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Prof. Dr. Alexander Gerybadze Professor of International Management,University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart. Studies in Economics, Mathematics andBusiness Administration in Heidelberg (1973–1978) and Stanford University(1979–1980). Ph.D. on Evolutionary Models of Technical Change, HeidelbergUniversity 1980. 1981–1983 Consultant, VDI Technology Center Berlin. 1983–1990 Arthur D. Little International in Wiesbaden, Member of the EuropeanDirectorate. Professor of Technology Management at St. Gallen Business School,Switzerland 1991–1995. Since 1996 Director, Center for International Managementand Innovation, University of Hohenheim, Member of the Executive Board, Centerfor Innovation and Services, Member of the Expert Commission for Research andInnovation, German Federal Government.

Research on Technology and Innovation Management, R&D Internationalizationand Offshoring, R&D and Knowledge Management in Multinational Firms,National Innovation Systems and National Innovation Strategy, Management ofInnovation Clusters and Standard-setting Consortia.

Prof. Ulrich Hommel, Ph.D. is a Full Professor of Finance and heads the EndowedChair of Corporate Finance & Capital Markets at European Business School (EBS).Ulrich Hommel holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, and has completed his habilitation in Business Administration at theWHU, Germany. He was an Assistant Professor of Finance at the WHU from 1994to 1999 and has subsequently joined the faculty of the EBS. He is the Directorof the Strategic Finance Institute at the EBS. In the past, Ulrich Hommel hasheld visiting appointments at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business (Universityof Michigan), the Krannert School of Management (Purdue University) and theBordeaux Business School. His main research interests are corporate risk man-agement, venture capital & private equity, family business finance and corporaterestructuring. Ulrich Hommel has been Academic Dean of the Faculty at the EBSfrom 2000 to 2002 and has subsequently held the position of Rector and ManagingDirector from 2003 to 2006. Since 2007, he is also an Associate Director of QualityServices at the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) inBrussels and, as one of the Directors, is responsible for the EFMD ProgrammeAccreditation System (EPAS).


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Prof. Dr. Dieter Thomaschewski Professor of Business Administration/Management, University of Applied Sciences, Ludwigshafen a.Rh. Studies inEconomics and Business Administration in Saarbrücken (1964–1969). Ph.D. onSynergies in Mergers and Acquisitions at the European Business School Oestrich-Winkel (2004). Management Executive BASF SE 1970–2005,amongst othersPresident of BASF Venezolana (1986–1989), of BASF Information Systems in US(1990–1991), of BASF Fertilizer Division (1992–1998) of BASF Region Europe(1999–2005). Faculty Member of the Danubia University in Krems (Austria). Since2006 Professor at the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences. Founder andScientific Director of the Middle-East Europe Institute (MOI) in the University(2007). Board Member of various Companies/Institutes.

Research on Corporate Management, Strategic and International Business,Innovation Management particular New Product Marketing, Intercultural behaviour.

Hans W. Reiners President of Performance Chemicals Division, BASF SE,Ludwigshafen, Germany. Studies in Business Administration especially Marketing,Finance, Organization and Metallurgy at the Technical University in Aachen (1982–1987). 1987–1994 starting in various Management positions with BASF in Germanyand the United States. 1995–1998 Director of Business Management AgriculturalProducts for Southern Europe in Barcelona, Spain. 1998–2000 Group Vice Presidentfor Global Marketing Agricultural Products and Global Integration of AmericanCyanamid in 2000. President for Agricultural Products division with headquartersin New Jersey, USA (2001–2005) and for Styrenics Division in Ludwigshafen,Germany (2005–2009). From 2003 to 2005 Vice President and President ofCropLife International, representing the Plant Science Industry.

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Part I: Innovation and International Strategy

Dr. Reinhold Achatz Reinhold Achatz is Corporate Vice President of SiemensAG, in this function he is head of Corporate Research and Technologies (since2006) and head of the Corporate Development Center (since April 2009). Heis responsible for the global research activities of Siemens AG with over 2,200employees. In the Development Center, Dr. Achatz is driving the integration ofthe product development process with the expertise of 2,600 software engineersworldwide, the majority of whom are from India and Central Eastern Europe.Reinhold Achatz holds a degree in Electrical Engineering (Dipl. Ing.), Universityof Erlangen-Nuremberg (1979) and a Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) in Information Technologyin Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich (2009). He joinedSiemens AG Automation, as a software engineer in 1980 and held numerous man-agement positions over the years. In addition, Dr. Achatz is a board member andchairman of the EU’s NESSI Technology platform. He is a member of the EuropeanResearch Area Board (ERAB). Also, Dr. Achatz is a member of the Board of theCommittee for Research, Innovation and Technology of the German Bundesverbandder Deutschen Industrie e.V. (BDI) and chair of the Research and DevelopmentExecutive Working Group for the German Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- undElektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI).

