lines Length in

Route km

Length in

Circuit Km

No. of

Circuit Name Size Date of Commissioning

13 Tongi-Aminbazar 25.20 50.40 Double Twin




14 Aminbazar-Hasnabad 21.50 43.00 Double Twin




15 Siddhirganj 210 MW P/S -

Haripur 1.50 1.50 Single ACSR 600 sq. mm.

16 Ashuganj - Sirajganj 144.00 288.00 Double Twin



mm. 23rd November 2007

17 Khulna-Bheramara HVDC 176.50 353.00 Double Twin



mm. LILO: 5th October 2013

18 Bheramara HVDC-Ishurdi 10.10 20.20 Double Twin




19 Bogra-Barapukuria 106.00 212.00 Double Twin



mm. 28th June 2008

20 Sirajganj-Bogra 72.50 145.00 Double Twin



mm. 31st December 2008

21 Ishurdi-Baghabari 55.00 110.00 Double Twin




22 Baghabari-Sirajganj 38.00 76.00 Double Twin



mm. 24th April 2009

23 Fenchuganj-Bibiyana 33.19 67.37 Double Twin




05-10-2012 Single ckt,

31-08-2012 Single ckt.

24 Bibiyana-Comilla(N) 153.55 307.00 Double Twin



MCM 24-10-2012 Single ckt.

25 Aminbazar-Old Airport (O/H) 3.58 7.15 Double Twin



MCM 19-Nov-13

26 Aminbazar-Old Airport (U/G) 4.01 8.03 Double XLPE 2000 sq.

mm. 19-Nov-13

27 Siddhirganj-Maniknagar 11.00 22.00 Double Twin



MCM 17-May-14

28 Bhola-Barisal 62.50 125.00 Double Twin



MCM 18-Jun-15

Total 1586.02 3171.45 132 KV TRANSMISSION LINES

SN Name of Lines Length in

Route km

Length in

Circuit Km

No. of

Circuit Name Size Date of Commissioning

1 Shahjibazar-Brahmanbaria 57 114 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM 11th Feb 2011

2 Brahmanbaria-Ashuganj 16.5 33 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM 11th Feb 2011

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SN Name of Lines Length in

Route km

Length in

Circuit Km

No. of

Circuit Name Size Date of Commissioning

3 Ashuganj-Ghorasal 45.32 90.64 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

4 Ghorasal-Narsingdi 13.35 13.35 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

5 Narsingdi-Haripur 34.33 34.33 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

6 Ghorasal-Bhulta 29.1 29.1 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

7 Bhulta-Haripur 15.25 15.25 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

8 Haripur-Siddhirganj 2 4 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

9 Shahjibazar-Srimangal 36.2 72.4 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

10 Srimangal-Fenchuganj 49 98 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

11 Fenchuganj-Fenchuganj PS 3.66 14.64 Four Grosbeak 636 MCM

12 Fenchuganj-Sylhet 31.7 63.4 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

13 Sylhet-Chhatak 32.9 65.8 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

14 Kaptai-Hathazari 45 90 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

15 Hathazari-Feni 85.4 170.8 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

16 Feni-Comilla (N) 66 132 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

17 Comilla (N)- Daudkandi 55 110 Double Grosbeak/A

AAC 636 MCM 31st Dec 2010

18 Daudkandi-Sonargaon 61.7 123.4 Double Grosbeak/A


19 Sonargaon-Haripur 15 30 Double Grosbeak/A

AAC 636 MCM 31st Dec 2010

20 Haripur-Siddhirganj 2.25 4.5 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

21 Khulshi-Halishahar 13 26 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

22 Comilla (N)-Chandpur 77.5 77.5 Single Linnet +


(336.4 +

636) MCM

23 Comilla (N)-Comilla (S) 16 16 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

24 Comilla (S)-Chandpur 62 62 Single Linnet 336.4 mCM

25 Ashuganj-Kishoreganj 52 104 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

26 Kishoreganj-Mymensingh 59 118 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

27 Mymensingh-Jamalpur 55 110 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

28 Madunaghat-Sikalbaha 16.5 16.5 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

29 Madunaghat-TKC 8.5 8.5 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

30 TKC-Sikalbaha 8.5 8.5 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

31 Sikalbaha-Dohazari 32 64 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

32 Sikalbaha-Juldah 7.5 7.5 Single AAAC 804

33 Juldah-Halishahar 8 8 Single AAAC 804

34 Khulshi-Baroaulia 15 15 single Grosbeak 636 MCM

35 Khulshi-AKSML 11 11 single Grosbeak 636 MCM

36 AKSML-Baroaulia 4 4 single Grosbeak 636 MCM

37 Madunaghat-Khulshi 13 13 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

38 Madunaghat-Khulshi 13 13 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

39 Kaptai-Chandraghona 11.5 23 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

Page | 22

SN Name of Lines Length in

Route km

Length in

Circuit Km

No. of

Circuit Name Size Date of Commissioning

40 Chandraghona-Madunaghat 27 54 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

41 Madunaghat-Hathazari 10.2 20.4 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

42 Hathazari-Baroaulia 11 22 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

43 Dohazari-Cox's Bazar 87 174 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

44 Feni-Chowmuhani 32 64 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

45 Baroaulia- Kabir Steel 4 4 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

46 Mymensingh-Netrokona 34 68 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

47 Goalpara-Khulna (C) 1.5 3 Double AAAC 804 MCM

48 Khulna (C)-Noapara 22.8 45.6 Double AAAC 804 MCM

49 Noapara-Jessore 27.9 55.8 Double AAAC 804 MCM

50 Jessore-Jhenaidah 47.5 95 Double AAAC 804 MCM

51 Jhenaidah-Kustia 43 86 Double AAAC 804 MCM

52 Kustia-Bheramana 23 46 Double AAAC 804 MCM

53 Bheramara PGCB-Ishwardi 10 20 Double AAAC 804 MCM

54 Ishwardi-Natore 42 84 Double AAAC 804 MCM

55 Natore-Bogra 61 122 Double AAAC 804 MCM

56 Bogra-Palashbari 50 100 Double AAAC 804 MCM

57 Palashbari-Rangpur 52 104 Double AAAC 804 MCM

58 Rangpur-Saidpur 41.5 83 Double AAAC 804 MCM

59 Saidpur-Purbasadipur 24.5 49 Double AAAC 804 MCM

60 Purbasadipur-Thakurgaon 45 90 Double AAAC 804 MCM

61 Goalpara-Bagerhat 45 45 Single AAAC 804 MCM

62 Barisal-Bhandaria 49 49 Single HAWK 477 MCM

63 Bhandaria-Bagerhat 40 40 Single HAWK 477 MCM

64 Bagerhat-Mongla 28 28 Single HAWK 477 MCM

65 Barisal-Patuakhali 38.2 38.2 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

66 Bheramara PGCB-Faridpur 105 210 Double HAWK 477 MCM

67 Faridpur-Madaripur 65.5 131 Double HAWK 477 MCM

68 Madaripur-Barisal 59 118 Double HAWK 477 MCM

69 Rajshahi-Natore 37 37 Single HAWK 477 MCM

70 Ishwardi-Baghabari 63 63 Single HAWK 477 MCM

71 Baghabari-Shahjadpur 5 5 Single HAWK 477 MCM

72 Ishwardi-Pabna 18 18 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

73 Pabna-Shahjadpur 41 41 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

74 Bogra-Sirajganj 66 132 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

75 Sirajganj-Shahjadpur 34 34 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

76 Sirajganj-Baghabari 39.7 39.7 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

77 Rajshahi-Chapai Nawabganj 48 96 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

78 Rangpur-Lalmonirhat 38 38 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

79 Bogra-Naogaon 44 88 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

80 Kabirpur-Tangail 51 102 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

Page | 23

SN Name of Lines Length in

Route km

Length in

Circuit Km

No. of

Circuit Name Size Date of Commissioning

81 Tongi-Mirpur 17 17 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

82 Tongi-Uttara 14.5 14.5 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

83 Uttara-Mirpur 8.5 8.5 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

84 Mirpur-Aminbazar 7 14 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

85 Aminbazar-Kallayanpur 4 8 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

86 Hasnabad-Lalbagh 30 30 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

87 Kamrangirchar-Lalbagh 2.6 2.6 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

88 Kallayanpur-Kamrangirchar 11 11 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

89 Kallayanpur-Keraniganj 20 20 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM 15th July 2011

90 Hasnabad-Keraniganj 13.6 13.6 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

91 Tongi-New Tongi 0.5 1 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

92 Hasnabad-Sitalakhya 12.6 12.6 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

93 Madanganj-Sitalakhya 4 4 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

94 Hasnabad-Shyampur 21 21 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

95 Shyampur-Haripur 30 30 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

96 Madanganj-Haripur 12.4 12.4 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

97 Siddhirganj-Ullon 16 32 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

98 Haripur-Matuail 5.65 5.65 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

99 Maniknagar-Matuail 16 16 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

100 Siddhirganj-Maniknagar 10 10 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

101 Maniknagar-Bangabhaban 3 6 Double Cu.Cable 240

102 Maniknagar-Narinda 5 10 Double Cu.Cable 240

103 Ullon-Dhanmondi 5.5 11 Double Cu.Cable 240

104 Ullon-Dhanmondi 5.5 11 Double XLPE 500

105 Tongi-Kabirpur 22.5 45 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

106 Kabirpur-Manikganj 32 64 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

107 Ullon-Rampura 4 8 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

108 Rampura-Bashundhara 8 16 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

109 Bashundhara-Tongi 11 22 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

110 Rampura-Moghbazar 4.5 9 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

111 Ghorasal-Joydevpur 28 56 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

112 Baghabari-Shahjadpur 5.5 5.5 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

113 Chandpur-Chowmuhani 68 136 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

114 Barapukuria-Rangpur 42 84 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

115 Barapukuria-Saidpur 36 72 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

116 Madaripur-Gopalganj 45 45 Single AAAC 804 MCM

117 Khulna (C)-Khulna(S) 9 18 Double Twin




118 Khulna(S)-Satkhira 47 47 Single AAAC 804 MCM

119 Rajshahi-Natore 40 40 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

120 Rampura-Gulshan 3.3 6.6 Double XLPE 800

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SN Name of Lines Length in

Route km

Length in

Circuit Km

No. of

Circuit Name Size Date of Commissioning

121 Sikalbaha-Bakulia 4 8 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

122 Juldah-Shahmirpur 6 12 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

123 Khulshi-Bakulia 15 30 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

124 Haripur-Maniknagar 13 13 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

125 Joydevpur-Kodda PP 8 16 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

126 Kodda PP-Kabirpur 10 20 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

127 Sikalbaha-Shahmirpur 9 18 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

128 Khulshi-Halishahar (Open

atKhulshi) 13 13 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM

129 BograOld-BograNew 1.5 3 Double Twin




130 Ashuganj-Shahjibazar 53 53 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM 31st August 2009

131 Khulna (S) -Gallamari 4.2 8.4 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM 16th November 2009

132 Naogaon-Niyamatpur 46 46 Single AAAC 804 MCM 2nd January 2010

133 Aminbazar-Savar 15.8 31.6 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM 23rd April 2010

134 Jhenaidah-Magura 26.5 26.5 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM 11th June 2010

135 Jhenaidah-Chuadanga 39.3 39.3 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM 15th October 2010

136 Naogaon-Joypurhat 46.2 46.2 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM 9th November 2010

137 Thakurgaon-Panchagarh 45 45 Single AAAC 636 MCM 25th Dec 2010

138 Sonargaon S/S to Megnaghat

Rental PP 5 10 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM 15th March 2011

139 Shiddhirganj to Siddhirganj

Dutch Bangla PP 2.4 2.4 Single Grosbeak 636 MCM 26th June 2011

140 Goalpara-Khulna © 2.4 2.4 Single XLPE 22th march 2011

141 Noapara PP to Noapara Ss 1.6 1.6 Single Grosbeak Grosbeak 30th Jan 2011

142 Daudkandi PP to Daudkandi

ss 1.3 1.3 Single Grosbeak Grosbeak 1st july 2011

143 Gopalganj PP to Gopalganj ss 1.2 1.2 Single Grosbeak Grosbeak 25th july 2011

144 Shiddhirganj desh energy PP

to Siddhirganj ss 2.5 2.5 Single Grosbeak Grosbeak 26th july 2011

145 Faridpur PP to Faridpur -

Bheramara PGCB 1 1 Single Grosbeak Grosbeak 9th july 2011

146 Bera PP to Baghabari -

Ishwardi line 4.5 4.5 Single Grosbeak Grosbeak 8th july 2011

147 Amnura PP to Rajshahi-

Chapai 12.6 12.6 Single Grosbeak Grosbeak 9th july 2011

148 Madanganj-Munsiganj 4 8 Double Grosbeak Grosbeak

149 Old Airport-Cantonment 6.99 13.98 Double XLPE 800 19-Nov-13

150 Fenchuganj- Kulaura 25 50 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM

Single ckt Commissioned

at 21th July 2014 and

line-2 23rd August 2014

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SN Name of Lines Length in

Route km

Length in

Circuit Km

No. of

Circuit Name Size Date of Commissioning

151 Jamalpur- Sherpur 20 40 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM Single ckt Commissioned

at 14th July 2014

152 Old Airport-Sajmasjid 8.294 16.588 Double XLPE 800 Commissioned at 22nd

November 2014

153 Rampura-Madertek 4.5 9 Double XLPE 500 Commissioned at 15th

June 2015

154 Comilla(N)- Comilla(S) 19 38 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM Commissioned at 21th

December 2016

155 Goalpara-Bagerhat New 45 90 Double Grosbeak 636 MCM Commissioned at 11th

April 2016


230 Comilla(N)- Hathajari

Double Ckt AKSPL S/S IN-


13 Double


230 Comilla(N)- Hathajari

Double Ckt BSRM S/S IN-


0.72 Double

Total 3994.89 6500.55


Substations under Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) [34] are listed below:



