pastoral staff ministry support - tennessee avenue baptist · tiffany sweeney hildren’s ministry...

Pastoral Staff Andy Sweeney, Youth Pastor / Senior Adult Pastor Bro. Paul Thompson, Family Pastor Saul Delgado, Hispanic Pastor Ministry Support Beverly Estep, Financial Secretary Peggy Phipps, Church Secretary Debbie Boyd, Ministry Support Tiffany Sweeney, Childrens Ministry Director Alicia Trivett, Interim Worship Leader Kim Hutton, Pre-School Director Phyllis Humphrey, Pianist John Gentry, Maintenance Phillip Compton, Maintenance Connie Stipes, Housekeeping Academy Staff Melinda Widener, Principal Adrian Padgett, Asst. Principal Bro. Paul Thompson, Vice Principal Angie Williams, Office Manager Tammie Harmon, Dir. of Development Daycare Staff Jessica Sharrett, Director Inside this Issue: Ministry Information 1-3 Daycare News 3 Birthdays & Anniversaries 4 March Events 4 Dear Church Family 5 TACA Sword & Shield 6-7 Dear Church Family, Spring is coming soon! I love Spring because of warmer weather and longer days. But I love Spring even more be- cause of a new birth for flowers, trees, and baby animals. This symbolizes the new birth we have in Christ and the Resurrec- tion that gives us hope. This Winter has been mild as far as the weath- er, but a very harsh flu and nasty virus season. As I think about the Coro- na virus fears and all the other ominous issues we have in this fallen world (political unrest, earth- quakes, floods, droughts, etc.), I realize we as Chris- tians have the only true hope for a better out- come. No matter how bad it could get, our hope in Jesus and the eternal life with Him that He prom- ised us makes all the earthly threats seem trivi- al. As we prepare for a new weather season, we at TABC need to prepare for a new season. We do not need to wait for a new Senior Pastor to prepare. We have great leadership with Andy and Paul, but we need to listen to them and take the Great Com- mission to heart by being an active, vibrant church. Let people know that TABC is a refuge from the threats of the world. We cannot change or control these threats, but we can control our attitude to- ward them by focusing on the Savior and focusing on the hurting. When the Lord reveals our new Senior Pastor to the Pulpit Search Com- mittee, lets be a happy, working and loving church that would make this Man of God (whoever he is) anxious to want to lead and serve the Lord with us. Thank you for your faith- fulness! Bro. Keith March 2020 Volume 29, Issue 3

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Page 1: Pastoral Staff Ministry Support - Tennessee Avenue Baptist · Tiffany Sweeney hildren’s Ministry Director Watch your bulletin for information about our upcoming Resurrection Day

Pastoral Staff

Andy Sweeney, Youth Pastor / Senior Adult Pastor

Bro. Paul Thompson, Family Pastor

Sau l Delgado, Hispanic Pastor

Ministry Support

Beverly Estep, Financial Secretary

Peggy Phipps, Church Secretary

Debbie Boyd, Ministry Support

Tiffany Sweeney, Children’s Ministry Director

Alicia Trivett, Interim Worship Leader

Kim Hutton, Pre-School Director

Phyllis Humphrey, Pianist

John Gentry, Maintenance

Phillip Compton, Maintenance

Connie Stipes, Housekeeping

Academy Staff

Melinda Widener, Principal

Adrian Padgett, Asst. Principal

Bro. Paul Thompson, Vice Principal

Angie Williams, Office Manager

Tammie Harmon, Dir. of Development

Daycare Staff

Jessica Sharrett, Director

Inside this Issue:

Ministry Information 1-3

Daycare News 3

Birthdays & Anniversaries 4

March Events 4

Dear Church Family 5

TACA Sword & Shield 6-7

Dear Church Family,

Spring is coming soon! I

love Spring because of

warmer weather and

longer days. But I love

Spring even more be-

cause of a new birth for

flowers, trees, and baby

animals. This symbolizes

the new birth we have in

Christ and the Resurrec-

tion that gives us hope.