Dr. Heike Belitz is a senior researcher at the German Institute for EconomicResearch Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung DIW), DepartmentInnovation, Manufacturing, Service. She entered the institute in 1991 and hasconducted several studies related to technology policy, R&D of multinational com-panies, innovation systems, innovation indicators, and evaluation of selected R&Dpromoting programmes. From 2000 to 2002 she worked as secretary of the eval-uation commission of the System of Industry-Integrating Research Assistance atthe Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. She studied mathematical eco-nomics at the University of Economics in Berlin (1977–1981), where she completedher PhD thesis in 1986.

Gabriela Buchfink Responsible for project management and facilitation techniquesin creative workshops in product development at TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen


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GmbH und Co. KG in Ditzingen. Studied Product Engineering, with focuson Documentation and Communication at Furtwangen University (1999–2004).Author of the TRUMPF books “Fascination of Sheet Metal” and “The Laser asa Tool”, published by Vogel Verlag (2004–2006) and also the internal TRUMPFbook “Thinking and moving in new directions” (2008). Since 2006 management ofgroupwide and development-related projects, since 2008 additionally responsiblefor creativity techniques in innovation management.

Dr. Hans Jörg Heger is Partner and Principal Consultant in the CTO Office ofSiemens AG. He studied Physics, in Frankfurt and Hamburg, and obtained his Ph.D.from the Technical University of Munich in 1999. During his Ph.D., he gainedinternational experience at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. After scien-tific work at the HelmholtzCenter Munich, he joined Siemens AG in 2000. Heheld the positions of a Senior Research Scientist, Strategic Account Manager andSenior Consultant before becoming a Partner for innovation strategy in the CTOOffice. In this role, he is responsible for the client support of Corporate Researchand Technologies and is focused on Strategic Planning with special emphasis ontechnology strategy and portfolio management.

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst is Professor of Business Administration andHuman Resource Management at the University of Giessen and directorof the Interdisciplinary Research Unit on Evidence-based Management andEntrepreneurship. He is the German representative of the Cranfield Networkon International Human Resource Management (cranet). He had been a visit-ing research scholar at the University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign in 1996,at the University of California/Berkeley in 2001, and at EWHA University inSeoul/South Korea in 2006. Rüdiger Kabst is co-editor of the peer-reviewed journal“Management Revue: The International Review of Management Studies”, co-editorof the scientific book series ”Empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung” aswell as co-editor of the professional HR Journal “Personal”. His current researchinterests include international comparative human resource management, expatriatemanagement, human resource practices between market and hierarchy (e.g. out-sourcing, downsizing, interim-management, working time flexibility, etc.), interfirmcooperations (e.g. joint ventures), trust between organizations, young technologystart-ups, international entrepreneurship, and internationalization of medium-sizedenterprises.

Dr. Christian Koerber Head of New Business Development at TRUMPF GmbH +Co. KG in Ditzingen. Studied Mechanical Engineering, specialized in manufactur-ing technology at RWTH Aachen University (1988–1993). Training as InternationalWelding Engineer (IWE) at the SLV Duisburg (1993). Awarded PhD in Engineering,thesis on welding with high-powered lasers at the Fraunhofer Institute for LaserTechnology in Aachen (1993–1995). Followed by 2 years (1996–1997) as ProjectManager for industrial projects at the Coopération Laser Franco-Allemande in Paris.1998 worked as consultant for production, logistics and integral factory organiza-tion with agiplan Aktiengesellschaft in Muelheim. Head of the core market segment

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Machinery and Industrial Equipment Manufacturing and later the Production com-petence center. In 2002 joined Kienbaum Management Consultants in Duesseldorfas Division Manager, later Head of the Industry section. Assumed current positionat TRUMPF in 2007.

