p a r a l l e l i l l butm?idajority...

E ^ ulletin - »t tb« tsTlUUea \m t***” "** *'‘~T‘- — ^Ki^IuTW eUodwd Tletorr •'“ ■ ~ ^^unists IpDei^iic U e on Pi Korea.-Oct 26 (U.R)_ H ^ t i a t o r s abandoned today the; ^ R j j f u c e lino_pnJh fr SSth.porai: line about 10. miles nort} ^ ^ g ^ m p tly rejected by allied o troops to yield the “iroi other hard-won positioi ^E^ered to withdraw from Ilgh tbe 88th at the western end * - * * Bo^h oil H- A i a. maintain' Hie Combat trorofte IK . , _ ■* . under th< m tin u u n g m HT ' O l am s vould K r 6 ^ b k ie s coL^uu SSii“ 8S ’“ * r ^ iK r ^ today in tha _ e ^ E a t l r t <U7 violent Blr niey s^i SH^sorthem EoreA. The propoMlma »lr losses to M the lom tr probobly destroy- thus hrlght this Tw't. aewmtnt. fjctorlaus American horsetndtoi u slnnsa from Ooeur ^ t B « Oisnew 1 ^ " prop®* flihtOT returned •*^*'1 »lU>d ^ ■ tw nom the fierce sir W«i Ihs com ^Tfbt North Soremn T7. k; wlthd ■ '■ n m d . btyoneUwleldlDC contested ‘1: ■ tfm troops cured out cmtral Iroi yards tnd tanks allied troopi ■bnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody I^Biitabbom communist re« and.ot S l Ite («tes ot tho podtlo^ S ^ 'h U i were made by : BlJ)oU(las K. Svons. Uttle coos) S ia 0, and Flrst-Ueut. security of S ^ U U o q ; Coeur d’Alene, .^1?e ^■fourth U. fl. fighter In- tJat land i (■Vtog In a flve-mrnuate shpuld remi utratiTe cos H tron »«00 feet olUbsde H clnid deck at 3W feet, ^^BiDbsrcd American' planes o^tcers said H e bruS) v im ^ t ^ a i 'Ro«l Ito jtb escorung photo 'Hn.!nl»'20 MIOs w d a :. . . *• H l i ABstrallao air force .■ \o a Ser' In ” lr ^■Ui.iSaTtd out ol TUiBt- \Y i Hthe.enuny threw 155 ^■(cobat «hlch,'-added to las VEO ^ B io lU Ilrcnath to 245. cau«d_tho. M knj>lane«-tn combat.- flat testln* ^ ------------- The AEC ■llForce . SM _ Itui aircraft ■epai-edto ■•T-—*-Vk Today's t- ■ s e A-Bomb" won. Oct. 20 Iff) - a I*®' a naval force-In Its carriers evl- to launch atomle pouJ™,« « tiU help hold the ^o partlclpa » ^ f^ p e - s defenses » » ,o t Uie^rowul* »le » ^gU »»ejt«m European ^P^rsedoutofanews ■^^^SccreW ryof back from an »P«'« st Uie Medlter- . . W<«nipeimmmtar7 scene. ^ slmliai |> r ^ X iS Sfift-'iirA- “ If oi tne Inugratod Into. “ »ur«. CAIRO. C unftnned vhat had later 8aiah s^rcnt In recent wUl Pot co h u been a proposal ih^ ‘"crease In defense pac »<‘ld It now remain In 1 B u *''** '^0 sh ip s o f Ha told s H , ^ Ko the toui was la "prepare that would ----- ---------------------- —; ___ Eeypi «■»' RaU Ueal recogr better salahen sn itudMiL. • V ^ . . . treaUes In' ^ . ‘‘."M najataat. ’T tobew . • - . ed Stttes i oX right am ___ ^ A RegloMl NewBPfli s E nd; ids^fof ' Parallel ill j.PJ—Horsetradlnjr com- their lons-standlnff de- )araUel-and proposed an " north of i t -^^^0 led officers, would force' “iron triangle,” “hcort^ sitlons. In return, com- lightly contested terri- end of the battlefront: :h sides, however, would ^in “admiiiiBtrativo con- of territory they ^ve up ’ the cQi^munlBt plan. sh this term was explain- ras taken to mean the facatod Rould becos\a buffer lones. negotiators Informed the ' ., mlsu ImmedUtely theJr p r^ ,Tr*«UBf po, 'as "cotDpletely unaccsDtable" dctUi s the (unested Una failed to -------------------- »^t«,-p«,u«u0n-xar..l- p ^ ^ Chaab ijLlIl] ' sald-.utcr, howcrer, the ........................ al marked a aharp jirlng from T l rmer communUt ^nd IH 1* >rightened the outlook of a X X lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast. The aecor roposed by the u. N. yes- Scott,, atten ^ong tho present batUefront station, iJjT lor a te»dB of 300 square the cash reir : on the -western end and an the Rian whi withdrawal oa the «ast end. day, althouf W«Jd LoM aidgea --------------------- communist plan calls for _ « ^ withdrawal up to a.ma»lmiim of~15 miles In the bitterly -UWC? O 1 ted “Iron triangle-area’CX tha - . , .. I front. It also would (orce troops to abandon heartbreak liV ^dlt loody ridges, the punchbowl _ _ M «^.^Uri»In,po«.nt gjgjjg S i llS ffi scS ' m SS rS^7^ communist* also proposed ' and g lm up by both aides ^ remain under the "adnijn- , » contrer of tho parUea glr- . J up. They did not describe hbw ontrols would operate. U. N. s said the oontrola.eould work * -detriment" rather than -an . .... Home new*‘;i ^ - - ho minka the d Weather . * *• - 1 publican homli jw a in iilocks P » m ' 1. T a f t btcki Upmic Tests VEQAS, Wev.. Oct. 38 (0.nr- orable weather condlUofti ? ® T C ^ h .- u IJhlJltamlc-cncrgy-eommU- ^ ^ 0 cancel, a scheduled atomlo Ion today a» the Prenohman's ®1S ^30 S S S .U ,. ,.,u ..r.- s adminlstraUon at 8:40 am that all resUlctlons on clvU- , ,n»e 1 ^ 3 rcraft within a IM-mlle ta- , ^ i r t e d '^ fl4U V egasi^ been lifted. craOw Inw Air Drop Slated nrlmsn' In Ihi iiy.'s teat waa:beIieved to.have to (Kfeat-S^r «hcduled as'an airdrop of an wi4~'H6"beUe\ : weapon, possibly a compact system nntl U: bomb BclenUsta u « believed vote la tl^elr v developing. man said. . A£C spokesman satd no 4. Tom Colt 1 troops bad been scheduled Tnft'i cnmpaig tlclpate. reponers he d< !w minutes beforo the air re- bo represented m was Ulted, a red«UHed B- consin ptlmw: xrfortress «'as observed flying conttnta pub)l( M Vegas in the dlrecUon of dlda(«. aerque, N. M.. and KlrUand ---------- home base of the air force A TT,.nfA I weapons command. O IlU lllc BVmllar Belup T>„ CJU, bnllar B-39 was se^n flying DY O ll( Uie A-bomb teatlng ground o .f i 7ednesday. when a full-scale SaietV S ’. S K i ” ' PWAXELli n.t .rt. M AEO K101U.U « I OK U,. lo t lor op.»Uo™i reathe” ^diUDna permit, tho S"® ““ "" “ “• ^ » w morning. bond.J. C. Go (T)tian Premier E S I ! itly Rejects Bid to Defense Pftct ^™n°Bnow°b RO Oct. se (ff>—Foreign Mln- rode A horse i el Din said today Egypt Road crews w ot consider a western power went to the r lal lhat the Join a middle east manwed to pi rpactM long as the British one mick. o ^ In Egypt and the Sudan. left behind. At lold a news confercnce Egypt todoy to brUi) toared lo consider anythin* bites »nd oUiei rould lead BriUsh troops from * and tho Sudan and the prac- —_ r^SwnlUon of their unlty.-r Plj in f Din had harsh words for ^ 1' Br power the west has propM- Sporp a nartner wli>> Egypt'in the IJC»lt, » east command—France. BOISE. Oct. iM ^ e saw "hM pracUcaUy fore® 6 B -n t« une ImperialUlIe amblUon as Chord field, 1 m e impeoB ih el Din again denied reports for Wo Callfo ^ted SUt^i«<ll«Uon l«X ^ y .,9 .EmraUan dl5pnte -which arose nigsta countrj ^£hen abfogattd her Capt. C . P. V a involving the- Sues canal mission comtns IB Sudan S uid America seems to-regard trol pilot Tepoi Uiglo-Egyptlan dispute from string of m alt ^ a le Mpect-the aspect of ally to.hlm anc ^ ? T ^ mUuus foT.- w H ^ W rt-m -w TT« ^ d ed Therefore It Is ot Deidwood r l^wndJrtatthattheOnlt- The^mla^g a^^U retards Uie principles Jt and justice.* O* Albertaon, p ;TW iiJ Trade Positioi juJfif-yjU nUUat poalUons tn BogUab pnblle U^e toda] otJ eletUoa were Winston Chcrchlll. left, and unman Seizes From Service he second armed robbery here , in th it 1:60 a.m. Friday when a small gunt ^t,. att^dant at Cannon's West Fivi ion, KT Addison avenue west,.obtaii caah register. h'e'bolduii man appeared to be conslde man who held up Virgil Corad, a taxi , although both men apparently work ■—----------------------------- had wavy :e’rDecisron“ feede-a Soon, S ' 1 —, 1 dan and aai senator Ayers su“:.sn iSHIM<}TOHr-.-Oct.-ja_4».'_^ Aftcracceptt wr-Monay.-O., Mont..-sald to- UiB'iocaUon Sen. I>«lght T>. Elsenhower Had moved hls pa: If make up Ws mind fast U he ,Uon away fr s the Republican presidential ing Addison liutlon. to believe th< berwlse, Hurray predicted - tn r e s t r ^ , * K)rt«r,fl»n.Bobert'A.Taft.phJo^ .,Beott.wtnJ walk aw« -wltb the OOP CTs^i M fCnn^ unB. « r t a ^ “ SBBa? iT iS * t^ o to w iS ln.e<utotlatty,«o»porttoe*WH the floor « X as a ondusto fer ihmRe- be (twu ^OttSo2% m « ti ' other political/devlopments: ^ ^ raft bsckira wranled to open ^hec Ual.i»K5{piMt«a here today In ^ feolVWlorA..Oohnston.oncea rrL l& f .fi d V.nan-yet-Irom a Usf ol I 30 being considered to sue- WiUliunM. Boyle. Jr.. reslgntoff Tl'i* ’ t “ •‘‘“a s s 'p 's ™ ” - iSutjU I to Invado the Republican had wme cor 1X7 in,Uiat Btato In an q^tfort :feat-sAirJ08eph-Mc0ttrthy.-RT -lB60-Pord»-ti Tic' believes. In the two-i>arty plasUc sun i m nntl Uie Democrats should the wlndshle in Ihtti cnm primary, Mr. Tru- -her 2T-&e43. tald. . ' A ------- Tom Coleman, a member o f rf T \„ I campaign strategy board, told O rters he doubts Elsenhower can (presented in tho April l Wls- /~i in ptlmwy unless Aho stneral IJTOM ' tnt« publicly to become a can- " ----------- Dive lunters Caught st . y Snows Eeach K iafety at Salmon H M S tOATELLO. Oct. J8 wv-Slx The dead a ttllo big game hunters strand- ^ «on of l ■or wveral days on tho north y jj^ e r. Sal. ot Salmon river have reached daughter of ion Oily jAfcly, a relative of Johnson, Sal of the men was'Informed to- ai. sw ofM r ^ . Salem: Marl Ds« Regan sold her hua- j^d I. J. C. Gordon. Olarenco Berg- Anthony: Wl , Trceman Thomaa,'Leo Wilder terotM r. ai -Charles Burrows had made unimmonU. r<ray from snow-covered moun- •phe lone s I by tnick. , U Richard . xty Dtidsan, also Pocat«Ilo. waa -md i icmber of the hunting party, ’ialem. He n snow blocked their way ho ear after thi a horse so mUes to seek aid. Mrs. Parker 1 crews with heavy equipment chanced by i , lo the rescue but the group the mishap, wed to proceed to safety wllh MUloh Ha truck. Other, CQulpment waa coroner, sali behind. An effort will be made drowning but J to bring out their automo- or knMked \ »nd other equipment.. pact. Tho wi * * * -* in the pond, . MoTlenstn. ivf Plane Joins slSuf» Search for Pair fiheriK*oS?: }ISE. Oct. 39 (UJ!^Another air Hugh McCa i 6B-n ttMtth plane from Mc- _ ^ -jr •d field, Tacoma; Wash., today M om .I' !d tho expanding aerial hunt « 1*0 Callfomlnns, missing since T arm yriday oh' ■ flight- over' tho ..-iCrni a country behUid Boise. jeROMe, - >pt. O. P. HyblKl, air force search was sentence Ion commander, reported a “pos- years In I lead." Be Mid a dvll air pa- Thursday In pilot-reported a man,'leadlng a Judge Bugh g of males, had-.-waved franUo- • Tell previo to him and pointed In the dlrec- ty'of grand leidwood reservoir. ' whisky fron le missing men are J. p. Sned- store. Arrest , Jr., Westwood,. CaUf.', and M. lie Vamado lbertMn,PaemoF!allsade8,'Calir. guUtjir to tba . ' V • ' . - ^ * •v\V \t////V ' :TWm F ALIA ID AHO, FRIDAY, ( sitlons — ic i ^ 1 '- 1 LON led his electio; Churc) more tht size of tl V fm lew dutl f l f I slender-] AtUee’s The r< lenting i \ Ufe today as the result o t socialist 11. left, and Clement AtUea. emment _ i enterpria zes $181 ; cardS j * ' servativi ice Station At. TCIny , ere . in three days occurred Churchui’ mall gunman held up Victor ' V^est Five Polnta Mobllgaa S ictmS obtaining. $181.65 from . >6 considerably smaller than la^^ ra d, a taxi driver, early Tues- itly worked alone and each jx>th lead id wavy brown hair. The pouiital AJi-HhO-robbcd-CozBd. took is cab but abandoned it in gjumped I le city. limousine, ScoU told officers the holdup man Only 100 ^ W6 \ip In in oW model, daik ae- AtUte, v Ul and aaked for live gallons of ■ .. f ■■ IS. Uo remained la the ear whUe -n x tt went 'Inside to make change. K( tter accepUnr^he change he asked ' iB'iocaUon"of-tho-*««room_He nved hls par.to the west of the ata- on away from the pum ^ and fao- ig Addison avenue. leadln«*Scott beUeve the man was Bplng to the : IStrOOQ, -*r - fTl»nt >ji Beol».wtof'Inside the atatlta and »tMB,aP»o Irulde, poln^.a.;*- n iM K ^ tt 'and orderlnr’UnvM jwiSifiliiill |.i d^ter aodJay4tefti "odUfi-ls ^ W m la u ttik TU-a.tracks tadl-i to OfXtoew' l|UeTci.«cott remained oa le floor alout etghl minuted. He date* pc lid he (thought tbfr gunman might iq mo sve bad'ah accomplice hiding in ilround' te dark iq caae he got up. A poUce deposit, ir was a short distance from tho ni*ta avi aUoD when.tho call waa received «aeh. O' Jt the bandit's car waa not lo- _S40 vote Ited. The e The gunman waa destrlbed as be- only a 1 fecn 38 and 30, flvo feet, three ofjhpj cherln'belght,-welehlng between ~ 16 and HO -paunds. Ha lias dotlt «■ w n , long wavy hair which was eU kept, a thin lace and wore a Si?n ,n and white-checkered, waist- ngUi JackArwlth dark trousm . Officers believe tbe Uicft of a car . BuW during the night may have id some connecUona with the hold- „„x, 5. The Stolen car Is'deicrlbctLas a t, 160-Pon^-tuaor; 'wiUi-lIgTit green wou' asUc sun visors on tho Inside of le wlndshleld. It has license num- -“ ‘S m S _ n w -rZ 7” when, a t ) Drowned as ^ _ i_ campaign, Crowded Auto widt_^ Dives in Pond E £ “ ST. ANTHONY. Oct. 36 MV-Plvo •emont and Madison county youths Ivlng home from a date bolted off «® ther e YeUowstona highway south of ^‘‘vor of 1 ire early this momlng into a pond ®°y lero aU drowned.' hls forme: The dead ore daren f ^ d iHiUmer. Rumora L , aon ol Mr.-and Mrs. premont ^ illmer, Salem; Carol Johnson. 18, tloneerina lughter of Mr. and Mra. Darrel .. *tUeo r ihnson. Salem; Sgt.'Howard Bohl, 1*** . son of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Bohl, poslUon 1 tiem: Marie Clark, 18. daughter pa.H sU j Mr. and Mrs. Tooles Clark. St. ^ nthony; Wilma Carver, 18. daugh- ree r ot Mr. aod Mra-Robert-Corver, <c««ii rummonU. i The lone survivor of the tragedy SorSi^,' Chur xlem. He was hauled from the Hp^v ] ir after the accident, by Mr. and ^ >8. Parker Oray, Rexburg. who r ’k rt lanced by about 10 minutes after MUloh Hansen, Premont county winSon' ironer, said the nve. died from ^SutS,, rownlng but probably.were stunned thSks^ kPMked vnconsclous by the Im- era for u wt^Tho wato was four Xeet d^p gpeaklt MoTlcMtn. In a 81. Anthony, hos- of* Ul fof trcatment-ot-shock-ond a warm fri Ightly Injured left hand, recon- "Thls'l ructed the story of tba trogedy for have add leriff Ouy HUl ^ad Deputy Sheriff cony. Yo ugh McCarrel, Fremont county, ful supp< higher pl to Gets 15-Year talSS.'S Term for Larceny- 6ars in the su te -j>ealtentlary S hursday In dUtrict coort bera by idge Hugh A. Baker, - * Tell previously had p J ^ e d guli'- of grand lyceny in eonpccuoa: tUi Uie tJitii ol*nlm fifths pf ^ finds hlsky from the HM lton- liquor ^ S im ore. Arrested with Tin was Ter- wm foUm e Vamado who haa pleaded not outcoma < lUtjr to tbs charge. - muc6^^ Nl. IDAY, o C T ois^ ze.'iw i ChurcMU Hard-Fc ButM? LONDON, Oct. 26 (AP) - ;d his Conservative party to ilection. ■ But it left the torie Churchill, just turning 77, was aaaur lore than 813 seats, in the house of < ize of the conservative majority will t CW outlying districts report next wee lendermargin—leavininwBBibljrSOO- ittlee's .Labor party. This is not niuch largin previously held by Attlee. . The result brought to a climax 6bc ; mting struggle by political warrior C oclallst,doctrines of the Labor party, mment control over much of Britain’s nterprise. « Returns from 617 ol the g-t% 25 districts gave..the con- LsiOS efvatives- and allies 817 —_ ' cats, labor 293, Mberala five _IJ, | nd others two. Kin* Oeorge VI summoned ' ___ iC ■tiurchUl'to'~BucUnghaffl palace to - Ol Ight to ask blm to form a n o w _______ ovemmenL Ohurchlll azrlved aooa WABHI ftcr AtUee departed. B. official Atttoe SealgBa eonservaU AtUee called oa tho Un» to hand ShSd'^b 1 his ralgnaUon ending six year* ? nd two months as Britain’s social- m ,;,. It premier. The aUlng king saw ^ oth leaders penonally, his flrat , S lo n ^^ S ^bee was- a“loiitar7 figure. lumped back" In the « a t ol.bla ImousUse, as he drove to tha palace. >nly 100 or so people looked on aa ktUte, ^TOsmUln g and lookin* --------------------n to wait f Reds Beaten Ka” » lONDON, Oct. 38 HV-Brltlsh Ing with -vDt8rv-gaT»Hhe-«ommuntsta.th«' BUUn.- blggpst thrwailng of thelr^poUU-- - Mr. -Tr cal career la the genenl elec- regard foi tlons. V ’: dent Is - Only io. reds stood for.parUa-- statement m ent Nooe of them came>vlthla n abroad mllea or tba.-Wtmilnc post. AU pouUl con forfaUad tha'<lH (MM>-depoaltr ^omnt candidates have tojiost.The pdUe Is lo8t;if tfie cdbiastaic- ^U kw faUs to win ooa-elghth'of'tSfr, woold t* popular T O t/tt bis area. ' ' Mr. Tt In UU . loreommuoUt eaall-'w tO i.- Stal date* poUo(l.«l,81B votes. . daiii.'Oer . In most oonstltoencles i t takes out ot 60 around' 8,000 TOt« to save tbe - deposit.. Yesterday the commu- nlsts averaged around 3,000 votes I I a w each. OrerilL they got only 31,- _M0 votes. - A.’^ Tha ovctaQ comaiinlst vote Is ;/K*|9i only a fractloo. of one per cent . ' piJhp_E(iimlKJTotfl.-------------- ^ ~T^ trolght ahead of him, left 10 Down- ng street, his official residence, to ,tep Into his car. AnoUier hand- ably wlU ul wos on hand aa he left the lalace and ChurchlH arrived, smll- w Ctet;U.t.L»4 gjg?" w ith . UlO conservaUves back In S S t >3 «ntrol.-ir-wEa-eertaln-th*t-Chur-- :hlll would be chosen by them to n,om on - esume the poet o f prime minister. The se! 3e held the offlee throughout World of ihe As var n and lost-In August, 1B48, whoae tx vhen. a socialist tidal wave swept worldl i Ils government out of office.’ here tbls He told BrtUsh-Toters, dtfflng the ths aeni Ampalgn, thnt putUng an end to commltte he eold war with the communiat j vorld Is "the last prlxe i seek to j. vin." This effort, and Uie modlflca- Ion of soclalbt strictures en busi- less and Industry, undoubtedly will »gage his attentions Immediately. wWch wi Eden Nest , i»M" He then may step out of offlee in The '« avor of his closest associate, Anth- ^as an i .ny Eden, who Is reported slated for E9g«5^ ils former post of foreign sccreUry. 000.000,00 lumora to that effect were current «veral_ n lAndon oven before Ihe eJee- w«ep<|a J ioneering began. AtUee now becomes the leader of In a r 'hla majesty's loyal opposlUon. a was. aske joslUon held by ChurehUl for tho convert i ia-H sU y w s , - ------ Into.tact All tha principal labor leadera W sere reelected, even Uwugh the opvioi _-<CU..W «. Pw s. 0.1.«-s> ------ ^ y *' * * . * . He reh Churchill Returns &'“l To D istrict,. G ets Cheers of Voters Prot WOODFORD. Oct. M T.«- Wlnston Churchill relumed to. hia 1H( JonsUtuehcy today to . give , hie bo ISK ihanks to the voters and party work- -uSi. sra for tbe consefvaUve victory,. ri,?,. , Speaking.to several hundred peo- Jui 3le grouped In front of the bouae ^ it Bit Jamea tHawkey. ChurchWe warm friend. ChurthUl said; -• •This la the eev«alii- time that 1 ed by thi lave addressed you from tbls bal- mission.. :ony. You have given ma wonder- The P rui support. It „never-reached a bearing Higher pinnacle than.lt did .today, day. . "My dear wife haa come to my aid The r In thu campaign and Mas played a by L. H. vonderful part In our glorii^ his- counsel lory.---------- -------------------------S—— Elmer B ••It Is a great comfort'to me to cixio lesi tlnd that__I have U» wpport ol prolSl ^°aiurehm also fMe to tba yj SJ?.' to "We^wlU^not to w ouga^ u ^ fUids luelf. You have given' rour-support-and-aow t lm PW-y ou~ <lmsiott-i vUl follow with great .attchUon the Ajiaell..S }ut£oma of evente. Tbaidc areu very He mai . . .. ^ eoBpa^ -— Nine-Irrigated Idaho Coonlles tf Aadik 8« AaodaM Fnu bi ill Party FoughtB Idajority l P) — Winston Churchill re irty to victory over the labc e tories far short of the ho] 'as aaaurec'i ot a majority, or -------- juse ol commons. The exact X T Ity will not bo known until a r l A lext week. But it will be a blJr-SOO^eatsno~Clement•R. I wt niuch better than the -thin nax 6 bc years of grim, unre- Invo rarrior Churchill against tbe Twin I Tparty, which imposed gov- llminai Britain’s industry and private Hugh . *, #. ** ' Clou Qo^rTieof ^U. S .;B rit^ j |» | — S e e n ^ Vote WASHINaTON, O et 36 MO-U. B. ofnclaU predicted today that the fSl amservaUvo victory irtU result Ui closer >UnerIcan-Brltlah Uea. high- JaJuJS Ughled by an early White Houso meeUnr, between President Truman and Winston Churchm. ° The Whlto HouM Itself.bad.ho Immedlato comment on ChurchUl'a return to p o w er. _________ —mioraie<n5towsaldrbowever, an InvltaUon is expected to go out to , Churchm soon'ana-a-WhUo'House meeting may be hald In a matter of months. But Prealdent Ttuman Is expected to wait for ChurehUl to make tbe ” r?,J first move on tho tory leader'a cam- ^ polgn proposal Ior; a^blgthreo-maet- ?“ SJ5 lag wltb Soviet Premier Josef “W , B^nn _ Membo - Mr.-Truman has warm peraonal 2 * f ^ regard for ChurehUl. But tbo Presl- 2 ? ? ^ , dent Is on rooort wlU^ .repeated statemenU-tb»t-]Mdo«e.aP»-pl»Bto JP>abroad to Me0t»Ua: - tbat«aU a ^ ^ couMxeme-hete..-.-—— 'wtOi.-StallD; ia July, - 'JSSs daia.^Oermany.- CburchUlihtt'vbtid out oteay^during that eetfer^ nibn Seen m K i^ v ^ n t o fN ew S ___1 ______, ___ ______ — .ea.dri Tactical Bomb CmCAOd. Oct 88 «v-lt prob- S ably wm be.two to three years bo- fore we have taetlcal atomlo weapona flh” f ^4xuBba-for-«a^ lo-batU«. Thlj was-(be interpretation aome SLI IS 5 ^ S ? . » ^ » W S 2 » S : TIiir prove on :A-bomba. _ , The sebator spok« at tbe dinner I .it of the American inaUteite ot Ptajiles whoae memben are holding the ' Q worldl createet pbyslca mpettnc here tbU week. He la chatrmaiTo! BHO Uis aenate-heuitf atomie eaertr tt ttm- eomalttee. - BeaaikOlmBtail The dating of ,tbe oew weapon* Tbum wu atuibuted to MeMabea's r»- three < mark—“our- mea caniwt fight tn two yi ItM with tba new atomlo weapons pnv w^ch win aot exlit untU ISM m gmjty Tlie coalext tor this eUtement } f l ^ was an explanaUoo of McBtahpn’s proposal last month calllns for td.- 000.000.000. annually for the next «¥eral'-year» -to -expand-atomlo weap<|ii production. thSa Ini a news conference, McMahon ????.! was asked whether It U possible to convert our atrateglo (b&) bomba Inio.tacUcal weapons by apUttlng them up Into smaller weapons. The '••Obviously,’'h e replied,--what70U wblle jut. In you-can take out and spUt 4rivln< up.” I -who SI He refused to tw speclflo. Rls re- ing to ply was taken as further conflrmo- Otmat Uon of the' recent tepotta that we uUtd hava aucceeded in making smaller to frl atom bombe. jum. Protests on Rate ^ Increase Studied BOISE. Oct. 38 (Of? — Idaho’s for sei public uUUty eemmlsilon haa under a d y la e m e n t an appUcatlon by class A. railroads operating Intra- J-'U I state to Increase freight rates on ^ rr par 'wlth nationwide hikes authoria- X ed by the InttfsUte commerce com- hev mission.. flant . The POO conducted a day-long they ' bearing bn the. application yester- MaUie day. ■ . nedlai Th* railroads were represented jy U h by L.- H. Anderson, .Pocatalie, Chief temat counsel fpr Onion Paclfle and by •^e Elmer B.- oonm»-of:thfl::jmionTii cUIc legal itaii.” ' - JO.OOO Protest, against the proposed naUoh freight hike aa it appUe* to sugar tloa.", beets," Ume rock^'and* molasses were verbal made by E. U Plscher, Ogden, traf- tors. : iio manager for 'Amalgamated Bom Bngar-touipauy, H. A. B eaet,-iwig pEJTi Palls, manager of -the Twla Palls and j <lWsiott•o^AmnlBama^*a:aanE:w: pw i AjiKll..Saltl4Uca City, general traf- Sttbo fie 'manager. TTtah-ldoho Sugar Samp EKh ED • ’ f 'onlles ------ -------------1 " ........ •- Aadik B u m «( OtetaUUn wd Pt»m m4 OalMd ‘T tm ty Gaptu y Is Not < bill returned to, power in Bi e labor government in a dei he hoped for house of c'omm( Hearing Ordei ^anslaughte Involuntary manslaughter charges i Twin FaUs, were remanded to Jerome llminary hearing Thursday alterho Hugh A. Baker. . ........... ....... ' Clough waa driver of the car In wl goechea» also Twi^i Falls, waa injured ty. She died-several days later in-] hospital. A motion by Clough’s atton tion waa granted by the court * : ------ iftetClough stated.he did not oL- underatSi'd--legal—T> ro<^urB when ho waived prellmioary bear< Clough la charged wltb driving U l negligently, on the left aide of the road and under tbe Innuence of In- ' |J tdxlcatlng Uquof at tha time hli X car sldeswlped a truck sU mUes northwest of Eden. . He U free on 11,000 ball and no date has-beea’set for the prellmla- ary hetftng. ' . ' ' Trial ot Mrs. UUlan Dottier, Bur- ley, on an appeal-from a eonvlctte in probate court on a charge of-ran- * ning through a stop-slgn, began PW- day momlng in dlstrlet court here ^ before Judgo’Hugh A. Baker^.._^ A slx-mon'Jury te-bear-tba-eeee .tothtt .was picked Pifldarmomlng and tea-' > tlmony w u token PMday afternoon. >eany-'< Membcra of the Jury are Trutaan WBWt1>n-- -T .lnfni>4 Mafiwlny .VUrg, IS Intl ' prank Coffey, I t a . violet Seeds, «<lded; ; Pred Uoyd and B a r r ie Powen, Jr. ' Aim [ j^ u l W em w ^.^toB te-t Mer.-:la ; irtSi':£e wtatfMmia SS ‘ MbeairaSvMd'ae.ftUtitr'datKTwln tfg j] : nUspoUceiooortTMordaahowWer-. , ^ , 1 TTI* was cCTivlrtwi fFT dP'^*^''"' ****” - ytidte. lag Jan. ao.lO40,.aod wat lined »100 . 8oh< oQsta l a to losing, his claty - Ueense for one year. i ; •' - . Adultf .-frosecUtlng-.Attmney . Uax--^', ' (o Uoyd said Priday charges of'dnmk- . .en. dtivlng-aeeoad,,'j ffanse.'-eaBaot VFT- , be fUed against Wemer becauie tbe .W j ' coavlcUon was under-cLty otdlnaooe . •nd not under fltate law. . , n A Twln-Palls woman zeported-'at J; : 3:10 p.m. Thuaday. tbat a, blgb ! ach^boy was driving in a xeeklees t , manner In tbe 'vlelnity of the high B>'» w iwr t w ^Uoense I number. . . ... BU] : TKifee Rusfleira in" : Lincoln Placed on I 2-Year Probation K t BBOSaoW. Oct. 30 —.ftuowlog get oi f testimony ty -UdeU BoUnsQn, Thi Conner and Boy Hardy before Dls- Patch trtct Judge Doran H. B u ti^ bare York a Tbursday, Judge Sutphen placed the eomp • three on probation for a period of resen 1 two yeara.' • lerml Previously'the three bad pleaded maklj r guilty to cbargea at a^empted grand Unite . laro(^ tn connection* with the are ( t kUUng ot a eow b e l o n g to Brown the p • and wmiarns. Richfield. Uble T Tho three' men testified to an Esph „afternoon and. evening ot.drloklng Petcb " with a friend Ui Shoehone and that Pet thexw was no Intentito kill tbe cow. “from . They said the Incident arose from a the i, '' bet between Conner and Hardy that promi a Conqer could ride one of Brown and recog ? 'WUUams* buD, . •. . . as an Tha covi waa.ahot, they tesUfled, for t u while H aW and Robinson were holds it driving-^the cattle-toward-Conner- mand •who sold be was afraid be was go- way t - ing to be run down by the herd. ed. - Conner aald he didn’t know he had ' He e kUltd a cow and that he fired only Malni ^ to frighten the cattle away from aot I him. pout . In placing them on probation Price Judge Sutphen warned them that resort 1 . if they were Involved In any kind of those trouble during the two years they would be brought back before him 's for sentencing. - Docknten Threaten i To Spread Strike ss, >- NEW YORK. O ct 3® auo-D«- flant APL dockbands vowed today S they would cloae every port from ^ MaUie to Virginia and invlled Ca- nadian' stevedores to make the cost- **) d ly 13-dsy-old'wildcat-strike an In- >f temaUonal issue. . . .... ' . woi ^ I *^ 0 wlU ^11 0U& every norts -Sits - i5HiiZ<aana>-S*mpeon.-leadei~of i« tl JO.OOO ^ebel memBwt otAtbe Inter- ***« d national Longahoremen'a assocla- ^ X tloa. "Said last -nlgbt following, a « verbal Joust 'with federal concilia- ^ - tora. : did' d Sampson predlet»«t fh«t __3 ff pKJaaSr'iEttnlw. Uke Mew Ymk i« »^-JBoatQn.-would becoma-ghost t : porta before nightfall and that other !? * t- ^boia ^ Portland.. Oie» to IX Hampton Roada, -Vt, would oloae ,• ^ .. down t o m o r r o w . v . Vi.i^ -- r Fl ■■ I ___Z j Shai IZZ EDITION ^ . . .r a iG E K CSESNl laptuife^ ish Vote, Not^ea to, power in B r it^ today, mment in a desperately foui house of commons strength.. Lg Ordered on Saughtei^®^ ft^slaughter charges agaiiirtia^'Clougl remanded to Jerome pfrobst«''court for g Thursday, afternoon ~by l)iBtrict J iver of tte car In which Mrs; iWothy' Ifl Falls, was Injured O ct 14 in Jerome < teral days later in- Magic Vall^ Mra on by Clough’s attorney fto void the info ; by the court * : ---------- 1"~~. ; .— —“ ted.he did not ai-DrocrfuTB ^tateJueetiiij ■eUminary bear< I T j - ’' >d wltb driving Of-■p6lSy''IJlj loft aide of tho _ - • ■% Pr^ed® rtKXC or^mopwmmn ». ««btal.lia»r t Itrlct court bare endonea tba program te A. Baker^. . U*b a cerebral paliy traming i«-bear~tb&.cMa P this atate. where ebUdrea' aod^ea-" tralned.'-aad.^treKtgilir-toikai Wday afternoon, aonyot.lhelrnuawna i i w a U7 are Trutnan Ksldaot Interested in e n b n adiedf^**^'^'*^ ''**5 rrlsoB Powen, Jr. AnncoPM BtotoTttfimei^ roBte'l 2nBr.'.ia rse wtatfMiiiia kU titr'datKTw ln SBWjBEfiSfflKdBw nqrdaabow Wer- S S a S lS o o . Sfthfw^m hei^»tte Ie Ion to iQslng.hls claty - torO rtpplad ObUdn r. Adultf, dlreota the. lowa sta . Prices G iy " T b S p i i a :3 . . BURLEY,. O ot M —Men ^JocaL-teinebiotrtbeTa iflersm .. ifg ’Iaced,on_ SStSjrJSp'TW Probation t 8« — JoUowlng get out ot band. 11 Boblnson, Max This wamUig' came*: Iti lardy before Dls- Petcbesky. counsel tor ti H. Butpben bare '7ork trult and.'vegeUble b utphea placed the company, who, wltk two ot Xtor a period of resenuuva trom the ] lerminsl market. New : hree bad pleaded making’ a good-wUl (our r exempted grand United Btatea.! Ttie otber t action- with tbe are Oeorge M. Pope, repi aeta^ to Brown .thop^andMooerefrulta :bfleld. ' Uble broKerage company.' a testified to an Kaplan, representing the ming ot.drloklng Petcbeskr-and-sons.— hoehone and that Petcheaky told the gm\ itito kill tbe cow. “from the standpoint of an i [lent arose ffom a the Idaho potato, which Id O’ and Hardy that 'promoted and advertised as one of Brown and recognised by I h a ' ^ t e m • • • ' an-extra spiwlal potato, ei *t, they tesUfted, for baking pnrposea." 'Ho I Robinson were holds a place all its own ai ». toward-Conner- mands-sHjetter price beeiaa ifrald be was go- way In which It is graded az wn by tho herd. ed. In’t know he had ' He reminded shippers tbi hat he fired only Maine u d Long lu i^ .p o t »ttle ’away from aot bako as' sattsfoctory a poUtoes, they do boko anc m on probation Price goes too high, cdmpetl amed them that resort to eastern spuds ta ed In any kind of those' Irom Zdab& e two years they . back before him mo K TIEUr END! . MBW YORK, O ct *6- C f"**" started roUlngv-kgil ihreaten ad^SW ^ nds vowed today ....... - , Breather to make the cost- "You’ve been laltlat cat-strike an In- what's to come U te,* smU . - ....... w o a t h e r m a n . •Wow I put-eBiy-BortJ J?paUifr Tnr tha nett' fw npeon.-leadei~of -yatU-a-new storm.coflgg era OtAtbe Inter- -Jng In.’!:. . remen'i assocla- . He aounded a Uttle too ight following, a ftU to tbe AP-reporter, to f e d ^ concilia- fh»t “BiUd ■***■ rt. ilkii Mew .Ymk ."Mg^ia.t^eajk a ^.^ iSlaSdtoatoSr abtfnil irtlaxuL. Oie». to V t, would oloaa

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Page 1: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

E ^ u l l e t i n -

» t tb « tsTlUUea \m t***” "** *'‘ ~T‘- —

^ K i ^ I u T W eUodw d Tletorr • '“ ■

■ ~

^ ^ u n is t sI p D e i^ iic U e on Pi

Korea.-Oct 26 (U.R)_ H ^ t ia to r s abandoned today the; ^ R j jfu c e lino_pn Jhfr SSth.porai:

line about 10. miles nort} ^ ^ g ^ m p t ly rejected by allied o

troops to yield the “iroi other hard-won positioi

^E ^ered to withdraw from Ilgh tbe 88th a t the western end * - * * B o^h oil

H - A i a. maintain'Hie Com bat trorofteI K . , _ ■ * . under th<

m t i n u u n g mH T ' O l a m s vould

K r 6 ^ b k i e s coL^uu SSii“8S ’“ * r ^

i K r ^ today in th a _ e^ E a t l r t <U7 violent Blr n ie y s^iS H ^ s o r th e m EoreA. T he propoM lma

»lr losses to M the lo m t rprobobly destroy- thus hrlght

this Tw 't. a e w m tn t .fjctorlaus A m erican horsetnd to i

u slnnsa from O oeur ^ t

B « O isn e w 1 ^ " prop®*

flihtOT returned •*^*'1 »lU>d ^ ■ t w nom the fierce s i r W«i

I h s com^ T f b t N o r t h Soremn T7. k ; wlthd

■ '■ n m d . btyoneUwleldlDC contested ‘ 1:■ t f m troops c u re d ou t c m tra l Iroi

yards t n d tanks allied troopi■ b n k d t ^ e - r u ln s o f S u m - and bloody I^B iitabbom communist re« and.otS l Ite («tes o t tho p o d t lo ^

S ^ ' h U i were m ade by :B l J ) o U ( l a s K. Svons. Uttle coos) S i a 0 , and F lrs t-U eu t. security of S ^ U U o q ; Coeur d’Alene, .^1?e ^ ■ f o u r th U. fl. f igh ter In - t J a t land i(■ V tog In a flve-mrnuate shpuld remi

utratiTe cosH tron »«00 feet olUbsde H c l n i d deck a t 3 W feet,^^BiDbsrcd American' planes o^tcers said

H e bruS) v i m ^ t ^ a i ' R o « l ■ I t o j t b escorung photo 'H n .! n l» '2 0 MIOs w d a : . . . *• H l i ABstrallao a ir force .■ \ o a

S e r ' In ” lr ^■Ui.iSaTtd out ol TUiBt- \ Y i H th e . e n u n y th rew 155 ^ ■ (c o b a t «hlch,'-added to l a s VEO

^ B i o l U Ilrcnath to 245. cau«d_tho. M k n j> l a n e « - t n combat.-

f la t testln*^ ------------- The AEC

■llForce . S M_ Itui aircraft

■ e p a i - e d t o■ • T - — * - V k Today's t-

■ se A-Bomb"■ w o n . Oct. 20 Iff) - a I*® '

a naval fo rce-In Its carriers evl-

to launch atom le pouJ™ ,« « tiU help hold th e ^o partlclpa

» ^ f ^ p e - s defenses

» » , o t Uie^rowul* » l e » ^ g U » » e j t « m European ^ P ^ r s e d o u t o f a n e w s ■ ^ ^ ^ S c c r e W r y o f

back from a n » P « '« s t Uie M edlter- . .

W <«nipeim m m tar7 scene. ^ slmliai|> r ^ X iS S f if t- 'i i rA - “ I f

oi tne Inugra tod

Into.“ »ur«. CAIRO. C

unftnned v h a t h a d la ter 8aiah s ^ r c n t In re c e n t wUl Pot co

h u been a proposal ih ‘"crease In defense pac »<‘ld I t now rem ain In 1

B u *''** ' 0 ships o f Ha told s H , ^ Ko the t o u i w as la "prepare

th a t would----- ----------------------—;___ E eypi «■» '■ R a U Ueal recogr■ b e t t e r s a l a h e n

s n

itudMiL. • V ^ . . . treaUes In'

■ ^ . ‘‘. " M n a j a t a a t . ’Ttobew.• - . ■ ed S t tte s i

oX righ t am

___ A RegloMl NewBPfli

s E n d ;

i d s ^ f o f '

P a r a l l e l i l lj.PJ—Horsetradlnjr com- their lons-standlnff de-

)araUel-and proposed an " north of i t - ^ ^ ^ 0led officers, would force'“iron triangle,” “hcort^ sitlons. In return, com- lightly contested terri- end of the battlefront:

:h sides, however, would ^in “admiiiiBtrativo con- of territory they ^ ve up ’ the cQi^munlBt plan. sh this te rm was explain- ras taken to m ean the facatod Rould becos\a buffer lones.

negotiators Informed the ' • . , m lsu ImmedUtely theJr p r ^ ,Tr*«UBf po, 'a s "cotDpletely unaccsDtable" dctUis the (u n e s te d Una failed to --------------------» ^ t « , - p « , u « u 0 n - x a r . . l - p ^

^ C h a a b ijL lIl]' s a ld - .u tc r , how crer, t h e ........................a l marked a aharp j ir ln g from T lrmer communUt ^nd IH 1 *>rightened the outlook of a X X le n t A period o t Intensiveradln* w u forocast. T h e aecor

roposed by th e u . N . yes- S c o tt , , a tte n ^ o n g tho present batUefront s t a t io n , iJjT lo r a te»dB of 300 square th e c a s h reir

: on the -western end a n d an th e R ia n whiwithdrawal oa th e «ast end. d a y , a l th o u f

W «Jd LoM aidgea ------------ ---------communist p lan calls fo r _ « ^

withdrawal up to a.ma»lm iimof~15 miles In th e b itterly -U W C? O 1

ted “Iron tr ia n g le -a re a ’CX th a - . , .. I front. I t also would (orcetroops to abandon heartb reak l i V ^ d l tloody ridges, th e punchbowl _ _M « ^ . ^ U r i » I n , p o « . n t g j g j j g

S i l l S f f i scS ' m S Sr S ^ 7 ^communist* also proposed '

and g l m up by both aides ^rem ain u n d e r the "adnijn- ,

» c o n tre r of tho parUea g lr- . J up. They did n o t describe hbw ontrols would operate. U . N.s said th e oontrola.eould work * -detrim ent" ra the r th a n -an. . . . . Home new*‘;i^ • - - ho m inka the

d Weather. * *• - 1 publican homli

j w a i n i i l o c k sP » m ' 1. T a f t btcki

U pm ic T es tsVEQAS, Wev.. Oct. 38 (0.nr-

orable w eather condlUofti ? ® T C ^ h . - u IJh lJltam lc-cnc rgy -eom m U - ^ ^0 cancel, a scheduled atomloIon today a» th e Prenohm an's ®1S ^30

“ S S S . U , . ,.,u . . r .-s adminlstraUon a t 8:40 a mth a t all resUlctlons on clvU- , ,n»e 1 ^ 3

rcraft w ithin a IM -mlle ta - , ^ i r t e d ' ^f l4 U V e g a s i^ been lifted. c r a O w Inw

Air Drop Slated nrlm sn ' In Ihiiiy.'s tea t waa:beIieved to .have to (K fe at-S ^ r«hcduled a s 'a n a ird ro p of an wi4~'H6"beUe\: weapon, possibly a com pact system nntl U:bomb BclenUsta u « believed vote la tl^elr vdeveloping. m an said. .A£C spokesman s a t d no 4. Tom Colt

1 troops bad been scheduled Tnft'i cnmpaig tlclpate. reponers he d< !w minutes beforo the a ir re- bo represented m was Ulted, a red«UHed B - consin ptlm w : xrfortress «'as observed flying conttnta pub)l( M Vegas in the dlrecUon of dlda(«.aerque, N. M.. and KlrUand ----------home base of th e a ir force A T T , . n f AI weapons command. O I l U l l l c

BVmllar Belup T > „ C JU ,bnllar B-39 was se^n flying D Y O l l ( Uie A-bomb teatlng ground o . f i 7ednesday. when a full-scale S a i e t VS ’. S K i ” ' P W A X E L li

n . t . r t . M AEO K101U.U «I OK U ,. l o t lo r op .»U o™ i

reathe” ^ d iU D n a permit, tho S"®

“ “ " " “ “ • ^ » w morning. bond .J . C. Go

(T)tian Premier E S I ! itly Rejects Bid to Defense Pftct ™n°Bnow°bRO Oct. se (ff>—Foreign M ln- rode A ho rse i

el Din said today Egypt Road crews wo t consider a western power w ent to th e rlal lh a t th e Join a middle east m anw ed to pir p a c t M long as the British one m ick . o^ In Egypt and the Sudan. le ft behind. Atlold a news confercnce Egypt todoy to brUi)toa red lo consider anythin* bites »nd oUiei rould lead BriUsh troops from *and tho Sudan and the prac- — _

r^SwnlUon of their unlty.-r P l ji n f Din had harsh words fo r ^ 1'Br power the west has propM - S p o r pa nartner wli>> E gypt'in th e I J C » l t ,

» east command—France. BOISE. Oct.iM ^ e saw "hM pracUcaUy fore® 6 B - n t«une ImperialUlIe amblUon as Chord field , 1 m e impeoB

ih el Din again denied reports fo r Wo Callfo^ted S U t^ i« < ll« U o n l « X ^ y . ,9.EmraUan dl5pnte -which arose n ig s ta countrj^ £ h e n abfogattd h e r Capt. C . P . Va involving the- Sues canal mission comtnsIB Sudan • Su id America seems to-regard tro l pilot TepoiUiglo-Egyptlan dispute from string of m a lt^ a l e M pect-the aspect of a lly to.hlm anc^ ? T ^ m U uus foT.- w H ^ W rt-m -w

TT« ^ d e d T herefore I t Is o t Deidwood rl ^ w n d J r t a t t h a t t h e O n l t - T h e^ m la ^ g a ^ ^ U r e ta r d s Uie principlesJt and justice.* O* Albertaon, p

;T W iiJ

Trade Positioi

j u J f i f - y j U

nUUat poalUons tn BogUab pnblle U^e toda] o tJ eletUoa were W inston Chcrchlll. le ft , and

unman Seizes From Service

he second armed robbery here , in th i t 1:60 a.m. Friday when a small gunt t,. a tt^dan t at Cannon's West Fivi

ion, KT Addison avenue west,.obtaii caah register.h'e'bolduii man appeared to be conslde man who held up Virgil Corad, a taxi , although both men apparently work ■— ----------------------------- had wavy

:e’rDecisron“ feede-a Soon, S '1 —, 1 dan and aai

sena to r A y e rs su“:.sniSH IM <}T O H r-.-O ct.-ja_4».'_^ A ftcraccep tt w r-M onay .-O ., M ont..-sald to - UiB'iocaUon Se n . I>«lght T>. Elsenhower Had moved h ls pa: If m ake up Ws mind fa s t U h e ,Uon aw ay f r s th e Republican presiden tia l in g Addison liu tlon . to believe th<berwlse, H u rra y predicted - tn r e s t r ^ , * K )rt«r,fl»n.B obert'A .T aft.phJo^ . ,B e o tt.w tn J w alk a w « -wltb the O O P C T s^ i M f C n n ^

unB. « r t a ^ “ S B B a ? i T i S * t ^ o t o w i Sln .e< u to tlatty ,«o»po rttoe*W H the f loor « X a s a o n d u s t o f e r ih m R e - b e (twu

^ O t t S o 2 % m « t i 'o th e r politica l/dev lopm ents: ^ ^ r a f t bsckira w ra n le d to open ^ hecU al.i»K 5{piM t«a here today In ^feo lV W lorA ..O ohnston .oncea r r L

l & f . f id V .n a n - y e t - I r o m a U s f ol I 30 being considered to sue- W iUliunM. Boyle. Jr.. reslgntoff Tl'i* ’ t

“ •‘‘“a s s 'p 's ™ ” - iS u t jU

I to Invado the R epublican had w m e cor 1X7 in ,U ia t Btato In a n q^tfort:feat-sA irJ08eph-M c0ttrthy.-R T -lB60-Pord»-tiT ic ' believes. In the two-i>arty plasUc sun im nntl Uie Dem ocrats should th e wlndshlein I h t t i cnm prim ary, M r. T ru - -her 2T-&e43.ta ld . . ' A -------Tom Coleman, a m em ber o f r f T \ „I cam paign s tra tegy board, told Orters he doubts Elsenhower can ’(presented in th o April l W ls- /~ iin ptlm w y un less Aho s tn e r a l I J T O M 'tnt« publicly to become a can-

" ----------- Divelunters Caught st.y Snows Eeach Kiafety at Salmon H M StOATELLO. O ct. J8 w v -S lx The dead a ttllo big gam e hun te rs s tra n d - ^ «on of l ■or w veral days on th o no rth y j j ^ e r . Sal. ot Salmon r iv e r have reached daughter of

ion Oily jAfcly, a relative of Johnson, Sal of th e men w as'In form ed to - a i. s w o f M r

— ^ . Salem: MarlD s « R egan sold h e r hua- j^ dI. J. C . Gordon. Olarenco B erg- A nthony: Wl , Trceman T hom aa,'Leo W ilder t e r o t M r . ai -C harles Burr ows h a d m ade unimm onU. r<ray from snow-covered m oun- •phe lone s I by tnick. , U R ichard .xty Dtidsan, a lso Pocat«Ilo. w aa -m d i icmber of th e hun ting p a rty , ’ia lem . He n snow blocked the ir way ho e a r a fte r thi a ho rse so mUes to seek a id . Mrs. Parker

1 crews with heavy equipm ent chanced by i , lo th e rescue b u t th e group th e mishap, wed to proceed to safe ty w llh MUloh Ha truck. O ther, CQulpment waa coroner, sali

behind. An e ffo rt will b e m ade drowning but J to bring o u t the ir au tom o- or knMked \ »nd other equipm ent.. pact. Tho wi

* * * -* in the pond,. MoTlenstn.ivf Plane Joins slSuf»

Search for Pair fiheriK *oS ?:}ISE. Oct. 39 (U J!^A nother a ir H ugh McCa i 6 B - n ttM tth p lane from M c- _ ^ - j r•d field , Tacoma; W ash., today M o m . I '!d t h o expanding aerial h u n t «1*0 Callfom lnns, m issing since T a r myriday oh' ■ flight- ove r' tho . . - i C r n i

a country behUid Boise. je R O M e , - >pt. O . P . HyblKl, a ir force search w as sentenceIon com m ander, reported a “pos- years In Ilead." Be M id a dv ll a ir p a - T hursday In

pilot-reported a m an ,'lead lng a Judge Bughg of males, had-.-waved franU o- • T ell previoto h im and po in ted In th e d lrec- ty 'o f grand

leidwood reservoir. ' whisky fronle m issing m en a re J . p . Sned- store. A rrest , Jr., Westwood,. CaUf.', and M. lie Vam ado lbertM n,Paem oF!allsade8,'C alir. guUtjir to tba

. ' V • ' .

- ‘ ^ * • v \ V \ t / / / / V '


sitlons — i c i

^ 1 '- 1

LON led his electio;

Churc) more th t size of tl

V f m lew dutlf l f I slender-]


The r< lenting i

\ Ufe today a s th e re su l t o t .» socialist 11. le ft, and Clem ent AtUea. em m ent

_ i ■ enterpria

zes $181 ; cardSj * ■ ' servativiice Station At.

TCIny ,ere . in th ree days occurred Churchui’ mall gunman held up V ictor 'V est Five Polnta Mobllgaa S ic t m S

obtaining. $181.65 from .

>6 considerably sm aller th a n l a ^ ^ ra d, a taxi driver, early Tues- itly worked alone and each jx>th lead id wavy brow n h a ir. T he pouiital AJi-HhO-robbcd- CozBd. t ook is cab bu t abandoned i t in gjumped I le city. limousine,ScoU told officers th e ho ldup m an Only 100 W 6 \ip In i n oW m odel, d a ik ae- A tU te, v Ul and aaked fo r live gallons of ■ . . f ■■ IS. Uo rem ained la th e e a r whUe - nx t t w ent 'Inside to m ake change. K (tte r accepU nr^he change h e asked ' iB 'io c aU o n "o f- th o -* « « ro o m _ H e nved h ls pa r.to th e w es t o f th e a ta - on aw ay from th e p u m ^ a n d fao- ig Addison avenue. lead ln«*S cott beUeve th e m an was Bplng to th e ■ :

IStrOOQ, -*r - fTl»nt >jiBeol».w tof'Inside th e a ta t l ta a n d » tM B ,a P » o Irulde, p o l n ^ . a . ; * - n i M K ^ t t 'and o rd e r ln r ’U n v M jw iS if ili ii l l |.i d ^ te r a o d J a y 4 te f t i "odUfi-ls ^ W m l a u t t i k TU -a.tracks tadl-i to

OfXtoew' l|U eTci.«cott rem a ined o a le floor a lo u t e tgh l m inuted. H e date* pc lid h e (thought tbfr gunm an m ig h t i q mo sve b a d 'a h accomplice h id ing in ilround' te da rk iq caae h e go t up . A poUce deposit, ir was a sh o r t d istance from th o ni*ta avi aUoD w h en .th o ca ll w aa received «aeh. O' J t th e ba ndit's c a r waa n o t lo - _S40 vote Ited. T he eT he gunm an waa destrlbed a s be- only a 1 fecn 38 and 30, flvo fee t, th ree o f j h p j c h e r ln 'b e lg h t,-w e le h ln g betw een ~16 and HO -paunds. H a l ia s d o tlt «■w n , long wavy h a ir w hich was eU kept, a th in lace a n d w ore a Si?n ,n and w hite-checkered, w aist- ngUi JackA rw lth d a rk t r o u s m .O fficers believe tb e U icft of a c a r “. BuW during the night may have id some connecUona with the hold- „„x, „ 5. The Stolen car Is'deicrlbctLas a t, 160-Pon^-tuaor; 'wiUi-lIgTit green wou' asUc sun visors on tho Inside of le wlndshleld. It has license num- -“ ‘S m S

_ ™ n “w - r Z 7 ” w hen, a t

) Drowned as^ _ i_ campaign,

Crowded Auto w id t_ ^

Dives in Pond E £ “ST. ANTHONY. Oct. 36 M V -Plvo •emont and M adison county youths Ivlng home from a da te bolted off «® ther e YeUowstona highw ay sou th of ^‘‘vor o f 1 ire early th is m om lng in to a pond ®°y lero aU drowned.' h ls forme:The dead ore d a re n f ^ d iHiUmer. Rum ora L , aon ol M r.-a n d M rs. p rem o n t ^ illmer, Salem ; Carol Johnson . 18, tloneerina lughter of M r. and Mra. D arrel .. * tU eo r ihnson. Salem ; S gt.'H ow ard Bohl, 1***. son of Mr. a n d Mra. Joseph Bohl, poslUon 1 tiem: M arie C lark, 18. da u g h ter p a .H s U j

M r. a n d M rs. Tooles C lark. S t. ^ nthony; W ilm a Carver, 18. daugh- reer o t Mr. aod M ra-R obert-C orver, — <c««ii rummonU. iT he lone survivor of th e tragedy

SorSi ,' Churxlem. H e was hau led from th e Hp^v ]ir a fte r th e acciden t, by Mr. a n d ^>8. P a rker O ray , Rexburg. w ho r ’k r t lanced by abou t 10 m inutes a fte r

MUloh H ansen, P rem on t county w in S o n 'ironer, said th e nve. died from ^ S u t S , ,rownlng b u t probably.w ere s tunned t h S k s ^■ kPMked vnconsclous by th e Im - era fo r u w t^T ho w a t o was fou r Xeet d ^ p gpeak lt

MoTlcMtn. In a 81. A nthony, h o s- of*U l fof trca tm en t-o t-shock -ond a w arm fri Ightly Injured le ft h and , recon- " T h ls 'l ructed th e story of tb a trogedy for have add leriff Ouy HUl ^ a d D eputy Sheriff cony. Yo ugh M cCarrel, F rem on t county, fu l supp<

h ig h er pl

t o Gets 15-Year talSS.'S Term for Larceny-

6ars in the s u t e -j>ealtentlary Shursday In dU trict coo rt be ra by idge H ugh A. B aker, - *Tell previously h a d p J ^ e d guli'-■ of grand ly c e n y in eonpccuoa:tUi Uie t J i t i i o l* n lm f if th s pf ^ finds hlsky from th e H M lto n - liquor ^ S im ore. Arrested w ith T in w as T e r - w m foUm e V am ado w ho haa p leaded no t outcoma < lUtjr to tb s charge. - m u c 6 ^ ^


IDAY, o C T o i s ^ z e . 'iw i


LONDON, Oct. 26 (AP) - ;d his Conservative party to ilection. ■ But it left the torieChurchill, ju s t turning 77, was aaaur

lore th an 813 seats, in th e house of < ize of th e conservative m ajority will t CW outlying districts report next wee len d erm arg in —leavininwBBibljrSOO- ittlee's .Labor party. This is not niuch larg in previously held by A ttlee.. The resu lt brought to a climax 6bc ; m ting struggle by political warrior C oclallst,doctrines of the L abor party , m m ent control over much o f Britain’s nterprise. «

R eturns from 617 ol th e g-t%25 d istricts gave..the con- L s i O S efvatives- and allies 817 — _ ' cats, la b o r 293, Mberala fiv e _ I J , | nd others two.K in* O eorge V I sum m oned '___ i C

■tiurchUl'to'~BucUnghaffl palace to - O lIgh t to a sk blm to form a n o w _______ovemmenL Ohurchlll azrlved aooa WABHI ftc r AtUee departed. B. official

Atttoe SealgBa eonservaUAtUee called o a tho U n» to h a n d S h S d '^ b

1 h is ra lg n aU o n ending six year* ?nd two m onths as Brita in’s social- m ,; , . It prem ier. T he aUlng king sa w ^o th leaders penonally, h is f lr a t ,

S l o n ^ ^ S^ b e e w as- a “l o i i t a r 7 figure. lumped back" In the « a t o l .b l a ImousUse, as h e drove to th a palace.>nly 100 o r so people looked on a a ”ktUte, TOsmUlng a n d lookin*

--------------------n to w ait f

Reds Beaten Ka”»lO N D O N , Oct. 38 H V -B rltlsh Ing with

-vDt8rv-gaT»Hhe-«ommuntsta.th«' BUUn.-blggpst th rw ailng of thelr^poUU-- - M r. -T rc al career l a th e g e n en l elec- regard foitlons. V ’ : den t Is- O nly io. red s stood fo r.p a rU a -- statem entm e n t Nooe of them cam e>vlthla n abroadmllea or tba.-W tmilnc post. AU pouUl conforfaUad th a '< lH (MM>-depoaltr ^ o m n t candidates have to jio s t.T h epdUe Is lo 8 t ; i f tfie cdb iasta ic - ^ U k wfaUs to w in o o a -e lg h th 'o f'tS fr , woold t* popular T O t / t t b is area. ' ' Mr . T t

I n U U . lo reo m m u o U t e a a l l - 'w tO i . - Staldate* poUo(l.«l,81B votes. . daiii.'O er. I n m ost oonstltoencles i t takes ou t o t 60around ' 8,000 TOt« to save tb e - deposit.. Y esterday th e commu-n lsts averaged around 3,000 votes I I a w each. O re rilL they go t only 31,-

_M0 votes. - A.’T h a ovctaQ com aiin lst vote Is ; /K * |9 i

only a fractloo. of one p e r cen t . 'piJhp_E(iim lKJTotfl.-------------- ^ ~ T ^

tro lg h t ahead of him , le ft 10 Down-ng street, h is official residence, to,tep Into h is c ar. AnoUier h a n d - ably wlUu l wos on han d aa he left th elalace and ChurchlH arrived, sm ll- w

C t e t ; U . t .L » 4 g j g ? "w i th . UlO conservaUves back In S S t >3

«n tro l.- ir-w E a-eerta ln -th * t-C h u r-- :hlll would be chosen by them to n ,o m on - esume the poet o f prime m in ister. T he se! 3e held th e offlee throughout W orld of ih e As var n and lo s t-In August, 1B48, whoae tx vhen. a socialist tida l wave sw ept w o rld l i Ils governm ent o u t of office.’ here tb ls

H e told BrtUsh-Toters, dtfflng th e th s aeni Ampalgn, th n t putUng an end to commltte h e eold w ar w ith the com m uniat jvorld Is " the la s t prlxe i seek to j .vin." T h is effort, and Uie modlflca- Ion of soclalb t strictures en busi- less and Industry, undoubtedly will »gage h is a tten tions Immediately. wWch wi

E den N es t , i»M "H e then m ay step ou t of offlee in T h e '«

avor o f h is closest associate, A n th - ^ a s a n i .ny Eden, who Is reported slated fo r E 9 g « 5 ^ ils form er post o f foreign sccreU ry . 000.000,00 lum ora to th a t effec t were c u rren t «veral_ n lA ndon oven before Ih e eJee- w«ep<|a J ioneering began.

