chapter 10 story 10 · “pinocchio, don’t cry, all you need to do is learn how to...

1 THE BOOK OF 25 10-10 1 WRITER WRITE Chapter 10 STORY 10 The Longest Trunk Oh, No!” Elephant nurse said. “What is the matter? Is my Baby okay?” Says, Mama Elephant. “Well he is perfectly fine, but he really has a very long nose,” says Nurse Elephant. Papa Elephant replied, “In my Pachyderm family, we all have long noses, those are our trunks” “Yes, Yes” says Nurse Elephant but Oh, Dear, his is very special” Everyone stared at the Beautiful Baby Elephant and they all gasped “His trunk is so LONG” The Baby elephant just stared at them with huge beautiful eyes and his very long trunk wrapped itself around his body as he fell fast asleep. Days, Weeks and Months went by. The Baby Elephant was called Pinocchio. And his trunk was so very special. At first his friends all laughed at him and that hurt his feelings and he would run away into the forest and cry. On one such day, as he was in the forest crying, a Toucan spoke to him. “Pinocchio, don’t cry, all you need to do is learn how to use your nose, I mean your trunk.” “Learn to use my trunk, what do you mean?” says Pinocchio Elephant. “Your trunk is your gift. You will one day be a Mighty Elephant, Bigger than anyone you know and the first thing that grows on everyone is their NOSE, I mean your trunk. Trust me your body will just grow and your trunk will be normal to your body size.” said the sagacious Toucan. So Pinocchio Elephant practised. He could reach the tallest mangoes, coconuts and sugar apples and he could move anything with his trunk. Big Logs of wood, huge rocks and he could spray water up to 100 meters. His feats of dexterity and strength grew as he grew and soon he was the Biggest Elephant ever seen by Elephant Kind. He became famous and lived a Happy, Prosperous Life. Long live, his Very long Trunk. The Moral to the story, there are Ugly Ducklings that become Swans. All that are different often grow into remarkable things, be it people or animals. In humans as young adults our noses are the first to grow and we sometimes experience that uncomfortable feeling of awkwardness, which adolescence is. Key Words: Famous (f m s) Well or widely known Practice (pr k t s) To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill Dexterity (d k-st r -t )Skill and grace in physical movement Prosperous (pr s p r- s) Having success; flourishing Pachyderm (p k -derm ) Any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the elephant Sagacious (s -g sh s) Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsight

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THE BOOK OF 25 10-10



Chapter 10 STORY 10

The Longest Trunk

“Oh, No!” Elephant nurse said. “What is the matter? Is my Baby okay?” Says, Mama Elephant.

“Well he is perfectly fine, but he really has a very long nose,” says Nurse Elephant. Papa Elephant replied, “In my Pachyderm family, we all have long noses, those are our trunks” “Yes, Yes” says Nurse Elephant but Oh, Dear, his is very special” Everyone stared at the Beautiful Baby Elephant and they all gasped “His trunk is so LONG” The Baby elephant just stared at them with huge beautiful eyes and his very long trunk wrapped itself around his body as he fell fast asleep. Days, Weeks and Months went by. The Baby Elephant was called – Pinocchio. And his trunk was so very special. At first his friends all laughed at him and that hurt his feelings and he would run away into the forest and cry. On one such day, as he was in the forest crying, a Toucan spoke to him. “Pinocchio, don’t cry, all you need to do is learn how to use your nose, I mean your trunk.” “Learn to use my trunk, what do you mean?” says Pinocchio Elephant. “Your trunk is your gift. You will one day be a Mighty Elephant, Bigger than anyone you know and the first thing that grows on everyone is their NOSE, I mean your trunk. Trust me your body will just grow and your trunk will be normal to your body size.” said the sagacious Toucan. So Pinocchio Elephant practised. He could reach the tallest mangoes, coconuts and sugar apples and he could move anything with his trunk. Big Logs of wood, huge rocks and he could spray water up to 100 meters. His feats of dexterity and strength grew as he grew and soon he was the Biggest Elephant ever seen by Elephant Kind. He became famous and lived a Happy, Prosperous Life. Long live, his Very long Trunk. The Moral to the story, there are Ugly Ducklings that become Swans. All that are different often grow into remarkable things, be it people or animals. In humans as young adults our noses are the first to grow and we sometimes experience that uncomfortable feeling of awkwardness, which adolescence is.

