panorama 27feb15


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Panorama is a weekly newspaper serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta military community in Italy.


Page 1: Panorama 27feb15

Military service members’February leave and earningstatement (LES) will carrya reminder that as of Oct. 1,any accrued leave morethan 60 days will be lost.Since 2008 Sailors have

been allowed to carryoverup to 75 days of leave eachfiscal year as authorized byCongress. That authoriza-tion will end at the end offiscal year 2015 after whichleave carryover will revertto 60 days. In general, anyleave balance in excess of60 days on Sept. 30, 2015will be lost.Service members’ LES

may have an incorrectuse/lose leave balance. De-fense Finance and Account-ing Services (DFAS) isreprogramming pay sys-tems to account for the re-turn to the 60 day leavecarryover by the June 2015LES.Sailors should check their

LES and talk with theirCommand Pass Coordinator(CPC) for help understand-ing their correct use/losebalance.There are some specific ex-

ceptions. Sailors with moreleave days than the author-ized carryover limit, whoare also assigned to hostilefire or imminent danger payareas or deployed on a shipor mobile unit for at least60 continuous days, mayapply for special leave ac-crual (SLA) to retain anyexcess leave days. This re-quest is typically done atthe command level. Instruc-tions on how to apply forand administer SLA areoutlined in MILPERSMAN1050-070.Sailors are encouraged to

work with their commandsto manage their leave bal-ances throughout FY15.Commands with questions

on leave policies should con-tact their local PersonnelSupport Detachment (PSD)or call the NPC CustomerService Center at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC (1-866-827-5672).

They are questions as old as den-tistry; are baby teeth really that impor-tant? Won’t they just fall out anyway?Do I really need to take care of them?The answers are just as old. Yes they

are important. Yes they will fall outanyway. Yes it is important to takeproper care of them from the very be-ginning.

Baby teeth are as important to chil-dren as permanent teeth are to adults. Adults and children alike need teeth

for proper chewing and nutrition in-take, speech development and to estab-lish self assurance and confidenceevery time we smile. In addition tothose basic functions, baby teeth serveas space savers for permanent teethand help guide them into their properalignment. A baby tooth normally re-

mains in a child’s mouth until a grow-ing permanent tooth is ready to eruptthrough the gums. If a child loses atooth prematurely due to an accident orextraction of a diseased tooth, it willlead to the loss of space and has the po-tential to cause the new permanenttooth to erupt out of alignment or failto erupt completely. Improperly aligned

Naval Support Activity(NSA) Naples Religious Min-istries Team hosted a Na-tional Prayer Breakfast onboard NSA NaplesCapodichino, Feb. 19.The event’s guest speaker

was Capt. James Aiken, com-mander, Task Force 65.Aiken spoke to the attendeesabout the value of character,illustrating his point withexamples from the life ofJesus, personal stories and atouch of humor.

“I am sure many of us haveheard the expression charac-ter counts. It certainly does,but in my journey over thelast number of months Ihave come to view thatphrase a bit differently espe-cially in light of characterdevelopment,” Aiken said atthe podium. “There are noshortcuts in character devel-opment. Relating leads to re-lationships that allow ourexample to be observed;,what are we exemplifying?Coaching serves to prepareand execute; character is not

a destination but a journey -make character count. ”Logistics Specialist 1st

Class Germaine Sokpoh,one of the 30 attendees saidthe commodore’s messagewas “right on point.”“Character builds person-

ality and character buildson endurance. Withoutcharacter you cannot pur-sue your goals, if you’re notdetermined to go after whatyou’re looking for, you won’tbe able to achieve it,” hesaid. “For me and fromwhat the Commodore said,

character is the baseline forevery achievement we havein life.”After Aiken spoke, Lt.

Cmdr. Leroy Young, a Navychaplain, led the attendeesin a prayer for the nation,its leaders, families andmilitary commands.The National Prayer

Breakfast has been in an-nual event held on the firstThursday of February since1953. Since its inception,every sitting American pres-ident has attended theevent.

Serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta Military Community in Italy60th year, No. 8 Friday, February 27, 2015

ADM. FERgusOn TAlksTO ITAlIAn cADETs page 11 TRIP TO THE ZOO . . page 12

CAPTAIN’S CORNER. . . . . . . . . 2

BASE NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

ITALIAN NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


FFSC CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . 5

SOUND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

USO TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Use It orLose It

From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

Capt. James Aiken, Task Force 65 commander, speaks at the National Prayer Breakfast held on board Naval Support Activity Naples.

Tooth Fairy, not the only winner when it comes to children’s oral health

National Prayer Breakfast Held at Capodichino

By Cmdr. Sabina Yun, U.S. Naval Hospital Naples

Story, photo by MC1 David R. Krigbaum


Page 2: Panorama 27feb15

2 PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 2015

PANOrAMAAssociato all’uSPI

unione Stampa Periodica Italiana

Panorama is pub lished week ly on Friday by Stampa Generale S.r.l. Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy -Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: stam pa gen e [email protected] - Autoriz-zazione Tribunale di Napoli No. 3404 del 3.4.1985. Direttore Responsabile: BrunoBrandi. Stampa: Arti Grafiche Boccia SpA, Salerno; Fotocomposizione: StampaGenerale S.r.l. - Tel. 081-568-7884. Stampa Generale is a pri vate firm in no waycon nect ed with the U. S. Navy under exclu sive writ ten con tract with the U. S. Navy.The edi to ri al con tent is edit ed, pre pared and pro vid ed by the Public Affairs Officeof the Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy. All news and fea ture arti cles andannounce ments sub mit ted to Panorama are sub ject to edit ing to con form with con -tem po rary stan dards of jour na lis tic objec tiv ity, clar ity and rel e vance. We welcomeany contributions, suggestions or comments dealing with community issues. Sub-missions for pub li ca tion in Panorama will be accept ed on the basisof news wor thi ness, time li ness and space avail able. All copy must besubmitted in Microsoft Word format in an e-mail to the editor at:[email protected]. Each submission must include the name and tele-phone number of the author. DEADLINE FOR ALL COPy AND PhOTOS IS AT


This civil ian enter prise (CE) news pa per is an author ized pub li ca tionfor mem bers of the mil i tary ser vic es over seas. Contents of Panorama

are not nec es sar i ly the offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S.Government, the Department of Defense, or the U. S. Navy. The appear -ance of adver tis ing in this news pa per, includ ing inserts or sup ple ments,does not con sti tute endorse ment by the Department of Defense, orStampa Generale S.r.l. of the prod ucts or ser vic es adver tised.

Everything adver tised in this pub li ca tion shall be made avail able forpur chase, use, or pat ron age with out regard to race, color, relig ion, sex,nation al ori gin, age, mar i tal stat us, phys i cal hand i cap, polit i cal affil i -a tion, or any other non mer it fac tor of the pur chas er, user, or patron. Acon firmed vio la tion or rejec tion of this equal oppor tu nity pol i cy byan adver tis er will result in the refu sal to print adver tis ing from that source until the vio la tion is cor rect ed.

The Panorama edi to ri al office is locat ed at Naval Support Activity,

Naples, Italy, PSC 817, Box 1, FPO AE 09622-0001.

Telephone: com mer cial 081-568-5335/5912; DSN 626-5335/5912.

Email: [email protected].

Editorial StaffGary Nichols, Editor: [email protected]

Tel. 081/568-5335

Free Mercato Ads: Tel. 081/568-5912

Paid Advertising: Tel. 081/568-7884

Fax 081/568-7887

E-mail: [email protected]

Naval Support Activity Naples ItalyCapt. Doug Carpenter Commanding Officer

Cmdr. Jay Driskell Executive Officer

MCC Travis Simmons Public Affairs Officer

Teresa Merola Public Affairs/COMREL Specialist

USO Spring Tour Show and Meet & GreetTuesday- Hosted by the Vice Chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs of Staff

The USO Spring Tour Show and Meet & Greetare scheduled to take place at 3:15 p.m. on Tues-day, March 3 in the high school gym. The doorsfacing TLA will open at 2:45 p.m. and USO volun-teers will assist with directions. The visit will bepresented by Adm. James A. Winnefeld Jr., ViceChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and featureAndrew Luck, Dwayne Allen and Chuck Paganofrom the Indianapolis Colts; David DeCastro fromthe Pittsburgh Steelers; Jason “Wee Man” Acuna;Phillip Phillips, Diana DeGarmo and Ace Youngfrom “American Idol;” Dennis Haysbert from “24”and “The Unit;” and Miss America KiraKazantsey. There will be reserved seating for serv-ice members in uniform. Appropriate gym shoesare requested for all attendees not in uniform.Roundtrip bus transportation will be providedfrom Capodichino to the Support Site for active-duty personnel in uniform only, single and unac-companied personnel have priority. The buses arescheduled to depart Capodichino at 1:45, 2 and2:15 p.m. The return trip is scheduled for 5 p.m.

Women’s Symposium at Capo Theater withVCNO as Keynote Speaker

The Naples Area Women’s Network will be pre-senting the Annual Women’s Symposium at theCapodichino base theater on Friday, March 6from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will include apanel discussion and sessions covering topics likeWomen’s Health, Work-Life Balance, Long Dis-tance Relationships, Communication and Leader-ship Roles in Combat and more. The free event isopen to everyone. Adm. Michelle Howard, ViceChief of Naval Operations, will be the keynotespeaker and is scheduled to speak at 11 a.m. Per-sonnel can attend the full program or choose thesections and times that work for them. The openpanel discussion will take place in the theater at9 a.m. and breakout groups will be held at 12:40p.m. The theme for this year’s symposium is“Women’s Stories Connecting Women’s Lives.”Pre-register with Chief Sandie Tollet by callingDSN 626-4915 or 081-568-4915 to receive a freetote bag and lunch.

OHA and MIHA Survey for Italy Conductedin March

The Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Utility/Recurring Maintenance and Move-In Housing Al-lowance (MIHA) Survey will be conductedthrough the month of March for Italy. The MIHAsurvey is conducted once every three years aspart of this combined survey. The data gatheredby service members residing in private housingwill help ensure proper allowances are being paidfor both allowances. If you’ve been stationed inItaly for three months, reside in private housingand receive OHA, then please visit duringthe month of March and contribute to the survey.For the utilities portion, you will be asked to re-port the average monthly cost of each of your util-ities and the average monthly cost of any routinemaintenance expenses incurred over the last 12months. For the MIHA portion of the survey, youwill be asked to report actual expenses incurredwhen moving into your private residence. Theelectronic survey takes approximately 45 minutesto complete and should be completed by you oryour spouse, whoever has knowledge of utility/re-curring maintenance and MIHA expenses. If youare able to access the survey from home, it is rec-ommended that you take the survey together.