AtUee now becomes the leader o f I n a r 'h la m ajesty 's loyal opposlUon. a was. aske joslUon held by ChurehUl for th o convert iia-H sU y w s , - ------ In to .ta c t

All th a principal labor leadera W se re reelected, even Uwugh th e opvioi

_ -< C U ..W « . P w s. 0 .1.« - s > ------ ^ y* ' * * . * . H e re h

Churchill Returns &'“ lTo D i s t r i c t , . G e t s

Cheers of Voters ProtW OODFORD. Oct. M T .« -

W lnston Churchill relum ed to . h ia 1 H (JonsUtuehcy today to . give , h ie b o ISKihanks to th e voters and party w ork- - u S i .sra for tbe consefvaUve victory,. r i , ? , ., Speak ing .to several hundred peo- J u i3le grouped In fro n t o f th e bouae ^ i t Bit Jam ea tH awkey. ChurchW e warm friend. ChurthU l sa id ; -•

•T h is la th e eev«alii- tim e th a t 1 ed by thilave addressed you from tb ls b a l- mission..:ony. You have given ma w onder- T he Prui support. I t „ n ev e r-re ac h ed a bearingHigher pinnacle t h a n . l t d id .today , day. .

"My dear wife haa come t o my a id T h e rIn t h u cam paign and Mas played a by L . H.vonderful p a rt In our g lo r i i^ h is - counsellory.-----------------------------------S—— Elm er B

••It Is a g rea t com fo rt'to m e to cixio lesitlnd tha t__I have U » w p p o rt o l p ro lS l

^ ° a i u r e h m also f M e to tb a y jSJ?.' to

"We^w lU ^not t o w ouga^ u

^ fUids lu e lf . You have given' “ rou r-suppo rt-a n d -aow t lm PW-y ou~ <lmsiott-ivUl follow w ith g rea t .attchUon th e Ajiaell..S}ut£oma of evente. Tbaidc areu ve ry He m ai

. . . . e o B p a ^

- — N ine-Irriga ted Idaho Coonlles

t f Aadik 8« AaodaM F n u bi

ill Party FoughtB IdajoritylP) — W inston Churchill re irty to victory over th e labc e tories fa r short of th e ho]'as aaaurec'i ot a majority, or --------juse ol commons. The exact X T Ity will not bo known until a r l A lext week. But it will be a blJr-SOO^eatsno~Clement•R. • I wt niuch better than the -thin

nax 6bc years of grim, unre- Invorarrior Churchill against tbe Twin IT party, which imposed gov- llminaiBritain’s industry and private Hugh .

* , # . * * ' Clou

Q o ^ r T i e o f ^ U . S . ; B r i t ^ j | » |

— S e e n ^ V oteW ASHINaTON, O e t 36 MO-U.

B. ofnclaU predicted today t h a t the fS l amservaUvo victory irtU resu lt Ui closer >UnerIcan-Brltlah Uea. h igh- J a J u J S Ughled by a n early W hite Houso meeUnr, between Presiden t Trum an and W inston C hurchm . °

The Whlto HouM Itself.bad.ho Immedlato comment on ChurchUl'areturn to p o w e r . _________—m io ra ie< n 5 to w sa ld rb o w ev e r, an InvltaUon is expected to go ou t to , Churchm soo n 'an a -a -W h U o 'H o u se meeting m ay be h a ld In a m a tte r of months.

B u t Prealdent T tu m a n Is expected to w ait fo r ChurehUl to m ake tb e ” r ? , J f irs t move on tho to ry leader'a cam - ^ polgn proposal Ior; a^b lg th reo -m ae t- ? “ SJ5 lag w ltb Soviet P rem ie r Josef “ W , B^ n n _ M embo- Mr.-Truman has warm peraonal 2 * f ^ regard for ChurehUl. But tbo Presl- 2 ? ? ^ , dent Is on rooort wlU .repeated statemenU-tb»t-]Mdo«e.aP»-pl»BtoJP> abroad to M e 0 t» U a: - t b a t « a U a ^ ^ couMxeme-hete..-.-——

'wtOi.-StallD; ia July, - 'JSSsdaia.^Oermany.- C bu rchU lih tt'vb tidout o t e a y ^ d u r i n g th a t e e t f e r ^ n i b n

S e e n m K

i ^ v ^ n t o f N e w S___1 ______, ___ ______ — .ea.dri

T a c tic a l Bom bC m C A O d. O c t 88 « v - l t prob- S

ably w m b e .tw o to th ree years bo- „ fore w e have ta e tlca l atom lo weapona f lh ” f ^ 4xuB ba-for-«a^ lo -batU « .

T h lj w as-(b e in te rp re ta tio n aome

S L I IS 5 ^ S ? .» ^ » W S 2 » S : TIiirprove on :A-bomba. _ ,

The sebator spok« a t tbe dinner I . i t of the American inaUteite o t Ptajileswhoae m emben a re holding the ' Q worldl createet pbyslca mpettnchere tbU week. He la chatrmaiTo! BHOUis aenate-heuitf atomie eae rtr t t t tm- eomalttee. -

• B e a a ik O lm B ta i lThe dating of ,tbe oew weapon* Tbum

w u atuibuted to MeMabea's r»- three <mark—“our- mea caniwt fight tn two yiItM with tba new atomlo weapons p n vw ^ch win a o t exlit untU ISM m gmjty

Tlie coalext tor this eUtement } f l ^ was an explanaUoo of McBtahpn’s proposal last month calllns for td.- 000.000.000. annually for the next «¥eral'-year» -to -expand-atomlo weap<|ii production. thS a

Ini a news conference, M cM ahon ? ?? ? .! was asked w h eth er I t U possible to convert o u r atra teg lo (b&) bomba In io .tacU ca l w eapons by apUttlngthem up In to sm a lle r w eapons. T he

'••Obviously,’' h e rep lied ,--w h a t70U wbllej u t . In you -can ta k e o u t a n d spU t 4rivln<up.” ■ I -who SI

He refused to tw speclflo. R ls re - in g toply w as ta k e n a s fu rth e r conflrm o- OtmatUon of the ' rec en t te p o tta th a t w e u U tdhava aucceeded in m ak ing sm aller to f r latom bombe. • jum .

Protests on Rate ^ Increase Studied

BOISE. O ct. 38 (Of? — Idaho ’s fo r sei public uUUty eem m lsilon h a a under a d y l a e m e n t a n appUcatlon byclass A . ra ilroads o pe ra ting In tra- J - 'U Istate to Increase f re ig h t r a te s on ^ r rpar 'w lth nationw ide hikes au tho ria- Xed by th e I n ttf sU te com m erce com- h evmission.. f la n t .

T he POO conducted a day-long they 'bearing bn the . applica tion yester- MaUieday. ■ . ■ ned lai

T h* ra ilroads w ere represented jy U hby L.- H . A nderson, .Pocatalie, Chief te m a tcounsel fp r O nion Paclfle and by • ^ e Elm er B.- oonm»-of:thfl::jmionTiicUIc legal i ta i i .” ' - JO.OOO

P r o te s t , ag a in s t th e proposed naUohfre igh t hike aa i t appUe* to sugar t l o a . ",beets," Ume rock^'and* molasses were verbalmade by E . U Plscher, O gden, tr a f - to rs . :iio m anager for 'A m a lg a m ated BomBngar-tou ip au y , H . A . B eae t , - i wig pE JT iPalls, m a n ag e r of -the T w la P a lls and j<lWsiott•o^AmnlBama^*a:aanE:w: p w iA jiK ll..Saltl4U ca C ity , genera l t r a f - S t tb ofie 'm anager. TTtah-ldoho S ugar S am p

E K h ED• ’ f

'o n l le s ------ -------------1 " ........ • -

Aadik B u m «( OtetaUUn wd Pt»m m4 OalMd ‘Ttm

ty Gaptu

y Is Not <bill returned to, power in Bi e labor government in a dei he hoped fo r house of c'omm(

Hearing Ordei ^anslaughteInvoluntary manslaughter charges i

Twin FaUs, were remanded to Jerome llminary hearing Thursday alterhoHugh A. Baker. . ........... .......' Clough waa driver of the car In wl

goechea» also Twi^i Falls, waa injured ty. She died-several days later in-] hospital. A motion by Clough’s attontion waa granted by the court *:------iftetClough stated.he did not oL- underatSi'd--legal—T>ro<^urBwhen ho waived prellmioary bear<

Clough la charged wltb driving U l negligently, on the left aide of the — road and under tbe Innuence of In- ' | J tdxlcatlng Uquof a t tha time h li X car sldeswlped a truck sU mUes northwest of Eden.. He U free on 11,000 ball and no date has-beea’set for the prellmla- ary hetftng. ' . ' '

Trial o t Mrs. UUlan Dottier, Bur- ley, on a n appeal-from a eonvlctte in probate court on a charge of-ran- * ning through a stop-slgn, began PW- day momlng in dlstrlet court here ^ before Judgo’Hugh A. B aker^.._^

A slx-mon'Jury te-bear-tba-eeee .to th tt.was picked Pifldarmomlng and tea-'

> tlmony w u token PMday afternoon. >eany-'< Membcra of the Ju ry are TrutaanWBWt1>n---T .lnfni>4 Mafiwlny .VUrg, IS Intl

' prank Coffey, I t a . violet Seeds, «<lded; ; Pred Uoyd and B a r r i e Powen, Jr. ' Aim [ j ^ u l W em w ^.^ to B te -t Mer.-:la

; ir tS i ':£ e w tatfM m ia S S‘ MbeairaSvMd'ae.ftUtitr'datKTwln t f g j ]: nUspoUceiooortTMordaahowWer-. , ^ , 1

TTI* was cCTivlrtwi fFT dP'^*^''"' ****”- ytidte.lag Jan. ao.lO40,.aod wat lined »100 . 8oh<

oQsta la to losing, his claty -Ueense for one year. i ; • ' - . Adultf

■ .-frosecUtlng-.Attmney . U ax--^ ', ' (o Uoyd said Priday charges of'dnmk-

. .en. dtivlng-aeeoad,,'j ffanse.'-eaBaot VFT- , be fUed against Wemer becauie tbe . W j ' coavlcUon was under-cLty otdlnaooe .

•nd not under fltate law. . , nA Twln-Palls woman zeported-'at J ;

: 3:10 p.m . T huaday . tba t a, blgb ! a c h ^ b o y was driving i n a xeeklees t , manner In tbe 'vlelnity of th e high

B>'» w iwrtw ^Uoense I number. . . . . . ■ BU]

: TKifee Rusfleira in": Lincoln Placed on I 2-Year Probation Kt BBOSaoW. Oct. 30 —.ftuowlog get oif testimony ty -UdeU BoUnsQn, Thi

Conner and Boy Hardy before Dls- Patchtrtct Judge Doran H . B u t i ^ bare York

a Tbursday, Judge Sutphen placed the eomp• three on probation for a period of resen 1 two yeara.' • lerml■ Previously'the three bad pleaded maklj r guilty to cbargea a t a^empted grand Unite . la ro (^ tn connection* with the are ( t kUUng o t a eow b e l o n g to Brown the p• and wmiarns. Richfield. Uble T Tho three' men testified to an Esph „ afternoon and. evening ot.drloklng Petcb " with a friend Ui Shoehone and tha t Pet

thexw was no Intentito kill tbe cow. “from. They said the Incident arose from a the i,'' bet between Conner and Hardy that promia Conqer could ride one of Brown and recog? 'WUUams* buD, . • . . . as an

Tha covi waa.ahot, they tesUfled, for tu while H a W and Robinson were holdsit driving-^the cattle-toward-Conner- mand

•who sold be was afraid be was go- way t- ing to be run down by the herd. ed.- Conner aald he didn’t know he had ' He e kUltd a cow and th a t he fired only Malni ^ to frighten the cattle away from aot I

him. p o u t. In placing them on probation Price Judge Sutphen warned them tha t resort

1. if they were Involved In any kind of those trouble during the two years they would be brought back before him

's for sentencing.

- Docknten Threateni To Spread Strike ss,>- NEW YORK. O c t 3® auo-D «-

flant APL dockbands vowed today S they would cloae every port from ^ MaUie to Virginia and invlled Ca­

nadian' stevedores to make the cost- **) d ly 13-dsy-old'wildcat-strike an In- >f temaUonal issue. . . . . . . ' . woi ^ I * 0 wlU ^11 0U& every n o rts -Sits- i5HiiZ<aana>-S*mpeon.-leadei~of i « t l• JO.OOO ^ebel memBwt otAtbe Inter- ***« d national Longahoremen'a assocla- ^ X tloa. "Said last -nlgbt following, a« verbal Joust 'with federal concilia- ^- tora. : did'd Sampson predlet»«t fh«t __3ff p K J a a S r 'iE ttn lw . Uke Mew Ymki« »^-JBoatQn.-would becoma-ghost t: porta before nightfall and th a t other !? * t- ^ b o i a ^ Portland.. Oie» to IX Hampton Roada, -Vt, would oloae ,• .. down t o m o r r o w . v . Vi.i^

- - ■ r F l

■■ I


^ . . ■ . r a i G E K CSESNl

laptuife^ ish Vote, N ot^eato, power in B r i t ^ today, m ment in a desperately foui house of commons strength..

Lg Ordered on Saughtei^®^ft^slaughter charges agaiiirtia^'C lougl remanded to Jerome pfrobst«''court for

g Thursday, afternoon ~by l)iBtrict J

iver of t t e car In which Mrs; iWothy' Ifl Falls, was Injured O ct 14 in Jerome < teral days later in- Magic V all^ M ra on by Clough’s attorney fto void the info; by the court *:---------- 1"~~. ; .— — “ted.he did nota i-D ro c rfu T B ^ t a t e J u e e t i i i j■eUminary bear< I T j - ’'

>d wltb driving Of-■p6lSy''IJlj loft aide of tho _ - • ■%

P r ^ e d ®

rtK X Cor^mopwmmn ». « « b ta l .l i a » r t

Itrlct court bare endonea tba program te A. Baker^. . U*b a cerebral paliy traming

i«-bear~tb&.cMa P this atate. where ebUdrea' aod^ea-" tralned.'-aad.^treKtgilir-toikai

Wday afternoon, ao n y o t.lhelrnuawna i i w a U7 are Trutnan Ksldaot Interested in e n b n

adiedf ** ' '* ''**5rrlsoB Powen, Jr. AnncoPM B to toTttfimei^ roB te 'l 2nBr.'.ia

r s e w tatfM iiiiakUtitr'datKTwln SB W jBEfiSfflK dBw nqrdaabow Wer-

S S a S l S o o . S f th fw ^ m h e i^ » t te Ie Ion to iQslng.hls claty - to rO rtpp lad ObUdn r. Adultf, dlreota the. lowa sta

. P r i c e s G i y

" T b S p i i a :3. . BURLEY,. O ot M —Men

^JocaL-teinebiotrtbeTai f l e r s m . . i f g

’Iaced,on_ SStSjrJSp'TW Probationt 8« — JoUowlng get out o t band.11 Boblnson, Max This wamUig' came*: Itilardy before Dls- Petcbesky. counsel to r ti H . Butpben bare '7ork tru lt and.'vegeUble b

utphea placed the company, who, wltk two otX tor a period of resenuuva trom the ]

lerminsl market. New : hree bad pleaded making’ a good-wUl (our r exempted grand United Btatea.! Ttie otber t action- with tbe are Oeorge M. Pope, repi a e t a ^ to Brown .th o p ^ a n d M o o e re fru lta:bfleld. ' Uble broKerage company.' a

testified to an Kaplan, representing the ming ot.drloklng Petcbeskr-and-sons.—hoehone and tha t Petcheaky told the gm\ itito kill tbe cow. “from the standpoint of an i [lent arose ffom a the Idaho potato, which IdO’ and Hardy that 'promoted and advertised asone of Brown and recognised by I h a '^ t e m• • • ' • “ an-extra spiwlal potato, ei

*t, they tesUfted, for baking pnrposea." 'HoI Robinson were holds a place all its own ai ». toward-Conner- mands-sHjetter price beeiaaifrald be was go- way In which It is graded azwn by tho herd. ed.In’t know he had ' He reminded shippers tbih a t he fired only Maine u d Long l u i ^ . p o t»ttle ’away from aot bako as' sattsfoctory a

poUtoes, they do boko ancm on probation Price goes too high, cdmpetlamed them tha t resort to eastern spuds taed In any kind of those' Irom Zdab&e two years they .back before him • m o K T IEU r END!

■ . MBW YORK, O ct *6- C f"**" started roUlngv-kgilihreaten

a d ^ S W ^nds vowed today ....... - • ,

Breatherto make the cost- "You’ve b e e n laltlatcat-strike an In- what's to come U te ,* smU

. - ....... ■ w o a th e r m a n . •Wow Ip u t-e B iy -B o rtJ J?paUifr Tnr tha ne tt' fwnpeon.-leadei~of -yatU-a-new storm.coflggera OtAtbe Inter- -Jng In.’! : . .remen'i assocla- . He aounded a Uttle tooight following, a ftU to tbe AP-reporter, to f e d ^ concilia-

fh»t “BiUd ■***■rt. ilkii Mew .Ymk ."M g ^ia .t^ea jk a ^ . ^

i S l a S d to a to S r abtfnilirtlaxuL. Oie». to V t, would oloaa

Page 2: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

I M O * T W O

L U seH e a rin g s S et

F o r S p o k an eW ABHINaTON. Oct. 3i lBpe«M

«n*rea»lon*l committee on the 1 « a # of cbemlMJ* In rood P ^ w - ' turn u )d proeeu lns will hold lU ' f l n t h e trln p i In th e P»dflc north- I w t tn Spokano next month.

■ ! r iv e of the seven member* of the bouM “select cozninlttee on um ot chem lM b, pesUcldes *nd lns«U - d d » In *nd w ith respect to food

~ prodticta" w e expecled to h e ir WiU- - - mony tn the g .-B . district court- . . room In Bpokune Nov. 13. •

The committee hiw been worxma for ft jc » r on » report'w hich m»y result In new Iiw s re iu litln s fertil-

• Iters. InsecUclde* and food proces-

**% p. W alt' Horan. R.. Wash,, p ro^ ably wUr be In charue of the

, B potane hearings- H oran-s-«»Wsaid nortliw ejt experU on aerlculture a s d canning should apply to the eommlttee headquarters a t th«

, D aw nport hotel In Spokane- lo sal ; ! time a t th# hearing. The commltteo will also spenfl 1 two days vUlUnE.orchards, farmi- * n d canneries. In the-area . —

: BeeauM of the Increasing ute ol I ayntheUcs and chemicals since thJ

w w . new repilaUons are belni sought to brlns federal laws up U date. No bllli h a re yet been draft­ed. however.

■ '■ Another heaWaf will be-held lrS eattle 'N ov . 17. aft«r which th«

• m u p WlU more to San Pranelsc( u d L cj Anjeles. T he westem tw tl'

I many tt expected to eorer fruJi I p i^ u cU o n primarily.

i Alan E. Coates Is I Honored at RiteE

- •--RIOHFIKLD, Oct. 58 — FuneraMTTlcM for Alan S . Ooates were heli Kt tb a lUchfleld LDS church Wed o tid a y afternoon. Openln* praye

. i w u tlT ea by OurtU Parke and Un ■ o U tu w r w u read by BUhop J.-M ' Raw ioa. Speakers vere P . L. M an : wm. Blaine stake prealdent, ani

. ! CUfford W ard. W alter Stevens o f I fored the .dosing prayer.

' f Ths SlnglnK Uothera san« two ae- ' '— ketlon*._M rt. Kensetb- Johnsa L played ths'prelode-and postlu^

I I I ■ 'PoIIbearerf wbra Dick Johoson I I I Obarlet Slnolalr, Rar9 Prior, New. I l l too-Orawford, Mack Procter an<

H Bobert Urta*. Mdnbba.of tha flow. | l ^ TUIph r n iinH U n T ^a rlM Shider, Mrs. .How. I u d OampbeU tnd U n . Uoyd Lee I ZutcrmeDt was made ta Richfleli I MOMtey with Jt&u WUer dedlcat-

j ra la U m b arI f a r th a eerrlM i w m J. A. Ooatei I Xfr. s a l Mrs. B m GoatM. Me. &ni

i i M rs. Percy Ooates. a ll Kampk: Mi E l -v o d K n .V e m O o a ta a .M r. an d M n Iti— B w l O o ^ Ogden; Mr. and M nI I VMBk-Oo«te*.-B<ntcar City., Wash, t i S an'O oA U *, Pwrt BrAhdenteiu li . Oofttw, Mr. u d M n. Sd L«m

I ' -k ii(r-V r;-^^tt& ..K n. B «m y' Ttxt» I vortb ■ aO ^ .^ « u l.lC r> . WUm I » u a m c t t i .a ]L a o lM : ta d lc r io

I Diroijin TnrkiySListed for Idaho

I 801831. Oot. se (U A -ldaho wenI I m l r a r y to the- national trend th i R TMT, productof 90,000 fewer turk K t n . ' n » oeuntTT as a 'w hole pro t l «ue*d » r«ec rd -fare01n i turice;t t e w[ | R aid M arrill U n lre n ttr of Idah

9 ira s t » eaus* for p la in t. H a laliU th a 0 « m at«te turkey crop of 330,00R bird* would be m o n than enough t■ taka oar* of Idaho 'i needk. Meirl] H i - ta ld CBS-of the m ain reasons for th I f ~ oatbM k was the I w 'o f iTmikJoi- pro Iff duoer from the bualneaa.

- ■ T h e ^ I ^ p i t a t :

-nstttnv h o u n - a t th e Maglo Tai] lay Memorial hospital a re frma4 te 4 and 7 to a p . m.3- . . - ADM ITIEDI I Mrs. E lm er EaUncer. M n . Law A . .renoe K irk. Mrs. WUUam .Bos; ■ I R osad Beer. Bobert DeVries. Mr; VP D ale Carswell. O lenadeen SmlU JR ■ R a lph Bendla. Naomi Dopwm an JU M rs. Ju n e K lrkman. all Tw in PaUi ■ I M rs. Mabel Parks and Rosalie Vri ■n both n ie r . E rnest Brlxly, Eder Bfl Carl* Robertson, Kimberly; Begin IU K irkland. Buhl, and Otla Newr^an f B der, WUklns. Nev.jr:: ' DISMISSED3 O hailea Oaukel and Dick CatrorI bo th Tw in Palis; SaUy Agee. WellI Nev.; Mrs. Clyde Oochnour. BurlejI - - m ad-M n. W alt«r-8t«w art. Buhl;

I W e a th e rif i Pram r p and AP BepecteH M ade V alley -C lm r and oe)d<I.L to n lfh t, fa ir Saturday. W anner Ii ! »f(«niooa. High S a tnnU r 60 t« uHi----- L ow 'S stsidB T 'm oralnx 'aeM tng >CI B a rk y M, Camaa pndrie IB. TwliUl roU a low lost a lgh t St, U a t t a ji

B Utz. Mlu. r„S *

f e ' . !■' S ................. — J* ^

. f s' 1} , , -1

S S ^ « = T = : S K-------- .■■■ S

! -------------------- “ •>i~.“ ' T.JW -. «T ■ l» ,

I I M o n e y t o L o o n^ •Pai m L e a n a - ' —I 2 . • «Cy R e p e a t 'L o a a a 1 * _ * _ a t y Bustnass B ldf. t O u i

X * Mo A p p ra i^ Pe#- X • Ho CommJaslona

L X • Low In tew rt R ataa !

r i J . E^WHITEI; X A o b Im O T| - P t a a M M T

I I Keep the W hite F la f : ^ Ql 8 ftte^ Flytog

ne lieeUH -------I I

oduc- ifll V.Id l u * iW - X lorth*

5f the In

isecU- Itfood

te iti- — if6w ~four~daus'V>itfiout'a ' tr a ff ic d ea tn m o u r U agic

jrlclng Valiev.i may I----------------- ^ ;--------

SSI: Defense Director Warns Jerome of

u'S; Attack by Enemy« fU* JEROM E, Oct. a e - P . L. Lawrence.

Twin PaUs, regional dvU defense 8*^ director, told a group of Jerom e

. county residents Tueaday n igh t, th a t tho country m ust be prepared no t

larm s Hjf.. ^ enemy a tU ck comes bu t . — r -w h e n - an a tU ck comes. He a i -

*vi plained all phases of th e civil d*»* HJ® fense program and asked clUiens to

««t behind the pro*ram for I t Uw , ! ;

He explained how panic may be tld In' p reven ted .thnugh :tha .educaU on .of tl the school chUdren. H e advised th a t a t nclsco least ono member of every family tffitu should be well Informed on first aid fru it and fo r everyone to be well Infarm -

ed on the baslo rules o f first aid. He sU t«d that^ In cose o( attack. Jerom e would be expected to take

8 . oure of a t least 4,000 refugees from• 1 the west coast areas. H e stressed l t 6 S preparedness now, n o t a fte r I t ts too

• Also speak ing ' a t ' this meetlngr, w l i which wss ^ l e d by P red Abrams,

Jerom e county dvU defense dl- Fh .h f « e to r . was B. E. L aT uroer, who ^ spoke on sabotage and th e urgency

ofp reparina -now r-N eany -loo -per-- sons, represenUUves from moet

i , every organltaUon In . th e county " attended the ra e e tln g ..„ AsslsUnff Abrams w ith the pro-

g ram was Olbb B ird. assU tont dl- ,(], rac tor; R alph McCauley, Sden. and k f ^ n Ray TUlmore, H atelton.

Persons w U hlnj to assU t.w lth t t e e- KBd p n g ra m are asked to contac t these , flow, m en to sign loyalty pledgei.

^ “ "^flsTirresied5?’*“ BURLXV. Oct. 30 — *rhree » u r -

Jey girls wero picked up In R upert. __ 'niursday and charsed with shopi

t r S T W tlng. Agee of th e glrU a ra U , 1»

r Mr. Probata Judga H enry W . T ucker d U ra. * « re tu rn ed o rer to1 Mra. Cassia county she riff and th a t jT uh • noth ing has been done pendlnc an

to T B s ^ tto n of th a f lrU ' fam nie^

£ | . Magio

'BOKMX— r tm im l aanloaa fo r . . » to a n e t t BaSaay w ia ba ba ld a t 3 p.9 S a turday a t tb a McOoUoob tu*

Id^M i BUBUC7 — Puneral aarvlces for tu rk- RoKoussen wUl ba held a t 1

. p A Monday in th e f l n t ward LDB turkev church In Burley w ith Bishop. O. E.

'Chrlstansen. "Springdale, oftlda tlng . TH.sw B urial wUl be m ade In P leasan t View

- th e ra ny r ^ L & I J h ^•, f ia w ir b o in a from. S a turday untU SSOflW ^ tu n e ra l u g h to _ ■MenUl O LO V ER-Serrlces fo r Mrs. M aiy ror the* ^ laehe^ will be held i t 3:J0 p m . Jb pro- Saturday a t the Clover T rin ity t « .

th e ra n ch t^ch w ith th a Rev. Reuel R . W inklem ann ofddaU ng. Burial ^ be m ade in t ^ Clover.cem e-

o Tfci. TW IN PALLS — P unera l sbrvlees , fo r Mrs. U da Bates D unn wUl bo

held a t 11 .aon. Saturday., a t tha W hite m ortuary chapeL Interm ent will be m ode In Tw in PalU ceme-

Ross,I. M r s . ------------------------------------------------------Sm ith. ' A ■ mm. Save up to IBeglna *

rf ^[ ,t4 ^ r o v s HOUK w ill i^ve youf X ire a te rw in ttr comfort if

{n iu lated w ith J -M R ock; • Wool B a tti. Wan acfan d leaa- r — drafty .lt win a tv ey o u .u p to

4 3Q% OQ fu e l. I a lum m arI l l l " you’ll b e up to 15* «oolar;

». I Anderson L' I Tw in Folia ' ..

M* I

^ E n g U s h Y o t e V ic to ry W o n

B y C h u rc h ill<r,mn P it* On*i - - -

party aa a whole was defeated.AtUee. H erbert M orrison, A neu-

r ln Bevan and a la rs a group of erstwhUe cabinet m ln ls te n and of- (Icen In tho labor g ovem m en t have been re lum ed to th e house. D epend­ing on the e lu of th e f in a l tory majority, th e loboritcs m a y find .th flm aelvea_ln_aD proxlm atfllT _the

o u r -f f aame poslUon as Uielr opponents Magic were unUl pttrllam enl w as d is­

solved.- T h a t U. Uie “w orking m ajority ,", • so vital to a governm ent, wU> be r n r as difficult fo r the tories to m a in -

U ln as It w ai for labor. ^k n f The popular vote gave a n acctffata ' reflection o t th e ah arp deavavea m V BriUsh pubUo opinion over the i C l l l j succeu or failu re of th e g re a t ex- iwrenca. perim ent in socialism, y defense W ith vlrtuaUy aU th e b ip ) ts Jerom e counted. Uie conservatives w ere run -

[ht. th a t nlng behind labor by n e a rly 300,000 ired n o t votes. Late to ta ls showed labo r 13.- nes b u t 601,814: conservaUve, 13JJ6J04 | He ex- llben ls , M44M.

lu ll.* ’! : probably, th* deciding fac-to r U iat th rew thU elecUon to th«

or 16 la conservaUvea was th e abaenca ol Liberal p a rty candidate* In more

may be than 600 of th e naU on's to ta l S3( :aUon .of districts. T he llberalii nu t nnW lOC

th a t a t candidates in th e field.t family — =------------------------------- r ---------------first a id _ - ' l a i r

S”SS: K eports o n Miu i g T o S ta r t o n KlM ? tM ' • ir lea of r e ­

ports on m u n ld pal a f f a ln wUl be broadcast o v e r 'K T P I a t 10 p.m ,

tneeUngr, -Wednesday. I t Is announced by C ltj AbraiM, M anager WlUlam B . BmlUi. H t nse d l- stressed Uie program* wUl g e t dowr er, who to cases In. presen ting th e dty'« urgency plans, problems a n d progres* t<lOO-per-' T w ln“PaUj re*ld«hU.----------------------” p rogram wUI outUne th«

county purposes of th e series, develop opin­ions on th is type of InformaUve pro-

h s p ro - g ram from heads of various organ- ta n t d l- uaU ons and review aubjecta to b< len. and covered in fu tu re p rogram s sched­

uled a t 10. p .m . each .W ednatda} irith th e over K T FI. T he staUon donate* tlm< tet these fo r~ tba,bro*deuts.

P a h id p a tln g irT U ie 'fl rit prograB ■wUl be M n . m n k M cIntyre, L e ^ i

B f l Hyde. O en tr^ Labor council pre*-

I R upert Jaycee prealdent: R. J . Sohwendl-ahop^ m a s , d ty commission chairm an:

re U, 1» ------------------------------------------

Good Driving Is Stressed at Meei

inU es. BURLED, O c t 3S—W ayne Stew, ill/ I a rt. tfrirer'a lleense deputy sheriff

spoka on good <lriTing a t th e K lw a»' y ttdubi^lt^cheonm eeU ngW ednesday

only & of th e persona tak ing thi rtoaa fo r c n m ln a t lo a* so f a r ha* been In- S a t 3 'p . T o lred 'la a n a o d d e h t loch <u- Good driving. w l U n g In th e pre. Btada in vanUon o t .acddenU . has h a d a no­

ticeable affec t on safety throughoui lh e en tire a rea , h e sold,

Tlcea fo r T he d u b passed a m otion to con- held a t 1 tr ibu te to - th e support o f th e Boj a rd LDB Scout an n u al drive, NomlnaUon anc ipp. O. E . elecUon of o fflcen wlU be held a; t l d ^ . Uia nex t meeUne. P rank Redflele a n t View wUl be In charge. .II a t Uie ------------------------------------------- -— ^lay unUl j ---------- — ■— =

L A M E B A C K >*. M aiy C O R R E C T I O Ni:>0 p m . . . . u -p le a sa a t 'a n d palnMss.inity W - Backaches may be associated»v. R m el , 'wlUj rheumaUsm. arthrlU*.I. B unai -lumbago, stom ach and kidneyer.cem e- .d isorders. If you h a w tried■•■--■n__ " m iy th l n g eU * ,~ tjy . *4]ast*‘

raeots. ReUef Is o ften obtain*1 sbrvlees od a fte r f l n t tre a tm e n t

l . I f l J ; ALMA HARDIN

lU ceme-

to 30% on Fuel


^vtyoa J .M Rock Wool B atta 'cannnfortif be n u talled In wall* and at*1 R ock tie* o f new homes and in ac- ,andltaa eeaaible a tt ic apacci o f exist''« ,u p to Ing horoea. They’re fireproof,;um m er rotproof.'perm anentatatone.o e ltr; Call tt* todAjr.

>n Lumber Co.. . J j : ___ __ ; .P h o n a 41

B a m a


I T ^ . jS^on' -----

1 A son waa bom n iu r a d a y a t I l * h l l l Magic VaUey M em orial hosp ital

Mr. and M a . C harles E m e n . . . . . Kimberly, ..............

a ted . jBdgm eni Deferredon, A ceu- Judgm ent was d e fe rre d ' for

group o f monlh* In pollee eourt P rid ay J n and o f- Robert E verett R ogen . 39. O n m e n t have Okla.. and Dale MUes. 3 l,'Pocat« e .D e p en d - boUi of w hom -pleaded-fx iU ly f in a l tory publle IntoxicaUdn;m a y fin d ---------ia tf lly _ th e a»oare-D anee_8 rt______________opponent* square dancing is scheduled w as d is - B;30 p m . S a turday a t th e L

s«*ond w ard c h a p d sponsored n ia jq rity ,- U i^ tou rth ward M utual ossoclaU

It, wU> be Mac W ln te n will be caller. I I to m a in - publle Is 'Invited. InatrucU ons

^ b« gives fo r beg lnnen . a accu ra te _ , ■ ---------, ,

I Local Conviction ■” * “■ Termfed Examp!

he b ip ) t s BOISE. O c t 39 M V-OonvlctI w ere ru n - of a Tw in Palls m an of performir ly 300,000 e lK tricol work w ithout a Ucenso ^. labo r 13.- cited by D irector B r itt N edry to.

IS,3M,90«; u evidence U iat th e sU te occu] Uonal license bu reau wUl req i

:ld lng fac - compliance w llh s t* te Isws.4on to th e Nedry said E. V. B orah w as fljabaenca o f and cost* fo r doing electriI In m ore «'ork w ithout a Ucense. T h e is to ta l 836 was InsUluted, h e sa ld ,'b y J . CIt only 100 Baldridge, secre ta ry of th e Idi

eleclrlcal board.

I M un ic ipa l A ffa irs o n K T F I W ednesda:riea of r e - Com mlsrionen A. P . Nelson andi n will be R. O ran t, Com missioner-elect Hit 10 p .m . ard B urkhart and th e d ty m a n «» d by O lty A planned an im al contro l mImlUi. H e nonce WlU be discussed on a progiII g e t down scheduled a t 10 p .m . Nov. 7 i

th e d ty 's will be Introduced a t a commlsi irogres* to m e e t ^ th e following Tue*day,.

city m anager cold.' I t deal* i outline th e the location of livestock and pou velop op ln- within- th e c ity lim it* bu t doe* naU ve p ro - affect cat* or dogs, lou* o rgan - Topic ot. the broadcast schedi jects to be ll) P- m. Nov. 14 Is the extern u n s sched - of th e city 's garbage and rubI W ednesday disposal program in to th e busli on a tea tim e d is tric t Em phasis on th e n e w 'i

bage and rubbish regulaU ons so ^■ n rrm m has beeh In the 'rcsidenU o l a re

- By Uia Ume o f Uie N or. 31 bro cast, d tv n fflrlnl.

u n ^ w * ^ * num ber of * ;^ l f lc questl ^ b « - o f fo r.-a -q u e * U p n .a n d -an « )t>e?t WUl*. program . ---------

Services HeldGraveside *ervlces were held

y T q Mrs. H atUe Burgess H endrl 5 i D • pioneer resident. Priday a fte m I- H y r r .^ 4 . ' l l h the Bev. R ichard DeVlUl D M 6 6 t m ln lau r of ttie P i n t Christ

O*— church. offldaU ng.

W ednesday' | ^ ^ ^ 5 * 5 m 5 5 5 i

« ■1972.., SI* been ta -

ijtt.;™. A T A: h a d a no- thro«ihoul

Ion to con- e a a t o f G a l la t i n G a te w a ;

M o n S Montana, on V . Sbe held a t s i i m s .Ik Redfleld .

—W ednesdii C W F r e e L u n c h a t N o o n

I palnKss. G naranl^td 'aoU dT ii associated 'dlUon,'flne wooL.SaUlag o ^ i

n d l u d n ^la w t r i r t --------U 5-.V *ar, a , J ^ . .W h i t e

Bib, by-Regiatered W hHe Pim

Q *nt 4Z7 Top QnaUty O olnmbl

W S g 300 P u r . B red CoIwnbU rO B ______ 10 Yearilng Colom bia E ai l i i l i r

I R. T. HoriII PI W arwood-C(M W I Phone leM -M —11

H eldel-Vandi

____ Y esIW e


T r u c kR i l i h t n o w . . . r i g h t in

jk___' w h e n t im e i s s o i m p o r t at h e l a r g e s t , m o s

7 N E E D E D T R U C K P A Ra l e w o f t h e m . . . 'C O M

• . . T r a n i m i i i i o n s

• R e a r E n d i - G e a

• B e a r i n g s ~ S e a l i

• W h e e l . - L u g s

in a c - , j l • B o s - N u t t

• F l e x i b l e F u e l

S tone. L l l l i t

_ 1 ________ Y M ,_ to _ r e { r u l a r T rv ic k i- A l e b a - c o m p l e t e ^ l l n e - f ^

H “ f t U T Oj U j I . K lm b a r ly K e o d ^

c - ‘


alls News in BriefL e d ^ Meet*

sday a t th e M em ben.of the Twin PaUs Mo h osp ital to lodge wUl m e et a t 8:S0 p m . Prld

I E m erson . — —, , 8 a k Scheduled_____

T be Moklwaga Camp Pire O WlU'hold a homemade candy i

•ed fo r s tz beginning a t 1 p m . Saturday P rid ay Jfor M ain avenue.39. Otove,^ . _____

U en Filedi - g u u v o r The U. S . departm ent of Inter

revenue filed a tax Uen Priday tlOBJO' again st Earl ShM . Ki b * r l r 01«aner*,-for-wiUjhoWlng t

fU riil «• “■ “ ')on*Ored by tM Atar Rala« u ^ l a ^ n . B ^ J l T i S f e r , daughter of : caller. TtM j . i . ^ , r . ha* been sailucUona wlU ^ u ,e leading role for a plaj

be p rw ented k t Uie University Idaho N or. 1 and 3. She Is a *op

;tion ___o m n l o P w m itso o g h t

ach lund . 660 Jackson sir-O onvlcU on fUed a buUdlng perm it appllcalpe rform ing v l th the d ty «Ierk Thursday disc:

I Ucense wa* ing plans to move an-8- by lO'-lNedry today coal ahed from 41S PlfU i avenue va te occup*- to the Jackson atreet address. EwUl requ ire m ated cost Is *30. aws. 'h wan fined New Claim* Fllad 'Ig e lec trica l P lfteen new claims for uniI. T h e su it pioyment compensaUon wore f

by J . C arl la s t week a t Magic Valley o((th e Id ah o o f Uie employment security agei

..........................A report from .'Boise Ust*-two_____________ Burley, four ea'cn a t Ooodlng

Jerom e and five a t Twin Pii L r S T h ro u ^ o u t Idaho 3«9 .new d a

js d a y $55,000 Value Is to H. Placed on Estj(Ity m a n a n r A peUtlon for lettera of admlS t r o l ^ traU on for Uie 188.000 esUU<n a p ro c rsm Jo h n S . D lffendarfer hns been INov. 7 a n d to probate court by his'w idow . 1comml**Ion G race D lffendarfer. Mr. D ir

ru e*day ,.the da rfer died Ju ly 3. in Twin Fall)deal* w ith ' T he 'e s ta te ' Indudes: :4,100 aand pou ltry o f g raslng land In Tw in P a llr cc

m t does n o t ty , so acres in Jerom e couniy. ho<^ ^ hold furn itu re , checking acco

I t scheduled es ,in g s account and a IMO Chevine ex tension ^ d a nK ? £ 5 5 ™ S urilv lM b o ld u t h . widowth e b u s ln e u d a ughU n . M n . M ary Lou P

l«r. Tw in PaUs. and G race J a n o :- iendarfer. College of Idaho, •

Sr 3 i . S l . - -M «- D lffendarfer'* attorneys S tephan. S tephan and Heap.

flc quesUons hearin r t a - ^ t T a r•and-answ er ._ .—..r " — 7— «

Divorce Askedf o M Roy H . Long. Buhl, filed suitI ,C 1 U ' dfcy for divorce from Mrs. Ma TO held fo r M arie Long, address utiknc)vn.

H endricks, d istric t court here. Long cha y afte rnoon h is wife deserwd him Jan . 2, 1 i DeVlUlera. at-R ichm ond, Calif, t C h ristion T ho couple was married Aug

1B47. a t Reno. Nev. They have ibors of th e chUdren o r community prop<

Long’s a tto rpey Is J . W. T aylw.

SHEEP 1972r AMCTfON- ;T. H argrove Ranch, 3V mllea South-

Gateway, 12 miles Soulhweat of Boze- n j ^ . S. Highway No. 101, Watch foi

Bsdioyr-Oct. 31stoon Snie a t 1:00 o’clock shariS aoU d-m im lh -w S he 'rtee E w M .-«eeU ertrcfo lUag o ^ n .

Face Ew et, go«d. SeUlng open.

A .WbUe F a e c .E w c a ,a e .la m b -a l^ ln r-J a n B a rThHe P w e Bam*.-^— ^ ------ •

Colum bia Ewe L anb -

^ n m b U Bam Lambs,

imbla Rams. ^

■largrove. Ownerrwood-Contelinan. A ucUoneen tM.-M—1004-B—Boicm an, Montana lel-Vandenhook Agency, Clerks

[ W e h o . v e J p t s j ) f _ „ ' ______


c k P a r t sight in tho h ea rt of the harvest scasoi m portan t and «o costly . . . Wc HAVI ^ MOST COMPLETE STOCK 01 K PA RTS EVER. Listed here are onl’ ..'C O M E IN I -

i o n s • W a f e r P u m p i

- G e a r s • F u e l P u m p s

S e a l s ' • S i g n a l A r m s

L u g s • R e f l e c t o r s

I t s • C l e a r a n c e

u e l L i g h t s

• • W i r i n g ' - E t c

T rucks, Heavy duty Trucks And G.I {ne^fop-m ost^rtype and'agc «irs, '~

I N F A U S r O P A R I S

• P h o n t 135

KEO , ' ■

Moet men eall a spade a ip; noUl they stumble over ono

itotmun,.! f ’ -in Priday Ior

Hagennain Alan 1 Fined After Tri On Parking Con

foT a 5 a y to Vardls PUher, H agerm an, piUnlversltr of fine o f |3 and $8 cosU In pM l I aw D bo . court T h u n d ay a fternoon’afterne u a aopno ^ pum ptoey I

him giiUty of-Im proper-parkin Uie 300 blbck o t Bhoshone i

'ackson s t n e t S e p t 10 when P ishw rK dved itlm S lc U lo n t t t lo n diagonal poriring ™ j\ v dSclM - P»r*U«» »**

le lte a nd ' Patrolm an CUfton 8 u w itneues. while Pisher tesUfI

I i n unem - his own defense. PoUowlng the i tn wore filed mony. several penons, Indi Valley offices PU her's wife. parU elpated In a: nirity agency, fonnal dl*cusslo,n.

lis t* -tw o -a t - O llle tte explained d ty ordlnj Gooding and govembig Uie marking, and pi Twin Palls, ing o f cerU In secUon* oT the

B. new d a lm t He *aid the' a rea to question lined for paraUel poxklng, .p and m etered. P iaher aald h e di

i« A T o _ -see o p a ra lld park ing sign and 1 l i e X O ^ ed diagonally, believing I t waj

Uonal to pork e ither diagonal1 l ! ; S t i H e c u i l lc l .

P isher paid th e $8 addlUonal v « nf "PO” recommendation o t theh7. K .« i fiiM- a tto rney th a t regular bond and

™ r.M rs.Ndlie-E.^Og SoT’i i S C Paid Final HoiIMO Chevrolet P unera l services for M n , :

E- Ogg, re.ildent here for 38 : he widow a re were held Priday aitem oon a lory Lou TTai- W hite m ortuary chapel. The race Jano D lf- A lbert B. P a rre tt wo* to char Idaho, . services, attorneys are Soloist and organist wo* Mrs

d Heap. T he He O strum Babcock.' • CHiV'Nov. 8. ~P atn>earert wers Roy'WIIHlt^ -------------------d o l^ ^ M o r in . Clifford Denny.

LskedfUed suit P r i- ^ Twin, Mrs. Margie ce^nctery-____________________

utiknc)vn. InLong charges / / ,h ,1 Jan . 2, 1049. '■ <

J t^ p ro p e r ty .


972 . O I L

- Q O AU TV PUEL O IL , . . and- too good for our ff

■» South- o>“Eani-l.h.iiJt5oa«_Jo^ of Boze-

, . , . to deUver only the best qu;^ ® ■ POEL OIL . , . w llh Uie dlsp

and friendliness th a t has buUt buslnes* as It Is today,


'“ ™“- I f33CCZIlSD3

Locoted>2 Vi miles wei

T U E S IS a le s ta r t s 12 not

„ _ : ________ ^ IS H E A D J

I T - Red cow, 5 yeors old,Guernsey cow, 5 years

gallon W hite Foce Brindio co W hite- Foce Brlndlfe..co'

314 gallon - 8 t season White Foco heifer, bre

OF 3t‘eers, short to long

■ ' _ 50 Austro white and hP u m p s pullets storting to Jc

A rm s H O U S E H O L I

,Qj.j Blue enomel kitchen r<Library toble

u c e Dining toble with 6 cDavenport '.

- E tc . I Speed Qu en Ironer n.,A n j H eoter stove

G.I,' . Thorr-Woshlng-^mochlni Lord press .

^ Some Dishes ond Pans

s T lhon. 137 HOPKINS & HAHMoK

Seen^Toda;0 .,A . O ero taDdng wlUi Leo

, M ausc to 100 block of M ain av . e aa t Pektogese sUindlni

. :.< • . h in d le g s -b u t *UU unable u - I h to u g b .s lu i in ito re door-

, W oman lugging vacuum d i : Bicm* 100 blM k of M ain «

. easi. setUng U down to g » t: g rip on It . . . Two p o to te n ai

)ode a spade gwe by »lde In car se a t alon over ono ta woman driv ing big black cor

' ' School olaa* ustog fadUUe* a t-------------------- n lc lpal lib ra ry . . . O lenn To

T ' pleaaed by M arie tU W ilson brlj M a n T f l c h a r t up to date a t Boy Scou V J , m i - X 9 - 'flea'— //VY4H6W -cat- h iv in g r • T r i a l p*wlng a t leave* oh Shot r X i l a i s tre e t u c ity employe* d e a n I _ *>* gu tter* . . . P isherm enZ t ^ O U n t tog gear to to c a r to 300 blo< ^ a n paid a 'H ilrd avenue no rth to «arly n

parking tn a ^ h lle a u to bounce*, a long , w u no t rep- . . , i j s n carry ing large card ey and waived box . . , D riv er hatlU y throw lr

g e a n Into n eu tra l, thon shuttli tN .W .B aU el- roaring e ng toe a fte r ga*.feed f H ow a^ OU- . . . . And overheard : Senrlee si CUfton Sharp A ttendant g rip ing ' because "B her tesUfled to one wait*. iinUl a bunch ol wing the UsU- free te up before th e y u buy >ns, todudlng freete." - . ated to aa to - ---------------------

.„T — Program by_Bliii 2 oWw. - S l H ^ f or Bur

question wa* . BURLEY'.’ w t . 38—A' Ham uk lng , .posted organ bUnd concert p rogram ft lald h e did n o t ln g ‘R lchard Sm ith and Dohn sign and park- K e W wlll be given a t }0:1C ng i t w u op- M onday In ' th e Burley hlglx^i

diagonally o r auditorium . . . .Sm ith qomes from th e Polyti

iddlUonal costs high school, to Los Angeles, an< n o t the . city Kelsey from the K ansas s u te ; b o n d a n d co su f o r th e b lln d ; T hey.w U lprese eed. Bond was gan , piano, j^cordlon a n d Vol

lecUons.- — Tbo 'conoert Is directed by ttl

“ onal T rm ascriben Society•

IT t ^ g ram w jn fea ture a dem enat H o n o r o f Braille sysUm of wriUn]

T he Braille le lte n and wort S i flaahed o u t so U iat the 'aud len '

* to d ia rge -o f -___________

i waa Mrs. Nel-

sy wmuufTRu- ' \d Denny. G arl \IUi-ana_p.^. _ A -the Tw la Palls -

- - I S f ✓ A ' ) W f

\ : ^ j v


I Uie d isp a tc h . _ I t ’s a C i n c l. h a sb u U to u r. . -m/r i,j,. to M ake..

Add only W atir Mix'& Bake

J w H a _________

t I B L i C *nlles west of Buhl on Deep Creek Road

E S D A Y , O C T12 noon. Lunch on ground

A D C A T T L E - — ______

3rs old, milking, 4 gal. 10-20 In 5 years old, milking, AVi 18 inch

John De«indie cow, milking 4 goi.- a.jection ind[e-cow,_4-yrs.,-milking— -j.-jecHon-./ u J Ghent ccifcr, bred, 18 months old Wogon v

f to long yearlings Reck Woa ro in S t „ l

e and Now Hampshire fl

H O L D G O O D S ^ w " J i.. . - Milk canlichen range

ith 6 choirs M- 2. sets ofroner 4 go, ba

_ . _1____ V/i ton■ in o ch ;n » ^ ---------------------------------- S h ' o ^ f

PitchforkP o n s C a n a r y fc

T H E O P E T EIA R M O N ,'A u e f lB n « „ « .

^ e n ^ T o d a y l^ ^ d a y. ta lking wlUi Leonardta. 100 blodt Of M a i n ^ S -nie shnuii ^. . Pektogese stand ing on vcnllonle g s-b u t *UU unable to see DUi^ b ‘b.uUa In itore door-.-7 ! d a y in ^ n * -? ^Q luggtog vacuum d e an e r A100 .b l« £ of M ain avISu" m.

e ttin g U down to get better all . ^ « l e a t, I t . . . TWO p o ta t iny tid e In c a r-a ea t alonialde aeaion *1 driv ing big black c a r ; . P-

olaa* uatog fadUUe* a t m u- day1 lib ra ry . . . O lenn Tolm an d»* Ifv ! *®^ei1 by M arie tU WlUon brlnalnjr *»iup to date a t Boy Scout oN “ nvenUon-*^rY4H6W -cat- h i v l n g ^ t ii, ^AWlng a t leave* oh ShoshonS Wu c ity employe* d e a n leave* w add;gu tter* . . . Pisherm en load- a i ? ’

•ar to to c a r to 300 block of E^®‘''®''t in th«avenue no rth to early m om - *"l“ iotis.. . Man bouncing baby in BenwiiI cor WhUe three oUier smaU here trot:n watch . . . Pour boyi riding ? “*. °eUi Hooisy old green .convertible . . . “«*.• A. Hamtrgirl wlto plgtaU* Ued wlUj «»'“rch general {ribbon* . . Olrl.trylng to P«rtnt«ndeney. w

llpaUck by gating to ear mir- oonvenUon.llle auto ^unce*. along s tn e t A more ext«m4an c a rry l^ Iw o cardboard ehorUtar* wa o. . Driver ha*tUy throwing car »a» announced ifInto neutral, then shutting off the Twin pali»'g engtoe after ga*.feed sUdu dency. He wiu can d overheard : Service sUUon » lth Uio a « u Slant griping^ because "Every. Chancy. T w in 'prail*. ^ U 1 » bunch of c a n Heath. Klmberh. up before theyTl buy anU- -Twin Palls


)gram by_Blind bJ oStated;for Burley S,r.'.«srSS L ry .'’ t . 3 8 -A - Ham mond !»««• Zappelilr bUnd concert p rogram fea tiir- onlversUy of Id

Icha rd Sm ith and Dohna ] ^ e *earch uam . tu, r 'w lll be given a t J0 :1 0 'a in . rw a rc h work-n» ay to th e Burley higlx^school >rium. . . .Ul qom'es from th e Poljteehnle T H E R i Jtd iool to Los Angeles, and M lu * * tf c lM V f from the K ansas s u te school In B ld a i e blind ; T hey .w lllp resen t o r- • jlano, iw o rd lo n a n d Voice se-

I'Conoert I* directed by the N a- \ ' ^ g * C i . T rm nscriben Society f o r V - l ^, P a lo Alto. CaUf. T he p ro - | ^ wjn fea ture a demenaU»tlbn I X <i i •

rallle sysUm of wriUng and - ' I O X M In m ak ing books for tho bltod. •Droille le lte n and words are T W IN FA ILS !d o u t so th a t th e audience can Acrots fre: cseUy w h at a bUnd person does PHQKhe w rites . ;

Ask her fo


[ s ^ e s l f ^Bverything'fi.in!

It’s a Cinch to Make.

L i e S A L Ion D eep C reek Road. R ented fam i, leo\

r , O C T O B E Rmch on grounds by Deep Cree

.E_____ :__ MACHlfctEBI s o l , 1 0 -2 0 I n K rn o tlo n o l troclor

ing, A V t 18 in c h M c C o rm ic k D « r ; n j

J o h n D eo ro m a n u re spraadef

^ 9 o l.- 3 .s o c t io n h a rro wm i l k i n g - - a .- s e c H o n -s p r in g too th horro*

G hen t corrugator,, like hew ith s o ld ' W ogon w ith rock.

