page for the si)ciety a ac i...

Page 6 !' For The Women Si Persoru Miss Dortha Lucile Hennessee To Wed Mr. Malcolm F. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hennessee announce the engagement of their daughter Dortha Lucile Hennessee to Mr. Mplcolm F. McDonald of Memphis. Tennessee, son Mrs. B. B. Annis and the late Mi. .ucy Donald nf Memphis. Miss Hennessee attended Western Carolina Teachers College, Meredith College, and was graduated from the University of TennMr McDonald also attend- cd the University ol Tennessee, where he was a member qf the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. He now holds a position with the Collierville Dairy Products Company of Collierville, Tennessee. An early fall wedding is being planned. ii: i\t * * I fAf.RNDAR OF l! COMING EVENTS | THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. Hospital Auxiliary will meet at 3:00 p.m. in the Massie Wing of the C. J. Harris Hospital. Mrs. Mike Strong, president. The Ruby Daniel Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. for annual picnic. Mrs. Claude Campbell, president. The Cullowhee Home Demon-' stration club will meet with Mrs. Kenneth Brown at 6:00 p.m. Mrs. Gerald Eller, pres. The Svlva Rotary Club will meet1 at Bryson City at 7:00 p.m., for| their inter-city meet with the Bry-, son City club. FRIDAY, AUGUST 25. Fisher Creek Home Demonstration club will hold annual picnic % at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. The families of the club members are also invited. Mrs. Cole Ridley, president. SATURDAY, AUGUST 26. The Business and Professional Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Legion Home. Mrs. Lillian Madison, president. MONDAY. AUGUST 28. Sylva Firemen will meet at the Hall at 6:45 p.m. W. Bart Cope, chief. ^ ivinat n 4 MatVinr) icf oujf oi-uuu intti at KIC mviuuuut church at 7:00 p.m. Dennis Barkley, scoutmaster. Woodmen of the World meet at the Woodmen's Hall at 7:30 p.m. D. L. Robinson, C. C. The Brownies of Cullowhee meet at 3:30 p.m. at the Methodist church. Mrs. R. T. Houts, leader. Sylva Home Demonstration Club will meet at 4:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. C. Z. Candler for their annual picnic. The families of the members are invited guests Mrs. Charley Allison, president. TUESDAY, AUGUST 29. , Rotary club has weekly dinner meet at Allison building at 6:30 p.m. Harry Ferguson, president. ! I We Have built up and shall maintain customer confiI dence which only develops B from strictly honest dealing accurate reoresentation . merchandise at fair prices . no tricks' 1947 Dodge 4-door, RAH 1947 Dodge 4-door 1949 Kaiser 4-door Clean, RAH 1949 Ford 4-door 1949 Ford 2-door MAIN and MILL-STS. SSHHHBSBHSHHSSBHOBHHESHSBHB j4 r\. * )ciety Neu lis -- Club Ac LOCALS - I Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Parker,] of Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. E .H.[ Parker, also of Atlanta, spent the week-end in Webster as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cowan and other relatves. Miss Slema Nicholson, of Cowarts, left Friday for Morganton where she will be employed as assistant dietition of the Goodwin Hall School for the Deaf. Ralph Bumgarner, Jr., will return the last of this week from a two weeks visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sawyer at Waleska, Ga. Mrs. Harold Grindstaff and daughters, Elizabeth, Mary ana Alice, left last Tuesday for their home in Chicago, 111., after seven weeks' visit here with Mrs. W. E. Grindstaff. Mrs. J. A. Guthrie, of Clemson, S. C., spent a part of her vacation at Cherokee with Miss Mary Singleton and her sister, Miss Maggie Garlington, who is summer lecturer at the Indian Museum at Cherokee. Major and Mrs. Richard H. Lynch and family of Mather Air Field, Calif., are visiting Mrs. Lynch's mother, Mrs. A. D. Daniel. Major Lynch is being transferred to Patterson-Wright Air Base at Akron, Ohio. Miss Isla Lippincott, who has been visiting Mrs. A. D. Daniel, left yesterday for Ocala, Fla., for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Brent and family before returning to her home in Tampa, Fla. Mrs. Ray Simpson and children have returned to Nashville, Tenn., alter spending the summer with Mrs. Simpson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Fowler, at Big Ridge. Miss Kathryn Fowler of Carnesi ville, Georgia, spent the week-end with her uncles, Charles and Allen Ginn, and their families at their homes in Sylva. Betty and Jackie Robinson, of Atlanta, Georgia, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. George Clouse and children spent the week-end with Mrs. Clouse's brother, Mr. Harold Stallcup, and family at their home in Ellenboro. Mr. and Mrs. Stallcup's twin sons, Steve and Larry, return to Sylva with Mr. and Mrs. Clouse to visit them, also to visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stallcup, at Whittier. Rev. W. Q. Grigg spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Lawndale, N. C.f and participated in ceremonies honoring his father, Dr, W. T. Grigg, at a meeting of the *# r _ _i. ii *>r_ o-: . Aiasonic j-iuuge mere. mi, presented his father with the 50 year Masonic button at this meetj ing. He was accompanied to Lawn| dale by Mr. and Mrs. George Lee. Recent guests of Miss Lucy Hedden at Webster were Rev. and Mrs. Wayne A. Monroe and children, Bob, Allen