peperiksaan awal tahun 5.docx

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  • 8/17/2019 PEPERIKSAAN AWAL TAHUN 5.docx





    : _______________________________________

    Bahagian Markah

    Bahagian A

    Bahagian B



    Answer all the questions. Choose one of the best answer, A, B, C or D and blackenyour answer in the answer sheet provided. Jawab semua soalan. Pilih satu jawapan yang terbaik: A, B, C atau D dan hitamkan jawapan anda didalam kertas jawapan yang disediakan.

    1 Microorganism is a... Mikroorganisma adalah……….

    A living thing that has wings. / benda hidup yang ada sayap

    B living thing that lives in water. / benda hidup yang tinggal didalam air 

    C small living thing that can be seen with the naked eye. / Hidupan kecil

     yang boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar 

    D very tiny living thing that cannot be seen with the naked eye. / hidupan seni yang tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar.

    2 Which of the following is not a microorganism?

    manakah bukan mikroorganisma ?

    A Bird / burung

    B Virus / virus

    C Bacteria / bakteria

    D Protozoa / rotozoa

    3 Which of the following is a microorganism?

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     Manakah berikut adalah mikroorganisma ?

    A B

    C D

    4 !he figure below shows a food web in a habitat.

    "a#ah di bawah menun#ukkan satu siratan makanan di habitat.

    $eer/rusa !iger  

    Plant %mall bird/ burung kecil &agle/ helang


    !he above food web can be found in a(

    %iratan makanan di atas boleh didaati di...

    A river. / sungai

    B forest. / hutan

    C  addy field. / sawah adi

    D grass field. / adang rumut

    5 !he figure below shows a food web in a ond.

    "a#ah di bawah menun#ukkan satu siratan makanan di dalam kolam

    )ow many food chains can be found in the food web?

    Beraakah rantai makanan boleh didaati dalam siratan makanan diatas?

    A *

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    B +

    C ,

    D -

    6 isyah makes dough by miing the following ingredients0

     Aisyah membuat doh dengan mencampurkan bahan dibawah


    fter *1 minutes2 the dough rises. !his because(

    Selepas 20 minit, doh mengembang. ni kerana………

    A the yeast dies. / yis mati

    B the yeast grows. / yis membesar 

    C the yeast moves. / yis bergerak 

    D the yeast breathes. / yis bernafas

    7 !he diagram shows the observation on a slice of mouldy bread on certain days.

    "a#ah menun#ukkan emerhatian terhada keingan roti yang berkulat mengikut haritertentu

     $ay 3 $ay - $ay 4 $ay 3*

    What conclusion can be made from the observation above?akah kesimulannya berdasarkan emerhatian tersebut?

    A !he mould grows. 5ungi membesar 

    B !he mould moves. 5ungi bergerak 

    C !he mould breathes. 5ungi bernafas

    D !he mould resonses to stimuli. 5ungi bergerak balas terhada ransangan

    8 !he diagram shows an observation on a tye of microorganism under a microscoe."a#ah menun#ukkan emerhatian se#enis mikroorganisma dibawah mikrosko

    Flour, warm water, dried yeast, sugar

    Tepung, air suam, yis kering, gula

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    !he observation above shows that( / pemerhatian menun!ukkan bahawa….

    A microorganism eats. Mikroorganisma makan

    B microorganism moves. Mikroorganisma bergerak 

    C microorganism ecretes. Mikroorganisma berkumuh

    Dmicroorganism breathes. Mikroorganisma berna"as

    9 Which of the following is correct for a food chain?

     Manakah antara berikut adalah betul untuk rantaian makanan?

    A !he rocess of roducing food / #roses menghasilkan makanan

    B !he use of food in animals /  #enggunaan makanan haiwan

    C 5ood relationshi between living things / Hubungan makanan antara


    D !he breakdown of food in cells / #ecahan makanan dalam sel$sel 

    10 !he diagram shows a rotten orange. 6 is a tye of microorganism that grows on the

    orange. %a!ah dibawah menun!ukkan buah oren yang sudah busuk. & adalah se!enis

    mikroorganisma yang tumbuh pada buah oren tersebut 

    What is organism 6? apakah mikrob &?

    A 7range / oren

    B Virus /'irus

    C 5ungi / kulat 

    D Bacteria / bakteria

    11 Microorganisms are used in making(

     Mikroorganisma digunakan untuk membuat……………

    8 tapai.

    88 tempe.888 fertiliser. / ba!a

    A 8 and 88 only

    B 8 and 888 only

    C 88 and 888 only

    D 82 88 and 888

    12 Which of the following microorganism is used in making bread?

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     Manakah tersebut digunakan untuk membuat roti?

    A 9east / yis

    B Virus / 'irus

    C Bacteria / bakteria

    D Protozoa / proto(oa

    3+ Which of the following lants has fruits with the above characteristics? / Antara

    tumbuhan berikut mempunyai buah dengan ciri$ciri di atas?

