opm session #10. audience: people with rheumatoid arthritis (ra), family, care givers, maybe...

OPM Session #10 OPM Session #10

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Page 1: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

OPM Session #10OPM Session #10

Page 2: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

Audience:• People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients.• Over 1 million people in US with RA. Although only 10% of arthritics have RA, searches on rheumatoid arthritis number more than half as many searches done on arthritis.

Dominant emotions for RA patients:

• Fear of loss of future mobility, job, income, independence,

Kathy Molnar-Kimber Homeworkwww.Rheumatoid-Arthritis-Decisions.com

Page 3: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

• Grief. • Want hope

Event Script: Teleconference, Webinar Event Driver:

• Cold months: RA often worse in cold, especially cold rainy weather.• Christmas: Give your loved one the hope and information for beginning to heal• Jan. Today’s a great day to start• Valentine’s Day: Give your body the love it needs.• Something for every month

Event ThemeHealing Choices for RA.

Page 4: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

• Help other RA patients rebuild their health and lives so they can reach full potential, especially children with Juvenile RA. • I’d like to help others regain a life with bundles of energy, flexibility and strength while reducing or eliminating pain and stiffness. • Friends have asked me how I’m healing. I tell them, here provides more detail.


• I used the found techniques to go from barely walking-- hobbling with a cane, no gardening, no dancing, constant, often excruciating pain, swollen fingers, stiff elbows and wrists, crossed toes, brain fog, ... to dancing a small part in a local production of Nutcracker ballet!

Page 5: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

• Western trained physicians had said that there was nothing else that could be done after 30+ years of RA. I agreed that they didn’t know how to bring my health back. I searched elsewhere…and questioned current dogma.

• Used my scientific training to develop a new view of disease, approaches and strategies. It’s supported by the scientific literature and the health improvement of hundreds of patients, including me. • Helps support your body’s ability to heal so instead of your health spiraling down the hill, it improves with more stamina, strength, flexibility, etc. • KMK: Ph.D., University of Penn in Immunology, 50+ publication in scientific journals, 6 patents, [helped 1 drug

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which is now used for transplantation, a second agent: modified virus for selectively digesting away brain cancer is in clinical trials.]

 Diamensionalize the problem:

• A very little description on the pain—RA patients already get enough. • Negative sales approach: Maybe this isn’t for you. [Sidebars with examples]

• If you’re waiting for your physician to tell you this information, then this may not be for you. Historically, physicians take years, often decades to embrace new views and approaches. If you want changes now and are

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willing to pay attention to your body,…

• However, I encourage you to take the information and discuss with your physician or healthcare provider

 Identify the enemy: complexity of disease, no one single cause Empathize see credentials Paint a picture:----positive effects that this will bring

• Enjoy life --Dancing, gardening, energy, play with children, be there when needed, etc.


Page 8: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

 Present actionable info or content: Monthly teleseminars or webinars

1. There are at least 15 different sets of triggers for rheumatoid arthritis flares.

2. List all 15. Today I’d like to talk about how to pick one that may be giving you trouble.

3. These would be telltale signs if x triggered flares. How common it is,

4. Natural ways to test yourself by eliminating the trigger, how long you have to watch to really find out if it applies to you,

5. Natural ways to help your body to deal with the challenge dnd fully resolve issues.

6. May bring in extra expert or two for discussion. Maybe mention supplements

Page 9: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

Sample topics:

1. RA patients often are deficient in certain nutrients. Boosting those nutrients and specifically boosting their absorption can help healing.

2. Food sensitivities3. Infections, Etc.

Present the ultimate solution:

• See above—depends on the trigger of RA symptoms, have found ways, some free or low cost to address each issue.

• Your body produces inflammation for a reason.

When you take inflammation inhibitors, the underlying reason

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hasn’t disappeared so your body makes more inflammation—and you need more drugs. (Called drug tolerance).

• While these approaches take longer, they can be done while still taking medicines to gradually fix the problem triggered by inflammation and gradually reduce your body’s need for inflammation.


• Will fit the trigger(s) being discussed.  Horrifying alternative: giving reasons to go to sale page, how to continue this journey that we began together today

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• The RA pain, stiffness, fatique downhill spiral. • Most drugs eventually become ineffective. Continue on your current drug treatment only path. Quote studies on how long each series remains effective, how it builds tolerance. • Earlier you start, the easier it is to help your body heal.