and Mary, of Palatka, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Hodden will j leave today for their home at Ki: Mountain after spending :hc past week with Mr. Hedden's i Cashiers Home Demonstration club will hold their annual picr.iL at Elyea Spring at 7:00 p.m The club members' families wilj | be guests. Mis. Ralph Hawkins president. j WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30. Camera Club will meet at theii club room over Wallinvs Shoe store at 8:00 p.m. Rev. W. H. Wake- field, president. The Victory Home Demonstration club will meet at 7:00 p.m. a' ;he Town Park for their annua picnic. Their faimilies will b< guests. Mrs. Ralph England, pres FRIDA.Y, SEPTEMBER 1 . The Men of the Presbyteriai Church will meet at the churcl for their monthly dinner meet a 6:30 p.m. C. C. pettit, president. Fully Qualified ACCOUNTBOOKKEEPER would like to settle In or around Sylva. Age 42. Married. WILLING TO MAKE SOME INVESTMENT PLEASE REPLY DIRECT TO "BOOKKEEPER", care of The Sylva Herald. THE 5Y I )S Phone 110 I '.tivities | ! -_-- mJ j' PERSONALS parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. Hedden have been; in Nashville this summer where1 Mr. Hedden did work at George Peabody College toward his Master's Degree. Mr. Hedden is director ot Band in the Kings Moun| tain high school. I Mrs. Bill Knox and two sons,; Michael and John Robert, of | Springfield, 111., are expected to arrive Saturday for several days visit with Mrs. Knox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coward, at the home 01 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Glenn. Mrs. Glenn is a sister of VI r Cnu/arH Judge Dan K. Moore and family and Dan M. Allison and family returned to their homes here last night after ten days at an Eastern Carolina Beach. Miss Ella Frances Bryson will leave Sunday to resume her work as a faculty member in the Hazelwood Elementary school. Miss Bryson will be teacher of the first grade. Guests this week at the home of Mrs. J. F. Freeze included: Mrs. W. Whetstone and daughter, Janet, « m T A .1_ i ciHCI tVil'S. t\. «J. rtlKlt'y Ui miuuu, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sheldon of New Smyrna Beach, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. LeBey. Savannah, Ga.; and Mrs. Bertha Heagan of Bat Cave. Mrs. Ralph S. Morgan, Sr. will return to her home in Atlanta, Ga. the latter part of the week after having spent two weeks here with Dr. R. S. Morgan and family. Mr. Charles Poteet returned Saturday to Detroit, Mich, after a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Kirs. Roscoe Poteet, and his son, "Tinker". I Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Reed land son, Charles spent a part of| the week in Atlanta, Ga. on busi-' j ness. Mrs. Brank Proffit, accompani-; I led by Mr. Proffit who studied at | the University of Colorado this summer, returned to Chapel Hill, Monday, alter spending the week-! end at their home here. Mr. Pro-j ffit will go to Marshali to visit relatives until Mrs. Proffit fin-1 ishes her summer work at Chapel Hill. They will then return to Sylva where they will again teach in the Sylva schools. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tallent and Mr. and! Mrs. Joe Hunt were Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hunt, all of North Wilkesboro. - A/Twc Harrv Hnstincrc was railed to Grassy Creek, Ashe County, Monday, on account of the critical illness of her sister, Mrs. Wiley Stumpp. Word was received by friends here Tuesday that Mrs. Stumpp passed away on that day. Miss Dorothy Chester has returned home after a few weeks visit in Detroit. Michigan, with friends and relatives. Mrs. Roy F. Tyler and daughter, Andrea Beaver, of Detroit, Michigan, arc spending a few days in Sylva with relatives and friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garrett and daughter, Linda, of Louisville, Ky., , have been visiting relatives and iriends in Sylva. Mr. GarreU has L returned to Louisville where he is working at present. Morris "Moss" Chester returned to Detroit, Michigan, alter visit. ing in Sylva. He was accompanied ; by Charles Poteet. Legion . . . i l (Continued from page a sembly, 1947-49, and was presidct of the Kannapolis Young Democratic Club last year. He is the 1' teacher of the Men's Class in the 1 First Presbyterian church <of Kant napolis, is a member of the Mai sonic Order, Shrine, and the For- - ty and Eight. At seven o'clock the Legion1 naireS and their wives will leave I the Sylva Legion Home for Cher! okee to attend the Cherokee Dra1 ma. This is to be known as "Legion Night" at the Drama and all American Legion members will be admitted free. They are requested to wear their Legion hats so that they can be recognized at the gate. The dinner will be prepared and served by the American Legion Auxiliary and plates will be $1.00 each. LVA HERALD AND RUFU i Jiss Weaver Entertains )ance Class Tuesday Miss Alice Weaver entertained he members of her Dance Class it a party at her home in Dills- 3oro on Tuesday afternoon. At he conclusion of the round of »ames and contests directed by Miss Weaver, Ann Hooper and Sandra Nash were awarded prizes. Refreshments of ice cream, cake, and grape punch were then served. Members present included Jane Hicks Rector, Susan Lessing, Mar- J tha Jane Wilson, Ann Hooper, Ruth and Mary Morgan, and Sap- dra