ord. 002-2010

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Ordinance No. 002-


Local Government Unit of 

Balete, Aklan

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Revised Charter of BCC June 2010

ORDINANCE NO. 002 - 2010



WHEREAS, the municipality of Balete having envisioned its people leading quality life

through rightfully equipping them with adequate and relevant knowledge, skills and values havecreated, established, maintained and advanced the Balete Community College for the past eight


WHEREAS, while the past eight years have been trying years in the formative processof the community college as a tertiary educational local government institution, laurels and

feathers in its cap have been gained and achieved that this Sanggunian find it noteworthy to bringit to another level to further approximate the realization of its vision-mission statement;

WHEREAS, the fast changing educational field in the global village calls for someadjustments and adaptation to make the BCC responsive to the growing needs of the community.


BE IT ENACTED by the Sangguniang Bayan of Balete, Aklan that:



 Section 1. Title. This ordinance shall be known as the REVISED CHARTER OF THE


 Section 2. Coverage. This charter shall govern and apply to the Balete Community College.

  Section 3. Policies and Objectives. a. The Balete Community College is hereby

established to provide professional, scientific, technological, technical and vocational

institution and training in trades, business, arts, sciences and technology and other areas

and for special purposes which promote research, advanced studies and professionalleadership in the stated fields of study as the Board of Trustees may deem necessary tomeet the needs of the community, the province and the nation in general.

b. While forming part of and under the Municipal Economic Enterprise Department of theLocal Government, BCC shall operate to provide quality yet affordable tertiary education

to the community and its neighboring barangays.c. Keeping attuned to the signs of the time, BCC shall accelerate the development of the

municipality through producing men and women equipped with adequate and relevant

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knowledge, skills and values that matched with the labor force requirements of thecommunity and the nation in general to improve the quality of life of every Baleten-on.

 Section 4. College Philosophy and Vision-Mission Statement . BCC believes in

harnessing human potential through quality industrial education, generation and transfer of 

relevant technology, moral and spiritual enhancement towards committed leadership insustainable community development.

It envisions the turnout of effective, efficient and skilled manpower that shall provide andadvance sustainable productivity of industrial and technological resources through bringing

out the innate gifts and faculty of the Baleten-on labor force, through meeting the labordemands of the global community, through food production, processing and community


The Primary mission of the college shall be to produce men and women empowered with theadequate and relevant knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to practice

successfully their professions/vocations in a peaceful, progressive and God lovingcommunity.

 Section 5 . The general powers of college in addition to those set forth in RA 8292 otherwise

known as “Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997,” shall include those granted tocorporation under Section 36 of Batas Pambansa 68 or the Corporation Code of the

Philippines and such other powers as may be provided by law.

 Section 6. The official color and logo of the college shall be the color and design approved by

its Board of Trustees.


 Section 7. The Balete Community College shall have its domicile and place of business in the

Municipality of Balete, Aklan


 Section 8. The funds of the college shall be derived from the following sources:

a.)  Tuition and miscellaneous fees paid by the students;

b.)  Annual subsidy from the Municipal Government;c.)  Aid from the provincial, national government and other foreign government;

d.)  Legacies, gifts and donations from persons, institutions and other NGO’s both local and  foreign; and

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e.)  Other sources which the law or ordinance may allow.


 Section 9. The governing body of the college shall be the Board of Trustees and shall be

composed of the following:

a.)  The Local Chief Executive as Chairman;

b.)  The Chairman of the Committee on Education of the Sangguniang Bayan;c.)  The College Administrator;

d.)  The President of the Student Council;e.)  The President of the Faculty and Employees Association of the college;

f.)  The President of the Alumni Association of the college;g.)  The President of the Parents Teachers and Community Association of the college;

h.)  Two (2) prominent citizens who have distinguished themselves in their profession or fieldof specialization as members. They shall be chosen from among a list of a least five (5)

persons qualified in the municipality where the school is located, as recommended by theSearch Committee and appointed by the Board of Trustees;

i.)  The Representative of the Commission on Higher Education; j.)  The Head of the Municipal Economic Enterprise Department of the LGU; and

k.)  The Chairperson of the Committee on Finance and Appropriations of the SangguniangBayan.

