leafe owbc chapter 4

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Leafe OWBC Cpt 4

Bigga was cleaning after Opal's birthday party and Olive was making soup for family dinner.

How about if we go for shopping, the three of us. I'm going to the college pretty soon and it's last moment to get out while living together here, Bigga said and Olive gave a sideway glanze to Bigga.

You want to go out with me and Opal? Since when did you become that sentimental? Olive asked.

Well... it is also last moment to use our parents' money to buy a cell phone, she admitted.

Olive grinned, that was more like her sister.

It didn't happen too often that the whole family was having a dinner together and this time they all got to taste Olive's cooking. Too bad it was burned, some ate it still with good appetite some with not that good appetite.

Bigga bought earrings and then all the teens also bought cell phones, something that they all had been wanting for a long time.

The kids decided to have something to eat before heading home and Olivia and Bigga played rock-paper-scissors for what it was going to be. Olivia suggested a place in downtown but Bigga thought it would be nicer to have just some small snack in a restaurant nearby. Bigga won and hot dogs it was. As they ate their hot dogs and talked, mainly about college studies, they were wondering why they hadn't done these kind of shopping days earlier.

Uhm... Bigga?


I'm going to have a bath. Can you leave?

Yeah, yeah, going. There was just annoying pimple and the taxi is about to come here any moment now.

You leaving right now?

Yeah, Bigga grinned widely, right now.

And so first of the kids was heading to the college. Just two left, Eleonore thought and wasn't sure if it was positive thing or not.

Couple days after Bigga's leaving Eleonore finally finished her own project. She had sent her book to a printing press to get good covers for it. After all the book was supposed to last time. As she picked up the brand new book and put it in her shelf, she felt immensely proud of herself. The writing had taken years but here it finally was ready to be read by the next generations.

As soon as Eleonore had sent her book to the printing press, she had started a new project to paint a portrait about her kids. The painting was going nicely, it was much more relaxing than writing the book but still she was, yet again, satisfied with herself. But what to do next? She had topped her career, painted portraits about the family members and written the book. And yet, she felt that she wanted to do more.

One evening Olivia answered her cell phone and was surprised.

Oh, hi Bigga. You still remember us?

Ha, very funny. How is everything?

Fine I guess. I topped my career..., Olivia started.

Oh, you got a job. What about?

I already had the job before you left, don't you remember?

Vaguely, Bigga replied and Olivia thought that some things never changed.

I took a job in games and just became button masher.

Congrats! One more diploma for you then.

Then mum and dad finally decided to build something in the garden.

Finally! I always wondered what's the point in having a big garden if there is nothing on it.

Me too. Now it is really cool, there are some fruit trees and even small pond with fishes in it.

So they actually put an effort to it.

Seems so. And the best part is coming...

What is that? Bigga sounded genuinely interested.

You know how we used to have the two porches back of the house just empty?


They are finished now too! The one next to the kitchen is for just sitting and relaxing with couches and so on. And the one next to the dining room has a huge barbeque, couple tables and... BAR COUNTER!

What? Bigga yelled so hard that Olivia had to take the phone away from her ear.

Yep, a real bar counter.

Wow! I feel almost sorry that I already left. You have to have a party there so I can see it all.

Mum and dad will have their birthdays pretty soon so I guess you will see it then if you aren't planning to come here earlier. But how is college?

It's ok. First thing I did was to go shopping for new clothes and then decorate my room. I bought new furnitures too, the university provides only the cheapest ones. I kept the furnitures though so I can put them back when I leave. No one will notice or care, Bigga told Olivia.

What major you have?

You know it was for a long time that I didn't know which one to pick but after the first half of the school year I finally decided on art. I thought anything would be pretty much ok, as long as it isn't physics or history.

Olive agreed on that. She probably wouldn't pick art but she most certainly wouldn't pick physics or history either.

People here are studying almost all the time but luckily there are other ways to get your grades up though, Bigga grinned.

What do you mean? Olivia asked.

Well... let's just say that the professors are very easily impressed.

Olivia decided that she didn't want to know more and asked:
So... have you met anyone... significant?

Bigga was silent for a long while before she confessed, I think so... He is more interested about studying than I'm though. I usually find him writing an essay but he is alright really. We have fun together actually.

Olivia was listening Bigga's tone more than the words, sounds serious, she teased.

Serious? Bigga laughed as casually as she could, who will talk about serious during the first year? I'm dating other guys too.

Right, Olivia thought that the relationship wasn't as casual as Bigga let her understand but didn't push the matter.

They chatted for a while and then Bigga had to leave for her class.

The school year had become to an end and new one started. And with the new school year Olivia too left to the college.

You will need that, the clerk muttered when Olivia was buying new clothes at the campus, look more like my aunt than a student.

What did you just say? Olivia asked, surprised.

Oh nothing, the woman coughed embarrassed, wouldn't hurt to change hair style too, she continued in undertone.

Olivia wasn't sure if she was embarrassed or thankful for the advice but as she looked herself in the mirror she had to admit that the clerk had been right. She changed into her new clothes and took a new haircut, added some make up and she decided that the change was definately for better.

Olivia's year started with physical excersise, she had decided to lose some weight too. And like Bigga, she re-decorated her room. After some thinking she decided to study political science.

The girls didn't need the decorated rooms that much though. After the first year they had enough money to rent a house of their own. It was right next to the other Greek houses on the campus. Yes, other Greek houses as it was their purpose to turn it as one.

