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ChangeMan ZMF - Serena Software

Ian Wesley: [email protected]

Clive Burrows: [email protected]

May 2004

Expert advice

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At a glanceDeveloper

Serena Software, San Mateo, California, USA



ChangeMan ZMF version 5.3, ZDD version 3.2, Merge and Reconcile (M+R) version4.1.0, TeamTrack 6.0 and Enterprise Change Portal (ECP) version 3.2

Evaluation summary

Key points

• IBM mainframe product with variants tuned to different environments.ChangeMan ZDD provides a Windows interface to mainframe functionality

• Data held in partitioned datasets (PDSs), extended partitioned datasets (PDSEs),CA Panvalet and/or CA-Librarian. Control data held in VSAM and DB2

• ChangeMan ZMF is fully XML enabled with XML integrations with ChangeManZDD and ChangeMan ECP


• Good extended lifecycle support with TeamTrack (for application lifecycle processautomation) and StarTool DA (for integrated dump analysis)

• Good management of production integrity

• Good merge tool including library merge

Points to watch

• Poor user interface – but matches most mainframe interactive system productivity(ISPF)/PDF-based facilities

• M+R is at extra cost, as with competing mainframe products

• Poor documentation

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Team support

Replicated repositories

Configuration management

Change management

Build and release support

Process management

Project support



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Not relevant for mainframe CM tools

Price guide

ChangeMan ZMF pricing is MIPS-based and starts at $42,750. ChangeMan ZDD ispriced per MIPS, starting at $15,000. ChangeMan M+R pricing is MIPS-based,starting at $22,000. ChangeMan ECP pricing includes seat and MIPS-basedcomponents, with ten seats priced at $500 and the MIPS component starting at$15,000.


The principal ChangeMan ZMF product offerings are:

• ChangeMan ZMF Server, which is evaluated here

• ChangeMan ZDD, which simulates a network file system to provide access fromWindows 2000, XP or NT 4.0 to ChangeMan ZMF components, datasets and jobson a z/OS or OS/390 system. ChangeMan ZMF components, datasets and joboutput are accessed as though they were local files or files on a Windowsnetwork

• ChangeMan M+R, for integrating new releases of vendor application softwarewith in-house customisations and for integrating concurrently developed in-housesoftware

• ChangeMan ECP, which is used to web-enable the change managementprocess. Managers are able to review and approve changes in both ChangeManZMF and ChangeMan DS, allowing for centrally managed lifecycles and co-ordinated deployment of multiplatform applications

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• ChangeMan ERO (Enterprise Release Option), which provides releasemanagement for large application changes with multiple versions of the samesource in different releases

• ChangeMan ZMF Online Forms Manager option, which extends ChangeManZMF to manage online versions of business forms associated with change-relatedbusiness processes

• ChangeMan ZMF DB2 option, for management of DB2 application objects suchas plans, packages, DBRMs, stored procedures, user-defined functions and DB2triggers. This option also allows the creation of multiple logical DB2 testingenvironments in a single physical DB2 system

• ChangeMan ZMF IMS option, for management of IMS application objects,including MFSs, PSBs, DCBs and ACBs. This option also allows the creation ofmultiple logical IMS testing environments in a single physical IMS system

• ChangeMan ZMF Info/Man option, for integrating ChangeMan ZMF with IBMTivoli’s Information change-tracking product

• ChangeMan ZMF APS option, for integrating Micro Focus’s APS withChangeMan ZMF

• extended lifecycle support is provided with TeamTrack, which providesapplication lifecycle process automation. TeamTrack IDs can be associated withChangeMan ZMF. TeamTrack also provides change management and problemtracking.

• StarTool DA has the ability to make an XML call to ChangeMan ZMF to associatesource code to aid production abend dump analysis.


Change package

The means by which a new application, or change to an existing application, isdescribed, scheduled, prepared and implemented into production. It may consist ofone or more library components. Each package is identified by a unique changepackage ID consisting of the application mnemonic and a sequential six-digit number(for example, PAYR000001). All changes are referenced in ChangeMan ZMF’scontrol file, Package Master, which is a VSAM file that holds all significant data aboutcurrent and previous change packages.

The ChangeMan ZMF Library Environment

ChangeMan ZMF manages the transition from development to production libraries byusing staging libraries, which are specific to each change package. Existingproduction components are copied into the development environment, where theycan be modified and tested. The ChangeMan ZMF staging libraries can be used forboth editing and testing. If private libraries are used during editing, components willbe copied into the staging libraries before testing.

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Production libraries may be the same as baseline libraries, depending on howChangeMan ZMF is configured. The baseline libraries contain a current productionversion (baseline 0) and up to 999 previous versions of the production component(baseline –1, –2 and so on). When a new production component is installed, thebaseline libraries are ‘rippled’. This means that the new version becomes the currentversion, and what was the current version becomes the –1 version and so on. Inaddition, versions are tracked when baseline libraries are updated, and users canalso choose to have each work-in-process version saved.

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Ovum’s verdict

In a nutshellChangeMan ZMF has an established track record as a mainframe CM system.Lifecycle processes are managed well, as is the safe migration of changes into theproduction environment.

ChangeMan M+R is an essential add-on to ChangeMan ZMF. In a market whereparallel development is now an essential requirement, Serena and other mainframeCM vendors should no longer be charging extra for supporting this functionality.

VerdictChangeMan functionality for mainframes centres on ChangeMan ZMF, ChangeManM+R (Merge and Reconcile) and ChangeMan ZDD. These products are likely to beessential for most users. Access to mainframe functionality and data from a Windowsenvironment is supported via ChangeMan ZDD and Serena XML Services, but thisdoes not support web access. Web access to mainframe information is onlysupported for changes through ChangeMan Enterprise Change Portal (ECP), but thishas the advantage that it can access linked multiple ZMF repositories and multipleChangeMan DS repositories. This link feature is termed an Enterprise ChangePackage.

Users selecting ChangeMan ZMF will need to assess the cost of the additionalproducts against the benefits they provide.

ChangeMan ZMF uses the concept of a change package to move changes throughtheir lifecycle. After a change package is created, components are checked out fromthe ChangeMan ZMF baseline libraries and placed in a development library, so thatmodifications can be performed. These libraries are where source code is compiledand load modules are created, using standard ISPF/PDF file tailoring of skeletons.ChangeMan ZMF establishes and monitors the relationship between source and allgenerated components such as DB2 DBRM, Object Decks and Executables.

Change packages can be frozen either during the development phase or in a qualityassurance phase, depending on local development standards. ChangeMan ZMF thensupports an online approval process to obtain the necessary electronic ‘signatures’for further migration of the changes into production use. ChangeMan ZMF alsosupports an emergency process for getting urgent changes into production.

Extended lifecycle support and change & issue management is provided withTeamTrack, which provides application lifecycle process automation. TeamTrack IDscan be associated with ChangeMan ZMF.