Nash. * * * * * Shuler And Blanton Re- I unions To Be Held Jointly A joint reunion of the friends) and relatives of the Shuler and Blanton families will be lield at the home of Glenn Blanton on the second Sunday in September, the m«h AHHip. N. C. Heretofore the) , two families have held their rein iior.s separately, the Shulers on the second Sunday in September and the Blantons on the fourth Sunday of the same month. This year all are invited to the home of the Glenn Blantons and are asked to bring a picnic lunch. # f,i if; G. A.'s Meet With Sarah Bumgarner "Climbing a Ladder" was the subject of the program of the Seotts Creek G. A.'s when they met Monday afternoon with Sarah, Bumgarner. Fifteen members and their counselor, Mrs. Joe Davis, were present. Those having parts on the program were Betsy Pannel, Carrie Nell Ward, Bobby Ann Harris, Sarah Bumgarner, Ann Smith, Annette Cagle, Ann Harris, Jane Erwinr and Lela Mae Cagle. Facts brought out in the study showed that there is much need for better education throughout the whole world . more than half the people of the world cannot read. Startirig their Christmas "Cheer" ' -' 1 4 worK aireaay, me gins uiuugni| gifts to the meeting which are to go to needy children of Japan. During the recreation hour Sarah served ice cream, cookies, and a refreshing drink to the members. * »j: jH * * Mrs. Crawford Hostess To Club Meet The Junior Woman's Club met with Mrs. Archie Crawford at her home on Wednesday of last week, with nine members present. Mrs. Alton Bryson presided. Mrs. Bryson gave a very interesting talk and demonstration on textile painting. Several of the members had brought material for practice in applying some of the facts as presented by Mrs. Bryson. To help further the social work of the club a Bake Sale was scheduled to be held on Saturday, August'26, in front of the Professional Drug Store. At the conclusion of the program Mrs. Crawford served a salad course. J;J * # J{: :J: Scotts Creek Church Groups Have Picnic Members of the Mattie Hensley Circle and the Home Makers Sunday School class, both of Scotts Creek Baptist church, enjoyed a picnic at the picnic grounds of the Cherokee Indian Reservation Tuesday. Each of the members carried a covered dish for this delightful outing together. The pastor, Rev. B. S. Hensley, and Mrs. Hensley were invited guests. Sixteen were present. Mrs. Don Fisher is president of the Sunday School class, and Mrs. Dennis Fisher is chairman of the circle. # J}s Ij' # Miss Joan Cagle Entertains Mrs. Zollie Fincannon Miss Joan Cagle entertained at a bridal shower in honor of Mrs. Zollie Fincannon, a recent bride, on Wednesday evening. August 16, at the home of the hostess's mother, Mrs. David Cagle. Several rounds of Bingo were eni joyed, the prize winners in turn presenting their award to the guest of honor. A delicious sweet course in pastel colors was served. The bride was presented a shower of lovely and useful gifts. Picnic At Smokemont Saturday For Preachers The preachers and their fam! ilies will meet at Smokemont Sat' urday, August 26 at 4:30 p.m. for a picnic. Each family is requested to bring a picnic lunch. All preachers of the Tuckaseigee Baptist Association are invited to come with :heir families and enjoy this outing together. ILITE _ BAPTIST D1 :;!*v y "Sty* y y j^L; !1 ^H5V«'/-V<!V!',vV«V f: !!'N ': '! HSfc:--::: jjl ^I ' BB BWN* ^1 ^r >o4i 'i ;' wX B ^ Shewn above is about one half of County as they met in quarterly s< Dr. G. B. Woodward, chairman o The ladies of the church piepare The next Deacons' meeting will bi Firemen ... j (Continued from page 1) will be held in Hendersonville on Sept. 6. The speaker for the Hen-,; dersonville meeting is an expert on the Atomic Bomb and will tell j the members how to direct their, work in case such a bomb should ever be dropped on their communities. Woody Hampton, assistant chief of the Sylva Department, intro- . duced Ramsey Buchanan, General Manager of the Sylva Division of Mead Corporation. Mr. Buchanan spoke highly of the work of the Sylva department and expressed appreciation for the unselfish work and time the men are giving to 1 keeping a well organized and smooth operating department going. Mr. Buchanan then introdured Ralph Kemmerer, Person-j nei ana t^UDiic neiauons uirecior of the Sylva Division, who in turn introduced D. V. Hill, Safety Di-; rector of the Kingsport Division of Mead Corporation, as the principal speaker of the evening. Mr. Hill spoke on the tremendous importance of promoting safety, especially in industrial plants such as he deals with. Accident prevention is one of the big jobs facing all of us and the speaker said, "I am inclined to believe that too many of us are getting the idea that accident prevention is being used as propaganda because more and more industrial concerns are using safety slogans in their paid advertisements." He pointed out that a great number of people are becoming cognizant of the fact that accident prevention is imperative, especially is it true of the people who occupy positions in industrial management and in public life. He commented on the Atomic Bomb and the importance of the Firemen leaning as much as possible about the bomb and its effects, and how to combat fires started by such. In commenting upon the possioility of the production of a Hydrogen Bomb, he said, ''I don't think we will have to worry about what happens if one should be exploded. In the first place I believe that to develop and produce such a bomb it will bankrupt any .nation that undertakes it, and in the second place, if one is ever exploded it is my opinion none! of us will be here to fight it." Practically all the towns of Western Carolina were represented except Waynesville and Franklin. Canton had 14 members presI ent, the largest delegation from any one department. The meeting was concluded with the showing of a special movie on safety in the Eastman Kodak Com-1 pany at Kingsport. Charles McMahan gave his famous sermon on "Jonah and the Whale", which afforded the group a big laugh. McMahan, John Echols and Dick Green sang a negro spiritual. