oracle purchasing faq - by dinesh kumar s

Purchasing FAQ: Accruals and Accounting What is the difference between 'Accrue On Receipt' and 'Accrue at Period End'? Accrue On Receipt means that when a receipt is saved, accrual transactions are immediately recorded and sent to the general ledger interface. This is also known as "online" accruals. Accrue at Period End means that when a receipt is saved, the accrual transactions are not immediately recorded and sent to the general ledger; instead, the accounting entries are generated and sent at the end of the month by running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End Process. All items with a destination type of either Inventory or Outside Processing are accrued on receipt. For items with a destination type of Expense, you have the option of accruing on receipt or at period end. Why are expense items typically accrued at period-end, and why are inventory items always accrued on receipt? One should accrue on receipt if perpetual inventory is adopted to facilitate reconciliation between inventory valuation reports and accounting entries. Expense items typically are not accounted for on a daily basis, and most companies find it easier to account for and reconcile these expenses at month-end rather than at the time each individual expense is incurred. When both inventory and expense items are accrued on receipt, the following problems may be encountered: A) Receiving inspection balances will include both inventory assets and expenses, so at the end of the month, they will need to be manually reclassified. B) The number of entries needed to research and reconcile the perpetual A/P Accrual Account(s) becomes significantly increased. Since the expense receipts could double the number of accrual accounting entries to process, the Accrual Reconciliation Report could take twice as long to run. The amount of time required by your staff to research any discrepancies would also increase.

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Oracle Purchasing FAQ - by Dinesh Kumar S I have covered all possible FAQ in oracle purchasing module. This will be helpful for interview preparation.


  • Purchasing FAQ: Accruals and Accounting

    What is the difference between 'Accrue On Receipt' and 'Accrue at Period End'?

    Accrue On Receipt means that when a receipt is saved, accrual transactions are immediately recorded and sent to the general ledger interface. This is also known as "online" accruals.

    Accrue at Period End means that when a receipt is saved, the accrual transactions are not immediately recorded and sent to the general ledger; instead, the accounting entries are generated and sent at the end of the month by running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End Process.

    All items with a destination type of either Inventory or Outside Processing are accrued on receipt.

    For items with a destination type of Expense, you have the option of accruing on receipt or at period end.

    Why are expense items typically accrued at period-end, and why are inventory items always accrued on receipt?

    One should accrue on receipt if perpetual inventory is adopted to facilitate reconciliation between inventory valuation reports and accounting entries.

    Expense items typically are not accounted for on a daily basis, and most companies find it easier to account for and reconcile these expenses at month-end rather than at the time each individual expense is incurred. When both inventory and expense items are accrued on receipt, the following problems may be encountered:

    A) Receiving inspection balances will include both inventory assets and expenses, so at the end of the month, they will need to be manually reclassified.

    B) The number of entries needed to research and reconcile the perpetual A/P Accrual Account(s) becomes significantly increased. Since the expense receipts could double the number of accrual accounting entries to process, the Accrual Reconciliation Report could take twice as long to run. The amount of time required by your staff to research any discrepancies would also increase.

  • Which Purchasing report should be used to review period-end accruals?

    The Uninvoiced Receipts Report should be used to view period-end accruals. This Report should be used to reconcile Period End Accruals with GL.

    Which Purchasing report should be used to review online accruals?

    The Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report should be used to view accrual transactions for inventory items and expense items which are set to accrue on receipt (online accruals). This is the Report that should be used to reconcile accrue on receipt transactions with GL.

    After entering receipts and running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End Process, the new journals do not appear in the General Ledger. Should the transactions automatically appear in GL after performing these steps?

    The transactions from Oracle Purchasing are only sent to the GL_INTERFACE table. In order to create the journals and see them in General Ledger, the Journal Import concurrent program must be run from a General Ledger responsibility. Be sure to review the output file from the Journal Import request to ensure that the records imported successfully.

    Does the process of reversing journals for period-end accruals occur automatically in GL?

    The process of reversing the accrual journals does not occur automatically; they must be manually reversed in the general ledger.

    In Uninvoiced Receipts Report, what is the purpose of the parameter 'Accrued Receipts'?

    A: This parameter should be set to 'No' to see only the uninvoiced receipts which have not yet been accrued by running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End process.

    This parameter should be set to 'Yes' to see uninvoiced receipts which have already been accrued by running the Receipt Accruals - Period-End Process.