For additional information, contact LoredanaAvino at DSN 626-2551 or Chief Hector Aspuriasat DSN 626-6219.

Personal Vehicle SecurityItalian authorities recently arrested thieves op-

erating at the Capodichino airport who wereusing keyless vehicle jammers to keep car doorsfrom locking and then gaining entry after the vic-tims walked away. Keep this in mind as you leaveyour car anywhere. Personnel can verify their ve-hicle locks depending on the model by the beepingsound or flashing light, physically checking after-ward or using the key. It’s still advised to notleave valuables in your car while it is parked onthe street or in open parking lots, especially withvisible items like iPods, GPS devices, etc.

Flag Etiquette ReminderDuring the playing of the national anthem, all

persons present in uniform render the militarysalute. Members of the Armed Forces and veteranswho are present but not in uniform may render themilitary salute. All others should face the flag andstand at attention with the right hand over theheart. Men should remove their hats. When theflag is not displayed, face toward the music and actin the same manner. Service members are to showthe same respect during foreign national anthems.Civilians and those not in uniform should stand atattention during foreign national anthems. Uni-formed personnel should render the military saluteat the first note of the anthem and retain this posi-tion until the last note. This etiquette and addi-tional information can be found in the U.S. Code(Federal Flag Code) and in military regulations. Itis applicable for morning and evening colors, sport-ing events, ceremonies and other instances wherethe national anthem is played.

Cover Design Contest for ‘Benvenuti aNapoli 2015’

Community members of all ages are invited totake part in a contest to design this year's frontcover of Benvenuti a Napoli – A Newcomer’sGuide to Naples. NSA Naples Public Affairs andStampa Generale, publishers of the welcome-aboard book and Panorama base newspaper, areorganizing the contest to get a design from ourown military community. There will be 3,000copies printed, as well as an online version lo-cated at The book issent in welcome-aboard packages and is often-times the first glimpse into life stationed inNaples. Credit for the cover design will be givenon page 2 of the book. Photography, drawings, il-lustrations and any other artistic medium can beused to represent Naples and the Campania Re-gion for arriving personnel and their families.Submissions can be any file type, but must beprintable at a minimum of 5”x7” at 300DPI (DotsPer Inch). Entries will be accepted throughemails to [email protected] until midnightMarch 13. Please call DSN 626-5912 or 081-568-5912 for additional information.

Flushing Valve Installation at Support Site A project to install 11 flushing valves on the

drinking water distribution system at Support Siteis scheduled to begin Feb. 23 and end by May. Theproject will involve localized excavation, thereforesome parking areas could be temporarily fenced offto keep the working area safe. The project will notrequire any drinking water outages. Once in-stalled, each valve will be flushed to ensure properoperation. For additional information, call RobChichester at DSN 626-6644 or 081-568-6644.

Spring is right around the cornerand everyone is busy as ever withmany projects, inspections, and vis-itors here at NSA Naples. We havequite a few special visitors headingour way over the next couple ofweeks. Thanks to Armed Forces En-tertainment, the USO and NavyEntertainment, we are very fortu-nate to have many fun shows andevents coming up. Grammy Awardwinner T-Pain will be putting on ashow at Capodichino’s Bella Napolion Sunday. He just recently put ona great show in Bahrain and we’relooking forward to the visit. Keep inmind, this show is primarily for the17 and older crowd, so kids that are 16 or under need to properparental supervision to attend this show.

The USO Spring Tour Show and Meet & Greet hosted by the ViceChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice will take place on Tuesday,March 3rd at 3:15 p.m. in the high school gym. There are a lot of famil-iar names coming with the USO. Andrew Luck, Dwayne Allen andChuck Pagano from the Indianapolis Colts, Jason “Wee Man” Acuna,some “American Idol” favorites and others will be visiting to put on asmall show and hold a meet and greet with members of our militarycommunity.

The week will be finishing off just as big with a visit and all-hands callscheduled with the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. Adm. MichelleHoward will also be the keynote speaker at the Women’s Symposium onFriday in the Capodichino base theater. The Women’s Symposium ispresented by the Naples Area Women’s Network and is open to every-one. As with each annual symposium, it provides great information forjunior personnel as well as our great network of mentors, covering awhole host of personal and professional topics. I am looking forward tothe week ahead and the special events available to our community.

Focus groups for our Navy IG Area Visit got underway this week.Thank you to those the participated in the surveys and focus groups. Ifyou are asked to attend a focus group over the next two weeks, pleaseparticipate and share your insights into the community – both good andbad. Your feedback in these focus groups will help guide the team dur-ing their visit as they look into quality of life and other Naples pro-grams. Sunday kicks off the Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)Utility/ Recurring Maintenance and Move-In Housing Allowance(MIHA) Survey. The combined survey will be conducted through themonth of March for Italy. The data gathered by our service members re-siding in private housing helps to ensure that proper allowances arebeing paid. If you’ve been here for three months, reside in private hous-ing and receive OHA, then please during the monthof March and contribute to the survey. Get your spouse involved orallow them to do the survey if they handle the bills in the family!

Our community kids put forth a great effort into the basketball andcheerleader championships over the weekend. Our NHS boys basket-ball team worked very hard all season and finished 4th place in theirdivision. Our extensive list of Naples Tiger Sharks qualifiers areheaded to Eindhoven, Netherlands for the European Forces SwimLeague Championships. Our Naples Tiger Sharks are swimming for the2nd consecutive championship over all the teams in Europe! Safe trav-els and best of luck in the lanes.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and week ahead. Get out-side and enjoy some sunshine, see some sights and have a great time atthe upcoming local events!

By Cmdr. Jay W. DriskellNSA Naples Executive Officer


See BASE NOTES Page 13

Page 3: Panorama 27feb15

3PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 2015

VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDUSO NAPLES is looking for outgoing and enthusiastic volun-teers to join their committee to make a tangible difference inthe community through special events and outreach. If inter-ested, please email Shannon McCaulley at [email protected] or call the USO Capodichino office at DSN 626-5713.

NAPLES OVERSEAS SUPPORT CLUB (NOSC) is seekingcommitted members to serve as Vice President of Fundraising,Membership Chairperson, Parliamentarian, and Shopping onthe Boot Editor for the 2014-15 board term. For more informa-tion, please visit or [email protected].

THE TRANSATLANTIC COUNCIL OF THE BOYSCOUTS OF AMERICA is looking for Eagle Scouts in theNaples community to update the National Eagle Scout Associa-tion database. All Eagle Scouts, both active and not active inscouting are asked to send an email with their last name, firstname, email address, hometown/community, and council/dis-trict name where they earned their Eagle rank, to Troop 007committee chair Jeff Arter at [email protected]. "Once anEagle, always an Eagle."

NAPLES AMERICAN RED CROSS (ARC) needs volunteers.If you are interested in volunteering or in taking a CPR/FirstAid class, call 081-568-4788 or 626-4788 for more information.You can also "like" our Facebook page - American Red CrossNaples - to keep up with current opportunities.

NAPLES HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB islooking for new board members. Consider offering your time tofurther the work of the Athletic Booster Club. The club is ac-cepting nominations and applications for the 2014-15 Board. Wewill call for a membership-wide vote in May, with the newBoard installed in June. The current board is working to havesummer and fall kick off plans in place to ease the transition, aswell as a healthy bank account to seed 2014-15 Wildcat Athlet-ics. Job descriptions for president, vice president, treasurer, sec-retary, membership, Webmaster, publicity/marketing and spiritwear can be found at in the docu-ments section. Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] formore information.

FLEET AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER is looking forvolunteers to assist in the event of an emergency. Volunteerscould be called upon if families are relocated to Support Sitedue to a natural disaster or similar emergency that exceedswhat the FFSC staff can support. Volunteers may greet fami-lies, inquire about needs, organize supplies, complete paper-work, etc. Being on the list does not obligate anyone to a futureevent. If you are interested in volunteering for this, please call081-811-6372 or email [email protected].

CLUB BEYOND is searching for volunteers to serve as AdultLeaders. Leaders assist in planning, setup and conductingsmall group meetings with students in grades 7 through 12.Leadership training lasts a month. If interested, please contactArturo Paulino at [email protected] for an appointment.


More “Inside Page” on Page 9


FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLSA priest living in a northern town in Italytold his parishioners at mass he was finedmore than 1,300 euro for the noisy ringingof his church bells. The regional environ-mental protection agency registered an in-tolerable level of noise pollution ringing outfrom his church, after a complaint by a localresident. The priest has limited the dura-tion of the ringing at 60 seconds since then,while the centuries-old tradition soundlasted a few minutes. He believes the ring-ing is within the authorized limits of noisepollution, and he has received support fromhis parishioners to appeal the fine.

NEW ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM IN NAPLESNaples opened its doors to a new museumlocated at the Institute Denza in the Posil-lipo neighboring. The Etruscan archaeolog-ical museum displays eight-hundredartifacts ranging from the 7th to the 3rdcentury B.C. Many artifacts came from theEtruscan area of Orvieto, others from thearea in Montesarchio, in Campania regionwith Samnite origins. The exhibition is dueto the detailed and patient work of FatherLeopoldo De Meis in more than 30 years ofcollection. The museum is open Monday toFriday, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., byreservations only, at 081-575-7533 withfree admission.

HOMELESS MAN TO BE BURIED AT VATICANA homeless man, 80, was found dead in theVatican between December and January.He was known to many in the Vaticanwhere he used to beg near St. Peter’s Basil-ica. The homeless man will be the firsthomeless person who will have the honor ofbeing buried in the Teutonic cemetery afterPope Francis gave his permission. The Teu-tonic cemetery is the oldest German estab-lishment in Rome, located between St.Peter’s Basilica and the Audience hall of

Paul VI. It was the site of the martyrdomof many Christians in Rome. Many charityinitiatives were introduced by the Vaticanfor helping the homeless who are now ableto get a free shave and haircut. Lately,showers and toilets were installed follow-ing an episode of a homeless man whoturned down a dinner invitation from theVatican, because he smelled bad.

