pastor s pen january 2019 new year's asolution...

Birthdays & Anniversaries Joyful Faith Circle/ Confirmation PASTORS PEN Well, here it is already: 2019. Did you make any resolutions? No, not for this year, for last year. Did you resolve to do anything for 2018? Lose weight? Quit smoking? Spend more time with family? Maybe you didn't formally say, this year, I resolve to...But did you set a goal in your mind? Did you hope that you would exercise more regularly or be more patient with the kids? Did you say to your- self, I really need to get out of debtor did you look at the stacks of papers on your desk and put that on your mental to-do list for the year? Personally, I try not to make New Year's resolutions. But when January 1st rolls around, I can't help but look at my life in review and plan to make some changes in the future. So, it's report card time. Looking back at 2018, how did you do? How many things can you check off your list? How many remain stubbornly unaccomplished? How many of your resolutions did you just roll over into 2019? That many, huh? Me too. When I started writing this article, I had in mind to challenge you to make some ChristianNew Year's resolutions: to get back into church, to read the Word faithfully, to practice charity, to do devotions with your family regularly. Then I realized that this would be a terrible idea. Wait, don't get me wrong here: it is a great idea to be in the Lord's house regularly and to drink from His Word, to serve others, and to do the works which the Lord has prepared for us (Eph. 2:10). But to turn the practice of the Christian faith into a New Year's resolution is not a great idea. Year after year we set goals to change our lives, and year after year, we fail. Sure, we have little successes along the way. We might manage to quit smoking or take off a few pounds or be a bit more helpful to our wife. But on the whole, after years and years of resolutions, how reformed are we? We keep falling into the same vices and lapsing into the same sins again and again. After all these years, I find that my life still echoes with Paul's words, For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-- this I keep on doing.(Romans 7:19) Truth be told, my project of a reformed life is a failure. Continue to next page... Happy New Year! continued NEW YEAR'S ABSOLUTION January 2019 Messenger Happy New Year! contents General News & Updates/Lutherans For Life Deacon Highlights/ Mens Bible Study 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 6 Calendar of Events Worship This Season Spiritual Formation Class/ Offering Env.

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Page 1: PASTOR S PEN January 2019 NEW YEAR'S ASOLUTION … 01, 2019  · A. We will begin 2019 with a new database program (Church360)

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Joyful Faith Circle/ Confirmation


Well, here it is already: 2019. Did you make any resolutions? No, not for this year, for last year. Did

you resolve to do anything for 2018? Lose weight? Quit smoking? Spend more time with family? Maybe you didn't formally say, “this year, I resolve to...” But did you set a goal in your mind? Did you

hope that you would exercise more regularly or be more patient with the kids? Did you say to your-

self, “I really need to get out of debt” or did you look at the stacks of papers on your desk and put that on your mental to-do list for the year? Personally, I try not to make New Year's resolutions. But

when January 1st rolls around, I can't help but look at my life in review and plan to make some

changes in the future.

So, it's report card time. Looking back at 2018, how did you do? How many things can you check off

your list? How many remain stubbornly unaccomplished? How many of your resolutions did you just roll over into 2019?

That many, huh? Me too.

When I started writing this article, I had in mind to challenge you to make some “Christian” New

Year's resolutions: to get back into church, to read the Word faithfully, to practice charity, to do

devotions with your family regularly. Then I realized that this would be a terrible idea.

Wait, don't get me wrong here: it is a great idea to be in the Lord's house regularly and to drink from

His Word, to serve others, and to do the works which the Lord has prepared for us (Eph. 2:10). But to turn the practice of the Christian faith into a New Year's resolution is not a great idea.

Year after year we set goals to change our lives, and year after year, we fail. Sure, we have little successes along the way. We might manage to quit smoking or take off a few pounds or be a bit

more helpful to our wife. But on the whole, after years and years of resolutions, how reformed are

we? We keep falling into the same vices and lapsing into the same sins again and again. After all these years, I find that my life still echoes with Paul's words, “For what I do is not the good I want to

do; no, the evil I do not want to do-- this I keep on doing.” (Romans 7:19) Truth be told, my project

of a reformed life is a failure. Continue to next page...

Happy New Year! continued



Happy New Year!




General News & Updates/Lutherans For Life

Deacon Highlights/ Men’s Bible Study

2 ∙ 7 ∙ 3 ∙ 8 ∙ 4 ∙ 9 ∙ 5 ∙ 10 ∙ 6 ∙

Calendar of Events

Worship This Season

Spiritual Formation Class/ Offering Env.

