panama is the featured country for february, 2017panama is the featured country for february, 2017...

McAllen Meeting of January 3, 2017 Dressed in colorful native costumes, members Tina Guerra and Norma Garza served as hostesses for the first meeting of the New Year, presenting an entertaining and informative program on the country of Nicaragua. Tina imparted very interesting and varied information about its places, people and government, while Norma presented a video of the country, with emphasis on its culture, music and traditions. The colorful centerpieces displayed orange-colored Birds of Paradise intermingled with red flowers and green foliage. Norma Garza and Tina Guerra Panama is the Featured Country for February, 2017 February hostesses Emma Salinas, seen here on the left and Patti Myers on the right, pictured next to Dr. Bonnie Lucero, delighted members of the McAllen Table by dressing in colorful and typical dresses for the presentation of their assigned country of Panama. Patti shared interesting information about her off-shoulder dress, stating that it is called a “Pollera Montuña”, which literally translates to “a woman who raises chickens in the mountains”, while Emma introduced their outstanding speaker, Dr. Bonnie A. Lucero. Dr. Lucero, who has served as Assistant Professor of History at UTRGV since 2013, entertained those present with a historical rendition of the construction of the Panama Canal, interspersed with interesting and little known human facts that occurred during the construction period. Artifacts were also displayed on a separate table.

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McAllen Meeting of January 3, 2017

Dressed in colorful native costumes, members Tina Guerra and Norma Garza served as hostesses for the first meeting of the New Year, presenting an entertaining and informative program on the country of Nicaragua. Tina imparted very interesting and varied information about its places, people and government, while Norma presented a video of the country, with emphasis on its culture, music and traditions. The colorful centerpieces displayed orange-colored Birds of Paradise intermingled with red flowers and green foliage.

Norma Garza and Tina Guerra

Panama is the Featured Country for February, 2017

February hostesses Emma Salinas, seen here on the left and Patti Myers on the right, pictured next to Dr. Bonnie Lucero, delighted members of the McAllen Table by dressing in colorful and typical dresses for the presentation of their assigned country of Panama. Patti shared interesting information about her off-shoulder dress, stating that it is called a “Pollera Montuña”, which literally translates to “a woman who raises chickens in the mountains”, while Emma introduced their outstanding speaker, Dr. Bonnie A. Lucero. Dr. Lucero, who has served

as Assistant Professor of History at UTRGV since 2013, entertained those present with a historical rendition of the construction of the Panama Canal, interspersed with interesting and little known human facts that occurred during the construction period. Artifacts were also displayed on a separate table.

McAllen Table Celebrates Paraguay

Ana Maria Moon and Noelia Peña served as hostesses for the regular

meeting of March 7th, representing the country of Paraguay. Special guests were Guatemala Consul Cristy Andrino and Vice Consul Silvia Yojhana Samines Ixcol, who modeled the typical skirt and blouse costume of Guatemala; her every day dress. The luncheon consisted of a typical Paraguayan meal of breaded chicken with rice, vegetables and cornbread, topped off with a delicious dessert of guayaba, papaya and cheese. In addition to interesting facts about the country, the hostesses presented a comprehensive video of Paraguay, accompanied with marimba music.

Standing next to the Paraguayan flag are Noleia Peña, Crity Andrino, Silvia Ixcol and Ana Maria Moon (front)


Reading of the PARTT Resolution at the Texas State Capitol

Past Director General Carmen Guerra and Lily Tórrez, Chairman of the State Electronic Communications Committee and both members of the McAllen Table, attended the special event of the reading of a resolution by Senator Eddie Lucio on April 18, 2017. The resolution, which was read in the Senate Chamber at the State Capitol in Austin, Texas was in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Pan American Round Table movement. Also attending were members from other Texas Tables and new Director General Nhury Gutierrez Vilches from Peru.

L-R: Sylvia Williams, Alicia Cantu, Ana Flores, Dee Moore, Kathy Clardy, Peggy Clark,Senator Eddie Lucio, Nhury Gutierrez Vilches, Isabel Vezzeti, Lily Torrez, Lana Harper, Carmen Guerra

Jesse & Lily Torrez, Carmen Guerra, Rep. Bobby Guerra, Isabel Vezzeti, Nhury Gutierrez Vilches and Grandson Guerra

Nhury Gutierrez Vilches, Carmen Guerra, Lily Torrez, Isabel Vezzeti

McAllen Representatives Carmen Guerra & Lily Torrez

PARTT entourage with Senator Eddie Lucio and Rep. Juan Hinojosa


McAllen Table Installs 2017-2019 Officers & Awards Scholarships at May Meeting

The Scholarship Committee of the McAllen Table was proud to award three scholarships of $2,000 each at their May luncheon to three very deserving students from our three main McAllen High Schools.