10 FREE RENTAL BIKE STATIONS IN NAPLES A free bike rental system – Bike SharingNapoli – offers a simple, ecological and eco-nomic form of transportation for both citi-zens and visitors, allowing everyone tofully enjoy the city as well as the pedes-trian areas while helping preserving thecity environment. There are 10 bike sta-tions located in main parts of Naples,where you can take and leave the bike.Some of these are located in PiazzaGaribaldi, Piazza Dante, Piazza Bovio, viaPartenope (Castel dell’Ovo), and via Brin(Brin parking). At each station you cantake a bike and park it at another stationmore than once, but for not longer than 30minutes. The service works from 7 a.m. to10 p.m. The first step for using bike shar-ing is to register at where you need to indicate thenumber of your credit card only as guaran-tee; second, you need to download the free“Bike sharing Napoli” app on your smart-phone. Then, you can interact with eachstation, which is connected to the internet,choose a bike and enjoy Naples.

PRIVATE SECURITY CONTRACTORS, K-9UNITS TO PATROL ROME SUBWAYRome’s public transport company ATAChired four canine units to patrol three of thecity’s busiest subway stations. The dogs willhelp their handlers patrol the stationswhere they will be on hand for 10-hourshifts. Chief of the private contracting firm,Mib Security Service, said passengers willbe more secure, and that the dogs will neverbe off leash and are trained not to bite.


#A Pocket Guide to Useful Phrases while on the RoadEmergency�Issues .�.�081-568-4911


Italian��Police: .�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�112

Italian��Ambulance: .�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�118

Italian�Fire�Department: .�.�.�.�.�.�115

English italianCall an ambulance . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chiamate un'ambulanza Where is a hospital? . . . . . . . . . . . Dov’è l’ospedale?We need a doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abbiamo bisogno di un medicoI cannot find my family . . . . . . . . . Non trovo la mia famigliaI am American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sono Americano/aWhere is the reporting point? . . . . Dov’è il centro raccolta?Which roads are open? . . . . . . . . . Quali strade sono aperte?I need a phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ho bisogno di un telefonoHelp! It’s an emergency . . . . . . . . . Aiuto! è un’emergenza

Page 4: Panorama 27feb15

4 PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 2015


Naples Elementary School will conduct registration for nextschool year in the Atrium from March 23 to April 3, for new, re-turning and Kindergarten students.

No child will be allowed to attend school next year until thisprocess is completed, so please be sure to enter the dates andtimes below in your planning calendar.

School Year 2015-2016 registration will be “All Call” for twoweeks:WEEK 1 – March 23 to 27, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.WEEK 2 – March 30 to April 3 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration is a very important process for the school. Yearly

registration of students is required as a means to establish eligi-bility for tuition-free or tuition enrollment. However, more im-portantly, we need to be sure that we can establish grade levelclass enrollments as close as possible to pupil-teacher ratiobenchmarks. Therefore, we need exact counts of students return-ing to our school next year, in order to plan future classes.

Student registration after April 6 will be by appointment only.

Registration for NaplesElementary SchoolFrom Naples Elementary School


HM2 JASON HANCOCKHospital Corpsman 2nd Class Jason Hancock grew up inWestern Kentucky. Shortly after graduating high school, heenlisted in the Navy as Hospital Corpsman and was se-lected for Pharmacy “C” school. Hancock graduated fromPharmacy “C” school with a 95 percent average and se-lected orders to U.S. Naval Hospital (USNH), Okinawa,Japan. Upon reporting, Hancock’s attentiveness to detailwas noticed and he was quickly appointed to inpatientpharmacy, where he took care of the patients admitted tothe hospital. He served three years in Japan rising to thelead inpatient technician, before taking orders to USNHNaples. Upon being assigned to Naples he took on the roleof Inpatient Supervisor & Narcotic technician, where he isresponsible for pharmacy services for patients admitted tothe Multi-Service Ward or patients having surgery atUSNH Naples. On his off-duty time, he enjoys working out,playing ultimate frisbee, being outdoors and, traveling allover Europe. In the year he has been stationed at USHNNaples, Hancock has visited nine countries. 2015 is an im-portance year for HM2 Hancock; he was just married inFebruary, and in September he will be attending Independ-ent Duty Corpsman “C” school in beautiful San Diego.

On Feb. 26, 1944, SueSophia Dauser, Superin-tendent of the Navy’sNurse Corps became thefirst woman in the Navy toreceive the rank of Cap-tain.She was born

Sept. 20, 1888, inAnaheim, Calif.Dauser earned hernursing degree fromCalifornia HospitalSchool of Nursing in 1914,and she remained thereserving as a surgical su-pervisor until 1917.When the UnitedStates entered WorldWar I in April 1917,Dauser joined the navalreserve.By October 1917, Dauser

was on active duty, train-

ing at the Naval Hospitalin San Diego. Shortly afterthat, she was promoted tochief nurse.In August 1918, Dauser

and the nurses in hercharge left for Liverpool,

England. From there, shewent on to Edinburgh,Scotland, where hernurses cared for bothBritish and American

forces. From the end of thewar in 1918 until 1939,Dauser’s assignments tookher to every naval stationon the West Coast, as wellas Guam and the Philip-pines. In addition to serv-ing at shore hospitals, sheserved on several ships,and was at the bedside ofPresident Warren G.Harding when he died inSan Francisco in 1923.In 1939, Dauser was ap-

pointed superintendent ofthe Navy Nurse Corps.Her main charge was toprepare and expand theNavy’s Nurse Corps, forwhat the War Departmentanticipated would be an-other major war loomingon the horizon. She alsohad another more per-sonal mission: to obtainequal rank and privilegesfor Navy nurses, who, al-though being treated as of-ficers, received neither thesame pay nor benefits, asmale officers.At the start of World War

II, the Navy had onlyabout 600 nurses, but bythe end of the war in 1945,the Nurse Corps was11,000 strong. And in1942, Congress authorizedfull officer’s commissionsand equal pay for Navynurses. Both achievementswere a result of Dauser’suntiring and selfless work.On Feb. 26, 1944, Dauser

was promoted to captain.In 1945, Secretaryof the Navy JamesForrestal presented

Dauser with the Dis-tinguished Service

Medal, the first Navynurse to earn that honor:Another first for this re-markable woman.

A veteran of two wars,three ships, and 28

years of active duty,Dauser retired in Novem-ber 1945. She lived the re-mainder of her life in LaMesa, Calif., until herdeath on March 11, 1972.

Page 5: Panorama 27feb15

5PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 2015

• Feb. 27: Nurturing Touch: Child & Infant Massage, 1:30 to 3 p.m.,Support Site FFSC.

• March 4: Becoming a Love & Logic Parent (7 Sessions), 11 a.m. to 1p.m., Support Site FFSC (3 of 7).

• March 4: Saving & Investing, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., Support Site FFSC.• March 5: Hand Gestures, 10 a.m. to noon, Support Site FFSC.• March 5: Prenatal Parenting (3 Sessions), 2 to 3:30 p.m., Support Site

FFSC (1 of 3).• March 5: Real Estate Investing for Beginners, 10 a.m. to noon, Sup-

port Site FFSC.• March 6: IA Discussion Group, 2 to 3 p.m., Support Site FFSC.• March 9: 10 Steps to Federal Employment, 8 a.m. to noon, Support

Site FFSC.• March 9 to 13: Pre-Separation, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Support Site FFSC.• March 10: Beginner Saving & Investing, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., Support

Site FFSC.• March 10: Easy Italian (3 Sessions), 9 a.m. to noon, Support Site

FFSC, (1 of 3).• March 11: Becoming a Love & Logic Parent (7 Sessions), 11 a.m. to 1

p.m., Support Site FFSC (4 of 7).• March 12: Italian Cooking Class, 10:15 a.m. to 2 p.m., meeting point

at Support Site TLA lobby, Prior purchase of two AC1 tickets required;Cost is 15 euro.

• March 12: Prenatal Parenting (3 Sessions), 2 to 3:30 p.m., SupportSite FFSC (2 of 3).

Energy conservation is not a difficult concept to practice. Some-times, if you really want to increases savings, you have to take itone step further than “turning off the lights.” The experts from theBuilding Technologies Office are thinking outside the box for you.This team developed as list of the top eight ways to conserve en-ergy and save money:1. Install a programmable thermostat. You could save an esti-

mated 10 percent per year on heating and cooling costs by adjust-ing the temperature while your home is unoccupied or during sleephours. 2. Use natural sunlight. The sun’s rays can provide heat which

can be beneficial in the winter months. It can also illuminate anyroom, regardless the time of the year.3. Invest in ENERGY STAR appliances. Your home’s appli-

ances and electronics account for close to 20 percent of your energybills. Energy star products use 10-15 percent less energy than theleading brand of appliances.4. Choose energy-saving lighting. Replace all incandescent

bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs to reduce consumption. 5. Power strip for your electronic equipment. Electronic de-

vices typically have a tiny circuit that is always drawing powereven when the device is “off.” By plugging electronic devices into apower strip you can cut power to all the devices all at once with theflip of a switch.6. Reduce energy for water heating. Lower the temperature of

your water heater to 120 degrees and you can also wrap insulatingmaterial around the water heater to prevent loss of heat from thewater tank.7. Replace filters. You should clean the air filters in your heat-

ing and cooling system once a month, and replace them regularly.8. Conduct an Energy Audit. Measure your home’s energy effi-

ciency by having professionals perform an energy audit and makerecommendations for systems and components that could be re-moved, installed or upgraded to increase energy efficiency.


From the NSA Naples Energy Management Team


For more information about local Fleet and FamilySupport Center (FFSC) events, visit

call 081-811-6372 for more information or to register.All classes require registration.

With the 2014 mid-term election in theirwake, Sailors might be tempted to forgetabout absentee voting and politics in generaluntil 2016.“Not so fast,” said Lt. Whit Abraham, the

Navy Voting Action Officer.Odd-numbered years are historically con-

sidered “off-years” for voting, and draw fewervoters to the polls. So why should Sailorsthink about voting now?Although they often take a back

seat to national races, local elec-tions are just as important. Sailors stationed far from

home have family membersin their hometowns, andmay even intend to residethere permanently at somepoint. Odd-year electionsdrive important communityissues – issues with directconsequences for voters.“2015 marks many statewide

races, mayoral and town elec-tions, and even some special elec-tions for Congress,” said Abraham, whomanages the Navy’s Voting Assistance Pro-gram from Washington, D.C.. “The local offi-cials up for election in 2015 are the ones whoset property tax rates for municipalities andschool districts, they’re the folks who admin-ister police departments and maintain mil-lions of miles of local roads and bridges, andin many states the judges – from stateSupreme Courts down to local district judges– are on the ballot this year as well. So youcan argue that many of these local officehold-ers have more to do with the daily lives ofAmerican citizens day in and day out thanany other elected officials.”As defenders of the right to vote, Sailors are

encouraged to participate. “Absentee votingis easy, but the key is giving the processtime,” said Abraham.A major first step in the process is visiting

the Federal Voting Assistance Program(FVAP) website at http// Here,Sailors can click on their state or territory toget detailed information about registrationguidelines and local elections.Sailors wishing to vote absentee should

complete an electronic Federal Post Card Ap-plications (FPCA) early in 2015. The FPCA

is a registration form, a request for aballot, and the preferred way to

update your address. Filling outand returning the FPCA up-dates local election officialson a member’s absentee sta-tus, and it is especially im-portant if Sailors andspouses have changed dutystations. “An updated FPCA

puts you on the radarscreen,” said Abraham.

