parish visitor lent 2015

ORDINARY PEOPLE EXTRAORDINARY SPIRIT Two Emerson Street @ Gregory Boulevard, East Norwalk, Connecticut 06855 203.866.7442 The Reverend Canon Patricia M. Coller ~ As I sit down to write this report I am aware of the snow, once again falling outside my window. We are in what I would call the “deep mid- winter,” to use the words of a well-known hymn, but at Christ Church, life is anything but frozen. In fact, as I also compile facts and fig- ures for the annual Parochial Report, which is submitted to both the Diocese of Connecticut and the national office of the Episcopal Church, I am pleased to see that the average Sunday at- tendance at Christ Church has increased over the course of 2014 from 56 to 61, continuing the upward trend that the church experienced during the years when Father Frank was Vicar. For a small congregation, Christ Church has quite an active life. Over the past year we con- tinued to offer two rich and meaningful services on Sunday mornings, with Church School each week of the program year during the 10:00 ser- vice. We have begun to adapt the 10:00 service on the first Sunday of each month to be more accessible to our children, who remain in wor- ship for the full service on those Sundays. In addition, we have added a service of Holy Eu- charist on Wednesdays at 11:45, which includes special prayers for healing. Bible Study is now offered on Wednesday morn- The “new” organ which Christ Church has been received from the former Grace Church, Norwalk, and was installed in December. February/March/Lent 2015

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Two Emerson Street @ Gregory Boulevard, East Norwalk, Connecticut 06855 203.866.7442 The Reverend Canon Patricia M. Coller ~

As I sit down to write this report I am aware of the snow, once again falling outside my window. We are in what I would call the “deep mid-winter,” to use the words of a well-known hymn, but at Christ Church, life is anything but frozen. In fact, as I also compile facts and fig-ures for the annual Parochial Report, which is submitted to both the Diocese of Connecticut and the national office of the Episcopal Church, I am pleased to see that the average Sunday at-tendance at Christ Church has increased over the course of 2014 from 56 to 61, continuing the upward trend that the church experienced during the years when Father Frank was Vicar.

For a small congregation, Christ Church has quite an active life. Over the past year we con-tinued to offer two rich and meaningful services on Sunday mornings, with Church School each week of the program year during the 10:00 ser-vice. We have begun to adapt the 10:00 service on the first Sunday of each month to be more accessible to our children, who remain in wor-ship for the full service on those Sundays. In addition, we have added a service of Holy Eu-charist on Wednesdays at 11:45, which includes special prayers for healing. Bible Study is now offered on Wednesday morn-

The “new” organ which Christ Church has been received from the former Grace Church, Norwalk, and was installed in December.

February/March/Lent 2015

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ings at 10:30 am. We began an Adult Forum which met at 9:00 am on Sundays throughout the weeks of fall, and which will begin again during Lent. In addition, a Book Group has be-gun meeting on a monthly basis one Tuesday evening each month. Over the course of this past year we have had several special events. In August our communi-ty gathered as Bishop Douglas joined us for a Celebration of New Ministry, in which I was honored to be officially “installed” as the Mis-sional Priest for Christ Church. A number of us participated in “Café Murder,” an evening of dinner and entertainment held in our parish hall. Many of us participated in the play itself, under the excellent direction of Paul Mordoff, and many others set up tables and chairs, decorated, cooked and served the meal, and welcomed guests to this event, which was a wonderful suc-cess. Three of our young people attended con-firmation classes throughout the fall and were confirmed by Bishop Ahrens here at Christ Church on December 6. And Christ Church hosted the Norwalk Interfaith Thanksgiving ser-vice the Monday before Thanksgiving. We received the amazing gift of a concert quali-ty, digital electronic organ that belonged to the former Grace Church, which was installed just in time for Bishop Ahrens’ visit in December. Our talented music director Betty Belcher was able to almost seamlessly adapt and adjust to the new instrument and it enriched our worship from the minute it arrived. There are moments when the sound coming from the new organ al-most makes the rafters shake, and gives me the sense of being in a cathedral, and I admit that I love those moments! In addition to continuing the development of the adult vocal choir and adult bell choir, Betty also worked with a group of our young people to create a Youth Bell Choir which enhanced our worship during the

