palmetto leader (columbia, s.c.). 1941-03-01 [p page five]. · .-f-sey taught the lesson as a whole...

1 Saturday, March 1, 1941 NEWBERRY NEWS | j ^^^rs. G»rrre MeCrackin, wife of I ^ drank MeCrackin, departed this ? ife February 15. She was born in Newberry eoun}l*'. Her hvsbantl proceeded her tr " Great Bevon^ many, years ago ' At one time they were pros el" rs farmers of Newberry eountv. She was admired and loved- by all who knew her. Shb leayes to p'o rn her passing. twelve child ten. 9 hovs and 3 pi Is. an 1 thif- ( t t-»'n" c^-an l children. Namely: Mes Matthew and King MeCracker of Atlantic C'tw N. J.- c(i'nuc' " Tracker of New Rochelle; Fran] i ^Al'-Craeken of New Haven, Conn. [ dell pnd James MeCrackin of ^^Whrte Plains, N. Y.; Mrs Minnit AT;1 ' Balding, T. J. and Bob of New York C it vTTTvsTSusie Massies" -t of Scarslale. N. Y.; and Anni Mae of Newberry, S. C Tha.funeral service was held a'"'1 Hi H'"!1'1' Bfl^tiat MUR'H "'e'lnp'dav, Fsoruar.v 18. Revs. Copeland Williams and -McMori i; ' o-ize U: deitaker F. B. Pratl | in "hoe?»e. , - Rev. and Mis Geralden and mother, were the *3bpoer guosU l- t Mrs. Bessie Chick of 607 Cald 7^^w'U St.. February 14. . V Mrs. Gussi-e Miller, Misses Clara etta B1 ford, Eliza Spearman, "Ros lee GiMiam.* -and Verena Earl»e itnoes motored uown to orotic -River school on Saturday, February 22, to take part in a prograin given by Mrs. E. E. Gaulden. Mrs. Bernice Lilliewood, pion1st. Bethlehem Baptist Church Misses Claraetta Bluford and Sarah Dawkins were thewinners li ^fea contest held at Bethlehem Bapchurch, Rev. E. E. Gaulden pastor. Miss Bluford, who won -first, prize by raising the higher amount, $18.30, was given a purple and gold jacket. Miss &&Lah DawTcTns,~~wRo "WT>n the second -prizes -raised -the_ nexh_ highest amount, $15.26, and a beautifu' prize was presented to her. The other contestants were: Masses Elizabeth Bow%rs, $6.55; Velma Parker, $.75-, Mamie Connor. $2.00 VVilhelmenia Coleman, $3.30; Ethe" Morris; Verena L. Rhodges, $6.7? This was in connection with the rally which was held on the third Sunday, in Februanv. The total .amount raised from all sources | ^wtrs $226.38. The Ministerial Alliance Newberrf, S. C. ~ The Ministerial met" Monday, February 24, at higTTnoor The dervotional period was con- ducted by Rev. Livingston, afte* which Rev. J. C." Collier took charge. Rev. Davrs preached a ver> interesting sermon which was enjoyed by all who heard him. Three white ministers of our city were present at our meeting. the Church" movement, spon' . sored by the Chamber of Com merce. .For the next six week1 there will be speeches and an nouncements made in the variou churches and over the air about this movement. As ministers of our group, wc decided .in this meeting, that wc ^ our host to make our " pguplti lliimrabuut the ehurfh »>i|i God in these trying- times. . Calvary Presbyterian Church Rev. A. H. Reasoner, Pastor Friday night, February 21, a1 appreciative audience was greath ..-benefitted Hv an'ihWrestmg, tribrI ^^cal and practical message WfltPf" "was delivered by Dr.iP.-tJ. lUnarapresident of N/eWberl<y College. His theme was "Do the Beat Yon ...Can with What) You Have." Ho congratulated the Negro race or their progress for 75 years, the glee club of Drayton Street high schoool for the lbeautiful music rendered, also the vocal trio "My Song," by J. Rosamond Johnson and sung by Mesdames Be mice Lilliewood, E. H. and C. E. Allen Mrs. A. Jones was mistress of ceremonies. . Profr.H.' ^ Gall man--gave.thi_ . history of the Negro in the wars ^^Mrs. S. W. Allen, Sr. introduced ^Jlhe speaker. Invocation Prof .0; W. Jonea,. _. 1 We were delighted to have in' our service, Ppof. R. F. Gladder of our city; Prof. Brown tfron t Harbison College, who accompanied Rev. Reasoner. Alhof these gentle IT, men gave timely remarks. Ld The Sunday school'" amf leaguf I I services were very interesting to f [ all who attended, rf Our Bible classes are spiritually and intelligently taught every Wed nesaay afternoon from 4:^0 vr To all of OUT services we welcome yon. Miss Verna Rutherford left th ^ *^ity Saturday afternoon tor New York City where she will reside. We wish .for her a happy life. PURITY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. A. P. Porter, Pastor Shelton, S.C..Last Sunday was a beautiful day for church goers. Our Sunday school opened with the Supt. officiating. Dea. C. Hal .-f- sey taught the lesson as a whole and our pastor conducted the review very beautifully. Many ^fefacts were made plain to us, es^^>eciftllv .why the Jews and Phari-1 se.* despised the Publican. At the close of the S. S. and th© devotion for morning worship," our j Pastor, Rev. A. P. Porter preached a wonderful sermon using for htw text Luke 10:41-42 subject The One Thing Needful. Purity B$p- tist ehurch feels that our prayer* { L are answered and we got what we. f^Myanted and asked God. for,' ^^'hanks to God for sending us a shepherd. f LtSiS^i CLINTON, S. C. Friendship A. M. E. Church Rev. H. W. Walker, Pastor h Why not come to Sunday school n time? There are no excuses. ^ Ince we lived in the age of but- P tons and pirs. Now we are living i' n the age of zippers. Zip them on nd lot's come to worship on time V Rev. C. S. Keys, pastor of th > :< "ho'-oh of God, Gdcon Hill, taught " 'uriay school. The school entered * vvhole-heartily into the discussion ; if the lesson on prayer. At 11:30, in keeping with oui ^ Sunday school lesson, Rev. Waiver spoke forcefully from St. Matt 11 Theme "Confidence in Pray>» ." Aftc listening tp the sermon ivo fo nd that it's very necessary ( vave cf niididice in prayer, .. The A. C. E. league has a very rrfteresting program each -Sunday.. 1 A nowd visiting > fronds heard Rev. Keys preae ""1 -hoi»- sing Sunday eveirirg He had entire charge of the' ser- c vice. Friendship's choir needed J- r rest. - (1 Rev. Keys brought us the ev> <' ning message" frotfl St. Luke 4 r 1F --4 You missed a sermon if you didn't f hear him on (1) The Anointed a Treacher, and (2) Deliverance an Cantive. Preachers get anointed f 'rd he delivered from some of the t whines he mentioned. Pulpit as. sociates were Revs. T. Clardy, A v J. Steward and E. L. Lilliewooo i Revs. Clardy and Lilliewood Highly t complimented Rev. Keys for that Wonderful sermon. J The. sick committee made a re- f port of the sick members visited 1 A neat sum was" given "to Miss I Lana Roden. Prof. L. Roden and family were here Sunday to see his sister, Misr Roden-,.-who is very much in need of the doctor's care. . Friendship's pastor and choir has been invited to take part in ' "H.program -at-Bathlehcni.Raptj^ r J church the third Sunday 'in March i The mortgage Fuming will take-1place on that date. Rev. E. Wright i is pastori . I Friendship's choir is now pre- 11 naring for her usual Easter pro < gram. zrr..- 3 Mt. Hebron BaptPt Church Rev. A. A. Sims. Pastor The -Sunday school Supt., Mr. \ J. H. Rul, is head of an organi zatron which Is li.viitg to increase 1 the Sunday school's attendance. ; Classes No. 1. 2, 3, 4, and 5 re- eeived.prizes Sunday. We hope that these classes will continue j n»h«»rg viH foil right in line: I ~ A Silver-Tea -will be given at j Hebron Sunday, March 2, at 4:00 1 o'clock. The public is invited. ; 2 The ftiotners ^iuu ui was hostess to a banquet Friday "] night in the Bell St. Auditorium The guests arrived at 8 o'clock \ beautifully dressed. At a later ] 'hour -thfe guests were called tc i artistically decorated. When everyone \vas seated Mrs. Inez Simpson \ welcomed the guests. The bles- sing was then asked by Rev. H. W. Walker. Between courses we were enter- tai'ned witi, remarks, readings, instrumental and vocal solos Cor- eluding the evening, Mrs R. P Alexander, at the piano, asked j th:it ivr> sing "America" since we vvere.on-the, eve of (ieorge WftSlP.I ngton's birthday. The evening wa> t happilv spent. ' ' li See Mr. J. TT Ruff who will fi-11 < your cars with gas. Let's help J Qlevate our own. Ryv. E. L. Lillie- wnnrl on West. Car. Ave., will" - ynn nlnnrr the pmnrefv~~1tTlC ~i and repair your shoes I Hell Street High On Friday, February 21, the girls'-"basketball team met ^Ster ling in the Textile Hall: Although ^ they were defeated 9-26, tbey still : have the courage and spirit to be- 1 lieve that winning day will come their way soon. 1 On Sunday, February 23. a silvei 1 tea- was ^jiverrby the senior class 1 »f Bell Street school in the home 1 economics department. Miss H. E Walker, the class sponsor and ad- visor, was present. Games were 1 were served, The evening was ail < enjoyable one. CARMSI.R NEWS < Mrs. Mary Johnson of Sancuc spent Thursday night with her , 'ister, Mrs. Frances English. ^ Miss Margaret Chirp spent th< ; week end ^with Miss: Sadie Rnb^~j ertson. ] Mrs Coon of Pomarie, is in | town. She is stopping with Mrs 1 Carrie Brown and family. i Mis. Iil'iiu Laney lias herw witl> H for quite a while but is now up. 1 Mrs. Louise Webber has been ill 1 fox a few days but fs much im c proved. 