  • Records are appearing on the Uninvoiced Receipts report for expense items which have been received but not invoiced. How can these records be removed from the report and kept from accruing each month?

    There are a couple of methods that can be used to remove records from the report and to keep them from accruing each month: A) Close the purchase order shipment line. Closing the purchase order at the Header or Line level will also have the same effect. On the Purchase Order Summary form, select Special -> Control, then 'Close'. NOTE: Selecting 'Cancel' will not keep receipts from accruing each month. Refer to question/answer #10 below for an explanation of this. Also, this solution only applies to PO shipments which are set to accrue at Period End. It will not remove PO shipments which are set to Accrue On Receipt ("online accruals"). B) Create an invoice in AP and match it to the purchase order for the entire received quantity. Some users choose to create a 'dummy' invoice for $0.00 in this case.

    What is the difference between the Accrual Reconciliation Report and the Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report?

    The report is available as two (2) separate concurrent programs: the Accrual Reconciliation Report and the Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report. Both reports run using the same report definition file: POXACREC.rdf. When the Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report is selected, the following events occur: The program will delete all records currently stored in the PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP_ALL table Accounting entries are selected from the appropriate sources (sub ledgers) based on the parameters entered at the time of report submission The temporary table PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP_ALL is repopulated with these accounting entries Report output is generated based on this information When the Accrual Reconciliation Report is run, the report does not reselect the information from the sub ledgers; instead, it reports only on the data currently stored in the PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP_ALL table. This feature saves time and decreases the performance impact on the system, because the accrual information does not have to be regenerated from the original sources every time the report is submitted. Typically, the Accrual Rebuild Reconciliation Report is run at the end of the period, and the Accrual Reconciliation Report is used for interim reporting. Note that the title showing on the report output remains the Accrual Reconciliation Report regardless of which process is actually submitted.

  • Several transactions appear on the Accrual Reconciliation Report which were charged to the accrual account in error. Manual journal entries have already been created in GL to correct these transactions. How do these transactions now get removed from the report?

    In Oracle Purchasing, go to the Accrual Write-Offs form. Responsibility: Purchasing Super User Navigation: Accounting/Accrual Write Offs

    Select the lines that need to be removed from the report and save. Then, run the Accrual Reconciliation Report again, setting the parameter 'Include Written-Off Transactions' to No. The written-off transactions will no longer be included in the report. NOTE: You can run the Accrual Write-Off Report to review the transactions that were written off; this can be used to support the manual journal entry created in the general ledger.

  • FAQ: Purchasing Requisitions

    What does the status Pre-Approved mean, and how does a document reach this status?

    The status of Pre-Approved is the outcome of a person forwarding a document for approval even though the forwarding person has the necessary authority to approve it. The document may have been forwarded by mistake or for business reasons. It is not possible to perform a receipt against a document with a status of Pre-Approved.

    When you try to 'Save' a requisition, the following message appears: PO_ALL_POSTING_NA.

    This happens when you do not have a valid code combination for the accounts defaulting on the distribution account. Ensure that the account has a valid code combination.

    While forwarding requisition for approval, error APP-14056: User exit po find_forward returned error.

    There is no Forward Method specified in the setup. The FIND_FORWARD function cannot find any rules to determine the forward to person. Navigate to the Document Types Form (POXSTDDT) in Purchasing Responsibility. Setup -> Purchasing -> Document Types. Select the document type of Requisition (Internal or Purchase) and make sure that the field 'Forward Method' is not blank. If it is blank, set it to either Hierarchy or Direct, then save

    Unable to enter Project information on the Distribution line of a Requisition.

    You cannot enter project information for inventory destinations (unless you have Project Mfg installed). Setting Destination Type = Expense will resolve the problem. You will then be able to enter information in the remaining Project related fields.

    Cannot find a Document in the Notifications form which has been forwarded by an intermediate Approver.

    Several things with Oracle Workflow can cause documents to be stuck 'in process', however, this particular issue deals with duplicate data in your HR system. Using your SysAdmin responsibility, navigate to Security-->User-->Define and perform a query

  • on the Person field using the employee name of the approver you are trying to forward the document to. This should return a record for only 1 user. If the employee is assigned to more than 1 user name, Workflow will not know who to deliver the notification to and the document will hang with a status of 'in process'.

    You are allowed to update 'Destination Type' from 'Inventory' to 'Expense' in the requisition form.