5:00 service on Christmas Eve. In this past year we continued to develop our outreach ministry as well. Our participation in the Hungry Soul breakfast resumed this fall. In addition, Don Burr introduced us to a project called Sole Hope, in which members of our congregation and other local congregations, hosted by the Confirmation Class, cut out parts for shoes which will be sent to Uganda to help children who have no shoes avoid being infected with the devastating parasite known as jiggers. Conversation continued to take place on the topic of creating a “Food Truck Ministry”, and this conversation will continue into the current year. While we said farewell to several members of our congregation who moved on to live in other places, we also welcomed five new members of the congregation through the sacrament of Ho-ly Baptism. And as we turn our attention now to the current year, we have several projects that will be a focus for us in the coming months. Specifically: Christ Church has been talking about installing

an elevator in order to make our building more accessible for our current as well as our future members and visitors. Our vestry is committed to completing this project in early 2015

In order to help raise funds for the elevator pro-ject we are committed to a parish-wide event which we are calling the “May Fair.” On May 2, under the organizational leadership of Bunny Zamm and Ginny Deering, our parish will host a tag sale, flea market, and vendor event which will include the sale of refreshments, a plant table, a bake sale, and activities for children. This should prove to be not only financially beneficial for Christ

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Church, but an opportunity for members of our community to build relationships as we work together on a project, and also make ourselves known a little better in the commu-nity.

The point of making ourselves a little better known in the community is not just so that people will patronize our events. In this coming year it is my hope that we will con-tinue to explore ways to let those who do not yet call this church their spiritual home that they would be welcome to do so. I experi-ence Christ Church as a warm and welcom-ing place, and I think it is important for us to make sure that people know that they would be welcome here…whoever they are…rich or poor, male or female, married or single…black or white or brown…gay or lesbian or straight. Our purpose as a church is not to grow in numbers for numbers’ sake, but to continue to pray for clarity of our mission in this community, and to ensure that we are fulfilling that mission. And part of our mis-sion, and the mission of all Christians, is to help share the good news…that through Je-sus Christ, we are assured that God loves each of us, and that if we live our lives from that perspective this world…God’s world…will become an even better place.

One other important endeavor for Christ Church will be to continue to support Don Burr as he engages in the diocesan process for dis-cerning a call to be ordained as a deacon. Some of you will recall the work of a parish Discern-ment Committee that was formed several years ago, and which wrote a report to the Diocese recommending that Don enter the official pro-cess leading to ordination. Much time has passed, and many things have happened since that committee completed its work. In addition, much conversation has taken place, as well as

some restructuring of the diocesan commission which works with people discerning a call to or-dination. Several weeks ago Don and I once again attend-ed a meeting in Meriden with representatives of the Commission on Ministry where he was once again interviewed about his understanding of the call of God in his life. And I am pleased to say that just this past week Don has officially been invited to take the next steps in the official process that could indeed lead to his ordination as a Deacon in the Episcopal Church. The Book of Common Prayer reminds us that it is the responsibility of clergy and members of the congregation to identify persons who seem to have a calling to ordained ministry. And once those persons have been presented to the Bish-op, and accepted into the process, it is the con-tinuing responsibility of the clergy and congre-gation to support that person in his or her jour-ney. We will hold Don in prayer as this journey continues, and we will keep the congregation informed as progress continues. Needless to say, there is a great deal of activity, quietly going on at Christ Church! It is my joy and privilege to serve as Missional Priest of this congregation, and I look forward to seeing what continuing adventures unfold for our communi-ty as we seek to do God’s will in the coming year. Canon Pat

Please look for the small blue “Angel Fund” envelopes in the narthex. The loose offering for the FIRST SUNDAY of every month (and all offerings in Angel Fund envelopes) will go toward a special fund (priest’s discretionary fund) to aide those among us who find themselves in need. Contact Canon Pat with questions.

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VESTRY NOTES JANUARY In addition to approving the 2015 budget, the January Vestry Meeting outlined our major initiatives for 2015. First is to commit to finishing the elevator project. We would like to have project finished by Spring 2015. Second, on May 2 we will have a May Fair. This will include a flea market/tag sale, silent auction, and bake sale, as well as outside vendors. This will be a major fund raising event for the parish. We will need everyone to make this a success. The third goal is to complete the installation of the new organ. Fourthly, we need to re-examine our welcoming efforts, to make sure we are as inviting as many people as possible. The final initiative for the year will be to finally get Father Frank’s Mobile Table on the road. Anyone interested in being a part of these initiatives in any way please talk to a member of the vestry. FEBRUARY The final bids are in for the lift system for the church. We will be contacting the manufacturer and the contractor so that work can begin on the system in the next few weeks. Father Frank’s Mobile Table Committee will be meeting with representatives from local service organizations to help determine the need that our parish is best suited to serve. The Sole Hope Project party that our recent confirmands inspired two more shoe cutting parties. In total, the three events created 163 pairs of shoes and raised over $680.00 The Whatsoever You Do statue of Jesus will be returning to Christ Church after it completes the current Diocesan tour.... perhaps perma-nently.

