pedestrian & bicycle safety: ensuring a safe alternative mode of transportation in florida

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  • 8/14/2019 Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety: Ensuring a Safe Alternative Mode of Transportation in Florida





    A paper prepared by the Paliwana-Guhdgrayd Policy Research Institutefor the Florida Department of Transportation

    and David Plazaks Transportation Planning class (CRP545, Iowa State)

    Brian A. Salmons

    December 2007

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    As the popularity of walking and bicycling for health, leisure or as an alternate mode of

    transportation increases, so too does the risk for injuries and fatalities of pedestrians and

    bicyclists involved in traffic accidents with motorized vehicles. Or at least one would think so.

    The existing research on determinative factors in pedestrian and bicycle (PB) safety is generally

    inconclusive, however some guideposts along the road towards PB safety can be discerned from

    the literature. While PB fatalities do not necessarily increase as a percentage of population

    (Dharmaratne & Stevenson 2004), travel demand does grow along with population. And because

    automobiles are the predominant mode of transportation in Florida (as in the entire U.S.), an

    increasing population means not only greater traffic congestion, but also more opportunities for

    PB fatalities, whether or not the modal share of PB itself increases. As the fourth most populous

    U.S. state, and likely the third most populous by 2011 (U.S. Census Bureau 2005), Florida is

    currently in the position of dealing with the adverse effects of skyrocketing population growth

    and will likely continue to deal with it in the long-range future. It is the purpose of this report to

    provide a review of the existing literature on PB and to outline a vision for a multi-modal

    transportation system promoting walking and bicycling as safe, alternative modes of

    transportation in the State of Florida.


    Safety is arguably the central issue in bicycling and walking as modes of transportation.

    Discourse about pedestrian-friendly or bicycle-friendly communities inevitably focuses on the

    communitys infrastructure and whether this provides a safe and efficient route to desired places

    within the area. Communities without sidewalks, bicycle lanes or other PB improvements are

    generally not characterized as friendly to PB users because, quite simply, they are not safe.

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    With this in mind, a literature search on causative factors in PB safety was conducted, paying

    equal attention to studies on reducing fatalities at the level of the intersection or roadway and to

    studies on the effect of larger-scale land use and infrastructure in fostering the growth of PB-

    friendly communities.

    The literature search consisted of a web-based search for articles using keyword

    combinations expected to produce relevant results (e.g. pedestrian AND fatalities in an

    Internet search engine). In all, 36 articles were identified that addressed the issue of PB safety.

    Much more material is available on the topic of PB safety, however due to space and time

    constraints not all of it was considered for this study. Particularly, the literatures on the

    effectiveness of helmet-use, and of technological improvements to automobile bodies, in

    reducing injury severity were not considered for this study (e.g. Thompson & Rivara 2001;

    Crandall, Bhalla & Madeley 2002). The reason for this is that these approaches are merely

    palliative: they do not provide any guidance as to how to reduce the risk of collisions between

    pedestrians or bicycles and motorized traffic in the first place1.

    From the 36 articles identified that address curative approaches to PB safety, three broad

    categories of approaches were identified:


    Technology (including enforcement)


    The first two, Education and Technology, concern the modification of the behavior of

    either pedestrians and bicyclists or automobile drivers, or both. Education, in turn, can be divided

    1On a side note, a study comparing safety practices in Boston, Paris and Amsterdam found that low rates of helmet

    use do not necessarily lead to higher fatalities (Osberg & Stiles 1998). Similarly, a study in Australia determined

    that PB safety is higher when pedestrians and bicyclists are abundant (i.e. safety in number) and suggested that

    helmet laws may actually increase the safety risk for bicyclists by discouraging bicycle use (Robinson 2005).

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    into two sub-approaches: education for pedestrians and bicyclists and education for automobile

    drivers. Much of the research reviewed concludes that enforcement of traffic regulations (e.g.

    speed limits, crossing at crosswalks, road-sharing with bicycles) is another, separate approach to

    PB safety. However, in this study enforcement is classified in the Technology category based on

    the understanding that technological improvements at intersections and on roadways are mainly

    enforcement mechanisms. While the Education and Technology/Enforcement categories both

    aim to modify behavior, they differ in the manner in which they effect behavior modification: the

    former effects safety through deliberative behavior (e.g. knowledge of the rights of bicyclists to

    share the roadway) while the latter relies on reactive behavior (i.e. placing structural

    impediments in the roadway to decrease speed, or reducing red-light running through the

    placement of cameras at intersections). Some of the literature puts forth holistic solutions that

    are a combination of the Education and Technology/Enforcement approaches (e.g. van Vuuren


    The third approach to PB safety identified in the literature is termed here Reorientation.