    If you setup destination type as "Inventory" in the item setup and in the Requisitions form if you change the destination type to "Expense", then this will override the destination type setup in item setup. The Destination type will carry over from the Requisition into the Purchase Order when autocreating.

    The requisition can be saved without the need-by date field being populated.

    Line items that are put on requisitions must be planned. It is necessary that the items are planned in order for the need-by date to be enforced.

  • FAQ - Purchasing, Receiving, and Financial Options

    The information setup in the Purchasing Options form is not defaulting on to my purchase order. Verify the PO Options have been setup for each Organization. The Options are specific to each Organization.

    Why is my Purchase Order closing before a receipt is processed? Check the Receipt Closed Tolerance and the Matching setup. If Matching is set to equal 2-way, the PO will close once the Purchase Order is approved. If the line of the Purchase Order is received with in the tolerance the line will close.

    When creating a Requisition or Purchase Order I am unable to see my items. Check the Inventory Organization defined in the Financial Options: Setup > Organization > Financial Options - Supplier > Purchasing region The Inventory Org specified here should be the Master Inventory Org, otherwise only the items setup in the Org populated in this region will be viewable from the Requisition/Purchase Order forms.

    Cannot enter the Receiving Options form. Receive the error: 'No organizations Currently Defined'. From Inventory Responsibility Setup/Org/Organizations Access, the Purchasing Responsibility need to be defined.

    Receiving the following error when you save a new Requisition APP-14142 get_po_parameters-10: ora-01403: no data found Cause: A SQL error has occurred in get_po_parameter @lsql_err.

  • You need to do the following: 1. Define the Purchasing Options and Financial Options for your Organization. 2. Ensure that the Master Organization, as well as the Child Organizations, have Receiving Options defined.

    Invoice Matching setting in POXPOEPO does not default to the setting in Purchasing Options form. Invoice matching can be set in five different areas of Oracle Purchasing: In the list below, a setting at any level will override the settings above it. 1. Oracle Purchasing Options a. Navigate to: Setup > Organizations > Purchasing Options b. Select Default Alternative Region 2. Supplier Information a. Navigate to: Supply Base > Suppliers b. Query on specific supplier c. Click on Open d. Select Receiving Alternative Region 3. Line Types a. Navigate to: Setup > Purchasing > Line Types b. In the Receipt Required field: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way 4. Items a. Navigate to: Items > Master Items b. Query on specific item c. Select Purchasing Alternative Region d. In the Invoice Matching section: Yes = 3-way, No = 2-way 5. Purchase Order Shipments a. Navigate to: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders b. Enter (header and) line information c. Click on Shipments button d. Select More Alternative Region

  • FAQ: Purchasing Notifications

    Email Notifications:

    How to prevent specific e-mail purchasing notifications (primarily the FYI document approval notifications) from being sent? It is not possible to disable the delivery of e-mail notifications only for certain type of notifications.

    How can an e-mail notification be sent to a Buyer for an approved requisition?

    There is no current functionality to provide a notification to a buyer when a requisition is approved. The requisition approval workflow is designed to send a FYI notification only to the preparer. Use the manage buyer workload screen (Navigation: Purchasing Responsibility -> Management -> Manage Buyer Workload) to find available requisitions and manually assign them to the buyers. After assigning the requisitions, buyers can use the same form to place the requisition lines on purchase orders.

    How to setup PO Alert Notifications to fire or trigger an alert email notification to be sent when an event occurs?

    Purchasing is integrated with Oracle Alert to provide on-line exception reporting capability. Use the pre-coded alerts or create a new alert to notify when a user takes a specific action, or notify about specific exceptions found in the database.

    Is it possible to change the text for link "Please Click Here To Respond" in the response required notifications?

    Yes, you can change the description for this attribute in the WF Mailer workflow file (wfmail.wft).

    How to add the response buttons Approve, Forward,Reject to the e-mail notifications?

    The response template is part of the mailer configuration. Change this template to 'Open Notification (Direct Response Parsing)' in order to display the buttons in the e-mail notification.

  • Delegate / Notification Rules:

    How delegate authority notification rules update the action history for requisitions and purchase orders?

    The behavior is different for requisitions and purchase orders. For requisitions, when the document is approved the action history shows a 'Delegate' action against the forwarded to person (who delegated his authority) and an 'Approve' action against the person to whom authority is delegated and who actually approves the notification. For purchase orders, the action history does not reflect the delegate action but displays an Approve action against the original approver.