Dr. Andreas Kreimeyer (Member of the Board of Executive Directors BASF SE.)studied biology at the Universities of Hannover and Hamburg. After being awardedhis doctorate, he joined BASF′s Main Laboratory in 1986. In 1993, he became per-sonal assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors. Dr. Kreimeyermoved to Singapore in 1995. From 1998 to 2002, he was president of several BASFdivisions, including the Fertilizer division (1998); Dispersions division (2000) andFunctional Polymers division (2001). In 2002, Dr. Kreimeyer was appointed to theBoard of Executive Directors of BASF SE effective January 1, 2003. Dr. AndreasKreimeyer is responsible for Inorganics; Petrochemicals; Intermediates; ChemicalsResearch & Engineering; Science Relations & Innovation Management and BASFFuture Business. In addition, he is Research Executive Director and a Member ofthe Wintershall Holding AG Supervisory Board.

Dr. Christian Schwens is post-doc (Habilitand) at the University of Giessen,Germany. He studied business administration at the University of Paderborn and atthe University of Stockholm. Christian Schwens is a member of the InterdisciplinaryResearch Unit on Management and Entrepreneurship. In 2006 he was visitingscholar at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, USA. His research interests include the internationalization of tech-nology firms, international entrepreneurship, market entry mode choices of smalland medium-sized firms (SMEs), foreign institutions, international staffing, andinternationalization of SMEs.

Prof. Dr. Tom Sommerlatte was chairman of the advisory board of ArthurD. Little (until 2008); he studied chemistry and chemical engineering at the Freeand the Technical University of Berlin; the University of Rochester, New York;and the University of Paris and obtained PhD in chemical engineering from theUniversity of Paris (1968). He did research on artificial intelligence and knowledgemanagement at Studiengruppe für Systemforschung, Heidelberg. Thereafter, hedid his Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the European Institute ofBusiness Administration, INSEAD, Fontainebleau (1970), and joined the interna-tional consulting firm Arthur D. Little, Inc., in Brussels. He was transferred tothe newly founded branch office in Wiesbaden (1973) and became a member ofthe European Directorate of the firm (1976) in charge of operations management,later of Telematics consulting. He was the managing director of German, Austrianand Swiss operations (1983) and then of all European consulting activities (1990)and chairman of Arthur D. Little’s global consulting activities (1996). He startedteaching systems sciences at the University of Kassel (1999), stepped down fromexecutive role at Arthur D. Little (1997) to become chairman of the advisoryboard (until 2008) and created Osiris MIC GmbH (2002), a firm specializing in

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counselling services in the area of innovation management. He has authored and co-authored over 20 books on management issues, mainly related to innovation strategyand technology management, e.g. “Innovation Premium”, a bestseller in the USA in1999.

Dr. Holger Steinmetz is Psychologist and works as a post-doc (Habilitand) atthe University of Giessen, Germany. His research interests include cross-culturalresearch, work – and organizational psychology and diverse methodological issues(structural equation modeling, psychometrics, meta-analysis). He conducted stud-ies, for instance, on work stress and subjective health, work-life balance, andmeasurement invariance.

Dipl.-Oec. Harald Völker (Chief Financial Officer at TRUMPF GmbH + Co.KG in Ditzingen and Head of the Medical Technology Division.) studiedBusiness Administration at Giessen University. Consultant at McKinsey & Duesseldorf and Frankfurt (1986–1990). At TRUMPF since 1990, initially asDirector Controlling, as of 1992, as Director Finance and Controlling. Since 1996,Head of the Electronics and Medical Technology Business Division and ManagingDirector, HÜTTINGER Elektronik GmbH + Co. KG. Since July 2001, ExecutiveVice President and Chief Financial Officer, TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG, responsiblefor finances, controlling, information technology, and legal affairs as well as head ofthe Medical Technology Business Division. Since 2007 responsible for acquisitionmanagement and since 2008 also for consulting activities.