For now it had just one bedroom. When Opal would join them, they would have more money and thus afford to expand the house.

It also had small kitchen and small living room area. Olivia thought that the arrangement looked quite a lot like their old house had done but it didn't matter. They had their own Greek house and that for sure was cool.

The girls had become quite close and they actually had some fun. For picking up the greek house sign they played rock-paper-scissors and the job was for Bigga to do.

Sometimes the girls cooked, sometimes picked up fresh, tasty pizza. Something that they had never had at home as their father hadn't very much approved it.

Bigga also invited that someone who was nothing serious as she had told Olivia, Venkat Trottier over and introduced him to Olivia. No matter how hard they tried, they simply didn't get along. Whether it was a game of rock-paper-scissors, telling a joke or simply light discussion, they couldn't agree on anything.

That's how their school year passed, they made more friends and the Greek house was becoming more and more popular, just the way they liked it. Bigga passed easily her tests with the help of the professors' frienship. But she had a line; no matter how hard she wanted to get good grades, she never kissed them. She simply let them understand that there would be more to the date than there actually was.

Olivia struggled with her grades just like she had done back at home, met several guys but no one significant enough yet and tried to lose weight. It seemed that when she managed to lose some, she always gained it back, no matter what she did.

Both girls were very much looking forward for Opal to join them.

Opal also topped his career and became private eye. He found it amusing that his dad, the big celebrity chef, sometimes took the same ride with him in the shabby, little car when he could have been picked up by a limo.

After receiving the last diploma he was going to get, he called over some of his friends for a party.

They hanged out for a long time talking about the college where Opal would go and the other teens wouldn't at least for now.

My mum is sort of into saving the townies, maybe some day some of you might go to the college too, he tried to cheer the others up.

They sighed, yeah, some day but when that day would be?

Other one of the girls talked and smiled sadly, yeah, maybe but you probably won't be around by then if the day ever comes. We will just be teens and watch you have kids, and grandkids...

And die, Opal finished, you won't.

The boy smiled, the only silver lining on that grey cloud.

After that they thought that they should also have some fun. As always, don't wake the llama-game offered great excuse to laugh and joke together. And of course, Opal served the lobster made by his dad and everyone agreed it was delicious.

After that it was time for Opal to join his sisters at the college. He was smiling, he had almost decided that he would be the one to come home and continue in his mother's foot steps.

Opal didn't mind that much what he was wearing but even he could tell that the clothes he had gotten once coming to the college were hideous. First things first, new clothes and some looking around before the studying started. It was his first day and already he was busy making friends.

It feels a bit empty here, Eleonore voiced her thoughts to Randy.

Hss... I'm trying to focus.

What should we do next? One of the kids will come home one day and hopefully give us grandkids but until then what should we do? We can't just sit here playing this game.

How about grow some vegetables? Randy asked.

Well... can do that too but I was thinking something... bigger.

Please don't tell me that it has something to do with townies again?

Eleonore thought, actually that's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that? She placed one more stick and continued, but I don't know what to do with them anymore than what I have done. But how about if we both give up our jobs and open our own business? We would get to know the people around here and have something useful to do.

Randy smiled, I'm with you if you decide to do that but I will continue working for couple years. After all, I'm living my dream at the moment.

So the idea began to form in Eleonore's head. And after the game was finished she had business idea ready and was able to play in zone.

Soon she opened brand new store selling their self-made robots and all kind of small robot-style decorations. She had herself designed the store and had very closely supervised the building of it. Yes, she was very happy with what she saw now. The store was ready to open its doors.

Then it was time for the birthday party. Eleonore was happy to see all her kids back at home and gave hug to everyone. She, among everyone else, laughed at the togas that Bigga and Olivia were wearing. They didn't give any reason why they were wearing them but Opal thought it had something to do with the fact that their mother's schoolfriends might be around and they wanted everyone to know that they actually are members of a greek house.

Eleonore was also happy to see Jessica talking to Opal. She hoped that Jessica would be their family friend even after she died given that she would be alive of course. Randy also suspected that it would be Opal who would be coming home after the college so even better if it was him who would make Jessica his friend.

Everyone ate too much cake (two delicious chocolate cakes), played games...

raised the party score in private (the birthday couple themselves of course)...

and danced.

Ungh!, Eleonore groaned when he caught Randy.
Randy grinned, we are still young enough to do this.
Eleonore laughed, maybe, but I'm not young enough to hold you here for long. Get down.

They both agreed it had been very good party.

Some notes

Sorry about this short chapter but I thought it was best to end it here as the next one will be about Opal in the college and I'm afraid it will need one whole chapter at least. He was chosen to be the heir and I will tell about his school years and life later on in more details than the girls'.

When I told which ones Bigga and Olivia picked as their majors, I was telling it like it was. They got to choose which one they wanted and also the fears were real, not made by me. The same thing with Venkat who Bigga by now has a huge crush. Bigga wanted to flirt, he was just writing his assignments.

Eleonore also reached the zone-level in her pre-destined hobby, games. And with the robot store I also followed the rule to open a family business by the founder.

How will I play the college and main neighbourhood?

I won't play them the same time all the time. It will be something like one college year is one day in the main neighbourhood. But as the kids were growing up, I had to alter it to get them all old enough to join the college and also be there at the same time at least for a year or two.

As you can see from the small picture here, the family received
the wishing lamp! It is now stored away and will make an
appearance sooner.

Thanks for reading!