Hilary Martinez of McAllen High School plans to major in Math and Speech at UTRGV in the fall. Matthew Treu, the recipient from Memorial High, plans to major in Chemistry at UTRGV and Adela Fleming, the recipient from Nikki Rowe High School also has great aspirations.

All three students gave brief but informative outlines of their backgrounds and hopes for the future as well as grateful thanks to the McAllen Table for their support.

Scholarship Recipients Shown at the PART May Luncheon are, standing, Scholarship Committee members Graciela Cobo, Maria Hernandez, and Chair Deanna L. Ramirez. Seated are the three recipients, Hillary Martinez of McAllen High, Matthew Treu of Memorial High, and Adela Fleming of Nikki Rowe High.

Following the scholarship presentation, member Alma De La Garza cleverly chose the crab and other crustaceans as the theme to install the new officers for 2017-2019. The theme signifies resilience and adaptability to perform multiple tasks and to thrive in their environment.

New Officers L-R: Sylvia Alanis, Immediate Past Director and Parliamentarian; Cecilia Martinez, 2nd Associate Director; Raquel Oliva, 1st Associate Director; Mariella Gorena, Table Director; Graciela Cobo, Recording Secretary; and Emma Salinas, Treasurer


PARTT Convention

Westin Oaks Hotel – Houston, Texas

April 21-23, 2017

Eagle Pass members Lucy Mancha, Guiche and Mr. Becker, Bryan Harper, Lily and Jesse Torrez at opening dinner “Texas Chic”

Isabel Vezzeti(Brnsvle I), Alicia Cantu (Laredo), Carmen Guerra (McAllen), Nhury G. Vilches (Peru)

Carmen Guerra (Austin) and Mariella Gorena (McAllen) at the Hour of Memory

Carmen Guerra, Raquel Oliva, Lily Torrez and Mariella Gorena at Saturday Night Gala


Pan American Round Table Celebrates Founder’s Day

October, 2017

The McAllen Table paid tribute to Founder, Florence Terry Griswold at their regular meeting this month with a review, by member Lily Tórrez, of the two books that have been published about her life’s work. In addition to Mrs. Griswold’s life and times, 1st Associate Director Raquel Oliva shared a power point presentation of the founding of the McAllen Table in 1934.

Lily Torrez McAllen Member

L-R: Director Mariella Gorena, Parliamentarian Sylvia Alanis, program presenter Lily Torrez, Past Alliance Director Carmen Guerra, Treasurer Emma Salinas and Secretary Graciela Cobo


PART of McAllen Celebrates December Events

More than 100 members and guests from the Rio Grande Valley and elsewhere were welcomed by McAllen Director Mariella Gorena to the annual Mother/Daughter Luncheon held on December 4th. “The Legend of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of Mexico and of the Indian People and Patron Saint of the Americas”, was the title appropriately chosen for the occasion and presented to a captive audience by member Alma De La Garza.

A life-sized statue of Our Lady, bathed in roses from head to toe, graced the front of the ballroom, enhancing the presentation. The beautiful work of art, created in the shape of a Christmas tree by Artist Ino Alaniz, was on loan to the McAllen Table by the International Museum of Arts and Sciences of McAllen. Mrs. De La Garza also displayed several portraits of the Virgin as She appeared to Saint Juan Diego in 1531, including an antique painting that had belonged to Alma’s grandfather.

Dan Cárdenas provided musical entertainment at the piano, while Merari Nava from UTRGV Ballet Folklorico, attired in typical Mexican costume and Charro hat, rounded out the Mexico theme by performing several Mexican dances.

The festive event concluded with a raffle of lovely items, followed by the singing of Christmas carols.

Ten McAllen Table members also accepted the Edinburg Table’s invitation to their Christmas celebration at the Echo Hotel on December 20th. The theme chosen for the occasion was “Diamonds and Denim”, where numerous members from the seven Valley tables, who were present, dressed appropriately in western or festive holiday attire. Members and guests also participated in line dancing and enjoyed winning wonderful raffle items.