Part II: Efficiency of Innovation Processes in InternationalEnterprises

Dr. Lydia Bals Senior Consultant at Bayer Business Consulting (since 2008).Studies in Business Administration at European Business School (EBS; Wiesbaden,Germany), at EGADE (Escuela de Graduados en Administration de Empresas;Monterrey, Mexico) at Helsinki University of Technology (Espoo, Finland)(2001–2005). PhD thesis on international sourcing of services at the SupplyChain Management Institute of EBS (2005–2008). Visiting Scholar, Universityof Pennsylvania/Wharton (Philadelphia, USA) and Columbia University/ColumbiaBusiness School (New York, USA) (2008). Recently visiting Scholar at CopenhagenBusiness School.

Prof. Dr. Michael Frese Professor at National University of Singapore BusinessSchool and Leuphana (University of Lueneburg, Germany). Worked at Universityof Giessen, University of Amsterdam, University of Munich, University ofPennsylvania , Technical University of Berlin. He has been and is visiting profes-sor at various universities in England (London Business School), Africa (Zimbabweand Markere University Business School, Uganda), China, and USA. Has authoredmore than 200 articles and belongs to the most frequently cited work and organiza-tional psychologists from Europe. Research on a wide range of topics, for example,

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psychological effects of unemployment, stress at work, a psychological theory oferrors. Michael has worked on innovation, personal initiative, entrepreneurship, andcultural issues (both national culture and organizational culture).

Alexa Hergenröther Head of Corporate Development, M&A, K+SAktiengesellschaft, Kassel. Studies in Economics and Business Administrationat University of Mannheim (1992–1997). Consultant (Audit, Tax and M&A)Deloitte, Hannover (1997–2001). Degree as German Tax Accountant (2002).Senior Manager Tax, K+S Aktiengesellschaft, Kassel (2002–2006). Head ofCorporate Development, M&A in K+S Aktiengesellschaft, Kassel (since 2006).

Matthias Kämper Head of the Marketing & Sales Department as well as PostMerger Integration Practice at Bayer Business Consulting. Bank apprenticeshipat Commerzbank AG (1985–1987), studies in Business Administration at theUniversity of Cologne (1987–1992). Worked as a project manager at IFEP GmbH, amarketing research institute (1988–1992). Marketing for consumer goods, in chargeof the brands Natreen and Satina (1992–1995). Marketing and sales for prescrip-tion free drugs (OTC) and the brand Aspirin (1995–1999). Marketing manager forvarious OTC categories (1999–2002). Regional Brand Manager for the Analgeticsbusiness of Bayer Healthcare in Europe/Middle East/Africa (2002–2005). ProjectManager of the integration of Roche’s OTC business for Europe at Bayer HealthCare (2004–2005).

Michael Kielkopf Program Manager of the Master of Science (M.Sc) in InnovationManagement and research assistant at the Institute for Change Managementand Innovation (CMI) faculty of Management, University of Applied SciencesEsslingen. Studies in Business Administration in Tübingen (1999–2005).

Dr. Verena Koch Research assistant at the faculty of Management, University ofApplied Sciences Esslingen. Studies in Business Administration in Regensburg(1999–2004), at the Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion La Rochelle (2000–2001)and the University of Glasgow (2003–2004). Consultant for Corporate Finance,Deloitte & Touche (2004–2006). Ph.D. on interaction work in the service industryat the University of Augsburg.

Dr. Alexander Moscho Head of Business Consulting at Bayer Business ServicesGmbH, internal management consulting of Bayer AG (since 2006). Studies onbiotechnology at TU Braunschweig (1990–1996). Ph.D. on BioSciences at TUMunich (1999–2001). Visiting Scholar at Stanford University (California, USA)(1995–1996), Visiting Professor in Bioentrepreneurship at Danube UniversityKrems (Austria) (since 2005). Associate Principal at McKinsey&Company lastly asa member of the international Pharma/Healthcare-Leadership-Team (1996–2006).Worked in different positions within the branches of Life Sciences as well as VentureCapital.

Andreas Neus Service Innovation Lead, Karlsruhe Service Research Institute,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Studies in psychology, communica-tions research and computer science in Bonn, Trier and Luxembourg. Thesis

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on Trust and Information Quality in Online Communication (1999). Co-founder, Metabit Service & Consulting, Bonn (1997–1999). Consultant, e-businessInnovation Center, IBM Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Hamburg (1999–2001).Senior Consultant, Strategy & Change, IBM Global Business Services, Hamburg(2003–2005). Media & Entertainment EMEA Lead, IBM Institute for BusinessValue, Amsterdam (2006–2007). Research on Collaborative Innovation in Services,Open Innovation, Innovation Culture, Business Model Innovation and ChangeManagement.