Future Products: Books / ebooks, then teleseminars / webinars on other types of arthritis, autoimmune diseases, including fibromyalgia and chronic lyme. Develop CME products for integrative physicians, then eventually physicians, rheumatologists and residents. 

Page 12: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

E-mail Invitation

Event: Teleconference with KMK for Rheumatoid-Arthritis-Decisions.com Audience: small list is mostly RA patients, my credentials in healing from RA and as scientist are on website. Including photos of my dancing in local production of Nutcracker ballet

First Email invitation:Dear Health Conscious RA Friend, 

• If you’re saddled with an ugly flare that just won’t go away…• If you have a bin of direct mail flyers, each claiming that they have the cure, but wondering which one would actually help you…, or

Page 13: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

• If you long for the days when you had no pain…

It’s time to make a difference in your health and your life. Are you doing the same thing and getting the same unsatisfactory results? It’s not your fault. Much of the same information on RA is just repackaged—without a healing roadmap. Or, the hype on a product makes Mt. Everest look like an anthill.

Here’s your chance to change your course.

To begin your healing, you need to sift through the myths, facts, and half-truths. Pick out what pertains to you. But if that doesn’t excite you, don’t despair.

I’ve spent years separating the facts from the myths, the half truths and the “need more information”. Details matter.

Page 14: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

They make a huge difference --like the difference between lighting your path with a lightening bug, sunlight, or …lightening.

As an example, here’s myth #1: Your doctor said you’re showing the symptoms of RA. You also have that DR4 genetic marker. It’s associated with RA severity. “There is no cure.”

Fact: 10-30% of patients diagnosed with RA go into remission within their first 2 years.

Fact: Add the right nutrient and the rate of remission more than doubles! In this FREE telephone conference, you’ll learn:

Page 15: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

• 9 things that can aggravate your RA…maybe even trigger a flare. Some may bother you now while others may not …YET. [Besides tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, weather, inactivity]

• The nutrient that doubles your rate of remission within the first 2 years. The best foods, and the right dose.

• The best sources for a second nutrient that’s often deficient in over 50% of RA patients. A deficiency causes joint and muscle aches and pains. We’ll discuss 3 ways to boost your levels.

If you’d like to begin a healing journey, sign up now for the Free 1 hour telephone conference call. There are only 145 slots and I’d like you to benefit!

Page 16: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

Sign up button

It won’t cost you a dime more than calling your Aunt Suzie in Topeka, Kansas.

Some of you may ask, why would I hold a free telephone conference to help you? It’s because I’ve been where you are, and I’ve since put down my cane. I smile everyday as I enjoy life. But it nags me that others do not know how to help themselves heal. Do you have sleepless nights worrying about how many more years you have before you’re disabled? If so, it’s time to take a fresh look at the facts, myths, and half-truths and begin your healing journey.

Page 17: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

If any of your family, friends, or colleagues could benefit, please pass along an invitation to join us on the call.

Sign up button

Talk with you in two weeks! Be sure to call in 15 min. early to introduce yourself.  Sincerely, Kathy Katherine L. Molnar-Kimber, Ph.D.

P.S. There’s hope. At one of my darkest hours, my daughter and husband gave me the proverbial kicks that led to these healing insights. And you have the opportunity to benefit!

Page 18: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

P.P.S. In three weeks, you’ll be beginning your healing journey with 2 essential nutrients when you sign up below. Otherwise, how are you going to heal?  

Sign up button

Page 19: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

Rodney Trotter HomeworkEvent Drivers

 People have spent significant dollars on courses covering how to start an on-line business. They have spent hours designing a site, doing all the tech stuff to get it up and running and spent hours learning how to drive traffic via SEO, PPC or ezines etc, but they are seeing no return for their money or work. We fix that by: 1. Showing them how to get more money on same traffic.2. Showing them how to make their PPC campaign profitable.3. Showing them design changes that can make a big difference in conversions. They have told their spouse and/or in-laws that this internet marketing stuff can give them security but everyone doubts them. We show them how to prove them wrong and grow their on-line income without spending more than they are making.

Page 20: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

If you attend the event you will get a piece of software that tells you more about your site's traffic than Google Analytics or any other single software package and its free at end of event. When I show them a way to make a return on all that money spent on internet marketing courses, PPC and long, hard days of work – when they start seeing a growing income from what my product gives them (improved conversion rate), then I will have a customer for life and a great testimonial/referral source.

Event Theme How to turn a losing or marginal e-commerce site into a money maker.