TeamTrack maps, tracks and enforces business processes down to the task level,and thereby allows users to control and automate business processes, manage

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issues throughout the lifecycle of their projects, and facilitate collaboration among allteam members.

TeamTrack has a good graphical workflow editor that allows process managers tomap every step in the workflow of their projects without needing a databaseadministrator or developer.

ChangeMan ZMF supports concurrent check-out of components for paralleldevelopment, and will ensure that each user of a version is aware of the actions ofother users. ChangeMan M+R is able to automate the merging of program versions,each program version consisting of many individual source components. ChangeManM+R is able to reconcile up to eight different versions of a program, identifyingdifferences and conflicts in multiple versions of the same component, and assisting inthe resolution of any conflicts.

ChangeMan M+R has the capability to merge libraries consisting of thousands of filesand can analyse the semantics of code (in some languages) and thus ignorecosmetic differences that have no impact on the eventual executable code. Acomplexity metric is also generated, which allows users to assign the mostexperienced staff to the most complex merge resolution tasks.

The ChangeMan ZMF user interface is the familiar, but poor, IBM ISPF Panelinterface, with a good choice of default options and easily identifiable mandatoryfields. The options displayed on menus are tailored to the access permissions of eachuser. Serena provides additional interfaces through ChangeMan ECP (a web-basedportal that provides managers with cross-platform views) and ChangeMan ZDD,which integrates desktop IDEs with the ChangeMan ZMF environment.

When to useChangeMan ZMF is a strong contender for many mainframe sites, particularly thoserequiring a high degree of integrity for software changes to the productionenvironment. The change package approach and lifecycle process provides goodcontrol over changes. Development and production standards are well supported, andChangeMan ZMF has the flexibility to support emergency procedures.

Support for maintaining the integrity of production sites as approved changepackages are released (including geographically remote sites) is very good.

We recommend that all ChangeMan ZMF prospects ensure that TeamTrack andChangeMan M+R is also acquired. Other products associated with ChangeMan ZMFcan be considered separately, based on their merits in relation to costs.

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Product overviewThe architecture for ChangeMan ZMF and ZDD is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 ChangeMan ZMF and ZDD architecture

Source: Serena Software


ZMF SubTask

Serena XML Services


ClientsWindows XPWindows 2000Windows NT 4.0

Z/OS server

ChangeMan ZDD allows desktop programmers to edit mainframe components fromtheir IDEs without the need for mass data transfers, thereby maintaining the integrityof mainframe software assets during desktop development (software componentsnever leave the mainframe).

The ChangeMan ZMF architecture is centred on the change package (a concept thatSerena claims to have pioneered) and the management and control of all activitiesassociated with putting that change package into production use. A change packageis a grouping of all the components required to implement a software change intoproduction (source, copybook, load, JCL, control cards, compiling proceduresdocumentation and other components).

Many ChangeMan ZMF features are directed at maintaining the integrity of productionsystems and the enforcement of the user’s standards for change. However,pragmatic features that recognise the flexibility needed to deal with real-world

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emergencies temper this. Changes cannot be migrated into production withoutChangeMan ZMF documenting the event and ensuring that the migration isauthorised – even if ChangeMan ZMF has to follow emergency procedures foremergency situations.

Examples of features relating to integrity and control over the production environmentinclude the following:

• ChangeMan ZMF has an auditing function that reviews all changes in a changepackage to verify accuracy and completeness. Component regression errors arefound, along with build sequencing problems – for example, when copybookshave been changed after the programs that use them have been compiled

• when a change package is presented for migration into production, ChangeManZMF processes the content of the change package to calculate a ‘token’associated with that change package. After all approvals have been obtained andthe change package is ready for production use, ChangeMan ZMF re-calculatesthe token for the change package. If the newly calculated token is not the sameas the original, the change package is not applied to the production system

• when developers are working on a change, they are free to use their preferredtools and methods. When this development work is complete and the changepackage is presented for test and approval, ChangeMan ZMF will rebuild allexecutables using the standard site processes (which can be different for test andproduction libraries)

• ChangeMan ZMF uses the site’s security system, and can assign additionalaccess restrictions to items under its control

• ChangeMan ZMF can install a change package at a remote site, with controls onthe time of installation and (user-defined) limits on the number of changepackages installed during any time period.

• enterprise change packages (managed by ChangeMan ECP) provide the abilityto link change packages on any two ChangeMan systems throughout thelifecycle. This capability enables changes to enterprise applications acrossmultiple platforms, from mainframe to the Web, to be co-ordinated from a singlepoint

• staging versions allows ChangeMan ZMF to maintain an unlimited number ofincremental versions of components under development within a changepackage. Developers can roll back to previous development versions, as well aspreviously released versions

• consolidated promotion combines the previous local and remote promotion into aconsolidated single facility to move change packages within testing environmentson local as well as networked hosts and servers

• ChangeMan ZDD provides access to ChangeMan ZMF from Windows NT, 2000or XP. Components, datasets and job output appear as though they were localPC files or files on a Windows network. ChangeMan ZDD provides direct accessto ChangeMan ZMF-controlled software assets from a wide range of desktopIDEs.

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ChangeMan ZMF is flexible about the way configured components are managed, andsupports PDSs, CA Librarian files or CA Panvalet files. It automatically storesprevious versions of components as full copies (inherent for load modules), or using areverse base/delta technique known as ‘stacked reverse delta’.

Figure 2 shows the platform and interface aspects of ChangeMan ZMF and relatedproducts.

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Figure 2 Platform and interface aspects

ChangeMan ZMF TeamTrack

Server z/OS Windows NT Server 4.0, SP 6A; Windows2000 Server; Windows 2000 AdvancedServer

Windows Server 2003 family


Client Mainframe panel interface Windows NT Server 4.0, SP 6A; Windows2000 Server; Windows 2000 AdvancedServer

Windows Server 2003 family

Windows XP Professional

Any IDE with Windows NT, XP and2000 for ChangeMan ZDD

Database Metadata is stored in VSAM; impactanalysis is stored in VSAM or DB2

Microsoft Access 97, 2000 or 2002 (driversprovided)

SQL Server, version 7 or 2000

IBM DB2 Universal Database, version 8.1

Oracle, versions 8i or 9i up to version 9.2

Components can be stored in PDSs,PDSEs, CA Panvalet and/orCA Librarian

Network SNA and TCP/IP TCP/IP

Web server Any Windows-based web server forChangeMan ECP. Apache isdistributed with ChangeMan ECP

Microsoft IIS, version 4.0, 5.0 or 6.0

Sun Java System Web Server

Sun ONE, version 6.0

Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer forChangeMan ECP

Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 5.01 SP2 to version 6

Netscape Communicator, versions 4.6 to4.7, 6.2, 7, and 7.1

Apple Safari 1.0 (on Macintosh)

Mozilla 1.3.1

Netscape Navigator for ChangeManECP


Most browsers available on handheldcomputers and PDAs can be used to accessTeamTrack