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cagle, Jr., announce the birth of a daughter, Shirley Reed, on August 14. j j STALLCUP'S J ) Antique Shop ) r Cherokee, N. C. / \ PICTURE FRAMES \ | MADE TO ORDER J -# 1 EACONS MEET AT BUFF ( ipi A rans I * yfli ' ^^Hil k oRHU^y the 63 Deacons and 11 pastors of tl Bssion at Buff Creek Baptist church f the Deacons Association, presided, d and served the banquet for the vi e at the East Sylva Baptist church t PROGRAM ANNOUNGEI NORTH CAROLINA COI BE HELD IN ASHEVILL (Continued from page 1) | . Church", Dr. C. Lloyd Daugh-1t erty, Jr., Secretary of Pulpit and Pastoral Evangelism, Gen- eral Board of Evangelism, Nashville, Tenn. rHURSDAY. SEPT. 21 9:00 a.m. . Devotions: Bishop I?osten J. Harrell. 9:30 a.m..Business Session. 11:30 a.m..Conference Brotherlood, Dr. H. G. Allen, President, presiding. 11:45 a.m..Board of Lay Activi-1 l ;ies. i Address: "Rise Up, O Man of God", Robert G. Mayfield, Associate Secretary and Director p" of Methodist men, General Board of Lay Activities, Chicago, 111. I 12:30 p.m..Adjournment. 1:00 p.m..Laymen's Luncheon: S George Vanderbilt Hotel. 1 Address: "Men of Methodism F for the Man of Galilee", Rob- ti ert G. Mayfield. C 3:00 p.m..Preaching Hour. ; fi Sermon: Dr. Roy L. Smith, Publishing Agent, Chicago, 111. o 5:30 p.m..Duke University Dinner: West Asheville Methodist Church. | 7:30 p.m..The Advance for pt Christ and His Church. e] The Reverend Walter J. Miller, President of the Board of Missions and Church Extension, Charlotte, N. C., presidpi mg. H FRIDAY, 8EPT. 22 ££ 9:00 a.m..Devotions: Bishop .' Costen J. Harrell. J8 9:30 a.m..Business Session. ^ 11:15 a.m..Conference Historical Society, The Reverend C.,mm Moody Smith, Spray, N. C., presiding. 11:45 a.m..Methodist Theological Schools. Address, Dr. Ray C. Petry, Professor of Church History, Duke University Divinity School, Durham, N. C. 12:30 p.m..Adjournment. 1:00 p.m..Rural Fellowship Luncheon: Ashbury Memorial Methodist Church. 3:00 p.m..Ordination of Deacons *" and Preaching Hour. Sermon: Dr. Roy L. Smith. 5:30 p.m..High Point College Dinner: S & W Cafteria, Pine Room. 7:30 p.m..The Methodist College Foundation. Dr. B. Joseph Martin, Executive nirpntnr r»f The VTf»thr»Hict College Foundation of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C., presiding. SATURDAY, SEPT. 23 9:00 a.m. Devotions: Bishop Cos-j ) BUSINESS GALS! Choose ) J your pattern where you can J S register it, so that all your 4 friends may know. 4 liiiimMua. DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY ^ WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAmiNO v , Phone 229 Sylva, N. C. Thursday, August 24, 1950 :reek lf§|pp ' ' Ifl^^lBwKlWB |BBpJr v ^F Mi < f'''.^fl^K.: ^ yjf * ' v^t ^Sfiv^ B Klry at -' * ^ IH^ ** %^: BB^KWTvy/ w ;.y: ;.; he Baptist churches of Jackson recently. # sitors. he last Thursday in October. ] FOR WESTERN IICCDCUPC TO II Llll.ll UL. IU .E IN SEPT. >n J. Harrell. Reception of the Class into Full Connection. 9:45 a.m..Business Session. Board of Missions and Church Extension. Board of Education. Board of Hospitals and Homes. Board of Temperance. Committee on World Peace. 12:30 p.m..Adjournment. 1:00 p.m. . Ministers Wives uncheon: Battery Park Hotel. 3:00 p.m..Business Session. ^ 7:30 p.m..Youth Night: Municial Auditorium. Address: Dr. J. Wallace Hamilton, Pastor Pasadena Com- 4 munity Methodist Church, St. Petersburg, Fla. UNDAY, SEPT. 24 9:00 a.m. . Conference Love east, Led by Dr. N. G. Bethea, Rered Member of the Western North arolina Annual Conference, Eneld, N. C. 11:00 a.m..Worship and the rdination of Elders. Conference Sermon: Bishop Costen J. Harrell. 3:00 p.m..Reading of the ApDintments for 1950-1951 Conferice Year. Adjournment at will. jfc >fs ifc >|c sfc During the last four years the ercentage of brucellosis among ittle in the United States has een declining until this year it down to 3.5 per cent, according ) the Bureau of Animal Industry, . S. Department of Agriculture. HELP WANTED Wanted man to work In Evergreen business beginning about August 20th. Must have pickup truck, can make good money If willing to work. If not willing to work do not answer this ad. See me or call telephone ^ 197-W. W. O. Perkins Sylva, N. C. it m, , a JHtaLu ^HO^GET A NEW ^Domje&Uc SEWMACHINE __a Ton ota har» this nationally draitisod Domaatic at tho low*st forms la yaaral 27 aodsra faaturoa for aaay wing. Soo it today. Mil f Ls/fWmm)! i Tfcla book. "How to I .gjl Mab CuiUUu, Dnptr* I mLwi HI lot, flipoorow". Con* j I la . got yom» faroo oopy. (JStavSp I Jylva Coal & Lumber Co. 1 >h. 71 8ylva, N. C. WHiras m aim ucnat nmoi