Rock W ogon , steel wheeli S teel stone boa t

, , O liver 5 -ft. horse mowerH orse go rden cultlvoJor 12-ft. tra ile r hous# - Lown m ower -

>DS 2-w heel tra ile r■-. M ilk c a r t ' '


2. se ts o f hornesi 4 Q0» b arrels

^ . 1 VS ton choln holtfS h o v ^ r o k e end hoi* _ r •P itchfork ond oth#f tool* C anary b ird and coga _

r p l E T E R S ^j e « ' . • ' -i:.

Page 3: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast


K w^ V >u,

a l Vri Jehn Di»P«. ^U» JoBi-Urae ta Tirln F*.U« by k Joitlee ot p«

Al Rnt ef (VO «]derlr coaple* fnim Di a TiS* tbl« (Lecdom photo-<t)

h e r a n C h u r c h S e r v i

j s i o n F e s t i v a l R o l

i t H e r e S u n d a y i . K "asnal faUvol of mlaaloiu iho"j(!^£

tha ln«nanuel .JS-V IS church here Sunday wllh miuIc wa I ta tbe high BchooV audl- q» TM nev. B. E. Schulr. Salt ^ Bird Er. win be Rueat epenlcer. compaale sanlM wn'lce a t II o'clocTc Honom tfctdeait over KTFI. The Stfonk, BTTlee bcfilai a t a p. m .... Wilson. E a Kampmth,- director, of nnd Roy ■rJdiclr a t ttt-cliurch, will b ^ r s f l lii ih# Junior a n d , acnBT ™5*9“ -Is-lhe-niomlnB-acrvJces, J-B . p «children of MemorlAl Lu- Burlal-icbool. 205 In number.-: will «me_tery.ag chonis anthem In the ' — fBTiees from the bttlcony kjm bi

“ “““il??®; « «.«.», dlst chur m VlU be Pantor Adam

aT « t r , and Pwitor R. C. 2 " tbe ntolitcrs of tho local

■r ichool TTlll be held a t the K n ! cor ef B:i5 a. m. but wlU U K Iwd at 10:30 to accommo.« il o'clock eerrlce a t the beei andltortam.-'Ttr-i -’ •• » V itiulionaSfycarVfaaUvil _cu. Uia two servi wa prob- .123 MiMdoie^to 3.000 people In ......DU..’!1ie’LuUiefan..consT«* of Burley. nupcrt.--MlnU lea, Jerome. Wcndi5ll. aood- '■ . iud Clox'cr have been ln< •;ton-fn-the service* Bun- ,

l^m rded Medal —-'■ir.Oct}&-€{{C, Donald D,

Mr. and Mrs. Oeorse _I^KEiUey, ha.1 been awarded ■f iSu (or lervlce In Korea, H

B ^ o f t h e Bctloh ro'r whlctT U ^■ rin tm ade. Sergeant St«w> f | ^■impcraL’ BubAcquently he J^fcoWtOKnieant. TheHall- ^ m a a tiu holds tbe allver ' SUPM - - • ' ■ I -A N (

N on

OUIj ^ B | 7 F E A '

Uc^ s. BlH va

■ K l f f e f c , o n J t f ■•

■'55 to 57.95

II a I \ / * ^■ A I • \ I ■ t«

- . . B. s t

I u ,

• s S / ' S ' rMdr (or lU■ i J ' j j a d . BURBOWE3

- q

f f i lA T E ----------------------

■'••ware Co. DEfbone gMO

26, WEI

ahi Married I Knot Ari!

^ IdenU. ihrcfV *. ' w ere. marrl<

----- w ee t-b y .a .jMrs. -nili

B L v a ^ Draper.u i d M n . J

9 . ' i l A. }larrlson.w m . day. hac

■ £ H arrlw n,'

Btcstchlldre: d ren. His


' JTOOME, , son

' Chamber o] . J noon on the

Memorial hc ’ on the secoi

- . ed and-.pal: . sta rted , Plni

In s arc btl future.' -A-report o

■‘ ■ In s wns Rtri Al Woodh

dustrlnl con cen t acUvii M ayer. Bo! rolzitlans-dc Pow er comc plIlnfT a br vicinity. ■

>of peace.. Mr. aiiil Mr*. S rapor' em Bnhl to take m a rrla fe »ow» to - i ta f f eoravJrit) , • B l l

jrvices Hel^^for ALIRobert L. Jenkins „£ROM£. Oct. 3&-^Pirncral serv- 3 $ KGH

for Robert L. ( J « r ) ' Jenkins —e held Wednesday k ftcm obn a t Jerome Baptist c h i i r ^ w ith tho

'. Leslie Tomberlln offlclatlne. ,lie was fumUhed by a tr io com- ‘5d of Mrs. R ichard B urlu . How- the "J

Bird and Mrs. E arl Bird, ne- ipaaled by Mrs. E arl Mason. , ,, .'onorory pallbearers were Jam es auB in ank, TJiomas O arre tt. H arry tb e y h son. E. E. Shawver, C harles Sipes p_ i.. Roy ShllUnston. AcUve pall- rers were Arils Baughm an. C. R.T rT' "P ^ ry urlal~waa.piade In the ' ------------------------ ~

----------------evDnW KR FLAN7VED

;iMBERLV. Oct. 2S—T h e Metho* ( V i \■ church will hold a jjoUuclt d in - fif 1 followlrts church services Sun*



123 Main East—G round Floor Yfgg ]

^ R o ssoe’*— vBa


.ANCE .■.'.’ond-wc can proveitt Drop In, let us show you this great unit In actual op-


1. R 0 8 8 0 E burner equipped with slow speed floating power motor, latest shielded type

• transformer for elUnlnaUon of radio Interference and a two-

. stage pump. '

3. Controls: Completely auto- B S a B B matle combustion sa fe ty IU> g g ^ H K lay. Combination F a n and llm« E ^ 9 ^ 9

•If nrlliiitn'*)* "P*'eraUon and full h e a t protec- | n B

S. Blower with 13“ fan wheel and variable speed pulley gives

wide range of a ir delivery.

4. AulomobUe body steel casingwhich has beautiful stream - „ -------line design with rounded cor-im . P;n».n.nl .t h » n i no t =Wp " P«'l- <=“ - , V n rS IM, c m p ltW y =11..burner, olr conditioner, con- trols and wiring. *■ ? •■

B Stainless steel fire pot. th a la tes t Improvemi ’ in modern heaUng. Which Increaw s Hama «

flclency a i much as 80%.S Furnace body constructed of copper bearl

it«el wllh steel w rap-around rad ia to r elect a l ly welded for long Ufa.

- - - n - B IR E € - T - F A G - T 0 ]

R o b e rt E a4 2 0. M A IN A V E - 3 . . .

DEALERS: Fulmers, Bi

^ o tty Relationship ArisesFrom Couple

B U h l,' Oct, M—j i u r B uhl re»--m ar Mrs. en u . three of them grandparents,-two daughi fre. married in Tw in FaXla th is-Bhe had K t-by-a.jusuco^of-peaoe.-:— — -y « « — — Mrs. -nile Lee. 68. and John --• ®*! raper. 7S.- <^cre m arried Monday Id M n. f . J . Alejtander. W ,.and J .-» UWlo for . Harrison. 29. wero m arried Tuea--ander, Bi ly. All had been m arried previous--Alexander and a ll but D raper have grand---m other. M

illdrtn,------------------------------------------daught«r e Harrlaon, 'who has lived In Buhl--m arriage. 1 nee lOH. hft* four ehlldren. two-becomes tl eD tChlldren-and--nln*-nrandohU --her-son, 6 »n . Hla former wife died aeven-Jow and ( lars aso. M n. • H arrison, tha fo r--A loxaader. -------------------------------------- —-------- -h and , bee

Ibspital Progress '■gj Reported at Meet ?1?“S SJEROME, Oct. 3 ft-D r. Iti C. M at- in reported to members of Uie ftamber ol Commerce W ednesday »»■)on on the proKresa of th e Jerom e m ^ yea: emorlal hospital. He said plastorlng J the second floor Is nearly fin ish - y e * " ' l. and -.palnilnK already haa been art*d. Plnn.1 for toura of th a baUd- . j ",B BTC btSna mode lo r th e n e a r « '*» .* '™ Iture. v a s (ollo«A-report on the civil defense m eet- la -T w in Fi lg WIU Riven by E. E. L aT um er.A! Woodhead. member o f th e In - f T n f l i ' istrlnl commltt«c. reported on ra- :nt acUvlilea jtaU ng th a t O rland layer. Boise, from tho industrial ilatlans-departm ent o f th e Idaho Dwer eompany. wlll assist In'Cbm- E ntling a brochure for Jerom e and clnlty. ■________ _


ALL OTHER BIS Kentucky's Favorite Stra

•The LoulaviUe C our^ er^oum sl m porta ft the "B ourbon C ap ita l o f th e W orld” t EARZ.T TiUBa is the f«at«at-«oUis« favoriU anslra lR h tw h lsU eaao ld inK anb icky> -w } they have tho dneat bourbons to choose f r

E njoy th is g rea te s t a in J g h t o f all) A sk EARLT tiM ks. Um fuU'bodiad bou rbon t b "P^ery ouBco a m an’s w h ls k y l" .

--------- c v e r ^ U v n c e ^ o > M o n T ': : ~ ^ T ~ r

AUT T w a M S T unr Eft, u s u m u t nr. n s n o n .

^^O iTBtiRrBasement


Dcsiencd, engineered and built !n Northw est fo r ycflrs of outstandin service. /

mprovem ent 7. 6,000 sq,.Inches HeaUng t as nam a a f- t'

8. Sum m er switch makes U to toe operated lo r eumm

)per bearing ^lator electri- S. Fllte rs: T r o filte rs of «

provided to properly fllte


. Lee SalesTWIN PA L I

rs, B u rley ,... Joe Georg

i s h i p p r o b l e m y

l u p l e V W e a f l i n gm ar Mrs. Alexander. Im four tons, f 1 two dauRhtera ohd IS grandchildren. I ' ' Bha had been a widow lo r lo u r Iyears............ ............................... ............... I — %■ T he m arriage of Mrs. A lexander 1 a n d H arrison complicates m a tte rs \ n a Uttle fo r Mr. a n d M n . I tay Alex- X * ' ander. Buhl. T he form er ,'M rs. V A lexander la Ray Alexander's ^moUier. Mrs. I ^ y A lexander la the daughter o t th e bridegroom. By the , m arriage, tho form er Mrs. Alexander becomes Uie s tcp-m other-ln -law ofher-son. She also-ls-tha m o th e r - ln - -----------Jow and step-moU ier to M rs. Ray A lexander. H arrison, on tho other h and , becomes the . s tep -fa thar-ln law of hU daughter a n d th e s tep­fa th e r of h is son -ln -lav .

Mrs. Leo has th ree sons, one daughter and 14 grandchildren. She Is a rea l B uhl p ioneer having lived In the area for 44 years, 38 on a ran c h outalde of Buhl. D raper, loo. h as been a rea lden t o f Buhl for m any years. T h e form er M rs. Lee and D raper have been friends for y e a n . '

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ross. B uhl, a l- . J . tended Mr. and M rs. D raper w hen /■; they wero m a n led . T h e ceremony f , w as followed by r weddln* dinner I. , • In-Tw in Falla. ._________________•

'KoSiadrFinldUn^ SD1U17 B«rvlco S S S

L E E D O M - B H O T O ME ntrance on tha-a llay--------~ l ^ A

•beside W lley 15™* KVv>J,


I BRANDS IB Straight Bourbon* I

I n p o r t a lV o m .

n u m s n ’.U F n n n u s o L f i - i i n o i r


s ONim

f l ^ H S a l« P

b u i l t I n t h e .P a c i f i c u t s t a n d in f f , c n d u r i n s

9 HeaUng Surface.• B eau

tl makes U potsible fo r-the fa n Io r Burnmer cooling. * Hcov

Ulers of adequate capacity ar* * operly f ilte r th e c irculated a ir. • A v a l

^ T ^ T W E - ~ ~ s z

Jes Co. ^N PALLS—PHONE 163

Georges, Rupert 1—<• 4 . • " • ' _______


( f f i cyiio tB ueicA N D ca/_

M-^ H ^ H H H S ^ ^ ^ ^



4.98Sole Priced

Modern Leaf De• Beautiful onrf-tone colors.• Heovy 3-ply boby chenille.• Good quolity background cloth.• Avolloble In colors or rose, chortr*

red end wine. ~ "

These and m any o thei------- T ! ------------------- . ■ ■ . ■---------------

IN FA LLS. ID A S 6 '' ~

Starts 0<

I A n n

r r ^ - l 1 1 I I \

" i p * J L

R i " ‘ !L f ^ '

i ™ ~t!

Will Hold I Y our G ift

■- • Conver■ _ f _ G P 9 d _ q

^ ' F u l l ™ « .A v o l lo b

if Design

oth. *

,_chortreu$e, blue, green,. . v g | | ^

o t ’h e r . . l p y e | y _ p a W e r n s . (

C t l l D C O p e n '1

9 ^ ' J L H K ) V , 9 P . M ,

sO ct. 2 7 tiii-U N<

n u a l S

'X w ChooseA exfroordinai" Y ~~ " n e w h lg h H^ • wove-hiftt ■7 - punchwerk i


c o m p a r a b l e '


■ h P ^ .

a one^tone-medallion tpreod In fits, Luxuriously thick with bockgrou boby chenille. Full size only, I Reg. 9.98.

c d o r td floral on.puN.WhH* high. Delightful motif and.jiew sculp

1 mokes this one of the most pop ------- iFi.lt, fw|p, P ,^ 7 Oft

------thick o n M e n T c ^ n llU - iA -.^ ^~:T:z^~r5 Qn3e;beout]ful spre a d ds'obove

Harmony House cotoiifJ^I!:o?ri

y i i i

1 % !

. BiiUion Fringe TrimConventionol pbttem .

.GoedjauqlltyJiiftino nnd -nheetiog.— Full coveroge and modem effect. Available in Hormony Hotise colon.

Z ' '' S w I S d H

irns on sa le ..

p e n ' t i l l . F f r t ^ -

P . M . F t i . _ ; . P a r k t n g ' '

' -T K O B r i

y tiiirU N b v ^ 5

g | . : S q ] |

Choose from exfroordinaiy values ii

new high-pilt ih a g t .w oT e-h iftt floroJi.

punchwerk •m broldardt - ' ■ ripple-tuftt m any o th m

i O M P A R A B L E T O 4 . 9 8 t o 9 .


ffdollion tpreod tn fitgh-pit* iheg tu ftf thick with background of closely tufte< Ile. Full size only. Lovely shades.

! .on.pur«.WhH« high pile e h ^ l *motif cnd.jiew scu lp tu red^im one of the most popular spreods. R e g ^ , . .

tiful spje a d OS obove but'lnrlQ vely^lld[ <ouse ■cotoM.“ P u lt:o r^nv-ftefl. 7.98;

„ ___ r M t t hPlor«t tfnd Solid Ten<

Good quality bockgrov . • HoVmony House colork . : . Rose, Poclfic Blue, Mil■ ^ . Sunshine Yellow. .f m ^ • W ashable.

■rihge Trim *tem .tn g nnX - r

d modem effect.Tiony House colors.

Fte*’ -L' - ' I -

Page 4: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

W C T IO T « N

* -------- >iA. 11 HU. et.thi

i S ? ?ti&. trr tS?^TUa«-Nm PsIiIKbl ^ ^ U r i d ^ Z « , i «»U -•U « A* W tif l« Twli r tlll . ■»*" «>* '


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VtlUa Id ^ “r»4

i ; H H g = = ^K i c ’.r:,.-;iT sc;----------------

, ^ B X - ”i : S u ; - = = = = = = = =

All B«tk«« r*<nlr*d b» liw of i t oH»r jBri»dlelJen t« !>• pul.lUh*<l "••Hr. wll llnir»»i«y U«o«ef Ihl* p«p*t puti'nat to t

• HATTONAL nErilKSENT- wr.sT.iioi.unAY co..

IM «uwt. B«» yf«»i

- . TRUMAN’S. CASE 'Back In 104B. there were

President Trpman’s unpractl press conferences. But he v

I White Houae, then, and sympa general.

-In 1951 It Is difficult to flm kind of performance he put o:

' th e government’s news-secu I under renewod discussion.

He cltefl to newsmen a su - 1 I -d a red thatTiBWBpapcTS-ana-

• published 96 per cent of t t secret Information. This thi VOS adequate Justification 1

'•' order.But It was -quickly estab:

•"secret" stories of . which Mj

Slalned had all been authorl lon by government officials other words, he appeared to ! I jir^ss for no( cxcrclslng judgi I to have been used In the f ! federal offlclalsT ; , Later, urged to give an exa ' e t Information leak he was ti , the President referred tO'For I use of map* showing locatli , atomic energy plants.ThU particular Informatl

- ! for pubUutlon by no less an ' li atomic energy commission

II reptiUd to be. th e tightest bi U Washington.'

i n , The AEC Is under strict atat J H ' security «nd all-o ther matt

H xepnsents a special case. £ I agency. I t undoubtedly would H iMen placed under careful sec I were there not other safegu I So on two different countsI poorest possible IllustrationII could have chosen. The ne' l l bearing on It whatsoever. Ani li . tb e AEC had approved tho n: II Is Mr. Truman seriously aal I n e r t a voluntary censorship < I .previously passed by his ow

—v p ^ J th e p r e ^ U u i^ . - n q nowwhyffewsmga a h o

toaubs^tute th'R riudguiciiti tlona for tbe Judgment th a t c by responsible authorities of

I Really vital infom utlon m i f rth iatT ^e* wlthoutyMiylng., W l i e / an effective lystem for protei I I I setUed p o la t And;Mr. ' ^ m t I I order, plua hls highly confus Ir, I Is a dubious contribution to I j solution ot th a t problem.I I The American people havi U l pect more logical and coh -ni - Prealdent, even jH I to fnpply the reasoning. In t h | Truman.haa not made out thi

case.|U . — ^

j iw -;-, .jfart-inonthi.at-NIce, 'F rar! tlonai-alrlW ei'wUl n ie e ttaIII. poeed 1952 Inaugxiratlon ofijlli. tarvlce between Europe and

' In Bermuda las t spring,iM \ tourist aervlce was acceptecM I B ut they set autum n of lo HR . date, and left to subcommlt'{IP aa fares, seating densities,m quencles.H I The U. 8. civil aeronautli■ d record fo r the general pro'poW Itself imable to approve theIfu mendatlons cf the In tem ati|j.-r port association. I t argued

flight freQuencles and scatli■ Ij Inadequate to promote the■K Volume needed to make ;hc :H iH In September the lines mBill London, And here 10 carrlcnBfl tog adherence to the "prinH fr fllghtsTBTOCkea action on. tlMfl I t was a renewal of oppiiHU exhibited continuously untBQ . session.HB At th is point Pan Amerl^ ways stepped forward to decl^ less of opposition. It wouldp I, tourist service to Europe i|j; n fixed $225 as th e one-way ]

I compared with- th e existing% ][ rate . A round .trip ' would cojMl able reductions to other couna !an I t waa fitting th a t Pan it t ' take the lead lii forcing actI j thex rlg lnal proponent of traiI j 1st service. Pan Am’s presidew j urged the move as far badif , 1M8, and h as hammered .11J j The company now operates a'! 1st service to Puerto Rlco, Bejf of South America.i -E veryonG -in te rested -ln ' v,

' more people a t lower co.'st, li — national education and undei

; panalon of Europe.-s dollar-eai ■ ties, must hope Pan Am'erli

. establishing thla service, ar r o ^ h e p lan have a

kA doctor in Indiana is p Constant yawning of a patl know any new l9k«a% -

WH]W -t. T-la W A SH m O TO N -

tk. MA private developmer! " t t ^ « t V « . ‘r.*b* i ^ iK ! ?lniggle b«h lM th------— T--------------------- gency. A lthough i[■"uTypvANca—


>*^*IM°u” pui>l*ihrd"lV*lh» JUr T»tk«r |» to I0.1» . ,D T „,on ofSENTATivra n tuclc th a n even- CO.. IMG. • iempliit«d, a lthou

c«lif.________ prostftm ,FDR m erely pi

>SE W E A K nna sell pow er on « e re m a n y ta le « o fra c t lc e d b e h a v io r In coulre »ntl Bonneh e w a s ’n e w to th e to continue to p ■m pathy ( o r h im w as

field5 f i n d e x c u se f o r t h e •lUt o n r e c e n t l y w h e n in v a s io n —c h i

'•“ ‘‘"S S f T “ n S^ J «bovo, M In other

a s u r v e y w h ic h d o - ^h ic it h i v lu tiiand 'T nngaiW ieB 'haV H ' 'rlBSUon, iio o d 'co .1 thG Bovernmiint'«, t h e P r d d c n t M lo n f o r t h e s c c u r l ty dustry on thiA s»y'

Invuion of o the r 1s ta b l i s h e d t h a t t h e under tJie gem1 M r. T r u m a n c o m - dU .Lhorlzed f o r p u b l lc a - i n dic la ls th e m s c lv e s r^ In ' commodity underd t o bo b la m in g t b e _ _lu d g m e n t t h a t o u g h th e f i r s t in s t a n c e b y S l e i S . ' t a \

po«ed'to eftoh othiI example of the sort ruled unanlm oualj'U t r y l n j t o p r . v . n t , ” «I F o r tu n e m a « u l n « '« l!7„ic a t lo n o f A m e ric a 's k m arked ohan

effort to fupp lan tn a t i o n w a s c le a re d “ »u i ia i^ H ad he . a n a g e n c y t h a n th eloft I ts e lf , g e n e r a l l y bureaucrau in in4 t s e c u r i ty o u t f i t i n . The Rlohmond i

lengthy a n d ■ d e t

; . t a t u t o r y o o n t r o l o n ‘ S S , £ ’o l * p S ! . "m a t t e r s , a n d h e n c e p u k e r . who deUvtle . B e i n g . a d e fe n s e no moT» b u s ln m'o u ld lo n g s in c e h a v e fenera l.II s e c u r i ty r e g u la t io nt e g u a r d . I n lo r c e . S ! , % ‘'S ‘r„ Sm ts t h e A E C w a s t h o pover agency &ti t l o n . t h e P r e s id e n t , . . n e w o r d e r h a s n o. A n d o n t o p o f t h a t , take th e c u e to t^ho m a p s I n q u e s t io n . Tnim nn favors iny a a k ln ff t h e n r e s s t o to highiighi W p o w J l n f o O T a t lo n. o w n o H lc .r« ? N o t ’S S '» W r o S ' ' Sh a t b u r d e n ^ m n o a c d to have a public j e r e - e e e m B ^ a o r s o m n t : -rte^uT n im in rto r

tia t o u g h t t o b e m a d e deaUi to r th e lr lo8S o f g o v e rn m e n t . oUier p rlvaU e a t >n m u s t b e p r o t t c t c d ,g„ V ^ e t h e r w e h a v o ; ^ S , . g V n e « ^ l ^> ro tec tln g I t la a n u n - watei? power facllr b m k n 's n e w s e c u r i ty thU i e y defense- in fd s e d d e fe n s e o f I t , n t o a m u c h -n e e d e dI. CONTROL—Thh a v e a r i g h t t o e x - p «w «» c o h e r e n t a r g u m e n t

ren I f b i s a id e s h a v e h w rtfuaed to phI n t h i s in s t a n c e M r. thU aestlon..

I t t h e b a r e s t e le m e n ts iJoadero aoou« .war emergency I duitry. He charge

r ' i _ — ately obatructed”:R SERVIGE * g g rJ^ ir“ i^ =F r a n c e ; t l i e I n t e r n a - alunjinum flnna t - t a d is c u s s t h e - l J r o - ' V r - f o r - t h e l r i1 o f a i r t f l u r l s t c la s s pn federal lubeldli a n d A m e ric a .

Ing , t h e p r in c ip le p f in» iead of cowo p te d b y th e s e lin e s , the “pow er-itan-eIf 1052 a s a s t a r t i n g p r o v e d th a t thin m l t t e e s s u c h d e ta i l s T*!tie s , . n a I l l 8 h t _ l r e - L , n S , “ ibii

th il concenLraUoila u tlc s - b o a r d w a s o n eiecu-lc pow«tro 'posal. B u t I t fo u n d t x7 7 7I t h e u l t i m a t e r e c o m - V i J j i W Cm a t lo n a l A ir T r a n s - . Xiig u e d t h a t s u g g e s te d ' W est VlrRlnlaic a t ln g d e n s i t ie s w e r e of*! a compiei

th e k ln il M t r a f f i c 2th e s e rv ic e p a y . “ i T i S ! o” les m e t o n c c m o re i n the piaeing of a i•r le rs , w h ile s t i l l v o le - »<«■ » puwic addt■ p rinc ip le ’' o f t o u r i s t reeordlng.on. t h e p c n a i n g l S n ! ' ‘n ^ T . ' S . E ' S 'o p p o s it io n t h e y h a d nainriM of e*pe« u n t i l th e B e rm u d a - »P*ee for the re «

baek any pnwagi^ o r l c a n W o rld A i r ,d e c la re t h a t , r e g a r d - u u doubticM

3Uld la u n c h lo w - fa re Virginia l» one oipe n e x t A p r i l 1. I t ! £ ' ■ <'w ; s s s . “ u o " . ,s t in g - |3 B 5 f l r s t - c l a s s quorum call buid c o s t *405. C o m p a r - the count,c o u n tr i e s w e r e p tp m - -, , ■ congre.vi In Wa»la n A m e ric a n s h o u ld of procedurea u; a c t io n , s in c e i t w a s leguiature is to ir t r a n s - A t l a n t i c t o u r - ^ ‘M l( le n k .,J u a n - T n p p e , ,b a c k a s S e p te m b e r , a tagnation; poui

ed . I t s te a d i ly - s in c e .- «ygibo l-of-iip .io .te s a s u c c e s s f u l t o u r - “ • •* m u d I, B e r m u d a a n d p a r «

In '-W id e r t r a v e l f o r - . is t , i n b r o a d e r I n t e r r Robert.. W atkiiin d e r s ta n d ln g . I n e%- 1 ™ “; ? d ^ „ r tr - e a n H n j o p p o r tu n l - u o M ta n k , rolii,u e r l c a n su c c i ic d s In i «iw nbout «>, a n d X h n t p r e s e n t iJiood when woum .vc a c h a n c c o f h e i \ r t

— T“ "— =-------------- -------- snrnfboay]iv i~6if~ • • • - • And yet 8 t / Lc is p u z t ic d o v e r t h e p a t i e n t . D o e s n ' t h e ,


I K E R ’ S T ^ A t r O N A L

H IRLIG IGrNOTON—Advocate* o f fo v e m m e n lp te n u * ivelopm ent o f power a r t looked In a defperate Mhlnd th a fcenea o f the rea rm am e n t emer* Ithough u tility th te re ita h av e won soveral :torlea recenUy In c o u r t a n d congreaa, they

- -1 rea llM .they face a ehowdown lig h t . AgatnBt a dm in istra tion ''Uberala,'*

headed by in te r io r Secre tary Oeear •w N- C hapm an. T h e prea ldentU l y e a r of

‘'■V I -i 1863 be a Ume of f in a l and to, f a ta l decUlon In th e ir aO-year batUe W .t tf ) - fo r bare lu rv lv a l. ' iL 7 > Tlie r ra v ity o f thla InflgbUns 9 K \ ■) Uea In th e f a c t th a t O hapm an ‘S T r proposata fo r federa l developm ent a t lS K 'B o a n e k e -^ p ld i~ ln - K o r tf t 'O K r o U a » .

King* river In O allfom la, Boone- vllle In O regon and elaewhere th roughout th e coun try , m ark a rev* olutlonary advance in tbe govern-

iva ilon of th is (leld. I t U a fai- mora seiloua u n even FYanUln D. R o o a m lt aver eon* S. a l t^ u g b It waa In h eren t In b la broad *oCTun«merely propoMd th a t W aahlnftob produce pow er only .when I t r tiu lt« d from oonrtruo- creat dam a needed fo r IrrlgaUon, flood eon* .her conw rvatlan pu rpo ie i, a t a t TVA, Q nuid nd BonnevlUe. PrTvate Ind u itry v a a fUppoaed lu e to provide power from exU U ni JTkUi nnd a team -genera ting p lan ta. T h a t waa lup* be a m ora o r less pe rm a n en t dlvliion o l th i

ION—C hapm an would violate th is formula. ? to congreM, Uia c ou rt and tn d u itry oppon<

connecUon wlUi th o Uiree proJeoU lUted I In o the r seeUons. h e w anU to buUd slMlU live little o r rem oU connection w ith ir-H o o d " control o r conservation .-----------------ernl em inen t Jurlata, con«fre»ilonal eommltteei rera for th e federal power eommUalon pglnl ncle Sam c an U ke over thU v a i t p rlvaU In’ n thlA say-Bo b u l l , th e re U n o reaaoa w hy thi of o lhe r In d u itr lu m ig h t n o t be aeoompUah* • Uie general w elfare o r ln t« raU U elausea ol lUtuUon. H e can m ake aUel, ahoes, th lr ta llei, dig coal and oU, run th e ra llroad i, oi lu re a n d aell any o the r durab le o r conaumei ty under th e T rum an-O hapm aa theory.

kCK—m a b lU tering deoUlon, th e tr . 8 . eourt iU a t Rlohmond, V t . b la iU d th e Cbapm au 1 a caae w hich aaw two federa l agencies op* each o lher in an open legal ba ttle , th s courl

anlmoualy th a t th e federa l pow er commUalon e tary O hapm an, h a d JurladleUon over m n t - r pow ar Ueenaea w here th e re were no iblga- od oontw l c r conservaUon a ipeeU Involved -ked O hapm an’a th ird de fea t In hla p«rsUten< aupplan t th e '? F O , a oongreaalonal agenoy, fi

1, H ad ho won. th e TPO m ig h t aa w ellA avi t of builneea. and JurUdloUon in th la V o ­u ld have fallen to th e fae tlon of pubUo pewtt -aU In in terio r.Ichmond eourt'a dedalon, w hich waa im uaualt] a n d -d e taU e d In deatroylng th e O hapm w la th e m o e t' aevsre aetbaok lu ffered by ad-

}f pubUo pow er In m a n y yearn. Judge Jo h n J *iho deUvered It, aald Secre tary C hapm an hat I b u s ln m In Ileld th a n th e p o itm M U r

*0 noted th a t bad ly needed hydro-electili h a d been w asted fo r th ree yeare because o:

I long leRol f ig h t to become th e dom lnan tency a t -Waahington.

AT—I n view of these C hapm an defeats, i e unusual fo r 8oU cltor<0«neral Perlm an-t< case to the suprem e court, Howevcr^Prealden favors Interlor'a poslUon, a n d th e D em ocrat h igh ligh t th e publlo ' pow er laiua In orde;

re w estern a ta te i In th e 1063 election. Interlo: alao believe they m ay ob ta in m ow favorabli It from th e h igh tribunal, w hich U suppose* a public pow er m ajority as a resu lt o f Roosem«ti i^T ffantMUon-

a-th le-«am e .,que3U on , E v o I « l ^ Ikjmte*lUf apakw m en aay th e outcdm «~m eans life o:ir thelrln3£atryTEr:W elt-M *-a^4hreat=t05«M nIv a U enterprise.interior aeere tary iponaora a bUI fo r gov -o o n itru p tlo n an d op era tion tff-m tSO.OOO.OOi eneraUng p la n t to supplem ent Bonneville', ower faclllUea. T h e shorU ge of electricity li

defense' a re s , he aays, necesaiUtes th e nev lUon whlchi' would a e t th a precedent feart( private uUIlUet. ..

BO L—T he ho m e pubUo works committee 'bp- the m easure by a tw o-to^one vote. B u t Hep Dondero. M ichigan Bepubllcnn, aubm ltU d rucI ling m inority repo rt th a t the ru le i commltte' tsed to p lace -it on tho-leglslaUve calendar fo: lion.,tro aooused C hapm an of capitalizing on thi lergenoy to U ke over th e whole' power In He charged th a t th e cab inet member "dellber latructed" th e g ran t o f private Ucenaea, aa dli ' nnd courU , so a s to create an "artlflclo Ktf--al*o-{‘» t ig g c s t? d .. t l^ th e profIt-mnklni im flnna needtaK n e w i^ ^ w n t bfttallow ed. U r - t h e l r own - p la H U -ln s tea d -of - dfpenfflWi -al subsidies. T ^e K aiser, Reynolds and ALOOi s a re the p rincipal - producers ot aSumloun id eUewhere..d o f cotw eatniU ns these and o ther f in a* b m -s ta r\-e d northw est," th e m inority documen d th a t they be located In th e "gas-rich area slnna, Texas, Mlaslsalppt, O klahoma, K ansa kansaA." I t charged th a t O hapm an w u no )us to obtain alum inum producUon,' in view o tcentroUon. a s he waa to ‘"gain more co n tn cU-lc power l a the Paclflo northw est."


V irginia h»a no t m erely a stenographio ree a complele tope recording of the deliberation

house of delcgotcs, th e lower houae of th •gUlBture. ' 7U th e outgrow th o?' a system 'th a t began wltl :lng o f 'a m icrophone on each Jnwmaker'a des: ubllc address jysicm . A n a tu ra l next atep wa cording.:R the re su ltan t advanU ges, Wllli/im- E. t la n w aker of th e house, reports a great saving o

of expert stenographels, economy of flUnj >r the recordings, a n d th i possibility nf playlni ly pBMdgc Io r prInU ng In th e }oum al or t tx exacUy w h at was sa id and aven w ith wha in.doubUeis ‘more th a n coincidence th a t Wes

. Is one of th e 17 or more s ta te s whose legIs employ electrical o r pushbutton voting ma

■tistend of tim e-consum ing jo l l caJU. In a fe^ auch a machUie n o t only lakes a v o u ot call bu t automaUcalJy to ta ls and record

int.Li.ie of voting m achine^ If no t also of U p IK would be o f Immense value In lhe houses o 1 In W ashington, w h m grea ter *tre«'mllnlni edures Is obviously needed If the nitUona ire Is to keep up w ith Its growing volume o I and la to cope w llh the use of roll calls li rs.ape haa long been a phraae for biirenucratli on; possibly recording u p e a ill becom e'i .o f-up> to .datenew In JesUIaUve methods. 1 very much lo be desired th a t I t may bring whl natle rolleall m nchlnes In t^ e halls of con JhrlsU an Science M onitor. -

- .IIE SAW T IIE M DIE t.s W aUcln3.-'10--ykar-old aoldler who wn I th ree 'tlm es ' ln K orea. Is hom e In Clnclnhal i-d«y furloUKh. He w en t Into ' th e Hod Cros m k. roiled up h h sleeve and aald: 1

nbout « Buyi^ die bccauie th fy couldn 't ge ic n wounded. I U iought It waa a goodildea b ic lh c p in t I received over th e re to he lp some c. I camo back on borrowed blood—In w y ilV l'tfn T n ln c :'e t St;-Louisans m o n th a fte r monU j'provldi If « f the m odest blood quota, w hich la aakei

by th e Red- Cross. M ayt* I f U becauae the; t acen "abou t 40. guya d le l”^ u Louie Post

T i a E P - H E W B , T

k a l Ii . ■

[G POT m = S h o t s Won several

'We'TB a ll prepared for tbe opV W batU e Phltaaant aeaM n SatuKy ear ba iu e y,

inftahU na “" o hoiftlng" sign*. T

lopm ent a t bein kep tthe b a m for th e •’d u ^ o n . "

e lM w to e “" n ' tnark ■ m v . ^e've sandbagged th e walla up he «‘» u t 10 fe it . T h a t ahould UXe c

® I L r ^ AU -Uie cropa aro In ao noUi h l j t ^ d c»n *»• tram pled. T h a t leavca J

lb BTOduce basement un til th ings quiet dc1 oonatnio* again.flood eon* ^ safeguard agalnat most of

V A. a ra n d ilamage t o . Uie buildings. wila nn n u a ed painled slgna on them : “BaiUiur « u r -house,- “m achine shed," “garai.t n T n i v Probably; we've overlooked aome aion of tM but i t wlU be qulU

vlous'w hen Uie ba rrage atarta.T a la t Safe

Is form ula. J»rome)

rO T B rO R K ID S S E r r .luUd p la n u Dear P o fS h o U : -k w ith Irr. We have > four fem ale pupa------------- glvi away. T he m o the r la p a rt ieom m ltteaa ue and-, th e f a th e r a Auatralia lo n p g ln i shepherd.. We live four and op rlvaU In* «uhth m iles aouUi a n d four m00 w hy th e weft of Jerom e.wocmpliah* - Bfrt. Den-Hetaao:1 eUuaaa of • • • . o«a, shlrta . ' UFE IB UNBEARABLE

r c o n f e r j ju j^ v of a t l e u t one hom e heory . ^wln ra lU In w hich Uie so-ca_________ _ 1»«*<1 of *** fam ily, th e huabnu ^ . c o u n doesn 't menUon 'd riv

anymore.He took hU driving U sU i

I, u u court 55 on th e w tllU n pw tlo rths taat. I n th e m eantim e, h is

«tudytag fo r m e exam ■ aweaUng over It. She w as <

14 Involv^L H ln wouldn’t bo able to p a p a ra u u n * n „ huaband d id n 't help m a t I agenoy ,» w h at w ith h la constan t bi

glng about hU oa acore.Oame Uie big day and the won

ubuo pewer with )oU of mlaglvlngs, went to I her test. She looked a bit'm ore c

J im uausuy jid jn t th a t evening w hen Uie b r t ' wlwier finally go t home.. by ad* She inform ed h im ahe’d pai lge Jo h n J . with f ly ing ' color*—a a d a per a p m an h a d jcore of 1001 poatm aaU r- , im a Sdooi^

(Twin ra l l i -dro-electils • » .b«» u * e of HO HUM D E PT . ■

. dom inan t „the aide ef D r. Jo h n R . Ship

defeaU . I t c*u*«d 960 dam age to iP e r lm a n -to door a n d ehrom e; (AP nc r , Prealdent lU n ) .I D em ocraU , C a n aren’t aa tough' anymc La In order • • • •on . m u r lo r BCEM8 LIKE TT, ANTWA-S t favorable -Dear O ent:U supposed I t doesn’t aeem quite fa ir ol It o f Roose- Nonny Mouao to crlUclie tho ra i

riding distance of W hltey Cos. ^ na l. rnntrfl-:- nni> imnwii a horse can cover a -Pum te HUer- aSrity, .i.. i . ^ ho rtiana life o r a u l u i n n - d a y r _ _ _ ------------sat^taH dO T- - ^ iL to jh e U ie r o r not"W hiUy's

ing 60 o r W m D e i-e -d n y rih a t-II fo r gov* ierence doea i t moke? He prob ‘ fpO'OW.OOO MTway, because a n i tn can i Bonneville'S threa o r four~mller~a ii~h our ' a r leetrlcity In horse ahould be good for two o r t es thb new time# th o t rote w llhout b rea ic y t feared out of a . walk.

L et A. Nonny Mouse ride m 3 - a a lOmUes In 'one day and n l w

n * ^ he takes hla meaia off th e m a m iT f id i^ S foraw hU e. And he-wouW be te'

f f ■“K , X c S .h . .

a » j OQ t h . ■ . ■ . ™ "w r-^oU bw ’ H uK lnB tho rond oppei,r8 't( MM u did .eeondoty to . m o t many d r i r - S i S l 3 . l o p ln .. o u r T r .m c Expert.

?i'!;“ d^i5 - ™ 't'ra-INO -■ dfpenoW g' ® <ar;8hooter; .— — - and ALCOA Y our que juom m 'how .g ltla ipai : a lum inum to keep w arm In cold w eather'U

ou t'b ene flt o f sulU ble clo th ing ' ler tlxm s tn f*lr one. I ’ve been walUng for s ly docum ent of Uie gala to offer an explana' a -rlch a r e u A pparently none U forthcom lnt n a , If you’ll bear w ith m e IH giian w u n o t brief analysis of the sltuaUon.1,' in view of Those glrU are rea lly cold, lo re c o n tn l QUlU obvious. ,/4o one could it," ' warm In cold w eather w ithout ec

thing in the way of clo(hlne

E.-D r i keep Uiem w arm. .X t O ’ I t bolla down to th is ; T hey el

don’t have any aen.^e of feellni ^ *!*« Uiey Junt lack sea ie and t

S iK i d s ., . . i w S

n S K '■ A liio ls U s i L W F:xt atep was • • T here’s alw ays two o r th

gallons le ft w hen th e goa gaim- E . t la n - empty." •»l saving of O rjiTLEM AN IN’ TIiy of flUng FOURTH. ROW y nf playing.lUmal or to _____I w ith what

th a t W est

v X ” S :: f W H YI P A T M O R E !

a v o u o t a ■ ..nd rooord, I C U T - R A T Eilso o t U pe M f S A C 'ie houses of ■streamlining ■ AT THB

{ volume of I S T I N K E R ’Sroll calls in ■ n e w LOWER

f f PRICEStiiircnucratle M

methods. ' i V L f . F E A R L E S S

K f ' c ' c n ' : f ' F A R R I S 'm soo Block ..■ ■ T rack L ane B a it J

.w ho ..wn»„ . 1 ; - •I C incinnati ■ _

i : ' ' r v Tcouldn 't get

> d-iiow let-

n th 'p rov ldech la aaked M M \«cauae they ' H T Loula P o s t ' -

ms. TWIW ITA ] ^ , JDAHO—


a PEGLEBT N I W ^ r o R E ^ e decsdent B

■ ■ i V aki-Trlbune, w hich owei lu debl | < ( r 7 to iu aly connivance w llh fot L t a # whleh t t outwardly pretenda lo '

poae. recenUy h a s 'u n d e rU k en ' rehablliU U H enry W allace.The r

□> Uve U no t ao muehta eaub llah ( e c H H ^ B l

ir Uie o p e n - Uils queer crea- n S a tu rd ay , tu re a character ll < farm Uiree ho n e w had a s ^ '‘. M P g g P signs. T h a t to vlndleaU t h e U I M M y | | | the h u n te n H erald-T rtbuna

J o e M c C a r U i y W l H a M ting ^ p t - a recenUy t_o o fc ^ o n . ” B u t rambunciloua J b y ^ B ^ ^ H R t Uiick, eo Ih exposing Joe valla u p fo r Bam ea, lo n g * ^. l ^ e ^ c a r e Ume head of

cell In th e H -T a •* - ,ao DoUUna w e i r d pollUcal W»»i*mkr«il leavea Juat houae, and thla undoubtedly raU

Ivlng In th e Uie creaking hulk of a paper l oulet dow n ^ ^^ I h UUs InaUnce, A. O . Barmlmmost o f th o form er general of Uie Soviet a r

linss w e've teaUfled th a t Bam ea waa deacrl m- " B a rn ’■ by Oen. Ja n B tn ln . Uie chief of I.”* "garage .” Soviet m lllU ry InUIUgenee, aa ." ed aome l i t - man." .M eu lU ob* Bam es w aaJoreign editor of r i t i u . Herald-TrUsune for about alx ye s t Safe . convoyed Wendell Wlllkle aroi

Jerom e) Ruaala. m arried th e ez-wlfe of r leh personal patron, Predei

D E F T . Vanderbilt Field, a notorloua - now In prison, ond la now Bn. ed

1 ♦„ of Simon and SchusU r, publlsl. S ? J ? o t hook,.

, »H?»^mti,in T h e *0^1“ Uien began to cl In th e H -T in a laborious effori

, » - ~ n l " prove th a t H enry Wallace n« 1 four mUea j^ypred Uie Chinese reda. Thi

fore. M cCarthy mu/tt be a War, i r n -u e u w a Bam ea- and. th e , H -T 'v ictim s

-M cC arthylam r ^

^ , ; T h e buslnesa of whipping out n e ho m e in j^ e government’s flies aelecUd h e so-called eonfldenUol documents to dec he h iu b a n d , tam lnate fakers and cu lprlu of Jon driv ing traitorous Roosevelt regime Is

. quite a monopoly, r U sts and jr have.-a-Harge file myself wl a p w to n o l W allace was an o&me, h is w ife f u m fatuaUon w ith a aerlo-cc

orlenU l rellgloua faker nam ed N. » J" olaa Roerich nnd on underhor

iDie to ^ s a . rtouble-crosser in h is abuse of ll leglUmaU American sclenUflo

l u u n t brag* qj y , j departm ent of agrl^ .v .. lure, iwo-ot whom were sen t to .i r e n t ^ ^ k e ' W allace to help Roerich ga'

n {he'br^Sdl ' ^ c k ' l n lBi7, I broke Uie gi® guru letters, wlilch had been k

hlg around In pollUca for years,? a S t c i L i . m Republicans Jackedd a p e rle c t m urage to use them , and flaUy aL RnooDcr cd tA at BubWchead WaUace waswin P alla au thor. Tliey wero ao Idlotlo i

th e thought of his having beenp .x ■ president during more Uian U

. , yeara of war wns terrifying.»* f* " W hen Wallace held his own *’i

7 .S* venUon" to nom lnaU himself asage to th e candldaU of the 'K rcm lln and

(AP new s --------------

anym ore.

INTW A -r '

e fa ir o f A. | l i ■ a f a f l:e tho ran g e- W ■ 1 ■ ■ IsyCox. A ny- j I ■1 cover a ■ ■ l i t ■

WhiUy's rid- —s r r w M t- d i f .He

itm can w alk .~hOTir~ahd a .r tw o o r th re e — .TKi{fcKi5SW !!i*C;i DUt b reak ing ^ J

ride a s UtUe ! „ . . . , . imd n l w ager i - - ____ —r th e m a n tle .............. ' - -uW be teUlng _a t.Ic M tlO O I ^ k #

I ^ jm x Appet^rs' to be inany drivers, -« -------W t. A -------

— r -g ltlajpanoge

reaUitf-Wlth* ' ...-c lo th lng 'U aIng to r aome ' t l .

explanaUon.-thcomlng. so ^ ,v .y ,e IH glvo a i:uaUon. Illy cold. I t ’s 1I could su y dU iout aome-

c io(hing to

; T hey either of feellnK or .ie and don 't

i'. S tuden t rw in .rn iis)

two o r t h m


f W e B u T g r p n ^ *

“EJ I 1, T E I . ' ; ' - ^ 5 o n 4 ^ 9 i b y f fT)9r^

■ V. . j iw r d r fO T p tt t r a l , c o m « i

R ^ S u ^ ' C om tJle te / 'W tthho fic iy l

. I f '•*; s s I Q i i h : s i .

Us* W^ 2 8 6 0 ’

^ fo r 'f ro * hom oDEMONSTRATION

^ _______ o r moll th ts to u o o n —S K F fo r.F R IE LITERATURi


HO- -------- -----------

N G S A P P EA R -F R 0

A N G L ]la u ^ a n t H e ^ American. com m unlaU-ln PhUiK “ eblUW Phl« in « « . I laid f « h t o al

w iui forcM "press conference’* and be lu dc l T n S t i ? " oS t.w lU i.U ie.quesU M w hetoeS do taken U had w rl iu n thU imbedllo a ^i S S ^ e m o * H e refused u anawer. kno

— th a t If he lied I would knock dead w ith tb e proof.

' Briefly, W allace threw down I \ good Americana because they

■ H f l V : discovered a disgraceful iltuatli h la own doing. He never m ade i

■ ■ ■ K l . whole nor apo log ised ...M oreover, h e flnaUy broke

. Roerich, whom h e .had called k I V L 'C S : guru In th e batch of goofy co B £ X i 2 E i pondence handled through a i

lam asery on Riverside d rlre. t i «i»rMbr<tl<f agolnat Uie guni, and . \fi aave :

kM p Uie"gu™ a t ^ ’ln

, W allace fell In w ith Loul n o r th , a profeaalonal New

i X S i m o ™ y ^ iu : i i . r , .h o lu d .h l t It . T h t r f ^ the and Horch. u c r W M » tax,

. u I ld m ll .lly told I t o t t . 1 Ro.th e guru, waa Ood aknlghty.

editor of Uie to ld me he beUeved. » vB«rs him self fo r a whUe. bu t came o

mkle a S Uie eUier In Ume to h i t . 'f e w a i ‘5rtfe of h 5 lick* in a figh t over Uie owrie: I Frederick of. Uie sky-K raplng J o a ^ o u s

sr TKibllshers aeveral very Influential Jobs izer, puDuw .urpUia eommodlty end of .Un„ n 'to clank partm ent, of agriculture. Horch?flus eK ort lo as m uch mHuenca over BubbliJX ac e n e w W allace as Uie guru himselfreda ’There* finally landed In the depart

Iv. a lio r and of commerce, again under War -v l c lms of na regional director <5f exporUI viciims York, Includlnj

Jersey side. iDDlng ou t of H o rc h , always buUt up hla 1 aelecUd old personal network of employes. « to decori-- AfWr the e x p o s e t h e toofy ulprlU of the letWre In 1B«7, a n d Uie dlan ■calme la not of Dubblcheod from the depart

of commerce by H arry Tru myself which H orch Ull hung on for a vas an oss in T lnally , how evtr, h e ttslgned a aerlo-comlc congreaa never haa Inijulred • nam ed Nlch- ex t» rU w cnt-to w h a t countrlea

underhanded Ing H orch’a admlnlstraUon. ibuse of three • • • .sclenUflo em- Speaking of official docun :n t of agrlcul- h e re Li a dem onstraU on'of u re sen t to Asia handed , disloyal, humillaUng i toerich gaUier m e n t of decent Amerlcon acle

. - hy UlU moon-gaxlng wet-Up. )ke the goofy -D ear Professor Roerich: . ad been kick* "SupplemenUng m y cable oi for years, be* week recalling from the expei

a Jacked Uie D r. MacMlUan and Mr. St. nd flaUy s ta t- i a m wrtUng to exp rcu to you allace was th e again my rcRrel a n d IndlgnaU 10 Idlotlo th a t th e InaubordlnaUon of these vlng been vice i feel th a t th e ir aotlona have i -e Uian three in Jeopardy" the success o f th Ifylng. pedltlon as well ns the 'safe tyhis own "con- m embers. I have w ritten l« himself as the A m erican consul* a t Tokyo :mlln ' and th e H arb in as well as Colonel Sa

^ *52.

^ 3 D A Y T o

Both for Otih

» g

i n c

Vd a y V o

The lightweight.cleaner with hearfy.^ O V . * i l ayfdy.m ^th® ,

Jl com«rtvC4>Wft clean t n - a

h hefldy’b tf^« n ts ;d tin V < n Ien t cofr*'(((

H " r ■?

h ^ 2 2 ? ' a n d Cc^ ^03 Main Av«. VV.» Twin F a lli , idq l

W 0*rt1em*m,T)«oj* .*nd mt fu,ih,r/ ,• Kenmof* vacuum d tan tfi. /

6 0 ^ : . -MAMi - - I 'a ■ STMET'ORRB

l-Tn u a o n — -! — \-------lA T U R l •_____ _______________________

m m

F R O - M In fo roaU on ."-— ■' - - -____ T hese le tu r s la ld :

1 T •■Dr. H . a, M acM illan and \r I V P v ^ Btophena, ho have been to l* a tau r la as .b o ta a la ta n d aaalatai)l: .ln PW ladel- “ ' f . j ^ S i S S ly b e en te ca lle d fo r inauborf w h lrth w S tion a n d failure to carry ou l Ina dUo S u S « “ *' J *1“ ***« nZ . k S S lM e o .t q l . . i . ^ . s j o n^.d » u th ,id ta o c i. h i» " J 5 J S ; ' ' “ “

tCacUUlan a n d BUpheha driven alm oat nuU by the «

sw down three fantasU o aelf-im portance , i use t h ^ had w ere re a l Americans and hen 111 situation of thU w eird oha rac te r raising rer m ade them w herever h e w en t In the oriei

- HU eltU enahlp w as vague bi ly broke with h a d been bom In Ruaala anc a d caued ' hla peared to have played w ith bot goofy correa* communlaU a n d the w hile Rua

rough a weirdI d rlre, turned Bubblehead ' got scared wh , tfi aave him* K a a d e l se«m «l im m inent and

oonaplred to to ahu t Roerich’a meuU i w ith a In Ind ia . daU d Sept. » . 1»38, w hich rei• h im tn m d la . I t aald :.rlth LouU L. ----- 1------------- ' . . y . ---------

JEROMIth a t Roerich, knlghty. .

beUeved UiU

UieJoaa-houae on

rv av e ~ B o rehUie

:re, H orch had ■ er Bubblehead1le departm ent mder

including thb

e m i^yes. the (oofy guru

dlsmUasltieurry Truman,

for a ' n s lg n e d bu tInQulred w hat , _ R j v . ^ n df u S r ‘“ "u r-

al documenU, R E V I V A L ft lo n 'o f under-tOllaUng.Uoat- ' L , _________1 ^ 1 - -r^n^aclenU sts A S S G I T I D l y )^ch:^’ Corner o f Ash and D Iui'b M p^ditbn OCTOBER 28,8 P. M.


of Uieso two.' t h r i l l 01na have placed ^ POWER GIcaa of Uie cx* i 8-Year-OIdle safety o t iU " o - * « u r u m

■ E '- O P '” " ' W cIco m eolonel Salto a t


•n ly “l u l l Ul

ive. 7 5 1

^ i S I B kP w H i


* M I

l u ^

‘V . '■

' i Only

------------ = - ! -------

■ ■ ' " r a m A T ^a n d enoloee copies fo r jo u r —

laUon.-............ . •' • «.^*r®=">«be'tw le tu r s la id : . or oth.H . a , M acM illan and M r j Publldi

phena, ho_ have been to M w , ^j jL b o U a U ta n d aaaiatantboU t.■y. th. S j S a ' X Swen recalled fo r Inaubordlna^Id failure to carry ou l Inatruc- a»o *® «:J t n u t there H u been no In- S a

dence ocoaaloned you Uirough s o r ^ ’A ^® * * ^

“ r o . t ^ „ W r ' , s “ . a s v atlo aelf - im portance. 1 They , l ‘ ’real Americans a n d 'h e re w ai a t ^ « n l r d c h a rac te r raising he“ 5riv. 1 vor h e w ont In the orient S

r « « u S ? ' “ r . 5 : s i S ' i ;

f f i ' i s d w s s s S S

• ‘h . ' t a S t ’oi EtBMrlth’.m o u th W th .S S


Bov. «na M rs. 0. A. Beebi . o f Nampa, Idaho, will start


assembly of God (in ter o f Ash and D Streets

CTOBER 2 8 ,8 P. M. and Each Nlghl ex< COME AND ENJOY— ^



i^oryone Welcome ' Jlilo H;


Cl B l l -

, ® i 3 S

— — I------- -niBTitPlon-ptrte-thl»-“ “------ - 1 ho m . . . . Iel» y*" •I^V.

• i ' - ! ■____ ^1, n n ln g f lf f to .. w hile y » » »


Page 5: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

^ i y T w o ■ Women |M

!>»▼* *>een B f ' " » Jerom e I | ' •

^ t. Tvia count7 H ■■ l i ebarglne ^ hus-

R W j S u ^ i e . & ed ku lt I F ^K B ^ 5 o - 8 n I l whom th o ■ [ .

» }J tf .lW S ,to T » » » .T b ey J

■ l ^ c S m s he U addicted •^ttnUDSi ^ unsov-

th e court w . < f ^ t r property cooilst- « * ^ l n u!e IB RoMbufff.L ^ t . IoCm Jerom e, w id ? M lulomoblles and nn , ■ ■ ■ ■

ot c u b . PcBiUns W S W Um icUoD, tb e court

S tD cnJolQ tb e h iu b u jd S bx ber or d iipo tlng o l

^ S ? luybom a n d R ay - ■ ■ ■

E f iS S u J y ^Ued eu lt fo r b u t dropped

£v-;f f i r t l ln M t i t o O c t

f% r h ( brokB dlBhca. towU .. •* !!. u i r t . 1. “ * " " «

?2 d-U»eir th ree ehlldren . ■to shoot tlre i o rt tried to JeaTo. M e n i l

hitfh&an* .'*ere m arried ■w •,a S T T T w la -P a U a .-T h e y ------Hj ^ - p m o n a l property, •,

th« recentj t t t , C hilian. In KanwaM (S t wpport. a tto rney a H ftrter ’ ,4 court' order enjoining 0 l from B olM tlw h e r or “ teflr property. B ay- I W hom are h e r a tto r-

Urestodc a— -------------- ond place I

( ic e s Held f o r S S L ' . ' ” ,

'a r l e y P. S t o k e s

S 'H i S H M i n UClau

cl-ia»-KfTlce«' at-tho -tab* - — ROTEIt; U(] retd the obituary. rtcelvcd h jtuxlpofUude were played M artin, 61 . «itrtv Madien. 'who also MlnWoka, iekd tbe vocal nunsbers. P uco , Ws t t TU (Iren by Thom as mads In 1 , 0M ^ m wire O leen how- Mr. Ma: iiaiOeorBe WlUlanx5, fo r- homestead bep of Acequia w ard. early days ibdoded a duet by Coralle ried Q ta 1st Un- K enneth TTMmas. and for U oiMen ot Mr. Stokes,~and associated ftrrell OatnuU a n d David Martin an

paoy a t PI prtrer' w u by B e rm an Survlvin t. ndleatlon a t R upert sons. Jack 1 « u made by H. H . Stoke*, tin. both I 7«lD Tills. PaUbeartrn wero tin, S e a ttl Btetti and H m er Stok*«, Anna Holi

r«Aitn. Charlea Stokes and —

3?iS;S5!S£n^' Sena( tor tha f lo irtn were M rs. BURLED w re to , Mrs. 3. B . H arr l- ihe Burle]

Butler, M rs. D. 7 . a t a m eei -*HvJfeEnIBBillKiJ4rBr-0r -thfr-iVcrtt irU a^^lR & loJS lM lT IZ ti: cemmendB JiHistm, M n r~ B lz ib n 2T D o m h a k -

M U nrX U nbeth-fralbu t* . 4ortaJn_o] sberi of tho Ace<mla and Pallsadea ' EdktiocleUes. IU e dirt ------------------------ secretary '

ifTWaejdny. O reene was ,. llcropentlns a .tn io k wlUi • wijlit ind »5 for o p e n t- | | A | ■ M l truck without U cen»

SOCIAL HELD ( w ^ Su o o ^ .3 ft: .A j,{ e -M c ii& r L K j f lw rtB jth e n d era Q u c in im '» timrtii Wednesday nigh t. I M # )I w itren to V em Lee i t l t i . i•la^wtdta an accident a a d H S f f l

to tb a hospital

nn WORD IS ocmMOif y o u w is h f o

“ io y a c h o i c e

Kentucky b o u r b o n —

W «

g P i

i f l

LtsSra - t>owfa«»wK»■ f e a j j H M * lfo w fio v

----------- flU otoyLSm a

— ------------------

SJ^STRAIGHOOORI^ ^ - ^ l A W J O O M P ^ V ,



The Rev. : K am a* City, speaker a t Oregon dU tii convention w the Twin Pal rene.