    Is the transfer option in the notification rules a supported action for purchasing notifications?

    Transferring the ownership of the notification is not allowed in Purchasing approval notifications. This is documented in the Viewing and Responding to Notifications in the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide. The reason why Transfer is not allowed is that it affects only the notification itself and not the document associated with the notification. Delegation of the document delegates the document ownership and thus allows auditing history to occur and to correctly record activity performed against the document in the document's action history. A transfer action of the notification would miss this auditing capability.

    Notification Contents:

    Can file type attachments entered in the purchase order/requisition form be included in the approval notification?

    This functionality is not available for purchase orders.

    For requisitions, the approval notification will display a link to access the corresponding attachment files. The attachments should be created at the header level and the approver needs to have an iProcurement responsibility assigned.

  • How To Display The Cost Center Segment In Requisition Approval Notification?

    Use framework personalizations to enable and display the cost center segment in the requisition approval notification.

    Is it possible to hide the "forward" and "approve and forward" button in purchase orders / requisitions approval notifications?

    This functionality is not available for purchase orders.

    For requisitions it is possible to hide the links disabling profile option PO: Allow Requisition Approval Forward Action.

    Is there a limitation in the number of lines to display in the requisition approval notification?

    The number of lines is controlled by profile option PO: Notification Lines Display Limit.

    There is no limitation in lines but there is a 32K size limit, so it is recommended to keep the profile to 30 to 40 so as not to reach the maximum.

    How to resend failed notifications?

    Run the concurrent request 'Resend Failed/Error Workflow Notifications to resend failed notifications.

  • FAQ Receiving (RECEIPTS)

    How to prevent receiving a Purchase Order PO, when the PO is in Requires Reapproval status? It is available to receive PO even though PO is in Requires Reapproval status.

    This is the intended functionality. The functionality has always been to allow Receiving if the PO Shipment Line (po_line_locations_all record) has approved_flag='Y', regardless of the PO Header status.

    Once the PO Shipment is Approved, it remains Approved (and is eligible to be Received) until the PO Line or PO Shipment Line or PO Distribution is changed such that Reapproval is required for the PO Shipment Line.

    What Are The Different Descriptive Flexfields (DFF) Used In Receiving And What Is Their Usage?

    There are 4 descriptive flexfields in Receiving Process. These are

    * RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS * RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES * Receiving Transactions * Receiving Transactions Interface

    All of these flexfields are updatable.

    Why Receipt Tolerance Is Not Considered And Over Receipt Quantity Is Allowed?

    This is possible when blind receiving is allowed in the Receiving Options for the Inventory Organization involved. When blind receiving is enabled, Receipts form shows zero quantity when the PO is queried and thereafter user is allowed to receive any quantity irrespective of the over receipt tolerance and the action associated to it. If users do not want this possibility, then 'Allow Blind Receiving' flag in the Receiving Options of Inventory Organization should be unchecked. This will not allow users to receive more than the tolerable quantity.

  • Why is a PO Line Closed For Receiving Still Showing in PO LOV For Receipts?

    It is per functionality that a closed for receiving PO can be retrieved in the Find Expected Receipts form LOV as the criteria is that the PO shipment only need be approved and not canceled or finally closed.

    Why Service Purchase Orders are not Changing to Closed Status After Being Invoiced?

    Set Receipt close tolerance = 100%

    How are Receiving Transaction Tied to Inventory Transactions?

    How the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS table tie to the RCV_TRANSACTIONS table?

    If the RECEIVING transaction information is known, then do the following: 1. Get the transaction_id from rcv_transactions where the receiving transaction_type is CORRECT, DELIVER or RETURN TO RECEIVING.

    2. The transaction_id in rcv_transactions will be the rcv_transaction_id in mtl_material_transactions. RCV_TRANSACTIONS.TRANSACTION_ID=MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS.RCV_TRANSACTION_ID If the INVENTORY transaction information is known, then do the following:

    Get the transaction_id and the rcv_transaction_id from mtl_material_transactions. The rcv_transaction_id.mtl_material_transactions will equal the transaction_id in


  • How can we undo a receipt and thus cancel a purchase order so that we may create a new Purchase Order (PO) with the correct destination type?

