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Parents’ Briefing 2017 Primary 2

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Parents’ Briefing2017

Primary 2

Before School ProgrammeSilent Reading

Silent Reading

When?Monday to Friday, 7.10 to 7.25 a.m.

Why?• Research has shown student improvement in :reading comprehensionwriting skillvocabularyspelling

• Create a reading habit in students

Flag-Raising Ceremony

Flag-Raising Ceremony

Pupils are to be present for and take part in thedaily Flag-Raising Ceremony

Part of the efforts to build a national identity and asense of belonging to Singapore

Flag-Raising Ceremony takes place at 7.25 a.m.from Monday to Friday

English Department

Primary 2

• The EL curriculum adopts STELLAR: Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading

• http: //

What is a Stellar lesson like?

• Shared Reading Experiences

• Children read storybooks with the teacher and engage in oral discussions with teacher and peers.

• Shared Writing Experiences

• Teacher models writing using children’s language. Children engage in writing together and in writing independently.

• Language Use Activities in Learning Centres

Stellar Lesson in GYPS

• Shared Book Reading

• Modified Language Experience Approach

• Learning Centres

• Outdoor Learning Experience (OLE)• Outdoor lessons in school

• Lessons out-of-school

• Give pupils real-life experiences

Pupils learn in a fun way!

Modified Learning Experience Approach• Class writing ----- Group writing -----Individual


Holistic Assessment

• Building child’s confidence and desire to learn

• Focuses more on information on learning progress

• Quality feedback on a child’s development

• Better picture of a child’s achievement and progress

• Address gaps of understanding and deepen pupils’ learning

• Bite-sized assessments

• Range of assessment modes such as written and performance tasks

How you can help your child• Go to the library together

• Have lots of books, magazines and newspapers in your home

• Give your child books about their special interests

• Allow your child to choose books to read and reread

• Read to and with your child (or, have your child read to you)

• Check your child's pupil journal

• Show interest in your child's work. Ensure that he completes his work and corrections.

• Praise your child for every effort made and improvement shown.

• Help your child to learn his Spelling.

What is a Stellar lesson like?

• Shared Reading Experiences

• Children read storybooks with the teacher and engage in oral discussions with teacher and peers.

• Shared Writing Experiences

• Teacher models writing using children’s language. Children engage in writing together and in writing independently.

• Language Use Activities in Learning Centres

Holistic Assessment

• Building child’s confidence and desire to learn

• Focuses more on information on learning progress

• Quality feedback on a child’s development

• Better picture of a child’s achievement and progress

• Address gaps of understanding and deepen pupils’ learning

• Bite-sized assessments

• Range of assessment modes such as written and performance tasks

How you can help your child• Go to the library together

• Have lots of books, magazines and newspapers in your home

• Give your child books about their special interests

• Allow your child to choose books to read and reread

• Read to and with your child (or, have your child read to you)

• Check your child's pupil journal

• Show interest in your child's work. Ensure that he completes his work and corrections.

• Praise your child for every effort made and improvement shown.

• Help your child to learn his Spelling.

Mathematics Department

Our Learning Focus

Explore(P1 and P2)

Experience(P3 and P4)

Hands-on activitiesGames -

outdoor and indoor

Experiential learning and Investigation.

Link to real life situation.

Application of Math knowledge

and skills in problem solving

Excel(P5 and P6)

Our Learning Focus

Explore(P1 and P2)

* Hands-on activities * Games (outdoor and indoor)

Mathematics Curriculum for P2

Teaching Approach

• Concrete

• Pictorial

• Abstract

• Numbers to 1000

Addition and subtraction

Multiplication Tables of 2, 5 and 10


• Length

• Mass

• Money

• Shapes and Patterns

Mathematics Curriculum for P2Content

• Fractions

Fraction of a Whole

Comparing and Ordering

Addition and Subtraction

• Time

• Picture Graphs

• Volume

Assessment Types

• Diagnostic Tests / Mini Tests / Topical Tests

• Performance Tasks

Holistic Assessment

Performance Tasks

• Focus on use of manipulatives

• Assess skills that cannot be observed from pen and paper tests

• Observation checklists

P2 Math Fun Day Term 3

(School-based –during curriculum)

Intervention Programme (LSM)

Learning Support Math – small group coaching

Programme Highlight

Help your child to develop their interest in the subject by playing games with them. (eg: Snake and Ladder)

Have interesting problems and stimulating math conversations each day. Make sense of what they learn in Mathematics by linking Mathematical concepts to everyday life. (eg: allow pupils to handle money)

• Allow your child to Explore• Relate to real-life situations

How can you help your child?