Them e of •TT»e N ai»r« to th e Rev. t FslU.

T he nev. I perln iendfn t church, luis' fore lcn- eoun TTnlted state:

Rccent trli m ission lielc A frica, Centr a n d the B rit tn Jap an he c a several of viewed Oen. th e future of

nOWARO HARDER YonB'pJS'. . Bohl FTA member, was wide fellows

rded the decree o f American church.BW ' a t th e te ee a t Batloaal M ln lsten j I cooTenUoa ta K aa w a CUy. Idaho aod o

A fenncr stato PFA pretl- arrive Mondi t, H anler wsa chOMa lU te slon a t 7 :« c ner la IMfl, sa boaor which Powers w!ll a 1 to only two per c en t.o f ihe Communloi I m nnbetihlp, (Coad p h o tf r - . M eltn Bro^n f mjrravlnf) Tuesday prog

* . * * * dlM uulon oc' 1 « . Uonal life wl

:mber of FPA Si.'?.";, 5[nBnhl Honored I N am pa; theHL, Oct. M—Howard Harder, aon, Pocatello

PPA member, waa awardad Jey, Buhl, pa; letree o l American Farmer a t A m m ag e ' ecent national PFA convenUon will conclude uisas CIty.'MO.' and li panel rder, who has been In vocation- istcr's meuni Tlculture work since 1040, Is a be held In 1 er stato PFA president - and ipatlnR wtU 1 chosen sta to form er In 1940. Corlett, pre. It year H arder traveled on the N atarene ce ock show circuit a n d won sec- H ushes; the ilace in the naUonal Junior live- N am pa; the

show and .Bcventh In the LaG rando. O: nal open class. JIo . also was T urner, OnU iplon la fitting a n d showing D lscuulon 10 Twin Falls county fa ir and a s d church a member of th o crops and fea tured o n t » Judging u » m . w hl(^ won program . DU place laijstate compeUUon. r ^ v . E. H. Ec

----------------------------- H ubert HelUi

nidoka Pioneer S™bS"' laimed by Death K lM ie n 'c i i .'Pg RT, Oct.'-Jg^ W ord-haybetir -devctJoB#:—ired here o t the d e a th o t Enos T alks by tlIn, n . an early « tU c r o n Uio the Rev. Dr.loka project, a t h la 'heRie In, m orning sou3, Wash., Oct. 14- B urial waa venUon day.1 in Kennewick. W ash . Psatera! co'. MarUn-s par«nta filed 00 a ta tlon ia sdistead no rth of R upert in Uie W ednsadaydays of the project. H e m ar- Jo h n Prleser

Q la Ray a t R upert In 1013, S turtevont, tfor Uie’la s t 10 years bos'been A. L, Tuns(lated w ith his son* In Uio H erbert Lillytn and sons construcUon com- WaltCT iM na t POKO. . C loalns Ut<

nrlving aro hi* widow; three D r. Pow cnJack MorUn and Robert M ar- and guesls al

m Ui Pasco, and R ichard M or- Pre-convenSeattle, and one daughter, Mrs. » tau- sund. Holmea, Moses L ake, W ash .' N iuarene ch

!-------------— — — B. V. S e a ls ,,

Bnator ThankedRL E Y ,'O cU 25—D lrec ton of W ashington Jurley Chamber of Coromtice, church.meeUng th is week, authorltcd ------ -------------

tf, wiHtjii ft lettCT of

^ ^ n iX N M_ln obtaining * p p r o v o l" ^ f ^ r • ~ ■=idea^aax .appropriation .--------- -- -------T r t __} d lrec ton nUo authorized the ta ry 'to pu rch u e five atudent u vi- fo r- U w - lM l-» » - * e r lo s - o f - —nunlty Concerts to be given —. T he Uckets will b e given to us school students.

M i l

® i r ^t e t w

■ . • . eIo*h** ih a iI • w >«. 'lufft* 6wt o

ATTH6SA M I ■ « • T w fn T u b I

1 wKtUy has ^f io v o fi Rich S to p !n 1Smooth. «rttrfyt"8 ‘ woshlng den


U 4 Y ,tO U 1 5 V lU £ > .K ^ ^ ^ H H i H I


fazarene Superinteni BeJEeajtoed-dtXd^^■he Rev. Dr. H a S v O ..P o w e n .L *runs City. Mo., wiil be fea tured aker_ a t th e lh rce -day_ Idaho - non dU tiic t N au ren e preachen* iventlon which opens M onday a t Twtn Palls Church of th e Naxpk-

'heme of th e Mnveiitlon will be le N aztreae M lnlsur,” aceordlpg the Rev. H tn ry B. H ughea, T « ta

^ e Rev. D r. Pow en. genera] su- iniendent o( ths N a s n r e n e irch, iuis traveled extensively In elgn- coun tries-as 'w e ll' a s tb s Ited States and Canada.•ecent trips Include a v is it to «lon fields o f tho church la lea. Central and South A merica I the BTttiAh W eal Indies. While:Jap an he visited church leaders several of the islands and in te r- wed Oen. Douglas M acA rthur on

future of work Uiere.>e Is sponsor ot the NazarCno ung People's society, a world- lo fellowship o t youth o f tho irch. riR_ R jU nlsten 'and the ir wlvoa from ___________ho aod O re io n are expected' toIve Monday for the opening ses- (

w'U f«”k"*’'“ '■ommunloh services by th o Rev.Im Brown. Nampa, will open Uio /nMday program a t 8 a- m. A punel ??, :us*lon oa the minister's dsro- isl life will follow wIUj th o Rev.

John E . Rllev. N am na: Uio wpervlalonPaul W oUtcnh5l3\..M « ld l« v ;. __

■~ReV."'A]b'ert N euichw angtf. i B i npa ; Uie Rey. R ichard D icker- J K J , Pocatello, and Uio Rev. Leo K ir- Buhl, p a rU c lp a t^ . . m m ag e by th e Rev. Dr. Pow en conclude tho morning sessions '

i It panel dU cuulon on tho m in- r 's message and itIs Blblo wiU m A.m M held In the afternoon. ParU c- B v ^ ^ ilRB wtu be th e Rev. D r. L. T . lett. , president of N orthwest ” “ L :arene college. Uie Rev. Mr.Ihes; the Rev. Elwood 'S otm er, w x o y to »«npa; the Rev. Roscoc P e n h s ll . — :----------^Srand#, Ore., and Uie Rev. A. C.■ner, O ntario, Ore. • •Hacusslon of th o mlnlster’a oUilca I church admin istration' ■will be tured on tho.W ednejday m orning gram . D lacuuion lead en a re the 'I'. E. H. Edwards, Boise; th e Rev. b e n Helling. Goodins: th e Rev.Illom O rlftin , N am pa; th e Rev. m Abla, Nyssa, and th e Rev.O. Vevig, Bsgle. The Rev. Carl 'u le r, CsldweU, li In charge o f ...................

‘alks by th e Rev. Dr. Corlett and Rev. D r.'P o w e n wUl conclude

m lng soBstons of tb e f ina l con- lUon day.'s s tera l ceUing aad hospital vlti- lon is sd ieduled for dlscusdon dnssday afternoon. T he Rev. ih Frlesen. and Uie Rev. T* R. . r tevaat, bo lh Nampo; th e Rev.L, T urner, Emmett, th e Rev.

:bert U lly, Payette, and th o Rev.ItCT I^ n m a n will participate.Sloalng lh e convenUon. th e R e v . .............

P ow en will add ress. m ln lsten I guests a t 7:45 p. m . W ednesday, te -conventlon events will Include :aU: Sunday n igh t a t th e local carene church by the Rev. Dr. ' .V. Seals, se o ttle , W ash , accord- ta R «r, M r. « u g h e s . ' T ho Bev. r * Seals ts superintendent o f Uie

shlngton Paclflo district o f ths « h .

« f VI ASH U l

i l l THROtt®*IM

I ^ C X - T H A M . ------------------


1wonder a^D «5#r TXlr» o*t* ‘ fiM fhad«t dMfW^ — and I* ovt o whol* wMk's waih only 45 mlnirte*. 'It'a the RID'S ONLY WASHER WITH - — 3 WASHING TUBS! Two tubs w cih — rin»« — wrli»g — AU

rH6 SAME TIME. •M n T ub D b u b b S t K b h tg ^ m .« t ... »oakIno< - hand«rubblr>g. p rs 'treo iin tT i S aves s o o p r ~ w o te r a n d e lec tricity , lo o l lop !n TODAY fo r a . FREE h ln g d e m o n s tro tlo rb i,



n te n d e n tW il l Man]T.ofal M ppitiiig

* * * . * . Ci

Ba H aie

im n o ra M day night remove h ihe acclde ed th e ir I

T he lac car drivei WhUe nu> section of sCreet wei driven b Tw in Pali

’Taylor 1 to move 1 m an had After an lnve.iUgat companle. to move

However, to the posted t parking c

P R . H A ttP y C. POWERS

CheckersBOHL. Oct. — Idaho s u t e A

Patrolman Jack Lewis and Muri TCJm ltb a re on du ly a t tb e Idaho ^» r t of e n try cheeking sta tio n a t Hollister. T he sUUon 1* nearing wmpleUon and wilt be tm der Uia upervlslon of Pa tro lm an Lewis.

c m m stu iT o e o L f i t 2 6 3Utt-knowB Herat- K M i i y t o u t * I s V a p o R u b .

» ' " .............. " '

-------------J ‘



Man Is Cited for Failure to Move

Car After Crash S'™A H aielton m an Involved In a BOTemt

T H nor«M ldenilifT w lnP^Ils'T hU r«- Thelay n igh t was c ited fo r failu re to commls•emovo h is c a r from th e scene o f more nb e a c c id e n t '^ te r jwUce h a d fin ish - Insurinrd th e ir InvesUgaUon. '

T he inc iden t took pU ce a fte r a ■«*»:ar driven by W lUlam N. Taylor. I------------irhUe n u k in g a IT tu m a t th e I n t a - - nlectlon of M ain avenue and 'F ou rth F ' g fItreet west, collided w ith a s au to T*rIrlven by Bob Leo , H oohhalter, Cltjrpcrw ln Palls. _ ______ ___ clloUon'T aylor told police h e w asn’t going Pityliig

o move h is car imtU an Insurance ing wertn a n had InvesUgated tb e acd d e n t. Anderai,After an explanation t h a t ' poUce berger (tlnve.iUgatIon was a ll in surance Iccke, j .companle.i required, h e sUll retu-ied Mr.i, Peato move h is c a r a n d w as cited for NcI.%on. Iimproper parking, offlcera aaW. Welr, O.However, la te r T aylor drove th e c a r Lloj-d.Mcto th e police sU U on w here h e (two) anposted $3 bond o a . a a im proper Bob Cparking clUUon._______________ parking.

^ t h is


I n c lu d in g B a lo n c e T r o in in

R * g . $ 2 7 .9 5 4

SPECIAL . . . . . .

S T A T E H D V2 6 3 M a in A v e n u a E d r t


■ | k . \ M


/ ' ' H i w

N J O NTH ^ .••TheBoi

r ..Thrifty-.... -IWASHINGTON, <Sjt. 3d OUO- U O

TAmerlcans-*aTe(tT-»S5 W,00PW »: " 'o o o lrtMtlng th e A pril-June \ijuarte t c o u n trthis year, a five-year record, th e u ,o drigovernment reported today. have be

— T hB -secU H ty- and ■ exchangi have micommission aald Uib pubUo p u t *ppUcwmore money Into banks, bonds, eu u g ,I n su rA n w an d 'o th e r'iav ln g i be-" j , , ,cAuso of consumer goods sho rt- Mrs. H<ages and cred it restra in ts: r e t a r d

- J T he’i

P e k in g f e Sc itjr police collected *33 In park ing sons a r

clloUon bonds -T hursday .-____*___.ttttt:—P)»)'lnB $1 each for overtim e p a r t ­

ing w m Sherm an WUUams, Jo h n i l | j , Anderat, D. H. Buse, P . C. S hene- I1 [ berger (two). V. C. H uff. P au l WH- . Iccke, J . L. Personlus, O. D. Sho tf, _ _ . Mr.i, Pearl Irons. S. A. W ebber, Bob O f I Nel-wn. BUIne Caldwell. Mra. A lleen . , Welr. o . L. Luke, Mrs. E d Robinson. . *" ' Lloj-d.McArthur (two), W .N , “I^y lo r ( tw o )a n d J .E . Hayes.

Bob Carey paid t3 Xor Im proper » T h oparking. - - id

---- -----------daaupanic

LY! Sn

LK BIKES M6 T r a in in g W h e e ls

’19-95 iD ' W E . C O . 1

P h . n . 2 5 S 0 %


S i . '

BilKIrtlcindJs— —HMO

Q a s M s A s s i s t i n g ^

G o o d i n g Z D m e r s , Z ^ m- ■ GOODING. Oct. 3S—T h e Goodlnf J T MCounty Safety.'ooundJ rep o rta .th a t ^ Z a ith e driver .tra in ing classes w hich ^ B S have.been eonduct*U a-tba-eounQ r. have m e t «reatsUoees*. N ot a single applicant haa failed the driver’s U-centa w ritten .te s t i t tbo applicant . K nhas a ttended Safety councU classes. K O I ]Mrs. H arold B endenoa . councU aeo* ■ ■retary. said. ■ G H

T he a e z t a ad f in a l d rlver-tralB lnf ■ D Rd a s s i^ b e b i l d ln O o o d la g o a N o T . K M5 aad N ot. 7 a t a p jo . a t 'th a Good* ■■■■■ Ing high schooL All Interested per-sons a re Invited to attend._________ fe n to e

“Hot flashes” Of Changeo r s t r i k i n g l y r e l i e v e d t

l n 6 M a % * o > l h a c i i i M - f ,I n d o d o r t * t o t t t i f J \

■ '•■nioso«uiroc»tlng“h e a tw a 7 e tf ' m l— a l te m a t ln f f ' w ith nervous, m i ic lam m y feeU nks > -and accom> V A ip a n ie d o r t e o ^ restless I r r l ' ' ■ ■la b il i t y aod xterTD tjsiO B9-^ara B H ■ w ^ -ta iow n to . w om en t h e tu n c tlo n iJ ly -e a n M d d is tre ss I t i 'o f &a.ddle lU a ^ e h a Q c e " ! . V m

Y o u w a n tn s U e ff r o m s n c b s a t- fe r ln g . A nd—c h a n c e s a re —you c a n g e t I t. T h r lllln * re llefl T?iania to t o o fam oiu L i/iia wmPinkhtBTTmedictnat......... ..................... WB

tO% (respeoUvely) of' th e cases n ttested. Complete or itriklng rtU«/l Jgj

Amaslng. you say? N ot to tb e .e (»m any thousanda of women wbo <r» know tro m ezpeslence w hat these

-Z tfdia-Flnkbam m edldnea-caa d o t .T heir ac tloa— actu a lly -.ls very .X Sw

m odem . T hn r exert a saen tU oO ly ham ’s calming. tooOiliv eHeotl

. T ry L ydia Plokbam ’so tt tb e basisof m edical evldencel See B you, too, ^W oidon’t n l n blessed relief from those t l o i ^te rrib le “hoe flashes’* and weakness feelinso oomaion tn "change of Ufe." msnU

* Iff yom l ie v e o if w t i M — y o u w o n t ti

- ■ ' - ■ t i p t o p u n b h n w R T . ^ H e r t ' t th * • v W e n e « - l tf tt t t r u c b f o r y o u

------------------------------e x p « i1 s , - u s ln o 4 a t m f r<o n 7 ^ 1 8 , 0 0 0 t n i d o , , T n * d a lo s t l o n g e r t A t Ih o F o r d T ruck P O W

^ y o u th e in o s f p o M v r f r cK O v e r 5 ^ 0 0 o w n e f i tB ----------------------- ^b1a“ d j > ; r t» : f o l r F o r d -H R un, p r o v » d f o r f h « n

. t t c o s ts t o n m F o r d T n

. T dfM rtto r n m m * f IlM■ i P ; . .-Dw 14M ip. Ford M KaH )oodcepo^licw7M-»on■ ' . you a wWe ipedeH w peee■ from .rW »o 19 f t fon l w■ ModWi, for every ided e f toi

........ U mtlmi

0 T < ^. m 1 m

jc n ^ w p ^ T th il tI classes which dU a .th a -eo u n ^ . ess. N ot a single1 the driver’s U- ‘ | j j | B H H B ^ B B B | l | H

r councU ' K y B | ^ ^ K t o | 2 | | » |

J^d r ^ - t r a t e ^

*atS^***** P e ir in e H e te l . ,H w i

les” of change of life sttfi/ r e l i e v e d j I ■ _ , ■ ' j

i f t h a e a t M ' / . # Ii * t o > t t l fJ ^ !jig “h e a tw a 7 e s - M / t B av l t h nervous, m g M» a n d a c c o m > m M m I > S V 'Ir resU ess M - ■ W . J

ih a o se" ! 1C f ro m su c h s o t-ances a re —yotx m ^ L T ^ W . /T M J 1 /M tullU ng reU efl^iM U « Lydia - l l | j | H | n H | H ^ H

2 S 2 ? i n M ‘S l * ly« i1 ieW w i»V .w w') of- th e cases « y t t tA n w ^ a *? ■ * ? i!*

of women wbo trsuss of 'oA saf* o/.W*.

_____________ i ______i =

eHectl improved T ablets w ith addslam’s o a tb e basis slse oniif M « .

-W ondcr/ut — to o - ^ f o r th s

f S 4 f S S ^I V T - I - O O .

* Iff yom fw v * o n m f t o Ufh r t u m — y o u w o n t t r v c k t I h o t i f a n c l tp t o ' p u n h h m M # . ^ ^ o n . f h t W t th * a v I d e n e A - t ^ F O R D S a n '- . .: h t t t r u c b f o r y o u i R fo h n u r o n o a ' « p e i* , - v i h > g la t e r t - r e e t s t r o H e n d a t a — sn 7 ^ 1 8 , 0 0 0 t n i c b , p r o v * I h o t F o r d f r u d o l a s t l o n g e r t A n d r e in t tm b e r — ' h t t F o r d Tn>ck P O W B l P IL O T g iv e s 'OU <htt m o s t p o M v r f ro m ih t t i t t o s t f f o s l > r a r 5 ^ 0 0 o w n e r s t o o k 'p a r t tn Ih o > 1 a n b » ; f f c e : f o f e - F o r d ^ i 1 ie k ~ B c i9 n b n i^ hm , p r o v e d f o r the im e h > w h o w f t t l * ,I c o s ts t o n m F o r d T n id c ii

en mM» r n m ^ r mt n m T M k. .-IM 14M ip. Ford M K a Job. Body M d p trf .>od e a p o ^ ll w e r 7 y i -fo«ifc 5 wlieeibeses gfve .00 a wWe spectot-pwrp o e b o ^ lengtfi f e n e r •Ofn.rM to 19 f t ford laokM o w ISO H vS lodWi. for every ided e f totdiao }oU-

iM iw oar m m w 4« M> ••taM U MtwW MWsIf - '

5 6 5 1

Page 6: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

Panel AvowsBase”

: — Morale Poor• 'WASHmOTON. Oct. 38 - A ■ m tU • trn td t t n lo e t tubeommtttM h u reported I t Jountf d lm tU fM - tlon u u l low morale kinong m irlnes —p u tlcuU rly reeeotly recalled re- « rv U t* -* t three DMefc

-T h li -WM t f U c o u r a ^ la t1«w o t the lo rn hlitorjr of h l ih m ortle »nd

■ I cfprlt de corpi of th e nutrlnH.’’ then o u p silfl.

I The three baaes are Zl Toro *nd Cwnp Pendleton, Collfoml*, «nd Camp U Jeune. N orth Carolina.

Bap M oaer Waste n e fubeommlttee caitJclwd the

navy and m arlse corps fo r what It called lavish use of men and money. In a report which alio covered eon- dlUons a t the marine corpa a ir sU>

Itlon. QuanUco, Va.. the navy’# am- phlbloui base a t UtUe Creek, near { Norfolk, Va., and th e navy’s lub- : marine base, New London. Conn.

The prepart^nesi subcommltUe. headed by Sen..Lyndon JohMOBt D.,

,£ T « . . WftB set up ihorUy after flght- ! IBS broke out In K orea to keep an ' eye on th e moSlIltatlon .program.' This was l u S lit report; othera have , dealt with a wide variety of mobU- ] Itatlon problem*. • •I FaeUItiM Landed.

I n (teneral, the Ifticit report praised the lood. clothing, supplies,

m stn icU on. medical care, hooilni: . .u d - TMreaUon .faciUU«a'at~tli«~sU

tndn lo s center*.But In addlUon US reporUns low

morale a t Uie three marine bues. the subcommittee was .crlUcal of w hat It called a "lack of co it con- id o u tn e u " am ons oftlcers a t the tlx center*.

This fac tor ‘ Involvet w u t ^■ ■ “ irm it«-in~m anpow ar »nd -ira« te -Ja

money—and a t th is crlUcal juncture tha naUon can afford neither," the

II auteomm lttee said.

I S e a t t l e S y m p h o n y

I C o n d u c t o r O u s t e d1 BEATTLE. Oct. 39 (/P) — Manuel fl Rosenthal. SeatUe' symphony or*j chestra conductor who made the.( headlines bu t n o t the deadUnet.wasI ou t of a job today.I At least, so fa r as th e board of { director* of the symphony Is con* rl cemed, the peppery lltUe French-II m an who came here In 1B49 has been II d lse n m e d from hU 115,000 a year II lo ti. Rosenthal’Arattomey. apparent- U ly believes otherwise and say* he

H i Intends to hold ^ le board to IU two- m year c o n lra cC ^ ■ ’I I I The dlmlnuUve. 47-year*old con> III ductor was fired y i^ r d a y while a III U .S . ImmlcraUon board In New II Tork waa InveaUeaUnK the problem* 11 th a t pu t RoMnUial In a bad light


S t r i k e a t H a n f o r d

. A - P l a n t C o n t i n u e sJUOHLAKD, w a ih . Oct. 38 (OK-

A wildcat w alkout o f CM A7L car­penters a t the Hanford ahunlo p lant entered Its thl,rd day today and a oompany official nald approilm atcly SSO m en were laid off a t the atomic

41 projec t yesterday because e t the II dispute.II Barlan Bi:own. buslnea* agent o( II th e carpenUr* union, said the men | l le ft Utelr Jobs wlUiout otftclal union I I . sancUon because they did no t ap- II prove o t a certain superybor.

D e d i c a t i o n S l a t e dI POCATELLO, Oct. 38 WV-SmBroyI a ; Owen, Idaho FaUs attorney asidt form er member of th e Idaho boardI o f education, will slve th e dedlca-

y ■ Umi addreM -Oa tan lay - at- th p - newH Idaho S U te n lle c e liberal artsH ^ b u U d ln i. The new structure coetn ♦IBO.'DOO........ -y — 13ie ceremonlet. will -ha pa rt ofB p n rtn ts and patrons day a f^Q anoI I fitaU.^*fill A nother f e A tta wUl be the Octo- [ t'l b e r meetlnB' o t th e Idabo flUte 'I j l - Chemteal mssoclaUco.

J f - D i v i d e n d s ^ O k a y e d•111 SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30 W>>—i l Two dividends o t 35 cenU a share% were declared yesterday by Bunker« BUl and Sullivan M inins and Con<«U centratlng company, b rln sln s the■U company's IDSl dividend to ta l to U■ i a share as compared to I1.3S lastnU year.W Both th e quarterly dividend o t S!B n eenU and the extra dividend of th«■ I tam e am ount are payable Dec. 1 U■ 9 ttock o t record N or. 6.

I f ~ C A P I ' f 0 L ~| y - . n w t t* . Salt U k e CItr, Urek i _ MAtL OBDERS NOVM ■D . _ : - Nf-Tlx ffWwtlM-----IB Itm Pnw.>W 1. TiM WmiI[H THURS.^ FRI. SAT. . I f l N O V. 15 16 17 IB CM.ib.«,

_ A D I E R ' S ----------

- ^ V I E U 5

I t h e a t w

.. COMrAKY Of R iSt**lYMWOffT OtCHUnw

• Ck«tM *1 Pr.tfm.1TWn. lir^ a U l nut! ’■COPMUA"

Prl. fm -NUICIACKU-*Jl "HAUHTIO lAliaoOM'*

Mall. r»«f-U.IO . U.4f

BXiSli ■ H H p p H

1 i L T t y a

i K ,

| . y m S l t u t S e e l a i d L e m i i t


Twin Falls Rad® KLIX KVM

(IMO KIWCYCLEB) ( I W KILOCOXilttee t Ioo ♦ott^^rnii n ir tir t l u ‘ SSi S'ubh ifac - 7l)» «Mr. Oblrlil A(lom«7 lOO *TIm Bl( T" r ! s s : s : ;U " c i* ” * »!»a •(llch»ril Oltmnnr) :I9 •Jlam r Dr

l:ta * n k U Yogr r ill <09 ThIW o t leiM,T. r . Tfc I i«i!■“ ! *'?• T A u r o it _ j j j r ^ f - i c

*■30 CU lo f t t u t 8*TU«nI »n(1 *>II KlMfitth /nr Dtr • _

*n<l Hi*? Airrm^toiU IlM IfoUr’i rollln TlOOSlU.LloH H»wi I 1U 'CDS KtwI <h. tOinkhM* Tftlklnc HOC IlMr 8i' tne 7,11 •Martin Atronikr ■>U ’ O tln Dn lat I t Tilfl ‘Bob OatttJ. H*W|. H it *f3.rd.n D

"S. •«» lll»itiln«iir«r 10:00 ’ nuiiUr o■Sta* «1|« ‘Spx* Palrol . 10 ite •Ulan 0 »<^ u i u *WU. w,. N'-MKm . ililO 'c r^" H ol

^iub- |[ | J K u r u » j N ^ f • • [?■»ilttee. liM JaiiMU Shinn «i«0 Slotkirowi»*D., « i« Hl*i"lnfw«r *llJ»5»ortj n<V .?l!!SSar' ■ !S:!iVTiS'V W Tlio tfo QunUnnt' 1:10 Drain n««: iram. SiM I»C »•. Ari«on» •, IlOO *0»n» Aul:

. S i ! ; i :tliOO Fspulir Oin<« < 1:00 *nob«rl QIliOO H.nd« ’UII UM. *-M ‘ Viujkn )

*POft l'i« Ne.i‘ H'M AU*'flir Iiplles, UIO Cill lo r r iM ' ' ll;<t N««a

____ " — , ,

[ low Draft Eeader If Takes Action

ist«—. In State Plea^tiOT BOISE, Oct. 29 W7- T h e naUonal ” the director o t selective service In ter­

ceded thU week In the Induction o t ao IdahS man. B rig .-G en . John W alsh, sU le dUector of telecUve

I V lervlee reported. i, , WaUh said he so t a telegram r p r i Tuesday from MaJ.-Oen. Louis D.

Hershey dlrecllnjr him to sU y the anuel inducUon of Oary Hlgglnson. Ping* ■- ' or* ree. Hlgglnson was scheduled to be . I the Inducted a t Salt' Lake City Tuesday. | ».was .F ile Aiked ■*

W alsh satd he was asked to lo r - ' rd o t ward Hlgglnson's Ille to W ashing- con- ton, probably lo r a review o t Hlg-

inch- ginsdn’s appeals.- ,,been Higginson appealed 'U i bo th th e ^ year state appeal board and the pres* a

n n t - IdeitUal appeal board In W ashing- iJ 1 he ton on the . grounds th a t he w as a n li jE S l ordained i h l n H t e r ot tt?e LDS t

church. Both appeals were denied, con- Iteasons Doubtful t

ille a W alsh said he didn’t know th e v New cxoct rcoaona to r the denlol of the _

Jle™ appeals bu t thouBht there was some , light QuesUon about Hlgglnson's quallfl-

cations a t a minister.Higginson Is now on a church

, , J m lsslon.at G allup. N. M. l U ’The sU te selecUve scrvlce dlrec-

to r -ea ld Hlgglnson’s InducUon is | 6 S postponed and fu rther acUon will

depend upon Hershey's recommen- ^ daUons for a review o t the case l»y

p“ t ■Plx « lb o u d .

if-Action Postponedt 8H0«^H0NE.. Oct. 3 0 -O T g a n l» .‘ Uon of a basketball te im lo r Boy n t o l ^ *’**•' postponed

until the meeUng next week, At- u S S tendance a t the meeUng M onday t , „ n ight woa no t suftlclent to. organlM ‘ Uie team s aa had been planned. J..

A. Campbell. Scoutmaster, U id.'*’ - ’The nex t meeting wlU be h«ld a t p n the high school gymnasium a t 7:30

p . m , Monday. .

- _________board W t m i m ' W K W 1idica- f ' f f f ' f - a g tm ew -

^ NOW SHOWING!r t 's r - DOTJBEE AGTION . . *maWD SUSPENSE . . .octo- —

s last -----------JH.J, --- --------

^ e S S m eA u to T h e a t r e

i f " F R I . . SAT.-SUN.


----- tn d Feature-----


Slottkt ■™ * J B ™ - D 0 IU U 1 ) £ R I S P


r h t h e P a e ta A b o u t M d H l t u m a

R a d i o S c h e d u l e s


x liuracoaula »NBC -----rilD A T ........... r*lDATr«olk«1l TIb<» 111* SI»(Itt*m UIUm•MtukUiiA USA liM »M»rlli» •nd I^»k•Tb. Bl( Tlm. 7 lOO iDuI/j-. T .w a•Paul Wnian Shaw 7 :I0 in .p Ragm ‘♦CiplUl CkKkfonm S-.00 »MI|htb««t•Jlam r Donrr "iJISjierU •L««.n Thonu. Nairi »iOO xU«. Haa'i FanlljrW.athff n.pctt f i l t r i n a l N mr e p S la r ° » .^ * ' tOtOO Mwji by"«irlUi

lO ill Blui Bam a 8ATU«DAT , IO:«IMi»i

Ili0« xllolat mitfnora •cna WnrM N 'oa l}IltzX«ira Alarm Clock Club SATUKDAY•CDS Kaw« SiOOZmMoorllM r 81. rn seU ' SiW Leat U.MtMk

at51n°D*'‘lI * 'l l nrMW*at”SltJe» “•Lat'a rn lind TiH DiKapfea•01*. and TaV» *i«».8biU Ter TJiwUP•Th.aUr o( Todar S :M lliulnaMmm't Ultlon

tan 0»ar Ksllrvood fl IW iiu ilrv 'tl U ra 8u>rT•aranrt C^'tral SU. 11 JMiBnlllti*.Bd MeCona.il ■c,»XVUV NtMS EdIlloB 11 Ul Nmo Nowa•rooU>all RcandUB « >M allllitoU.IndlaB*Slotkirowan AuelloB I liO Xllwrcl. Klanbak* ■•S^rta Itouadtip «>)0 aHOU Brapkenr•Larrr LaSunr, Nawi SlIO nntrlaa•Mak. War for Youth SXI >Oab ConatdlnoDrain R100 Celt O in Club . '•Om* Aulrr s HI Rli.dltMn EdIlloB•llopalonv Caaaldr SiM U. V. JIarrUa•Can* Ouatan 7i«fl xTalmt BaarthP m dlr Wa Uall. 7 :30 xOrand Olt.Opn '•nobarl Q S ;M xOangaroua Aaalfnmt.•Vau(kn Moatn* PiOO allal WnU. Kporta♦Oanta OrthnUa #IM iMcntT WoolwAll fllar Sane. iniM iN mN.wa lOiM sUttk Hopkin*

•* - Learns- „ ■ SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 3« (UJO f l l —i t ju s t d o esn ’t do (0 be (00

casual a lx iu t San Francisco park- 1d:^<a Uckets, M Robert Block, 33, I c e t discovered.

— , B lock waa a ll g e t 'to leave lor auonai yeete rtay w hea poUce

‘®o>' h im to ja il fer Ignoring 78 • clU Uons and 34 U^ftlc

itM tiva *M TanU served on h im during siecuvo e ig h t m onths.PoUc« sa id h e can gat o u t ot

m ^ . J»‘> a ny tim e he can pay MOO in ay Uie « " « •, P ing- I

Economy Strong, S.S; Barkley Declares

KANSAS C IT Y . MO.. Oct. 38 (UJO— U ,' th e P re sid e n t Alben W. BarkleyI p rt* - aald la s t n ig h t ' "Am erican economy u h ln g - 1< stronger th a n It ever was” and a waa a n lo t o t "loose xnoney" la In tho coun-

try .to d a y ................denied. Barkley, speaking a t a bonds-for-

Israel rally he re , urged Americans to S f buy Israeli securiUes because "we

« be prosperous I t the rest ofth e ^ i d Is going to be prostrate."


f 3 ® n Esase Ijy

led B 9{anl'aa-or Boy ____tponed T I M F T I R S

londayrg a n ln • I

t^eld a t I 1I t

[G ! m S m g ^

S s S t r a i g h t K c n U

1 1

treJN. , / # M j B; m m mk■ I f »

iEl . % % 1E . JRISP

l o w

B » ___ _ :_ _ E i i j 9 x _ th e J a n L ^ Q i m d .o n l j

Hig j Bourbon.For<«Ble,ligbfneii »m I •moolhness - A Old Sfiigg

riv«ll 4 ftrfQ yeqf»M ^rt» i

u t You’ll like the lown a n a' H mw. law in »m«« m u i a i i m ;

....... - - - - - -

[gg Man Gains as Ordeal i ^ R ^

M Hiu. Is Endet• PIU EBT RIVKR, Oot, 3« p ro jpector who hopped a "dead-eni

a w a . irelgh t « a r O ct. 18 w as in a hospll tt ■ today trying t a n u k e -u p for elgl

days ot m eals h e m issed while lockii Fanllr Car.I Fred How arton, 47-year*old bacl

elor, jum ped o n to th e e a r a t Tro , Mont., hoping to he ad lo r W ashlni

to n stkto w here b e h a s a mlnli claim .

, l f A brakem an locked the c a r d»ju s t before I t pu lled ou t o t Tre

, ^ H owerton told D r, L . J . S U ufliJ rA w t ■ today. A nd a f te r th e c a r hi EditiM “ ttaveled 100 m iles, i t waa. pulli

onto a siding a t I ^ l e d e , Ida, m ^*^U on HcardfABt<*

"1 could hear t h i autom obiles rui nlng a long hl«iw ay_, 10, and

"ul pounded and called fo r days—b•ji, - , nobody he ard m ei’* h e said, cianbak*. W hen he finally a ttrac ted som •pbenr one's a tten tio n yesterday. How* U l.. ton’s voice w as alm ost gone. 1 '”ub ' . had a th ree -inch beard and *'look< EdiiioB 70 years old." S h e r if f R obert Hi* '1 ^ sick Mid. H is fee t were sore ai•.Opr* swollen, a condlUon brought o s I < Aaalfiimt. starvation.

C<m nt«4-Day* •"The prospector said h c hi

” counted the days by keeping Ua-------------- o rm e lU tamSUhg llgh t 'and 'dafkne

I through a am all n a il hole . In U....... side of th e .c a r . .

He perked u p fa s t a t the hospU t. 30 (UJO a fle r being given a lltUe food ai > be (00 water—n o t nctiriy so m uch as J co pa rk - wanted. And hoepltal a ttendan Ilock, 33, believe h e will be able to leave U

■ hosplUl In two week*._ eave fo r ' Howerton m akes hlifhdm e w ith h :n poUce moUier a t P ra t t , K ans.i- orlng 78 -- ----------------- .

! S Cars Damaged in Minor Accident

Two accidents Involving proper I damage bu t no injuries were r

ported to the sh e riff ’s office T hur

m g , A collls on Involving cars drlvi 1 by Lee B ennett, IB, M urtaugh, ai

! l 3 r 6 S i to b e r t.M . snbw aa ll,. 35...irucjo . A rl t, occurred one and onB*h«

miles weat o t K im berly on tJ.• highway 30. 1110 Snowdall c a t w» e c c n ra y pu inns ou t o t a drivew ay w hen t)

»nd a accident occxirred. O nly fenders we tho coun- (Umaged.

A truck driven by O arth Oise bonds-for- 37, Paul, dam aged th e trunk o^ lerlcans to parked au to ow ned by Dale We cause "we ster, route 3. T h e m ishap took pla h e rest of two .and one*halt miles south prostrate." Tw in Falls . .________________ ___


L S E A T S A L L S H O W S 6 S e


K e n tu c k y B o u rb o n

i U U l ^ I K IUII lUIIUIl lt.,IIUUilU»IIIU\ * ............... : ~

T IM B S -N E W S , T

' Interesting- -WASHINaTON, Oct. ad. MV-

1 Y H 1 I ~ 'W an flo T k n o w T io irw -p ro d u c* dlphlorododecatluropehtaho anCderlvaUves th e r e o f ? --------------

I 1 C 1 6 C 1 You can lln d ou t by going U ■.V. ' . the p a ten t olOee. A m ethod ,oi

,.2® producing It w as one of 33 gov-^ eroment-owned p a t e n t i Ui«

. energy commission (AEC)h is released. T h e AEO dldn'i

'hile locked ^ h a t dlchlorododeeafluro-. w .u heptane is useful lor.'•old 35 p n e n t j It re leas« l arti »«»•>>'« io f royalty-lreo Use bj' Industry, Tinder llc en su »rante<

a m m inc ^ T h e commission de-. “ non -sec re t-p re -? lumably o l no great benefit U

'iV”"" 3 Groups Support Wool Ceiling Cut

10, and I W ABHOfaTON, Oct. 38d a y * -b u t .Three wool group* hava m ggest

>ld. • Uiat ihe goT im m ent go a h ead wlc ted some- its plans to low er raw wool celllnly. H ower- In order to speed tssuanco of prlgone. H e regulaUons lo r wool stock, wt

md ‘-looked waste and texUle llbres.'ibert n u t * Representatives of the th rec ' 1B sore and dustrles m et w llh ofllce o t prlJght o s by stabllluU on officials yesterday; '

’The three com m ittees sa id thI ' had no objccUon to low ering n

h r h«ii ceilings as long u proper prl

:plnj I x a S S ‘’?h¥p 3‘tic5‘SSSw wSo1e^'l?‘u!e o m e r. wool groups a lready ha oie. in m e U ,, O PS ^he hosDltal ‘"P* ceilings lro m -K 1 3 to pbo s food a n d »3.50 and to cu t .average type ,w(

h a ceilings from »3.W lo abou t 13.79.a ttendan U The OPS ha* given no IndlcaU

) leave th e * lien It might rea ch a f ina l declslc

” Rupert Prepares J . For Bloodmobil( I i n RUPERT. Oct. 3«-M r» . W ..• I 1 H unter, chainnan o f 'th e blood bai d C n t S Presram lor M lnldoka county, a

, Bounces th a t th e bloodmobUe «lg property j„ Rupert Nov. 3 a t th e naUor

f ^ ir d ormoiy.flee ‘T hurs- j,ours have been re.iervcd l

m erchants and amployea. M:ars driven H unter said U ie-corps o f -worki•uugh , and wm be able to ,U k e ta re o f 30 6:5...TuMqn, no ra iim .hou r. .From 2_p._m,- to1 one-hair p.jn_ „ ja ler a ll olher donora y.

on tJ. S . be terved.7 ^^ ^ e quot* lor. M lnldoka cour

r w hen Uie i , jog pinj4_ w hich will be usedm ders were ,Ier civilian- use,


g j p C ; NOW ENDS SAT! ' 1st SHOW SAT. -12 N 00.^

9» « . . M N I S . P A I C E « >

m m i u u N n • cduandd c tH m iL

w M ------------ -------------------------------»««_ I ^ T s s w r o s o f H s r iS - f t / f - J



★ S T A R !

- J - TEN TC

^ _ T V / 0 G A Y

A PICTU RE • •S ABOUT A ' c j g a B j



~ State Meeting Of PalsyUni Praised He,

m ethod of (rran ra* . OaalP l P . verslty hosplU l school for a e te

handicapped children, w as th e i s ? ° t K anl«r “ n 'l director o l th e natlo j ^ ly recognised school fo r crlpiKleealluro- g ^ jd rgn , t 'Jamestow n, N. D.. ; , • ^ was execuUve director o l Uie Nt i l e a ^ s re jjajm tu chap te r o f the NaUonal

clety lo r Crippled-Children. S i i S l de- Jn announcing the m eeting. :• m W o r L I**®S n ^ t to bohm ’s broad experience wlU i benerii to „^nc\l-ln moving lo rw ard l

te r p repared and w ith more- eo------- * dence in Its plans lo r a trea tn

i n n r t e«>ter in Idaho. He pdnU rf l U U i t> there Is no t a place in Idaho n> concenurawd UeaU nent and tng L f U l S Ing for cerebral paUy children

38 yp) — -'Only Uioee parenU wlUi con 'e suggM ted e rib le m eans are able to take a h ead w ith v*nU ge o l .such centers outside

irool ceilings g u te ," H aw orth s ta led . ' ’We * nee of p rice |Qi cerebral palsy children shi slock, wool be given an oppo.clunlty lo r pn

trea tm en t which should he lp t le three- In - to overcome the ir dlsablllUes an ce o t p rice a uum e th e ir righ tfu l place as a terday ; • f tjl.'self-su lflc len t member# ef s sa id they community.” jw erihs raw ’Thfo H . W egener, p resident of p roper p rice Idaho Society lo r Crippled Child ibUned be- .with which- th e Paren ts Cere i d u w WOOL 'P alsy ' c o u n c lV U ’ itm ia te d , u iready have In le re te d person* I ro m 'a l l p to o u l wool o t th e sU te to a ttend the . E13 to abou t m e e t i n g . . '. ...................•e type wool 'T h e plans, to r the cerebral p lOut ^ 79. tra in ing cen ter were pcrlecled s o lnd lcaU on Ume ago.’* .Wegener said. “ □al decision, meeting will provide th e opportu____ for brea thing life Into those pi

. 7- n e - o p p o r ^ n l ty - l s - a t - h a n d S r C S getUng started . T here should bi

S . ^ W ^ ^ O RETURN TO F I L ^1 blood bank FILER. Oct. 38—M r. and Mri county, a n - E. H am m erqulst returned W ed ImobUe will day from vlslUng relaUves In B th e naU onal eley a n d Pleasanton. Calll,

re.iervcd forloyea. Mrs. ■ ▼ W W f L l m |

o l workers B k j W ^ V ^re 30 do- K d | b B U | k a A B | M-p-_m ,i.to 7 ■ ¥ g « > ¥ g « g m y 2 2 * donora will







J .

i n ' i y

U lll - ^ tAUAtA IIOUID

!h O lO ll / •



I TOP STARS■ IN " - - . . ’ .


HO_______ .

hing Filial Rites Hono Walter D. Moo

- B U ^ - O c ^ 3 * - F u n e t » l - ,W ^ - T T . lo r-W a ller D . Moore were hel< H e r e a-p.:iB,-!rhur*day a t.U ie Buhl 1

C hristian church w ith Roy Hopla) ‘ otlloUUng.for setere ly Odd Pellow rltuallsU e rites i

w as th e or* d l r M t^ '.b y D an C ratton, nthe na tional- grand , assisted by Oeorge c . Ito r crippled acting noble grand , and w ui, N. D.. and cham btr* . aoUng. chaplain,ol tb e N orth U r . and M rs. Emery WoodN aUonal S»< *ang th ree due ts aocompanledIren . Mr*. Roy SrolUi who also plineetlng. H a- p relude and posUude selecUomIlch Schoen- Pallbearer* w ere J . D. Kombice WlU give .pu lton Tussey. L . F . Hudson Vlorw ard b e ^ w oodruff, F rw l-F ran sen and

a trea tm e n t oem eterrpdnU rf ou l __________________

in Idaho to r • ,

‘A™*"” Twin Falls Man’s rurr‘3: Aged Sister Dls outside the M. W hitehead , Tw in FalLi.d. "W e •feel received word of the death ofIdren should , i , t« r . Mrs. M ary W hitehead 1•y proper ^o s Angeles. M rs. B ird was 87 yd he lp Uiem f,U and had been HI for OieilllUes and to years.plMo as u i ^ T h e rem ains ’ wlll be sentnber# ef Uie sprlngvllle, U U h. fo r burial Ss

... .. J .U H er husband preceded h* yeors ago. Two dai

)led Children, -ters live In Los Angeles.n u cerebral ---------------------J!________ _llated, urged*im ' a ll parU ■ I , ■ | I | Iid the . .BoUe I ' I I 1 - J 1 I P. I i |

erebral potty l l l | ' | j | l | l | j l•rlecled some K _ 1 I T

said. ~The B opportunity

-YOU,_JLOVED _ SMITH” a n d "1

Tiuta WAIT ’TIL.YOUand M rs. H . ,

ned W ednes-ms.. ■■................ ~i


ADVENTURE i lm ftfl -WILL’ ' flP GHT THRILL JBs ■ ■ ' i SLY ..


iiiLs. . j | h Im .ULKar CTyffal f e i EGowuNs- f W i U m tin y B M y . ■

i * ' - “ M A R L E N I

t o T " ' p —

k G B t o

m m ,

PLUS—Jerry _ColonaSAT. ONLY

. E xciting FronU er Drami



m l i SH H f i

- A t 7l30 a n d lOiiS

l i o ? ' L A ' g

OAM ' I ..comedV.Spoo'feI||||. I PLUS—6,S)I All Kids 12 '' , YcurflFREEI I . FREE..POPCORN

•oliiiiK a s . . A A W * * * *

liter D. Mo(H:e . o«t.:L r 'O c ^ a ^ F u n e ra l - ie m c e a t^-df*’i h " - ^ a te r D . Moore were held a t Inf*nui^p?*4® '«' -T huraday a t.U ie Buhl F irs t UU* j»^cliurc li B o , MopUo. K t k h S S L :

d by D an C ratton, noble Mr*, 5®^

noble grand , and W miam K e t c h ^ T r ^ . * ' «.-*, • aoUng. chaplain. Brownand Mr*. Emery .W oodn,ft h r te dueU accompanied by .toy SmlUi who also plajed O / ^ J k L i and posUude *e|ecUons. warer* w ere J . D. Kambrlch Tussey. L . F . Hudson, W, E ★ NO

uff, F rw l.F ra n sen and Nile M .g -w ,Wrial waa made In Uie Buhl | K ew Ml

in Falls Man’s iged Sister Dies.'W hitehead. ’Twin FalLi. has M y | |U l |Z ( U d word of the death of his O T D ^ H Mrs. M ary W hitehead Bird, M l M i l L a igeles. M rs. B ird was S7 yesrn d had been 111 for the paat _ ~years.

rem ains ’ wlll be sen t to CARt Oivine, U U h. for burial Satur- *:er husband preceded h*r In i few yeors ago. Two dough- ,r.^u ,^ In Loe Angeles. Technlcol

I ■ U 1 1 J I I ISUl

»U, JLOVED ‘.“MR.. DEEDS aiTH ” a n d "MR. CHIPS” . AIT ’TIL.YOU MEET “MR. 5


irfiiBTW f-

^US— Jerry _Colona Ih— ' . HONEYJ

SAT. ONLY 2ND pwZ ic lU n r rro n O w D ru n i a lurprlit rtonr

■ U K ' R a c & e l lMjii. J ‘Gallant T

aijjiy b r B«i A

j . lM , , , , 0 ” ' ° *


p H H i . s a ^ > A

- A t 7UI> a n d Mi>6 0^**

BIG HALLOWEEN SHI1 1 :0 0 ly E D N E S b ^ tV ® * ^ '" * * '

..C0M EDV_5POo'FERr-'’3 P 0 0 ^ R ^ : PLUS- 6 SPOOK CARTO9 N S'

All Kids t 6 1 2 ' 'Y curflFREEI •

. F R E E . POPCORN' . / . n i l l V i i ] FOR THE KIDS I

Page 7: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

W ’- v r .

f lf lO B B K M R

^ « x e sJ l e i 7 F a c t o r . L ^

r M i i r k e t i i i g s

« D W ^ e » »r« beeomlns m .wiT Wr tla^ » f t ii fac tor Ip fluene . ►»-. Wmi

B i j g ; . »< '* ™ ™ w■_S chuNh. ?,J

•* w a d » l lU ndpo in t to ixi chut• i jS iM * ?■>; >»- s a ^ " . ; ,l**LMiUiintl eaiea l» te In «htir»ii. j;»<

U rm er-U xpayer "f t g “ ^5Kome u x m o t « c l f

, bdJcata UiU 1« In* S.be«r catUe. I t ( „ m h u '

J«e^er« have « g . «or<si.ti, i , r«ldlU onil »alM be fo n

Ihelr taxea u p to g»„voi 'S S / .lH h e lr profit w ouia . , *iki

, £ S

lLJ4tnkl» G am b ia ' noon, ii ",

^ ^ ( u a U is salea u n til a inirrfflidiat^‘’ ’ V

incftued’ ln th« new „ ta oK»rt av ln g s re*uJtlni i , f . nig, l

f tS r u Uie D e b i l i ty th a t Ju Jr i.h*! -M orer production front anrtJ^MjoOvn th e farm er wUl

X tM cloM of the nex t ta x >it*d i> >’

Stetfter !»«''<■ * l»ay* SJlii'F ft,? ^ tla t drouRht. InseeU or ^ »U] cut h is production ‘ f- arr ttx ft»T lo create a uBoder whleh h e irould aa»e j"*! •'•"in , tirto l peitponed « le a .Ola la Dfeember «hi

a ljttn .*> i»> lncrei«e» in . tSUktU'’! dtath. >111I fliiv noU cobW laU (Bier lod pick up »harp1y i* •ri m

i^iultar# departm ent h a i S U l Uctor into account

IU ftrm commodity u r (kI ot gfat projrams. I t U pon. lC,\" \ p t priet-nipporfc loans en 4„,h' •I mnuflk January Jn the o< •>n, noi f f t la y t r e 'j r o m Ol, «bl<Ii m ust be repo rt.BQ yu Income, are taxable ,p i t ^ n r e obtained. bi.m1>oi

Rims Shown<lW pm entlon have been SJilTM’Ji.? l » « u « k » l .n d . . p - y Towa company film , h r of the snake ," w ai ?“>' tW tdihitcm aehooL . h o t L,Vii m for lenrlcemen a t Junior hii iBone ire b e ln j coUectod lmd.W uhln*ton»tudent*.


E S s r - ^fiNii tfc«i • ! iert« . . u

ss.vats'^ws-z d £■■?*; w a , i s

lT 5 : ! u i l ' i “ S . £ ‘ ' “ “ ” s l " . r

Wl »w"w IB henlfltUI M* l< «,Vil,

h ttj I 4« « tr« In ‘ ‘•

g^ll tnUi. JUng, I t r « t te"- tk. 0, diuh «r olh«

o«»» ».n «»d- » , .p w -k rWWi *U*r (nm .u«h worki •’

l it " b r U.« under. - -* '‘''own M^JL b! I

1 M l7 Twin

I CAMON.“ J S K i . t l i r K . I /raII B U I

.« r b . and „ i t* n x i i

f t* H illtaiid lnr, T f ,

‘••Wt u .. Ctw tn f i ., J,*J£'S'‘3 k r Ih, Clly Cltrk ».

i iP le 'C R E A M 'j,

• ® ' , ' '

J a fcb


TH E PR IC E 1 H - I S m c E i


A t t h e C h u r........

in^'Tj, "I!''!'*’ •'»•»« »«f . "• *

K -;a -r ,“ '■'• “ I"' •''"•P »«U . t Ihi l -III Ih .1 .V I*"' “ ‘’"'I'lf- lloj 8<uul* "l'l MBll • I lh« churxh, i>,m Unndav Vf»4»M4kV wit

y ' s s i ' . a - . ' r s ; , ; . s

»'«b BiMU at |h« ehitth. I p.m. • r i lrwLli <iMir nbM ntl at ih« •'il><>< >'<■ >:to p.m, Th«Me«r. •••cuilo ,om. RIcktN

» "f th. Wom.n-. MKKlmilnn mfru » :« •.m.; II

a f s S

,. ■ riM T MBTUODIST <!»». m,5t«Von. ma rcwrth Mil «■''>■• ‘h.pl«-

Al^rt D. Parr.tl. ib1»UI«U t.m.. ttui.4<r •chool »|ih , | „ . m CRURCH ‘II •»« : Mra. C. K. Pollw, ,ii,f.rln.ml; nuriirr tram .*:!! a m. until ^- II a.m., wvnhip: t.reian.' 'T h . . *•'•<r«vu Jud«"; ll.. choir <111 iinf .SunJar

wp.m., in lo r MYV mMta In »o«lh i"®"' ’’

.<h«l tor W . ,nd ilru t . U.,tlr.l.|<I •n-l ihlM iradn : itorln. mu»lc. _""rtiy. puplli In th. Junior drvan- *

TJiutidar. w aca .iKulN.boai^l •*""<>

CnniSrTAN KCIENCr tirmatlon InilIM Ninth »»»no» »•.»« lunlor irImIoh

^lnj,»w>n% open <l«ll/ Suniafi “ *"■h«ll4ar<. from I Ia < b m .< iia '. iMnu^ n<.rth, JO a.m"” s'y j ”'5. II a.m. Sundir md II p.n. WkI- ^o" " Tail'dIf. <hur<h. (trflea. ‘niat-.maa'.-lm. — V.----------•Illy U rMllwd ihroaih aslrltual , J "I. •‘ n’ k r ‘b««h*’‘.™t'*‘, i ‘* ,“/,Tc2

*nm' J j" ' Thx^-oJ•I'd now ll. »hcn.th. daad ihull h.ar

s ; ...............•Xd of Ul, Splriu b* <«np9t «al»r »>■Ih. klnnom-of-nod" 'John '>:&).

tIoM b7 Mar, HaW.r Eddr lixludti Ltri ’ ». dralh of a fall, tnal.rlal .,„■, and K “In, not th. dmlh nf nrsanie mttl.r. ' hat rn.ala man and LKa. htrmoBlou,, » n

•U lOTBal- (p. « <1. .

SWhon.'^,“ ^N“n*lW M Burii*« <hur^ achool I nuriMT. u^lH C 'wla Vl'e7oriM"r«twd*.d^i‘!oh Ut •■------MiM and Junior*. 1 p.n.. Junior kilha jBRiMnlor hl«h.. I . . . . from. thureX for . - tM i

">illr To Rupart. T SO p.m.. imnon, J. r firfMt Krlind.-' Tilt p.m. Uaodar, I t a.n.. Ui. Atoula. H p.m. Mmatt, Wnck.ra' «on> rr Sll>m. auII. at Mn. H u t fcanc«t-(Unan'a, utol-aathtm

Mapl* avnu..'« :4» p.m. Tu«dar, an«t Sund>r .>r hlih BTr nallowMn partr In dajr: .hlldrmth. 1:10 p.m. W«ln«d,7. pr«Tar paator. I p.m.Inf and BIbla aludr. i p.m. ftu r* . ahurthi l.eul>ch,lr rakaaraaL « In liU p.m. Ft». Mondar. ,<.«JanUir .rwrvatton hall. S p.m, Thura< maMa at th.CIrI* nntlaca •( tha Ulailoaarr ao> Mr,, nichaid 1• ' . In ika annn

. Hnaat boon >nmANIIEL LIITRSIUN 4H> p.m. TUCllr pad, at Cltr llbm r <'»)> Scovt d.r

R. C. MakJr. Mft.r TuM<Ur. (Sol:U a.m.. Bandar achool at ahorafa and Erasing ,lrtl<«tk>r«n ackool; pa advit BAI. «Iata, oiHar «lr.l« cUU>ar*n Touth BIbl. alaaa la lha luck aupp«. ik kaaamnl; Prlntnal Kaapralh.rr. U i» ».a.. .baM bieadaail o^,r BUBt.IV. 11 a.B.. talMloa Ilaikdar mttIc. f a .a.. Sib. hlfh a<bool. auditorium, kreadcaai prl«lhoed m.KTri; apKlal muik br th. cholra: mMllnc. f p

TT S<hul^ Sail Uk« City. d<ll..rlns Wkiirai- Optiiddraaa. ^ p.m.. aMond aarrlc. In lha Man"; In'oeaachool audllorlum wltk Fatter Schulti lur» raadlni,

ipaaklni, t : » p.m. Wadnatdar. m.ntal k m .: BonlMriSlp cUm ma.« In (hiRh and tha.Lon'1««L ( p.m. Tlmtadar. «T»olr rakaataal .r. Kmt Kltcl(karth. I p.m. rridar. Immaau.l N.laon, apaakla polluck ,upt..r a t parUh hall I unt: .lo.lnr

— >.r« W. PariRT. FOWABD-fl CATHOLIC -----------------

«,».l»iiar J. P. <Ma.l«. pait,r • • • • • • ■ • •, . . Francli A. ralaraan, attliUnlndar maaan; *. I and 10 a.m. Sundar T Il u drroUon* In honor of Our Holhar | f'arpttual JUlp. l!l« p.m. Wa.Vdar, I a.m. ConfMlonai Salunlar a(ln- iN Y 8.a. oa Ih. . . . . of flMt rrWara and on ,r— of hoIr dara. 4 t» i v.m.. a .tu r. pAI«>rnlnt«. «>m ot r in t . Vtlilara andPt hoir dan, 7 :« a.m; to t:tO a.m. We haveUm. after 10 a.m, ma»a cn Sundir or h in d .M TuMdar and Tliuradar .».nlne* at ••**1 rKVnr. U l Sa.anUt a.tnu* sonh. . I t (or JM .^m. 8kk ralU anr hoUr of th. day __Ilrhl br lalllRf at Ih. rKlorr. IS) C ,nU> a.anu*. north, or phon. Itl.

aBVRNTri-l>AY“An>TNTI8T ' ' T,.J»0 T>ilrd aT.nua norlh , , ,

Erllii« Calklna.-piaUr «SI«4lbtsrdar anrlcaa. «IM a.m.. OaVbalh w:,U.kdo\t. and tMldm'a >\<JdT. n a.m.. •««»>-» .»!»«a, e \

cbutcb hBilsMa rm IIiic. I p.m. Irek*jilal^.l'" ’A: "wiloBw *bi m J -lB Oi*-«cflo-Va!lwJ»nlor acadrmy.- --------

V A L W MIUsnAN BU a.».. sibl* acbMWIOi dapartmanl. onhlp awrlt» and sradad loaoni: I.Wood, auparinlandmt. 11 a.m.. wor- I apwlal aaulc, <kbo» and oownua-

[ T i T i T i P l ^


B U S I N E S S —

Invesilgaie Our B U D G E T P L A Nfor ConsolldaUDB D tbb

W . C . R o b i n i o n — A nOppoalle R adfiT B uliffii —

n iO N E j n — D e a r l x

N E W & USED F o t d - ICAR F IN A N C tN G . p o r f l - I

- y ----- D e tro i

'SoesgLI t ‘ O liv e rS f i F ^ F a m a :

--------------------------- 7%^—

because iSfei. Doubfe-Rfchf;S & t n l v w . . ' c

i r r d m - i i— 1 1

. Dl

iT ..B e .a T . i .T ~ I m b m

— . ■ ~ . .11. I - | tiW u<

l u r c h e s --------------- - - >»<■-■■* - ----------j y i e ^ i ajj-.

o r THl-KAXABim a iila aa 'a a .I 101 5Uth arenua nortk Ua Ofl Spaa

«.m..‘ Sui2a7^rchMt'*)«Ut •-■ i S trM M Iw ; ■•aio, l : u p.m,. KTrt. *tU ».«».. Jun* O ne af Hui '. 1 :0 p.m.. a n .k a: Dr. B. V. BMk Vanalt and I .Mik at iBornlni and avanlaca aarr- t««la« Joha . p.m. Idondar. 1».vlnliiff af dl** ipMktti. An<I pr.Mh,r.- f<,i,„ntJon: Dr, Mardr C. Ow»wt cloal ••r. will ba tha apnkn. Tba cenr«>* Ill- j bm«lk > >111 contlnu. thrsutb Tuaadar and p.m.. ward t< Onndar «|i), th. n .r . J. A. UcNatt. dar. Kall.f

f s “ '* • ‘ •■*■BOLI

- riBST CBBIBTtAN CbarlAlalh and Hhuaheaa alraala . ia . n.Richard D.VIIIIara, ntnlat.f „L : .