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Page 1: Page For The Si)ciety A Ac I · Page 6 ForTheWomen Si Persoru Miss Dortha Lucile Hennessee To Wed Mr. Malcolm

Page 6

!' For The Women SiPersoru

Miss Dortha LucileHennessee To Wed Mr.Malcolm F. McDonald

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hennesseeannounce the engagement of their

daughter Dortha Lucile Hennesseeto Mr. Mplcolm F. McDonald of

Memphis. Tennessee, son u» Mrs.B. B. Annis and the late Mi. .ucyDonald nf Memphis.Miss Hennessee attended WesternCarolina Teachers College,

Meredith College, and was graduatedfrom the University of TennMrMcDonald also attend-cd the University ol Tennessee,where he was a member qf theSigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity.He now holds a position with theCollierville Dairy Products Companyof Collierville, Tennessee.An early fall wedding is being

planned.ii: i\t* *


THURSDAY, AUGUST 24.Hospital Auxiliary will meet at

3:00 p.m. in the Massie Wing ofthe C. J. Harris Hospital. Mrs.Mike Strong, president.The Ruby Daniel Circle will

meet at 7:00 p.m. for annual picnic.Mrs. Claude Campbell, president.The Cullowhee Home Demon-'

stration club will meet with Mrs.Kenneth Brown at 6:00 p.m. Mrs.Gerald Eller, pres.The Svlva Rotary Club will meet1

at Bryson City at 7:00 p.m., for|their inter-city meet with the Bry-,son City club.FRIDAY, AUGUST 25.

Fisher Creek Home Demonstrationclub will hold annual picnic% at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Fisher.

The families of the club membersare also invited. Mrs. Cole Ridley,president.SATURDAY, AUGUST 26.The Business and Professional

Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. at theLegion Home. Mrs. Lillian Madison,president.MONDAY. AUGUST 28.Sylva Firemen will meet at the

Hall at 6:45 p.m. W. Bart Cope,chief.

^ ivinat n 4 MatVinr) icfoujf oi-uuu intti at KIC mviuuuut

church at 7:00 p.m. Dennis Barkley,scoutmaster.Woodmen of the World meet at

the Woodmen's Hall at 7:30 p.m.D. L. Robinson, C. C.The Brownies of Cullowhee meet

at 3:30 p.m. at the Methodistchurch. Mrs. R. T. Houts, leader.

Sylva Home Demonstration Clubwill meet at 4:30 p.m. at the homeof Mrs. C. Z. Candler for theirannual picnic. The families ofthe members are invited guestsMrs. Charley Allison, president.TUESDAY, AUGUST 29., Rotary club has weekly dinnermeet at Allison building at 6:30p.m. Harry Ferguson, president.

! I We Have built up and shallmaintain customer confiIdence which only develops

B from strictly honest dealingaccurate reoresentation .merchandise at fair prices

. no tricks'

1947 Dodge 4-door, RAH1947 Dodge 4-door

1949 Kaiser 4-door

Clean, RAH

1949 Ford 4-door1949 Ford 2-door




)ciety Neulis -- Club Ac

LOCALS - IMr. and Mrs. Carlton Parker,]

of Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. E .H.[Parker, also of Atlanta, spent theweek-end in Webster as guests ofMr. and Mrs. Dan Cowan andother relatves.

Miss Slema Nicholson, of Cowarts,left Friday for Morgantonwhere she will be employed as assistantdietition of the GoodwinHall School for the Deaf.

Ralph Bumgarner, Jr., will returnthe last of this week froma two weeks visit with his grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sawyerat Waleska, Ga.

Mrs. Harold Grindstaff anddaughters, Elizabeth, Mary ana

Alice, left last Tuesday for theirhome in Chicago, 111., after sevenweeks' visit here with Mrs. W. E.Grindstaff.

Mrs. J. A. Guthrie, of Clemson,S. C., spent a part of her vacationat Cherokee with Miss Mary Singletonand her sister, Miss MaggieGarlington, who is summer lecturerat the Indian Museum atCherokee.Major and Mrs. Richard H.

Lynch and family of Mather AirField, Calif., are visiting Mrs.Lynch's mother, Mrs. A. D. Daniel.Major Lynch is being transferredto Patterson-Wright Air Base atAkron, Ohio.

Miss Isla Lippincott, who hasbeen visiting Mrs. A. D. Daniel,left yesterday for Ocala, Fla., fora visit with her sister, Mrs. Geo.Brent and family before returningto her home in Tampa, Fla.

Mrs. Ray Simpson and childrenhave returned to Nashville, Tenn.,alter spending the summer withMrs. Simpson's parents, Mr. andMrs. H. D. Fowler, at Big Ridge.

Miss Kathryn Fowler of Carnesiville, Georgia, spent the week-endwith her uncles, Charles and AllenGinn, and their families at theirhomes in Sylva.

Betty and Jackie Robinson, ofAtlanta, Georgia, were week-endguests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buchanan.Mr. and Mrs. George Clouse and

children spent the week-end withMrs. Clouse's brother, Mr. HaroldStallcup, and family at their homein Ellenboro. Mr. and Mrs. Stallcup'stwin sons, Steve and Larry,return to Sylva with Mr. and Mrs.Clouse to visit them, also to visittheir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Glenn Stallcup, at Whittier.Rev. W. Q. Grigg spent Tuesdayand Wednesday at Lawndale,

N. C.f and participated in ceremonieshonoring his father, Dr,W. T. Grigg, at a meeting of the*# r _ _i. ii *>r_ o-:.Aiasonic j-iuuge mere. mi,

presented his father with the 50year Masonic button at this meetjing. He was accompanied to Lawn|dale by Mr. and Mrs. George Lee.Recent guests of Miss Lucy Heddenat Webster were Rev. and