    The Destination Type value is defaulted based on the Receipt Routing at the purchase order shipment line level. To determine this value navigate to (r) Purchasing (n) Purchase Order > Purchase Order Summary > Shipment radio button > Receiving Controls radio button. The defaulting rules are as follows: 1. Destination Type will default to Inventory if the Receipt Routing is DIRECT and the item is an Inventory item. 2. Destination Type will default to Expense if the Receipt Routing is DIRECT and the Item is an Expense item. 3. Destination Type will be Receiving if Receipt Routing is Standard or Inspection Required So in order to correct the destination of the receipt, the correct way to address this would be to do the following: 1. Perform a return to receiving for the full amount. This will return the material to the receiving dock where you can then perform the next step. 2. Once the items have been returned to receiving, you can then perform a return to vendor 3. After you performed the return to vendor, you can then cancel the purchase order and create a new PO with the correct inventory destination type or revise the existing po and create a revision with the correct destination type on the newly revised PO.

    How to Delete a Receipt?

    Users cannot delete a receipt once it is made, however users can perform either a 'Correction' or a 'Return' to the receipt dependant upon the nature of the error made when performing the receipt.

    How To Receive Against A Canceled PO?

    There is no way in the system to be able to receive against this canceled PO. There are a couple of options in how to address this, a canceled PO means just that - it is canceled and is no longer considered to be required and is not in the system.

    1. Since the original Purchase Order is now canceled, what will have to be done is create a new Purchase Order for the received items and then complete receipt.

    2. Unordered Receipt functionality can be used as an alternative but eventually there will have to be a match of the unordered receipt to a Purchase Order

  • FAQ: Purchasing Documents Open Interface

    What should I do if the Purchase Document Open Interface (PDOI) process fails?

    The first thing is to check for the error message and examine description from the

    po_interface_errors table for the given interface_header_id.

    The description would be self-explanatory. Accordingly check for the data in the

    po_headers_interface, po_lines_interface tables and correct them and run the PDOI

    again with the corrected data.

    How do I to get the log file for the PDOI run?

    To get the log file for the PDOI set the following profile option to Yes :

    PO: Write server output to file.

    How to view/purge and correct the errors tables?

    To view the errors run the following Report: Purchasing interface error report. To Purge the error and interface tables run the following Reports:

    Purge purchasing open interface processed data report. Purchasing interface error report.

    What do I do when POs are not being picked up by PDOI and these records remain in pending status?

    Check if the client is a single org instance. If you are using single org instance then you are not supposed to populate the org_id in the interface tables. Org_id should be null for a single org implementation.

    How should I populate the project and task information in PDOI?

    The point to be noted here is that always populate project name and task name into the project and task column of po_headers_interface table instead of project number and task number. Based on project name and task name PDOI derives the project_id and task_id and inserts in the po_distributions table.

  • What should I do if PDOI errors out with "po_pdoi_invalid_dest_type destination type (value = expense) is not valid" for expense items?

    This Error can arise out of following situation: 1. Validation of destination organization id fails. 2. Validation of destination type code fails. 3. Item_id is NULL and destination_type_code is INVENTORY. 4. Validation of destination subinventory fails. 5. Destination_type_code in ('SHOP FLOOR','EXPENSE') and destination_subinventory is not null.

    How and when are the Blanket effective dates updated though PDOI?

    If you are using the UPDATE action code then PDOI only VALIDATES the line level info.

    If you want to update headers then use REPLACE instead of UPDATE. By using UPDATE you can only update some columns at the PO lines level as mentioned in the users guide.

    Can you update documents via PDOI which were created manually?

    Yes it is possible.

    Why does PDOI error out with "ora-00001 unique constraint violation in po_headers_u2"?

    Though this issue may occur rarely but it can and its explained below: The document number is generated at the end of the PDOI process before commit and updated in the po_headers table. When the PDOI process starts, po_headers table is updated with poi_temp_po_b679535 value in segment1 and then later after headers and lines are processed document_number is generated and the po_headers is updated with that. Assume for any reason on account of an incomplete transaction there is a record in po_headers table with poi_temp_po_b679535 value in segment1 then PDOI would fail with the above error message. So just check for a record in po_headers table with poi_temp_po_b679535 value of the segment1 for this error.

    What should I do when PDOI creates approved standard purchase orders but no charge account is being generated?

    We do not support importing approved standard purchase orders. But in the Procurement Family Pack G onwards this feature has been added.

  • How do we debug when PDOI does not create any POs?

