papers past · logeoarealsoallowed oasteamers' ticket!tot auck-landorhoflolnlß....

The Otago Daily Times. No. 6941 OTAGO, (DUNEDIN: THURSDAY^ MAY 15,...1884.) NEW ZEALAND. PRICE, ONE PENNY. Shipping: gfy,^ QHAW, BAY IL L ■^^S^ albion Company ne ol VowelsbetweenLONDON, GLASGOW, and all NEW ZEALAND POBTS. LinorFuni lons. Tons. Akoroa - - IS9B Lu6te»wor& - 88S Aucilani - .. IS" 'Lytlelton.. - 111} Osnterbury .. 1345 Margaret Galbrallh 611 CrUßSdor .. .. 1068 Keropo _ _ 1061 •Sanedta - - Nelson .. _ 1217 Bulorpa - •• »W *oamainv » IBM ForfMshlre- - IMS Pleiades _ » 997 Glanlora _ - »7A Plelone .. 1003 Helon Denny .. 753 Soukar .. _ I|o4 Himalaya - .. 1008 Timarn _ _ 1806 Bdson - .. T9I Trevelyan _ « 104S invercarglU .. l«fl •WollingtOD ~ 1247 J03910 Roadman _ 902 Wostland _ _ 1118 *LadyJocelya - 1188 Sealmdla _ _ 1116 acgnone - _ 716 Those Ships are fitted with tefrl£O»Un|r mtchl- •ory. Passages grantedfrom London :— Per steamer .. ..16 guineas Per sailingvessel .. IS ~ And from Glasgow— Per sailingvessel ..16 ~ For particulars applytothe THE BRITISH AND NEW ZEALAND MORTGAGS AHD AGENCY CO. (LUHTBD)| DALaffrr* COMPANY | . And fflß HAK^VKi^^lTtlf" °°- Dancdln, InvercarglU, Oamaro, and Tlmare. Iflm BHAW, SAVILL AND ALBIOH OOHPAST (LIMIT2D). BTSAMZBB AHD BHffS fOB LOHDOIT. jjA. -^ fPHE following well-known SgmiSm^ JL Vessels ol the above LIo« wiu bo despatched from PORT SUKmBtST CHALMEEB by too nndorslgnsd •■■■■■ wiih, panctnallty, vh. ■*• ■"'■- SS ***"• fstoU< BonkM - - ISCI Oroker May 81 Victory,«.»._ - 2818 Elcoato May81 the above hay« all aplendid accommodation lei poMengere, and wUI caiiy wool, grata, tallow, and ither prodncis at loweat onncnt iktea. I 7oi freight and poseogo apply to Ol DALaETY COMPANY | fc BHAW, SAVILL AND ALBION CO., .(LIMITED). STEAMEB for AUGUST WOOL SALES. <lb&Jk. C< S. VICTORY, •VJ^gKSiigv, iBIB tansregister, J//SSBmBSO SrspnasELCOiTl, Commander. . To Sail from PORT CHALMERS , •: ~ for LONDON About MAY 81, Passengers embarking at Wellington about June 6. RATES OF PASSAGE FROM PORT CHALMERS : Second Cabin .. ■■ "'JJ guineas.- Third do .^ -• V do- Wool and other produce is now being received atthe Company's Store, Port Chalmers, freo of storage. For particulars apply to (LIMITED); THE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AN? ApENCY COMPANY OF NEWZEALAND (LIMITED) J Im ytto DALGETY & COMPANY. SHAW, SAVILL, AND ALBION COMPANY (LIMITED). FOR LONDON DIRECT [ jg. - TpHE first-class Iron Ship •""P™" '~ 1304Tons, AAL, Captain J. E. Croibb, Is appointed to Sail for London Direct on prabont Slst MAY next. __ ' CargoIs now being engaged,and will bo carried at lowest current rates. Splendid Accommodation lor a limited number of First and Second-class Passengers. For particulars offreight and pissagoapplyto THE BRITISH AND NEW ZEALAND MORI- GAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITEWi THE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED) ; °rt° DALOETY * COMPANY, iSap *»»*- - INSULAR ififEjlgtgr »nn OEIENTALSTEAM ■ShbHSmp havioation oompany. Tho Company's Steamships will Jo^^^fi"^ Her Majesty's nudli follow" 'o» LONDON, via Colombo !—•.'■. \ "~ ~ T~ ~ Leavo . Steamon. Tons.1 Leave .Mcl- .L «*v.» | Sydney, bourne. Adelaide. " Noon. 7 a-m. ISM 1884 1881 rarramatU .. «75» May 28 June 8 June 5 Carthage - 6018 June 11 June 17 June 19 lU V,nna .. 3372 June 25 July 1 J"'y 3 Acd ihoncolorwaid overy alternate wook. Passearersand cargo booked toLondon, Marseille*, IWyiEgypt, India, China, and Japan at moderato "socond-clasa pajKingen »ra provided withflnt-eUM ocommodatlon in the steamers between Mow Zealand Tour, .ound the world granted at choapflrsVclaee rates, for further Information apply to DALOnT * COMPANY, Itaa ._ eat<- rAOiriO HAIL 1.8. COMPANY. QUICKEST ROUTE XO GREAT EEiIAIH, VU Undei Oontnot with the Now South Wai»i and Hew Zealand GovornmcnJj. <r4X^flKv A Bhlpa of thisLine leave Auck- - SfßfcHC^l»n4 1"' San -Francisco (calling at JmL^^BhT Honolula) oyorylonrih TUESDAY, *I^*^^^^^:agttnd«rl— ' Blsimer. loni. Anckland. .. . -...-. 1881 lealandla .. - May 27 -gagy!.- is syg Passengers IromPoll Oaalmew lo»ve by Union8.8. I Oo.'b Bteamem rannlng In connection every fourth Wramuir Immadlatolr previous to »bove date*. Patsengsraate booked fromany port In Kew Zea- land throughtoLondon, Liverpool, Flymootb, South' auiDiOn, Glaagow.QaeenEiown,Belfast, Londonderry, Paris, Havre, Oherbonrg, Hamburg, Ahtwsrp, Braseolj, Bremen, Rotterdam,Harllngen, Gothenburg, Ohrlfltionia, Coponhagen, 4c. withopecUl adyantageo, and m»y, wlthont estr* coct, avail thomselvei of the . Southern Pacific Railroad (with I'.J cocnocllODS) BOW ooen. fans avoiding ths winter's cold ot the more nortliernroute, and tor * slightadditional chargemay gothroughthe Southern BtatoD to Kew Orleans, and ' JhencotoNew York. Paseoneorii have oholoo of the onrivalled Atlantl; •teanuhlps ol the Canard, lonian, Whiio Star, and othor Linos. And «fll I"*"'1"'!*^"! 8™ »'8 ••' rowed 3501b baggageFBEE OF CHAROK. Tickets are good until used,and allow paMengeis to, rtoD OS as long as Jhoy choose, to visit all plates of taiareat In Amorioa *ad Canada. Stop-over prlvj. logeoarealsoallowed oa steamers' ticket! tot Auck- landor Hoflolnlß. TfIaODSH JASB tO LOBTOOB »Oll' POM OHIUUM. Moon Steamer and Ist Class Bailiotd £71 8l Od BMeiafoandSfdolUilßaUroad - .. (685 tl W Pon OBIUDCts (o Bui riiaoaoo. laloao^ - .. £15 Gl Od BtMOgt - -*M B M Time Cards, BalltrayMaps, and all othor informa- tion, and Guide Books showing all lontes to any point la (me United States-may be hod on application. HJSNBTT DBIVKB, "■'•-• ■■■■ Agent, 0 Bond Btreet ENGLAND AND OAMARU DIRECT. rtv>V fpHE full-powered new JBHMUmm(mA1at Lloyd's, 2000 h.p., 8600 tonßj, will be deepatched.from Englandin JUKE. Her accommodation for Cablnand Intermediate Pas- sengers will be complete, at cheapest rates. Passengers will be booked at throughrates for all 1 pjfces. '■' ■■'■'••< For rates ol freight and further particulars apply to tho Owners, ' '' f■■' •■■ TDRNBULL, MARTIN, & CO., > ■••>"»•• 'Olasgow; OrlnOam»rnto . ' DENNISON A GRANT,) ,„■„,, »_„*, Or GEORGE SUMPTER, | Joint AgenM. TAGO WlTNESS.—Problems and Ounes are pnbllebedtor tbe •munment of Ib Lotenot Chess Shippingi UKIOH STEAM SHU COMPAJfT fiF*"^"""^ Ot HEW ZKALAMD W *bBTS OJtapMy will deipakh |§| gtoameroaa uadoj i-~ FOR OAMARU.-r-BEAJJTIFUL BTAR, S.S., on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS Passengers on Friday from Dunedin Wharf at9 p.m. Cargo at Wharf till 3 p.m. T^OR'iIMARU—TAIAROA. s.b., on JD MONDAYS and THURSDAYS Passengers ThisDay (Thured»y)from Dunedin Wharf at 5 p.m. i Cargo at Wharf till 8 p.m. FOR AKAKOA. —HAWEA, a.s., on MONDAY, 26th May. Paseengers by 12.10 p.m. train. FOR LYTTELTON and WELLING TON.-WANAKA, 8.8., on MONDAY, 19th May. Passengers by 12.10 p.m. train. FOR NAPIER, GJSBORNB, aud AUCKLAND.-TE ANAU, 6.5., on WEDNES- DAY, Slßt May. Passengers by 12. !0 pm. trniu. FOR PIGTON, KSLSOK, TAR - NAKI, and HANUKAU. - WANAKA, S.P.. on MONDAY, 19th May. Passengers by 12.10 p.m. train. . FOR MELBOURNE, via BLUFF.— ARAWATA, 8.»., THIS DAY (THURSDAY), 15thMay. Passengers by2.30 p.m. train. TjIOR WESTPORTand GREYMOOTB JD (Ukln? Olgo for HOKITIKA). MAHINA- PDA, is., on SATURDAY, 21th May, vl» OAMARU, LYTTELTON. »nd WELLINGTON. Passengers from Dunedin Wnarf at p.m. FOR AUCKLAND, via OAM*RU, NAPIEE, QISBORNE, and TAUBANG*.— OMAPERE, S.S., on MONDAY, 19'.h May. Pas- sengers by 9.10 p.m. train. FOR SYDNEY, via LYTTELTON, WELLINGTON, »nd EAST COAST PORTS.- MANAPOURI, 5.8., on WEDNESDAY, 28th May. Passengers by 2.80p.m. train. FOR SYDNBY, via LYTTELTON and WELLINGTON. HAUROTO, 8.5., on TUESDAY, 20th May. Passengers by 2.E0 p.m. train. ESOB FIJI, from AUCKLAND.— 1? PENGUIN, 1.1., about MONDAY, 2nd June. Oreiou I Corner of Vogel, Water, and Cumberland streets. QB I B B_T LINE. Under contract withthe New South Walu flovairj; men* foi the conveyanceof malls. Thefollowing Steamshipsbelonging to the ORIENT CO. and tho PACIFIC CO. will lcavo SYDNEY and MELBOURNE on tho undonmmJioned dateß for LONDON, via ADELAIDE, DIEGO GARCIA (ai Ikamor's opMon), SUEZ, and NAPLES :- fiom Sydney. .From Melbourne. IBERIA .. .. Miy 24 , May 80 POTOSI .. .. June 7 Jnnß 18 ORIBNT «. _ June 21 June 27 GARONNE .. July 6 July 11 And (oitnlghtlythetesf lor. Hew lealund paMongexi may canned with g.i. Iberia at Uelbourno per B.c. Rlng»room» trca Port Chalmers on THURSDAY, 22nd May. Throughfares to LondOD, £21 to £75. Pasaengere eecure special advantages by booking throughfrom New Zealand. Second-class passengers by Orient steamer are providedwith Baloon paasagos to Sydney or Molboume. ' NAPLES to LONDON by Kali.—Special arrange- ments made with Messrs Cook and Eonsfor theissue of throughUckota at greatly reduced rates. - S PASSAGES FROM LONDON.-Spedal facilities orded for bringing out Friends and Relatlvos by pro-payment of the paesage-money hero. SPECIAL RETURN. TICKETS, available for twelve months, are Issued at thefollowing ntea I— First Saloon .. ~ .. - .. £11T Second Saloon .. .. - .. £77. PARCELS BOOKED THROUGH to LONDON »t ReducedRates. For further particularsapply to UHION BTEAM SHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZBALAND (LIMITED), 100 AgentsIn New Zealand. DUXEDIN OUSIOK-HOUSS, ODMMISiION, A->D GENERAL iHIPPQJG AQKNOT, VCOKL - TrtKEgT.; FOR HOKITFKA DIRECT. The JANET RAMSAY, now loadingat JettyBtrtet Wharf. QTBAMto INVEROARGILL WHARF KJ -The «.». KAKANUI, on TUESDAY. 20th init. Cargo received at (J Shed. S SEAM to GBEYMOUTH DIBEOT (taking cargo fo* HOKITIKA).-Tha s.s. STAR OK TUE SOUrH, on or about FRIDAY, lßth in«t. CTOH HOKITIKA, via OiMARU.- E The PRINCE RUPERT, loading on MONDAY. KXIIH BAMSAY, Ai'on' iCSKDIH LIGHTKEAOB AHD GENBRAL SHIT PIHO iQEHUY, VQSSL HTdSJtI. FOR INVEROARGILL.-OWAKE BELLE, loading at Jettystreet Wharf. fTOR TOI-TOIB, via INVEROAR- I? GILtc—OWAKE BELLB, If sufficient lniuce- ment offers. FOR OAMARU.—GLEANER, load- ing at RittrayBtreet Wharf, e'OR SALE, tho Iron ncrow-steamt* SHAG, of the burthen o! 15 tons, In thorough ica-goingorder, and ag good aa new.—Fall par- llcnlaracan bo obtalnod onapplicationto EI3NBY OOTDRIB, piOR INVEROARGILL.— KE>TBEL, SAILING THIS DAY (THURSDAY). Cargo till 3 p.m. . THEDUNEDIN IRON AND WOODWASI COMPANY. Wo WEBTPORT COAL COMPANY (LIMITED), Vogol street, Dunodln. ,-^A. mHE b.b. KORANUr, SKI^kSJv -I- of the Block Diamond Line, *N|^^\^>wi]l leave Battray street Wharf JfIfBMiKEfTHIS DAY (THURSDAY), May 16, taking passengers and cargo for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington. Nelson, Westport, and Groymouth, and forwarding cargo at lowrates to BLENHEIM, FOXTON, WAKGANUI, PATBA, OPUNAKE, WAITARA,and HOKITIKA. Cargo received on board until 1 p.m., siiltag at 2 p m. " A. J. BUBNS, lOmy Agent. /GEORGE BLYTH & CO., OUSTOM-HOUSB,SHIPPING, AND COMMIS- SION AGENTS, Will dispatch: For NAPIER—ENTERPRISE,obout 30thlnst. Bap GEORGE BLYTH fc CO.,Agentg. riOMPAGNIE uessagerles icari- SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, and ADELAIDE 10 MARSEILLES (via Suez Canal). Steamers under Postal Contract with the Government of France. CALLING AT MAURITIUS, REUNION, SEYCHELLES, ADEN, »nd PORT SAID. Tho Company's STEAMERS will bo DESPATCHED asf ollowb :—• Leave Leave Leave Bil- Sydney. Melbourne. Adelaide. Calcdonlon ..May2o May24 M»y2fl Melbourne ..Juno 17 Juno 21 June 23 Sydney .. Jnly 16 July 19 , July 21 , TABLE WINES, BEER, Me oro INCLUDED In tho PASSAGE-MONEY. For (might, passage, and further particularsapply NBILL & CO. (Limited), J6]» Agents, Dunedin. tf^^ mHE NEW ZEALAND xtJBHKSS BXPRES3 COIiPANY. ■■■(IBMBHIIm ogNBRAL CUSTOMS * EIPBWS fOEWARDINO AGENTS, dsepalcll PARCELS, PACKAGES, fee by Exprcea tnd GoodgTrains to allStallone connected withDnn- •din by rail, Dally. To Northernand West Coastports byevery sUamcr To tho Australian Golonlos Weekly. To Great Britain and the Continent ot Europe via tfelbourne, bymail and other steamer, Bert nightly. P&icola forwarded by or ordered throaghtho N. Z. BxprcasCo. dolivered promptly on arr'tal at destlna- llori,without trouble to conelgnees. BATES.—LONDOH TO HEW ZEALAND, lib ' lib 101b lßlb lolb la SB 6b 9s 12s SOlb »01b 601b 801b 1001b 15s 17s 6d «ls 8d 288 9d 265. Order parcels to besent to W. R. BUTTON & CO Golden Lane, Barbican, London; or any of their agencies throughout Great Britain. tl« WALAKD BiraKSß O<«*<«[*. . Humttritt, Dao*dl*. Shipping, THK NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S LINE. KEOULAB MONTHLY ■DIRECT STEAM LINK TO LONDON. ~*V ««l nnHB. following magnifi' &aj£^Kv -"- ceo' full-powerod fr|&g&**jg' STEAMERS will be despatched as under: Steamers. || m S r . ||| BritißhKing.. 5689Kelly. Lyttolton May 17 Aorangi .. 4170i'urp(n Wellington May Doric _ 4744 Jennings Lyttelton June British Quoen 3568 Wills June Buapohu .. 417O.Crutchley - July lonic .. .. 1758 Camtron Aug. Tongarlro .. 4170Hallett Aug. The above are all new steamers,built of steel, and commanded by menof greatexperience. The Passenger Accommodation is replete withevery modern convenience, and the dietary scale such »a will sustain the woll-earned reputation ol tho Com- pany. The Homeward route will bo via the Straits of Magellan, il weather permits,and tho time occupied isDot expected U> exceed 45 days. An experienced Burgeon will accompany each steamer. THROUQH FAKES from PORT CHALMERS:— Saloon, from 60 guineas upwards; Second Saloon, 40 guineas; Steerage, from 18 to 22 guineas. For further particularsapply to THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LIMITED. 10 Crawford street, Dunedin. 27f SHE NEW ZEALANDSHIPFINO COMPANY'B LINE. - STEAM TOiONDON. FOR THE AUGUST WOOL SALES. i<s*fe»v T^ H E Company's .rffiSSn^ >»& * superb new steel 4170 tonsregister, 8000-horse power; W. A. Tobpis, Commander; WIUbe despatched fromPORT CHALMERS (via LYTTELTON and WELLINGTON) As above, on or about MAY 10. The attention of passengers Is Invited to thisfine steamer. No expense has been spared Inrendering her accommodation .equal to that of any steamer afloat. She Is fitted throughout with the electric light, and frozen provisionsare carriedfor aUolasses. Bpeclal attention Is invited to the second Baloon accommodation, which Includes bath and smoking rooms, ladles' boudoir,*c, and equals the saloons In most Bret-class steamers. For freight or passage apply In Dunedin to THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY 24m (LIMITED), Situations Vacant. Caen advertisements under this head, not exceeding sixteen words, will be charged-SIXPENOB. WANTED, PRACTICAL PRINTER, to Mt as Overseer; must be thoroughly qualified for the po»lti3n.r-Api)lyMall Office, Oamaru. Umy WANTED, Energetic, Pushing YOUNG MAN, for Country Store, to Solicit and Deliver Orders. Good horseman and experience in Bimilar situationindl.-pensable. References required.—Apply, enclosing testimonials and ititing calary expected, Confidential, Times Office. 16my XTrANTED, BUSINESS MANAGER for theOatnaru VV Woollen factory Company (LlmiM).- Appli- cations, wl'h testimonials, to bo nctt to Chairmanon or before 17th. 16my MBS CHALMERS Wants -ExperiencedLaundress, Cooks, General Setvauts, Ilousenialds; Married Couple (ploughman), references. Waiting Engage- ment —Dairyma'.da. 15my MRS DICK wants - Dressmaker, Waitress, House- maid, Ccoka (country hotels), Lads and Milkers,experiencedNursoe.Qeneral Strvants 15my mo BOOTMAKERS.-Wanted, a good GENERAL X WOBKMAN. Apply Michaells, Hallenateln, and Farquhar, Dunedin; or to C. W. Berntell, boot manufactor;, Gore. 13my EDUCATIONAL. WANTED, aMATHEMATICAL MASTER at Ora- kaqui College. Next term begins May 20, 884. 17ap Situations Wanted. Cash advertisements under this head, not exceeding sixteen words,will bocharged SIXPENCE. WANTED, a SITUATION by an experienced Tailor(Cutter), Just from England, and late of San Francisco.—Address at Thos. Lockle's, Arthur street, Dunedin. I6iay WANTED, by respectable Woman, SITUATION as Working Housekeeper, cr attend Invalid; good references. - J. 11., Times Office. 14my YOUNG LADY desires SITUATION as Governess. Competent to teach Latin and English in all its branches, French, and Elementiry ilutic; consider- able experience teachingboys Good Home and Colo- nial references.-Address Travoch, Box 245, P. 0., Duncdln. Hmy WANTED, SITUATIONS In Gentleman's Family by Mother and Daughter: housekeeper or cook, housemaid.—Mrs Dick's Offices. ISmy TO THE MANCHESTER TRADE-COUNTING- HOUrE fiENTLEMAN, recently arrived, with SO years' ox- VT porlence of bminoss lite, wishes KMPLOY- Mr NT. Good Accountant, Bookkeeper, and Corres- pondent. Seven years with Fuwnea Uros. and Co. (Gloves), seven with Toms and Co. (Tin). High- clais testimonials and reference.—R. 0., Times Office. lfimy BONUS £5 will bo given to anyone procuring Advertiser suitable EMPLOYMENT: well edu- cated,andagoodgeocral clerk; undeniable references and testimonials.-Address Delta, TimesOffice. 13niy Miscellaneous Wants. Cash advertisements under this head, not exceeding sixteen words, will bo charged SIXPENCE. WANTED, LODGINGS and PARTIAL BOARD at Roslyn; near trauapreferred.-State terms to Alpha, Tines Office. 16my WANTED, Visitors to know they will be com- pletely satisfied with the accommodation of the Old Times Restaurant. Each Meal SIXPENCE, •elected from a Liberal Bill of Fare. Clean Beds. 16my WANTED on L?ase, a MIXED FARM; rent from £150 to£350. Good Becuiitv.-Address, with full particulars, to M. E.G. L, Times Office. 13my WANTED KNOWN,—Having receivod unlimited commission, will give tho highest prices for Ladies' and Gentlemen's Left-off Clothlng.-LEWIS ISAACS, at R. Hart's, 165 George street. N.B.- All letters punctually attended to. Cmy WANTED, theLadies toattend sale of Glassand China, at Campbell's Market, 2 to9. WANTED KNOWN,-Sale every day from 2to9 p.m., at Campbell'sMarket, Moray place. WANTED KNOWN-Glassand Cllna must bo sold. No reserve. Campbell clearing whole ot hie stock. WANTED KNOWN.-Rnbbitskins bought in any quantities. Highest prices given at Camp- bell's Market. 26ap WANTED KNOWN,—Shipment of Winter Goods from best manufacturers just arrived ex British King, consisting of f~\ ENTS' Blue and Drab ClothTopBoots and Shoes, VT Ladies' and Children's Button, Lace, and E8 Boots. __. GENUINE Porpolso-hlde Cookhamson hand, to be had only at City Boot Palace, 76 GeorgeBtreet. CHILDREN'S warm Cloth-top Button Boots and \J t Uppers verychtap; worth a trial; good bar- gains. /COMPARE the following Prices '.-Ladies' ES. \J Boots from 4s 6d; Shoos, 63 6d; Gent.1 Bal- morals, 10s 6d; X.3. Boots, 103 Oil. OUR OWN MAKE a specialty, noted for wear.— Boots and Shoes, every description, made to measure. DO NOT MISTAKE ADDRESS: CITY BOOT PALACE, 76 George street, near Mr A. Doin- wtll'a. 10my WANTED, THEATRICAL MANAGERS and Others to know that the Otago Dally Times undertakes the Posting of Woodcuts (any slzo), Streamers, Posters, and every descriptionof Printing on the most prominentpositions in tho City, on the shortest notice. . . ISm WANTED KNOWN-Great Reduction In Price— Drain-pipes of all descriptions, Flower-pots, Seakale-pots, Vasea, Fountains,' Chimney-tops, 4c— Lambert's North-Eoat Valley PotteryWorks. 24m SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES I SPECTACLES I WANTED, the Weak-sighted to know that they canbavo Spectacles properlyadapted to suit their e!Kht9, at PBRCIVAL'S, Optician and Spectacle- makor to theDunedin Hospital, No. 9 George Btreot. Pare Brazilian Pebbles, highly recommended for de- fectlvo visions. Also on Bale-Sykes'. Hydrometorß. Glasa do, Sacebaromcters, Thermometers, Aneroid Baromotcrs, Sextant*, Quadrants, Ships' Compasses, Salinometera, Lactomoton>, Mathematical Instru- ments, Field Glasßoß,Telescopes, *c. N.B.