No Name of Grid Substation

Transformer Capacity


Total Capacity

(MVA) GMD Grid Circle


Bheramara HVDC Back to Back

Station 1 x 500 500 HVDC HVDC

2 HVDC 3x201 603 HVDC HVDC

3 Bibiyana 312/416/520 520 HVDC HVDC



No Name of Grid Substation

Transformer Capacity


Total Capacity

(MVA) GMD Grid Circle

1 Maniknagar 2x300 600 Dhaka(Center) Dhaka South

2 Hasnabad 3x225(10x75) 675 Dhaka(South) Dhaka South

3 Siddhirganj 2x300 600 Dhaka(East) Dhaka South

4 Meghnaghat Switching Dhaka(East) Dhaka South

5 Rampura 3x225(10x75) 675 Dhaka(Center) Dhaka South

6 Haripur 3x225(10x75) 675 Dhaka(East) Dhaka South

7 Agargaon 2x300 600 Dhaka(North-West) Dhaka North

8 Aminbazar 3x225 675 Dhaka(North-West) Dhaka North

Page | 26


No Name of Grid Substation

Transformer Capacity


Total Capacity

(MVA) GMD Grid Circle

9 Tongi 3x225(10x75) 675 Dhaka(North) Dhaka North

10 Hathazari 4x150 600 Chittagong(North) Chittagong

11 BSRM 2 x 130/140 280 Chittagong(Private) Chittagong

12 AKSML 1 x 80, 2x 130/150 380 Chittagong(Private) Chittagong

13 Fenchuganj 1x300 300 Srimangal Comilla

14 Comilla(N) 2x225 450 Comilla Comilla

15 Khulna(S) 2x225(7x75) 450 Khulna Khulna

16 Barisal North (3x75/100)x2 600 Khulna Khulna

17 Sirajganj (Switching) Bogra Bogra

18 Bogra 2x225(7x75) 450 Bogra Bogra

19 Barapukuria 2x225 450 Rangpur Bogra

20 Ishwardi 3x225 675 Ishwardi HVDC

21 Baghabari 1x225(4x75) 225 Ishwardi HVDC



No Name of Grid Substation

Transformer Capacity


Total Capacity

(MVA) GMD Grid Circle

1 Bhulta 1x35/50, 1x50/75 125 Dhaka(East) Dhaka South

2 Hasnabad 3x66/100 300 Dhaka(South) Dhaka South

3 Munsiganj 2x50/75 150 Dhaka(South) Dhaka South

4 Ullon 3x35/50 150 Dhaka(Center) Dhaka South

5 Sonargaon 2x50/75 150 Dhaka(East) Dhaka South

6 Siddhirganj 2x50/83.3 166.6 Dhaka(East) Dhaka South

7 Gulshan 2x80/120 240 Dhaka(Center) Dhaka South

8 Shyampur 4x50/75 300 Dhaka(South) Dhaka South

9 Narsindhi 1x50/75 75 Dhaka(East) Dhaka South

10 Maniknagar 2x50/75 150 Dhaka(Center) Dhaka South

11 Kallyanpur 3x50/75 225 Dhaka(North-West) Dhaka North

12 Joydebpur 2x35/50+1x80/120 220 Dhaka(North) Dhaka North

13 Netrokona 1x25/33+ 2x25/41 115 Mymensingh Dhaka North

14 Manikganj 3x35/50 150 Aricha Dhaka North

15 Jamalpur 3x25/41 123 Mymensingh Dhaka North

16 Satmasjid 2x80/120 240 Dhaka(N-W) Dhaka North

17 Tongi 3x50/75 225 Dhaka(North) Dhaka North

18 Kishoreganj 1x15/20+2x25/41 102 Mymensingh Dhaka North

19 New Tongi 2x50/75 150 Dhaka(North) Dhaka North

20 Savar 2x50/75 150 Dhaka(North-West) Dhaka North

21 Mirpur 1x35/50, 2x50/75 200 Dhaka(North-West) Dhaka North

22 Tangail 2x50/75 150 Dhaka(North) Dhaka North

23 Vhasantek 2x80/120 240 Dhaka(N-W) Dhaka North

24 Kabirpur 2x50/75, 1x50/83 233 Dhaka(North) Dhaka North

25 Mymensingh 3x50/75 225 Mymensingh Dhaka North

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No Name of Grid Substation

Transformer Capacity


Total Capacity

(MVA) GMD Grid Circle

26 Agargaon 2x80/120 240 Dhaka(N-W) Dhaka North

27 Sherpur 2x35/50 100 Mymensingh Dhaka North

28 Codda 3x65/80 240 Mymensingh Dhaka North

29 Madunaghat 2x25/41 82 Madunaghat Chittagong

30 Halishahar 2x44.1/63, 1x48/64 190 Chittagong(Center) Chittagong

31 Chandraghona 2x15/20 40 Madunaghat Chittagong

32 Khulsi 2 x 80/120 240 Chittagong(North) Chittagong

33 Shahmirpur 2x48/64 128 Chittagong(Center) Chittagong

34 Dohazari 2x 50/75 150 Madunaghat Chittagong

35 Bakulia 2 x 48/64+1 x 50/75 203 Chittagong(Center) Chittagong

36 Hathazari 2x50/75 150 Chittagong(North) Chittagong

37 Baroaulia 2x48/64 128 Chittagong(North) Chittagong

38 Cox's bazar 2x25/41 82 Madunaghat Chittagong

39 Julda 1x48/64 64 Chittagong(Center) Chittagong

40 AKSPL 1 x 25/30 30 Chittagong (Private) Chittagong

41 BSRM 1 x 64/80 80 Chittagong (Private) Chittagong

42 T K Complex 1 x 50/75 75 Chittagong (Private) Chittagong

43 MSL 1 x 25/30 30 Chittagong (Private) Chittagong

44 SSML 1 x 25/30 30 Chittagong (Private) Chittagong

45 KSRM 2 x 35/50 50 Chittagong (Private) Chittagong

46 Comilla(S) 2x50/75, 2x25/41 232 Comilla Comilla

47 Chhatak 2x15/20, 1x25/41 81 Srimangal Comilla

48 Chowmuhoni 1x25/41,2x50/75 191 Comilla Comilla

49 Fenchuganj 1x15/20, 1x25/41 61 Srimangal Comilla

50 Shahjibazar 2x25/41 82 Srimangal Comilla

51 Chandpur 2x50/75 150 Comilla Comilla

52 Brahmanbaria 3x25/41 123 Srimangal Comilla

53 Comilla(N) 2x50/75 150 Comilla Comilla

54 Sylhet 2x25/41, 1x50/83 165 Srimangal Comilla

55 Kulaura 2x25/41 82 Srimangal Comilla

56 Feni 2x25/41 82 Comilla Comilla

57 Srimangal 3x15/20 60 Srimangal Comilla

58 Daudkandi 2x50/75 150 Comilla Comilla

59 Goalpara 2x12.5/16.67 33 Khulna Khulna

60 Gopalganj 2x25/41 82 Faridpur Khulna

61 Patuakhali 2x15/20, 1x25/41 81 Barisal Khulna

62 Faridpur 2x50/75 150 Faridpur Khulna

63 Bagerhat 2x25/41 82 Khulna Khulna

64 Khulna( C ) 3x48/64 192 Khulna Khulna

65 Barisal 2x50/75 150 Barisal Khulna

66 Satkhira 2x25/41 82 Khulna Khulna

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No Name of Grid Substation

Transformer Capacity


Total Capacity

(MVA) GMD Grid Circle

67 Madaripur 3x25/41 123 Faridpur Khulna

68 Mongla 2x25/41 82 Khulna Khulna

69 Noapara 2x15/20,44.1/63 103 Khulna Khulna

70 Bhandaria 2x25/41 82 Barisal Khulna

71 Gallamari 2x25/41 82 Khulna Khulna

72 Saidpur 2x25/41,1x35/50 132 Rangpur Bogra

73 Joypurhat 2x25/41 82 Bogra Bogra

74 Chapai Nawabganj 3x15/20,1x25/41 101 Rajshahi Bogra

75 Rangpur 2x50/75,2x10/13.3 176.6 Rangpur Bogra

76 Barapukuria 2x25/41+2x15/20 122 Rangpur Bogra

77 Natore 2x25/41+1x35/50 132 Rajshahi Bogra

78 Naogaon 2x50/75,1x25/41 191 Rajshahi Bogra

79 Purbasadipur 1x25/41+2x15/20+1x50/75 156 Rangpur Bogra

80 Panchagorh 2x25/41 82 Rangpur Bogra

81 Sirajganj 2x25/41+1x15/20+1x35/50 152 Bogra Bogra

82 Lalmonirhat 2x12.5/16.66+4x15/20 113 Rangpur Bogra

83 Niymatpur 2x35/50 100 Rajshahi Bogra

84 Rajshahi 2x50/75,1x35/50 200 Rajshahi Bogra

85 Palashbari 2x25/41+3x15/20 142 Bogra Bogra

86 Thakurgaon 2x25/41 82 Rangpur Bogra

87 Bogra 2x25/41,2x50/75 232 Bogra Bogra

88 Amnura 1x35/50 50 Rajshahi Bogra

89 Jhenaidah 2x25/41 82 Jhenaidah HVDC

90 Chuadanga 2x25/41 82 Jhenaidah HVDC

91 Pabna 2x50/75 150 Ishwardi HVDC

92 Kushtia 2x50/75 150 Jhenaidah HVDC

93 Bheramara PGCB 25/41x2=82 82 Jhenaidah HVDC

94 Shahajadpur 2x15/20+1x35/50+25/41x1 131 Ishwardi HVDC

95 Magura 2x25/41 82 Jhenaidah HVDC

96 Ishwardi 2x10/13.3,1x25/41 81 Ishwardi HVDC

97 Jessore 2x15/20+1x25/41 163.3 Jhenaidah HVDC


Energy trade including electricity trade with neighbors has tremendous potential for

unlocking Bangladesh's long-term energy constraints in a cost-effective manner. It is very

encouraging for the country people that necessary steps have already been made to initiate

power trade with India.

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In the short to medium term 560 MW HVDC grid connectivity through Bheramera-

Baharampur [35] has been already in operation. Moreover, 100 MW power is also imported

from Tripura. This cross-border trading with India opens up possibility for power trading

with Nepal and Bhutan as well. A negotiation for power trading with Myanmar is also going

on. Under this process 500 MW hydro power will be traded by 2018 from Myanmar.


Present Government of Bangladesh has made vision and policy statement regarding power

sector improvement. It is GOB's constitutional responsibility to provide electricity to the

people. In the vision statement it is mentioned that providing access to affordable and

reliable electricity to the majority of the people of Bangladesh by 2020 is a national goal of

the next millennium. For that purpose GOB issued its vision and policy statement on power

sector reforms with the following objectives:

1. To make electricity available to all citizens on demand by the year 2020.

2. Making the power sector financially viable and able to facilitate economic growth.

3. Introducing new corporate culture in the power sector entities and increasing the sector's


4. Improving the reliability and quality of electricity supply.

5. To deliver quality electricity at reasonable and affordable prices with professional service


6. To provide specialized skilled services in Operation and Maintenance with outstanding

performance in generation, transmission and distribution for promoting competition among

various power sector entities.

7. To follow international standard and adopt modem technology and practices in power

generation activities.

8. To ensure improved and satisfactory services to the consumers.

A summary of power development plan is stated in Table 2.10.

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Table 2.10 Summary of the power development plan up to 2020


2004-2005 2005-2007 2008-2012 2013-2020

Installed Capacity,

MW 5,025 6.441 9,666 17,765

Peak Demand, MW 3,743 5,368 7,887 14,600

Net Generation,

MKWh 20,932 26,651 39,157 76,545

Transmission Line,

Km 4,038 4,898 7,180 8,396

Capacity of S/S MVA

(a) 230/132 KV

(b) 132/33 KV

4,150 5,950 11,575 19,075

7,644 9,642 17,920 27,367

Distribution Line, Km 2,42,832 2,66,375 3,45,530 4,77,558

No. of Consumers,

million 8.84 9.03 12.75 20.76

No. of Village

Electrified 47,848 52,071 69,571 84,000

Per Capita Generation,

KWh 158 190 260 450

Access to Electricity 38% 47% 65% 100%


Requirement, (billion


0 115 307 575


Power transmission system is briefly described in this chapter. As transmission system is

bridging the two major parts, generation and distribution of power system these are also

Page | 31

discussed to better understand the necessity of transmission system performance

evaluation. At present Bangladesh transmission system consists of 188 number of lines

with total length of 9892.7 circuit kilometers and 121 grid substations having capacity of

26039.5 MVA.

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System and network performance standards are important issues in modern power system

as they ensure the efficient and secure functioning of the power system and appropriate

quality of electricity supply. Therefore there is a demand for common indicators that enable

system operators and others to evaluate their performance. These indicators measure the

reliability of electric power service and reflect operational problems. Moreover, they can

also be used as a tool to compare or benchmark the power system performance among

utilities and generation plants.

The Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) is required to continuously monitor and

evaluate the operational performance (i.e. technical and financial) of the transmission

system, towards achieving the overall energy policy goals of the Government of the People

Republic of Bangladesh. This chapter is intended to identify the key performance indicators

and their definitions which are currently used worldwide to assess the technical and

financial performance of transmission systems.


The energy policy goals presented in the Final Draft Energy Policy (2016) are as follows:

Increasing the supply of power generation in line with expected demand;

Creating an enabling environment from increased private sector participation in

energy supply and service provision;

Encouraging and incentivizing more rational, efficient use of energy in public

institutions, and amongst industrial and household end-users;

Ensuring the sustainability of energy exploration, extraction, supply and

consumption so as to prevent damage to the environment and habitats;

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Promoting safe, efficient and competitive production, procurement, transportation

and distribution of energy;

The above energy policy goals have been used to identify the following Key Performance

Areas (KPAs), for which Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) would be developed to

monitor and assess the performance of the transmission system. Based on the Energy Policy

goals, the following KPAs related to utility operations are identified:

Achieve an efficient sector through higher Productive and Allocative efficiencies;

Encourage investment, growth and financial sustainability of resources;

Ensure sustainable use of resources;

Ensure safe, reliable and security of electrical power supply;

Keep in mind these KPAs the selection of the KPIs would also take cognizance of data

reliability, impact of KPI on performance, whether the KPI can be controlled by the

company, whether indicator is measurable and whether indicator is output-based. The KPIs

have therefore been selected to cover these matters related to the following operational

areas of the transmission system:


Financial and Commercial;


For effective performance monitoring, the KPIs have been categorized as benchmarking

KPIs and tracking KPIs. Benchmarking KPIs refer to indicators which can be benchmarked

based on best industry practice and Tracking KPIs refer to KPIs which are difficult to

benchmark during the initial period of implementation of the performance management.

These indicators can however be tracked over a period.


The GOB is committed to ensuring access to affordable and reliable electricity for all

citizens by 2021. So KPIs are selected by considering comprehensive energy development

strategy of the GOB. At the initial phase of performance analysis, the selected KPIs need

to be benchmarked carefully for system performance monitoring.

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The technical KPIs selected for performance evaluation and monitoring are summarized in

Table 3.1.

Table 3.0

Table 3.1 Technical KPIs

Indicator Remarks

Transmission Line Interruption Duration per Year Benchmark

Overall System Unavailability – Transmission Lines Benchmark

Transmission Line Availability Benchmark

Substation Transformer Interruption Duration per Year Benchmark

System Transmission Transformer Unavailability Benchmark

Transmission Transformer Availability Benchmark

System Average Frequency of Outages of Transmission Line Benchmark

System Average Frequency of Outages of Substation Transformer Benchmark

System Average Frequency of Outages per km Benchmark

Average circuit outage duration Track

Average transformer outage duration Track

Transmission Losses Benchmark

Force Outage Rate (FOR) Track

Energy Not Supplied (ENS) Track

Average Interruption Time (AIT) Track

System Minute Loss (SML) Track

System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) Benchmark

System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) Benchmark

Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) Track

Transmission Transformer Utilization Factor Track

Capacity Factor Benchmark

Overall Reliability of System Benchmark

Incremental Cost per Unit Incremental Energy Transmission Track

Voltage Deviation Index (VDI) Benchmark

Frequency Deviation Index (FDI) Benchmark

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The proposed financial and commercial KPIs for assessing and monitoring the performance

of the licensee are given in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Financial and Commercial KPIs

Indicator Remarks

Main camp service profit margin Track

Total Assets Turnover Rate Track

Sales Growth Rate (SGR) Track

Return on RAB Benchmark

EBIT or Operating margin Track

Current Ratio Benchmark

Gearing Ratio Benchmark

Interest Service Coverage Ratio Benchmark

Debt Service Coverage Ratio Benchmark

Accounts Receivable Days Benchmark

Bad Debts Benchmark

Working Capital Track

Operating Cost/Sales Benchmark

Revenue Growth rate Track

Transmission Line Maintenance Cost Index (OHTLMCI) Track

Substation Maintenance Cost Index (SSMCI) Track

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The selected KPIs for monitoring operational efficiency of transmission system are given

in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Efficiency KPIs

Indicator Remarks

Energy transmitted per employee Track

Km of Network per employee Track

Operating Cost Per Employee Track


The proposed KPIs for assessing the social impact of utility performance are shown in

Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Efficiency KPIs

Indicator Remarks

Number of applications for new connections Track

Number of applications approved per year Track

Number of applications rejected per year Track

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This measures the average time duration (in hour) per year where the transmission line is

not available in service.

UDL =∑ ∑ Hi,j



NL (3.1)

Where; UDL = Annual Unavailable Duration (in hours) of a Transmission Line

Hi, j = Duration of Outage “i”, that affected Transmission Line “j” (in hours)

NL = Total number of Transmission Lines

kt = Total number of Outages of Transmission Line “j” during the reported year OVERALL SYSTEM UNAVAILABILITY – TRANSMISSION LINES

This measures the average fraction of time (expressed in percent) that Transmission Lines

are unavailable and disconnected from the Transmission System.

SUL =∑ ∑ Hi,j



NL ∗ 8760x100


Where; SUL = System Unavailability (Transmission Lines)

Hi, j = Duration of Outage “i”, that affected Transmission Line “j” (in hours).

NL = Total number of Transmission Lines

kt = Total number of Outages of Transmission Line “j” during the reported year


SAL = (100 - SUL) % (3.3)

Where; SAL = Transmission Line Availability


This measures the average time duration (in hour) per year where a single substation

transformer is not available in service.

UDT =∑ ∑ Hi,j





Where; UDT = Annual Unavailable Duration (in hours) of a Substation Transformer

Hi, j = Duration of Outage “i”, that affected Substation Transformer “j” (in hours)

NT = Total number of Substation Transformers

kt = Total number of Outages of Substation Transformer “j” during the reported year SYSTEM TRANSMISSION TRANSFORMER UNAVAILABILITY

This can be measured taking the fraction of time (expressed in percent) that Transmission

Transformers are unavailable and disconnected from the Transmission System or by

considering the extent of which the power transformer capacity remained unavailable.

SUT =∑ ∑ Hi,j

kti=1 ∗ CjNL


TC ∗ 8760x100


Where; SUT = System Unavailability (Substation Transformer)

Hi, j= Duration of Outage “i”, that affected Transmission Transformer “j” (in hours)

Cj= Capacity of Transmission Transformer “j” (in MVA)

Page | 39

NT = Total number of Transmission Transformers

kt = Total number of Outages of Transmission Transformer “j” during the reported year

TC = Total Installed Capacity of Substation Transformers (in MVA) TRANSMISSION TRANSFORMER AVAILABILITY

SAT = (100 – SUT) % (3.6)

Where; SAT = Transmission Transformer Availability



This measures the number of interruptions per year per transmission line of the system.





Where; SAFOL = System Average Frequency of Outages of Transmission Line per Year

NOj = Number of Outages of Transmission Line “j” during the reported year



This measures the number of interruptions per year per substation transformer of the






Page | 40


SAFOT = System Average Frequency of Outages of Substation Transformer per Year

NOj = Number of Outages of Transmission Transformer “j” during the reported year

NL = Total number of Transmission Transformers SYSTEM AVERAGE FREQUENCY OF OUTAGES PER KM

This measures the average number of Outages per km of Transmission Lines (Expressed in

number of outages per 100 km of lines)

SAFO_L100 =∑ NOj


∑ LONGjNLj=1


x100 (3.9)

Where; SAFO_L100 = System Average Frequency of Outages per 100 km

NOj = Number of Outages of Transmission Line “j” during the reported year

NL = Total number of Transmission Lines

LONGj = Length of Transmission Line “j” AVERAGE CIRCUIT OUTAGE DURATION (ACOD)

ACOD measures the average length of transmission network outages.

ACOD =Sum of Transmission Circuit Outage Minutes


ATOD measures the average length of a subset of transmission outages, being those caused

by transformer issues.

ATOD =Sum of Transmission Transformer Outage Minutes

Sum of Transmission Outage (3.11)


Transmission loss level gives an indication of the network operation management of line

losses and efficiency. Even though line losses are caused by the physical properties of the

transmission system, they can nevertheless be controlled through good operational and

management practice, as well as good network design.

Transmission loss


{Total metered Energy at the point of Injection − Amount of Energy at

Withdrawal Point}

Total Energy at Point of Injectionx100%


FOR reflects the reliability of equipment, especially transmission lines and transformations


FOR =tfor

T (3.13)

Where; tfor = force outage duration of equipment;

T = whole operation duration of the equipment in the year. ENERGY NOT SUPPLIED (ENS)

It measures the summation of energy not supplied (interrupted power x duration) due to

interruptions excluding network losses [15].

ENS = ∑ PDi ∗ Hi




Where; PDi = Power disconnected by transmission circuit interruption “i” (in MW)

𝐻𝑖 = Duration of interruption “i” (in hours)

kt = Total number of interruptions during the reported year


This indicator is recommended by Unipede for use with transmission grids. AIT measures

the total number of minutes that power supply is interrupted during the year.

AIT =8760x60xENS

Annual Electricity demand (MWh) (3.15) SYSTEM MINUTE LOSS (SML)

The system minute is calculated from the quotient

SML =Estimated Energy Not Supplied ∗ 60


This indicator, which is recommended by the IEEE, measures the average number of

interruptions experienced by each point. All planned and unplanned interruptions are used

in calculating the index. This indicator can be calculated as follows:

SAIFI =Number of Interruption During One Year

Number of Connection points (3.17)

Generally it is calculated in each voltage level. SYSTEM AVERAGE INTERRUPTION DURATION INDEX (SAIDI)

This indicator, also recommended by the IEEE, measures the yearly average interruptions

duration per customer. The following formula is employed for calculating SAIDI.

SAIDI =∑ Duration Of Interruption (Minutes)One Year


Number of Connection points (3.18)

The same notes mentioned above for SAIFI are also applicable here for SAIDI.


CAIDI measures the yearly average duration of interruptions normalized per affected

customer. An affected customer for transmission licensee is one who experience at least

one interruption during the year. It is represented by the following equation.



Sum of all customer interruption duration

Total number of customer interruptions (3.19) TRANSMISSION TRANSFORMER UTILIZATION FACTOR

This measures the extent utilization of the transmission transformers with respect to their

rated capacities. It is the ratio of the maximum load on a transformer to its rated capacity

and is represented by the equation below.

𝑈𝐹𝑃𝑘 = ∑ 𝑃𝑗


∑ 𝐶𝑗𝑁𝑗1

𝑥100% (3.20)

Where; UFPk = Transmission Transformer Utilization Factor

Pj = Recorded Peak Load of Transformer “j” (MVA) during reported period

NT = Total number of Substation Transformer

Cj = Rated Capacity of Transformer “j” (MVA) CAPACITY FACTOR (CF)

The KPI gives indication of actual electricity transmitted or wheeled, relative to the

maximum it could wheel at continuous full power operation during the same period. It thus

measures the actual output relative to its potential output. It is defined by

Capacity Factor =MWh transmitted

Designed Capacity x 8760x100% (3.21)


The overall Reliability of Supply for transmission system is calculated using the formula:

1 − (ENS

Total energy that would have been supplied by the transmission system) x100 (3.22)


ENS = Estimated Unsupplied Energy due to unavailability of transmission circuits. INCREMENTAL COST PER UNIT INCREMENTAL ENERGY TRANSMISSION


This indicator may represent as follows:

Per Unit Energy Transmission Cost in current year −Per Unit Energy Transmmission Cost in last Year

Energy Transmitted in current year −Energy Transmitted in last year


This KPI can be calculated for tracking the deviation of voltage during a specific period. It

is defined as follows:

VDI% =Number of Hours that Voltage is out of Range During Period

Number of Hours of that Period (3.24) FREQUENCY DEVIATION INDEX (FDI)

Also frequency deviation index can be calculated using following formula:

FDI% =Number of Hours that Frequency is out of Range During Period

Number of Hours of that Period (3.25)

To ensure quality power the system frequency need to maintain at 50 Hz ± 2%.

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This indicator reflects the profitability of the power grid [16].

