owbc part two


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OWBC by PetTech Part Two


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You know that thing that we call kismet? Sometimes when two sims are thrown together under very difficult circumstances amazing things happen. Love is in the air at one of my simself houses. I didn’t manipulate the house at all. When I play them I only make sure that they don’t starve and that their aspirations aren’t in the red. This happened on free will folks, I swear it! Who could it be? You will have to wait till later to find out.

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But first a little business. Thanks so much to mountainshade for pointing out that I needed one more birth in the household. I got so tied up in raising the twins I forgot about that. Olive is still the bad seed and a new baby will arrive in this posting.

Second, I owe a huge apology to thepiper5 (Angela) and lorinsv60. I accidentally attributed lorinsv60 work to both her and Angela. Just to clarify, lorinsv60 writes “Romancing the Apocalypse” and Angela is currently writing “Tha’ Simple Life”. My notes were correct, its my brain that was defective. Sorry ladies and thank you lorinsv60 for pointing out the mistake.

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On with the challenge! First a little recap. Tess and Joe got married. There were some promotions and three kids were born. Bob was stolen and recovered twice. There, you've been recapped. What?! This is only the second part! If you can’t remember what happened go back and read the whole 50+ slides of part one!

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The twins were fairly easy to handle even with Olive here being the bad seed. I just took my cues from Odell. If she was hungry I assumed Olive was too. It worked out pretty well. The girls learned all their skills except the nursery rhyme.

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Bob was gnomenapped again! This time by Betty Delightful, the adopted daughter of one of my test families in the neighborhood. As you can see, they had a break in recently.

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Somehow, I didn’t get a picture of Odell blowing out her candles. I’m not too thrilled with where her face is going and she will be getting a different hairstyle.

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I did however get the cake picture of Olive, who by the way absolutely dotes on her father. She follows him everywhere. Even out to the telescope at night.

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Cute pjs! Olive is definitely prettier than her sister. The only thing I know about her is that she likes sports just like her mother and father. Odell likes games and despite her long face I love her a lot because…

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…she makes great evil faces. And she was the only member of the family to feel the need to go find Bob. Four days passed since he was gnomenapped and on the night Odell grew up she went and got him. No one else cared.

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Tess took a little of her free time to go down and open up her club house. I redid the whole thing with kind of and island tiki hut feel and have decided to name it “Tess’s Tiki Hut”. It’s not very original, I know. On this particular night all the guests decided to smustle on the front walk instead of entering the building proper. It’s the old lady in the backs fault.

Mortimer didn’t buy the ticket Tess tried to sell him. Cheapskate! It’s only 30 simoleons you old coot! We will see more of Mortimer later.

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Here is the interior of the club at the moment.

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These vending machines that came with apartment life work really well in a venue business. The guests use them autonomously and if they finish their food/drink they clean up after themselves with the trash chute.

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The exterior isn’t too exciting at the moment but at least it conveys a theme.

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Eventually I will fence around the entire perimeter as the business grows. I’m close to adding a pool table and another poker table. Money isn’t the issue here, I just waiting till I get more customers in.

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Back in part one I mentioned that Tess got two things on her trips downtown to find a husband. One of course was Joe Carr. The other was the Countess's phone number and Tess has been chatting her up ever since. I invited her to the club to cement the friendship and then just for the laughs…

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I influenced her to bite Don Lothario. He even gave me a star after it happened! I don’t know, does this count toward creating a vampire for the Nightlife bonus? It wasn’t my only plan, but it sure was funny.

I sent the Countess home before dawn, but Don stayed and chatted with ET in the hot tub until the sun came up then he fled off the lot. I guess Cassandra Goth’s wedding is really going to be weird now.

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Tess’s visits to the club ended though with baby number four making it’s presence known. Tess is still working in the oceanographer field during all this and managed to get promoted to Whale Tracker before the maternity leave kicked in. I’ve been using her vacation days to keep her home when Joe has to go to work since he makes the most money in the house.

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Speaking of Joe… he still hasn’t been abducted. He did find another star though. Sigh.

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Brian, the oldest child in the house finally gets to become a teen. This kid is still smart as a whip.

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And what does he roll for an aspiration? Fortune, just like mom and dad. I actually think this outfit is good on him, but the hair is got to go now! Brian go stand in front of a mirror.

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Did it just get hot in here? Wow, I have to say that Brian is one of the best looking sims born in game I’ve ever had. Look out ladies!

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With three fortune sims on the lot there was a whole lot of “X gets into private school” wants around. Brain’s birthday seemed like the opportune time. It was Sunday, everyone was home and the house was clean. I hope this goes well, I’m bad at these.

Despite Brian’s six charisma points the schmoozing didn’t really work very well. The tour got me 45 points.

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But it was Joe’s expertly cooked dinner that sealed the deal with a total of 90/90 score. They just made it and I’m not complaining.

As you can see, Joe got some new clothes for summer and helping out at the club.

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Brian loves to use the telescope. Unfortunately for him his father uses it from sunset to sunrise. I was considering some kind of simicide at this point until Brian’s three nice points kicked in.

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He doesn’t really need my help but I may have found a good candidate for that zombie I need to create.

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The very next day there was another attempt to steal Bob, however after making the evil faces this kid who followed Brian home just walked away leaving Bob unmolested. I’m not sure why. Later he came back out and kicked several of the flamingos as well. He has issues. He also doesn’t have a phone so I suspect he is one of the playables in the sim bin.