—All kinds ot Optical and Mathematical In- Btruments bought. 17m WANTED KNOWK, THAI TOT JOB-PRINTING DEPAETMENT O? TEB OTAGO DAILY TIMES OFFICE Ib now furnished with one of 4ho most complote PrintingFlanta-inthe Colony, a well-selected and ex- teneivo assortment of Typo and Material having re- cently been added to tho Jobbing Plant. Every description of Commercial Printing undertaken and executed In thebeat style, and at cheap rates. ShowBilln, Stroamore, Posters, and Theatrical work of every description executed, and displayed onall the prominont hoardings Inthe city. Tho Proprietors of the Times having gone to groat exponse In tho -purchase aud erection of a largenumber ol boardings for the display of posters In ill ports of the city, on now give » publicity to this olaMof work nnaH»inalil« •lsawWe In Duoeata. Miscellaneous Wants. XTT ANTED TO PURCHASE, a Second-hand HORIZONTAL ENGINE, 7-inch cylinder, 12 to 14 Inch stroke, about 5-horao-power (nominal), with flywheel, governor, pump, &c-com- plete and In good workingorder. H. DRIVER & CD., ISmy Bond Btreet. WANTED, NewArrivalsand others to ylslt Little Dustpan for all kinds ol Household Fur- niahinga. ! CHINA, Glasa, Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Plated Gooda, &c. in groat va.loty, at Wholesale Prices. ; LAMPS ol every description Special value now ottering. Largo Spiral Looking-glasses, 265.- LI'ITH: DUSTPAN. it'll TO LANDLORDS AND TRADESMEN OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. mHEUndersigned la prepared to execute Distraint _l Warrants, Bills of Sale, to Collect Rents and Debts at the shortestnotlco. All communlcatlona strictly confidential. RICHARD BREW, (Wtso'o Corner) 2 RattrayBtreet. R. B. havinghad 10 years' experlonae, has no hesi- tationIn Invitingthe patronwre of all clasacg. aiI. TO BUYERS OF GUNS. WANTED to SELL, by A. SOLOMON,; Pawn- broker, 27 GeorgeBtreet, »nd Nation*! Pawn Office,Rattray street:— Double-barrel Breoch-loading Oun, by Purdoy, London; incase, with fittings complete. Donblo-barrel Breeeh-loador, top Bnap action, ro- bounding locks, extended rib, patent fore-end, by Mortimer, Old Bond street, London j xAoke bore. bouble-b»rrel Breech-loodere, of latest pattern!, with all niodorn lnaprovementa, by Greener, Hollls and Sons,Tisdall, Mortimer, and Manton. Single-barrel Breech-loaders, top snap action, re- boundingbar locks, chokobore, patent solid strikers. Single-barrel Mu-ile-loaders, 4O» to 70e. Double-barrel Muirie-loadors, byManton, Mortimer, andTisdall, from 60s toJS7 10s. Sporting Brcech-loadlng Rifles, Martlnl-Henry, Snider, Winchester repoatlug, or anode-loading. Revolvers(n greatvariety. Patent Braes Cartridge-cases, for breech-loading gans. A. SOLOMON, National Pawn Office, Rattray street; andIf George street, DunedlUi A Urge Variety of FUld, Marine, and Opera O'""*" To Let. Cash advertlsomeuta under this head, not exceeding sixteen words, will bocharged SIXPENCE. mo LKT, nine-roomed HOUSE (gas), Bathroomand A. Scullery (opposite University). -A. Hunter, Lolth street, third housopastSt. David street; or W. O. M'Nee, Princes street. l°my TO LET, a three-roomed OOTTAOE—AppIy to Mr Simon,Kingston House, Castle street. ISmy TO LET, a SHOP, opposite railway-station, Gore; suit a fruiterer and confectioner.—Apply Criterion Hotel, Pore. Hmy mo ILET,470 acres splendid GRASS LAND,' near X Henley.-Reid and Duncans, High street, Dun- edln. . 2«»P_ ST. CL AIR.—FURNISHED HOUSE of six rooms; well sheltered.—J. T. Roberts, Princes street . 14my TO LKT, the OFFICES in tho Universal Bond lately occupied by Mr Holmes.—Apply Bond Manager. toy TO LET, OFFICES in Liverpool street, lately occupied by Messrs Stewart, Holmes,and Den- nlston. Apply to tho Trustoea, Executors, and Agency Company ol New Zealand (Limited). Jl. mO LET, Officos, TJnton Chamber!, Princes ctrett.— i Win. Brown aad Co., 101 Prince* Btreet. m O BE fc L fi T, Mr W. N. Blair's HOUSE In Herlot Row. For particulars apply to : 6my^ M'LANDBESS, HEPBURN, & CO. m O L E T. DESIRABLE BUSINESS PREMISES, Opposite Cujtom-houao. The NATIONAL INBURANOE COMPANY have Premises to Let, which will bo arrangod to.suit A. HILL JACK, ISmy General Manager. TO LET, tho COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Clinton ; also, the LEASE aud GOODWILL of the RAILWAY REFRESBMENT ROOMS ; together or separately. Tonns easy. Areal good investment for onenterprising man. Apply A. W. GEDDEB, Clinton; JAMES SPEIGHT & CO.; or BANES, BARRON, & CO., 28m Dunedin. For Sale. Cosh advertisements under this head, not exceeding sixteenwords, will be charged SIXPENCE. FOR SALE, Grape Vines, Strawberry Plants, Goose- berry and Currant Buenos, young Laurels, So. Orders leftat Mr Silvorstono'it, fruiterer; or at The Sprlngß, Opoho.—Ward and Dnnham. 18my FOR BALE (Mornington), teven-roomed HOUSE and one-acre ccc.ion, four-stalled stable, with loosoiiox and coachhouse; five mlnjites from tram. A bargain. Terms.—Aitken's Labour Exchange 91 Princes Btreet. 13my mO SOLICITORS.—A good COUNTRY PRACTICE X In tbo North Wand FOB DISPOSAL.—For par- tlcul»rs apply to Lex, office of this paper. 6my Board and Residence. Cosh advertisements undor this head, not exceeding sixteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE. CT. OLAIR-Quiot, comfortable OUARTERB for O two or throe; no others.- Particulars Horsburgh, George strett. lOmy Educational. HERE A. Wij 8..T (educatedat the Military School at Berlin and Metz, and for five years Teacher at OrakanulCollege), 1bprepared to give LESSONS, elthorin Schoolsor in his Rooms, In FRENCH, GERMAN, RUSSIAN, acd MATHEMATICS. References permitted -to Rev. Dr Stuart, Dr Macdonald (High School), Dr Etllau, Professor Mac- Gregor, F. R. Chapasn, Esq., H. Houghton, Eeq (Imp. German Consul). Applyto* . . A. WU6T, X3my 89 Princes Btreet (next Burton BroB.'). ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, ROSLYN. . , Lady Principals: Mrs Kbrkiiah and Mrs Cotton. Chaplain: The Bey. B. Aloernoh Ksrkium. ALimited Number of Boarders Received. NEXT TERM will Commence TUESDAY, May 27, For further particulars and terms apply The LADY PRINCIPAL, 3my St. John's ParßOntge, Rotlyn. DANCING, DEPORTMENT, MUSICAL CALISTHENICS. ME OHARLES HALL, Groat King Btreet north (lata 111 Mare street. Hackney, London), Ib now forming Classes for the above, and will Introduce soveral now Dances which hive nevor been danced In the Colonies. Advanced Classes—Fridays. Elomontary—Wednes- days. Bp.m. These Classes aro quite private; only pupils admitted. Practice Nlghtß-Mondays. DramaticClass—Tuesday Evenings, 8o'clock. Mem- bers wanted. Schools and Families attonded. Private Lessons at any hour, 68. Charles Hall's New "Ballroom Guldo," twelve stamps. Uro Sharebrokera, &o. JA IT D "W. 9ABF, c EsUie atsd tttmmistlon Af oak, Slurs- brokers, do.", 10 RATTEAY STREET, LiOCNSSD BROKERS UKDSB THE LAHD SKAH3FEB ACT. rrscerUeß tpr Dale In Tctra lE* Babnrbb flask, icsnißDOO, aad MlnlOi? Bharc» BcngbJ MdlS'd , a1oleaoat taaskei usloea. THOMAS .G .R OB B, SHARE and HOSKY BROKER, Btelnhoffs Buildings, Princes etsoet. Stocks Bought and Sold 11 IOWOBt reinnnerstivo chargea. Letters and Telegrarr s promptly replied to. Monoy advancod on Bank, In- surance, and Uinlng Stocks. Bills discounted. lit I" P. W A T S O N, *$ BHAFvEBEOSEB, übc, Ksmi, IKb Qiifintii Ooummosi As»«. Money advfincod ontspprcrod Bsenritlss, . Km REMOVED to AUCTION BOOMS, lUrteir BTnur. WREDEEIOK FULTON, COMMISSION AGENT, BAUPLE ROOM 8, .- Emimob mm, KAPIBR. Qovemmsnt Notifloations. mHK QTAGO T^AILY r^ttßlEfl HAS BEEK APPO2NSEC THE G A Z B T T B ro> ras PROVINCIAL DISTRICT or . OTAGO FOR THK YEAR 1388, for the Publication of all NOTIFICATIONS which by any Act of tho General Aseombly or by any Ordi- nance of the Proviuco of Otago, require tobo inoerted n tho ProrlcclsJ Gazette. . «|a, CROWN LANDS SALE." BY AUCTION, at the Crown Lands Office, Dunedin, : Ou TIfUBSDAY, 29th MAT ISB4. RURAI, LAND. Benlter, Otakia, StrathTaierl^pper Taleri, Kurow, Wendonalde, .WonCun, aad Green- vale Districts. CANCELLED DEFftRRED-PAYMENT LICENSES (Re-opened). Crookßton, Waihemo, Buule, Dunback, Gim- merburn,and Tuapeka West Districts. TOWNSHIPS. Sections In Townships of Beauly, East Gore, Horriot, Kelso, Moeraki, Naseby, Pukerau, Peebles, Tapanut, St. Bathans, Waikaka, ond Wolpori. PASTORAL DEFERRED PAYMENT. Swinburn, Lower navrea, Tanas, ami Tuturau Districts. PASTOBriTLEA9ES. Rnnt-ftr Commonaee, Crookston, Dunback, Bummock, Nenthom, Table Hill, and Wai- hemo Districts. SALE OF RUNS. .. Licenses for Seven, Fourteen, and Twenty-one Years. NB -Full particularswill be given in Dally Times every Wednesday aud Saturday, andIn Witness every Saturdayalso by bandbilla, to be had at theDistrict Land Offices, rallwaj-statipns, policejlalions, post- offices, and at tho Crown Lands Office, Dunrfln. Commissioner of Crown Lands. Crown LandsOffice, . A * Dunedin, April 23,1884. Bmy I f7C AORE3 UNDER SUBURBAN DEFERRED I<O PAYMENT, , v . At &i 10s per acrv,fi CUATTON DISTRIOS, Adjoiningthe Township ot Waikaka: Sections *, 21 to 43 (inclusive), block" XIV, con- taining from 5 to 13acres eachallotment. A PPLIOATIOKS will bo received at J\. tho Crown Lauds Office, Dunedin, or at any land Office in the Otngo Land District, On WEDNESI AY, JUNE 4, 18S4. J. P. MAITLAND, Commissioner ol Crown Lands. Crown Lands Office, Dunodin. Mar 6,1881. . c 7my Licensing Notices. ROSLYN LICENSING DISTRICT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE RENEWAL OF A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. II Llconßinz Act 1881," and '■ LiconsingAdt Amendment Act 1882." .<;.■ I DAVID HBFFEKAN, of Kaikoral, , Roslyn, do hereby givo notico*tb»t I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Liconeinz Meeting, to bo holdon at the Roslyn Council Hall,Roslyn, on the ninth day of Juno 1834 apply for a Certificate autho- rising tho ISSUE of a PUBLICAN'S LICBInSK for the house and prcmlsea elcuato at Katkoral, cilled the " Argyle Hotol," and containing ten now, exclusive of thoso requiredfor the use of thefamily. The pre- mises are owned by mb. Dated at Kaikorai, this twelfth day of May 1831. 13my : DAVIDj HEFfEKAN. NOTICE OF APPLICATION"FOR<A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. r -v ■•■- ---("The Licensing Act 1881.") ITHO2HAS STANBROOK, of Dun- -- edln, doherebygive notice that'ldeelre to obtain, and wll), at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Polico Cbnrt, Dunwlln;on the thlra day of June 18=4,apply for a Cortiilcatc authorising the ISSUE ot a POBLICAN'S LICENSE, and also a Midnight License, for a housetltmte at Princes street, Dun- edin, containing fourteen rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of tho family, and known by tho sign of tho " Oriontal." Dated thisfifteenth day of May 1384. : 15my. . THOMAS STANBROOK. ; NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. - I ROBERT DIOKSON, of Cavereham, , do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at tho next Liconsing Meeting, to be holden at Cavereham on the sixth day of Juno l£St, apply for a Certificate authorising tho ISSDE of a PUBLI- CAN'S (and Extension till Eloven o'clock) LICENSE tor a House situate at Caversham, containing twelve rooms, exclusive of those requiredfor the use o( the family, asd known by the tign of the "Tramway Terminus Hotel." The premised are owned by Mr E, Machln.—Dated this fourteenth day of May 1884. > ISmy ROBERT DIOKBON. : I JOHN ASHER, of St. Kilda, do ) herebygive notlco that I dealie to obtain, and will, at tho next Liconeins: Meeting, to bo holden at Council Chambers, St. Kilda, on tho sixth day of June 1884 apply tor a Certiorate authorising the ISSUE of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSfi for a Uouso situate at corner ol Priuce Albert and Victoriaroads, containing 11 rooms.-excluslvo ot those required for tbo use ot thefamily. Dattd thirteenth day cl May 18S1. Urn JOHN ABHER. BOROUGH OF NORTH-EAST VALLEY.—WEST LICENSING DISTRICT. I 'FRANCIS M'GRATH, of North- , East Valley, do horoby give notice that I de- sire to obtain, and will, at thenext Licensing Meeting for the district of West, to be holdenat the Borough Cjunci! on the seventh day of Juno 1884, apply tor a Certificate uu'horising the ISSUE ol a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE, and also a MIDMGHT LICENSE, for a house situate at Feriruslio, North-East Valley, con- taining eight rooms, exclusive of those requiredfor the uaeof thefamily —Dated this thirteenth day if May 1884.-FRANCIS M'OKATH. Hmy I FRANCIS M'OLUSKEY, of South , Dunedin, Commercial Traveller, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain,and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Morningtonon tbe filth day ot June 1884, anply for a Certificate authorising the IFSUK of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE tor a Houtc situate at Mortiington, containing twelve rooms,exclusive of those requiredfor tbe uso of the family. ; Dated this tenth day of May 1881. IBmy FRANCIS M'CLUSKEY. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A RENEWAL OF A BOTTLE LICENSE. . . ; (" Licensing Act 1831.") 1- WILLIAM WHYTE, of Dunedin, do hereby give notice that I do Ire to obtain, aud will, at the next Licensi g Meeting, to be holden at tho Town Hall on the fourth day of June 1884, apply for a Certificate authorisng tho ISSUE of a BOTTLE LICENSE tor Premißcs Eltuate at No. 104 George street, Dunedin. Daled tho twelfth day of May 1884. 13my . WILLIAM WHYTE. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I. WILLIAM FIDLER, of Dunedin, . being tho holder ot a Publican's License In respect of the houso and premises known as " Auld Scotland Hotel," and situate at Stuart stroot. Dun- edin, do hereby give notlco that I deslro to rJßtain, and will, at the next Llcentlng Meeting,to bo holden at Police Couit, Duncdln. on thethird day of JUNE ' 1884, apply for a TRANSFER ot the eaid LlceDse trom myself tb MALAHA CUTHBERTSON, my appointee. Dated tbo twelfth day ot May 1884. 13my WILLIAM FIDLER. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A BOTTLE LICENSE. ; I ROBERT MERCER, Grocer, Morn- lngton, do hereby give notico that I desire to obtain, and will, at tho next Licensing Meeting, to bo holden at the Town Hall, Mornington, on the filth day ol Juno 1884, apply for a Certificate authorising the ISSUE of a BOITLK LICENSE tor premises situated at the corner ofElginroad and Regent Btreot, Mornington. Dated twelfth MayJBS4. 13my R. MERCER. I MALAHA OUTHBEBTSON, of , Dunedin, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, attho next Licensing Meeting, to bo holden at Dunedin on the third day of Juno 1884, apply for a Certificate authorising tho ISSUE of a PUBLICAN'S LICEN3E for a [house situated at Stuart street, Duncdln, knownaa the " Auld Scotland Hotel," containing I<S room3, exclusivo of those required for the uso of the family. The premise! are owned by WilliamK.dlcr. Dated tho twelfth day ot May1881. MALAHACUrHBERTSON. John Mouat. Solicitor, Dunedin. 18my EDWARD LYONS, of Mansford, , do hereby give notice that I desire to ob- tain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be bolden at Waltati on tho fifth day of June 1884, apply for a Certificate authorising tho ISSUEof a PIjB- LICaN'S LICENCE for a housesituated at Manßtord, knowiraatbo *' Crescent Hotol," containing 14rooms, exclusivo of those required for the uao of thefamily. Dated thetwelfth day of May ISBJ. 13m y EDWARD LYONS. WILLIAM HANNAH, of Palmer- ston, do hereby give notlco that I desire to ob- tain, and will, ot thn mxt Licensing Mooting, to, be holden at Palmerston on. iho fourth day of Juno 1884, apply for a Certificate authorising the isaue of a RENEWAL of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE fora house situate at the corner of Tiverton and Start (treets, containing eight rooms, exclusive of those required tor the uae of the family, and known as " Tho Waver- *g&'£ tenth day ot ENOING- STANDARDS, plain and ' slotted, for Barbed Wire. FENCING WIRB and BeFt American Galva- -1 ril6ed4-BARBEi) WIRE. LaKeßtock^vayson^nd^ & T>ENTALL'S CHAFF OUTTERS'anci X5 CORN CRUSHERS, Binding Twine, Hay Bakea, lilting Rakes, HayForks, Lard, Col«a, and Oastoi lEON ANP WOODWABE . OIfPANT. Drapery. BROWN, SWING, & 00. Invite Inspection of their extensive stock Of NEW GOODSfor the WINTER SEASON. At foot will be fojnd a few special lines In each Department, which should command attention, Icing exceptionally well bought, and offered at a slight advance upon cost :— Ladlos' and Children's Four-in-hand and Dolman Ulsters, 1036d to 033 Ladies' Plain and Brocaded Cloth Paletots and Dolman Mantles, 30s to 7RB Ladles' Woollen Shawls, in great variety, 109 Od to 80s Ladles' Black Fur Capes, all Bizes, 14s 6d to 60s Ladies' Seal Fur Copes, 4gs to 6gs Ladles' Silk Umbrellas, 7s0a to 253 8d Black Gros Grain Silks, 4a to 12s Od Black HandspunSilk, 8s 6d to 16a8d Black Satin de Lyon, 7s 6d to IBs 6d . ' ,„ j Coloured Ottoman Silk, 63 Od to8s Od j Black Brocaded Silk, 6s 6d to Ha6d Coloured Louis Velveteens, all shaden Black French Cashmore, 3s to 10s Od Black French Merinos, 39 to 6s Block Silk Warp Henrietta, 6s to 10s 6d ""Black Nuns' Veiling, Is 3d to 29Od Black Silk Serge, 2s Od to 4s Coloured Merinos, all shades, 33 to 68 NewFeiganaChecks, lOjd to8s Rcsllles Cloth, Is 4d to 2s8d " Estamalne Serge, Is6d to 3a Bd Caledonian Homespun, Is to 8s Melton Cloths, Is to Is6d Embossed Vicuna Serge, 2s Sd Mosgiel. Dress Tweeds, specially reserved patterns, 2s lidto 8s 6d ~ Ladles' Skirts, 4B to 209 Ladlcb' Merino, 10s to 303 Black and Coloured Costumes, 10s to 210s fancy Check Ribbons, Is to 3s per yard Velvet andSatinRibbons, Is 4d to2s 6d per yard Sash Blbbons, plain, check, brochd, 2s to 6s 6d per yard Spanish Laces, 8d to 6sper yard Cream and Apricot Edelweiss Lace, 9d to 3s 6d Gauntlet Hid Glovos, all shades Morocco, Calf, and Plush Handbags, 4s 6dto 20s Real Seal Handbags,35s to SOs Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, la to 4s 6d . ChenilleFichus and Scarves, 2ato 12a 8d Wool Mittsand Cuffs, Is to 29 3d Velvet Embroidered Cczles, ii 6d to 7s 8d Boys' Knicker Hoeo, all colours, 2s 9d to 4s 9d Children's Sockß, great variety, 6d to 2s Women's Merino and L.W. Hose, Is to 3s 6d Women's Ribbed Cashmere Hose, 2s 6d to 6s Women's Llslo Thread Hose, 2s Od to 7s Fancy Dress and Ulster Buttons in all shades Satin and ChtnllloDress Corda, black and colours Black and Coloured Gimps, lOd to 10s Od per yard Black MaraboutRuching Black Beaded Fringes * Gold and Sliver Braiding In greatvariety FurTrimmings, all widths Cretonnes, Bracket, Cornice Fringes Orey Calicoes, 2}d to0d Heavy Scoured Greys, Gsd White Calicoes, Bid to Is 3d UnionShirtings, BJd to In ed All-wool Shirtings, Is 9d to 2a 6d All-wool White Flannel, Is 3d to3a 9d All-wool RedFlannel, Is 2d to 3s Mosglel Flannels, Is 6d, Is9d, 2s English White Blankets, 9s Mto 40d Colonial, 27s Od to 469 ' .. Down Quilts, 6s 6d to 80s Down Pillows, 7s 6d to18s 6d Embroidered TabUcovers, 89 6d to lie Gd Tapestry Carpots, 2s to 8s fld Brussels Carpets, 2sM to 63 Specialty in tew Kensington Carpet Squares with Fringe - latest designs Floorcloths, Linoleums, Doormats, Rugs Boys' Sailor Suits; 10sfid to 17s Od Boya' Norfolk Suits, 13a6d to 22s M Boya' Westminster Suits, 15a to 26a Boys' Guard Suits, 16b 0d to 19s Si Youthi' Tweed Sac Suits, 20s to 40s Gents' Tweed Tweed Trousers, 9s 6J to 16s 6d Gents.' Trousers and Vesta, 11s 6d to 22s6d Gents.' Sac Sutta,36s to CDs Overcoats, Waterproofs, Rugs, Trunks, Bags, && Gents.'Dress Shirts, <ii to lls ffents.' Oitord Shirts, 4s 6d to 7s Od Gents.' Union Shirts, S3 to 6s QcntaTarubswoo! Shirts, 4a to 8afld Gents.'Lambswool Pants, 4sfid to 10s Very Largo Assortment ot HMf-hoso, Scarves, Collars, Ties, Braces, Gloves, Studs, Handkerchiefs. BROWN,EWING, & CO. Blm Legal Notioes. : •• NEW* ZEALAND TO WIS ~ In the matter of » Bill entitled "An Act Em- I powering tho New Zealand Shipping Com- ! pany, Limited, to alter it; Memorandum of Association." "\rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' that J3i the New Zealand Shipping Company, Limited, Intend to present a Petition to the General Assembly of Now Zealand at tho sitting to be holden at Wellington in the month of Juno next, praying for leave to Introduco a Bill to be entitled " An Act to Empower tbe New Zealand Shipping Company, Limited, to alter lta Memorandumof Association " By tbe eaid Bill It Is lntondod to empower tho said Company, by special resolution, to alter the Memo- randum of Association of the said Company, and to extend the power thereby given to tho said Com- pany of borrowing and raising money to the borrowlog and raieiog of money on the un- called capital ol the Company, whether by means of debentures or otherwise. Copies ol tie said Bill will be deposited in the office of the Examiner of Standing Ordeis on or before the commence- ment of the session. Copies of the said Bill may be hod upon application to tho Undersigned, or to their sgtnts in Wellington. Dated this third day of May 1884. HARPER & CO., . Solicitors for the Bill, ChrUtchurch. lurd act Bull, Parliamentary Agents, Wellington. 