particle deposition

Particle Particle Deposition Deposition

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Particle Deposition. Settling rate -- the speed at which a particle will settle to the bottom of a body of water (deposition). There are 3 factors which affect the settling rate of a particle. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Particle Deposition

Particle DepositionParticle Deposition

Page 2: Particle Deposition

Settling rate -- the speed at which a particle will settle to the bottom of a body of water (deposition)

There are There are 3 factors3 factors which affect the which affect the settling rate of a particlesettling rate of a particle

Page 3: Particle Deposition

1) Size – The smaller the particle (clay, silt) the slower it will settle out. Larger sediments (cobbles, boulders) will settle quickly.

Page 4: Particle Deposition

As the stream slows down, the larger As the stream slows down, the larger particles settle first…particles settle first…

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2) Shape – Rounder, more spherical particles settle out faster than flat, angular or irregularly shaped particles.

Why is this? Friction is decreased when a particle is rounded and therefore it settles faster. It’s like it’s more aerodynamic - like a sports car. But in this case, it’s hydro-dynamic.

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Hydrodynamic particles (round) settle Hydrodynamic particles (round) settle faster than flat or irregular shaped faster than flat or irregular shaped

particles particles

Page 7: Particle Deposition

3) Density – If two particles have the same basic size and shape, the denser particle will settle faster.

Which will settle faster – a glass marble or a lead marble? (PS – they are the SAME SIZE marble…)

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Settling Rate vs. Settling TimeSettling Rate vs. Settling Time

There is an inverse (indirect) relationship between settling rate and settling time. Think about it, sediments that settle at a faster rate (rate increases) require less time to settle (time decreases)

Time to settle (sec)Settl



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Remember what the graph of an inverse relationship looks like…

Page 10: Particle Deposition

Sorting of Deposited Sorting of Deposited ParticlesParticles

Page 11: Particle Deposition

Final deposition of particles (sediments) usually occurs at the mouth of a stream. This is due to the faster flowing stream emptying into a slower larger body of water.

Horizontal sortingHorizontal sorting takes place. The sediments that were once carried down the stream are arranged from largest to smallest.

Horizontal SortingHorizontal Sorting

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More Horizontal SortingMore Horizontal Sorting

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Vertical SortingVertical Sorting

Happens in QUIET WATER (still – lake, pond) Particles sort out from bottom to top in layers On bottom – largest, roundest, densest particles On top – smallest, flattest, least dense particles Can occur when a depositional event, like a landslide, dumps a large volume of unsorted sediments into a still body of water like a lake It creates “graded beds” of sediments

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Vertical Sorting: Graded BeddingVertical Sorting: Graded Bedding

One depositional event

One depositional event