paw post first_edition

SickKids is a community created to help improve the condition of kids. This hospi- tal has dedicated itself in strengthening children’s health. Our classmate, Rishona Seraphim, is making ornaments to sell for $1 each. The money will be funded to the SickKids Hospital. Rishona has always loved helping little kids. Rishona’s journey to raise funds for the SickKids foundation started way back in 2010. It all started when she went to the SickKids hospital to visit her cousin who was diag- nosed with Leukemia. She saw a lot of sick kids there, and felt very sad that they couldn't do things that we healthy children could do. At the hospital, she calmly took in the bald patches and gaunt appearance of her once lively and vibrant cousin, but the experience had a powerful impact on her and Rishona decided to do all she could to help. In May of 2010, Rishona along with her dad and mom, organized "Rishona's bake sale and lemonade stand" in their neighbourhood where they sold home baked chocolate chip cookies and lemonade. The same year her elementary school, Esker Lake P.S supported her fundraising efforts by organising a "Spirit Day". Every year since, Rishona’s family have been making handcrafted ornaments and selling them at her school, their neighbourhood, their local grocery store and to their extended families. Saunak, currently in grade 7 IBT, started delving more into technology and soft- ware after he got accepted into the IBT program. Saunak is really interested in the way that different software works. He prefers the laptop called Razer (The new Razer Blade Pro) because it’s portable, slim and very powerful. Saunak also thinks that it always depends on what you are using your laptop for. He has a DELL INSPIREON 15R which he thinks is a good laptop for using at school. Some programs he is familiar with are Adobe After Effects, Sony Vegas Pro, iMovie, Camtasia studio, Movie Maker and a bit of Final Cut Pro. Operating sys- tems that he has used are Linux, Ubuntu, Linux mint, Windows and Mac OSX. Overall, Saunak is a "pro" at technology. Saunak was very helpful to his class- mates in last year’s IBT classes. This year he has made presentations to the current grade 6 IBT group on how to use Camtasia, and he hosts the Technol- ogy Collaboration group on Edmodo where he answers the tech questions of the grade 6 IBT students. Sick Kids Fundraising Continued on page two INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Be-Aware December 2 Places To See Before 3 The Drone Corner 4 The Auto Expert 8 Sports Frenzy 9 Harmful Hot Chocolate 11 Word search 15 Saunak’s Interview Paw Post DECEMBER 19, 2014 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Grade 6 IBT students learned how to use a green screen to add visual effects to their video. Televisions will be mounted in both grade 6 IBT classes to enable easier collaboration. Windows laptops will be able to stream to these televisions. Mac computers are already able to stream using Apple TV. Grade 6 IBT coding and robotics classes are scheduled to start in January 2015. It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you lived so cautiously , that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you fail by default. J.K. Rowling by Nilasha, Jasminder and Mahi

Upload: mrbanerjee

Post on 17-Jul-2015




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SickKids is a community created to help improve the condition of kids. This hospi-tal has dedicated itself in strengthening children’s health. Our classmate, Rishona Seraphim, is making ornaments to sell for $1 each. The money will be funded to the SickKids Hospital. Rishona has always loved helping little kids. Rishona’s journey to raise funds for the SickKids foundation started way back in 2010. It all started when she went to the SickKids hospital to visit her cousin who was diag-nosed with Leukemia. She saw a lot of sick kids there, and felt very sad that they couldn't do things that we healthy children could do. At the hospital, she calmly took in the bald patches and gaunt appearance of her once lively and vibrant cousin, but the experience had a powerful impact on her and Rishona decided to do all she could to help. In May of 2010, Rishona along with her dad and mom, organized "Rishona's bake sale and lemonade stand" in their neighbourhood where they sold home baked chocolate chip cookies and lemonade. The same year her elementary school, Esker Lake P.S supported her fundraising efforts by organising a "Spirit Day". Every year since, Rishona’s family have been making handcrafted ornaments and selling them at her school, their neighbourhood, their local grocery store and to their extended families.