16my IN BANKRUPTCY. NOTICE.—The Otago Dally Time* la i.l duly appointed GAZETTE for all NOTICES under tho Debtors and Creditors Act. IN BANKRUPTCY. ESTATE OF WILLIAM HENRY HAYDON. A GENERAL MEETING of Creditors f\ in tho abovenamed Kstate will be held at my Office onMONDAY,nineteenth May, attwelve o'clock, to receive report of the Supervisor and Assignee, and takeaction thoreon. . JAMES ASHOROFT, ISrny Official Assignee. Money. ONEY TO LEND, on Freehold Sooarlty.laftimJ ct £100 and upwards, at owrentrakf. GILLIES. BTREET, » HIBLOP. MONEY TO LEND, on Freehold Security, on favourable terms, insums to salt borrowers. Lowest current rates of Interest charged. Apply * ■■-.■■.;■ OONSELL > MOOPIE. MONEY TO LEND, In stun* to •uli Borrowers, itonrront rates ol Interest EDMUND SMITH, Savings Bank. U OKB V. FEOM £100 to £5000 to Load on e,p pritred ucttfUy si ccrrontlalac. . BBSD & DDNOAMB, Sap 83 Frlncee siioei, Dnnedl» THE Undersigned has MONEY to LEND, In Bums to salt Bonowers, at current Kites of Interest. - W. OONINGHAM SMITH, gja Exchange Buildings, Liverpool street. SECURITIES WANTED for SUMS of £6000, £1000, £500. £380, £300, and £250. Rate low, if securities exceptionally good. A. G. FENWIOK, 8m * 96Princes street. THE TBUSTEES, EXECUTORS, & AGENCY COMPANY of N.Z. (LIMITED) bos WONEYTO LEND on FREEHOLD SECURITY. W. LAURENCE BIMPSON, Cm ' Manager. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF DUNEDIN. SINKING FUND. /pHE Undersigned will be glad to re- JL ceivo applications for LOANS on flrat-close securltlos; GEORGE TUBNBULL,) R. GLENDINING, I-Inistees. HUGHMAONEIL, ) flnn edin. Jinnarv 14.1854. TB)a Election Notices; . _—: : .— BOROUGH OF NORTH-EAST YJ\ LI'EY,- -VTOMItifATIONS for the ELECTION JJi of TWO AU-DITOItS for the Year ending May 1885 will bo received at the Borough Office till THURSDAY, the B2nd of May, beforo Noon ; and the POLL (if any) will be taken on MONDAY, the 2nd day of June, at tbo Borough Office. HUGH M'FADYEN, 14my Returning-offloer._ " ~Lost, Found, &c. TpOUND, Green ; Island road, blue Jj COLLIE DOG.—Owner can apply to Hugh M'WMUr, Glen Farru, Gieoniihnd. «my Drapery. AUTUMN, 1834. QN TUESDAY, 11th MARCH, and following days, wo will make our FIRST GRAND DISPLAY " Of A TJ T U M N N OV XL TI E 8, Thecontents of £85 cases and bates now opened, NSW MILLINERY, NEW MANTLKS, KEW ULSTERS, NBW SILKS. NSW DRESS GOODS, NEW HOSIERY AND QLOVEB, NEW BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, NEW BOYS' AND MEN'SCLOTHING. The Goods have Opened Out to our Entire Satisfac- tion, are both Choice and Cheap, and, we feel con- fident, will meet with the full approval of our patrons. SAUNDEES A COMPANY, THI PBINOBS BIBXST CASH EMPORIUM. 10m Business Notioes. TIM BE E, DIRECT FROM THE SAWMILLS. MIDDLEMAN'S PROFITS SAVED TO CUSTOMERS A TAPPER & O O.» BAWMILLKRB, TIMBER AND IRON MERCHANTS, AIS BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS, Jim asd VoaiL nuns, Dmnina; IsvimamiiiL ass Asmnnoir, having completed several extensive Improvements and increasod thotr englno-powor, are now on- abled to produceTimber at a less price thanany other Sawmlller In theMiddleIsland, and would respoctfully draw the attention of Contractors and Builders to their ' LARGEST STOCKS OF NATIVETIMBERS IK NEW ZEALAND. 11,000ft SAWN and UfiOOtt DRESSED perday. i,COO,«Kft Seasoned Timber In Stock. BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY and BUILDING MATERIALS of every description direct tram tho Manufacturers. Doors, Sashes, Ridgingand Spouting, Slates, Cement, Lime,Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and every descrip- tion of dressed, turned, andcarved woodware. All TIMBER guaranteedfull cut and best quality. Orders executed on tho shortott notice, and delivered toany Railway-stationor BidingInthe Middle Island. Liberal Discount to Caen Customers. 100,000 ft Second-class TIMBER (freo In trucks) at Long Bush at 2fl 6d per 100 ft, Flans and Specificationsfor Bnildlngi Supplied Free, The celebrated LYSAQHrB " ORB" GALVANISED IRON, Win Netting, and other Manufactures. Beware ol Spurious Brands; only one style of brand awd by Join Lysaght(Limited). SoleHew Zealand Agents for the Root PaUat Mfc and sure STEAM BOILERS, from 6to 100 h.p. Economy withsafety, elmpioIn construction, facility of transport. All those who have need them pro- nounce them withoutdoubt the most suit- ableBoilers for SAWMILLS, FLOURHILLS, BRICK AND TILE- WORKS, TANNERIES, fee, *o. Any kind of fuel can be used, and takes less time to get up steam thanany other boUer. A. TAPPER k CO. are discarding; all the old style of boilers, and erecting " Roots" Is their plaosat all their Sawmills. - ' l tot particulars, price lists, to., apply ta j A. TAPPER* CO. BRANCHES: ' Timber and Iron-yards—Jettyand Vogel Streets Dunedin ; and East street, Ashburton) .Sawmills, Timber and Brlok-yards Seaward .. Forest and Long Bash j Head Office, Timber and Iron-yards—Tyne street, InveroargUl. Mo IKTEEHAIIONAL EXHIBITION, Mew Zealand. MARSHALL ~& COPELAND, BKEWXRS, BOTTLERS, MALTSTERS, and IMPORTERS of every description of Brewing Ma- tertali. Premises! Alblcn Brewery, Cumberland street, aid Water-ct-Lelth. fks above flrm hare taken tbe blgheet honsnrs Ib New Zealand for tholr ALES. They havt been awarded TEH tIRBT-OLASS CERTIFICATES since thefirst Exhibition, held In Dunedin In ISBI, to the Obrlstchnich Exhibition, held la June, 1881. The Juron ol tbe Chrtitchurob Exklbltloi, lilst aareful examination, appended lbs followlnf n- ruaiksi— "The ALSB examined byas are a very creditable exhibit—well made and wbolesvme. "Marshall and Oopeland's XXXX PALE BITTER ALE Is onothat deserves high commendation, and would attract attention Inany Exhibition among that olafis Ol Alos. * " Marshaland Copland s DDNEDINPALEALES. -This Sim XXXX Pale Bitter.Ale stood oat In a remarkab c way, and exhibitsall the qnallHei of a well-mi js Bitter Ale. We recommend a Certificate of Gold Medal. "J. B. PARKER, \ "V. HOCKLEY, {~_,„.. " O. ROBERTSON,f ""•*•• T|a "I. 8. ITAKLCY. 7 Bailwayß. NKVT ZEALAND RAILWAYS. QUEEN'S. BIRTHDAY BACESi SATURDAY RETURN' TICKETS issued at any Station to any Station on 28rd and 24th|MAY'wlllbo avallablo for return up to and includlngMAYSS. p _ General Manager New ZealandRailways. General Manager's Office, Wellington, .May 12,1884. HSrny NEWZEALAND RAILWAYS. ON and after "THURSDAY, 15th May, the Train now leaving Abbotetord for Mosglel at 11.26 a.nv will leave at "•«»•"• A. GRAN x, ■-.'■ District Traffic Manager. Traffic Manager's Office, Dunedin, M»y*12,1884. ISmy ALL FARMERS READ TUIH if yoa want a good BREAD BAKER, get onecf H. S. BHAOKLOOK'S No. 8 PATENT ORIOM COOKING RANGES. Vail paiUcalarspost (roe ou applloallon. Inspectionof tMek U»lt.d at%aMhenw, Orawfo ssnet, Dsmdta Drapery. VINDKR DRAPERY. JCTERBEBT, HAYNES, & CO. HavoLanded, from the Soukar, THEIR STOCK of BLANKETS for the COMING SEASON, whichthey can recommend as a very superior lot,and exceedinglycheap. HERBERT, HAYNES, fe CO. never faU to take advantage of the concessions to bo obtained from manufacturers ot Blankets on orders placed with them in the Summer, when their looms ore com- paratively idle. . . BLANKETS, Wholesale and Retail, At Prices that Defy Competition. No Warehousemen's Profits or Agents' Commissions to pay. . ALL GOODS BOUGHT for CASH and LANDJD DIRECT From the Producers. FIFTEEN CASES of HOSIERY, Ex 8.8. Bombay, Comprising everyMako and Colour for Ladles', Maids', and Children's wear, At Modnate Prices l FIFTY-SIX CASES and BALES, Ex Wellington, Consisting of Tweeds, Clothing, Flannels, Calicoes, &«■; THIRTY-ONE OASES, Ex Jamee Wisb&rt, fromGlasgow, Consisting of Unionand Wool Shirtings, Sheetings, Plaidlngs, fee.; And " * SIXTEEN OASES of NOVELTIES Ex B.ft Fenstanton. HERBERT, HAYNES, * CO. 8m Business Notices. \ A T. B U R T. THIS SEASON'S ROLLER .SKATES NOW READY. IMPROVED PATTERNS. BEST WORKMANSHIP. REDUCED PRICES A. & T. B U R T. T> S. SPABROW * O 0., IRON SHIPBUILDKXS, ESQDSKRI, BOILK-MAKERB, {ROM and BHABB TQvitt>WU PUNKDIN IRONWORK*. DDiisai. tLUCTACIUIIU O? Qnarti-oruthlng, Pamplng, and Winding Maoklniry, Tarblne and other Water Wheels, Dredging Ma- chinery, Rock Drills, Air Compressor!, and lion Flamingfor HydranllcMlnlsg pur- pose*. rionrmillMachlnory.Ballden' Plant, High-piossare and Com- pound Btcam-englcei acd Boiierc VADS aud Bl rAixsp. Flans and EpeolOcalloni prupared, and Experience Workmen sent taall parta of the Polony. 11 THE QORK AUCTION lIAKT, OOEI, Tji S. CANNING & CO., * AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS, LAND AND. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, LICENSED-LAND BROKERS. Agents for—The Australian Mercantile Union Fir* Ininranoe Company, in which Insurers participate In Profits and without any liability. J. H. Dawson and Sont'Sawmills. . i Moneyto Lend'upon approved security, at lowest rates. Applications strictly conßdeutlai. Propertiesfor Bale or Leone may be entered opoo oqr Hegl»fr. r»i» or Cntaai. JULIUS SANDTMANN, GENERAL IMPORTER, . AndRepresentative of Messrs Eug. Scharrer and Co., 59 Mark lane, London Messrs Scharrer and Eggera, Groninger strasae, Ham- burg " : Messrs Scharrer, Stephan, and Co., 127 and 129 Water street, New York. OFFICE and SHOW-ROOM, ' BOSD STBIBT (Opposite Chamber of Commerce). Large Selection of Samples for Indents, &c. In Btock. . Large variety of General Merchandise-—Boots, Shoes, Clocks, Musical Instruments, Tumblers, and Fancy Goods; plain Sodawater and improved Lemonade Bottles, &c. L^ndod, ex Tongarlro:—A quantity of Ladies' Workboxcs, Writing-desks, and a splendid collection of Oil Pictures, Oleographs, and Chromographe, to. ■. ' «ap Business Addresses. JAMES CO US T6 N Fidiub», OAirmu, Zno-Wouao, Walker street. Orders punctually attended to. to? mHOMAB OALLKNDER, ACCOUNTANT and AUDIIOI, MAHBE BTRKET. M VST OUNINGHAM SMITH, LAND, HNAHOJS, AHD QKHJRAL OOM- MISSION AGENI, ■xefcangs Balldlngf, Llverpsol ItHlt. Land for Bale In Canterbury, Otago, and Bonthlaad. Money 10 Lend on Froebold Security. Btook,B>aHon. aad Grain Agency. . Jewellers. S.S. TONGARIRO. * Ci AND T. YOUNG, VJT« Importers, Watchmakers and Jewellers, 80 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN, Havereceived oxabove vessel aStock of very suporlo London-made SILVER HUNTING LEVER WATCHES, Price, £9 to£10 10». Alsoa Selection of Entire Novelties In LADIES' GOLD ALBERTS. Sterling Silver Prize and Child's Cups. ELKOTRO-PL ATED SPOONS AND FORKS By theBeat Makers, Fiddle, Glasgow, and Hanoverian or Rat-tailed Patterns. ' Inspection respectfullyinvited. Hotels. ORIENTAL. HOTEL, Pnmois OTB»r, Ddnidiv. THOMAS STAN- BROOK Qato of Balclutta and Milton), Proprietor.— T. S. respectfully lntlmateß that having Just re- turnedfrom England, he has loosed the above Hotel, where hewill bo happy to meet his Old Friends and Patrons. The Bedroom and Cuisine Departmentswill be under the able superintendence of Mrs 8., whoso capabilities are well known to the travelling public. The Landlord always athome, and Intending visitors to tbe Old Country can be advised as to the twit and most economical route, with all Information given as to travelling both by »ea and rail life Amusements. •pRINOKBB THEATRE. Lessees and Directors: Messrs Wilmamson, Gaenbe, andMcsorovb. ROYAL COMIC OPERA COMPANY. FRIDAY, MAY 18 (At a quarterto 8 precisely). GRAND INAUGURAL HIOHI OP TUB \ BOYAL COMIC OPERA SBASON. SEVENTEEN 'SIGHTS ONLY. First production in Dunedin of the World-famed Comic Opera, inthree acts and tableaux, LA MASCOTTE,) LA MASCOTTE, i-TIIE LUCK-BRIKOKR. AA MASCOTTE, j This celebrated work has been performed to over- whelmingaudiences throughout Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, and lately in Hew Zealand, everywhere creating a great furore, public Press . uniting in one general opinion thatfor pureness of plot, tuneful music, taking vocalisation, excellent orchestral rendering, elegant costumes, and appro- priate appointments ' IT HAS NEVERBEEN EQUALLED. ,The BOX PLANS for the FIRS! SIXNH3HTS are now open at Bege's Mueio Warehouse. POSI- TIVELY the LAST TWO DAYS for the SALE of FAMILY TICKETS. , Prices of Admission: Dress Circle, 03;Stalls, 41 i Second Stills, 2s; Pit, Is. . .- Day Tickets at Nathan's, tobacconist. -. . 12my , 0. NOBILI, Business Manager. _ OBBS & 6DODWI N . «H3A??.:OAL &BD SBHES&i SSfcLPOBTSS*, : gflrt.sScn Ad.i<BS-s| Sai^T. .;'■ NOHCBTO THEATRICALS AND OTHERS. TO ARRANGE~~for USE of the Wellington BILL-BOARDS, communicate with BROTHERS, Proprietors Evening Post, . Wellington J Or with . ;•■ ; GARDNER & M'DONALD, . Agents, i BrightonChambers, Cashel et., Chrisfchnrch. Meetings. EABLY HISTORY SOCIETY OF OTAQO.- THE ADJOURNED MEETING of those interested in the FORMATION of this Society will be held in-the Lower Hill of th* Athehaum on FRIDAY EVENING, the 19th'tost., at 8 O'clock. ~.-.■._..,■,. ;:,'.. , 16my " ■■ I. MiHOCKES. OTAGO BENEVOLENT .INSTITUTION. rpHE Adjourned ANNUAL GENERAL X MEETING of the SUBSCRIBES to theabort Institution will be held in the Hall of the Chamber of Commerce on MONBAY, the 19th Inst., at S o'clock p.m. A. CLULEE, ■■ Secretary. BusnrEss: The Election of Office-bearers for ensuing year. May 13,1884. limy CROMWELL QUARTZ-MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). THE ADJOURNED MEETING of Shareholders in this Companywill be held on FRIDAY, the 16th, at3 p.m.,at Watson's Hotel, High street, Dunedin. 0. S. REEVES, Manager. May 13,1381. 14my GUTHRIE & LARNACH'S NEW ZEALAND TIM- BER AND WOODWARE FACTORIES CO* PANY(LIMITED). "VrOTIOE IS HEREBYGIVEN that X* in pursuance of-section 109 of "The Joint Stock Companies Act I860," a GENERAL MEETINd of the SHAREHOLDERS of the sbovenamod Com- pany'will be held at the Liquidalon," office, South Ptii.ccs street, Dunedin, on MONDAY, the 16thday61 June next, at 8 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of considering; the Account made up by theLiquidator! pursuant to the said section, showing the mannerin which the winding-up has been conducted and th« property of the Company disposed of, and for the purpose or passing tt Resolution that the affairs of the Company have been properly woundup. Dated at Dunedin, this 14thday of May 1884. W. J. M. LARNA'CH. DONALD STRONACH. WM. BBOWN. Leoturei. ST. ANDREW'S YOUNGMEN'S SOCIETY. AN AMBULANCE LECTURE Will be given by DR GORDON MAODONALD, In the HALL below the CHURCH, TO-NIGHT, At 8 o'clock. ,- ; Practical Illustrations on Member*. Admission Free. 15my Tenders. NEW ZEALANDRAILWAYS.; IRON CASTINGS. Gonoral Managers OiEco, Railway Department, Wellington, May7,1884. WRITTEN TENDERS will be re- ceived at this Office up to Noon on MONDAY, June 0, ljjSl, for tho SUPPLY and DELIVERY at Dunedia of IRON CASTINGS. Specifications and forms of toader maybe obtained atthe Storekeeper's Office, Dunedin. Tenders to bo addressed to the General Manager, Wellington, and marked outside " Tender for Cast- ings." v The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. P. MAXWELL, ; . 16my General Hunger New ZealandRailway*. CORPORATION OF PORT CHALMERS. PROPOSED GASWORKS. npENDERS will be received »t the X Town Clerk's Office, Currle street, Port Chal- mers, from persons desirous of the privilege of Manu- facturing and Supplying Gas to the Incorporated Town of Port Chalmers. '. The lowest or any tender will not necMcarlly be accepted. . ' All applicationsmust be sent in to the Town (Berk1 * Office on or before Noon on MONDAY, June 16, 18S'" ' \ " . A.LECK, 2iap TowuClerk. TENDERS FOR HARBOUR BOARD OFFICES. THE TIME for receiving Tenders for the above work will be EXTENDED till 1 o'clock on THURSDAY, the 15th inst., when all tenders must be deposited with the Secretary of the. Otogo Harbour Board. ■■.■■.■■'■.-.' FRANK W. PETRE, Engineerand Architect; (; my - Dunedin and Cbriatchurch. TENDERS will be received till MON- DAY, May 19, for the PLOUGHING of 20 ACRES nt Green Island.—For further particulars applyto w:m-CULLACK, limy .. Green Island1. mENDERS will be received till, ,3'lrt 1 MAY, at Tramway Stables, for the SUPPLY and DELIVERY of CHAFF and STRAW tor 12 months, either together orseparately. .i-. ; HASTIEBRO3 i 10my Tramway HoneProprietors. mENDERS are invited till noon of i MONDAY, 28th iDst., for the Erection of STABLJS and COTTAGE (brick or wood) at St. Clalt. MASON & WALES, , 15rAy Architect*. 10 CONTRACTORS, FARMERS, AND OTHERS. ; STONEWARE BEWESAai-ril'**. WANTED KNOWN.-GREAT REDUCTIONS in tho PRICE of Stonewar* Soworage-pipes, Fireclay, Firo-brlcks, Fire-tiles, Ov«i. blocks, Ohlmney-pots, Cattle-troughß,Kitchen Stake. Garden Vases atgreatly redw»d rataa. to clear consignments. Illustratod catalogßM %ni prico-llsts on application. Agent for Wilson's Auckland HydraulicLirae. W. H. WHITE, jj n Pirn Factßry, KenslnirtoM. PnneiWn. Impoundin gi. IMPOUNDED, on the Oth day of May 1881, by William Yonng, Purakanul, ' One Black-and-white BULL (no visible brand)-tupposed to belong to Robert Crawford, Purakanui—for tret- pa3siDß on William Young's property, for which the sumof Ws it claimed for driving fees; and in default of being released, the above bull will be Sold at the Public Pound at Port Chalmers on FRIDAY, the 161b day 0> May 1884, at 12o'clock noon. - ROBERT G. ANDERSON, 18my_ Pound^fWi. IMPOUNDED on the 10th d»y of Mm I ISBI, by T. Stanley, two wd and whlto HEIFERS, no visible brands; ega red and whlU OOW,,branded like JD on the neai rump; one red; COW, branded like |B on M& off rump—ownen un- known—for damage doneto oats, for which he claim*' 109 per head. And in default of being released, th* aboveCattle will be sold atthePublic Pound, Macrae*, on FRIDAY, the 80th day of May 1884, at 12 o'clock noon. ' . 15my KERIN PL \FFY, Poundkeeper. PIEROE'S TRADES PROTECTION SOCIETY, Dowlinu street, Dunedln.-Solicitortv Messrs Dickand Sluait; Bankers, Bankof NewPoutlt Wales. NOTIOE.—The Undersigned respectfully Infoim the"trading community generally that they have established ft Trades Protection Society fm'df circular) and have OPENED commodious PREMISES for the accommodation of Subscribers i next Samson and Co.'s Auction Rooms, in Dowllng atroot.-F. PIERCE & CO. N.B. Reference permitted to Manager Bink of New South Wale*. Look for future idvtitlMmenU. Mmji