Tested configurations include PocketInternet Explorer on PocketPC, Eudora Webon PalmOS, and AvantGo on both platforms

In addition, TeamTrack may function

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correctly on non-tested browsers and mobiledevices.†

† Note that TeamTrack does not yet deliver WAP

Source: Serena Software

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Since last evaluationRecent enhancements include the following:

• integration of ChangeMan ZMF with TeamTrack

• Enterprise Release Option (ERO) provides a way to manage many packagesfrom many applications in a series of dynamic but dependent releases. Thisoption contains parameters to offer the flexibility to set up release development,testing, and installation the way that fits each business’s needs, and extends theChangeMan ZMF audit function to protect the integrity of the production

• ChangeMan ZMF now includes documented XML services for customer use toreplace remote procedure calls (RPCs) and the batch APIs. Customers canaccess services through well-formed XML pages, or can use the Cobol, PL/I andassembler-based copybooks and sub-routines to call services

• DB2 Option now provides special management of DB2 stored procedures,triggers and user-defined functions. Processing for these DB2 objects is definedin new skeletons, a new Selectable Option parameter on the Library Typesdefinition panel, and new sub-type options on a panel under the DB2 LogicalSubsystems panel

• user option enhancements enable users to select a Change Package List thatcontains only packages that are still in the development and testing phases of thepackage lifecycle. A new selection option for Package Status includes packagesin development and freeze status. When a Complex package is selected, all ofthe participating packages are also displayed

• validation of entries in the Install Date/Time field is enhanced to considertimezone differences for remote production sites. A time difference parameter canbe set in each site definition so a package Install Date/Time can be entered thatis valid for a production site, but has already passed at the development site

• Serena further expanded the ability to provide program-to-programcommunication through the introduction of XML services. The XML servicesinterface provides a standardised method to retrieve and display data from thetask started by ChangeMan. Used in combination with ChangeMan ZDD, XMLservices permit reporting and manipulation of information through standardinterfaces, such as Microsoft Excel, web browsers (for example, Netscape andInternet Explorer), Microsoft Project, Crystal Reports and Microsoft Access.

• integration of the Serena StarTool products with the ChangeMan products. StarTool DA and StarTool FDM are now ChangeMan ZMF-aware and can be used toview changes to both source and files.

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Future enhancementsPlanned enhancements include:

• several initiatives to expand the focus and process of enterprise changemanagement (ECM). The most prominent of these is the Serena ApplicationFramework for Enterprises (SAFE) announced in September 2003. SAFE willprovide a process-centric framework surrounding the application lifecycle,providing the context for application change

• ERO is being extended to provide a more in-depth and flexible process formanaging testing environments, including managing complex DB2 Bind and IMSGen processes

• Serena XML Services will be enhanced to create more services for managingERO and standard promotion testing environments

• a new release of the Micro Focus APS Option will integrate with the latest APSversion and provide automation opportunities for ChangeMan ZMF customers

• new REXX-based reporting using Serena XML Services. These reports willreplace and expand on reports currently available in SAS and Assembler

• a new release of the ChangeMan ZMF InfoMan Option to allow multihostcommunication between ChangeMan ZMF and InfoMan.

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Company background

HistorySerena Software was founded in 1980 and became a publicly quoted company inFebruary 1999. In 1988, it launched its core product, Change Man (now known asChangeMan ZMF).

Apart from the various ChangeMan products covered in this evaluation, otherproducts available from Serena include:

• Comparex – this automates file comparison and system testing. Comparex cancompare source, loads and any type of file to any other, as in IMS to DB2. Fieldsor records can be compared even if they are in different formats. For example,DB2 Row Date Fields can be compared with IMS Segment Date Fields, eventhough the storage format is different

• ChangeMan SSM – System Software Manager. This improves system softwarereliability and accelerates disaster-recovery efforts for maximum system softwareuptime. Detects, tracks, synchronises and provides audit trails for softwarechanges across multiple systems or logical partitions (LPARS)

• StarTool FDM – File and Data Management. This enables development andediting of text and databases for a variety of MVS data types. It provides datamanagement capabilities, such as dataset space allocation and file recovery

• StarTool DA – DA Batch and DA CICS. This provides dump management, withanalysis and diagnostic capabilities for system and application abends

• StarTool APM – Application Performance Manager. This provides both realtimeand historical performance statistics to pinpoint areas within an application thatneed to be tuned to deliver the desired response and turnaround time

• StarTool IOO – I/O Optimiser. This uses industry-accepted rules to automaticallytune I/O operations

• StarTool RB VSAM – Record Backup for VSAM. This reduces the time andresources needed to back up VSAM data by detecting changes at the recordlevel.

In June 1999, Serena completed its acquisition of Diamond Optimum Systems toextend its range of CM support to Unix and NT platforms. This product was originallynamed eChange Man by Serena, but is now called ChangeMan DS and is evaluatedseparately in this series.

In May 2003, Serena acquired TeamShare for $18 million. TeamShare is best knownfor its TeamTrack workflow engine, which is centred on defect and issuemanagement. Previously, in December 2002, Serena and TeamShare jointlyannounced integration between TeamTrack and ChangeMan DS

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In May 2004 Serena finalised the acquisition of Merant, adding PVCS Professionaland Dimensions to its CM portfolio. The acquisition was a cash and share deal thatvalued Merant at $380 million. This acquisition makes Serena the second largestprovider of enterprise change management (or ECM) software solutions with acombined installed base of over 15,000 customers.

CommercialSerena’s total revenues in calendar 2003 (fiscal 2004 for Serena, whose fiscal yearruns from 1 February to 31 January) were $105.5 million compared with $95.8 millionin 2002. A summary of Serena’s quarterly revenues is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Serena’s quarterly revenues









Calendar years

$ million



Q1Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1Q2 Q3 Q4

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

The quarterly drop in revenues in 2001 was common to many vendors and is due toadverse trading conditions in the US during that period. There are now signs of arecovery in growth.

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Serena’s revenues in calendar 2003 (fiscal 2004) were derived from:

• new licences – 43.1%

• maintenance – 48.3%

• services – 8.6%.

Geographically, 71% of Serena’s revenues are derived from North America with theremainder coming from European operations.

Serena’s headquarters are in San Mateo, California. It has international offices in theBenelux region, Canada, France, Germany and the UK.

Serena has more than 500 ChangeMan ZMF customers worldwide, with tens ofthousands of users. ChangeMan ZMF customers include American Express, Bank ofAmerica, Caterpillar, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Duke Energy, Ford Motor Company,ING, SBC Communications and UBS.

Character and directionSerena aims to provide a total solution to the problem of locating, fixing andmanaging changes to application and system software. It is a technically drivencompany, strongly focused on change management and productivity tools for IBMmainframe users. Its products are used in more than 3,600 data centres worldwide,including many financial institutions, high-tech companies and energy companies.