Saunak, currently in grade 7 IBT, started delving more into technology and soft-ware after he got accepted into the IBT program. Saunak is really interested in the way that different software works. He prefers the laptop called Razer (The new Razer Blade Pro) because it’s portable, slim and very powerful. Saunak also thinks that it always depends on what you are using your laptop for. He has a DELL INSPIREON 15R which he thinks is a good laptop for using at school. Some programs he is familiar with are Adobe After Effects, Sony Vegas Pro, iMovie, Camtasia studio, Movie Maker and a bit of Final Cut Pro. Operating sys-tems that he has used are Linux, Ubuntu, Linux mint, Windows and Mac OSX. Overall, Saunak is a "pro" at technology. Saunak was very helpful to his class-mates in last year’s IBT classes. This year he has made presentations to the current grade 6 IBT group on how to use Camtasia, and he hosts the Technol-ogy Collaboration group on Edmodo where he answers the tech questions of the grade 6 IBT students.

Sick Kids Fundraising Continued on page two


T H I S I S S U E :




Places To

See Before


The Drone



The Auto






Harmful Hot



Word search 15

Saunak’s Interview

Paw Post D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 1 4 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1



I N T E R E S T :

Grade 6 IBT students

learned how to use a

green screen to add

visual effects to their


Televisions will be

mounted in both grade

6 IBT classes to enable

easier collaboration.

Windows laptops will

be able to stream to

these televisions. Mac

computers are already

able to stream using

Apple TV.

Grade 6 IBT coding

and robotics classes

are scheduled to start

in January 2015.

It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you lived so cautiously , that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you fail by default. J.K. Rowling

by Nilasha, Jasminder and Mahi

P A G E 2

Be-Aware December continued on page 3

Winter is here, and that means Christmas is right around the corner. Which also means that we are going to be sitting on a couch, watching holiday specials with a mug of hot chocolate... isn’t that true? During the winter we all know that we aren’t going to go outside much due to the snow and the weather but does that mean that we should become “couch candy canes”? There are many opportunities in which you can get up and get active! I know you feel sleepy and bored in the winter. It seems like time never passes. A good way to use that time is to go OUT and PLAY! There are so many possibilities! You can go build a snowman, create forts or make snow angels! However, when you are playing in the snow (ask your parents first!)


Sick Kids Fundraising Continued from page1

Navreet, Sameer, Ms. Marshall and Mr. Laidlaw also had good history with SickKids. Navreet's brother was diagnosed with ASD at the age 5. ASD stands for Arteries Structural Defect. ASD’s effect creates a hole in your heart. On July 3rd 2014, Navreet’s brother had surgery. She and her brother agree that SickKids has useful technology, thanks to the sin-cere and kind people who have donated to SickKids. Sameer’s brother was diagnosed with diabetes at the age 2. Diabetes is multiple diseases, where your blood sugar level can go anywhere, which means that it can increase or decrease. In a regular person, your blood sugar would be around 4.4 - 6.1. For diabetes, it can go anywhere. When Sameer's family found out that his brother had diabetes, his blood sugar was 60.9, which was very high. His brother has his checkup every 3 months. Thanks to SickKids, Sameer’s brother is now feel-ing better. Ms. Marshall and her family believed her son had a big and unusual shaped head. They doubted he was fine and took him to SickKids Hospital for a checkup. At the hospital, a Cranial Doctor looked at her son's head, and confirmed that he was okay. Ms. Marshall and her family are relieved their son was okay, and they thank SickKids for their help. Mr. Laidlaw’s daughter had AVSD, which meant her heart was not developed prop-erly. SickKids helped save his daughter by doing heart surgery when she was only 6 months old. If SickKids hadn't helped Mr. Laidlaw's daughter, then she wouldn't have been able to live as long as a normal person’s life. Navreet, Rishona, Sameer, Mr. Laidlaw and Ms. Mar-shall all agree SickKids is one of the best children hospitals. Remember, you just made a huge impact on a family’s life by donating. by Mahi, Nilasha, Jasminder

Be-Aware December continued from page 2

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

make sure that you dress appropriately! If you’re planning to play around in the snow you should be wear-ing snow pants, a THICK jacket, gloves (preferably waterproof), a hat, and snow boots. These will keep you dry and warm. Throwing snow and ice is not a good idea. Speaking of ice, stepping on it isn’t such a great idea either. Throwing ice will get someone else hurt and stepping on ice will get YOU hurt (that’s why we wear snow boots, for!) Some days it might be too cold to play outside, so instead of watching TV shows or playing video games maybe you could do some exercise or yoga. This may sound silly at first, but yoga really relaxes the mind and exercise is fun and helps make time pass quickly. Don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not stopping you from watching movies and relaxing. Having a bit of lazy time is okay. I’m that kind of person too, but not being fit or healthy makes a big impact on us. Being healthy doesn’t just mean eating the right food it also means to be physically active! Another great idea is spending time with your family this season. You can get together and play family activities, have contests and even bake!