Mother Tongue Department

We aim to:

equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills

and imbibed with attitudes and ethics

develop our pupils to be confident users of

MTL and are passionate about the language

MOE Curriculum

Chinese Malay Tamil

欢乐伙伴Huan Le Huo Ban

Cekap தேன் ேமிழ்Theen Thamizh

• It aims to develop our pupils as proficient language users who can communicate in a confident and effective way.

• Set in real-life situations to better engage pupils in their learning of MTL.

• Place greater emphasis on spoken interaction skills.• Have a greater focus on authentic activities to better develop

pupils communication skills.• Also continue to expose pupils to culture and values through MTL


Parents can access these websites with your

child to reinforce learning.

Educational websites provided by MOE





We introduce poetry recitation and singing session

during MTL lessons to stimulate the pupils’ interest in


Designated time during curriculum time for reading to

cultivate good reading habits.

Implement ICT programmes and harness ICT to support

effective teaching and engaged learning.

Class library to encourage and increase readership

MTL Fortnight(Term 3) is a platform for pupils to learn more about their MTL beyond curriculum in fun and interesting ways.

P2 MTL Highlights

P2 MTL Holistic Assessment

Term 1


Speaking skills: Pupils to present on topic: Tasks that I can do in school and at home

Reading skills: Reading a passage

Topical Test:Language Use

How can you motivate your child in MTL?

Creating a Conducive Learning Environment Encourage your child to speak using his/her Mother Tongue

language at home.

Show interest in your child’s MTL learning by encourage him or her to share their learning experiences with you. This also creates a good opportunity for family bonding.

Strategies for learning

Encourage your child to read MTL storybooks

Pre-assembly Silent Reading every Friday

Parent-child reading at home

National Library, school library and book stores. (Start with easy books first)

Multi-media books

Expose your child to educational MTL television programmes(For eg, cartoons with moral values)

Tap on the surroundings such as road signs and advertisements to engage your child in MTL conversations during outings

Character & Citizenship Education Department

Desired CCE Pupil Outcomes

A Confident Person

A Self-Directed Learner

An Active Contributor

A Concerned Citizen

Programmes & PlatformsCCE is delivered via multiple programmes & platforms

Explicit LearningCharacter & Citizenship Education (CCE)Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP)Assembly ProgrammesSocial Studies

Programmes & Platforms

Awareness ProgrammesEducation & Career GuidanceSexuality EducationCyberwellness

Social & Emotional Support for StudentsCounselling & Support for Special NeedsDiscipline

Experiential LearningProgramme for Active Learning (PAL)Social Studies Field-based learningStudent Leadership ProgrammeValues in Action (VIA)Learning JourneysNE EventsCCA

Living with Values Programme

• Focus on school’s core valuesHonesty, Loyalty, Teamwork, Courage, Diligence

• Motivate & Encourage pupils to display the desiredcharacter trait through various activities

Living with Values Programme

Character Pupil of the MonthLessons infused with core valuesSharing of core value quotes with pupilsPre-assembly story-telling with focus on the core


Partnership with HomeDo talk to your child about the school’s core values

and how he/she could display these values in schooland at home

Reinforce good habits

Work in close collaboration with the teachers

PE & CCA Department

Programme for Active Learning• Outdoor Education – Let’s Go Out!

Pupils will be engaged in experiential learning insmall groups / pairs. The programme aims to createan understanding of the elements in nature. Pupilswill be able to demonstrate observation skills,beyond the constraints of the classroom. A LearningJourney to Bishan Park will also be organised.

Programme for Active Learning• Performing Arts – Dance

Pupils will be engaged in a variety of activities involving body movements pairs / small groups involving music and dance. Pupils will also be able to express themselves through creating, performing and appreciating movements.

