paul guzzardo deposition transcript

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Deposition of Paul Guzzardo taken on 6/27/2012. Paul Guzzardo vs. Grand Center, Inc.









    8 vs



    11 Case No 0922-CC01036








    19 JUNE 27 2012








    9 C 9/5/03 Guzzardo Letter 72

    10 D Option Contract 77

    11 E Folder B Graphics 92

    12 F Documents Related to Financial 107

    13 Feasibility

    14 G 3/23/04 Emails & Attached Memo 113

    15 H 3/23/04 Memo 115

    16 I First Quarterly Report 117

    17 J Jake Wagman Article 155

    18 K 1/20/05 Friedman Email 156

    19 L Series of Emails 158

    20 M 1/31/05 Newman Email 168

  • 21 N Projection Project Emails 178

    22 O Petition 181

    23 P The Light Project Materials 192

    24 Q Logic Systems Invoice 200

    25 R Guzzardo Lectures 231


    4 Plaintiff )

    5 )

    6 vs ) Case No 0922-CC01036

    7 )


    9 AL )

    10 )

    11 Defendants )


    13 DEPOSITION OF PAUL GUZZARDO produced sworn

    14 and examined on JUNE 27 2012 between the hours of

    15 9 00 in the forenoon and 4 15 in the afternoon of that

    16 day at the offices of CALLIS PAPA HALE SZEWCZYK &

    17 DANZINGER P C 1326 Niedringhaus Avenue Granite

    18 City Illinois 62040 before Susannah L Walmsley a

    19 Registered Professional Reporter Certified Court

    20 Reporter and a Notary Public within and for the State

    21 of Missouri in a certain cause now pending in the

    22 Circuit Court of the City of St Louis State of

    23 Missouri wherein PAUL GUZZARDO is Plaintiff and GRAND

    24 CENTER INC ET AL Are Defendants taken on behalf

    25 of the Defendants

    1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 For the Plaintiff CALLIS PAPA HALE SZEWCZYK & DANZINGER 3 By John T Papa 1326 Niedringhaus Avenue 4 Granite City Illinois 62040

    5 (618) 452-1323

    6 Jtp@callislaw com


    8 For the Defendants


    10 By Cicely I Lubben

    11 7700 Forsyth Boulevard

  • 12 Suite 1100

    13 St Louis Missouri 63105

    14 (314) 863-0800

    15 Clubben@stinson com


    17 Witness PAUL GUZZARDO


    19 Court Reporter

    20 Susannah L Walmsley RPR CCR MO #902

    21 Midwest Litigation Services

    22 711 North Eleventh Street

    23 St Louis MO 63101

    24 (314) 644-2191

    25 1-800-280-3376


    2 between counsel for the Plaintiff and counsel for the

    3 Defendants that this deposition may be taken in

    4 shorthand by Susannah L Walmsley a Registered

    5 Professional Reporter Certified Court Reporter and

    6 Notary Public and afterwards transcribed into

    7 typewriting and the signature of the witness is

    8 expressly waived

    9 * * * * *


    11 of lawful age produced sworn and examined on behalf

    12 of the Defendants deposes and says



    15 Q Good morning Mr Guzzardo

    16 A Good morning

    17 Q We just met in the hallway As you know

    18 my name is Cicely Lubben and I represent the Grand

    19 Center Defendants in the lawsuit that you ve brought

    20 against them And today I m here to gather

    21 information from you about your claim

    22 Can you please state your full name?

    23 A I m Paul A Guzzardo

    24 Q Have you ever been deposed before?

    25 A Yes

    1 Q How many times?

    2 A Maybe four or five times I haven t

  • 3 thought about it

    4 Q And you understand that you are under oath

    5 today?

    6 A Yes

    7 Q And just briefly I need you to let me know

    8 if you don t understand one of my questions If you

    9 answer a question I will assume that you ve understood

    10 it And you need to answer verbally so that the court

    11 reporter can take down accurately your answers

    12 A Of course

    13 Q If you ve been through a deposition before

    14 you ve probably heard those guidelines before?

    15 A Sure

    16 Q And also that you let me finish my question

    17 before you respond and I will try to do the same and

    18 not interrupt you

    19 You mentioned that you ve been deposed four

    20 or five times before Can you tell me about those

    21 times what they were in connection with?

    22 A The most recent would have been in 2001 I

    23 was involved in litigation regarding a wireless

    24 frequency company And that was with Attorney General

    25 Jay Nixon and myself as the director of a board

    1 Q And what is the name of that board?

    2 A It was Humanities Instructional Television

    3 but it became HITEC as the acronym changed

    4 Q H-I-T?

    5 A E-C

    6 Q E-C okay And what about the other times?

    7 A Well there was a property case back in the

    8 nineties of a partnership I think I was deposed in

    9 that I think It s been so long I don t remember if

    10 I was deposed before I gave court testimony I think

    11 I was It was a family partnership

    12 Why do I remember that sometime I was

    13 deposed involving Larry Calhoun and our law office

    14 That s been years ago

    15 Q What was the name of the law office?

    16 A Calhoun and Guzzardo

    17 Q Any other depositions?

    18 A Well I said three four It s just been

    19 so long those are the only things And those two

    20 lateral ones you know are more precise

    21 Q Okay Have you ever taken any depositions

    22 before?

    23 A Yes I have when I was practicing

    24 full-time

    25 Q And about how many depositions have you

  • 1 taken?

    2 A You know I really can t remember I was

    3 practicing full-time in the lawyers practice for

    4 13 years and I would suspect I would have taken at

    5 least a deposition a month maybe

    6 Q In that 13-year time period?

    7 A I would suspect

    8 Q And maybe more frequently when you were

    9 practicing full-time?

    10 A No that s when I was

    11 Q Okay The 13 years?

    12 A Yeah So there wasn t that much deposition

    13 work

    14 Q Okay Is there anything today about your

    15 physical mental or emotional health that would

    16 interfere with your ability to give accurate and

    17 honest testimony today?

    18 A I hope not

    19 Q Are you on any medications today that would

    20 interfere with your ability to understand my

    21 questions?

    22 A No No

    23 Q Did you prepare for today s deposition?

    24 A Well I did look at some of my you know

    25 correspondence and files yes

    1 Q Okay Did you speak with anyone other than

    2 your attorney in preparation for today s deposition?

    3 A No

    4 Q And did you bring any documents with you

    5 today?

    6 A No I don t have anything with me

    7 Q Okay And have you ever testified in court

    8 before?

    9 A Yes I have

    10 Q You mentioned the property case from the

    11 nineties?

    12 A Yes

    13 Q Do you think you testified in court in

    14 connection with that matter?

    15 A Yes I know I did

    16 Q What about the HIT?

  • 17 A No That case did not go to trial

    18 Q And are there any other instances where you

    19 testified in court?