Page 21: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

Possible titles for event:

1. Stop leaving money on the table – Grab that conversion2. Double on-line income with current traffic3. How My Traffic Dropped but My Income Soared 

Event Format

Webcast of me interviewing Scott Zetlan regarding how he optimized is multiple sites for maximum conversions.

Page 22: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

Action Content1. Establish spokes person's credential

Scott Zetlan will be the spokes person. Scott has optimized his ecommerce sites using several different programs. Now he is using Taguchi Split Test software and can compare and contrast with other programs. He in head moderator for StomperNet forum

2. Dimensionalize the problem

PPC cost vs. net profit on item sold. Quickly show how to determine

minimum conversion rate to pay for PPC cost. Demonstrate how small

changes in conversion rate translates into large profit gains.

Event Script

Page 23: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

3. Identify the enemy Competing web sites PPC competition, get higher click rate and conversions lead to lower ad cost and more money to spend on driving traffic

4. Empathize You have done everything the internet marketing gurus told you to do and have plenty of traffic but you are still not making money.

Page 24: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

5. Paint a word picture You have found out where your site visitors are coming from, how they moved through your site and where they clicked. Using this information you can identify your conversion opportunities, find the best design, headlines and copy, and see your conversions double leading to income skyrocketing. Now you are in control of your life and can feel secure. Take that long deserved vacation, buy that dream

house, cruise in your dream car and make your in-laws jealous.

6. Present actionable information

You will learn how to do a navigation area that allows your visitor to easily find what they are looking for and get to it quickly. You will learn best place to position your opt-in form. You will learn one technique that doubled conversion by itself.

Page 25: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

7. Present the ultimate solution

We are going to provide Taguchi Split Test software to help you achieve the things we talked about. With it you can track how visitors interact with your site. With that information, you can design variations on your site and test those against your control to find best design, headline and copy.

8. Call to action Tell them we are giving them the front-end of the software so they can start learning what the visitor is doing on their site. They need to continue with the presentation and at the end we redirect to a page where they can download the free software.

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9. Present the horrifying alternative

If we go on together, you can see an improved bottom line or you can go your own way and watch your competitor take over the market because they are using our software. You can continue as is using Ad Words split test to try to identify best ad, then use GWO to test page and wait for 100 to 1000 times the traffic to get same answer our software can give with much less traffic. They can continue to guess at what the best design is and make changes, never really knowing what makes a difference. They can keep telling their spouse, “Next month should be a lot better” and just hoping it is.

10. Final call to action Tell them to download the analytics part of the software and check how it works. When they are ready to optimize their site, just click on our logo/link in software and get the full package.

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List Building

Drive traffic to opt-in/registration page (http://www.taguchisplittest.com/) using 1. PPC networks – Ad Words2. Ezine banner ads3. Topic forum post and signatures4. Social network sites – Linkedin, Hubpages, Squidoo5. Ask registrants to email friend regarding offer – provide form on thank-you page As an incentive to register, they will be given access to a tool to find “Probability of Commercial Intent” for a list of keywords. Since most people interested in our software will be involved in PPC and SEO of a website, they would find this tool useful. It will be the first of several tools provided to people that subscribe to our software.

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After registration, they will be entered into an auto-responder that will introduce the software via videos of its various parts and how to use the information. I am not sure if presenting this prior to the event will take away from the impact of event. Scott will show how he uses the software and how testing in general allowed him to live a good live from his internet business. Since they get the front end analytics part of the program if they attend the event, seeing it in action could possibly improve event attendance. 

Ongoing Events We will have a blog where we discuss testing and where people can leave their experiences using the software. From this information, we can identify success stories and do a new video with them to create other OPM events. By creating multiple videos and placing on video sharing sites, we can drive traffic to opt-in form and generate new subscribers on a continuous basis.

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• Table 2 and George and hundreds of others who have purchased our system, taken action and now enjoy a strong steady online income, free from worries about the economy, government actions or the whims of an employer.

• Simply go to NitroBlueprint.com/special for today’s special offer of the free video training on how to start your online success today.

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Table 3 minutes discuss how doing due diligence before selecting a start-up business is important and how your knowledge base can be expanded to gain the tools needed to be successful

This part need to be informational but constructed so the participant will want to go to the “buy Now” page to purchase the CD set.

Follow-up attendees with e-mail series.