PM =Pcore

Inetx100% (3.26)

Where; PM is the profit margin of the core business, Pcore is the profits of the core business,

Inet is the total net income. TOTAL ASSETS TURNOVER RATE

This indicator reflects the operational capability of the power grid.

ATR =Inet

AT (3.27)

Where; ATR is the assets turnover rate, AT is the total assets. SALES GROWTH RATE (SGR)

This indicator measures the output economic efficiency growth of the power system and

reflects the capacity development of the power grid.


SGn−1x100% (3.28)

Where; SGR is the sales growth rate, SGn is the increased sales income this year, SGn-1 is

the increased sales income last year. RETURN ON RAB

This indicator is used to ascertain whether the licensee has earned a reasonable return on

its regulatory asset base (RAB). This is computed using EBIT or the operating profit.

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Return on RAB =Operating Profit or EBIT

Average RABx100% (3.29) CURRENT RATIO

It gives an indication of a company’s ability to meet its short-term financial obligations. It

can be determined by the following formula:

Current ratio =Current Asset

Current liabilities (3.30) GEARING RATIO

It gives an indication of the financial structure of the company regarding the amount of debt

in the capital structure of the firm. It can be measured by:

Gearing Ratio =Long Term Debt


This gives an indication whether the company has the capacity to pay its interest payments

on its debt. It also measures the number of times a company would be able to make interest

payments on its debts. It therefore gives an index of the financial strength of the company.

It is defined by:

Interest Service Coverage ratio =Operating Profit or EBIT


It gives an indication of the company’s capacity to meet its interest and principal payments.

This KPI gives an indication of the cash producing ability of the company to cover its debt

payment. A higher debt service cover ratio implies it is more likely for the company to

obtain a loan.

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Debt Service Coverage ratio =Operating Profit or EBIT

Interest Payment + Principle Payment (3.33) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DAYS

This KPI gives the number of days it takes the company to collect its receivables. It is

therefore a good performance indicator for measuring the company’s revenue collection


Accounts receivable =Accounts Receivable at end of period x 365 days

Total Electricity Sales for period (3.34) BAD DEBTS

This KPI gives an indication of receivables which have been written off. The indicator is

therefore crucial in the company’s management of outstanding accounts. It therefore

measures the commercial effectiveness of the utility company.

Bad debts =Bad Debt Written Off During Period

Total Revenue for Periodx100% (3.35) WORKING CAPITAL

This KPI is present by the following formula. The operating cost is calculated excluding

power purchase, depreciation and interest payment.

Working Capital =Current Asset − Current liabilities

Total Operating Costx100% (3.36) OPERATING COST/SALES

This is an important indicator because it measures the overall operating efficiency of the

company. For the network sector (i.e. transmission and distribution), this ratio is influenced

by the network characteristics, population density etc. and therefore this benchmark may

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have to be ‘fine-tuned’ after the initial year of operationalizing the performance

management system.

Operating Cost/Sales =Total Operating Cost

Total Sales Revenuex100% (3.37) REVENUE GROWTH RATE

Revenue growth rate is defined by the following equation

Revenue growth rate = Total revenue yeart+1 − Total revenue year

Total revenue yeart𝑥 100% (3.38) EBIT OR OPERATING MARGIN

Operating margin is calculated using the equation below.

EBIT = {Revenue − (Electricity Purchase + O & M)}x100%


This KPI indicates the annual maintenance cost of transmission lines per route length. It

is calculated as follows:

TLMCI =Transmission Line Maintenance Cost

Route Length (km) (3.40)

The OHTLs maintenance works include mainly live line washing and line patrolling. SUBSTATION MAINTENANCE COST INDEX (SSMCI)

This includes all costs within all substations fences and can be calculated as follows:

SSMCI =Sub Station Equipment Maintenance Cost

No. Of CBs + 2xNo. Of Transformers (3.41)

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The substation maintenance activities include, but not limited to the followings: Daily,

routine, monthly, quarterly, annual, preventive, predictive, break down and emergency

maintenance work for grid stations (including maintenance of all equipment like

transformers, circuit breakers, 220 kV, 132 kV and 33 kV cables (incomer feeders), CT’s,

VT’s, lightning arrester, relays, air conditioning systems, fire systems, etc.) in addition to

civil maintenance works.


Installed capacity per employee is the ratio of installed capacity and number of employee.

The unit of this KPI is MW/Employee. It is defined by the following equation.

Installed capacity per employee =Total Installed capacity at end of period

Total Number of employees at end of period (3.42) ENERGY TRANSMITTED PER EMPLOYEE

This is the ratio of total transmitted energy and total employee. MWh/Employee is its


Energy Transmitted Per Employee

=Total amount of transmittedenergy at end of period

Total Number of employees at end of period


𝑘𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒 =𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑖𝑛 𝑘𝑚

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒𝑠 (3.44) OPERATING COST PER EMPLOYEE

The ratio of operating cost and employee is defined as operating cost per employee and it

is represent as percentage value.

Page | 50

Operating cost per employee

=Total Operating Cost (excluding power purchase, depreciation and interest)

Total Number of employees at end of period𝑥100



All the proposed key performance indicators are relevant for Bangladesh power

transmission system as they have been selected considering the socio-economic

requirements of the country. But Bangladesh is a developing country. It is difficult to

ruminate all these indicators at the starting stage of system evaluation and standardization.

Rather than these may be classify according to their significance of relevancy. At initial

stage the following KPIs may be grouped as the top most important.

Transmission Line Availability

Transmission Transformer Availability

System Average Frequency of Outages of Transmission Line

System Average Frequency of Outages of Substation Transformer

System Average Frequency of Outages per km

Average circuit outage duration

Average transformer outage duration

Transmission Losses

Energy Not Supplied (ENS)

System Minute Loss (SML)

Voltage Deviation Index (VDI)

Frequency Deviation Index (FDI)

Current Ratio

Interest Service Coverage Ratio

Debt Service Coverage Ratio

Accounts Receivable Days

Bad Debts

Working Capital

Return on RAB

Page | 51

Then in second phase the key performance indicators need to be analyzed and developed

are considered as second most important for Bangladesh power transmission system. These

are given below.

Average Interruption Time (AIT)

System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)

System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI)

Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI)

Overall Reliability of System

Capacity Factor

Transmission Transformer Utilization Factor

Force Outage Rate (FOR)

Main camp service profit margin

Total Assets Turnover Rate

Sales Growth Rate (SGR)

Gearing Ratio

Operating Cost/Sales

Revenue Growth rate

For better and complete understanding of the system the following KPIs may be considered

at last level. These indicators are also important to measure the performance of the system.

Transmission Line Maintenance Cost Index (OHTLMCI)

Substation Maintenance Cost Index (SSMCI)

Incremental Cost per Unit Incremental Energy Transmission

Energy transmitted per employee

Km of Network per employee

Operating Cost Per Employee

Number of applications for new connections

Number of applications approved per year

Number of applications rejected per year

Number of people injured during a year

Number of people recovered form injury

Page | 52


The identified key performance indicators are defined in this section. The technical key

performance indicators selected are Transmission Line and Transformer Availability,

System Average Frequency of Outages of Transmission Line and Substation Transformer,

Average Circuit and Transformer Outage Duration, Transmission Losses, Force Outage

Rate, Energy Not Supplied, System Average Interruption Duration Index, System Average

Interruption Frequency Index, Transmission Transformer Utilization Factor, Capacity

Factor, Overall Reliability of System, Voltage Deviation Index, Frequency Deviation Index

and very new Incremental Cost per Unit Incremental Energy Transmission. The financial

and commercial KPIs are Main Camp Service Profit Margin, Assets Turnover Rate, Sales

Growth Rate, Current Ratio, Gearing Ratio, Interest Service Coverage Ratio, Debt Service

Coverage Ratio, Accounts Receivable Days, Bad Debts, Working Capital, Operating

Cost/Sales, Revenue Growth rate. By analyzing these parameters any licensee can easily

understand their performance in terms of both technical and economical aspect.

Page | 53




Recommended parameters are calculated for Bangladesh Transmission System during last

three fiscal years (FY). The analysis of last three year will offer better outcomes in the

performing services of transmission grid. Results of calculated indicators are summarized

in this section. These results may be used to evaluate the performance of PGCB. And by

analyzing the track of these KPIs, sustainable development and effective expansion plan

can be made for the Transmission System.


The selected KPIs are analyzed from different point of views for better understanding.

These are subdivided into availability indicators, reliability indicators, power quality

indicators, supply security indicators and system asset utilization indicators.

Availability of a Transmission System is expressed as a function of the Transmission

Circuit Outages or Interruptions and it is evaluated using indicators that measure the

number of outages and their durations. Availability Indicators could be measured in terms

of the scheduled (planned) and forced outages separately or in term of overall outages.

These interruptions also could be classified as transient interruptions, long interruptions

(eg. More than 3 minutes) and short interruption (eg. Less than 3 minutes) according to

their duration. Also the Transmission Line availability indices could be measured

categorized in terms of transmission voltage. In this research availability of a Transmission

system is assessed through Overall Performance Indicators.

For calculating availability of transmission line and transformer at first the overall

unavailability of circuit and substation is calculated using formula 4.1 and 4.2 considering

interruption duration of circuit and substation transformer.

𝑆𝑈𝐿 =∑ ∑ 𝐻𝑖,𝑗



𝑁𝐿 ∗ 8760𝑥100 (4.1)

Page | 54

𝑆𝑈𝑇 =∑ ∑ 𝐻𝑖,𝑗

𝑘𝑡𝑖=1 ∗ 𝐶𝑗𝑁𝐿


𝑇𝐶 ∗ 8760𝑥100 (4.2)

Then the availability is determined using equation 4.3 and 4.4.

SAL = (100 - SUL) % (4.3)

SAT = (100 – SUT) % (4.4)

Availability of transmission line and substation calculated for the month of June 2016 is

given in Table 4.1 and 4.2. The data collected for this purpose are given in appendix.

Table 4.0 Table 4.1 Transmission Line Availability (June’ 16)

S/N Circle Name

Total Line



Total Unserved


Types of Interruption Availability

% Forced Scheduled

Time Time

1 Dhaka (North) 1668.42 12.80 12:53:00 31:38:00 99.9989

2 Dhaka (South) 990.29 248.83 39:56:00 24:21:00 99.9651

3 Comilla 2159.74 717.60 14:44:00 83:57:00 99.9600

4 Chittagong 917.00 174.00 72:18:43 471:02:53 99.9900

5 Khulna 1098.13 274.30 2:13:58 30:33:00 99.9653

6 Bogra 1784.68 0.00 0:00:00 15:17:00 99.9600

7 HVDC 1028.00 0.00 2:42:00 11:07:12 100.0000

Total 9646.26 1,427.53 144:47:41 667:56:05 99.9750

Table 4.2 Substation Availability (June’ 16)

S/N Circle Name

Total S/S



Total Unserved

Energy (MWh)

Types of Interruption Availability

% Forced Scheduled

Time Time

1 Dhaka (North) 5058.00 0.00 71:55:00 331:21:00 99.9943

2 Dhaka (South) 5031.00 0.00 0:33:00 64:59:00 99.9960

3 Comilla 2961.30 84.08 7:33:00 778:26:00 99.9813

4 Chittagong 3062.00 24.08 25:00:00 4:00:00 99.9900

5 Khulna 2374.32 0.00 11:40:48 56:18:36 100.0000

6 Bogra 3145.60 0.00 2:57:00 21:46:00 100.0000

7 HVDC 2526.30 1511.00 8:51:36 0:00:00 99.8500

Total 24158.52 1,619.16 128:30:24 1256:50:36 99.9787

Page | 55

Retrieved data from appendix B, C, D, E for interruption duration, for lines and transformer,

is listed in Table 4.3 and 4.4 respectively.

Table 4.3 Interruption duration of transmission lines

2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

Forced Scheduled Forced Scheduled Forced Scheduled

Month Time Time Month Time Time Month Time Time

Jul-15 241:56:13 541:07:24 July'14 37:19:09 550:44:24 July'13 67:45:00 705:53:00

Aug-15 82:59:00 373:22:48 Aug'14 64:34:46 561:41:48 Aug'13 72:25:00 114:03:12

Sep-15 93:08:00 742:38:00 Sep'14 461:29:12 524:35:36 Sep'13 228:34:24 805:59:48

Oct-15 73:37:13 1191:59:52 Oct'14 106:35:24 484:03:12 Oct'13 119:46:36 2452:41:00

Nov-15 36:10:12 2390:28:00 Nov'14 201:33:48 2780:04:12 Nov'13 42:55:00 1858:37:28

Dec-15 55:41:58 4363:02:24 Dec'14 412:45:36 2779:25:00 Dec'13 51:25:00 1092:11:00

Jan-16 58:05:24 2456:58:24 Jan'15 23:46:48 1532:03:48 Jan'14 66:14:00 1040:27:12

Feb-16 43:15:09 549:38:48 Feb'15 33:55:12 1923:26:36 Feb'14 377:03:36 763:28:36

Mar-16 80:29:48 137:56:48 Mar'15 75:32:47 657:42:12 Mar'14 656:15:00 465:56:36

Apr-16 159:38:24 404:34:12 Apr'15 2112:20:36 376:19:12 Apr'14 114:11:48 1575:26:36

May-16 126:58:36 590:44:48 May'15 1112:22:37 245:46:12 May'14 53:16:24 628:40:00

Jun-16 144:47:41 667:56:05 June'15 96:31:58 444:49:48 June'14 69:24:24 1224:23:12

S. Total 1196:47:38 14410:27:33 S. Total 4738:47:53 12860:42:00 S. Total 1919:16:12 12727:47:40

Total 15607:15:11 Total 17599:29:53 Total 14647:03:52

Table 4.4 Transformer outage duration

2015-16 2014-15 2013-14

Month Forced Scheduled

Month Forced Scheduled

Month Forced Scheduled

Time Time Time Time Time Time

Jul-15 130:24:59 880:58:36 July'14 50:14:24 286:42:24 July'13 17:31:00 513:52:00

Aug-15 66:26:49 645:19:48 Aug'14 61:54:48 5892:32:48 Aug'13 20:17:09 48:42:36

Sep-15 39:17:58 181:06:24 Sep'14 156:48:00 347:25:00 Sep'13 77:03:36 258:46:24

Oct-15 32:56:48 653:00:24 Oct'14 304:19:57 383:19:00 Oct'13 44:52:48 478:37:48

Nov-15 54:52:00 2106:00:12 Nov'14 96:44:48 1548:04:36 Nov'13 21:20:00 1315:49:36

Dec-15 50:26:13 1622:07:24 Dec'14 19:09:00 1237:21:24 Dec'13 11:40:48 1134.26:56

Jan-16 143:00:22 1622:13:00 Jan'15 310:25:12 1312:18:36 Jan'14 12:36:00 1634:21:36

Feb-16 158:03:13 1344:56:24 Feb'15 202:03:48 695:31:00 Feb'14 28:08:27 1523:16:24

Mar-16 75:52:30 372:12:00 Mar'15 157:28:00 1314:02:12 Mar'14 87:09:15 635:40:12

Apr-16 145:31:24 195:14:12 Apr'15 577:37:24 251:56:48 Apr'14 241:28:36 243:29:00

May-16 106:23:48 1263:35:12 May'15 190:33:10 366:45:24 May'14 85:21:24 322:21:48

Jun-16 128:30:24 1256:50:36 June'15 82:14:00 391:05:24 June'14 67:48:00 889:04:36

Total 1131:46:28 12143:34:12 Total 2209:32:31 14027:04:36 Total 715:17:03 7864:02:00

Page | 56

Measured availability of transmission line and transformer for each month of the fiscal year

2015-2016 is presented in Fig. 4.1 and 4.2. Figure 4.0

Figure 4.1 Transmission line availability (FY 2015-16)

Figure 4.2 Transformer availability (FY 2015-16)

Page | 57

Table 4.5 shows the overall availability KPIs calculated during FY 2013-14, 2014-15 and

2015-16. The higher the value, better the performance.

Table 4.5 Availability Indicators

KPIs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Transformer Availability 99.95% 99.98% 99.99%

Transmission Line

Availability 99.98% 99.97% 99.98%

Availability KPIs are calculated considering all emergency and scheduled interruptions or

outages of PGCB. Fig. 4.3 shows the trend in transmission line and transformer availability

indicators. From figure it is seen that, the availability of transmission transformer has been

increased over consecutive three years. On the other hand, transmission lines availability is

decreased in FY 2014-15 than FY 2013-14 and again increased in FY 2015-16. As per

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and IEEE 1366 standard, for

good performance of any licensee, the target is 99.66% and internationally accepted initial

benchmark for network availability is 95% [18] for both the line and transformer, which is

already exceeded by PGCB.

Figure 4.3 Line and Transformer Availability

During last financial year the overall availability of India, Bhutan and Oman was 99.72,

94.36 and 99.23 respectively [11], [36]. Transmission line and transformer availability of

Srilanka is 99.78 and 98.93 respectively in last year. At the same time the availability of

Page | 58

line and transformer varies from 93.58 to 98.18 and 92.02 to 97.52 respectively for the case

of Ireland. So the availability of Bangladesh grid is comparatively higher. That means

PGCB satisfy the criteria for availability parameters.

Average circuit and transformer outage duration are also considered as availability

parameters. Calculations of average circuit and transformer outage duration is given in

Table 4. 6.

Table 4.6 ACOD and ATOD

KPIs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

ACOD (Min) 908 749 778

ATOD (Min) 531 691 661

Fig. 4.4 displays the trend in ACOD and ATOD. It has been observed that average outage

or interruption duration for transmission circuit is in decreasing trend. In contrast to that,

transformer outage duration is in increasing tendency. These two are tracking parameter.

For better and standard performance both ACOD and ATOD should be in decreasing trend.

It is also observed that in case of ACOD Bangladesh is highest among SARC countries in

last year, where the second highest is Srilanka (594 min) and in case of ATOD PGCB is

lowest, where the first is Srilanka with 2765 minutes.

Figure 4.4 ACOD and ATOD

System average frequency of outages for transmission lines and transformers are treated as

reliability indicators. These are calculated considering scheduled, forced and external

outages of the system. Number of interruption recovered from the collected data are

presented in Table 4.7 and 4.8.

Page | 59

Table 4.7 Interruption due to substation equipment

FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Month Forced Scheduled Month Forced Scheduled Month Forced Scheduled

July'13 22 26 July'14 31 24 Jul-15 52 39

Aug'13 34 34 Aug'14 30 43 Aug-15 48 52

Sep'13 51 58 Sep'14 33 36 Sep-15 34 39

Oct'13 25 80 Oct'14 37 41 Oct-15 27 91

Nov'13 27 189 Nov'14 31 147 Nov-15 35 242

Dec'13 19 116 Dec'14 19 138 Dec-15 28 127

Jan'14 21 87 Jan'15 47 66 Jan-16 39 94

Feb'14 21 45 Feb'15 43 61 Feb-16 28 80

Mar'14 43 48 Mar'15 23 57 Mar-16 50 71

Apr'14 63 48 Apr'15 51 42 Apr-16 55 52

May'14 44 25 May'15 65 41 May-16 71 83

June'14 47 49 June'15 54 31 Jun-16 67 86

Total 417 805 Total 464 727 Total 534 1056

Table 4.8 Interruption due to transmission line problem

FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Month Forced Scheduled Month Forced Scheduled Month Forced Scheduled

July'13 27 23 July'14 40 26 Jul-15 110 52

Aug'13 78 19 Aug'14 50 36 Aug-15 86 56

Sep'13 84 45 Sep'14 80 25 Sep-15 57 35

Oct'13 39 42 Oct'14 70 63 Oct-15 44 59

Nov'13 27 264 Nov'14 112 263 Nov-15 34 251

Dec'13 22 205 Dec'14 40 275 Dec-15 37 379

Jan'14 18 161 Jan'15 32 104 Jan-16 25 276

Feb'14 29 124 Feb'15 52 64 Feb-16 53 107

Mar'14 118 80 Mar'15 48 64 Mar-16 110 27

Apr'14 88 66 Apr'15 148 68 Apr-16 95 51

May'14 73 43 May'15 124 44 May-16 134 72

June'14 52 47 June'15 71 57 Jun-16 79 36

Total 655 1119 Total 867 1089 Total 864 1401

Page | 60

Then using these data SAFOL for fiscal year 2015-16 is calculated by the following




𝑁𝐿 (4.5)



= 7.33

Using same methods, measured values for system average frequency of outages for

transmission lines and transformers are shown in Table 4. 9.