1 Mr. Berry Shelton is s.till on 1 the sick list. ^ Services were good at Williamr ^ Chapel A. M. E. Zion church Sun- t day. The school was called to ordei j by the Supt., Mr. Ervin Coleman. ^ The lesson was taught and discuss. \ ed by the school after which_i,hu.-i school was organised forTKe year [ A wawfTprayer service was con- t ducted after Sunday school. The j pastor's sermon was short h"» ful" r of thought. The spiritual part of 1 the service was verv hicrVi Twn members were added to thp church r Mr. ami Mra. Samuel Roprmtsv Thr- ~f church refoipes to have them. i Mrs. Lillie Stewart was appoint- J ed to take charepr of Sister Eva I Coleman's class. Mrs. Pearl John- f son was made president of the [ W. H. and F. Society of the church t Mma Ramie* Brawn will open the adult school Monday nifcht at 1 the Oak Grove school, Carlisle, S < C. She spent the week end In Co- lumbia with her oarents. ( 1 .ifiSiiMii ma na - MT. ZION A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. C. C. Mclwain. Pastor Sunday school began at the usual our with all officers at their posts f duty. The lesson was beautiful; taught and reviewed by the astor. After a warm prayer meetig our pastor came.before us and rought to us a wonderful message alien from St. Luke 1.1:1. His sublet was "Use Your Starter." We had with us Sunday, Mr. and Irs. Willie Boyce from St. James i. M E- church. They were the inner guests of Mr. and Mrs t:?.vard Ashford: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson mm iSf. Luke Baptist church, wer< 1. o visitors. ^Ylsitors are always welcomed !nme "again. Rev. C. C. McTWaifrwas.the~afernnon dinner guest Sunday t dr. »rd Mrs. rl. Clo'id and had r Hue to the lateness of Rev N Y Rice, our pastor came before "s and delivered another soul stiring sermon, after which Rev. Rice ntered and brought to us a wonerful message. The audience reoiyed as never before. Manv riends were gla<T to see Rev. Ripe* *i«l_ linnii tin wilt.ctinn .hack. Rev. P. K Thompson will preach "r us Sundav night ) nbehalf of he Will Do Club. y\ Our raflv was J00 percent. J4 v,^Il colse the secahd Sunday nigh1 n March. Every member did as hey were asked. The church is standing by Rev dclwain in ever, yrespect. Every dan he puts on goes over the top f you don't believe .i o,,tmca< f you don't behve it, come and see.(Miss) Carrie Cook, Reporter SOUTHERN NEW COMETH CLUB Long Lslano, N. Y., Feb. 24. rhe writer failed to write for everal weeks due to illness in the amily. . ' ~~ .Alt- members are looking _forvard to the best year in our hisvt the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Themlore Anderson. 15 W. 95th St., N, in 'therr."Path Across the Hill" please come prepared to recite vithout paper. I want to thank Mrs. Celestina f.enom, Mrs. L e i th a H allow ay. an^ Miss Mattie L. Foulks for subscribing for the Palmetto Leader iVe wish to have more subscribers n the near future. Mrs. A-; 5~, Carley, Jr. gave birth o a baby' grrl~"January S, nanrcd t'ivia Georgia. Mother~ ire doing fine. Miss Rubbie Hermon, former of [toward" St., batesburgi S. C., now of this city, was married Jan- inry, 19 to Mr. Ernest Berry, 2306 ITarlnn St., Hhila. Mr. Berry is 'ormerly of Aiken. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Berry will make their home In Phila . Pa. If you want a good hair cut see Mr. P. L. Peterson at the Halloivood Barber Shop just of 102nd St.. Northern Blvd., Corona, N. Y. If your care needs repairing see If your car needs repairing see Ave , Corana, N. Y. Work done guaranteed. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garven and 9'Other <">f Hempstead, N. Y,, were be afternoon guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Kev Weslev Lennion, Bay«id<\ N. Y. Keep un with the latest news by rending the Palmetto Leader. MARION DISTRICT MEETING Dr Tho Marion District was called to meet at St. John AME church, Marion, Feb. 17th; -Ite.Wells preudine, Rev; W.E, Richardson .pas ;or. Devotions conducted by Revs. D.D. "Dopghty, pastor of Singletary Station. James Davis. Brit ton Neck Ct., J. F. Stanley St Mary Ct. "Rev? Douehty lined firs! Mo. 2f> C.M.; Rev. Stanley offered pi^yer. Second hymn No. 279. Rev. Davis read for a morning's lesson I Cor. 15th. Aft6r singing the- service.was torned over to the P. E. We listened to introduce tory remarks from him, and in lis remarks he spoke of the very ine, cooperation that had been givem*him throughout the District. Mo asked that we. all work togeth ?r and that each one play his part n the church program. The business of the meeting was for the Jastors tn report their Allen Day inn HDrary money, wmmitiees is follows:" Allen Day, Revs. Jas Davis, Ben Johnson, B.D. Dough' ly, J. J.i Jackson. Library, Revs. W.E Richardson, H F~ Robinson, Oliver, Sistec__ Frances Boui^, nn T p Xtap ey was appointed secretary. All ;he pastors were present, except me, and made fair reports. The brethren expressed themselves as ;eing in full accord witTPthe program <of our much esteemed P.E tVe did not bring all that we were ;o bring1 as ajyhole, but we have pledged to work on. The session vas very-lovely throughout. When ve had finished our work we were nvited to the dining room in the mrsonage. There we found the able laden with food that was deasant to look upon and very efreshing in the taste. The :itchen was crowded with the sis ers to serve. Rev. "Richardson, >>s pleasant wife and the Rood woplo of St. John spared iw pam* n trying to make our stay pleasint, and it was indeed fine. It o<^ked as though we were at Con'e cnce. We wish to thank the lastor and his fine people for ,heir kindness. We feel that the Marion. District is safe under the endcrsdup of TJr. WeilB. Wfe are working and praying to do out Dart in putting over the program )f the Church. jtaa i THE PALMETTO tfliVDE * 2nd Florence District 'iroup Meeting Timmorisville, S. C., Feb. 17.At New Haven M. church, where the studious and affable Rev. R. C Connor, his lovely wife, and bright children preach and live, the secant group meeting of the "Model District," Florence, was held in-Cartersville, 11:30. D. S., Rev. C. C. Reynolds, opened the service with a spiritual from Rev. N. E. Franklin. Rev. R. C. Connor offered the suplication. Jhi Cartersville's schooj^glee club sang many charming and melodious se.letcions; D. S. Rev. C. C. Reynolds delivered an inspiring address; Miss C. B. Bird, in choice diction. prgsejited a merry making wel come. The D. S. requested each oastoi and layman to J?