  Section 10. The Presidents of the faculty, Alumni and Parents Teachers and Community

Association and the Student Trustees shall sit in the Board until the expiration of their

terms in such capacities, while the prominent citizens shall serve for a terms of two (2)years or otherwise removed by the appointing authority for cause which shall be for thebest interest of the college.

  Section 11. The Municipal Mayor shall be the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. In the

absence of the chairman, the chairman of the committee of the Education of the

Sangguniang Bayan shall act as such, or in her/his absence, the college administrator shallact as the temporary presiding officer of the Board of Trustees. The Presiding Officer,

permanent or temporary shall vote only in case of a tie.

 Section 12. There shall be a Secretary of the college who shall be appointed by the Board

upon recommendation of the College Administrator. He/she shall notify every trustee of all

meetings of the Board and shall send to each a copy of the agenda together with a copy of the minutes of the proceedings of the Board meeting at least two days before a scheduled

meeting. He/she shall keep a full and accurate a record of its proceedings.

 Section 13. The Board shall convene regularly once in every two (2) months.

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 Section 14. The Chairman of the Board may call a special Board meeting whenever necessary.

The meeting of the Board as much as possible shall be held within the college campus.

However it may also be held when necessary in such other places as the Board maydetermine.

  Section 15. The members of the Board of Trustees of the college shall serve withoutcompensation other than allowance per Board meeting actually attended; provided that theyshall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred on other official business

relative to their function as member of the Board.


 Section 16. The Balete Community College Board shall have the following specific power

and duties in addition to its general powers of Administration and the exercise of all powersgranted by the corporation Code of the Philippines:

a.)  To enact rules and regulations not contrary to laws as may be necessary to carry out thepurpose and functions of the college.

b.)  To adopt the executive budgetary needs for the operation and maintenance of the collegeto be submitted to the Sangguniang Bayan for approval and to authorize the disbursement

of funds from the College Treasurer pursuant to the budget prepared by the collegeAdministrator in accordance with the rules and regulation promulgated and approved by

the Board;c.)  To receive in trust legacies, gifts and donations and real and personal properties of all

kind, and administer and dispose the same when necessary for the benefits of the college,subject to limitations, directions and instructions of the donor, if any;

d.)  To fix the tuition fees and other necessary school charges, such as but not limited tomatriculation fee, graduation fee and laboratory fee, as the Board may deem proper to

impose after due consultation with the involved sectors;e.)  To adopt and implement a socialized scheme of tuition and school fees for greater access

to poor but deserving students;f.)  To authorize the construction of repair of its buildings, machineries, equipment and other

facilities and the purchase and acquisition of real and personal properties includingnecessary supplies, material and equipment;

g.)  To appoint, upon the recommendation of the selection committee all college officials,personnel and member of the teaching staff and other employees;

h.)  To fix and adjust salaries of faculty member, administrative official and employees

subject to the provisions of the revised compensation and classification system and otherpertinent budget and compensation laws governing laws of service, and such other dutiesand conditions as it may deem proper, to grant them, at its direction, leaves of absence

under such regulations as it may promulgate, any provisions of existing law to thecontrary notwithstanding and to remove them for cause in accordance with the

requirements of due process of law;i.)  To approve the curricular, institutional programs and rules of discipline drawn by the

administration and academic councils as herein provided;

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 j.)  To set policies on admission and graduation of students;k.)  To approve the Merit promotion guidelines;

l.)  To award honorary degrees upon persons in recognition of outstanding contribution in thefield of education, public service, arts, sciences and technology or any field of 

specialization within the academic competence of the college and authorize the Award of 