This Winter has been

mild as far as the weath-

er, but a very harsh flu

and nasty virus season.

As I think about the Coro-

na virus fears and all the

other ominous issues we

have in this fallen world

(political unrest, earth-

quakes, floods, droughts,

etc.), I realize we as Chris-

tians have the only true

hope for a better out-

come. No matter how bad

it could get, our hope in

Jesus and the eternal life

with Him that He prom-

ised us makes all the

earthly threats seem trivi-


As we prepare for a new

weather season, we at

TABC need to prepare for

a new season. We do not

need to wait for a new

Senior Pastor to prepare.

We have great leadership

with Andy and Paul, but

we need to listen to them

and take the Great Com-

mission to heart by being

an active, vibrant church.

Let people know that

TABC is a refuge from the

threats of the world. We

cannot change or control

these threats, but we can

control our attitude to-

ward them by focusing on

the Savior and focusing

on the hurting.

When the Lord reveals

our new Senior Pastor to

the Pulpit Search Com-

mittee, let’s be a happy,

working and loving

church that would make

this Man of God (whoever

he is) anxious to want to

lead and serve the Lord

with us.

Thank you for your faith-


Bro. Keith

March 2020 Volume 29, Issue 3

Page 2: Pastoral Staff Ministry Support - Tennessee Avenue Baptist · Tiffany Sweeney hildren’s Ministry Director Watch your bulletin for information about our upcoming Resurrection Day

Volume 29, Issue 3

Page 2

Dear TABC Family,

What do you do when you are in a season that you don’t see

or feel God is working? If you read the book of Esther, that is

exactly the situation in which she found herself. The book of

Esther records a young Jewish woman being brought in as

queen of Persia. It seems to be a minor event with no purpose

behind it, but the unseen hand of God was on the scene the

whole time!

When King Xerxes signed a decree to kill the Jews, Esther

realized that she was put in place for “such a time as

this” (Esther 4:14). Esther ultimately approaches the king

and is able to save her people. If you study the book of Es-

ther, God’s name is not referred to in any manner. Even

though we don’t see His name, we can see how He orchestrat-

ed the events PERFECTLY to save His people.

God is doing the same thing for each of us today. Romans

8:28 says, “...all things work together for good to those who

love God, to those who are the called according to His pur-

pose.” No matter what season you are in, whether you can see

God moving or not, be confident and know that God is always

on time and is always working. Genesis 18:14 says “Is any-

thing too hard for the LORD?” So, I urge you, brother and sis-

ters in Christ, keep walking in confidence that the Lord is with

you, He never leaves you or forsakes you (Joshua 1:9).

Love in Christ,

Bro. Andy Sweeney

Senior Adult Pastor / Youth Pastor

Dear Family,

What if? What if Tennessee Avenue Baptist Church’s mem-

bers and attenders were faithfully devoted to studying and

living out the “red letter” teachings of Jesus found in the Gos-

pels? What if our hearts were mutually linked to one another,

sharing communion and coming together regularly for pray-

er? What if we truly were a family of believers who were in

fellowship as one body, and we shared with one another

whatever we had? What if, out of our American abundance,

we gave generously and distributed it to those who were in

need? What if we met together at church and in one another’s

homes to celebrate communion? What if we shared meals

together with joyful hearts and tender humility? What if we

were continually filled with praises to God and were continu-

ally enjoying the favor of all the people?

If we were to align ourselves wholeheartedly with resurrec-

tion power, living out of the new covenant promises, I feel

certain that we would witness a deep sense of Holy Awe that

would sweep over us when we come together for worship. I

believe we might see answers to prayer that would take place

so dramatically that we would call them miraculous signs and

wonders. We might also see that God would add to our num-

bers daily those who were coming to life in Christ. Who

knows, maybe Bristol residents would report of us that we

have turned the city upside down with the Living Word.