>ve ont' <'f the "greatest need!? On TllS'l'lldi ge. Tin si are. samples: "The Young People.' How to Employ Them," "More- of the Spirit of Cod," "Clemei Coneention of our Church's Program," "Systematic Prayer Life," "Mor Peojjie^ Interested in the tChurch ProgramExcluding the Pastor, i"d a few Officers," "More Faith," "Christ Like Spirit,", "Systematic Giving," "Come Back to the Old l and Mark," "Cooperation," "Close er Walk With God," "Love." "More Careful Gospel Preaching," "Christ ian Officers to Handle the Church," -"Old Time Religion," "Co-workers to Serve with Me," "Help the People find the Real Tiling in Life," "Adjust with Good Workers," "A Building to Worship In," "Personal Work," "More Cooperation of OHer Members," 'MoreTrue Men and Women who will nnt Talk it. but Do it." These many an A-various needs' -devolved.into Jesus advice. St. Luke 12:31. He who governs~FnrhT self according to the instruction promulgated by the Great Teacher, -will- receive the jD.fiy.ine Alkahest tc^conquer in this life, and achieve the cro~wh~ till mortal- -hereafter College. The Rev. S. E. Watson, deceased, ^as mentioned with pathos. and saered^honor. The Rev. J.. W. Taylor offered a profound suplication in commemoration of the passing of the "Good Man." The 21 pastors, excluding three absentees, m ado their reports which were most favorable. Rev. G. B. Tillman, excelling, reported for all causes 100 percent to the -sum of $3-11 Of) "The M/yH District." Florence, and members 'arose and ga.ve_.the ex_-__P. S,, Rev. G. B Tillntan,'The Chatutaqua salute*, and a thundering salutation for his magnificent work. Revs. Barr, Po- gnf, Taylor. Cooper, and Franklin further commended and compli---a.- » xi. A or\/1 nAmnlpfp meruea me cAquiain;, c.v. v , report of the successful-ministers in behalf of the brethren. > The-Dr-Sr-urged-the pastors to_ observe '^Compassion Days" March 2, in all of their hcurche?, and report their assesments money irn.mcdiately at the close of^thc same The District Parsonage Trustees were- summoned and passed upon one of the bids to remodel the much needed, aged, depleted Manse. The business of the ministers, layment and representatives being completed, the pastor asked >eheb one of the big crowd to remain in ' thrif "r |'l nliilr thti nnvinnir ~ji ters served a luscious and alluring dinner in lavish courses to the safin+Trm and iollifrcation of allr-Rev J. M. Stokes, in his inimitable style, gave brief, but happy and appreciative tbanks. XlLSL. npyt. group -meeting will assemble in Elijah.Sb t'aul chttTgy tin^Elrjah M. church, April 21. The reports will embrace W. S. and Episcopal fund. John C. Gibbs BALTIMORE. MO. NEWS By Mrs. Louise r-ore Douglass On sick list art- Rev. Flowers paster of Mt. Hebron Baptist church. We are asking everyone to pray for him that God may help him to overcome. Mrs. Lula Peaks Boone, Mrs. Perry James*, -also Mr^ Samiiel_ James^ husband of Mrs. Perry James; Mr. Hiil^Mrs. Alberta Weathers, Mr. Lee KoseborougTi, Mr. Baifiey -Douglas son. I Mrs. Louise G. Douglass visit ed Mrs. Maggie D. Gray, her mothe#*, Mrs. Maggie Douglass and also her father Mr. Ravney Doug' lass. She reported a pleasant stay. Mr. Pink Douglass and MiRaymond Lann were there. Mrs.. Maggie-Douglass was call Baltimore Grty-hecatise of the illness of her husband Mr. "Bpriwy Douglass. Mtv Douglass is getting along fine now, but has . hnon n irerir riplr mi.n Mr. Johnnie B.. Gore and Miss Ij. Neal, Mr. Glenn D. Pratt, Mr George W. Hemdon, Mr. Robert Hen'don, Mrs. Nona Hemdon, Mr R,. P. Lewis nnd others were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 M Gore, Jr. and Mrs. Louise Gore Douglass on Wednesday and re port a very pleasant stay. Various ,^ame were played. Mt. Hebron Baptist church carried out its usual weekly meetings and serviced Sunday. The Lord's Supper will be served this Sunday March 2 at 3:30 p.m. The public is invited. Rev. Daniels Rov T.nwic llptorl tVi<r* oot vices in the absence of the pastor due to illness. Frienrtsfcjp Ffnptist also carried out its usual services conducted by the Pastor, Rev. Jackson. Mrs. Arsons McDowell was call ed to Chaster, S. C. because of the death of a relative. She was accompanied by he* aunfa, Mrs. Roaeborough. They ire nfttixes_af Chester, S. C. They have the sincere sympathy of this, crnnmns ity. The S. S. S. club met with Mrs, R ANDERSON COUNTY TKACHI ERS OBSERVE NEGRO HISTORY WEEK The Anderson County Teachers' Association held its regular monthly session at need Street school Saturday morning at 10:00 a. m. On account of a special program, the groups did not assemble but went directly to the auditorium where Prof. Rice, the president, opered the program. Mrs. P. J. Campbell led the group in singing two spirituals, "Steal Away." and "Down by the River Side." Aftei a brief business session Mrs. Alive Anderson, Jeanes' supervisor, presented the-' following programs Spiritual, "Climbing Jacob's Ladder,," led by Prof. K. Hammond Group I "Two Races." (pageant) by Pelten. HoneaPath.^CoaT Spring;' Oak' -Hilb and Cedar Grovu-schools.. Group II Theme: "Negro of the Ifese i 1. Music: Marion Anderson by Spearman school. 2. Business: Postal Telegraph. ,\t gro branch. 3. Defense (Program: /'Diseri'mination," by White Hall, Maple 'Spilngs, "and St. Peters schools. 4. NYA demonstration by Cam-' line. Pleasant Yiew_.and Poplar Springs "schools. 5. U. S'. Employment Service: New Mtn. Grove, Blake. Dale and Ever' Green schools. 6. Spiritual, by members of the faculty off these schools named above directed by frot. Hammond Group III 1. Reading: Pendleton Training school. Spiritual by teachers of thii group. 2 Group IV Reading: Liberty. Center. Spiritual by teachers of. the group. Directed by Prof, Reeks. I Group V S City Schools-. . 1. (South Fant Street. Music impersonation. h-g.N«w»i4»--S»idfl Miwrcii "Gflrrv My Back to Ole Virginia." I u i^ ^L.uvl' " group five (5) by the writer. I believe such a group is possible by the three city schools and could prove helpful. This was one of the most interesting programs wc have had thrs yean.Prof. Perry remarked that only five teachers left before IThe Fenedicition in spite of-.thelength of the >pvogram. which nroves that if we prepare interesting progrrrnrrs-;;jri.otrr.association, Pwe can hold the poo plot-good programs in our sehools and classes, we can holcLand kej?p the attention [of our pupils; interesTThg~~ohurCh programs and \w can hold our rnt'inbets. Prof. Hammond sang a solo. Prof. S. C. Perrv prepared a list of questions on "Negroes in His, tnry" and had Mrs. J. i.. Perry conduct the qjuiz. The teachers weVe organized into two teams, one on .either side- of the aisle. Each was given 30 seconds to answer his question. The winning sfde received a prize. For every question answered correetly 1 point was given. The scores were: 17 1-2, and 17 3-4. This was interesting and enjoyable. We hope you will prepare more for the next meeting day. ' 4...1 Mrs, Allllfip |.n|r.IWu ^1 Carter. Mrs. Taylor, afi®s^?8TTTTT17 Miss Boprgs, _4^hitc) who ma.do_ about the "excellent program. We sar.g the last stanza of our national anthem as a closing prayer. Attend your county meeting Teachers!! You cannot teach loyalTv if imrTTTT-TTTr 1 J'»l i^yij_elf_ . ST. PAUL BAPT. CHURCH Rev, L. B. Moon. Pastor Laurens, S. C..Sunday was a very pood day at St. Paul, a^num* ber of students were out to Sun day school. Mothers and fathers why not sacrifice if it takes.sacrr ficing and- come to Sunday' school each Sabbath. The lesson are al ways interesting and timely. B " IT 1 1 l.r.u. Ul'Jfttll HI u>u<n umr wivu ^president on duty. Supt. Mead""ows~T3irjrht Group ^os. 1 and k which""were-combined. Kubjuet-r Justice."- Rev. Cokcr and family of Ware Shoals were here. He preacher: both morning: and night. St. Paul. Sunday school is having a program Sunday, Marel*> i at 3 o'clock. Sermon to be delivered by Rev. L. ,C. Butler, pastoi of Bethel A. M. ETTcTnirch. ^ There will. also he a.silver.tea at the- home of Miss Rosa Shepherd Sunday, March 2 at 1 o'clock to these occasions the public is cordially invited...,- .ContestantsMrs. Frances Golden. Mrs. Rebec Triors: The many friends hero are sor ry to know that MrSr-CTmie Work am, house was damaged by fire on Sunday, February 23. February 24 the house of Mrs Reeder was destroyed by fire and her grandchild was fatally burn. There will be a box supper at Sanders' high school Friday nite. February 28, sponsored by the 7th grade. . John Robert Hunter, reporter. Elizabeth Henry Monday night, at 1318 Myrtle Ave. Next meeting will be at "Mrs. Irene Roler f>13 N Calhoun St. The Willing Workers of Mount Hebron rendered a program Wed-, nesday night. A sermon was de IT*. J 1 Tt T 1 1^-1 -J livereu uy iwv, jhcksuii, pastor cm Friendship church. Mr. and Mrs. Robert HVmdon had for their pr»iest Wednesday ni#ht Mi. George Herndon, Mrs. I/oiiise G. Dousrla&s,' Mr. Glenn D. Pratt. Mr. Williams and other-r Several frames were played. We are having some real winter here now. ----- tV : Woman's Society of Souih Carolina Conf. Central Ji 4. CHARLESTON Di&TRJCT I'i"» .udent.Mis. Geneva Myers, ^ 1 S'{ Smith Street, Charleston Viie-Pres..Miss Corrie Freeman Ret. Sec..Mrs. G. C. Brown C Cor. Sec..Mrs. H. B. Jones ? Treasurer.Mrs .R. Beall .' - is Missionary Education and Service n .Mrs. R. L. Fields *1 Christian Social Relations and Lo ^ t a I Chu»ch Activities.Mrs. S. ^ M. Miller o Wesleyan-Service Guild.Mrs. Ro- ° saleo Mnckoy Ci Student Work.Mis.. F. H. Gran' Ytitiiu W (Jillen and Girls--Mrs 11 M. Hutchinson w Children.Mrs. Thelnia Caldwell f' Literature.Mrs. VTv Curry * T> Supplies.Mrs. Maiy Alston_ JL 1. 