Just remember to have fun. HAPPY HOLIDAY'S EVERYONE!

Places To See Before You Die - Stonehenge

Ahh, the Stonehenge, another one of the fascinating places that the world has to offer! But how has the

Stonehenge formed?, who created it?, when was it built? Well you will find out in this month's "Places To

See Before You Die"!

The Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England and, again, one of the most famous

places in the world. The reason why the Stonehenge is so famous is because it was built such a long

time ago! Scientists believe that it was built somewhere between 3000BC and 2000BC. There is always

one question that everybody asks when talking about the Stonehenge; "How was it built?". The reason

why people ask this is because obviously, back in 3000BC there were no cranes so there was no way to

place those stones on top of each other. Many people have different theories of how this may have hap-

pened and I will be explaining a few of them.

Here is a video on one way of how the Stonehenge was built:


Other people believe that the Stonehenge was built by magic! Although I do not think that this is the

case, it is possible!

Other people suggest that they used a slope and put the stones

on the slope and slid them up to the top.

Honestly, I do not know how the Stonehenge was built, I don't

know which theory to believe! But what I do know is that the

Stonehenge is an amazing place and you HAVE to go there

before you die! by Sameer

Places To See Before You Die

P A G E 4

Christ was born on this day.

Help others.

Remember things that people have done for you

It's good to give pre-sents on this day and always.

Spend time helping and caring for other people.

Time to spend with family.

Have a good time on this day.

Memories are made on this day.

Always have a smile.

Some days like Christmas, it is time to have pleasure and fun.

BY: Kene Ochuba

The Drone Corner with Japp Sarran What is a Drone?

A Drone is a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) meaning it is not piloted and is remote controlled or is pro-grammed to do tasks.

Drones are used in the military, in the police, just for fun, and countless other things. You can also make your own Drone or buy one! (This will be explained next month)

Fictional and Non-fictional Drones

Drones are in many movies, especially sci-fi movies like star wars! In the movies, the drones are basically used for spying and military operations, just like they are used today.

Drones like the Lockheed Martian MQ-9 reaper are used to spy on and attack hostile targets like terrorist, and the drones also help to fly over places where it is too dangerous for humans to go.

Other Awesome Things about Drones!

The Humming bird drone is just like a real humming bird. It is used for spying just like the MQ-9 reaper. Mini Drones can also be bought.

Well as we all know now, drones are totally amazing, so catch me next month on the drone corner!



Acrostic Poem

Dhruv’s house just before it was acci-

dentally destroyed :(

Sugar Rush!

IPhone 6 vs. Oneplus One

P A G E 5 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

The IPhone 6 is a very famous phone that has been recently released. Everyone wants one but not many can

afford it. The retail price of the IPhone is $200 USD, but that is only with 8 GB of built in space. If you want

your phone to have more space, it will cost you an extra $100 USD for only 8 GB more. This phone requires 4

GB to run. That means your phone takes 4 GB just to WORK. The CPU may be very fast compared to most

phones but, for $100 less you can get a phone with a system that allows you to use the space you pay for,

get a better camera, a wider screen and it takes just a few gigahertz less to run. The hardware of the phone

isn`t very good, but the back of the phone is made of the same material that cases are made of.

The Oneplus One is an outstanding phone ranking higher than the IPhone 6 in many fields. Including the

screen resolution which is much higher, the camera is a whopping 5 megapixels more powerful than that of

the IPhone. The IPhones battery is almost the same as the Oneplus Ones except the Ones has a longer bat-

tery life. As in the battery can go longer uncharged and the IPhone batteries have a consistency to completely

kill their battery, meaning the battery will no longer work and can cause a fire and/or explosion. The battery in

the Oneplus One does not do this, making it stronger in this field too as shown in the graphs below.