Certificates of Completion to non-degree and non-traditional courses;m.) To grant scholarship to deserving students and fellowship for qualified faculty and staff and non- teaching personnel, subject to availability of funds;

n.)  To delegate to any of its powers and duties provided for herein above to the CollegeAdministrator or other officials of the college as it may deem appropriate so as to

expedite the Administration of the Affairs of the college;o.)  To collaborate with other governing boards of other Colleges of the Region under the

Supervision of the CHED in the structuring of the said college to become more efficient,relevant, productive and competitive;

p.)  To enter into joint ventures with business and industry for the profitable development andmanagement of the economic assets of the college or institution, the proceeds from which

to be used for the development fund and strengthening of the college;q.)  To develop consortia and other forma linkages with local governments units, institutions

and agencies, both public and private, local and foreign, and furthermore of the purposesand objectives of the college;

r.)  To set up the adoption of modern innovative modes of transmitting knowledge such asthe use of information technology and dual system, open and distance learning,

community laboratory and to appoint and avail the services of experts/specialist asconsultants, or visiting or exchange professors, scholars, researchers for the promotion of 

greater access to higher education;s.)  To establish policy guidelines and procedures for participative decision making and

transparency within college;t.)  To privatize, where most advantageous to the College Management and non-academic

services such as health, food, building or grounds or property maintenance and similarsuch other activities;

u.)  To create such other offices not herein provided should the same be necessary for a moreeffective and profitable operation of the College, define the qualifications therefore, to

provide for the standard of their compensation, design their duties and functions anddecide on the procedure of their appointment; and

v.)  To exercise such other powers, not contrary to law, as are necessary for the operation andmaintenance of the college.

 Section 17 . General policies, contracts and matters, which shall affect the stability and future

of college, shall require the conformity of the Sangguniang Bayan.

  Section 18. The Administration of the College shall be vested in the College Administrator

who shall render full-time service. The Board of Trustees, upon recommendation of a

duty constituted Search Committee, shall appoint him. He shall have a term of four (4)years and shall be eligible for reappointment of another term.

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 Section 19 . There shall be a selection committee to be composed of the Municipal Mayor as

chairman, SB chairman of the Committee on Education, NGO representative from theacademe to be determined by the Board and the Human Resource and Management

Officer as members.

 Section 20. The selection Committee shall have the following powers and duties:

a)  To create rules, regulation and selection criteria in selecting the faculties and staff of the College;

b)  To recommend and submit rank-list of provable candidate for hiring to the Board forapproval.


  Section 21 . The academic council of the college shall be composed of the College

Administrator as chairman, the Dean of Instruction, the College Secretary andDepartment Heads as members. The Academic Council shall have the following powers

and duties:

a)  To prescribe, review and recommend the curricular offerings and rules of disciplineof the college subject to approval of the Board of Trustees;

b)  To fix the requirements for the admission of students as well as for graduation andconferment of degrees subject to renewal and/or approval by the Board of trustees

through the College Administrator;c)  To exercise disciplinary powers over the students through the College Administrator

within the limits prescribed by the rules discipline as approved by the Board.

 Section 22. The Administrator of the College shall be the presiding officer of the Academic

Council. In this absence, the officer-in-charge shall preside, and in the absence of both,

any of the Directors who shall be elected by the members of the Academic Council.

  Section 23 . The Academic Council shall meet at such times as the Administrator of the

College may determine; there shall be at least one (1) regular meeting each term but can

call a special meeting upon written request of the majority of the members of the council.

  Section 24. Every member of the Academic Council shall be required to attend all its

meetings and maybe excused only for reasons considered satisfactory by his/her director.

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 Section 25. Officials of the College shall be the College Administrator, Dean of Instruction,

College Secretary, Registrar, Department Heads, Head of Student Affairs, CollegeLibrarian, Administrative Officer, College Cashier, College Bookkeeper, Supply and

Property Officer, College Physician, College Dentist and College Nurse.

