paper 1 yr4 final

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  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final



    Each question in this paper is followed by three orfourpossible answers. Choose the

    bestanswer from the answers marked A , B and C orA , B , C and D .

    Tiap-tiap soalan dalam kertas ini diikuti dengan tiga atau empat pilihan jawapan.

    Pilih jawapan yang terbaik daripada pilihan A,B, C dan D. Hitamkan jawapan yang

    telah anda pilih di kertas jawapan.

    Questions 1 4

    Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

    Pilih perkataan yang terbaik dan isikan tempat kosong.

    1 Farah is a member of a schools orchestra. She plays ________________

    A compass

    B recorder

    C see-saw

    D swing

    2 Ah Chong uses _____________________ as bait to catch fish.

    A flies

    B seaweed

    C worms

    D small fish

    3 Neesha has long hair, so she ___________her hair when she goes to school.

    A plaits

    B binds

    C washes

    D brushes

    4 Encik Ahmads neighbour has a beautiful garden and in it we can see


    A flies

    B bugs

    C insects

    D butterflies


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final


    Questions 5-7

    Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

    Pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan perenggan di bawah.

    Mr. Sabrie tells us that we must be careful when we walk to school.

    We must walk (5)___________ . We must (6)__________

    before we cross it. We should not (7) ________ ____ on the way to

    school. He says we must also be aware of the surroundings when we are on the road.

    5 A at the side of the bridge.

    B in the middle of the road.

    C along the side of the road.

    6 A use the overhead bridge

    B look at both sides of the road.

    C wait for the traffic light to turn green.

    7 A talk to stranger.B help a stranger in trouble.

    C accept a lift from stranger.


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final


    Questions 8 - 10

    Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.

    Lihat gambar di bawah dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yangterbaik.


    A The family is at the kitchen.

    B The son is cleaning the fan.

    C Father is wiping the table.

    D Mother is mopping the floor.


    A They are walking on the road.

    B They are camping in the jungle.

    C They are walking at the roadside.

    D They are running at the roadside.


    A The boy is drawing picture.

    B The girl is colouring picture.

    C The woman is mowing the lawn.

    D The girl is playing jigsaw puzzle.


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final



    Questions 11 - 15

    Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentences to fit the situations

    shown in the pictures.

    Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih ayat yangterbaikbagi situasi dalam gambar.


    A Where are you going?

    B I live near the stadium.

    C Sure, it is next to the mosque.

    D My friend lives next to the mosque.

    12 A Im scared of that cat.

    B That is a hamster, Marie.

    C Watch out! That rat is running away.

    D How many legs does this animal have?


    A I feel terrible.

    B You look ugly.C Your hair look untidy

    D Your fingernails are long.


    A What is this?

    B Is it made of plastic?

    C No, thank you. It isnt mine.

    D What a lovely piece of coral!


    A Happy Chinese New Year, Mrs. Keong.

    B Happy Chinese New Year, Mr. Keong.

    C Happy Deepavali, Mrs. Keong.

    D Happy Deepavali, Mr. Keong.


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final



    Questions 16 -21

    Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

    Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.

    16 The pupils have ___________hour to complete the test.

    A a

    B an

    C the

    17 I __________ a glass of apple juice everyday.

    A drink

    B drankC drinks

    D drinking

    18 Who is ______ , Nadia or Shima?

    A clever

    B cleverer

    C cleverest

    19 Mohan and his brother _____________ not know how to climb trees.A do

    B did

    C does

    D doing

    20 Zairis birthday is __________ February.

    A at

    B in

    C on

    D for

    Questions 21

    Choose the word that has the opposite in meaning as the word underlined.

    Pilih perkataan yangberlawanan ertidengan perkataan yang bergaris.

    21 There are many beautiful flowers in the garden.

    A nice

    B ugly

    C pretty

    D colourful


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final


    Questions 22 23

    Choose the word with the correct spelling.

    Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

    22. My brother rides a __________ to work.


    A motorcryle

    B motorcylre

    C moetorcyle

    D motorcycle

    23. I use ____________ at night.

    A torchlight

    B tocrhlight

    C torchligth

    D torhclight

    Questions 24 -25

    Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

    Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

    24 A Who is your new class monitor Azarul.

    B Who is your new class monitor, Azarul?

    C Who is your new class monitor Azarul!

    D Who is your new class monitor, Azarul.

    25 A Alor star is the capital city of kedah.

    B Alor star is the capital city of Kedah!