Table 4.9 Reliability KPIs

KPIs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

SAFOL 6.26 6.54 7.33

SAFOT 11.63 10.82 14.32

SAFO_L100 18.58 20.35 22.9

Tracking of System Average Frequency of Outage for transmission line and transformer

are shown in Fig. 4.5. According to international standard, the range for SAFOL and SAFOT

are 0, 70 and 0, 50 respectively [37]. Also the standard for system average frequency of

outage per kilometers (usually defined per 100 kilometers) is 5, 0 outages/100 km/year.

Though it is seen that the frequency of interruption is swelling over the years, which is not

desired. Although the outage frequency lies between the limits. On the other hand, average

frequency of outages per 100 km is very high compare to the standard and also from

Srilanka which is only 2.91 in last year.

Page | 61

Figure 4.5 Trend of Outages Frequency

Force outage rate is one of the reliability indicator. It is a tracking parameter and calculated

by the following formula

𝐹𝑂𝑅 =𝑡𝑓𝑜𝑟

𝑇 (4.6)

For FY 2015-16, Force outage duration of transmission line is 1196:47:38 and

Force outage duration of transformer equipment is 1131:46:28;

So, total force outage duration is 2328.57 hour.

𝐹𝑂𝑅 =2328.57

8760= 0.27

By the same way it has been calculated for three years are given in Table 4.10.

Table 4.10 Force Outage Rate

KPI 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

FOR 0.30 0.79 0.27

Tracking of Force Outage Rate is represented in Fig. 4.6. It is found very high in FY 2014-

15 with compare to other years, which is abnormal. Though there is no benchmark, the

lower the value of FOR the better the performance of the system. In case of Srilanka the

FOR is 0.22.

Page | 62

Figure 4.6 Force Outage Rate

SAIFI and SAIDI are treated as reliability KPI. Fig. 4.7 and 4.8 represents the trend in

SAIFI and SAIDI respectively. To maintain international standard, SAIFI or SAIDI for the

twelve month ending on the second assessment date has to less than the three years average.

According to IEEE 1366, 2001 the target of SAIFI is 1.0, it should be consists between 1

to 5 interruptions per year which is a far from the calculated values. For SAIDI the cap is

90, which is not comparable with the calculated values as this is too high. For Romania the

SAIFI and SAIDI is found 4.96 and 519 respectively. So, in terms of SAIFI and SAIDI the

system is not good.

Figure 4.7 Trend in SAIFI











2013-14 2014-15 2015-16



Fiscal Year

Page | 63

Figure 4.8 Trend in SAIDI

To assess the performance of a transmission system not only the availability or reliability

but also the quality of power must be considered. Power quality indicators shows how the

transmission line parameters comply with the defined standards.

Transmission loss is one of the power quality indicators, which KPI indirectly indicates the

efficiency of the transmission grid. Transmission losses is also calculated by PGCB. This

is calculated from the difference of energy import and export, and represented as

percentage. In this study loss has been calculated from the data collected from two sources.

Figure 4.9 Transmission Loss (FY 2015-16)

Page | 64

Firstly as per the difference of total import and export, measured loss for FY 2015-16 is

presented in Fig. 4.9. In this way calculated losses for other two fiscal years are listed in

Table 4.11 and 4.12.

Table 4.11 Calculated Loss (FY 2013-14)

Month Import Energy

wheeled Difference


Tx Loss %






Difference Cumulative

Tx Loss %

July'13 3,599.15 3,499.28 99.872 2.77 3,599.15 3,499.28 99.87 2.77

Aug'13 3,285.57 3,191.13 94.443 2.87 6,884.72 6,690.41 194.32 2.82

Sep'13 3,314.46 3,221.12 93.340 2.82 10,199.18 9,911.52 287.66 2.82

Oct'13 3,055.39 2,966.80 88.595 2.90 13,254.57 12,878.32 376.25 2.84

Nov'13 2,576.06 2,509.95 66.112 2.57 15,830.64 15,388.27 442.36 2.79

Dec'13 2,497.10 2,435.95 61.144 2.45 18,327.73 17,824.22 503.51 2.75

Jan'14 2,673.62 2,595.31 78.31 2.93 21,001.35 20,419.53 581.82 2.77

Feb'14 2,580.68 2,509.55 71.13 2.76 23,582.03 22,929.08 652.95 2.77

Mar'14 3,380.53 3,274.77 105.754 3.13 26,962.56 26,203.86 758.70 2.81

Apr'14 3,785.93 3,678.33 107.598 2.84 30,748.48 29,882.19 866.30 2.82

May'14 3,688.09 3584.745 103.34 2.80 34,436.57 33,466.93 969.64 2.82

June'14 3,639.24 3536.721 102.522 2.82 38,075.81 37,003.65 1,072.16 2.82

Total 38,075.81 37,003.65 1072.1601 2.82 38,075.81 37,003.65 1,072.16 2.82

Table 4.12 Calculated Loss (FY 2014-15)

Month Import Energy

wheeled Difference


Tx Loss %






Difference Cumulative

Tx Loss %

July'14 3,953.47 3,839.55 113.922 2.88 3,953.47 3,839.55 113.92 2.88

Aug'14 3,726.97 3,648.48 78.488 2.11 7,680.44 7,488.03 192.41 2.51

Sep'14 3,557.01 3,467.31 89.697 2.52 11,237.45 10,955.34 282.11 2.51

Oct'14 3,437.37 3,342.53 94.841 2.76 14,674.82 14,297.87 376.95 2.57

Nov'14 2,866.36 2,785.38 80.98 2.83 17,541.18 17,083.25 457.93 2.61

Dec'14 2,723.44 2,644.78 78.657 2.89 20,264.61 19,728.03 536.59 2.65

Jan'15 2,870.67 2,789.44 81.23 2.83 23,135.28 22,517.47 617.82 2.67

Feb'15 2,824.29 2,743.41 80.882 2.86 25,959.58 25,260.88 698.70 2.69

Mar'15 3,720.06 3,613.24 106.822 2.87 29,679.64 28,874.12 805.52 2.71

Apr'15 3,475.16 3,367.36 107.8 3.10 33,154.80 32,241.48 913.32 2.75

May'15 4,027.18 3909.84 117.343 2.91 37,181.98 36,151.32 1,030.66 2.77

June'15 4,018.22 3908.61 109.61 2.73 41,200.20 40,059.93 1,140.27 2.77

Total 41,200.20 40,059.93 1140.272 2.77 41,200.20 40,059.93 1,140.27 2.77

Page | 65

Trends in transmission losses are shown in fig 4.10. World-wide accepted transmission loss

is less than 3%. From graph it has been observed that transmission losses are in fluctuating

trend though the threshold is not breached. This calculation is done according to the data

collected from PGCB head office in terms of total energy import and export.

Figure 4.10 Trends of Transmission Losses

The loss is related with the length and type of transmission lines. According to the definition

[38], [39], most of all lines of PGCB are short as per length, but long as per voltage level,

which is contradictory. From these point of view, if we consider this as long transmission

lines (line length > 150km and voltage level > 100kV) then loss is actually high with

compared to long transmission lines like in India, which is 4.2% in last year. Also

transmission losses found for Srilanka and Pakistan in last financial year was 3.60 and 2.73

respectively. Though Srilanka still could not meet the limit, Pakistan is maintaining losses

below 3% from the year 2014.

In contrast to that, transmission loss found more than 5 % according to the data collected

from different substations. Substation loss calculated for two sample is given in Fig. 4.11.

From the figure it has been found that simply substation loss is greater than 15 % for two

sample and the variation is abnormal. Whereas transmission loss is the combination of both

the line loss and substation loss. So, there is a major mismatch between two data. Which

indirectly prove that PGCB calculate the loss in a thumb rule rather than using standard


Page | 66

Figure 4.11 Substation Loss

Frequency deviation index (FDI) is another indicator for ensuring quality power. Frequency

variation is the deviation of frequency beyond a certain range from the nominal supply

frequency. Any frequency excursions outside these limits for a defined duration or more

(eg. 60 Seconds) could be recorded as frequency limit violations. As per PGCB documents

(appendix A) LDC is responsible for maintaining the system frequency at 50 Hz ± 2% to

ensure quality power to the customer, though there found no data to measure this indicator.

Frequency deviation indices can be defined to find the number of time or duration that the

system frequency goes beyond the allowable range.

To figure out the extent of frequency excursions, frequency ranges can be also defined; (If

the nominal frequency is f) as follows,

1. Normal State: The Transmission System frequency is within the limit of (f ± 1%)

2. Alert State: The Transmission System frequency is beyond the normal operating limit

but within (f ± 2%)

3. Emergency State: There is generation deficiency and frequency is below (f - 2%)

Voltage deviation index (VDI) is another important indices for quality power. Voltage

variation is the deviation of voltage in a certain range. Voltage deviations can be identified

by monitoring the bus bar voltages of the grid substations. As per the quality management

system document (appendix A) PGCB is committed to control voltage within desired level

Page | 67

(230kV ± 10% and 132kV ±10%) to ensure quality power. If grid voltages comes down

below the required level, capacitor banks which are connected with 33 kV bus are switched

on automatically, if this is not enough then the capacitor switched on manually, if this step

is not enough generation of MVAR of running generating units are increased, if this step is

also not enough then load control is imposed in the respective areas where voltage is low.

If the grid voltage goes high beyond the required level, there is a different procedure to

remove this. PGCB maintain data only for maximum and minimum voltage (appendix F),

but not the number of hours that the voltage is out of range is measured, which is also


Power system security is the ability of the system to withstand sudden disturbances. To

secure the supply the transmission system must be able to deliver the power even under

abnormal or faulty conditions. ENS, SML, overall reliability are considered system security

indicators. Measured data for energy not supplied, system minute loss and overall reliability

are given in Table 4.13.

Table 4.13 Supply security indicators

KPIs 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

ENS (MWh) 10458.5 13698.97 17572.76

SML (minutes) 67.70 79.93 92.44

Reliability (%) 99.97253257 99.96675 99.963205

Energy not supplied gives an estimation of the energy not supplied to the connected load

due to the interruption of transmission circuits over a year. Energy not supplied is very high

with compare to the standard and any other countries of the world. The standard is 15 x 10-

5 of the total supplied energy. From calculation it is found three times higher than the

standard. Though for countries like Srilanka and Oman it is 3091.6 MWh and 2027 MWh

respectively, for the developed countries like UK and Ireland it is only 105.01 MWh and

100 MWh respectively. System minutes lost index measures the severity of each system

disturbance relative to the size of the system, in terms of duration of total system wide

blackout. One system minute indicates an equivalent of total system interruption, with the

magnitude of total system peak, for one minute. When this index for a specific incident is

greater than one minute, that incident can be normally classified as a major interruption.

System minute loss is also very high where for Ireland system minute loss is only 0.049. It

Page | 68

is seen that, energy not supplied and system minute lost both are in increasing trend, which

represent the ineffectiveness of the system. Reliability means the quality of being

trustworthy. Reliability of a system covers all aspects of ability of the transmission system

to perform its intended function of providing an adequate supply of electrical energy with

reasonable assurance of continuity and quality. In case of overall reliability the standard is

99.9999 and value for reference countries Oman and Romania is 99.994 and 99.999964

respectively. From the analysis it has been observed that the overall reliability of the system

is decreasing over the years, which may cause major blackout in near future. PGCB need

to keep attention to reduce ENS and SML KPIs and increase system reliability.

Asset which directly involve in transmission supply system are very critical for the secure

operation are transmission line and grid substation transformer. Therefore they must be

utilized productively by keeping records of their loading capacities.

Capacity factor, transformer utilization factor are considered as asset utilization indicators.

Transmission transformer asset utilization factor is measured about 60% using the data

from appendix G. Capacity factor tendency is shown in Fig. 4.12. It is found that capacity

factor is about 25%, which mean that only 25% energy is wheeled relative to the maximum

it could wheel at continuous full power operation, though it is increasing slowly.

International benchmark for both transmission and distribution is more that 80%.

Figure 4.12 Capacity factor







2013-14 2014-15 2015-16



y f


r (%


Fiscal Year

Capacity Factor

Page | 69


Financial and commercial KPIs are equal important to evaluate a system performance. Like

technical KPIs, financial indicators are also calculated using collected data from several

sources of PGCB along with their annual reports [40–42] using specific formula.

As example, the process of measuring debt service coverage ratio for the year 2015-16 is

shown below.

𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =Operating Profit or EBIT

Interest Payment + Principle Payment (4.7)



= 2.26

In a same process current ratio is calculated by the following equation

𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =Current Asset

Current liabilities


= 17926021935.00

5786529433.00= 3.09

Using these specific equations calculated financial indicators are given in Table 4.14.

Table 4.14 Financial Indices

Parameters 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Profit margin (869) 594 448

Return on RAB 4.96 5.53 6.27

Current ratio 0.81 2.58 3.09

Interest service coverage ratio 2.01 2.33 3.92

Debt service coverage ratio 1.11 1.45 2.26

Profit margin is a tracking parameter. For any operator profitability matrices are important

because they highlight points of weakness in the operational model and enable year to year

Page | 70

performance comparison. It indirectly shows the company’s financial condition and

prospects of growth. Tendency of main camp service profit margin is shown in Fig. 4.13

which represent abnormal behavior of profit of the company. Every operator have a target

to increase their profit margin.

Figure 4.13 Profit margin

Return on RAB indicator used to ascertain whether the company has earned a reasonable

return on its regulatory asset base. According to international benchmark, return on RAB

have to be greater than 5%. Though it was less in 2013-14, this meet the standard in last

two years.

Fig. 4.14 demonstrates the trend in Current ratio. It gives an indication of the company’s

ability to meet its short term obligations. The value of current ratio is 0.40 and 0.99 for

India and Pakistan respectively. According to international benchmark Current Ratio

should be greater than 1.5 [43] which found satisfactory in FY 2014-15 and 2015-16 for


Figure 4.14 Trend in current ratio










2013-14 2014-15 2015-16




in (


Fiscal Year









2013-14 2014-15 2015-16



Fiscal Year

Page | 71

Interest service coverage ratio (ISCR) serves to measure the company’s ability to meet its

interest payments. The higher the ratio, the more financially stable the company. ISCR less

than 1 suggests the inability of company’s profit serve its interest debts. Basically it is a

tool to judge the capacity of borrower to repay the interest on the loan. Debt service

coverage ratio (DSCR) is slightly more comprehensive. This metrics assess the ability of

the company to meet its minimum principle and interest payments. The higher DSCR

implies it is more likely for the company to obtain a loan. It is more robust indicator of a

company’s financial fitness. Interest and debt service coverage ratio is shown in Fig. 4.15.

The benchmark for interest service coverage ratio and debt service coverage ratio is greater

than 2 and 1.5 respectively. Though both are in increasing trend but these meet the standard

on FY 2015-16 only.

Figure 4.15 Trend in interest and debt service coverage ratio

Table 4.15 shows the calculated commercial parameters during FY 2013-14, 2014-15 and


Table 4.15 Commercial Indices

Indicators 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Asset turnover rate (%) (0.25) 0.84 0.89

Sales growth rate (%) 1.49 0.84 5.07

Accounts receivable Days 59.1 60 69.6

Working capital (%) (47.38) 114 156.2

Operating cost/sales (%) 74.8 77.3 61.08

Revenue growth rate (%) 10 8 35

Page | 72

Asset turnover rate measures the ability of company to use its assets to generate sales. From

Fig. 4.16 it is observed that, the asset turnover rate has been increased over consecutive

three years. This indicates that, the operational capability of the company is increasing,

however it was negative in FY 2013-14. At the same period sales growth rate are also in

increasing pattern means that the output economic efficiency of the company is growing

[16]. Sales growth rate is a rate at which the company is growing its sales year over year.

Figure 4.16 Tendency of asset turnover rate and sales growth rate

Account receivable days gives the number of days it takes the company to collect its

receivable. Fig. 4.17 displays the trend in accounts receivable days. According to

international benchmark it should be less than 30 days [43]. But for PGCB, it is too high

and also increasing over the years which represents company’s ineffectiveness in revenue


Figure 4.17 Accounts receivable






2013-14 2014-15 2015-16



Fiscal Year

Page | 73

Working capital is a common measure of company’s liquidity, efficiency and overall

health. Positive working capital indicates that a company is able to pay off its short-term

liabilities almost immediately. Negative indicates a company is unable to do so. Working

capital is a tracking parameter and which shows that company’s capital is increasing though

it was negative in FY 2013-14. Fig. 4.18 represents the trend in working capital and

operating cost/sales. On the other hand, operating cost/sales is an operating ratio, shows the

efficiency of company’s management. The smaller the ratio, the greater the operator’s

ability to generate profit. From the result it is found decreasing throughout the years is a

good sign, nevertheless operating cost/sales is too high whereas the standard is less than

20% is still too far to reach for PGCB.

Figure 4.18 Trends of working capital and operating cost/sales.

Tracking status of revenue growth rate is reveals in Fig. 4.19. It is seen that, percentage of

revenue growth has a dramatic changes between FY 2013-14 to 2015-16. This is better than

India for which revenue growth rate is 20%.

Figure 4.19 Revenue growth rate






2013-14 2014-15 2015-16




e (%


Fiscal Year

Page | 74


In terms of the employee of the licensee these are categorized as service efficiency

parameters. Though these are not considered importantly in developing countries like

Bangladesh, but employee satisfaction as well as social impact KPIs are taken as vital issues

in the developed countries. Performance indicators calculated for showing efficiency of

transmission licensee are given in Table 4.16.

Table 4.16 Efficiency indicators

Parameters 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Installed Capacity per Employee 8.466116 9.088954 9.326096

Energy Transmitted per Employee 16.07472 16.8887 19.19479

km of Network per Employee 4.052737 4.051341 4.056036

All efficiency indicators are tracking parameter. Trend of installed capacity per employee

and km of network per employee are given in Fig. 4.20. It has been observed that installed

capacity per employee is growing slowly, on the other hand km of network per employee

is found constant over the consecutive years. Though there is no benchmark, it is better to

keep these parameters constant.

Figure 4.20 Installed capacity and km of network per employee







2013-14 2014-15 2015-16



Fiscal Year

Installed Capacity per Employee Km of Network per Employee

Page | 75

Operating cost and energy transmitted per employee is shown in Fig. 4.21 and 4.22. These

indicators are rapidly increasing throughout the years. There need to maintain a correlation

between employee and other parameters. Better if these KPIs maintain a constant standard

set by the licensee.

Figure 4.21 Energy Transmitted per Employee

Figure 4.22 Operating cost per employee


Performance indicators related with social effect are also important for network evaluation.