    20 A I m drawing a blank on that I don t

    21 remember

    22 Q Have you ever been sued before?

    23 A I would have been countersued in an

    24 insurance claim involving Travelers Insurance Company

    25 and that would have been involving an elevator

    1 incident in 1996

    2 Q Okay Any other lawsuits against you?

    3 A Where I m a Defendant?

    4 Q Right

    5 A And again I was Plaintiff countersued

    6 No I don t think so

    7 Q Okay Have you brought any other lawsuits

    8 aside from the current one?

    9 A Yes Well I described --

    10 Q The HITEC one would that be one?

    11 A The HITEC lawsuit

    12 Q Okay?

    13 A I would have brought as a partner a lawsuit

    14 in a property action in the nineties against a

    15 fraternal organization

    16 Q What is the name of that fraternal

    17 organizations?

    18 A The Elks

    19 Q Pardon me?

    20 A The Elks Club

    21 Q Okay

    22 A I brought a lawsuit against a real estate

    23 company The principal was a man by the name of Tim

    24 Boyle I don t remember if he was the named Plaintiff

    25 or some other corporation concerning some property on

    1 Washington Avenue

    2 Q What was the time period for that lawsuit?

    3 A Early nineties probably yeah

    4 I did have a lawsuit brought against a

    5 doctor who had done a procedure I was a named

    6 Plaintiff That was dismissed That was George

    7 Zagarfracas I think that s all of them but I cannot

  • 8 say that with 100 percent accuracy

    9 Q So the ones you recall are the HITEC

    10 lawsuit the nineties lawsuit against Elks Club the

    11 Tim Boyle real estate matter and then an action

    12 against a doctor for a procedure?

    13 A Yes

    14 Q Where do you currently reside?

    15 A I currently have two residences Macomb

    16 Illinois 1703 South Madison and then the other

    17 residence I keep an apartment in La Capital Federal

    18 Buenos Aires

    19 Q And for how long have you had these two

    20 dual residences?

    21 A The Buenos Aires was purchased and designed

    22 approximately five years ago and the Macomb residence

    23 is really a family residence My mom doesn t live

    24 there anymore It was an elderly home that I kind of

    25 flip back and forth

    1 Q So in about 2007 you moved to the Buenos

    2 Aires residence?

    3 A Yes Yes

    4 Q And before that did you --

    5 A Go ahead

    6 Q So in 2007 you moved in the Buenos Aires

    7 residence Do you spend a portion of each year in

    8 Buenos Aires and a portion here?

    9 A It varies but that is correct

    10 Q Generally speaking do you spend the same

    11 portion of each year in Buenos Aires?

    12 A It depends The last year I ve been in the

    13 UK more than Buenos Aires

    14 Q Okay What portion of the last fives year

    15 have you been in the U S as opposed to traveling to

    16 Buenos Aires?

    17 A Let s say half That s not exact

    18 Q Prior to 2007 before you obtained the

    19 Buenos Aires residence did you reside in the Macomb

    20 Illinois residence?

    21 A No I was in St Louis

    22 Q And what was your address in St Louis?

    23 A It was Cromwell which is in Clayton And

    24 I m embarrassed I would say 725 Cromwell but I don t

    25 think that s correct

  • 1 Q No that s fine I don t need that

    2 A Okay

    3 Q How long did you reside at that residence?

    4 A A year and a half two years Well let s

    5 see Maybe three years

    6 Q So maybe 2004 --

    7 A Yes

    8 Q -- time period to 2007?

    9 A Yeah

    10 Q And before that did you live somewhere else

    11 in St Louis?

    12 A I would have lived in another apartment

    13 close by Cromwell for about a year and a half

    14 Q So maybe 2002 2003?

    15 A Yeah 2003 basically

    16 Q Okay How did you decide to purchase a

    17 residence in Buenos Aires and spend part of your time

    18 there?

    19 A I had been there before I had done work

    20 with Argentine architects and so knew Buenos Aires

    21 And there were some opportunities given with the

    22 December 2001 currency collapse in Argentina

    23 Q You said the December 2001 currency

    24 collapse which made it more affordable for you to

    25 move there and/or do your work there?

    1 A Yes

    2 Q What is your date of birth?

    3 A 12/22/1949

    4 Q I just want to go through your educational

    5 background Where did you go to high school?

    6 A I went to high school at Western Illinois

    7 University Laboratory School

    8 Q And then where did you go post high school?

    9 A Western Illinois University

    10 Q What years were you there?

    11 A Actually the high school is on the campus

    12 so you are part of it so you are there from freshman

    13 to senior eight years but college would have been

    14 67 through 71

    15 Q And then did you go to postgraduate and law

    16 school after that?

    17 A Yes I did

    18 Q Did you go directly into law school?

    19 A Yes I did

    20 Q Where did you go?

    21 A St Louis U

  • 22 Q And what year did you graduate from St

    23 Louis you?

    24 A 1974

    25 Q And what state bar license have you had?

    1 A Illinois and Missouri

    2 Q And do you still maintain those as active?

    3 A Yes Well when you say active?

    4 Q Do you renew those licenses?

    5 A I renew those but there are multiple

    6 levels of activity on those

    7 Q So perhaps you maintain the minimum?

    8 A Yes Yes

    9 Q In case you ever want to go back into the

    10 practice of law?

    11 A Of course yes

    12 Q Do you have any intention to ever practice

    13 law again?

    14 A Time will tell

    15 Q Any other education following law school?

    16 A Not of a formal degree you know

    17 matriculating model

    18 Q Okay I want to go through your employment

    19 following your graduation from SLU Law School What

    20 was your first employment following graduation?

    21 A A block away

    22 Q What was the name?

    23 A Calvo It was at that time the Law Offices

    24 for Calvo

    25 Q What was the name again?

    1 A Horas Calvo

    2 Q And how long were you employed there?

    3 A Probably a year and a half

    4 Q Were you an attorney there?

    5 A Yes

    6 Q And what was your next employment?

    7 A It would have been Calvo and Guzzardo but

    8 it was a different Calvo

    9 Q Okay And how many years were you employed

    10 there?

    11 A That would have been 14 years

    12 Q And would that have been up to about 1990?

  • 13 A 89

    14 Q And you were a partner in that Calvo and

    15 Guzzardo Law Firm?

    16 A Yes Yes

    17 Q And where was your employment following

    18 Calvo and Guzzardo?

    19 A I took some time off I decided to do some

    20 design work travel

    21 Q Okay For how long did you take time off?

    22 A Well the rest of my life as best as I can

    23 I did some legal work for some people in Barcelona so

    24 I moved to Barcelona for a while studied some

    25 Spanish

    1 Q Let s start in 1989 when you left Calvo and

    2 Guzzardo When would be your next formal employment?

    3 A Well I was working as a lawyer I did

    4 some work for Jesuit Refugee Services in Asia for

    5 about three months

    6 Q What year?

    7 A That would have been in 92 And then

    8 after returning from Asia I would have been working

    9 off and on with an attorney by the name of Linda

    10 Murphy who was in Clayton

    11 Q What years did you work with Linda Murphy?

    12 A It would have crossed over It would have

    13 been 92- 93

    14 Q Any other formal employment?

    15 A After Linda I did consulting an agency an

    16 agent I guess you d call it work on a more casual

    17 basis with Imrat Kahn who was at the time kind of an

    18 international musician

    19 Q What is the name again? Can you spell it?

    20 A I-M-R-A-T for Imrat K-A-H-N

    21 Q He was an international musician?

    22 A Yes

    23 Q And did you consulting work?

    24 A Yes some contracts and work with him

    25 trying to put together a book and some other things

    1 Q And what years did you do that type of

    2 work?

