pcod (polycystic ovarian disease)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

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Post on 14-Aug-2015



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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

She may be a victim of PCOS!!!!

Next time when you see a fat young girl, don’t criticize! Because she might be in

need of medical help!!!

Is she Is she gaining weight rapidly?gaining weight rapidly?

Is she troubled by facial hair, acneand irregular menstrual


If she is married, why can’t shebecome pregnant?

I will be covering the following…

DefinitionIncidence CausesPathophysiologySymptomsLong term risksTreatmentConclusion


PCOS was described first in 1935 by Stein & Leventhal as “PCOS is a syndrome manifested by amenorrhoea, hirsutism and obesity associated with enlarged polycystic ovaries.”It is a heterogenous disorder characterized by excess androgen production by the ovaries that interferes with the reproductive, endocrine & metabolic functions.

Let’s understand this way…

When to say it is PCOS?

If two of the three following criteria are present:

polycystic ovaries (either 12 or more peripheral follicles 2-9mm in diameter or increased ovarian volume > 10 cm cube).

oligo- or anovulation.signs of hyperandrogenism (excess male

sex hormone).

Rotterdam Diagnostic Criteria

Incidence: why to worry?

Most common endocrine disorder affecting 5-10% women of reproductive age (15-45 years).Incidence is increasing fast with change in life style & stress.Most frequent (20%) cause of infertility in women!!!strongly associated with Insulin Resistance that creates risk for Diabetes, Cardiovascular disorders & Hypertension.

CausesNot clearly known yet.May be change in lifestyle, diet and stress.Genetic factors: CYP21 gene mutationRuns in families!!Obesity causing Insulin resistance & hyperinsulinemia.


• Anovulation

Pathophysiology contd…

What happens actually?

SymptomsSymptoms of Ovulatory dysfunction

Amenorrhoea / Oligomenorrhoea 87%Irregular uterine bleeding 26%Infertility20%

Symptoms of Androgen excessHirsutismAcneAlopecia or Baldness

Symptoms of Insulin resistance

Acanthosis nigricansObesity

Androgen excess symptoms

Hirsutism Acne Baldness

Acanthosis nigricans

Thick pigmented skin over nape of neck, inner thigh & axilla due to insulin resistance

Long term risks

DiabetesHeart diseasesHypertensionDyslipidemiaEndometrial cancerBreast cancerRecurrent pregnancy lossOvarian failure after surgery

Let’s summarize…

No reason to panicIt’s no more a difficult task to diagnose and treat PCOS.

Get an ultrasound done as soon as possible.

Take simple and healthy diet.


Lifestyle changes.


ConclusionThese 20 slides were just an attempt to show the importance of this health hazard in a woman and the serious consequences it may bring about when ignored or not treated. PCOS comes amongst the list of diseases that need to be hunted, not only treated!

With AWARENESS we can easily fight this disease, which I think has already started now via this slideshow. So I hope in the days to come, everyone among us will circulate this information and hunt this disease down at the earliest.

Because no matter who we are, we need a woman to maintain the CONTINUITY OF LIFE… may be as a mother, a sister or a wife. So, with a little modification of the famous message now-days let’s say…

September is PCOS awareness month

God couldn’t be everywhereGod couldn’t be everywhere

So He created women!So He created women!

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