Though third world countries are not very much aware with social affect, these plays a








2013-14 2014-15 2015-16



Fiscal Year









2013-14 2014-15 2015-16



n T


Fiscal year

Page | 76

significant roles for performance analysis in developed countries. Power grid can contribute

to sustainable development, can damage prospects for sustainable development, or, because

grid infrastructure may cover thousands of kilometers, have both types of impacts in

separate places and among separate peoples.

The “E7” Group of utilities describes some of the social benefits of grid networks as

“Optimized electric power systems should improve reliability and quality of service, while

allowing lower tariffs. Lower electricity rates, achieved through regional electricity

cooperation and integration, will foster increased regional growth. The interconnection of

isolated electric power networks throughout a region will enhance rural electrification

programs. Local needs of individuals, families, communities and businesses will be better

met through the increased availability of electricity”. In order to assure that of grid

interconnection results in sustainable development in the region, capacity building may

often be necessary to assure that benefits (and costs) of interconnection are properly

accounted for, and to assure that the interconnection is operated in such a way as to

contribute to sustainable development.

At present PGCB is not considering and keeping data related with these KPIs. But near

future it is necessary to preserve data, calculate and analyze these indicators.


The selected indicators are calculated and analyzed to evaluate the performance of

Bangladesh power transmission system. A huge data have been collected from several

sources of PGCB and processed to measure the KPIs. Form analysis it has been observed

that performance of PGCB is good in terms of some indicators and not satisfactory with

respect to some indicators. Satisfactory and substandard indicators are listed with their

calculated values in Table 4.17 and 4.18 respectively.

Page | 77

Table 4.17 Satisfactory KPIs

KPIs Results

Remarks FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Transmission Line

Availability (%) 99.98 99.97 99.98 Good


Availability (%) 99.95 99.98 99.99 Good

FOR 0.30 0.79 0.27 Satisfactory

ACOD (Minutes) 908 749 778 Satisfactory

Overall Reliability of

System 99.9725 99.9667 99.9632 Satisfactory

ATR (%) (0.25) 0.84 0.89 Satisfactory

SGR (%) 1.49 0.84 5.07 Good

Return on RAB 4.96 5.53 6.27 Satisfactory

Current Ratio 0.81 2.58 3.09 Satisfactory

ISCR 2.01 2.33 3.92 Good

DSCR 1.11 1.45 2.26 Satisfactory

Working Capital (%) (47.38) 114 156.2 Satisfactory

Revenue Growth rate (%) 10 8 35 Good

Page | 78

Table 4.18 Below Standard KPIs

KPIs Results

Remarks FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

ENS (MWh) 10458.5 13698.97 17572.76 Not


SML (Minutes) 67.60 79.93 92.44 Not


SAIDI (Minutes) 9108 12609 9469 Not


SAIFI (Number) 19.58 19.55 21.07 Not


CAIDI 465.16 644.96 449.40 Not


Transmission Transformer

Utilization Factor (%) 36.7 48.9 60.3



Capacity Factor (%) 21.7 22.4 23 Not


SAFOL (Number) 6.26 6.54 7.33 Not


SAFOT (Number) 11.63 10.82 14.32 Not


SAFO_L100 (Number) 18.58 10.82 14.32 Not


ATOD (Minutes) 531 691 661 Not


Transmission Losses 2.82 2.77 2.86 Not


Main Camp Service Profit

Margin (869) 594 448



Accounts Receivable Days 59.1 60 69.6 Not


Operating Cost/Sales 74.8 77.3 61.08 Not


Page | 79


From analysis only a very few key performance indicators are found good. Most of the

indicators are satisfactory and below satisfactory. There are a lot of options to improve

further in case of satisfactory indicators. Also special concentration is required to develop

the KPIs which are not satisfactory.

Energy not supplied (ENS), System minute loss (SML), System average interruption

duration index (SAIDI), System average interruption frequency index (SAIFI), Customer

average interruption duration index (CAIDI), System average frequency of outage of

transmission line and transformer all the indicators are related to the outage of lines and

transformer. To make these KPIs good there is no other way to reduce outages. So, the

factors influencing outages need to be developed. Protection system is an internal parameter

to reduce outages. By developing switchgear and protection system these indicators may

be improved.

Many possibilities exist for improving the efficiency as well as transmission loss of the

grid’s system. However, market and policy restraints make some solutions more practical

than others. Advances in higher temperature superconducting technology have reduced

cooling requirements, also reducing their cost of operation. The city of Essen, Germany,

installed a liquid nitrogen-cooled 0.6 mile superconducting cable (the longest in the world

at the time it was installed in 2014) that connects two large transformers. In addition to

nearly eliminating electricity loss, the cable can transport five times more power.

Superconducting cables could also eliminate the need to step up transmission voltages and

make expensive equipment such as transformers no longer necessary. So, this is one of the

solutions though it takes time for implement in Bangladesh. High voltage direct current

transmission lines offer greater efficiencies over the more typical alternating current (AC)

lines. However, the relatively high cost of this approach makes it most practical for long

distance transmission. By avoiding contradiction with transmission line classifications,

length of all the high voltage line need to recheck and modify. Flexible AC Transmission

Systems, or FACTS, can help increase the efficiency of existing power transmission

systems by maintaining acceptable voltage limits. This technology adjusts the amount of

power injected into or absorbed by the power system. FACTS allow AC lines to be loaded

more heavily, increase reliability of the transmission system and mitigate power

Page | 80

oscillations. These systems require new control technologies, but do not require any change

to the transmission system materials.

There are only three ways that profit margins can be increased: Increasing revenues and

maintaining costs; maintaining revenues and decreasing costs; and increasing revenues and

decreasing costs. It is better for PGCB to go for the third one considering all aspects of the

country. Both the PGCB and its customer are government’s organization or company. It is

easy to develop a memorandum of understanding between PGCB and distribution

companies under the guidance of ministry to optimize the account receivables.


The selected indicators are calculated for Bangladesh transmission system for the fiscal

year 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 in this chapter. The calculated values are compared

with international standard and reference countries. Mainly Srilanka and India is considered

as reference. In some cases Pakistan, Oman, Jordan, Romania and Bhutan are also

compared. From the analysis a suggestion is developed to standardize the power

transmission system of Bangladesh.

Page | 81




It is concluded that the majority of utilities measure their performance by means of cost

evaluation and the final outcome i.e. grid availability and reliability. In order to improve

on this outcome, most utilities (about 60%) already go further by making use of indicators

to evaluate performance. Furthermore, many companies use some form of benchmarking

to compare their indicators or to set targets for their indicators. They also use the trend of

their own indicators when setting targets. However, in Bangladesh there is no systematic

methods to evaluate power transmission system performance.

This thesis has investigated a number of key performance indicators which are classified

as technical key performance indicators subdivided as availability indicators, transmission

system power quality indicators, supply security indicators, transmission system asset

utilization indicators; financial indicators; commercial indicators; efficiency indicators and

social impact indicators. From a lot, total 43 parameters are selected analyzing the prospect

of Bangladesh power system. Some indicators are categorized as benchmarking and some

are tracking.

In terms of availability KPIs, the performance of Bangladesh transmission grid is good, as

the availability for transmission line and transformer both found more than 99.66% in

recent year, which is the limit for good licensee. Also the initial benchmark for line and

transformer availability is 95%. As availability is high force outage rate found is low (0.27

in last FY). System average frequency of outages for transmission line and transformer

(SAFOL and SAFOT) are also found in between standard benchmark range, though these

are in increasing trend. But average frequency of outages per 100 kilometers is very high

compare to international benchmark, which is 5, 0 outages/100 kilometers/year. Where,

SAFO_L100 measured is 18.53, 20.35 and 22.9 respectively for fiscal year 2013-14, 2014-

15 and 2015-16. According to SAIFI and SAIDI, study have found that there is a huge

difference from the standard. As SAFO, SAIDI, SAIFI are treated as reliability KPIs, the

transmission system is said unreliable.

Page | 82

Transmission losses is the KPI measured by all licensee to evaluate their performance. In

this study losses have been calculated using data from two sources. According to the data

collected from the MIS, PGCB, the loss measured in terms of the difference of import

energy and wheeled energy, is found 2.82, 2.77 and 2.86% respectively in fiscal year 2013-

14, 2014-15 and 2015-16. If it is less than 3%, then the system might be said best according

to international benchmark, but there found major miss match between the calculated

values. The loss is related with the length and type of transmission lines. According to the

definition, most of all lines of PGCB are short as per length, but long as per voltage level,

which is contradictory. From these point of view, if we consider this as long transmission

lines (line length > 150km and voltage level > 100kV) then loss is actually high which is

found from this study. The calculated loss as per data collected from different grid circle

and substation is found more than 9%. So, it may be conclude that PGCB calculate the loss

using thumb rule rather than standard process. As per appendix F, PGCB is responsible for

maintain voltage within desired level (230kV ± 10% and 132kV ± 10%) and frequency at

50 Hz ± 2% to ensure quality power to the customer. But there is no record where these

parameters can be justified. So, in terms of power quality indicators the performance of the

grid is low. It has been found from the study that, the energy not supplied (ENS) and system

minutes lost (SML) indicators are increasing over the consecutive years. Also the overall

reliability is decreasing. Which indirectly indicates the insecurity of the supply of the

transmission system.

Different financial ratios have been calculated to understand the performance of the system.

Current ratio is found 0.81, 2.58 and 3.09 respectively in FY 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-

16. As per international benchmark it is satisfactory. Current ratio is also better than the

neighboring countries like India and Pakistan, which was 0.40 and 0.99 respectively. Also

interest and debt service coverage ratios and return on RAB are meet the standard in the

last year. But the profit behavior of the company is abnormal. From all point of view, the

financial strength of the company is declared as strong.

The company shows a dramatic development in revenue growth in recent years but in case

of accounts receivable and operating cost/sales it could not full fill the benchmark.

Although operational capability, output economic efficiency, working capital of the

company has been increasing, though the licensee is not completely said to be commercially


Page | 83

To assess the performance of the system only increment of profit or availability could not

assure that the company is doable from all aspects. Analysis of all these indicators can

assists system planners to make a reasonable understanding to reinforcement and expansion


These KPIs and measured data may provide a useful tool for evaluating the operational and

financial performance as well as future planning of Bangladesh transmission system. As

generation is increasing with aggregate demand, the wheeling revenue as well as profit will

increase. The analysis of last three years will offer better outcomes in the performing

services of transmission grid. Also the suggestions can be implemented for better

performance. Changing performance standard, the adjustment of limits allowed, will lead

to an improvement of the quality of transmission system. The obtained results from this

study will serve as a guide for setting benchmarks for standardization of Bangladesh

transmission grid. Which will be helpful to make the company viable from financial,

commercial as well as technical aspects.


This research recommended to use proposed key performance indicators for PGCB. Since

there is no systematic parameters. Hence by using proposed parameters it has been shown

that performance evaluation and planning can be more easily described. Also it is required

for PGCB to reserve data for calculating gearing ratio, transmission line maintenance cost

index, substation maintenance cost index and bad debt indices. There are still so many areas

in which detail study is required.

There is a major miss match between data collected from different sources. Such as, the

data collected regarding the capacity of grid substation from grid circle and planning

department found a difference of about 1000 MVA. Most of the good utilities reserve the

data for study and analysis. CEA of Canada reserve their data for 25 long years. So this is

also important to find the ways how the Bangladeshi utilities can record the reliable data.

Technical and economic matters are interrelated, so it is necessary to put more emphasis

on engineering economics related study.

From the analysis it is observed that still PGCB has so many areas to develop, especially

accounts receivable days and operating cost indices, as these are very high compared with

Page | 84

other utility companies throughout the world, over and above standard. Research can be

done on how to reduce these indicators. Research should be gone about harmonics, flicker

and unbalance. More study is required to reduce the losses, increase the reliability and

security of the system. Also it is suggested to go for energy audit in every year as like

financial audit.

Page | 85


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[37] “Transmission Performance Standards Code,” Energy & Minerals Regulatory

Commission of Jordan.

[38] W. D. Stevenson, Element of Power System Analysis, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill book


[39] V. K. Mehta and R. Mehta, Principles of power Systems, 4th ed. S. Chand.

[40] “Annual report 2013-2014.” Power Grid Company of Bangladesh.

[41] “Annual report 2014-2015.” Power Grid Company of Bangladesh.

[42] “Annual report 2015-2016.” Power Grid Company of Bangladesh.

[43] W. Gboney, “Performance Evaluation, Monitoring and Assessment of Utility

Companies, and Development of key Performance Indicators,” Rwanda Utilities

Regulatory Authority, November 2014.

Page | 90


Appendix A: Frequency and Voltage quality control

Page | 91

Page | 92

Appendix B: Outage of Sub-Station Equipment due to Emergency Outages (Sample June 2016)


POWER GRID COMPANY OF BANGLADESH LTD Information Management Division, LDC, Dhaka.

Outage of Sub-Station Equipment due to Tripping/Emergency Maintenance

Month: June 2016

Name of the Equipment Name Start Finish Duration Type of

Cause Unserved Unserved Remarks

Sub-station Date and Time

Date and Time

outage Load (MW)

Energy (MWH)

Dhaka (North) Grid Circle :

Aminbazar 230/132 kV Transformer -T2 01/06/16 08:32

01/06/16 08:48

0:16:00 T Tripped showing differential relay

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Joydevpur 132/33 kV Transformer -T2 01/06/16 23:31

02/06/16 00:14

0:43:00 T Tripped showing differential relay

10.00 7.17 Power interruption

Kabirpur 132/33 kV Transformer -T1 08/06/16 11:34

08/06/16 12:35

1:01:00 E/O Due to Oil leakage

30.00 30.50 Power interruption

Mymensingh 132/33 kV Transformer -T1 11/06/16 22:32

12/06/16 00:07

1:35:00 E/O Due to red-hot maintenance

50.00 79.17 Power interruption

Kallyanpur 132/33 kV Transformer- T2 12/06/16 15:41

14/06/16 16:59

49:18:00 E/O Due to Oil leakage

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Aminbazar 230/132 kV Transformer -TR3 14/06/16 10:01

14/06/16 11:48

1:47:00 E/O

Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Satmosjid 132/33 kV Transformer -T2

15/06/15 10:56

15/06/15 12:19

1:23:00 E/O

Due to Oil leakage 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Mymensingh 132/33 kV Transformers -T1 & T2

23/06/16 20:59

23/06/16 21:10



Tripped showing O/C relay 90.00 16.50 Power interruption

Kabirpur 132/33 kV Transformer -T3 23/06/16 21:35

23/06/16 22:33

0:58:00 E/O

Due to red hot maintenance 50.00 48.33 Power


Satmosjid 132/33 kV Transformer -T1 25/06/16 15:12

25/06/16 15:25



Tripped showing differential realy

64.00 13.87 Power interruption

Total : 57:25:00 Unserved Energy: 181.67

Dhaka (South) Grid Circle :

Maniknagar 132/33 kV Transformer -GT2 12/06/16 06:15

12/06/16 10:48

4:33:00 Due to basber protection relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Hasnabad 230/132 kV Transformer -TR2 12/06/16 07:34

12/06/16 17:10



Tripped showing 87T & 86T relay

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Haripur 132 kV bus- 2 & 3

17/06/16 10:02

17/06/16 12:47

2:45:00 E/O

Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Hasnabad 132/33 kV Transformer -T2 25/06/16 05:58

25/06/16 06:20

0:22:00 T

Tripped showing O/C relay 25.00 9.17 Power interruption

Sonargaon 132/33 kV Transformers -T1 29/06/16 21:33

29/06/16 21:52

0:19:00 T

Tripped showing O/C relay 55.00 17.42 Power interruption

132/33 kV Transformer -T2 29/06/16 21:33

29/06/16 22:12

0:39:00 T

Total : 18:14:00 Unserved Energy: 26.58

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Chittagong Grid Circle :

Juldah 132 kV main bus 03/06/16 06:54

03/06/16 11:25

4:31:00 E/O Due to red hot maintenance 15.00 67.75 Power interruption

Madunaghat 132/33 kV Transformers- T2 13/06/16 08:42

13/06/16 08:50

0:08:00 T

Tripped showing winding temperature high

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Hathazari 230/132 kV Transformer -MT4 13/06/16

14:07 13/06/16

15:55 1:48:00

E/O Due to red-hot maintenance

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Baraulia 132/33 kV Transformer -T1 22/06/16 22:37

23/06/16 02:30

3:53:00 T Tripped showing E/F & differential relay 70.00 271.83 Power interruption

Total : 10:20:00 Unserved Energy: 339.58 Comilla Grid Circle :

Comiila(S) 132/33 kV Transformers -T1 &T2

15/06/16 07:12

15/06/16 08:05


E/O Due to red hot maintenance

40.00 35.33 Power interruption

Sylhet 132/33 kV Transformers -T2 19/06/16 06:42

19/06/16 08:03

1:21:00 E/O Due to red-hot maintenance

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Daudkandi 132/33 kV Transformer -GT3 22/06/16 09:07

22/06/16 09:42

0:35:00 T

Tripped showing E/F relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Feni 132/33 kV Transformer -T1 24/06/16 12:10

24/06/16 12:23

0:13:00 T

Tripped showing O/C relay 57.00 12.35 Power interruption

Total : 3:02:00 Unserved Energy: 47.68 Khulna Grid Circle :

Khulna ( C ) 132/33 kV Transformer -T1 07/06/16 14:20

07/06/16 14:30

0:10:00 T

Tripped showing O/C relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

132/33 kV Transformer -T2 07/06/16 14:20

07/06/16 14:31

0:11:00 T

0.00 0.00 No interruption

132/33 kV Transformers- T1 & T2

12/06/16 01:44

12/06/16 01:45



Tripped showing Over voltage 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Gopalganj 132/33 kV Transformer -T2 12/06/16 02:40

12/06/16 02:45

0:05:00 T

Tripped showing Over voltage relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

132/33 kV Transformer -T2 12/06/16 06:13

12/06/16 07:05

0:52:00 T

10.00 8.67 Power interruption

132/33 kV Transformers -T2 12/06/16 07:43

12/06/16 08:33

0:50:00 T

Tripped showing Over voltage 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Khulna ( C ) 132/33 kV Transformers- T2 12/06/16 04:52

12/06/16 10:48

5:56:00 T

Tripped showing inst.E/F relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Golapara 132/33 kV Transformers -T5 12/06/16 07:11

12/06/16 14:07

6:56:00 T

Tripped showing differentai relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bhandaria 132/33 kV Transformers -T1 &T2

17/06/16 08:02

17/06/16 08:05


T Tripped showing not healthy relay

20.00 1.00 Power interruption

Bagerhat 132/33 kV Transformer -T1 19/06/16 14:05

19/06/16 14:12

0:07:00 T

Tripped showing E/F relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

132/33 kV Transformer -T2 19/06/16 14:05

19/06/16 14:13

0:08:00 T

Tripped showing inst.E/F relay 38.00 5.07 Power interruption

Madaripur 132/33 kV Transformer -T3 29/06/16 12:34

29/06/16 16:25

3:51:00 T

Tripped showing inst.B-phase & O/C relay

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 19:10:00 Unserved Energy: 14.73

HVDC Grid Circle :

132/33 kV Transformers -T1 & T2

04/06/16 06:28

04/06/16 06:41



Tripped showing O/C relay 40.00 8.67 Power interruption

Jessore 132/33 kV Transformers -T1 12/06/16 14:51

12/06/16 15:00


T Tripped showing E/F relay

10.00 1.50 Power interruption

Page | 94

132/33 kV Transformers-T2 12/06/16 14:51

12/06/16 15:02

0:11:00 T

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Ishurdi 230 kV bus breaker 17/06/16 10:05

17/06/16 15:59

5:54:00 E/O

Due to Oil leakage 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Jessore 132/33 kV Transformers -T1 & T2

23/06/16 20:55

23/06/16 21:12



Tripped showing O/C relay 10.00 2.83 Power interruption

Shahjadpur 132/33 kV Transformer -T1 24/06/16 08:40

24/06/16 14:10

5:30:00 E/O

Due to Oil leakage 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 12:14:00 Unserved Energy: 13.00 Bogra Grid Circle:

Saidpur 132/33 kV Transformer -T2 01/06/16 13:10

01/06/16 13:25

0:15:00 E/O

Due to Oil leakage 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Thakurgaon 132/33 kV Transformers -T1 & T2

07/06/16 10:05

07/06/16 11:33

1:28:00 E/O Due to red hot maintenance 30.00 44.00 Power interruption

Naogaon 132/33 kV Transformers -T1 & T2

12/06/16 01:15

12/06/16 01:30


T Tripped showing E/F relay 64.00 16.00 Power


Total : 1:58:00 Unserved Energy: 60.00

Others :

Matuail 132/33 kV Transformer GT-2 06/06/16 11:34

06/06/16 12:02

0:28:00 E/O Due to red hot maintenance 5.00 2.33 Power interruption

Ghorasal 132/33 kV Transformer -T1 22/06/16 11:16

22/06/16 12:36

1:20:00 E/O

Due to red hot maintenance 66.00 88.00 Power


Total : 0:28:00 Unserved Energy: 2.33

Total outage period of Sub-station Equipment : 122:51:00 Hours

T = Tripping

E/O = Emergency Outage Executive Engineer

Information Management Division

LDC, PGCB, Dhaka.