    While not eschewing the Education and Technology approaches, the Reorientation approach

    nonetheless sees these as only a part of the solution. As the name suggests, the Reorientation

    approach takes the current world-view of the transportation planning profession, and the auto-

    centric infrastructure that it has helped to produce, as the overarching problem in PB safety. The

    Education and Technology approaches differ from Reorientation mainly in that they propose

    solutions aimed at accommodating pedestrians and bicyclists within the existing auto-centric

    framework, rather than reorienting transportation planning priorities so as to better accommodate

    all modes of transportation. The practicality of Education and Technology is the primary reason

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    these two approaches are used by transportation planning officials, while sustainability, social

    equity and health benefits constitute the allure of the Reorientation approach.


    Education approaches to PB safety can be divided into two types: those directed towards

    PB users and those directed towards automobile drivers. An example of PB-oriented education is

    Florida Bicycling Street Smarts (2003), a pamphlet prepared by the Florida Bicycle Association.

    It provides excerpts from the Florida Uniform Traffic Control Law relevant to bicycle use and

    verbally and graphically describes safety precautions and rules, much as a drivers manual does

    for automobile users. Driver-oriented PB education can take the form of television or radio

    public service announcements, billboards, published material or activism. A unique example of

    an activist approach to educating the driving public about bicycling is Critical Mass (Blickstein

    & Hanson 2001). What started as a monthly rush hour bike ride through [San Francisco] to

    increase the visibility of bicycling has become a global pattern of protest, an urban

    sustainability movement, that has as its purpose a shift in the public consciousness about what

    transportation is. In this regard, Critical Mass brings the Education approach to PB safety into

    the realm of Reorientation.

    The problem of drivers education in PB safety is apparently one felt around the world.

    Downing (1991) describes road user behavior in developing countries as less disciplined

    than that in developed countries and believes this is one factor contributing to high pedestrian

    fatality rates in developing countries. Drivers in Washington D.C. neighborhoods who were

    unfamiliar with PB conditions in the city were involved in 55% of bicycle collisions, suggesting

    that driver's education should target regional populations rather than just local ones (Goodno

    2004). Driver education about PB safety is as much about learning the rules of the road as it is

    about understanding the place of bicycles and pedestrians in the urban environment. Pucher &

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    Dijkstra (2000) call for a change in attitude among Americans effected through driver-oriented

    education. Drawing on the experience of the Netherlands and Germany, they suggest that

    "instead of being viewed as punitive measures aimed against motorists, [safety-enhancing

    policies] should be presented as new opportunities for all segments of the population". In

    Kuwait, Koushki & Ali (2003) found attitudes similar to those of Americans regarding

    pedestrians. A "lack of identity" regarding who pedestrians are and a "lack of recognition of

    pedestrian travel characteristics" exacerbates the problem of poor PB safety in that country.

    Driver-oriented education has also been advocated for a small subset of the driving population:

    political decision-makers. Sisiopiku & Papaioannou (2000) consider this to be a key component

    of any successful PB campaign.

    A good part of the literature on the Education approach concerns itself with PB-oriented,

    as opposed to driver-oriented, education. One of the factors most often cited as a cause of

    pedestrian fatalities is alcohol consumption and the presence of liquor establishments on high-

    fatality roads (CDC 1999; LaScala, Johnson & Gruenewald 2001; Noland & Quddus 2004;

    Spainhour, Wootton, Sobanjo & Brady 2006; van Vuuren 2001). Other factors that have been

    recommended as the subject of PB-oriented education include jaywalking and not crossing at the

    intersection (Lau, Seow & Lim 1998; Downing 1991), exiting a vehicle in the roadway (CDC

    1999), bad habits and/or negative attitudes of pedestrians (van Vuuren 2001), and the need to

    tailor safety messages to specific demographic groups (Reed & Sen 2005; Goodno 2004; Cahill,

    Thill & Delmelle 2007; Ziari & Khabiri 2005).


    A California study found that high incidence of pedestrian injuries is related to aspects

    of community structure that are not easy or even necessarily desirable to change, such as dense,

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    urban neighborhoods with a predominance of young or older people (LaScala, Johnson &

    Gruenewald 2001). Consequently, technological improvements such as pedestrian walkways and

    reduced speed zones might serve these areas needs better than just targeted education would.

