oral cavity. dental caries tooth decay, cavity damage of the heard tooth structure (enamel, dentin,...

Oral cavity

Upload: terence-jones

Post on 25-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • Oral cavity
  • Slide 2
  • Dental caries tooth decay, cavity damage of the heard tooth structure (enamel, dentin, cementum) Cause bacteria: Streptococus muttant, Lactobacillus... Risk factors sugar: saccharine, starch, glucose, fructose converted by bacterias into lactic acid Bacteria + acid + food debris + saliva plaque mineralization into tartar Signs, symptoms and consequences pain, infection, loss of tooth
  • Slide 3
  • Periodontitis inflammation of periodontium gums, ligamentum, bone Cause bacteria, mycotic infection Risk factors poor hygiene irritation by plague genes? diabetes Signs and symptoms redness and bleeding of gums gum swelling halitosis uncovering of the teeth - deep pockets between the teeth pain moving of the teeth, loose teeth
  • Slide 4
  • Oral precanceroses and cancers Leukoplakia white spots (plaques) on oral mucosa or tongue precancerous lesion Cause mutation? Risk factors smoking human papillomavirus alcohol Erythroplakia red velvet-like plaques) on oral mucosa precancerous lesion Cause ? (mutation?) Risk factors smoking alcohol
  • Slide 5
  • Oral cancers squamous cell carcinoma (90%) oral mucosa adenocarcinoma - salivary glands lymphoma - tonsils Cause mutation Risk factors smoking alcohol human papillomavitus Signs and symptoms skin or mucosa lesion small, white, painless, later pain, problems with eating, talking
  • Slide 6
  • Oral infections Herpes labialis Cause Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) Signs and symptoms blisters Oral candidiasis Cause Candida albicans infection Risk factors newborn babies patients with diabetes or HIV infections antibiotics treatment Signs and symptoms white plaque in oral cavity
  • Slide 7
  • Avitaminoses Vitamins B deficiency angular cheilosis shiny red lips sore tongue mucositis oral pain ulceration glossitis increased risk of candidiasis inflamed gingiva aphtous ulcers
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  • Avitaminoses Vitamin C deficiency - Scurvy red swollen gingiva gingival friability periodontal destruction increased tooth mobility and exfoliation sore burning mouth soft tissue ulceration increased risk of candidiasis malformed teeth (inadequate dentine)
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  • Avitaminoses Vitamin A deficiency impaired tissue healing and regeneration desquamation of oral mucosa keratosis increases risk of candidiasis gingival hypertrophy and inflammation leukoplakia decreased taste sensitivity xerostomia disturbed enamel development increased caries risk
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  • Avitaminoses Vitamin D Deficiency incomplete mineralisation of teeth Excess pulp calcification, enamel hypoplasia
  • Slide 11
  • Disorders of mineral metabolism Fluoride Deficiency: decreased resistance to caries Excess: enamel hypoplasia (fluorosis) Iron Deficiency: angular cheilosis, pallor of lips and oral mucosa, sore, burning tongue, glossitis Calcium Deficiency: incomplete mineralisation of teeth, rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, bone fragility, increased tooth mobility and premature loss Zinc Deficiency: loss of taste and tongue sensation, delayed wound healing, increased susceptibility to periodontal disease, candidiasis, xerostomia, caries
  • Slide 12
  • Salivary glands diseases Sialolithiasis stones in salivary glands Sialadenitis - inflammation - Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae... Viral infections - mumps, flu, Coxsackie viruses, cytomegalovirus... Cysts - injury, infection, stones, tumors Tumors Sjgren's autoimmune disease destruction of salivary glands dryness of mouth, eyes (keratoconjuctivitis sicca), skin, nose, vagina... Sialadenosis - a painless enlargement of the salivary gland without a known cause. The parotid is usually the affected gland.
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  • Esophagus
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  • Dysphagia difficulty in swallowing sensation that the food stops in the oesophagus Cause disorder of oesophagus motility neuro-muscular problems multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson disease... obstruction tumor psychogenic phagophobia painful swallowing Cause disorder of motility obstruction infection reflux oesophatitis Odynophagia
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  • Achalasia disorder of esophageal motility defect of ezophagus peristalsis Cause defect of ezophagus wall innervation Signs and symptoms dificulty swallowing regurgitation chest pain burning sensation in esophagus Cause GERD Pyrosis
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  • GERD