Page | 95

Appendix C: Outage of Transmission lines due to Emergency Outages (Sample June 2016)


Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd Information Management Division, LDC, Dhaka.

Outage of Transmission lines due to Tripping/Emergency Maintenance Month: June 2016

Name of the Equipment Name Start Finish Duration Type

of Cause Unserved Unserved Remarks


Date & Time

Date & Time

Outage Load (MW)

Energy (MWH)

Dhaka (North) Grid Circle :

Tongi Tongi-Kabirpur 132 kV line-1 & 2 06/06/16

09:03 06/06/16

09:18 0:15:00

T Tripped showing O/C relay 148.00 37.00 Power


Kabirpur Kabirpur-Manikganj 132 kV line-1 06/06/16

09:03 06/06/16

09:33 0:30:00

T Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Jamalpur Jamalpur-Mymensingh 132 kV line-2

06/06/16 12:57

06/06/16 13:25

0:28:00 E/O Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Basundhara Basundhara-Tongi 132 kV line-2

09/06/16 16:53

09/06/16 20:14

3:21:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Kishoreganj Kishoreganj-Ashuganj 132 kV line-2

17/06/16 06:07

17/06/16 10:14

4:07:00 E/O Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Ghorashal-Ashuganj 230 kV line-2

22/06/16 22:32

23/06/16 00:27

1:55:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Ghorasal Ghorasal-Tongi 230 kV line-1

26/06/16 11:20

26/06/16 11:56

0:36:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 550.00 330.00 Power


Ghorashal-Tongi 230 kV line-2

26/06/16 11:20

26/06/16 16:56

5:36:00 T

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Tongi Tongi-Kabirpur 132 kV line-2

26/06/16 11:20

26/06/16 12:16

0:56:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Kabirpur Kabirpur-Manikganj 132 kV line-1 26/06/16

11:20 26/06/16

12:17 0:57:00

T Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Mirpur Mirpur-Aminabzar 132 kV line-1 27/06/16 17:30

27/06/16 22:38

5:08:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 190.00 95.00 Power interruption

Mirpur-Aminabzar 132 kV line-2 27/06/16 17:30

27/06/16 18:00

0:30:00 T

Total : 24:19:00 Unserved Energy: 462 MWH

Dhaka (South) Grid Circle :

Rampura Rampura-Basundhara 132 kV line-2 05/06/16 05:59

05/06/16 07:12

1:13:00 E/O Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Rampura-Basundhara 132 kV line-1 & 2

08/06/16 13:19

08/06/16 13:32

0:13:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Haripur Haripur-Ullon 132 kV line-2

10/06/16 06:13

10/06/16 10:42

4:29:00 E/O Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Ghorasal Ghorashal-Bhulta 132 kV line

11/06/16 11:21

11/06/16 13:43

2:22:00 T

Tripped remote protection relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Hasnabad Hasnabad-Lalbagh 132 kV ine

11/06/16 11:16

11/06/16 11:53

0:37:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

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Haripur Haripur-Shyampur 132 kV line

11/06/16 11:08

11/06/16 11:44

0:36:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Siddhirganj Siddhirganj-DBL 132 kV line

11/06/16 11:12

11/06/16 12:38

1:26:00 T

Tripped showing O/C & E/F relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Haripur Haripur-Bhulta 132 kV line 16/06/16 02:07

16/06/16 08:55

6:48:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 85.00 578.00 Power


Ullon Ullon-Siddhirganj 132 kV line-2

19/06/16 14:16

19/06/16 14:27

0:11:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Siddhirganj Siddhirganj-Maniknagar 230 kV line-1 18/06/16

18:25 18/06/16

18:35 0:10:00

T Tripped showing dist.relay

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Siddhirganj-Maniknagar 230 kV line-1 18/06/16

21:57 18/06/16

22:04 0:07:00

T Tripped showing differential relay

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Meghnaghat Meghnaghat-Haripur 230 kV line-2

25/06/16 10:35

25/06/16 12:35

2:00:00 E/O Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Joydevpur Joydevpur-Ghorasal 132 kV line-1 & 2

26/06/16 11:20

26/06/16 11:28

0:08:00 T

Tripped showing differential E/F relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Joydevpur-Ghorasal 132 kV line-1 & 2

26/06/16 11:39

26/06/16 12:09

0:30:00 T

Tripped showing differential E/F relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 20:50:00 Unserved Energy: 578.00 MWH

Chittagong Grid Circle :

Kaptai Kaptai-Madunaghat 132 kV line-2 11/06/16 02:09

11/06/16 02:17

0:08:00 T

Tripped showing E/F relay 17.00 2.27 Power interruption

Madunaghat Madunaghat-Khulshi 132 kV line-1

17/06/16 16:30

17/06/16 16:52

0:22:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00

No interruption

Khulshi Khulshi-AKSML 132 kV line

17/06/16 22:32

17/06/16 22:49

0:17:00 T

Tripped showing E/F relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Khulshi-AKSML 132 kV line

17/06/16 22:30

17/06/16 22:50

0:20:00 T

Tripped showing E/F relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Hathazari Hathazari-BSRM 132 kV line

17/06/16 10:38

17/06/16 10:50


T Tripped showing backup protection relay

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bakulia Bakulia-Khulshi 132 kV line

29/06/16 00:10

29/06/16 00:22

0:12:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Hathazari Hathazari-Abul Khair 132 kV line

30/06/16 13:50

30/06/16 14:16

0:26:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 1:57:00 Unserved Energy: 2.27 MWH

Comilla Grid Circle :

Feni Feni-Chowmuhani 132 kV line-1 & 2 03/06/16 20:36

03/06/16 20:42

0:06:00 T

Tripped showing O/C relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Comilla(S) Comilla(S) -Chandpur 132 kV line 03/06/16

20:37 03/06/16

20:44 0:07:00

T Tripped showing DOC relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Comilla(N) Comilla(N)-Meghnaghat 230 kV line-2 07/06/16

12:13 07/06/16

12:25 0:12:00

T Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Chandpur Chandpur-Chowmuhani 132 kV line-2 10/06/16

22:55 10/06/16

23:05 0:10:00

T Tripped showing E/F.relay 60.00 10.00 Power


Feni Feni-Comilla(N) 132 kV line 11/06/16 12:15

11/06/16 12:33

0:18:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Comilla(N) Comilla(N)-Chandpur 132 kV line 11/06/16

12:28 11/06/16

12:46 0:18:00

T Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Ashuganj Ashuganj-Comilla(N) 230 kV line-1 23/06/16 14:35

23/06/16 16:27

1:52:00 E/O

Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Kulaura Kulaura-Fenchuganj 132 kV line-1 27/06/16

01:20 27/06/16

02:19 0:59:00

E/O Due to bursting of PT

0.00 0.00 No interruption

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Shahjibazar-Sreemongal 132 kV line-2

29/06/16 10:25

29/06/16 14:16

3:51:00 E/O

Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 7:53:00 Unserved Energy: 10.00 MWH

Khulna Grid Circle :

Bagerhat Bagerhat-Bhandaria 132 kV line 03/06/16 14:32

03/06/16 14:39

0:07:00 T Tripped showing DRE2 relay 14.00 1.63 Power interruption

Barisal-Bhandaria 132 kV line 03/06/16 14:32

03/06/16 14:40

0:08:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Barisal Barisal-Bhandaria 132 kV line 05/06/16 11:04

05/06/16 11:28

0:24:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Barisal-Patuakhali 132 kV line 11/06/16 15:32

11/06/16 17:08

1:36:00 T

Tripped showing E/F.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Barisal-Patuakhali 132 kV line 12/06/16 02:57

12/06/16 06:18

3:21:00 T

Tripped showing O/C & E/F.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bagerhat-Goalpara 132 kV line-1 12/06/16 01:52

12/06/16 02:48

0:56:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bagerhat Bagerhat-Goalpara 132 kV line-2 12/06/16 05:20

12/06/16 05:53

0:33:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bagerhat-Mongla 132 kV line 12/06/16 06:17

12/06/16 08:10

1:53:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 10.00 18.83 Power interruption

Gopalganj Gopalganj S/S-Gopalganj P/S 132 kV line

20/06/16 09:50

20/06/16 10:51


E/O Due to red hot maintenance

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bagerhat Bagerhat-Bhandaria 132 kV line 24/06/16 11:34

24/06/16 11:40

0:06:00 T

Tripped showing O/C .relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bagerhat-Bhandaria 132 kV line 24/06/16 11:52

24/06/16 12:02

0:10:00 T

Tripped showing O/C .relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Madaripur Madaripur-Barisal (N) 132 kV line-2 25/06/16 13:05

25/06/16 13:10

0:05:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 10:20:00 Unserved Energy: 20.47 MWH

HVDC Grid Circle :

Jessore Jessore-Jhenidah 132 kV line-2 11/06/16 10:15

11/06/16 13:02

2:47:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Ishurdi Ishurdi-Bheramara 132 kV line-2 13/06/16 18:34

13/06/16 18:40

0:06:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bheramara Bheramara-Kustia 132 kV line-1 24/06/16

06:23 24/06/16

12:57 6:34:00

E/O Due to red hot maintenance

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bheramara-Faridpur 132 kV line-1 24/06/16

11:34 24/06/16

11:59 0:25:00

T Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Shahjadpur Shahjadpur-Baghabari 132 kV line-1 & 2

28/06/16 20:07

28/06/16 20:41

0:34:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 9:52:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

Bogra Grid Circle :

Bogra Bogra-Sireganj 230 kV line-2 09/06/16 09:04

09/06/16 11:07

2:03:00 E/O Due to red hot maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Natore Natore-Bogra 132 kV line-2

12/06/16 21:52

12/06/16 23:46

1:54:00 T

Tripped showing O/C & E/F.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Rajshahi Rajshahi-C.nawbganj 132 kV line-2 13/06/16

00:06 13/06/16

00:12 0:06:00

T Tripped showing differential relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bogra Bogra-Natore 132 kV line-2 13/06/16

21:16 13/06/16

22:27 1:11:00

T Due toCt control cable fault 0.00 0.00 No interruption

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Rajshahi Rajshahi-Natore 132 kV line-1 29/06/16

09:35 29/06/16

12:05 2:30:00

E/O Due to red hot maintenance

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bogra-Palashbari 132 kV line-1 30/06/16

10:03 30/06/16

11:55 1:52:00

E/O Due to red hot maintenance

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bogra Bogra-Palashbari 132 kV line-1 30/06/16

12:11 30/06/16

14:01 1:50:00


0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bogra-Palashbari 132 kV line-2 30/06/16

13:28 30/06/16

14:16 0:48:00

T Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Palashbari Palashbari-Rangpur 132 kV line-2 30/06/16

13:28 30/06/16

14:03 0:35:00

T Tripped showing dist.relay

0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 12:49:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

Others :

Haripur Haripur-Matuail 132 kV line 15/06/15 12:14

15/06/15 12:25

0:11:00 T

Tripped showing dist.relay 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 0:11:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

Total outage period of Sub-station Equipment : 88:11:00 Hours

T = Tripping

E/O = Emergency Outage Executive Engineer

Information Management Division

LDC, PGCB, Dhaka.

Page | 99

Appendix D: Outage of Sub-Station due to Schedule Outages (Sample June 2016)

Page: 1/1 QF-LDC-25

POWER GRID COMPANY OF BANGLADESH LTD Information Management Division, LDC, Dhaka.

Outage of Sub-Station Equipment due to Schedule Maintenance/Project Work

Month: June 2016

Name of the Equipment name Start Finish Duration Type of

Cause Unserved Unserved Remarks

Sub-station Date and Time

Date and Time


Load (MW)

Energy (MWH)

Dhaka (North) Grid Circle :

132/33 kV Transformer T3 21/06/15 11:37 21/06/15 12:56 1:19:00 S/O

Due to CT loop problem 25.00 32.92 Power


Mymensingh 132/33 kV Transformer T1 25/06/16 07:20 25/06/16 09:43 2:23:00 S/O

Due to maintenance work 25.00 59.58 Power interruption

132/33 kV Transformer T3 26/06/16 07:23 26/06/16 08:26 1:03:00 S/O Due to maintenance work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 4:45:00 Unserved Energy: 92.50 MWH

Dhaka (South) Grid Circle :

Rampura 230/132 kV Transformer TR-3 03/06/16 06:50 04/06/16 16:05 33:15:00 S/O Due to replacement work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Maniknagar 230/132 kV Transformer T-02 10/06/16 10:36 10/06/16 15:04 4:28:00 S/O Due to tap changer mainteance work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

230/132 kV Transformer T-02 11/06/16 10:48 11/06/16 15:34 4:46:00 S/O Due to tap changer mainteance work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Ramprura 230/132 kV Transformer TR3 12/06/16 12:22 12/06/16 12:52 0:30:00 S/O Due to removing CT

Satmosjid 132/33 kV Transformer T2 14/06/15 10:37 14/06/15 12:45 2:08:00 S/O Due to abnormal noise 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 45:07:00

Unserved Energy:

0.00 MWH

Chittagong Grid Circle :

Shahmirpur 132/33 kV Transformer T-2 03/06/16 10:05 03/06/16 12:58 2:53:00 S/O Due to Delta test 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 2:53:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

Comilla Grid Circle :

Comilla(S) 132/33 kV Transformer T2 01/06/16 21:07 01/06/16 21:32 0:25:00 S/O Due to removing of bird nest 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Fenchuganj 230/132 kV Transformer AT-2 03/06/16 07:10 03/06/16 10:24 3:14:00 S/O Due to NGR maintenance work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bibiyana 230 kV bus-B 04/06/16 11:26 04/06/16 12:45 1:19:00 S/O Due to reconnection 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Barisal (N) 230/132 kV Transformer TR2 21/06/15 08:50 21/06/15 16:11 7:21:00 S/O Due to project work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

230/132 kV Transformer T1 24/06/16 07:29 24/06/16 07:29 0:00:00 S/O Due to project work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total 12:19:00 Unserved Energy : 0.00 MWH

Khulna Grid Circle :

Barisal (N) 230/132 kV Transformer T2 01/06/16 12:05 01/06/16 12:25 0:20:00 S/O Due to protection test 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Barisal 132/33 kV Transformer T2 13/06/16 14:44 13/06/16 14:59 0:15:00 S/O Due to DS problem 10.00 2.50 Power interruption

230/132 kV Transformer T1 24/06/16 07:29 24/06/16 18:32 11:03:00 S/O Due to NGR maintenance work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Barisal(N) 230/132 kV Transformer TR2 28/06/16 08:16 28/06/16 08:16 0:00:00 S/O Due to project work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 11:38:00 Unserved Energy : 2.50 MWH

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HVDC Grid Circle :

Total : 0:00:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

Bogra Grid Circle:

Natore 132/33 kV Transformer T3 09/06/35 07:35 09/06/35 11:20 3:45:00 S/O Due to protection test 0.00 0.00

Total 3:45:00 Unserved Energy : 0.00 MWH

Others :


Total 0:00:00 Unserved Energy : 0.00 MWH

Total outage period of Sub-Station equipment due to schedule

maintenance: 80:27:00 Hours Executive Engineer S/O=Schedule Outage

Information Management Division

LDC, PGCB, Dhaka.

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Appendix E: Outage of Transmission Lines due to Scheduled Outages (Sample June 2016)

Page: 1/1 QF-LDC-26

POWER GRID COMPANY OF BANGLADESH LTD Information Management Division, LDC, Dhaka.

Outage of Transmission Lines due to Scheduled Maintenance/Project Work

Month: June 2016

Name of the Equipment name Start Finish Duration Type of

Cause Unserved Unserved Remarks

Sub-station Date and Time

Date and Time

outage Load (MW)

Energy (MWH)

Dhaka (North) Grid Circle :

Kabirpur Kabirpur-Manikganj 132 kV line-2 18/06/16 06:09 18/06/16 14:02 7:53:00 S/O Due to project work 65.00 512.42 Power interruption

Mirpur Mirpur-Aminabzar 132 kV line-1 19/06/16 15:51 19/06/16 16:24 0:33:00 S/O Due to sky wire removing work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Tangail Tangail-Kabirpur 132 kV line-1 20/06/16 06:40 20/06/16 19:55 13:15:00 S/O Due to project work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Kabirpur Kabirpur-Maniknganj 132 kV line-1 20/06/16 11:56 20/06/16 13:42 1:46:00 S/O Due to changing of CT 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Kabirpur-Maniknganj 132 kV line-2 21/06/16 07:16 21/06/16 17:44 10:28:00 S/O Due to project work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 33:55:00 Unserved Energy: 512.42 MWH

Dhaka (South) Grid Circle :

Rampura Rampura-Basundhara 132 kV line-2 08/06/16 14:13 08/06/16 19:48 5:35:00 S/O Due to project work 88.00 491.33 Power interruption

Narsingdi Narsingdi-Ghorashal 132 kV line 25/06/16 08:49 25/06/16 13:19 4:30:00 S/O Due to installation wprk 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Ghorasal Ghorashal-Tongi 230 kV line-2 28/06/16 04:49 28/06/16 07:55 3:06:00 S/O Due to CB maintenance 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 13:11:00 Unserved Energy: 491.33 MWH

Chittagong Grid Circle :

Dohazari Dohazari-Cox'sbazar 132 kV line-1 27/06/16 17:43 27/06/16 18:45 1:02:00 S/O Due to project work

Dohazari-Cox'sbazar 132 kV line-2 27/06/16 17:43 27/06/16 18:43 1:00:00 S/O 40.00 40.00 Power interruption

Total : 2:02:00 Unserved Energy: 40.00 MWH

Comilla Grid Circle :

Comilla (N)-Bibiyana 230 kV line-2 03/06/16 06:45 03/06/16 06:50 0:05:00 S/O Due to project work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Comiila(N) Comiila(N)-Bibiyana 230 kV line-2 04/06/16 06:51 04/06/16 19:22 12:31:00 S/O Due to project work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Comiila(N)-Bibiyana 230 kV line-2 05/06/16 06:59 05/06/16 18:56 11:57:00 S/O Due to new power plant connection 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Comilla(S) Comilla(S) -Surjonagar 132 kV line-1 26/06/16 14:50 26/06/16 16:05 1:15:00 S/O Due to removing wire 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 25:48:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

Khulna Grid Circle :

Bhola Bhola-Barisal (N) 230 kV line-2 14/06/16 14:47 14/06/16 16:23 1:36:00 S/O Due to project work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bhola-Barisal (N) 230 kV line-2 19/06/16 10:09 19/06/16 15:59 5:50:00 S/O Due to development work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Barisal (N) Barisal (N)-Bhola 230 kV line-2 20/06/16 09:46 20/06/16 16:52 7:06:00 S/O Due to development work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 14:32:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

HVDC Grid Circle :

Bheramara Bheramara-Faridpur 132 kV line-1 08/06/16 09:44 08/06/16 16:04 6:20:00 S/O Due to project work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Bheramara-Faridpur 132 kV line-2 24/06/16 06:23 24/06/16 12:54 6:31:00 S/O Due to development work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 12:51:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

Bogra Grid Circle :

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Rajshahi Rajshahi-C.nawabganj 132 kV line-2 04/06/16 14:05 04/06/16 16:06 2:01:00 S/O Due to maintenance work 0.00 0.00 No interruption

Total : 2:01:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

Others :

Total : 0:00:00 Unserved Energy: 0.00 MWH

Total outage period of Transmission Lines due to schedule Executive Engineer

maintenance: 104:20:00 Hours

Information Management Division

S/O=Schedule Outage

LDC, PGCB, Dhaka.

