our thriller music

Our Thriller Music

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Our Thriller Music

Our Thriller Music

Our music is called Panic Man. It goes against the conventions of thriller music, as it is quite low in pitch, whereas normal thriller music would be high pitched to create tension. We chose the music despite the pitch, because the bass in the background sound like a heartbeat, which is good for when our character is running.

However, our music does follow some conventions of thriller music. The music does start slow and then speed up, which will sound good when our character is running because the fast tempo combined with the heartbeat sound will emphasise how she is running away from something. There is also a crescendo at the end of the music, where the music gets faster and higher in pitch which is good for creating tension.

We will put the music when she is running at the beginning of the thriller, and then the music will cut out when she enters the windmill, you will hear heavy breathing when she walks past the camera and up the stairs, and then complete silence when it switches to the security camera shots. We will then have some sound effects like doors slamming and a scream before a cut to the title sequence where the music will come back in quietly, after a wind sound effect. The music stays quiet after when she walks around the hospital room, and then gets louder and faster when she realises she cant escape, The crescendo will hit when she gives up and slides down the door, and then once she reaches the floor there will be silence.

Panic ManDavid FesliyanFesliyan Studios, track 12015Instrumental131640.0eng - John 3:16