oral nutrisi rd final

Islammiyah DY 1) , Wistiani 1) , Galuh H 1) 1) Department of Pediatric, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia Correlation between clinical manifestations and anti ds-DNA of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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Page 1: Oral Nutrisi RD Final

Islammiyah DY1), Wistiani1), Galuh H1)

1) Department of Pediatric, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia

Correlation between clinical manifestations and anti ds-DNA of patients with systemic lupus


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multiorgan autoimmune disease with many clinical manifestations.

Anti ds-DNA antibody is a specific marker for this disease and correlate with disease activity.

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to determine the relationship between clinical manifestations and anti ds-DNA.

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Retrospective study Using medical records in Kariadi Hospital between January

2010 and June 2015 was done. Twenty six patients, age range 7-17 years old, were enrolled. Clinical features observed based on the American College of

Rheumatology criteria for SLE. Anti ds-DNA level was classified into ≤ 300 IU/ml and > 300 IU/ml.

Normality of data was analyzed by Shapiro-wilk. Statistic analysis was performed using exact fischer test.

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Subject characteristic

Characteristic Deathn (%)

Surviven (%)

Totaln (%)



 3 (11,54)

0 (0)

 20 (76,92)3 (11,54)

 23 (88,46)3 (11,54)



 0 (0)

3 (11,54)

 3 (11,54)20 (76,92)

 3 (11,54)23 (88,46)



 1 (3,85)2 (7,69)

 10 (38,46)

13 (50)

 11 (42,31)15 (57,69)

Antibody anti ds-DNA


 1 (3,85)

0 (0)

 14 (53,85)5 (19,23)

 15 (57,69)5 (19,23)

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Clinical description of pediatric with LES based on ACR Criteria Clinical Symptom Death

n(%)Surviven (%)

Totaln (%)

Malar rash 0 (0) 14 (53,85) 14 (53,85) discoid rash 2 (7,69) 12 ( 46,15) 14 (53,85)Fotosensitivity 1 (3,85) 14 (53,86) 15 (57,69)Mouth ulcer 2 (7,69) 4 (15,38) 6 (23,08)Artritis 1 (3,85) 11 (42,31) 12 (46,15)Serositis 2 (7,69) 7 (26,92) 9 (34,62) Kidney disturbance 2 (7,69) 15 (57,69) 17 (65,38)Nerves disturbance 0 (0) 1 (3,85) 1(3,85)Blood disturbance 2 (7,69) 21 (80,77) 23 (88,46)Immunology disturbance

1 (3,85) 13 (50) 14 (53,86)

Positif Antibody antinuklear

0 (0) 12 (46,15) 12 (46,15)

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Laboratory finding of pediatric with LES based on ACR Criteria

Blood Screening Result

Mean Value


8,92 gr/dL

Leucocyte 7.705,5 /mL

Trombocyte 210.877 /mL

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Clinical and laboratory description of pediatric with LES based on ACR Criteria

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Clinical and laboratory description of pediatric with LES based on ACR Criteria

This study was dominated by female patients 24 (92,3%), mean age of onset was ( 7.8 ± 4.6 SD ) years.

The frequency of clinical manifestation were haematologic disorder (eg anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia) 23 (88,5%), nephritis lupus 17 (65,4%), photosensitivity 15 (57,7%), malar rash and discoid rash 15 (53,8%), ANA positive 12 (46,15%), arthritis 12 (46,15%), serositis 9 (34,62%), oral ulcer 6 (23,08%) and transverse mielitis 1(3,85%).

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Clinical characteristic dan anti ds-DNA corelation in LES pediatric patient

(*) : exact Fischer test There was no correlation found between clinical manifestations and anti ds-DNA (p >0,05).

Laboratory findings

ds-DNA Reaktif

pNo Yes

n % n %


No 1 33,3 2 66,70,404

Yes 2 11,8 15 88,2  Leucopeni          

No 2 18,2 9 81,81,000

Yes 1 11,1 8 88,9  

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(*) : exact Fischer test

Clinical characteristic dan anti ds-DNA corelation in LES pediatric patient

There was no correlation found between clinical manifestations and anti ds-DNA (p >0,05).

Pemeriksaan Laboratorium

ds-DNA Reaktif

pTidak Ya

n % n %


Tidak 3 17,8 14 82,41,00

0Ya 0 0 3 100  


Tidak 2 25 6 750,53

7Ya 1 8,3 11 91,7  

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Karakteristik seluruh subyek penelitian sebelum intervensi

(*) : exact Fischer test

Clinical characteristic dan anti ds-DNA corelation in LES pediatric patient

There was no correlation found between clinical manifestations and anti ds-DNA (p >0,05).

Variabelds-DNA Reaktif

pTidak YaN % n %

Ruam malar          Tidak 1 12,5 7 87,5 0,603Ya 4 33,3 8 66,7  

Bercak discoid


Tidak 2 25 6 75 1,000Ya 3 25 9 75  

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Karakteristik seluruh subyek penelitian sebelum intervensi

(*) : exact Fischer test

Clinical characteristic dan anti ds-DNA corelation in LES pediatric patient

There was no correlation found between clinical manifestations and anti ds-DNA (p >0,05).

Variabelds-DNA Reaktif

pTidak YaN % n %

Ulkus mulut          Tidak 5 31,3 11 68,8 0,530Ya 0 0 4 100  

Arthritis          Tidak 2 20 8 80 1,000Ya 3 30 7 70  

Serositis          Tidak 5 38,5 8 61,5 0,114Ya 0 0 7 100  

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Karakteristik seluruh subyek penelitian sebelum intervensi

(*) : exact Fischer test

Clinical characteristic dan anti ds-DNA corelation in LES pediatric patient

There was no correlation found between clinical manifestations and anti ds-DNA (p >0,05).

Variabelds-DNA Reaktif

pTidak YaN % n %

Gangguan ginjal


Tidak 2 28,6 5 71,4 1,000Ya 3 23,1 10 76,9  

Gangguan saraf


Tidak 4 21,1 15 78,9 0,250Ya 1 100 0 0  

Gangguan darah


Tidak 1 100 0 0 0,250Ya 4 21,1 15 78,9  

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There was no correlation found between clinical manifestations and anti ds-DNA..

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