Mrs. Wayne A. Monroe and children,Bob, Allen and Mary, ofPalatka, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Hodden will

j leave today for their home atKi: Mountain after spending:hc past week with Mr. Hedden's


Cashiers Home Demonstrationclub will hold their annual picr.iLat Elyea Spring at 7:00 p.mThe club members' families wilj

| be guests. Mis. Ralph Hawkinspresident.

j WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30.Camera Club will meet at theii

club room over Wallinvs Shoe storeat 8:00 p.m. Rev. W. H. Wake-field, president.The Victory Home Demonstrationclub will meet at 7:00 p.m. a'

;he Town Park for their annua

picnic. Their faimilies will b<guests. Mrs. Ralph England, presFRIDA.Y, SEPTEMBER 1.The Men of the Presbyteriai

Church will meet at the churclfor their monthly dinner meet a

6:30 p.m. C. C. pettit, president.

Fully Qualified

ACCOUNTBOOKKEEPERwould like to settle In or around

Sylva. Age 42. Married.



of The Sylva Herald.



)S Phone 110 I'.tivities | !-_-- mJ j'PERSONALSparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hedden.Mr. and Mrs. Hedden have been;in Nashville this summer where1Mr. Hedden did work at GeorgePeabody College toward his Master'sDegree. Mr. Hedden is directorot Band in the Kings Moun|tain high school.

I Mrs. Bill Knox and two sons,;Michael and John Robert, of |Springfield, 111., are expected toarrive Saturday for several daysvisit with Mrs. Knox's parents,Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coward, at thehome 01 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond,Glenn. Mrs. Glenn is a sister ofVI r Cnu/arH

Judge Dan K. Moore and familyand Dan M. Allison and familyreturned to their homes here lastnight after ten days at an EasternCarolina Beach.Miss Ella Frances Bryson will

leave Sunday to resume her workas a faculty member in the HazelwoodElementary school. MissBryson will be teacher of the firstgrade.Guests this week at the home of

Mrs. J. F. Freeze included: Mrs.W. Whetstone and daughter, Janet,

« m T A .1_ iciHCI tVil'S. t\. «J. rtlKlt'y Ui miuuu,

Fla., Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sheldonof New Smyrna Beach, Fla.; Mr.and Mrs. W. E. LeBey. Savannah,Ga.; and Mrs. Bertha Heagan ofBat Cave.Mrs. Ralph S. Morgan, Sr. will

return to her home in Atlanta,Ga. the latter part of the weekafter having spent two weeks herewith Dr. R. S. Morgan and family.Mr. Charles Poteet returned

Saturday to Detroit, Mich, aftera few days visit with his parents,Mr. and Kirs. Roscoe Poteet, andhis son, "Tinker". I

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Reedland son, Charles spent a part of|the week in Atlanta, Ga. on busi-'

j ness.Mrs. Brank Proffit, accompani-;

I led by Mr. Proffit who studied at |the University of Colorado thissummer, returned to Chapel Hill,Monday, alter spending the week-!end at their home here. Mr. Pro-jffit will go to Marshali to visitrelatives until Mrs. Proffit fin-1ishes her summer work at ChapelHill. They will then return toSylva where they will again teachin the Sylva schools.Week-end guests of Mr. and

Mrs. D. M. Tallent and Mr. and!Mrs. Joe Hunt were Mr. and Mrs.M. P. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. PatHunt, all of North Wilkesboro.

- A/Twc Harrv Hnstincrc was railedto Grassy Creek, Ashe County,Monday, on account of the criticalillness of her sister, Mrs. WileyStumpp. Word was received byfriends here Tuesday that Mrs.Stumpp passed away on that day.Miss Dorothy Chester has returnedhome after a few weeks

visit in Detroit. Michigan, withfriends and relatives.

Mrs. Roy F. Tyler and daughter,Andrea Beaver, of Detroit,Michigan, arc spending a few daysin Sylva with relatives and friends.

' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garrett anddaughter, Linda, of Louisville, Ky.,

, have been visiting relatives andiriends in Sylva. Mr. GarreU has

L returned to Louisville where heis working at present.

Morris "Moss" Chester returnedto Detroit, Michigan, alter in Sylva. He was accompanied

; by Charles Poteet.

Legion . . .il (Continued from pagea sembly, 1947-49, and was presidctof the Kannapolis Young DemocraticClub last year. He is the1' teacher of the Men's Class in the1 First Presbyterian church <of Kantnapolis, is a member of the Maisonic Order, Shrine, and the For-- ty and Eight.

At seven o'clock the Legion1naireS and their wives will leaveI the Sylva Legion Home for Cher!okee to attend the Cherokee Dra1ma. This is to be known as

"Legion Night" at the Drama andall American Legion members willbe admitted free. They are requestedto wear their Legion hatsso that they can be recognized atthe gate.The dinner will be prepared and

served by the American LegionAuxiliary and plates will be $1.00each.


Jiss Weaver Entertains)ance Class TuesdayMiss Alice Weaver entertained

he members of her Dance Classit a party at her home in Dills-3oro on Tuesday afternoon. Athe conclusion of the round of»ames and contests directed byMiss Weaver, Ann Hooper andSandra Nash were awarded prizes.Refreshments of ice cream, cake,and grape punch were then served.Members present included Jane

Hicks Rector, Susan Lessing, Mar- Jtha Jane Wilson, Ann Hooper,Ruth and Mary Morgan, and Sap-dra Nash.