Serena specialises in enterprise change management (ECM), which it defines as theinfrastructure and process of managing change to all aspects of a company’sbusiness application environment. The Serena vision is to provide managementacross mainframe OS/390, z/OS, Unix, Linux, Windows, AS/400, HP NonStop(Tandem) and HP MPE. Serena intends to converge ChangeMan ZMF andChangeMan DS to provide an integrated enterprise-wide management solution for themanagement of e-business applications.

Serena is focused on CM integration across platforms with links between applicationson distributed systems and applications on mainframe systems. Serena ChangeManECP provides a web interface to allow central management of multiplatform lifecyclesand co-ordinated development and deployment of enterprise applications.ChangeMan ECP provides a single point from which enterprise change managementcan be enforced.

Serena is working on several initiatives to expand the focus and process of ECM. Themost prominent of these is the Serena Application Framework for Enterprises (SAFE),announced in September 2003.

SAFE provides a process-centric framework surrounding the application lifecycle,providing the context for application change.

This framework enhances Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) by enablingcompanies to manage application design, development, quality assurance,

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deployment and support across platforms and across processes. SAFE will enablecross-process integration, linking the people, tools and assets involved throughout theapplication lifecycle.

Serena claims that SAFE extends the application lifecycle and promotes seamlesscollaboration across various business and technical roles and responsibilities, helpingan organisation to run more smoothly. With SAFE, customers will be able to reducecosts and increase enterprise efficiency.

Following the acquisition of TeamShare Serena has adopted TeamTrack as thechange management system of choice and is gradually phasing out the ALM product.

The acquisition of Merant means that Serena needs to communicate the role of eachof its four SCLM products to the market. The role of Dimensions’ agent to supportmainframe users is not in conflict with ChangeMan ZMF as Serena has adopted asimilar agent technology for ChangeMan DS.

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Product evaluation

Team support

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Good, basic versioning and workspace management. Merge tool for supportingparallel development is part of Merge and Reconcile (M+R) and is priced separately.M+R has strong features for processing multiple files (for example, a library) and canprioritise merge conflicts for resolution by a complexity measure.

Version control

ChangeMan ZMF views changes at a high level through the concept of a changepackage. A change package is a collection of components that are related to eachother for a particular change. A typical change package might include sourcemodules, load modules, copybook, JCL and documentation.

ChangeMan ZMF uses the change package identifier to control component versions.The package identifier is used to track all component versions. When a package ischecked out from production, the package identifier is associated with this checkedout version. This package identifier is then permanently associated with thiscomponent version.

ChangeMan ZMF also keeps track of the version and modification number of acomponent, following the IBM standards vv.mm (where vv is the component versionand mm is the modification number).

Users typically work at the change package level and component versioning can bedone at the change package level, and at each component edit version.

A change package is created first, and then the user associates the componentcheck-out with the change package identifier.

ChangeMan ZMF allows administrators to configure the check-out function withvarious restrictions, rules and options – depending on the needs of a project or site.Examples include the ability to:

• disallow parallel development

• restrict check-out to components previously associated with a change package

• restrict check-out privileges to specific users.

In our opinion, most users will wish to apply the restriction that check-out can only beto ChangeMan ZMF staging libraries. This will give a fuller version history, providegreater controls on compilation processes and help maintain the integrity of source-

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to-load relationships. This is especially important if parallel development is beingundertaken.

When all components associated with the change package are completed, it is frozenin order to prevent further modification and to position it for promotion and approvalprocessing.

Parallel development

ChangeMan ZMF supports parallel development by optionally permitting more thanone user to check-out the same component from its secured libraries (provided thateach check-out is associated with a different change package). Parallel developmentwithin the scope of a single change package is not supported (except by preventingmultiple developers from having access to the same component at the same time).

When a change package is promoted, ChangeMan ZMF detects duplicate modules inthe package, in the target promotion dataset, and in the history record (theseduplicates may have conflicting changes). It then gives users the option to continuethe promotion (in which case the version in the change package will become thelatest version in the promotion dataset) or to cancel it.

If the promotion is cancelled, developers will need to determine whether there are anyconflicts between the common modules. ChangeMan M+R (Merge and Reconcile)can process up to seven different versions of the same component, providing differentviews in a context that highlights the conflicts and assists their reconciliation. M+Rperforms the following steps:

• compiles member lists of the base/derivative libraries and matches members inversion sets that have the same name

• loads the chosen base members and the derivatives’ members into storage

• compares the base version with each of the derivatives, records the differences,then compares and combines them

• stores the base version and the differences in the M+R database

• identifies conflicts and single changes

• calculates the degree of complexity of the reconciliation effort, writing commentsabout the event to the M+R database

• displays a full view of the M+R database, formatted graphically and in colour, forreconciliation.

For some languages (Cobol, PL/1, Assembler and JCL), M+R now includes languageanalysis to identify cosmetic alterations that do not affect the executable code. Theseare not reported as conflicts, thus reducing the number of changes needing analysisand resolution.

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Mass mergingChangeMan M+R includes many features directed towards comparing an entirelibrary containing thousands of files, and the use of complexity metrics is particularlyrelevant to supporting this process.

One of the main functions of M+R is merging updated vendor code into productionsystems, which may themselves have been modified. This is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Merging updated vendor code with production systems

Source: Serena Software

Vendor softwarerelease (n)

Production softwarerelease (n+1) mod

Vendor softwarerelease (n+1)

Production softwarerelease (n) mod






M+R compares version A with version B to identify the changes and modificationsadded to the vendor release locally. It then compares A with C, to identify thevendor’s changes between release n and n+1. M+R merges and combines thedifferences with version A, so that they can be reconciled using the merge tool.Finally, M+R extracts the reconciled code and creates version D, which is the new(n+1) vendor release plus all the needed customisations, minus those user fixes thathave already been addressed in the vendor’s (n+1) release. Version D will needtesting.

Figure 5 shows the M+R feature in operation. Strong use of colour for semanticinformation is a key feature of this product.

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Figure 5 M+R command screen

Source: Serena Software

The symbols in the line number show lines inserted or deleted in different versions.Different changes in two variants are marked as (<>). An inserted line is shown as (>)followed by an identifier for the variant contributing that insertion. If the same line hasbeen inserted in two variants, it is shown as >>AB, and deleted lines are identified bythe symbol <.

M+R features are not accessible through ChangeMan ZDD because the ZDD focus isto integrate with workstation IDEs that normally contain comparison and merge tools.The ChangeMan Diff utility (inherited from ChangeMan DS) provides a subset of themerge and reconciliation features found in ChangeMan M+R.

In massive consolidation efforts (such as vendor code reconciliation), M+R can beused to consolidate an entire library containing thousands of programs. The display inFigure 6 shows a consolidated workplace with version members.