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Appendix F: Maximum & Minimum Voltages of Grid Sub-Stations (Sample June 2016)



Information Management Division, LDC, Dhaka.

Maximum & Minimum Voltages of Grid Sub-Stations.

June 2016

Rated Maxm Date

Minm Date

SL. Substation Voltage Voltage Hour Voltage Hour Remarks

No. 230 KV Substation kV kV kV

1 Ghorasal 230 222 1 Jun-16 01:00 212 1 Jun-16 16:00

2 Ishurdi 230 235 4 Jun-16 18:30 216 9 Jun-16 22:00

3 Ashuganj 230 235 11 Jun-16 11:00 225 1 Jun-16 11:00

4 Serajganj 230 230 3 Jun-16 01:00 211 1 Jun-16 15:00

5 Baghabari 230 227 17 Jun-16 14:00 210 9 Jun-16 21:00

6 Barapukuria 230 232 11 Jun-16 07:00 212 13 Jun-16 21:00

7 Bogra 230 230 24 Jun-16 08:00 206 9 Jun-16 22:00

8 Khulna South 230 240 12 Jun-16 08:00 208 9 Jun-16 22:00

9 Rampura 230 219 10 Jun-16 10:00 202 1 Jun-16 13:00

10 Haripur 230 216 10 Jun-16 09:00 200 28 Jun-16 13:00

11 Hasnabad 230 218 10 Jun-16 13:00 200 29 Jun-16 14:00

12 Aminbazar 230 216 10 Jun-16 08:00 197 2 Jun-16 15:00

13 Tongi 230 216 11 Jun-16 11:00 197 2 Jun-16 16:00

14 Comilla (N) 230 227 10 Jun-16 18:00 212 1 Jun-16 09:00

15 Hathazari 230 222 9 Jun-16 20:00 207 1 Jun-16 13:00

16 Megnaghat 230 221 10 Jun-16 09:00 203 29 Jun-16 15:00

17 Fenchuganj 230 237 10 Jun-16 09:00 218 1 Jun-16 12:00

18 Siddhirganj 230 234 3 Jun-16 05:00 208 28 Jun-16 13:00

19 Maniknagar 230 231 4 Jun-16 03:00 207 27 Jun-16 12:00

20 Old Airport 230 216 10 Jun-16 13:00 193 1 Jun-16 19:00

21 Barisal 230 247 12 Jun-16 08:00 212 24 Jun-16 15:00

22 AKSML 230 223 9 Jun-16 18:30 201 5 Jun-16 21:00

23 BSRM 230 224 12 Jun-16 03:00 208 2 Jun-16 15:00

132 kV Substation

1 Siddhirganj 132 140 3 Jun-16 05:00 127 13 Jun-16 11:00

2 Munsiganj 132 139 12 Jun-16 19:00 127 13 Jun-16 19:00

3 Megnaghat 132 137 7 Jun-16 19:30 13 1 Jun-16 11:00

4 Shyampur 132 135 3 Jun-16 21:00 120 13 Jun-16 11:00

5 Bhulta 132 131 12 Jun-16 18:30 112 6 Jun-16 11:00

6 Madanganj 132 138 11 Jun-16 01:00 126 27 Jun-16 11:00

7 Shitalakhya 132 137 7 Jun-16 19:00 123 29 Jun-16 15:00

8 Rahim Steal 132 136 4 Jun-16 06:00 127 13 Jun-16 12:00

9 Matuail 132 137 12 Jun-16 19:00 125 27 Jun-16 11:00

10 Ghorasal 132 135 1 Jun-16 06:00 126 6 Jun-16 12:00

11 Narsinghdi 132 137 11 Jun-16 11:00 126 2 Jun-16 12:00

12 Haripur (SBU) 132 138 3 Jun-16 05:00 126 28 Jun-16 11:00

13 Ullon 132 136 18 Jun-16 06:00 123 28 Jun-16 11:00

14 Hasnabad 132 136 14 Jun-16 04:00 124 1 Jun-16 11:00

15 Magbazar 132 133 14 Jun-16 06:00 120 1 Jun-16 11:00

16 Maniknagar 132 135 18 Jun-16 06:00 121 27 Jun-16 13:00

17 Bangabhaban 132 135 18 Jun-16 06:00 121 27 Jun-16 13:00

18 Narinda 132 135 18 Jun-16 06:00 121 27 Jun-16 13:00

19 Dhanmondi 132 136 18 Jun-16 6:00 121 21 Jun-16 14:00

20 Lalbag 132 131 14 Jun-16 5:00 116 29 Jun-16 15:00

21 Madartek 132 135 14 Jun-16 6:00 120 1 Jun-16 11:00

22 Mirpur 132 132 14 Jun-16 3:00 114 1 Jun-16 19:30

23 Kalyanpur 132 135 14 Jun-16 2:00 121 29 Jun-16 14:00

24 Gulshan 132 135 14 Jun-16 6:00 119 1 Jun-16 14:00

25 Uttara 132 132 14 Jun-16 2:00 116 29 Jun-16 14:00

26 Kamrangirchar 132 133 14 Jun-16 3:00 120 1 Jun-16 13:00

27 Savar 132 134 14 Jun-16 5:00 120 28 Jun-16 11:00

28 Bhasantec 132 133 14 Jun-16 04:00 118 29 Jun-16 15:00

29 Agargaon 132 134 14 Jun-16 4:00 119 29 Jun-16 15:00

30 Satmosjid 132 133 14 Jun-16 04:00 119 29 Jun-16 15:00

31 Tongi 132 138 26 Jun-16 12:00 122 2 Jun-16 16:00

32 Kabirpur 132 139 11 Jun-16 11:00 116 5 Jun-16 16:00

33 Basundhara 132 130 2 Jun-16 04:00 117 11 Jun-16 10:00

34 Manikganj 132 138 11 Jun-16 11:00 120 1 Jun-16 23:00

35 Joydevpur 132 139 11 Jun-16 11:00 120 30 Jun-16 22:00

36 New Tongi 132 138 26 Jun-16 12:00 118 2 Jun-16 16:00

37 Tangail 132 133 1 Jun-16 05:00 112 30 Jun-16 21:00

38 Mymensing 132 132 11 Jun-16 09:00 110 20 Jun-16 01:00

39 Kishorganj 132 132 4 Jun-16 06:00 110 20 Jun-16 15:00

40 Netrokona 132 133 11 Jun-16 11:00 110 20 Jun-16 18:00

41 Jamalpur 132 132 11 Jun-16 09:00 105 20 Jun-16 01:00

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42 Sherpur 132 132 11 Jun-16 09:00 103 25 Jun-16 02:00

43 Srimongal 132 141 11 Jun-16 17:00 133 1 Jun-16 14:00

44 Shahjibazar 132 140 2 Jun-16 06:00 133 8 Jun-16 18:30

45 Fenchuganj 132 140 10 Jun-16 13:00 132 1 Jun-16 16:00

46 Kulaura 132 139 10 Jun-16 10:00 132 1 Jun-16 10:00

47 Sylhet 132 137 4 Jun-16 03:00 131 1 Jun-16 19:00

48 Chhatak 132 137 10 Jun-16 13:00 130 1 Jun-16 13:00

49 Comilla (South) 132 137 17 Jun-16 06:00 124 27 Jun-16 14:00

50 Comilla (North) 132 135 9 Jun-16 19:30 126 5 Jun-16 13:00

51 Chandpur 132 137 12 Jun-16 07:00 107 5 Jun-16 19:30

52 Feni 132 129 17 Jun-16 10:00 113 4 Jun-16 15:00

53 Chowmuhani 132 133 12 Jun-16 08:00 116 4 Jun-16 15:00

54 Ashuganj 132 139 11 Jun-16 12:00 128 20 Jun-16 10:00

55 Daudkandi 132 136 9 Jun-16 20:00 124 28 Jun-16 13:00

56 Brahminbaria 132 137 2 Jun-16 07:00 127 19 Jun-16 18:00

57 Madanhat 132 138 9 Jun-16 19:30 125 5 Jun-16 14:00

58 Hathazari 132 134 9 Jun-16 18:30 125 1 Jun-16 10:00

59 Khulshi 132 140 11 Jun-16 19:00 127 2 Jun-16 12:00

60 Halishahar 132 136 9 Jun-16 22:00 122 5 Jun-16 14:00

61 Baraulia 132 134 11 Jun-16 03:00 120 5 Jun-16 14:00

62 Sikalbaha 132 135 3 Jun-16 19:30 120 5 Jun-16 14:00

63 Dohazari 132 134 10 Jun-16 03:00 121 4 Jun-16 14:00

64 Cox's Bazar 132 134 6 Jun-16 20:00 120 1 Jun-16 14:00

65 Chandraghona 132 135 8 Jun-16 19:30 125 1 Jun-16 11:00

66 Kaptai 132 135 9 Jun-16 20:00 125 1 Jun-16 11:00

67 Abul Khaer Steel. 132 133 11 Jun-16 19:30 118 5 Jun-16 14:00

68 Bakulia 132 133 3 Jun-16 19:00 121 2 Jun-16 12:00

69 Julda 132 135 12 Jun-16 02:00 120 5 Jun-16 14:00

70 TK Chemical 132 138 9 Jun-16 19:00 123 5 Jun-16 13:00

71 Modern Steel 132 134 10 Jun-16 18:00 122 2 Jun-16 12:00

72 Shahmirpur 132 135 26 Jun-16 19:00 121 2 Jun-16 12:00

73 Goalpara 132 140 12 Jun-16 07:00 121 9 Jun-16 22:00

74 Khulna Central 132 140 8 Jun-16 11:00 122 9 Jun-16 22:00

75 Noapara 132 140 12 Jun-16 07:00 113 9 Jun-16 22:00

76 Jessore 132 139 25 Jun-16 18:00 110 9 Jun-16 22:00

77 Jhenaidah 132 137 12 Jun-16 04:00 103 9 Jun-16 22:00

78 Bottail 132 138 13 Jun-16 01:00 110 24 Jun-16 07:00

79 G.K.Project 132 138 1 Jun-16 04:00 125 5 Jun-16 21:00

80 Faridpur 132 138 13 Jun-16 06:00 120 8 Jun-16 14:00

81 Madaripur 132 141 12 Jun-16 08:00 120 9 Jun-16 22:00

82 Gopalganj 132 150 24 Jun-16 12:00 119 18 Jun-16 12:00

83 Bagerhat 132 145 12 Jun-16 06:00 110 11 Jun-16 17:00

84 Mongla 132 140 12 Jun-16 06:00 116 9 Jun-16 22:00

85 Satkhira 132 141 12 Jun-16 07:00 120 7 Jun-16 22:00

86 Gallamari 132 140 12 Jun-16 06:00 122 9 Jun-16 22:00

87 Magura 132 135 13 Jun-16 05:00 105 8 Jun-16 08:00

88 Chuadanga 132 137 13 Jun-16 01:00 106 9 Jun-16 23:00

89 Barisal 132 141 12 Jun-16 06:00 125 10 Jun-16 01:00

90 Patuakhali 132 140 12 Jun-16 07:00 115 24 Jun-16 15:00

91 Bhandaria 132 142 12 Jun-16 06:00 120 9 Jun-16 22:00

92 Ishurdi 132 137 19 Jun-16 18:00 125 11 Jun-16 02:00

93 Natore 132 137 19 Jun-16 16:00 125 30 Jun-16 01:00

94 Bogra 132 137 11 Jun-16 08:00 120 12 Jun-16 21:00

95 Noagaon 132 134 19 Jun-16 16:00 117 30 Jun-16 21:00

96 Rajshahi 132 137 9 Jun-16 18:00 123 11 Jun-16 15:00

97 Chapai Nawabganj 132 135 9 Jun-16 18:00 120 22 Jun-16 21:00

98 Amnura 132 139 18 Jun-16 18:30 0 28 Jun-16 21:00

99 Pabna 132 132 23 Jun-16 12:00 120 9 Jun-16 22:00

100 Shahjadpur 132 138 4 Jun-16 18:30 130 2 Jun-16 13:00

101 Serajganj 132 134 9 Jun-16 19:00 119 29 Jun-16 15:00

102 Niyamatpur 132 133 11 Jun-16 08:00 115 6 Jun-16 20:00

103 Joypurhat 132 135 11 Jun-16 07:00 116 30 Jun-16 21:00

104 Rangpur 132 130 11 Jun-16 07:00 110 5 Jun-16 21:00

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105 Lalmonirhat 132 130 11 Jun-16 08:00 104 12 Jun-16 21:00

106 Saidpur 132 130 11 Jun-16 07:00 109 12 Jun-16 20:00

107 Purbasadipur 132 132 11 Jun-16 08:00 107 30 Jun-16 21:00

108 Thakurgaon 132 130 7 Jun-16 08:00 106 13 Jun-16 21:00

109 Palashbari 132 134 11 Jun-16 07:00 112 9 Jun-16 22:00

110 Barapukuria 132 132 11 Jun-16 07:00 112 13 Jun-16 20:00

111 Panchagarh 132 127 11 Jun-16 07:00 95 30 Jun-16 21:00

Executive Engineer

Information Management Division

LDC, PGCB, Dhaka.

Page | 106

Appendix G: Sub-Station Maximum Load (Sample June 2016)



Sub-Station Maximum Load

Month: June-16

A. 400/230 kV Sub-Station.

Circle Sl No

Sub-Station Name

Sub-Station Capacity (MVA)

Current Month Previous Month This Month Last Year Maxm Load Received


Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time

HVDC 1 HVDC 3x201=603 459 19.06.16 20:00 461 22.05.16 08:30 454 04.06.15 01:00 481 01.01.15 14:00

Comilla 2 Bibiyana 312/416/520 358 10.6.16 14:57 352 12.5.16 10:00 384 19.12.15 23:00

B. 230/132KV Sub-Station.

Dhaka ( South)

1 Haripur 3x(3x75)=675 324 03.06.16 22:00 444 25.05.16 20:00 411 30.06.15 07:00 558 25.02.15 18:30

2 Shiddirganj 2x300=600 232 26.06.16 13:00 236 12.05.16 10:00 218 29.06.15 15:00 236 21.04.16 16:00

3 Rampura 3x225=675 540 11.06.16 10:00 510 14.05.16 12:00 555 07.06.15 15:00 615 07.04.16 12:00

4 Maniknagar 2x300=600 232 27.06.16 14:00 224 05.05.16 16:00 230 29.06.15 15:00 232 27.06.16 14:00

5 Hasnabad 3x225=675 304 01.06.16 07:00 325 05.05.16 06:00 330 30.06.15 05:00 365 24.05.15 00:00

Dhaka ( North )

6 Aminbazar 3x(3x75)=675 431 25.06.16 21:00 388 17.05.2016 23:00 444 01.06.2015 00:00 461 06.05.15 21:00

7 Agargoan 2x(180/240/300)=600 244 25.06.16 21:00 242 17.05.2016 19:00 170 20.06.2015 20:00 244 25.06.16 21:00

8 Tongi 3x(3x75)=675 435 02.06.16 21:00 420 29.05.2016 19:00 405 08.06.2015 18:00 450 03.11.13 18:30

Comilla 9 Comilla(N) (3x75)x2=450 268 23.06.16 13:00 322 01.05.16 18:30 297 24.06.15 05:00 385 28.07.14 00:00

10 Fenchuganj 1x225/300=300 192 02.06.16 07:00 250 14.5.16 06:00 266 29.6.15 15:00 303 11.9.13 11:00

Chittagong 11 Hathazari 4 x 60/150=600 440 02.06.16 11:00 116 03.05.16 11:00 472 08.06.15 19:30 488 16.07.15 13:00

Chittagong (Private) 12 BSRM 2 x 130/140=280 102.3 18.06.16 10:00 97 23.05.16 13:00 0 102.3 18.06.16 10:00

13 AKSML 1 x 80, 2x

130/150=380 199.6 03.06.16 16:00 194.3 29.05.16 12:00 0 204.3 19.01.16 19:00

Bogra 14 Barapukuria (3x75)x2=450 360.0 29.06.16 20:00 346.0 02.05.16 19:30 396.0 25.06.15 22:00 396.0 25.06.15 22:00

15 Bogra (3x75)x2=450 318.0 15.06.16 21:00 346.0 10.04.16 06:00 218.0 30.06.15 22:00 346.0 10.04.16 06:00

HVDC 16 Ishurdi 3x(3x75)=675 465 29.06.16 05:00 450 29/05/16 01:00 390 6.09.15 8:00 510 2.06.15 09:00

17 Baghabari 1x3x75=225 100 26.06.16 15:00 75 01.05.15 12:00 80 13/6/15 05:00 150 14/04/16 09:00


18 Khulna South

3x75x2=450 324 10.06.16 14:00 360 13.05.16 4:00 362 29.06.15 22:00 430 08.05.15 1:00

19 Barisal North

(3x75/100)x2=600 80 06.06.16 12:00 88 21.05.16 21:30 - - - 200 17.08.15 0:00

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Sub-Station Maximum Load Month: June-16

C.132/33KV Sub-Station

Circle Sl No

Sub-Station Name

Sub-Station Capacity (MVA)

Current Month Previous Month This Month Last Year Maxm Load Received


Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time

Dhaka (South)