    Another reason for approaching PB safety from the Technology viewpoint is that the PB

    populations most vulnerable to injury and fatality, and hence the target of PB safety educational

    campaigns, possess a high degree of safety consciousness and believe that their own behavior as

    pedestrians and bicyclists conforms to the rules (Reed & Sen 2005). Thus, there is a mismatch

    between those pedestrians and bicyclists who are at a higher risk and those who believe they act

    safety and follow the proper rules of PB safety. This suggests that Education approaches to

    reducing risk in these populations are examples of preaching to the choir; it also suggests that

    PB behavior is not a major contributor to PB collisions with motorized traffic where a person

    belonging to one of these high-risk populations is involved. It is possible that the underlying

    cause of collisions is the intersection of two modes of transportation that are mutually hostile and

    perceived as indifferent to each other rights and needs.

    The Technology approach to PB safety shifts the mechanism from a deliberative one

    (conscious decisions about the rights of road users and rules to follow) to a reactive one (reacting

    to technological improvements of the roadway or intersection, where the reaction is designed to

    be safe) so as to bypass the hostility and mutual disregard that often substitutes for deliberation

    in PB-automobile encounters. Much of the literature on PB safety emphasizes the importance of

    education in conjunction with technological improvements and enforcement of traffic

    regulations. For example, van Vuuren (2004) refers to this combination alliteratively as

    Education, Engineering and Enforcement. A study done by the Centers for Disease Control in

    metropolitan Atlanta proposed a similar cocktail of solutions. The engineering component would

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    provide for separation of pedestrians from motorized traffic, traffic-calming, and improved street

    lighting, while the enforcement component would focus on curbing both drivers behavior

    (speeding, red-light running, yielding to pedestrians) and jaywalking by pedestrians (CDC 1999).

    The notion that PB and motorized traffic should be kept separate to provide for maximum

    safety is a relatively popular one, although impractical. The need for networks of different modes

    inevitably means a need for intersections where the different modes meet. Many attempts to

    circumvent this have proven unsuccessful. For example, following World War II the City of

    London began constructing high-level pedestrian walkways in the Central Business District

    (Hebbert 1993). This type of vertical segregation of pedestrians from roadways was ultimately

    abandoned as a large-scale project, although parts of the walkway are apparently still in use in

    the city. Unlike the London experiment, the closing off of streets to traffic so as to form

    pedestrian malls has proven quite popular in many cities (e.g. Denver). The view that PB users

    should be separated from automobiles remains a popular one (Koushki & Ali 2003).

    Countering this viewpoint are studies that show integration of transportation modes leads

    to increased PB safety. Thus, road sharing (dedicated bicycle lanes in the roadway) counter-

    intuitively leads to safer traffic flows. Again, noting that intersections are the major points of

    conflict between bicycles and motor vehicles, Wachtel & Lewiston (1994) conclude that when

    separated modes of transportation converge at an intersection they seem to come from out of

    nowhere into each others right-of-way, an occurrence they term blind conflicts. One

    innovative concept in that promotes safety through integration to a degree unthinkable to most

    people. In the Netherlands, the woonerf (Dutch for residential yard) concept was developed

    as a traffic calming measure for residential neighborhoods. Ben-Joseph describes the woonerf

    as a physical designthat integrated sidewalks and roadways into one shared surface, creating

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    the impression of a yardenhanced by trees, benches, and small front gardens. He concept

    has since caught on in other countries (Japan, Australia, Israel) and has been proven successful at

    reducing pedestrian-automobile accidents.

    Whether they value separation or integration of modes, many studies stress the

    importance of applying the Technology approach to intersections. Advance pavement markings

    and yield signs were found to be associated with higher levels of PB safety at intersections in a

    Canadian study (Huybers, Van Houten & Malenfant 2004). In California, one study determined

    that traffic control devices to regulate yielding to pedestrians were needed in areas around

    schools (Boarnet, Day, Anderson, McMillan & Alfonzo 2005). Rural areas have also been found

    to benefit from technological improvements like walkways, crosswalks and advance warning

    signs to drivers (Hall, Kondreddi & Brogan 2004). Variations in infrastructure along road lengths

    have also been found determinative in collision location. Cahill, Thill & Delmelle (2007), in a

    study of bicycle crashes in Buffalo, New York, concluded that road infrastructure plays the

    most important role in determining the physical location of bicycle accidents. Echoing earlier

    studies about the need for integration, Sisiopiku & Papaioannou (2000) believe that the

    provisioning of facilities that serve the needs of mixed traffic are necessary to effect PB

    safety, as is enforcement of regulations on sharing the road. Many other studies concur in the

    need for better enforcement of traffic regulations, like speed limits (Noland & Quddus 2004),

    illegal crossing of freeways and highways (van Vuuren 2001), and red-light running (Goodno

    2004). A more exhaustive search of the literature would likely turn up many more studies on the

    effects of a Technology approach on PB safety worldwide. This search identified Technology

    approach applications in places as far flung as Croatia (Missoni & Kern 2003) and Iran (Ziari &

    Khabiri 2005).