Dr. Stefan Neuwirth Head of the function “Human Resources Strategy” at BayerAG (since 2009). Head of the Shared Services Department and the Deputy Head ofBayer Business Consulting (2003–2009). Apprenticeship at Siemens AG (1989–1991), studies in Business Administration at TU Berlin (1992–1995). Ph.D. on“Organization Theory” (1995–1998). Visiting Scholar at Duke University (USA)(1997). Held various positions at Bayer in the areas of Organization, HumanResource Management and Inhouse Consulting (since 1998).

Dr. Nina Rosenbusch Research Associate, Faculty of Economics and BusinessAdministration, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena. Studies in BusinessAdministration, University of Frankfurt (2001–2004). Ph.D. on Innovation andFirm Performance, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, (2008). Junior MarketingManager, International Business Development, Union Asset ManagementAG (2001–2004). Since 2004 Member of the Interdisciplinary Research Uniton Management and Entrepreneurship, University of Giessen. Research onPerformance Implications of Entrepreneurial Strategies, Corporate Governance andTop Management Teams in Entrepreneurial Firms, Exploration, Exploitation andAmbidexterity, Gender Issues in Entrepreneurship.

Kathrin Rosing Research Associate, Department of Work and OrganizationalPsychology, Justus Liebig University, Giessen. Studies in Psychology, Universityof Osnabrueck (2001–2007). Since 2007 Member of the Interdisciplinary ResearchUnit on Management and Entrepreneurship, Justus Liebig University, Giessen.Research on Creativity, Innovation, Exploration, Exploitation, and Ambidexterity,Leadership, Self-Regulation.

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Satzger Director Karlsruhe Service Research Institute,Professor of Service Innovation and Management, Karlsruhe Institute ofTechnology (KIT). Master of Business Engineering, University of Karlsruhe (1982–1989); MBA, Oregon State University/USA (1987–1988); PhD on DatacenterInvestment Planning, University of Giessen (1993); “Habilitation” on Capital-Intensive Services in Global Markets, University of Augsburg (1998); vari-ous positions IBM Germany (1989–1996), Assistant Professor University ofAugsburg (1997–1998); Senior finance management IBM Germany (1998–2000)and IBM Europe/Middle East/Africa, Paris (2001–2002); CFO IBM GlobalServices Central Europe/Germany (2002–2007). Since 2008 Director of the IBM-sponsored Karlsruhe Service Research Institute. Research on Service Innovation,

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Economics and Design of Service Relationships, Service Value Networks, ServiceManagement, and Financial Engineering.

Michael Schürle Head of Communications of Voith Paper in Heidenheim,Germany: studies in international business administration at the Aalen University(1997–2001). Gained experience in marketing and controlling while working forBehr America in Detroit, USA. Joined Voith Paper in 2001; worked on the devel-opment of its CRM (customer relationship management) software. Marketingactivities for Voith Paper (2003–2005). Named Head of Communications (2006).

Dr. Johannes Siemes Head of Marketing Projects and Market Research of K+SKALI GmbH, Kassel (retiered). Studies in Agricultural Economics in Bonn andGöttingen (1968–1973). Ph.D. on Simulated Management Models within FoodMarkets at Bonn University (1976). From 1977 to 2008 various ManagementFunctions for K+S AG (Kassel) in the field of Public Relations, Marketing andSales and later at K+S KALI GmbH head of Marketing Projects, Trade Policy andMarket Research on Agriculture and Fertilizer Markets. Consultant for agriculturalInnovation, Food Markets and Farm Management (since 2008).

Bertram Staudenmaier Board Member of the Voith AG in Heidenheim, Germany,and President of the Voith Paper division Fabric and Roll Systems; studies inproduction engineering at the Ulm University of Applied Sciences (1984–1987).Management Executive positions at leading suppliers to the paper industry. Forexample business segments and operating locations at Xerium Technologies Inc.,including its Stowe Woodward AG affiliate (1988–2003). President of Xerium NorthAmerica (2003–2004). Joined the Executive Board of the Voith AG (2005). Incharge of Voith Paper’ s Fabrics and Rolls businesses. Executive Board Memberof the industrial Association for Printing & Paper Equipment and Supplies of theGerman Engineering Federation (VDMA).