Key Words:

Famous (f m s) Well or widely known

Practice (pr k t s) To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill

Dexterity (d k-st r -t )Skill and grace in physical movement

Prosperous (pr s p r- s) Having success; flourishing

Pachyderm (p k -derm ) Any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the elephant

Sagacious (s -g sh s) Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsight


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10



Co- Creative Writing

Please write a short story that showcases your thoughts on pachyderms.


NOTE : pach·y·derm n. Any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the elephant, rhinoceros, or






THE BOOK OF 25 10-10



Use Freytag’s format below, to construct your Story. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Resolution assist in defining your story. TITLE______________________

Exposition ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Rising Action




Falling Action ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Resolution ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10



Organize the details- Use your Notes






Extinction acts in a random fashion and does not have a "purpose". Extinction has no purpose. For all of the 5 great mass

extinctions in the past 500 million years, the cause was primarily geological or astronomical events. No purpose was involved in the changes to the environment that caused the mass extinctions. However, we are in a mass extinction at the moment, and humans are the primary agents. Many species on the land and in the ocean have disappeared completely or are nearing extinction. The current rate of extinction, particularly in tropical areas, is increasing as humans put more pressure on the habitats of species that have very localized and specific environmental needs. The oceans are heavily over fished, and the largest fish in the ocean are now much smaller than the largest fish a few decades ago. In any event, for the current mass extinction, the purpose of the current mass extinction is to feed a human population that has never stopped growing.


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10



Get the picture

The Old man and Death An old man was gathering sticks in a forest. It is very hard work for him. Finally he felt tired and hopeless. He threw down the heavy bundle of sticks, and cried, “I cannot live any longer. My life is too hard. Ah, I want to die. Every day, I labor and still I have nothing.” Then Death appears and says to him, “What do you want?” “Please, sir,” said the old man, “Would you help me lift this bundle of sticks on to my shoulder?” Death said, “Old man, you called me, you said you wanted to die?” The old man said, “Sorry Death, I called you too soon. As long as I have life I have everything”


Write and Answer the Questions

1. What is the moral of the story?

2. Why did he feel hopeless?

3. Who or what appeared to him?

4. What did death say?

5. What and why did the old man reply as he did?


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10




Then Death appears and says to him, “What do you want?” “Please, sir,” said the old man, “Would you help me lift this bundle of sticks on to my shoulder?”


Death said, “Old man, you called me, you said you wanted to die?”

RISING ACTION He threw down the heavy bundle of sticks, and cried, “I cannot live any longer. My life is too hard. Ah, I want to die. Every day, I labor and still I have nothing.”

EXPOSITION An old man was gathering sticks in a forest. It is very hard work for him. Finally, he felt tired and hopeless.


The old man said, “Sorry Death, I called you too soon. As long as I have life I have everything”


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10



James Joyce – The DEAD

ELEPHANT - TALES Opening The Mind By: Paul MacKenzie

The crack of a tree branch fifteen feet away from where I sit distracts me from my thoughts. Looking over my shoulder, I find an inquisitive elephant with two very large ears watching me intently. I wanted to ask how long he had been watching, but the futility of this question was all too real. He was about ten feet tall and filled the pathway that meanders from the campsite into a small forest of acacia trees. I could not believe my eyes. In my mind the possibility of this happening did not exist. A hole opened up before me in the appearance of this elephant; as the sky became suddenly brighter, light was quickly flooding in. The actual expression on his face made me laugh; it was as though his interest in studying me was greater than my desire to study him. I quickly forgot the book that was my world only a brief moment ago, and diverted my full attention to this beautiful being in front of me. In the past I have heard several third-hand stories of families of elephants walking though campsites, but I never imagined that it would happen to me. I also never realized the impact that these majestic intelligent fellow animals would have on me. I called to a good friend to come over. As we moved closer we found that an entire family of elephants were visiting the woods right behind our campsite. For half an hour of quietly watching the communication that took place between these huge animals; the degree of reassurance left me feeling peaceful all over. I could not help but consider the separation most of us form between animals and humans; the formation of a moral house around humanity seems to block the way to discovering that we are not alone. In a sense of awe for these wonderful animals, I became acutely aware of the degree that these beings feel and the importance of family and friends to their well- being. Also, I understood the degree of suffering these beings are capable of experiencing: a universal condition of suffering that we all as living beings seem to share with the rest of the world. With this realization, the world no longer seemed such a small and alone place in my one corner of the world.

