ozone winter 2014

ozone Winter edition 2014 everything you need to know about life at Origin... HOUSING Getting to know...Pg 3 | Big Door Knock...Pg 4 | Sidney Estate...Pg 6 | Griffin Close...Pg 7 |...and much more IN THIS ISSUE

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Origin housing's staff newsletter - winter issue


Page 1: Ozone Winter 2014

ozoneWinter edition 2014

everything you need to know about life at Origin...


Getting to know...Pg 3 | Big Door Knock...Pg 4 | Sidney Estate...Pg 6 | Griffin Close...Pg 7 |...and much more


Page 2: Ozone Winter 2014

ello and welcome to your Winter issue of Ozone. I’m back from maternity leave and full of ideas for Ozone and our other publications, if you have any thoughts, please

do share! In this edition we welcome the team from Enfield Single Housing; learn about some of our refurbishment projects and Karen gives her ‘View from the top’.

Frances and Jon from Community Development have shared with us details of some exciting new projects for residents – if you would like to write an article for Ozone or In the Know, please get in touch.

We’ve also got a new feature for the back page – book of the quarter. If you would like to nominate a book you think people should read, then send me a 50-200 word review, and we’ll put it in!

Happy reading.Rachel

Letter from the editor A massive welcome from



Our improvements in services to customers and the delivery on our major projects and growth plans have made me feel very positive about our achievements at this mid-point in the financial year.

The staff survey results were really positive which is where I want them to be. I firmly believe that happy staff leads to effective working and positive outcomes for customers, which all helps to drive our performance in the right direction. I know that you are working really hard for Origin and I can see the commitment to get things done.

This is a step change on where we were a few years ago when things that were a blockage seemed hard to fix. So a big THANK YOU from me! We must not forget that we are very dependent on our contractors and suppliers, stakeholders and partners to assist us to do our jobs.

Their engagement with us and their performance is critical, so taking the time to foster relationships, coach and support them, as well as making our requirements clear is essential.

In many cases we will not have a contractual relationship to fall back on – it is down to goodwill from people such as: the community police; local councillors; colleagues in other housing associations; and voluntary organisations to help make our jobs easier.

Do make sure you have the right local connections and relationships relevant to your job. We can achieve more by working in this way. This plays a big part in our reputation and therefore how willing people are to support and work with us, and ultimately to the future success of Origin.


View from the top



Winter edition 2014

Page 3: Ozone Winter 2014

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE | Our Big Door Knock special | Turn to page 4

Getting to knowEnfield Single Housing Team

In order to get to know our new colleagues, we asked them a few questions:

1. Could you give me a quick explanation of your job please?

2. How have you found the transition from Lee HA to Origin?

3. What’s one thing that people might be surprised to find out about you?

We’ll get to know more new colleagues next month…


Alev Horgan

• As Housing & Contracts manager responsible for the new Enfield Single Housing service I have relocated to the Ponders End office from Randolph Street in late September.

• The team have not only made me feel very welcome, they have adjusted to the change in management, all of the new systems and processes and additional training.

• I really value their input and the commitment they have shown so far.

Isil Pekoz

• Finance assistant - providing financial and admin support to the finance department. • The transition from Lee HA to Origin went smoothly with consultations/one2ones which greatly helped. Origin staff have been really supportive and made me feel welcome which has helped me personally when going through emotions of the transfer. • I am a very open person, I think my appearance speaks for itself. I am a fitness training freak.

Juliet Hatt

• I’m a Caretaker/Cleaner• The transition has been ok so far• I’ve got an allotment!

Paul Burnham

• Housing Officer – managing voids, allocations, and general management and neighbour issues• I think it’s far too soon to tell • I used to play away games for the Green Street School chess team (in High Wycombe)

Claire Chahal

• Housing Management Administrator• I’ve found the transfer ok• I’ve been to India and swam with snakes.