“When the time comes to mailballots later this year, election of-

ficials will know how to reach you.”Across the Navy, voting assistance is

administered at the unit level. Voting assis-tance officers are appointed by their com-manding officer and are trained by theFederal Voting Assistance Program. Besidesaccessing the FVAP website, voters canspeak directly to these individuals who standready to assist Sailors and family members.“Democracy is a year-round business, and

so is the Navy Voting Assistance Program.Elections are always happening, and we en-courage people to ask questions and take aproactive stance” said Abraham. “We’re hereto ensure your voice is heard - not just inWashington, but in your local community aswell. That’s what this year is all about.”

From Navy Installations Command Public Affairs

atC greg Overhalser, left, assists hMC Wayne gonsorcik register to vote during the armed Forces and Overseas CitizensVoters Week aboard the multipurpose amphibious assault ship Uss iwo Jima (lhD 7). Photo by MC2 Morgan E. Dial

CRIME REPORT: General Courts-Martial in January 2015for Navy region Europe, Africa, Southwest AsiaAt a General Court-Martial in Naples, Italy, an E-5 pleadedguilty to sexual assault. On Jan. 6, 2014, the military judge sen-tenced him to be discharged with a Dishonorable Discharge, re-duction in rank to paygrade E-1, and confinement for 54 months.

Democracy is a Year-Round Business ... VOTE!

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6 PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 2015

Cs1 Maximillian Johnson




angelica De lucia



YnC Eric nelson





aWs2 Mike Mauriello






lssn tiara gray.






teeth may require expensive and time-consum-ing orthodontic treatment in the future. Forthose reasons, it is very important that babyteeth are kept healthy and in place until theyare lost naturally. Keeping baby teeth healthy starts just days

after birth and will initiate a lifetime ofhealthy oral care. The first care you provide is actually for the

baby’s gums. Start cleaning your baby’s gumsusing water and a soft towel or cloth. As theteeth begin to erupt, start brushing with anage appropriate toothbrush twice a day (afterbreakfast and before bedtime) using a fluori-dated toothpaste that has been approved by theAmerican Dental Association. Look for the ADAseal of approval on the box or tube of the tooth-paste. For children less than 3 years old, use asmall ‘smear’ or ‘rice-size’ amount of tooth-paste. For the 3-5 year old, use no more than a“pea-size” amount. Brush twice a day and rins-ing after brushing should be kept to a mini-mum or eliminated completely. Remember toassist your child because their manual dexter-ity and cognitive understanding are not matureenough to effectively clean their teeth. Goodgage to go by is their ability to tie theirshoelaces. Help with their brushing until thecan confidently tie shoelaces on their own.Another way to promote healthy teeth is to

simply drink fluoridated water.Consuming fluoridated water and using small

amounts of fluoride topically on a routine basiscan help prevent tooth decayby strengthening tooth struc-ture and reducing bacter-ial activity that causescavities. Researchshows that commu-nity water fluorida-tion has lowereddecay rates by morethan 50 percent whichtranslates to fewercavities. Every timeyour child drinksfluoridated water,baby teeth get topicalexposure and perma-nent teeth get fluorideincorporated into thestructure during devel-opment. However unlike many com-

munities in the United States, Italydoes not have fluoridated tap water. If youare purchasing bottle water, chose the onewith fluoride. If not ask your dentist or medicalprovider if fluoride supplements is recom-mended. While beneficial, it is important tonote that too much fluoride can lead to fluoro-sis which can cause staining or pitting of the

teeth. To avoid this, limit fluoride intake todrinking fluoridated water and brushing twicea day with an age appropriate amount of fluori-

dated toothpaste unless otherwise directedby your dentist.

The last key to proper baby teethcare is to watch what you childreneat and drink.

Dietary choices play an impor-tant role in oral health. One

common cavity causing mis-take is to allow children tofall asleep with a bottle ornurse a sippy cup filled with

milk or juice. It is importantto limit prolonged and fre-

quent exposure to simple car-bohydrates, foods that break

down into sugars in themouth. These include

the obvious sugaryfoods, such as cookies,cakes, soft drinks,juice and candy. Both

they also include butnot limited to crackers, milk

and cereals. Offer healthysnack like yogurt, cheese and

fruits, and if a bottle or sippy cup is necessaryto help soothe a child or help them sleep, thehealthy option is water or other sugar-freedrinks.


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7PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 2015

Naples CelebratesBlack History Month

it2 sakita trammell recites the poem “What if i am a Black Woman?” duringthe african american/Black history Month celebration at naval supportactivity naples' Capodichino base theater, Feb. 24. african-american/Blackhistory Month is an annual observance for the remembrance of significantafrican-americans.

Sailors attended a celebration for African American /Black History month at Naval Support Activity (NSA)Naples’ Capodichino base theater, Feb. 24.The annual celebration, hosted by the Combined Multi-

Cultural Heritage Committee (MCHC), was to educateSailors on the many significant achievements and con-tributions of African-Americans through the history ofthe United States.This year’s celebration focused on “A Century of Black

Life, History, and Culture,” featuring guest speakers, avideo timeline presentation, poem reading and endingwith a potluck of traditional African-American foods.Cmdr. Karen Alexander, guest speaker, spoke on how

the theme of this year’s celebration has be seen in Blackartistry.“Our music, movies, poems and art convey colorful and

vibrant images of a people dealing with the joys andpains of life, with a distinct undertone that permeatesthroughout it all.”IT2 Sakita Trammell performed “What if I’m a Black

Woman,” an anonymous poem about the struggles andstrengths of being an African American woman. YN2 Aaron Novitsky, audience member, spoke on the

impact of the poem.“I thought it was powerful and moving,” Novitsky said.

“She had a lot of passion, I liked her outfit, it was color-ful and put the whole performance together.”Today was the finale of the Black History Month cele-

bration events scheduled at NSA Naples. For more information on MCHC events or to join, call

IS2 Jarett Andrews-Schiro at DSN 626-3055.

By MC2 Darby C. OrtegaAmerican Forces Network – Europe. Naples

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9PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 2015

ANIMALS WITHOUT LIMITS (AWL) is searching for volun-teers who want to help at our Animal Hospice in Lago Patria.We also need volunteers for different projects on the SupportSite base. For more information, please contact us at awlres-cueteam@ or [email protected].

THE AMERICAN SOCCER CLUB (ASC) OF NAPOLI islooking for qualified coaches. Those interested in coachingshould e-mail [email protected].

ONGOING/ON THE HORIZONTHE NAPLES MIDDLE HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC BOOSTERS Is your Naples Middle High School student inBand, Choir, Orchestra, or Flag Team? If so, then he/she bene-fits from NMHS Music Boosters! NHMS Music Boosters is agrowing organization that ensures all Naples Middle HighSchool music programs continue performing at the highest lev-els. Help support Music Boosters with your yearly familymembership of $25.00 (other membership levels also avail-able). Volunteers are continuously needed to assist with sev-eral projects! Email [email protected] or visitus on Facebook "NMHS Music Boosters" for more information.

The NAPLES MIDDLE HIGH SCHOOL PTSA is lookingfor volunteers to help provide information, resources andevents that strengthen the connections between students, par-ents, the school and the community. A yearly membership is$10 and joining is a great way to get involved, meet the teach-ers, other parents and your child's friends. Email NaplesPT-SAteam@ or search Naples Middle High SchoolPTSA on Facebook.

BOY SCOUT TROOP 007 holds troop meetings every Mondayfrom 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Support Site Community Center. E-mail the Scoutmaster at [email protected] orvisit these websites at https://www.facebook. com/BSATroop007; and

GIRL SCOUTS OVERSEAS NAPLES is very excited to sup-port young leaders in action. We are much more than cookies;we show girls how to contribute positively in this world. Fromarts and crafts to camping trips and more Naples Girl Scoutswants girls to be have fun learning. Information about us canbe found at: or by li-king the USA Girl Scouts - Naples, Italy Facebook page.

COALITION OF SAILORS AGAINST DESTRUCTIVE DECISIONS (CSADD), Naples Chapter meets every 2nd and4th Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the NSA NaplesChiefs Mess, located by the quarterdeck in Admin I. CSADD'smission is to create a culture in which our shipmates are help-ing shipmates maintain a course of success through good deci-sion making. For more information, contact MC2 Ramsaran atDSN 626-5249.

NAVY LEAGUE NAPLES has three missions: to enhance themorale of active duty personnel and their families; to informCongress and the American public on the importance of strongsea services; and to support youth through programs such asthe Junior ROTC that expose young people to the values of oursea services. Personnel interested in joining or participatingwith the Navy League should contact Betty Reese at 081-526-8051. For more information, visit

THE NAPLES TOASTMASTERS CLUB provides materialsand experience to improve competent communication and lead-ership skills. Meetings are at 6:30 p.m. on the first & thirdTuesdays of the month at the Support Site Community Center.Guests are always welcome. For more information, or likeus on Facebook "Toastmasters Naples Italy."

NAPLES AREA FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION is composed of members from different rateswith one mission. As a service organization, we enhance com-munity relations, promote awareness of our duties as Sailors,and fortify the professional and social welfare of our servicemembers. We normally convene every other week alternatingTuesdays and Thursdays. Visit us and learn how you can par-ticipate and feel free to bring a friend! For more information,please contact YN1 Gordon at DSN: 626-7733.

CLUB BEYOND is a youth group run by Naval Support Ac-tivity Naples Religious Ministries. Club Beyond is open tochildren in grades 7 through 12, and meets Wednesdays at5:30 p.m. in the Chapel Fellowship Hall at the Support Site.For more information, please contact Arturo [email protected].

If you have been sexually assaulted or need to speak with a S.A.P.R. victim advocate,call 335-640-6621 24/7 for information and support. The DoD Safe Helpline can be reached toll-free at 001-877-995-5247.