    Two methods can be employed:

    1. Before running the PDOI program, set the profile option PO :Write server output to file to 'Yes' and then you can view the log file thus generated while running the PDOI.

    2. After the PDOI is run, run the report 'Purchasing interface error report' to debug what is the exact error.

    I had submitted the PDOI conc. request for updating the unit_price of a blanket purchase agreement line with an action of "UPDATE". PDOI instead of updating the line, has created a new line with new price. Every updated line is being created multiple times. How can this be avoided?

    This might be because the line you are trying to update is already expired. PDOI creates another line with the updated information if the line which is getting updated is already expired.

    How is data deleted from the interface tables after it has been loaded?

    After successful creation of data through PDOI, the process_code in the interface tables will be set to 'Accepted'.

    If the Customer wants to delete this interface data which is used no more then they need to run the concurrent request 'Purge purchasing interface processed data'.

    I had loaded all the data into the interface tables and with process_code as 'PENDING'. I run the PDOI program, but data is not getting picked up by PDOI. The records remain in status 'PENDING' in the interface tables. What do I do?

    Check whether client is single org. If they are single org, then they should not populate org_id into the interface tables. Make the org_id null in the interface tables and re-run PDOI.

    I want to update header of a document. Is it possible via PDOI?

    No. It is not possible to update header information but only line information can be updated from PDOI. You can use 'Replace' option to replace the entire document in this case.

  • Can we use Purchasing Document Open Interface (PDOI) to load complex milestone based purchase order (PO) from external source?

    PDOI does not support complex POs yet. The reason is : The following columns added to the table po_lines_interface and are intended for internal use only: processing_id line_loc_populated_flag file_line_number retainage_rate max_retainage_amount progress_payment_rate recoupment_rate advance_amount without using these columns, there is no way to import complex work POs.

    What documents types are supported?

    Currently, the Purchasing Document Open Interface can import the following:

    Standard Purchase Order. Blanket Quotation Item Sourcing Rules

    What Actions are supported?

    ORIGINAL - create a new document ADD - add new lines onto an existing document UPDATE - update existing line information for a document REPLACE - Replace the existing document

    Which interface tables are involved? PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE PO_LINES_INTERFACE PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_INTERFACE (Used for Standard PO only)

  • Which document types can be updated by using Purchasing Document Open interface?

    Blankets and quotations created by Purchasing Document Open Interface. Blankets and quotations created manually via Oracle Applications standard forms

    cannot be updated by using Purchasing Document Open Interface since there is no value for vendor_order_num for blanket or quote_vendor_quote_number for quotation.

    In release 11.5.10, new lines and associated shipments can be added to an existing standard purchase order created by PDOI. Existing lines in the Standard PO cannot be updated using this process.

    What document can be viewed after running purchasing document open interface with records rejected?

    Check the process_code in the po_headers_interface and po_lines_interface, if it is 'REJECTED', select process_code from po_headers_interface; select process_code from po_lines_interface; please do the following: Run the program - Purchasing Interface Errors Report choose parameter : PO_DOCS_OPEN_INTERFACE The report will list all the errors you have during importing. You can fix the data, then reset process_code = Null in both interface tables, rerun the Purchasing Document Open Interface. update po_headers_interface set process_code = null where process_code = 'REJECTED'; update po_lines_interface set process_code = null where process_code = 'REJECTED';

    How is data deleted from the interface tables after it has been loaded ?

    After loading the data from the interface tables into the system successfully, the data is not being removed (cleaned) from the interfaces. They will have process_code = 'ACCEPT' in the interface tables. To remove the processed data from the interface, a concurrent program is available. The program name is: purge purchasing open interface processed data(POXPOIPR) Run this program with paramenter purge accepted data = Yes Then the process_code = 'ACCEPTED' records will be removed from the interface tables.

  • FAQ: Requisition Import

    What methods are available in the application to resolve errored records in the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS table?

    Oracle Purchasing provides the Requisition Import Exceptions Report, which can be used to diagnose problems with the records, which have currently error out in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table. To run the report, follow these steps:

    1. Using Purchasing responsibility, navigate to Reports->Run 2. Select the Requisition Import Exceptions Report

    There is a parameter titled 'Delete Exceptions'. If this is populated with 'Yes', then all records in the PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL table with a status of 'ERROR' and the corresponding records in the PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS will be deleted when the report is executed. You can also restrict the deleted records by selecting the Batch_id and the Interface Source code.