Page 4: Ozone Winter 2014


ollowing our merger with Lee Housing, we decided to carry out a Big Door Knock

to welcome the new residents to Origin Housing.

Our aim was to visit every resident during the first weeks of the merger. On the agenda for each visit was: essential information given such as the tenant handbook; options on how to pay rent; completing the customer profile form; and any queries the residents may have.

Following an appeal for volunteers, 36 staff members from across the organisation carried out the visits on weekday evenings and at weekends. To date, approximately 200 visits have taken place.

Assistant Director of Care & Support, Katri Wilson has been delighted by the response. “It’s been a real ‘one team’ exercise, with lots of staff from different departments including

former Lee HA staff working together, and getting to know the issues affecting our new residents.

We have managed to get lots of customer data, property repair information and satisfaction data from residents as well. Well done and thank you to everyone who has given their time.”

Staff have enjoyed getting out and meeting residents and have been moved by some of their stories.

Applications Support & Administration Officer, Hayley Palmer says “I realised how lucky I am that I can choose from several people to name as my next of kin. Some of the young residents say they can’t put anyone down for this role at all.”


Big Door Knock

“It’s been a real ‘one team’ exercise, with lots of staff from different departments including former Lee HA staff working together

Facts and figures:

We have a total of 341 units at Enfield Single Housing divided into:

36 Assured Tenancies - self-contained including bedsits

99 Assured Short hold Tenancies - shared properties (rooms)

195 Licences - shared properties (rooms)

11 Voids - Licences (rooms) that are currently void

In addition to this we have:

8 Leasehold properties 3 commercial properties


Alison Rodgie, Customer Services Manager explains all…

Winter edition 2014



Page 5: Ozone Winter 2014

Who we help

Graham is a 24 year old new father to a four month old baby.

Unable to live in the family home as his mother has returned to Ghana to live, and having outstayed his welcome at his girlfriend’s house as she lives with her mother, he is homeless.

For the last six months he has been sofa surfing, living with friends and sneaking into his girlfriend’s house when possible. However, for the past fortnight, he has had to resort to sleeping under the adventure playground slide in a park in Edmonton.

With a degree in criminology, he has been working nine hours a week in Waitrose. Due to his change in circumstances, Graham has been unable to take up extra shifts at Waitrose as he doesn’t have anywhere to shower on those extra days and is too embarrassed to show up unwashed.

Following an attack in the park, Graham came to our office in Ponders End seeking help and advice. We housed him in a 2-bed shared flat two days later, and he has been able to take up more shifts at Waitrose and is getting back on his feet.


Amira is 19 and is being driven into a forced marriage with her cousin in Syria. A trainee hairdresser, she has been unable to complete her course as her father kept her at home, essentially restricting her freedom.

After running away from her parents’ home, she has been sofa surfing for two months as she has had no income and nowhere permanent to go. Following a visit to our Ponders End office, we are helping her to apply for JSA, giving her an income which will enable us to house her.

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE | Griffin Close | Turn to page 7

Page 6: Ozone Winter 2014

Due to the length and scope of the project, the exact details of the proposed changes will vary as work progresses and we understand more about what the estate needs. The following works have already been identified:

• Replacement of single-glazed crittall windows in blocks that still have them

• External insulation to make flats more energy efficient

• Repairing and cleaning all gutters

• Checking all roofs

• Tidying up external cabling

• Adding lifts to blocks without lifts where possible

• Redesigning external courtyards and gardens

• Securing the external perimeter of the gate

• Refurbishing communal areas.

Sidney Estate What’s happening

A community crêpeJon Foster tells us about regenerating the Sidney Estate

So it turns out hiring a crêpe stall is a pretty good way to make up for a 6am start on the Saturday after Halloween. On 1st November we had our first big event out on the Sidney estate to talk about the regeneration work happening over the next 3-5 years – and yes, I thought we’d get a crêpe stall. I mean, why not?

