path of light manifesto.rtf

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Post on 19-Feb-2016




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Path of Light: Our ManifestoThe modern era is a festering and open wound. Society has been poisoned, and it now gasps through a film of blood as each minute passes by painfully slow. The streets are full of directionless men, looking at the new openness and permissiveness of their now tolerant and liberal society, and trying not to be disgusted by it. Facts are now oppressive and racist, reasoning is only valid if it is approved as socially acceptable, good humor and joy have become parodies of their former selves, and with each passing minute, we walk a little further towards death by suffocation with useless, formless pleasure. It is now convenient to glorify the introvert, the docile, the easily controlled and emotionally manipulated. What was once the domain of free white men is now becoming a safe space a controlled discussion what was once a proud nation is now more akin to a slum, where pride is a dirty word and you, the white European man, are becoming increasingly more unwanted in the society you made, surrounded by the non-white hordes, here to bring you and your creation to ruin. This is a manifesto for you, white man, a set of rules, for a new movement, a new order. We seek to bring the world out from the mire that it drowns itself in so helplessly. We seek to take fists and blows to the men who stand quivering in soft rooms, and satin silks, to break into their hiding holes and burrows and dig them out, to say to them that they must either stand, or hang. We seek to end the scabbing over of words, the elimination of their meaning, the destruction of their purpose. We seek to destroy the scowling, incestuous, and dishonest facade of postmodernist thought that lords over academia, that holds each person in a grasp filled with the corruption that only a philosophy founded in cowardice can allow to fester. We seek to burn the book stores and museums and art schools now overflowing with the works of charlatans, books stained with the thin ink of a thousand poets and political imbeciles who have lost meaning and now instead of truth, write their delusional fantasies in tribute to the great false god of equality. We seek, in short, to end the modern malady of cowardice and weakness, to preserve, protect, and glorify whiteness. We will no longer stand for the ruination of architecture, of art, of philosophy, of science, of white identity and of language. The despoiling and ravaging of western culture must and will end, when we bring the force of our blows upon them. We will no longer idly sit by and weep as they tear down the palaces of old and erect their modern shambling horrors in their place. Where once an eagle of the past watched over the city, now squats a newt, now festers a boil. We will no longer allow the malicious, the usurers, the uncaring, to erect their facades to failure and the death of standards. We will no longer permit the political hacks and frauds to continue their prostitution of their nation to Jewish marxist interests, or throw it to the rent seeking dark skinned invaders at our gates, to go on with their schemes and plotting, to continue to grin ear to ear as wealth and morality pours out of the nation, and corruption seeps in. This disease must be cured. Path of Light is not a face, it is not a name, it is a white mans statement of rebellion. This paper is meaningless without the white men behind it. Path of Light is your face, your name, your manifesto, white man. Path of Light knows who you are. You are frustrated, you are lost. You howl in the streets looking at the thousand lines of the cities that all lead to nowhere, to dead ends, to a bottle of cheap liquor and a night swiftly forgotten as a blur of meaningless color and sound, spent with pasty, pockmarked, desperate people, looking for something to heap their sickness onto. You are as sick as the world you read about. You look at yourself, and are dissatisfied, you see marble to sculpt, formless now, but with the proper tools, a masterpiece. The Path of Light begins with you. The Path of Light is the tool with which you must sculpt the shapeless marble you see, or die. It begins with rejecting the degenerate shackles of the world that has been corrupted by leftism and fear. It begins with throwing of the chains of post modernism, of so called social justice, of the intellectuals and the intelligentsia, of corrupt democracy and modernity. It begins with a fire of passion for white culture, for art, for literature, for reason, and for philosophy. It begins with a hatred of corruption, of the contemporary sickness, of the malady of pitiful modernist existential trembling. It begins with a search for meaning, with disgust and loathing of the now meaningless life you are expected to lead, with a desire to die with something more than bedsores and the splitting pierce of a flat line on the heart monitor to comfort you. To leave something more than a pretty corpse, to leave something more than dots behind the audiences eyes as your flash in the pan lights the magnesium, predictably glows, and then fades out. The Path of Light starts in your mind, it starts in your awakening to the realities of your race, and will see its end when the world is free from the sickness that corruption and fear brings with it. These are your rules. You are not a cog. You are human. And you are not here without purpose, you are here to follow your Path of Light to its end at sunsets border. End this facade! Destroy this pitiful charade! Come to them with words of war and hatred! With fire and blood and steel! Rip down their walls and expose them to the winds of our fury! Let them know that we are here, we are everywhere, and that they cannot hide. We will illuminate this world, one soul at a time, and those that stand in our way, will be washed before us in a river of their own blood. We will destroy them and their corruption and cowardice will be exposed! They will know fear as they have never understood before, they will go mad with terror as we rampage in their gardens and burn their parody Rome to the ground! And on the ashes of their fear, we will build a new world for those who followed their Path of Light. So I implore you, I scream to you! Stand up and face them, white man! Stand up and roar, you sleeping lions of Europe! Cast the Jewish liars and Marxists, the dark skinned invaders, the Muslim hordes and the mestizo tide back to the pits whence they came! Your nation cries for you! Your race cries for you! Will you answer her, white man? Or will you let her languish in the bounds of this scourge? Path of Light is the scalpel that will cut out the cancer that is Jewish marxism, that is multiculturalism, that is uncontrolled non-white immigration to your nation, take it up, and save your race, your country, your people, your families and homes. Take it up, and with fury and controlled strength, take back your land!