Friday, Feb. 27 4:30 p.m. Paddington, PG5:30 p.m. Selma, PG-137:30 p.m. American Sniper, R8:30 p.m. Focus, R, Premiere

Saturday, Feb. 28 3 p.m. Paddington, PG4 p.m. SpongeBob Movie: Sponge

Out Of Water, PG5:30 p.m. Project Almanac, PG-13,

Premiere7 p.m. The Imitation Game, PG-13

8:30 p.m. Black or White, PG-13,Premiere

Sunday, Mar. 1 3 p.m. SpongeBob Movie: Sponge

Out Of Water, PG, 3-D4 p.m. Project Almanac, PG-136 p.m. Focus, R7 p.m. American Sniper, R

Monday, Mar. 2Closed, No Movies

Tuesday, Mar. 3Closed, No Movies

Wednesday, Mar. 44:30 p.m. Black or White, PG-136 p.m. The Imitation Game, PG-13,

Last Showing7:30 p.m. The Boy Next Door, R

Thursday, Mar. 54:30 p.m. Project Almanac, PG-13 6 p.m. Taken 3, PG-137 p.m. American Sniper, R,

Last Showing

AMERICAN SNIPERSix Nominations, Actor in a Leading Role, Best Pic-ture, Film Editing, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing,Writing (Adapted Screenplay). R, Action-Adventure,132 min. Cast: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Kyle Gallner, Luke Grimes, Jake McDorman. U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle is sent to Iraq withonly one mission: to protect his brothers-in-arms.His pinpoint accuracy and courageous exploits earnhim the nickname “Legend.” However, his reputa-tion is also growing behind enemy lines, putting aprice on his head and making him a prime target ofinsurgents. He is also facing a different kind of bat-tle on the home front: striving to be a good husbandand father from halfway around the world. Despitethe danger, as well as the toll on his family, Chrisserves through four harrowing tours of duty inIraq, personifying the spirit of the SEAL creed to“leave no one behind.” But upon returning to hisfamily, Chris finds that it is the war he can’t leavebehind.

BLACK OR WHITEPG-13, Drama, 121 min. Cast: Kevin Costner, Oc-tavia Spencer, Gillian Jacobs, Jennifer Ehle, An-thony Mackie. This is the story of a grandfatherwho is suddenly left to care for his beloved grand-daughter. When her paternal grandmother seekscustody with the help of her brother, the little girlis torn between two families who love her deeply.With the best intentions at heart, both familiesfight for what they feel is right and are soon forcedto confront their true feelings about race, forgive-ness, and understanding. Anchored by an all-starcast and based on real events, the movie is a lookat two seemingly different worlds, in which nothingis as simple as black or white.

THE BOY NEXT DOORR, Suspense-Thriller, 91 min. Cast: Jennifer Lopez,Ryan Guzman, John Corbett, Ian Nelson, KristinChenoweth. A psychological thriller that explores aforbidden attraction that goes much too far.

FOCUSR, Comedy-Crime-Drama, 105 min. Cast: WillSmith, Margo Robbie, Rodrigo Santoro, BD Wong,Gerald McRaney. Nicky, a seasoned master of mis-direction, becomes romantically involved withnovice con artist Jess. As he’s teaching her thetricks of the trade, she gets too close for comfortand he abruptly breaks it off. Three years later, theformer flame-now an accomplished femme fatale-shows up in Buenos Aires in the middle of the highstakes race car circuit. In the midst of Nicky’s lat-est, very dangerous scheme, she throws his plansfor a loop, and the consummate con man off hisgame.

THE IMITATION GAMEEight Nominations: Actor in a Leading Role, Ac-tress in a Supporting Role, Best Picture, Directing,Film Editing, Music (Original Score), ProductionDesign, Writing (Adapted Screenplay). PG-13,Drama, 114 min. Benedict Cumberbatch, KeiraKnightley, Charles Dance, Matthew Goode, MarkStrong. This film is a nail-biting race against timefollowing Alan Turing (pioneer of modern-day com-puting and credited with cracking the GermanEnigma code) and his brilliant team at Britain’stop-secret code-breaking centre, Bletchley Park,

during the darkest days of World War II. Turing,whose contributions and genius significantly short-ened the war, saving thousands of lives, was theeventual victim of an unenlightened British estab-lishment, but his work and legacy live on.

PADDINGTONPG, Animation, 95 min. Cast: Ben Whishaw, NicoleKidman, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, JulieWalters. Paddington has grown up deep in the Pe-ruvian jungle with his Aunt Lucy who, inspired bya chance encounter with an English explorer, hasraised her nephew to dream of an exciting life inLondon. When an earthquake destroys their home,Aunt Lucy decides to smuggle her young nephewon board a boat bound for England, in search of abetter life. Arriving alone at Paddington Station,Paddington soon finds that city life is not all he hadimagined - until he meets the kindly Brown family,who find him with a label tied around his neckwhich reads ‘Please look after this bear. Thankyou.’ They offer him a temporary home whilst hesearches for the explorer who impressed Aunt Lucyall those years before. But when Paddingtoncatches the eye of a sinister, seductive taxidermist,it isn’t long before his home – and very existence –is under threat.

PROJECT ALMANACPG-13, SciFi-Fantasy, 106 min. Cast: Jonny We-ston, Sofia Black D’Elia, Michelle DeFraites,Patrick Johnson, Allen Evangelista. A brilliant highschool student and his friends uncover blueprintsfor a mysterious device with limitless potential, in-advertently putting lives in danger.

SELMATwo Nominations: Best Picture, Music (OriginalSong). PG-13, Drama-History, 128 min. Cast: Lor-raine Toussaint, Giovanni Ribisi, Tim Roth, CubaGooding Jr., Alessandro Nivola. This is the story ofa movement. The film chronicles the tumultuousthree-month period in 1965, when Dr. MartinLuther King, Jr. led a dangerous campaign to se-cure equal voting rights in the face of violent oppo-sition. The epic march from Selma to Montgomeryculminated in President Johnson signing the Vot-ing Rights Act of 1965, one of the most significantvictories for the civil rights movement.

THE SPONGEBOB MOVIE: SPONGE OUT OF WATERPG, Animation, 93 min. Cast: Clancy Brown, TomKenny, Bill Fagerbakke, Rodger Bumpass, CarolynLawrence. SpongeBob goes on a quest to discover astolen recipe that takes him to our dimension, ourworld, where he tangles with a pirate.

TAKEN 3PG-13, Action-Crime-Thriller, 120 min. Cast: LiamNeeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen, Jon Gries.Liam Neeson returns as ex-covert operative BryanMills, whose reconciliation with his ex-wife is tragi-cally cut short when she is brutally murdered. Con-sumed with rage, and framed for the crime, he goeson the run to evade the relentless pursuit of theCIA, FBI and the police. For one last time, Millsmust use his “particular set of skills,” to trackdown the real killers, exact his unique brand of jus-tice, and protect the only thing that matters to himnow – his daughter.


No Children Under 10 Admitted to R-Rated Movies


More “Inside Page” on Page 10

Page 9: Panorama 27feb15

PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 201510

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS hostsEnglish-speaking AA meetings on andoff base in the Naples area. For moreinformation, please call 339-267-7075or visit

NATO LIONS RUGBY CLUB islooking for new players. All abilitieswanted. Practice is held everyWednesday at Carney Park at 5:45p.m. Show up with shoes, shorts anda mouth guard. Training and develop-ment will be provided. If you haveany questions, email Mark Woodall orco-manager Andrew Bohnsack [email protected] or an-drew.bohnsack@

NAPLES OFFICIALS ASSOCIA-TION NEEDS REFEREES Anyoneinterested should contact NigelAlexander at 081-721-5413 or 346-680-3282 or by e-mail to [email protected].

HARRY S. TRUMAN LODGE No.649 meets 6:30 p.m. every 2nd and4th Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m.FMI, contact Kevin Baker at 338-479-7023 or hst649sec@, orvisit

WOMEN, INFANTS, CHILDREN(WIC) OVERSEAS PROGRAM isoffered at NSA Naples. Women whoare pregnant, breastfeeding, postpar-tum or have an infant or child underthe age of five may qualify for theprogram. WIC Overseas is a nutritioneducation program that provides nu-tritious supplemental foods. ContactWIC Overseas at 081-811-4962.

THE NAPLES AREA SECONDCLASS PETTY OFFICERS ASSO-CIATION meets twice a month to dis-cuss upcoming community outreachopportunities and charity events. Formore information, contact MA2 AaronKurschner at DSN 626-2871 or ABH2Brent Paucke at DSN 626-5382.

NAPOLI NATION FAN CLUB is agroup that helps community membersattend SSC Napoli soccer games, pro-motes intercultural relations and pro-vides SSC Napoli information to thecommunity. Membership benefits in-clude SSC Napoli gear, discountedtickets and entry to Napoli Nationfunctions. FMI, visit groups/USASSCNapoli.

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST WOR-SHIP SERVICE takes place Satur-days at Support Site Chapel from 9a.m. to noon. The schedule is: SabbathSchool lessons, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.;

songs and praise, 10:45 to 11 a.m.; Divine Service, 11 a.m. to noon. Formore information, please contactPaolo Fleurant at 328-194-6897 ornaplesadventistsgroup@

CONNECT THE TOTS CLUBunites families with children fromnewborn to pre-school age within theNaples military community. Clubevents include monthly coffee morn-ings and birthday parties, weeklyplaygroups, craft activities and more.For more information, visit Connect-the-Tots-Club.

CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THECHAPEL meets monthly in the Sup-port Site Fellowship Hall for prayer,fellowship, and learning. Child careprovided. We also meet Wednesdaysat 10:30 a.m. for Rosary and Thurs-days at 9:30 a.m. for bible study. Formore information, e-mail [email protected] or check out ourFacebook page: Catholic Women ofthe Chapel - NSA Naples, Italy.

PUBLIC SPEAKING WITHTOASTMASTERS The NaplesToastmasters Club meets the firstand third Tuesdays of every month.Meetings are held at the Support SiteCommunity Center at 6:30 p.m. FMI,contact the Toastmasters president at342-010-6263.

GAETA/NAPLES AREA GIRLSCOUTS Now accepting registrationfor the 2012-13 school year. We arestill in need of leaders and co-leaders.Training and support provided. FMI,contact [email protected].

FILIPINO-AMERICAN ASSOCIA-TION OF NAPLES, ITALY meets atnoon the first Sunday of every monthat the Support Site Fellowship Hall.For more information, contact RonNacianceno at 081-568-1746 or 335-760-4446. Also check out the group’sFacebook page, Fil-Am Naples.