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Figure 6 Consolidated workplace

Source: Serena Software

In the screen shown in Figure 6, the symbols shown against each file name indicatethe following:

$ the derivative is different from the base

= the derivative is equal to the base

@ the base version

. the member is missing in the corresponding library

b the file is a banner. Banner files are not compared, but only merged on top of theconsolidated version

The action column (blank in the example shown in Figure 6) contains the last actionperformed on the base/derivative set of members:

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Blank Member version not yet executed

*Execute Compared and merged member versions

*Reconcl Fully or partially compared member versions

**Export Exported consolidated member versions

The complexity (COMPL) column indicates the level of differences between theversions (high, medium or low). A blank entry means that all versions are equal andthus no reconciliation is needed.

The complexity measure is based on the number of single changes and whether theyare simple deletions or insertions or combined replacements involving both deletionsand insertions, and the number of conflicts and whether they involve just twoderivatives or more than two derivatives. Users can adjust the parameters to selectdifferent limits for the levels of complexity generated by the analysis.

The combination of features in ChangeMan M+R considerably reduces the effortinvolved in merging large numbers of files, and provides the metrics to allow the mostcomplex merges to be handled by the most experienced staff.

Managing web objects

ChangeMan ZMF is a general-purpose CM tool that does not have features specificto web page management.

Serena provides ChangeMan DS for web code and content management. (Pleasesee Ovum’s evaluation of ChangeMan DS for more information.)

IDE integration

IDE integration is not an issue for mainframe products.

ChangeMan ZDD, which supports desktop development for z/OS, is integrated withIDEs such as Visual Age Cobol, Visual Age PL/1 and WebSphere EnterpriseDeveloper (WSED).

Over 100 Serena XML services are delivered with ChangeMan ZMF to provide anintegration API. ChangeMan ZDD uses this interface to access ChangeMan ZMFmetadata from Windows. An ISPF-based modelling tool is included as well asinterfaces to Cobol, PLI and REXX.

ChangeMan ZMF can interface with other products such as IBM Tivoli’s InformationManagement, IMS, DB2, CA Panvalet, CA Librarian, APS, JCLPrep, Interest,Expediter, SmartTest, Docu/Text and Jobscan.

Details of ChangeMan ZMF integrations are available at:


Navigation to this location is reached through the solutions menu and not theproducts menu.

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Replicated repositories

Not relevant for mainframe CM tools

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This section is not relevant to mainframe CM tools and is therefore not evaluated.

The Replicated repositories section addresses a style of development where differentteams work on separate repositories that require synchronising at times andfrequencies determined by the user. While these repositories can be on the samesystem for performance reasons, some users select this mode of working to supportteams at different geographic locations, with replicated repositories on differentservers. Other users will choose to use a single repository or multiple independentdistributed repositories controlled by a metadata repository.

All CM tools – even those that offer a replicated option – can support geographicworking using network and/or Internet access to a single server.

Multiple repositories

ChangeMan ZMF users work from a single repository or from several independentrepositories making use of the library merge features described under Team supportto share updated code. ChangeMan ZMF does not support the replication of arepository to multiple servers for further development on each server and thesubsequent regular synchronisation of changes as defined by the Ovum criteria forthis section of the evaluation.

The Ovum criteria for Replicated repositories assume a distributed developmentmodel. In the mainframe development model, components are not distributed foradditional changes. The use of a single repository accessed from several locations iscovered in the Team support section.

There is a need to share copybooks and load modules across mainframedevelopment centres. This distribution is handled in the same way as productioninstallations. The other development centres are set up as production sites fordelivery.

Change synchronisation

ChangeMan ZMF does not support the replication and synchronisation of changes ondifferent servers. However, ChangeMan ECP does go some way towards providingan equivalent facility, as well as extended facility to cover ChangeMan DS changeinformation.

Change packages on multiple ChangeMan ZMF instances and change packages onmultiple ChangeMan DS servers can be linked as enterprise change packages toprovide a cross-platform software change lifecycle managed by ChangeMan ECP.

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ChangeMan ECP is a web-based tool that provides a single point of control for centralreporting and approval capabilities for ChangeMan ZMF and ChangeMan DS.ChangeMan ECP provides a web interface that allows managers to respond tosoftware changes made to ChangeMan ZMF and/or ChangeMan DS. ECP allowsusers to be notified by e-mail and voice communication devices through the use ofwireless access and pervasive computing standard protocols (WAP and PvC).

ChangeMan ECP can control, search, interrogate and generate reports on both theChangeMan DS and ChangeMan ZMF products, including multiple repositoriesmanaged independently by each product.

The ChangeMan ECP web browser interface allows users to:

• access all change management information from a single view

• review and approve software changes

• respond to change notifications sent via e-mail and voice communication devices

• query and report on various activities, including graphical reports that show:

package status (number of packages in various states)

package level (number of packages defined as super, simple, complex andparticipating)

package type (planned, unplanned, temporary and permanent)

• set administration functions.

ChangeMan ECP therefore gives a common view of changes across multiplerepositories and allows for certain management activities (retrieving information &reports and approving changes). ChangeMan ECP can access all ChangeMan DSand ChangeMan ZMF systems in a client company. This access is customisable toallow enterprise change managers to define those systems they are interested in.

Configuration management

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There is reasonable configuration management control over files of different typesassociated together for build or other purposes. Good impact analysis and traceabilitysupport. ChangeMan ZMF supports both the package-oriented approach and releasemanagement with the ability to store and access components from a developer’s toolof choice.

Configuration specification

In ChangeMan ZMF, the concept of a change package is the specification of aconfiguration of related items for a single purpose. The change package is auditableand traceable through the development lifecycle. The ChangeMan ZMF ERO

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(Enterprise Release Option) enables release managers to plan and deploy productionreleases that contain complex configurations, with components from hundreds ofpackages.

Workspace management

ChangeMan ZMF components are held in secured libraries. A baseline library storesthe most current version of production components, in addition to a predefinednumber of previous versions. ChangeMan ZMF has the ability to promote changepackages through multiple shared, pseudo-production promotion environments,where integrated system testing may be performed. These promotions are secured asif they are promotions to production, and ChangeMan ZMF will control all updates.

Check-out is the ChangeMan ZMF process of copying components from the securedlibraries to the user’s personal workspace for modification in a future change, or tostaging, where it can be immediately edited. In performing check-out to staginglibraries, ChangeMan ZMF dynamically manages the space and will prevent out-of-space abends, clean up the space and conserve DASD.

Impact analysis

ChangeMan ZMF provides an impact analysis facility to capture, query and enforcerelationships between components. These include relationships between source andexecutable code, and other relationships based on common references to copybooks,SQL Include components, CA Panvalet ++Include components, CA Librarian-Inccomponents called subroutines and JCL fields (such as program name or datasetname).

Serena recommends that ChangeMan ZMF’s DB2 option is licensed and installed,since the impact analysis features exploit the relational capability of a DB2 table. Alimited impact analysis capability exists if the DB2 option is not available but, in thiscase, relationships are not automatically updated during the final stages of migrationinto production.