Dr. Alexander Tarlatt Managing Director and Co-founder of Santiago Advisors, aninternational consultancy focused on organizational design. Studies in Economicsand Business Administration at the University of Cologne (1993–1998), Ph.D.on Strategy Implementation at the University of Cologne (2001). Consultantat Droege & Comp. GmbH 2002–2008, amongst others Senior Principal ofDroege’s Organization and Change Practice (2007–2008). Professional Servicefocus: Large Scale Organizational Change, Post Merger Integration, BusinessTransformation, Innovation Systems and Organization, R&D-Organization, SharedService Operations.

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Vahs Professor of Business Administration, Change andInnovation Management at Esslingen University. Studies in Economics andBusiness Administration in Tübingen (1981–1986) and Charlottesville (Universityof Virginia, 1984). Ph.D. with a Study on The Development of Controllingin Industrial Firms (1989). Trainee at the Daimler-Benz AG and ManagementExecutive at the Mercedes-Benz Truck Division (1989–1993). Since 1993 Professorat Esslingen University. Director of the Steinbeis-Transferzentrum “Innovative

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Corporate Leadership” in Stuttgart (1994–1998). Since 1998 Director of theInstitute for Change Management and Innovation (CMI). Research on CorporateManagement, Key Success Factors of Change and Innovation Management,Organizational Culture and Organizational Structures.

Part III: Capital Markets, Finance and Innovation Performance

Prof. Dr. Malte Brettel was born in 1967. He studied engineering and businessadministration at the Technical University of Darmstadt. In 1996 he received a Ph.D.and in 2003 a Habilitation in business administration from the WHU Koblenz. Since2003, Mr. Brettel has been professor of business administration and entrepreneur-ship at Aachen University (RWTH). He is a co-founder of a successful e-commercestart up and other companies and has extensive practical experience as a consul-tant with start-up companies and established firms like Porsche AG or DeutschePost AG.

Dr. Hady Farag is a consultant in the Frankfurt and Singapore offices of TheBoston Consulting Group (BCG). His work focuses on corporate strategy, capitalmarket and M&A-related projects across a variety of industries. Prior to joiningBCG, Dr. Farag served as researcher and later Head of University Developmentat the European Business School (EBS), where he earned a doctorate degree inbusiness administration. He also holds master-level degrees from both EBS and theJoseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business (University of Pittsburgh).

Prof. Dr. Ronald Gleich a former partner of Horváth & Partners ManagementConsultants, became a faculty member at the European Business School (EBS),Germany as the Head of the Endowed Chair of Industrial Management in 2003. In2004–2005, as a member of the EBS management board, he was responsible for thefinancial and commercial development of the programmes of Executive Education.Since 2007, he has been a Managing Director of the EBS Executive EducationGmbH and Head of the Strascheg Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship(SIIE), which focuses on research and teaching in management accounting, inno-vation management, entrepreneurship and project management. He has publishednumerous books and journals as author and editor in the research areas of manage-ment accounting and innovation management.

Prof. Dr. Thomas W. Günther 1981–1986 Studies in Business Managementat University of Augsburg, 1986–1994 Assistant at the Chair of Auditing andControl of Prof. Dr. A. G. Coenenberg, University of Augsburg, 1994–1996Lecturer at Chair of Management and Control at Dresden University of Technology,1996 Habilitation at University of Augsburg, since 1996 Full Professor forManagement Accounting and Control at Dresden University of Technology, 1999Chair offer from Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2007 Chair offerfrom European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel/Wiesbaden, since 2001 Head ofWorking Group “Value Based Management in SMEs” and member of WorkingGroup “Intangibles in Accounting” of Schmalenbach Society, 2001–2002 and 2006

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Visiting Professor at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA, since 2004Board Member of the Schmalenbach Society, Consulting and Coaching of SMEs,listed companies and NPOs in the design of management control systems.

Dr. Andreas Krostewitz is Consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Frankfurtam Main. He studied Business Administration at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universityof Jena, Germany (Diploma Degree) and International Management at the AngliaPolytechnic University of Cambridge, UK (Bachelor of Arts). Dr. AndreasKrostewitz received his doctorate in Business Administration from the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena. In 2008 he joined PwC′s service line Advisory –Valuation & Strategy and is specialized in Business Enterprise Valuation, PurchasePrice Allocations und Impairment Tests according to international accountingstandards.