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• Free 56-page report:  “Your ‘Beat the Recession’ Guide to Work-from-Home Opportunities” 

• Report shows the hottest opportunities to earn extra income from home (or how to develop a full time income working from home). Includes 54 opportunities in total, resources to get you started, and tips from those who are already successfully making money with each opportunity.

Event Script OutlineTime Frame

Topic of Discussion

15 minutes

1. Establish Spokesperson’s Credentials[Why you can believe what this person says…]

Kelvin Parker Direct response copywriter and marketing strategist

specializing in the fields of entrepreneurship, wealth creation, marketing, business strategy and success...

Page 32: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

Project: Website marketing solutions for local small business owners and independent professionals in central and northern Wisconsin. Providing a semi-turnkey solution for local business owners to establish a stronger Web presence, and thus improve their Website and Internet marketing to local customers by leaps and bounds. Price range of 5-10k per sale with consulting and Website marketing tools included. Price of package will depend on whether or not they already have a Website.

Event drivers 1.The information we will provide in this event is crucial to making your business flourish during difficult

Bruce Carlson’s Homework

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economic times. It is a cure for the financial “dis-ease” that is infecting local business owners in central and northern Wisconsin right now.

2. The information you will acquire during this event will show you why there is a golden opportunity for you as a local business owner right now to capitalize on something that your competitors haven’t got a clue about. How to take advantage of a recessionary Web boom for local businesses. Proof elements emphasized here, with local news stories about the plight of business owners and the decrease in sales, etc.

Page 34: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

Event theme 1.Local news about the recession, economic downturn, etc. with specific stories about how it’s affecting business owners you may know personally.

2.The hidden “silver lining” in this financial storm cloud. Why searches for local businesses and services are increasing at an incredible rate on Google and Yahoo! … and what specific, simple steps you can take as a local business owner to get in front of this fast-growing crowd of hungry customers.

3.3-person interchange: 2 experts (one small biz marketing expert and one SEO expert) being grilled by the skeptical host to get at the “truth” of this.

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Proof elements again. Numbers, percentages. Especially emphasizing and showing how few local business owners have any kind of effective search engine presence.  Event format Basic 45-minute phone-in teleconference, since many of these people are not Web savvy. Basic needs Teleconference bridge line.  Event freebie

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Highly-detailed report telling them the simple and unvarnished truth about Website marketing for local business owners and how to start getting more local searches to their Websites (if they have a Website; if they don’t we will help them get one, and that will be part of the offer coming out of the event).  Event script outline A. Spokespersons’ credentials 1.Joe Blow is an Internet search engine expert (this market probably doesn’t know what SEO stands for, so best not to use the term) with X number of years experience and who has worked for company A, B, C, etc. and helped

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get company B such-and-such a ranking on the search engines.

2. Bob Woo is a small business marketing consultant who has worked with local business clients throughout the upper Midwest for X number of years.

 B. Dimensionalize problem What cutbacks are you having to make right now? Will

your family be able to even think about a vacation this year? You have to feed them and house them and clothe them too. Any money left over for anything but necessities? How about meeting payrolls and covering your overhead costs, how’s that going? Getting any credit right now? Are retail customers going to the big box stores now instead of to you? Are you being forced

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to discount heavily in order to keep customers coming in the door? Maybe you’re having to carve into your savings… People are downsizing their budgets, and that means not going to the dentist as often as they may previously have done. Same with medical and chiropractic. Etc.  Is your current advertising and marketing helping you stop the bleeding? C. Identify the enemy Web services that charge an arm and a leg to build you a Website, only to have it do nothing for your business. Agencies that know nothing about real Web marketing, but charge you through the nose anyway. Snake oil

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salesmen and get-rich-quick hype artists who’ve made you jaded about the Internet. Non-locally oriented Web designers, etc. who pitch local biz owners about being “global” and getting business from distance sources. (The local business owner says, “What do I want with global? I just want to get more local customers in the door.)  D. Empathize I understand exactly how it is for you, because I’m a small business owner too and I’ve been in the same boat. It’s certainly not your fault that you haven’t been able to get the Web to work for you. We small business owners have our hands full just trying to run our businesses, especially when the economy’s in trouble. How can we be

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expected to learn all this Web stuff? So we trust some guy to do it for us, we pay him good money, and nothing happens. You have good reason to be cynical and jaded. E. Word picture A simple turnkey solution that will establish your local business on the Web and help you be the one whose Website people see when they do a Web search for “Wausau roofing contractor” or “Marathon City dentist.” During the presentation we will establish why having a Website is so much more important than just having a local Google listing that leads to a nondescript Web Yellow Pages listing.