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  • The Otago Daily Times.



    gfy,^ QHAW, BAY ILL■^^S^ albion Companyneol VowelsbetweenLONDON,GLASGOW,and all

    NEW ZEALANDPOBTS.LinorFunilons. Tons.

    Akoroa - - IS9B Lu6te»wor& - 88SAucilani - .. IS" 'Lytlelton.. - 111}Osnterbury .. 1345 Margaret Galbrallh 611CrUßSdor .. .. 1068 Keropo _ _ 1061•Sanedta - - Nelson .. _ 1217• Bulorpa - •• »W *oamainv » IBMForfMshlre- - IMS Pleiades _ » 997Glanlora _ - »7A Plelone .. 1003Helon Denny .. 753 Soukar .. _ I|o4Himalaya - .. 1008 Timarn _ _ 1806Bdson - .. T9I Trevelyan _ « 104SinvercarglU ■ .. l«fl •WollingtOD ~ 1247J03910 Roadman _ 902 Wostland _ _ 1118*LadyJocelya - 1188 Sealmdla_ _ 1116acgnone - _ 716• Those Ships are fitted with tefrl£O»Un|r mtchl-•ory.

    Passages grantedfrom London :—Per steamer .. ..16 guineasPer sailingvessel .. IS ~

    And from Glasgow—Per sailingvessel ..16 ~For particularsapplytotheTHEBRITISHAND NEW ZEALAND MORTGAGS

    AHD AGENCY CO. (LUHTBD)|DALaffrr* COMPANY | .Andfflß HAK^VKi^^lTtlf"°°-

    Dancdln, InvercarglU,Oamaro, and Tlmare. Iflm


    jjA.-^ fPHEfollowingwell-knownSgmiSm^ JL Vessels ol the above LIo«wiu bo despatched from PORTSUKmBtST CHALMEEBby too nndorslgnsd•■■■■■ wiih, panctnallty, vh.

    ■ ■*• ■"'■- SS ***"• fstoU<BonkM - - ISCI Oroker May 81Victory,«.»._ - 2818 Elcoato May81

    the above hay« all aplendid accommodation leipoMengere, and wUI caiiy wool, grata, tallow,andither prodncisat loweat onncnt iktea. I

    7oi freightand poseogoapplyto




    ■••>"»•• 'Olasgow;OrlnOam»rnto. ' ■ •DENNISONA GRANT,) ,„■„,, »_„*,Or GEORGESUMPTER, | Joint AgenM.TAGO WlTNESS.—Problems and

    Ounes are pnbllebedtor tbe •munment of IbLotenot Chess


    UKIOH STEAM SHUCOMPAJfTfiF*"^"""^ Ot HEW ZKALAMDW *bBTS OJtapMy will deipakh|§| gtoameroaa uadoji-~

    FOR OAMARU.-r-BEAJJTIFULBTAR, S.S., on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYSPassengers on Friday from Dunedin Wharfat9 p.m. Cargo at Wharf till3 p.m.

    T^OR'iIMARU—TAIAROA. s.b., onJD MONDAYS and THURSDAYSPassengersThisDay(Thured»y)fromDunedinWharf at 5 p.m.i Cargo at Wharf till8 p.m.

    FOR AKAKOA. —HAWEA, a.s., onMONDAY, 26th May. Paseengers by 12.10p.m. train.

    FOR LYTTELTON and WELLINGTON.-WANAKA, 8.8., on MONDAY, 19thMay. Passengers by 12.10 p.m. train.

    FOR NAPIER, GJSBORNB, audAUCKLAND.-TEANAU,6.5., on WEDNES-DAY, Slßt May. Passengers by 12.!0 pm. trniu.

    FOR PIGTON, KSLSOK, TAR-NAKI, and HANUKAU.-WANAKA, S.P..on MONDAY, 19th May. Passengers by 12.10p.m. train. .FOR MELBOURNE, via BLUFF.—ARAWATA, 8.»., THIS DAY (THURSDAY),

    15thMay. Passengers by2.30 p.m. train.TjIORWESTPORTand GREYMOOTBJD (Ukln?Olgo for HOKITIKA). — MAHINA-PDA, is., on SATURDAY, 21th May, vl»

    OAMARU, LYTTELTON.»nd WELLINGTON.Passengers from DunedinWnarf at — p.m.


    MANAPOURI,5.8., on WEDNESDAY,28th May.Passengers by 2.80p.m. train.

    FOR SYDNBY, via LYTTELTONand WELLINGTON. — HAUROTO, 8.5., onTUESDAY,20th May. Passengers by 2.E0 p.m.train.

    ESOB FIJI, from AUCKLAND.—1? PENGUIN,1.1., about MONDAY,2nd June.OreiouI Corner of Vogel,Water, and Cumberlandstreets.

    QB I B B_T LINE.Under contract withthe New South Walu flovairj;

    men*foi the conveyanceof malls.Thefollowing Steamshipsbelonging tothe ORIENT

    CO. and tho PACIFICCO. will lcavo SYDNEYandMELBOURNE on tho undonmmJioned dateß forLONDON, via ADELAIDE, DIEGO GARCIA(aiIkamor's opMon), SUEZ, and NAPLES:-

    fiom Sydney. .FromMelbourne.IBERIA .. .. Miy 24 , May 80POTOSI .. .. June 7 Jnnß 18ORIBNT «.

    _June 21 June 27

    GARONNE .. July 6 July 11And (oitnlghtlythetesflor.

    Hew lealund paMongexi may canned with g.i.Iberia at Uelbourno per B.c. Rlng»room» trca PortChalmers on THURSDAY, 22nd May.

    Throughfares toLondOD, £21 to£75.Pasaengere eecure special advantages by booking

    throughfrom New Zealand. Second-class passengersby Orient steamer are providedwith Baloon paasagostoSydney or Molboume.'

    NAPLES to LONDONby Kali.—Special arrange-ments made with Messrs Cookand Eonsfor theissueof throughUckotaat greatlyreduced rates. -SPASSAGES FROMLONDON.-Spedal facilitiesorded for bringing outFriends and Relatlvos bypro-paymentof the paesage-money hero. •SPECIAL RETURN.TICKETS,available for twelvemonths,are Issued at thefollowingntea I—

    First Saloon .. ~ .. - ..£11TSecondSaloon .. .. - .. £77.PARCELSBOOKED THROUGHto LONDON»tReducedRates.

    For further particularsapply toUHIONBTEAM SHIP COMPANY OF NEWZBALAND (LIMITED),

    100 AgentsIn New Zealand.DUXEDIN OUSIOK-HOUSS, ODMMISiION, A->D


    init. Cargo received at (J Shed.

    SSEAM to GBEYMOUTH DIBEOT(taking cargo fo*HOKITIKA).-Tha s.s. STAROK TUE SOUrH, on or about FRIDAY, lßthin«t.




    FOR INVEROARGILL.-OWAKEBELLE, loading at Jettystreet Wharf.fTOR TOI-TOIB, via INVEROAR-I? GILtc—OWAKEBELLB,If sufficient lniuce-


    FOR OAMARU.—GLEANER, load-ing atRittrayBtreet Wharf,e'OR SALE, tho Iron ncrow-steamt*SHAG, of the burthen o! 15 tons, Inthorough

    ica-goingorder, and ag good aa new.—Fallpar-llcnlaracan bo obtalnod onapplicationto





    ■ WEBTPORT COAL COMPANY (LIMITED),Vogol street, Dunodln.

    ,-^A. mHE b.b. KORANUr,SKI^kSJv -I- of the Block Diamond Line,*N|^^\^>wi]l leave Battray street WharfJfIfBMiKEfTHIS DAY (THURSDAY),May 16, taking passengers andcargo for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington. Nelson,Westport, and Groymouth, and forwarding cargoat lowrates to BLENHEIM,FOXTON,WAKGANUI,PATBA, OPUNAKE, WAITARA,and HOKITIKA.

    Cargo received on board until 1 p.m., siiltag at 2p m. "

    A. J. BUBNS,lOmy Agent.


    SION AGENTS,Will dispatch:

    For NAPIER—ENTERPRISE,obout 30thlnst.

    Bap GEORGE BLYTH fc CO.,Agentg.

    riOMPAGNIEuessagerles icari-


    Steamersunder PostalContract with the Governmentof France.


    »nd PORTSAID.

    Tho Company's STEAMERSwill bo DESPATCHEDasf ollowb :—•

    Leave Leave LeaveBil- Sydney. Melbourne. Adelaide.

    Calcdonlon ..May2o May24 M»y2flMelbourne ..Juno 17 Juno21 June 23Sydney .. Jnly 16 July 19 , July21 ,TABLE WINES, BEER, Me oro INCLUDEDIntho

    PASSAGE-MONEY.For (might, passage,and further particularsapply

    NBILL & CO. (Limited),J6]» Agents, Dunedin.

    tf^^ mHE NEW ZEALANDxtJBHKSS BXPRES3COIiPANY.■■■(IBMBHIIm ogNBRAL CUSTOMS*EIPBWSfOEWARDINOAGENTS,dsepalcll PARCELS, PACKAGES, fee by Exprceatnd GoodgTrains to allStalloneconnected withDnn-•din by rail, Dally.

    To Northernand West Coastports byevery sUamcrTo tho Australian GolonlosWeekly.To GreatBritain and the ContinentotEurope via

    tfelbourne, bymailand other steamer, Bertnightly.P&icolaforwardedby or ordered throaghtho N. Z.

    BxprcasCo. doliveredpromptly on arr'talat destlna-llori,without trouble to conelgnees.

    BATES.—LONDOH TO HEW ZEALAND,lib ' lib 101b lßlb lolbla SB 6b 9s 12sSOlb »01b 601b 801b 1001b15s 17s 6d «ls 8d 288 9d 265.

    Order parcels tobesent toW. R. BUTTON& COGolden Lane, Barbican, London; or any of theiragencies throughout GreatBritain.

    tl« WALAKD BiraKSßO MOOPIE.MONEY TO LEND, In stun* to •uliBorrowers,itonrront rates ol Interest

    EDMUND SMITH,Savings Bank.

    U OKB V.FEOM £100 to £5000 to Load on e,ppritred ucttfUysi ccrrontlalac. .BBSD& DDNOAMB,Sap 83 Frlncee siioei, Dnnedl»

    THE Undersigned has MONEY toLEND, In Bums to salt Bonowers, at currentKites of Interest. -W. OONINGHAMSMITH,gja Exchange Buildings, Liverpool street.SECURITIES WANTED for SUMSof £6000, £1000, £500.£380, £300, and £250.Rate low, if securities exceptionally good.

    A. G. FENWIOK,8m * 96Princes street.




    /pHE Undersigned will be glad to re-JL ceivo applications for LOANS on flrat-closesecurltlos; •GEORGETUBNBULL,)


    flnn edin. Jinnarv 14.1854. TB)a

    Election Notices;. _—: : .—BOROUGHOF NORTH-EAST YJ\LI'EY,-

    -VTOMItifATIONS for the ELECTIONJJi of TWO AU-DITOItSfor the Year ending May1885 will bo received at the Borough Office till

    THURSDAY, the B2nd of May,beforo Noon; and thePOLL (if any) will be taken on MONDAY,the 2nd dayof June, at tbo Borough Office.

    HUGHM'FADYEN,14my Returning-offloer._" ~Lost, Found, &c.TpOUND, Green ; Island road, blueJj COLLIEDOG.—Ownercan apply to HughM'WMUr,GlenFarru, Gieoniihnd. «my


    AUTUMN, 1834.

    QN TUESDAY, 11th MARCH,■ and following days,wo will make ourFIRST GRAND DISPLAY "


    A TJ TU M N N OV XLT I E 8,Thecontents of£85 casesand bates now opened,






    The Goodshave OpenedOut to ourEntire Satisfac-tion, are both Choice and Cheap, and, we feel con-fident, will meet with the fullapproval of our patrons.