11 J lie '.iill t Alllllt fc'iQiiiiti % -is Status of Women Miss E. I.. u Small * ( Mi s,.Personnel.Mrs. \". 1.. Shec. -il ut World Ft deration.Mrs." .T. H. I la-ley S _ v p">v s-wj<.nt~ Miv..Plhra Ncsmith. Ti R.F.I).. Kinj»strec. S.. C". IV Vice-Pres.Mrs. J. W. Taylor if Ret. See-..Mrs. C. C. Reynolds- h Cor.' Sec..Mrs. M. Persons T Treasurer.Mrs. N. E. FmnVlin Missionary Education and Service .Miss Caroline Nowlin, Mrs. II L. Jackson ^ Cifristiar. Socij<5 Relation and Lo " cal Church Activities.Mrs. Oli xv via DeWitt, Mrs. Amelia Press w ley 77" *77 ^ VVesleyan Service Guild.Mrs. B e C. Jackson . ® Student.Mrs. M. T. Bacchus ^ Young Woman and Girls.-Mrs Pearl Brown . ~ t( Children.Mrs. I. V.- Manning J Mrs. I,. C. Gregg 1 Literature.Mrs. Eliza Kennedy Supplies.Mrs. Mary Williamson K Spiritual Life.Mis'. Celeste Du- Status of.AMomen.Mrs. Effie Stro -5. ther 1' Miss. Personnel.Mrs. Louis Wal- K lace S WV.rM »» " " 1 E »» 1' * X vucirtUUH.iUl'S* LL- H |f Cocpor 8. Spartanburg District o President.Mrs.. P. T. Jackson, s Clever. S. C. b Vif > iT'rcs.^.Mrs. C, R. Black £ Roc. Sec..Mrs. Matilda Dawk in? 1 Cor. Sec..Miss Myrtle Littlejohn 2 ^Treasurer.Mrs. C. B. Adams I M'Ys. Education and -Service.Mm 4 J. A. Curry . - 4 Christian Social Relations, and 1,0 2 cal -Church..Activities.Mrs. II 1 McWhirter *'~*t 1 Wosleyan Service Guild.Mrs J _E W. Buddin .1 St".dent Work.Mrs. A. Tav 3 lor * 2 Yai-g Women.and.Gill -Miss ~4 Catherine Moore 2 Children.Mrs. C. B. Evans 1 Literature.Mrs. Gracie Brown 1 Supplies.Mrs. Ann Newman Spiritual Life.Mrs. Monzelie Lagrce Status of Women.Mrs. Agnes Cunningham F Miss. Personnel.Mrs. Frankie E Walker S World Federation Mrs. Edith n Krrpht , , ti -9. Sumter District _ c tTr's'WuiH --Mis.'UHw D. Faliiai, 304 S. Main St., Sumter. S. C. tl Vice-Pres..Mrs. Louise Reid Rec. Sec..Mrs. M. V. Glover c Cor. Sec..Mrs. M. D. Stokes " c; Treasurer.Mrs. Bessie Dibbje si Miss, education and Service.Mrs u ! lira Aln nMc.. a ~ Bride "~n Christian Social Relations and Lo y cal Church Activities.Miss Ma ! el "Rw^Ksh; Mrs. Hattie Rich- s< " ardsmv ~ j p. Wesleyan Service Guild.Mrs. P Cordelih Jones . o Student Work Mrs. Elizabeth a Martin p Younsr Women and Girls.Mrs. P. s; .r-E-. Mingo .. ci Chddren.Mrs. S. G. Aiken . h Literature.Mrs. Pansy Pearson Supplies.Mrs. T. H. Fisher Spiritual Life.Mrs. fc.L. Jamison n Status of Women.Miss Jimmic R Dihhla^ ; J.F Russell -7 > World* Federation.Mrs. E. C. C Wriprht. (Tc he continued Mrs. J. C. Gibbes, _ Conference President ST. 11KF. \ M F CHl'RCH Rev. E. Philip Ellis, PaStor Mt. V. T. Ellis; wife of our pr* tor. attended the State-wide Reception piven Bishop J. S. Flip-1 pel .il *'iilnintiin. mi tin Bithii The pastor was unable to be present, owinpr to special- transaction? in the erection of the pew . church, which had to be complet- ^ ec! on the same evening. Services last Sunday were ex- j ceiicnt to say the least. Our jurt-! ior choir rendered choice music,! both morning and evening. Ser- mons ..were pbeached during the day, bv Bro. James Gadsden. Rev. \Vm. W. Sherald. I^arge audiences .r'Lnessed both sendees. The SunJay school was out in full, also the Ivcague. * Brother Isaiah Frasier's death came as a great shock. He was < rib of the faithful members of otir church. His funeral was conducted Try the pastor from Ftrlri ing's Funeral Home, with a large ^ crowd in attendance. ^ The foundation for the new church is well on the way, and the congregation has decided to £ build an annex for the purpose of weekly meetings. Mr. T. A. Roone fontracthr has promised to com- N pletc the entire \Cotk in 120 days. "4 1+ ^ aim..1 Tt Page Ftra Christian Service irisdiction Methodist Church EAIKORTCOUNTY RAINING SCHOOL NEWS Hurton, S. C..The Shanklin ho/al club which was recently . rganized by Esther Nell Murray i endeavoring to live up to its lotto: "Step by step we reach fie top". The group is working iligently under the supervision ol liss Murray," who is a member f the junior class, and has hopes f becoming ong of the best muai il groups in the state. -Two appearances before the rustoes of the school and a good ill T77ur on Sunday,'"t^ob. 2.1 won ">r them friend§ as well narontri._..-.. n i.> lilt' UCSll'C OI till' iris to win' many friends and aMMtegw U *' 'v g.XW. ss. ill appear" fn concert at .Carmel hupel M. E. -church, BlufTton, n February Sfi at K p.m. ; FeaufoTt ' County. Tr. school hich is commonly known as hanklin school has enjoyed a ery successful season thus far. 'ho- gitls 1/aKkethaU tcaw under 7e supervision of their "coach. Iiss Vesta F. Johnson. has mai"ested its ability to cooperate one undred pc-rcent to wit^ for B. C. S. The 1941 ^rirls baskitba]! team onsisls' of nine -girlsf namely: Ither Nell Murray, captain, for aid; Mary Joiner, center, for .'arth.Elizabeth Williams, forward.-Alary Martin, "guard; Sarah Li ley-, guard-; Ursirtee Martin uard. Substitutes: Winnie Bell Lirkland, Bernice Primus ^ndl Sa ie Jennings,. The boys basketball team, bet-!' known as the Panthers are eh oying an ertviaFTe record also. 'hey are playing hard to prove hemselves capable of meeting . reater teams. The line-up is as loiiows: .John Vaspr--captairr-nmf-center; -Mam. hall Muller. forward; Michael Ri ay, forward; James Mitchell, , . uard; St. Julian Simmons^-guard, ubstitutes Colliei's Ferguson and Yanklin Gary. Coach Benjamin Brown is proud 9 f the clean, cooperative fighting r> i yi t n-f i r* T*5. ' v.* j..? uttjs, ine rceoru loi oth teams thus far is as follbws L C. T. S.T.irU- ^ i.Walterboro -1 4.Ridgeland 4 4.Ridgeland -4 : 0.Robert Smalls 2 r. 3.Penn A. and T. 13 I=Estell_l m.! . 9.Mather 18 r T ^ Tiny g _ 8.Walterboro 2 * 3.Ridgeland 19 _ r 1.Walterboro 18 ~ 2=R.idgetand~~4~ 3.Robert Smalls 9 7.Estell 14 5.Penn 23 default in third quarter on account' of visiting team. The Trustees of the Old Port loyal Agricultural school met at leaufort, County Training school Saturday, Feb. 22. The business f the meeting included the .elecon of officers, a report front Prin ipal J. S. Shanklin and a disduss w*y£-ylan» faff le school program. Of great importance is the de ision of the board to communl* ate with Mr. and Mrs. Peterson tate supervisor of Vocational Ed cation,- ,to inform him that 800 of land -ara. availahle, to fan ,, >ased to the government for 513 ears. The trustees have pledged them fives to resume a greater respon rincipal Shanklin gave a report f the work and.of the financial , anditfon. The trustees were leased. It was decided that cstem of book-keeping be install rl so that regular reports mrgrht p given of the school's standing Officers elected were as follows: Ir. Allen I?aul. Beaufort, Chairman, Miss Winnie Christensen eaufort, secretary; Mr. Augus 'Tdham, Beaufort, County Supt f- Education^ -Mfr K.-J3. Davis».Ji Tew York City; Mr. Stfatton hristensen, Beaufort. D. C. Wright, reporter Poro Beauty School Located at 2481 Millwood Ara HEAlrTY ITS «RANCHES bampooing, Pressing,. Marcelling. Lroquinolling, Finger Waving, Hair Dyeing, Bleaching, Man* iruring. Massaging, Hand M&lfllTll!. AHiiumy aug Electricity. PHONE 5487 r'ilhelmina C. Pope, Instructor innie M. Pope, i. Maleoa. Proa. JUST OUT HO W A R DS New Sepia Edition STYLE BOOK K. tf real human hair, WIGS, PAGK iOYS. Send for your eopv toay. The biggest variety of hair oods ever Seen. Open a CustomHs Deposit. Account. 1 HOWARD WKt * Dept. "DA, 143 W. 125th St. lew York Citj N«r York ^ Beauty Parlor Agents Wanted