This is simply a paraphrase and reordering of Acts 2:42-47.

Read it, believe it, live it and pray it!! God is bringing us into

alignment with Him and His Word.

Praying Malachi 4:5-6 and Acts 2:42-47 over our Church


Bro. Paul Thompson

Family Pastor

Page 3: Pastoral Staff Ministry Support - Tennessee Avenue Baptist · Tiffany Sweeney hildren’s Ministry Director Watch your bulletin for information about our upcoming Resurrection Day

Volume 29, Issue 3

Page 3

would describe him as a man above re-

proach. Ezra 7:10 gives Christians insights to

how he maintained such integrity in a world

that seemed to be falling apart.

First, he had set his heart to study the Law of

the Lord. He had regular bible Study. He

didn’t just attend temple weekly, he cracked

open his Bible and learned for himself what

the Word of God said.

Second, he wanted to do the Law of the

Lord. He wanted to keep the command-

ments and live a life that was honoring and

pleasing to God. He didn’t just read the Bi-

ble, he practiced it. So many times we hear a

sermon or read a verse and think of another

person that it could apply to, but shouldn’t

we first examine ourselves? This is exactly

what Ezra did. Last, Ezra taught the Lord’s

statutes and rules in Israel. He was an Old

Testament disciple. He studied the Word, he

applied the Word, and he shared the

Word. This is the same command Jesus gives

to each of us when he tells us to “Go into all

the world and preach the Gospel to every

creature.” (Mark 16:15)

I challenge you church family, to do a self

examination: Are you reading the Bible, are

you applying the Bible, and are you sharing

the Bible?

Love in Christ,

Tiffany Sweeney

Children’s Ministry Director

Watch your bulletin for information about

our upcoming Resurrection Day Celebra-

tion. We will need lots of volunteers!

Dear TABC Family,

Recently in my 8th Grade Bible Class, we have

been studying the books of Daniel and Ez-

ra. While reading Ezra, I came across a verse

that really brought me back to basics. Ezra

7:10 says, “For Ezra had set his heart to study

the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach

his statutes and rules in Israel.” Ezra was a

man of a pure heart. He was pure in his

thoughts, his actions, and his motives. We

Star Students:

We have been enjoying our Star Student pro-

gram. K-4 star students for March are:

Mrs. Amy’s Star Students:

Liam Morrison

Marisol Cisneros

Timmy Hess

Lakyn Boroughs

Ms. Rachel’s Star Students:

Quillen Laoo

Gavin Brown

Eli Woelkers

Liam Hall

Daycare Dates to Remember:

March 2nd - 6th

Dr. Seuss Week (Read across America Week)

Your teachers will have more info about

special crafts, snacks, and fun things we will

all be doing this week. If you would be inter-

ested in coming by sometime during this

week, and reading a book to the kids, please

let the teachers know.

Monday, March 30th 6:00-8:00 PM

K4 Registration Night

This is something new we will be doing this

year. More information will be coming soon.


I LOVE Spring! It is my favorite season. Mostly

because I love flowers. I love watching them

sprout and grow up from the ground. I love

watching the flowers that grow from bulbs in

the ground because honestly, half the time I

forget we even have them. I also LOVE the

smell of fresh cut flowers. There is just some-

thing so refreshing, new, and happy about


It also reminds me of one of my favorite vers-

es. Hebrews 12:15 says, “Looking diligently

lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any

root of bitterness springing up trouble you,

and thereby many be defiled;” or in my

words, “Let no root of bitterness spring up

and take hold.”

How easy it is for us when we’ve been hurt to

let the bitterness take hold. We want to stay

so focused on the wrong that we forget that

God has told us not to do that. Isaiah 61:11

tells us that God’s righteousness will be like a

garden in early spring, with plants springing

up everywhere. So, if God forgives us and

gives us his righteousness over and over, why

can we not do the same? After all, choosing

to stay bitter and angry is the absolute oppo-

site of what God’s righteousness is.