    3 A I mean off and on that would have been --

  • 4 I was developing property at the time That would

    5 have been 94 95

    6 Q Okay

    7 A Maybe it slid into 96 but I m not sure

    8 Q What other formal employment?

    9 A Well I then began developing the 1521

    10 building which was the old Walkover Shoe Factory on

    11 Washington Avenue

    12 Q So did you spend then some period of time

    13 developing different properties in the Washington

    14 Avenue area downtown?

    15 A Yes Yes

    16 Q And what years were you involved in I

    17 guess we ll say real estate development in that area?

    18 A Well in terms of buying a project and

    19 trying to develop it I think the project was

    20 purchased in 91 It would have been sat on for a

    21 while And after leaving Linda I began a more more

    22 aggressively trying to develop that property

    23 Q And did you develop that property to

    24 conclusion?

    25 A Well --

    1 Q I m not familiar with that building

    2 A Yes there were a number of things which

    3 were done on the property There was a loft that I

    4 lived in there was an apartment which was rented

    5 there was a nightclub that was developed and then the

    6 property was sold

    7 Q Okay When was the property sold?

    8 A It would have been sold at the end of 2002

    9 Q Are there other properties that you

    10 developed in that area?

    11 A No

    12 Q So your primary project was the 1521

    13 building?

    14 A Yes

    15 Q Are there any other projects or employment

    16 that you worked on since then that we haven t talked

    17 about?

    18 A Since then?

    19 Q Since mid nineties? I think we left off

    20 you did the consulting work for the musician You did

    21 the 1521 building what did you work on after that?

    22 A Well I created Cabool Nightclub

    23 Q What years did you create and/or operate

    24 Cabool?

    25 A Cabool in its earliest stage would have

  • 1 probably opened up in 96 and ran through 98 in

    2 somewhat different manifestations

    3 Q Any other projects?

    4 A Yeah on Washington Avenue I ran Media Arts

    5 which was a not-for-profit

    6 Q What years did you run Media Arts?

    7 A Media Arts would have been running from I

    8 would have taken over Media Arts probably 97 or so

    9 and I think the corporation would have been closed in

    10 2006 maybe It was a Non-For-Profit Missouri Arts

    11 organization

    12 Q What was your title or position with Media

    13 Arts?

    14 A Most of the time I was the president I

    15 guess I think there was a period of time that I

    16 stepped down maybe for nine months or something

    17 Q Did you then return as president?

    18 A Yes

    19 Q Were you president at the time it closed in

    20 2006?

    21 A Yes Yes

    22 Q Okay Did Media Arts have employees?

    23 A Sometimes it did It depended upon the

    24 funding

    25 Q What kind of positions would the employees

    1 have when you had them?

    2 A They would have been executive directors

    3 who would have been working with me

    4 Q Okay Did you receive payment or

    5 compensation in your role as president?

    6 A No I didn t No I didn t I would have

    7 been reimbursed obviously for expenses but no there

    8 was no salary

    9 Q So if you incurred any expenses or costs on

    10 behalf of Media Arts Media Arts would repay you?

    11 A Of course Of course

    12 Q But you didn t receive a salary?

    13 A No I didn t receive a salary from Media

    14 Arts

    15 Q And then to the extent Media Arts had

    16 funding from time to time you had employees and who

    17 would have been paid?

  • 18 A Yes We had executive directors we had

    19 DJ s VJ s disk jockeys

    20 Q What was the purpose or mission of Media

    21 Arts?

    22 A Well I used Media Arts as a platform to

    23 develop certain ideas regarding information technology

    24 and the public s fear

    25 Q What kind of projects or work would Media

    1 Arts did Media Arts do in furtherance of that

    2 purpose?

    3 A Well Media Arts did a series of

    4 installations ran a media lab at the corner of

    5 Washington and Tucker Those are kind of general

    6 It obviously had a list that would be

    7 submitted to the funders The Regional Arts

    8 Commission 2004 and I think the City of St Louis

    9 through some funds gave money to Media Arts And we

    10 would just break down on an annual basis the specifics

    11 of what was done who was involved what the nature of

    12 the audience was how wide the audience is That

    13 would vary from year to year

    14 Q So you mentioned that Media Arts received

    15 funding from the Regional Arts Commission and the City

    16 of St Louis Any other sources?

    17 A And a group called 2004 And there may

    18 have been -- and there would have been small donations

    19 from individuals

    20 Q Okay What other employment or significant

    21 projects did you work on that we haven t talked about

    22 yet?

    23 A Well I also have my projects as a Fellow

    24 at the University of Dundee

    25 Q What year was that?

    1 A Well I am currently a Fellow at the

    2 University of Dundee That s in the School of the

    3 Environment That s Dundee Scotland I started

    4 doing some projects some you know minimal

    5 compensation back in 2006

    6 Q Okay Any other employment or projects? I

    7 know you have done a lot of different things so I m

    8 just wanting to hit on the significant long-term

  • 9 projects

    10 A There would be some projects with some pay

    11 for me to come some place and do something but in

    12 terms of carrying a card --

    13 Q I understand

    14 A You know I had a Media Arts card I had a

    15 card with Linda Murphy I have a University of Dundee

    16 card So that s how I m trying to answer this now

    17 Q And that s helpful So are there any other

    18 significant ones?

    19 A That I would have a calling card that I

    20 would give someone? The answer to that would probably

    21 be no

    22 Q Okay I want to back up just briefly

    23 Your experience as an attorney when you practiced as

    24 an attorney what kind of lawyer were you?

    25 A Largely workmen s comp

    1 Q As a lawyer did you ever draft review or

    2 revise contracts for clients?

    3 A Rarely Very rarely No I did very

    4 little transaction No not for clients No I don t

    5 think I ever did transactional work for clients

    6 Q Okay Would you have reviewed any option

    7 contracts for a client ever?

    8 A No My partner Larry Calvo handled the

    9 transactional work

    10 Q Did you ever sign any contracts on behalf

    11 of Calvo and Guzzardo like in connection with your

    12 business as running your law firm?