Page 2: PASTOR S PEN January 2019 NEW YEAR'S ASOLUTION … 01, 2019  · A. We will begin 2019 with a new database program (Church360)



Joyful Faith Circle, Christmas luncheon, out-ing held at Bridgewater on December 5th was a wonderful time with tasty food and happy conversations. Those attending were Carol Johnson, Flower Ray, Borgny Ager, Kleone Brann, Shirley Rosenow, Muriel Shervey, Janie Rhody and our special invited guest Tanya Stenzel who we enjoyed having there with us.

We will meet again on January 9th, 2019, in the church library at 9:30 a.m. We will start learning about a new woman in the Bible. Lesson 8, page 171 on Mary of Bethany. Hostess for treats is Muriel Shervey. To everyone at Christ Lutheran Church: "Joy to the world, the Lord has come".

N e x t m e e t i n g : W e d n e s d a y , J a n u a r y 9 t h a t 9 : 3 0 a m

We won't find the solution to our failed attempts at self-help in our self. What we need is help from

outside. In fact, we need not just help, but forgiveness. The solution to our failed resolutions isn't more resolutions; it's absolution.

So, here's an anti-resolution for the year: confess your sins. Lay out all your failures of 2018 before the Lord and be done with them. Pray “forgive us our trespasses.” And, if it would be helpful, come

and make confession with your pastor. To tell someone that Christ forgives you is the best job in the


This is the great news for the new year: the Lord is ready and willing to absolve you. He wants to

wipe all your wrongs right off the books. He is the Father waiting for His prodigal son and the master willing to forgive even the most enormous debt to His servant.

If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?

But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared. (Psalm 130:3-4)

Pastor Stenzel

Acolyte Schedule: 1/6: Landon Alexander/ Emma Marek 1/13: Kelcey Benson/ Carley Chittendon 1/20: Britton Belonge/ Emma Marek 1/27: Landon Alexander/ Kelcey Benson

Meal Providers 1/9: Belonge family 1/16: Chittendon family 1/23: Alexander family 1/30: Meal Provider Needed


Page 3: PASTOR S PEN January 2019 NEW YEAR'S ASOLUTION … 01, 2019  · A. We will begin 2019 with a new database program (Church360)



Highlights from the Deacons

1. From Pastor Stenzel's opening devotion: Pastor Stenzel gave a brief meditation from John 15, on the vine and the branches. Jesus says, "I am the true vine...", and "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me."

2. From the Treasurer's Report. General Fund Income through end of November, $120,017.18, Expenses were $126,095.03. Corresponding amounts for 2017 were $148,558.83 and $160,412.11 respectively. 3. Facilities Report: A. We have purchased a new refrigerator to replace the failing one in the kitchen for a cost of $3500, monies taken from the Building and Maintenance Fund. B. Remote Door Lock System: Dick Bergevin is still researching the project, believes we can do some of the installation ourselves to reduce cost C. To keep the piano in best tune possible, it is necessary that the humidity in the Nave be kept constant. To this end, it is best that the doors be kept open. Also, the thermostat for the Nave should not be tampered with.

4. Looking ahead toward our Annual Meeting, presumably in early April, we'll need to ascertain which Congregational Deacons are up for re-election or replacement (elected to 2-year terms), and have the Nominating Committee find candidates. Names must be submitted to the Nominating Committee at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting (Bylaws, Part 5, Section 10). The same applies for School Board Deacons. 5. From the Pastor's Report: A. We will begin 2019 with a new database program (Church360) to manage records of mem-bership, including attendance, communion, Bible Study attendance, and other categories. Much work has already gone into entering records to get this up and running. B. First Communion for the current Confirmation class will be January 6: Epiphany Sunday. C. Pastor Stenzel is planning to begin Spiritual Formation Classes beginning January 17 and 19, based upon John 15 - the vine and the branches.

6. Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 6:00 PM.