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F. Actionable information During the presentation we will tell them everything they need to do to get better results in local searches. We will give examples of local business owners and independent professionals who are doing this. We will especially share a LOT of free valuable info about Internet marketing. G. Lift the skirt We will then talk about how there is a turnkey solution that does this for you (in the event it’s all Greek or you don’t have time or just don’t feel like dealing with it). We will also mention that only one business owner in each niche within a 25-mile radius will be allowed to get this deluxe package.

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H. Call to action Call our 24-hour toll-free hotline now. Or go to such-and-such Web page (since these people need to be prequalified further for this fairly high-end package, there will be a form for them to fill out). I. Crossroads close Do you want to keep slugging it out (the economy isn’t going to bounce back overnight) with your current underperforming marketing and seeing the same results you’re seeing right now? Or will you be one of the winners who’s smiling as your local business thrives and flourishes during these painful economic times? It’s up to you.

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J. Final call to action Again, bring in the urgency motivator. Time is short. Limited time special discount. Only one business owner in each specific business niche allowed to purchase. Go to web page xxx or call xxx now.

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(Early Draft) (At the end of the Webinar, attendees will be directed and prompted to click for details on their BONUS GIFT for attending—a $3,000 DISCOUNT on a QXCI system purchase PLUS $5,000 worth of FREE EXTRAS—offered for a limited time ONLY TO Webinar attendees.

The link will lead to this Sales Letter Page.) 

Camille Poisson’sSALES PAGE Homework

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BEFORE you READ any further:  PLEASE NOTE…

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Click Here to Order or Call 1-866-388-3901 

Finally… Breakthrough Energy Medicine Technology

That Will Revolutionize Your PracticeAnd turn You Into

A High-Demand, 21st Century Alternative Medicine Practitioner With Just a Click of a Mouse…

Be a pioneer in your alternative health field. Take the leap into 21st century energy medicine with the

Page 50: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

QXCI (Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface) System.  A State-Of-The-Art Quantum Biofeedback device that will… * Dramatically Increase Your Client Result Rate and Produce Those Results in a Fraction of Time…  * Process accurate, individualized test results and therapy indicators, unlike any other therapy device onthe market today…  * Double Your client base—by Putting Your Services in High Demand…  * And Best of All… DOUBLE Your Revenues Within the First Year…

Page 51: OPM Session #10. Audience: People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), family, care givers, maybe healthcare or social workers that work with RA patients

Dear Alternative Health Practitioner, Imagine owning a wholistic clinic and offering your patients the services of over 175 alternative healing specialists and technicians… Imagine each of these specialists’s being experts in their field and ready and available at a moment’s notice… No need for time-consuming outside referrals, or having to order or wait for lab test results—live blood, skin, hair, saliva, urine…  Imagine each of these specialists under your sole employ and direction, being able to meet the wholistic (physical, mental and emotional) needs—tailor made—for each of your patients…

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And imagine, if you will, being able to offer each an every one of them, the services of every single one of these specialists in only one session…  Imagine being able to cover the ENTIRE alternative healing spectrum in a matter of minutes… …chiropractic, acupucnture, chakra balancing, cranio-sacral, iridology, brain wave, allergen de-sensitization, fat loss, detoxification, aging, dental…and more…  …hormone, neurological, metabolic, digestive, oxygenation, blood sugar…and more…

…Gestalt, Neuro net stabilization, emotional growth, unconscious reactivity, Elecro hypnosis…and more…

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CLICK! The results right there on your computer screen.All the information you need at your fingertips…  Having the ability to do all that literally defies our concept of TIME. But that is exactly what the QXCI biofeedback system is designed to do…at a click of a mouse… It defies time by being able to scan and “read” a patient’s body and determine in 1/100th of second, all of the factors listed above and more… 

Energy Medicine of the Future The beauty is— you don’t have to wait. The future is already HERE with the QXCI biofeedback device.