* * * * *

Shuler And Blanton Re- Iunions To Be Held JointlyA joint reunion of the friends)

and relatives of the Shuler andBlanton families will be lield atthe home of Glenn Blanton on thesecond Sunday in September, them«h AHHip. N. C. Heretofore the),

two families have held their reiniior.s separately, the Shulers on

the second Sunday in Septemberand the Blantons on the fourthSunday of the same month. Thisyear all are invited to the homeof the Glenn Blantons and areasked to bring a picnic lunch.

#f,i if;

G. A.'s Meet WithSarah Bumgarner"Climbing a Ladder" was the

subject of the program of theSeotts Creek G. A.'s when theymet Monday afternoon with Sarah,Bumgarner. Fifteen members andtheir counselor, Mrs. Joe Davis,were present. Those having partson the program were Betsy Pannel,Carrie Nell Ward, Bobby AnnHarris, Sarah Bumgarner, AnnSmith, Annette Cagle, Ann Harris,Jane Erwinr and Lela Mae Cagle.Facts brought out in the studyshowed that there is much needfor better education throughoutthe whole world . more than halfthe people of the world cannotread.

Startirig their Christmas "Cheer"' -' 1 4worK aireaay, me gins uiuugni|

gifts to the meeting which are togo to needy children of Japan.During the recreation hour Sarahserved ice cream, cookies, and

a refreshing drink to the members.* »j: jH * *

Mrs. Crawford HostessTo Club MeetThe Junior Woman's Club met

with Mrs. Archie Crawford at herhome on Wednesday of last week,with nine members present. Mrs.Alton Bryson presided.

Mrs. Bryson gave a very interestingtalk and demonstration on

textile painting. Several of themembers had brought material forpractice in applying some of thefacts as presented by Mrs. Bryson.To help further the social work

of the club a Bake Sale was scheduledto be held on Saturday,August'26, in front of the ProfessionalDrug Store.At the conclusion of the program

Mrs. Crawford served a saladcourse.

J;J* # J{: :J:

Scotts Creek ChurchGroups Have PicnicMembers of the Mattie Hensley

Circle and the Home Makers SundaySchool class, both of ScottsCreek Baptist church, enjoyed a

picnic at the picnic grounds of theCherokee Indian ReservationTuesday. Each of the memberscarried a covered dish for this delightfulouting together. The pastor,Rev. B. S. Hensley, and Mrs.Hensley were invited guests. Sixteenwere present. Mrs. Don Fisheris president of the Sunday Schoolclass, and Mrs. Dennis Fisher ischairman of the circle.

#J}s Ij'#

Miss Joan Cagle EntertainsMrs. Zollie Fincannon

Miss Joan Cagle entertained ata bridal shower in honor of Mrs.Zollie Fincannon, a recent bride,on Wednesday evening. August 16,at the home of the hostess's mother,Mrs. David Cagle.Several rounds of Bingo were enijoyed, the prize winners in turn

presenting their award to the guestof honor. A delicious sweet course

in pastel colors was served. Thebride was presented a shower oflovely and useful gifts.

Picnic At SmokemontSaturday For PreachersThe preachers and their fam!ilies will meet at Smokemont Sat'urday, August 26 at 4:30 p.m. for

a picnic. Each family is requestedto bring a picnic lunch. All preachersof the Tuckaseigee Baptist Associationare invited to come with:heir families and enjoy this outingtogether.



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Shewn above is about one half of

County as they met in quarterly s<

Dr. G. B. Woodward, chairman o

The ladies of the church piepareThe next Deacons' meeting will bi

Firemen ... j(Continued from page 1)

will be held in Hendersonville on

Sept. 6. The speaker for the Hen-,;dersonville meeting is an experton the Atomic Bomb and will tell jthe members how to direct their,work in case such a bomb shouldever be dropped on their communities.Woody Hampton, assistant chief

of the Sylva Department, intro-.

duced Ramsey Buchanan, GeneralManager of the Sylva Division ofMead Corporation. Mr. Buchananspoke highly of the work of theSylva department and expressedappreciation for the unselfish workand time the men are giving to 1

keeping a well organized andsmooth operating department going.Mr. Buchanan then introduredRalph Kemmerer, Person-jnei ana t^UDiic neiauons uirecior

of the Sylva Division, who in turnintroduced D. V. Hill, Safety Di-;rector of the Kingsport Divisionof Mead Corporation, as the principalspeaker of the evening.

Mr. Hill spoke on the tremendousimportance of promotingsafety, especially in industrialplants such as he deals with. Accidentprevention is one of thebig jobs facing all of us and thespeaker said, "I am inclined tobelieve that too many of us are

getting the idea that accident preventionis being used as propagandabecause more and more industrialconcerns are using safetyslogans in their paid advertisements."He pointed out that a

great number of people are becomingcognizant of the fact thataccident prevention is imperative,especially is it true of the peoplewho occupy positions in industrialmanagement and in public life. Hecommented on the Atomic Bomband the importance of the Firemenleaning as much as possibleabout the bomb and its effects, andhow to combat fires started bysuch. In commenting upon thepossioility of the production of a

Hydrogen Bomb, he said, ''I don'tthink we will have to worry aboutwhat happens if one should beexploded. In the first place I believethat to develop and producesuch a bomb it will bankrupt any.nation that undertakes it, and inthe second place, if one is ever

exploded it is my opinion none!of us will be here to fight it."

Practically all the towns ofWestern Carolina were representedexcept Waynesville and Franklin.Canton had 14 members presIent, the largest delegation fromany one department.The meeting was concluded with

the showing of a special movie on

safety in the Eastman Kodak Com-1pany at Kingsport.