THE U.S. MILITARY RETIREE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERNITALY (USMRA-SI) is the only asso-ciation in Southern Italy representingthe interests of U.S. retired militarypersonnel and their survivors. If youare not a member and are eligible,please join the USMRA-SI at Point of contact: WylieMiller, 329-208-7315.


lies who have chosen to educate theirown children. We offer weeklypark/pool days, a moms’ night out andfield trips to explore Bella Napoli andbeyond! Interested? Need more infor-mation? Considering homeschooling?Please contact Natalie Mack [email protected].

MEDITATION SITTING GROUP isheld from 7 to 7:30 p.m. every Mon-day at the side chapel at the SupportSite. Newcomers should stop by at6:30 p.m. Participation is free. FMI,e-mail Laura Hitchcock at laura.poo-dle@

REGISTER FOR GRADUATE DE-GREE ON-SITE PROGRAMS TheUniversity of Oklahoma offers theMaster of Human Relations on-sitegraduate degree program. Coursesmeet in a series of four evenings andone weekend. For more information,contact the OU office at DSN: 626-6672 or visit the office at Capodichinoin the Admin II building.

REGISTER FOR ON-SITE UN-DERGRADUATE CLASSES Visitthe colleges for more informationabout what classes and programs areoffered. UMUC Maryland can bereached at 081-568-6673/74/75; Cen-tral Texas College is at 081-568-6761.

CALLING ALL NAPLES NURSES!Please consider joining the NaplesArea Nurses Association (NANA).NANA is an organization of nursesthat work together to fundraise, par-ticipate in social events, and providesupport throughout the U.S. NavalHospital Naples and NSA Naplescommunity. FMI, contact Lt. ShelleyBeltz at shelley.beltz Lt. Jenny Paul [email protected].

THE WELFARE & RECREATIONASSOCIATION is available to meetassociates every Thursday from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. at its location on thefirst floor of Building 450 upstairsfrom Capo Landing. FMI, visithttp://www.

SECURITY NOTE: All DoD militaryor civilian personnel hosting an eventoff base must complete a SpecialEvent Force Protection Plan (SEFPP)45 days in advance, regardless of or-ganization, if the event will involve50 or more personnel, include distin-guished visitors or involve personnelwearing uniforms. FMI, contact theAT/FP Division at 081-568-5525 or

visit the division office in the Capo-dichino Security Precinct, Bldg. 403.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES AT U.S.NAVAL HOSPITAL NAPLES Tues-day Silent prayer (7:15-7:45 a.m.) inthe hospital chapel. Traditional hymnand praise and worship music will beprovided during this time. WednesdayRoman Catholic Mass (11:30 a.m.-12p.m.) in the hospital chapel. Call 081-811-6451 to confirm that Mass is beingheld. Thursday Men’s Fellowship andBible Study (6-7 a.m.) in the hospitalgalley.

SURE START is a unique programcommitted to providing the highestquality of education for command-sponsored children of enlisted person-nel (priority to E1-E4) who are 4years old by Sept. 1. FMI, call KarenRodrigues at 081-811-4682 or theschool at 081-811-4037.

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS,San Gennaro council 14853, meets at7 p.m. the second and fourth Thurs-day of each month at the Support SiteFleet and Family Support Center. E-mail George Piette at [email protected] or visit http:// home.

CARNEY PARK LADIES GOLFASSOCIATION meets at 9 a.m.Mondays. All skill levels welcome.Discounted play with membership.FMI, call Carol Borkowski at 081-804-3345, or Carney Park Golf Courseat 081-526-4296.

EDIS SCREENINGS NOW AVAIL-ABLE Room W09, Support Site Vil-lage Forum. For eligible children whohave not reached their third birthday.If you are concerned about yourchild’s development, contact EDIS at081-811-4676.

LATINOS UNIDOS WELCOMESNEW MEMBERS Meetings are at 2p.m. the first Sunday of every monthat the Support Site park. For more info,contact Michael Cortez, [email protected], 334-6771-0327, orGabriel Sermeno, [email protected], 081-811-5554.

CUB SCOUT PACK 007 Want tocamp in Nettuno, hike in Cuma, gobowling or participate in swimmingand archery? Then Cub Scouts is theplace for you! Boys in first throughfifth grade meet three times permonth to learn skills that they applyon hiking, camping and service out-ings. FMI, contact [email protected] or


Page 10: Panorama 27feb15

The Naples area has experienced some unseasonably coldweather this year, and many residents are undoubtedlyusing additional methods to stay warm, such as the use ofspace heaters and fireplaces.The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) notes

that heating equipment is a leading cause of home firedeaths, and that half of home heating equipment fires arereported during the months of December, January, andFebruary. Per the NFPA, here are some simple steps to help prevent

most heating-related fires from happening.• Keep anything that can burn at least three feet away

from heating equipment, like the furnace, fireplace, woodstove, or portable space heater.• Have a three-foot “kid-free zone” around open fires and

space heaters.• Never use your oven to heat your home.• Have a qualified professional install stationary space

heating equipment, water heaters or central heatingequipment according to the local codes and manufacturer’sinstructions.• Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and in-

spected every year by a qualified professional.• Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving the

room or going to bed.• Always use the right kind of fuel, specified by the man-

ufacturer, for fuel burning space heaters.• Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop

sparks from flying into the room. Ashes should be cool be-fore putting them in a metal container.Keep the container a safe distance away from your home.• Test smoke alarms monthly.Should you have any questions about home heating

safety, or other fire safety questions, please contact yourlocal Fire Prevention office; Support Site at 629-4488/4999,or Capodichino at 626-6626.

U.S. Navy Adm. Mark Fergu-son, Commander Allied JointForce Command Naples(JFCN) and Commander U.S.Naval Forces Europe andAfrica gave a lecture on leader-ship in the conference room ofthe Italian Air Force AcademyFeb. 23rd. Monday’s visit was the Admi-

ral’s second (and much appreci-ated) time at the PozzuoliAcademy following the visit hemade only a few months ago,soon after his assignment tothe prestiguous NATO position.Upon his arrival, Adm. Fergu-

son was welcomed by Lt. Gen.Fernando Giancotti. While introducing his guest to

the Academy students, Lt. Gen.Giancotti stressed the impor-tance of the integrated trainingapproach now in use at theAcademy where theory mergeswith hands-on experience so asto provide the cadets with thetools they will need in theirhighly committing jobs. In his remarks, Adm. Fergu-

son explained what leadershipmeans in complex environ-ments marked by rapid techno-logical changes and a growingnumber of areas of instabilityand crisis.

PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 2015 11

Allied Joint Force Command Naples CommanderSpeaks to Italian Air Force Academy Cadets

Tips to PreventHeater-Related Fires

By Don WarnickNSA Fire Inspector

From Allied Joint Force CommandPublic Affairs

gOOD lUCktigEr sharks

head Coach Jane higginsis leading 46 naples tigersharks as they prepare togo to Eindhoven, nether-lands this weekend for theEuropean Forces swimleague Championships(EFsl). this year’s tigershark squad is a broad anddeep one, fielding swim-mers across virtually everyage-group, gender andevent category.Photo courtesy of the TigerSharks

adm. Mark Ferguson, U.s. naval Force Europe-africa commander, delivers remarks to military members at the italian accademia aeronautica in Poz-zuoli, italy, Feb. 23. Ferguson’s remarks focused on the importance of leadership, cross-cultural communication and adapting to a dynamic and chang-ing world. Photo by MC3 Daniel P. Schumacher

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Practice your vocabulary. Find the Italian words.

(Over, Down, Direction)


answer to last week’s puzzle

F + + + + + + + O E + + + l + + E + + + E + + n + + + E i + a + B + + + t O n + + g + D P + i + B + + i n a + i + + E a + + r + r Z + g E s + + + n t + + + O i a E + l D + + + U r + + + D t n i a P + i + + l i + + a s E s Z O M + + s + + O + r E r + i + + O + + + E + t t F a + O + + + C + + + + r a + l + n C O M a n D a n t E P E + E + E n O i Z a n + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + E n O i Z U l O V i r + + + +

COCCODrillO / CrocodileCUstODE DEllO ZOO /

ZookeeperElEFantE / ElephantgiraFFa / giraffegiUngla / JunglelEOnE / lion

rinOCErOntE / rhinoceros

saFari / safari

sCiMMia / Monkey

tigrE / tiger

VEtErinariO / Veterinarian

ZEBra / Zebra




Upcoming UsO toursCapodichino Office

081-568-5713support site Office

Mar 14-15 Spring Weekend in Alberobello . . . . . . €180

Mar 28-29 Dolce Vita Roman Weekend . . . . . . . . . €187

Apr 4-5 Easter in Florence and Pisa . . . . . . . . . €192

Jul 26-Aug 2 Greek Islands of Zakynthos . . . . . . €779

tOUrs OPEn tO BOth

U.s. MilitarY anD

natO i.D. CarD hOlDErs

Feb 28 Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. . . . . €79Feb 28 Rome Bus Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . €39Mar 1 Pompeii and Cameo Factory. . . . . . . . . . . . €18Mar 6 Naples After Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €18Mar 7 Amalfi Coast and Sorrento . . . . . . . . . . . . . €38Mar 8 Women’s Day at the Neapolitan Taverna . €43

Animal Fun Facts- A hummingbird egg weighs less than a

penny.- A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.- Cheetahs are the only cats that cannot re-

tract their claws.- Hummingbirds are the only birds

that can fly backwards.- Sea otters hold hands when they

sleep to keep from drifting apart.- Flamingos must turn their heads

upside down to eat.- When sea stars eat, their stomach

comes out of their mouth, wrapsaround the food and pulls it back in.- Squirrels plant thousands of new

trees each year simply by forgettingwhere they put their acorns.- Turtles can breathe through their

butts.- Butterflies taste with their feet.- Seahorses mate for life, and when

they travel they hold eachothers’ tails.- Male penguins

propose to their po-tential mates bygiving her apebble.- Cows have

best friends.- Ants bow to say

hello to other ants.- Baby Elephants will suck their own trunks

for comfort.- Hippos spend most of their time in water be-

cause they don't have sweat glands and that is

the only way to prevent overheating.- The albatross is able to sleepand fly at the same time.

- The peregrine falcon candive at speeds up to 200 mphwhen hunting its prey.

- Meerkats live ingroupscalled“mobs,”and theyare immune

to the venomof scorpions

and snakes.- The American crow is found

in every state in the UnitedStates, except Hawaii.

- Unlike land turtles, seaturtles can’t hide insidetheir shell.