    13 A Sure I m sure I did You know I can t

    14 be specific but I m sure I would have had to

    15 Q Did you ever do any condemnation or eminent

    16 domain type work when you were practicing as an

    17 attorney?

    18 A No I didn t

    19 Q And then in connection with the

    20 non-attorney work when you worked with Linda Murphy

    21 or the consulting work did you the Media Arts work

    22 did you have the opportunity to draft review or

    23 revise contracts in connection with any of that work?

    24 A Yes I dealt with subcontracts

    25 involving -- I ll give you the acronym SLDC which I

  • 1 guess is the St Louis Development Corporation

    2 Q What would be an example of a type of

    3 contract that you did?

    4 A Well I was putting together with St Louis

    5 Development Corporation a contract for a media plaza

    6 at the corner of Washington and Tucker and I did get

    7 involved in that contract And I think that had an

    8 options provision It had multiple layers

    9 Q And what was the year roughly of that

    10 project?

    11 A That would have been shortly before the

    12 Media Box so we re probably talking it could have

    13 been 99 or 2000 I would have to look at those

    14 documents

    15 Q And would that have been work you would

    16 have been doing on behalf of the Media Arts?

    17 A Yes

    18 Q Because it s involving --

    19 A Yes Media Arts There were two It was

    20 Media Arts and another not-for-profit corporation by

    21 the name of City something or other

    22 Q Okay Do you recall any other instances

    23 where you ve ever been involved with an options

    24 contract other than this litigation?

    25 A No I don t at this point I do not have a

    1 recollection of that

    2 Q What other type of contract work have you

    3 done for as a consultant or with the Media Arts or

    4 any of the other significant projects or employment

    5 we ve talked about?

    6 A I think I would have reviewed some

    7 contracts for Imrat Kahn during you know my work

    8 with him but my input was limited in terms of what he

    9 would do

    10 Q Okay Would those be contracts like for

    11 him to perform at a venue?

    12 A Yeah

    13 Q Things like that?

    14 A Yeah

    15 Q Any other contract work that you recall as

    16 you sit here?

    17 A No but inevitably if you are alive today

    18 one confronts contracts in various personal aspects of

    19 one s life so of course I deal with some but I was

    20 not a transactional attorney

    21 Q Okay You mentioned the Media Arts

    22 not-for-profit Have you ever served in any capacity

  • 23 with any other not-for-profit entities?

    24 A Well yes And the litigation with that

    25 Attorney General Jay Nixon was regarding this matter

    1 I was a Director of Humanities Instructional

    2 Television

    3 Q And what years did you serve as director?

    4 A I would have I believe 1999 I would have

    5 come on the board and I was director till you know

    6 February of 2005 so that would have been six years or

    7 so

    8 Q Okay When were you involved -- did you

    9 bring a lawsuit in some capacity against HIT?

    10 A Yes I did I brought a lawsuit to remove

    11 all of the directors for wrongdoing

    12 Q What year was that lawsuit?

    13 A I think it was 2000 I think it was 2000

    14 Q And what was the outcome of that lawsuit?

    15 A The outcome of the lawsuit was that the

    16 directors were removed The Attorney General joined

    17 me in the litigation and the directors were removed

    18 Q And did you remain a director during this

    19 whole time?

    20 A Yes Yes

    21 Q Okay And was some process put in place to

    22 fill the empty spots for the directors that were

    23 removed?

    24 A Yes There is a procedure under Missouri

    25 law regarding -- there s a complex series of bits that

    1 come into play regarding this And that was done

    2 where the corporation was reconfigured there had to

    3 be sort of actions involving the Federal

    4 Communications Corporation because we were holders of

    5 a wireless license And it was a fairly complex

    6 procedure

    7 Q Okay

    8 A But eventually resolved

    9 Q Are there any other not-for-profit boards

    10 that you served as a director officer?

    11 A Yes I m embarrassed sometimes

    12 Crossings Crossings was a musical organization which

    13 put a series of musical events together and I would

  • 14 have been on that board probably for four or five

    15 years

    16 Q What time period?

    17 A I d say 99 through maybe 2004 maybe five

    18 years

    19 Q How did your service on that board end?

    20 A I resigned I didn t have time You know

    21 I don t -- nothing of any particular memory

    22 Q Okay How did your service on the HITEC

    23 board end in February 2005?

    24 A Well I was -- in 2005 my term was coming

    25 to an end and I had been asked by the president of the

    1 board Fred Blake B-L-A-K-E who was the president of

    2 math and philanthropy to submit a nomination for

    3 another term So I submitted my name for another term

    4 and there was an election held and I was not reelected

    5 to the board

    6 Q How long were the terms?

    7 A Well the terms varied because in the

    8 creation of the board the Attorney General felt it was

    9 critical to have an inner -- you know an overlapping

    10 structure

    11 Q So it wasn t like all of the directors came

    12 off at the same time?

    13 A No No and because of the history of the

    14 problems and the public face of that So there was a

    15 structure put into play that we could agree on I had

    16 a three-year term so if my term was coming to an end

    17 in February I would have had the first three year

    18 terms and then I think everybody had three-year terms

    19 off that because we would have been overlapping

    20 Q So in February 2005 your three-year term

    21 was ending?

    22 A Right

    23 Q And you were looking to be renewed for

    24 another three-year term?

    25 A Correct

    1 Q Did anyone from HITEC tell you the reasons

    2 that you were not elected to another term?

    3 A No there was no communication

    4 Q And who made the decision -- let s see

  • 5 You said you were asked to submit to another term the

    6 election was held Who were the people who were

    7 voting on --

    8 A The board

    9 Q So the other members of the board excluding

    10 you did?

    11 A Well you are saying excluding me and it s

    12 curious I don t remember that

    13 Q I m just trying to figure out who votes

    14 A The board We were all voting at that

    15 time

    16 Q So you can vote for yourself?

    17 A Yes

    18 Q And who else you want?

    19 A Yes yes yes I m sure

    20 Q So in February of 2005 all of the members

    21 of the board are given some kind of ballot?

    22 A Yes

    23 Q And they vote who is going to get removed?

    24 A Of course

    25 Q And who is to remain?

    1 A Right

    2 Q And no one on the board as of February 2005

    3 gave you any reason for why you were not reelected in

    4 2005?

    5 A Yes that is correct I was not advised

    6 Q Okay Have you ever served on any other

    7 not-for-profit boards other than HITEC and Crossings?

    8 A Media Arts of course

    9 Q And Media Arts Yes I m sorry Media

    10 Arts Crossings HITEC?

    11 A Oh yes yes

    12 Q I m sorry I m asking you to go through your

    13 past

    14 A Yes yes of course I was on the Sheldon

    15 which is the Sheldon Arts Foundation I assume it was

    16 called that yes the Sheldon Arts Foundation I was

    17 on the Sheldon Arts Foundation

    18 Q What years?

    19 A I would have been on the Sheldon Arts

    20 Foundation board from 19 -- it could have been 90

    21 91 through 93 maybe

    22 Q And how did your service on that board end?

    23 A There was a falling out with the president

    24 of the board Dr Lee Jardine and he asked me and

    25 another member of the board to step down because of

  • 1 policy disagreements

    2 Q Who was the other member that was asked to

    3 step down?