The righteousness of God, in

Christ, means that you are justified, de-

clared righteous because you have had your

sins cleansed by Jesus. So, in other words,

God forgives us. He forgives our sins. He

made the ultimate sacrifice for that very rea-

son. So why is it so hard for us to forgive?

Why is it so much easier to become or stay


Ephesians 4:31-32 says, “Let all bitterness,

and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil

speaking, be put away from you, with all mal-

ice: And be ye kind one to another, tender-

hearted, forgiving one another, even as God

for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Let me

emphasize, Even as God for Christ’s sake

hath forgiven you.

The next time you are hurt, angry, or becom-

ing bitter, remember, God forgave us. It’s

because of us he sacrificed His son, and if He

can forgive all that we’ve done, why can we

not forgive those who hurt or anger us?

Wouldn’t it be so much better for us, if we

can remember, like the spring flowers, we

need to burst with forgiveness, love, and

kindness? Instead of letting the bitterness

take root, and cause our gardens (lives), to be

full of weeds, dead, dry, miserable weeds.

How we bloom depends on our hearts and

what we choose to do and feel.

Praying you all have an amazing Spring, filled

with the beautiful flowers of Love, For-

giveness, and Kindness.

Blessing in Christ,

Mrs. Jessica

Page 4: Pastoral Staff Ministry Support - Tennessee Avenue Baptist · Tiffany Sweeney hildren’s Ministry Director Watch your bulletin for information about our upcoming Resurrection Day

Volume 29, Issue 3

Page 4


Barry Simms

Arvella Williams


Wayne Ramsey


Kyle Hillman

Kathy Ratliff


Phyllis Humphrey


Dwight Walton


Diana Carter


Joy Quales


Tony Lane


Madison Hensley

Danny Sharp


Ginger Booher

Rita Coe

Linda Simcox

Stella Simms


Travis Braswell

Ethan Muncy

Kenny Price


Todd Muncy


Diana Baker

Janet Ware


Michael Watts


Emma Vance


Chloe Moody


Adriana Federow

Mary Weems


Katherine Carrier


Rob Trivett


Randy Hayes

Chris Lyall


Lakyn Boroughs


Charlie Hicks

Vicky Ramsey


Sandra Jones

Eric Ringley

Carl Wolfenbarger


Devon Medaglia

Margie Wallace


Dave & Theda Calhoun


Dickie & Teresa Fleming


Jeff & Alicia Brunette


Tony & Tammie Harmon


Dennis & Kim Hutton


Robert & Martha Mullin

Ron & Sandy Smallwood


Eddie & Gail Guy


Tony & Rhonda Slagle


Nancy & Lewis Moody


Stephen & Cristy Smallwood


Tommy & Tiffany Parker


Billy Joe & Charlotte James

3rd Moms in Faith TACA Library 7:45-9:00 AM (Tuesdays)

4th AWANA ‘Jammies for Jesus’ Night Children’s Area 6:00 PM

5th Study & Share Bible Study Begins Fellowship Hall 10:00 AM (Thursdays)

5th Celebrate Recovery Meeting Fellowship Hall 5:45 PM (Thursdays)

6th Senior Adult Breakfast Fellowship Hall 8:30 AM

6th TACA Home Basketball Games FLB 5:30 PM (Senior Night)

8th TABC Security Team Meeting Fellowship Hall 5:00 PM

11th AWANA ‘Missions/Spare Change’ Night Children’s Area 6:00 PM

16th-20th Academy Spring Break

18th AWANA ‘March Madness’ Night Children’s Area 6:00 PM

19th-21st Senior Adult Trip to Sight & Sound Theatre Lancaster, PA

20th AWANA Grand Prix Pit Party FLB 6:00-8:00 PM

25th AWANA Nascar / Racing Night Children’s Area 6:00 PM

28th AWANA Grand Prix Student Center 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