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Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-03-01 [p Page Five]. · .-f-sey taught the lesson as a whole and our pastor conducted the review ^fefacts very beautifully. Many were made plain

1 Saturday, March 1, 1941

NEWBERRY NEWS |j ^^^rs. G»rrre MeCrackin, wife ofI ^ drank MeCrackin, departed this? ife February 15.

She was born in Newberry eoun}l*'.Her hvsbantl proceeded her tr" Great Bevon^ many, years ago


At one time they were prosel" rs farmers of Newberry eountv.She was admired and loved-

byall who knew her. Shb leayes top'o rn her passing. twelve childten. 9 hovs and 3 pi Is. an 1 thif- (t t-»'n" c^-an l children. Namely: Mes

Matthew and King MeCrackerof Atlantic C'tw N. J.- c(i'nuc'" Tracker of New Rochelle; Fran]

i ^Al'-Craeken of New Haven, Conn.[ dell pnd James MeCrackin of^^Whrte Plains, N. Y.; Mrs Minnit

AT;1 ' Balding, T. J. and Bob ofNew York C itvTTTvsTSusie Massies" -tof Scarslale. N. Y.; and AnniMae of Newberry, S. CTha.funeral service was held a'"'1

Hi H'"!1'1' Bfl^tiat MUR'H"'e'lnp'dav, Fsoruar.v 18. Revs.Copeland Williams and -McMori i;

' o-ize U: deitaker F. B. Pratl| in "hoe?»e. ,

- Rev. and Mis Geralden andmother, were the *3bpoer guosU

l-t Mrs. Bessie Chick of 607 Cald7^^w'U St.. February 14. .

V Mrs. Gussi-e Miller, Misses Claraetta B1 ford, Eliza Spearman, "Roslee GiMiam.* -and Verena Earl»eitnoes motored uown to orotic

-River school on Saturday, February22, to take part in a prograingiven by Mrs. E. E. Gaulden.Mrs. Bernice Lilliewood, pion1st.Bethlehem Baptist Church

Misses Claraetta Bluford andSarah Dawkins were thewinners li

^fea contest held at Bethlehem Bapchurch,Rev. E. E. Gauldenpastor. Miss Bluford, who won

-first, prize by raising the higheramount, $18.30, was given a purpleand gold jacket. Miss &&LahDawTcTns,~~wRo "WT>n the second

-prizes -raised -the_ nexh_ highestamount, $15.26, and a beautifu'prize was presented to her. Theother contestants were: MassesElizabeth Bow%rs, $6.55; VelmaParker, $.75-, Mamie Connor. $2.00VVilhelmenia Coleman, $3.30; Ethe"Morris; Verena L. Rhodges, $6.7?This was in connection with therally which was held on the thirdSunday, in Februanv. The total.amount raised from all sources

| ^wtrs $226.38.

The Ministerial AllianceNewberrf, S. C.


The Ministerial met"Monday, February 24, at higTTnoorThe dervotional period was con-

ducted by Rev. Livingston, afte*which Rev. J. C." Collier tookcharge. Rev. Davrs preached a ver>interesting sermon which was enjoyedby all who heard him.

Three white ministers of our

city were present at our meeting.

the Church" movement, spon'. sored by the Chamber of Com

merce. .For the next six week1there will be speeches and an

nouncements made in the variouchurches and over the air aboutthis movement.As ministers of our group, wc

decided .in this meeting, that wc

^ our host to make our" pguplti lliimrabuut the ehurfh »>i|iGod in these trying- times. .

Calvary Presbyterian ChurchRev. A. H. Reasoner, PastorFriday night, February 21, a1

appreciative audience was greath..-benefitted Hv an'ihWrestmg, tribrI^^cal and practical message WfltPf"

"was delivered by Dr.iP.-tJ. lUnarapresidentof N/eWberl<y College.His theme was "Do the Beat Yon

...Can with What) You Have." Hocongratulated the Negro race ortheir progress for 75 years, theglee club of Drayton Street highschoool for the lbeautiful musicrendered, also the vocal trio "MySong," by J. Rosamond Johnsonand sung by Mesdames BemiceLilliewood, E. H. and C. E. AllenMrs. A. Jones was mistress ofceremonies.

. Profr.H.' ^ Gallman--gave.thi_

. history of the Negro in the wars

^^Mrs. S. W. Allen, Sr. introduced^Jlhe speaker. Invocation Prof.0; W. Jonea,. _. 1

We were delighted to have in'our service, Ppof. R. F. Gladderof our city; Prof. Brown tfron

t Harbison College, who accompaniedRev. Reasoner. Alhof these gentle

IT, men gave timely remarks.Ld The Sunday school'" amf leagufI I services were very interesting tof [ all who attended,rf Our Bible classes are spiritually

and intelligently taught every Wednesaay afternoon from 4:^0 vr

To all of OUT services we welcomeyon.Miss Verna Rutherford left th

^ *^ity Saturday afternoon tor NewYork City where she will reside.We wish .for her a happy life.


Shelton, S.C..Last Sunday wasa beautiful day for church goers.Our Sunday school opened withthe Supt. officiating. Dea. C. Hal

.-f- sey taught the lesson as a wholeand our pastor conducted the reviewvery beautifully. Many

^fefacts were made plain to us, es^^>eciftllv.why the Jews and Phari-1se.* despised the Publican. At theclose of the S. S. and th© devotionfor morning worship," our

j Pastor, Rev. A. P. Porter preacheda wonderful sermon using forhtw text Luke 10:41-42 subject TheOne Thing Needful. Purity B$p-tist ehurch feels that our prayer* {

L are answered and we got what we.

f^Myanted and asked God. for,'^^'hanks to God for sending us a





Friendship A. M. E. Church

Rev. H. W. Walker, Pastorh

Why not come to Sunday schooln time? There are no excuses. ^Ince we lived in the age of but- Ptons and pirs. Now we are living i'n the age of zippers. Zip them onnd lot's come to worship on time VRev. C. S. Keys, pastor of th > :<

"ho'-oh of God, Gdcon Hill, taught" 'uriay school. The school entered *

vvhole-heartily into the discussion ;if the lesson on prayer.At 11:30, in keeping with oui ^

Sunday school lesson, Rev. Waiverspoke forcefully from St. Matt11 Theme "Confidence in Pray>» ."Aftc listening tp the sermon

ivo fo nd that it's very necessary (vave cf niididice in prayer, ..

The A. C. E. league has a veryrrfteresting program each -Sunday.. 1

Anowd visiting >

fronds heard Rev. Keys preae""1 -hoi»- sing Sunday eveirirgHe had entire charge of the' ser- c

vice. Friendship's choir needed J- r

rest. - (1

Rev. Keys brought us the ev> <'ning message" frotfl St. Luke 4 r 1F --4You missed a sermon if you didn't fhear him on (1) The Anointed a

Treacher, and (2) Deliverance an

Cantive. Preachers get anointed f'rd he delivered from some of the twhines he mentioned. Pulpit as.

sociates were Revs. T. Clardy, A v

J. Steward and E. L. Lilliewooo iRevs. Clardy and Lilliewood Highly t

complimented Rev. Keys for thatWonderful sermon. JThe. sick committee made a re- f

port of the sick members visited 1A neat sum was" given "to Miss ILana Roden.

Prof. L. Roden and family were

here Sunday to see his sister, MisrRoden-,.-who is very much in needof the doctor's care. .

Friendship's pastor and choirhas been invited to take part in


"H.program -at-Bathlehcni.Raptj^ r Jchurch the third Sunday 'in March iThe mortgage Fuming will take-1placeon that date. Rev. E. Wright i

is pastori.I

Friendship's choir is now pre- 11

naring for her usual Easter pro <

gram. zrr..- 3

Mt. Hebron BaptPt ChurchRev. A. A. Sims. Pastor

The -Sunday school Supt., Mr. \

J. H. Rul, is head of an organizatron which Is li.viitg to increase 1the Sunday school's attendance. ;Classes No. 1. 2, 3, 4, and 5 re-

eeived.prizes Sunday. We hopethat these classes will continue j

n»h«»rg viH foil right in line: I~ A Silver-Tea -will be given at jHebron Sunday, March 2, at 4:00 1

o'clock. The public is invited. ; 2

The ftiotners ^iuu ui

was hostess to a banquet Friday "]night in the Bell St. AuditoriumThe guests arrived at 8 o'clock \

beautifully dressed. At a later ]'hour -thfe guests were called tc i

artistically decorated. When everyone\vas seated Mrs. Inez Simpson \welcomed the guests. The bles-sing was then asked by Rev. H. W.Walker.Between courses we were enter-

tai'ned witi, remarks, readings,instrumental and vocal solos Cor-eluding the evening, Mrs R. PAlexander, at the piano, asked jth:it ivr> sing "America" since wevvere.on-the, eve of (ieorge WftSlP.Ington's birthday. The evening wa> t

happilv spent.' ' li

See Mr. J. TT Ruff who will fi-11 <

your cars with gas. Let's help JQlevate our own. Ryv. E. L. Lillie-wnnrl on West. Car. Ave., will"- ynn nlnnrr the pmnrefv~~1tTlC ~iand repair your shoes I

Hell Street HighOn Friday, February 21, the

girls'-"basketball team met ^Sterling in the Textile Hall: Although ^they were defeated 9-26, tbey still :

have the courage and spirit to be- 1lieve that winning day will cometheir way soon. 1On Sunday, February 23. a silvei 1

tea- was ^jiverrby the senior class 1»f Bell Street school in the home 1economics department. Miss H. EWalker, the class sponsor and ad-visor, was present. Games were 1

were served, The evening was ail <enjoyable one.