    4 A He had a copper manufacturing business in

    5 St Louis Excuse me Brandon I m sorry

    6 Q That s fine If you remember it later just

    7 let me know

    8 A Yes

    9 Q So in 93 94 you had a falling out with

    10 the president and he asked you to step down and you

    11 did?

    12 A Yes

    13 Q And you mentioned a policy disagreement

    14 Can you just briefly tell me what the disagreement was

    15 about if you recall?

    16 A Of course I recall I m writing about it

    17 now

    18 The Sheldon had received a substantial

    19 commitment for funding for an expansion from a Mr

    20 Fisher who was the eventual funder for the Gateway

    21 Not-For-Profit Corporation

    22 And I had been I was a member of the board

    23 when that came in and because of my reputation within

    24 architectural circles I was asked to organize the

    25 selection of the architects and to assist in

    1 developing the program for the expansion of the

    2 Sheldon Auditorium And that went on That process

    3 that I oversaw in various capacities would change I

    4 think I was a chairman of the committee and then a

    5 member of the committee and then a sub of the

    6 committee as I said to develop a design for it

    7 And the design I believe contracts were

    8 about to be let to build the design There was a

    9 large ceremony awarding celebrating the design And

    10 things went awry and the design was not used then to

    11 complete the project so there was a dispute regarding

    12 the development of the design and the termination of

    13 the design

    14 Q Okay And you said the funding came from

    15 Fisher?

    16 A Yes

    17 Q Did you leave the project with any ill will

    18 towards between you and Fisher?

  • 19 A I never met Mr Fisher

    20 Q He just provided the funding?

    21 A I never met Mr Fisher

    22 Q And you mentioned that he also provided

    23 funding to Gateway Not-For-Profit Corporation?

    24 A No I was just using that as a way to

    25 identify and he had a fondness for Gateway and I

    1 forget --

    2 COURT REPORTER I m sorry?


    4 Q Okay Was there any relationship between

    5 the Gateway Not-For-Profit Corporation and the Sheldon

    6 Arts Foundation?

    7 A I cannot answer that question because I

    8 don t remember and I was not directly involved with

    9 the funding whether or not Gateway came into

    10 existence afterwards or whether there was a crossover

    11 I just don t know

    12 Q Any other not-for-profit boards?

    13 A No I hopefully haven t forgotten

    14 anything

    15 Q Have you ever served on any for-profit

    16 boards?

    17 A No

    18 Q Who is Sung Ho Kim?

    19 A Sung Ho Kim is with AxiOme That s the

    20 name of his company He is an architect and

    21 instructor Washington University

    22 Q When did you first have any contact with

    23 Sung Ho Kim?

    24 A I would have been introduced whether it

    25 was April or May to meet Sung Ho Kim through Angela

    1 Miller who is a Professor of Art History at Washington

    2 University

    3 Q What year roughly would that have been

    4 that introduction through Angela Miller to Sung Ho

    5 Kim?

    6 A That would have been at the end of 2002

    7 Q And what would have been the purpose of the

    8 introduction to Sung Ho Kim?

    9 A Well the year before Angela would have

  • 10 arranged for me to meet and spend time with William

    11 Mitchell William Mitchell recently deceased was

    12 the Dean of Architecture at MIT and was the author of

    13 a series of significant early books on information

    14 systems in urban design Somewhat of a great man

    15 And at that meeting with Mitchell and

    16 Miller we discussed some of the ideas which were

    17 driving my praxis and how MIT was a hot spot for the

    18 development and study of these ideas

    19 Q Okay Some of the ideas that you discussed

    20 with Mitchell were some of those ideas ideas that

    21 were ultimately incorporated into your Media Box

    22 concept?

    23 A Yes

    24 Q And then Sung Ho Kim he came from MIT

    25 right?

    1 A Correct

    2 Q And so is that how you kind of heard about

    3 him?

    4 A Yeah At that time though the name Sung Ho

    5 Kim was not mentioned would not have been mentioned

    6 Q Okay So it was maybe natural a year after

    7 you had met Mitchell for Professor Miller to then

    8 follow-up with you to meet --

    9 A Yes

    10 Q -- Sung Ho Kim?

    11 A Yes

    12 Q When did you first have contact with Sung

    13 Ho Kim in connection with the Media Box?

    14 I know you said you think you met him at

    15 the end of 2002?

    16 A Well when I met him we said let s discuss

    17 some collaborative projects And for the next few

    18 months we would have spent a fair amount of time

    19 together Sung Ho would be showing me some of his

    20 works He was from the Robotics Department of MIT

    21 lab Again I m unclear on the defined divisions

    22 within that

    23 Q Okay?

    24 A And I was showing him work which I had done

    25 with Media Lab my Media Lab my nightclub and with

  • 1 MetroLink which I have not mentioned

    2 Q What is it called Metro?

    3 A MetroLink

    4 Q Oh MetroLink okay

    5 A So that would have been an ongoing kind of

    6 discourse for six months of 2002

    7 Q Okay At some -- and if you ever need a

    8 break just let me know

    9 A Sure I m fine

    10 Q So for six months you are showing each

    11 other your work talking maybe about potential ideas

    12 or projects going forward?

    13 A Yes

    14 Q What happened after that six months did

    15 you select some task or project you were going to move

    16 forward on? What was the next step in your

    17 relationship with Sung Ho Kim?

    18 A There was a great deal of give and take in

    19 terms of ideas Sung Ho would talk about projects he

    20 was trying to put together with other members of the

    21 Wash U faculty

    22 I introduced him to an architect who I had

    23 worked with on the MetroLink project and also had set

    24 up on a Columbia church project which I helped put

    25 together Fabian Wonch (phonetic)

    1 So it was kind of you know this rich

    2 intellectual kind of social scene back and forth and

    3 whether or not these ideas might find a place in St

    4 Louis to develop I then introduced him to Eric

    5 Friedman

    6 Q When would that have been?

    7 A Sometime probably in that six months I

    8 don t -- I can t tell you anything more specific than

    9 that

    10 Q Okay Did you ever enter into any written

    11 agreements with Sung Ho Kim?

    12 A No The only thing at one point Eric had

    13 an LLC and that would have been sometime but then

    14 that expired and we did nothing further on it

    15 Q And was that like GFK or GKF?

    16 A Yeah something initials

    17 Q Okay And do you know if there was ever an

    18 operating agreement or any other written documents --

    19 A No

    20 Q -- other than --

    21 A No no no

    22 Q -- creating an LLC --

    23 A It was like that was done and then we would

  • 24 do something more if these things develop And

    25 obviously nothing developed

    1 Q So other than any documents related to GKF

    2 or GFK you don t have any other written agreements

    3 with Sung Ho Kim?