Elephant Emotion By Daphne Sheldrick Why is it that most people feel such empathy for Elephants, even if they have never had close contact with them? Is it because of their size, their quaint characteristics, or the fact that they are so incredibly endearing as babies, tripping over little wobbly trunks that seem to serve no useful purpose other than get in the way? Or is it, perhaps, because Elephants are "human" animals, encompassed by an invisible aura that reaches deep into the human soul in a mysterious and mystifying way. Of course, Elephants share with us humans many traits - the same span of life, (three score years and ten, all being well) and they develop at a parallel pace so that at any given age a baby elephant duplicates its human counterpart, reaching adulthood at the age of twenty. Elephants also display many of the attributes of humans as well as some of the failings. They share with us a strong sense of family and death and they feel many of the same emotions. Each one is, of course, like us, a unique individual with its own unique personality. They can be happy or sad, volatile or placid. They display envy, jealousy, throw tantrums and are fiercely competitive, and they can develop hang-ups which are reflected in behaviour. They also have many additional attributes we humans lack; incredible long range infrasound, communicating in voices we never hear, such sophisticated hearing that even a footfall is heard far away, and, of course they have a memory that far surpasses ours and spans a lifetime. They grieve deeply for lost loved ones, even shedding tears and suffering depression. They have a sense of compassion that projects beyond their own kind and sometimes extends to others in distress. They help one another in adversity, miss an absent loved one, and when you know them really well, you can see that they even smile when having fun and are happy.

Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. It was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves. It was falling, too, upon every part of the lonely churchyard on the hill where Michael Furey lay buried. James Joyce's short story ''The Dead.'' This ending is the most rhythmically beautiful prose in the English language. Joyce is extravagant and yet being subtle at the same time. The cadence of language and the meaning of the text work harmoniously. The Dead” addresses, the state of Ireland. In every corner of the country, snow touches both the dead and the living, uniting them in frozen paralysis, suggest that the living might in fact be able to free themselves and live unfettered by deadening routines and the past. Even in January, snow is unusual in Ireland and cannot last forever. In the last passage Joyce reveals to the reader "SENSORY PERCEPTION" the main character looks out the window and actually sees the snow. After the transitional sentence...the newspapers were right, snow was all over Ireland ..... CONSCIENCE IMAGINING. Finally, snow lay on the crooked crosses..., all over Ireland upon the living and the dead... and in the universe EMOTIONAL BEING..... Thus demonstrating a real paralysis economically, religiously, and between relationships. It is common for snow to fall, all winter but it usually does not stay, that is the point. A Continual sense of death.


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10




Punctuation binds sentences Capital letters and ending punctuation give readers valuable help in deciphering the meaning of a piece of writing. They do that by marking sentence boundaries. An upper case letter is the symbol for left boundary of a sentence. The right boundary of a sentence is always marked by ending punctuation. Usually that ending punctuation is a period or question mark. Without proper punctuation, readers may misunderstand where a sentence begins and ends. How quickly can you find the sentence units in the following?

janet turned the fire off angry words in an email had ruined her day while she stood at the sink the sun was going down.

Can you imagine trying to sort out the meaning of lengthy prose passages that lack punctuation? It is true that capital letters and periods can have other symbolic uses. However, combined with other grammatical sentence indicators, they assure readers that the writer intended the material between the capital letter and the period to be viewed as a sentence. If writers' grammar and punctuation skills are poor, they may indicate something is a sentence that readers know cannot possibly be a sentence.

Word function markers The English language is chock full of words that can have totally different meanings depending on their grammatical function in a sentence. Take the word fire, for example. It means different things in each of these contexts:

Light the fire.

The boss will fire a dishonest employee.

Fire off an angry email, and you may regret it later.

The novelist's work has real fire. Punctuation subtly lets readers know how a word functions in a sentence. If you were trying to read that block of unpunctuated prose I showed you earlier, you might have to read it a couple times to figure out how the word fire is used there. Look again:

Janet turned the fire off angry words in an email had ruined her day while she stood at the sink the sun was going down.

Add punctuation and you see quickly how the word is used.

Janet turned the fire off. Angry words in an email had ruined her day. While she stood at the sink, the sun was going down.


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10



People understand grammar through punctuation.

Commas tell a tale Commas are not used for decoration. They help readers understand writing content. A comma indicates that the elements on either side of the comma are logically separate entities. For example, look at these two sentences:

Marie bought pumpkin, bread, and cream cheese.

Annette bought pumpkin bread and cream cheese. The commas tell readers that Marie bought three separate items while Annette bought only two. In grammatical terminology, the commas in the first sentence indicate that pumpkin, bread, and cheese are each to be viewed as nouns. The absence of commas in the second sentence indicates that pumpkin and cream are both to be understood as adjectives.