“The Oneplus

One is an




higher than

the IPhone 6

in many


by Aksain

P A G E 6

Heads Up! Have you ever been bored out of your life? Want to bond with friends and family? Well Heads Up is exactly that. The former “paid” app has now gone RED!!! During the first couple days of December, the app store has put up paid apps into the free section in the spirit of the holidays. The new RED Heads Up is free and fun from November 22, 2014 – De-cember 7, 2014. Although the RED Heads Up is free, certain categories cost money. But, I can assure you that your money is going to a good cause. All proceeds from RED Heads Up will be donated to the AIDS asso-ciation. Heads Up is an innovative and fun game which includes everyone to participate. The steps to playing Heads Up are easy. Simply, choose a category, and place your device on your forehead. The object of the game is to act out as many actions as you can displayed on a device. If the per-son with the device on their head guesses correct, turn the device down. If the person decides to pass, turn the device up. Your time lapse is 1 minute, and after the time is over your results will be displayed. The introduction video stars Ellen Degeneres explaining the game. Ellen has displayed the popular game multiple times on her show “Ellen.” This game is a fun and simple game which creates close bonds between friends and family. has provided fun for families and friend. When the person holding the device watches the action of his/her friends/families it creates priceless moments. These are moments in which friends/families come closer and create an ever – lasting bond. Secondly, this app creates learning for children. Begin-ning children learn the fundamental skill of acting out and I believe that this app deserves five stars for multiple reasons. First of all, this app has provided fun for families and friend. When the person holding the device watches the action of his/her friends/families it creates pricless moments. These are moments in which friends/families come closer and create an ever – lasting bond. Secondly, this app creates learning for children. Beginning children learn the fundamental skill of act-ing out and understanding traits in this app. For example, when playing the category of “Animals Gone Wild” children learn and understand different animals. Finally, the proceeds of this app is going to AID’s. The AID’s foun-dation is a great cause that provides people with HIV/AID’s the support they need during the holiday season. Although downloading the app is free, selected categories cost money which is then donated to the AID’s founda-tion. In conclusion, I believe that this app deserves five stars because it brings family closer, creates learning and supports those with AID’s during this Holiday Season.


The City Of Ember

P A G E 7 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

Summary: Lina and Doon are ordinary 12 year old kids, living in an ordinary city with ordinary friends. If you look past the fact that they live in a city underground where the lights are fading. Oh, yes the lights. They hang from the ceiling on strings. All of the power comes from the single generator located in the Pipeworks. Today all of the 12 year olds are graduating and are going to be assigned a job. Lina wants so badly to become the city messenger, but the job falls in Doon’s hands and she is left with the Pipeworks. So they trade. However, Doon finds out that the generator is slowly giving out and people are afraid that the lights will go out for-ever. Considering they are surrounded by darkness it is essential. Lina is further shocked when her sick grandmother goes crazy trying to find a box. She mutters her last words, say-ing something about it being stored in their apartment and that it is very important for Lina to help their people escape. Once Lina finds it…let’s just say she’s confused. Escape what? She must find out who wrote and what is written on the paper before the lights go out for good. Will she make it? Review: The City of Ember is an extraordinary read. First Jeanne DuPrau (author) takes you on an uptight tale of the history between Lina and Doon. After you shake of the tense feeling, you go into the mystery of uncovering what is written on the parchment. Half the words have been blurred and scratched out over the years and are now left in Lina and Doon’s hands. Sure they could leave it alone but the first words grab their attention; declaring trouble for their city and a way out. They must uncover the words, for it may save their kind. The thrilling adventure of this eye-catching story will keep you up for nights on end, waiting for a taste of the next twist in the story. If you are into reading books that are awesome (and adventurous…) then The City of Ember is for you. Saying 5/5 is unreasonable if you think about it. Nothing is ever perfect, so I think that 4.5 is one of the best ratings I have ever given. I hope to see all of you reading this book next month!

Sugar Snaps!