    4 A No No

    5 Q What was Sung Ho Kim s role in connection

    6 with the Media Box?

    7 A Well I mean the contract details you

    8 know A lot of it --

    9 Q Let me back up So you mean option

    10 contract?

    11 A Yeah Well --

    12 Q Yeah yeah we ll get to that

    13 A Yeah

    14 Q Was Sung Ho was he involved in drafting or

    15 negotiating the Option Contract?

    16 A No No

    17 Q Was he involved in any of the condemnation

    18 proceedings that were involved in this lawsuit?

    19 A No

    20 Q What was Sung Ho Kim s role in connection

    21 with any funding for the Media Box project?

    22 A Sung Ho was working and had been working

    23 and had a partner out of Thailand and there was -- in

    24 the initial discussions he said I want you to meet my

    25 partner possibly he and his family would have some

    1 interest in investing in the Media Box And his name

    2 was Todd I think they went to school together

    3 Q Do you recall his last name?

    4 A No I don t

    5 Q So Sung Ho Kim said that Todd might have

    6 interest in investing in Media Box?

    7 A Yes

    8 Q What about Sung Ho Kim himself did he have

    9 any funds?

    10 A No

    11 Q Was a firm commitment ever received from

    12 Todd?

    13 A No

    14 Q So other than a potential investment from

  • 15 Todd Sung Ho Kim didn t have any involvement in

    16 possible investment in the Media Box project?

    17 A No

    18 Q That s correct okay

    19 So how would you describe Sung Ho Kim s

    20 role with Media Box? Is it fair to say that he was

    21 the person who was responsible for designing the

    22 architectural design --

    23 A You know --

    24 Q -- component of the Media Box?

    25 A Yeah He tried to create some

    1 responsibilities yes He would have been the person

    2 who would have been designing the structural

    3 obviously with my -- in a collaborative fashion I

    4 had designed a series of projects

    5 Q Okay Other than designing the structure

    6 for the Media Box in collaboration with you what other

    7 responsibilities did Sung Ho Kim have in connection

    8 with the Media Box project?

    9 A Well you know we were trying to -- this

    10 was a consortium with people thinking about ideas and

    11 theory and what would be the functioning program So

    12 okay architecture and program are almost impossible

    13 to divide

    14 Q Okay So would Sung Ho Kim also provide

    15 input or feedback on the prospective program

    16 content --

    17 A Yes

    18 Q -- for Media Box as well?

    19 A I would give him copies of all my papers

    20 invite him to talks I would give I would give talks

    21 at his office to people who were doing drafting and

    22 doing work and thinking about it the Media Box and

    23 other projects that he had

    24 Q When you say copies of all papers are you

    25 referring to like published papers where you would

    1 write on topics relevant to Media Box --

    2 A Media Box

    3 COURT REPORTER Please wait until she

    4 finishes the question I can t hang on when you keep

    5 interrupting

  • 6 "When you say copies of all papers are you

    7 referring to like published papers "


    9 Q Where you are describing or discussing

    10 components of the Media Box?

    11 A Or pre-Media Box papers also

    12 Q Okay And then you said talks at his

    13 office where they re doing the drafting

    14 It s my understanding that Sung Ho Kim had

    15 maybe a group of students or architects associated

    16 with Wash U that would help him work on Media Box

    17 designs is that --

    18 A Yes Yes

    19 Q Okay So from time to time you might come

    20 and talk to him or other students at Washington

    21 University about Media Box concepts or pre-Media Box

    22 concepts?

    23 A Correct

    24 Q Okay Is there anything that we haven t

    25 talked about any additional responsibility with Sung

    1 Ho Kim in connection with the Media Box?

    2 A I mean that s difficult to you know

    3 instill years and work of projects with Sung Ho

    4 Generally we ve covered the outlines

    5 Q So it sounds like it was a collaboration

    6 you did not have any written document that said here

    7 is what Sung Ho is going to do specifically?

    8 A No

    9 Q Okay Did you pay Sung Ho Kim for the

    10 architectural designs that he provided for the Media

    11 Box?

    12 A No I did not

    13 Q Did you pay him any compensation for his

    14 time in preparing that?

    15 A No I did not

    16 Q Did you pay any costs he might have

    17 incurred in connection with preparing the Media Box

    18 designs or models?

    19 A No No I did not

    20 Q Okay When was your --

    21 A Yeah -- no Media Arts paid Sung Ho Kim

    22 some money I did not But Sung Ho Kim did receive

    23 money from Media Arts

    24 Q Do you know how much money he received?

    25 A No I cannot tell you that I mean I don t

  • 1 remember but there were payments from Media Arts to

    2 Sung Ho Kim

    3 Q Were they payments for the actual designs

    4 or for the costs of materials?

    5 A I don t know whether or not the

    6 corporation you know was that particular in terms of

    7 him itemizing hours work or expenses I don t think

    8 so but I don t remember

    9 Q Do you have any idea what the amount was

    10 was it under $1 000 or was it a huge amount?

    11 A No it wasn t huge Could it have been

    12 $3 000 one year? It never would have exceeded that

    13 And could it have been over a couple of years? That s

    14 possible but I don t --

    15 Q And we are talking about work Sung Ho Kim

    16 did in connection with the Media Box right?

    17 A Yes

    18 Q Not some other project?

    19 A Right yes

    20 Q When was your last contact with Sung Ho

    21 Kim?

    22 A It would have been in the summer of 2005

    23 Q What was the last contact did you have an

    24 email communication with him did you speak with him?

    25 A I was at a I think I was at a dinner that

    1 Eric Friedman had scheduled for Jill McGuire and some

    2 other people in the arts community

    3 Q So from about 2002 to 2005 you had a lot of

    4 contact with Sung Ho Kim How come you haven t had

    5 any contact with him since the summer of 2005?

    6 A Well you know certain events which are

    7 the basis of this lawsuit created a bit of a rift

    8 Q Okay What is your rift with Sung Ho Kim?

    9 A Well Sung Ho you know came to Washington

    10 U as a -- what s the term Tenure in waiting

    11 there s a term for that

    12 Q He s hoping to put in enough time that

    13 he ll get a permanent position there?

    14 A Yes You can be hired as a --

    15 Q Tenure track?

    16 A Tenure track of course Yes of course

    17 Sung Ho Kim came to Washington University with a

    18 tenure track position

    19 Subsequent to the Media Box contract or

  • 20 around the same time Sung Ho Kim got married And he

    21 married Heather Woffer who also got a position as a

    22 tenure track professor at Washington University And

    23 you know obviously that was important to them and

    24 that was you know kind of the defining controlling

    25 of their time

    1 And after the Jim Day the series of events

    2 that involved Jim Day and the Post Dispatch Wagman

    3 article things got a little dicey

    4 Q Okay So the Jim Day it s my

    5 understanding that the Post Dispatch published an

    6 article about Jim Day and the eminent domain issues in

    7 late January or early February 2005?

