outram school newsletteroutram.ultranet.school.nz/newscentre/download/2c4a32a7... · e outram...

e Outram School Newsletter Volume 1 Number 11 – 12 April 2018 OUTRAM SCHOOL VISION – A school where children strive for excellence, love learning, develop their passions and reach their potential Kia ora whānau A warm welcome to everyone for the last week of term. We are finishing this term with farewells to two staff members this week. Cathy Reid is on leave for the rest of the year as she is working as a Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour based in town. Also a very sad farewell to our beloved Tania Bellamy. Tania has been with Outram School for 18 years and tomorrow is her last day with us. We sincerely wish Tania all the best with her future endeavours. There are 2 parts to the Friday assembly, first part will be the Room 6 item, followed by Tania’s farewell and this assembly will start at 11.30. It will be followed by a light lunch for adults, our community are welcome to join us. Well done to the teachers of the Manu iti team (Room 2 and 3) for the organisation behind today’s Junior Commonwealth Games this afternoon. Our school were very privledged to have Adam Hall, Winter Paralympian, visit our Monday morning assembly. Adam is an ex- pupil of Outram School and he spoke about what it takes to overcome a disability and how to succeed with your dreams. His 3 keys to success included: 1. Attitude – having the right attitude 2. Effort – putting in the right amount of effort 3. Energy – having the right amount of energy to get the job done The children thoroughly enjoyed his talk, but most popular was every single child having the opportunity to hold his gold or bronze medal. We welcomed him to school with our own haka, and then thanked him by presenting him with a rhododendron called ‘Unique Dunedin’. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday. Amber Paterson Acting Principal 13 April 30 April 7 May 1 June End of Term 1 Start of Term 2 FOS Meeting Teacher Only Day School contact details: 1 Beaumaris Street, Outram. P O Box 22, Outram 9062. Phone 03 486 1733 for all absences, ASC and office. Email: [email protected] Web: www.outram.school.nz BoT Parent Reps: Anette Harrex 486 1681 Craig Brown 021 1915319 Katrina Robertson 486 1944 Ash Barron 486 2335 Amelia Rogers 021 882853 Friends of Outram School Sonya Aitken 486 2026

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Outram School Newsletter Volume 1 Number 11 – 12 April 2018 OUTRAM SCHOOL VISION – A school where children strive for

excellence, love learning, develop their passions and reach their potential

Kia ora whānau A warm welcome to everyone for the last week of term. We are finishing this term with farewells to two staff members this week. Cathy Reid is on leave for the rest of the year as she is working as a Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour based in town. Also a very sad farewell to our beloved Tania Bellamy. Tania has been with Outram School for 18 years and tomorrow is her last day with us. We sincerely wish Tania all the best with her future endeavours. There are 2 parts to the Friday assembly, first part will be the Room 6 item, followed by Tania’s farewell and this assembly will start at 11.30. It will be followed by a light lunch for adults, our community are welcome to join us. Well done to the teachers of the Manu iti team (Room 2 and 3) for the organisation behind today’s Junior Commonwealth Games this afternoon. Our school were very privledged to have Adam Hall, Winter Paralympian, visit our Monday morning assembly. Adam is an ex-pupil of Outram School and he spoke about what it takes to overcome a disability and how to succeed with your dreams. His 3 keys to success included: 1. Attitude – having the right attitude 2. Effort – putting in the right amount of effort 3. Energy – having the right amount of energy to get the job done The children thoroughly enjoyed his talk, but most popular was every single child having the opportunity to hold his gold or bronze medal. We welcomed him to school with our own haka, and then thanked him by presenting him with a rhododendron called ‘Unique Dunedin’. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday. Amber Paterson Acting Principal

13 April 30 April 7 May 1 June

End of Term 1 Start of Term 2 FOS Meeting Teacher Only Day

School contact details:

1 Beaumaris Street, Outram.

P O Box 22, Outram 9062.

Phone 03 486 1733 for all absences,

ASC and office.

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.outram.school.nz

BoT Parent Reps:

Anette Harrex 486 1681

Craig Brown 021 1915319

Katrina Robertson 486 1944

Ash Barron 486 2335

Amelia Rogers 021 882853

Friends of Outram School

Sonya Aitken 486 2026

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School Notices



Mark Your Calendar!!!

For the final assembly of the term 13th April at 11:30 am

(please note the change of time) This will be a

FAREWELL ASSEMBLY FOR TANIA BELLAMY and also Room 6’s presentation

Tania has been a dedicated and talented teacher at our school for

the past 18 years. Please plan on being there to farewell Tania with us at this special

assembly and also stay for the light lunch to follow (for adults) which will be

provided. If you would like to make a monetary donation to Tania’s leaving

gift please drop it off to Carolyn at the office.