Past and present Table directors: (l-r) Maria Cavazos, Pee Wee Guerra, Sylvia Alanis, Josie Cappadona, Mariella Gorena, Mandy Pena, Dolly Flores, Lily Torrez, Yolanda Barrera. Seated: Carmen Guerra, Aida Torres, Elsie Perez, Mary Lou Trevino, Isabel Vezzetti

From left to right: Bertha Martinez, Linda Garza, Yolanda Barrera, Mandy Pena, Mariella Gorena, Lily Torrez, Hortensia Pacheco, Sandra Brown, Elizabeth Cardenas. Seated: Carmen Guerra and Elsie Perez


Trinidad and Tobago Kick-Start PART Programs for the New Year

McAllen Table member, Yolanda McCarty presented a delightful and informative program on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago at the general meeting on January 2nd. Mrs. McCarty provided members with copies of a map, pointing out that the location of the dual-island Caribbean nation is very close to Venezuela, and although the islands share many natural aspects, such as birds, vegetation and climate, they both boast of distinctive Creole traditions and cuisines. Trinidad’s capital hosts the annual, world-famous carnival featuring Calypso and Soca music, while the smaller island of Tobago is known for its beaches and Main

Ridge Forest Reserve. Following her introduction of the dual islands, Yolanda shared a lovely video showcasing the people, resources and the magnificently colorful “Carnaval”.

***** 2018 *****

McAllen Table Enjoys February Program on the United States of America

The majority of the members of the McAllen table were pleased to find that they could successfully answer questions from a quiz regarding historical facts about the United States. Long-standing member, Yolanda Chapa, cleverly devised this engaging program while serving as hostess for the February meeting, which showcased the U.S. In addition to the quiz, Yolanda also presented a beautiful and informative video about our Nation’s Capitol, making everyone feel proud of our heritage.

Centerpieces displaying the American flag, very appropriately decorated each table, and a menu of roast beef, mashed potatoes and apple pie was served.


Alliance Director General Visits McAllen Table in March 2018

Alliance Director General Nhury Gutierrez Vilches traveled all the way from Chile to pay the South Texas tables a visit. Accompanying her to the regular March meeting in McAllen were Associate Director Sylvia Williams from Austin, Delia Perez de Plata, previous Woman of the Year from Reynosa and past Directors General from the Valley, Elsie Perez and Carmen Guerra. They were warmly welcomed by Table Director Mariella Gorena.

Three guests from the Alamo-San Juan-Pharr Table were also present to enjoy learning interesting facts and getting a glimpse of Uruguay through a power point program. Hostess for the month and program presenter was Berry Fritz, shown here holding the country’s flag and yellow roses.

In her address to the members, Mrs. Vilches expressed her pleasure at being able to visit with the Tables from South Texas and extended an invitation to a Leadership workshop that she was to present in Brownsville.

L-R: Sylvia Williams, Carmen Guerra, Delia P. De Plata, Nhury Vilches, Elsie Perez and Mariella Gorena. Back: Berry Fritz, program presenter


McAllen Table Holds Final Meeting of 2017-2018

The end-of-the year meeting in June for the McAllen Table proved to be a busy and lively one. It started with an inspiring, updated report from the members of the Scholarship Committee concerning the three recipients who were each chosen to receive a $2000 stipend this year.

That report was followed by biographical readings of two prospective members who were, subsequently, approved for membership. Emotionally moving letters were then read by Corresponding Secretary Cecilia Martinez from Violette Metz and Hortensia Pacheco, requesting a change in their status from Active to Sustaining.

In other business, Director Mariella Gorena and 1st Associate Director Raquel Oliva presented several revisions to the Standing Rules, which the members approved.

Birthday celebrants for June and July were congratulated on their upcoming birthdays and just prior to the adjournment of the meeting photos were taken of the new members who joined the Table this year: Elizabeth Garza, Annette Franz, Susan Phillips and Thelma Santos (not present).

The meeting was concluded following a very thorough and attention-getting Power Point presentation of the Year-In-Review designed by 1st Associate Director Raquel Oliva, assisted by new member Elizabeth Garza, at the computer.

Director Mariella Gorena (l) and Corresp. Sec’y Cecilia Martinez (r)with newmembers.

New members: (l-r) Elizabeth Garza, Annette Franz and Susan Phillips

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