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A cutting-edge assessment tool that saves YOU time, and provides YOUR PATIENTS state-of-the-art healing modalities with faster results. In less than five minutes, this non-invasive scanning process can screen:

• Food Sensitivities• Nutritional Deficiencies• Spinal / Cranial Sacral• Dental / TMJ• Adrenal Function• Environmental Factors• Hormone Levels• Mental Energy• Organ Function• Hydration / oxygenation

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• Acid / Alkaline Balance• Toxicities – exposure to excess chemicals, heavy metals / mercury• Trauma (damage) – includes physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual• Pathogens – bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites• Homeopathic Therapy• Allegy Testing & Desensitization• Meridian Therapy / Electro-Acupuncture• Chakra Balancing• Weight Loss Therapy• Risk Profile Analysis• Anti-Aging Therapy• Emotional Release• Auto-Frequency Therapy• Color Therapy• Electrodemal Screening

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FDA approved, this safe, powerful evoked-potential biofeedback device is designed for simplicity of use and powerful healing. World re-known NASA scientist, Dr. William C. Nelson spent 20 years of study and research in quantum physics and electronic engineering to create the QXCI device. His unique knowledge of fractal dynamics, subspace theory, tri-vector system and others, has made this energetic feedback system possible.  He used his genius to design an all-inclusive system –a computerized system that could both test and balance the body at the subtle energy level. That’s how the “Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface”—the QXCI—was born… Let’s face it.

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Most of us don’t know how to build a car engine or understand the mechanics of how it works. But we still drive a car. We just stick the key in, start it up and drive away.  The same is true of this incredible device. You don’t have to be a quantum physicist. You don’t need to understand all the complexities of the science behind it to use it. Thanks to Dr. Nelson. Its simplicity of use is what makes it so appealing.  And that’s not all… You don’t even need to own a computer to use it. No need to download or meet download requirements.

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The QXCI software comes already downloaded in a laptop AND desktop computer.  When you come right down to it— There’s no commodity in life more precious than time. You can’t buy, sell or trade it. It’s one that, if you let slip through your fingers, is irretrievable. Lost to you forever.  So I ask you… How much of this precious commodity are you spending with each of your patients now?  Do you pride yourself being able to give them the best quality of care you can?

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Is there truly enough time in your day to provide them an accurate health assessment and follow-up course for recovery that is equal to what the QXCI could provide?  Don’t your patients deserve the highest level of care you can give? What’s wrong with increasing the quality of care you provide by getting results faster? My greatest aspiration is for YOU to experience the satisfaction and rewards of having MORE time…reaching MORE clients… and delivering what is possibly the best quality alternative healing care available on the planet today…WITHOUT extending your work day by one more second…

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[Paint a picture of what life would be like with ALL OF THE ABOVE here] Using the dynamic, highly individualized, quantum technology of the QXCI Evoked-Potential biofeedback device you will…  * Provide your clients accurate, in-depth analysis of every possible imbalance in the body electric…in a matter of minutes…  * Have every electromagnetic aberration detected and corrected within the breadth and scope of a safe device, with a built-in revolutionary quantum system designed for simplicity of use and powerful healing that has never before been available until NOW…

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Call it “Start Trek” technology… call it the future of medicine… == It’s non-invasive… == Works on a client at the subconscious level—which means only the system is aware of the thousands of items being tested… == Works with neither the operator nor the client influences the scan…  A technology so advanced that it renders the energy medicine systems in use day—OBSOLETE…  That makes the outmoded practitioner-operated, one frequency/one channel resistance, one probe device in use today as outdated as the adding machine…

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The future of energy medicine is HERE andready to use NOW…

 Packaged in Computer Software

 This simple device works naturopathically to stimulate and harness the tremendous capacity of the human system for self-healing. With the largest medical software package in the world, the QXCI is capable of accurately assessing and normalizing underlying energetic imbalances… Clients heal themselves…  A biofeedback device so cutting-edge that it measures the

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resonance pulse of a client and sends back an alternate pulse to which the body responds. It automatically provides the information needed for the body to restore itself…  In turn the body alters its own reactance pulse and creates change… …from pain to no pain… from malignant to benign…from compulsive to anxiety-free…from imbalance to balance… The body is rebalanced within minutes… There is no other assessment and healing tool quite like it on the market today.