    8 "ubber tree / pokok getah

    88 :oconut tree / pokok kelapa

    888 Balsam lant / pokok keembung 

    8V :hestnut tree / pokok berangan  8 and 88 only

    B 88 and 8V only

    : 82 888 and 8V only

    $ 82 882 888 and 8V

    3, !he icture below shows two tyes of seeds. / )ambar di bawah menun!ukkan dua !enis bi!i benih

    !he seeds are disersed by( / *i!i benih yang disebarkan oleh…….. water. / air  

    B wind./ angin

    : animal. / haiwan$ elosive mechanism. Mekanisma letuan

    3- zri meets with a lum of bird droing at the back of his house. )e finds lenty of

     lant seeds in the bird droing. Which of the following are the seeds disersed thisway?.  A(ri ternampak banyak na!is burung di belakang rumahnya. +ia mendapati

    banyak bi!i benih tumbuhan dalam na!is burung tersebut .Manakah antara berikut 

    adalah bi!i benih disebarkan dengan cara ini?


    B "ambutan: ;uava / #ambu Batu

    $ Mango / mangga

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    16 !ania gets measles. %he is

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    19 ;reen lants do not deend on other living things to get food. !his is because they(

    umbuhan hi!au tidak bergantung pada benda hidup lain untuk mendapatkan makanan.

     ni adalah kerana mereka ... make their own food. / membuat makanan sendiri

    B do not need food. - tidak memerlukan makanan

    : have a lot food in the roots. / mempunyai makanan yang banyak dalamakar 

    $ get their food from their fruits. - mendapatkan makanan mereka daripada

    buah$buahan mereka

    *1 !he information below shows the food relationshi between a rabbit and other organisms.

     Maklumat di bawah menun!ukkan hubungan makanan antara arnab dan organisma lain

    Which of the following is correct for 6 and 9?

     Antara berikut yang manakah adalah betul bagi & dan ?

    6 9 :arrot / lobak &agle / helang

    B 5ish / ikan :hicken / ayam

    : Mustard / sawi ;oat / kambing

    $ 5ruits / buah %nake / ular  

    *3  Manakah antara berikut dapat membantu burung mengekalkan spesisnya?

    8 =ests are built at high laces - membina sarang ditempat tinggi

    88 Producing many eggs / menghasilkan telur yang banyak 

    888 !ake care of their eggs until the eggs hatch / men!aga telurnya hinggamenetas

    8V 5eeding their young / memberi makan kepada anaknya

    A 88 only

    B 8 and 888 only

    C 82 888 and 8V only

    D 882 888 and 8V only

    ** !he figure below shows a food chain.

     %a!ah di bawah menun!ukkan satu rantai makanan.

    6 is eaten by a rabbit. rabbit is eaten by 9.

    6 dimakan oleh arnab.

    rnab dimakan oleh 9.

      > @ M

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    Which of the following is correct for the food chain?

     Manakah antara berikut adalah betul untuk rantaian makanan?

    8 is eaten by @ / dimakan oleh @

    88 eats > / makan >

    888 @ eats M / @ makan M

    A 8 only

    B 8 and 88 only

    C 8 and 888 only

    D 88 and 888 only

    *+ !he characteristics of an animal are shown below.

    What is the animal? /iri haiwan berikut meru!uk kepada………

    A frog / katak 

    B crocodile / buaya

    C turtle / penyu

    D snake - ular 

    *, What is the meaning of the survival?

     Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kemandirian?

    A the otential of living things to continuously live to roagate  - potensi benda

    hidup bagi meneruskan hidup untuk membiak 

    B the rocess of reroduce of living things / proses pembiakan bagi bendahidup.

    C the way animals lay eggs or give birth / cara haiwan bertelur atau

    melahirkan anak 

    D the interaction between living things in an area / interaksi antara hidupandalam satu habitat 

    *- nimal 6 lives in a grou. !heir young are always in the midst of the adult animals.Which of the following animals is animal 6? haiwan & tinggal secara berkumpulan.

     Anaknya sentiasa dalam kawalan haiwan dewasa. Apakah haiwan &?

    A B

    • ;o back to the land to lay eggs / kembali ke antai untuk bertelur 

    @ay many eggs / bertelur dengan banyak • )ide their eggs / menyembunyikan telurnya

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    C D

    *A Which of the following statements is true for an eagle?

     Manakah yang betul berkaitan dengan helang?

    A @ay many eggs / bertelur banyak 

    B 5eed their young / memberi makan pada anaknya

    C @eave their young after the eggs hatch - meninggalkan anaknya selepas


    D 7ther animals hatch their eggs / haiwan lain menetaskan telurnya

    * !he above oem refers to( / puisi di atas meru!uk kepada……..

    A the growth of an animal / pertumbuhan haiwan

    B the reroduction of an animal / pembiakan haiwan

    C the movement of an animal - pergerakan haiwan

    D the survival of an animal - kemandirian haiwan

    *C !he icture below shows three animals.

    Which of the following are the similarities among the three animals? Manakah persamaan bagi ketiga$tiga haiwan diatas?