The Men's Bible Study met Thursday, December 13, and read 1 John 4:7 - 5:5. Although 1 Corinthians 13 is often described as "the love chapter," and it has much descriptive material about Christian love, we have found

application, how it is perceived, and its place in the Christian life. The word, "love," with variations (e.g. "beloved") is found 37 times in these 34 verses. "And this is his commandment: that we should believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us command-ment.... For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome." (1 John 3:23; 5:3)

Next meeting: Thursday, January 10, 6:30 PM. We'll pick up at 1 John 5:5, where we are given great assurances of faith

Submitted by Dan Rhody

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General News & Updates Altar Flower Chart: Would you like to sponsor the Altar Flowers on any particular Sunday? Well,

there is a Flower Chart for 2019 in the Narthex for you to sign-up. What special days are on your calendar? Birthdays or Anniversaries? In Memory of a loved one? Or, maybe To the Glory of God? If

you have any special requests please let the office know.

Sunday Schedule: Divine Service 9:30 AM; followed by Bible Class at 10:50.

Monday evening Bible Study and Prayer begins Monday the 7th in the Sanctuary at 5:00 PM,

followed by Bible Study at 5:30PM.

Spiritual Formation Classes: Two separate groups are being formed. Attend the one that works best with your schedule. Thursday @ 6:00 PM or Saturday @ 9:00 AM, January 17 or 19 respec-

tively. Each group will meet about six times, and the goal for each participant to understand how

they are connected to Christ Jesus, and what that means for their life and the fruit we are to bear.

Offering Envelopes – Your 2019 Offering Envelopes are in the back of the Narthex. If you do not see a box assigned to you, please let Stephanie in the office know. Thank You!

2018 Tithing Statements will be run and available by Mid-January along with the Time and Talent Sheets. Thank You!

Remember in our Prayers: Amber Alexander’s Mother– Nancy Benish, Betty Bergstrom, Dale Bowe,

Clarence Boyea, Nancy Decker, Jim Goss, Linda Goss, Bev Huwe, Donna Knutson, Barb Lynch, Barb

Marek, Raleigh Nayes, Wesley Pederson– hospice, Jeff Smiskey, Pastor Don Thorson, Bethel Tice, and for all victims around the world who suffer from various conflicts, natural disasters and those

missing, all missionaries and pastors of the Gospel, especially those who are persecuted for their

faith, all U.S. Military personnel and their families, especially those in direct combat areas.

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N e x t m o n t h : All women are invited and encouraged to attend!

We d n e s d a y, J a n u a r y 1 7 t h a t 9 : 3 0 a m

Happy New Year! The year's end brings with it memories of the last 365 days: the highs along with the lows. My own

life is no different; there were painful times and happy times. The main highlight was Tanya's and

my move from the greater San Diego area to Chippewa Falls WI, to be with you dear people of

Christ Lutheran Church. As I reflect on 2018, we marched our way through while dragging ourselves

along through dark valleys of tears. We did some things right, many things wrong.

In other words, we live the human life, punctuated with the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.

It’s January 2019 and looking back on the previous year we look to the only One who gives us eyes

to see this year aright. We look to the Son of God, who folds our highs and lows, sins and good

deeds, tears, and laughter, into Himself. In Him, we see our lives as God sees them: a tapestry of

grace, with light and dark colors, but all woven by the Spirit into the story of God's nearness to us,

our unwavering connection to Him, all made real by the incarnation of Jesus. He, our brother in the

flesh, our Lord and our God, makes our life his own and His life into our own; this is so because He is

the Vine and we are His branches:

Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not

bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more

fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in

you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless

you abide in Me" (John 15:1-4 NASB).

Today, as always, it is not we who lives but Christ who lives in us. We are utterly dependent on Jesus,

as we can do nothing, nor please Him, apart from Him. Remaining connected to the Vine and that

alone redeems our past, infuses our present with mercy, and brightens our future with hope.

As we look ahead into the New Year there are a few thoughts that I'd like to share with you:


Believe it, or not, we have occupied our building for nearly three decades, which means many things

will need attention. For example, several of our air conditioning units are original and will require

maintenance. The problem, the refrigerant required for those units is cost prohibitive, which means

that over time many of them will need to be replaced. The sanctuary needs attention: the

emergency exits in the Nave (sanctuary) are deteriorating and will ultimately need our attention and

the carpeting is literally separating and will eventually need replacing. The blacktop near the play-

ground is crumbling and becoming a hazard. Then, of course, our day-school have several needs as

well. As you can imagine these items are no small task and we will need your help.

Sunday School:

Instructing our children in the faith is one of the most important things we do as a congregation.

Continue to next page...


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Please consider bringing in treats for fellowship following service

on Sunday’s.

There is a sign-up sheet located outside the kitchen in the

fellowship hall.