<Mrs. Mary Johnson of Sancuc

spent Thursday night with her ,'ister, Mrs. Frances English. ^Miss Margaret Chirp spent th< ;week end ^with Miss: Sadie Rnb^~jertson. ]

Mrs Coon of Pomarie, is in |town. She is stopping with Mrs 1

Carrie Brown and family. i

Mis. Iil'iiu Laney lias herw witl> Hfor quite a while but is now up. 1Mrs. Louise Webber has been ill 1

fox a few days but fs much im cproved. 1

Mr. Berry Shelton is s.till on 1the sick list. ^

Services were good at Williamr ^Chapel A. M. E. Zion church Sun- tday. The school was called to ordei jby the Supt., Mr. Ervin Coleman. ^The lesson was taught and discuss. \ed by the school after which_i,hu.-ischool was organised forTKe year [A wawfTprayer service was con- tducted after Sunday school. The jpastor's sermon was short h"» ful" rof thought. The spiritual part of 1the service was verv hicrVi Twnmembers were added to thp church rMr. ami Mra. Samuel Roprmtsv Thr- ~fchurch refoipes to have them. iMrs. Lillie Stewart was appoint- J

ed to take charepr of Sister Eva IColeman's class. Mrs. Pearl John- fson was made president of the [W. H. and F. Society of the church tMma Ramie* Brawn will open

the adult school Monday nifcht at 1the Oak Grove school, Carlisle, S <C. She spent the week end In Co-lumbia with her oarents. (


.ifiSiiMii ma na -

MT. ZION A. M. E. CHURCHRev. C. C. Mclwain. Pastor

Sunday school began at the usualour with all officers at their postsf duty. The lesson was beautiful;taught and reviewed by theastor. After a warm prayer meetigour pastor came.before us androught to us a wonderful messagealien from St. Luke 1.1:1. His subletwas "Use Your Starter."We had with us Sunday, Mr. and

Irs. Willie Boyce from St. Jamesi. M E- church. They were theinner guests of Mr. and Mrst:?.vard Ashford:Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnsonmm iSf. Luke Baptist church, wer<1. o visitors.^Ylsitors are always welcomed!nme "again.Rev. C. C. McTWaifrwas.the~afernnondinner guest Sunday t

dr. »rd Mrs. rl. Clo'id and had r

Hue to the lateness of Rev NY Rice, our pastor came before"s and delivered another soul stiringsermon, after which Rev. Ricentered and brought to us a wonerfulmessage. The audience reoiyedas never before. Manvriends were gla<T to see Rev. Ripe**i«l_ linnii tin wilt.ctinn .hack.Rev. P. K Thompson will preach

"r us Sundav night ) nbehalf ofhe Will Do Club. y\Our raflv was J00 percent. J4

v,^Il colse the secahd Sunday nigh1n March. Every member did ashey were asked.The church is standing by Rev

dclwain in ever, yrespect. Everydan he puts on goes over the topf you don't believe .i o,,tmca<f you don't behve it, come and see.(Miss)Carrie Cook, ReporterSOUTHERN NEW COMETH

CLUBLong Lslano, N. Y., Feb. 24.

rhe writer failed to write foreveral weeks due to illness in theamily. .

' ~~

.Alt- members are looking _forvardto the best year in our hisvt

the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. ThemloreAnderson. 15 W. 95th St., N,in 'therr."Path Across the Hill"please come prepared to recitevithout paper.

I want to thank Mrs. Celestinaf.enom, Mrs. Le i tha Halloway. an^Miss Mattie L. Foulks for subscribingfor the Palmetto LeaderiVe wish to have more subscribersn the near future.Mrs. A-; 5~, Carley, Jr. gave birth

o a baby' grrl~"January S, nanrcdt'ivia Georgia. Mother~ and.babyire doing fine.Miss Rubbie Hermon, former of

[toward" St., batesburgi S. C., nowof this city, was married Jan-inry, 19 to Mr. Ernest Berry, 2306ITarlnn St., Hhila. Mr. Berry is'ormerly of Aiken. S. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Berry will maketheir home In Phila . Pa.

If you want a good hair cut see

Mr. P. L. Peterson at the HalloivoodBarber Shop just of 102ndSt.. Northern Blvd., Corona, N. Y.

If your care needs repairing see

If your car needs repairing see

Ave , Corana, N. Y. Work doneguaranteed.-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garven and9'Other <">f Hempstead, N. Y,, were

be afternoon guests of Mr. aridMrs. Kev Weslev Lennion, Bay«id<\N. Y.Keep un with the latest news by

rending the Palmetto Leader.


Tho Marion District was calledto meet at St. John AME church,Marion, Feb. 17th; -Ite.Wells preudine,Rev; W.E, Richardson .pas;or. Devotions conducted by Revs.D.D. "Dopghty, pastor of SingletaryStation. James Davis. Britton Neck Ct., J. F. Stanley StMary Ct. "Rev? Douehty lined firs!Mo. 2f> C.M.; Rev. Stanley offeredpi^yer. Second hymn No. 279.Rev. Davis read for a morning'slesson I Cor. 15th. Aft6r singingthe- service.was torned over tothe P. E. We listened to introducetory remarks from him, and inlis remarks he spoke of the veryine, cooperation that had been givem*himthroughout the District.Mo asked that we. all work togeth?r and that each one play his partn the church program. The businessof the meeting was for theJastors tn report their Allen Dayinn HDrary money, wmmitiees

is follows:" Allen Day, Revs. JasDavis, Ben Johnson, B.D. Dough'ly, J. J.i Jackson. Library, Revs.W.E Richardson, H F~ Robinson,

Oliver, Sistec__ Frances Boui^,n n T p Xtap

ey was appointed secretary. All;he pastors were present, exceptme, and made fair reports. Thebrethren expressed themselves as

;eing in full accord witTPthe program<of our much esteemed P.EtVe did not bring all that we were;o bring1 as ajyhole, but we havepledged to work on. The sessionvas very-lovely throughout. Whenve had finished our work we werenvited to the dining room in themrsonage. There we found theable laden with food that wasdeasant to look upon and veryefreshing in the taste. The:itchen was crowded with the sisers to serve. Rev. "Richardson,>>s pleasant wife and the Roodwoplo of St. John spared iw pam*n trying to make our stay pleasint,and it was indeed fine. Ito<^ked as though we were at Con'ecnce. We wish to thank thelastor and his fine people for,heir kindness. We feel that theMarion. District is safe under theendcrsdup of TJr. WeilB. Wfe areworking and praying to do outDart in putting over the program)f the Church.

jtaa i


2nd Florence District'iroup Meeting

Timmorisville, S. C., Feb. 17.AtNew Haven M. church, where thestudious and affable Rev. R. CConnor, his lovely wife, and brightchildren preach and live, the secantgroup meeting of the "Model District,"Florence, was held in-Cartersville,11:30.

D. S., Rev. C. C. Reynolds, openedthe service with a spiritual fromRev. N. E. Franklin. Rev. R. C.Connor offered the suplication. JhiCartersville's schooj^glee club sangmany charming and melodious se.letcions;D. S. Rev. C. C. Reynoldsdelivered an inspiring address;Miss C. B. Bird, in choice diction.prgsejited a merry making welcome.The D. S. requested each oastoi

and layman to J?>ve ont' <'f the"greatest need!? On TllS'l'lldi ge. Tin si

are. samples: "The Young People.'How to Employ Them," "More- ofthe Spirit of Cod," "Clemei Coneentionof our Church's Program,""Systematic Prayer Life," "MorPeojjie^ Interested in the tChurchProgramExcluding the Pastor,i"d a few Officers,""More Faith,""Christ Like Spirit,", "SystematicGiving," "Come Back to the Oldl and Mark," "Cooperation," "Closeer Walk With God," "Love." "MoreCareful Gospel Preaching," "Christian Officers to Handle the Church,"-"Old Time Religion," "Co-workersto Serve with Me," "Help thePeople find the Real Tiling inLife," "Adjust with Good Workers,""A Building to Worship In,""Personal Work," "More Cooperationof OHer Members," 'MoreTrueMen and Women who willnnt Talk it. but Do it."