P! «MCI.I Riuil<;.c*^nuBloa and aar*

- S . . '" - " ’!'.".‘s„;';iara.‘.is f er. chapler ». *•

cnuRCH o r thb' abcbnbion •«••: Mii. KPtacorAL i*101 TklnJ a ..na. north

«••. K. I.Mlla Balia. rMi.r '•'ka ham..Jrd .SunJar afl.r Trlnltr. 1 a.m.. hair •*‘b imunl„n, lo a.m.. church achool. ll i l« H*l«rdar. lo< I., order for mornlni »rar«r and a.r- U*» «•»r»,’ « r ,; , . '7 ," u % a '^ " J S :.dar. Cholt r.h .ar..l Tburadar. All- -B'nnia dar. ‘0 a.m,. hair eooimunloB. li»fl >» 81. Thur«4»r. AacMwloa WIM »l tha 1,1 *.n>.n . of Hn. J. W. NawmaB. • » a .l .a r i

- 1 p.m. amrl AMERICAN LUTBBKAK n.vl.al." I ,

«ullt^»..»w a«4 8aMWj-Mt«.t MrOtM. A. P. Kall.r, paal.r ' Hallowa.n. I

0 a.ai.. liundar achool and Ulbl. claaa; Uea.•>n for all a m . 11 a.m., t*formallon•k .i aarmon ih.m.. "Wbr BkmM Wa JBRO•••Ppr.on B.formation D »rr‘ 7 p.aa, “ , ,th.r Ualu.. I P.B,. Tburadar. choir ra- taal

mal. ti>0 a.m. tfaturdar. junior con* 10 a.m.. I■nation Inatructlon. 1 p.m. Salunlar. <“»! •'‘bWl.ilor mlMlon band. A cordial nalcoma Ch««h U K•It. - w n * p«pl.» . - ‘Tha Cur*. <

n iiiflcn o r tn s BRrrnREN » p.*. w h i-ornrr Third ax iu i. and Fourth aUMl .

p. 7;J0 p.m.. wonhlp. 1:10 p.m. Tu— ,1« a.m., 2 '. U din Aid mMla at church. I p .n . •big, IlM p. i*da». thrifirti»ar»a\ at \h> cbntah. 1 V.m. T««4aj1' U»7ent. ' M"*h" *'” '* l.r’’ lTj?"p

- - inMllni. T:> KEORCANItKO LOI a t c.Bt.r.

«!I0 a.ta.. ‘church^iS il. I H « a .a ., ’ 8

»»l>. U« Secoml a.anua north. DU* Ion, aup.rlnl ct conf.r.nca will aiMt a t Boka Nor. v.m„ UTS

7!M .p.m.. I-________ ahlp. Wadna

. - ahurch.

N e ig h b o r in g "i* C h u r c h e s |jrop .^B l.nd .

^BROUR M m ^D IB T | « — 1:.

1*1 ^ i . K d " l Mra. Bni- | 1

ca Sundar and annual mlailonarr Sun- i r : chlldrm atorr and a.rmon'br th*■tor. I p.m;. aanbr MYF mMt» at th* .»r«hi l.euk* Uckler. .laadrr. t p.m. I /mdar. oRutIra board of lha WSCS /

??‘nichard* sillh^a'Cub dan^mtij;. ' ' " A

II p.m. TUaadar. Mr*. K,. F. WalUn* \ b Scout dan m.cta In tha'annai. I p,m.M ^r. tSoIr pra«ikr;-1 p-m..T«»«ar. I • aslnr .Irtla-maau at ilia church with < ^k^iulvlr **

BUBL n » S T WABB Ulll ’ B f l» a.a.. Suttdar acbool. lOIW a .a., ' lalhood m«tln». I p.a., aacraaant , ■— ..line, f p.m.. aacrammt maatlnc aa | | Blowai- Openlnr aonc. , 'Trala* to th* H Iin": In'oeallcm. Darral J.ni*n: acrl^ ,

raadlni, Z>or*«B ThompaoB: aacra*>ntal aonc. -How OrMl tU Wkdom \ d tha.Lon~| Aaroala p r k r t l ^ apaak* ' r ^ f l

K*bI Kltchcocki ^rl'a r»*akat. Laara ' laaiii apaakan, Ralaton Klinl and Far ' " ' i , * * k Th.* ’ ■ * W. r a r f j banadlcUon. Boy Wood. ■

T R A I L E I ( ^ \ ■A N t 8 I Z U - T 7 p e ~ E s b , H

FARM W AGONS \ ; ■We have « full eelectlon ^ ; ’ ^ f lband . . . If wa <Ion'l hara , B B what yen w a a t. . . Well ballAIt for yoo. Y ■ ■

SOPER'S V Bt r a i l e r CO. I M

U I.4U i Ato. W. fboae Z92^ : \ ' U

I a r bS M iles W e st and \

M O t N P A Y .Sale s ta r ts prom ptly a t 1:00


Aitd-Followingr-Equipme] D e a rb o r n ?*w ay p lo w '• F o rd -F e rg u f io n ta n d e m d isc F o rd 'F e rf iru so n Im o w e r F o r d - F e r g u s o n - f ie ld c u l t iv a to r D e tr o i t m o w e r4 'B a r S e l f b e e t a n d b e a n c u ltiv s U t i l i t y b la d e

O liv e r s p u d d i s s e rF a m a m g r a in r o l l e r ____________J je m p s tc r c o r r u g a to r ^


Slo ck ta n k , Forgt, Viet, Shov« L o ts o f S hop Tools. G arden a nd

____ P itc h F o rka , L og .C h*tn« ._yutn i


D O N R O B EA U C T IO N E E R : H a rre jr C. I re rs o n

■ P h o n e 383 .W , G o o d in ;

^ T I

liW pjK. Monday. RaMal' aaclatf. 4 »■«. fWjrfa— l- . r r i -a r r . I p . - TV.radar. j [ y j [

........ i t RL BBCOmx WABI> LOB _ f'1 « :« V.m-. 'pHa<head naaUM. II M a . ' J

Buaday . achool. TiM ».■>.. aacraaamUl ■"STSU JoknioB: actlptural roadlw.-Catalaa Ot M rt. Ha«*atahlar; aacraiaralal «e>«.' ' “^ara '8 :s-V a* i3 * ^ ‘:tb“ '? J k " i . r ‘ i » dSi;l««la« JohBion and . Norna FraMk; Itlns hta ipaakar*. Andraw I . PaUn.n and Edward Oenens ? T i ~ ' a 5 : . , " a . ; ’' a 4 s r ' ' . s :p.a.. ward tMch.ri »ia«lni. t t>.a. Ton- Twin F l dar. ^ 1 l.f •«!«». • P.». Wadaaadar. W hile alklA. d p.*. Tburadar. Frtaarr. j<j^ho. 1

BOLLiSTBB coMutirfrTT he recehrnBsiirTEaiAN . U, S. MlCbarl- W. Bbltk a l.laU r ji;

a ,l2 :% T iio n W n d 1 f? tio i‘i r i . : ? I .‘JI " " “ ‘ Ian«M unad to a\un< Mth waak. U a.m.. T h e glwonhlp; SUwart Maaw.ll. aoloUt. 1:)0 In his Ul S i ' i a '? ^ L ' ; r ’ilf« 3 “ *i“.5S‘J » 'ST.*. h is elder!lta; 0>a R.., and Mr*'. Fnd fiall! Buhl, t ln e e r b]will b . with u .; ak* a film, anUlM p«ny.

»«- _____ - '^ ^ i a 1riLEK IINITKO kifwiONAur here iln

A. s. Maatril. paatar was re f le a.m., .flundar «hocl: elaiia ^foi^al) dUty In •

^alta^haaa. fiU ^.m^..^^rp*claYa.r.|r.. tWO attdKalurdar. local c o ^ .r .n t. bu»lne.M m>»t.In i; lha Rav. E. O. Yvunt In chart.. Betwet

--------- eral Olai. FILER riRfiT BAPTIAT

]» a.m. 'sTilda r 7ch'<!!l!':' cU ua for all COIUtTUCaiM. II a.m„ worahip; aaaau*. "W. Kmd tlVlUes. a B a .l.a ri nuraary and Junior ahurck. AltbOU

“ X : m im 01and tllbla aw dj; chania In da» U-du. t» «h«r« h Hallowa.n. » p.m. Thuradar. choir prac. Qej

______ - - mark-w lJBROME BULB BArTiflT ter-Imp

l a d aubWl. "What lha Ha« TMIamcnl arOUnd 'Church U Acceiilnx to th* tllbU." T ^ JtU t J^ h ?C u"?o f.u Ji« r'*^**D «r*n *ldthi~ »'I p.m. WHnMdar, prayn mMilu. Ca^On f

10 a.m., Sun^ar a c h ^ II a.m.. . . . . friend ,.Iablg, IlM p.m.. a.anf.ll<tla a.rvlcm. 7il0 — p.m. TuMdar. fterrlcM aX r.raanwoDil. ^ iVp.m. Wc^nadar. P ra j.r mwllrf at crn. hrlnc Ihil*r. li>« p.m. Tburadar. co|lai» prajer praj.r m'mMllm. T:M p.m. Tburadar. Olkla atuvir ^

SAMBKK^ArnST • i l l a. _ U J. Wladaa. paawr-------------a.ha.1,—<

]» a.m.. BIbl. achool: Monro. Whiltlna- tlertl.r 1 Ion, aup.rlnund.nt.-ll a.m,.-.worahlp. 7:10p.m,, UTS aarrleaa. (lift p.m.. wonklp. CAS: 7;>0.n.m.. DT9 aarrlee*. Ijlo p.m.\ wnr-ahlp. Wadnadar. prarar m.clJlUC at lha 10 a.m.ahurck. ... \ ahlp. 7.10

— • . 7il0 p.a. riLBB tfN rres b a p t is t ..

____ C. C. MaUliawa. paatar >I f a.a., Bundar aehool: Ora^atthawa. , 1

» 5 i

B . F . Q o o ^

' . . . .’ bi

r m c t i b' fo rw a t. faster

!p>« l i' \ ' yoi

V’b tth

‘ B H i r n m i P n

t M l S A :est and Vfi m ile South of Wendell Ba

IV Y , O C T O B la t 1 : 0 0 p . m . L u n

m M A C H I N E R ' llCTOR 1948 CASE[ u i p m e n t — - J > t < i d e l ^ S r C , r A d J w

........... ..... 1949 A - 6 C ase c o nJ I - . w h e e ls a n d all

tac h m e n ts . a. C a se h a y b a le r

i t iv a to r D o w d e n s p u d d ig g 2 IH C m a n u re s p r

1 c u l t iv a to r j r a w j iM o r r e l l s id e r a k e

• P o le h a y d e r r i c k , ' p u lle y s

--------------------- i-G o o d - ru b b c r - t ir e d 'G ood 8 -fd o t w oodc

CELLANEOUS ITEMSice. Shovels, 2 Stocky Tank H eaters, 1 irden and Law n Tool^ Chlckcn Veederc ns._Kumejroua other.Miacellaneou« lt«

SRMS: CA SH D ay o f Sale

I B E R T S O N , (, Irerson Goodin;

T lM E S -N iW S . TW IN. F A

1919 Graduate of T High School is G

Brii.'-O en. l U l ^ I . O la ijow . Bon team Ihi o t Mrs. U X. Brown, r«ut« 9. d«- its oppo: parted T hu raday ' f o r ' W aabln ttan , ,Oen«ri D. C.. a tte r i p a ^ l n g six days Tts> and n z lU n t hta m other a n d «t«ptatRer. was quai

G eneral O lasfow , bom a l O m aha Denman and reared here, w u s r a d u a tw lf r tm a to r D*i Twin FalU h ls t i »Ohool In 191B. coach Fl W hile a ttend ing th e XJnlvenily of nam e o Idaho. Moeoow, th e foUowlnf y e a r Then ai he received hiB appoin tm ent to tb * helped t U, S. MUltary academ y. W est Po in t, p ix te N. Y., from AddlMQ T . Sm ith , fo r- and Tnot m tr Idaho congressm an. which hi

Tt{e s e n en V t y o u n s tr son now la ta . Att In his th ird year a t W « t PoJn t and wiUi Ne h is e lder son I t employed a s a n «n* team de Blneer by the Q ese ra l B eetrfo oom> s ta le pli pany. The s

This waa th a le n e ra l 's f irs t v is it while at here since February,' 1M<, w hen h e then wi was re tum lng from two y e a n o t a . Mac d u ty In Ja pan . D u rin g h ls vl*lt here also le r he notwl tha f lra t a n n lv e tW of phlllppt havU ii a ttatnad t tn e r a l raiML Vor F i s i t a l two aod cu e-h alf y e a n ha. se rred acliedulc as a ssistan t ch ief o f transporU tion . th is dui

Between W orld w ars 1 aod JZ Oen* Aj f i eral Glasgow he ld a num ber of over* Country seas aaalpunenU , principally ' In gTeally construction a n d transporUtlOQ ac* m e n u n Uvltles. the two

A lthou th B row n h a s read o t the miles o f corridors In th e P e n ta to n . • where hU slep-aoei to’ sUUoned. h e I ^ V tn said G eneral G lascow m sde one re- m ark-w htch gave h im a m uch b e t. - M ter-Im pression of th* slae o f tbe building. . V IE n

T h e general m entioned the * ^ le " ren., Wc around which th e Pentagon is b u ilt parents, Is Just a nh3e*scr« tra c t Mr- <

T h e general’s v is it also was a n oc> Rock S c a^ o n for exchanging memories o t home a a Jn co rd * p o ith if f -T w tn -P a lli h igh Urs.-Mi school footbaU te am of IB lt w ith a Mr. i friend ,.ph illp A. Pl* . n iu t* S. T b e family ------------------------------------------ ------------ land. 0brine tha maaa«a.. I p.m. Wadpiadaj-, prar.r ma.Ui«. Visiting

• ill a.m.. worahlp. II a.m^ Bandar aaha»l— WBCS—aaata-^Hlb-Mra. Oaa*e*Jlc.rtln- Thuradar^______ .


10 a.m.. Sunday aaKool. II «.«•-. «or> n a M s ahltk 7 ilt p.m.. worahlp aad aoa* •OTrlaa. I ^ S Q l 7II0 p .a . Vad»»day. »rar»r aaaUas.

KDIBBKLT MKTBOOUtt- . . . Gall 'k. : a - J L * r S n S ; r ^ r i S u '? r r - , a « . «>»“ t :

ablp. 7 p.m..rjunlirr and aaalar hlah MYF. aald Wl goeew i

o d p i c h I sRegard

T r a c t o r T i r ® »..... ge t in

40 liSUI

I your work don*> i n l e u t i m o

. . .. t order tM tssieg.m anpow er calls to r Falls, 4 g re a te r fa rm effic ien cy . Ubns a

• T h a t 's -why Pow er-C urve t irc j arc your best buy. Each king.^ize cicat is braccd to su n d l fimi, g ive you fu ll , SUi m c tiM ia reverse as vrell as forwaM . Y our -wotk goea — faster 'b c a u se P o jv e fC u ^ e ' cleats won’t sli|> o r bucl^Ie, ' give yot^ g rea te r d raw btr p u lL - ^

(p«< l i r tw K U i* iir*, •nt yomr frem! trtcter wbtih. Fer Gutrdt tMM

S H l B B g B IMoin Avenue E a s t

S U l l .dell B ank .

^ B E R 2 9 )' I I ' / ;Lunch on grounds.

ERY: a s e t r a c t o r %r A d j i u f a b l ^ ^ r o n l - E n d ' «

a e c o m b in e w i th ta n d e m ' Ma n d a l l b e e t a n d b e a n a t« -Mn ts 1 [ 1

l e r ' | 1

id d ig g e r , P 'i r e s p re a d e r s , h o r s e ' p,‘

s r a k e gr r ic k , w i th c a b le ^ d g

r t i re d ^ B K o n " B n d " rM k f tw o o d e n f lo a t - ^

■MS , Ia te rs , 1 oil, 1 e le c tr ic : . it'V eed e rs a n d .W a te re rs , [ -6ou« I t * m i . — r— L*.-

a l e , , y

I, O w n e r [C L E R K : [.W e n d e ll B a n k \

[N. F A L LS. ID A H O .

of Twin Falls _ „ i Is General Now

team lh a t year scored « « polnU lo• ita opponents' li. . ,. .General Glasgow played fullback ^■ and n x played end. O scar Neum an

was quarterback. Fix recalled Georget l>enman was coach, la ter to be Sen-I a to r Dworshak's secretary. A nother. coach Fix recalls was a niatx by th e Ut nam e of Naflsger. noW deceased. >' f Then as now. S verett M. 8w*eley T> helped Uie team wiUi IU kicking., Fix term s Uie present t« im faster■ and more deceptive than th o one on

which he and G eneral Glasgow play- J fI td . A lltr w aU hlng Uie la a t gsme1 WIUI Nampa, Fix recalled th a IB ll‘ team defeated Nam pa M to Q In a■ SU le pUyoff.

The general played end a s d baek t while attending W est Po in t, w hich) then was directed by O en, DouAlas .t A. MacArthur. G eneral Glasgow w» also lerved under M acA rthur in th e Vf Philippines, a tte r se rv tn f . in In d ia . ' r P ix sU ted he believed h is M e n d was . >J scheduled to serve in K o r « bu t th a t!• th is duly waa postponed tem porarily. V

Aj Fix ' guest a t the B lue I.akea ^• Country club. G eneral Glasgow was r[» greatly Impressed by th e im prove- 1 ^- m e n u made a t the scenlo site wher* / J f

Uie two m en u s ^ to go a i youUis.

• Trips and Visits J l ; Related at View

VIEW,. OoL J» -M r* . a i t n W ar- ’ W" ren.. Woodland, Calif., Is vlstUng h e r , ' St parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sm ith. I

Mr. and Mrs.' Claude Ekfwards. *• Rock Springs, Wyo., have retu rned I <t home a fte r vlitUng th e ir daughter, I b U rs.-M arm an T ay lo rraad^fam ily , 'a Mr, a n d ' Mrs. 0» le Searie ' and He family have returned from P o r t- H- land . Ore. B , Mrs. K atherine Marley, O gden. 1« ■ '• visiting Mr. and Mrs. J . E . Searie. ■

Mr. and Mrs. Sesrle Ju s t i t t u n e d k from visiting Mra. M srlay. ■

USE YOUR PHONE |L’ Daar Friend:

Call 'e n tip ; telt 'em to take care ^ „ of i t Bow o tten do you h e a r th a t m N r. aald w hen something U needed o r MS- goea wrong. I t ’s our quick and easy . U n

way of ge tting things done . • *. WheUier w* w ant groceries, fuel or

BnyUilnf elsa we buy. B u t, did you > knaff tb a t you can alao subecrlbe U> your magaslnes In th e sam e way? Regardless of where you live, our

' service U yours for a phone caU, and I t will pay you to use th a t phone to get In on these big special offers: . 40 issues of com ers. iSM ; a o jssues 1 o t W oman's Home C om puilon,30 Issues American M agazine, <4.00;30 Issues Ladles,Home Jou rnal, tS.OO.- These speela li?are off Nov. i : so order the "EAflv WAY.” OaU Tn-ln Falls, 4M. N e# o r renewal subserlp- U 6 n s _ ^ accept«<r a t these prices. . g

J; H IL L *


I I Mtn. StoI 1 2 6 S e c o n d A v a n u e S o u t '


G raduates ^- -P A n L ,-O o fc -a * -F lrs tU e u t. F a u l - j j C f ^

H. Maxwell, son of Mr*. Bthel M ax- ^ , r well. P au l, w u am ong the l i n t ^

army, navy and a i r force offJoera0 lb--6e grtduaUd from the paychoi

logical warlar»vottlecra school at Ft-Rlley. Kans;,-Oaturday;-------- M AP

/ ^ " o f n e wcusrotfs[ '

V • -

Is. * ___

" M W X s a a S fliMl c y


1 soa m o-A m s H t m

_ I——

C U 1


NoihlBcl{k«lt]2 ' S2 ID pu ts M to I

QUAXERTROLr A right amouDt «

I ■ V perfect combusiiK M with any cblni

smbkc'free, sooi0ime scning* As

REPLACE NO'S fonaodeCODoa to come. S«« Ql

V kT t: I

S Pl

l M e $ J L i i l | i l e j i i »u« South

^ B M M a s H e e

■ . R M d W ^

lates „ „ S S r S i ^

a t t^ a y ? * " ” *“ l « A P - T l >l»S*W a*rd-W iiW

M N l ^ B p S OF N E W „



1 ^ N o ih log Ilk* M S e o s a ^ a t a«w QUAICB ~ 7 ''- ' 'S 2 ID pu ts a to } i m ar* b m ia y o n r l io iH w i th (h e s tm * a m o n a t o f a l l . N l■ QUAXERTROL <Io«s itU Deliver* Just t■ righ t amouDt o f a ir to lha bum ar I■ pcrfcct com busiloB . . . lo any W M thar.I^ K w ith any c b ln p e y ! G Iv*s ecoB om ic

' sm bkc'free, soot>frM com butttoh sl~*n a tm e sening* A nd (h is o n r QUAKEK. t 79% .m ore p rim sty be a tio s sutfac* to f: m or* b e a { '.. . m ake yoo r o il la s tlo a g REPLACE N O W l B o jo y tb * tra a t« r 00 fortaod*C O D O iaytom orrow aadfbcy« to c o n e . S«« QU AK ER JQ D A Y I___ -

I S T “£ p f l e f i ■v.VP


Page 8: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

I tRecepjion by I i pTA Is Held I * Fpr H^B HBYBtniN. Oct. M — H e y ^ I PTA etectiUve

I iB o thm W e(|oaiU 7 altenioon i I I tha hl«h ichooJ homem*kln« room I M rt. MurpliT Ne»lU B»Te U»a we,I eomlng ta lk tn d M n . H jl»k Be»veIII p r o g h ^ chalrmnn, presenUd M uI h Itfu H m uen »ho played a piano “o'|D u d Dorolhy Nelwert who gave| | . come<ly. rc a d ln t Punch and calH wera aerved by Mrs. NetlU and Mrn . Bm eat Erwin.H A lter th e . reeepUon the rooiH mother* held a meeUng. M n. Ja( H McCardell wa* elected pre«lden H O ther otflcer* and commltlee chali H taen will b e elected later. T h t grou

deddetf to fumUh refreahm enu fc PTA meetings.

J K oom-mothen are Mra. Toro At i tn d Mr*. Porreat McCurdel. Mr J V em Jlym n* and M rs.. Mario

,1 •Wamer. i l n t grade: Mr*.Payne and Mr*. Valine Hanten. t o

1 Dale McComba and Mr*. Letter 81* pieman, aecond.grade: Mr*. Ole

1 c ro tt . Mr*. ClUton May. Mr*.1 Boretuon and Mr*. Don MeCooib

th l r t grade; Mm. K enneth Haydei M n . Prwl McCord, M n . Orha

III E ad d b i and Mra. Blalna JoneIV Xourth fcrade: M n . nay;BaU ey.l4r [fl -W ilb u r Ha*by. M n, Q. D- Brow In . and M n . Bhieny MartMh. W t ' - g r a d - e ; Mr*. June* Souther

I Mr*. Wesley Shy. M n . R. L. Oho:I « o o .« sd M n . Jess H yman. tU t Iji i ^ e ; Mr*. .Steve Useola a sd Mr i Wendell Cole. M vaatb grade; Mrl ! C t r l Han*en and Mr*. Jo h n Nelwarli e ighth: Mra. Olaude Cofer and Mi H Edwin Ames, nin th ; Mrs. Clauc I : Bowman and Mr#. Steve Dscol iR I 10th; ISxB. Ben Roger* nnd Mr

V aughn Baird. JU h and Mr*. J . ' iu Anderson and U ra . Jo h n Cairo:Ilj.. . U th . -- ...............

I I Building Erected <li BTmii. O c t a«—C on tra ry . to n; o o i» the M by ISB-foot buUdln

II L tB ^ o n U building on Sout R . Broadway In Bubl will n o t be use B , to r a tannery.H Z^ngdon aald the new bulldiD

IvlU be used a* a machine ahop an nt&U etore for heavy hardw ar I b e ahop. tmder th e eupervl»lon < Oeorge A yen , «U1 be e<iulpped fc • a t ^ e * o f general maohlne worl Ijm gdon added.


ZOTATB O r -LEONB r . DAtTM. Dl ‘S u S f u fcmfcr «!*«| l r tht tindc

ExKutor c( tb« b U U of Lmi y . I>*I]0I. <ltc«LMd. to U>« cradllara i

IMSMMiT voDchtn. wlUila fmr sionU ■fter tk* (Irtt wbllcaUoD et thit Mile «• th* I4M Kxtntor •« th* Uo e(ll»

M sr linlldlac. T«la Fallt, Cm dW ct TwiII rillt, sut* or I<l*)ia. thU b«lB> Ml* pl*,

(litd tn th« InnucUom cf t£« butltx

rmrator of th* EaUt* *( L««i T. Damn, dtetuxt. '

• .M .I Oet. » . las Not. X. ». Ilil.

■ I *llb R. a r*Jt ilb/t BbM TUbIA HI!I • >aU, Utiie. eow li* t«ro Mnlneti-coi . I MvetleottfrertorZBtiTaiKklBf SUUe I aad tb* Stone* Tank Callar tnd ’*at,

111 Br«nr* trtl«m. ITtllltUr, Idaho.'In Tvl H I >UU Ccnntjr »M a«t»t«d u *(>B<»Itt<D f M OctoUr St. lltl.

' t r l i ■ Abt pmon, -.toinptnir er eerparallcftX] «ha itA farplthtd labor, maUrUU. er tuij f l l dIUb B*d os tht vetk. parmtnt for «kl<r l l ka* Bot b*«> mtdt. thall til* with 11t i l Z»«»artmtBt o( rulille Wotki. CoUt. IdahH I wtUila Bln*tT <M) <]an from Iht abe<H | dat*. .as lt«nli*d tut*mmt of bU clalM l for an •moBBU dtM aad'BBtiaU-V't]

- M l VaUor* ot aar tUInant to (II* hH I *laln vlthia ntntir (HI d trt trom UH I ahoT* dll* (hall nuU tuU a walrtr <

• H I a«Blaat th* «nr*ti.n i ' - TOH DELL. CommlMlcatr

I |l Having decided lo quit fa H I Hazelton on Hleh

I MQNI' n SALE. STARTS 12:30 '•

m \ MACHINEW 1,946 Farmall H tractor,

' Beet and iMon-eultiTat^^r 1HB Hangon raower, used twoBH 16-In. Mollno'tumble plow,.BS— ~CIuunpioo.4liij{lc-£ow-S{uuW sold before)IH Set harness, nearly net?ip t 2 sets harness, completea Wagon and ra w 3*sectioH McCormick-Deering side iH Bean cu tler for Farmall Hn - 'Wood leveler----------- Emp!U W alking plow Single wheew Farm all M tractor. 19-15W Single front wheel for M ]^ Allls-ChalmcrH C tractor,[g Attachm ents fo r AI1is-Ch|r| Bean cutter, cultirato!H to r , 14-Inch hangon pia 7*ft; pea curler 3-8octioiU 2-sectlon steel hnrroww “ '^ n l^ a i lb n a l side delirerrW New McCormick 16-In. tiH rubberII .IntemaUonal bean drillB 8<ft. phosphate drill for i r w “S-row'TalleyTkJouna Korai i 7>ft. hangon International i % Rabber'tlred wagon and ra

-F arm Maater-portable mill Milk ca rt and milk cans

' -Blackwell-q>ray«r " H a n d f "3 60-gaIlon gas ba rrek

- B-fl, honw-mower 14-lr.

Ip trF rD U E C YH V ; f W U U H E i a g t WaBea tin k ai

m PAOT BIOHt ________ _

y G irls Ir d ' | | | | j | K Hi m

ieybiim rtalned ...room w n in room*.

no aotogave a ^ H B K w S i£ .a ■•v.i ■ ■ V ■ i d cake

......... II room ^ ^ ^ H j |M j |M i | | | j | j j |MJack

uldenC I chair*I group at* for

iro Abo

Marion -

n.Mr*.e rS la .:. Olen ",.a. E arl

Jayden. — » BV ^ ‘ 'O rhan Jones,


uthem ,.OhoU

i; Mra. telwert. u lM n .Claude

? * M !i B ltli •«**«'> attendljj* th e a I. J . V. e a te r^ n m e :

DaiTOU, B e y ae r and Shafpn BenUe;

^ Political Meeting Is Held by GOP

* JEROM E. Oct. 39 — Mr*. A. I.uiidinir Meyer*. Boise, pretlden t of Uie S ta te ,^n .n rt IW era tlon of Republican W omen’s

elube, tpoko here W ednesday a t th e t in t ,f«U m ttU ag o f the Jerom o cmmty elub . A luneheon was held a t th e Owl cafe a t noon.

^ M rs. Meyer* told o f the recen t______ Republican meeUng In SeatUe. S heMT< said tha proepecU to r t^ e R e p i^ lc a n

. - p a rty aro excellent fo r i f t r t - a n d urged all R epublican waajn to ge t

fn a m f o u t and w o rk hard fo r p a r t y . i , D t P « r td ln « a t the m e # & S i* Mi*.

A. K O ould. p r e * ld e n t ,^ ^ In tro - I «nd»r- duced M rs. Maude aftCoy, Tw in ilhT’sT PAU^i ^ce chairman ;o T the s ta te .iBti th* Republican com m ltle«:/M n. W . H . •llh u * Detweller, H ateltoh,; p4*t p resident

of th e c lub , and ^ § ^ H, MlUer oMiSi Proctor, T w in Pall*. J

ltorn«T>- I . ------------mctT X - P B Q ^ C n Q^ ? '« • MTmTAUOK/Oot. 2& -0n ll POUl-bmlcMa y ^ .

tain. b 1 ^ s t a U o ^ In Seoul wl&i “ an a ir rtse u e h o ^ l ta l corps a n d 1, brings woiinded back from the ^ ron t i - ■■’*■ Unea In BCbrea. ‘ ‘

i l P U *repair , PART!

» P ro m p t. * . EconoralttI. Idaho! on an>

________ , _DISTRI!**“ Falfiian’bs Morse-

r„“i Rogers FcS S Ii, ■ P .b .r i. . .. , T,I

M ^ U Cit farm ing, we-wiU sell the-follow lnj iighw ay 25, on • .


[N E R Y ■ ’ ' , T . •■' M.to r . itood /. I n t e r a a t l o n a l i

itwo seasons 300-chick electplow, used 2 seasons 4 10-gallon ml-apud.digger. (i|f .nn l _ y ia ftm L in g tl

'A HP m otor;ew In tern atio n al«ele________ ______ _ 265-gal, atoraaBction wood harrow 165-gaL storagide rak<s->-3-bar Chicken waleill H house cloSmpIre“STflittrdrin gstors,- sh(vheel for H Farmall Numerous oth915 model »

s-Lhalmers trac to r: Shorihom e«w. 4 rator, 4-row eultiva* Jersey cow with­in plow, tandem discjction wood hjtrrow Te»mmSet. To ,

T e ry r a k e - ^ b a r y n . a n d i . y nn . l u m b i r S s ^ . ™ T ^ r r . S ' . S

m d n e n hybrid

! r l r . c l . r ________ H O U S )

u ] r a c k D oe Therm «Q h<m I lk w ,- d o t!b le « n l l C harU r O a k -« » l

» DavcBO an d .ch a ir. J . .............................'G cneraLEIcctria.jland weed apr»yer Hollywood bed tn I > Burtft '4 ^ . . - . n U l d n , p lo w j


nr^rurfTi^TtCKA .aaa MeOaBwM . .

i r i s D r e s s a s S t o s fo

, 1

:li;r ih e annoal aU-glrl m U er in th e b ic b ac ICTtalnment when Jim my D uran te . Tallulah cd In to r "T he Big Show.” In p e n o n a tla g tb m BenUer. Glrla dreaaed to repreaent well>

i n g C a r s ^ C o l l i d e ~r ’ / l ' P BURLEY. Oct. as—A n ’a ed d eo U U X ^ occurH ng-irB iirp rm T M onday 'tW . ts . A. X mUas south of O akley and involvlni Uie State" « » « driven by W nyne O. W alker. 73 W omen’s Twin 1^1* Prancia D. Callahan IV a t th e Oakley, was InvesUgated b:

Jerom o Patrolm an M arvin Bnydei waa held Callahan, travelling- west. ha<

atopped on a bridge to w ait f a e rw e n t W alker to p a u . W alker, travellln( Ue. S h e east, sldeswlped th e o ther man'i

car. No one was .liiiu rtd and dam- if tR -a n d age* lo Callahan's c a r are estlmatec Ift to g e t a t tl33.___________________________

F er a ”7 . Tw in POTATOES & ONIONShe s ta te Phorii'*• ; Bob! • M urU agh[ " w S r • Ceih Track Deals

• Bulk Collar Deolt

Rcymond D. HireBuhl, id sh o .

roul WlU) B to n re 'A vailable Irt Buhl 'rp s a n d RepresentaUve for H. H .Uie ;roQ t ZImmerU, Pocatello, Idaho

I M P SPARTS a n d SERVICE___onomlcal . . . E fficient Repairs - on any Make

DISTRIBUTORS I Morse—Pomona Pamips ’

s F a r m S t o r e'Twla '.-P h o n e 10«B

ICTIONrbllowing property located >4 mile


MACHINERYatlonal electric fence charger saddle and bridle / 'i garden hose / / / 'Ick electric'brooder 'allon milk cans set, m arkers ; Dowgr g rindgr m otor; bdltery fencer , r

allottal electric fencer 'J. s torage tank______ ___________I storage tank:n w alerers and feeders; chicken )use ck>ck; brooder house; corru-itors,- shovetarfo rksre tc .---------------rous other miscellaneous Items

LIVESTOCKHeU U ln ap rto ier I .elfrn

m eew, 1 yt*., laUoos m eow, 4 yra., n llk ln s S gallons ww w ith-4-m oBth-old ealf leifer, bred . 3-monlh>eld ealf ire aow, farrow Dee. 10 - lulea. 10 y i» , 5.000 lb*., foodfk r r ld ln p - wt, .h n ..» Hftfl.liiiin Ih ., ia n d a.yr*.. weU matched, fnaran teed lo be Id a n d senile .eraea. amMith moDlh, 16M Iba. raeh >B hybrid pollets, U ylnr

I P U S E H O U ) G O O D S ,I e lM ^ e ' ninge \h e m clectrie ra a t* , rancho atylr,: nrBrly

rrm «0 heater, w ith fan •O ak e o a l-h e k te f------ — ------------ r f .......an d .ch a lr S fn ln c room w t 'E lc c tria .re frlc e ra to r................... .... .)d bed f ru M and b«* s p r in n

t hot platM , m aehiiie Vanity, brds and sp H n n i n g Rocker

C i a i N p O w H e i F ^

1; ■

irsfor Party .

he b ig b school sym naslum Thursday n igh t i , T alla lah B ankhead and Charlie Chan (er.re tonaU ag th e star* are , le ft t« right. N an Sodc eaent w ell-known aetora or aetrttacs. (BU

d e ' " ^ ( a i n c e S l a t e d»•• PA ISPIELD , O c t a«—A H i7 • **«» pa rty -an d -d an ce wUl beJonday two U ^g haU Monday evenlla i n v o i n ^ The grand m arch will be held

• 8 P- "*• *"<1 prl*e* will be given>. Calla lum . ^,5 costume*. The danceU g a ^ by sponsored by' th e MIA.In Snyder. J.--------------1---------:--------------------rnmm« estim a ted . ; -

ilo N .S .

ir tavgh j P j

Dealt So smooth U Ul e o l t it leaves you

11,. ireaMss ^rt B uhl .

5 1 Smirnaflf^VODKA

r , ■ ilX S fiS S aK S a

= . SAL• W A T c n In i i


' - ^ lo r news of Magic W tey 'a t u'i mile AueUona a n d for ih e da te Ihi

il*Unr* will appear in the Time New*. Check their ad s for Iocali< a n d aU nece**ary Inferm atloo.

i im n c OCTOBER 29IUNDS. t . P„D uecy A L. P-M ackUnA dvertisement. Oct. 28-27

BoUenbcck a n d M cCullsaih, Au

1 ' OCTOBER 29

/V-i'■ ' r - K afvey 'C . Iverson, A ucf./

OCTOBER M '. • Then. Petersen — .- -

p A dvertisement, O c t 20-27H opklna A H annon, Anctlonee

------- 1_ NOVEMBER-1------W . C. Caster

rhicken A dvertUem ent, Oct. 20is0COrru* Ancta. M cCnlleoih 4t HoUenbe

“ l j i 6 v E iiB E ii" t "" * <?aorse Snm ner .

A dirertM m ent, Oct. 30-31 nopklnii f t.U arm on, Aucjjonetr

NOVEMBER 1P a d se tt Bros.,

• A dvM tsem ent. Oct. 30-3t O acar l i H arold K laas, ApcUeoi


ed to be ■ A dreH I*einen t,^cL 30-31G oodhue & D utfek.>^uaioneet

N O V EM BERS-t Augtist - W o ll e i^

- A dvertlatnient, N o v .^ 3lie ileobeck atid^McCullousRTv^u

' . n p v e W e r 5. S. .D._Wor*ham

r f ......................... AdverUsenen(.~NeTr->-af—.' O acar * H arold Klaas, AucUeni

r i n n ATTENTION .FARMERS:W hen you plan a farm aale

. . con tac t th e Tlmes-News Parm -.'Sale departm ent. Let t i t cx-

6 i A onc-amall c o s t . 'I t will aavolelflnfer 3'®,“ money.

■ H H H 1' I . j ' . j II ,

T IM E S -N E W S. r

T o p i c s R e p o r t e d

IF o r B r o a d i a s i

-W ould * • recreaUon e e n ttf b TOcceu Ul Tw in Pall*7“. 1* th e ta of dlscuaalon for th e high *cli tooftdcast over KVMV a t 6:30 p. Saturday. CUudla B allard will chairm an. Shirley ' R o e m e r , Hogue, P a tty Beasley and Sa: H annah a re o ther con tttU nto .

Ralph M cParlane wUl sUig 0 • K T PI a t n a. m . Baturday. Hept er* will be Shirley Halverson, Syi WhltUe a n d B ert ta n g d o ^

■ Trips ReportedD IETRICH. O c t 38 — Dal

NlchoIsoD 1» In MlasouU, M en t, business. w 1

Mr. and M n . Oeorgo Clevela Caldwell. recenUy visited hla p ents, Mr. and Mrs. WUl Clevcln

f R E E

L."S5‘,S: T U FNan Soden, _ ^ J

" l O Ited I " " iM.»S—A Hallo* wUl be h«ld lay evening.

a tbe given f o r -----

I'T Y T ^ « '6S hoU ln3l^Socon

J.C.HIGGII>ALEa l e s d a r ' ^ -------P u r p p - A d lb n - R e p e o f e r

^ * D ^ I T h r o o C h o k o C o n t ro U I

illey’a' farm ' C o m p e m a f o r d w ic e cot

cS ' t K - W ’ S "" S'™’ I"f o r lo « i l6 n . p o t to m s l V entilafi>rmatloD. •

no g iv e s g r e a t e r c c c u i

MackUn ’ “ P O " 'h 'n g I" S o ld o n ly b


f c :.. ’ ! . ;s o ' .........^ ■ '' “ z i 'iT J J r - W r a . - H O L D :Inctloneen


7 ^ ~ T ~ ~ 9 . ■ U W T T lir

^ l^ e n b e c k ' XMAS

I T “ " ^ ~ B U Y . :N 0 W I ^ ;

t^30-31 i 8 L ■ i.uc jjonetra ,

t -1

L 30-3'i : lu a io n ee n . ;_7

Zt.3 ~— R e m in g to n -^AucUoneer* . . . .

•- • . ,Wir>gtoa9ta

MERS: P rrfec tly bftlanced for fast. 1rm aa le Ibe. V arl-w elght— Inten:ws Parm w eight you prefer. Takedow ; t u t cx- 'n Cover ■ ^ ~ ■ ■" r—

ws. T W IN F A IX S . r o A H O '

- > ■ * - f ^

'7 ■ . -HQ- .rted Veliicles Collidj

« J. BOHL. O c t M — An autofflj» d c a s t s J * -rc e n t« r be a jjrfven by P in la Lei*. Is th e topic Wednesday afternoon...

LM « u . I t l t tu n i < .5 IM h* Uie accident occurred im d Pete

llM d w l l l ^ tnld-InvesUgaUng o fflce n h e d j e m e r , P a t ^ signal for th e . tu rn ; E . and Sarah « * ^ i^ ? "a u to m o b ile haa been^ U n t o . “ ted a t I l3 i. 2io e a tta a to

s'.r« .s- «“ "■■■' “venon, Sylvia __________________U---------

& M a n y U H le C l.lW h o o < l

? r t e d . f l r i k e A t N i 3 t e ! K ' ^ '

•m Cleveland. »«»“ »«>« *>

IE D a n c i n gEvery


^ SUilDAY N IT I -"'Smoky Joe and His-



■ O U N G E

7 -

. '........................ . ■■ • . ......... — ; ..............

>^Socondir' Djoluxe “ 20V I2-Qaug(


S r i" ' 5 0 c' M 15.00 Dc

10.00 MeSwke controls moko.g l.« .n ,o r< ,d .a d Vw .-I . J t u." Mora faaturat V.nt,lated .Ighlina ,h„„ . , p . „ . | „ -

lor qccuracy, fa s l.r . 130.00 gunild only by SearsI


* — E r r r - T ± n 5 b r : S l ^ >

5 ^ S h o tg u n P a t c h e s'. ' S f ’ Ffoo Colton Flonnol

w ' - ' ‘T i j• jS k . l>»« *9 rlwo«flhly ,tl«,« and A

.T W foldi*! or* r|«M Wi■ i | | | j M j n for ht.l cl*or»g-ww<'l g^l .M

»n-870^Pum p---- Q rt'®/ir>g«o^ - ____ __ ..

.1100 Down, 11.00 Mofor fast, accurate handling, LIshiwclRht —at

h t—InUrchangeable ateel. wood pluca for Takedown, Pull choke modeU.

n o n M U Id^ « - »nd Dick Henderson, boUi j r H cD iy 'Iieh - ' were f ln ed '|2 3 and IT costa eacP inla Leo in Police Judge 'A l 'A mos' W ^ cnoon.. otl chargea o f being drunk andIft tu ro w hen ' ' _____________'(Old Peterson :e n h e d idn 't. tu r n ; ' D om - ...................haa been C8- ....................... - ^ | -eatlm ata h a s . . I \ l

image to th e ' . ■ ^

S&H GRIa iBotbwt aak*

: ■ G i ,. CblUr*aUk*lu

“ U SE E

J ; V• A nti-Freeze

AY •L u b ric a tio n nd • T ires J . IIT£ * Accessories His - • G.asollne

E S ■'At i / i e P la c e i o ]


Chrysler p l H

H||||||lSporting (

D o u b l e B a r r e l............... O u ts to n d in g I

A fevorit# wHh: sporltm eni I W • ^ fo r d e ad ly po lte rn i. Poiilfve i

' . *loclc wilh piilo l type grip , ll

■ • '•'. - ’- - J llCr:s'

■ Q auflo ,,-- ■ j S S r a W

JNS ' S0 0 " - » M

15.00 Down 1 4 ----- - 510.00 Monlh M s n > S h * l l V n t i

e lu t lv t l 24>Elc*tlc Shell loops

■ P n c e d A lJ U J l . . . ' 1 . 8 ^ >en*lva PorlSblowpflc*canTyo»r«*>*l»toi

g u n i t forlDbljr, h *sty/*e<M Mvtlord broieetfon dude, tn avw tixM.34 ta *


i t c h e s P o c k e t H a n d W a r m eFlannel • i" CoW«> ,Weother

' t ' 2 g — u i r i i i i i . t j r F M T " : 1 , 2 ?

tl«(« oi<d«fl .• • hK*uld»w if>ort»m*«l K**p* IWM '* rtoKt •!<* ■ »• fleiM-hoaflao *1*m*)it. Cen•1 g«l .h;ckl 7 ^ "• • » * e » ^ IlflM*.Tof.aM

^ Q . 8 0 p j

■ — = e ^ - i c i o i < ^ n11.00 M onlh . . . , ., ^ Popular,wiiji iporttm en eY^ry

s ‘-is5


f i n e d[L. O c t 3«—Harvey T . W alk- Oct.I Dick Henderson, boUi Buhl, Bu^lD6d'|23 and rcosU eicJi'to uS ? iv**;.* “ D :Judge'A l 'Amoa W ^ e s ^ and h w ^ h ^ ^

>rgea of being drunk and dU- ^ lS d ^ "u “, ^' l— ______________ ■ Pwtimouui. V t "


S&H GREEN STAiGiven on all


a n d o n

A n t i - F r e e z e • • B o t t e r i

l u b r i c a t i o n • T u b e s

T i r e s J .i . • R e p a i r

A c c e s s o r i e s

G . a s o l l n e o f , C a t

■M the Place io go io Save Tour l


kryeler Main Ave. E.

W i t h " F i e l d - T e s t e i

S p o r t i n g G o o d s i f r o m

> u b l e B a r r e l S h o t g u n s /A n O u ts to n d ln s Bgy, O n ly

r « r i t # wHh: spo rltm tn l Preof-tatled Iw rreli; pt J e o d ly p o lte fn i . PoillivBsoi'etyon longl Pollihed Ic with p iilol type g rip. In 12, ' ' ' '

'II iW r - __

6 i K ^s n > S h * l l V « M t i o n i l n i24>Elc*tlc Shell loops • Zelan Treofedj^

id A I J O i l . . . ' 1 . S 9 • R v o P o d .u , . . ,<blowpi{c*canTyo«ri)>*ltcef*> O*o»l**l-p|y il-oi jly,ln*oty/*otMM«loribrow« and bock Hn*d »I dud. In awe .***.34 ta 44, • • «flbfIc.Zlppw»rf't

c e t H a n d W a r m e r M e n ’s Huni3MB in' Coldest .Weother Coi’lon fl

JbhtSTFJO aT": 1 . 2 9 T oK onV Iier....-'Id w ipedxMnl K**p* lwn« Afovoril.-Wh"*^ no f1oiM-l>*o4t>e *1**<*><t. Co» ■ hw<rt*frt|>tltrt*cl • « tigorvtt* IlflM*.Try. aafc ^ - ao»*l «"

r i n c K e i t a f P u m p 0 « m j

iHorwiiii *p6rt*mwiod iy , Prechlon txirrel fo r mor* o t f l r s W ^ ^ , honbm for sn w o tW a w r e m ^


Page 9: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

Pioneer ' Reac

iA 9!^n i t)on>

s i- '-they » 0« ‘------- % »t Vouna™J '3 :

^iM dtliere T " - '— -— . H i‘"‘ S f a to d o n U W r n

ptf ^ for several $



G s r : : : ; : Party, B s S s ^ | s £ Parley] gS E H F v; ByCk2 “*f* . A combined bi? % B d will cnU rU ln Halloween party

T A t uie'\juj'ine!

bekah Worn*fSS‘Sv^'£P"cX rf^"''^ • w e » ( 3 » y T hefundsw :S9ffl»ert l in - , ®‘p«ek«>8«.mtatM ipecl^ A box will bt

i o tlib ta »B(1 M ri. OoTTjaitj p^po■ ^ > Threlkeld.

^ Tolrt to n,«ite * M T h e-n ex t me to tlH Pft^jov. U « t the h<

fcirtcr TTU draped for M ^ ' S i fo r the UfBy. M99COW. 1 ^ by-Mr*.-fte M«atily 0^ w ;r i„ s wera rece I tbe Vicil I«1B« Soemer, Mrs. K

A«UUn« ln thB < w , chepmfin, N

r.^KSliK 'Plans fo P r o j e c

* . * * ■ SH05H0KE,

iner Meeting member*” o:jI4.-8 6(.lhe P r e e b y te r i* ^ « y ‘ t t h ^ ; I laMUtJan held ft diane^y •* the lOOI fljnndiy n lah t * t tlltA pie **U wlU

S T C r . Helley. I tv iP annuM >« to eharte o t the meeUnfK- »•1 wlll be held D ec .n .;.R e lle f^ «

M « ■ mk hour Nor.“ • ■WI.U” « » n a ta ;

- - • • ' ^IT**' Ot mw

itian Martin Pattern Q a r

- ____- O h l •- ohn Henry

^ w y ' ^ ' l r / ' - _ • oolwenrlng S i B L ' ^ '"■■ 1 mother a

....- Li^Eho-Bm-' i ■ hnlmcMage.

7 j / 7r ^ / ' * S ^ ■ *„i bed no t sa V ' / i ■■>'' those wo/ : : ' / A - fltr. Bhe Jo /.. - « _ J - - - to p tp e r ftni. / i \ : • t^o . , . ,_ ^ ■ ' I \ . ’ •JhJ-. JohnH \ \ i ' . • / J . - . •• llbly Bct *U(

/ \ • • f frr<’T ■' o thU less •• ■ B f / '■' ' *****•'-'B • / / ' - - ' ^wereyoji -~ J | - K - . ' ^ ^ITM n’t dol=/X • ' - I W ' - 'f tl ‘■*8*’

-■-; ■ mrron* Jiut tS- \ " / « monltoi

W J n L i u » l \ toDoem’t tlK- sS?Uv, I, bu t t

i ( . \ f \ thr.-I, li 'W S O i. a 'l.m o lhe h \ '( v ^ . - In* eMHipli

k.<* ■ ■ V ' \ A - deal-point.

f irJp < i / w*'’ In »not^ •dClncorrect

WMeofthe.J r W o t W recty any nt

W tO J *ho> have bf

r \ Cj^j I '■Irme/’ s tX , ' , . h M m onrm u jth

AiW .O > j JJ

WTk A -O ^ 's i .........v e r y w “'% JLL(C H enw lll f«i

0 W , j S W l 5 C r S » I ’m d to Sl JL v 3 C T » > r ^ ArlthUo hai

iffwcrflfeifs—i r s S

&£V»'STuS3 r."'iS“'Pgwmi.jte.CTw'.-s i s H S -Muaii Em w a.tT „,i„M

a ,% 'S s “t ! s

1 p- o . p — — ■

£ 5 . S i S f . : [ r ^

S ^ H S i m

^ ^ ^ P * y m e n } p l* a | . .^ ^ - N o D « I u K E .

. I t t

;g c |^ s^ ^ |s /e c iQ l Pro

h* Woman’* ^ ' l / t Service o t the Metho<

F ri'? ';/; ''', Wednesday ademooi| ^ ^ U | i i | | M B ; , ^ H b t Mrs. Evelyn Turn ^ H | l i ^ ^ B H [ ^ H ; c i e m o n s gnve the di ^ ^ K - ' StlL'iot

which conce■Tr a r ^ l V : reading of the Bll

Mrs. Olen Itopklni fashioned hymr

L i K l t v v > : . . . ^ n ^ H a t the p ltao by Mrs B g r r . l and. ■ h e t i g U M g g i * Mrs. Pred Kendrlcl ^ ^ ^ ■ P H R f l ^ l l l g n o b n d u o the biisir

which repo ru tnclud oountry store harves'

Mns. Oharlea Oe«

day nex t Friday a t church. ThU event 1 th e United 0«uncH til en of the community

There are to be . MAT GliANDON ' undertaken by the co ihoto—etaffengr»Ting) acholanhlpi, aid fo — ■' way of living a biar

_ . oommunlty day otteiD U S i n e ^ S used to ,continue th

’ united Ohureh w «sy Featured S?'!i2;l,‘r ‘“ "„.; Club Womer ?rr«“r s Sled bualne.ni meeting an the world.party were features fc Assisting Mr*. Tuill Ralph atevens.

luslnesi meeting, an all D e f G D S G ^ F is waa se t nex t Wedne.- f ,plele work on drapes fc O n 0 W n ' t (on Army day nursery. • ' „ J l lleh will be'served. 0< ^ D IN O . O ct-'aP mftde-arranitemento ft m e ^ u t KU6^,awifood BAlo to be held N6 Atomicnds will be used for OAR ^ en« OrMHlMtlon."

meeUng Tuesday a t t 111 be sen t to th e sU t Tho, juth. Blackfoot. by U Jf®*'®.. *"f* Wa; thought for the day WttH<«>W Henderson, j rs. W alter Wlrschlng. T l i '" f l? ' Introduced the hant furnished by M n Wr*. H ttd e iw n i was-recelred by Mrs. W P « “ >“Id structlon or hosp lu lt m eeting w in be h e l ' . * ® . * ! " - , . the hom e of Mrs. Howan W e ^ annoi

-1— defense meeting wlll T the best costume hJiiHi" ®Mr*.-Dal8 s a y n o r f O th e J ^ , »>uHdlnB.1 received by Mr*. Jb h j“ ! lr® - , rs. K . H. Oarr. Mrs, W ^in. M ra. 'W lrsehlng ‘ ""J "5. ’ “ , of the Red O rm bl(•' - '; 10 a.m. to 4 pjn.N ov.