Fellowship treats

Under the leadership of Shirley Rosenow, our Sunday School Superintendent, children's education is

on a sound footing and moving in the right direction. Singing is also becoming an important

component with our Sunday School.


Luther famously said that “music is the handmaiden to theology.” Music, of course, is not the gospel

itself, but it is a language that speaks to our hearts and expresses the beauty of God's love for us.

What an enormous blessing we have with musicians and people willing to sing during the Divine

Service for the glory of God. Music in the church always serves a purpose. Special music and

performances are fine, but in the church, music is always the vehicle for the Gospel. Our music should

point to Jesus alone, and not us. The praise group is always looking for new, male singers.

And more...

Of course, the list for 2019 goes on: Spiritual Formation Classes; Vacation Bible School — Miraculous

Mission: where children will explore God’s miraculous mission and learn about His plan of salvation

from creation to the cross! Sunday and weekday Bible Classes will continue; Congregational Meeting

this Spring, where a presentation of a Congregational Spending Plan along with suggested modifica-

tion to our Bylaws, and so much more is in store. There is much reason for us to give thanks to God,

and it is truly a great time to be here at Christ Lutheran Church—the Lord has blessed us with so

much and has given us much to do. And in the center of it all is Christ. In Him all the things that we

are and do hold together.

Have a blessed 2019!

Pastor Greg


Page 7: PASTOR S PEN January 2019 NEW YEAR'S ASOLUTION … 01, 2019  · A. We will begin 2019 with a new database program (Church360)

Epiphany is the season we enter into this New Year; it is the season of light and revelation. It follows

the 12-days of Christmas and marks the beginning of the Good News of God in Christ Jesus.

During Epiphany, we reflect on how God’s claim on our lives in baptism begins, while society contin-

ually tries to remind us of not being “enough.” In Holy Baptism, God says, “You are my child, my beloved” and claims us as His own. In this identity, we find our value and worth are beyond price and

measure. As a result, we need no New Year's Resolution, for God has resolved our identity crisis and

has set us on a path of healing.

At Christ Lutheran, we gather for worship — the Divine Service — because our Lord desires to give

us His Word. Like Mary, we sit at Jesus’ feet so our Lord can teach us; in contrast to Martha who was

more concerned with doing things, than being content with sitting still (Luke 10:38-42). Of this

posture, Jesus said, “One thing is needed; Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken

away from her” (Luke 10:42).

Hence, if Christmas is the belief that the Christ-child was born in Bethlehem, Epiphany is the

revelation that He is God. To put it another way, at Christmas God appears as a man, and that at

Epiphany, this man appears before the world as God. The first evidence we notice are the Magi from the East. A star appeared to the Magi who were brought to faith in the Son of God. As the first

Gentile believers, they represent us who are of the Gentile world. Therefore, one could say that

Epiphany is the Gentile feast of faith.

The genius of the Epiphany season is this: eight Sundays subsequent to the Magi visit Jesus is

Transfigured, with Moses and Elijah present, to discuss His departure from this world (Luke 9:28-36). Everything that happens in the middle is one manifestation after another - like a crescendo - build-

ing to the climax of the Transfiguration.

The Gospel readings in Epiphany exhibit a new manifestation of Christ’s character, while the Epistle

readings enforce the special feature of the Gospels and show how it is to be reproduced in the

Christian life and character. Therefore, our themes during the season are:

• First Sunday after Epiphany (Jan 13): “The Epiphany of Duty”

(Luke 2:41-52 / Romans 12:1-5) • Second Sunday after Epiphany (Jan 20): “The Epiphany of Sympathy”

(John 2:1-11 / Romans 12:6-16)

• Third Sunday after Epiphany (Jan 27): “The Epiphany of Mercy” (Matthew 8:1-13 / Romans 12:16-21)

Continue to next page...


Worship This Season


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Through the work of Christ in Holy Baptism God has called us into partnership with Him. When we

enter anew the partnership with Christ by believing the precious gifts our Heavenly Father has pro-vided, we declare our eager willingness to function as members of Christ’s body and to assume the

obligation of making disciples of all nations.

May our Lord richly bless this Epiphany-tide!


2019 offering envelopes are now available in the Narthex. Be sure to pick yours up !

We are in need of volunteers to visit shut ins. Please contact Dave Solum or the church office for further information.