    C Alor Star is the capital city of Kedah.

    D Alor Star is the Capital City of Kedah.


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    Questions 26 30

    Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the

    passage, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

    Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yangterbaikberdasarkan gambar dan teks

    yang diberi.

    Malaysia is a multiracial __ 26__ . That is why our country is so unique and

    special. We have Chinese, Malays, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans ____27___ in peace

    and harmony. As a result, we have many cultural and religious ___28____ throughout

    the year. It is common to see people of different races visit their friends ____29____

    the different festivals. Such activities help to strengthen ____30____ among all the

    different races in Malaysia.

    26 A city

    B state

    C town

    D country

    27 A life

    B live

    C leave

    D living


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final


    28 A shows

    B dances

    C festivals

    D performances

    29 A at

    B while

    C during

    D because

    30 A unite

    B unity

    C union

    D united


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final



    Questions 31 35

    Read the recipe below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

    Baca resepi di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.


    Ingredients :

    * dozen eggs

    * 1 tablespoon of food colouring (any colour that you like)

    * Some cloves

    * A piece of cinnamon

    How to prepare :

    1. Put all the eggs in a saucepan. Fill it with cold water and bring to


    2. Cook the eggs for ten minutes in the boiling water.

    3. Remove the pan from the stove and drain the water. Let the eggs cool

    on a plate.

    4. Take a spoon and very gently tap the eggshells to crack them.

    Remember, you must not remove the shells from the egg. Just crack

    them all around.

    5. Pour some water into a saucepan. Add the food coloring, some clovesand a piece of cinnamon. Bring to boil. Then, switch off the stove

    and place the eggs carefully in the boiling water.

    6. Leave the eggs in the water until it is cooled. Finally remove the

    eggs. Now you can shell them and place them in a pretty glass plate.

    Your eggs will look marbled and have a delightful smell.

  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final


    31 How many eggs do you need for the recipe above?

    A 5 eggs

    B 6 eggs

    C 10 eggs

    D 12 eggs

    32 Which of these ingredients is not used in the recipe?

    A Cinnamon

    B Cloves

    C Sugar

    D Eggs

    33 How long does it take for the eggs to cook?A 10 minutes

    B 20 minutes

    C Half an hour

    D One hour

    34 When should you crack the eggshells?

    A Before you boil the eggs

    B After the eggs are cooked

    C After you put the eggs in the coloured water

    35 Which of the following statements is true?

    A The eggs can only be shelled after they are cooled.

    B A dozen eggs are required for this recipe.

    C Hot water is used to boil the eggs.

    D The food colouring must be red.


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final


    Questions 36 40

    Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

    Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.

    One sunny day, while Tommy Cat was looking for food, he met Mr. Fox.

    How is the hunting in the forest ? he asked.

    Who are you to ask me a question like that? replied Mr. Fox proudly.

    What do you know about hunting? You dont even hunt, said Mr. Fox.

    You are right but I always try to stay away from danger. How about you?

    asked Tommy Cat.

    Danger? What danger? Danger is my middle name. Perhaps I should teach you

    some survival tricks, said Mr. Fox arrogantly.

    Trick. Well, one trick that I know is that when dogs come looking for me, I

    quickly climb up a tree, said Tommy Cat.

    Is that all you want to do ? laughed Mr. Fox.

    Just then they heard hunting dogs approaching them. Tommy Cat quickly

    jumped up the nearest tree and sat on a high branch. On the other hand, Mr. Fox

    panicked and started to look for a way to escape but none was available.

    Unfortunately, the hunting dogs saw Mr. Fox and came rushing at him. They

    killed Mr. Fox at once. Tommy Cat looked sadly at the body of Mr. Fox.

    So much for his talk on tricks. Ill just stick to my own plan of safety, he said.

    36 Where do you think Tommy Cat and Mr. Fox met?

    A In a park

    B In a farm

    C In a forest

    D In a house


  • 8/14/2019 Paper 1 Yr4 Final


    37 Tommy Cat only afraid of ____________________

    A tigers

    B foxes

    C hunting dogs

    D all the animals

    38 Tommy Cat could be describe as a very ______________ animal.

    A silly

    B smart

    C tricky

    D foolish

    39 The word arrogantly can be replaced with _____________

    A lazily

    B angrily

    C smartly

    D proudly

    40 Which do you think is a suitable title for this story?

    A The Proud Fox

    B The Foolish CatC The Hungry Dogs

    D The Cat and The Fox