* ♦ * . .building.•Prt»* C l W "- Karold KoeT O r runa , ..oonauBted the m eetl

) e C f s ” 0 k Q y 6 C l a n d nelselwnanr^Mr)KE, O ct. M’ _ . Sever*,“ «S projecta were schedulci! ' • *irs of the LDS R«lltl D .the weekly meeting T u e i . O S S S I O n K ( lO O P hftU. ;:* WlU bo held N or. 3 a n d i,i* 7 '>1 basaa r wlll « ’■ ■ c . s r s i s s s f ,

co«„SS5 ATJ. I« hew d u r ^ tho M cra- m « . Sum ner Wai Nor. 4. The conferenot^presertfAtlvo on

iken from Psalms. txecutlva board of a t sclenca lesson c a thduxUlary. save an a« t mai» presented ta«o llj gave the hlghJli 1 Larsen. , klr*. D . O. Ostcrhoi

are of Yoir Ghild________ • By ANGED PATRI

enry came hom e -atCerts set for h im . I irlng a sour face, handed ead him Into helpful :r a folded paper and The monitor shoul saysjrou m ust sign th ls ."horlt7 . He should r ssage, a lthough th e teach -lon of doubt o r dl Qt said I t In th a t tonoeacher. I f too m an ae words, annoyed Jo h n 's ; there a re 'num ert he looked a t tho a r l t h - e l-iJn the w rorg •r and a t-th a ifla rk .a t tho. hcr'one, And .alwaj

seeing any piipejh n H enry, how cduIS youel .u c h _ / m.rl=7 I « n t S ' S T S S I "less w ltli you la s t n igh t ‘had th a n aU corr«.tly. u ,, .»d> you doing, anyway? . ' » • mb.rT for eoiidw•t d o ta t m y th ln g . I 'dlA ^L“*f?'-i!^«nd*i3vuit, T ho monitor m arked ««?•. To <*uin «; ju s t in ,eplt«.- a ; k V y; ;onltor? Who's the m ont- --------a ’t tho..t<Bcher see youi-

lUt th o monitor mark# , .. Goodnother studied the paper. 'w nple he had left ou t a t H U l t t 1olnt. "You know decimal * W « f I) Im portant. -Vou should 1 another Instance'he had D fllntorrecUy bu t the Biaiaplo * 7 r ' ' ' " 'f th e 'few checked as oor- . jmy standard Jo hn 'H en ry . _________lvc been' marked 80 per pnpcr ahowed 30.

le " said tlie tcA cher,'That'. I I f 4 | J lu sthave been careless. Hai; I J a l i i

very careful and s h o w ■ - ■ l _ l ' Ing th a t .U doubtful. .I te i TL and .o f ;cijur*«, ,3pha ,11 g t t hU proper. o a rk J ■ ; _ ;to see hc is Improvlhffi ; L a . B

s has been his pw res ' B y D l ;*-U -varT-f - -

f are necewsry In das* : 'p iU em ed to ey-help ch llden who new ; ' Modem Leal kve th e teacher's Ume fa . , .

s “'S'r«k'?!K

rnches r ^ b i m j f p Scomo to Uielr task* u a - Being a Blgel<r

leet th e child for **thS» W tlo

i a f v S i r a e u m - M p u ■

' r ~ j E A S

1S 3 - F D i i i < n : u 8 ® ~ -

LOANa I , 1

e i a n c e o r tht P I T C O R P - ■ I

■ »OME

3l Progrdm ' Engai igblight .for - S m U H ZS Conclave0 . Oct. 5 s-M em bow ofn’s Society of ChrlsU an S W 2 (^« 1 P K •■*•*-iJE Methodist churoh m e t ■ -■ afternoon n t- th e 'h e m oelyn Turner. M rs. A. O.ive the devotional Jeason:. L. Stlhon presented th a .hlch concerned th e prop- < l^ i i kof the Bible. .n Hopktns presented a n ined hymn, accompanied 'i50 by Mr*, Oladya H avl- i -

1 Hendrickson, p rM tdm t. ute business seaalon a t

>ru Included th* an n u al <. ' ire harvest sale. i U M B U .arle* Oe« m d a n a n - it about world conununlty Priday a t Uia M ethodU t ^

event U sponsored by OouncH o l Church'W orn* ommunlty.fO to be thro* proJecU > by Uie council th la y ta r, ADELINEX. aid for homeleas by ( I t a f t e a rIng a blanket, and world * *

day offering, haU to be intlnue the work o f th e A < ' 4 a l i n o I ureh Women for Feaoe A a e i l n e II lulsUan ■world reUUon* X A ^ r r \ / 0 .to be used to he lp to r A O T r y U iiffertnc M o n r th e refu- r u p s R T , O ct, 2( e most crlUcal a reas o f Adam XH» announ

, , ^ m ent and approach Mr*. T u r n e r waa Mr*, th e ir daughter. Ad

_____________P , K n e r r ^ e m U to :

)^F ilm is ~) w n t o G r o u Da . Oct.--a8-Soro*l9 olub

D Atomic Bomb and D e- « .e OmaUlla ore nlistlon." a t Uie re«u la r “ ® u « a u m ore lesday a t the club room*. •' r

Ten-'SS.iUr'I.S: Priscilla B ffeTaeSS. Weds CorDdcrson also asked a ll / - . i _ i / — lerested-ln first a id tn - L , h O D e l . L . Ir h«p,ul , „ k „ report R O T a ,? . Oel. »

reed ™.uneea . oMu. ”■ =f S'ihT elln« wm be held >t I p.' In the Ooodlns elemm- SS;„i“Sh2!i CbulMlh,. -ra. publle le »“S°»u;rt£med W Uk. eh.r,e el t1. end helplnj the elMI gj””" “lp°rN.“ "“."lSS? „"'“ 7hl°tirtlrold Koeni,, peeidoil. J*'the m eetlns • ***” * a n 4 ,th e weacT O ^ e d - M ^ L , .hm .n , Mr.. w . D. Teeter " " “ S i : . . ,ru tatrlekllh,. . “ '.'"JS.ri

• * * employed In Boise.

Dn ReportedLeeUe Roll* reportod on •f m eetlns beld a t Burloy.. Martha-* guild of Uiechureh a t a meeUng Vm O I G iligh t a t Uie oW rectory.nner Walter*, provincial ' "' “ Tive on the naU onal ' ftriandehip girl* oboard of the women's Mooee wHl ho ld th» re an address and Mrs. S - c - n dance ' a» 8me highlight* ot h e r talk . ’iT to a Moose to ll.. O sterhout w « hostess. ? „ “ ' o r T h S C ^ l. -. ' . -------- ------- 1 AU m em B^«7iuvl

h l l d r e n £ •I ....... • K abuthlrl Brahm lni

' ' •— '■ ' I and only one mem r him- T han gradua^lly 1* perm itted to ma;ito helpfu lnen . ------------- :iltor should have no au- _ • _ _______I should refer any ques- B mk I I ^ D rub ro r 'd lsc lp llhe to the K # % | P I D

too m any are referred, ■'■re ‘numerous eomplnints. •« w rorg plsce. O et an*And alwayn mnke a point any p.ipers whose ra t-

a chlld'ff standing and I ratln fs under th e teach- latid. '

• <Urk tnd olhrr f u n qiilit

.-si-; ~ ' stinfi». e/o TUn««.N»<rt. P. O. Uoxa. N»« Yoit 1». If. T. >1 i

}Mdl Values ^ount these days^k point wltb pridi t> ^ S b | h I this onel . / ^ H j

Uemed to perfection In (wo . xStm Leaf, designs, FERVAK I alMy* lKenofte_of Bjplow's «i I l lu j t r i^ carpcu. Sow B Ige.'/carpet artittshavecreiiod iwonnlni new dolgns— refleclinj ^ifmciy trend toward muled pat- _

*9 '®n j a Bigelow carpet you'caftre*! ured tbat a FERVAK will w tar . ' hli** hlt»4f-the-looiTt will add uh», to your floor* for years. AndOk um it ■.Mtiall ttr«U ________- '..




— P ( l l V E ~ O U T " A N P S A V E I

-C a rnet Dtihlaii Floor -

r t h S id e F u r n i tu nBouth Llneoln 8 tr« e t e a Road to Twin Fal

--------- OPSN-BVKRY-»VKNlNO-!rn»- B !00 -IE . J


Erigaged Coriventi

' ' BU ItL , OcU 3S m »«tlns oc Ui« lc

<tg » u o o se 'w m b« he:T he-m eeU ngrbH auspices, ef th e will be under, d in I>atu. Buhl, d e i

Them e o t th a n alevatbr t o 'iu o d uso the suirs.** M

^ ^ K T . B uhl, college ofo b a lm a n of th e

^ H | | i | ( B g K | ^ H P Committee m e hom e-of-M ra.-X )

S ^ ^ H ^ B ^ V ' r r r 'X ’CSn n tng tocom plete-i „ w hich will be a t

B t e v trom a ll o rer th ^

I E L M A vvU l. BoUe, Wb« In o h a x te .^ will begin a t A a .

Oommltte« oha cuaslon group* In

<*tafr angraTlng)' homemaWng; M* • * * rom e, hupli4U:

line Ills Will^ . H ibbard, Nam pa.irry Oregonian o th » r ohainnei

5\.%Ts;.rrAr;;d iti : .” .2 ld T w li

1 H tual. and Bea 'e .4.at Ui«_lWiilty-Luth«r»a'

Ua a IM8 graduate of Ruj>- “ 'f

i*-«nployed-ln-H erm l*ton te aU lla ordnance de p o t wlU S e ^ l S

M ¥ ¥ H a l t ReservaUi

:\\\a Benedict is Corporal in

I — . T h e luncheon eipel CeremonyIIT. Oct. 29—Mr. and Mra. Wooley. * ■ medlet announce Uia reoent j^ jiiow lnr ]u i > o f Uielr daugbler, P rls- eerem on lu wlU b nea. to Opl. C a r le s Ray •w p -h ,5 i“ - i « p KnnsAS.Clty, M M Cow..SandpSouple WM m arried |n th e p a , i , p ^ ^ t e It chapel a t BoUe la ^ e open ing ceram

of close m en d s and re la - by Moacow; th e i - will b a slvATi

:ens o t aeaUm ent Uie hride Tjuhl w l U i ^ e l , White aaUn to w n V om by Sw, LUft Mae. a t he r wed- ch ap te r and Inll l^U ie weddiM ring of her ^ ^ t a X l s aat.jff*ndmoW er._M r«,.em- S p p i„ g ceremorv

re","’^ * s « « » . . i . », of Rupcrt h igh achool. 1* SuallflcatloM foi 1 In Boise. — l«w ry , Iwill n» k e Uielr home tn o j , M hoiarehlp 1 lera h e U sUUoned a t Uw S " r e « n t e ,^ U o ^

sh ip fund m arch

Calendarehip girls of'W om en o t th e , ^rill ho ld the ir annual H al- ^lance a» 8 p. m. Saturday C X ( ^ ( / S ttoose.hall. K ay Lynch and .t»irtra. will provide music.sE ^ n r and Xrlends' »r«' tn=

( * ^ e ^ p T e s . Uke ,th a J M | rl Brahmin* o t Malabar, one - ■ W ir one mem ber of a fam ily • ^ ^ tted to m arry.

i n b o l W I

. MoTlns Fhoqii I ' ■', sionei 354 j ' " -r

T E R M S . rB ir E s . a ' g | a


SAVEI— , 7-V:SSia-£af e~tt':~ T “■

I tu r e C o .a Twin Fall* ^ yca o to o - ---------------- -----------— - t \ ¥ ^

PHONE 55 . / ^ 0


/ e n t i o r v M e e t . , D i s t r i c t :

e d ; a t . B u h l : b y _ r r S l a t e d :

m e n o f M o o s e L r S S S f S S, OcU 3 9 A obavoeatlTO *f;*'^N o. # auxlo t Ui« Idjkho-Women of th e d is tric t mpcllngIII b« he ld Sunday in Bohl. auxUlartes to be ItU ngrbeifig -ho ia u n der th o ™'«tlr

ef th e college o t--«genU , O dd Fellowin d e r,d lre cU o n o f« ra .M ary w n i.b e ,«iJuhl, deputy g ^ d regent. Puslnes* meellns

' s s s x 'w i s r s

i s s ? .s s ”' otw t h y ? U ^ *7 Uon or M n . zoaiTera W a assisted by C lara _ *

5 S : ' ^ S . , ^ . S u r ; i 2 S R e p o r t s I

Jtte* chairm en leading dU - Alt<group* Include Naom i OurtU, aHOBHONE, <Parir . ehUd care a n d Ualn* S a sq u a dano* w lUJerlne Pope. T w in Fall*; according to a diJUng; Mr*. Ed Lewis, J e - meeUng of Uie . lU pltal; & nm a Bergstrom, P eU r's CaUiolKretry , lib ra ry ; LouUe Jo h n - n igh t. Mr*. Caj melt, m em berahlp, a n d Ine> den t, «ald.comn:, N am pa. M ooaeheart. - H nal arrangeme c h a ln n e n a r* A IU W artaf, w m bo announoi

fall*, M oosehaven: Im lly T h e group r o t Buhl, publlplty;. M aU l tlon tow ard thi

, PooataUo, reoorder’a duUe*; dia therm ic ray Dais*, BUhl, *enlor regent’* Maglo Valley Mi Audrey Miiorehbuae, Nampa', ' Mr*. Jim Bari and Beasle Holme*, Buhl, P agoaga were a

peclai sessions a ro echeduled eponao red -by -tl0 a. m . wlUi M ary L ittle. In November, eader o f th e academy of M rs. Eusehto Ip m ember*, a n d Eva P a rk - B aali -Oarmendl ?ocnt«llo. dlscuaalon leader «ollego o f 'reg e n ta croup. ______American - lig lo n auxIUify f I t j b« luncheon a t th e I^eglon 'leservaU oaa wUl b« made Member* of Uia M abel Sm ith . T he ho*- s>*t W ednesday i;om m ltteo In chan te ts Itopy oi Mr*. Amy 1h a irm an , Viola H arrU , D e- received by Mrsan a n d DoroUiy Machacek, B. P . Remlck, se<Bcheon oommlttao U headed «»d Mr*,e l B m lth .-aa* Is tod ^ B ea low, .. ., V eda'W lgglngtoa a n d V era p i e n e x t-o lu

b e ld Not. 1 a t •Ing Juncheon, rltualliU o R«Im . « » M adn las wlll IM given by th e five ^lo r-cn a p le ra o f Uie s ta te . , —d^sss*- a s W iKgWen * y T helm a H oward, S f "

Ith B thel M ulling BoUe, r a - “ ** i ; balloUng by Pocatello *•“ »»«•

and InltlaUon* exempUflod -------1 Falla c hap te r. /I apeclal cerem ony will b a conducted id reg e n t M arjr D a lu fo r> regen ta w ho have m e t ■ ■ m U ' l l i jitlons f o r th a year. H H H H H B Il«w ry , BoUe, wUl speak on I r p a k)lftr*hlp fund o f th e collego Iita, followed by th e *oholtP- I ran* -id m a rc h In w hich aU chain

'ehsfvt, M--ffayorah


O F M**I’v e s e e n M L J.B c o m p a r e d p o i n t

f l e l l i a g co iT eeo , a n d b e l lo v a '

w o n d e r y o u can’t m a k e a b a d c u n

Mfa.J^^ j is ^ n » to w

a ~ ^ « m a t i e ^ ^ f ^ [ t % ^ ’a x n a f : / te rfulblendoftheflnesthigh«gTD w ncoff*M I< is n o t ro B tte d in .b ig b a tc h e s : it 'a a e n t t< th rough ovena in a th in , ataady atretun. ao tl eocA beo n 1* brtnm od to ita mallow bok t.y ' n b

^ v m ^ e r \y o (f t.

IL L S. ID A H O /

trict Session Noveiril: latediforiGirbup .rPlanneiDma, rir^lo1, Qoodlng. p ras ld en t.o l dl«> v . « l l v « l cJo. S auxUlarr, announea* * BUHL. Oct.i mpcllng of VFW poata a n d « u hostess Urles to beheld Sunday in B u r- h&uscn circle%e metrtlng:! v lU 'b e he ld a t * io n i^ 'so e ii t* dd Fellows hall. A poUuck

be, served following t h t vvnber lunche M meeting.Uat7 member* will h e a r a r a - b VsmvI the naUontU praaldent'a H all t h tT l i ln e a * ^I departm ent of Id ah o a a x t a t n u sday a t Boise. T h la r» p c rt w l ^ « given by M ra. V irg in ia §?,* ^ * S Smen, Ooodlng. * . h e r ^ng the buslnesa session a Ju a - tv«n i a president w in b*-aleoted to

* * * luneheon, wlU

jorts Featured. asaoolauon m

’ Altar SocietyiBHONE, O ct. 99—171* the Dick Malo » danoe wUl b a he ld Dae. 39. n est M ajor as Ing to a decision reached a t a Mr*. O lenn iK of Uie A lta r society of B t. appolntod Mr* I CathoUo ohureh Tueedajr « j ohalrm an f<

Mr*. Camden M eyer, p raa i- Uona fo r Uie said, com m ittee m em bera a n d Oale Atwood t arrangem enU fo r th e danoe oommlttee. W I announced la ta r . iion glfta wei group voted to m ake a d ona- T he fa ll ra

ow ard th e pu rchase o f th a uaoclaU on wa rm lc ray m achine fo r th e ao a t th e Ca Valley M emorial hoapltal. O lenn Atwood Jim Baralnca a n d M rs. Joe the conHlct In

l a were a { ^ ln t« d to ohoo&a Mrs. L . B. aanw ^-the -ta len t-ahow -io -b ff -U iB -A ddih-S « d -b y -U i» -M u * to -a tn iU !a ry b rM n rZ S ttie r 'ember. voted to purcli

Eusehio ZSlorleta a a d M n . dren of a mis Q arm endla wero hosU sses. an offering « i

ect. Mra. M ail __ t t - i _____e d .to ba .ohal

Club Meets 2 5 ^ 5 1ibera o f Uie BQ Pinochle club table ounnUUednesday evening a t th e homo and M ra. Maa. Amy Mora*. P r l ^ w ere portad on hlglKl by Mra. Morae. h ig h : Mr*. Uon m eeU ns itemlck. *econd. and M ra. B . L . mand Mr*. N orm an M cIn tosh , S f r t B

PILBR ,.Oot.n e x t ' olub m e e tin t w ill b e ta rtalned h e r

ior. 1 e t the hom e o f M rs, Tueaday aftei» l M adrona a tree t n o r th . Oamea w era r--------------------------------------- ^ calf a a rred r t111 parUolpaU. l^ e 'S a n d i» ln tiT-w m iead;:-------------------------- “ • :ing ceremonies will ba hand led |i N am pa ohaptar. AU m em - *li th e toHege o t r tg e a U -wUl - I f t fIhelr cape a n d gown# a t b o th '

- Dr. E.IQ H ffljfflH Opt(u u i i a u i u u i a 1 23 m<. C. ANDEBSOM’S I Gro iria r a n * - O M « to t> - B a h t - - I ------------



m n A V O i^ r o u N P

m se d p o i n t f o r p o i n t \ n & o t h e r b u t ^ ' '

)V6 w h a t a d i f l o n n c e l S m a l l

. b a d c u p o f M J .B .t’*

__________ ■ F a ir fax , California

M k

Y l | a * s « a j [ r a H II U M jafvu ,« tA V o*.|P |l| osenuareon

. B . isavu* a>m» M Ib atevua etw

i g oKiflE^B

S r o E M B i H H HpAred ^ A n d le o k a f lh la d l t ta ra n n l B v a iy b a

5 B K '2 iM a i£ !^ 'roffeaa leaaod ovenly, com pletely. N o l a r n 1 I a e n t to tm pri«on f iavo r.H o flavorleaa gh«ff im . ao th e ra la no oxcosslVe ooSea d u a t to oK.y< n b l t t e i a n d m u d d y in y o u i coffoo cup


veiTiber Lunch HallowonnedrbjrBuhi::iircle Members siS’u ^tCL, Oct. M -> U n . Ja y B aager O r t p d ^ t aHostess to th e Ida D rom m er- f ^ W o w * ai-c irc le .o L tha -»apU a»-M l» . ty sodstjr T huraday w im Mrs- ^*H ch Include a Chesnut aaalsting. T h e N o- M rs. TIoyder luneheon fo r a ll clrclea waa H om er A ndenwed. «or oontasU.I. Beager praalded bacam a of rw w lred th a 5 Uneas of th a praatdant, U ra . w*» aenred. ..ir S taw art. M rs. B taw ari will Xr*- ZX 1 ime from th a hosp ital Prtday. f w th a b e il pm ip algnaid a card to be ««nt

I.' Iv an B onar eonduoted-tha “lonal. Mrs, E . X. W oodruff waa <*™P “ n tod to *enre en th e deoora- «oommltiea fo r tb e Vovembar / < . t. a o a . wlUi M r*. WIU K ylea to L . i r C l e S

o n the aerrlng oommlttaa.Kylea presented a repo rt on Uie C h u r C laUon maeUng held M onday 'ruBHday to Bhoshone. . A n e lm ea* LlUian B. H yde fllrele m e t a t c h u rc h m e t j Uck M ajor hom e wlUi Mra. K r- th e M low ab l M ajor u aaalataa t hoataaa M r t f f l a x w a I. O lenn Atwood, ohalrm an. ^iL*-*>n to d Mra. John.W ll*o*i t o a e t H erm an DodJ a irm an for U b lts a a d deoora- JHOgram. H a

fo r th e luncheon, a n d Mr*.Atwood to aasl*t on ttia aervlng ,,M r* . Dodao; Ilttee. W hlto Oroaa a n d m is- X m a a ^ e a glfta were th e VniU s fa ll rally fo r th a W ooien’a «kP«rlBnoea a laUon was announced for N ot. n w * Bho to i th e C uU eford ohureh. Mr*, th n u g h o u l U n Atwood gnva a p rogram on ^^usse on n ic t tn tho Holy land . A urora Brook *. L . B. TUlay w a a -n o n a u - to P«>>e«l ^ Mr W d ih - a j lm B f - e i r o W r n n iB r O ordon -^ ave rsrEstbBrVcCauiBy. T n r |H U b ' t t e love gift, to purohasa gifts fo r th e e ^ > T h e n e x t m

of a m issionary Ita m d la a n d luncheon te ring was U k en ior th is p ro j- ■hlp hall. Tl ir a . M arlon Lowa w as app o ln u wUl be guesta I b a .f lh a ln n a a .o l th a .aer r tng. :-------------------1

5 g r » ‘s s T ”‘£;d on h lghU ghU of.tba a n o c ia - e * » ^ * e a » » meeUng a t Shoahona. t

E N T B % T A $ r a t l ta i l :£ R . O o t .- M -B ra MatoUt a n - - S f l H ined h a r Bonday aohool olaaa . ^ K | H la y a fte m o o a a t ' h e r boma.'H w era playad a n d Miss M et- r a w i ! ^

~~N EW ^LOCATION M*?oi)r. E .J . Hicks Z J . Optometrist23 Main Ava. E. .

Ground Floor • -----P H 0 N t-2 M 2 ............ ...........

* ^ B |i

' e t w


— v r - : -

B a ll . • ^

^ o m l a

M iuareom ■ levua etw» J Q

W B sH --jsgiBJg

i p a y f o t i a x a - - » a a t a d a a p a i^ ly a n d M .J . ' fo la rge lum pa ■ fu I l 'U a v o r 'f f r in d a . Y o u gel leaa c h a f f .A n d .. flavor, in . av o ry p o u n d o l & ■ d u a t to t u r n coata no m oro i h w ord inary ofloo cup . can’t m aka a bod c u p o t M J

i 9 6 a d e c / p c f M

<■ ■P A t n j s w a

ich Ha l loween Party 5uhl:: ;r:js-“M e^E eataceika«>e> 'n » W o * n e t T bunday iDerS a ifh t .a t tba boBM of U n ..H a tre r Y B aastt Orlndataff foe a HaUoween party, ’rommer- Mra. SaroM BalnUna and Mra. Leon Uat-Mla- -Wrigbt- bad cbarg*.ef.th* -progr«a *ith Jtou included coate*tt.The No- Mrs. TIoyd A epberd aod I t a rcleawaa Homer Anderaon were taam Mptataa

for oontasU. M n, Bhapheidl iM ia icausa of raoelred tha prUa. A p c U u o k h ^ n t , Ura. vaa aenred.. ■ Mra. OrrlUa Backatt wari WlU u id Xr*- O, ll, Hlna.recalrad p rlM l1 Prtday. f t f tba best eoftumu.0 bo ««nt l)M . oext.moating wfll M .held

. Nor. S a t tba aohoolhouaa. Mr*,teted-tha Paul Bandy and Mrs.'Ralpb'AaagQ"

m < ^P hoatwes.> deoora- « « «

wS“S Circles of BaptistMnmlttee. — , 1Church Convene

^ An elitiea of the Pirrt.BaptW le met at cburob met Thuraday aftamoon id Mr* the Fellowship hall ot the ohui;ch!

ataatl -- Mra. Olareaoa BmlU), prealdent. ooa« ihalrman ductod tha. buslnesa maetlng, Mra. on to act Herman Godson had oharga o t the d deoora- P»fram . E ar aubjtct waa "medita* and Mr*, tion on stawanla^p." la ttrrtJM Mr*. Dodaon Iptnducad ym olo* a n r m i^ X ou' aa gueat speaker. :siM! apok*

on the Vnltad Natlona giTtn« bai Woraen'a akparlenoea aa a refugee from Oar-

1 for N ot. Bhe told about U» work dflW n h . Mrs. throughout the world tor refugaaa igram on Mrs. Russell Bennett and Mra ^d . Aurora Brooka aang a duet aeeom< ionau~to Pwlcd by Mrs. Benson. Mrs. NaUli . -m im a ' Oordon- J ave tha iucseutation - r t rn n w u y t t o love gUt. .the chil- The next meeUng wUl be a oowed

hdla and luncheon Nov. fl in the Fallov-this proj-< The men of tha eburehI appolnu wUl be guesti ' , , “

" '*'>• ^ I t of tha mahogany ItmU a pear shaped, woody capei^

conUlna many winged aeeds.e asaocla- ........................................ ..

t E leettlaaM a*41 <EPAIKa to u tan - - U m ^ m -------KLBOXKIO.-aool olaaa : «M i« *•< la*lallatl*BS - t e : a o D D iB .« r n i

Mf Msla *«» afc

D A N ^. To tha Masla aTN . - M«lody R a n g trs :-rkc -

Brownie. Peanut*. B p a r tT - .■ Playing SUal. Rhythm. B aM -

Every Sot. Nite' L E E 'S

CLUB * - L O D N a i _ ____Burley. Idaho ( .

a*— — J A — i wi

itad aaparbly and M .J.B 'a exduslva: - - - •U avor'crinda. You get morn cojTac . a r ,in a v o ry pound o f J . B , an&U' - s no moro th w ordinary coHeea, Yob t n a k a a b ttd cupotM JL B l .

Page 10: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast


! »

J § r B O B 'o n x iA» :y o u t a r e o t j o t yoi

.-------_«w ,-« tay-out.o l.U iM o.noT h at 's th e adTlc« or lit

j Jerom e, <Ustrlct coiuenrat

< Snow, u id lota of It,-1ms> C u t in m ost o{ the. Sal' d n ln tc e counttr

' for th e p u t . week.< • Mft&7 p u se s «rej eloaed b j two to W ^ ,’ _ .tw tt_ m d -J iaU X e r t . « i J .I "of snow.< . Boiwls lh a t are; ©Pfa today may T . ^1 be cIos«d t l g h l « r K ; ^

than a drum to . Mr.v XI m orrov. HIU paid

'1 oidy persons fa .‘ i n >1 l a r wllh the • • (|1 country and who ......‘ ■ a r t equipped u llh «'

iJ all necesMiry suppUcs *hou 1 • » hunting trip Into the :

• Thn ehancts or aettlnft' anowslonn are eajiy. If yc ’ the chances for survival i 1, ! D u rln i the pa«l week.1 clals ol both the flih and ] partm ent and the forest s( * aald Idaho apparently I I . the m ajor portion of an c 1 proKfjim lo stop needles 1 deaths through accldenia ] \ ^ a t the state needs to J catty on a pro«nun to ' number of lest hunters., - . ■----- prtbabJy the

~ r ------- BepnrmnrntrthrmtBU-tbaj:J of organised sporumen'I ’ Interested groups, would'I I aet u ld e funds to be used

I * gram next year.' i T he sudden crop of lo«t■ ~T.--------'th T S a w a y J o r e J r a n d 'O i; : lUre regions this year i ; averyone a lot to th ink al

: . im portant, it should sei 20B(rxat«^wamlni; to aU f th a beaten traU. ^

■me University of OregI ' ' Ibs ons dickens of a tin-- --------- football games-thla- faJI.'

f aeason may prove to be aaf. . u th e lOiO season, whlcl{'; j » loss to Idaho.Ir , . - B u t you have to hand

- 1 , pucks. A rt Lltchmnn. ,Oi r tc to r of athleUc publicity

| ] . o f oourage. Be Is calllniI I ] ' • apade, by reidUy admI I • Ducks have been whippedl l i aeason and pointing outI I I 'b e e n o u l8a lr .e d b y a t« o UI I I f in by opponents.I l l ' H e freely llsta all the ttl

.................. tha a e u o n .T h e y d o n t f l. fOQ l a the least. -

I t la a refreahlQg attltu 3 ' day o t publicity men who ] ou t m ost of the adjectlv

trade, and. overlook anyt------------ doeaa 't-flt- ln to tbe propi

J of praise.

• l d ih » e u t e coUess .12---------- w ith pride over advancemi

_ i------- —murtw during the short ytI . been * four-jenr ln.iUtuUi, WKen thb Bengals ho:! s ta te Saturday It wlU bI and pa reats ' day w ith sp' o t th e new ISO tym nulu i

; dedieatSon o l the new. U______ _ Jjulldln*.

3. ' ' N ot only are the acadi

i- . da ids of the near-by col

I ahead a t full fleam , bul

. I , alhleUo standards. ISO tiI 1______ coUi^e footbaU team this 1

*11 “■ prospMts f o r 'lU basketlI I I look even belter aa Cc H 1 . Seiko picks Uie cream 01I f « trom aouthem Idaho hU

- i l 1 ■ Pm bably the best IndI’l l ] ‘ w hat Is to come could| l l . prospecUve footbaU scl

- H I ; 19&3, the Bengals wUl ;n l « s ta le and Brigham You:H I ) dlUon to the regular confe

. n | I n reports u y ISO wtl | | < long*awalted footbaU serlen i « ' 'J u a ire ra lty of.Idaho.

I i ■ New’SupjpcI L o u

I I B o u t T o s s - i

I lj NEW YORK, O ct. -39M R Bngland support for rugH | M arciano, unbeaten B rH R Uaaa^ slugger, h u shaTe<I l f l close to even money for :J w round teat against Joe Lo'H I a t M adison Square Oardi

- W - - WaUc one aide of the■ H you hear It's even sleph■ I and take your pick. On■IB aide, liouls remains a 1 I1 f t ■ lie . By rlngUme-® p jnU;i . t h e S7*year-old Brown B

go to “S to 8.B ( . C oad t'to 'cow t n d Jo aB N alon will beam tills him braw l to mlUlons. SUll »

- H n -------a re expected to pay $150,0K O ,. . to see I t . in the flesh.! » W ith tias.ooa from TVH b * rljihls. th s f lsh te n wUl

-W B----------------Juloy-**t*^I.oul*'-4»-p«p.«m h be aboul tlU.OOO and ;DVH IS p e r cen t around «44,ocn u N ot alace I«ouls rocketw li ladder from the golden 1^ • non.U tle heavyweightM I cited M much Interest. LU m agic nam e th a t lights (n ' B u t th e lure nov Is theJ being In on the k U l- tM when aome youngster will

j M __________Bom ber Into je t l r em ent fup NB#~&ngIatrd way t

SpiIQJ .. Mediocre fighters and beIH4 ones like I^oland L osta ru

' la y n e , the ?T-year-oId|H,[I in ib th e i m a s ^ g Hght !

- t h ^ n r «yw - c m o ^ r - i a i :

^ I alonals of the f igh t mcM l • gera, aeconds and matclN I like Lmils. T he m an-lo-a I - - ffoea fo r th e kid from a

| l ____ : _ M a g i c y a ] I e

Grid Schedi--------- ------ 'PRIDAT— —

. . fluaaoot .1 <BUhti

f - I n » r y e a n football teaif . aeoUng th e Quanileo marl

^ P h e a s a

^ C f o p l i(t your deer by

s i s S a t u r d jit,-has been foil- Indications fo r goode, Salmon river ^ Vftlley's : |H | | | | |P H H the w eather wn» necdcc ^ B U j H ^ H (IRC f i rs t day h u n tias .

will extend for. tw o t< 1 ‘ M wcekfl in various vollej

Hawley Hill, Jerom e, d ls tf,' :M servoUon supervisor, repo J - i C technical da ta socured-by

and game departm en t poli good crop of blrcln. HunUm

^ be a t Its best In Jerom e,. ' . ' | A ’ nnd th e lower porUon ot......W lr.-k - iU county. The B uhl a n d C

ciiiua area wiu provide tho bestI nhould a ttem p t south of Snake river.

Uie rn lo n . H unting extends from ncctUni lost in a u rday 'throuB h l?ov. 13 In <If you get'lost, Lincoln, Jerom e. B talne , Tw

/Ival aro slim. - Lemhi, Elmore and th a t pc« e k , high offi- Cuslcr county lylnir w itt) and game de- Bnlmon river d ratnase .rest service have Benson 'l o r M inidoka,)tly h u licked Butte and th a t portion 0.t an educaUonal counly lying oulalde o f theeedleu hunting river drainage extends frcCental ahootlnR. Saturday .to throuRh Nov. •ds to do now Is - Camas county la closed tn to lower the <int hunUng.ers. Bag and possc-ulon ll: ;i4h_nnd_game pheasants J j tivo roo.^ters. j 4he.coopernUo£ T iw n n 3 £ T n w C T n in sr* 'men' and olher T here are no rcRffrnllons <ould 'do well to iM shooU nff houra /o r phciI used In a p ro- H unters are asked to c<

w ith tho KtAte by re tu rn lnaf lost h u n le n In conservaUon officers o r depn d 'o lh e r-p rlm - o fllc ea -ln Boise m clal orvear h u . given bonds found on phensan Ink aboul. Most along wlUj inform ation 01d servs aa an and when t/10 bird wno s}' I aU who get off bands nre U5cxl to n lu d /

ond mlgraUon hnblL<i.* . . . H ungarian partridge, eeo;

Oregon Is hav - concurrent wlUi the phcoAi a time w inning son In Magle Vnlley. Cnmoa •faJl.-ThB-lO Sr-m oTe-countlcs are closed. ] be M dUaslrous possession lim it b f t v e ^ r c which Included T here Is no 8ea.ion In Mn

ley. on bobwhlte, valley am hand It to th e ia ln quail, in. Oreson'A.dt* Hill reminded h u n te rs |i Jllcily, hos a lot law fu l-to h a v 6 ;ln -possm ; calling a spade game bird from w hleh tin

admltUng tho ers. head or fee t have- t pped io fa r th is moved to auch an e x ten t i ou t they have dence of sex or species h

two to one m ar* destroyed while In - th e fie: tran s it to place of const

he statlctlcs for storage o r shipm ent, a t fla tte r Ore* HIU explained the vlqlaUo

law occurs more frequent atUtude tn th is oU ien and In most- cosea 1 who havo w orn IntenUona). However, he 1

IJectlves of the law Is weU defined and em anything th a t ll will be enforced by a ll cp roper-pattern tlon o tficera_ __________ _

H unters wero hoplnR- foV* In tho dam p w eather. B lrdt

e s s . Is 'busting luc tan t to leave-cover durli ncements I t haa weather. Storm y w eather ) j r t y e an I t h u secUona of Uie a rea on Uw UtuUcn. week-end laat year holding s host Arizona success to a minim um .*1U be pa tro iu ' The conservaUon aupervl th special lo u n reminded h u n le n of othern u lu m and the g a n t ^ l i ^ hunting reKUlatl iew. U b tra l-a rts eald 11 Is unlaw ful to ahoot

blrda w ith anything b u t aacademic" a tali- h u n t whUe In a boat, nulb>y college going o ther typo of m echanical ve1, but also the shoot across a highw ay orISO h u . a good Wiu» Uie aid of arU flclal 1this sea.ion and H unters were asked to

asketball squad the righ ts of farm era andL3 Coach Steve c are .In shooUng tow ards h am of the erop Uvestock.. H unters ahould0 high schooU. permission from a fnrm ei t Indication of entering hla flclda.to h u n t, could be ISO 's have th e r ig h t to algn co:1 schedule. In against trespassers.wUl play U lah Several farm -gam e eoc

Young In ad- unlls have'been c.ilabliahed conference foes, le Valley. U nder term a of t 3 0 wUl open the farmera open a m a jo r k) I aerlei w llh tho their land to hunting . Tl

la tu m p lan ts .b lrd a on t ■ land, provides cover a n d in

- • on » fe ty . *ones w here hu ' D O r l not allowed If 11 wlU t x _ structures o r livcatock .-

• ' " . stlU m ual ob» ln-pcm ilssion 3 1 1 1 S on th is land, b u t /a rm ei

BJ) t g r e f tn e n t^ i th 1w hun

j g a l X l J opening oC pheasanJT Is expected to draw from U

L -39 v n — New ed in terest in ducks nnd 8cr rugged Rotity- gratory waterfowl seasonI B r o c k t o n , l u t Friday. .ihaved th e odds Duck hunting has been s’ for h b big 10- w llh m ost acUvlly cenCcrecM Louis tonight U klng of geese, Aa yet.- oiOarden. ducks are ' provitlliig tnri

the s tree t afid nlmroda. MlBrntIon.-» fromStephen—9 to 5 have n o t reached th is secut- On”.UiB o the r country. • •* 1 to 8 favor-i , ------------------------ :—

wn Bomber may Bliss Bears Rodio anci televN Castlef ords JV

In 58-0 Contest5, BLISS, Oct. 3 6 —T h e Blla TV and radio defeated OasUeford's /JunloiwUl slice up a ^ - 0 here T hursday Atlernt

•p«p.«enfr^ou3d rnmhln n llnn,, cis h L=jnnn._and Marciano’s football Rome.» « ,000. Dijss, an e lgh t.m an aquibckeUd up .the eigh t-m an plays on otfeiIden gloves h u «P to 11 m en for deterilght brawl ex- C uU eford had the ball,est. Loub b the Sparked by th e scoring 0shts Uie flame. Palm er. D an leb and Alte1 tho chance of buUt up a 38-0 lead a t theUU—th a t n ig h t added 30 m ore p o in u bei: will knock the game ended.lent for keeps. Coach Jav jm t i te 'a .ta imway they UiinlT Casilelord u> keep in shape. SplUlng over T lm e s -N e w P o t a t o boid beating good m onlhr-BIU sr-w lU ch-ha*^«SIMM and Rex its regular schedule, will -me;oId Marelano, field In Uie e lgh t-m an RatniIght hand waU the bowl doubleheader ln .T «: l t f - » j rrlPd-jQ. _____ t • .

Ijoast-ljoop^la Reply on Draft

Im ^ r o c k to t - L o a ANaELE3..O0t..36-(ff -.. Ident Olarenco H owland or

eilie Coast IcaRue sa id T I I I p V^S: loop ia cl05«

----- o«recment_u-lUi_Ui8-moJor-A n i l l a • controverslftl'drC U l U c • ..Row land m ade UlO annoui

I following a day-Ions se.islon i_____ ______ PCL d irectors ttu,Jniriiii '' •O 'TcaT^f several weeks ag, iBirM) Independent i f / th e d rn f t r

isbti no t r e y la e d .^ ^ — Ju s t w h ^ t h b term s are, 11 K ™ t n n - lh« miJoST ram ltrta witli

marine* have siona w»5i Cammls-iloner Foi W, tied 11 mnd aVm eftinga In New Y ork du

world series were n o t dlvulgi

L s a n t H i i n t i i

P d a y - G p e n i io r g o o d h u n t in g w e r e s h a p in g i ip t o d o a l l e y ’s 1 9 5 1 p h e a s a n t BC ason. O n ly a » n e e d e d to p r o v id e w h a t n h o u ld b e s b c u n t i a s . S h o o t in g s t a r t s a t n o o n S a t u ir. t w o t o t h r e e 1 . ' —

" m r d f f i ' r ' B o w D n g - S c osor. reporU d all ............. .....:ured by tho /ish scratch lbaquim ent polnU to a , , *«»«•»I. H unU ng should -------------=-|H HJe rom e, Ooodlng » »■« - y

JrUon of Lincoln , T T r —I a n d C uU eford ------- p IS T u w itho b e st ahootlns c. ____________ ut hfcr. X. „ .,m 11I from noon S a t- _»v. 13 In Ooodlng, Tout* _________ m ' allalne. Tw in Palls, ---------- "d th a t portion of ^ COP Bwi»ylng w ith in th e ....... ........ ..........J|?nage. c.rUori'__________uIlnidoka, Oasshi, , — ------jo rllon Of Custerde o f th e Salmon Kinn« nu j(U nds from noon ------------------- im kIgh Nov. 4. ------------------I closed lo p h e u - touu m

e-islon lim it for DowWmii.

{(irn tlons'^iC ini= ----------------------- = - =. fo r phcnsanu . T o u I i------ 'ai-r,Tr*1*ked to cooporou o h i n _______ 'i u i hreturnlnB U local coi.m »n___________ m 11^ I o r departm en t w*H" — ---------------1*» um clal or p lu tlc 7, ^ 1* ______ ’ t t t “ii

p h e n aa n u ' legs - -na tion on where Twin p>iu Laaik«r-d w ns s h o t T he S'®" ----------r ---------•*}» • ”:o s tudy survival ----------------------15!b iu . _Lridge 8eo;ion.,nms T....U u he phcosonl sea-■y. Cnmoa and El- u irwin ........... Hr closed. Bag and J.- iHrreil--------------five-Tnrqr.— ......... — —

o n in MoRic V al- -----------------valley and moun- womkn-s m ajoii lea

W aum Mb lenuntera I t b u n - ii«n.ik.p -------------19 _ia1 ‘p o ssc sa io n ‘any ---------------1? }Jwhich tlic fcaUi- jV V n ^ r ................ ilt have- been re- K. i w e r ----------------- t t is. e x U n t th n t evl- K. Urnrer---------------- 14 Hspecies h a s been T n u i t_____ ' iij«" «i ■ th e field or in ' Aibirt»oB'»of consum ption, ---------------- JJI int- • n il’J.".----------- ‘- )U Jle vlqlaUon of th b r . N.»j* ______ :___ « s ■ i

frequently Uian k. Kimmon.------------- i js »st- eaaea it. is un- ------------- l i l !ver, he aald the Toul* ______ _____ sso t i1 and emphasUed ^1 by a ll conservo- „ .„a i..p

)ping' foV a break v. i';ick<-it----------- _ i 2j ther. B irds ore rc- P/ " --------------- jo? 53ver du ring dam p }i'. iioim greri'H IZZZiisw eather h i t most ----------ra on Uic opening - ....Su 's 'c i;;* n‘ht"*r holding hun te r ]i»mU«p i n ji

n aupervisor a b o ---------------- {2J )!of o the r upland wh>l. r tn. j*

1C regulatlonR. He i-. NcM.im -------------u t ui to ahoot upland _ , , . , " rrr “lg b u t a aholRun. -----------------.:*.** ”w at, nu lb o r any • Ctm m*i« o\ilan lca l vehicle, to I*".'.'''.'® ----------- ,?*' ,•;hway or to h u n t u w ..^ ^ """......~ !ii 15rU flclal light. c.‘iiisi'r 1:sked to observe --------.......... ie« umera and to use -------------a w a rd s homes or Toui» ...... ...............#m i }J should ObUln *'•>”'••• « 'Va fa rm er before &.to h u n t. iF'armera ii. w«ii«;___ :__ '. . " m uI sig n eomplalflU n . --------- ------- j : i i«

:amo cooperaUvo ' ___ L.ilab lbhed In M ag- Toi.im ............. ...M t *:erm s of Uie plan . „ ,n d k « , ,m ajor porUon of "i*«k L Z Z Z I Z Z : ! '! I:mting. T he sU to Moicny _______~,t i«rda on Uie farm ---------------,!er --------------------! ; ; Uwhere hun ting Is — .r -t will endanger Toul.v t!t«ck - H u n . i n I.icrmlssion to h u n t AUiin»on__________ i4s 12It /a rm era h av e J,''*’' ’- ------------------ r-';» '*m trw ith th e s ta te 'cX uu^IT;— Z Z Z T iot «d to hunting . Kr«tifrl _ J _________ l«l 14

i“ s'lTai)a"openodI.Bdlenfl- , — IJJ 11

as been scattered, A n .!m « ir iZ II IZ r lj» 10r cenU red on the i-ci>nnn________I-si g

yet.-on ly local J;.-” ; ' " '* ' ' -------------- >n 1:ling tarfTCUi for -----------u i j sin.1 from Canada Xuuit ___ .. . . , i i i 72th is secUoh 'o f lh e D<i'«di<r lira*.

——— I7i n ■ . It. Ildnrleh -------------m «

r s R o u t K, _____ io

^sJV’s> n t 6 S t ll.n,ll«p—T h e Bliss Bears j ! jjd 's / ju n io r varsity u iifnion :------------- u.105 :»y a rie rnobn 'li^ 'n , i~ T „r5.............. ........ 1°? }?

-- ■»m an squad, used ,on o tfea ie and 11, iif.dfcT j .

, fo r defense when T ; -------------- ’•* **! b a lj . . c ---------------Itscoring of Lower, c. ______ iZ Z ic i i«and Allen. BlKi _ , ----------id a t Uie hair and ........... .......... ' • * ”w ln u before Uib lU-M.r.un.*.,.-

l|inJic»p ______ ........I7fi 17ir 'f t tram,, pijured.

in shape to i the «-•<■*--------- -----.......im «t a t o bowl nex t - ............'1? ' iih -ha*^com plcl« l _ J I ------------- _e, w ill-m eet Fiilr- . tm . i. -.....’: .':.~ :''T u i"T om an Rntne during JmkiM c h ..« i«d e r In.TwIn F a lb , ^ }l

3 r a f t .......Oot.3C.<;}<y_Pre9. ----------- -----------------------

W A N T E I>p is closer to nn 1 ‘ t • •le-m alor-leflK uc^ ^ d e O d - O r - a i l ^ve rslftl 'a ra llxu lc . _1)0 announcem eni H O R SE S M U L E S CC

T E R C T T IR E E N I t h o u t FARM


T I M E S - N I

i t i n g

n i n g I? i ip t o d a y o n th e . O n ly a b r e a k in l id b e a b o v e a v e r*>on S a t u r d a y a n d


U ! - . m tw IiT-------»M . H I _ m ^

. . . < . .> m

=ElH ill ii! HI------“m j m

!,r,-‘!!!tw u t K l a iz z L j u

Its lo t u nB4ib«k*r------- m iM i» i tot

____ t » its 4(S ItOJ

____ mIm scs — :------- ---------- —----------

-----------Alex G rot*, left, an(l iT r i l i “ * ‘ “ M Kcene g»mt tiled b:_____U I j i i i»» Ma K entueky b u k e lb a ll C-------}“ >»» »*« A ll-America player*.

" i l l ~«I: » » __ ^


— ™ J z -P O C A T E tL O , 0(-------t n - gu u s »C2 jf a l s c o n c e n t r a t e d 0«»jon I tk m n in proparation tor 1. 0. t i..i« c o lle g e L u m b e r ja c k

!m -« 8 c a u t io n e d h i a c h a r g i — ^»s* 11* m JiJ L u m b e r j a c k s h a v e ____ ,'ui 1ST 131 J12 le n t p a s s i n g q u a r te i----- d l ! ^ - i i i J I I nilxed h b tosses wlU...TH s u 2( u Arizona SU te running

birt»oB'» ■ The A rlionft'team bz :: '" ! !* } « u « S a tu rday noon'___ i j j tsa lie s»» Idaho S tale , which upJ----- « s 'JIJ U8 m SU to 13-a in ft Rocky MiZ Z :.{m 1” lU i n ference gome lo st wfck-i

----------------------- the cre.st o t a Ihree-gc------ (30 I4T sst » i s streak.

rieased w ith Sh<™ 2 ! “ y l 224 672 BoUl VcMcr ftnd Line-------12S izi 401 Caceia expressed dellKht-------}” }Ji }il J ii gab ’ showing ftgnlnst Co____ 10T i : t j i ; 3i( Cnecla snld " th e game •-------119 «9 9s joil I've *een in rpy four yc

!iit SSi *i7i s u t e ,'c ii«*.nht * * ' Caecla hod b c ^ cor_ _ _ u a j4j 40 4 i: the loss or two f lr il sll-------]«» IIO 4u Al s te p h ea w n■___ I i u :4t 6S U2 Sondera—to th e m lllU rj-------IH j4» ■ i4 4ts Bob PospbhJl moved Ini----- ^ . i i J ! ! afwl a n d Phil Roche :_•.....014 o«i SM4 wing a-islsnm ent agalr-------- ., . V. s u t e . B olh oppeoc_lo“ Ob 91 91 « j down sta rting spou.

Z I " i « w J MS T he Bengal line coach — l u i 31 4 4iT th e im provem ent In s ----- “u i M 5 4” Including Low

Ui ^........ IT IM ts i s»i I - ----------------- U l— “ I t ! '! “ f e » " , . ' . z = .!_ .,..24 141 130 Iti « ----- ~ t f ?____ 47 1«» 1J4 <10 “ • -------------

........ S7 ToUli ___ _.... ! S i " S T ; i s ;

» 1. i '," , is

i i lii ’ isf^.SEEE I:r__ .‘ i j j IS6 n s »7S i t Chioin«n._----------- i l— ^ i i ! i i i Touu ............... . T4! 77> T9» 2289w»y Maikrt .=is: IS'ui-iS! ■ '


= S S! !S :s - W i t h - B l

= ■ ! • ; ; « i ;

SPO_!iI_i:T* 'i7i tT f - j n____ Ul 91 162 j i s . I r r r ^ ^n i l 91 IIS 102 3««........ IDS S9

149 US 411 f lB W W n T T F T W........T3< 730 l i uIr CskartKM= L J ! ! j! i ' ! !!!

iz't'-ilM / 1C* .

.........7"2 719 «S JJJJ ~ | i ^ r " F R 'I D

= I , S , ! S S I - 8 = 0 0 P '

E5'i! is iii 1:; i ' .JOe le— ^ i i ! i i i _li^ j/i l • —v s.- .........7;4 76t -7S2.2M7 i j f R O C I

17S . » II M A R C I ,■.■..-.....i; 7 III 127 m

'!ri'''u 'o l u i:« .37s { y 1 ^ -M a d . Sq.B t l X i

• 'ioi --------- '■*“ " V ,7 '“..o 1,0 , « [ J f ® D O N p------114 IW IM 41S ffyr ' ^ T

m —M«' — BW-----... >4*~«AT — I* 1. — APow s o m o J------ l o J - ^ lcl^■«#

— SATU i t e d i I ^ T 2 : 4 5 p ^

> r - a l i v e -

u L E s c o w s - o i c 'iplFU knr d ! l d P .M .

B fo a X c a s ^0-J3

GREENE I ‘^ 0 0 - r T « S r o a d c t i


r r K e n t u c k y P I i y i r

w m

5als Prepare f( ona State Gamtriite'd^D n '

fo r S a tu rd a y ’s g n m o a g a in s t A ri- berjnckfl o f P la g a ta f f . H e a d C oach Jc a c h a rg e s t h a t th o ^ o ac fi Jcs h a v e a n e x c e l , /reshm aa eisariL and d Q uarterback w h o 'Jerome, w phom oro gua

th t t . - n .m . w ta n ta j w i . k l l „ k i o 7 j f f i ; K

w m s h o w . . " S r h j

:d dBli«ia a t Ihe-D en- epUt-.T, cmd sh a tt punt Rftlnst Colorado SU U . T he. game will be In i e Rame was th e best DnrciiU- nVd p iS y f t u r j-cars a t Idaho coIJcffc whfch wlH f,V, _ w c t lo n c f Uie'aiw ISCbcm concerned over ‘‘" ‘I dedication of Uib ; l«l .Wng Un,m,„ WIMlnj.

“ nd end Ed „ T h e probablei Idaho ,omJlltarj-BervJce.Dul JJneups.- ^ ^moved j„U) taM ff Valley P h v e r . i^ h e hondlcd the O tfenslvo-P i,]j n t against Colorado Po.ipLihU LT ' M

t o .

‘JJ® W ttch also praised Jones, R E ^ ^ j T o u n h

------- » « w» ro7 JX R '------- ‘.J J “ * ” 4 “ “n Sanders, RE-

— ______ •

I ? ? p t t O F i '

i i . — U l u i .- u o , 412 “niversity

h —BOTH— ABC and MUTU..here’s KLIX WceH.EndSPORTS c a l e n d a r


,!n ffl!l - *T

:00 P. M.3E LEWIS II f o o t b

- v s . - «ROCKY n v iN PAarciano

— ,! -----------

Mad. Sq. Garden V / C A L D W E^ l u c o ^ M f ;


a t u r d a y fo o tb a li5 P M >iO»THWESTEI!N

'VISCONSIN'SV lmerrnLesUlromBmn,,

yadaBt Direct From

'-~r~u------ -JSSil'L''''*'''' vs., - ^ I Z O N * S T A t l ^roadcast Direct From PocaMlo

S , n ) A H O

ayers Face Court

itncky basketball p la y m adm itted Ttanhiday 1 h e re leavlny police headgUarters a fte r a rran g ■eada » dbpaleb concen lag Ibe quesUonlng o

---------------- H ------------ * * . *

e f o r Grosa, Be - 1 Admit Pai

Another ‘Stoto collcffo Ben-s th ey worked out form er baskeiboli pi ,nst Arizona S tate University of Kentuck; Coach John Ve.»or.

■ - c«ileglftte eam e,-'tdm lrd , and Don W beman, r « c lr tn g 1500 each S»ijmoro guard. th e score of anothe:

Heavy Team - A tty. F rank S. H ogane r ja c ^ . victors over T he th ree plikycrs.If.. coUege 13-13 la l t R alph B eard and Da\ e a sUong defensive now o u t on $1,000 bollIth a startkig line av- freely •fo r several hoijr e r 200 pounda. How- New Y ork county g n u:sl|iff crow has been a day. Hogan sold.

ulch will feature an in - H ogan sa id Ororo- ic 'oew ISO gymnasiumjn of UiB new liberal hlnwell

IhB o ther tw o playersiloi Idaho SU U colWge

T he m en a b o adm r P layen Listed WOO each for winningPhU 'B oche. • LE: Bob Tennessee game on F : Ed Bamera, LO; BIU K y„ byVaUy Holm1jerg. .R a : poinU,.,Uie morgln_fe lerson. R T; Lam ont tucky was favored. Hoi ;eld Ounnell, QB; B us w pn.uio 'gom e 1 mm, LK; Jack Logan, Hogan said the th n C het Lee, Jerome, P B ; m itU d the seeond.'-'flx Don Cowell, Albion, A tty. V incent A. G .’C I, Tn-in Falls, llneback- T he dUtrlct o tU m i *E; PosplshU, LT: S a - th ree men as soylng t bem an, R O r/n d e rso n . arranged tiy Nick and iders, R E ; PeU Evans, and Saul Peinberg, t l nbury, Jerome, defen- hero under indictm ent i c k s ; -Deon ^ o m o s „ also by N at (Lovey) B

' ly he ld os a m aterial--------------------- . . bosketball invecUgatlcIS p i t o m „ „ --------------------Oct. 35 (/D — T he - 8 . navy m ine srU nent o f , SouUiem nam ed after, blrts. •inlverslty has token •---------i -lU bulging treasury o UiB unlversKy press.

p r n o t .

U U T U A i ;

rr. 115MDAY .

/&>0 P .M . f /y

)TB A LL \I N F A L L S in S lsT O K__ „ * ___ Tasle Ihe d lt

beam boorl

■ L D W E L L _ . K e ? * ^


: . o u i G L E i ; _______

EmnatonUll. ___

IIVERSITY - •a n , U ta h - _ •

1 ^ 4 l E k p e r

t P i g s k5 ^ 2 3 N E W YO RK ,'O c| ^ H B | | f c than a g iraffe’s lai

om ia game. But i........... you can say fo r t);

_ i i winning BtA ak.j _ AH ''sober'dictate

^ P IW I P * r j wo should pull in oi H M m R } ' - 7 ~ ' oecJc th is veeJc and play

apset wine b heavy sli ' »yed and bold a fte r om

*eo8on. wo say:

HoM^your haU , men,

ComeU over PrineeU 0 Uie longest m ajor n footbaU. Princeton's T anderbU t crver^Oei t 's , for tlown Commodores.

T exas A and over ither unbeaten record loor.

N otre Dome over I ^ ; T- -1- j i ^ ^ n g Wsh, v tu e i

l o a d e ^ l t

.-W H ; ----------- Backs u s e Ach n n d a y the ir p a rt In Southern California er a rran g in g for bond .' Jh rb tion : N either ,wU Uonlng of h b farm er a st week's Inspired p

lUt a slim edge . u the * 4, i, lome In the battle of i

•- • ■ lU lnob ovcr Indlona: ■ D as; drives anoUier splkL o e a r a . ■ im'« roUrood track t’ __ • • . owl.