    Business Notioes.





    BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS,Jimasd VoaiL nuns,Dmnina;

    IsvimamiiiL ass Asmnnoir,having completed several extensive Improvementsand increasod thotr englno-powor, are now on-abled toproduceTimber at a less price thanany otherSawmlllerIn theMiddleIsland,and would respoctfullydraw the attention of Contractors and Builders totheir


    i,COO,«Kft Seasoned Timber InStock.BUILDERS'IRONMONGERY and BUILDING

    MATERIALSof every description directtram thoManufacturers.

    Doors,Sashes, Ridgingand Spouting,Slates,Cement,Lime,Paints, Oils,Varnishes, and every descrip-

    tion of dressed,turned,andcarved woodware.AllTIMBERguaranteedfull cutand best quality.

    Orders executed on tho shortott notice,and deliveredtoanyRailway-stationorBidingInthe Middle


    Liberal Discount to Caen Customers.100,000ft Second-classTIMBER (freo In trucks) at

    Long Bushat 2fl 6d per 100ft,Flans and Specificationsfor Bnildlngi Supplied Free,

    The celebratedLYSAQHrB " ORB" GALVANISED IRON,Win Netting, and other Manufactures. Beware ol

    SpuriousBrands;only one styleof brandawdby Join Lysaght(Limited).

    SoleHew Zealand Agents for the Root PaUatMfcand sure STEAM BOILERS,

    from 6to 100h.p.Economy withsafety, elmpioIn construction,facility

    oftransport. All those who have need them pro-nounce them withoutdoubt the most suit-


    WORKS, TANNERIES, fee,*o.Anykind of fuel can be used,and takes less time to

    get up steam thanany other boUer.A. TAPPER k CO.are discarding;all the old style

    of boilers, and erecting "Roots" Is their plaosatalltheirSawmills. - ' ltot particulars, price lists, to.,apply ta jA. TAPPER* CO.BRANCHES: 'Timber and Iron-yards—Jettyand VogelStreetsDunedin ; and East street, Ashburton)

    .Sawmills, Timber and Brlok-yards — Seaward.. Forest and Long Bash jHead Office, Timber and Iron-yards—Tyne

    street, InveroargUl. Mo


    MARSHALL ~& COPELAND,BKEWXRS,BOTTLERS, MALTSTERS, andIMPORTERS of every description of Brewing Ma-tertali.• Premises!Alblcn Brewery, Cumberlandstreet, aid

    Water-ct-Lelth.fks above flrm hare taken tbe blgheet honsnrs Ib

    New Zealand for tholr ALES. They havt beenawarded TEH tIRBT-OLASSCERTIFICATESsincethefirst Exhibition, held In Dunedin In ISBI, to theObrlstchnichExhibition, heldla June, 1881.

    The Juron ol tbe ChrtitchurobExklbltloi,lilstaarefulexamination, appended lbs followlnf n-ruaiksi—

    "The ALSB examined byas are a very creditableexhibit—well madeand wbolesvme.

    "Marshall and Oopeland's XXXX PALE BITTERALE Is onothat deserves high commendation,andwould attract attentionInanyExhibition among thatolafis Ol Alos. *"Marshaland Copland s DDNEDINPALEALES.-This Sim XXXX Pale Bitter.Ale stood oat Inaremarkab c way, and exhibitsall the qnallHeiof awell-mi js Bitter Ale. We recommend a Certificateof Gold Medal.

    "J. B. PARKER, \"V. HOCKLEY, {~_,„.."O.ROBERTSON,f""•*••T|a "I. 8. ITAKLCY. 7



    SATURDAY RETURN' TICKETSissued at any Stationto any Station on 28rdand 24th|MAY'wlllbo avallablo for return up toandincludlngMAYSS. p

    _GeneralManagerNew ZealandRailways.

    GeneralManager'sOffice,Wellington, .May 12,1884. HSrny


    ON and after "THURSDAY, 15thMay, the Train now leaving Abbotetord forMosglel at 11.26a.nv will leave at"•«»•"•A. GRANx,

    ■-.'■ District Traffic Manager.Traffic Manager'sOffice,Dunedin,M»y*12,1884. ISmy

    ALL FARMERS READ TUIHif yoa want a good BREAD BAKER,


    COOKING RANGES.Vail paiUcalarspost (roe ouapplloallon.InspectionoftMek U»lt.d at%aMhenw,Orawfo

    ssnet, Dsmdta



    JCTERBEBT, HAYNES, & CO.HavoLanded,from the Soukar,


    whichthey can recommend as a very superior lot,andexceedinglycheap.

    HERBERT,HAYNES,fe CO. never faU to takeadvantage of the concessions to bo obtained frommanufacturersot Blankets on orders placed withthem in the Summer, when their looms ore com-parativelyidle. . .

    BLANKETS,Wholesale and Retail,At Prices that Defy Competition.

    No Warehousemen's Profits or Agents' Commissionstopay. .


    From the Producers.

    FIFTEEN CASESof HOSIERY,Ex 8.8. Bombay,

    Comprising everyMako and ColourforLadles',Maids',and Children's wear,At Modnate Prices l

    FIFTY-SIXCASESand BALES,Ex Wellington,Consisting of Tweeds, Clothing, Flannels, Calicoes,&«■;

    THIRTY-ONE OASES,Ex Jamee Wisb&rt,from Glasgow,

    Consisting of Unionand Wool Shirtings, Sheetings,Plaidlngs, fee.;

    And • " *SIXTEENOASES of NOVELTIESEx B.ft Fenstanton.


    Business Notices.

    \ A T. B U R T.







    A. & T. B U R T.




    Qnarti-oruthlng, Pamplng, and Winding Maoklniry,

    Tarblne and other Water Wheels, Dredging Ma-chinery, Rock Drills, Air Compressor!, and

    lion Flamingfor HydranllcMlnlsg pur-pose*. rionrmillMachlnory.Ballden'

    Plant, High-piossare and Com-

    pound Btcam-englcei acdBoiierc VADS aud Bl


    Flans and EpeolOcalloni prupared, and ExperienceWorkmen sent taall parta of the Polony. 11




    Agents for—TheAustralian Mercantile Union Fir*Ininranoe Company, inwhich Insurers participate InProfitsand withoutany liability. J. H.Dawson andSont'Sawmills. . i

    Moneyto Lend'upon approved security, at lowestrates. Applications strictly conßdeutlai.

    Propertiesfor Bale or Leone may be entered opoooqr Hegl»fr. r»i» or Cntaai.


    Messrs Eug. Scharrerand Co., 59 Mark lane, LondonMessrs Scharrerand Eggera, Groninger strasae, Ham-

    burg " :Messrs Scharrer, Stephan, and Co., 127 and 129Waterstreet, New York.OFFICEand SHOW-ROOM,

    ' BOSD STBIBT(Opposite Chamberof Commerce).Large Selection of Samples for Indents,&c.InBtock. .

    Large variety of General Merchandise-—Boots,Shoes, Clocks, Musical Instruments, Tumblers, andFancy Goods; plain Sodawaterand improvedLemonade Bottles, &c.

    L^ndod, ex Tongarlro:—A quantity of Ladies'Workboxcs, Writing-desks, and a splendid collectionof Oil Pictures, Oleographs, and Chromographe, to.■. ■ ' «apBusiness Addresses.JAMES CO US T6 NFidiub», OAirmu, Zno-Wouao,

    Walker street.Orders punctuallyattended to. to?




    MISSION AGENI,■xefcangs Balldlngf, Llverpsol ItHlt.

    Land for Bale InCanterbury,Otago,and Bonthlaad.Money 10 Lend on Froebold Security.

    Btook,B>aHon. aad Grain Agency. .Jewellers.

    S.S.TONGARIRO. *Ci AND T. YOUNG,VJT« Importers,

    Watchmakersand Jewellers,80 PRINCESSTREET,DUNEDIN,

    Havereceived oxabove vessel aStockof very suporloLondon-made

    SILVER HUNTING LEVER WATCHES,Price, £9to£10 10».

    AlsoaSelectionof Entire NoveltiesInLADIES'GOLD ALBERTS.

    SterlingSilverPrize and Child'sCups.ELKOTRO-PLATED SPOONSAND FORKS

    By theBeat Makers,Fiddle, Glasgow, and Hanoverian or Rat-tailed

    Patterns. 'Inspectionrespectfullyinvited.Hotels.

    ORIENTAL. HOTEL,Pnmois OTB»r, Ddnidiv. THOMAS STAN-BROOK Qato of Balclutta and Milton),Proprietor.—T. S. respectfully lntlmateß that having Just re-turnedfrom England, he has loosed the above Hotel,where hewill bo happy to meet his OldFriends andPatrons. The Bedroomand CuisineDepartmentswillbe under theable superintendenceof Mrs 8., whosocapabilities are well known to the travelling public.The Landlord alwaysathome,and Intending visitorsto tbe Old Countrycan be advised as to the twitandmost economical route, withall Information givenasto travelling both by »eaand rail life


    •pRINOKBB THEATRE.Lessees and Directors:Messrs Wilmamson, Gaenbe, andMcsorovb.

    ROYAL COMIC OPERA COMPANY.FRIDAY,MAY 18(At a quarterto 8 precisely).


    BOYAL COMIC OPERASBASON. •SEVENTEEN 'SIGHTS ONLY.First production in Dunedin of the World-famed

    Comic Opera, inthree acts and tableaux,LA MASCOTTE,)LA MASCOTTE, i-TIIE LUCK-BRIKOKR.AA MASCOTTE,j

    This celebrated work has been performed to over-whelmingaudiences throughoutVictoria, New SouthWales, South Australia, and latelyin Hew Zealand,everywhere creating a great furore, public Press .uniting in one general opinion thatfor pureness ofplot, tuneful music, taking vocalisation, excellentorchestral rendering, elegant costumes, and appro-priate appointments' IT HAS NEVERBEEN EQUALLED.

    ,The BOX PLANS for the FIRS! SIXNH3HTSare now open at Bege's Mueio Warehouse. POSI-TIVELY the LAST TWO DAYS for the SALEofFAMILY TICKETS. ,

    Prices of Admission: Dress Circle, 03;Stalls,41 iSecond Stills, 2s; Pit, Is. . .-Day Tickets at Nathan's, tobacconist. -. . ■

    12my , 0. NOBILI,Business Manager._OBBS & 6DODWI N.


    : gflrt.sScn Ad.i May 1884,at 12o'clock noon. -ROBERTG. ANDERSON,18my_ Pound^fWi.IMPOUNDED on the 10th d»y of MmI ISBI, by T. Stanley, two wd and whltoHEIFERS, no visible brands; ega red and whlUOOW,,brandedlike JD on the neai rump; one red;COW, branded like |B onM&off rump—ownen un-known—for damage donetooats, for which he claim*'109 per head. And in default of being released, th*aboveCattlewill be sold atthePublic Pound, Macrae*,on FRIDAY, the 80th day of May 1884,at 12o'clocknoon. ' .15my KERIN PL \FFY, Poundkeeper.PIEROE'S TRADES PROTECTIONSOCIETY,Dowlinu street, Dunedln.-SolicitortvMessrs Dickand Sluait; Bankers, Bankof NewPoutltWales. —NOTIOE.—TheUndersigned respectfullyInfoim the"trading community generally that theyhave established ft Trades Protection Society fm'dfcircular) and haveOPENEDcommodious PREMISESfor the accommodation of Subscribers inext Samsonand Co.'s Auction Rooms, in Dowllng atroot.-F.PIERCE & CO. — N.B. Reference permitted toManagerBinkof New SouthWale*.Lookfor futureidvtitlMmenU. Mmji


    THH WKATHER.May 11 —Wind, N.W.; weather, dull. 8».m.—Baro-Mtsj, 29 28; ihsjmomote-, 62. Noon—Barometer, 59.16; th-mflcraator, GO. 6 p.m.—Baro-meter, 29.H ; thermometer, 64.

    man watbr.May 15— *.i &s Hondo, D.50 r.m. 1 o« PStSOhalnntu,0 SO n.m,| *,i Dusedln, 7.16 p.m.

    ARRIVALS.Tsiaroa, 8.8., -488 tons, Smith, from Tioiaru.J Mills, agont. Passengers—Mesdames Tait, Craw-

    ford, Smith, O'Dcnnell, Hisses Simpson, Walcott,Crawford, MasterRatter, Meß3ra Crawford, Mair, andHewltson.

    Frederick Bassil, barque, 342 tons, Best, from >.ew-castlo. X Ramsay, agont.

    Wairarapa,8.e.,'18i!8tons, Pjpbam, from Sydney,viatheKast Coast. JMills, agent. Passengers: FromSydney—Mrs Dymock, Messrs Dymook, Do Basin,Smith. From tho Coast — Mesdames Dunean-andchild, Rosa, Warren, I/Estrange, Beaunony, WillU,Webb and infant,-Hbllob', Misses Lament, Hollow,Nolan, Messrs Altchi-son, Cowper, Marmot, Hughes,Long, Rylo, Aveni, Ballentina, O'Criecoil, M'Donald,Maur, Hogan,Pascal!, Oliver,Fo*ler, Jones, Valentine,Croll, Kobb, L'Estrange, May, Jones, Ourney,Gunn,Dick, Reid, M'Brido, Black, Monti, Pouncer, Fiulay-eon, Peppini, Hyams, Falvy, Willis, Hancock, Pitt,Brown, Hughes, Webb, Uolgan, Hollow, Bristock,Nolan,Murphy, Ryan, Cassidy, Woolf.

    Latona, barque, 252 tons, Jeffreys, from TimatuforCork (put in). Dalgety and Co, agents.

    DBFA&TUBBO.Kakanui, b.b., 57 tons, Sundstroin, for Invercargill.

    XRatnsay, agent.Ino, a.s., Si! tons, Lydere, for Toi-Tois. Proctors,

    Jones, and Co, agents."Waihora, b.b., 2003 tons, Edie, for Sydney, viathe East Coast. J Mills, agont. Passengers: For

    Wellington—Mrand Miss Haunayandfamily (4), Mrsand wi"s M'Korio, Mr and Mrs Black and family (8),Miß3 Brown, Mesfcri Thomson,M'Sorie. For Napier—Messrs Nelson, Corkhlll. For Auckland—MeadaniesDeans, Evans and child, Davidson, Thomson, MissRobertson, Mea?rs Windsor, Phlpps, Good, M'Lcan,Roberts. ForSydney—MrsBruco, Dr Williams.


    Taiaroa, 228 tons, Smith, from Timaru, withcargo, JMills, agent. ■. .. .Wairarapa, 1023 tons, Popham, from tho Bluff,withcargo. J Mills, agent.

    Frederick Bassil, .842, tons Best, from Newcastle,withcargo. XRamsay, agent.

    OBTWAKDB.Waihora, 1276 tons, Edie, for Lyttelton, with

    cargo. JMills, agent.

    IMPORTS.Per Wairarapa, from the North : 40 pkire, U S S

    Co ; 129 do, N ZS Co ; £S do, NeillBros ; 2 do, Hois-burgh; 8 do, Mills,D:ck, and Co;2 do, ButtenvoithBros ; 569 do, o/der.

    Per Frederick Bassil, from Newcastle: 490 tonscoal, Martin and Watson ; 21 prs nnves,81S ffHoes,8320spoke?, 6 bags wedges, 850 empty tag?, 73 pius,order.

    EXPORTS.Per Waihora: For Lyttelton-3 pkgs, Hatton,

    King, and Co;4 do, W T.vree jlO do, Gibbs,Bright,and Co; 28 do, N ZDrug Co; 1 do, X Z Express Co.For Cbristchurch—9 pkg?, P Hayimn and Co; 25 do.F Singer and Co; 5 do, Sargc.od, Son, and Ewen; 7do, A Brlscoe and Co; 11 do, Aand T Hurt ; 2 do,DBenjamin and Co- For Blenheim—l pkg, Rosaand. Glendining; 1 do, N Z lixprcsa Co. ForWellington-28 pkgp, W M Hannsy: 1 do, Eqult-ttble4nsuraneo Cb ; 1 do, Hallensteio Bros and Co ; 2do, P Hayma'i and Co;1 d;>, N Z Express On;2 do,Kosa and Glendinlog; 1do, F APierce; 6 do, lii.ijr.• Harris, and Co ;66 do, Hopkinsand Jowitt; 3do, J JPryor j2 do, N ZExpress Co. For F xtin Si )kgs,Barfood, Sodj ami Ewen For Warjipnm -2 pkgs,Hitlltrn&tein' Bros and Co; 1 do, (Sargocd, Son,• and Ewen J 1 do, N Z Express Co. For Kapier—1 pke, N Z Bible and Tract Society; 8 do,Corkill; 16 do, J Speight and Co; 2 do, Hallon-Btein Bros and Co; 9 do,KeiJ and Gray; 1 do,Bing,Harris, and Co; 23 do, P Ha;man and Co; 3 do,Neill and Co (Ltd); D do, Nimmo and Blair; 4 do,MosglelW Factory Co; 10do, N Z DrugCo; 2 do,-Aand T Burt ; 9 do, Barnirigh»m and Co ; 1do, Mrs Kusaell; 8 do, N Z Express Co; IS4do, Hallway Department; . lot do i.x Aorangi.For Gisborne—l pkg, UallemteinBros and C>; 1 do,Bing, Harris, .and Co; 10 do, Keast and M'Carthy(Ltd); 6 do, J Durston; 2 do, Anderson and Morri-BDn ; 9 do, J Speight and Co; 1 do, CMoore; 42 do,NeillBros; 2 do, N Z ExpressCo; lot doixAorangi.For Auckland—l4o pkgs, Reid and Gray; 100 do,WLeod Bros; 16do, J Speight and Co; 11 do, M Joel;2 do,ButtcrworthBros; 7 do, G H Marsden; 19 do,Boss aod GlendiniDg; 10do,F Singer and-Co; SO do,Smithand Smith; 28 do,Dunedin I and W Co; 8do,Wong Tape; 2 do, Marahalland Co;6 do,N Z DrugCo; 1 do, Sargood, Sod, nndEwen ; 10 do, A Ices;4 do, Aand T Burt; 4 do, Moegiel WFactory Co; 8do, F Hayman and Co; '4 do, Anderson and Morrison;6 do, tmith and Smith; 3 do, Fergusson n.iilMitchell; ii do, Hopkins and Co;' 1 do, ColonialMutualInsurance Co;1 do,Hft'lentteinBros and Co;lot do'ex Aorangi; 7 do, N Z Expreea Co; 1 do,Hittcn,King, and Co; 1 do, Mfcs Forbea;233 sacisproduce, P M'GIU. For Kuesell-lot pkga exAorangi, For Sydney—2o pkgß, F Singerand Cc

    BHIPFINSTKLSQBAM3.(PA Umizs Pbu-s AssoouTioa.)■ Auckland, May 14.

    Arrived: Presto,from Oamaru. ■-~ ■ .-'■■■"•■■ ', Wbuisoton, May14.-.'.■ Arrival: Wanaka, from Picton andKelson; Mahl-iiapua,from the South;Grafton,from Oamaruand' Lyttelton; Wareatea,from Weatport. .. Sailed: Mahinapua, for Greymouth; Wanaka, for■ the South.' LtttkliTOS, May 14.Arrived: Hauroto,from Wellington.Sailed:Go-Ahead,for Wellington., MOVEMENTSOF UNION STEAM SHIP COM-• PANTS STEAMERS.WED:nsai>i?, May 14

    Otago Heads— Wairarapaarrivedfrom Lyttelton.Waihorasailedfor Lyttelton.Lyttelton - Hauroto arrived 7 from Wellington;vilafiforPort Chalmers.Wellington—Wanaki arrived 4 a.m.from Picton;

    •alls 2 p.m.for Lstieltoa.NewPlymouth -Hawcaarrived 0 a.m.from Manu-kau; sailsBfor Net.on.! WEATHER KXCHANQE.. (Psa Ukitsd PaEBB Association.)— — WeIiUNOTOK, May 14.New Zealand.—Depression approaching from S.W.,

    with strong N. and W. winds and heavy sea onwest coast; general decrease of pressure.

    Australia.—Depression to S.E. of Australia; south-erly winds at Hobart, and showery; west winds atJBarometere.-New Zealand: Rujsell, 302; Wel-

    lington,29-9;Bluff, 291. Australia: Albany, 80-4;Hobart, 29 6; Sydney, 29-8.OH. ON THE TROUBLED WATERS.

    (Pun United Phiiss Association.) :NbwPltmodto, May 14.

    A etrODg NE. wind blowing caused a veryroughseathis morning,and as the Haweakept well our, theboatmen had a difficulty in tenderingher. On return-ing with the passengers' a small stream of oil waaallowed to flow from a tin,whichprevented the seabreaking ovor the boat, and it cameashore inalmostcalm water. This \i the flrtt time that oil has beentriedhere in subduing the eea.