    8 A Yeah

    9 Q So after that did Sung Ho Kim say something

    10 to you to the effect that he didn t want to work with

    11 you anymore or what do you mean when you say things

    12 got dicey after that article with Sung Ho Kim?

    13 A Well Sung Ho at the time of the article

    14 was designing -- I forgot my other employments so I m

    15 filling in some of the gaps now

    16 Sung Ho Kim was designing the Secret Baker

    17 stage sets for St Louis Community College I at that

    18 time had been hired as Director of Secret Baker which

    19 was the title of a play And Sung Ho was also hired

    20 as the Stage Designer or AxiOme would have been hired

    21 as the Stage Designer So that was going on at the

    22 time of the article and the Post article press and

    23 neither Sung Ho nor his wife Heather attended the

    24 play

    25 Q So is it your contention that Sung Ho and

    1 his wife did not attend the play because of whatever

    2 information was published in the Post Dispatch

    3 article?

    4 A You know I would read it that way

    5 Q Did they ever tell you that?

    6 A No

    7 Q Did they ever tell you why they didn t

    8 attend the play?

    9 A We didn t -- no

    10 Q Did you ever ask them?

  • 11 A No

    12 Q Following the play did you have any contact

    13 or communications with them from the time of the play

    14 to the summer of 05?

    15 A Yes I believe there might have been a

    16 meeting or two arranged by Eric Friedman to see if

    17 there was the possibility of resurrecting the project

    18 in light of this political maelstrom

    19 Q Okay So when was the play do you

    20 remember was it in the spring of 05?

    21 A No No The play was in constant

    22 production from -- production I shouldn t say in

    23 preparation from mid January to the end of February

    24 and it would have been running for a couple weeks the

    25 last two weeks probably of January 2005

    1 Q Okay So the play was in

    2 January/February 2005?

    3 A Or it was in production

    4 Q In production?

    5 A Yes

    6 Q So the performance it would have been

    7 presented in late February?

    8 A Yes two weeks in late February

    9 Q Okay So Sung Ho Kim did not attend the

    10 Secret play that was in late February Between late

    11 February and --

    12 A I should add -- let me clarify

    13 Q Sure

    14 A Sung Ho and a couple of his students came

    15 in for five minutes to take photos during the

    16 performance It was slightly disruptive as to the

    17 actual performance And then he left

    18 Q And you think he was going in there so he

    19 would have a record of the stage of the work he had

    20 invested?

    21 A Absolutely yes

    22 Q Okay So between late February and the

    23 dinner party in the summer 05 there may have been a

    24 few meetings with Eric Friedman?

    25 A Yes And was there one was there two

    1 yes

  • 2 Q Okay And we re going to come back later

    3 and talk about those meeting more but let me move on

    4 a little bit

    5 Do you know if Sung Ho Kim continues to

    6 work with -- on projects with Grand Center

    7 Incorporated or the other Defendants in this lawsuit

    8 in any capacity?

    9 A From what I can read from the newspapers

    10 yes

    11 Q So you ve read about him doing different

    12 projects with the Defendants?

    13 A Yes

    14 Q What is the Friedman Development Group?

    15 A It s a real estate development group

    16 commercial generally

    17 Q And who is Eric Friedman?

    18 A Eric Friedman is the principal of the

    19 group

    20 Q I understand you worked with Eric Friedman

    21 and his company in connection with the Media Box

    22 project Before Media Box had you worked with Eric on

    23 other projects?

    24 A Eric represented me in the sale of the 1521

    25 building

    1 Q Okay Any other projects you worked with

    2 him on?

    3 A We talked about other projects but in

    4 terms of other projects where things were actually

    5 done and contracts were signed it would only be those

    6 two

    7 Q When did you first have contact with Eric

    8 in connection with the Media Box project?

    9 A I called or sent him an email after I

    10 received an email from Vince Schoemehl

    11 Q When did you receive your phone call or

    12 email from Vince Schoemehl?

    13 A That would have been in July of 2003 It

    14 could have been the last week in June but I don t

    15 quite remember now

    16 Q Sure That first contact from Vince

    17 Schoemehl in 2003 what did he communicate to you?

    18 A He said he was aware of my work and he

    19 thought I would be a good fit for Grand Center And

    20 there was a specific piece of property that he wished

    21 to discuss with me and he indicated that he would like

    22 to set up a meeting with me which would include Emily

    23 Pulitzer and at that time the president of the board

    24 whose name whose last name began with an N but I had

  • 25 no contact with that man on any occasion but there

    1 was a third name for that meeting

    2 Q Okay And what was your response?

    3 A Fine

    4 Q Do you recall anything else you discussed

    5 in that first communication?

    6 A No I think that s fair

    7 Q And so then a meeting was set up?

    8 A Yes

    9 Q And do you know when the meeting was? I

    10 have some documents we can look at in a little bit

    11 A Yes

    12 Q Sometime after July 2003?

    13 A 2003 It was July or August It may have

    14 been later in July I m not 100 percent sure Within

    15 a two to three-week period of time the meeting was set

    16 up

    17 Q Okay Who was present at the meeting?

    18 A It would have been Sung Ho myself Eric

    19 Friedman Vince Schoemehl and Emily Pulitzer

    20 Q And what happened at the meeting?

    21 A There would have been the casual

    22 introductions I reviewed -- because it was Pulitzer

    23 I reviewed my architectural work and had a series of

    24 international magazines which had published my

    25 projects

    1 I remember pulling out a picture of me and

    2 Gary the architect in a Spanish magazine where my

    3 project was next to the Bilbao Museum

    4 Q Okay

    5 A So that was part of it

    6 And then I think I gave a presentation of

    7 Media Lab content as a kind of protocol for Grand

    8 Center

    9 And then the third part would have been

    10 Sung Ho gave a tour of his office and showed the

    11 various models of the various proposed projects

    12 So that one two three

    13 Q Okay What response did you get from Vince

    14 Schoemehl?

    15 A Everybody was highly enthusiastic

  • 16 Q Same for Emily Pulitzer?

    17 A Yes

    18 Q Let me back up to your first communication

    19 with Vince Schoemehl

    20 When he first contacted you he said he was

    21 aware of your work thought you would be a good fit

    22 for Grand Center And you said he told you that he

    23 had a specific piece of property that he wanted to

    24 discuss with you Do you know at that time if there

    25 was a specific piece of property in mind that he

    1 communicated to you?