- Great White Sharkslive up to 60 years.- When chimpanzees

are bored, they makeup games to enter-

tain themselves.- An octopus has

three hearts, andtheir blood is blue,

not red.- One puffer fish contains

enough toxin to kill 30 adult men.- Although built like a tank, Armadillos are

great swimmers, and they can hold theirbreath up to six minutes when they dive.


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PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 2015 13


USO NAPLES VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTHUSO Naples wants to thank and congratulate our excep-tional volunteer IS2 Andrew Guajardo. Andrew has givenover 40 hours across 10 opportunities in the last month andnearly 100 hours since he started volunteering with USONaples in April 2014. Hailing from Houston, Texas, he has served in the U.S.Navy for four years and devotes his limited spare time tothe USO and the C6F Color Guard. Guajardo has been anenergetic and important part of several events includingsingle Sailor taste of home barbecues, support of the USOLounge during the AMC flights, community outreach, officesupport and more. Guajardo said he enjoys the taste ofhome and support of the rotator because, “it continues thatfeeling of being a home away from home that the USO pro-vided for me before coming to Naples.”

Now - March 31: FSYP Fund RequestsThe Family Support and Youth Programs (FSYP)

committee is soliciting organizations interested inobtaining funds raised via the Combined FederalCampaign- Overseas. The funds are used to im-prove the quality of life at overseas military instal-lations. All organizations not receiving federalfunding that support Department of Defense em-ployees and/or their families are eligible to apply.Organizations may solicit for funds using the appli-cation enclosed in the instruction, which can befound by going to andentering 'NAVSUPPACT NAPLES INST 7280.1' inthe search bar. Applications must be forwarded toNSA Naples Command Master Chief Ashley Drakeat [email protected] no later than 4 p.m. onTuesday, March 31. The board will convene the firstweek of April and make determinations of awardlevels.

Feb. 27: USO Open Mic NightCommunity members are invited to join the USO

at the Old Towne Pub at Capodichino for an eveningof singing, dancing, poetry and more. Open MicNight will be held on Friday, Feb. 27 at 8:30 p.m.and all entertainers are welcome. For more infor-mation, please contact the USO at DSN: 626-5713.

Feb. 28: 18th Asian Furniture and AntiquesAuction

This year’s Asian Furniture and Antiques Auctionis scheduled to be held in the Naples High Schoolgym on Saturday, Feb. 28. The doors open at 10 a.m.and the auction is open to all community members.The Silent Auction will start at 11 a.m. and the LiveAuctions will begin at noon. Paddles will be $7 atthe door or $5 pre-ordered There will be morethan 300 items to bid on, including high qualityAsian antiques, furniture, decorative items and jew-elry. The high school’s Athletic Booster Club andParent Teacher Student Association are co-sponsor-ing the event and all proceeds will go directly to thestudents, their activities and scholarships. For moreinformation, email [email protected].

March 1: T-Pain Concert at CapodichinoNavy Entertainment is bringing Grammy Award

winner T-Pain to the Capodichino Bella NapoliFood Court for a free show, followed by a meet andgreet. The show is scheduled to start at 7 p.m. withdoors opening at 6 p.m. The show is recommendedfor adults, so patrons 16 years and younger requireparental supervision. A bus will depart from theSupport Site TLA stop at 6 p.m. with first come,first serve seating. The return bus will depart fromthe main Capodichino bus stop at 9:30 p.m.For more information, call DSN 626-4898 or 081-568-4898.

March 1: Naples Overseas Support ClubScholarship Applications Deadline

Applications for the NOSC’s annual scholarshipprogram are available online until March 1. Twoscholarship applications are being offered, but appli-cants may only apply for one. Scholarship #1 is thetraditional NOSC scholarship, which requires appli-cants to have a minimum 3.0 GPA and active-dutyservice members may apply. The new scholarship al-lows the NOSC to spread the wealth to more com-munity members interested in furthering theireducation. Scholarship #2 is not open to active-dutyservice members and doesn’t require a GPA to beprovided, but does require a letter of reference withthe application. Visit to accessthe applications. Please contact Cathy Caldwell,NOSC Scholarship chairperson, with any questionsat [email protected].

March 2: Dr. Seuss' Read Across AmericaDay - Volunteer Readers Still Needed

The Naples Elementary School will be celebratingDr. Seuss' Read Across America Day on Monday,March 2. The school is still looking for volunteers togo into classrooms and read books to the differentclasses. Contact Pamela Eisele at DSN 629-4037 or081-811-4037 to volunteer for reading or for moreinformation on the program.

March 4: US Naval Hospital Naples HealthCare Consumer Council Town Hall

Community members are invited to attend aHealth Care Consumer Town Hall at the U.S.Naval Hospital Naples on Wednesday, March 4.

The hospital’s staff experts will be on hand to dis-cuss Medical Home Port, TRICARE Online, RelayHealth, Medical Readiness, the Joint CommissionSpeak Up Campaign and more. Following the pre-sented information, there will be an open forumdiscussion for guests to ask questions or voice theirconcerns. The Town Hall will begin at 6 p.m. in theatrium of the Support Site hospital. The event isopen to all beneficiaries, including active-duty serv-ice members, retired personnel, Department of De-fense civilians, contractors and all family members.If you would like to submit questions in advance,please email the hospital PAO at [email protected].

March 4: Active Duty NMCRS Fund DriveKickoff

The Active Duty Navy-Marine Corps Relief Soci-ety (NMCRS) Fund Drive Kickoff will be held onWednesday, March 4 at 2 p.m. in the Capodichinobase theater. All are welcome to attend, but it is im-portant for chairpersons and key persons attend.This year’s fund drive is scheduled from March 4until April 29. For more information, contact Mar-garet Copson at DSN 626-3913 or 081-568-3913.

March 7: NOR One Day Ski/ SnowboardTrip

Enjoy a day on the snow at a nearby resort withthe Navy Outdoor Recreation ski/snowboard trip onSaturday, March 7. Bus transportation fee is $15per adult (minimum of 30 people required), $10 perchild (12 years of age and under), and free for kids3 years of age and below (based on space availabil-ity). Youth 17 years of age and younger must be ac-companied by a parent/legal guardian. For moreinformation, call DSN 629-4947 or 081-811-4947.

March 7: Paintball at Carney Park A day of paintball is being made available at Car-

ney Park on Saturday, March 7. Open play will befrom 10 a.m. to noon for $10 per person, aged 15and up. Private or organizational group play will befrom 2 to 4 p.m., $50 for up to 6 people, aged 10 andup. All prices include equipment and field fees forthe session. Paintballs are available for purchase.For more information, call the Carney Park NORCenter at 081-526-1579 or 081-526-3395.

March 7- 8: Naples Elite Softball Tryouts The 2015 season tryouts for the Naples Elite soft-

ball club will be held at the Carney Park softballfield March 7- 8 from 1 to 4 p.m. If interested, con-tact Lonnie Kerr at DSN 626-3294 or Matt Vaughnat DSN 626-4708.

March 10- 20: Motorcycle Safety Founda-tion Rider Coach Class

The Safety department for NSA Naples is host-ing a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) RiderCoach class March 10- 20. The criteria to become arider coach is to be comfortable teaching and tohave a great desire to promote rider safety in classand by your personal example. There are limitedslots for the class. Please contact David Peters atDSN 626-3147 or 081-568-3147 for more informa-tion.

March 16-17: Transitioning GPS AccessingHigher Education Workshop

The Fleet and Family Support Center is holdingthe next session of the Transition GPS AccessingHigher Education two-day workshop. If you are in-terested in going back to school (undergraduate orgraduate school) after the military, this track canhelp you define your career goals, identify requiredcredentials, research education institutions toreach those goals and assist you in utilizing yourVA education benefits. You do not need to be in theprocess of transition to attend. The class will beheld at the Support Site FFSC from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.Spouses are encouraged to attend. Please contactthe FFSC at DSN 629-6372 or your Command Ca-reer Counselor for more information or to register.

April 17: 115th Submarine Birthday Ball Submarine Group 8 and Task Force 69 will be

hosting the 115th Submarine Birthday Ball on theevening of Friday, April 17. Uniform for the eventwill be Service Dress Blue or better/ formal attire.Ticket prices are on a rank-based scale. For ticketsor additional information, please contact MasterChief Rich James at DSN 626-7797 or the birthdaycommittee members at DSN 626-3699.


Page 13: Panorama 27feb15

To find out what positions are currentlyopen, please contact our front desk atDSN 626-5409 or commercial 081-568-5409. Copies of vacancy announce-ments will be posted at the HumanResources Office, located in the AdminI building at Capodichino, first floor.The customer service hours are Mon-day through Friday, from 8 a.m. to3 p.m. The Fleet and Family Support

Center (FFSC) at Support Site will alsohave vacancy announcements and theycan be easily viewed at the HRO Web-site: http:// about/Jobs.html

Applications are accepted at theSecurity Pass and ID Office atCapodichino, or at the HRO, located inAdmin 1, Capodichino, or by mailing to:HRO, PSC 817 Box 29, FPO AE 09622,or at Fleet and Family Service Center(FFSC) located on the TLA first floor, atSupport Site. HRO must receive mailedapplications by closing date of thevacancy announcement.

PLEASE NOTE: Customer serviceoperation hours for the following HROservices are Monday, Wednesday andFriday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from1 p.m. to 3 p.m.:• ID/CAC Cards (DD1172-2)• Requests for an Official Passport

(DD1056)• Logistical Support Letters• Work Certificates

PANOrAMAFebruary 27, 201514


JOBS from 8-9 a.m. Please feel free to comeby, pick up a copy of a vacancy an-nouncement that you may be inter-ested in applying for, or askquestions. If the HRO representativeis unable to provide you a response,he/she will bring the question backto the HRO office and you will be pro-vided an answer or a call back thesame day. The next “Meet & Greet” isfrom 8-9 a.m. on Mar. 9.