Charles McMahan gave his famoussermon on "Jonah and theWhale", which afforded the groupa big laugh. McMahan, JohnEchols and Dick Green sang a

negro spiritual.

Daughter BornMr. and Mrs. Carl Cagle, Jr.,

announce the birth of a daughter,Shirley Reed, on August 14.

j j STALLCUP'S J) Antique Shop )r Cherokee, N. C. /\ PICTURE FRAMES \





* yfli' ^^Hil

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the 63 Deacons and 11 pastors of tlBssion at Buff Creek Baptist churchf the Deacons Association, presided,d and served the banquet for the vie at the East Sylva Baptist church t

PROGRAM ANNOUNGEINORTH CAROLINA COIBE HELD IN ASHEVILL(Continued from page 1) | .Church", Dr. C. Lloyd Daugh-1terty, Jr., Secretary of Pulpitand Pastoral Evangelism, Gen-eral Board of Evangelism,Nashville, Tenn.

rHURSDAY. SEPT. 219:00 a.m. . Devotions: Bishop

I?osten J. Harrell.9:30 a.m..Business Session.11:30 a.m..Conference Brotherlood,Dr. H. G. Allen, President,

presiding.11:45 a.m..Board of Lay Activi-1 l

;ies. iAddress: "Rise Up, O Man ofGod", Robert G. Mayfield, AssociateSecretary and Director p"

of Methodist men, GeneralBoard of Lay Activities, Chicago,111. I

12:30 p.m..Adjournment.1:00 p.m..Laymen's Luncheon: S

George Vanderbilt Hotel. 1

Address: "Men of Methodism Ffor the Man of Galilee", Rob- tiert G. Mayfield. C

3:00 p.m..Preaching Hour. ; fiSermon: Dr. Roy L. Smith,Publishing Agent, Chicago, 111. o

5:30 p.m..Duke University Dinner:West Asheville MethodistChurch. |

7:30 p.m..The Advance for ptChrist and His Church. e]The Reverend Walter J. Miller,President of the Board ofMissions and Church Extension,Charlotte, N. C., presidpimg. H

FRIDAY, 8EPT. 22 ££9:00 a.m..Devotions: Bishop .'Costen J. Harrell. J89:30 a.m..Business Session. ^

11:15 a.m..Conference HistoricalSociety, The Reverend C.,mmMoody Smith, Spray, N. C., presiding.

11:45 a.m..Methodist TheologicalSchools.Address, Dr. Ray C. Petry,Professor of Church History,Duke University DivinitySchool, Durham, N. C.

12:30 p.m..Adjournment.1:00 p.m..Rural Fellowship

Luncheon: Ashbury MemorialMethodist Church.

3:00 p.m..Ordination of Deacons *"

and Preaching Hour.Sermon: Dr. Roy L. Smith.

5:30 p.m..High Point CollegeDinner: S & W Cafteria, PineRoom.

7:30 p.m..The Methodist CollegeFoundation.Dr. B. Joseph Martin, Executivenirpntnr r»f The VTf»thr»Hict

College Foundation of NorthCarolina, Greensboro, N. C.,presiding.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 239:00 a.m. Devotions: Bishop Cos-j

) BUSINESS GALS! Choose )J your pattern where you can JS register it, so that all your 4

friends may know. 4



REPAmiNO v ,

Phone 229 Sylva, N. C.

Thursday, August 24, 1950


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'v^t ^Sfiv^B Klry at -' * ^IH^ ** %^:BB^KWTvy/ w ;.y: ;.;

he Baptist churches of Jacksonrecently.

#sitors.he last Thursday in October.


.E IN SEPT.>n J. Harrell.

Reception of the Class intoFull Connection.

9:45 a.m..Business Session.Board of Missions and ChurchExtension.Board of Education.Board of Hospitals and Homes.Board of Temperance.Committee on World Peace.

12:30 p.m..Adjournment.1:00 p.m. . Ministers Wivesuncheon: Battery Park Hotel.3:00 p.m..Business Session. ^7:30 p.m..Youth Night: MunicialAuditorium.Address: Dr. J. Wallace Hamilton,Pastor Pasadena Com- 4munity Methodist Church, St.Petersburg, Fla.

UNDAY, SEPT. 249:00 a.m.. Conference Loveeast, Led by Dr. N. G. Bethea, ReredMember of the Western Northarolina Annual Conference, Eneld,N. C.11:00 a.m..Worship and therdination of Elders.

Conference Sermon: BishopCosten J. Harrell.

3:00 p.m..Reading of the ApDintmentsfor 1950-1951 ConfericeYear.Adjournment at will.

jfc>fs ifc >|csfc

During the last four years theercentage of brucellosis amongittle in the United States haseen declining until this year itdown to 3.5 per cent, according

) the Bureau of Animal Industry,. S. Department of Agriculture.

HELP WANTEDWanted man to work In Evergreenbusiness beginning aboutAugust 20th. Must have pickuptruck, can make good moneyIf willing to work. If not willingto work do not answer thisad. See me or call telephone ^


W. O. PerkinsSylva, N. C.

itm, , a JHtaLu




Ton ota har» this nationallydraitisod Domaatic at tholow*st forms la yaaral 27aodsra faaturoa for aaaywing. Soo it today.

Mil f Ls/fWmm)! iTfclam« book."How to I .gjlMab CuiUUu, Dnptr* I mLwi HIlot, flipoorow". Con* j Ila. got yom» faroo oopy. (JStavSp I

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WHirasm aim ucnat nmoi