After filling up with crêpes, we talked to residents about the first phase of work – new security for the estate. Our architects for this stage of the project, Brodie Plant Goddard

brought some fencing mock-ups, a selection of prickly shrubs and a demonstration door entry system for people to look at and try out.

When we talk to residents about how we can improve where they live, it really helps to be able to see how different things will actually look and feel. This was the first event of many – throughout the project there is going to be a real focus on working with residents to create a better place to live.

This time, we saw about fifty residents over the course of the morning and had some great conversations – I can’t wait to start some of the projects we talked about.

And if you’re hungry for a crêpe after reading this, get down to Chalton Street Market on a Friday and visit Crêpe Up – they’re a social enterprise, so you’ll be supporting some amazing young people from New Horizons Youth Centre.

If you would like to write an article for Ozone, please email communications or pop in and see us – we’d love to hear from you.



Winter edition 2014



Page 7: Ozone Winter 2014

37-39 Camden RoadCamden Road is an office block dating from the 1960s located immediately adjacent to Camden Road Railway Station and the Regents Canal.

As part of a larger development, we have developed 13 units, half of which are general needs and the others shared ownership. Five of the general needs units are large, four bedroomed disabled access properties with rise and fall kitchen units and three car parking spaces.

Project Manager Paromita, Sales Officer Sandrine and Senior Neighbourhood Manager Assiah are delighted with the process. “Paromita made the transition very easy” says Assiah, “In addition, I got to know the units at the same time as the sales team, working together to take handover at a similar time. It’s the first handover I’ve worked on since joining Origin; I hope to use this experience to make all the others as good!”

Griffin Close has been undergoing a major refurbishment project which will not only improve the estate for residents, but also curb anti-social behaviour.

• Railings have now been installed, to prevent access to a certain section of the estate

• New security doors have been installed

• CCTV will be completed by the end of November

• Internal decorations, replacement of defective windows and repairs to communal areas

• Lights in the external areas of Griffin will be replaced and new ones fitted

• All gutters and walkway canopies on the estate have been cleaned

• New estate signs will be installed to help visitors navigate the estate.

I got to know the units at the same time as the sales team, working together to take handover at a similar time.

Griffin Close What’s happening

07ALSO IN THIS ISSUE | The Cream Tea Club | Turn to page 8

Page 8: Ozone Winter 2014


Origin Housing | St Richards House | 110 Eversholt St | London NW1 1BS

T | 020 7209 9222 E | [email protected]

This is a wonderful book.

Ove is a man difficult to like, let alone love. He’s stubborn, rude and grumpy –

the neighbour from hell. Through beautifully written chapters that read like individual short stories, the reader’s perceptions of him change, as we find out why he is the way he is.

This book has not only stayed with me, but I also want to pass the book on, because more people should meet A Man Called Ove.

If you’d like to write a 50-150 word review of your favourite book, please contact communications.

Ozone’s book for winterA Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

Frances Shank, Community Development Volunteer Co-ordinator tells us more:

The Cream Tea Club was set up as part of the older people’s strategy to address the needs of older residents living alone in street properties. There are currently over 700 tenants living alone in Origin properties.

The club aims to help reduce social isolation and promote health and well-being. We run monthly sessions giving residents the opportunity to participate in activities such as chair-based exercise, bingo, quizzes and enjoy different speakers. It is also a great way of letting residents know what services and support is available to them from Origin and our partners.

The most important part of the club is the social interaction between residents. Coming to the club gives them the opportunity to chat with friends over a cup of tea, cakes and sandwiches - all for £1.50. One resident said: ‘This club is like a life line, it gives us a chance to catch up.’

Now, following in the footsteps of football teams, bands and kittens all over the world, the Cream Tea Club members will be starring in their very own calendar! The aim of the calendar is to promote the club to all our older tenants, as well as giving the dates of upcoming cream teas. The calendar will feature images of Origin residents and we will be sharing some of those in the next issue of Ozone.


The Cream Tea Club

Winter edition 2014