our corporate responsibility - ringway

OUR CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY The Management Of Our Impact On Society And The Environment

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OUR CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITYThe Management Of Our Impact On Society And The Environment

Ivor Goodsite, from the Considerate Constructors Scheme, visits Todwick Primary School

Eurovia aims to operate a sustainable business, which recognises its responsibility to our employees, key stakeholders, local communities and the surrounding environment in which we work and live. From a company perspective, the concept of CR encompasses all of these issues and supports us to manage and monitor them directly. It is our firm belief that CR should be embedded in everything we do and influence how we operate. Our culture of integrity demands that we seek to do the right thing and have a positive impact on society. We are committed to publically reporting on our activities every year in our CR Report.

Using reporting guidance from Business in the Community we set our CR policy, strategy and targets. We strive to be open and honest at all times and support the core group values. Our group CR committee regularly meets throughout the year to discuss future activities and develop ideas. The committee is attended by group directors and key departments within the business as well as our CR champions.

Our CR champions represent their business, support build relationships in the community and engage our employees to take up fundraising and volunteering opportunities. To see who your local CR champion is please look on our website – CR page.



The nature of our work – maintaining and improving public infrastructure, helps us shape and improve the physical environment in which people live. Many of our employees live close to where we operate and we are proud to provide them with the means to improve their communities through volunteering, charity donation and supporting local projects. We believe that investing in and supporting communities provides real benefits such as;

• Improved relationships with local communities

• Increased potential for innovation as a result of creative partnerships

• Raised awareness of the contribution we make to improving local communities

• Opportunities to tackle current issues linked to our industry


We are committed to reducing our waste, energy and water consumption, minimising harm to environment and promoting wildlife and biodiversity. Our robust training supports awareness of environmental risks onsite and the measures needed to reduce pollution incidents.

Fuel consumption is the biggest carbon emission for our Group and we are taking steps to reduce miles travelled, increase efficiency and improved training and awareness of driver behaviour.

We are also supporting the environment by promoting our recycled products and supporting research and innovation into sustainable solutions. Our waste management procedures are industry leading with over 95% of our waste diverted from landfill since 2012.

To support the management of CR within our business our activities are broken down into four main categories; community, environment, marketplace and workplace.

Ringway at the 2013 Peterborough Green Festival


The way in which we behave impacts the perception of our business within the marketplace. Engaging closely with our clients, larger supply chain and local SME’s, supports a better service overall. We have a rigorous management system for our supply chain partners, with performance reviews through our eSource system.

Our Group Innovation Awards encourage all of our employees to enter their ideas and projects enabling shared learning throughout the business. The winners also feed through to the VINCI innovation awards where prizes are available to be won.


We provide a safe working environment for our people, supporting them with recognised training to increase their skills. Our leaders promote employee wellbeing

Volunteers repair Spruisty Bridge in Yorkshire

at work and at home supported by group led campaigns, employee assistance programmes and supporting community engagement.

We expect our people to;

• Work in a culture that encourages diversity and respect for all people

• Be offered opportunities to train and develop

• Work safety and with consideration for others

Our management system ‘The Way We Work’ has been developed to support environmental, quality and safety impacts. This is a framework to support achievement of our core business objectives from policy to review. Ultimately our goal is to ensure that all our staff enjoy their work, feel comfortable in their surroundings and continue to develop personally as their careers progress.


Our strategic approach has always been focussed on delivering community projects and investment opportunities which fall within four key themes; education, environment, health and employment.

This will continue to be the grounding for all future support from our group. However, our key target areas to 2015 are defined below; each business will take on these targets and develop their own specific strategy to implement actions and to support the group to meet these objectives and support our community.

Volunteering days are available for our employees, where each staff member can take up to two days a year to spend time in the community on good causes and supporting our key target areas. We feel this is a significant opportunity for our employees to give something back whether it be supporting a local park, school career days or providing expert services for free.

Students at a careers fair in Peterborough

worthwhile projects which deliver community and business benefits. Our group does not support charities or organisations where the beneficiaries are selected on the basis of political or religious affiliation, or provide support to political groups, religious organisations or animal charities. Only charities registered within the UK through the Charity Commission and for work within the UK will be considered for our support.

Road Safety

We engage with our national charity partner BRAKE to promote safe highway use for children with school visits and events. We will create a pack for schools, which can be downloaded from our website, to be used in the classroom for both primary & secondary age ranges. The packs will also support our employees who visit schools to support a road safety day. We will continue to engage with local

Charity Support

Each of our businesses will nominate a local charity to support, work closely with and aim to make a real difference in their regions. National businesses will look to support wider reaching charities, which will also benefit from engagement with us. Fundraising events held by us will vary across the group including quizzes, cake sales and dress down days.

As a group we will continue to support BRAKE by making an annual donation of £1 for each near miss reported within our group. Match funding is available for all employees (up to £300 per employee per year) to boost their fundraising activities for their personal chosen charities.

We also support social initiatives and charities through the provision of materials, plant and equipment, publicity or time. Our programmes focus time and energy into specific

Cheque presentation to Brake

Environment and Biodiversity

We will encourage volunteer days to enhance open spaces and to protect and promote wildlife. Removing invasive weed species local to our business will be organised throughout the UK, focusing especially on himalayan balsam.

Verge biodiversity development is another project we will support in specific Ringway businesses, where we manage the verge side, prevent cutting in some areas and encourage diverse wildflower growth. We will encourage volunteer days to be planned in partnership with the local community to gain maximum impact, ranging from supporting scouts and guides, schools and social projects.

Horsham volunteering day 2013

schools nearby any major works, host them at the site for the day to show how to navigate roads/highways safely.

Education & Skills

We will support the reduction of the nationally identified engineering skills gap, by continuing our engagement with schools career development. We will also promote women within our industry, with presentations and workshops to the children.

We will continue to support school leavers to enable them to choose our business sector via apprenticeships and extensive training opportunities. All our graduates are required to organise a school partnership day with a local school during their placement with us.