L • „ . California over Oregoit J T i n V 3olden,Bears ge t s taru

• ___ ^ itring,,wIUi a.basketbaover Rice: Thi

I C r J C l X ncensed over^Vielr lo4 as. come-etromlog bacl

JS. ^ t . 30 (/IV-Threa W ashington over 'SU elboll players of thdfiuskles: beglnnlnK toK entucky, under arronVHmp In SU nford’B y a n d bribery in a h a v .,opes.-th e f in a l seore of oni M ichigan s ia to over

tie ; td m ltU d - p u ^ n j i f - t h e y aU wero eosy • each <*r keeping dowi^caji;^: a n o th e r game, D b t^ o u ld have k S r U 3. H ogan reported.. Battirday Oan

1,000 ba ll eoch, t e t l t l e S " ^ ' ovcr'Temple, m i veral hou rs beforo t h P ' " " ? ;

^ T h » , “... Penn S U U over W est ■

ss w e chareed specltta M ldw est-O hlo SU U iplring to "shave pointy M ichigan -over Minneso inal Inv ito tlon tournn over . M bsouri Wbco between K e h lu c l^ an N orthwestern, Oklahom leago in Mftdbon Squat f a jo Konsos over~Ki ± 1 4 .10 « . , M nrquetU over M lad Orora- ndmltUd r« T u b a .over W lchlU, mly »500 for th a t “ f b low a SU U , CinclnnaU r h lnw elf nnd *500 f< WesMm.---.' ,) p layers for th e Loyo: S o u t h - ^ l a n e over J

slsslppi BU U over Alabc abo adm itted recelvU over BoaUn coUege. Wi w inning the K entuck' Lee over Davidson. Ke .me on Feb, 8, 1B<0, . Florida^ North Oarolini iy ., by Ic.'a th a n Virginia Tech. Nortlr C no rg ln lby which K«i W ake Forest. T he OlUd' 'o r c d .^ n n s a id . 'K e i byw rioji, Tennessee ove lo'gome 71 to 60 T ech, D uke ove r Vlrgij I Uie th ree ploycrB .a- eond.'- 'flx".toA ait.D l. t A. G .’O’Connor. it o tU m ey quoud tl I soylng th e "deal" w; '=0;V » ‘®nova Nick a n d Tony Enalla west-*-Denver ovinber^, th ree m w h Young. W aahingUn SU id ic tm e n ta s fix e r8 .'a 8on. U tah over Wyomln Lovey) Brow n, curre “m aterial w itness In ( B0B07C RELEASE BOt ivetU gatloa BOSTON. Oct. 35 (ffh

Red Sox hove given vet IT minesw eepers W arren , (Buddy) Rosai blrts. • d itlonal releaw , ,

i m \not 3 0 9 not 4 0

l ^ B I

SIST OK B E W - n i E l i l lO W BODRiON I» e ih^diffCTmro l^ r ie h . hQ-bodled of

likey the o W -fa sh lo J^ maab war. Yefc for real s a td o a . . . r»r wUskey that's aU'

on BEAM!

m l ^ l jSbm I

T — — r —

E x p e r t t i o k s

A n o t h e r E u i

P i g s k i n S r p

o n . i a s a m o . B u t I W , t l l l S

A l l . s o ^ r - a i c a t c s a ro t h a t i ' .

ipM t wtae b heavy stuff. Bl'ear?! f ,a . I

r s r a ^ n T w e ^ S r ^ - S V l ^ ' o l»8aln.“ ^

ComeU over P rinceU n: Oood.h*« ^NOE 0 Uie longest m ajor w lnn lhg -.tre ik 'n footbaU. prlnceton-a 17 In a ^ wide im •VanderbU t-cTver-O contla «t'a -up" w M k .fo r the U [ ^ : ‘" flown Commodores. nU ib.w t

T exas A and M over Baylor- A n . » Trojar[Uier unbeaten record goes 'out th e oppOrloor. cn Btato

N otre DiOTo over Purdue: T h e ‘‘ thelooii. ^ ^ n g t ls h , v tU e anoUier 1030 *• Christ

M aryland over Loublana s in to - ibratm-fi

^ B acB u s e A caitt ^ o 31 Southern California over Texas ‘wre. ,■ JhrbUon: NelUier ,wlU be'ua to «»evlaltorlUt a slim edge . u the T rojans n t • retoi t i i ^ e In Uie bottle of g lant.klllers. sd bj- tr£•Illlnob over Ind iana:. John K n r- t i n somtas; drives anoUier spike-In Uie.H.: est a^ el ^ s railroad trock to Uib Ro^e wU V l

. C ailfom la over Oregon SU U : T h e3olden,Bears ge t sU rU d on a new itring,,wIUi a.basketbo ll-sbe score

- re x o s over Rice: T T i e U n g K s ^ - P i * ^ ,ncensed over^^ielr loss u A rk o n - '- ‘

- IBS. come-etromlBg back:'- - --— 7-®“® *<“• “ W ashington o ver'S U nfo rd : T h e 'H u sk ies ; beginning to roll, p u t aWaho, whi " tH m p In .SU nford’B Rosb bow l‘ d ‘‘“ Kor ’'• lopes.- • ison..lust l\ M ichigan S U to over PitUburgh;iUf-. BtaU- J n f they aU were eaay as U \b wtf«3t. ' ^ o u J d rotlre. A bo our fan m a lfn u it b Uie' ’‘jwould have a kinder U ne. • ' j thp front

I . Battirday G am es' , . . . 'm , Francb □ E ast—Columbia over Anhy, Bbs/*^ Pordban .M n U. over Temple, D artm outh ove:*? strong 8 .THorvard, Yale over ColgaU, p o rd ® ^ '‘‘- hom over Syrocuae. Holy t:rc«s ovcs®®.®

Brown, Pennsylvania over . N a v f W “ln Penn S U U over W est Virginia. ! « '

® Midwest—Ohio S U U over low i ____^ M ichigan-over M lnnesoU, N e h ra s ta n T a " over . M bsouri. Wisconsin o v e i . P . R i ^ N orthwestern, O klahoma over C o lv t i "IT «rado , Kiinsns over ' K a n s a i - B e t f ^ k a 'S i

M nrquetU over MJaml ( O h l o ^ V * « 5 * T u b a .over W IchlU. D rake. o v Q r M V t low a SU U , a n c ln n a U over T « « * L I U £ i l W esM m .--.', , . • • 1 Two foott

South-sTulano over Auburn, Mkcheduled for slsslppi S U U over A labama, QeortUams next over BosU n coUege. W ashlngU n P la tt reports. Lee over Davidson. Kentucky o\ Th« xw la Florido^ NorUi Carolina SU U o’ s i ^ - , iu„,, V lrg ln li -ftch. NorUi CaroUna ww ak e FX)rest. T he OlU del over byw rian, Tennessee over Tennes m m and Tech, D uke ove r V irginia, WIUI iTennd M ary o^er Richm ond. • '

Southwest—A rkansas over S a nmor#« i u i ii •Olarn, Texas .-]>ch o'ver Arbc - r t ^ v S Oolorado-A an-d H over New jjT.CO, Villanova over Houston.

F o r w est^D enver over -Brigl Ih a U M u T l Young. W ashlngU n S U U over I im,-. vftrsitvgon. U tah over W yoming.----------- ^ s U ^ W -

"" . ' ■ c h a fe d for B0B07C RELEASE BOSAR. gune, wlU) C

BOSTON. Oct. 35 (ff ) -T h e B d fo r Uie FWds Red Sox have given veteran catr • 'T h e Twin I W arren , (Buddy) R osar h b ud* week, awaltln d itlonal release, • wlUi Uie Bob

M u i r

n o t 4 0 % ! Mo^S

D i B O M O

i n r b o a - l ^ on BEAMI j

e .5 A J 4 J D J .* .T . l

Page 11: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast


: | l ®

'•“ ’s f e F ’* i i i pS*- ' “g « « * 'b u im tr t«lutlon e t

C l H i S ' ‘ ''■ai'.v

' I - «»•>■ «l»etrle»l■W , . f»*i n iliune*

HOUSE - MAJOS S / r v B e s B f i X w a s ^

l^Jvel©leD nil lA U rtO W /R A tftU M D Ry

iSy<5P 'i«0 K > 4 0 W ^ < ? « e HOT « l r t ‘6UCrt.AM i ^ S O M M e e - K . S w s J T ? r r IN t w o DAvBa S M 8 A « - X REDUCeO

A 6 6 t « E « ! r \ ^ > 6 0 MUCK Xl JW cooLORioe^ ^ g j r o y N f y .1


'Jutpauiiiff through a pbaaa, . . ai




s s s

_ J

!*jj> DUCK ;

r —— I [HeAvy w JN si

on ot. Y K U rdty 'a Pua l*

J*rle»i «p«r» . SBgCT^ne« I. UueuIlBi

> Jrr 1 l». Dn'nV.M

IT. T in t womaa f t

^ ^ j j . &»\tM ■ 1 ^ ^

~ ~ 1. XMniiV''m*r 'L l . iiriT irnnfi

w ®J!2EJE^ _ W. uiuij* W0Tk«i'a

— — tiyflrau m ------- ----

— I^

lJOR HOOPLEVOO C A N T l ' I - 0 »

DnttD^-T6LU— OM ;DRY M TMAT 30B i tif , 1 \ 7 <<yr ^ A G u V M ie U T i . l l t l ^ v t e - ^ y evEU e& > ' <*—/ ’t o -DAVSI T A G G eO T O ; / ^ . 'j c e o i OPCRPCTE A ; I V■tix A m t n e e a . - ^ ^ h f M R'oe m e u r iw at-s m • ■ m

"Oh f we’re .awfully dull*

^ / W FDMDCF • 'S # L M « ^ I E S =



. ,an’ flho’a In i t r ' j . • . • **

“Ha‘«not»c doesn’t even ai

T H fi re A p q W B P U t " ' ■ Q 9 H U7T O F 6UNBUSN C l . m E . . . ^ ^ n i ANO EVERY DROP OP IT J K f l ; 9 a h » 6 E N T ^ e 0 f t C u X q ^ / M H

T IM E 5 -

T OUR WAY : By^ S I & S o M M M w K u S J S a r S ^ ^> L~~V <w7BIQTWkP-«HUT WI l = a s f K E E P© /T H C V ©TOP

/ * s1 > I A U .- T H - » p p > K r - w > H .- 1 u s n

r* BLAH-AN* 1 0 0 t « ^ 6 ^jiL ' HIM*. CALM. CO O L . . \ { , W

I I [ ; v6ILEM ^A^X>L^STC^JV•' ) \LCM

m t e r i t e I llS L m '® !



_ _ _ J H 1 ^ _ _ J

m t ^


' w p/o-ze f J 1

h, we’re glad you dropped in—It a ta r t lly dull evening anyway I"

SNIVAt By d ic k■ ■ I ------- - ! -V <

[ i ^ W C A K P S ■ I

—I -._ T W ' " ~ ‘

■ -

I'a not actually In th e hospital yet—In 1 t even arrive till Sunday I”

B R k i 8 LOO|ON(3 F^ E i B H SOMETHIN

r ^ ^'■■ '■ ;___ By. WALT


By WILLIAMS . , lo ^i a V . ^ » . XAf.»y3UMAy I

<jooD 1 ONL'iTwrm ^ / « I .- 1 U STCM ' JtHATWMD > 1 /2 *

^ 6R T O ,/O P A «S W t» ' p | / j f

L n

9 l ? _ f HBT.O

S h b h

■ ItE M O R fle • . _ ! • "


a i f f ;: / / / ' . A ■

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- I t atarted out to 1» M ^


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f ^ l lN i S•'■ • • . ' N *

^1 <k)}Tweuri'

j ^ G L U s y . I S i

11 KT 5 * 3 y % i ^ ! ' f i ' « »

7 i c iVbi- ^ = A : s a k J i g v Syet—In fa c t m y m other Q ■'EWH ffi

1,1 Vo o w N s r o f t ^ H I ,*• f j r &0*i GTUIN& p B W tMR.OUMP7 J 2 W i

^ ...

> / / j h H ^'' ' I 'rs2f

i :. :i

SELZ91—-A-^‘ * n B ^______ J N 1^VALT DISNEY p J | |

A’ ( S’ I - ^

S - f c |

aLS, IDAHO ' -

LOU>», MK.

, lH E r .0 M 0 f> n ( ‘ «Hcm» n v M / ' . eL A zE T ni I THAT 900T «vpn rp t w U J f f i m a back t ^ ^ k O U R C M n m i ^ d w t m t u t n

TM19 IS m Al

o l^ ‘A m c tx v « .a « A o | ^ M > n m c th ’ ~ , , ------- ------- NS

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o« i'W U;0O«AN_ONi euaKTldUSTTAKE D «iw o m aw ^ ^

«co B w * * w .'tM rS ‘. •*• *’ JS

ffWii ^ i i » J [Ofcj ja e o K iy w o L t tw T i w « e p m 1 | h 5 5 A W .V» v o u » B T T * E * /» u r TT U

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»«SALLAK50T ■ c w ! |C o 5 » ^ A B T 01


■ m sa m io tT ■ w m e p o t f .

I ,MC TK* 1 V>*5Wl»44V t t l N K V'M .^Vi^«.UlN(S.0^«.'^V40^^»•^Wtr i < ^ MO?»^\tiG A.GWK> tH MOSS

| H | r i w t t f h lh s d s o m e c a s h W ia n ^ t o p u t IriT I t a t f t g p r o o M b o a t xjber,

Z 1 r N W ^ L f tT ^ s E B h ' ^ v l | 0 0 0 « 9

1 ^ 1


i s s a--N^ _-J>v wHor A -.>____ , ,

WBUMWBRWMPrr l i m f HUyTvOi w a G 0 0 u W j“ / w w S ^ w H M asTOUR «umit» I f aflacv

> 'tvai (>A covtruvvkut -tn l wusi.

ot Noov ; y ^ g 9 ^ r ^

lA’SfauciJphttol # i ’» twsJt u ^ l i cen t CMbaatfetalf I i bwobtod<o<^\

i r l e e u t i j j j d ^ ^ 0 e h B n » . ^ f c


■ ,y | . / JOOOCQMI rL DlM/MlVrM lLeAS6??l-fssirn^yisfes; fJS ^••■^ryrr XONU'fMBANTT' AtJ3UmOI

BUKAU OK V IM S W W » , ISTZMSUlit coomm« ? « vbmcacunpovmon1 ■ t i ^ J i ^ ^ ^ a x £ n e . i m t * D w e r \ MkMMfSC^r A99IONePAS AJ? JJ• 1 7 I A A t m w j r ^ J g

wP K . ^ £ s W B ^

^lamesof\ i6ota Bia pain... i ^

i ^ W B n l l P ^ — H

r a i D A T , O C T O B W 'i e r M I I T :

Iff "WWf Hnyi ywoSfr^iilBMIl / MMtr^ WHMU» r J h i^ ^ W



In co .n I'&MKTtW M i r u v \» u t^ " : 'c t« ] w u s i .o » « .m |- 'v t ^ < - B r - XfTOK«l i i - ir iPtCi en %IN» LwA>.M r « gri/~r=—1 B J l-y —

! ® w Q ^ TS—-f '

f n i t ^ t i r f e l i c s n J B o y . t h a t ^ a totil L b u y s b m o ^ i v e g o t J u o t a b io d

g o e h n n e o ; ^ o n > a h a m . i


|p ^ ’ X J oS ' ' V

5 w f i r a . isT Z M sa 3 I w S r o o o Z i n S a f l SBMCACUNKWMOnI ce/PiONYvOUtCM OWX A JaZ 8N M E H M 6r USHM rTRiP M 'lU S M lrA 99IO N ePA SA JI?JJ «.,CH O LeM O U TK SA ) ^ A m n w r ^ j

d * * r T W « M * ti iO c n * > > iu p A . A n a s m ' v it v >m in s AN’ m ^ a o H v e i u

^ y V I


■ T iiM ■ I f f i j S S ^ a " S u f l

Page 12: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

I . . r ~ M a r k i

I StocksI MARKETS AT A GLANCIfl (IL _ [.1r K £ 5 s B z s r s s ’' u . utl lion houM bsrlBCi •

E S i S r - ’.r'-r.’j i . r b t r r - T . ' :

t o w to *'cMtl»-au»d)r a t .jKlIn*.


, j i ' ^ - i i S ’u . r . u K . v K '

S i s - " "•' ■“ ■■;to b.twwn * *B>1 4 poInU »l iK* otUI f Tr»4lnf WM r.liUr»lr «ult« »t t" i B tM J.TOO.OM iKjrt*- - .

I " w V u '^ s . r i i . b— ..U .I..U ..

liol>f< Crrtr th* UI»rUn. . .

' ; 5i'l>u“ '5nur«u«“

^ T « u *c^p»n” %p«rt«i pniflu for nI L __ naaUM-nnl In »JO-l>JhT««-«*-M»!;|T ; » {I a f^ T aiQ,I ' ' Afur Mrnlnn nrtwri* Mm» « I ’ »IIi in>4* < drilnloir Utwr ahowlrx < j j o t* U« r - t ttt l>. a i rkH • lUt-I * NEW roBK tTOCKB ,

NEW YOItK. OeL i* (A^LmI uI«i

i r i L !r : ■ J S E : : , t J I M 5 5 “ .“ A d ‘ !g : Am B * R M Nit SUnlt IR A m T 4 T n e ; M.t c « h »

1: X n TsbMce ( I 'l 'N itD .I r r «

I s j < v : . s l j s s f t t f ' !

S “ I s ir ilOonJra soft r<i>B*y 0

.‘J ? K B S " p » ! j ■ ; i ' ‘ K is - s i !

I I C M * Obis MV Htr Tob B - II I I Chm lrr 70% Str««ar 0 | | l | Od^Cr*4 «•< »I I I . Cm cSopT l m Ro PmI(I« m

II i!I l l DowA'r m2 B«l(e * C« i( I g . E l t M r l l n M *s' 1*1lit ^ lS’* & n ..r JI l l i Tri* SR 11 »0 i C«nt-F«l t

- I l f ■ rtnMoM T tn aau Un>0i> C4rb HI I F m S S S Tr I lS «">« ?«!lto i j I I I 0«B C*e M Un AlrlliM* H

. I l l O a TeeiM «X . H" A lrtn ll I tI I I _OW*ul"* • u “s^u?b«r 1

I I I ! ! f s - r . s f :. S K M s | s s ™ ™ !

II HiMlMro Wet MU W«t Ast«\ l Id«b« FowCT 11% WMt Union\ \ Jll Cmtnl I t s Waat Alrbr 2 J l lot lUrv U<Z Witt ElM I

: ■ i S f . ' t . ' " ! 1 5 s S K " “ -

- I f " i B t a S " ^ !| | ] tTBW TOM CUKB

■ \ f c ‘ y i ' 'S ! » ? a ‘ i 5 r . . . :n I U*cU Kim ll<A

I' j' Q ' __________ IflH ' N *a Ineon* K

. W - i f f i K - S - = - z = z = = ! E:H |[ 'X«7«leiw'XI _________________ ill

I _Stock-Ay^r^esif ! ’ CHi»nrf kr Ik* AmkI«M TnmI 1 IkVu. . lu ll . ufll. Bll ih : . K*t ehtnt* ~DI.« D.7

; PrrrlooTZq^ uio »l!l Itil IUS • WmV u o ___ ITJ (}.T la.I IH ; HMtk MO__ S7.« U.I W.IM I rm r VO ___ u .» ' II.S 4Um 111 K ! »

|n| Twin FallsI I Livestock Pricesl l J n o foUowtaB Twla p&Us l l m t n , prtedi proTlded by th« Ti ■ B PU ls LlvMtock ConunlulOQ cc ■ 9 ; ' p»ny based on th s ru u lt« o r tb e I ■ M vaeU y aucUon ««le:■ ||8 - -* 6 t« e ra -------------::...— ,«a.OO-«t■ U B u U s _______________ »34.00-»2!]B l B e l f e n _____________.433.00-I33l « ' P a t CotwH Vealers _____________ »28.00-M«M ------ Cannen.axul-«utUrvK.>..(lM0-IS9I E :_____ MO-fheap. .lam ba.c r-hop .o tfe r

I n ; H e a r e a t 3ake< hav* na tura l diff| , v a t« r except In connecUnc vat'U jJ way*.

j|| T w i n F a

N i . , LT7Z3T0CKH - lwKl.«». H9-H0 lU. _1U,T».1Ify ■ ( T « d**I«n ODoMlU : I tco . UO-lM and :»-U« Ib*. - - tnIJ'Bi I-Sht aowi uadff|g,’fl: l l « a ^ ^ * ^ qy*T 400 Ib*. t.iIS H««J. 170.119 and KOJUWh ■ — Hc«». ■ ■■ ------ Tilm ; • ........... ...?!i

I ,U . ....(O u t if ilt r fl'jolBl); .

P i “ Soft »h*»f, iio.hti -------------a :— <Ila»UT and eau martH flactsat** w: PI ! 'T*" <!•“ »»«• No oBlfomiltr(I ' dallr f tk m «uel«d. Mar *ar7 ]9« t« ] I ; - Jrom cMUOotu iki«i b .W ) I'I • Il«rl«x, iw Ib*. _______________ Itr . Oau. ptr m ii» , r

(Ob» draJtr fluol«S) .

K■ j i -cr«B

n n TWnXiTS

T ” r:c_7 ■ •

k e t s a n d F


" “ 1 OCnXN. 0»L t* W>—<U5D11—no«i JiJC E ••SblliMl martrt not -U b l l .b - «« a<aal

* ''^ltia aaUliU 400:' aUushUr <Uaa« *BiMt> *earc*: f«w cow* ■(••dr: iloektrf •ivd ______ r.*d.i.. m«tlr In Wad*, .wadri^ n U . and eulUn K.OO-SI.OO; lood and cholca

(Maoo Ib. ttoeli*r knd (aadar at**n IS.09-* IIM : madlun kind M.OO.lr.00: cosinoD

rtn*»». 1.000-1.»» lb. dalrr trp* f««!*r •l«*r>

IU*. ilMdr- madlum kivd (oed atotk cal<r«"" IJ.0».J».MI common kli>da JT.OOai.OO. .

' ShMP aalabl. 1001 coupl* amal loUn.« Itock food and choic* Sl Ib. local tnickin alauih-ol loircT tar .lamha ILM-tl.OO: th*« . >l4a4r.

tl alKllon PORTLANDa inacal POHTLAKD. Oct. *• WV-JUBDA)-, ' i r z ; £ K, cUcnaad Its. >1.00: Ml IU. I*.M.M ouulda. Cattl* aalabl* M: maikrl uUcmab t an a«U. aJ«arcat»*acbamkaU *B}>mv aalabla »8n*i Botnliiat OAK rEANOSCO IptllBf a (IAN rRANCISCO. OcL H MV-OJSDA) iiass«li<l' —H0(I. cattia. calra, ahtfp aalabla non*;

cdt* h* nominal. .

iX t alWa LOfl A N C E L K S .^u*e^S v-(«M N )- CatU* aalabl* lU i ffloatir cowa; a t m t tc

atr. aon* hlfharl tjtllllr *nd low rommorelal cowl fltatidard :i.00.:«.00; (tw rounr cowa tn SI.OO:

ncnonthi tann*r* and tullfr* t»,« • » ,» ! calrai

for nina Iliht .*l<hta ti.OO.>• aialnit It va aalabl* non*.---------------5ha*ir«*Iatl*~»ona.otIV ^ DENVER

lUl. DENVER, Oct. 21 lUD—CallU IOO;cal.aa IIO: larralr f*d catU* ofdcr«d Ir br local paekara: alauihtar claataa nom-

.ul*i Inal.with not andiuh to Uat quotatleni:>n; r*w aal** alocktr* and f*«]*n aUadri odd114 loU mfdlurn and >oo<f atock ator* 10.00.1 U.OO: eholc* n**hr raarllnr* M.M T.OO.

at *K llofi 2001 alow: buuh«m iBoatlr»0-1I,« % IniUncM 1,00 er mor* lower than Tbart'

' 1 % dar'a a**ra(*t aowa al«adr to H lew«r:I 2 chok* l»0-«0 Ib. batahw* lt.OO-«: h**»l*lI w*UkU abarai: /*w chok* IIO.IM Ib* 4 ■ IT.I0.1>.M; llihtar walthta down to ItM1 and balow.

I *1 ShacvS.OOOitarlr aalaa all claaaa* alaadriU I U >Dod and choka trtickrd In naUv* alatiihUII 9 <.r lainta S0.«»-1I.;»: loul moUr utlllti

«0V. alauthUr tw*. ll.U : othara tradlnr ciil: and mlllty 140.11.00.


i ‘b.*bm ’li.00.».t u CatU* aalabl* l.lOOi «al.a> 2001 at*«lrt s icratal load* and lota (ood and choke

~— l ^ a tm a'and raarlinn tl.OOJI.OO.JS Bh**t) aalabl* 1.200: ataadr: f*w soM

- »g- t« prlm* catlT* . laoihtar Iambi Il.t0»lt09.' «t cnicAco

. . s K s & f W ! E 7 , '" .“, '’5 a sMil «lo*ad- alow, waak at -<J*ctIn*: aow*. 21

---- M— >ow«rl mnt-cholc* 110-270 - Ib. buUhan«1S 1I-4040: aowa lt.M.18.10.U S Cattl* aalabl* I.OOOl calaa* <00: naturt

I 20S ilauiblar claaaaa ataadr a t waak'a daalln* n s vaalan w*ak to 1.00 lowar: two loadj I4S htth chok* and prlm* 1J»4 • lb. Itcan t I S U.OO) acatlarad aalaa cooiraarelal ta hlil

II 1«>H (Ood ataar* M.00-14.00; f*w oomm*r«U* , and lood h*lfar» 2I.00-1M 0I hUh- atlllti

r a% and comnanlal cowa 2I J 0-2V.M: bull ox 2 utllltr cowi 21.00-1S.00: cannara and ftit

l«4 Ura^ n.M.21J0! Ilfht^ dowrf tirl* I M.0041.10: add prin* 11.00. ° * *27}, Bhacp aalabl* 1.^)0: itaadri *hala* an<

I I t ' i prIma nadra luaba 21.0042.00: cholca am4 'I prlm* S4-102 lb. /aarllnra 2».7tj eood am> I cholca *w*a


• I 2 « 0 : J0-2t lowaji (bok* lPO-270 lE

2 ■tockar* and /aadara InUndad for Moni i s S ' i i : " ‘ “. i . r ! » r ' s a : [

S Sha«i< HO: ataiuhtar lamba atrons ti

■a Potetoes-Onionsa* 4 I-----I IDAHO rA t55lfo<U ^M I>-irSJtN )-U V. O ffolua modarata: medamta wira In) aulra:^ daoand (aln markat allchU]

14.20 Wca' fo^ caah track^t Ruaaati^ 2 Incl

Z I !!;!!---- SW.01 D*ll.»r*d aalaa ahlpplnr point baala am---- tn . l l l^aa fob ahlpplnc MlntL_Rtaa*U 2 Ind---- ( ll .t l minimum- alt* A Waah*d lOO Ib. aackjm S o l i u f l ' i ' r i S w . ’ “ **" »■«•*•«— itlt.Sfl Trkaa (orrowarti OulVsar <wt:iaoV«a

S1.il aal*a u> quoM; daaUra orrarlns fer 118 :_______I WS * >•*». ■«»»r’

f e S - - .a iiC A co — I --CHICAGO. O c t . T bUIa ar— J m m ak tW j t«*l TJ. a. ahlpI*"""** auppll.*'tnodar»U: demand fair: mark*II about ataadr baat atock. •l.f a7 »*ho RuMdI t t i l lA •<■'<>< mlnlnum waahad <.Tt-4.U

!;* »:1 » n d ^ « th ‘5«keu’ Poali«I*US''^t'"iIliIh«1;} atr**t'aalaa (100 tba.) I RuaaaU Idaix

8.104JS : (*w i.SS: (.w {.00: Wlaoomli Kuiact Rarala unwaahad S.Tt^XOi roun<

~ — wh1t*aV,-Ucon.lnSJ0:r«l.WlieoBalnS.S0 [ ?W.W»"fa'’**4.2l'.****‘**'ces

1 SupaeUli US 1 2 lach minimum 1 cn

1-21-2J J i Colortde fair includlni OO-mOO ma<UBma 2.«»:w)iltaaS Inch daho few 3.M[»-»M.OO , ------------------------------OO-UJJO WOOLjo4^_5 q ** t i ”00->3s.00 on daal*r and oommlaiilon h^MMklSSOO- —« i r i m « I » K — IIT .t-U ri: Ma; OUerttL 1T2JB: D«c-ouereo. jm ,od. -----------------------

C*Hiricat«d wool *Mt IIS.ON. iral de«p ««* runim cio**d <.2 to t . i cmbr ’>■1“- SliSi SS SSI

CmKlcatad (pot weel tepa 2tt.0N.

F a l l a M n r k p f B

■ SKEDii.Tni.ofl— Ild.M cl*«n No. 1 (rad* ---------- 42eJi<___114.00 ‘Thr*. datlara euetad)^ t l t .« o POTATOES <D*U>*nd)

£ . 5 : a i - - - — -----------!r S - ! !__ lll.Tt quotad)

>•“ •}*•« ,Celer*d > ow l,*4T k!tnyew T Z Z Z 2-m!.«w:.00 u»horn fowl. 4 Iba. and o w it-

l i r aTioo^liio ui°hMn ^ U - ' *c

____ (SiiUt asd cempaar prlca]----------- J----------------- a«TT*»rAT— --------:----

:--------------------- :! ;rmltr In (Oaa-daalar Qtietad)I* to I k _ . „ s e e MOL

S T M ; : S := ” ■» . — . t e w . - '— ...... = K= j 'H ; ■ • K

IT k ra a 'te ltn -----

F i n a n c e( . . * * * * . .

ek GraincillCACO. O'cL 2«'M^-Ci^Ba W«a u

IDA)—Ita«a abla to mak* much haadwar lodar. Wba lid i i i M l op*n*^flr^ but tA*n a ^ p ^ , ^ m l;

^ •T f* * * ^ *^i>*at cliwad S to K Iow*r ihaa i ^ ..T w adr! pr*rlo_ua (Inlih. &*c<ml>*r 2.t4H -S: coi

fl: coBimoB thani*.! to l>i hl(h*r, D*«amb*r l.»l!!****r rARii c; ka!NIraa aalabla CIIICACO. Oct. 2t M^-Wh»at' No.

J>“ 1 .0^ ’*“ * 'o .u No. X haavr whIU t l S t tamt amall loU (ra-1* haarr whlla #1^ .

ckln alauih- H»rl»T nominal; maltln* l . l^ « ^ faataadr. «•»•»»• _ _ _


,MV, . . . .•JiUamalr Mar Z.tH^ 2.S>S l . t l S 2.S7

•‘• ’■ ■ • " • r s i : ! ! s i S

2 r , " 1 : K l i ! ^ l i i S !:!!

3 S M s s s \ a'.MTi .91 - .MS .«

Mar .94S ■94' .*4r / r s ' s s :!k : 5 S " S Slarelal cowa Rr»-K*w Airla

ta 21.00: D*e l.**H t.»T I.M S I.M11? . calra^ Uar l.aTli l . t J t l.OtS ».«Ti t ; m . r i '" Jullr 1.9l5 1.02^ -X.Ol I.Medd chok* ^Br*-O Id St,la

D*« l.«4

B utte red Eggsordered In L .m — i . ,^ i'. , , , ~ ., , . . . . i . —


i S i H i i ' = '• “ * I-I' --1.

u f ! h " X * — II » i iM V,.wn’to*nM ' ‘•"S ANCELKBwn to ii.w ANGELES. OcU 21 lU Pl-M arl

“ ; s ® a" i.™ ■Jr.Ta . ; ' 3 "-.x'd ,?"l:«Vr;o"r6,.iradlnr cull «Q41 : (rada A mtdlum «-«cnicACO

,n » \_ K _ , CHICAGO, Oct. 21 Ml—Duttar (Irt1°^ m "ij» « '• 'S ' V 'iJOO: a t ^ r : ” c'’ i7.''*‘ ' ” •* ' ” ” *a co ca firm: T*e*lpta 10.170: whol«i. t „ ,Bnj a*lllB( pricaa unchan(*d except on U.

;p„“r» :d S V i« .“u.arda 11: curtent racalpta U-4II dlrtl

’n'’S a S “ii'.'”~l.“- ..~<r » . i m : - ™ i ,

<00: natura S>*»: <!>>ckllt<(a 18.rk-a daa|^ . i. ’ i

ii.'l\,'ffi Potato and Onion hu”"ntnkr Futures29.00: bulk (Cevrtefy t . W. M eRobota ta i ” d ^ w /’w CM npaajr O ka 8 ld c , PhetM »M|

ahala* and NOVEUDER ONIONS: cholcllM « • « hlfh. IM l low, IM2 «Io*a: 1 l i eood and «»r* ‘'• '’"‘j^xUARY ONIONS

I2.4« hlih, S2.fl low. S2.41 cUw*: (an traded.

P> — Hcca FEORUART ONIONS190-270 “oat r•ce^pta **" ' ¥AR01 ONIONS 1 for Mon-

wckad and JANUARY POTATOESNo bl<k, efferad a 19.90: no aalaa.I NOTEUDER TUniCKYB


' Threa cara tradad at .tOlO.

i ' l S Play Set Here by "-Via _Stake_N.ext_Wee]3.SS: Idabo A Ihrcfl-act play. "WhBt DothTt bula aad PTOflt," wlU bo prcscnted by Ulaau 2 Inch Tw in FalU LDS lU k e n t th e «tnlJ tAbemacIe a t 8 p jtt . Nov. 3 and“ *■«•*•«« unaer'thV dIreetlo rt"or M rirA 'aa iiawt:iii-f*W McArthur.- -( for U8 1 Tho play, w ritten by N nthan ara t (rowan H ale, wiia ft prlio Winner 1

th e MIA centennial p^yr.KrUlnB eoi___ tea t In IM7.____ - -__ _^ Members of th e eaat are Mm. Be

TJ. S. ahlp. Shelby F rancis Egbert. Sldnifair: market Johns, WltUatn Johns, K atherli

^ ^ _ M errill, Mra. M erU Moon. DuanrS “ t w m I I'lncoln. K eith Egbert. RlchniInch'waa'iied Snow. Rosa Arrlnftton, Mary Ar,:i^innaaou MetTlll and N yman Johnson.. lA, wuhad T he public is tnvlKd.

H S Autos Collide on TSZ Street in Oakle;at spankh | BURLEY, Oct. 38 — Deputy Shei ' Iff LePoge L ayton Investigated imum 1 c7r accident J t 3 p jn . Mohday on Mo;

stree t In Oakley. The accident It volvcd cars driven by L. E. Harris

iJdiim I bo; io . fouto 1. Burley, and Mrs. O. 1'hiu .boilcfi.-066.-30. O akley .. . - .........i"*” , H arrlss. while making a TJ tu rlit in ^ ilM collided wllh Mrs. Gee’s cnr. Mi Ih* few 1.90. Gee's automobile ran off the roa— striking a power pole and amashlt

n-ih *'’<* Ifie car,.teadr todar M rs .'G e e was Injured sllghU y»j..bMla*i .Dam aaet-B rftreattm att J ' m ->350 - TSJB: »2® ^ the H arrlIN.

Roundup Rally of Scouts Schedule!A roundup ra lly fo r all Boy Scoi

___ lraflpsJa_tbaJ:w ia-*«l*-<llBtrlctrwI be held a t 1:30 p. m. Nov. 33 in tl

h igh ichool Kymnaslum, It Is ai da _ioc-2t< nounced by R a lph Kalaher. cxeci____j : c-sic tlve for the Snake River council.------42e-4S« .Lloyd Roberson, dlatrict commi

aloner. will be In charce of a pri f i f t j i t Ineltidlng Scouting skill coi

“ iT 'w ^ a tesU and presentation of aw ards i ' •gCOUtrbrifalitt-Bttt'-«HnT>ei=a— -_.il.»o-i.ti Cubs will be Invited as gueats ar

_____gitplQrera..,W ll1.wrUiJpam ln-<Unonstratlona of opening and cloalr ceremonies.

Buriey Girl Hpld ” L! _Q n Check Charg(.1_____ i tc B U nL E Y rO cL a s^ A IB^year-oi---------- t n Burley girl ta tn Caaala county Ja

on a charge of forgery. »piiad br tht T he (rtrl waa a rralgned ’bcforVPrcI Falla (or ba te Judge H e n ry ~ W . ' Tuckt

____to, Thursday. Judge T ucker Aet ba— - a t MOO which the clrl could nr—— »3< post. She waa arreated by D eput

T. t Sheriff ,Lep«8e_L«xton.lin4l3 chars______ Iio ed w llh ca th in s aeveral checks I---------- tic Burley.___ iU-40, O fficials aro liiveilUaUn* M,- • Juuns •Hood 'o a th e e ^ k f c _

• ' ■ F D R L e t t e r s

j R i x e _ Q M s . i l

. E n v o y N e e iWASHtNQTON, Oet. 36 (U » -

is tirv sT T nV lc rrT !T ltt«n -li7“ tJia-lB te-Preal Roosevelt In IMO offered new today as lo .w h y Praaiden t Tni risked a a torm of P ro te s ta n t p r

o-w th* to reestablish dIpIomaUc rela « « tte v .l lcu i.

hi(h*r, o*c«mr M?. T rum an hiia hom lnaicd i l l ' w ’f M a r k W. C lark to M America's «*tnb*r i .» is . ^ b a ^ jo d o r to th e Holy See. bu t nomination a p pea rs shelved ll-Wheat' No. 2 inlKly. Mr. T n im ftn aen t Uie i i lu - n i N i ' j - Inatlon to -the -aena te durin* th«

Joum m eat ru sh la s t Saturday. 9»Si tampl* the !a«-makers by>paaaedt^l iQ i i» ;« » tmi hurry to g e t home.'

B locked by U w . i[,s Mr. T ru m an h a d considered a

Ing Clark to Rom e u a d e r a r Low ck>** appointm ent, b u t W hite House

2X4S 2 I4 S experta said th e four-itA r get 2.11S sitTS could no t aerve unless he n

!•?!?? arm y. A n 80-year>olC- 4IS f .« H prohibits m lU tary offleera from 1 i.T ts i.7 m ing civilian govem m ent posts.i }•*} ;• Clark’s nom ination has stlrre

I l l ? B nationw ide controversy, withmost vehem ent oWecUons co

.90S .JOS from P ro te s ta n t leafiers w ho pr 94K «4t ’ diplom atic rela tions w llh !9 is ;9 h | VoUcan w ould violate th e Amt

doctrine of separation cX ch ! otU 19?}^ “"<* ~liw i: FD R C aused Bl®nn

Mr. Roosevelt encountered sl «-»«S Pro testan t opposition w hen he

' ' ' - ) -M yron-O .-Taylor-to-tho-V atloohla personal envoy. T h e .laU F

C i g g S dent accepted th e protests pi I sophlcally a s reflectinii " a lac

appreciation o f th e dlfflculUes is (UP)—But- the ' n iceties of conducting fo: I acor* 7 ll 90 SffalrS."1 1«. „.A a Mr. T rum an is in m uch the ; *■**• * philosophic m ood obout th e den;71S: medium iatlon of h is plan .*• Persons close to Mr. T rum an;b JllS basic reasons for w anting a IlUPi-M arkai ronklug A m erican a t . th e Va (minimum ia c'o.icly pftrallclcd thoae of

ir(* i7-«9. • RooMvelt. w ho-used Taylor-for In caaea i Grada ranging . from a ttack ing anllt medium t7-s». tj,l8 country through

Catholic he lra rch y to gleaning -Duttar d m ; ' uable Inform ation a b o u t i

a ' 7“ natloixs.

U S A F t o U s e

F i e l d a t B o i

••™n*‘^ ( r f * BOfBB. O ct. 20 m - T h e air-:

iT^'oia «eId^^I^ndBy’ a a ^ ^ ”ouxniar■ Mountain H om e a ir force

, Col; H. S . Beeks, commandingO n i o n of M oun ta lo Home, aa

deuchm en t o t 600 offleera and 3 eventually w ould be a tatloned alo b o ta u td v lll handlePhett* t t t u overflow from M ountain Homi___________ Only ground tra in ing will

given a t Oowen, w ith adva j?i2 «lo*a: 177 training to follow a t Moui

ONR -The’ flrat de tachm ent wlll aIMl cuw*: »9 a t Qo^.jn M onday. Colonel IONR &ald. w ith th e num ber-oxpeoK12.71 cloaai }T reflch 200 by la te November.. . . t h e m lliu iry program wil

, jo „ , restricted to a p o r t of th e baat in uae. Colonel Seeks said, and

J.TOE8 n o t in terfere w ith civUlon Industo es"" "* ootlvllies housed a t Oowei: no aalaa. ------------------------------

F a r m e r s U n i o n i i. . .» . 1 . . . . g y p g j t g a g j j ,

10. ■ RUPERT, Oct. 2 8 -D lck A------- national Fa rm er 's Union Insui

k v represenU tive fo r the w e a t. C U Y states, was speaker a t a m eetii 4 - t he Minldolta county .P arm er's1_11--v 6 a io n a t W aahlngton aehool Mo'h a t D oth I t nlsHf."nted by tho T he group also discussed pera t th e atake leglslaUon on lh& old age perlov 3 and 3 Oeorgo G m f, mem ber o f theM rarA dfllne com m lttee,-reported on 'p rogres

Ing made on eradication o f noN athan and weeds. T h e conunittee will

X w inner io w 'th W. O . P rie st, county aF rltlng con- m ake a rrangem en ts with

. county commissioners fo r fuireM n T B et- inform ation regardlBg J^iroBrejbert, Sidney U 's county.I. K atherine Edwin Ames, Junior leader,son D uanna Ported th a t 74 Junior membe;rt. R ichard th e -c o u n ty organiiaU on wero

Marv A nn slble for aw ards fo r the year s 'nson Awards will be presented Noi,

I t is expected th a t a naU onal F■ e rt Union leader will make

e o n --------------------- —

O a k l e y B i d s S o i i g h t3cDUtv S h e r . RICHFIELD. Oct. 36 — Bid: M i^ a t r f nn buUdlng of th o new Richfielddav on M ain ' * ‘" 8 accepted b ftfcideni in " “ ^ool board. Dccialon to cai

p S i J ? . bids waa m ade a t a special tt M r. r t m’ meeting M ondoy evenlnit. No1 Mrs. O. H. J jjjg jy ,„ ting bids,-----------------------------

Supt. C lin t Bugg reports tha l«#eher* have been found to fil

i i 1 • vacancies in th e commercial, nd sm ashing j[jj, ^om e economics dei

‘red SllghU/.to continue a fte r October.

> the H arrlss -

l i i v o f ,e d u l e d / o f v a h

ill Boy Scout C O L D M I A H T S . . .M ilstrlcfr^H - —ov. 33 In th e . a i Q I l N l i l Sn. It la a n . ^ ^ Mlaher. execu- \V•er council. rlct commls* se a pro*IS skill con-of aw ards to _ _ _r»nK i=a:------- : ~ ~ 0 f I B r - l J Y g C T JIS gueats and . ■ “ t y ■ /

------------- s m - u n m m

H p l d ' ; w g l e .

C h a j m \ M I H E R

BUGLER.M INERALSAL h e lp in g - to p r o t e c t th e m

:cr act ball s a t i s f a c to r y o r y o u r m on l_co iiM -aoL _____ i___________,,

-Globe--See.1 checks in

Ig .u n * th . , T R U C K 'L A N E — T^ - - -

T IM E S -N E W S , ;

te rs Plan f o r SaleO enera l c hatrm aa fo r the

• „ Isagua rum m age aala S a ttin l

Needs ,o. moat rum m age.

• L et- Receipts will finance Girls’ 1 B te-Prealden t M uviU es tWiT year'.'The sale'-nred new clues he ld a t th e O le tu G. Jenkins ; d e n t T ru m an u rv te e building. _e s tan t p r o t e s t ______________________ i----------a tic relaU oas * £ * *

= n ^ ^ ^ l a s s f f l eunerica's f irs t ' — ' . -

W A N T A D R A T !lent tJie nom - (*Su*d ea cot-pu-wetd)luring thc-ad* i- dar . *« t>*rSaturday, b u t ! 1*” --------- ' ' j ? ? "le d ^ t in th e ir or lo word*

Ib aar eaa «Uaal(l*d ad.l

S d e re d send-

^ H ^ e ^ ^ g l ! ! = i s = i ^ ^ q = : j■.star general ■ ‘ ‘ |~ i:it~ l~ s:M ~ 1 —ss he retire s i t . i—. .nnp rr><ii h u ham •l-year-old law Ujh*d. caa^ muat acMBpaar rour 0ers from ho ld - OEADLU^ES for ClaaaUlad ealrit posts. Mondar'a Ada-« p. m. Batarda;

. - . S S H - J S :

ons w ith th e "Dllnd .Ada- are aUkUr confldiin. *•n c f church ........

Errera aheold ba rtporlad lmme< Sterm . ^ i r . ”tS .;“.“n*‘ 1Sforr"*i’»'intered strong •

™-v1,Uc".” » --------- C A R D _ Q E _ T H A N K S .h e ,la te P resl- w e w ish tu *iprt*i our *lncere 'OtWtS pholo- and appraciatlnn ta .our ftland» ind t o lJtlcu IU u a n d ^ f .r u p i ih r J.rine « r b.“ ‘ I " ' 5 ^ 7 .-,> . , i ; . a . b . . i . . -

Mr. and Ufa. Wilbur llol. uch the same Mr. and Ura. Allan Schir tth e d e n u n e - ________ Mr. and Mr*. Ebo. Schlf


. th e VaUCM ^ u u a n u upb.uurr cJe.nia,. lose of M r. 1947-J: village Cleaner* lylor for taaks a rg o s y macatin*. 2 allt aab*eH

alean lne v a l- _ »"« maumltr. LucH* Pedaen. Phon K « iif iTENCER COIlSCTieilC. Mrfcb o u t o lh e r Cardner, TI»S l»d a»*ane aaat.

14K7J. y.-------- i o CONTaI ^ AkohoUca Ann.

Use E?i>rS¥rV4Aeenue North. , *


“l o S f t J S B E A U -^ SH O P Snm anding of- pkrm a nents . i i .oo, itoo . is.oo.lome, aald a Phone 5S»I».M. Mra.-Deam.r.cera and m en com plvte modern be.utr a.rvilUoned a t tho AriUtio i“ i:ir"ll handle th e cOMI'LETE l.*aulr acrvlce ty adtin Home. *tud*nta al reduced grien. Junliilng will be Hachlnalaa* anim advanced w»r"-a t M ountain C H IR O P R A C T O R S

.1 wm . r t , . “ 'L . ? ■ v . i s ; ° a . “ ‘ ■

i r b . _____ I.-OST A N D FO U N DUie baae n o t l o s t ; Hnk cam« k>ckat. sin trp*

a t Gowen., STKAYEDi 4 lO.montli cuern.er -------- from ^k^Creek catirsn. Tbeee 04

i o n i n

IS Meet■Dick A xtell. Ic u ;”;. m.°"* '•

i e " j " a “ t” r n S C H O O L S & T R A IN INa meeUng of u y i i s ty lis ts ar* m coniutt.<i.

Pa rm er 's U n- 5 r ’*m*.^i»Jf^Tj!nJ?iTi'’* -i.s li, :hool M onday “ " n .r ' i t® " ! ------------------------- rSbTTrccfuI -.n3-InaH^-A«nt;‘— T

*«"''iio 'w " Den"i)li:A Ea^"l^ ' age pension. Beautr An* Acadetnr._________

, - n ' r n ™ i r ^ - S IT U A T IO N S W A N T Eon o f noxious

ioum y a S s iT m /"n ts w ith the icNOX Ci>rUln~Uundir. I l l2 's ~ jI fo r fu rther . Eaau rhona sh7.i l __________[ J^progress-.ln ’THCL- 4«itsin(. trlmmlnn-ialllsf.

SUpls. Phon* IIOM.

m r a b t r s o l l i i i f ~ i-u i.r « . . i i . . i.lon wero cll- R,a*onablt rhona 04*M3, 410 UcKi ,e year 's work. cuat. nted Nov. 14. aUonal Farm -


P - L <or F O R D E A D &

S f . S V ! ! ; ' ; U S E L E S S

A N I M A 1 . S

!=“ r 'o r S i , ; " - p h o n e c o l l e c t------- --------- -Gooding-47 --R u p e rt Il^ ^ d lo m i th S Twin Falls .314merclal. Eng-imlcs depart- IDAHO H ID E S S S : . - C t X A I X O W L C C

HELP YOU REDUCE LOSS if Valuable Lii^eatock / ^

A b o u t —

t l e r "

lERAL-SALTSAL SALT REDUCES LOSS of livestock ;t them ogalnsr bloatirrg~lf'rgljdrcinte 3 u r money bock:—'

Seed & Feed Co^ E — T W I N F A L U — P H O N E 4 0 I '


- r - ' . ,

AHO •'. a „ l „ S IT U A T IO N S .W A N T. O a l 6 PAINTING. >at«ier

the Glrla- .. la Saturday to

i S i S ^ & r d ' g S »nt»«T im L l clitij dar er hav. AW mtUan-

' f S tS o . . .ICO Glrla’ league }‘,®” ” “ *Xi winaar. Phon* 21 rh e sa le 'w iirbe g-.tlGLE aan.- 4I. aip*tienc«d i, . Jenkins Radio (eneral (armU(. wanta a t ^ r ment. Co’ aarwhera. N« drinka

. Sterencee. C. 0 . Dialf. noodlBI« . -1 " H E I .P W A N T E D — FEM

. - H - e d -WAITilESil (or counter. Applr id

I R A T E S . . peraoa. Weatara Ante Bupplr.I ^ r S i r w n r t cSfVeST'si^*------^ s n ^old siTltVKY worker w'a'^^^'In'L'uhwordi la raaalred T.*'' 'rt-> W ^ tJ ^Perl«w.d aiuration

MIUDL&AGED ladr. Kitra help ae i . T - s r * : ' -

-S.OQ-71 _ 4.W_ WAITHESK want«l. Orlantlal c. haa b*an ealab. wa(a*. Muat b* neal and dei ipaar rour order. Anelr In peraon afur 4 p.m.ualfledeairt . HEl»P W A N T E D —

ClllVEItS wanl«l. Applr IB peraor r* Inaartloa Cah cnmpanr.. Satardara WANTKl): Auto meehanie (or actha rimt to *dit(led advertlalni. tctercncee. Writ* Bnc 4|.|1. Tim IcUr confldenual JlANU-CAllUEK to place adeerllali„ *. . ! • " '■ r , i * ”J , .“ c ; s i . “ i

s s s i s . ™ a „Kt Ituertlos. • uoB. low laeantotr. WrlU---------------------- ' ___________________M A N K S ______Mr alncere ihaaka can»aa«lnf.' no collectlnf. eica'

m.H- manacar. Reaerve Llfe'lnauranur Taeeot l>«ea»e. P»nr. U* KaM aoalfi. Twin Fa ur racent freraav i ; McnHar thrnueh Salure SchlHler .Wilbur llolderrt^l .

W A N T E D ,


^^eaoiBS. i ^ a ALSO(III atib«rHptlQn7. • EXPERIENCED PA IN T

Ail'trpe*. teaiud. No OUiers Ne*J. Appljledaen. Phon*.2110.VSa* iS L n7nt U N IO N M O T O R S

I o'I’ doc ""s^T-Jln p .

, . . r ' . t " ' 2‘n ‘ "?S m e c h a n i c W A N T ]

A L S_________ OMO TRU CK MEGHANaU oii’I ' rUT OUT WORK Tlly

ra Hot Sprlniia. 100% IW JSCT

>HOPS • T R U C K S A L E S” '**• & S E R V I C E

rleo. Junior atu- i ' ' '‘^["j’VladVi r.” ''* A P P L IC A T I O N

^ W A N T E D

A i;::v a 7^i-n- . ; _______ :' - ---------: T I M E S - N E W S ~

F O U N D , .at. pin trp*. keep. ' C a iT ie r

i;S l ..lher ahouldar I n PlItT^

- W R I T E - -_______________ ClrculaUoa Departmen>on‘cbMl' VuwI7^ C1V£ AGE AND ADOazcn'a s.U . Ilcward -

H E L P W A N T E D -

P ^ r N i N G

ia*wlth” I!r al*mpn1 '--------C O R R E S P O N D E N '

' . ’" ‘ . " l l W A N T E DW A N T E D ___ __________________________

f o rr children In n r

— 12 Sth Aren,* A lb io n

p ia i i in , . T. f c . ------ .— la m r r jH r u S B —


9J3, m aJiu;"L^; * APPLY


M T im e s - k e w s


A D & ____ ______ ___ ____________

SSS B U S IN E SS O PP O R T U N• w wa 7S-rOOT (rentu*. Good locaUoiM , S naad car loU 1-hoaa >11.

UUSiNbSa~bttlldlni (or leaie »') L L E C T ^Arenoe^ Booth. I'hona 2740-M.

■ R upert SS Kirellan't io^tton/tlni 2«-*IL T mi» .3 H

Shoahona Street Waat.

H m E S l i ' iIW C O . _ g :f - j - f , ; i -a ! i j f i “i r - . s

'— — — - 1 - P O R " S A L E ~ LOSS S T O E A G E W A H B H O '

T w in F n i ia , I d a h o

24.MO.fool floor epac*. Tery 1---------- ^ ____ and ■'aw,_krjjj|.ta

-Jou..- eowr.t, ^ l» ,r . unda, loua.Iiilona; (|»a lUdln( plalfoi

K I W7 - " v ’J i r . i z . tZ - , : iV i';™ :- ' c s S i . t oIllVU.Oa. Can b* turchai^ I

----------------n V lN '’MLLH -

Twin Idaho

^ ^ ^ F U R N } S H r o " R O O ) i ;

iv^^ffwlc 'h v Nortf“ ■ *"

- V O * - - L^r^.PKeferrrt,. 41»

E 4 0 r f u k r« i l5 M E b A P A RTM

r - ^

. . . 7 .

WANTED FURNISHED APARTMl>d aictarW." WarJ MOOBRH ^reom . funitabad at. 2»St-W._______ _ 4W -2ad Avenoe Worth aftar t■Bt and ranBelB^ MICSLY furaUbad modare s-n>M• aatlmatM. rk*e* m*nL Claaa la. m Aah. phone

iL ChUd care br m * ^ a p aw arat jTait, UuSm B lan . Phsna - Harrlaon.

■ COMrOBTAill-S iKht Ut»ek.*plusclB(. SaUafae- E»c*Ilant Jocallon. Juitame

_ . u ‘n f .u r n i s h e d . a-pi

i^ ^ M A L E -.T "**"• _A T aiuii-rjJt. .riinneT"Ap^T3"7mon, *■ tlSn *bllm&*. w«t*r. ?S7.M. *1

I Bupplr. tjncoln (Md,

FU R N IS H E P ' W U S. WrlU D«x 411, MOUEKN a-rooa (urnlahad houi

month, rhon* 2I(T.I aJUratioB and re- NKAULY" new, amall modem So

la rm oa. Doa* Beooiwl A.eau. Morth. - •.'tr. kaip and prlT- U N F U R N IS H E D H O L

Uuad” w” ?e HTC^S rooma. Ad»lu onlr. JU

^P tena 2«IW?°** •***er 4 p.m. a ItOOMS wlUi (aru* . IH.—E D - ^ A L t ~ unfurnlah-aIr Ib peraon. Yallof 4C4 Wwt*fllar a»>«ne. " * __________ _ _ J a KUOMa and bath. SS(

;*4l-U.*'Tim^.Nea; “ B!?uill” rd'‘ No'?hT ’‘l'“h*ke’*'is“re adeertlal^ med^ OK SALEi-Small modern houae

.7;: 2 UUROOMH. clean and modeT S S l^ T b c T lir. •??u"'lllu"e**{-..k

’• • M IS C . FO R R E N Ion with offlcaa In T/MFTiFiff «ivt fh -'rt fnf w'>___ _ctlnt. aicallent ol» ‘ ,"^uY rtl ‘ ‘conull I------------------------------------------IfT^lM^ince Corn. TRUCKS AND CARSI. r - .n r .ll . a FOK RJENT

-------------I IDAHO

’E D , O-DRIVE, toe.E*5T nV E POINTS'kuv :NCEI> rao N E IMS


Your Nelshbor TumUhea J3 PAINTER ' W B S U P P L Y

Apply T H E T O O L S !:O T O R S NOW_______________ YOO CAN BUILD. REF_______________ MODERNIZE

j J-rem Our Vaal Rental Db

W A N T E D ' ■ [ i i ' ■ S E ’* " ' *«'

MEOHANIO ^*"1 p’iprdl'n VORK THAT 18'«'*CT-------------------------------? !p1‘r“e l';7 „ ----------------------- ------ n » - n « n w « w -----------S A L E S I ^ ‘uaakn '^dd n

" “ r , . . . , , . S S - - -

-------- U h!------------1 K R E N G E L 'S . IN<

^ T IO N 211 2nd At*. SouUi Fh

W A N T E D T O .R E N T ,I an.,ei, a rii r« » ,> , „ . . |n ;;;;;r

■JEW S “houa*. Phone 0IS0-K12 aftar

l e r * “ n ^ S a a^ ^w fa^ lt. fc*04SUS.' ■ “

p tr_ . 2004-/.SO on 120 In j*rom* . rTTcUitT.

'eparlm ent «f *Oulpnant. lUrer*oeaa. PbJerome.» ADORESS ONE OR two.fa»lir (am . on at

I Hat* rjfaMnc**, flnneaa aad

N T E D — NICE, clean, 3-^edreom apa'Tuf e m a l e "

I — — WANTED I 2.Udreom tiouae. w----- ------- far It wllh 'appllineaa furaUh

2780 daya or 2a«8J afUr «■ TINDENT-----

' ment. No p*t». No ehlWr«u rPhon* mPM.________ .

CED WANTED to-rent or kur, lo"to- - wnh-er-w|ihout-bulldln». elea

-------------- -------- — Palk.- -«»rb«n-TiioinM,'~n«nt4V mil* waet of Jaaper'a Sarelc<



OBIIU.LI ■ 'i’. r ; s , s sY • CHICK H IA TT. Maaaj

OrouBd Fleer Sank A Treatr v EDITOR


too Eoulubla Mfa Aanranca Seclet.rour widow a homa, not a m

S, IDAHO «nr ZQulUbU astnt ab

ORTUNITIES j u b ^ S v S L i .^ locaUon (er a Orph««m THaaUr Bld(. Pt


1 S«-'ll? Tlm«-Na‘« : rIl.V’’A'J«“ v “ ' ” ’ 'buala«a i^UEOROOM. modarn. SI.OOO dea Ije lU.OOO.OO. -114 «r.- Phane 2I2S.

K ltiS r M l M b2 uv OWNEIII J-beiflroom, atokei

------- 0(f propertr. Call 2B4>.


WEHOUSE " ’j i . g s ”. : S f e . r . - .S.ROOM modarn hoa^, (arase .' 1

I manalAn, 'ISS Aeli. Ettanlnn’’ MODEHW two-Uroom h ^ e . (uiIC*. Ttrr mDdtni atokar.Wa*h!a*tea achoel diatrl

,„J.?;-TSm e' pU tff dInV plaKon^on *>*d. 14,SH. Ilioo'o 'down. 2

•J’" - }Bi"l»atlnf TWU-UEDROUM home, moder(nr oHlcea, acale* h „ |. Connaet^J lo **w*r. On'nlranree-(or anr (found. Priced Bnder SI.OOO.p»lr Include* aee. »'|l,r aeenu*.tUrehawi''^ijil/,V TO OB MOVE&-2-bedroom” hoiy ...au i-,iu iou t-

ALLH' ' p * “ ^

ytTTINO.CO, - ------ . ?UOVB -A T ONOEtI. Idaho E'errihlnr la In rour (avert

•trie for deal(n; 2 hedroomi (achool, dUtrlet for location 1

: RO O M -[n.l0<ra and paUa for dIJiI .J ■ J l ' l '' I12.M0. an,, onlr S2.000 d

llarmoS lh» pockalbooW I Shown hr app*

M fO O M S—i!.-..... * HOBBVI

_______________ W. h . . . . J.b.drMm BwJwn I

+ — KEAL e s t a t e p jST M E F m - ' SERVICE AGENC« 'u b u f r . X‘ l'» Boulh _ Pbe

> .2ad A«aoe North . ^ r ^ ----- --------

rtaon ** ____ >•»> UoKOBT;u.Lg }l(kt faot^keepla, r^„-” " s i - J [— ~ ~

UNFURNISHED. A - p T s r r “ S ”;: 5" S ? “ i i ! . V “ ' " "

S ! . i , I J " 1 5 ‘i .‘i K ± ? ' -I O . . . . I . . . , . . . l u . . I , . K f

-------- ---------> > r f ea^^bllnda, water, IS7.H. 4M'Do7.'h _ — -

"?'A*flSoo'l*DiSrl«” * N ^ ? ^ ” *^^^FURNISHED MOUS^ " $S?:

lEKN ^ r ^ (urnlal>*d houae. ImTw -VBRY NICE k

JNFURNISHED~HOUigS '^ S room*. AdulU on r . »1» Jackaon —

wna 22SIW. ' ®” ‘ eo. 7

g g . i r a . a ' " - & v i “ T

SA1<E:‘Small modern houae wllh I'u -F = ^ =

}>DHOOUa. clean and modem. auT ; 'X.HOMI■tie waahar and oM heav Available I>l«l fer rouf), ivewWr lat. 1511 Hlue t.akaa Clr>I. <>»drcom.- MISC. FOR RENT

1LE8 and cbalfi (or «U ocaailoaa. n J? . BILL--------------------- --- l e m ch .