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Board Chair Report

There has been so many things that Outram School have been involved in throughout this term and I thank all the staff and parents that have made these activities happen. A highlight for me was the Ukulele Jam, it was quite special to be in the Octagon and to hear the children singing and playing.

The assembly tomorrow will be an opportunity to acknowledge Tania Bellamy leaving us after 18 years teaching here at Outram. I appreciate all the hard work and dedication she has put into her teaching and she will be missed by staff and students. All my children have fond memories of her, especially of Super Ted and his adventures. We wish Tania all the best for her new direction.

There has been some discussions at FOS and at board meetings recently about the possibility of a hockey turf being built in Outram. The board acknowledge that this is a huge project and something that would need full community support to achieve. We are looking to establish a small group of people who would initially look into the feasibility and support of this project. If you would like be involved please let Sonia Aitken or myself know.

The change in weather this week has been a shock after such a beautiful Autumn, Hopefully we see it settle down again as the holidays begin next week. I hope the children have a relaxing break and we will see you all next term



Fields of poppies and crosses

The smell of gunpowder drifting in the air Guns firing. Bombs exploding in my head

Walking along ANZAC Cove feeling like a soldier

Aidan Wells Stories from Room 4 children pretending they were Adam Hall I went up to the 1st place podium. I was overwhelmed that I won a gold medal because I won the Winter Paralympics. I could not handle it when I won a gold medal. I could not handle it that I was cyring with joy. By Chaedon, Year 2 I was so surprised that I had won a gold medal and a bronze medal at the Winter Paralympics. I thought that I would be second in the race. Everybody was cheering at me. It was so hard to get my dream. By Susie, Year 2

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School Notices cont’d



1Gold – 1 Bronze - & Whang Youn Dai Achievement Award

We were proud to have Adam come back to his old Primary School and talk to us about how to

dream big and not to give up. Thank you for sharing your experience. We are in awe.

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Term 1, 2018

Week 11 – 13 April – Room 6 & Tania

Bellamy’s farewell assembly. Start time

11.30 with a light lunch after for the

parents and guests.

Term Dates for 2018 Term 1

Tuesday 30 January – Friday 13 April

Term 2 Monday 30 April – Friday 6 July

Term 3 Monday 23 July – Friday 28 September

Term 4 Monday 15 October – Tuesday 18









THE LATEST. Phone 486 1723.

Community Oral Health Service 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) or 0800 ORAL HEALTH (0800 672 543 (free from

cell phones) Please call us to update your contact details,

change an appointment or to make an appointment. You can find us under

Community Oral Health Service in the White Pages.

Fuel for Schools Fuel for Schools is a programme where

people/businesses can nominate Outram School to earn

points when they purchase bulk fuel supplies from

Southfuels. So if you get your fuel from Southfuels we

would love you to nominate Outram School. The

points we earn enable us to choose a package which

could be sporting equipment or technology.

We would like to thank Sinclair Saw & Mower, Outram

Contacting, Mining Construction Equipment Repairs Ltd

& Riverview Trust who have already nominated us.

We look forward to your support.


Flippa Ball

Flippa Ball has now finished. It was a new sport for Outram

School and the children really enjoyed it so we will look at

doing it again in Term 4. A huge thank you to Cathy Reid for

coaching the team.

Futsal Futsal has now finished. Our Y5/6 team Outram Flyers

placed 3rd in their competition. Great work.

Our Y3/4 team Outram Shooters placed 5th equal.

The improvement of these teams over the term was amazing.


Practice is cancelled today 12 April.


Practices will start first week of Term 2 and games start the

2nd week back at school.

Rugby Year 1 West Taieri 12 vs Kaikorai 12 Pod Rylan Kerr and Neakau Wetere Year 2 West Taieri 12 vs Dunedin 11 Pod Billy Aitken Year 3 West Taieri 25 vs Alhambra 35 Pod Jack Rongen Year 4 West Taieri 35 vs Southern 25 Pod Rakai Wetere U10 West Taieri 45 vs Dunedin 35 Pod Travis Miller and Austin Newton U12 West Taieri 21 vs Southern 60 Pod Josh Munro

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Wanted The Outram School Mechanics Shed would like broken down lawn mowers, bikes or any other small

item that has an engine that needs to be fixed. We have some great volunteers who help the

children get things going again.

If you have something for them to tinker with please contact the school office 486 1733. Thank you.

Piano Lessons

$85 per term

After School – at Outram School

Enquiries Welcome - phone Brenda a/h 489 3032

Music Lessons

Chris Glover – guitar & piano – 021 1317272

email: [email protected]

Regan Horrell – drums – 489 5230, 021 1850017

email: [email protected]

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Visit: www.entbook.co.nz/260q626

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