 Section 26. The head of the College shall be known as College Administrator, who shall be

appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the Selection Committee with theconcurrence of the Sangguniang Bayan. The College Administrator shall receive a

compensation, which shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees in accordance with existinglaws;

 Section 27. In case of vacancy by reason of death, resignation, removal of cause or incapacity

of the administrator to perform to functions of his office, (the board shall have theAdministrator to perform the functions of his office) the board shall have the authority to

designate an officer-in-charge pending the appointment of the new administrator.

 Section 28. The Qualification of the College Administrator should be the following;

a)  Must be a Filipino Citizen;b)  He/She must be a doctorate holder with an area of concentration on Educational

Management;c)  He/She has had teaching experience in College for at least five (5) years; and

d)  He/she must have Administrative experience in college for at least (5) years; ande)  He/She must be of good moral character and has not been convicted of any crime

involving moral turpitude.

 Section 29. The College Administrator shall have the following powers and duties;

a)  He/she shall, on behalf of the Board of trustees, have general supervision over all

Academic, Administrative, and Financial operation of the college;b)  Promulgate and enforce general policies affecting the college and shall take actions

which, in his judgment are necessary for the protection of life, right, poverty andgeneral welfare of the college.

c)  Recommended to the Board, the appointment of qualified persons to fill all vacanciesand new positions; he may designate officials to perform functions in concurrent

capacity without additional compensation and may request for job orders;d)  Institute disciplinary actions against any personnel, or faculty for culpable violation

of Civil Service Law and School policies and against any student of the college

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whose actions adversely affect the general interest and good name of the collegesubject to the due process and approval of the Board of Trustees;

e)  Decide appeals in controversies involving ranking officials, faculty and personnel of the college when penalty imposed exceeds thirty (30) days;

f)  Grant or deny sabbatical leaves and leaves of absence without pay and/or extension of 

such leaves, as well as extension of fellowship of any form of fellowship or any formof scholarship for a period not exceeding one academic if the budget permits and forreason that may deem satisfaction subject to appeal to the Board of Trustees;

g)  Grant permission for use of building and premises of the college of academe,professional, scientific and technology conventions, and other related and non-

sectarian activities and fix fee thereof;h)  Sign and execute all contractions, deeds and instruments for, and the college, subject

to the approval of the Board;i)  Cause the preparation for Annual Budget of the college and submit the some of 

review, consideration and approval of the Board of Trustees; j)  Cause the preparation on annual year-end reports on the work on the post year need

of the current year;k)  Have such other power as elsewhere provided in this charter as may be specifically

authorized by the Board of Trustees and such other power usually pertaining to theoffice of the College Administrator. He may delegate in writing any of this function

to any office.


 Section 30. The Dean of Instructor who holds an academic rank shall be appointed by the

Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the College Administrator to whom he is

directly responsible and shall receive a compensation which shall be fixed by the Boardof Trustees in consonance with existing laws.

  Section 31. He/she shall be appointed Dean of Instruction based on the following


a.)  He/she must be a holder of at least Masters Degree;

b.)  He/she mush have an administrative/educational management experience forat least one (1) year; and

c.)  He/she must be of good moral character and has not been convicted of anycrime under the law of ordinance.

 Section 32. The Dean of the Instruction shall:

a.)  Assist the College Administrator in formulating and implementing policies, plans,strategies and activities pertaining to the efficient and effective management and

development of the instruction programs and project of the college;b.)  Exercise general supervision and control over all departments and supervisory services of 

the College such as the College Library and other offices under her charge;

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c.)  Recommend policies designed to improve instruction.d.)  Oversee the supervision by specialization scheme in the college.

e.)  Direct and advice the students in their program of studies and approve their subject loads;f.)  Collate all departments annual reports which shall form part of the College Annual

Report; and

g.) Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the College Administrator.


