oracle drm: restricted use administratorhyperion financial management or hyperion planning in...

ORACLE DRM: RESTRICTED USE ADMINISTRATOR This two day course provides a solid and comprehensive founda�on for system administrators and developers of Oracle’s Data Rela�onship Management (DRM) for exclusive use with EPM applica�ons. Learning Objec�ves: Oracle’s ‘Restricted Use’ DRM enables organisa�ons to synchronise master data between Oracle EPM on premise applica�ons. This course is appropriate for Administrators looking to replace EPMA for use with either Hyperion Financial Management or Hyperion Planning in release 11.2+. Course Descrip�on: Students will learn how to administer Oracle DRM to manage master data across different EPM applica�ons. This two day course provides a thorough grounding in the architecture and func�onality of the DRM so�ware. Discover the poten�al of this powerful solu�on and learn how to maintain metadata across EPM applica�ons in an efficient and streamlined way. You’ll gain an understanding of the DRM hierarchies used to manage metadata and learn about how DRM versions can be used for compara�ve purposes over �me. Explore the various data types and property types within DRM. Learn how to maintain and manage DRM defini�ons and proper�es and discover how property values can be derived using formulas and variables. We'll also compare the differences between standard DRM scrip�ng and JavaScript (that provides more flexibility and be�er performance in terms of the valida�ons that enforce business logic) to enhance your control of EPM master data. USA + 1 855 563 6723 | UK +44 (0) 161 408 7722 | [email protected]

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Post on 17-Apr-2020




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This two day course provides a solid and comprehensive founda�on for system administrators and developers of Oracle’s Data Rela�onship Management (DRM) for exclusive use with EPM applica�ons.

Learning Objec�ves:Oracle’s ‘Restricted Use’ DRM enables organisa�ons to synchronise master data between Oracle EPM on premise applica�ons. This course is appropriate for Administrators looking to replace EPMA for use with either Hyperion Financial Management or Hyperion Planning in release 11.2+.

Course Descrip�on:Students will learn how to administer Oracle DRM to manage master data across different EPM applica�ons.

This two day course provides a thorough grounding in the architecture and func�onality of the DRM so�ware. Discover the poten�al of this powerful solu�on and learn how to maintain metadata across EPM applica�ons in an efficient and streamlined way.

You’ll gain an understanding of the DRM hierarchies used to manage metadata and learn about how DRM versions can be used for compara�ve purposes over �me. Explore the various data types and property types within DRM.

Learn how to maintain and manage DRM defini�ons and proper�es and discover how property values can be derived using formulas and variables.

We'll also compare the differences between standard DRM scrip�ng and JavaScript (that provides more flexibility and be�er performance in terms of the valida�ons that enforce business logic) to enhance your control of EPM master data.

USA + 1 855 563 6723 | UK +44 (0) 161 408 7722 | [email protected]

Course Informa�on:Audience: System administrators / Oracle developers and consultantsPre-requisites: NoneDelivery Method: Classroom (Group-Live)Advanced Prepara�on: NoneRecommended CPE Credits: 14 Credits - Computer So�ware and Applica�onsProgramme Level: Intermediate

Summary by Day:Day 1: DRM concepts and naviga�on, version, hierarchy and property crea�on, migra�on from EPMA, formulas, expor�ng applica�on, elements, node types, sort orders, valida�ons.Day 2: JavaScript for property defini�ons, impor�ng and blending hierarchies, ac�on scripts, expor�ng to flat files, comparing applica�on elements.

Detailed Agenda Overview• DRM naviga�on• Searching for nodes• Comparing hierarchies• Working with versions• System preferences• Migra�ng from EPMA

Applica�on Building• Crea�ng versions• Crea�ng hierarchies• Hierarchy groups• Proper�es• Inheritance• Property categories• Data types and property types• Custom sort orders

Deriving Property Values• Formulas• Version variables• Hierarchy structures in formulas• Tes�ng derived property values

Node Types• The HierarchyNodeType property• Crea�ng and configuring node types• Glyphs

Valida�ons• Real �me vs. batch valida�on• Crea�ng and assigning valida�ons• Running valida�ons• Using the CustPropQuery

Valida�on Class• Derived proper�es using Javascript

The Migra�on U�lity• Expor�ng DRM proper�es• Impor�ng DRM proper�es• Comparing exported XML Files

Impor�ng / Exppor�ng Master Data• Impor�ng master data to a new

Version• Blending versions• Using scripts to add nodes• Upda�ng master data using scripts• Expor�ng to a flat file

The Batch Client• Automa�ng tasks• Automa�ng imports and blends

Managing Mappings• Managing mappings within DRM• Restric�ng node choices

Security• Managing security• Crea�ng users and node access

groups• Assigning nodes to node access

groups• Tes�ng security

Audi�ng the Applica�on• Transac�on history• Using as-of versions

USA + 1 855 563 6723 | UK +44 (0) 161 408 7722 | [email protected]