Grammar bosses punctuation I'm sure you have heard people say to put a comma in a sentence "where you would breathe if you were reading it aloud. "Bad Advice.” Punctuation should not be governed by a writer's lung capacity. Let me prove that assertion. During the 2008 presidential primaries, I was drowsily getting breakfast when I heard a newscaster read this news item:

That news woke me up. It took me a minute to realize that what I had heard was not the latest political sex scandal. The newscaster simply took a breath in the wrong place. A comma definitely did not belong where the newscaster took a breath. Punctuation should not be inserted "where you breathe." Insert punctuation where grammar rules say to put punctuation. Writers cannot write in good grammar without punctuation. What's more, they cannot punctuate appropriately without knowing some studied grammar. The next step is to determine which grammar punctuation rules are absolutely essential for writers to know.


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10



11 Rules of Writing, Grammar, and Punctuation

To join two independent clauses, use a comma followed by a conjunction, a semicolon alone, or a semicolon followed by a sentence modifier.

Use commas to bracket non-restrictive phrases, which are not essential to the sentence's meaning.

Do not use commas to bracket phrases that are essential to a sentence's meaning.

When beginning a sentence with an introductory phrase or an introductory (dependent) clause, include a comma.

To indicate possession, end a singular noun with an apostrophe followed by an "s". Otherwise, the noun's form seems plural.

Use proper punctuation to integrate a quotation into a sentence. If the introductory material is an independent clause, add the quotation after a colon. If the introductory material ends in "thinks," "saying," or some other verb indicating expression, use a comma.

Make the subject and verb agree with each other, not with a word that comes between them.

Be sure that a pronoun, a participial phrase, or an appositive refers clearly to the proper subject.

Use parallel construction to make a strong point and create a smooth flow.

Use the active voice unless you specifically need to use the passive.

Omit unnecessary words.


WRITE THE CORRESPONDING #. Example - cadence

1 cadence 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35

36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45

46 47 48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55

56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65

66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75

76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84 85

86 87 88 89 90

91 92 93 94 95

96 97 98 99 100


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10



Example -__The cadence is his speech was sublime. If our author's language be pure and elegant, his cadence of style will naturally direct the cadence of voice. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Writing by prose Reading Like a Writer is writing guide by Francine Prose, published in 2006 – a must read

Chapter One: Close Reading

The question discussed of whether writing can be taught? Prose answers the question by suggesting that although writing workshops can

be helpful, the best way to learn to write is to read. Closely reading books, Prose studied word choice and sentence construction. Close

reading helped her solve difficult obstacles in her own writing.

Chapter Two: Words

Prose encourages the reader to slow down and read every word. She reminds the reader that words are the "raw material out of which

literature is crafted." Challenging the reader to stop at every word, she suggests the following question be asked: "What is the writer

trying to convey with this word?"

Chapter Three: Sentences

Prose discusses how "well- made sentence transcends time and genre." She believes the writer who is concerned about what constitutes a

well-constructed sentence is on the right path. Prose mentions the importance of mastering grammar and how it can improve the quality

of a writer's sentence in the use of long sentences, short sentences, and rhythm in prose.

Chapter Four: Paragraphs

Prose discusses that, just as with sentence construction, the writer who is concerned about paragraph construction is stepping in the right

direction. She states that the writer who reads widely will discover there are no general rules for building a well-constructed paragraph,

but "only individual examples to help point [the writer] in a direction in which [the writer] might want to go."

Chapter Five: Narration

When determining point-of-view, Prose says audience is an important factor. She gives examples from literature of point-of-view

variations. First-person and third person are discussed, and even an example of writing fiction in second person is given.


THE BOOK OF 25 10-10




1. What is the hidden message in The Longest Trunk?


2. “Sorry Death, I called you too soon. As long as I have life I have everything” What is meant

by this quote? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Full in the blanks-:

3. James Joyce's short story ''The Dead.'' This ending is the most rhythmically beautiful

prose in the English language. Joyce is extravagant and yet being subtle at the same time.

The cadence of language and the meaning of the text work harmoniously.

4. Discuss with a team, how the writer, Paul McKenzie’s mind was opened by the elephants?

Write your discussions and use the essay map to guide you.

5. Prose discuss many valuable writing points. Please List them.

6. Please choose one of the following essay styles and format to write your essay. Explain why you made this choice.

American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guide

Modern Languages Association (MLA) Style Guide

Turabian Style Guide

Chicago Manual of Style