 Section 33. The Board of Trustees shall appoint the College Secretary upon recommendation

of the college Administrator to whom he/she is directly responsible, and shall receive a

compensation, which shall be fixed by the Board in consonance with existing laws.

 Section 34. The College Secretary shall be appointed based on the following qualifications:

a.)  He/she must be a holder of at least a Bachelors Degree;b.)  He/she must have had successful experience in secretarial job specifically in handling

students employees records, clerical job with experience in computer use andmanagement for at least one (1) year; and

c.)  He/she must be of good character.

 Section 35. The secretary shall have the following powers and duties:

a.)  He/she shall be the Secretary of the College and the Board of Trustees;

b.)  He/she shall take charge of the records of the Board Meeting and will attend to otheractivities/matters which the College Administrator may direct to undertake;

c.)  He/she shall prepared the appointments of all college officials, members of theteaching staff and all employees of the college; and

d.)  He/she shall perform such other related duties as may be assigned to him/her by theCollege Administrator.


 Section 36. There shall be a department heads to be designated by the College Administrator

upon recommendation of the Dean of Instruction to whom he/she is directly responsible.

The designation does not carry additional compensation but shall be one of the basis forfuture promotion.

 Section 37. The Department Head shall assist the Dean of Instruction of all matters affecting

their respective departments and shall perform such other related duties that may assignedto them by the Dean.

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 Section 38 . There shall be a Head of Students Affairs appointed by the Board of Trustees on

recommendation of the college Administrator whose qualification must be at least of 

holder of a Master’s Degree and had a successful experience in counseling students for at

least two (2) years;

 Section 39. The Head of Students Affairs shall have the following duties and responsibility.

a.)  Assist the College and Administrator in formulating and implementing policies, plans,projects, and activities regarding student services.

b.)  Supervise and coordinate all student services;c.)  Recommended to the College Administrator through the Dean of Instruction plans and

policies for the improvements of the different student service;d.)  Attend conferences, seminars and meeting representing the college on matters concerning

student services;e.)  Institute a program of counseling and guidance in the college;

f.)  Coordinate the operation of the unit-in-charge of student health, student organizationsand publications, students residences, athletics, physical education and other

extracurricular activities; andg.)  Perform such other related function that may be assigned by the College Administrator


 Section 40. There shall be College Librarian appointed by the Board in consonance with the

existing laws and upon recommendation of the College Administrator based onqualification such as:

a.)  Bachelors Degree holder major in Library Science

b.)  Has had experience at least as an assistance Librarian for one (1) year

c.)  Must be good moral character

 Section 41. The College Librarian shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a.)  Keep the Library in proper order and shall see to it the books, magazines, materials andequipment and all other properties of the College Library are well taken cared of;

b.)  Prepared the listing of names of book holdings, magazines and newspapers to the

purchased by the college; andc.)  Perform such other duties that may be assigned to him/her by the Dean of Instruction and

the College Administrator.

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 Section 42. There shall be on administrative Officer appointed by the Board of Trustees upon

recommendation of the College Administrator to whom he/she is directly responsible andshall receive a compensation, which shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees.

 Section 43. The Administrative Officer shall have appointed by the Board of Trustees based

on the following qualification, standard set by the Civil Service Commission:

a.)  Holder of at least a Bachelor’s Degree; b.)  Passes a Career Service (Professional Second Level) Eligibility;

c.)  With Administrative Management experience; andd.)  With good moral character.