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    The Reorientation approach to PB safety is deeply concerned with ensuring the equitable

    allocation of transportation resources to all members of society, particularly low-income persons.

    It comes as no surprise then that developing countries like India, where walking and bicycling as

    alternative modes of transportation have a majority modal share (Mohan 2002a), have found

    applications of the Reorientation approach useful as a part of their transportation planning goals.

    Mohan (2002b) states that a sustainable transport system must provide mobility and

    accessibility to all urban residents in a safe and environment [sic] friendly mode of transport.

    Mohan & Tiwari (1999) explain the high percentage of PB traffic in developing countries as

    resulting from a large proportion of the population [that] cannot afford to use motorized

    transport. For some, even bicycles are expensive investments beyond their economic reach. To

    ensure that the transportation needs of all users are able to be met in countries like India, priority

    must be given to the common denominator of all transportation use: walking (all users are

    pedestrians at some point in their travels, however not all pedestrians use bicycles, public transit

    or private transit). Once the needs of pedestrians have been met, the needs of bicyclists and

    public transit users should then be formulated. Tiwari (2001) explicitly endorses this order of

    priority (pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit) as the key to a sustainable transportation system.

    Curiously, he neglects to address the needs of automobile drivers, although one would assume

    these would be given the lowest priority in such a scheme.

    The physical re-designing of transportation infrastructure is central to the Reorientation

    approach to PB safety. Hence, technological improvements such as woonerfs and dedicated

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    bicycle lanes would have a large role to play. The physical layout of communities is widely

    assumed to be a determining factor in choice of transportation mode. For example, suburban

    neighborhoods have been criticized as early as the 1950s (Riesman 1958) for isolation they

    imposed on residents who must travel long distances by car to run errands, or commute to work

    or school. Recent studies on the effect of neighborhood layout on PB modal share have offered

    mixed results. Cao, Mokhtarian & Handy (2007) showed that neighborhood design that put

    residents closer to destinations might actually lead to more walking and less driving, while

    suburbs of the sprawl variety tend to lead to the reverse. Kitamura, Mokhtarian & Laidet

    (1997) found that while neighborhood design positively affects transport choice, however,

    significant shifts in transportation modal share might not occur unless residents attitudes

    regarding the desirability of walking and bicycling as valid modes of transportation also change.

    Other problems in the application of a Reorientation approach to PB safety have also

    been identified in the literature. Ishaque & Noland (2006) researched the history of PB safety

    measures in Britain and determined several consequences of this history for current

    transportation planning efforts in PB safety, the most important of which are the long history of

    prioritizing automobile traffic of over PB traffic and, as a contributing factor to that, the

    difficulty resulting from the publics emotional debates over the competing goals of pedestrian

    mobility and safety versus maintaining traffic flow. Additionally, existing infrastructure, as a

    legacy of then history of transportation planning, poses a significant obstacle to a Reorientation

    of planning priorities.

    Piecemeal attempts to redesign the urban environment, while in the spirit of

    Reorientation, are not always effective. Cervero & Gorham (1995) concluded a study in

    California with the cautionary note that islands of neotraditional development in a sea of

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    freeway-oriented suburbs will do little to change fundamental commuting habits. And a little

    closer to home, Miles-Doan & Thompson (1999), in their study of pedestrian fatalities in

    Orlando, cautioned about an institutional blindspot in planning for the safety of pedestrians on

    arterial roads. They call for a revision of highway design manuals to recognize that "right-of-way

    space used by arterial roads is subject to competing demands". Because most of the problems

    identified in the literature on Reorientation are primarily ones of public perception and

    acceptance of PB issues as legitimate transportation issues, it is reasonable to assume that the

    continued analysis and promoting of the Reorientation approach, along with a coordinated

    application of Education approaches about PB issues in general, will be able to overcome these



    Planning for walking and bicycling as modes of transportation encompasses a variety of

    disparate activities, policies and viewpoints. Education ranges from specific messages about

    local ordinances to large-scale campaigns promoting PB as an alternate mode of transportation.

    Similarly, technological solutions are applied at many different levels, from the individual

    intersection or roadway to neighborhoods and metropolitan regions. As a result, many

    applications of the Education and Technology approaches may actually effectuate change more

    like desired in the Reorientation approach, while Reorientation inevitably requires the

    application of Education and Technology approaches. The approaches as defined in this paper

    are not exclusive by any means. That being said, the Education and Technology approaches in

    general are less effective as achieving meaningful, long-term change in the issue of PB safety.