28th TACA Athletic Banquet FLB 5:30 PM

30th Daycare K-4 Open House / Registration Night, FLB 6:00-8:00 PM

Page 5: Pastoral Staff Ministry Support - Tennessee Avenue Baptist · Tiffany Sweeney hildren’s Ministry Director Watch your bulletin for information about our upcoming Resurrection Day

“...try Me now in this,” Says the LORD of hosts… See Malachi 3:10


02/02/2020 Offering $16,851.00 Total Offering 1/29-2/25/2020 $61,267.60

02/09/2020 Offering $ 9,584.00 Total 2020 offering YTD: $113,512.77

02/16/2020 Offering $16,326.25 Current Loan Balance $1,487,080.78

02/23/2020 Offering $ 9,325.35 General Account Bank Balance $97,794.63

On-line Giving (1/29-2/25) $9,181.00 Designated Account Bank Balance $36,120.18


Sheila Gamble

Lorrie Pendergrass

Mike Pendergrass

Thank you for all the love and support and prayers in our time of need. We greatly appreciate all of the food and things you brought to us as well. Stephen Shipplett & family

Thank you for your pray-ers, cards, and concern during Bill’s battle with lung cancer. Also, for the ivy basket. God bless each of you, Joann Lester

Thank you, Church Family, for the beautiful yellow roses you sent my daugh-ter, Amy, after her surgery. They put a smile on her face, and she remarked

that they were “little rays of sunshine”. Thank you for the encouraging mes-sages, phone calls, cards, visits, meals, and especially the prayers. Because of prayer, Amy’s recovery has been so much easier than anyone expected; we are so grateful for our loving Father and you, our caring Family. Love in Christ, Don & Sylvia Rowland

Thanks so much for the beautiful flowers you sent for the service for our mother, Margaret Johnson. She loved the wonderful people over the years while teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir,

and worshipping together. Love, Mike, Chris & the Johnson Family

Thank you, Church Family, for the beautiful flower you sent at the passing of our mother, Bertie DeBord. Jane Perry Glenna & Mike DeBord & families

Dear TABC Church Family, your prayers, calls, texts, and love shown to me dur-ing my surgery and recov-ery have meant so much to me. The flowers are beau-tiful! Much love and ap-preciation to you, Charlotte James

Volume 29, Issue 3

Page 5

Parents, join us in the Family Life Building and check out what our Daycare has to offer for your child!

We’ll have information available about our curriculum, rates, etc. We’ll show you around the Daycare,

and you can even early register your child! Light refreshments. Drop in any time between 6 & 8 PM.

Call 423-989-4343 for more information.

Page 6: Pastoral Staff Ministry Support - Tennessee Avenue Baptist · Tiffany Sweeney hildren’s Ministry Director Watch your bulletin for information about our upcoming Resurrection Day

Volume 29, Issue 3

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Please enjoy this edition of the Tennessee Avenue Christian Academy newsletter, to keep us all up-to-date on the latest news from our Academy!

Inside this Issue:

Crusader Spirit 2

Moving Forward 2

March Dates to Remember

1 FORWARD Drama serves in Johnson City, TN

6 End of 3rd Grading Period

13 Report Cards Distributed

16-20 Spring Break

23 Classes Resume

30 FORWARD Drama serves with the Haven of Rest

In the fall of 2019, the Senior

Beta Club was established on

the campus of Tennessee Ave-

nue Christian Academy. This

academic honors society is

open to students in 9th – 12th

grades who have earned an

overall GPA of 3.5 or higher. In

the spring of 2020, the Junior

Beta Club was established for

students in 4th – 8th grades who

have maintained an average of

90 or higher in each class. For-

mal induction ceremonies were

held for each club level. The

clubs are sponsored by Mrs.

Holly Briscall and Mrs. Paula

Stigall and are led by student

elected officers.

The Beta Club Mission State-

ment is: “To promote the ide-

als of academic achievement,

character, service, and leader-

ship among elementary and

secondary school students.”