Programme for Active Learning• Visual Art - Art Exposé

Pupils will be engaged in a variety of art activities individually / small groups. These activities will enable them to explore their abilities and express ideas & feelings through art forms, materials and techniques

Programme for Active Learning

• Sports & Games - Kidz Sports

Pupils will be engaged in activities involving pairs / small groups where they will learn fundamental movements for various sports

Lower Primary Games Day• Will be held as part of Children’s Day celebration

• Pupils will be engaged in team events involving skills learnt in their PE Lessons

• Develop teamwork and team

• spirit among pupils

• Apply Olympic Values of

Friendship, Respect and


Aesthetics Department

NICHE AREA – Performing Arts

‘Live Your Passion’ Programme

• This is GYPS’ signature programme to develop its pupils in performing arts.

• Being accorded Niche status in this area is a recognition (by MOE and NAC) of our sound approaches and programme outcomes.

Strengthen linkages between curricular and

co-curricular activities through:

• Early identification of talent to join core CCAs

such as Angklung, Handbell/Handchime

Ensembles, Drama & Dance Groups through



• Developing interests and talents through CCA


Performing Arts Modules in MusicE3 - Exposure, Extension & Excellence

Strengthen linkages between curricular and co-

curricular activities through (continued):

• Joining the A# (A-Sharp) Programme – Talent

Development in Music (mainly Handbells & other

ethnic percussion)

• Participation in competitions at national &

international platforms (Excellence)

Performing Arts Modules in Music

Level Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4


Song &





Song &




P3Song &





P4 Song &

RecorderUkulele Handchime

Appreciation &


P5Singing Handchime Recorder

Post Exam




Singing Handchime Recorder

Post Exam

Music, Dance &

Drama for APP

Classroom Music Modules 2017

Classroom Music Modules

Vocal Techniques

Classroom Percussion

Classroom Music Modules


(Mexican Box Drum)


Music Assessment (P2) – 3 areas

1. Singing & Playing Instruments

• Accurate pitch and rhythm

• Appropriate tempo and dynamic

• Combine movement with singing

2. Creating / Improvising Music

• Create 2-bar rhythmic and melodic structures to accompany music

• Compose soundscapes to a given stimulus

Music Assessment (P2) …. continued

3. Listening & Responding to Music

• Respond to changes in musical elements through movement

• Describe music using appropriate vocabulary (e.g. happy, sad)

Enrichment Programmes

• P1 & P2 – PAL Programme (Modules in both Visual Art and Performing Arts)

• P3 – Drama in Mother Tongue Languages

• P4 - Ukulele Programme & Showcase

• P5 – Post Exam Programme – Dance Experience

• P6 – Post Exam Programme – Music, Dance & Drama items for Annual Prize Presentation

A lesson on Space and Colour

Visual Art Lessons

• Introduction to Elements of Art

Shape Line





Some books used for P2 Art Lessons

Visual Art Lessons

• Art through stories

Art Assessment (P2)

1. Motor SkillsThe ability to perform motor tasks such as cutting, pasting, folding, tearing, colouring etc.

2. Creativity and Self ExpressionThe ability to come up with their own ideas and express them through artmaking

3. Elements of ArtUnderstanding of simple art theory and basic art appreciation

4. CraftmanshipPatience and attention to detail

5. Time Management

Being able to stay on task and complete their work on time

SYF Arts and Crafts Exhibition

• Artistically inclined pupils will be selected to participate through submission of an artwork

• Parents will be informed if child is selected and encouraged to help guide child in the creation of the artwork at home

• Theme: Artist and Space

• Submission Deadline: 3 April 2017

ICT Department

ICT Framework

The ICT department strives for

• Use of ICT in teaching and learning

• Competent users

• Responsible users

• Anchored in values

ICT ProgrammeICT programme aims to

•develop the pupils’ acquisition of ICT skills progressively from P1 – P4 to develop competency in usage

•promote cyber wellness awareness and the ethical and safe use of ICT in order to ensure that GYPS pupils are responsible when using ICT

ICT Programme• Basic skills

Touch typing, Msword, MS Powerpoint


• Using ICT to find and present information

• Lab etiquette and cyber wellness

• Digital Art

Overview of ICT SkillsPrimary 2 Login and changing of password in


Refresh of TouchTyping skills,

positioning of fingers (to be assessed)

Refresher to LMS system (MC Online)

Introduction to internet searching,

using Google Search (incl. image

search), navigate school website.

Microsoft Powerpoint – create a file,

insert and manipulate shapes, save

the file. Produce a product

Lab etiquette and cyber wellness

School Communication Platforms

Communication Platforms

• School Website

• Access information on school vendors, information

• Contact details or teachers

• Access to school letters

• Access to Photos of events

Thank you