    ""'... ARRIVAL OF THELATONA. :The barqueLatona waa towed Into PortChalmers

    yesterday afternoon, and anchored inDeborah Bay.Sao Is from Timaru,bound to Queenstownwitha cargoof grain,and having met very hoavyweather, whichhas strainedher, she ha3been compellod toput in toPort Chalmers for.'righting. The Latonais a neat-looking little birque, of 282 tonsregister. She w*s

    ' builtin Wales in 1830, and isowned byMr J. Carr, ofOrange Court, Liverpool. Captain Jeffreys reportsleavuig Timaru on the. Bth inst., with a cargo ofwheat; had S S.E. winds, with very heavy weather:. and fearful sea?, which culminated In a terrific galeon the 11th inti, causing the vessel tolabour veryheavily,ami after waa discovered herpumps were choked. This determined CaptainJeffrey tomakefor thenearcet port, aid accordingly,inlongitude 17S E., latitude 43 S.Vho squaredaway• for Fort Chalmers, arriving ai above.. The ship'd. sgents ore Messrs Dalgety and'Co , and no doubt. she will undergo inspectionintho GravingDock.

    The 8.8 Talaroi left Timaru at 6.16 p.m.on the 18thinst., experienced light northerly airs and smooth•eai during the run down the joabt,and reached Port• Chalmers at6 a.m yesterday. '1 The a.a. Wairarapaarrived atPortCoalmen at 9.30;•a.m.ytsterday. Sho leftSydnoy at2 p.m. on the 3rd: inst., under the command of Captain Popham; ex-- perienced light variable windsandfine weather, andreached Auckland at 7'am. on the 9th inst.; left' again same day, and after callingat Gisborne, Napier,-'Wellington, and Lyttelton, arrived in harbour asabove.: The barque Frederick Bassil arrived at Poit Cha'-• men yesterday morning, fcho left Newcastle onthe24th ult,,and had north-eastwinds untilthe breastedSydney,"thence it hauled tosouth-east, and continuedIn thatquaitor untilshe passed the South-westCapeon the 9th inst.; thenceshe had lightvariablewindsalong the coast, and passed Cape Saundcis on the■. 18th inßt., was becalmed all night,and took a lightnorth-east breeze yesterday morning, whlob broughttierintoport.the 8.9. Kakanni sailed- on Tuesday evening for

    Invercargill. ' 'The e,B. Waihora left Port Chalmersyesterdayafternoon for Sydney, via theEast CoastThes s. Ino Bteamed downfrom Dunedin yesterday,

    and sailed for Toi-Tois.The schooner Tauronga sailed up toDunedin yee-

    terdayafternoon.■ One of tho torpedo-boats brought outfrom Homebythe chipLyttelton was successfully launched yes-terday attarnoon. "COMMERCIAL.' Dally Timca Office, Wednesday evening.The amount of Customs Bovenue.received to-dayengoods enteredfor consumptionwas £1406 la2d,

    THE STOCK, MARKETS OF SYDNEY.As la well known, this Colony has been for como

    time steadily exporting horses to Sydney,and thedisastrous drought of the past summerbids fair toafford another openingto New Zealand enterprise.Cattleand sheep have died oil by the thousand, and• thoughrama have fallen lately, they have come too' late to'do much good. The depletionof the stock: - market following upon the dry weather has,.of course,had considerable influence on prices. Atthe beginningof the month the quotationsrulingfor„ crime stock wero hi;hand firm, and the demand was

    -• fcrisk.Fat heavy bullocka Btood at £16 to £17 63;prime do, £13 to£14;prime crossbred wethers',20ato 21s ' extra do, 26s 6d ; medium, 11s M to 12s 6d.A comparison of these prices withthe market quota-tions herewill show that there is a considerable mar-Kinfor enterprising breeders to work upon.—Lyttel-

    -tonTimea. - . ' ' . - -■MrDohald BTBOHAOH(onbohttlf of tho NewZealandLoin and Mercantile Agency Company,Limited) re-portß for the weekending May14asfollows :—

    FatCattle.—£O2headwereforwardto-dayatBurnsidefor the week's supply, inly a veryfew being prime,for which prices fully equal to last week's were ob-tained, but tho greater portion consisted of inferiorandtightmedium,scarcely saleable,and then at vorylow prices. Best ballccks brought£9 10s to £10;otho£, £3 to £710s; and cowa In proportion. VVe■old 87 head on account of Mr Leask (tilaclis)■ bul-lock! atop toci 12a6d,and cows £3 lCs. We quoteprime beef 20s, ordinary 163 to 17s 6d per 1001b.

    Fat Calves.-Sevenwere ynrded,and under goodcompetitionrealised lOslo 26seach.

    Fat Sheep.—3l6swere penned, of which about 600weromerinos and the balance croßcbreds, comprisingall sorts-inferior, medium,and good to prime. Thisnumber was in excessof requirements,and theconse-quence was areduction of from Hi to Is por head onSluFwßek'Bprlcee. Be6t crossbreds brought 16jto 17s-Sd j'othen, 1186d toMi; merinos, 7s to ica6d. We.sold - anacerant nf Mossrß Jos-ep(Ngpara). 112cross-bred ewea at 12s 9d to ISs 3d ■ J. iPukeuri), 64dodo at 183 JSJ; ofstock, low pricesfor fat lately obtainedoffering■ • imt poorencouragrtnent,:, .-,. ... .Store Sheep.—Wo have no transactions toreport.Wuol Telegrams from London report anadvance«f jd perlb on croealrads,other wools firm v»t tha

    reduced pricea obtained at tho opening [of the ssloi,and an occaalonaladvance.

    Sheepsklua.—At our usualauction onMoniay wesold, under good competition, a Urgo catalogue atprk-eafaiily supporting' previous sates. Dry cross-bredsbrought la 9J 60 Sa 2d;do morino, Is (id to 4s6d ;do pelts, 3d to 9.1;g;c™ crossbreds, 23 9d to 3s2d ; do merino, 2» to 2s 9a ;lambskins, up tj 33 2d.

    Kabbitikina.—There ia a good demand existingtorallcoming forward. Under spirited competitionwesold onMonday2 bags at lljcl, 3 do at UJd,7 do at IsBJd, a do at 11Jd, and 3 do at Is 4i I per ID.

    Hides.—Tbe.dctnnnd for these contiuues Bteady. Woplacedallforward at late rate3.

    Tallow.—The demand for local requirements con-tinuesgood, butfor shipment tho downwardtendencyof the Londonmarket preventsbusiness. We sold onMondayat auction G casks inferior at 23s Gd, 6 domediumat 293,16 do good at Sis Gd, Ido meiium at27a, 16. tins and drums at 283 to 29d, and 10 bigsroughf&4 tit 19s to22s Gd per civt.

    Grain.—Wheat: The market is lamsntably void ofactivity. Lirge stocks are accumulating in store,and nooutlet. Millers continue to buy namore thanis actually requisite for tho pressnt,and then onlythe choicest obtainable in the leait quantities. Woquote nominally: trims milling, in small parcels,33 8d to 3s 6d;medium, 23 9d to 3s (almost unsale-able) ;fowls' wheat, 2a to 23 3d, only Inmoderate re-quest (bags weighed in). Oats : Deliveries have beenon a'Urge scale during the ueek, but the demandcontinues fairly active, and all lota comingto hand in good shipping condition meet with aready sale at about equil to hst week'squotations. Buyers experience some difficulty ivprocuring suitable froights, and inconsequohco largepurchases, which should havo been cleared out bo-foro now, Btill remain in store. Ciir quotations thisweek are: For stout bright milling, 2a 2d; shortbripht feed, 2a Id to 2s ij-l; long and medium shortfeed,la 10 to 2s ex storo-bags weighedin. Barley:A fair demand exists for both maltingand milling,without, however, any improvementin values. Primemalting could bo placed at 3s 9i to 4s; medium,33 0:1 to Ss Sd ; and milling at 2j 6d to3a 3d—bagsweighedin.

    Grass Seeds.- In tho meantime the demand iB verysmall, and we don't look for very much activitybefore the spring.

    Ueesre Wright, Sibphbhsok, akd Co. report lor tbeweek ending May 14ns lollowb :—

    Fat Cattle.—']hemarket was fairlyglutted, no le3Sthan 30:! head being yarded. Therewas brisk com-petitionfor a few pens of very prime bollocks andcows from MrCarmichael'a Kiveiaide Farm; othor-wiso the sale was the most dragging we haye1expe-rienced for months past. With the exceptionof thecattle justreferred to, mostof thoteforward were ofmediumand inferior quality. Beat bullocks broughtlip to £10, and best cows up to £8 7s 6d—prices.equivaltnt to a shade over 203 per 1031b.Medium quality only realised about 153 per 1001b.Wo sold 100 head as fo;iows:—For Messra Dabluettand Young (Owake), 11 bullocks at upto£7 12s6d;for Jlissra Bryce Bros. (Lovcll's Flal). 14 cattle at upto£7 ;for MrK. Morrison(Uerben), S cowa at £6 2a8d; and for Messrs D. J. M'Ewan (Puotua), DavidKllgour (Seacliff), Peter Kane (Merton), J. Oughton(Mosgiel), Win. Geary, jun. ,(Portobe;!o), P. Kvan(Portobello),and utlicm,81 head at up to£7 is 6d torbullocks,and up to £6 7s 6dfor cows. Wo also turnedout unsold 23 head on account of Messrs JameaWright (Linglea), Mcc Broa. (Brighton), and JameaThomson.

    Fat Calves.—Seven penned,and cold ab up to 258each.

    lat Sheep.—There waa again a full market thisweek, 3165 being penned, inclusiro of about 600merinos: the rest were for the most part crossbredewes of nifciioi-to good quality. Notwithstandingthe largeness, of the number in,allfound purchasers,at paces, however.Bhuwinga declinein mostcases ofIs a head onlast week's rates. We sold as follows:For Mr John Grigg (Longbeach), 120 head crossbredewes atfrom 14s t.d to 17s 3d ;for Mr John DraperiTokomairiro), 187 halfbreds atfrom 123 Gd to Ha Sid jon accountot Air W. 11. Tcßchemnker(TaipoHill), IBJprime crossbred owes atfrom 159 to 15s Sd;on ac-countof Meters Unco Bros. (Lmll'u Fiat), 32hallbredwethers at 16j 3d ; on account of the Hon. It. Oliver(Cor.iedale), 107 prime c.ossbred ewes at 153; onaccount of Mr L. G.Fenwkk (Wairuotu), e0 hallbredeivcs (medium quality) at lla Od; for Mr K. John-stone (Hihhampton),6U halfbred wethera at 15s id;furMr Abel Kerr (I'okomairiro), 72 crossbreda at 14s3d;and for ar A. Uopeland(St. Andrews), 112primemerino wethers at 103 Gd. We quote primehallbredwethermutton at 2Jd per lb; crossbred owe do atSJ.I.Fat Lambs.—Only3C penned. Thcso told at up tolla6d., Pigs.-120camo tohand. With brisk competition,theso all sold'at fully up to late rates. Wosoldi 1 at cOj, 7at 755, 9 at 433, 5 at 38s, and 6 at32).

    Store Cattle.—We note,an inquiryfor grown bul-locks, also for young steera ; but have no transactionstoreport.

    Store Sheep. The seasonI3a'most over now, andthe numbers offering aro in consequence very small.

    Horses.—We held our weeklyBile at the Provincialyards on Saturdaylast aa u&ual. Tho entries of alldescriptionswere very numerous,and a large business\vb.h done, particularly in good useful draughts andttrong U['s:anding light-harneaa horses. Taose hav-ing horses of the latterdescriptionfor sale would dowell to forward them tomarket at once whilst tbepresent good demand continues. We quoteflrst-cltts?draughts atfrom £30 to £35; medium, £20 to £26;light, £14 to £18; good hacks and light-harnesshurses, £18 to£24;medium,£S to£12;lightand in-ferior, £J to £0.

    Wool —Telegraphicadvices fiom London underdato10th an advance in values of crosabrcdwool to tho extent of Jd per lb. ifor other descrip-tions there is afir.n demand at ratea current at thoMarch tale?. On .Monday we sold a fow lotsas per subjoined list. Prices on the whole showedan improvement corresponding tothe Home valuea:—2 baga mixed greasy, 7d; P over P, 10 dodo locks and piecoa, 4Jd; 1 fadge do crossbred, s}d;Yincircle, 1 bagdo double fleece merino, GJd; Mmtri.ngle, 1 balo docrossbred blackand merino, 7d; 3,3do do balfbred, B>d; 3 bags do locks and piece, 2d;D, 2 do do crossbred and merino, OJJ; CB, 2 do do lecko,881;Ido do pieces, 2Jd;Ido do pulledwool, 7Jd;1dodo quarter-bred,7JI; l balo do three-quarter-bred,t Jd;3do do halfbred,EJd;JC.6do dodo, 8d; 1 bigdo pieces, 3JJ; HI! conjoined, Ido do merino, BJIJ0,1 bile Ecoured hafbred, 9d; Ido do mixed,lljd ;LL, 1 do greasy dead wool (morino, hallbred, andthree-qua'ter-brcd), sd; JD, 1 bag. do merino and-hallbred,7§J ;B, 3 bales do halfbred, 6|d; WC, 3dodo do, 6Jd ;A, 8 baga do mixed, 4|d.. Shecprkins -Largo Bupplies continue to como tohand. On Mondiy wo submitted a very extensivecatalogue.., There was a good attendance of buyers,and brisk competition for every lot, prlcea obtainedshowinga. slightadvance on thoee of last week. Wequota batchers' green skins, crossbreds, at (ram la -9Jto8s 2d ; merino;, atfrom U Sd to 2a 9d ; lambskins,2a 3d to 23 9d ; country skins (dry), at from 8d to 4a,and in bales atfrom ZJd to 6Ji perlb.

    Rabbitjkina.—The demand ia very active, and allcoming to handfind rcadv sale. On Mondaywe sold1bale at 16dper lb, 1 bale at 13Jd,2 biles at 13d, 4baes at 10J,and 3 bags Inferior iv 4jd.

    Hides.—lho market la fairly supplied,and pricesare without quotable change. Heavy oxhides, freefrom face pieces, care, shanks, Ac, are most inrequest, and these command from 4}d to 4Jd per lb.For otherdo3Criptiona value3range Ik m 3d to 4d perlb.

    Tallow—We have placed our comlgnmonta at frcm£31 to£33 per ton btßt Ullow, at from £28 to £30for medium,and at £24 to£25 for Inferior; roughfat brought from £18 to£23. . :

    Grain—Wheat: Tho market continues ina moetdepressed Btatj. We haveagain to report a declinein values. .L'alcs In quantityit is almost impossible,to effect. We quote primemilling in small parcels atfrom 3a Gd to3. 7d (sacks weighed in);medium, 33 Sdto sa 4d ; and toft, 2s 9d to3< Id ; fowlb' fticd; 2a to 2s9J. Oats : The demand for first-class bright simples

    of milling and Ehoit feed continuea withoutabatement. Slightly discoloured parnels aro,however, more difficult to place. Wo quoteprimemillion oats, white in colour, atfrom 2a 2{d to3B 3d per bushel, sacks we ghed in, delivered at PortChalm rs; and firat-cliBS brightabortft od wo quoteat '2a id, delivo.el at same place; ordinary shortfeedwe valueat from 2a Ojd to 2s Id atDunedin; Danish,la lid to 2?. During the week we havo Bold 9000bushels. Barley: Wo hear of aalcs of choice, pale,mellowmalting barleyatfrom 4s 2J to4s 3d,but havenotransactions to report. ' 'Mr L; Maolbin, under arrangements with ttoBritishand Mew Zealand Mortgageand Agency Com-pany(Limited), reports for the week ending Uay 14as follows :—

    Fal Cattle.—The large supply of 802 head cambforwardfur to-day'B maikot, neatly all of whichworbmodium quality, only a few pene being prime, andwhich met with good competition. Taking themarket as a whole, bidding was languid,and entirelyvoid :l'y Messrs Fergussonand Mitchell,and aro really creditably donettaehtera Itoyal Charterand Gold-topChampagnein magnums,quarts, and pints, on sale.-Nmu,BiolFor weddings, wedding breakfasts,dinners, andballs -heGrand Hotel crystal,&c. onhito. DuiiogTho best Meat in Dunedin, pick of tho Henleyiwlat3, la sold at Dorxweli, & Eeskik's—Foie-

    quartenrf mutton,2d ; logsand loins of mutton.'Ed; beef, with w without bone, 2d; roast beef3d, 4cl, ud. Tho best emallgoods, and real Germanemallgoods,can only bo had at our-establishments,George street and Princes street. 'Note.-The abovearo strictly cashprire3; by pa>ing weeklyor monthly,halfpenny per lbextra. ■ Compue prices.- [Advt ]If all those whoadvocate the »boliti6n oj thatper-nloioua sjetem of credit were called .upon to pay fortheirpurchases on the fallof the hammer,il is verydoubtful if Eomo of the most prominent could payfor a sheep s head. I pay cash for my purchases"instantcr,"and lam thereby enabled tosupply thepiimc-tBaef, Mutton, &c, &c, atcompetitionprices.----t. F. Lawrevcb,butcher,20" George street, neare.-rner of Octagon.—[Advt.]CABLEGRAMS.


    (Rauxtß'a Telegrams,)London, May 12,(Received May 14,at 12.40 p.m.)

    _Consolsremain at 101|. New Zealandsecnri-ties are firm at last quotations, viz.:—Fiveper

    cent. 10-40loan,104;5per cent.ISS9loan,102J(ex div.);4i per cent. 1879-1904loan,102J; 4percent, inscribedstock,100|. Colonialbreadatuffs:'Adelaide wheat (ex store) has declined, to 41s6d; New Zealand do remains at 35s to 40a .Adelaido flour (ex store) remain at 28s'Tallow—Australian averagequalitybeef,365;mutton, 39a. 'At today's auction 12,000bales were offeredibut no competitionwas manifested forthe lotsoffered. ■■■•■-. ,

    The American AgriculturalBureau in itsmonthlyreport estimates the present season'«wheat crop at under 350,000,000bushels.

    (Special to Pbess Association.)London,May 13.

    (Received Mayl4,at 11.16a.m.) ;'AThe Australian March mails via SanFran-cisco were conveyed from New York toQueenstown in sevea day3four and a-halfhours. ... . .:, ,

    The Mahdi has directed his lieutenant tocaptureDongola and then march on Cairo.The Adelaide loan will be issued with thaoptional right of inscription. ' ..It is reported that Major-general;Gordonmade an attempt to escape fromKhartoum,but was.compelled toreturn to the city. •Stephens avows that the new Fenian organi-sation intend to embarrass England throuahherColonies.' 'Mr Thomas Upington, Q.C.,member of thaAssembly ofCape Colony, has formeda newMinistry. . .Tha Times saysthat Mr Gladstone'sdefenceof the Governmentregarding their policyin theSoudanis emptyand irrelevant.

    (Received May 14, at 1.10p.m.)A Queensland four per cent, loan of,two

    and three-quarter millions is announced fornextweek. :; .

    The shares in the various Colonial bankßarerecovering. ,• ■ ■ • ■■ :' .:v '.■■},■. : May 14,(Roccived May 16,at 1.80a.m.)Rodger T. (Joldsworthy,C.M.G., Adminis-trator and ColonialSecretary of St. Lucia,Windward Islands;has been offeredthaLieutenant-governorship ofBritish Honduras,It is reported that Oainan-Digma haa de-featedthe friendly natives in the neighbour-hood ofSouakim.The Times states that the result of thodivision on Sir Hicks-Beach's motion doesnot represent the universal conviction of the

    country.The dividends of the depositors in theOrientalBank will, it is understood,bo paidin the autumn.Tlie Prench Governmentinsist on the exclu-sive possessionof the trading facilitiesto thesouthern ports of China.The Daily Telegraph eulogises the Austra-

    lian cricketers on; their play against LoidSheffield'sEleven. 'THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT.[litElboteio Teleobaph.—Copybiqht.]-(Kkutkr's Telxqbams.) ']■] 'London,May 13,(ReceivedMay 15,at 1ft.m.)The debate on SirMichael Hicks

    motion of censurewas1 continued until a latehour last night. Among thoso who spoke insupport of the motion were Mr Forsterand Mr Goschen,both of whom severely'criticised the disregard of General-Gordon'sdispatches which have been displayed by MrGladstone.TheMarquisof Hartingtonmadea vigorousspeech in defenceofthe Government,and said it wasimpossibletorisk the despatchofa Europeanexpeditionintothe SoudanuntilSeptember. He denied that the Governmenthad disregarded GeneralGordon'sdispatches,or had neglected their dutytowards him. Th»motion was ultimatelyrejected by 303 votes t^275,includingthe Parnellite members,■•"■■■ (Special to Pbess Association,)

    '.•'■'■■■ London,'May 14.(Koccivcd May 18, at 1.13 a.m.)