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Januar y

Bir thdays





Carolyn Licht 1 Elaine Fox 2 Carlee Chittendon 2 Leonard Johnson 3 Brad Polzin 4 Tyler Boos 5 Brian Pitsch 7 Kaitlyn Sommerfeld 7 Carrie Bateman 9 Brady Smith 10 Jerry Eslinger 13 Gloria Munson 14 Shaun Christensen 14 Jerry Eslinger 13

Tim Mueller 15 Don Lucus 15 Flower Ray 16 Catherine Van Nurden 22 Larry Seidlitz 22 Jessica Wright 23 Connor Polzin 24 Robert Wing 25 Timothy Bergevin 28 Timothy Hedrington 28 James Goss 29 Linda Goss 29 Alex Volrath 30

Joe Hills Don Dusick

Thank you for your Christmas poinsettia donations in memory of and in honor of your loved ones and thank you to Jane Schneider and the Willing Workers for displaying and caring for the poinsettias!


thank YOU

Thank you for your mitten tree donations! The items have been delivered to Chippewa County to be given to local individuals and families in need. Thank you to Julie and Gene Morse for coordinating this program and delivering the donations to the Chippewa County Courthouse.

fel lowship NEEDS

Information and dates ADDITIONAL

thank YOU


contact INFO


Your 2018 contribution statement will be available mid-January! They will be availa-ble in the Narthex or in the church office for pick up.

The church is in need of cookies, hot chocolate mixes, paper towels and coffee. Please mark all donations “for fellowship” Thank you!!


Rev. Greg Stenzel, Pastor [email protected]

CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 467 E. Colome Street | Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 [email protected] | 715.723.8273

Jacobs Well Church is hosting a class - Protect Young Eyes Awareness Night—Helping to create a digital culture that helps families honor the Lord. Held in the Jacobs Well Church north venue auditorium on January 30th from 6:00pm-8:30pm. Enter this link in your browser for more information:

parenting RESOURCE

Page 10: PASTOR S PEN January 2019 NEW YEAR'S ASOLUTION … 01, 2019  · A. We will begin 2019 with a new database program (Church360)


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 8:00AM Chapel

9:30AM Peacemakers NO Confirmation

NO K.I.C.K. 6:30PM Worship

3 6:30PM Praise Group Practice

4 8:30AM Willing Workers

5 8:00AM Men’s Club Breakfast/Meeting

6 8:15AM Praise Group

9:30AM Worship/SS/Communion

10:30AM Fellowship

10:50PM Bible Study

5:00PM Youth Supper with Pastor & Tanya

7 7:30AM Elders Meeting

9:30AM Peacemakers

5:00PM Prayer

5:30PM Bible Study

8 7:00PM CLS School Board Mtg

9 8:00AM Chapel

9:30AM Joyful Faith Circle

4:30PM Confirmation

5:00PM K.I.C.K.

6:30PM Worship/ Communion


6:30PM Men’s Bible Study

6:30PM Praise Group Practice

11 8:30AM Willing Workers


13 8:15AM Praise Group

9:30AM Worship/SS

10:30AM Fellowship/

10:50AM Bible Study


5:00PM Prayer

5:30PM Bible Study


6:00PM Deacons Meeting

16 8:00AM Chapel

9:30AM Peacemakers

4:30PM Confirmation

5:00PM K.I.C.K.

6:30PM Worship

17 6:00PM Spiritual Formation Class

6:30PM Praise Group Practice

18 8:30AM Willing Workers

19 9:00AM Spiritual Formation Class

20 8:15AM Praise Group

9:30AM Worship/SS/Communion

10:30AM Fellowship

Birthday & Anniversary Celebration

10:50AM Bible Study



7:30AM Elders Meeting

5:00PM Prayer

5:30PM Bible Study

Newsletter Submissions Due to the Church Office


23 8:00AM Chapel

9:30AM Peacemakers

4:30PM Confirmation

5:00PM K.I.C.K.

6:30PM Worship/ Communion

24 6:00PM Spiritual Formation Class

6:30PM Praise Group Practice

25 8:30AM Willing Workers

26 9:00AM Spiritual Formation Class

27 8:15AM Praise Group

9:30AM Worship/SS

10:30AM Fellowship

10:50AM Bible Study


5:00PM Prayer

5:30PM Bible Study


30 8:00AM Chapel

9:30AM Peacemakers

4:30PM Confirmation

5:00PM K.I.C.K.

6:30PM Worship

31 6:00PM Spiritual Formation Class

6:30PM Praise Group Practice

1 2 9:00AM Spiritual Formation Class

J a n u a r y 2 0 1 9