The ChangeMan ZMF audit function inspects staging libraries to detect ‘out-of-synch’components such as:

• copybooks that have been changed after a source program has been compiled

• source programs that need to be recompiled due to a copybook change

• called sub-routines that have been changed after a referencing source programhas been compiled and linked.

Figure 7 shows an example of an impact analysis report.

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Figure 7 ChangeMan ZMF audit impact analysis report

Source: Serena Software


ChangeMan ZMF captures dependencies through the analysis it performs ascomponents are ‘staged’ from the user environment into ChangeMan ZMF’s control,and at the final lifecycle stage as they progress into production.

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The query facility for relationships displays all upstream and downstreamrelationships for a requested component.

Change management

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Change package style of working is central to ChangeMan ZMF and all work iscarried out in this context. Many reports are available, but there is no graphicaldisplay of information (except in TeamTrack) – although data can be exported tocreate this. ChangeMan ECP provides a full set of graphical reports for enterprisechange managers.

Problem tracking

TeamTrack is now the problem tracking system for ChangeMan ZMF.

TeamTrack’s end-user interface is browser-based and is organised by solutions,which include fields, workflows, projects, notifications, reports, tables, tablerelationships and scripts. Solutions enable users to track items following a workflowprocess. The user interface is configurable – an example is a manager’s interface asshown in Figure 8.

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Figure 8 Example TeamTrack user interface

Source: Serena Software

TeamTrack can be configured so that issues (and other information) can be submittedin several ways:

• through the browser interface by internal or external users, such as customers orpartners

• through e-mail

• from one TeamTrack database to another TeamTrack database.

Figure 9 shows the browser interface for submitting issues.

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Figure 9 TeamTrack issue submission

Source: Serena Software

The fields marked in red are mandatory.

TeamTrack offers realtime access to the system via a browser installed on ahandheld device. Users can use a handheld device with a compatible HTML browserand a connection to the TeamTrack server. This can be a direct connection or via aproxy server, such as AvantGo.

The mobile browser interface offers many of the same features available whenaccessing TeamTrack from a browser on a workstation. For example, withappropriate privileges, users can:

• access all solutions available to them

• view their homepage for each solution

• view, submit, transition, update and delete primary items

• view, update and delete associated items

• search by keyword or item ID and prefix.

• execute listing and graphical-style reports

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• execute built-in reports

• view the change history, state change history, version control history, andsubtasks.

As an issue progresses it typically changes ownership. The new owner and otherdesignated users (for example, the team manager) are informed of the ownershipchange by e-mail. The team manager has access to an overview screen as shown inFigure 8.

ChangeMan ZMF users need to implement a TeamTrack lifecycle state and user roleso that it matches their ChangeMan ZMF lifecycle. For users of the default ZMFlifecycle an equivalent TeamTrack lifecycle is provided by Serena with the TeamTrackfor ChangeMan solution.

Change control

TeamTrack now provides an issue tracking tool that can track problems, changerequests and team tasks. The way this is accomplished is described in Problemtracking, but with a workflow tailored for managing each task.

Change packages

The change package concept is central to ChangeMan ZMF’s control ofdevelopment.

A change package is a grouping of all the components required to implement asoftware change into production – regardless of their type. Change packages may bebuilt for any type of change, including:

• permanent, a package that is enduring and is only deleted by an authorised user

• temporary, which may never be a formal part of a baseline and is automaticallydeleted from production after a specified number of days

• unplanned, which is created for an emergency situation – often out of businesshours. Approval is based on an abbreviated approval list

• simple, a standalone change unrelated to any other change package

• complex, the parent change package for two or more change packageapplications that have related or interdependent changes.

At creation time, a unique number is assigned to the change package to enablecross-referencing. When a developer adds components to a change package, thatinformation is added to the Package Master (ChangeMan ZMF’s control filecontaining information about current and previous change packages).

A TeamTrack lifecycle needs to be created to mirror the ChangeMan for ZMF changepackage workflow.

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Reports and metrics

ChangeMan ZMF produces more than 25 different reports and all are available asonline queries. These cover:

• package information, as summarised under problem tracking

• component information – similar to change package information, but relating to aparticular component

• impact analysis of component relationships (as summarised earlier under Impactanalysis).

All ChangeMan ZMF reports are delivered as REXX using Serena XML Services.Serena XML services have replaced the previous SAS and Assembler-basedreporting. Users have full access to modify the REXX code and create customreports. In addition to the delivered REXX and Serena XML Services reports, userscan use the ChangeMan XML facility to develop custom queries. The results of thequery can be accessed through MVS or retrieved through ChangeMan ZDD, andformatted using standard products such as Microsoft Excel, Crystal Reports, Mozilla,or standard web browsers to display and manipulate the results. Figure 10 shows anExcel view of ChangeMan ZMF XML retrieved data.

Figure 10 Excel view of XML data from ChangeMan ZMF

Source: Serena Software

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ChangeMan ZMF provides only a few metrics, mostly related to conflict resolutionfollowing parallel development. One of these is particularly interesting: theChangeMan ZMF Merge+Reconcile option provides a high-level capability toconsolidate up to seven versions of a complete software system. The M+R option cancalculate a degree of complexity metric on a scale from one (low) to ten (high) tomeasure the amount of effort required for each reconciliation.

This is useful in several ways. It allows the most complex tasks to be assigned to themost experienced users, and could provide a trigger for a review of the reconciliationstrategy (for example, to a two-stage process), in order to reduce the overallcomplexity.

TeamTrack provides a rich set of reports and graphics and includes a management toshow selected graphics on a single screen image. Figure 11 shows a TeamTrackmanagement dashboard.

Figure 11 TeamTrack management dashboard

Source: Serena Software

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Build and release support

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Good general build capability, with footprints to support accurate rebuilding. Goodrelease support, including automatic and co-ordinated installation to remote sites.


ChangeMan ZMF uses standard ISPF/PDF tailoring of skeletons for compile, BINDSand other translation procedures. During translation, a token is produced and savedwith the listing, providing a fingerprint for ensuring source-load integrity. This isproduced by a hashing algorithm, which assists in the guarantee of the source-to-loadrelationship.

ChangeMan ZMF allows translation procedures to be flexible during development, sodevelopers are free to use the tools of their choice, but it enforces productionstandards when a change package is ready to be promoted. Existing compileprocedures may be used after minimal modification.


A change package can be regenerated as required. If the build process has beenstandardised, then rebuilds are guaranteed to be identical to the original. If the buildprocess is not standardised, then an individual user’s actions cannot be replicated,and thus a rebuild may differ from the original (for example, different compiler optionsmay be used).

ChangeMan ZMF has a baselining capability, which allows earlier baselines to bereproduced without the need for rebuilding.

Release support

Once a change package has been approved for production release, and a date andtime have been set for installation, ChangeMan ZMF controls the process ofinstallation.