    The divisionon SirM. Hicks-Beach's motioncensuring the Governmentwith regard to theirEgyptian policy,took place in the House ofCommonsto-day,and it was defeated.Twohundred and seventy-five members,the Parnellite party, supported the motion,Those who voted with the Governmentnum-ber 303. ; ; ' .■■'..■THE AUSTRALIAN CRICKETERS


    •(Reuteb's Telegbams.)London,May13,

    (Received May 16,at 1a.m.)Tho cricket match,Australians v. Lord

    Sheffield'sEleven,was continued and con-cludedat Sheffieldto-day.. Thevisitors,with fourwickets down for 172,resumed their first innings,which closed for atotal of212. Tho highest scorers were : Ban-nerman, o, 94,and Blackham b 31.

    The Home team then commenced their so-ondinnings,and were all disposed of for 120,thevisitors thus winningthe match byone inningsandsixruns Thebowlirigof thoAustralians wasdead on, and the wickets fellrapidly-^Giffontakingfourfor 70runs. The principal srarerswore—Grace,b, 30;Barnes,c, 34 ; and My-croft,o, 18. ■ ■■■■'

    Therewas again a large attendance of spec-tators, and splendid weather was experienced,


    Special Advertisements.








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    Established 1889. :Incorporated by Act of Parliament.

    Head Offlcofor Now Zealand .. ~ Auckland."VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. 1.1 Mr J. P. SPRING, hitherto Dunedin. Agent,hag been appointed DISTRICT AGENT for thePro-vincialDistiicts of OTAQOand SOUTHLAND,fromIst imt. ■

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    ijmy 01883, BRIGHT, & CO.FOR S A L' E(la the centre of Wellington),

    Those extensive and commodious BUSINESSPREMISES which for the last 15 yeira have beenoccupied as aSOFrGOOD3 WAREHOUSEby MessrsA. P. Stuart and Co., and their: successors, MessrsHarcourtand Co., whoselease will shortly expire.

    Also,A large DOUBLESHOP which for 30 years has

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    A. P. STUART,toy Wellington.MONEY I HONEY 11 MONEYIiI


    Hon.W. H.Reynolds chairman).Hoten> J»8. Haisloti I Messrs Jas.RobinJas.Hosx W. D. StewartKeith Ramsay | Goo.Turobull.

    Monoy advanced to Working Men and others tobnlldHouses oil purchaseLand,repayableby monthlyor ouaiterlypayments), or as naybe arranged.Honeyajso advanced temporarily on Sharea, BondWarrants; andßUlbdiscounted.Honeyreceivedon deposit,for long or shortporlods

    at highest current raSes oiInterest17. P. STREET,

    Manager.OiTwb Liverpool street, Dnnedln. 8gBesides being a powerful and wholesome tonic

    Woi/FE'B EouNArrajis an unequalledbrain medicine,imparting healthful vigour to that sensitive organand to evory fibreof the nervouseyitein.—[Advt.J

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    OF TUB


    (lueludingiondon Branch to31stDecember ISB3, andNew ZealandBranches to 3rd March 1884).

    Dr. £ 8. d.To Bank stock .. .. 1,000,0(^0 0 0

    ReservoFund .. .. 530,000 0 0Notes In circulation .. ~ 810,322 0 0Bills payable . -■„ .. 1,888,162 9 0Deposits and other liabilities ..12,597,084 4 7Profit and 1033 . ... .. .139,397 11 8

    £10,9e6.650 6 SCr. £ s. d>

    By coin and cash balances .. 3,609,783 6 10Bullion in handand ia transit to

    London.. .. .. 00,169 6 9Notes of other banks.. .. 10,081 0 0Bank promises .. .. 332,820 110Hills receivable, bills discounted,

    and other debts due to theBank .. .. .. 12,835,843 18 1Insurance account .. .. 1,400 13 9

    £16,935,558 5 3

    Profit and Loss,Dr. March31,1881.

    £ s. d.1884.

    March31.—T0rebate (at current rateß)on bills discountednot due at this date 23,474 11 9

    Dividend at the ratoof 15 per cent, perannum .. .. 76,050 0 0

    Bonus at thorato of 2Jper coot, per annum 12,500 0 0

    Augmentation of theReserve Funl .. 20,000 0 0

    Balance carried to Pro-fit and Loss, NewAccount.. .. 8,452 19 11

    jeiS9,B97 11 8

    Cr. - £ B. d.18S3.Sept. SO.—By mountfrom last ac-count .. .. 7,186 7 21884.

    March3l.—By balanco of half-yearsprofits, after providingfor bad and doubtfuldebts,and includingre-coveries from debts pre-viously written off asbad .. .. 132,511 4 Q

    £139,a97 11 EReserve Fckd,

    Dr. March 31,1894.£ s. d,

    1884.March31.—T0 balance .. .. 550,000 0 (

    £5d0,000 0 (

    Cr. £ 8 d,1883.

    Sept. 30.—8y balanco .. .. 530,000 0 (1884.

    March31.—8y amountfrom profitandloss .. .. 20.C000 (

    IStny £560.0000 (rnHB WEEKLY ADVERTISER,I publishedby Do Voauiand Russell, of Christchurch, is tho mostcomplete


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    D» YEAUX & RUSSELL,!7m Proprietors, Ohiistchurch.& A~ G I L B E Y.• WINEGROWERS,SHIPPEOS, and DISTILLKRS.

    No better guarantee of quality and value can b<given than thefact thatabout ovory eighteenthbottliof Wine and everyfortiethbottlo of Spiritsconsumecin tbo United Kingdom is suppliedfrom W. and A.Oilbkt'b stock. This statement Is based upon th<Government returns.

    Tho following selected list comprises two descriptiona of each class of Wines and Spirits-tho firs)selected on account of its moderate price, and. th<second foi its fino quality combined with greateinee l-~.


    {SCOTCH WHISKY, TheProvost. Ifino spirit of excellent value. \\per cent,under proof.SCOTCHWHISKY, Castlo SO. Areally high-class Scotch Whiskymatured In W. and A. GUbey'sowibonded storos. Proof strength.

    {IRISH WHISKY, The Viceroy. Afine spirit of excellent value. 1;per cent,under proof.IRISH WHISKY, Castle DO. Thstats I have hadno return of tho troublo biucc. I chonrfuliy recom-mend it to others suffering from the Baine painlulailment

    I rofnaln, dearSirs, respectfully yours,Julia Moxtaoub,

    HEBECOMESAN AUTHORITY.D. Bmwamin,Esq.,wholesalo Jewullerand importer,ot Dowliug street, Dunodln, writiss cheerfully as

    follows :—Dowllng street, Dane-Jin, May2,1554.

    Messrs NeillBros., Dunedin.Dear Sirs,—Being a firm non-believer In patent or

    proprietary medicine?, uiy testimony maybe of. somevalue to you. Last weok I suffered acutelyfrom sovcrecontraction of tho nerves if the nock and thoulder.A friend laughinglysuggested St. Jacobs Oil, and IInvented in aDottle, rubbing itwell in atnight bfifororetliing. Thefeeling of warmth and counter-irrita-tion I esiwrieaced almost immediately was verystrong, and I am pleased to stato that I awoke neitmorningwith hardlyany trace of the pain. A secondand lessprolonged application cared nv>completely.A bad chilblain on my ear was removed withonerubbing. You maymentionmy nameas anauthorityon St. Jacobs Oil.

    I remain, dear Sirs, faithfully yours,B. Br.vjamix.

    'ST. JACOBS OIL relievos and cures Rheumatism,Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Backache, SoreThroat, Quinsy, Swellings, Soreness, dialings, Erup-tions, Inflammations, Chapped Hands, Corns,Bunions, Frosted Feet and Eirj, and allbodily painsfor which anexternal remedy maybe applied. Soldby druggists and chemists. Price in New Zealand,Three Shillings aBottle. Directions in 11 languagesaccompany each bottle.

    Wholesale Depot for Middle and South Islmds,New Zealand;

    Messrs NEILL BROS , HIGH STREET, DUNEDIU.Special Advertisements.

    TO LET ON LEASE, for 21 yesra.with Valuation,or renewal lor»furiher periodof 21 ye»m—-leoiloos 11and il, Block V,StiCord GirooS, Dnsedlu„ *S md B), Clock V,Walker eireoi, Dnaoilo.„ U *nd 15, Block Vi,Stafford street, Duns.lln

    ftdjolniag Measirs Murray, Robots, »adOo.'d vrarohonso,„ 8, BlockVI, Walker rtraoS, Ou-iedln, hoiagEOcond section from Princes street.

    Hwsh Section ooaclsia of 68 loot ttoaixgo,with adepthot ISS loot.—Apply toUap WILLIAM H. REYNOLB3.


    Oaiybr.lno.-c of Eoynoldn' Ftvomlta Wlnoi.Pot dot

    t. d.FORTS, ficai ~ .. ~ I! 1Very rich old Port, YlaSsge 1874 _ ... JO 0Amontillado,superior drySJhe finest orei la-. ticdacad Intii thlaColony . _. ■ ■_ 80 XKoynl, veryaupjricr fruity, fall-bodlod Wine U 0

    RiCil OOI.GNIA.T, WINED.Qtenkchoi)Rich UcdBaignmly ._ .. 10 0Port, good fwnllywlno .r _ .. 80 0Frouilgiiac, »JeeacrS wino ~ _ 85 0Tok»y,white, round snd nlco (Uvoui „ SO 0HokoAdlne,wliiie, a d^aaortwine „ .. JJ 0

    WHISKJEB.Teacher»ud Sons' 11-yeir-tjld, porgaL proof- 53 0OldHighland, v.'ell-m*6urcd do do ~ 58 0Snperiorold OlenuiyWhlalcy(per case) _

  • TELEGRAMS(Pbb United Pbxss Association.)

    Auckland, May 14.A man, name unknown,engaged by MrHenry, landlord of tho Lichfield Hotel,wasdrowned whilstdriving across acreek betwoeuLichfieldand Waton. Tho buggy and horseswero foundstuck in tho creek,but there wereno traces of the driver.

    A deputation,consisting of the Hon. Cham-berlin,Messrs T. B. Hill, C. O.Davis,and A.Cox(secretary oftho Gospel Temperance Mis-Bion), waited upon the Governorto-day withtho Nativepetitionrethe King country beingproclaimedagainst the liquortraffic. TheGo-vernor promisedthat the petition should havodue consideration. The petition is signed byWakanui,Rowi,and other influentialchiefs.

    Tacrasga,May 14.Captain Morris addressed his constituents

    laßtnightat the Temperance Hall, tho Mayorpsesiding. He wa3well received. He said hehad beenroturned as asupporterof the presentMinistry, but it was in respect to the Nativeland administration that he differed withtheMinistry, and he regretted that tbe differencehad now reached such a height as to haveobligedhim to formally intimate to tho Premierthat he must cease to support the Ministry.A vote,ofconfidencein Captain.Morris wascarried unanimously.

    Wellington,May 14,Itis stated that the Hon. J. C.Pharazyn is

    to be proceeded against for illegalpractice atyesterday's election. Sometwo yearsago, attho last election for Thorndon,MrPharazynvoted at each polling-booth;for which offencehe wasdulyconvicted. This conviction underthe Corrupt Practices Prevention Act dis-qualified him for voting for three years,andby his present action it is alleged that he hasmade himselfliable to a fine.

    Tho late Mr OliverWakefield,who waskilled bythe tram accident in Dunedin,hadbequeathed £92as an endowment for thebenefitofthe Benevolent Institution.

    Chbistchdbch, May 14.Robert Hislop, employed at Parkerson b.

    Lakes Station,who started six days agotomuster sheep, has not 'since been hoard of.He had with him three dogs, two of whichhave returned.

    Mr White addressed his constituents atSydenbam, andreceived a vote of confidence.Ha avowed he would support either Sir G.Greyor Mr Montgomeryin moving a voteofno confidencein the Government.

    Timabtj,May 14.Sir George Groy addressed a crowded meet'

    ing here tonight, and waa listened to withgreat attention throughout.

    The second meetingof the SouthCanterburyCoursing Club concluded to-day, whon thePuppy Stakeswas won by Mr Jaa. King'sHeather Bell,with Mr Stewart'sJulia second.The All-aged Stakeswas won by Mr B. Hib-bard's Miss Dawe,with Mr P, Thoreau'sEmpress second. '


    (Peb Ukited Pbess Association.)Invekoabgill,May 14,

    An inquirywas heldto-day into the origin ofthe firewhich destroyedtho TheatreRoyal, Fro-vincial Hotel,and other buildingsthree weeksago, Evidence was taken at considerablelength,and the jury, after deliberation,re-turned averdict "That the theatre was wil-fullyand feloniouslyset onfireby somepersonunknown."

    A suspicion has existed that aman namedLuke O'Brien,who has been prowlingabouttown for some weeks in a vagrant fashion,mightbe implicated in several firesthat haveoccurred. He was convicted of the theft ofliquor fromthe hotel,while it was on fire,andwas againfoundguiltyto-dayofstealingthe coatin which he had placed the liquor,and also ofstealingphoto3. froman album in the SupremeCourtHotel. He was seenby several partiesat and beforethe time ofthe tire inits vicinity,and was the first to ring the bell. He wasbrought up at the inquest, identified,andexamined. His statements were at variancewith those of other witnesses,but the man issaid to be weak-minded. The Coronerthere-fore said that his statements one way or theothor were not to be relied on.

    Large portionsof the walls of the buildingsin Dee street burnt on Saturdayand Sundaywere pulleddown to-day,beingunsafe.

    The fire insurance agents meet tho BoroughCouncilto-morrow nightre the recent firesandfire-extinguishing.

    THE WEATHER.Yesterday, in Dunedin,tho weather was

    very sultry for the time of year,and in theafternoona strong northerly gale set in whichlasted all the evening. Norain fell, however,though shortly after noon it looked verythreatening. It will be seen from the ap-pended telegrams that heavy rain fell on theWest'Coastand in the Lakes district.~'., (molt OUB OWN COBBESFONDESTS.)

    ;■■•/;;;■;■■.. ABIIOW, May 14.'Bain.,baa.been falling heavily sinca earlymorning1,1^;>^Tho rivers' are rising fast, and ahigh^ftapd i 3 threatening in the Molyneuxwatefiled. Thereare still some graincrop3ingtorJSspphich must suffer.

    ■'.m-" ■"." Reefton,May 14.Abwvyrainfallhas atlast taken place, and

    still cfl|ttmues.' The rivers ara flooded,'andcommunication interrupted with all outsideplaces. It is fearedthat the floodswill dosome damage atBoatmans.

    (Peb 'United Pkbss Assooiation.)1 Wellisgton, May 14.

    A heavy N,W. gale has been raffing here allday. No damageis reported. Bain Bet in thisevening,and the forceof'the wind has some-what abated. \

    GREVMOOTir,May 14.One of the most violent gale3 experienced

    here for manyyearsblew fromthe north from3. o'clock in tho morning till afternoon.Thegreater portionof the time rain came down intorrents.

    Ohbibtohbbch, May 14.A high north-easterly wind blew until even-

    ing,when it abated and some showers fell. Nodamage was done in the town, but fromtheMalvern district it is reported that severalohimneya, trees, &c.wereblown down.

    -i. -ASHBUBTON,May 14.. The heavy north-wast gale that blew hereto daywas the severest felt for manyyearsonthe Plains. •■■ Considerabledamage has beencaused by the wind. The new grandstandrecently erected at theracecourse had the*roofblown oSandthe brickwork seriouslydamaged.The estimated damageis £100.Two chimneysof Beecher's CentralHotel were blown down,falling on tha roofand: breakingthrough thestore ofthe New ZealandLoan and MercantileCompany, which was injured bythe forceofthe wind, the iron roof beingblown off andinjuring■ the neighbouring buildings. Twotelegraph poleswere snappedin two, communi-cation beinginterferedwith for some tiino,butthe injury was repaired as soon as the galeabated,at about 2p.m. Severalminor casual-ties are reported to have been caused bythegale,

    ."...■■ Timabu,May 14.Averyheavynortherly gale has been blow-ing hero offand on duringthe day, but is now



    The Dunedin Musical Union have no reasonto feel discouraged at the result of their con-cert given in the Princess Theatre yesterdayevening. Sir Arthur Sullivan's"Martyr ofAntioch" is just a degree above the heads ofanybut the musically-educated public, and itwas not, therefore, to be wondered at that thelower portionof the house was almost empty,whilst the dress circle held a largo andinterested audience. The difficultiesattend-ing the production of such a work must.have been more than nominal,and the extentto which they had been overcome reflectscredit npon the members of the Union,andparticularly upon their conductor,Mr A. J.Towsey. Numerically, neitherthp chorus northe orchestra was strong,but the latter eape-eially wasgood; and to the excellent: interpre-tation of the instrumental parts most of the•success achieved was due, Mr A. J. Barthofficiated at the organ, and made a note-worthy featureof the introduction to theFuneral anthem in the second scene.A younglady, only (we believe) recentlyarrived fromHome,lent very-efficient assis-tance at the pianoforte; and Margarita'sreci-tative, " Yet OncoAgain," was renderedspecially attractive by a harp accompaniment,also executed by a young lady performer.This is remarkable aB bmog the first occasionupon which this instrument—now, unfortu-nately, almost obsolete—has been used, at animportant concert in Dunedin. The chorusyesterdayeveningdid aftood deal oftheir workwell,but at times the iiatisfaction given wasouly very partial. Pew as the members are,there is Borne good material amongthem,andthereis also a littlewhich could with advantagobe dispensedwith, A judiciousweedingprocesshere employed would not weaken the body asa whole. Severalof the passageswere nottaken up promptly last night,but others weregiven both with precision and harmony, andthe impression made was in most respectsfavourable, the basses being particularlygood. In the allotment of the principalvocal parts Mr Towsey was also fortunate.Miss A. Grey took the leadingsoprano (Mar-,•garita);Mrs H. Rose,contralto(Julia);Mr P.Newbury,tenor(Olybius); Mr F. Lewis,bass(Callias); and Mr H, Smith, second bass(Fabius). Miss Grey's highrangeenabled herto do a fair amount of justjce toa partwhichwould have embarrassed manysopranos, andshe sang with her usual correctness, buttbero is still room for improvement inthe' quality and volume of her voice—animprovement which 'it may be reasonablyhoped will take place; In the hymn 'ForThou didst die for me,"and the ecstatic finale" What means yonblaze on high?" Misa Greyscored her chief successes, and was heartilyoDplaudedforboth efforts. Mrs Bose,for herBineiflKof"IoP(Ban,"also secured warm ap-croval and she gavevaluable assistance in theQuartette"Havemercy, unrelentingHeaven,whiob (sungbyMisa Grey, Mn Row. MessrsJJewbury and Lewis mn the beat-rendered

    concerted piece of the evening. Mr Newburywas in good voice,and his singing of therecitative and air "Sweet Margarita" wa3deservedly appreciated, Mr Lewis' powerfulvoice was usefulin the part of Callias; andMr Smithsang his onebolo," Brother,thouslumberest,"in admirable style. The concertconcluded at aconveniently-early hour.RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT.

    Wednesday, Mai 1-1.(BeforeE. H. Carew,Esq.,R.M.)

    In the following oases judgmentwas givenfor plaintiff, there being no appearance ofdefendants:—A, Boyea v. V. Almao,claim £511s 3d (defendant was ordered to pay theamount by 21st May, in default seven days'imprisonment); J. Jamison v. 0. Cornish,£814s(defendantwas ordered to paythe debtby

    21st May, in defaultsevendays' imprisonment);J, Begg v. E. R. Eord,£104s, musical in-struments supplied; J. G. Thomson v. R.Gault,£1 7s, board due; A. Eankin v. JP.Smith,£12aGd,rate3duo to St.Kilda Coun-cil ; G.Eremner v.T. Quill,£21 123 Id, goodssupplied.

