oracle server tuning accelerator david scott intec

Oracle Server Tuning Accelerator David Scott Intec

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Page 1: Oracle Server Tuning Accelerator David Scott Intec

Oracle Server Tuning Accelerator

David ScottIntec

Page 2: Oracle Server Tuning Accelerator David Scott Intec

Tuning Metaphors

• Body / Doctor

• Auto / Mechanic

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The Right Solution

• Fixes the immediate problem

• Prevents a recurring problem– Fixes the underlying problem

• Is found and implemented quickly

• Is cost-effective

• Is properly documented

• Has measurable ROI

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The Main ThingThe Main ThingIs To KeepIs To Keep

The Main ThingThe Main ThingThe Main ThingThe Main Thing

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“It’s Slow!” - Triage

• Compared to what? What is “Normal”?– Do you have benchmarks?

• What has changed in the environment?– And when?

• Are you processing the right data?

• Which part of the system is slow?– most expensive / most used queries

• Concentrate effort on items with most business impact.

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Basic Approach

• Define the business problem

• Measure the pain

• Identify the problem component

• Find the root cause

• Investigate and weigh solutions

• Fix the problem

• Measure the results

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Case Study #1 p1

• Define the BUSINESS problem– The GUI is too slow; a loss in productivity $$$

• Measure the pain– Screen XYZ in the GUI takes 47 seconds– 3000 users use this screen at each login– Most other screens are fine

• Identify the problem component– Stopwatch timing of XYZ response is 47 seconds– Same SQL query takes 47 seconds– Query identified as culprit

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Case Study #1 p2

• Find the root cause– Inefficient query

• Investigate and weigh solutions– Multiple versions of query compared– Results must match original

• Fix the problem– Replace query in Screen XYZ with tuned version

• Measure the results– Query returns in 2 seconds– ROI: 3000 users * 45 seconds saved * Avg salary @

$10/hour * 260 business days/year = $97,500

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Case Study #2 p1

• Define the BUSINESS problem– Processing 40M rows exceeds operational


• Measure the pain– Users cannot begin sessions until 10-11 AM– Cost = 2-3 hours overtime for 2 people per


• Identify the problem component– Main processing routine takes > 4 hours/day

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Case Study #2 p2

• Find the root cause– UPDATE of records in main table is not appropriate

for increased workload (maximum 1200 rows/second)• Investigate and weigh solutions

– Used tracing, tkprof, Explain Plan• Fix the problem

– Rewrite using partitioned staging tables and INSERT /*+APPEND */

• Measure the results– Average run is < 2 hours (average 3600 rows/second)– Processing completes before users arrive

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Where’s the Wait?

ClientApplication Network




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Finding Out “What’s Wrong”

• Guessing… (from experience, of course)– Old wive’s tales and “Rules of Thumb”

• Trial and Error• Statspack• Using the V$ Tables

– Cache Hit and other ratios– Top SQL (cost, # executions, logical/physical I/O)

• Explain Plan– Are indexes always “good”? Are they used?

• Profiling and Tracing– Autotrace, Event 10046– Wait Events

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Investigative Arsenal

• SQL*Plus• Docs

– Performance Tuning Guide and Reference• Wait event reference

– Database Reference• Init.ora parameters, V$ view listings

• Tkprof• TOAD, OEM, etc (optional)• OS tools: vi, iostat, sar, etc.

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Fixing “What’s Wrong”

• Change the database configuration: init.ora• Statistics

– Make better choices, I/O speed is unchanged– Outlines

• Rewrite– Parallel operations– Hints– More efficient plans

• Re-architect / Rebuild

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• Risk: Wasting time chasing a hunch

• Problem: fixing before finding out!– jumping to conclusions

• Problem: “It can’t hurt…”– Yes, it can.

• Problem: Multiple changes at once– Which one ‘fixed’ it?– Side effects (What else did you break?)

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Which Approach, When?