    A bias towards automobiles in most of the Education and Technology segment of PB

    safety literature is evident in the explanations and solutions it puts forth. For example, Spainhour

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    et al. (2006) state that the most significant causes of pedestrian crashes are pedestrian

    behavior, in spite of evidence for the widespread disregard of pedestrians by motorists and the

    inherent safety risk in the convergence of pedestrians, bicycles and automobiles at intersections.

    Lau, Seow & Lim (1998) recommend reminding pedestrians of the rudiments of crossing the

    roadlike look right, then left, then right again and that special care must be taken by the

    elderly. Many of the recommendations from the Education and Technology approaches have a

    similar hollow ring. In fact, with regard to the recommendation for the elderly, evidence shows

    that elderly pedestrians are already very safety conscious, however being mindful of the rules

    does not apparently decrease their risk for fatal injury as pedestrians (Reed & Sen 2005).

    In the attempt to evaluate the relative effectiveness of the various solutions to PB safety,

    it may prove useful to apply a second layer of analysis beyond the Education-Technology-

    Reorientation conceptualization. Vuchic (1999) provides just such a framework. In

    Transportation for Livable Cities, he analyzes the current state of transportation planning and

    devises a tiered classification system based on the scopes and objectives of transportation

    management plans:

    Level IV: Individual facilities

    Level III: Single mode network or system

    Level II: Multi-modal coordinated system

    Level I: City-transport relationship

    At Level IV, decisions regarding single transportation facilities (a road, an intersection, a

    bus route) are made with little regard for their relationship to other facilities, networks, the

    transportation system as a whole, or the other needs of the transportation user. Level III planning

    takes the different modes of transportation and plans for them independently of one another.

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    Hence, the public transportation planners do not coordinate with road and highway planners to

    the degree necessary to achieve a multi-modal transportation system. Level II, by contrast, does

    try to coordinate transportation planning across modes and throughout an entire geographic

    region. Level I perfects the multi-modal system of Level II by integrating transportation planning

    into all of a citys other needs and services, like housing. As such, Level I is the highest level

    ofoperational integration in transportation planning.

    Vuchics Four Levels of Transportation Planning not only provide another way to

    conceptualize the multitude of PB safety strategies discussed in the literature, they also provide a

    way to evaluate the desirability of the Reorientation approach versus the Education and

    Technology approaches. While there is not a direct correlation between Vuchics Levels and this

    studys tripartite conceptualization of PB safety approaches, on the whole, the Education and

    Technology approaches cluster within Levels IV and III. Technological improvements to

    intersections and roadways are Level IV and Level III strategies, respectively. Both driver-

    oriented and PB-oriented Education approaches can have consequences at Levels II and I, but if

    the education is primarily about traffic rules then the effect is limited in scope and objective and,

    thus, would probably fall under Level IV. The Reorientation approach to PB safety falls squarely

    within Levels II and I, the highest levels of transportation planning in terms of organization, as

    well as in terms of benefits to users of alternate modes of transportation and, arguably, all of a

    citys population.


    Planning for PB safety is necessarily a multifaceted and complicated undertaking.

    Addressing just one aspect of such a complex problem is an ineffective way of going about the

    task. Driver-oriented and PB-oriented educational campaigns are a significant part of the solution

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    to PB injury and fatalities on Floridas roads, as mostly certainly are technological improvements

    like pedestrian markings and signs and red-light running cameras. These measures have been

    proven highly effective at reducing PB fatalities and should not be underestimated as a part of

    the solution to PB safety. However, to focus solely on education and technology within the

    existing policy framework of land use and development, and without attempting to address the

    infrastructural legacy of the 20th

    centurys love affair with the automobile, is to ignore the most

    important part of any comprehensive, long-term solution to PB safety. It is within the best

    interest of the citizens and elected officials of Florida to reexamine the current configuration of

    transportation priorities and to become cognizant of the complex interrelations between

    transportation choices and other quality-of-life issues. Everything from where to live, to how

    much time to spend with ones family, to how much disposable income one wants are affected

    by the transportation choices made by people everyday. Education and technological

    improvements are merely band-aids on a boxer: they cover up the problem but do not address the

    behavior that caused the problem in the first place. To improve the safety, efficiency and

    performance of our transportation choices, and the quality of life we experience as a result of

    these choices, we must step up to a higher level of analysis, both in policy formulation and in

    personal choices, to effect change in those behaviors that are at the root of the problem. Only

    through such a holistic, multi-pronged and integrated approach to transportation planning can the

    issue of pedestrian and bicycle safety be adequately addressed.

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