    A. Rankin v. G. Child.—ClaimIfls 6d,rates dueSt.Kilda Council.—Defendant's wifeappeared,—Judgmentwasgivenforthe amountclaimed,with costs.H. B. Hart v. Wise,Caffin,and Co.—Claim£292s 2d,—ln this previously-heard case hisWorship delivered judgmentas follows:—

    The main tests in ih.'s casj appear tobe as follow:Mr llatheson,as agant for plaintiff, verbally offeiedft prico I.T cortain ci?ea of clocks toone cf t::o defen-dants, who trek time toconsider, md ontho (olowingmorningieufchis clerk to Mr llathtson with a docu-ment, tho usual form cf a baujht note, hen'cl"Messrs Hart and Co., bought of Wise, Caffln, andCo ,"followed by a listof the numb.rofcertain bjndwarrants under which the clocks were he d inbond,with a price eet against each wa-rantcorrespondingwithplaintiffs previous oiler. Mr Matbeson lookedat this note, expressed approval,and ea'd bo wouldsend a chequefor the amountin a dayor two. Atthe same time he told the clerk, who had Informedhimthathe had the warrants withhim, thathocoulItake them back until he was paid. No objection ofany kind'wai made by the clerk; tut a lew hoursafterwards Mr Matheson received a memorandumfrom ifr Wipe to the street that he \va,ioffered a better pries for the goc-' c, Bidintimaticg a withdrawal of his offer. A fewhours later Mr Matheson tendered a cheque forthe price of the goods, but defendants refused toaccept payment orgive up thegoods. The documentappears tome to clearly (how an acceptanceof plain-tiffs offer, and the defendants sold the goods toplaintiff. Therule Is thatif nothing remains to bedone on the part of the seller, atbetween himand thebujer, before the goods purchasedare tobe delivcrtd,tbe property in the goods immediately posses to (hebuyer and in the ptlco toseller, although the vendorU notbound topartwith the possessionof the gociiauntil he is paid the price. A purchaser's delay inpaying the price does not, in the absence of expresscontract, givetbe vendor arlfchttorequire a dls olu-!tion of the contract. It is somewht\s difficult todetermine tho amountof damigesplaintiff isentitledjto recovir, because the evidence linot clow whathecould bavo purchased similargoods fur, but there issufficient to lead me tobslievo thathe could have re-placed them without?payingany lar^oadvance on thoprice agreed upon with defendants. Judgment tar£5, withcosts.

    J, Robertson v. R. S.Howard.—Claim£4103,for horse sold.—Mr D, M. Stuartfor plain-tiff and Mr Macgregor for defendant.—Afterevidence,his Worship gave judgment foramount claimed,with coats.J. W. Robinson v. M. Bain.—Claim£3 3s.—Mr Cookfor plaintiff and Mr Chapmanfordefendant.—Thoplaintiff, who representedhimselfas an architect,claimed the amountfor services rendered aa a valuator io. thematter of valuing Mrs Bain's property, whichwas destroyed byfire.—lt waßrepresented bycounsel for the defencethat plaintiff was "amoat intolerable nuisance,"and bad forcedhisservices on tho defendant'sfamily, who wereunable to get rid of him, as he persistentlyfollowedthem «bout, and that he had neverbeen employedeither as an architect or valua-tor, or as a mediator batween the defendantand the Insurance Company.—After readingthe account rendered by plaintiff todefendant,the peculiaritiesin spelling and composition oEwhich,according to counsel,reflectedagreatdeal ofcredit on the status ofthe plaintiffasanarchitect,his Worship gave judgment fordefendant.

    A. Dornwell v. E. F. Lawrence.—Claim£5IG3Bd,forrent due and meat supplied.—MrW. Macgregor for defendant.—Theplaintiffagreed to take a nonsuit.

    A. G. Watson v. J. Jackson.—Claim£210s,'for work done.—Afterevidence tha plaintiffwas nonsuited.

    H.Adamßv. J. Shand.—Claim£5,harvestwages.—Mr W. Downie Stowartfor plaintiff,and Mr Macgregor-fon defendant.—The plain-tiff's cose was that Mr Shandhad engagedhim at the rate of21s per week,with abonusof £5 for the harvest,which latter bad notbeen paid. This' £5waa a bonus which it wasagreed should be given to plaintiff for extrawork duringharvest,but owing to the harvestbeing late the plaintiff had never been calledupon to doanyharvest work during his termof engagement,—Aftor bearing evidence hisWorship gave judgment for the amountclaimed,with costs —it being Bhown thatalthough the plaintiff had not actuallydoneharvest work, it was not through his fault,and he had always been willingto do allthat was required of him.- W. Baxter v. E. O'Donnell.—Claim£13Ba.—MrDownie Stewartfor the plaintiff and MrD. M. Stuartfor defendant.—From the cvi'dence it appeared that the plaintiff, who is afarmerat Wingatui, had sold a quantity ofpotatoes to defendant;and it was alleged forthe defencethat they were not delivered intime,and that theywere not up to sample.—The case was adjourned till Monday, 19thinst., to allow witnesses to be called by theplaintiff to giyo evidence as to the marketvalue of the potatoes.


    Wednesday, May 14.(Before Messrs J.^Logan and H. Gourley,

    J.P.'s.)Dbunkenness.—Oneperson was convicted

    of this offence.Larceny,—Henry Robinson,alias Henry

    Anderson,andThomas M'Leod,|two lads,eachaged 15,were chargedwith stealing two tea-cups from the shop door ofJames Frederick|Nelson.—The prisoners were convicted and dis-charged. IAlleged Cattlb -stealing. — AlexanderFarrie was chargedwith stealing at FlagstaffHill, on the Bth ult., two bullocks,value £8,the property ofJohn Wilson.—Detective Hen-derson appliod fora remand until to-day, pend-inginquiries for a person fromwhom accusedprofessed to bold a receipt for the pnrchase-monoy of the cattle. — The remand wasgranted,

    Wife-beating.—Robert Mahonwas chargedwith assaulting his wife,Mary Mahou,at theKaikorai on the 11th inst.—The accused didnot appear, and a warrant was ordered to issuefor hisarrest.—ConstableKeenan,stationedatKaikorai,Btated that the accused was guiltyofbrutal conduct towards bis family.

    INSOLVENCY OF A CONTRACTOR.(Sydney Telegraph, April 29,)

    Yesterday at the Insolvency Court,the exa-mination in the matter of James M'Kay,contractor, which bad been adjourned fromthe 12th March, was resumed beforehisHonor the ChiefCommissioner.

    Mr G. E. Barton,instructed by .MessrsLaurence and Rich,appeared for the officialassignee; and Mr Chambers,solicitor,for theinsolvent. ■- Robert .Charles Watkins (examined by MrBarton) said he was the managerfor MessrsBrißCoeand Co,,iron merchants,George,street. He knew Mr M'Kay in a businessway,and had once lent him* £50. Insolventtold witness he had made an arrangementwith the telegraph authorities that telegramsaddressed "Craib, Sydney," were for him,but didn't know when the arrangement wasmade. He thoughtit was 11months ago. Henever saw insolvent open any telegrams, orheard him read them aloud. Insolventdidn't tell him the contents ofany telegrams.He didn't send telegramsfromwitness' office,so faras hoknew. . Witness lent insolvent £50on August 21 or' 22,1883,and had not beenrepaid. M'Kaysaid he wanted the moneyforhousehold expenses. Witness got no acknow:lodgment or promissory note. There was nounderstandingwitness would be paid aftertheinsolvency. Themoneywas not lent that wit-ness mightqualifyas a creditor. Witness badnegotiatedwith David Proudfootfor the settle-ment of Connor'sclaim. Witness' instructions'were indefinite,and he never offereda fixedsum. Proudfootasked what moneyinsolventcould raise,and witness said thatas the con-tract was a good one ho might finance£1000,and give bills for £2000more, payable at suffi-ciently loug dates to enable M'Kny to meetthem. IfProudfootbad said,sincethe sequeß-tration,and in presence of witness,that theofferwas £3000 cash and £4000in bills,wit-ness would have corrected such a statement rWitness' firm supplied M'Kay in the contractsin which he was interested with goods.M'Kay and Pritchard had about £900worth,and M'Kay and M'Guigan about £300.The£!)00 included M'Kay andNicol's account.The cheques in payment were signedPiitchardand Co. Nicol and Co.opened an account.Mr Nicol' himselfopened it, but .he under-stood M'Kay's orders wore to bo executed.The Becond contract for the Bondi sewer wasin tho name of Pritchard,but didn't knowM'Kay had any moneyin it, and had neversaid auch was the case. M'Kayhadn't orderedgoods onaccount ofthat contract,

    Edward Brown Holt, manager for theSydneybranch of the Bank of New Zealand(examined by Mr Barton), said he producedthe title deeds of some property in Dunedin.Onthe 29th June18S3,M'Guigan and M'Kaycalled,and aftor one of them had stated thatM'Kay had put.£IOOOinto a contract attheProspect reservoir, the deeds wero deposited tosecure M'Guigana overdraft. M'Kay alsosigneda cash credit bond for £4500,the deedsbeinglodged as collateral sacurity. Nothingwas said then about M'Kay having an interestin tho contract. M'Kay said the title deedswere worth £1200. Beforethat time he hadheard fromM'Guigan that M'Kaywas nego-tiatingfor the purchaseof a share in the con-tract. M'Guiganafterwardstold witness thatM'Kayhad not carried out the conditions. Onthe 29th June a new banking accountwas notopened,and M'Kayhad no authority to drawcheques,- Witness waa tho agent for the NewZealandLoan and Mercantile Agency.' AfterM'Guigan's death Rritchard wanted to enter,into discussion with witness on the financialcondition of deceased's affairs,but witness de-clined. M'Guigauhad given tho AgencyCom-panya bill of sale over the plant and themachineryat the waterworks,in considerationofthe Companyguaranteeing advances by theBank ofNew Zealand to the extent of£7000or£7500. The bill of sale was registered. Prit-chard didn't propose after M'Guigan's deathto carryon toe Recount in Pritcbard'a name.

    Ab a matter of fact, be did not know thatM'Kay had an interest in the reservoir con-tract.

    Mr Holmes,assistant accountant at theBank of New SouthWales (examined by MrBarton), produced a copy of transcript of theinsolvent's ledger account at the Bank ofwit-ness. Therewas an account, too,in thename ofNicol and Co.,on which M'Kaysolelyoperatedbotween 25th April 18S2and 7th July 1882.After that L. D. Nicol drew the cheques.The account wasopenedby M'Kay. Nicolhailno accountalone,but Nicol and Co.had. Thisaccount was closed on October7,1853,by acheque payable to M'Kay and Pritchard,who opened an account in the name ofEdward OctaviusPritchard. There was noaccount in the name of M'Kay and Pritchard.Once,when Pritchard was out of the Colony,M'Kaydrew cheques to the extent of £1400,under an authority. No security was given,the accounts beingalwayscreditor. Pritcllardhad money remitted from New Zealand,butMr Craibnever had. OnJune 22,1852,£2000enrao from Dunedin,and on October13,1852,n telegram remitted £1000from tha sameplace. On November 9 a letter of credit for£11)9 also came from Now Zealand,and wasfollowedby a telegram on the 11th remitting£500. On March 16, 18S3,£3000came fromNew Zealand,end oa May 2G£2000.Thesesums ware duly credited to Pritchard.Pritchard'B account was still open, but Nicoland Co.'3was closed. M'Kay's atcount iscreditor 5s 7d. Witness was not aware thatany account of Pritchard's was closed by acheque drawn in favourof the City Bank.

    Mrs CatherineM'Kay, wifeof the insolvent(examined by Mr Barton), said she did notproducetho marriage settlement,nor anycopy.Shesaw the deed last in Melbourne in possession of Mr T.B. Hill, one of the trusteesundor tbe settlement. Witness' marriage wason March 13,1882. £5000was settled uponwitness. The money was in cash,bills, andcheques. The cash was in gold. GeorgeOraibwent to Europe about a fortnight afterthe marriage. Witness' husband gave her thecheques, bills,and cash onthe morning of themarriage,and beforethe mnrria'gs she handedthem to Mr George Craib. The latter puttho moseyinto a safein his office,andhanded her the key. Shecould notBay howlong she had tho key, but after the returnof Mr Craib from Europe he wrote toher in Sydney, and she sent the key.Shehad onceopened the safe(aweek afterthemarriage), and tool: out seven or eightsove-reigns. Aftergivingup the key of tbe safeshedid not get the cash,cheques, and bills. Wit-nesswhenin Dunedin got a letter fromMessrsSiovwrightand Stout,solicitors for Mr Connor,and sent tho answer produced. No one haddictated the answer. Shehad shown a copy ofit to Mr Macdormott,solicitor,and to MrM'Kay,whom sho subsequentlymarried. Shealso recognisod another letter produced ashavingbeen sent by Mr M'Kay to her brother.Her brother was alwaysurging her to have amarriage settlement. Sho denied havingwritten business letters for her husband.

    RobertShand(examined by MrBarton) saidhe managed the contract at the waterworks forvhe trustees ofthe late James M'Guigan. Hewas oneof the trustees. When the contractcommenced witness was an accountant, andkept the books relating to the works at theraservoir. The contract was in the name ofM'Guiganalone,but M'Kaywas recognised asa partner. He was to have had a half shareon certain conditions,but failedto carry themout." Tha torms were reduced in writing, andsigned; but a deed embodyingthem was notsigned, although it was prepared by MessrsAbbott and Allen. [The memorandum,theterms of which as to paymentof capital it hadbeen allegedM'Kay had not fulfilled,waa putin.] The bankingaccount was at the Bankof New Zealand,and M'Kay never inter-ferredwith it. M'Kaypaid in to the creditof the firm- £2000on the 25th May 1883,and on the 20th June ISS3,£500. Thislatter amountwas by chequefromMelbourne,signed "George Craib." In the ledger wasM'Kay's account,and alsooneofCraib's, Cr,iibleutthefirmsomemoneyafterM'Guigan'sdeath,,Witness telegraphed to Henry M'Guigan, atMelbourne,for £1200,because he could notgot moneyto carryon the business with, pend-ingthe provingof James M'Guigan's will. H.M'GuiganJgot some of the moneyfromCraib—£400. H. M'Guigan had been paid back,but Craibhad not. Tho contract had beencarried on at a profit up to M'Kay's insol-vency. M'Kny Bold half his interest in thecontract toPritcbard and one-eighth to Craib.J. M'Guigan consented to this assignment.Witness had refusedto enter Craibas a part-ner, and some dispute had arisen in eonso-quenco. Witness had written to Craibaskingfor fnndsto carryout the contract, and Craib'ssolicitors,MeßsrsM'Cullochand Pope, hadreplied that no money would bo forthcomingunless Craib'sstatus us a partner were recog-nised. Craib,Pritchard,and M'Kay were allwritten to for momy when J. M'Guigan died.An accountantfrom theofficialassignee's office'bad gone through the books and expressedhimselfas satisfied.

    At this stage the examination was furtheradjourned.


    Sib,—Sir Julius Vogel informsus, in ad-dressing the East Coastelectors,that he didnot come to tho Colonywith tho intention ofre-entering political life,nor ofpaying it morethan a short visit; but that since he has beenhere ho has observed the condition of theColony, and ho thinks that ho may be ofsomeuse in bringingabout a moro encouragingstateof affairsthan at present exists. I wouldask yourreaders tocalmlyconsider the question,What is the cause ofthe presentdepression andbad state of affairs? Look at the Urgeamount of monoythat was borrowed atthe instigationofSirJulius,and follownp theextravagant mode of expenditure of thatvastamount of borrowed capital. Manyof yourreaders aro notperhapsaware thatattnepresenttime wo are sending Homo to England some-thinglike an amountof £120,000per month forinterest on those loans,and that amounthas to come mostly out of the hardearnings of the middle class,for every-thingwo use is taxed in some form. Now -Sir Julius, in commenting an our railways,states it as his opinion that the trunk linesshould be completed without delay; and nodoubt yourreaders will Bay it would be welltheyshould be opened as soon as practicable,providedthiscan be done without entailingtheconsequence of borrowing another large loan,and so increasing the burden ofour taxation,which,Ithink, it must beadmitted on allsidesis too gigantic to bo increased further. Itis tima that we aroused ourselves and studiedour position, if Sir Julius Vogel is going iutothe Legislature of this Colony toborrow moremoney to follow up tho same tactics ofgoingHome,at an expense to the Colony ofseveral thousand pounda each trip—toborrowthis money for carrying on publicworks. tobe hoped that Fate will spare the countryfromsuch a man.—l am, &0., Citizen.

    May 14.


    Sib,—OnprincipleI rarely appear in printBut as BishopMoran's letter, which appears inthe dailypapers is misleading and.contrary tofacts,I must in fairnessto myself ask to bepermitted to contradict • that portion of hisLordship's letter where he perverts what I didsay at the annual meeting on Monday last,What I did say (and it is so reported) was,that the present system of administering out-door reliefis demoralising, which,l am pre-pared to show aftermanyyears' experience.

    Now,Sir,I did not say that the BenevolentInstitution wasdemoralising. Ilook upon theexistence of the Institution as a blessing,andas at present carryingout the object for whichit was originallyintended,as an asylum for theaged, infirm,and destitute,without anydistinc-tion ofcreed whatever.

    Tho other portion of his Lordship's letter Ileave in other hands.—l am, &c,

    R. B. Mabtik, President.Dunedin,May 14.


    Sib,—Willyoukindlyallow me to encroachon yourgenerosity by informing me who theproper authorities are thatI should apply to inreferenceto a nuisance oxisting within astones-throw of the Mornington BoroughCouncilChambers?

    For sometime past there has beena piggery,or something eugi.

    Eno's Frbit Sam (ono ol Nature's own produota)keeps the blood pure,and la thus of jtself one ol thomost valuable moans ol keening the blood free fromfevers and blood poisons, liver ctaplainta, &c. overdiscovered. As ameans of preserving and restoringhealth It is unequalled; and it is, moreover, aploasant, refreshing, and invigorating beverageAfter a patleutand careful observation of its effectswhen used, I have no hesitation institlng that it itsgreat value in keeping' the body healthywere uni-versally known, not a household in tho Isdil wouldbo withoutIt, nor a single travelling-trunk or port-manteaubut would contain it.-J. C Eno Caution.Legal rit-bts are protected inovery civilised country.Exainino each bottle, and soa that tho capsulo iflmarked "Eno's Fruit Silt"; without it you havebeen Imposed on by worthlessImitations.—Soldbyall chemists. Prico 2s 91 and 4i Od. Directions In 10languages. How toprevent disease.—Prepared onlyat Eno's Fruit Salt Works, Hatcham, London S.E.,byj.C.Eno'aPatsnt.-tADVT.].Hollowat's Pills.—Nervous.Debility.rNo part.ofthe human machinerequires movewatching thanthenervous system-uponit hangs health and life itself.ThesePills are the best regulators and sti-engthenersof the nerves,and the safest general purifiers. Nausea,headache, giddiness, numbness, and mental apathyyield to them. They despatch ina summary mannerthosedistressing dyspepticsymptoms, stomachicpains,fullness at the pit of the stomach, abdominal disten-sion and overcomeboth capriciousappetitesand con-fined bowels-the commonly accompanying signa ofdefective or deranged nervous power, llolloway9Pillsare particularlyrecommended to personsof studi-ousand sedentary habits, who graduallysink intoanervous and debilitated state unlesssome such resto-rativebe occasionally taken.—[Advt]


    Public Notices.GRAZING.

    A RBANGEMENTS canbe made with__. me for Grazing in that Paddock in LoworKaikorai Valley known asSibbald'a. All Stock pre-sently depasturing there must bo forthwithremovedorarranged (or.

    W. CUNINOHAMSMITH,16my_ . Liverpool street..


    I HAVE a Large Stock of Seoond-. qualityDRAIN-PIPES,Alleizes (cheap), which are used for blind gullies,

    watercourses, 4c. .Also,


    16my Kensington Pipe Factory, Dunedin.THB ESTATEOF THE LATE E. T. GEORGE

    " (DECEASED), HOTELKEEPER,NASEBY.rriHE Undersigned requests that all-B- ACCOUNTSdue to the late E. T. George he

    PAID within 14days from date, otherwiae legal pro.ceedlngs will be taken for the recovery of tho same

    P and that allAccounts against theEstate bo at oncerendered.

    Dated this 10thday ol May1884.WALTER INDER

    12my (ForSolf and Cooxecutor).

    THE OTAGO CO - OPERATIVE' ASSOCIATION,AtBSRI BOILDISOS,PRIXOKB BIKRBT,DUSSDIN(Opposite GeneralPost-office).This AanoclatiOßIs in full working order, and is

    iberallypatronised.Annual Tickets ofMcmborehlp,6s;Life Tickets of

    Membership, £1.Prlcellßta free. Goods delivered free In town and

    suburbs. The saving on one Buiall order more thanpaya the annualticket.

    Business hours, 10 to 6p.m.; Saturdays, 10 to2 p.mTHOMAS ARTHUR,

    Bap Manager.


    mHK necessary Sheep having beensecured,

    puBLIC TRiAIof Messrs Tomlinson and Hayward's eolebrated

    GLYCERINEDIP .will tike place on FRIDAY next, tho 18thInßt., atthe NewDip of


    who haskindly placed his dip at Mr Hayword's dis-

    All'gentlemen interested in tho cleanliness of their.sheepand the lustrous state of their wool arekindlynvited to be present. ' ...NB.