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This all-encompassing system is designed and built on the sciences of mathematics, quantum physics, electronics, naturopathy, chiropractic, energetic medicine and computer programming. No other system is designed and built as advanced as the QXCI.  Now I know what you’re thinking … 

How Much Is This Device Going to Cost Me? Well, before I tell you, and because this device does not come cheap…

I want you to know, up front—this technology is like nothing

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else you’ve ever used or encountered before. Its capabilities and its POTENTIAL to grow and transform your practice cannot be minimized…  We’re talking about the largest medical software package in the world!  One that … # Accurately assesses and normalizes underlying energetic imbalances of the entire body… # Automatically provides all the data needed for the body to restore itself… # Empowers YOU to find the subconscious reasons for many illnesses and dis-eases unique to each patient…

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The First of Its Kind… The QXCI is the first of its kind to use the Double Blind Approach. Designed to work on the subconscious level, only the system is aware of the thousands of items being tested. Neither the operator nor the client can influence the scan…  It comes in a package that includes: 

• A new brand name laptop computer - $599 value

• New desktop computer with a 17 inch flat panel widescreen monitor - $999 value

• Eight hours of Personal Training with a Certified QXCI trainer

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• Biofeedback Certification Course - $499 value

• UNLIMITED Internet & TOLL FREE phone support

• One FREE QXCI Seminar of your choice to attend - $299 value

• Two FREE DVD Seminars of your choice by Prof. Nelson - $1200 value

• Multi-media CD Training with Professor Nelson

• Multi-media CD Lectures Set with Prof. Nelson – 3CD set

• Tucson Training Seminar covering Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced training - 3 DVD Set - $299.00

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• Your choice of TWO of our Advanced Training Seminars - $1000 value • Budapest International Conference on the QXCI – 7 DVD set - $499 value • EPFX Clasp32 Master Program Software, Discs 1 & 2 (entitled to 2 free Clasp32 update discs a year)

• A 160 page training manual from Certified Trainer Darwin Davidson

• Two FREE updates a year, as released, of the EPFX/SCIO Clasp32 Program

• FREE computer troubleshooting and support for the setup and maintenance your system

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• AND A complete Home Study Business Kit to get you started in your practice that includes:

  # Extensive CD and Video training sets # The QXCI Essential Operations Manual # The Official QXCI User Guide CD The cost of the full package is $18,950. But for a limited time we are offering the package for only $15,950—that’s a $3,000 savings AND comes with a BONUS package worth over $5,000! That’s a TOTAL SAVINGS of $8,000!! 

Order Now! And that’s not all…

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Your Own Web Page FREE …

 We’ll even build you, FREE OF CHARGE, a Home page specifically designed to help you market and promote this new service or practice. A web design that is technical and professional in nature—with a goal of maximizing your exposure on the net. ACT NOW we’ll ALSO INCLUDE your web hosting\domain registration for 1 year!!

Order Now!


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Be prepared for how the QXCI will revolutionize the way you practice alternative medicine and change how you interact with patients… I won’t lie. You need to be prepared for possible skepticism from your patients. Even they may be resistant at first, because of the system’s simplicity. They may not believe that something so compact, so revolutionary could produce so large a quantity of accurate data on the state of their health and produce it so quickly… But once they do and experience the healing results for themselves, I guarantee the word will spread…and spread…and SPREAD…

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[Testimonials illustrating that point will go here.] You too will become an alternative healing practitioner with a unique service that will put you in great demand… And that demand translates into HUGE increases in business revenues. With that additional income, you could easily recover the full cost of your purchase within the first year! For example…(using very conservative numbers…) With just ONE additional patient a day…  at a minimal charge of $100…

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Your earn a additional $500 a week—or $2,000 a month— With that small increase in income, you could easily recoup the entire cost of the system in less than 8 months. With the addition of TWO more patients a day, you’d recoup the entire cost in under 3 months!! 

Order Now! And if that weren’t enough… If you take advantage of this $3,000 savings on this exclusiveQXCI SPECIAL OFFER Package now…  I’m also going to GIVE you…

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Your Own Portable Infrared Sauna

FREEIf You Act Now…

 This is my $699 gift to you. But I'm just getting started… If you act right now I'm also going to GIVE you... 

A Prayer Wheel Program on CDa $500 Value… FREE

 Don’t let this unprecedented opportunity in the explosive field of energy medicine pass you by…

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Order Your Full QXCI Package Now  

~~OUR WARRANTY~~ The QXCI comes with a TWO year extended warrantyAND A ONE year warranty on your FREE desktop PC 



And there’s more…

If you’re STILL not convinced of the effectiveness of this technology, study it for yourself.

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All the details of Prof. Nelson’s 20 years of research and work published in the International Journal of Medical Science of Homeopathy—are now available to you in our multi-media presentation in a series of 35 CDs.  If you act right now, I’m going to give you FREE access to 10 of Dr. Nelson’s most comprehensive multi-media presentations… And you don’t have to wait. You can download all TEN right now… 

Order Your Full QXCI Package Now!