    8 !ake care of their eggs - men!aga telurnya

    88 @ay eggs in water / bertelur didalam air 888 @ay many eggs - bertelur banyak 

    8V $o not take care of their eggs and their young / idak men!aga telur dan


    A 8 and 88 only

    B 888 and 8V only

    C 82 88 and 888 only

    D 882 888 and 8V only

    "un2 run little tiger / lari , lari anak harimau5ollowed closely by mother tiger 2 +iikuti rapat oleh ibu harimau

    8f there is any fear / ika terdapat sebarang rasa takut 

    Mother tiger will be in the rear / bu harimau akan berada di belakang 

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    *4 Plants ensure the survival of their secies by(

    umbuhan memastikan kemandirian spesisnya dengan cara……….

    A disersing their seeds. / Menyebarkan bi!i benih

    B making food. / membuat makanan

    C droing their leaves. / menggugurkan daun

    Dresonding to light. / bertindak balas terhadap cahaya

    +1 !he icture below shows four tyes of seeds.

    )ambar dibawah menun!ukkan empat !enis bi!i benih.

    8 88

    888 8V

    Which are the seeds disersed by animals? - manakah yang disebarkan olehhaiwan?

    A 88 only

    B 8 and 88 only

    C 88 and 888 only

    D 882 888 and 8V only

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    Instruction: 1rite your answers in the spaces pro'ided.

    1 5aizal carries out an eeriment on a slice of bread. )e takes the following stes0

    %te 30 %rinkles a few dros of water on the bread.%te *0 Puts the bread in a lastic bag.

    %te +0 7bserves the bread after four days.

    %te ,0 Views the samle of bread under a microscoe.

    !he diagram shows the observation obtained by 5aizal.


    Viewed under microscoe


    DaE What can be observed after four days? Apakah yang diperhatikan selepas hari  333333333333333333333333333333

    DbE i. re the moulds microorganisms? Adakah "ungi se!enismikroorganisma?


    ii. ;ive reasons for your answer in DbE i. berikan in"erens4sebab5

    berdasarkan !awapan di 4b5 i


    DcE !o which grou of microorganisms do the moulds belong to?

     Apakah kumpulan bagi kulat dalam mikroorganisma?


    DdE Based on the diagram2

    i. where do the moulds come from? +ari mana datangnya kulat?


    ii. Why do the moulds grow on the bread? Mengapa kulat boleh

    membesar pada roti?  333333333333333333333333

    DeE What will be observed if the bread is left for another two days? Apakah yang diperhatikan sekiranya roti ditinggal lagi selama 2 hari?

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    DfE 5rom this eeriment2 give on reason why moulds are considered as livingthings. +alam eksperimen ini, berikan satu sebab mengapa kulat dikatakan benda



    * uil comares the characteristics of two animals as shown below.

    %ekumulan murid membuat erbandingan ciri dua haiwan dibawah.

    DaE What is the aim of the investigation? akah tu#uan enyiasatan ini? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 

    DbE Based on the above information2 state how the animal that does not take care oftheir young can ensure the survival of their secies. / Berdasarkan maklumat di

    atas2 nyatakan bagaimana haiwan yang tidak men#aga anaknya boleh memastikan


    DcE What will haen if a bird does not take care of their young? / akah


    !urtle Bird7bservation/ emerhatian0

    3. turtle lays many eggs. Penyu bertelur banyak 

    *. bird lays few eggs. Burung bertelur sedikit

    +. turtle does not take care of their eggs. / enyu tidak men#aga telurnya,. bird takes care of their young. / burung men#aga anaknya

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    + !he grah below shows the changes in the number of grasshoer in a habitat after a

    grou of birds arrive. ;raf di bawah menun#ukkan erubahan dalam bilangan belalang di

    dalam habitat seleas sekumulan burung tiba.

    !he number of grasshoer / *ilangan belalang 

      Weeks /minggu

    DaE What are the changes in the attern of the number of the grasshoers? Apakah perubahan dalam corak bilangan belalang?


    DbE Write a reason for the changes in the number of the grasshoers.

    ulis sebab bagi perubahan dalam bilangan belalang 


    DcE What is the effect from the changes of the number of the grasshoer on the grass

    in the habitat? Apakah kesan daripada perubahan bilangan belalang ke atas


    DdE Write a food chain based on the relationshi between the grasshoer and the birds stated above.

    ulis rantai makanan berdasarkan hubungan antara belalang dan burung yang


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    + !he figure below shows a food web.

     %a!ah di bawah menun!ukkan satu siratan makanan

      ;rasshoer 5rog %nake

     %arrow  !ree

      :aterillar &agle

    DaE %tate the number of food chains in the food web.

     6yatakan bilangan rantai makanan dalam siratan makanan


    DbE =ame the carnivores in the food web. 6amakan karni'or dalam siratan makanan.


    DcE %tate t!r effects if the sarrows and the frogs decrease.

     6yatakan tiga kesan !ika burung pipit dan katak berkurangan