Our Welcoming Committee will be focusing on making ourselves known in our community to share the good things happening at CCEN with our neighbors. The loose offering (cash in the plate, or in blue envelopes) from the first Sunday of each month will be designated for the discretionary “Angel Fund”. The Vestry voted to included January 4th loose offerings in this fund. Please feel free to contact any vestry member for more information about happenings around the Church, or ways you can get involved.

BUNCH BOOK CCEN Book Bunch is reading Tinkers by Paul Harding. We will meet on Tuesday, March 17, for a St. Patrick’s Day celebration along with our book discussion. Please join us! Looking ahead: our April read will be The Poisonwood Diary by Barbara Kingsolver. ~ JW MUSIC NOTES Lent will begin Ash Wednesday, February 18 with. During Lent, you will notice a change in the music: from light and joy to a more somber, penitential feeling, and a foreboding of what is to come in our liturgical year. The hymns reflect this change, as do the Merbecke Chants that we will be using, omitting the Gloria. The choir will be singing the very famous “Ave Verum” by W. A. Mozart for Ash Wednesday worship. The Bells rang for the Sunday morning service on February 8 and, again, I invite anyone who would like to join either the choir or the bell ringers to come out and join us. The CCEN Bell Choir will be playing a “Lenten

Meditation” on March 8, and the Choir is busy

preparing the music for Palm/Passion Sunday

on March 29. They are singing the John Carter

arrangement of “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” cel-

ebrating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, with the

congregation having an opportunity to sing

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along with the choir on the last verse. They will

end the service with “Weep, O Mary Weep”, a

very stirring anthem re-creating the passion of

Christ written by Patrick Liebergen. We hope

the music of the Liturgy will enhance your en-

joyment of Lent and Palm Sunday. ~ BJB

EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS The Altar Guild is now accepting memorial gifts for Easter Flowers which beautify the sanctuary. Please complete the form available in the Gath-ering Place and return it by March 29, for in-clusion in the Easter worship booklet. Please print the exact words you would like used in the bulletin. If you have any questions, please call Sarah French at 203.820.5000, or email her at [email protected]. ADULT FORUM Beginning at 9:00 a.m. on February 22, Don Burr will lead a three week series for the adult forum, The Life and Ministry of Deacons. The se-ries will survey the history and contemporary place of deacons in the Church and the world. Included will exploration of local mission op-portunities. As usual, the Adult Forum will meet in the library. ALL ARE WELCOME! NO WEDNESDAY STUDY/EUCHARIST

March 4; as Canon Pat will be away.


PILATES Session begins on 3.18.15, and will run 6 weeks, wrapping-up on 4.22.15. For info, contact Joyce Generoso at [email protected]. HUNGRY SOUL BREAKFAST As part of our Lenten Journey, we will gather food for, prepare, and serve a Hungry Soul Breakfast according to the following schedule:

Hungry Soul In-Gathering of Food and Meal Supplies: Sunday, March 22, during worship items will be placed at the altar.

Hungry Soul Cooking: Saturday, March 28, 9:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m. @ Christ Church

Hungry Soul Breakfast: Sunday, March 29, 6:00 a.m. @ The Open Door Shelter All are welcome to participate at whatever level they feel called. Contact Don for details. MAY FAIR Mark your calendars on May 2 we will have a parish-wide MAY FAIR. We will host a tag sale, flea market and vendor event which will, in-clude the sale of refreshments, a plant table gearing toward Mother’s Day, a fancy bake sale clowns and activities for the children. Also the highlight will be the silent auction which will have some wonderful surprises for us to bid on.


If you have any GOOD household items that

you would like to donate to the tag sale please

contact Bunny Zamm, 203.853.3004 or Ginny

Deering, 702.595 9449. All proceeds will go to

the completion of the ELEVATOR. Please sup-

port this parish endeavor as we need everyone

to support the May Fair. If you would like to

work at any of the booths contact bunny or

Ginny. See you there.


Ash Wednesday - February 18, Ashes to Go 6-8am; HE 11:45am, HE 7:30pm


March 15 & 22: Being an Inviting and Welcoming Congregation, led by Canon Pat

Calendar continued on page 6...