These many anA-various needs'-devolved.into Jesus advice. St.Luke 12:31. He who governs~FnrhTself according to the instructionpromulgated by the Great Teacher,-will- receive the jD.fiy.ine Alkahesttc^conquer in this life, and achievethe cro~wh~ till mortal- -hereafter

College. The Rev. S. E. Watson,deceased, ^as mentioned with pathos.and saered^honor. The Rev.J.. W. Taylor offered a profoundsuplication in commemoration ofthe passing of the "Good Man."The 21 pastors, excluding three

absentees, m ado their reportswhich were most favorable. Rev.G. B. Tillman, excelling, reportedfor all causes 100 percent to the-sum of $3-11 Of) "The M/yH District."Florence, and members 'aroseand ga.ve_.the ex_-__P. S,, Rev. G. BTillntan,'The Chatutaqua salute*,and a thundering salutation for hismagnificent work. Revs. Barr, Po-gnf, Taylor. Cooper, and Franklinfurther commended and compli---a.-» xi. A or\/1 nAmnlpfpmeruea me cAquiain;, c.v. v ,

report of the successful-ministersin behalf of the brethren. >

The-Dr-Sr-urged-the pastors to_observe '^Compassion Days" March2, in all of their hcurche?, and reporttheir assesments money irn.mcdiatelyat the close of^thc same

The District Parsonage Trusteeswere- summoned and passed uponone of the bids to remodel the muchneeded, aged, depleted Manse.The business of the ministers,

layment and representatives beingcompleted, the pastor asked >ehebone of the big crowd to remain in

' thrif "r |'l nliilr thti nnvinnir ~jiters served a luscious and alluringdinner in lavish courses to the safin+Trmand iollifrcation of allr-RevJ. M. Stokes, in his inimitablestyle, gave brief, but happy andappreciative tbanks.

XlLSL. npyt. group -meeting willassemble in Elijah.Sb t'aul chttTgytin^Elrjah M. church, April 21. Thereports will embrace W. S. andEpiscopal fund.

John C. Gibbs

BALTIMORE. MO. NEWSBy Mrs. Louise r-ore Douglass

On sick list art- Rev. Flowerspaster of Mt. Hebron Baptistchurch. We are asking everyoneto pray for him that God mayhelp him to overcome. Mrs. LulaPeaks Boone, Mrs. Perry James*,-also Mr^ Samiiel_ James^ husbandof Mrs. Perry James; Mr. Hiil^Mrs.Alberta Weathers, Mr. LeeKoseborougTi, Mr. Baifiey -Douglasson. I

Mrs. Louise G. Douglass visited Mrs. Maggie D. Gray, her mothe#*,Mrs. Maggie Douglass andalso her father Mr. Ravney Doug'lass. She reported a pleasantstay. Mr. Pink Douglass and MiRaymondLann were there.

Mrs.. Maggie-Douglass was callBaltimore Grty-hecatise of

the illness of her husband Mr."Bpriwy Douglass. Mtv Douglassis getting along fine now, but has

. hnon n irerir riplr mi.n

Mr. Johnnie B.. Gore and MissIj. Neal, Mr. Glenn D. Pratt, MrGeorge W. Hemdon, Mr. RobertHen'don, Mrs. Nona Hemdon, MrR,. P. Lewis nnd others were theguests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 MGore, Jr. and Mrs. Louise GoreDouglass on Wednesday and report a very pleasant stay. Various,^ame were played.

Mt. Hebron Baptist church carriedout its usual weekly meetingsand serviced Sunday. TheLord's Supper will be served thisSunday March 2 at 3:30 p.m. Thepublic is invited. Rev. Daniels

Rov T.nwic llptorl tVi<r* oot

vices in the absence of the pastordue to illness.

Frienrtsfcjp Ffnptist also carriedout its usual services conducted bythe Pastor, Rev. Jackson.

Mrs. Arsons McDowell was called to Chaster, S. C. because ofthe death of a relative. She wasaccompanied by he* aunfa, Mrs.Roaeborough. They ire nfttixes_afChester, S. C. They have thesincere sympathy of this, crnnmnsity.

The S. S. S. club met with Mrs,



Association held its regular monthlysession at need Street schoolSaturday morning at 10:00 a. m.On account of a special program,

the groups did not assemble butwent directly to the auditoriumwhere Prof. Rice, the president,opered the program. Mrs. P. J.Campbell led the group in singingtwo spirituals, "Steal Away." and"Down by the River Side." Afteia brief business session Mrs. AliveAnderson, Jeanes' supervisor, presentedthe-' following programsSpiritual, "Climbing Jacob's Ladder,,"led by Prof. K. Hammond

Group I"Two Races." (pageant) by Pelten.HoneaPath.^CoaT Spring;' Oak'

-Hilb and Cedar Grovu-schools..Group II

Theme: "Negro of the Ifese i1. Music: Marion Anderson by

Spearman school.2. Business: Postal Telegraph. ,\tgro branch.3. Defense (Program: /'Diseri'mination,"by White Hall, Maple

'Spilngs, "and St. Peters schools.4. NYA demonstration by Cam-'

line. Pleasant Yiew_.and PoplarSprings "schools.5. U. S'. Employment Service:New Mtn. Grove, Blake. Dale andEver' Green schools.6. Spiritual, by members of thefaculty off these schools namedabove directed by frot. Hammond

Group III1. Reading: Pendleton Training

school. Spiritual by teachers ofthii group. 2

Group IVReading: Liberty. Center. Spiritualby teachers of. the group. Directedby Prof, Reeks.

I Group VS City Schools-. .

1. (South Fant Street. Music impersonation.h-g.N«w»i4»--S»idfl Miwrcii "Gflrrv MyBack to Ole Virginia."

Iui^ ^L.uvl' "

group five (5) by the writer. Ibelieve such a group is possibleby the three city schools and couldprove helpful.

This was one of the most interestingprograms wc have hadthrs yean.Prof. Perry remarkedthat only five teachers left beforeIThe Fenedicition in spite of-.thelengthof the >pvogram. whichnroves that if we prepare interestingprogrrrnrrs-;;jri.otrr.association,Pwe can hold the pooplot-good programsin our sehools and classes,we can holcLand kej?p the attention[of our pupils; interesTThg~~ohurChprograms and \w can hold our

rnt'inbets.Prof. Hammond sang a solo.

Prof. S. C. Perrv prepared a listof questions on "Negroes in His,tnry" and had Mrs. J. i.. Perryconduct the qjuiz. The teachersweVe organized into two teams,one on .either side- of the aisle.Each was given 30 seconds to answerhis question. The winning sfdereceived a prize. For every questionanswered correetly 1 point was

given. The scores were: 17 1-2, and17 3-4. This was interesting andenjoyable. We hope you will preparemore for the next meetingday.

' 4...1Mrs, Allllfip |.n|r.IWu ^1

Carter. Mrs. Taylor, afi®s^?8TTTTT17Miss Boprgs, _4^hitc) who ma.do_about the "excellent program. Wesar.g the last stanza of our nationalanthem as a closing prayer.

Attend your county meetingTeachers!! You cannot teach loyalTvif imrTTTT-TTTr 1 J'»l i^yij_elf_ .

ST. PAUL BAPT. CHURCHRev, L. B. Moon. Pastor

Laurens, S. C..Sunday was a

very pood day at St. Paul, a^num*ber of students were out to Sunday school. Mothers and fatherswhy not sacrifice if it takes.sacrrficing and- come to Sunday' schooleach Sabbath. The lesson are always interesting and timely. B" IT 1 1l.r.u. Ul'Jfttll HI u>u<n umr wivu

^president on duty. Supt. Mead""ows~T3irjrhtGroup ^os. 1 and kwhich""were-combined. Kubjuet-r

Justice."-Rev. Cokcr and family of Ware

Shoals were here. He preacher:both morning: and night.

St. Paul. Sunday school is havinga program Sunday, Marel*> iat 3 o'clock. Sermon to be deliveredby Rev. L. ,C. Butler, pastoiof Bethel A. M. ETTcTnirch. ^There will.also he a.silver.teaat the- home of Miss Rosa ShepherdSunday, March 2 at 1 o'clockto these occasions the public iscordially invited...,- .ContestantsMrs.Frances Golden. Mrs. RebecTriors:

The many friends hero are sor

ry to know that MrSr-CTmie Workam, house was damaged by fire on

Sunday, February 23.February 24 the house of Mrs

Reeder was destroyed by fire andher grandchild was fatally burn.There will be a box supper at

Sanders' high school Friday nite.February 28, sponsored by the 7thgrade. .

John Robert Hunter, reporter.

Elizabeth Henry Monday night, at1318 Myrtle Ave. Next meetingwill be at "Mrs. Irene Roler f>13 NCalhoun St.The Willing Workers of Mount

Hebron rendered a program Wed-,nesday night. A sermon was de

IT*. J 1 Tt T 1 1^-1 -Jlivereu uy iwv, jhcksuii, pastor cm

Friendship church.Mr. and Mrs. Robert HVmdon

had for their pr»iest Wednesdayni#ht Mi. George Herndon, Mrs.I/oiiise G. Dousrla&s,' Mr. GlennD. Pratt. Mr. Williams and other-rSeveral frames were played.We are having some real winterhere now.