Look. The choice is in your hands.

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This technology is not for mediocre minds…  It’s bold and daring. It’s the stuff of science fiction. But it’s here. And it WORKS. You have a chance to save $8,000 RIGHT NOW. This is a limited time offer. Either you’ll grap this opportunity to literally quantum leap your practice into the 21st century or you’ll continue to play it safe with what you’re comfortable with.  It’s up to you…  Yours for Wellness,

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P.S. Please remember: If you’re serious about dramatically improving the level of service your practice provides, and the system’s revenue potential, our price is far from prohibitive. For all that the QXCI system can do, the cost is minimal compared to the price of education and training you would need to duplicate what the system is already programmed to do for you.  For one person to master in one lifetime or be even minimally proficient in the 175 different healing modalities that the QXCI provides, would be, nearly impossible.  Add to that, the exorbitant cost to acquire that education would REALLY cost you…

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P.P.S: If you’re still unsure, we’re more than happy to work with you. We offer both financing and leasing packages.

To find out more, call our TOLL FREE number 1-866-388-3901 or 1-866-388-3094 for details. Our office is open 7 days a week. None of your questions will go unanswered. P.P.P.S: OK. Because you attended our Webinar, we’ll even let you test drive this technology for 90 days. If you’re not completely satisfied. Return it for a full refund. No questions asked. So what do you say. What have you got to lose? ACT NOW!

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DISCLAIMER: The EPFX system is to be used as a Biofeedback Multimedia System. It is designed for stress detection and stress reduction. The device does not diagnose anyone. Only a Licensed Practitioner can diagnose a patient. For the diagnosis or treatment of any disease please contact a licensed physician. No claims are made of the system or of its results.

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Question from Camille Poisson

What specific device or software do you use to record interviews, webinars, etc.... and what software do you use to transcribe recorded interviews?

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Question from Kelvin Parker

I have a long time client who sells a forecasting and trading software system.  It covers the stock market, forex, commodities, futures, options, etc.

Their market USED to be individual private traders. The system used to sell for around $20,000 per seat.


Their success with the system in-house was spectacular. Their best trader started with $3,000 and traded it up to $400,000.

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Then took managed funds of $25 million up to $45 million in 4 months.

Then took managed funds of $110 million up to $300 million in 8 months. His best winning record is 476 winning trades in a row.

So they decided to take the system OFF THE MARKET for individual private traders -- establish their own funds management company and use the system in house.

But they still want to make the system available to institutional investors only, for $100,000 per seat, per year.

My question is... do you think OPM would be a good strategy to interest, engage, and pre-sell institutions (fund

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management companies, insurance companies, banks, etc)...

...where after they are handed off to a sales team to complete the deal.

His sales team is lean (but mean), and rather than have them cold calling on institutions - they could instead only be dealing with warm prospects who have been invited to an event and seen the system in action.

What are your thoughts on how best to amend the OPM strategy for this particular scenario?

Also, any thoughts on the compensation split? - as the sale in this case will be a combination of lead generation efforts

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(by myself using OPM), and the clients sales team (who will close the deals).


Kelvin Parker

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Question from Clark Fletcher

I buy, sell and operate mobile home parks. I rent lots to tenants for them to place their own home. I have a manager in each park and spend no more than one day per month dealing with the business. My business is recession proof. Due to a small reasonable monthly rental rate increase, on January 1, 2009, my monthly net income and my net worth will increase substantially  whether I do anything else during the year to earn any additional money or not.

I am developing a teleseminar series to teach others the

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following regarding mobile home parks:1. How to find 'em;2. How to fund 'em;3. How to fix 'em; and4. How to flip 'em or keep and operate 'em. The purpose of the course is to:1. Brand myself as an expert;2. Make income from the proceeds of the course;3. Offer coaching services for others that wish to get into the business or to improve their existing businesses;4. Locate affluent individuals that wish to invest with me via some type joint venture arrangement so that I can purchase additional parks.

I plan to market my course using OPM, driving targeted

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traffic to a squeeze page and providing a free report or free recording, then driving them to a presentation and then to info about my teleseminar. 1. I would like any advise you have regarding what hot buttons to push based upon the limited information I have provided;2. any additional suggestions or comments you have on my plan of action including any changes that I should adopt; 3. reference to any websites you can provide regarding successful investing programs that I can get suggestions from; and4. your tips on how to find and market to the affluent that I am seeking to invest

Clark Fletcher

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More Questions?More Questions?