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AUTUMN COMMUNITY EUCHARIST February 23, March 23, April 27


March 1; April 5, Easter; May 3

VESTRY MEETINGS March 9, April 13, May 11 at 7:00pm


Sunday, March 29, 8:00 am Festival Roadside Procession, 10:00 am followed by Church School Bake Sale


PASCHAL SUPPER Thursday, April 2, 6:00 pm


Begins 8:00 pm Thursday, April 2 Concludes Friday, April 3, 9:00 am


Mass of the Pre-Sanctified Friday, April 3, 9:00 am

WAY OF THE CROSS Friday, April 3, 10:30 am


Friday, April 3, 7:30 pm

EASTER EGG HUNT for KIDS Saturday, April 4, 10:30am


Sunday, April 5, 8am & 10am

DAY OF PENTECOST Sunday, May 24 - Wear red!


Sunday June 7, with Junior Bell Choir performance

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Christ Church hosted the Annual Norwalk Interfaith Thanksgiving and welcomed a standing-room-only crowd to give thanks for all the people of Norwalk are blessed with—most especially the diversity of our 85,000 residents. Pictured here are, from left to right are, the Reverend Ronell Howard, East Avenue United Methodist Church; Brother Azeeim Mahmoud, Al-Madany Islamic Center of Norwalk; the Honorable Harry Rilling, Mayor of Norwalk; the Reverend Canon Patricia Coller, Christ Episcopal Church; Rabbi Ron Fish, Temple Beth El; the Reverend Kenneth Dubose, St. James Missionary Baptist Church; Pastor Frank Newsome, Congregational

Church on the Green; and Missy Conrad, The Society of Friends. A fifty-person combined choir, under the direction of Betty Belcher, and accompanied by Margie Kelly was magnificent and certainly filled the chancel area all the way back to the altar step. A magnificent sound indeed. A reception followed in the guild room.

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The annual Living Nativity went off without a hitch! Due to cold temps, there were multiple babies in the role of Baby Jesus, and even an entire Holy Family. Many thanks to all who make this event possible each year. The new organ was given a serious workout, as minister of Music, Betty Belcher, blessed frosty visitors to a

seasonal organ recital in the sanctuary. This little corner of the world was the bright spot in Norwalk that night.

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The Soleng Family brought their son for baptism on November 30. We welcome you, Evan! Evan’s mother, Tina, is also a newly minted liturgical assistant.

Since the beginning of 2014, Christ Church has baptized seven babies with at least two more waiting in the wings. While at worship, the babies are welcome to wander and explore their worship space. Welcome home!

Bishop Ahrens with the confirmands, Artie Egan, Ryan Helwig, Isabelle Greco, and Canon Pat on December 7. These were the first confirmations, physically here at Christ Church, in many years. Bishop Ahrens also blessed

new purple altar hangings and vestments (in memory of Father Frank), and re-dedicated the new organ and asked all remember those lost at Pearl Harbor. December 7 was certainly a grand day in CCEN history.

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The Hungry Soul Crew cooking up the December Hungry Soul Breakfast.

In March we will enter our fifth year of service in this ministry. Come join the fun!

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The Christ Church Minister of Music, Betty Belcher has not only been busy practicing with the voice and adult bell choirs, she recently trained-up some of the youth for the Christmas Eve, debut performance of the first-time-ever in Christ Church history, youth bell choir. Clearly, Chelsea was hoping for a better listen to her big sister, Sydney and her fellow bell ringers. They were fantastic! They will play again on Kidz Day in June. Be there!

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We welcomed Eliza Joy, when the McCarthy Family brought their daughter for baptism on

January 11, the Baptism of Our Lord. Eliza’s father, David, occasionally serves as a guest organist at 10:00 a.m. worship; however this baptism took place at 8:00 a.m., which is when the entire family, including mom, Alexis, worship regularly. Eliza’s presence is a breath

of fresh air for the early worship crew when this little doll is in attendance.

**Of course, we were paying attention to your sermon, Canon Pat. (smile, wink)**

Welcome home!

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BELOW: This is what 400 new hats, gloves, and scarves looks like. This offering stopped, for a blessing, along the way to warm those in foster care. The collection of 400 pieces of winter wear was given by the children and families of West Elementary School in New Canaan. Their teacher, Mrs. Correa invited the school to meet a Halle's Hope Challenge. They did! Mrs. Correa (a friend of Don’s) entrusted us to make sure the hats, scarves, and mittens made into (on to) the correct hands. We will, as it is our honor to do so. For more information about Halle’s Hope, visit:

ABOVE: After the 2015 CCEN Annual Meeting, from left to right are, the Assistant Sr. Warden; the Assistant Treasurer; and the Assistant Parish Clerk. (of course, the guy in red has his own ministry, as an acolyte.)

**Photo definitely missing our Assistant Missional Priest.**