• Achievement: Recognizing

and honoring high academic


• Character: Preparing youth

for life and empowering

them for success

• Leadership: Developing the

leaders of tomorrow

• Service: Demonstrating our

motto: “Let us lead by serv-

ing others.”

Senior Beta Club members re-

cently led a community service

project on the TACA campus.

Students planned and led a

cleaning supplies collection

drive for The Haven of Rest.

Once the collection phase was

complete, students delivered

the supplies and spent the

afternoon organizing collected

products at the Haven’s facility.

Senior Beta Club members re-

cently visited the office of

Judge Brian Addington. Club

members were introduced to

the workings of the court sys-

tem and they observed court-

room procedures. Students

were also given an opportunity

to ask questions and tour the

building. We extend special

thanks to Judge Addington for

making this incredible oppor-

tunity available.

Please watch the TACA Face-

book page and this newsletter

for information about upcom-

ing Beta Club projects and



Senior BETA Club

Junior & Senior BETA Club

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Volume 29, Issue 3

Page 7










H 2



We are excited to see the Cru-

sader Cheerleader program in

full force this year! Fourteen

students from 2nd – 6th grade

work together to cheer on our

teams and encourage crowd

participation. Cheerleaders

practice twice each week and

have learned approximately 20

cheers! These students serve

with enthusiasm and focus.

Their love for

school and team is

evident as they lead

the crowd in Cru-

sader Spirit! We

look forward to

following their lead

throughout the

2020 basketball



The FORWARD Drama Ministry

has been blessed with a very

busy schedule this school year!

The team recently served at

Blountville United Methodist

Church and during a chapel

service with The Haven of Rest.

In addition to these off-campus

service opportunities, the team

has been blessed to serve dur-

ing Parent Chapel and Grand-

parent Chapel

services on cam-

pus. During the

months of March

and April, the

team will serve

with churches and

other community

outreach ministries throughout

the Tri-Cities. Please watch the

TACA Facebook page and this

newsletter for information con-

cerning upcoming ministry



Prizes! 1st & 2nd place teams

Door Prizes

Goodie Bags

3rd ANNUAL TACA CLASSIC Golf Tournament

Saturday, April 18, 2020 Tri-Cities Golf Club

Please Join Us!

We hope that you will be able to take part in the

Tennessee Avenue Christian Academy 3rd Annual

TACA Classic Golf Tournament. Your participation

will provide operating funds for the Academy.

Space Is Limited!

Register early to guarantee your team’s participa-

tion in this event. Pick up a registration form in the

Academy Office, or download at

Make checks payable to TACA and mail to:

806 Tennessee Avenue, Bristol, TN 37620

Phone: 423-989-4346

Tammie Harmon Cell: 423-340-0996

Johnny Hutchins Cell: 828-447-1554

Entry Fee: $300 per Team (includes lunch) Entry Deadline: April 10, 2020 Registration: 8:00-9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start: 9:00 a.m. Lunch / Awards: 2:00 p.m.

Hole Sponsorship Available: DEADLINE FOR SPONSORSHIP:

APRIL 3, 2020

Cost: $ 75 Corporate Logo displayed

on sign at hole

Page 8: Pastoral Staff Ministry Support - Tennessee Avenue Baptist · Tiffany Sweeney hildren’s Ministry Director Watch your bulletin for information about our upcoming Resurrection Day

SUNDAY Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

Morning Worship Service 11:00 a.m.

Evening Worship Service 6:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY Awana Clubs Children’s Program 6:00 p.m.

Youth Worship Service 6:00 p.m.

Evening Worship Service 6:00 p.m.

All our Worship Services can be viewed live, as well as viewing previously recorded services,

by visiting & selecting the ‘Live Worship’ tab.

We’re on the web!

Prayer Prompter

“Only when we pray

will the winds of revival

lift us to the highest

blessings of heaven.”

See II Chronicles 7:14