    If the parameter is set to No, then you will see the errors from the report and be able to manually fix the data in the table, if so desired; then, upon completion of the data correction, run Requisition Import again to process the modified rows in the interface table.

    What are the grouping options for imported requisitions?

    The requisition import process has a group by parameter. Use this feature to determine how requisition lines are grouped on the requisitions you create. The default in this field is set in the Purchasing Options window. Choose one of the following options:

    All: Group all requisition lines on one requisition Buyer: Group requisition lines for each buyer name on a separate requisition Category: Group requisition lines for each purchasing category on a separate requisition Item: Group requisition lines for each item on a separate requisition Location: Group requisition lines for each location on a separate requisition Supplier: Group requisition lines for each supplier name on a separate Requisition

    To define a default in the Purchasing Options form, follow these steps:

    1. Using Purchasing responsibility, navigate to Setup-> Organizations-> Purchasing Options

    2. Enter a default value for the 'Requisition Import Group-By' field (under Document Defaults)

    3. Save changes

  • The Requisition Import process will first look at the group by parameter selected when the process is submitted; should this parameter be left blank, the system will then look to the group by field residing in the Purchasing Options form.

    How does Requisition Import determine the grouping method for incoming pieces of data?

    The process groups requisitions following this order:

    1. Assign values to REQUISITION_LINE_ID and REQ_DISTRIBUTION_ID 2. Group requisitions based on the REQ_NUMBER_SEGMENT1 column. All requisitions with

    the same NOT NULL REQ_NUMBER_SEGMENT1 are assigned the same REQUISITION_HEADER_ID

    3. Group requisitions based on the GROUP_CODE column. All requisitions with the same value in the GROUP_CODE column are assigned the same REQUISITION_HEADER_ID.

    4. Group requisitions based on the GROUP_BY parameter, which takes on the value of DEFAULT_GROUP_BY if not provided. GROUP_BY could be one of the following: BUYER, CATEGORY, ITEM, VENDOR, LOCATION or ALL.

    How can I achieve creating 10 requisitions for 10 lines populated into the interface table, instead of 1 req. with 10 lines?

    Requisitions are grouped according to the selection chosen by the initiator of the process, based on the parameter of group by. When you select the value 'All', all requisition lines will be on the same requisition. Any other value will group the lines on requisitions based on the value selected.

    How can automatically approve the requisitions I am creating?

    There are two ways of doing this:

    1. You can populate records in the Interface table with status as Approved. In this case the Approval process is not called after creating the requisition. 2. If you want the requisitions created to go through the approval process then you have to set Requisition Import Parameter 'Initiate Approval after Reqimport' to 'Yes' when Launching the Requisition Import Concurrent Program.

    Yes: The PO Requisition Approval workflow is launched automatically for requisitions imported with a status of Pre-Approved or Incomplete.

    No: The PO Requisition Approval workflow is not automatically launched for Pre-Approved or Incomplete requisitions. You can submit these to the approval process later, when you select the Approve button on the requisition.

  • For the Requisition to be automatically Approved, the APPROVER_ID value from PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL must have authority to approve the requisition. If that user does not have approval authority, then the requisition will be in status = In Process and forwarded up that user's Approval Hierarchy.

    Can requisition import handle multiple currencies? Requisition Import is capable of handling multiple currencies, provided that all rate types and currency conversions have been defined. Can requisition import handle multiple distributions? Requisition Import can handle multiple distributions. How does requisition import process generate accounts? It can be either one of two methods for accounts to be generated: 1. By a valid CCID or 2. By a valid combination of account segments. Requisition import does not use the account generator process. The process validates the charge_account_id or the combination of account segments which are populated in the interface table. This is the existing functionality. When I load the Requisition Interface and create Requisitions it always does sourcing. How can I stop sourcing from happening? You have to set the autosource_flag in the Requisition interface to 'N' to avoid vendor Sourcing

    Does the requisition import allow note to vendor to be imported on requisitions? The requisition import does not support the note to vendor field at this time.

    How to Import the Requisition ordered by Line Number ?

    Per standard functionality the line number is a sequence number starting from 1 for records having the same requisition header id order by item_description and quantity. In other words, the po_requisition_lines table is ordered by item_description and quantity for the same header_id and then the line_num is updated with a counter that increments by 1. It is not possible to populate line number in the interface table.