“The thrilling

adventure of

this eye-

catching story

will keep you

up for nights

on end…”

P A G E 8

Winter Holidays The winter holidays are fast approaching and WP has many

things in store for all its students! To end off the 2014 school

year, the school has planned a Movie Day which will take place

on December 19th, 2014. On that day, the whole school will get

together in the gym and watch a movie. In addition, we are also

hosting a Winter Concert on Thursday, December 11th from 6-

7:30 and are very excited to watch the talents of our Band, our

Choir and many other individuals. We hope that everyone has an

amazing break and hope to see you all in 2015!

Armaan and Vicky were Masters of Ceremony at the Winter Con-

cert and helped the show run smoothly. The student performers

were outstanding. Rishona gave

an amazing solo performance

on her violin and the Choir

(right) brought tears to the eyes

of many. Neither grade 6 IBT

class attended the Movie Day

movie, opting instead for class-

room parties.


Christmas Acros-

This month the car that I looking at is the BMW i8. The BMW i8 has an electric motor, which can go 120 km just on electricity. Its top speed is 250 km. Its total weight is 1,855 kg. The BMW i8 is one of the most progressive sports cars. The length of it is 190 inches, the width is 76 inches, the height is 51 inches, and the wheelbase is 110 inches. It has LED light design with laser lights which in-creases the range of the high beam and enhances its illumination. The i8 has scissor doors, which means that he doors swing up so you can go inside. In the interior, all the elements are light and dynamically positioned.

The Auto Expert

Sports Frenzy

P A G E 9 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

This phenomenal month, we had two intramural sports which were volleyball and ice hockey. In volley-ball, there were junior and senior girls and boys teams. Ice hockey was basically people put into teams and then they played after school. Congratulations to people made the teams. Here are the main coaches of the intramural sports this month:

Main Coaches: Volleyball Jr. Boys & Sr.Boys : Ms. Euistis Jr. Girls : Mr. Mclade Sr. Girls : Mr. Peet and Mr. Troak Ice Hockey Mr. Marcovici for all players

tasks and group assign-ments. Groups have a number of ways to cooperate with each other electronically. Students can use Edmodo mini groups, create a shared folder on One Drive, send each other emails using 365 Outlook,

During the recent snow storm about half of the students in each grade 6 IBT class were not able to come to school. On future Snow Days or storm days, students who stay home can continue to collabo-rate with each other and work on both individual

create and share a Padlet, or explore many other available options. The next time busses are cancelled, log in and stay in touch!

By Mr. Banerjee

The The girls'

Junior Volleyball team has been made! They will have their first and only tournament hosted at Williams

Parkway, organized by Mr. Marcovici on December 11. Good luck to them! They've already played their

first exhibition game against Green Briar. They won the first set about 12 to 25 (With the first line). And

lost the second set 21-25. On the final tie breaking set, they lost with a very tight score of 23-25 (With

first line). They did a good job on their first exhibition game while Green Briar only had 6 players and

have already played 3 games and one tournament.

Jr. Girls Volleyball

Snow Stops Learning

P A G E 1 0

Science Experiment: Do Not Open the Bottle

This Science Experiment was made by Steve Spangler that we have tested.

What you need

-A water bottle (Keep The Cap On!!!)

**The best results come from bottles that can hold 1L**

-A permanent marker

-A push pin

Always Have Supervision

What to do

1. Take the water bottle and fill it with water.

2. Write out "Do Not Open" with the permanent marker.

3. Take the water bottle and poke holes with the pushpin around the water bottle 3-5cm above the bottom. (This Might Get A Little Messy)

4. Test it out. Open up the water bottle and see what happens.

Why it Happens

The cap creates a difference in between the pressure against the water. The surface tension of the water allows the water to come out.

By Aggum and Isha


Christmas Acros-

tic Poem

P A G E 1 1 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

Harmful Hot Chocolate continued on page 12

P A G E 1 2 Harmful Hot Chocolate continued from page 11

Harmful Hot Chocolate continued from page 12

Caption describing picture or


Paw Post Editorial Team Ruhani









Picture of the Month: by Jaap

Our apologies to those who submitted articles

and other content that did not get published.

This was our first effort and we all worked hard

at producing this edition. Like every effort, it

was a learning experience. We hope you enjoy

it, and we will strive to produce an even better

edition in the New Year. We are hoping to get

a website established soon where we can post

additional content. Stay tuned!