our thriller pitch

OUR THRILLER PITCH By Hope Martyn and Emily Russell

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Post on 04-Aug-2015



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By Hope Martyn and Emily Russell


You never know who’s hidden in the walls.

This is our log line, we chose this because it shows

the plot of our thriller; someone hiding in the walls.

Concealed. We chose this title because it’s do to

with mystery, it fits in well with our psychological

thriller because it’s about mysteries. It could imply

that there is also a secret hidden in the woman’s

head that she is trying to unravel, but actually it

turns her insane.


Man and woman chat as they move into new house, hearing creaking

and banging upstairs.

Woman thinks she’s going mad as the guy doesn’t believe her.

Woman sits in an empty room looking at photos, when suddenly – flash –

a shadow sweeps across the camera.

Woman is home alone and notices the dog frothing out of mouth looks in

bowl and sees poison, runs upstairs in terror and locks herself in room.

The murderer comes upstairs and bangs on the door that’s locked with

the woman inside.

The murderer gets inside the room, scaring the woman. Walking towards

her, when suddenly the man comes home and the murderer is gone.

She tells him about murderer and dog, he doesn’t believe her, she runs

away and husband follows into woods also followed by murderer.

Woman sees shadow of murderer in woods, runs back to house whilst

husband in the woods, the husband gets attacked by the murderer.

Back at house woman is locked in room, murderer pretends to be

husband and gets her to unlock the door, but then as he enters the room he

kills her.

Wounded husband appears behind the killer, and kills him.


Characters summaries.

Haley, Female, 22, Believes in the supernatural, which

ends up with psychological problems, leading to her death.

Chris?, Male, 23, Loves her too much, leading into him

losing her to the murderer.

No name (Murderer), no identity, hidden character. Kills

innocent people for no reason, (personality).


Our product will appeal to people because of the target

audience and the genre of the film. Our target audience is 15 and

above, our sub-genre thriller is a psychological thriller, in the vein

of source code. It is going to appeal to our target audience

because it’s a thriller that gets you thinking, but isn’t a young

audience thriller, we have decided to choose a psychological

thriller because of the recent success of films like black swan and

inception which also make you think about it, and they require

maturity which is why we chose 15 and above.