----- tV :

Woman's Society ofSouih Carolina Conf. Central Ji

4. CHARLESTON Di&TRJCTI'i"» .udent.Mis. Geneva Myers, ^

1 S'{ Smith Street, CharlestonViie-Pres..Miss Corrie FreemanRet. Sec..Mrs. G. C. Brown CCor. Sec..Mrs. H. B. Jones ?Treasurer.Mrs .R. Beall .' - isMissionary Education and Service n.Mrs. R. L. Fields *1

Christian Social Relations and Lo ^t a I Chu»ch Activities.Mrs. S. ^

M. Miller o

Wesleyan-Service Guild.Mrs. Ro- °

saleo Mnckoy CiStudent Work.Mis.. F. H. Gran'Ytitiiu W (Jillen and Girls--Mrs 11

M. Hutchinson w

Children.Mrs. Thelnia Caldwell f'Literature.Mrs. VTv Curry * T>Supplies.Mrs. Maiy Alston_ JL

1. 11 J lie '.iill t Alllllt fc'iQiiiiti % -isStatus of Women Miss E. I.. u

Small * (Mi s,.Personnel.Mrs. \". 1.. Shec. -ilut

World Ft deration.Mrs." .T. H.I la-ley S

_ v

p">v s-wj<.nt~ Miv..Plhra Ncsmith. TiR.F.I).. Kinj»strec. S.. C". IV

Vice-Pres.Mrs. J. W. Taylor ifRet. See-..Mrs. C. C. Reynolds- hCor.' Sec..Mrs. M. Persons TTreasurer.Mrs. N. E. FmnVlinMissionary Education and Service.Miss Caroline Nowlin, Mrs. IIL. Jackson ^

Cifristiar. Socij<5 Relation and Lo "cal Church Activities.Mrs. Oli xvvia DeWitt, Mrs. Amelia Press w

ley 77" *77 ^VVesleyan Service Guild.Mrs. B e

C. Jackson.

®Student.Mrs. M. T. Bacchus ^Young Woman and Girls.-MrsPearl Brown


~t(Children.Mrs. I. V.- Manning J

Mrs. I,. C. Gregg 1Literature.Mrs. Eliza KennedySupplies.Mrs. Mary Williamson KSpiritual Life.Mis'. Celeste Du-Status

of.AMomen.Mrs. Effie Stro -5.ther 1'

Miss. Personnel.Mrs. Louis Wal- Klace S

WV.rM »» " " 1 E»» 1' * X vucirtUUH.iUl'S* LL- H |f

Cocpor8. Spartanburg District o

President.Mrs.. P. T. Jackson, sClever. S. C. b

Vif > iT'rcs.^.Mrs. C, R. Black £Roc. Sec..Mrs. Matilda Dawkin? 1Cor. Sec..Miss Myrtle Littlejohn 2^Treasurer.Mrs. C. B. Adams IM'Ys. Education and -Service.Mm 4

J. A. Curry . - 4Christian Social Relations, and 1,0 2

cal -Church..Activities.Mrs. II 1McWhirter *'~*t1

Wosleyan Service Guild.Mrs J _EW. Buddin .1

St".dent Work.Mrs. A. Tav 3lor *

2Yai-g Women.and.Gill -Miss ~4

Catherine Moore 2Children.Mrs. C. B. Evans 1Literature.Mrs. Gracie Brown 1Supplies.Mrs. Ann NewmanSpiritual Life.Mrs. Monzelie LagrceStatus of Women.Mrs. AgnesCunningham F

Miss. Personnel.Mrs. Frankie EWalker S

World Federation Mrs. Edith n

Krrpht , , ti-9. Sumter District_ c

tTr's'WuiH --Mis.'UHw D. Faliiai,304 S. Main St., Sumter. S. C. tl

Vice-Pres..Mrs. Louise ReidRec. Sec..Mrs. M. V. Glover cCor. Sec..Mrs. M. D. Stokes " c;Treasurer.Mrs. Bessie Dibbje siMiss, education and Service.Mrs u

! lira Aln nMc.. a~

Bride "~nChristian Social Relations and Lo ycal Church Activities.Miss Ma

! el "Rw^Ksh; Mrs. Hattie Rich- s<" ardsmv ~

j p.Wesleyan Service Guild.Mrs. PCordelih Jones . o

Student Work Mrs. Elizabeth aMartin pYounsr Women and Girls.Mrs. P. s;

.r-E-. Mingo .. ciChddren.Mrs. S. G. Aiken . hLiterature.Mrs. Pansy PearsonSupplies.Mrs. T. H. FisherSpiritual Life.Mrs. fc.L. Jamison nStatus of Women.Miss Jimmic R

Dihhla^ ; J.FRussell -7 >

World* Federation.Mrs. E. C. CWriprht.(Tc he continued

Mrs. J. C. Gibbes, _

Conference President

ST. 11KF. \ M F CHl'RCHRev. E. Philip Ellis, PaStor

Mt. V. T. Ellis; wife of ourpr* tor. attended the State-wideReception piven Bishop J. S. Flip-1pel .il *'iilnintiin. mi tin BithiiThe pastor was unable to bepresent, owinpr to special- transaction?in the erection of the pew .church, which had to be complet- ^ec! on the same evening.

Services last Sunday were ex- jceiicnt to say the least. Our jurt-!ior choir rendered choice music,!both morning and evening. Ser-mons ..were pbeached during theday, bv Bro. James Gadsden. Rev.\Vm. W. Sherald. I^arge audiences.r'Lnessed both sendees. The SunJayschool was out in full, alsothe Ivcague. *

Brother Isaiah Frasier's deathcame as a great shock. He was

<rib of the faithful members ofotir church. His funeral was conductedTry the pastor from Ftrlriing's Funeral Home, with a large ^crowd in attendance. ^The foundation for the newchurch is well on the way, andthe congregation has decided to £build an annex for the purpose of

weekly meetings. Mr. T. A. Roonefontracthr has promised to com- Npletc the entire \Cotk in 120 days.

"4 1+ ^

aim..1 Tt

Page Ftra

Christian Serviceirisdiction Methodist Church


Hurton, S. C..The Shanklinho/al club which was recently .

rganized by Esther Nell Murrayi endeavoring to live up to itslotto: "Step by step we reachfie top". The group is workingiligently under the supervision olliss Murray," who is a memberf the junior class, and has hopesf becoming ong of the best muaiil groups in the state. -Twoappearances before therustoes of the school and a goodill T77ur on Sunday,'"t^ob. 2.1 won">r them friend§ as well narontri._..-..

n i.> lilt' UCSll'C OI till'iris to win' many friends andaMMtegw U *' 'v g.XW. ss.ill appear" fn concert at .Carmelhupel M. E. -church, BlufTton,n February Sfi at K p.m. ;FeaufoTt ' County. Tr. schoolhich is commonly known ashanklin school has enjoyed aery successful season thus far.'ho- gitls 1/aKkethaU tcaw under7e supervision of their "coach.Iiss Vesta F. Johnson. has mai"estedits ability to cooperate oneundred pc-rcent to wit^ for B. C.S.The 1941 ^rirls baskitba]! teamonsisls' of nine -girlsf namely:Ither Nell Murray, captain, foraid; Mary Joiner, center, for.'arth.Elizabeth Williams, forward.-AlaryMartin, "guard; SarahLi ley-, guard-; Ursirtee Martinuard. Substitutes: Winnie BellLirkland, Bernice Primus ^ndl Saie Jennings,.The boys basketball team, bet-!'known as the Panthers are ehoying an ertviaFTe record also.'hey are playing hard to provehemselves capable of meeting .

reater teams.The line-up is as loiiows: .John

Vaspr--captairr-nmf-center; -Mam.hall Muller. forward; Michael Riay, forward; James Mitchell, , .uard; St. Julian Simmons^-guard,ubstitutes Colliei's Ferguson andYanklin Gary.Coach Benjamin Brown is proud 9f the clean, cooperative fighting

r> i yi t n-f V» i r* T*5.'v.* j..? uttjs, ine rceoru loi

oth teams thus far is as follbwsL C. T. S.T.irU- ^

i.Walterboro -14.Ridgeland 4

4.Ridgeland -4:0.Robert Smalls 2 r.3.Penn A. and T. 13

I=Estell_l m.! .

9.Mather 18r T ^ Tiny g

_8.Walterboro 2 *

3.Ridgeland 19 _ r1.Walterboro 18 ~

2=R.idgetand~~4~3.Robert Smalls 97.Estell 145.Penn 23 default in thirdquarter on account' of visitingteam.

The Trustees of the Old Portloyal Agricultural school met atleaufort, County Training schoolSaturday, Feb. 22. The businessf the meeting included the .eleconof officers, a report front Prinipal J. S. Shanklin and a disdussw*y£-ylan» faffle school program.Of great importance is the de

ision of the board to communl*ate with Mr. and Mrs. Petersontate supervisor of Vocational Edcation,- ,to inform him that 800

of land -ara. availahle, to fan ,,

>ased to the government for 513ears.The trustees have pledged themfives to resume a greater respon

rincipal Shanklin gave a reportf the work and.of the financial ,

anditfon. The trustees wereleased. It was decided thatcstem of book-keeping be installrl so that regular reports mrgrhtp given of the school's standingOfficers elected were as follows:

Ir. Allen I?aul. Beaufort, Chairman,Miss Winnie Christenseneaufort, secretary; Mr. Augus'Tdham, Beaufort, County Suptf- Education^ -Mfr K.-J3. Davis».Ji

TewYork City; Mr. Stfattonhristensen, Beaufort.

D. C. Wright, reporter

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