Installation can also be made on remote sites, using standard transmission facilitiessuch as TCP/IP, FTP, Direct Connect (formerly NDM), Netmaster or XCOM 6.2 –under the same ChangeMan ZMF control. A remote site can be:

• a separate computer in another building

• a separate computer in the same building

• a logical CPU on the same machine as part of a LPAR (logical partition) withoutshared DASD.

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Installation depends on whether or not an internal scheduler has been set up by theglobal administrator, or if the installation JCL has been specially modified.

There are four install options:

• install immediately

• install later when an approved user triggers installation

• add job to non-ChangeMan ZMF scheduler’s list (in this case, the operator muststill demand the job for the package to be installed)

• ChangeMan ZMF will check every few minutes for any packages that are readyfor installation, and install those that meet the criteria.

The first action ChangeMan ZMF takes upon installation is to backup thosecomponents about to be changed. ChangeMan ZMF then undertakes a baselineripple: the changes to be installed become production components, the previousproduction component becomes version –1, version –1 becomes version –2 and soon.

If there is a problem with a change package after it is installed, it can be backed outby deleting the updated component in production and then retrieving the previousversion of the software from the application library.

ChangeMan ZMF’s Audit function can be used to verify a change package at anytime, even after the change package has been frozen and approved. Changemanagers are encouraged to continuously run Audit to manage concurrentdevelopment and code regression issues.

Process management

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Good basic support for lifecycle processes and user roles. Recognises and supportsthe need for emergency development paths. Excellent support is provided for changeand issue management lifecycles with TeamTrack.

Lifecycle support

An overview of the ChangeMan ZMF lifecycle is given in Figure 12, showing theactions necessary to migrate a change from development to production withinChangeMan ZMF.

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Figure 12 ChangeMan ZMF lifecycle

Source: Serena Software

Create Checkout(DEV)














Baseline Ripple(BAS)

Baseline Ripple(BAS)

Main process flow

Optional processes

• The first step is to create a change package. A change package contains all ofthe elements to be edited and installed into production, and is identified by aunique package ID automatically generated by ChangeMan ZMF. When a changepackage is created, the information that ChangeMan ZMF needs in order to trackand control the package is entered. This includes the implementation instructions,whether it is a temporary or permanent change, and the installation date andtime.

• Typically, the next step is to check-out components from the baseline. Withcheck-out, components from your baseline libraries are copied to either aChangeMan ZMF staging library or a personal development library wherechanges can be made.

• Changes may now be edited in either the ChangeMan ZMF staging or in thedevelopment libraries.

• Once editing is completed, the components are ready to stage. For sourcecomponents, staging will ordinarily run the appropriate translation procedure to

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create associated load modules. Components such as documentation or copymembers are simply copied into the staging libraries (if they are not therealready). The change package is now ready for testing.

• Depending on the installation, the change package must pass an audit before‘freeze’. The audit process ensures that no unexpected problems will occur. Forexample, if a component in the production library has been changed since it waschecked out, ChangeMan ZMF creates an ‘out-of-synch’ condition for thepackage.

• After successfully passing the audit, the next step is to freeze the changepackage. This locks the package (prohibiting further changes) and makes thepackage available for the promotion and approval processes.

• Promotion is an optional step. After successfully staging all components in thechange package, the change package may then be promoted. Promotion allows achange package to be moved through various levels of testing (for example,promoted from system testing to acceptance testing). Components may also bepromoted to remote hosts.

• Once all the necessary approvals have been gathered by ChangeMan ZMF, thepackage is ready to be installed. If the manual installation method was selectedwhen the package was created, the package will be installed immediately afterthe final approval. If the CMN method (ChangeMan ZMF’s internal scheduler)was selected, ChangeMan ZMF will automatically install the package on the dateand time specified at package creation. If an external scheduler is used (forexample, CA7, ESP, ZEKE or JOBTRAC), ChangeMan ZMF will convey theinstall information to that scheduler, so that it can install the change package.

• Once the package has been installed, ChangeMan ZMF will perform the baselineripple. This is the process that ChangeMan ZMF executes to version all packagecomponents (that is, 0 becomes –1, –1 becomes –2, –2 becomes –3 and so on)and the new baseline 0 version is installed.

TeamTrack provides excellent workflow support for change and issue management.TeamTrack workflows are created using the TeamTrack Administrator shown inFigure 13 users drag and drop squares, connect them with arrows and create a self-documenting process that guarantees repeatability.

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Figure 13 TeamTrack workflow creation

Source: Serena Software

Extended lifecycle support

Serena is providing extended lifecycle support from requirements to production in aphased approach, which involves:

• the acquisition of TeamShare, provided Serena with TeamTrack, a process andchange management tool

• the announcement of the Serena Application Framework for Enterprises (SAFE).This framework extends beyond ALM by enabling companies to manageapplication design, development, quality assurance, deployment and supportacross platforms and across processes

• delivering integrations to ChangeMan ZMF

• delivering integrations to ChangeMan DS and third-party products (not availableyet).

User roles

User roles are not specifically identified in ChangeMan ZMF, but individual users aregiven access to particular functions (for example, authorisation). This allows user

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roles such as QA to be effected and, if desired, stop the change package frommoving forward.

Project support

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Good general CM capability to support testing needs, with strong merge capability forconflict resolution of libraries. ChangeMan ZMF does not link with project planningtools.


The ChangeMan ZMF change management and build features ensure thatcompliance issues identified as a result of testing can be logged, progressed andreliably delivered into production.

Testing projects can also have a lifecycle and approval process appropriate to thestronger orientation to test issues that are common to most application developmenttasks.

The likely need to run testing in parallel with other developments is well supported bythe ‘vendor merge’ options in Merge+Reconcile, which is an excellent tool for conflictresolution.

Project management

ChangeMan ZMF does not link with project planning tools.


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Typical mainframe panel displays, but options are tailored to user access authorities.ChangeMan ZDD provides a Windows interface to mainframe data and functionality.

The ChangeMan ZMF user interface is the typical IBM panel style, second only to theUnix command line in terms of poor user friendliness. It is, however, the commoninterface style for IBM mainframe users. The full ChangeMan ZMF Primary Optionpanel display is shown in Figure 14.

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Figure 14 Primary Option panel display

Source: Serena Software

The options displayed on the menu in Figure 14 are based on the authorisation of theuser.

ChangeMan ZMF dynamically builds this panel after verifying (with the host securitysystem) what ChangeMan ZMF functions the user may access.

The user that has this panel displayed has the following authorisations granted:

• administrator of some sort (the ‘A’ option is displayed)

• revert packages (the ‘R’ option is displayed)

• back-out packages (the ‘B’ option is displayed)

• monitor packages ‘in limbo’ (the ‘M’ option is displayed).

ChangeMan ZMF users who are developers or approvers are unlikely to have any ofthe additional options listed above. Most of the functions that they will use will beaccessed from the Build change package menu, Option 1, on the main menu.