1 Siddhirganj 2X50/83.3=166.6 122 04.06.16 15:00 118 31.05.16 12:00 120 01.06.15 12:00 126 10.07.14 09:00

2 Shaympur 4X50/75=300 167 29.06.16 12:00:00 149 11.05.16 00:00 138 07.06.15 00:00 167 29.06.16 12:00

3 Bhulta 1X35/50+1X50/75=125 85 15.06.16 02:00:00 75 30.05.15 21:00 73 24.06.15 2:00:00 85 15.06.16 02:00

4 Narsingdi 1x50/75=75 66 19.06.16 22:00 62 14.05.16 00:00 55 08.06.15 22:00 67 30.03.14 20:00

5 Ullon 3X35/50=150 101 28.06.16 20:00 92 16.05.16 19:00 104 20.06.15 20:00 118 08.07.97 18:30

6 Maniknagar 2X50/75=150 98 26.06.16 14:00 96 05.05.16 16:00 108 07.06.15 19:30 110 08.07.97 20:00

7 Hasnabad 3X66/100=300 162 16.06.16 20:00 156 05.05.16 20:00 160 23.06.15 22:00 168 26.06.14 22:00

8 Gulshan 2X80/120=240 152.00 28.06.16 15:00 153.00 12.05.16 13:00 157.60 08.06.15 16:00 160.2 17.09.15 11:00

9 Munshigonj 2X50/75=150 114 29.06.16 21:00 106 14.05.16 22:00 108 07.06.15 20:00 114 29.06.16 21:00

10 Sonargaon 2x50/75=150 58 19.06.16 21:00 51 08.05.16 20:00 44 24.06.15 19:30:00 67 01.06.13 20:00

1 Tongi 3X50/75=225 115 30.06.2016 22:00 109 31.05.2016 19:00 94 01.06.2015 22:00 115 30.06.2016 22:00

Dhaka (North)

2 New Tongi 2X50/75=150 120 16.06.2016 10:00 111 18.05.2016 12:00 97 07.06.2015 09:00 120 16.06.2016 10:00

3 Kabirpur 50/83+2X50/75=233 178 01.06.2016 19:00 173 12.05.2016 11:00 164 09.06.2015 15:00 178 01.06.2016 19:00

4 Tangail 2X50/75=150 141 13.06.2016 21:00 139 08.05.2016 20:00 131 03.06.2015 20:00 146 23.03.16 18:30

5 Joydebpur 2X35/50+1X80/120=220 180 15.06.2016 20:00 152 10.05.2016 18:00 146 27.06.2015 19:30 180 15.06.2016 20:00

6 Kallyanpur 3X50/75=225 123 25.06.2016 22:00 111 11.05.2016 19:00 171 01.06.2015 22:00 172 29.04.14 19:00

8 Mirpur 2X50/75+35/50=200 102 04.06.2016 19:30 101.5 11.05.2016 19:00 86.5 09.06.2015 20:00 139.5 21.06.13 19:30

9 Savar 2x50/75=150 110 26.06.2016 22:00 102 08.05.2016 21:00 96 08.06.2015 19:00 110 26.06.2016 22:00

11 Agargaon 2x80/120=240 56 25.06.2016 19:30 57 12.05.2016 13:00 25 08.06.2015 19:30 57 12.05.2016 13:00

12 Vhasantech 2x80/120=240 120 29.06.2016 20:00 117 17.05.2016 19:00 120 09.06.2015 21:00 123 11.04.16 15:00

13 Satmasjid 2x80/120=240 78 04.06.2016 00:00 74 17.05.2016 20:00 30 21.06.2015 21:00 78 04.06.2016 00:00

14 Mymensingh 3x50/75=225 165 05.06.2016 19:30 173 24.05.2016 19:30 157 06.06.2015 21:00 183 22.04.16 20:00

15 Jamalpur 3x25/41=123 77 05.06.2016 05:00 78 06.05.2016 20:00 97 30.06.2015 19:30 115 25.04.14 20:00

16 Kishoreganj 1x15/20+2x25/41=102 60 29.06.2016 17:00 67 16.05.2016 08:00 54 03.06.2015 20:00 67 16.05.2016 8:00

17 Netrokona 1x25/33+ 2x25/41=115 55 17.06.2016 21:00 55 01.05.2016 20:00 60 18.06.2015 20:00 70 19.03.16 7:00

18 Sherpur 2x35/50=100 50.75 10.06.2016 02:00 56.5 12.05.2016 20:00 27.62 04.06.2015 21:00 64.57 22.04.16 1:00

19 Manikganj 3x35/50=150 85 10.06.2016 21:00 82 09.05.2016 19:30 74 20.06.2015 20:00 92 13.04.16 19:00

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Sub-Station Maximum Load

Month: June-16

B.132/33KV Sub-Station.

Circle Sl No

Sub-Station Name

Sub-Station Capacity (MVA)

Current Month Previous Month This Month Last Year Maxm Load Received


Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time C



1 Comilla (N ) 2 x 50/75=150 176 24.06.16 21:00 169 01.05.16 18:30 44 06.06.15 21:00 176 24.06.16 21:00

2 Comilla (S ) 2 x 25/41& 2 x 50/75=232 108 17.06.16 21:00 112 10.05.16 19:00 169 18.06.15 03:00 177 05.07.15 19:30

3 Feni 2 x 25/41=82 109 30.06.16 21:00 88 01.05.16 18:30 100 02.06.15 19:00 114 17.04.11 19:30

4 Chowmuhoni 1 x 25/41& 2 x 50/75 172 28.06.16 03:00 162 12.05.16 02:00 153 02.06.15 23:00 172 28.06.16 03:00

5 Chandpur 2 x 50/75=150 90 28.06.16 01:00 86 17.05.16 23:00 81 24.06.15 19:00 90 01.04.14 20:00

6 Daudkandi 2 x 50/75=150 78 27.06.16 03:00 78 27.05.16 23:00 53 21.06.15 19:30 78 27.05.16 23:00

7 B.Baria 3 x 25/41=123 90 02.06.16 19:30 84 1.5.16 19:00 84 24.6.15 22:00 90 02.6.16 19:30

8 Shahjibazar 2 x 25/41=82 68 28.06.16 21:00 60 26.5.16 19:00 52 16.6.15 21:00 68 28.6.16 21:00

9 Srimongal 3 x 15/20=60 38 04.06.16 21:00 32 18.5.16 19:00 34 4.6.15 19:30 38 01.04.14 19:30

10 Kulaura 2 x 25/41=82 38 30.6.16 21:00 33 24.5.16 19:00 37 20.6.15 19:00 39 07.07.15 21:00

11 Fenchugonj 1 x 15/20 + 1 x 25/41=61 41 25.6.16 19:00 35 23.5.16 20:00 38 20.6.15 22:00 50 18.06.13 19:30

12 Sylhet 2 x 25/41 + 1 x 50/83=165 152 30.6.16 21:00 139 24.5.16 20:00 139 17.6.15 20:00 152 30.6.16 21:00

13 Chatak 2 x 15/20 + 1 x 25/41=81 50 24.6.16 21:00 45 26.5.16 19:30 45 18.6.15 21:00 50 24.6.16 21:00




1 Hathazari 2 x 50/75=150 101 26.06.16 21:00 91 15.05.16 21:00 93 09.06.15 18:30 101 26.06.16 21:00

2 Baraulia 2 x 48/64=128 82 27.06.16 1:00 98 27.05.16 01:00 108 07.06.15 02:00 118 07.06.15 02:00

3 Khulshi 2 x 80/120=240 132 15.06.16 15:00 132 31.05.16 15:00 123 17.06.15 17:00 132 15.06.16 15:00

4 Halishahar 1 x 48/64, 2 x 48/63=190 141 23.06.16 15:00 133 11.05.16 12:00 122 11.06.15 21:00 150 05.04.14 21:00

5 Bakulia 2 x 48/64+1 x 50/75 =203 114 21.06.16 19:30 111 26.05.16 19:00 104 08.06.15 19:00 114 21.06.16 19:30

6 Julda 1 x 48/64=64 23 22.06.16 03:00 19 04.05.16 10:00 25 08.06.15 07:00 30 20.09.15 10:00

7 Shahmirpur 2 x 48/64=128 27.5 05.06.16 00:00 26.1 14.05.16 00:00 19 03.06.15 19:00 30.7 12.09.15 18:00

8 Madunaghat 2x 25/41=82* 59.7 01.06.16 20:00 62.2 01.05.16 18:00 59.1 30.06.15 21:00 62.2 01.05.16 18:00

9 Chandraghona 2 x 15/20=40 29 23.06.16 19:00 29 27.05.16 19:30 30.4 01.06.15 20:00 32 25.03.16 18:30

10 Dohazari 2x 50/75=150 84 27.06.16 20:00 76 06.05.16 22:00 66 02.06.15 03:00 84 27.06.16 20:00

11 Cox’s Bazar 2 x 25/41=82 59 23.06.16 20:00 65 01.05.16 20:00 58 10.06.15 20:00 65 01.05.16 20:00






12 AKSPL 1 x 25/30=30 13 23.06.16 09:00 18 16.05.16 21:00 23.8 07.06.15 22:00 25 06.04.16 21:00

13 BSRM 1 x 64/80=80 56 29.06.16 13:00 56 23.05.16 13:00 50 09.06.15 09:00 58 04.04.16 12:00

14 T K Complex 1 x 50/75=75 11.6 30.06.16 11:00 10.2 01.05.16 21:00 8.2 13.06.15 15:00 11.6 30.06.16 11:00

15 MSL 1 x 25/30=30 21 28.06.16 00:00 18 26.05.16 18:00 16 07.06.15 10:00 21 28.06.16 00:00

16 SSML 1 x 25/30=30 9 03.06.16 00:00 12 29.05.16 03:00 13 09.06.15 08:00 15 19.10.15 05:00

17 KSRM 2 x 35/50=100 36 25.06.16 16:00 36 05.05.16 07:00 0 37 27.01.16 00:00

Note: *33kV RPCL Load Added. Shikalbaha & Kaptai totallly controlled by PDB Page: 11 of 42

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Sub-Station Maximum Load Month: June-16

B.132/33 kV Sub-Station.

Circle Sl No

Sub-Station Name

Sub-Station Capacity (MVA)

Current Month Previous Month This Month Last Year Maxm Load Received


Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time


1 Natore 2x25/41+1x35/50=132 85.0 30.06.16 21:00 86.0 09.04.16 19:00 77.0 06.06.15 21:00 86.0 29.03.16 19:30

2 Rajshahi 2x50/75+1x35/50=200 134.0 08.06.16 21:00 133.0 21.04.16 21:00 114.0 07.06.15 20:00 134.0 08.06.16 21:00

3 chapai-Nababgoanj

1x25/41+3x15/20=101 62.0 30.06.16 21:00 62.0 15.04.16 19:30 65.0 03.06.15 22:00 79.0 24.03.15 21:00

4 Naogaon 2x50/75+1x25/41=191 102.0 30.06.16 22:00 108.0 15.04.16 20:00 82.0 20.06.15 22:00 108.0 25.03.16 20:00

5 Niamotpur 2x35/50=100 46.0 29.06.16 21:00 78.0 14.04.16 21:00 58.0 19.06.15 21:00 86.0 23.03.16 19:00

6 Amnura 1x35/50=50 31.0 30.06.16 19:30 28.0 16.04.16 21:00 18.0 20.06.15 19:00 31.0 30.06.16 19:30

7 Bogra 2x25/41+2x50/75=232 210.0 30.06.16 22:00 219.0 11.04.16 19:30 183.0 01.06.15 20:00 219.0 11.04.16 19:30

8 Palashbari 2x25/41+3x15/20=142 82.0 21.06.16 21:00 86.0 14.04.16 19:00 63.0 30.06.15 22:00 86.0 14.04.16 19:00

9 Sirajgonj 2x25/41+1x15/20+1x35/50=152 80.0 29.06.16 20:00 78.0 10.04.16 20:00 62.0 08.06.15 21:00 80.0 29.06.16 20:00

10 Joypurhat 2x25/41=82 33.0 10.06.16 19:30 36.0 05.04.16 19:00 29.0 16.06.15 19:30 36.0 05.04.16 19:00

11 Rangpur 2x50/75+2x10/13.3=176.6 106.0 28.06.16 23:00 103.0 10.05.16 21:00 89.0 30.06.15 21:00 106.0 28.06.16 23:00

12 Saidpur 2x25/41+1x35/50=132 88.0 06.06.16 20:00 84.0 24.05.16 19:30 76.0 19.06.15 20:00 94.0 06.04.16 19:30

13 Purbasadipur 1x25/41+2x15/20+1x50/75=156 79.0 26.06.16 20:00 75.0 25.05.16 21:00 71.0 17.06.15 21:00 79.0 26.06.16 20:00

14 Thakurgaon 2x25/41=82 58.0 08.06.16 22:00 54.0 30.05.16 21:00 60.0 03.06.15 20:00 70.0 04.08.15 19:30

15 Lalmonirhat 2x12.5/16.66+4x15/20=113 70.0 11.06.16 19:30 65.0 22.5.16 05:00 58.0 07.06.15 22:00 70.0 11.06.16 19:30

16 Barapukuria 2x25/41+2x15/20=122 42.0 29.06.16 21:00 28.0 10.05.16 21:00 38.0 06.06.15 20:00 45.0 09.04.16 21:00

17 Panchagar 2x25/41=82 28.0 02.06.16 19:30 27.0 21.05.16 20:00 19.0 19.06.15 20:00 34.0 20.02.16 19:00


1 Jessore 25/41x2+1x50/83.3=163.3 130 21.06.16 20:00 136 12.05.16 19:40 114 11.06.15 19:30 136 12.05.16 19:40

2 Jhenaidah 25/41x2=82 73 30.06.16 22:00 72 12.05.16 19:30 61 11.06.15 21:00 73 30.06.16 22:00

3 Khustia 50/75x2=150 100 30.06.16 21:00 94 15.05.16 22:00 88 24.06.15 23:00 100 30.06.16 21:00

4 Bheramara 25/41x2=82 44 26.06.16 23:00 42 28.05.16 21:00 37 30.06.15 21:00 44 26.06.16 23:00

5 Chuadanga 25/41x2=82 53 07.06.16 19:30 52 11.05.16 12:00 51.5 12.06.15 20:00 54 29.09.15 19:00

6 Magura 25/41x2=82 39 30.06.16 21:00 35 30.05.16 19:00 30 02.06.15 19:30 39 30.06.16 21:00

7 Pabna 2x50/75=150 92 25.06.16 20:00 86 15/05/16 21:00 77 18/6/15 22:00 92 25.06.16 20:00

8 Shajadpur 2x15/20+1x35/50+25/41x1=131 77 14.06.16 21:00 73 05.05.16 19:30 58 06.05.15 20:00 80 25.04.16 21:00

9 Ishwardi 2x15/20+1x25/41=81 47 30.06.16 23:00 42.4 16/05/16 20:00 43 21/6/15 03:00 47 30.06.16 23:00

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Sub-Station Maximum Load Month: June-16

B.132/33KV Sub-Station.

Circle Sl No

Sub-Station Name

Sub-Station Capacity (MVA)

Current Month Previous Month This Month Last Year Maxm Load Received


Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time Maxm Load (MW)

Date Time

1 Goalpara 12.5/16.66x2=32.3 39.6 08.06.16 21:00 36.4 29.05.16 19:30 36.0 02.06.15 19:30 60.61 22.03.12 19:30


2 Khulna

Central 48/64x3=192 90.0 20.06.16 21:00 93.0 09.05.16 21:00 81.0 01.06.15 21:00 102.00 13.08.15 20:00

3 Noapara 2x15/20,44.1/63=103 59.0 23.06.16 21:00 54.0 03.05.16 20:00 56.0 29.06.15 21:00 59.0 13.08.15 20:00

4 Bagerhat 25/41x2=82 73.0 08.06.16 19:30 67.0 08.05.16 19:00 58.0 04.06.15 19:00 73.0 23.06.16 19:30

5 Mongla 25/41x2=82 32.0 06.06.16 11:00 34.0 31.05.16 09:00 29.0 01.06.15 10:00 34.0 31.05.16 09:00

6 Satkhira 25/41x2=82 73.0 29.06.16 21:00 70.0 27.05.16 21:00 62.3 08.06.15 22:00 73.0 29.06.16 21:00

7 Gallamari

GIS 25/41x2=82 47.8 07.06.16 17:00 47.8 10.05.16 22:00 46.0 09.06.15 13:00 52.8 10.04.16 08:00

14 Faridpur 75/50x2=150 120.0 05.06.16 21:00 120.0 22.05.16 20:00 102.00 25.06.15 21:00 120.0 22.05.16 20:00

15 Madaripur 25/41x3=123 101.0 10.06.16 19:30 101.0 09.05.16 20:00 93.00 02.06.15 21:00 101.0 09.05.16 20:00

16 Gopalgong 25/41x2=82 54.0 25.06.16 21:00 49.2 23.05.16 22:00 44.00 02.06.15 21:00 54.0 25.06.16 21:00

17 Barishal 50/75x2=150 112 26.06.16 19:30 108.00 30.05.16 19:30 88 02.06.15 19:00 112.00 26.06.16 19:30

18 Patuakhali 15/20x2+25/41=81 40.5 29.06.16 22:00 41.50 09.05.16 21:00 27 06.06.15 19:00 42.00 22.04.16 21:00

19 Bhandaria 2x25/41=82 40 16.06.16 21:00 38.00 08.05.16 20:00 32 06.06.15 19:00 40.00 16.06.16 21:00

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Appendix H: Transmission System Data (Sample June 2016)




01. Transmission Line Information:

A) 400KV Transmission Line Length (Ckt km) : 220.7

B) 230KV Transmission Line Length (Ckt km) : 3185.166

C) 132KV Transmission Line Length (Ckt km) : 6486.83 (Including DPDC 85.2 ckt. km)

02. 400KV Sub-Station Information:

Sl No

Name of Sub-station Circle Capacity (MW)

1 Bheramara HVDC Back to Back Station HVDC 500

03. 400/230KV Sub-Station Information:

Sl No

Name of Sub-station Circle Capacity (MVA)

1 Bibiyana Comilla 520

04.Grid Circle wise 230/132KV Sub-Station Information

Sl No

Circle Name

PGCB PDB Private

Nos of Substation

Capacity (MVA)

Nos of Substation

Capacity (MVA) Nos of

Substation Capacity (MVA)

1 Bogra(Switching=1) 3 900 0 0 0 0

2 Chittagong 1 600 0 0 2 660

3 Comilla 2 750 1 300

4 Dhaka(N) 3 1950 1 250

5 Dhaka(S) (Switching=1)

6 3225 0 0

6 HVDC 2 900 0 0

7 Khulna 2 1050 0 0

Total 19 9375 2 550 2 660

Grand Total (MVA) 10585

05. Grid Circle wise 132/33KV Sub-Station Information:

Sl No

Circle Name


Nos of Substation

Capacity (MVA)

Nos of Substation

Capacity (MVA)

Nos of Substation

Capacity (MVA)

1 Bogra 17 2245.6 - - 0 0

2 Chittagong 11 1457 2 136.6 6 345

3 Comilla 13 1711 1 82 - -

4 Dhaka(N) 17 3108 1 126 6 1125

5 Dhaka(S) 10 1806.6 8 1035

6 HVDC 9 1003.3 - - Bheramara

GKP 20

7 Khulna 13 1324 1 60 - -

Total 90 12,656 5 404.6 21 2525

Grand Total (MVA) 15,585

06. Grid Circle wise Capacitor Bank Information:

Sl No.

Circle Name

At 33KV At 132KV

No Of Units

Capacity (MVAR) No Of Units Capacity(MVAR)

1 Chittagong 43 215 1 45

2 Comilla 12 120 0 0

3 Dhaka(S) 26 272.5 2 90

4 Dhaka(N) 18 112.5 2 90

5 HVDC 12 82.5 2 90

6 Khulna 18 135 3 135

7 Bogra 62 402.5 0 0

Total 191 1340 10 450

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