CLOSING Mar. 5Financial Technician, UA-0503-04, ANN#3049B-041640-KB, FullTime PermanentSupply Technician, Ua-2005-05,ANN#40411-045228-EG, Full TimePermanent

CLOSING Mar. 12Financial Management Analyst,Ua-0501-04 KPP Ua-03, ANN#44308-041741-AV, Full Time Perma-nent


Fleet & Family Readiness NAF LocalNaples job announcements withinCNREURAFSWA may be viewed at: Thenecessary application forms are alsoavailable on line. For any questionsyou have you may call 081-568-4164/2505/ 5612. The applicationsmay be emailed to [email protected]


Food Service Worker, NA-7408-04, ANN# 15-003 flexible, BowlingCenter, Support Site. Job Summary:Performs a variety of tasks such asgrilling or frying pancakes, ham-burgers, hot dogs, bacon, eggs,sausage, by watching while theitems are cooking, turning as re-quired; regulating temperature andremoving when done. Closing date:Open Until FilledEducation Aid/Technician, CY-1702-I/II, ANN# 15-004, (MultiplePositions) flexible, Child Develop-ment Centers, School Age Care,Youth Programs, Teen Center andYouth Sports Capodichino/SupportSite. Job Summary: Provides appro-priate developmental care and in-struction for children and youthranging in age from six weeks to 18years in a Child and Youth Programsetting Performs routine, day-to-daycare of infants and children rangingfrom six weeks to 5 years. Assem-bles and gathers materials andequipment necessary to executeSchool Age Care for children rang-ing from six to nine years, School-Age Care Pre-Teen for childrenranging from 10 to 12 years, TeenCenter Program for children rang-ing from 13 to 18 years. Receivesand releases children to/from au-thorized parents, guidance. Closingdate: Open Until FilledEducation Aid/Technician, CY-1702-I/II, ANN# 15-005, (MultiplePositions) regular full time, (Eligi-ble for Post Allowance) Child Devel-opment Centers, School Age Care,Youth Programs, Teen Center andYouth Sports Capodichino/SupportSite. Job Summary: Provides appro-priate developmental care and in-struction for children and youthranging in age from six weeks to 18years in a Child and Youth Programsetting Performs routine, day-to-daycare of infants and children rangingfrom six weeks to five years. Assem-bles and gathers materials andequipment necessary to execute

U.S. POSITIONSCONUS hires currently residing inthe Naples/Gaeta commuting areasMUST apply through USAJOBS inorder to receive consideration.

CLOSING Mar. 05Supervisory Inspector/Investi-gator, GS-1801-13, ANN#EUR15-045212-KB, Full Time PermanentIT Specialist (CUSTSPT/SYSADMIN), GS-2210-11 KPP 12OR GS-2210-12 ANN#EUR15-035093-AV, Full Time Permanent

CLOSING Mar. 12Program Analyst, GS-0343-12KPP 13 or GS-0343-13, ANN#EUR15-046530-EG, Full Time Per-manentProgram Analyst, GS-0343-12,ANN#EUR15-046554-EG, Full TimePermanentProgram Analyst (Business Op-erations), GS-0343-13, ANN#EUR15-045305-AG, Full Time Per-manentHR Specialist (Recruitment &Placement), GS-0201-11, ANN#EUR15-027174-KB, Full Time Per-manentCBA Coordinator, GS-0301-07KPP 09 or GS-0301-09, ANN#EUR15-959718-EG-R1, Full TimePermanent


If you have any questions, contact thefront desk at 626-5409 or 081-568-5409. You can also contact the HRONaples helpdesk at: Youwill be contacted within 24 hours, soplease be sure to provide your contactinformation. Thank you and we ap-preciate your input, whether negativeor positive so that we can find waysto improve the HRO services, or con-tinue to provide excellent service. Asa reminder, an HRO Representativeis available for the bi-weekly “Meet &Greet” at the NSA, Support Site Base,Navy Exchange Food Court area

School Age Care for children rang-ing from six to nine years, School-Age Care Pre-Teen for childrenranging from 10 to 12 years, TeenCenter Program for children rang-ing from 13 to 18 years. Receivesand releases children to/from au-thorized parents, guidance. Closingdate: Open Until FilledRecreation Aid,NF-0189-01ANN #15-016 flexible, Bowling Center, Sup-port Site. Job Summary: Providesoversight of activities and necessaryservices to authorized patrons. Clos-ing date: Open Until FilledRecreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#15-019, flexible, MWR Liberty Di-vision, Naples, Italy. Job Summary:Employee helps customers in therecreation center with recreationalevent. Closing date: Open UntilFilledEducation Technician (Leader),CY-1702-II, ANN # 15-050, regularfull time, (Eligible for Post Al-lowance) Fleet and Family Readi-ness Program, CYP Division, TeenCenter. Job Summary: The purposeof the CY Program Leader (CYP) isto provide appropriate developmentcare and instruction for children andyouth ranging in age from six weeksto 18 years in one or more CY pro-grams. This includes the provision ofguidance, assistance, and mentoringfor the CY Program Assistants. Clos-ing date: Open Until FilledRecreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN# 15-058, flexible, MWR GolfCourse, Carney Park, Naples.Job Summary: Collects green fees(monthly and daily), locker fees andfees for electric cart rentals. Em-ployee will act as starter whenneeded on weekdays and assistwhen needed as cashier. Closingdate: Open Until FilledRecreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN# 15-059, flexible, FitnessForum, Support Site, Naples, Italy.Employee in this position plays anintegral part in providing customerservice and insuring patrons are of-fered a clean facility and pleasantconditions for their fitness/athleticworkouts or programs. First Cut offdate: 01/23/2015. Closing date:Open until FilledEducation Technician (Leader),CY-1702-II, ANN # 15-070, regularfull time, (Eligible for Post Al-lowance) Fleet and Family Readi-ness Program, CYP Division, SchoolAge Care. Job Summary: The pur-pose of the CY Program Leader(CYP) is to provide appropriate de-velopment care and instruction forchildren and youth ranging in agefrom six weeks to 18 years in one ormore CY programs. This includesthe provision of guidance, assis-tance, and mentoring for the CYProgram Assistants. Closing date:Open Until FilledAdministrative Assistant, NF-0303-03, ANN # 15-091, regular fulltime, (Eligible for Post Allowance)Fleet and Family Readiness Pro-gram, Naples, Italy. Job Summary:This position is located in the Fleetand Family Readiness (N9), NavyRegion Europe, Africa and South-west Asia (EURAFSWA) office. In-cumbent performs a wide variety ofadministrative support duties underthe general supervision of the N9Director. Closing date: 02/27/2015Work & Family Life Supervisor,NF-0101-04, ANN # 15-085, regularfull time, (Eligible for Post Al-lowance) Fleet and Family ReadinessProgram, Naples, Italy. Job Sum-

mary: The primary purpose of thisposition is to plan, implement, andadminister WFL services/programsand to provide leadership, direction,supervision, guidance, consultation,assistance, and coordination for allaspects of WFL Services at the FFSC.Closing date: 02/27/2015 Work & Family Life Specialist,NF-0101-04, ANN # 15-086, regularfull time, (Eligible for Post Al-lowance) Fleet and Family Readi-ness Program, Naples, Italy. JobSummary: This position is locatedat a Fleet and Family support Cen-ter, U.S. Naval Support Activity,Naples. The Fleet and Family Sup-port Program (FFSP) is the Navy’sprimary agency for the delivery ofan array of human services in-tended to enhance the stability, re-siliency and self-sufficiency ofindividuals and families, resultingin increased operational readiness.Closing date: 02/27/2015


Recreation Specialist, Ua-0188-02, ANN # 15-089, permanent fulltime, Child & Youth Program Divi-sion, Naples, Italy AREA OF CON-SIDERATION: Current CYPNAF/APF permanent employeesonly. Closing date: 03/06/2015CYP First Cook, Uc-7404-06, ANN# 15-041, permanent full time, ChildDevelopment Center, CDCCapodichino, Naples, Italy. AREAOF CONSIDERATION: CurrentCDC Capodichino employees only.Closing date: 03/06/2015


Gricignano, Bldg. 2091-BCall 081-813-5252/5253/5254 /

DSN: 629-4774Hours: Monday to

Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.For a current list of U.S. vacanciesand the on-line application visit: To assist your job search go directlyto the location field, open the dropdown menu and click on Italy, thenclick on SEARCH FOR JOBS but-ton. You will see all the jobs in Italy(mostly Naples area); just make sureyou are NOT applying for a positionlocated in Sigonella (Sicily). For anyquestions or concerns please call thenumbers above.

GRICIGNANO MAIN STOREAnn# 150000BK Sales Clerk/HL/NF-01/FLEX – Open UntilFilled/Closes 3/28/15 – Pay Rate: $8-$9.50. Job Summary: Responsible forselling general merchandise to cus-tomers and ensuring merchandise isproperly stocked and availableAnn#150000H3 LP/Safety Inves-tigator (Detective)/52/NF2/RPT –Open Until Filled/Closes 3/28/15 –Pay: $10-$12.Job Summary: Responsible for theprotection of Navy Exchange assets

through investigative strategies andthe auditing of controls designed toprevent and minimize loss poten-tial. Utilizes various surveillancetechniques.


Ann# 15000023 WarehouseWorker/72/NA-05/Flex – OpenUntil Filled/Closes 3/28/15 – PayRate: $13.01. Job Summary: Re-sponsible for one or more functions(receiving, storing, issuing and ship-ping, etc.) within a warehouse area.Candidates must be at least 18years old to apply.

EARTH AND VINE SHOPAnn# 1500003K Sales Clerk/PS/NF-01/FLEX – Open Until Filled/Closes 3/28/15 – Pay Rate: $9-$10.Job Summary: Responsible for sell-ing merchandise to customers andensuring merchandise is properlystocked, displayed, and available.Knowledge of wines and specialtyfoods is desirable. Candidates mustbe at least 18 years old to apply.

GRICIGNANO MINIMARTAnn# 1500000W Sales Clerk/MM/NF-01/FLEX – Open Until Filled/Closes 3/28/15 – Pay Rate: $9- $10.Job Summary: Responsible for sell-ing general merchandise to cus-tomers and ensuring merchandise isproperly stocked and available.Candidates must be at least 18years old to apply.

CAPODICHINO NEXMARTAnn# 150000AJ Sales Clerk/MM/NF-01/ FLEX – Open Until Filled/Closes 3/28/15 – Pay Rate: $9- $10.Job Summary: Responsible for sell-ing general merchandise to cus-tomers and ensuring merchandise isproperly stocked and available.Candidates must be at least 18years old to apply.


for Full-Time LeadsChild and Youth Programs is lookingfor full-time lead positions at theSupport Site’s School Age Care Pro-gram. The position helps oversee theBefore- and After-School Program, inaddition to the summer day camp.Apply through the Human Re-sources Office at Capodichino. Call081-568-4164/2505 to find out whatdocumentation is needed.

U.S. Consulate Looking forMaintenance Technician

The U.S. Consulate General inNaples is seeking eligible and qual-ified applicants for a position asMaintenance Technician, availableimmediately on a full-time schedule.The incumbent of this position willbe responsible for electrical servicesas well as general technical andmaintenance support for the Con-sulate facilities. Qualifications re-quired and all information on theposition are available at