Users adopting ChangeMan ZDD for Windows access to ZMF functionality and datawill see a Windows style of interface on their desktop as shown in Figure 15.

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Figure 15 ChangeMan ZDD interface

Source: Serena Software

ChangeMan ZDD enables direct access and editing of ChangeMan ZMF assets fromthe desktop. In ZDD, the mainframe appears as a driver letter in Windows, and ZMFlibraries and components appear as folders, subfolders and files that can beaccessed by desktop development tools. The integration eliminates the need todownload files, and the need to dedicate resources to the upload/download process.

With ChangeMan ZDD, programmers only need to know their favourite IDEs toextend mainframe applications. ZDD enables ubiquitous access to the mainframefrom the desktop with an interface for submitting mainframe jobs, viewing JESinput/output queues, and integrating mainframe testing environments.

Web client

ChangeMan ZMF does not have a web interface to CM functionality and data. Thisfunctionality is available to users of ChangeMan ZDD via Windows.

ChangeMan ECP is a web portal for accessing information and providing approvals atmanagement level. The ECP web interface is shown in Figure 16.

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Figure 16 ChangeMan ECP web interface

Source: Serena Software

ChangeMan ECP features are described in Replicated repositories.


Documentation is vast and generally poor. Although all panels and options arethoroughly described, there is little overall sense of how to use the product to besteffect. Options are described without comment on why one option might be preferredto another. There are very few screenshots to show users examples of what they willsee on the screen – a table of field names and the information to be entered in thesescreens is used to describe most screens.

The number of products that cover different functionality associated with ChangeManZMF hampers finding information. Most documents are around 200 pages and someexceed 300 pages. They would all be improved by imposing an arbitrary limit of 100pages for each document.

Documentation is available in Adobe Acrobat format on a password-protected CD-ROM.

Online help

Online help is available, conforming to the relevant style for the panel/menu interface.

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ChangeMan ZMF leaves existing data in situ, simplifying the set-up process.Administration panels are well presented (given the limitations of the mainframeenvironment), but JCL skeletons need to be customised for each link and compilescenario.

According to Serena, a basic ChangeMan ZMF implementation and initialcustomisation takes approximately two weeks to set up and become operational. Amore complex implementation – for example, one involving extensive customisations– might take between two and six additional weeks, depending on how many third-party tools are integrated. Most additional time is to allow for organisational andprocess adaptation concerns.

ChangeMan ZMF has four administrative domains:

• the global administrator is responsible for setting the high-level rules for the site’simplementation procedures, for specifying the systems (for example, Panvalet)with which ChangeMan ZMF is to interact, and the details regarding staginglibrary allocation. The global administrator is also responsible for determiningwhich servers are needed and for defining security policies and mechanisms

• the application administrator is responsible for setting the rules of the applicationdevelopment process – provided they do not breach the global rules. Theapplication administrator can also set staging library information and determinecompiling procedures for languages used in the application development. Inaddition, the administrator configures the promotion and baseline libraries andcreates approval lists, which are used by ChangeMan ZMF to notify strategicpeople in the development process that a change package is ready to be movedonto the next level of integration, testing, or into production

• the ChangeMan ZMF monitor (typically operations analysts) can oversee the sitefor change package discrepancies (for example, distribution without distributionacknowledgement) and can override installation information provided by the user.The monitor has the ability to release package installs, hold packages back frominstallation, change the status of any packages in limbo, and issue the back-outcommand

• the general administrator is likely to be an expert in the periodic housekeepingtasks for ChangeMan ZMF, such as starting up and shutting down the startedtask, updating the query information, backing up or recovering the packagemaster, or clearing the activity log.

The four domains can all be the responsibility of one individual and need not be a full-time responsibility for the individuals assigned to these tasks.

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ChangeMan ZMF recognises some library types, which it handles in a specific way.These are CPY, CTC, DBB, DBR, DOC, JCL, LCT, LOD, PRC and SRC. Users canspecify additional types, and can tell ChangeMan ZMF how to handle suchcomponents when they are staged. Options include:

• treat the library type in the same way as source. When this component type isstaged, ChangeMan ZMF will attach the appropriate compiling procedures andoptions based on the user’s selections or administrator definitions

• treat the library type as a load module

• treat the library type as a copybook or ‘include’. ChangeMan ZMF will includethese components in the compilers’ SYSLIB concatenation when a sourcecomponent is compiled

• perform staging as a simple copy operation using IEBCOPY or a similaroperation.

The various control parameters of ChangeMan ZMF operate at a global level and atan application level. Global parameters apply to all applications, but individualapplications can modify these (for example, to introduce an extra stage of testing).ChangeMan ZMF uses a project’s existing libraries in situ. The take-on of project datais therefore a formality. ChangeMan ZMF uses library types to determine howcomponents are processed; for example, for source, ChangeMan ZMF knows thatthere will be some form of translation needed and an associated load modulegenerated.

Panvalet users who make use of the full Panvalet ten-character file names may needan additional review of component names before transferring files to ChangeManZMF control. This is because ChangeMan ZMF assumes PDS naming conventions(eight characters).

The major effort in implementing ChangeMan ZMF for a project is therefore to set upa multi-layered project team and assign appropriate security to each user in relationto the ChangeMan ZMF functions, and to the authorisation and other processesassociated with the ChangeMan ZMF lifecycle.

Various global and local administration parameters need to be set, and JCL skeletons(which are provided) need to be customised for every link and compile scenario thatexists for a project.

Serena recommends that users should run through an end-to-end test as the firststep of a pilot. This test should take a change package from creation through toinstallation. Back-up processing and report generation should then follow, with thewhole process being repeated for different users as necessary.

Users should take advice from Serena’s consultancy services for the initial set-upprocedures and processes.

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Customer support

SupportIn North America, the UK, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Beneluxcountries, Serena has introduced ‘follow the sun’ support, which is seamless toSerena customers. Incoming calls are automatically routed to the most appropriatecall centre among Serena’s various locations.

Users in other countries should contact their local distributor.

A web service to support customers is also available.

TrainingSerena has developed modularised user training courses, which are available from alldistributors:

• an administrator course, between two and five days, to prepare administratorsand assist them in installing and administrating ChangeMan ZMF

• a user/developer course, two separate half-day sessions, using the newly createdChangeMan ZMF system

• a technical course, a detailed course tailored to individual client needs, usuallylasting three days.

Serena also offers e-learning and computer-based training for users andadministrators.

Courses can be customised for individual customers and can be held on-site.

Standard Serena courses can be found at:http://www.serena.com/services/serv_cls_offered.html

Consultancy servicesSerena and all ChangeMan ZMF distributors offer turnkey consulting support forinstalling the product and setting it up for project use. This support uses the principlesof process management practices such as CMM, ITIL, Six Sigma and others toestablish a set of ECM best practices, covering:

• IT organisational planning

• project management

• configuration management deployment.

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