 Section 44. The Administrative Officer shall have the following duties and responsibilities;

a.)  Assist the College Administrator in formulating and implementing policies, plansstrategies, and activities pertaining to the efficient and effective management and

development of the Administrative Programs and Projects of the college;b.)  Coordinate, plan and supervise the work of all personnel assigned in the college;

c.)  Supervise and coordinate budget preparation, personnel administration, and control of general services of the college;

d.)  Implement Administrative policies and guidelines and decide on employees relationsproblems and conflicts;

e.)  Prepare office memoranda, orders and circular for the proper guidance of officials andemployees upon the direction of the College Administrator;

f.)  Supervise the maintenance and safekeeping of documents, records, and properties of thecollege;

g.)  Coordinate with other agencies and entities regarding particular subjects of immediateconcern;

h.)  Take charge of the supervision of the grounds, building and school plant of the collegeand see to it that they properly taken cared of;

i.)  Take charge in overseeing all non-teaching employees of the college such as laborers, janitors and security men; and

 j.)  Perform such other related duties that maybe assigned by the College Administrator.



  Section 45. There shall be a College Cashier appointed by the Board of Trustees upon

recommendation of the College Administrator who is at least a graduate of a Bachelor

Degree of Commerce.

 Section 46. The College Cashier shall have the following duties and responsibilities;

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a.)  Collect the tuition and miscellaneous fees due to the College and shall issue official

receipt in connection therewith and deposit the fund with the Municipal Treasurer;b.)  Accountable for all funds of the college shall render accounting in connection therewith

as may be required by the Municipal Accountant of the Municipality of Balete, Aklan;

c.) Furnish the Municipal Accountant a statement of income, expenditures and balances of all the funds of the college within two weeks after the close of each semester;

d.)  Advice Management on the status of collection and disbursement of funds;

e.)  Take charge of the payments of salaries, wages, benefits and other legal financialobligations of the college to all its public and private transactions and to its college

employees; andf.)  Perform such other functions, which may be assigned to him by the college Administrator

and by the Board of Trustees.


  Section 47 . There shall be a College Bookkeeper appointed by the Board of Trustees upon

recommendation of the College Administrator and Local Chief Executive, and shall

receive a compensation which shall be fixed by the Board in consonance with existing

laws and who is at least a graduate of Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce. 

 Section 48. The College Bookkeeper shall have the following duties and responsibilities;

a.)  Prepare salary payroll and vouchers;

b.)  Maintain and records salaries in index Card;

c.)  Classify post and record vouchers to journal; make the ledgers and type Trial Balance;d.)  Take charge of Daily Time Records of the college employees;e.)  Prepare statement of remittances and journals of analysis of employees;

f.)  Examine, verify and make journal entries of disbursement, revenue and accountingactivities;

g.)  Review and approve accountants service for check disbursement; andh.)  Perform such other functions that may be assigned by the College Administrator.


 Section 49. There shall be a College Property and Supply Officer appointed by the Board of 

Trustees upon recommendation of the College Administrator whose qualification must be

a holder of Bachelor’s Degree

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 Section 50. The College Property and Supply Officer shall have the following duties and


a.)  Implement policies and system on the procurement and disposition of supplies,

materials and equipment requirements of all operating units for effective service;

b.)  Manage and maintain an inventory of physical assets of the College;c.)  Implement proper handling, storage and safekeeping of equipment, supplies and

materials to avoid damage/deterioration;

d.)  Conduct the disposal of unserviceable property and other waste materials;e.)  Act as custodian of all college property; and

f.)  Perform related task as may be assigned by the College Administrator.


 Section 51. There shall be a college Medical and Dental Officers appointed by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Chief Executive whose qualification are based on

the Civil Service Rules and Regulations and whose compensation shall be fixed by theBoard of trustees in accordance with existing laws;

Section 52. The Medical and Dental Officers of the College shall have the following duties and


a.)  Assist the Administration in formulating and implementing policies and procedures inthe various school health programs;

b.)  Evaluate the school health programs;

c.)  Conduct medical and physical examination of school officials and employees;d.)  Perform consultation, give treatment and attend to emergency cases;e.)  Make arrangements or referral cases of school officials and/or employees to

specialists, hospitals and laboratories for definite diagnosis and proper management;f.)  Determine the physical fitness of students and school personnel;

g.)  Coordinate with the Department of Health and other health agencies in the controland prevention of community diseases;

h.)  Assist in the in-service training of dental and medical personnel;i.)  Act of consultant and/or resource person in school community health education

program; j.)  Prepare and submit periodic, annual and other required reports;

k.)  Requisition medicines and medical supplies and equipment and take charge of thesafe – keeping and use of medical supplies; and

l.)  Carry out such other related duties as may be assigned by the College Administrator

and the Board of Trustees.