■' " . Offlj, 7„TRUCKS AND CARS —


— -rAssENoen-oAB9------------ r — —IDAHO

O-DRIVE, ta e . . •( irwoSAST r iv E POINTS 'i t a v i c * w i,r i “ S*.;

n io ™ IK I “ . • ■ is & c i 'i' U r t f M

• 0. SMITIlYeor N*l(hbor TumUhea Ad.lc* L '

'W B SUPPLY......... ; : rTH E TOOLS! t o d a ^


M ODERNIZE DUPLEX, cloi,rrem Our Vaal RanUl Ubtacr im uV M l.'

' a” d*7*and *d(er tosaUiar ^ 1 i*Lawn rollara “ «HuiaU p*lprd7.M ------- :----------l.ar(* pip* die* — —Pip* wr*nchc*rip* autur* -.W n«a. k.»rip* reamara - Wrooa. hon

—n»-TI«n>Bns»W---------------------- Huhaa, aaaciiBlew torcbaa - - ruraace baaU

.r lS t * lcS.o»ln. bnuhaa •‘‘‘-LM.'Sr'mo;!'** »=

C a l i u . l ,

KRENGEL'S. INC. [«I 2ad Ava. SouUi Fbona iUy ^ , ’ 1

Ar^ED TO .RENT, LEASE C. 1f ! r m « * ^ ‘*tiLn” atoi2N eil“*'*‘” ' m i" " " NTEU IO r*ait kodem S-Ulreomua*. Phon* 0IS0-K12 a(tar S d. m . ______rO -lH ACRCB. Hava equipment. (I- r-----------------in*-. »f*r«ica. t D. SuaU Pbon* . ^ p .

.. ^

lKi20iNJ*rom'*orTrc'lnltT. F a lil -* . v..■ *oulpnant. R*(er*iieaa. Phea* 4IT-J, *-Wroon. W ’roRie. . lovair laadacair o R two.famllr (arm. on ahare baaia. 11 of tia *bel(a ‘ " ."o u * " '* * ' **" *r*r»«hla

ill 207-R.NTED. 't-Udreom t^ ^e . wmiU pre- _______ »r It with 'appllineea fiirat»h*d. Phan* -----------------

ent. No pet*. No ehlWr«u Rafarmaa. -~ ^ hone ltS»M.________NTED ta -rent or bur, 10 ta 20 aen*. , — .liv e r wlthoul-bulldlnfa. elea* t« Twinalia.- -«*rb»n-TiioinM,'~n«nta'irTn»rr — ^ -------

■ ^ o n e t ' t o S x n 8-B E D---- Located en ka*


- Complata 7 i:!S da( m, ^ SSS**^rr Furaltura aad autoniehllaa wall pmaUM

CHICK H IA TT. M uiacc r OrouBd Fleer Sank A Treat Bld(,_____ ____________I TWIN F.

'■ . & »4* JJOMt LOANS l « «»*B Are.

lUlUbla Life Aanranea Secletr. Laar* ur widow a homa, not a morKan.Ik . anr ZQulUbU a ttn t about e w -------------------

U. N. T E R R Y NEW »-h.df«SISTRICT MANACER Ulue Ukae.

•pheum THeaUr Bld(. Phone 112 reduced le I" .n u i‘t-EX' ? '

h o m e s fo r sa le;aBj^»nd^.J«i-.|l,JgO ,d«wn._-jniiulra

COROOM, modarn. SI.OOO dewa er lau ' «»•*«“• ,

rma. I tl Madlaon. -beo*. •*!**•OWNEIII J-beiflroom, *tok*r, aabeola. ^

: ^ d 0 K houa* fer'aal*,' to b* Braved 1 * ^ “ ’ “,*' f propertr. Call 2B4I..____________ _

-V - j g o ,

. g S ”. : . n ^ s i

JEitS two-Uroom h ^ e . furnace a'l^- i)kar.Wa*h!a*toa achoel dlatrlcL Pbea* . _

led. lUH*. '11,000 'down. 2}s' Truck —

J-UEDROOM ijome! modern except ST?S*(reae< >t. Connacted lo fewer. One acre of na<tJfaound. Priced tmder SI.OOO. 410 W*al

UB MOVED-2-bedroom hoffla. bath. iMS,** JSaaalf

,.t n .e rolnle. ' _ Stra>

' ' ‘ ' ONE or .... .'.?UOVB-AT-ONOEt----------

' S ’3 “.2hatha for convenlencei Waaklndoa o „ *!lool, dUtrlet for location i ricture ^ at*In.lowa and paUa for tllitlnetlon. ^ atirte ir- 112.100. end onlr S2.000 down for -, "JJ ^ pda « : appelatmant fc


tal#bl« and (loi^ara and thao^he " , , ,‘; r ' u ; : c . ' r . i : ' r s

,700 down, ae* It todarl ^

— REAL E S T A T E ...............: SERVICE AGENCY . ^* Mala Boulh Pbone 2011 \lll -----


Page 13: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast


K ^^^»r...l.« .. FASh‘T S f t*S» >«“• Tolnu. ' .■l JJeK-ACENC p -

B ® S * * g * S ® IIW PO H I* —M ^ “**^ • PeUto rUtt

---- I BUSdiri ,

nacres " ESTS'-*- JZITlfL- u**n iM. I^ • l A L SSTATS «| b»;■tlSnSffRAKOB t a « - r .u

COTTnw «b

rr:::- pau----------- AND.ijmSJAKM' I I '__- fraa roc»t«1Jo —-----------

« a food ----------------J L fiiB r«iu " “*•

r t j . i .DfU>i«* *<x><- c«»-

jEAL estate (^CB AGENCY ,,„4 »™mi „ , ,

• rc ___ ^ - . - '^ I— J0 b .uab.. Will '»« ^

mM of iBpnmonil*. gpitV. Cf — ,„• «I!IT»W. Uluc.»-llM«l-»m btodl*.__ __________

S ot AGENCY - Mom liT "‘S S.’ i'SiM IMI

m iiMt A»,

!0 ACRES • -------

iS: FAEJrs BEAI. ESTATE FKDINsroANOE^ T f . r w . HU Twin

»"■''*' - FAL!

BUTDBSIBAB1 aMW» or T>ls r*11< OD

ror..ri. t>i •«fi f«ll. H..1- .H->W. •.iT!S •.» Ford.■• •"* tN ToH. •■,£^V;V..».nOKMON AOIKOT rL j-r.-r.. r»o-Dti«.!«

■ A>nwV«t . . . . J S * - " ' • m l^ l linw .T »llt»U

, P Ul1« Acres • c-hi' -i baU .oil. full -.Ur •: M4fri S< omt hwt. • «.» B4l

SJSS. f.Rrt M'MWrwill ■ • C*rr»ni'Slock Farm TWIN :

___ & IWAatelUlni .’tiO.HO. Oo Klmborl/ il-fETERSOIi------mi ESTATE I----—•WIIELl, IDAKO

mr-.-------n = rM i5 w rn .j- “ ; : ^ n E '~ * rARMEBmm. AOEEAaE IS2t s « ^ - ' .. *” i5 ^ 2 SIDE PA R M ' • oil;U»ol aoJmi hom*. tit.I. •p’«tMtW. I.nl lin »tll. « m

„, • TO-Im LAND , r.n

4M iMkt ipudi. Vl'MitoS: PLOWSi^ O l-8 PARADISE • ftil’^ « T « . Ib h . , rn«a*w,. J J}tTp" •« k.*d <»«!■. lUww . m Moll•«* “• Ab«adih«» 5 j*ot e u • VA(^ : f,:!l^ O V A L L E y • t-MnV™DffiNT-OORP.-------- ----------» - tu .


WATE-fOR SALE .- ------,Fh VowrEbMl MA

”fs^.,u» *.1. hll. , rouu «.I««U»b- PhoB* 'Klmbtrlr AtH. '~r

^IVKTJ ONAL BUYS .^**•*4 t* «n hlchvty. *Coo<lln». R 0. t»rmi. CHOICK 1I«

jS'kw' iu MP

* rh9Bt(OI. » m.---- - - / flEVEIlAbr1 mfl« tot

s J^ ements -'tJtnn- _ _ - \ t^r«" UCK BTOB O ro u sai.b !

rA .;S5«l«„Sorl.™ - , ClttlH-Jt

Cfc**- OOOD ^■•»*lr WoHl ifur « p.

iS'JoEAs— ' ^ ” ."S!.rSouth L“ **‘K*tSl

______ r- ' : ” - I ’taM C a '


Hi?'; ’I " j™".:

' ‘ S m 'i™ " : " ;EQOIPMENT »« ' »»


ll/*™ »B'J •■ndre»»T«. __ __»»*. touiul lh!« la k* th* (ulMk el birrwilni b*«U. CtlSTOM

» Pouia Bslkinc Olfin* ”T Cbiln “ •■Tor «htlB L —


' ~ ' '■ I lfB ««ai» tr c

Uxd Cu* Traelor .01i*»r 10 Tr»i(o’r01l.«r 44 Tr>.U>r CROSS

M l Tr»cli>r 5 "^v ‘® I*” !"HC-H Tr»tioT with tvilU»»lo» w " li,/

OII».r M >U««eo f W ® ‘ ,Tord Dortxirn Plow DEL .

V(«l Ono re> Ollvtr D lfirr >'>»’'>• »0UIlnlUtir B<rip»r________ _______________ _n(c Minur* Bprwdor ---------

F.rn,r-ul«r Mllkw. . - - “ ' ■itV. Colomin, Coron»do, E»tni, HSur»r 'rUme. MC-Untt. p j^ jl

-------- SBwfTHir------- ----- -F o rD E S IO IL HEATETia



IX* A»0. 8<wlli............2h«e«UI ______ .” > .-

= = = r HAY. G" '. I 10 DALE3 o(


FAEMERSMtl Falls Trottor'j "^giSSl P A L L C L E A R A N C E

— — S7CCE--------------------" o n „ C O O D Tl FBSSirwTTr

08E D THACTORS fhoB.AND EQCriPMENT ' “ u L 'l ic ? ? ;"

AJ’IXKS. < i'lekiroTd. ’<t KodoI. M U I t l l Orth«rd. Ad.11fW. Ut W*!.l---------------- * « ‘i * ’KWUIrord. •<« Wo4«l wllh Em UroH. •« U»4.l. la lOod tktp« Ln^'ilaiII-K. *4T KodaP ^ «u t ol £>iTonutoa. M Mod.l JO^^ATHON «rortutan. ‘4t ModoU oIUi rod DoUelou

■*■r.m kU , ippl«. Brlnj

• ub OrtMrd.P USED EQUIPMENTi)Ul»»lor» • and ir»d*d. ;

-• Idaho Crowtidnakta Bintl. rhom

»rru(ilan _ M iBEST

IN PALLS TRACTOR &.IMPLEMBNT C 0 .._ ___« ! , ttoad PhoB. i n m KENI

I aillW *e«

^UR-MOTrO~».------ - • _

3 BE o r ItRVICB TO TllE H.n.»n. WyRMEBB o r MAOIO V A I.I« - U M ^TtK tD r

a c t o r s

» 10 KaM«7-Itarri< BEAUTirUL F

• V-MeHn* htaplul.» £-HsIlt>< TliO»OUaili>l<I: « hS , s “ , s f s -» TD-I TEMALBTSair• r*>l and fqulpmnt Iiapcrt. t*** » lUcMlar rm aall Mr.. CIIK llj• “ •” .c L U » a o iii OWS *«»; ii**inrK>% 0( MlllB

: E S S ; or « .I VAc“cl*."^‘ W A N !

■'t - Mnllno B •

JCS------- ‘'“ "o r IlilS'WERS I---- ----LTIV ATORS- W IL L I

MBDiES.-------------- --------- 4i?ii,'^C . »i>d now.

DAY'S-M O L Y N E U X - • - - , ;v t ; - :* MACHINERY CO. =‘“T{l?:.d.

JR MASSET-HABnlS DEALER- ____ ~•Tlr Boad ________ rheoo H f | ---- ^ ^

/gSTOCK~8 F0m-TRY— —SCBAP-lALEi Twa tood mir» oowa. Booad.I* 0» U « «lltf '■ ------ ..iIE d .» -« for aalf. Pbono Qfojjr. XWilnr. R«lph r.ulknrr.________

m. ar afwr ».UEOnOJ>M tni

'ouH(i Jl*"*.', JiUU) taiT all

r r fv.* n»i.uiB «!»«"• »<’» *° h ^ lK O T o N ^ ....

c«ti -pnxim-dwia


IVESTOCK & POULTRY M ISCBLU'jCUSbY ntlk nw. tT-h,n icoiu COMHi-KTt fh litlf.r; pn. c«u. Oofora * », m. <u ' .nUrtrf InfKg A f e £ t i i ^ g V f !rJ a " ‘ ' *' “i s i a s sAD Ind end i td Gu.rn.n- .prlwi.f*. {«EW and uM

***»•...> Aoraar Ind «.lf. dtllxrr- T.I (mhm »oon. On* U t cair Koliuin pmr. [*hon< >«r. ht»TT larlmer. . Pbaaa »IW.SCb tlDl.i^n.. "mllklS: OI.0 U r r FURNITUI

b b ‘ - w r r~.. : ».„h, m —u li f.,tt j.„— ■ - I lilON FIUtMCUSTOM SLAUCHTXaiNO mpd.l_ V._Clioa .h. l«*.r 0«,tD «rnl.«

UBED W«»n. —I t-Taaria.ra:- - ... . — **?Tat/yaimi«> Artltkla] In.omlDitlon Snr. 'IIOTI-OIST r> Hotkliln, Cu«rn.*r. JerMT aad *«t and elh« Iklav fihcirthom. Pbano SSI. Jaaaw. llltW.

----- -------------------:--------------------- ,1400 BIG Ki‘“m.S"-n.

CROSSBRED EW E S wi'rhiht pi..*““• nSi/w i

ror lnlormaUan CobU«»DEL DICKINSON ' . «

om»OM . _ of j'.rrln* Lobbr■ 8*tn>. «trnw


i r D K A S ^ ^ T ^ ^ X E S S

ANIMALSPHONE 05 COLLECT B. FT(Wai lluport It ITwla FalU tU _

IDAHO H ID E - ... . -& TALLOW C0_:_ I _ ^

HAY. GRAIN & FEED— — HO LtTTt1ALE3 ol ihlrd oaUInt h»r. J800 InBih.rir Ro«d. _______Dfrlndlsr, Monnanan Mlllln* Borric*. ,<in« nuii-U crnc VALLbY Ullllns bartlca. Kim: Krrl>. c.ll m1<j.ne« 11B.J.__________ .D fiJndlac and molaus mlxlni. Ltt'allltit Ca. I-hon* IIHW er tITIW. HI!cuET;;;rTi:;5"5nw7r"'ur .

ROH•la roUlai itrvk* at rour ranch or■d lou rh*B* t7»«.W ar wilU i. P. .y. „.j.

WOD THINGS TO . EAT ------ — -Ati *«n. laaer <rr.r«. Poultrr flunalr'. SPEC'»"« ___________ i'OULTUYOr.

V h S - f . a S : " ' ’ c S r o E ;^KS. > nekrt ur rou pick. (;«.rta.n-.thard. Ad.11.nh Avenu. EmI. -LES. >1.00 akd BP. POUKK.. .Int«r

Koil. Keok, soil AddUoa ArtDttt p ]^ . jJfS-LESi D<llelo»...WInUr lUnanai. Jon.«a»t ul Ean Kl»* I'olnU. 'itlritman! Wwt Plltr..*1,“? '' V...?!! RACd goiwou. il'Tl,!! ^ r ‘bu.**.l. K«o* ^ATHAH. D.llclou. and Ilom. U.auir JUS'pl«. Brins container*. Ir>ln Do]«n>>b Orchard, t norih. 1- w«t et W«lATUEai Hiumu >n<r reOi nev rise Ou»ra d iradW. Itat. Orlni «mptr .acK•he Grower* AMoeUtlon. lt» Wall 1r*«t- rhon. 48. J

J mcINTOSH 1 *BEST EARLY PALL APPLE CLAiBd/all* »lr«»d» plek*d. up. 11.00 bu. MUSIC Jen*lhtn and Oeltelou.All trade* and rrlc« \----- Srlng Container* — ' _KENYON GREEN , __I «»ll.» eealh*r«*t ot Twla Fall* ; «-{;gVK<

18TEKE0 Irlih tetler pupplM. I’tion* S & H ' W.M. 4** Marlln Iflr.cl. - O 06 n..DEN Tnd Hlack Labrador ou's*.lOerard. Phone 081IJI. aho.hon.. On .UTirUL FoRKratilaa pupplM. r*flj- ■edi wonderlul pet*. Its Pl.rce.tr*et.

.‘“ ; s■ PlUl. __________________ f t ThotiaiiiiiiEb <» urrUr »up»U.-i

ALE f ABtranian doc tor «el*. Enflbh Ittl FORDa "lha. Ph<m* »l».rSt. Itll d<

UNO OUT> AU nr canarla andK ..'ii.S'™': ..■■.i.:rS a v j - - - ™ '% ot .ellln* ptioe. All tor ttlO.OO. '**‘*'1t Bamako Blraet.--------------------- 0-rpr,

FERTILIZER________CE rour ord.r far your aanl.a ler- ISt« CHEVI tttr or lawn ferUlli.r. Otng.HI. ««l.n.

WANTED TO BUY V.Ti'dm o i An alectrlo welder. I'hone

, ,. , IDtO rl,VH(m.- rtone HtT'TwIn Ja'lU._!!!.!7------:onoOM home In or n«ar Twin Kalli. . p.lnt < OY.r lU.OM. Btn i».n, TlmM*Newi. I44S <■ ---- ---------------

WILL BUY FOR CASH" ‘' ‘I>r t b.droom homr. In good locallon.[A"avpl'Jied. 2t*iJliUitJ*l. CA811* ~ * t|| C11EV7

DAY'S REAL ESTATE *"------ * INSURANCE---------- -------- I.,1 Skcahon* SL Weat Hion. !H« IS58, 11. (Rrtld.nee Phon* S408) Your Car

*s' A .- vnoENT wn©; “1 '

For Teor ASH\\SCBAP-*-CAST-m ON__ _____ ««i-

.roB oErsKssWa Pajr Ton l>rk«s L— ■ —TWIN FA L L S r------------AUTO P A R T S- ,

F 0 R ^ E ‘ ‘0R ~fR A D T .

iOnOOM mod*™ Korna te» qvkk .ale - **'*'*truS» tar ll/e*tock.er laU nod.I car. # CEUEN'I lol n.il to cllr limlia. It.tM. s --------;r—rtn». Inttulra «ia< Harth Waahtnttaa. ?!iS2!LJ!li!£liSCELLANEOUS FOR SALE • CLEAN!U.tUM. all nUatU. iU8_s>atal-4£w HMb.rt.oi»;» IBd. II.H. Iflai-a-------------- -------•-COM.'lfE

-5e?ir.Inn. Kva'o^*Mi-phona OlBUl. yloar .andln*

(HBISTMAe CARD-ALB0M8 DaSk*A Tn ar. «o- « dtapU,

.GEM o m e r stiPPLr . , uu,uH^ ------------- , - Siailiu CrelZ


4IS C E L U N E 0U S -F 0R SALB - AUOMPLETK rhMWrer'hr' ou.»— I» — KOHD' .nlanrrr Influ,|.J. Ch.ap. Phon. Ml*-W. r,..o,^hU OOtt.immEKEISIMC a.»taalae,.-l-«ll» 44<>IIBIi-4»- iuUtrlpllon.. U.iO. J. Hill. Phon* 4IC .llllan IH. EW and ued .eaaol boeaM cor Icasedlau J»<: OLD.HI d«ll»err. Twi* Fall* Eqalpmenl Coa*. « trilnd.t paar. Phon. l»4t.____________ _________OltSJt «ru r n i t u r e & a p p l i a h c e s »¥ik^*.?:iOUW>-»ak Ubl*“ a * i-e h a U .- r ro a * ^'"iMe C.

UAKEll oil .brai.r. I28.M. II.CO dowa. t l ,» w..k, Wllaen.PalM. i:iON FI11EMA)< Bun trv* all buroet

-n.. ■Bar»«ln_Para. m M.ln ttouth, • CABED WwtlntbauM r.lrloralor. IIVt.M. ^*-T«ar »g*rantw. M. A Y Klettrk. ClBW AHD u o l •leclrle ranf*a. Make u> aa atfw. Llngld P .. and Acpllanee-

lOTI-OIST ranif. relrlseraur. Ir <lrn<>m; S i w ? f]ATS mod.l retrlc.rator. prlcad lor gvilclt *al.. C.ll In evenlnn. t i l l lib ar.nu.»alt. phon. i t m , Krtlme. eall ’ 414, * — " -

AROEar iiMk rieOBdllisnMl' (umllure.Al.e n.w. ConAnl.nl Urm». liar*. r— ~ * ~ Furnltur. Richans*. IM Mala South.

tPlllllliT Plano with anUinie alnol: n .p l. twin i.nhr Lind M I walnut Jennr Mnd . Wdnuble W wllh .print*. Phone lOlt-W.

.DOD ui«l all KMUri *b7 reaeoaa»>e ef. . WE f*r *oa*ldmd. LlqaU Oae aad.AbPll- ■n^, UW KlBbOTlr Baad.

IKRD .rwUic. machine.I s ln tm , ^hilM,


APPLIANCBAnniversary S iIb .. '-------------SIT, RCDncnoM P '


B. F^GOODRICH CO. “tos Mala Eait

C0AL"'FUnNACE3 ....... Twllh (aod uMd (lokita '-


OJLlfrATERS •11 clMned and 1a tlnl'claa* coiMllloB


Doth load. Cholc* I II - -

ROBERT E. LEE }S{f ?!,"'..... .SALES CO. »»

----I »<0 OL

SPECIAL SERVICES'OULTllYdrw.ln*. 1-oullrjr aupplr. i'boa. *

l lt l . Twin Fall*. Idaho.;EaSI‘6oL and irplic uak *l*.niB«.'Kr.e I^n.p^lloa. IL Hak.a. SahL Pboa* |« {

l lS s B E a . 'r ,B p y * l* i , E rT tosT i^l- i9tr Doi i r ^ « I S«ond A<r«n<l* Saqlh.

IKl'TIC unk aod caaapool elaaalas. Ro(»> roawt ..W.r a.rTleT R. C. Jo o - . UT ‘Ml Wwt Fll.r. Phone



0«.r.Bt«4. necoBdUloned

' PIANOS i « , c m..................... ....................... .......... ..... .....

« Zxn Tem* • 1t*% D*Ut*r> H*l D.S


AUTOS fO R SAUE 1. . . roi.- r t i i m -oLCT d.1. . . . ^ . » 5 iU i|.nnf*lt1n1« P><AMa VJRI.W . -

1»47 cm------------------------- 1 v»‘*i:'b'— rW-E-GiVE -**------------S&H GREEN STAMPS iV« wa1

On Any Uaed Car ,#ij cml>4« FOI

lUO CHBVnOLET aul*lln« X>elu*a-*.- fw]rr:ra riS ;ffi,;“ ,*f£ ■p*rm*nt«. Iniuranc* Included. j»4»

l l t l FORD S.IUI* -V.I SUUon wai/n. l»4» STI■ a v . v 7 , i ; ^ ' " r " ' i ; . 3 s ' r ----------

” rnu!'lni"\aVc**lBe"d?^*'’" l l t l PLYMOUTH O u i* tordor **dan.

HnUr. sood palnl. «aod tlra*. l l t l CHOur prlc* .— __.___,_.._..,.ll»l 1049 CH IIM down. ttt.lO monlhlr l«t1 BUmmla. Inauranc* Ineludri.

I9K ClIEVnOLET PlNlma.tfr tonJor.»l.n, Iladlo. hnl«r. .m t eo>.r>. 1»0 CH:Our price .... ............ ..............I t t l ItID STIt i l l down. Itt.tD monthir P*r> tn.nU. Iniuranca Included.

1DI9 PLVHOUTir fordnr Sp«ci:i ‘ D*. J“« Cll!

Itia PLYIIO^TII tudor aed.n. ' u« cl r.<llo. Our prif* ..................|:«J jjO Cl

Your 'chnlce^ lM *^'^ '^^^*' SUAnd thrr run sood *'*

— ----- -- I..r»»-flft«lion-of-------------------------- -—IfiSO, 19tS, lOIS AuIomolIlM IIM Ol

Yuur C^r Mar II. Down-Parment *r«l KF.MKMHKR. WE GIVE .8 A 11 CUEEN STAMPS

•Th. place to fO. lo .»*e »our douih“

ASHWORTH MOTORS . „ |A I-----------Ml-Malir-A*«i>u«-R«rt----------- -PhoMTfl

B U S I N E S S and P R O P I

: _ 2 n i i E £ i x i

• B lCyCLB SALES fl. SEflVlCE • PLVk

9 CEMENT W ORK ------ » lie y nmaon. walka. Free wUmat.«. OSttUll. HH.r~C*1n• CLEANEflS

• -C O M M E n ciA L -P R lN T lN f: ----------nr^'.rV;.?

• P LO on S A N o iN a • l y y tH.I.!.,. Krte ^.Umala*. PA. I114.M.

r;;7~i‘ffi7fl* * Va c I• Mt JNBV T'C? LOAN M*j »._r >

".j;;*. *•r ■ a . y i

• MUWHCJCLEi H. WwdFl Siatwa Crdarr. fb . UU 411 Mala A*ikX CuUtfu I

' V - ' • ' ■ " T"

t i i J e s -n e w s , t w i n f a l

- A U T O S FO R s a l e — ______M

.mien l»,W . PhoB. ttl-JI. Fll.r a t t r «. |t io ciir.VOLD.HMUDILt .Klaa.ll* hrdraiaaUc. dtllon thr

<1 crllndat. radlo.and heaUf. l l t l . fbont *1» Jr.l A04»5J4 «r lIllW . -■

tM NaKH tiuper SUMman. L l k a ^ . 1-------------v iii:.:* r .';; ..r°r;p iri* ”" * •* " ' l c

--------------------------------------------------- 1 BS P O T C A S H - ,

F o r Y o u r » « -C A R O R E Q U IT YCLEAN CARa ONLY

D O W N T O W N ouT’M O T O R S A L E S i t t i cue

<14 Main Annu. H. „ '|* lAeroa* frota Bean) t

I l l t l n.S'

. I t l! CHI

. W E N E E D C A R S .

. WE HAVE THE CASH J™.ni< m s fo i



L . -----OK----- '. USED C A E S............. ■*;

END OF THE MONTH'■ — SpcclftlB— . h«'

1149 CHI178 S p e c U r ■ V/

I l l l CHEVROLET <.dair Sadas " ItU M I

llta CHEVROLrr lUdan Dellrerr ***® v J,

I tts STUDEDAKER 4-door 8*daB /-t»«t1«A9H-t.«Ioor-8ed«n------------ ^

»<0 OLOSMODILK 8ed*B „ „ > 0 ;«2i5 s p c c l l *•“

I t l t FOBD 4.<Ioor SedanMOB Specials

I tt t PLYMOUTH 4>toor 8rdan JStl OLO.HUOUILE l.pau.nser Coup* m i DO

hrdr.matbi bedI t t t DODOD Moor Bed.n

t m BptclM m i rORD :.door Srd.n

$305 Specials MM-CHEVROLET JM Ton Cha.it* andl l t l PLYMOUTH 4.dMr Sedan «Jfttl STUDEBAKER t.^nir Sedan. l»U INTEUNATIONAL W'Ton nikup

PlMna.ls*26 SpK lal

'iJ ti irobBBAICEn H Ton PWiup |$405 Bpeclftta '

IMl CHEVROLET 4.doar Snlan I .

- - “"'i's$545 SpcclRiB t

I t t l CHEVnOLCT 4MJoor H«lan _ _I t l l CIIEVIIOLET iKloor 8»dia

$005 Sp«lBl l i slt4e FORD K Ton PkVup ar*.

_________ $845 Spcd>V»__________________?oml»t1 CHEVROLET t4 Ton Pickup ‘

^ l»ll CIIEVROLETlft T0BCh*a.l4aBd ^

---------------- M o rs p te w w - ------- -

l».« HASH J;pSI.onr“ cou„ _$0«'5 Spcclfcls • ■ p.i

u i l CHEVROLCT 4«l«or S«]*d , 1m V! NTEB?^AT10NAl '‘ i W Ton, 14- ***? !**

$1005 Specials J tt I CHEVROLET |.p*..en(er Coupa V.nlit* snmE^AKER^H’ Pickup ,l»4» STUDEBAKER < Toa Pkkup ^

$1145 Special ItlT OUSMOBILE 4.doar Balto cai

$1105 BpetSata I t t t CHEVROLET V, Ton Pickup f,i ! i U K i d S ; f e r

$1305 Specials ■ps/'IWO CHEVROLET V, Ton Pickup ItID STUOEdAKER ^ Ton Pickup

$1S05 Specials ItM CIIEVIIOLET s«l.n Dellrerr Mt MalI t t t STUDEUAKER 4.dooi: Redan

i! li;S ?!i8 fcg !£ :iS :;$1465 Bpeclaii I

ItM CHEVROLET 4.door Bedan ^“ lW llcHU Y iLuT43S?“r a S ----------- --------^

1*19 STUDEBAKElt 1-lan, ]4p*«d tai* U.1___ ______»lfl08 Special--------------- --------


G L E N G . J E N K I N S


-Phon.-wr.7or - 1 irM U B-»»«n-T n.t-

' I l l l s ,

P R O F E S S IO N A L 7 1 * «

~ I .......... .......................—J IIH RT• PLUMBWC & H ZA 'ntiQ ^

• H g f^ H IU E ^ n W -a g flV fC B i,f tB Tlll..r.C*ln Appllaa.M- phen. »4II.

* m?j **** L»-J-AA7DEBMy— L__ '**' ”

ff-" -n.. s» VACUUM CLEANEHS *-•

C. C. Anderaon Comp.ar. Twin Tall*.• V K N K IIA N aLltJP S - -------- T

• WATEH iO h lX N E n S T>t* 1 M. Wendllna. Oetw.ilW t»aaa* M*. ® CuLUsu Uatl Walls ftMM U k ^ '


AUTOS FOR-SALE __ A1»11 ULDKUOPILE. ^ a t ^w.Mj^^radla. ——

1910 ClirVROUrr I-loor. t«**ll.nt *aB- dtljon O i^ th '-u ^ o lo r Jiut^werhaalad,

LOOK AT THESE Before You Buyl

IIM PONTIa' c W tA , W ^^ lR .d k j, •« POHtnile*----------------------------I1I9I ,i,o,

1940 rLYMOUTH Deluae t.door. H.at.er, teat cover*, good tlr**. law ,,,ra{laa(« _______________ IHM *>

19(9 PLYMOUTH Delu.e Club Coupe. Upec

l i t ; CHEVBOLET BlxI.ma.Ur l-door. a .iN.W tlr*.. *un vl»or. lowmlleei* ----------------------II9M •« FOI

ll t l P.SOTO D.In«* t.dooT. Radla, h.aler, <Mt *o**n. *iUa lo d

I tl! CHKVn0I.CT^ArTO.^.B.^^^dl#. B R (llrr.^‘ir«l coy«™. «nt1n* o»«r.

I t t t STVDEBAKEB ’l.Une d e I o x *. -----------N.W Urn. h*al*r. tta t eortr*. E i. 'cniOonal)/ clran. a t ______ IIU

1«» FORD D.lua* 4.do«r. Runa toad and laoka sood ----------------ti l l

—SPENCE- OT-OR-eO.— ---^UHBd Car Lot.01 Main south Ph^a m |

; • I ■; f t l l t l P.

BUY FOR LESS 2A-l Used Cats >*«r;

SPECIAL T in s 'W E E K a!

» r h » . r “v“*?Tcfi?’l_ f l: s1919 POirriAC 3>ddor. Itadlo and ^

hraur. v.rr cl.an _ _ l t l l l1149 CHEVROLET 4.door. n*iUr and SCI' - a*«t tov.r* — __ _ | I l t l lifl19« MRO 4-door. lUdlo aad - ~

ISi« CHEVROLET Coup*. A t«>d bur ------------------------------ UIO

COMMERCIALS .1919 VoRD VS Ion ptckup. KaaUr and

4.epe*d Itanimlaalon ______ 119119t1 INTEIWATIOKAL 1 ton. Co^

I9 tl DODOE 1 ion plekup ;______Il l l >” 9 J

m i booGS.-iH-iM>-truck— n * t

. . . . r -c T ^ z z z z z :: : : : " " ill


JEROME. IDAHO *19U t(Open SuBdar) d

Pkona.llI • L o «no«*17 . ..b

I ________ ;______ I IMTJ

I IMT ris YOUR BROTHER Jj, A MECHANIC? |5 'h£ '"i?i ik"'.:rd i * ■ Jeheck our U.ed C*r>. I.«t ttlT ]IlUL ^ ,rT ? ^ r^ 1n aVjft S S *nlns order. Coupee, •edane. eonverUbla. Manr nakn and >*«* J

----^ mod.U, Ea»y term* for tout • Js i s r - ■■ 1

BUfl r n nn rj„t, p..iu. Vt-'-rr. J l i i - i overdrlv*. *.*t cov.n, new tlr«. -«*T7 sood aar —...... ...........m u '

IMO 1m t ClfSVROLCT-Mocr f«l*»-Oood - ■

19t» MERCURY ^Club coup*. Radio._____

110 STUDEBAKER CoBTerllble. I.pa*. „.*E~ (enter. lUdlo. heaur, overdrlv*. ®*"‘i new Ura. 0*w lop. A real

■ U la .b u r------------------------m i l

'i9t»’ HERCURY twJoor. Radio. be.Ur,‘‘ = = o v .fd rlr^ A verr elwa m j |

i S ' i ' S ' v * " - ’


Mt Mala Avf. E u t Phon* ttlt.W ''•SAra BUY" r > _____USED CABS _ 1»» •

___ H._'_______ ___ A • iU7 ; . M

___________________________)S _ __JBETTER BUYS 11911 STUDCSAKEn V a StaU Cant.

tViVr‘’**u*^U**uIlBmil!lon*''"*d **** '• Bxloi uphol.terx _____ _ tlU O •

_ >“• “ o“*» 7 “UlO.STUDEPArER Cbampba d.Iue

1910 m O E p X E R Cbinploa ^ a 1 1949 ,

1919 STUDEUAKER Commander Be- ' ta i d.tute'3.4aor a;— .....ilttW

19f9~ BTUDEBAKEn 'Cotnre*nd» lie. IMI :S*1 detuie l*ea«a«a(eT

U ll nrUDEOAXER Champion d.Iue-■■ - ■♦.deBr n m - ------ --I9 tl STUDEBAKER Champion Sk».

1919 fl-rUDEllAKM^U'toa-. S ,l*kup_ ___ ___ drive ------- ---- :r 'l l« l_ ____...1149 BTUMBAKEB M-lon plc^p.

— AH' n m Perman*ot A a U tr * ^ ;^ ~ —


Tit* Frl.ndlf Homa of Slud.UVn tao€ Sfhlttlir Jaka HaUi

;■ ■ “ 7 ” .

{ -------



IMI H-.‘4T BODOB I)«luM M ia ”■

■41 POimAO t atrMnllB* M a nJ-ton* tr*en. radk>, bttMr. tun

«iai tM i 01

'41 FORD Super tMoi* Ferdar M«B IMV^ lUdlo. heaur, *«*l *ov«r«, .poUUK a«

SP*,UI a, -------------------------IIIO


THE BEST - I EQI BY FAR_____ _ __-


19<9 PACKARD D .lu* I. 4-door l*d*n.- .kaaUr. radio, ev*rdtl>*. B*« tin*.b«/**B . ~ r ** “ ** g

l l t l PACKARD 1* Club **daa. B«*l*r. 1917 CjiS ! £ ’7 i * B r a r f f 2 : : u i K ,

194* PACKARD *T ladan. B*at«i. tradio, overdrive, aeat bov.ra, «

1941 PACKARR. Oih«* . r . ^ a n . Ba- jdia, beaur. overdrlra. Vary auaa »M an A*1 Sar ■ , ■ lU II IMS 1

1919 MERQORT Club eeopa. Hatter,av*rdrlv*. LU* riaM tab**, aattal „ „ ,■ll.a«* 11.000. a m l ^bur — — «’«“ / i

SCHWARTZ AUTO CO. ij IH xvd ATI. s , . n o s t i n

. T. * ,


AT ■

Barnard’s "OOOD W ILL"

'U S E D OAR LO T 1119* CHEVROLET 4wloor a«laB. aa<

dl«, beaur, <1*1 itm Ur. A eUaa '

dlo. heater, d.tre*ur; backup IM* . sSSl'iln’ull'* ‘^'“ ’i i i t i •

1149 PONTIAO I.c7llad«r Meier •edan,ChI.ruln. Ilrdraraatic, radio, beaU i t uar, derraeUr. *(sTuJ llsbtf, tad~ n , k ~ m i l . . . _ _ 1U . | ,

19U PONTIAO l.erllBd«r d.dooT' '§*• . .

J$ ;L a £ H i r . ! s S ’

IMT PONTIAO S<rUBd«T 4-daor Mdta.' 1*4* : BlnaaillBar.—B ^le .- batlnv d*- i*.a'

Jrtjiw , **al y m . %wm ^ aV

I*(l DaSOTO 4-door aadaa. JMIa. baaU

IMI DODOB «-4oqr. IU4to. >*■!». 6 f

1941 ___ /

Alt ean tra Wlatariaal tbovV a h«T» Buar mora aan I*

_________ .-:•BARNARD AUTO CO;

OA&ILLAO POMTUOOpea SvaalBsa TUl • »J t . “ l« «

Flwaa IDfT---- - . — ----------


*“ */2fp.’:"°A‘ -co^i!& “ j r ? . . * i S . i mbrand n * , tlr**. Oh**!. tb y .„ „ • ,

. ■______ _ _______ JM I1*H BUlCK^SptcM Moor, wllb draw

An uBoiuallr cl*aB can ts d ax. a«pUoniLlly seed btv — 111*1 IIU

1 IMI c n ^ 0 H |T 4 ^ . ghiw bu«b, ; •saod *o1ld Ch*vrel*M B*wrT*i ****ta ll ........- , t t m

. _ . ______ _____________ J<4T

• »«?rc".? 5;an»S?T SKS^ h * r at Jeron* U th tabooL U 111? bt* bolb radio asd b^Ur_ll04«

IMI BUICK S«dtB*tta. Balcli't ae*t » » popular model Ibi a llsbl bis*., ,

. lUal coven, ndlo. aad be*l«r. It

' --- '1941 HUM^^4:door. «.<^1lsd«r. U nh

IIIO BTUDEDAKER Mon. 4-«p«*d I— >pickup. 7.ICIU Ura* _ _ | I 1M_ ^

IMI CHEVROLET C*h-or*r-*B Bln*. ^. n 5 o i, _______ *^1 *“ . »«'‘i

IMI SPABTAK MAKOa t r a t e '* In i

_______ ffm U X t.iU -In-toda.'. ■-

U KORE CABS to«TO CHOoar r* o w - ~~ ^ r :

^ NORTH SIDE , ^ ■ ~I----- AUTU CO. ------ ^

,I*hoti*aU ............J*rt>aa. Idaba. ^OpnUaUraadSaBdara.. ....... :

CraaiBst b r Appol'alnraii tu>‘ ■ ' ■ ^

. ' A ' : .

> -A U T O S F O R t S t


t S A L I ;IN D O ra E D .-- .- j .U a e d Car^

-a r •i LS ^ CIlCTtraadai

IMI HUDSON B«p*f ». t-dew I Haatar, vafV «l*aa.

a t # , , ................ nBdnbbar. A b a r ta ta « t -...........

LOW CO ST •* kJ, b i i^ r tun TRANSPOR'TATIOM __________t i l l IM l O LOB«BJM I Club

ffii t fordor 8*d«B 1M»-^RVSL»r ' V '■ wfndaor aov«r«, .p o ^ h C . Hoatag-j ipoUUhU

.“Irt “i» tbi. *.r. ■ MOTOR CO----------------P ^ n a l l l •. xM lsd

Twin Fall*A.UTO CO. ___________________ __t w o . '~ ~ T z

------- --- ' . 't ^ f a l l s Ve s t . I EQUIPMENT COMPjAR ______ _ ___ - Quflltte:____ !5 3 5 5 — ^ U s e d - C a r . .t lUD BTUDUAOB Bwal Sbt.}>Ion'4.dP0r •*das wltb on:» I. 4-door lodin.- and ellauUaer ------rrdtl... sew tin*.17.000, Tb* IMI CHEVROLET AeioeadaA.——_ - _ _ l l l 9 l healer aad .e tt eovert —lub **daa. B«at«r, 1917 CHEVROLET Usb anpa.. . o v ^ ^ ” ■ « — ------------- r —

IIU yOMTIAO' I ••danitta. T%**dan. B*at«i. sr**a palnb radio, beaUr.

•aatboT.ra, (petllsbl. tM t __________^ , IMT rOBO V-I Super -pU. >|^..M d«B.^^y- Badlo.andjKtUr

r ^ l U I I IMS lUOtCUBT 4-do»> 't«d f -

And—Trucka .■ n r j 5 ‘a . , n u i ; > ! i = L

AUTO CO...... n o s t i n :z M M M T i« * k x m *' — — Tal«besa JIM -

T. * . IW tlv t t


rd 'a A GOOD DEALW ILL-J l LO T '■ K vERY O Ife

Mt^A.*efMB ^ A t MlteheU B u s t

Indtr 4 ^ M. < . F o rd a ia* «IM* XCRCUBT 4.4eer. IM b .

Idtwall Ura*. T b ? Jai^t" T r i^ m tT T t 'iiU«r4^oor.«Un. th ." ttU oST* ". m a ^ J ^ b j a ^ l .U B a d l .^ ^

rr 4*lu«. Hrdta*' a.rwaooaait pr»»*.


iBdar 4-door aadta.' 1*41 DODOS U -tea.ptdt.v '

aadaa. Badla. batu n«m U

• M IT C H E IiH U N ! f d n ' . * s a f o r d S A I£ 3lUjto. twu . . . u u . ™ ™

............. .......................

“ atW - tS uIS- I— A -S B lB N B ty -E ia

g r i . i ' S R ' s r s s M

mora aan t» . , _ ' ' , ' ' ' . '% n i a i r o t o i P 'O i

AUTO_CO; ^ " ‘ /SSIIio’'**, „ , fSfiuo

^ = = 1DE AUTOd c ™ M i - . ' s s r j : !

- , ,*iJiu“ 5 7 b w * lS . IIU KASH -ICO- c tdb 'coo^

_________J M I CIIEVJIOLET club eW*l

i f is s :;iSpSs.t ■' - « b , i a ^ - u ^ . t :cl*«B t»i\ tBd a . *****id bB» .^ 1 1 7 * 1 I t u NASU *‘I00* 4-doar. W*»

b*aler. whlU *ldeway I4.door. Bhiaj bU*b,_ ■ ■ »»*< »»«<>>• * «_

‘"* S ii '’Sb,Sr‘r r . i S ‘Sv...----- -------------------4<4T IfASa “i « “ 4.«oor. Hi

I S n ? ' : s s i s s e t s m K " ! ! ^

.tu. Bakk>. -Mt l>'UFI.ln(Oimi,ftwUl o.Ibi a llsbl bise., , door. Badla, baater and 1

41o. aad ^ * l« r. I t I* t*a4r to ba pataUTiittW» «i . F n r owa aalor — ■

5 . u* -" “ ** lUM-.OM*r Model* «•Cboo.^ From

>r. «.<TllBd«r. llMb ' 8XE V o m ^

t r u c k s a j k * » JI-epead a«l*. ctc.J- n-FOOT 1*49 QlU*r trallar bi

*«ulpp*d. See at 111 Trier *b

■•J"*-—= r r ■ TEK.YARO iBUnuUoBal d«BU

C CABS t ^ •Up*. b*d Ilka M«.- >:s r TBOW - ::BBrl«F.

J C u . ^ u»u*r*. 11. u f »tiAbo OB* n4*M w iT 't tU t . . J*rt>aa. Idtba ^ Motor a ^ p a w . t n l K g ladSandaja.. .......1

Page 14: P a r a l l e l i l l ButM?Idajority Not^eanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1951_10_26.pdfbnkdt^e-rulnsof Sum- and bloody ... lent A period ot Intensive radln* w u forocast

R i V j - . ' • ■ *'•

r i < a V oU RTEEN

B l ^ e J V B n e

^ ^ E S tf f f ’e d e r a l - f P r o j e c t L o a n

■ XETOHUM. O e t -3 * -Jn » » -S u a : y*U er L t td u d SlWer Mlnea, In o ,

•wnb o tf lo u a t KeU^um. l u t i ^ a . g n o U d m

‘ tSe"«imp1uw IT# lowWdw est of Ketchum on W w m Springs crtek and. la IMS, Ute l l m «t«rt«d

I deTBJopment on tho New Hope . tr a u p o t cUlm i. work contl«t«d U cn»i-cutU n«, d rU ttaf »nd dl»-

.-o w o d -< lrim aB -tl« -T dn» ..on_ tt»# 'p roperty ,

lA *t y ttx th* company began eonslruclion on a lOO-ton le»d-slnc no ta tion mill t lx m lln west of X et- ebam . T b a. mUl w u complet«d In'

I Ourt«nUy tho owipany .Is work- ' t n t on tho Blufl JD tten-group of

claims in th e sums area and Umln* tiw so tons of- ICAd-ilno ore dally. Officials o f the mine report th a t

: g o ^ milling ore Is tx lng mined from flT# ta 19 fw t wide over a d lttasco of 115 feet. T he drift has

' tm -n timbered and fu rther drifting will ooQtlnus as soon as other av rk

,1 ba* caught up with th e progres*.'■ Money from the loon will boused i; to drift north aad »oulh on number

. c tu a sd to ru n a v rntlla- t im raise to the surface on tha Teln. preparations for a second tu n . f'oi iiv> fMt below the firs t tunnel. Uto tre being msiJe. . T

Currently 15 men aro employed a t . «he mine. R. U Roundy. Ketchum,

i t . president and m anager and J. R . Thornton, also K etchum. 1» sec* ttta iy - trea iu re r and •uperlntend­en t. _____________

I Officers Selected By Grange Group

jaM BERLY , Oct. 3 8 - a u c y W eU i V U elected m u te r of th e Kimberly

O range a t a recent meeting of the : organization. '' O ther offlgers are Henry Dahl<

qulft, overseer; E ll^ibeth Drown, lecturer: Harold Beat, steward: Lloyd Pehsons, a s ils tan t steward: E dna Wall, chaplain: J . M. Pierce, trwumrcr: K fle DahlquUt, secro- ta t7 ; Boy L atttn , gatekeeper: Dor­o thy Beat, Ceres; Mamie Dietz. Po- a o n a ; W innie Rudolph, POora: Dor­o th y . Persons, lady assiaU nt ste - w ard ; S oy Dirk, execuUve comhilt- teo chainnan, M artha Bulcher. borne Monomlea chairm an.

-Mrs. A lta M essenonlth w u lo - ■tructod to obtain m aterial to make a O range scrapbook for display a t t t u (ta to O range meeUng, Durk re ­ported a t th e meeting of the Po-

’ a o n a Orange.

V ISITS BELATIVE8 : ; p u p E R T , Oct. 2« -cp i.- W ren I l^ aey . Camp Oordon. O a., nephew

ot,M r. and Mrs. F rank K rlvanec. U TlslUng h is uncle and a u n t in B u- part. . ■ _____________


|i ■ mmk\'■ f l ' Brewery Fr, * In Idaho,

disc, th e fcclin? 0 '' bagging a dccr. elk,

often heightened b_fying enjoyment ol

beer when back-in < Why Bohemian i

many hunters kno and whenever they never more than 12 the brewery. They can droend upon B

I beBREWERYFR: _90 many people aay

;*A n good hnntera ka gmipowder do s o t mix.

H H - _ c D } oy thelr£obem ianC


Lions for Jerome i_ :^ leb ra te Charter ■ N igfin^th 'Party

mJEROM Z. Oct. 3 9 - U O M Club members and guests.from Jerom e. B azelton. WendeU. O oodlng . and -®*“ P a lr f le ld -a tte n d ed - th e -c e le b ra U o n of the Jerom a club’s ch a r te r n ig h t Monday, a t th e American -Legion 0 “ “ haU. More th a n IOO perKms-. w ^

p rese n t— C BTl-W o rth to g tc it-w as-m a e tw ^ f ccremonles and ta lltw U U n w ere n . m e r Looml* and W . R. H and.

T h e program Included hum orous' ^ readings by Mrs. A. Leo Olsen, vocal

solos by M«^ D ale M unk. accom pa- t J l n led by Mrs. CecU D urran t, and

accompaoJed by Mrs. B. Z . St«3»»rt, X for 100 per cen t a tten d -K e l . ance during the p u t year were p re . rf In aented by H eber Prescott, presiden t,

to B ert W right. W orthington. Jo h n mrk- WlBwall, Harold BtolU. D on Bnow, D or Emory Shellenbarger. C harles ,An» 5iln . d ru s, Ed B uttcane. W. B . H and . W, Iftlly. 8 . K lrcher, E lm er Loomis. H . M. th a t M echun ; Lee McVcy. C u r t Paske tt, lined Prescott, B . L. Boblson. Ja ck R us- er a se ll and O . O. F lechtner. Snow also

h u received a key for a m em bership (ting award.A-ork D ancing .to Arlon B astion’s o r- ess. chestra followed. I n charge o t a r- used rangem ents were B ert W right and ub e r C u r t P u k e tL . itUa- ---------- '—

iS: Hot Water Well Is —DriUedTirfilame

HAILBV, OcL 20 -M r. and M n . ti^um. O eorge Snook. Loa Angeles, who aro “ com pleting the ir sum m er hom e in

C lear creek canyon .'w ete surprised *nd- recently when! on drlllinB a weU

fo r domestic purposes, h it a flow of warm arte sian w ater.-O ne h u n ­dred ood elgrity-flve. fee t of pipe

1 w ere used and tb e well Is down 300 t i n feet.u y M r. a n d M n . Snook wtll n o t be :» e u able to use th e water fo r heating berly purposes unless th e tem perature. In- ’ th e creases, b u t they will bo able to

use I t fo r tepid baths and other, do- lahl- m estlc purposes. The flow was 3(S0 own, gallons a n hour un til th e pum p was ard : Installed. Since then It has In- a rd : creased to 1,300 gallons an hour. et«e, T h e w ater, w hleh w u struck some ^cre- th ree weeks ago, seems to be In- Oof. creasing in tcm pera turt. S h o o k P o - stated.3or-


lake Arrange for you r farm and rea l f a t e state sales. Experience a n d : re - knowledge o t values m eans a P o - BDOd lale.

CALL O R WRlTigR .W . M cC u l l o u g h

ITren . . ^ o n e 623-J. Jerom *

J ' l W .J . HOLLENBECKPhooe W l-W , Twin ra lta

laho, a hunter’s para- ' ^^H ngof satisfaction in - ' ^^H , dk, moose or bear is ^^H ed by the taste-satis- nt of Bohemian Club k-incamp.*.... .. .lian Club? Bccause sq know that wherever they buy it they are . in 12 hours away from ' rhcy know that they on Bohemian Club to 'FRESH! That’s why . eaay—» .

r a know beer and___: mix. T hey w ait to - ' lian CInb until th ey - ___

I i i i i i i i i i . III. ^

- ......—

"■^ll s - r T ' i 'rerome, ^ Tg . a o d L a W 1

i B OIt, a n d - . . i-R e ed ,S t e m r titten d - •re p re - ■ ■ n a ^ H Iwldent,1. Jo h n - | ^ = K = H |Snow,

es .A n - ■ .............. - —.my In d . W.

i S A T UI’s o r-o t a r - * ' " " * *

■■■ - V I T JL - — J O B - f f ld Mn>. PARK-DAVI& • ' •

s r s ABDEC d r o p s: MEAD'S OLEUM


VI-DAYLIN,pin o t bo L IL L V 8 "

£ » HOMOCEBRIN.ble to ___ ___ 'icr BEXEL M U LTIPLE


S ZYMA DROPS,be In- *h o o k UPJOHN’B


a - H elene C u rtli r e a l O _

“2 I . E g9 I Shampoo





W C if^ Q u in te t I8 A cclalm -DanRcr-Surrendcr g New H orlions-R eflec tions

5 .00 VALUE

S p r l c o . 0 0


blnwtbeiluttrtAcx,..tiwn<m] x , m" rtlion'«Mpr. ifrinttd xjnichf

s i s s s f f t . t ' l f t s : ■ - 1pwLcd (on«tiil«a Ja ih« urr«r Jhtnnchlil ir«L KcliO <om<t ■

- - - , f f ,


Dealer's Nome . c' -immUi

y ■ . . ^ \



C i? and we-re play

! M _

r U R D A \I T A M I N S -\ C H I L D R E N

ROPS,50cc ---------3.513RPHEUM,50cc ...3.4! IN, p i n t . . . . . 3.91 BRIN, p i n t . . . . 3.7f is,100's . . . . . 2.7! 10PS,30cc . . . . 2.3! PERLES, lOO's . . . 2.«

4li I I REGULAR 50c I i W r is le y ,

1 G IF T o® S O A P

? fj Is l J Sd r u g s ^ .......U g NESIA . . . . 39<iRBINEJR. . . . . 79t rS PILLS . . . . . 55<)R IS ...................... 79<SMOL,8o*. . . . 97<, 6 o z . . T W . . 69<NKHAM'S . . . . 1.3!

3 C X X X X ! ^ ~ g C 0 0 C C < ^ ^


L I I M IR R O Rntet t "Fsrsmkd-up

8 K ond shaving W 7 %irren d cr 5{ g -----lec tions g S _ ,

it I Dial Soap ; . 0 0 I 14ec M c x M o o a a xKx xx x K X XK xxxxaoqcxxx

.E A n t u s s o m l n e ^ ^ ^ l

% G H T A T S T A i ^Comik m CeU-Stspplag Ua-WllUimil With FMt-Ac P*a*tfstl*i UvM that STOPS COMHIHft tPASHS ti

A m a x i n g N * w D i t c o x f Y !------- F O R ~ C O C V 5 T C O U G H 5 —

S N E E Z I N G , N A S A L D R I P 'A T E R Y E Y E S , S O R C T H R O J

' M c*M.. . MkM. . . a n r tm . . .tvtita uirtf* _____ n»wt...c«tin«. titwMtH-INwX Cwjlw,

I aoHoot RehefiNTUi-tmuJu Of* u/e, »ln>iBi.a«lu ntdklM

3* A " m u s s !S !a W ttd ^ w ^ S M

sniisHeTioii sDUJur

" T ' V'.

f H R i s r iiloying ANTA Cl

l E E

, Y - S *For


. 3.51 COSTUMES•> i n " ' 1 O C

. 3 . 4 7 : piecc su its...:....... 1 ^ 7 9

3.98 Large Cut-outsW itches, Cats i

3 i 7 o Pum pkins, etc. ______ * w C

I M A S K S2 . 3 5 . O F EVERY. S IZ E '

- -A N D D E S C R IP T IO N - '

: ^ 5 e : 8 9 c ;5 0 c I HALLOWEEN CANDY |


39c m m m m m m m79c55c79c97c69c^1.39

3 R H H | n~69cJ ^ K K M>.ap. H I H H B

\W o O th er

T j w m l o o l < s . . . f e e l s » . l


r y ! ' .W SI R I PH R O A l - —

rc5 Complete Kil irc KUsrMlecaIKI» m«id ^ i.Camblo to gUe«ni Ilcklinf. you lne lovclitn. tolltit.

es«l«l-to-man»Be Home cJS Permaflrni .wove jrou’.vc ever i

h»<l-or youf money Lack! A

i i f i i r

m fioujunuD 'yUlyiHltd


w s . T W IN FA LLS. ro A H O

IMAS^lI CLAUS - with

! G r e e

JNDAY,en YOUROLd____ -_i _ _ Regordless of

ide ' , . on a new A,ES ' r

^ W Ao u t s I • 17 Jewel Incabbc

, • AntimogneHc 2 0 c --------• Worprproof

----------1 • Shockproof - -

T ^ , ' . Lom Allowoiico for, Your O^d Wotch...............

2E I —10N- ' I

0 ; You Pay ^ 1 Only . . . ikNDY I '/ORS

W ~ Only iJU ’s Supei

Superior Wave!

^ with 0^ plastic c

WA get a wave far mi


h e r H o m e Vbrm

l s . . . t e l i a v e s s o m u c l :

y a t i i i u i l y t i n r i i y

never De

Never bcfoi y Never befoi

Procto r & Can

I V ^ M C'A'LL&=— 137 Main Street We

HO .

i n _ O i inth SPECIAI BA(

e n S t {' 7 . . g

f - M b i

>Lp WATCH IS Wdless of age or condition — It doesn^t evi

w a u t o m a t 7c ~ “7 " I

fA T C Hibbc ■- ..... ..... - '. :-49.75 \■ ...... ............. ^ . . . . 2 0 , 0 0 - "

2 9 ”

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