• Massive problems, entire computer– OS tools, Configuration parameters

• Entire database is slow, no clues– Statspack, V$ views

• This query or batch is slow– Autotrace, V$, Tracing, Wait Events

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OS Tools

• Basic observation of resources and processes– top– sar– iostat– ps –ef– ipcs

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Configuration Parameters

• Use AUTO parameters where possible

• Override only when needed– Have a good reason

• Remove deprecated parameters


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Parameter Resources

• Oracle 9i Database Reference Guide, Chapter 1

• The usual websites…

• Oracle Initialization Parameters Pocket Reference by David C. Kreines, O’Reilly Press

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• What is it?

• How to install it?

• How to gather data?

• What is reported?

• How to report on the data?

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Statspack: What is it?

• System-wide stats and ratios

• Based on bstat / estat

• Point-in-time snapshots

• Automated via DBMS_JOBS

• Many options and settings

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Statspack: Installation

• Login as a sysdba

• @?/rdbms/admin/spcreate.sql

• Follow prompts for user, pw, tablespaces



• Total setup time: about 2 minutes!

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Statspack: Gather Data

• Manual– EXEC STATSPACK.SNAP;– Better:

SQL> var snap number;SQL> exec :snap := statspack.snap;SQL> print snap

• Automated (every hour on the hour!)– @?/rdbms/admin/spauto.sql

• Schedule to capture your workload!

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Statspack Content

• Level >= 0– General Performance Statistics

• Level >= 5– SQL Statement Stats

• Level >= 6– SQL Plans and Plan Usage

• Level >= 7– Segment Level Stats

• Level >= 10– Parent and Child Latches

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Statspack: Reports

• Full Report: spreport.sql– STATS$SNAPSHOT for snapshot info

• SQL Report: sprepsql.sql– STATS$SQL_SUMMARY for hash info

• Or just run the reports; the info is displayed!

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Statspack Resources

• Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference, Chapter 21– Absolute MUST READ!

• Websites– Metalink––

• Book:– Oracle9i High-Performance Tuning with STATSPACK

by Don Burleson

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The V$ Views

• Tons of scripts on the net!

• Beware of making decisions based on summary information.

• The info is ‘live’ – and changes…

• Interesting views:– V$SQL, V$SQL_TEXT, V$SESSION,

V$STAT_NAME, V$SORT_USAGE, V$SESSION_WAIT … and many, many more!

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• Quick plan explanation & basic statistics

• To setup, see article1/autotrace.html


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Explain Plan

• explain plan set statement_id = ‘whatever’for <your SQL here>;

• select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);

• Are the plans what you expect?

• Full table scans are not always ‘bad’• See Database Performance Tuning Guide and

Reference, Chapter 9

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SQL Trace

• Started in Oracle7

• Cryptic but useful information

• Files written to UDUMP directory

• Level 1 = Equal to SQL_TRACE=TRUE.

• Level 4 = SQL_TRACE & bind variables.

• Level 8 = SQL_TRACE & wait events.

• Level 12 = Combines levels 4 & 8.

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Wait Events

• Identify where time is spent waiting for work• Viewable in V$SESSION_WAIT

– join to V$SESSION

• Written to trace file via event 10046– alter session set events

'10046 trace name context forever, level 12';– alter session set events

'10046 trace name context off' ;– exec sys.dbms_system.set_sql_trace_in_session

(sid, serial#,TRUE | FALSE);

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How to Use Wait Events

• Modify the process to set the event

• Run the process (or part of it)

• Find the trace file

• Use tkprof to summarize the trace file

• Find the significant statements

• Identify the waits

• Modify the code and/or environment

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Using Tkprof

• tkprof inputfile.trc outputfile

• Many sorting options– I don’t bother… some folks do.

• To get help, type ‘tkprof’ w/o parameters

• Avoid tkprof explain=user/pw– Gives current explain plan, not actual plan

• Then just vi outputfile

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Tkprof Resources

• Expert Oracle One-On-One by Tom Kyte

• Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference, Chapter 10

• Every performance book ever written…

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10g Changes Everything (Almost)

• ADDM – Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor– Statspack, V$, and ‘OEM’ rolled into 1 place

• OEM has been expanded

• To be continued…

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Are You Finished?

• CTD – Compulsive Tuning Disorder

• Document the solution

• Calculate the ROI