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Section 53. There shall be a College Security Officer appointed by the Board of Trustees uponrecommendation of the Chief Executive and College Administrator whose qualification

shall at least be a holder of Bachelor’s Degree and with and experience in SecurityManagement for at least one (1) year. The Board of Trustees based on existing laws shall

fix the compensation.

Section 54. The College Security Officers shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a.)  Prepare integrated plans for the College Security guards to provide for efficient andeffective service;

b.)  Enforce rules and regulations; maintain peace and order; protect college property;c.)  Coordinate with authorities concerned in investigating violations of laws and policies

involving security;d.)  Develop and Coordinate a program on drugs, civil preparedness, informing and

educating the college community; ande.)  Perform related task as may be assigned by the College Administrator and Board of 



Section 55. The Municipal Accountant shall be the ex-officio accountant of the college. He

shall render accounting of all the funds of the college as may be required by the Auditorof the Municipality of Balete and shall furnish the Board of Trustees a statement of 

income, expenditures and balances of all the funds of the college within three (3) weeksafter the end of each semester.


Section 56.The curricular offerings and institutional programs of the college will be determinedby the Board of Trustees as provided for in Section 16.i. of this charter keeping in light

the vision-mission statement of the college. Initially, the college shall offer the followingcourses with their corresponding tuition fee rates, viz.:

a.  Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management at the rate of Php. 150 per

unit;b.  Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education at the rate of Php. 150 per unit;

c.  Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education at the rate of Php. 120 per unit; andd.  Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology at the rate of Php. 120 per unit.

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Section 57. All ordinances or parts of ordinances or the resolutions of the Sangguniang Bayan

that are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this charter are hereby repealed,amended or modified accordingly;

Section 58. All funds derived from the operation of the College including all the donations, gifts,legacies and bequeaths thereto shall not be spent for any purpose but shall be held in trust

to be solely for the concerns and benefits of the college.


Section 59. If any provision of this charter is declared to be unconstitutional or against the law,

all the remaining provisions not affected thereby, shall remain valid and in legal forceand effect.


Section 60. With the exception of matters specifically provided by the law, any provision of thischarter that may be amended by the Sangguniang Bayan, or upon the recommendation of 

the Board of Trustees in any regular session or special session called for the purposes,provided however that proper notice and text of the proposed amendments shall have

been furnished each member of the Sangguniang Bayan and the Board of Trustees notless the ten (10) working days prior to such session.


Section 61. The Municipal Treasure of Balete, Aklan shall be authorized to collect the tuition and

miscellaneous fee due to the college and shall issue official receipts in connection therewith until such time that a permanent Cashier is appointed.

Section 62. The Municipal Library shall be temporarily used as the College library until such

time the college could establish its own library.


Section 62. This Charter shall take effect fifteen days after its posting in conspicuous places inthe Municipality.

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Revised Charter of BCC June 2010



SB Member SB Member


SB Member SB Member


SB Member SB Member


SB Member SB Member

BERNARDO M. SAUZA MILCAH E. SAUZA SB Member/Pres. Liga ng mga Brgy SB Member/Pres., SK Mun. Federation




Regular Session (20th


for the Year 2010) of the Sangguniang Bayan ( for the period 2007-2010) held onThursday, June 10, 2010 at the Session Hall, Balete, Aklan.


Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer 

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Revised Charter of BCC June 2010



Secretary to the Sanggunian 



Municipal Mayor

Date of Approval: _______________