Dr. Frank Lindner is management consultant at Innovation Navigators, a Horváth& Partners Company. His research activities are focused on innovation and technol-ogy management. He received a Master of Science in Technology and Management(Diplom-Ingenieur) from the University of Stuttgart and a Doctorate from theEuropean Business School.

Dr. Ulrich Pidun works as Principal and Global Expert for Corporate Developmentwith The Boston Consulting Group in Frankfurt. His project work and research isfocused on corporate strategy and portfolio management, value and risk manage-ment, and innovation topics. Ulrich Pidun has studied chemistry and mathematics inMarburg and London and holds a PhD in Theoretical Chemistry and an MBA fromINSEAD, Fontainebleau. Since 2006 he is also a lecturer for Strategic Managementat the University of Karlsruhe.

Frank Rohwedder studied economics in Kiel and Paris before joining a traineeprogram for investment specialists at a Hamburg bank. Since 1999 he has beeninvolved in the field of structured investments with a focus on media and privateequity. In August 2005 he joined the Asset Finance & Leasing team of the DeutscheBank in Frankfurt, responsible for developing the asset class Intellectual Property,a role he still occupies. In addition to his banking activities Frank Rohwedderhas held an honorary lecturer position at the Hamburg Business Academy (nowHamburg School of Business Administration) teaching economics with a focus onmacroeconomics.

Dr. Thomas Rüschen completed his business studies in Mannheim and Frankfurtbefore joining Deutsche Bank in 1990 in the field of European financial markets. AsSenior Relationship Manager in London he was responsible for corporate accountsin continental Europe and then became Country Manager for Italy. He currentlyheads Asset Finance & Leasing, which is responsible for the financing of long-termeconomic commodities worldwide, e.g. in the area of renewable energies. He is amember of Global-Banking-Exco as well as the Environmental Steering Committee,which coordinates climate change related proposals and activities of the DeutscheBank.

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Ervin Schellenberg is Joint Chief Executive (Member of the Board) and Founderof EquityGate, Wiesbaden, an independent investment banking advisory firm. Heworked for over 19 years at leading investment management and investment bankingfirms in London and Frankfurt including Duke Street Capital Private Equity Ltd,London, Salomon Smith Barney, London, Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, Frankfurt.

He is a graduate from Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Business School, Frankfurt.He publishes and lectures on various topics such as mergers and acquisitions,private equity and financing as well as valuation for the European BusinessSchool, Reichartshausen, School of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden, EUROFORUM,Euromoney, etc.

He is fluent in German, English and speaks Croatian and Slovenian.

Dr. Peter Schentler is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Head of the CompetenceCenter Management Accounting & Performance Measurement at the StraschegInstitute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SIIE) at the European BusinessSchool (EBS), International University Schloss Reichartshausen, Germany.He received his Doctorate in Economic Sciences from the University ofRostock/Germany and his Master’s degree in Business Administration andEngineering from the FH Joanneum in Kapfenberg, Austria. His research and teach-ing concentrate on management accounting and performance measurement with aspecial focus on innovation and procurement.

Martin Scholich is Partner and Member of the Managing Board withPricewaterhouseCoopers AG. He studied Business Administration at the Universityof Cologne and obtained his MBA degree at the Eastern Illinois University, USA.Martin Scholich joined PricewaterhouseCoopers′ Corporate Finance practice in1991 and has been leading the German Advisory practice since 2004. Since July2008 he has been responsible for the client support in the Rhine-Main area as SeniorRelationship Partner for the Frankfurt office.

Martin Scholich is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Tax Advisor.He has significant experience in Business Enterprise Valuation and Advising onTransactions.

Katinka Wölfer is a doctoral candidate and research assistant at the StrategicFinance Institute at European Business School (EBS) International University,Wiesbaden (Germany) since 2007. She received a diploma in business with majorsin banking, finance and international accounting from the Justus Liebig UniversityGiessen (Germany) and the University of Kentucky (USA). She also graduated withan MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (USA). In recognition ofhigh scholastic achievements, Katinka Wölfer was selected for membership in BetaGamma Sigma, the international honor society for collegiate schools of business.Her main research interests concentrate on family business finance.