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Very early the next morning, Tess hopped out of the shower in the second bathroom and gave birth to child number four. Only Brian wasn’t born in a bathroom. Maybe that’s why he’s so smart.

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Everybody welcome little Oscar Trueheart. A boy with his father’s skin tone and the same blue eyes the entire family has. Now we are done having kids for this generation unless Joe gets abducted.

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The flamingo army has gotten quite large now and with Oscar’s birth we added in the back row (from left to right) Tiphany, Sky and Harold. I even added lights to well… highlight them.

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Odell is quite the little artist. This was her first official painting and it sold for 248 simoleons!

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Olive on the other hand likes to play Don’t Wake the Llama and pass out on the loveseat. I haven’t been having too much trouble with her except to get her away from the game table. She takes baths on her own and even cleans up after herself. I suspect that she may have the same ten neat points that Odell has.

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The family that smustles together stays together. Brian is on the right step, everyone else is off!

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“I am?”

Yes, you are absolutely perfect cutie!

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Why is it that the creepy gypsy lady snuck on to the lot to give Oscar the BABY a magic lamp when he hasn’t earned any aspiration points yet? An why did she cause Joe to jump away while washing a cup and glitch up the sink?

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Oscar and the twins all had birthdays on the same day. Since I couldn’t control Olive to get her to a cake, my plan was to let the twins age up autonomously. First little Oscar.

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Aww, he’s cute too. Oscar is a Capricorn (6/9/8/3/3) with a high interest in animals and sci-fi. His one true hobby will be Fitness like his brother.

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Olive, who refused to go to bed, played a game until past midnight, took a bath and used the toilet, then grew up into ok looking clothes. She rolled knowledge and her forehead is kinda weird now. These genetics definitely look better on the fellas.

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Odell waited till the next morning and rolled Romance. It really doesn’t suit her. She only has one shy point and I will be re-rolling for her in college whether she’s the heir or not. Odell’s choice in clothing was awful and I’m not going to show it to you because I’m all out of eye bleach.

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The make-up doesn’t really help much does it? She has a wonky personality though and will be fun to play as she grows up.

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Olive seems to be very sweet. She interacts with Oscar all on her own, bathing and putting him down for a nap.

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Honestly, this is the hardest part of not being able to control her. Someone has to help her through her homework. Other then that I make sure food is put out regularly and “call to meal…household” is clicked. She rolled knowledge and doesn’t do to much skill building so I may start seeing some desperation soon.

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I did send the kids out to the diner for a little fun and to try and set some gender preferences, but the only teen to show up was one of the Pleasant girls. I also got the kids to start building up their pool skills since the heir, whoever that may be, will need to be able to perform the xylophone trick before becoming an adult. I guess its time to put a table in at the house.

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Olive wandered around the diner waiting to talk to people. She didn’t have much luck finding anyone who was willing to stop eating.

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Earlier I said that turning Don Lothario into a vampire wasn’t my original plan. This was. I really like Tess and she was two days from becoming an elder. She is only two promotions away from becoming the “Hand of Poseidon” (cue ominous ocean sounds) which is her lifetime want. Also, she will be up all night to help take care of the grandkids when they arrive, leaving more time to sleep or stargaze for the rest of the family.

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I thinks she makes an awesome vampire with very sharp pointy teeth!

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Tess likes to use the scope too, only she likes to spy on the neighbors on purpose. Usually it’s just trees and school buses. This morning before sunrise it was Mortimer. Twice in one week for him. Umm…Morty, you may not want to do that.

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“You did not just wake me up to shove me! Listen you old dried up husk of a man. You so much as set foot in my house again and you are worm food.”

Tess doesn’t do mean faces as well as the kids but she has the same 3 nice points as Joe, Brian, Odell and Oscar. I haven’t seen Olive be mad or evil yet.

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This happens a lot and its not Mortimer doing it. That’s it miss “Whatever Lee”. Just keep walking. One of these days you may not find it so fun to walk by this house.

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Betty decided to “borrow” Bob again. This time it was Joe who stopped his stargazing to go fetch him back. That makes four gnomenappings so far.

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So, that’s as good a place as any to end part two. Next time, Joe finally gets to the top of the science career and gets old, Tess adjusts to being a vampire and gets promoted, Oscar grows up and we get closer to college.

What’s that? What about the crush? Oh! I promised to show you who it was didn’t I? Well, I always keep my promises when I can. I just hope the creators of these two simselves won’t be too upset.

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BlueBerryPie360 meet tlhs0, also known as Lea. BBP is a Cancer/Knowledge sim who loves to be monsterfied (I’m working on it) and Lea is a XXXXX/Family sim. The two of them hit it off right away and have a two bolt attraction.

*sorry about the lack of ceiling

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Its an odd photo, I know, but this is a serious relationship folks. He stalks her constantly and if I still had ACR in (removed for challenge, thanks for the reset) we would be looking at purple hearts! They are very cute together.

BBP, Lea, if you disapprove let me know. (Lea told me by PM its ok, I haven’t asked BBP about it yet)

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BW I’m certain the ladies you live with would not approve of you drinking straight from the carton.

“Whatever. Where did Candi go? She’s hot!”

You see what I’m dealing with here? I love it!

Part three will be out soon. Thanks for reading.