    2 A I would backtrack "I want to talk to you

    3 about some property that we have " Maybe that was the

    4 line

    5 Q Okay?

    6 A And that is probably a fairer description

    7 of what would have occurred in that phone call I

    8 cannot remember whether or not it went down to "I have

    9 a specific one"

    10 Q Okay

    11 A I just can t

    12 Q But you don t recall him telling you or

    13 referring to what we now know is the Day property?

    14 A No I don t think so I don t think so

    15 Q Now in this meeting with you Sung Ho

    16 Eric Vince and Emily was there any discussion at that

    17 in person meeting about where this potential project

    18 would be located?

    19 A I very much think so Obviously it s been

    20 nine years but I m sure I left that meeting with a

    21 certain excitement because of that property and its

    22 relationship to the Pulitzer and its relationship to

    23 the Contemporary which was under construction at that

    24 time offered such a rare extraordinary opportunity as

    25 a platform So I m almost I m almost positive that

    1 we talked about the Day property

    2 Q Would Vincent Schoemehl have been the

    3 person to bring up that property or was this a

    4 property that Sung Ho Kim had already seen and looked

    5 at?

    6 A Oh no no no

  • 7 Q So who --

    8 A It would have to be Vincent Schoemehl

    9 Q Okay Do you remember anything specific

    10 that he told you about that particular piece of

    11 property that I m going to refer to as the Day

    12 property?

    13 A To my memory there were a series of events

    14 afterwards And I m not able to pinpoint what

    15 happened at that meeting and what might have happened

    16 a few days later in a conversation that succeeded

    17 those meetings

    18 So within a week or so I was aware this was

    19 a piece of property there were condemnation issues

    20 condemnation was going to be getting -- there were

    21 remediation issues

    22 Whether or not that was discussed at that

    23 meeting or where you know the phone calls between

    24 Eric and myself elaborated and developed that within

    25 the next two weeks I just don t remember

    1 Q Okay Do you remember anything else

    2 specific about your first in-person meeting with

    3 Vincent Schoemehl and Emily Pulitzer?

    4 A Just that it was extraordinarily congenial

    5 and there seemed to be a great deal of excitement that

    6 now with this TIF this is the type of project which

    7 would be welcomed and could be done at Grand Center

    8 Q When is the next time you had any

    9 communication with Vincent Schoemehl or anyone else

    10 associated with Defendants?

    11 A Well at that time Eric Friedman was going

    12 to become the point person And we were bringing

    13 material to his office and he was sending material to

    14 Grand Center so that was how the system began to

    15 work

    16 Q So Eric became the point person This is

    17 late summer 2003?

    18 A Yes

    19 Q The Option Contract was signed in the

    20 spring of 2004 What contact do you recall having

    21 with Vincent Schoemehl direct contact with Vincent

    22 Schoemehl between this meeting here and when the

    23 Option Contract was signed?

    24 A Well there was another meeting at Sung

    25 Ho s office for further for thinking through these

  • 1 issues And Craig Kaminer was at that meeting I

    2 don t believe Emily Pulitzer was and I m almost sure

    3 Vince was but I think Craig stayed later So that

    4 would have been like a second actual physical meeting

    5 Materials were moving back and forth I

    6 put together summaries of work done The MetroLink

    7 project was kind of sent to them

    8 But then that meeting the second meeting

    9 at Sung Ho Kim s office again I m suspecting 30 days

    10 or so you know I dropped off things at the office of

    11 Grand Center more in sort of a casual sort of way

    12 ten-minute conversation or something like that

    13 There was a consultant that came in from

    14 Chicago that may have been in December that Grand

    15 Center was bringing in to evaluate the district

    16 I had received a call either directly from

    17 Vince or Eric that they wanted to meet with me I

    18 remember spending some time at their office discussing

    19 Media Box concepts you know St Louis Media Heritage

    20 consultants

    21 Q Okay Let me back up a minute So you

    22 mentioned this second in-person meeting with Craig

    23 Kaminer Sung Ho Kim Vincent Schoemehl and yourself

    24 Do you recall any discussions about the Day property

    25 at that meeting?

    1 A That would not have been the primary

    2 purpose of the meeting And there may well have been

    3 some secondary side remarks regarding condemnation

    4 issues I don t recall that at that time

    5 Q Okay And then you might have seen Vincent

    6 Schoemehl in passing when you are passing off

    7 materials to Grand Center from time to time?

    8 A Correct

    9 Q Do you recall discussing the Day property

    10 with Mr Schoemehl during any of those meetings?

    11 A If there was a discussion it would have

    12 been a fairly quick hopefully things are moving

    13 forward and nothing more than that

    14 Q Do you remember any other contact with

    15 Vincent Schoemehl in this summer 2003 to spring 2004

    16 time period when the Option Contract was signed?

    17 I m talking about the time period leading

    18 up to the signing of the Option Contract Do you

    19 recall any other discussions with Mr Schoemehl about

    20 the Day property?

  • 21 A About the Day property?

    22 Q Right

    23 A Face to face?

    24 Q Or an email I mean I have the emails

    25 Let s talk about on the phone or face to face

    1 A No I don t recall face to face or on the

    2 phone

    3 Q Okay

    4 THE WITNESS I m going to take a break for

    5 just a second okay?

    6 MS LUBBEN Sure

    7 (A short break was then taken)

    8 (Defendant Exhibit A Exclusive

    9 Representation Agreement was then identified )


    11 Q I m handing you what we ve marked as

    12 Exhibit A Can you identify this?

    13 A That s -- oh yes That s an agreement

    14 with Eric that he would be looking for property for

    15 me

    16 Q Okay So that s your signature on the

    17 first page of the Exhibit A?

    18 A Yes

    19 Q So this is your Exclusive Representation

    20 Agreement with Eric Friedman s company?

    21 A Yes Yeah

    22 Q And this is dated?

    23 A 6/13

    24 Q 6/13/03?

    25 A Yes

    1 Q Prior to June 13th 2003 what discussions

    2 did you have with Eric Friedman or anyone else in his

    3 company about what you were looking for as far as

    4 property wise?

    5 A Well Eric was my realtor on the sale of

    6 the 1521 building

    7 Q Right?

    8 A And after the sale I discussed I might like

    9 to use the proceeds for other property and would look

    10 for some And it proceeded on a fairly casual basis

    11 I was in and out And at one time he said let s start

  • 12 looking more seriously and here is the agreement and I

    13 said fine

    14 Q Prior to signing this agreement did you

    15 talk to him about what size of property you were

    16 looking for?

    17 A It was fairly spongy you know in terms

    18 of you know what s out there what are things

    19 costing what do I want to do You know I was -- it

    20 was not terribly precise

    21 We talked a little bit about you know if

    22 someone else involved I mean Sung Ho and I had some

    23 discussions that possibly we could have something for

    24 Media Arts for rent So there were certain sort of

    25 soft parameters which eventually found itself into the

    1 Media Box

    2 Q Before June 13th 2003 what did you tell

    3 Eric about how much you were willing to spend?

    4 A I don t think I said