open principles in geoeducation

Open Principles in GeoEducation Suchith Anand EuroGeo 2017, Amsterdam Open Geospatial Labs are being established worldwide to scale up research and teaching globally as part of the ICA-OSGeo MoU

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Open Principles in GeoEducationSuchith Anand

EuroGeo 2017, Amsterdam

Open Geospatial Labs are being established worldwide to scale up research and teaching globally as part of the ICA-OSGeo MoU

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Some reflections


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Over 12,000 schoolsAbout 6 million studentsAbout 200,000 teachers

Good example of impact of openness in Education from my state in India

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Geospatial Technology – Why?

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How can we all work together to create global citizens for the future?

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◊GLOBAL URBAN PROBLEMS: access GLOBAL URBAN PROBLEMS: access to water, sanitation, traffic congestions, to water, sanitation, traffic congestions, economic sustainability, citizenseconomic sustainability, citizens’’ health, health, impact on environment …impact on environment …

◊Mapping is a critical component to help understand and develop solutions for urban growth problems

◊Proprietary software tools are very expensive (hence unavailable) for economically poor countries and communities worldwide

Why is Geoeducation important?

Kibera , Kenya

Dharavi, Mumbai

GIS tools play a key role in helping find solutions to global societal challenges

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Why? Data needs to be easily understood by all to make better informed decisions at all levels

Purpose - Using this layer to compare with health expenditures to see if there's a visual relationship with the percent of forest area and health care costs. Looking to see if health care costs rise as forest are percent lowers.

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Why is Openness Important?

Openness is fundamental in helping achieve SDG 2030 aims

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◊GLOBAL URBAN PROBLEMS: access GLOBAL URBAN PROBLEMS: access to water, sanitation, traffic congestions, to water, sanitation, traffic congestions, economic sustainability, citizenseconomic sustainability, citizens’’ health, health, impact on environment …impact on environment …

◊Mapping is a critical component to help understand and develop solutions for urban growth problems

◊Proprietary software tools are very expensive (hence unavailable) for economically poor countries and communities worldwide

Why is Geoeducation important?

Kibera , Kenya

Dharavi, Mumbai

GIS tools play a key role in helping find solutions to global societal challenges

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Making Geospatial education and opportunities

accessible to all

“Geo for All”

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Education + Empowerment = GeoForAll

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There are many dimensions to “Open”

• Open source software.

• Open data.

• Open standards.

• Open access to research publications.

• Open education resources

But fundamentally GeoForAll is based on Open Principles

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An example of the impact of Openness - GODAN

Impact is the positive changes to the lives of people

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• For the first time in human history, the knowledge to end hunger exists on Earth  

• 800 million people struggle with debilitating hunger and malnutrition

• We need to find solutions beyond MORE food. Nutritionally sensitive agriculture is essential for global public health and wellbeing

• We are convinced that the solution to closing this unacceptable hunger gap lies within harnessing and opening agriculture and nutrition data

• “location” relevant data plays an important role


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How can we all work together to create global citizens for the future?

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Nepal Earthquake 2015 – GeoForAll colleagues globally came together to help with relief efforts

We are especially grateful for the work and relief efforts done after the terrible earthquakes by our colleagues in OSGL

Kathmandu University lead by Dr Shashish Maharjan. Their whole team along with many students and volunteers

were key in helping the recovery efforts. They have been carrying out many activities from piloting of household

surveys for detail earthquake assessment

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Nepal Earthquake 2015 – GeoForAll colleagues globally came together to help with relief efforts

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Nepal Earthquake 2015 – GeoForAll colleagues globally came together to help with relief efforts

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How can we all work together to create global citizens for the future?

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Education + Empowerment = Geo4All

Acknowledgements: Silvana Comboim and colleagues at ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies

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Example of an excellent Initiative led by Prof. Maria Brovelli , Patrick Hogan and colleagues

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Openness – Increasing quality through peer review

Open Source Software

Source code remains in the public domain

free for all to use, change and (re)distribute

Development done in public usually by a community (distributed, informal team of developers)

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How can we all work together to create global citizens for the future?

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June 2010

“Geo for All” started from very humble beginnings

Aim – Build research and teaching infrastructure worldwide

Problem – No initial funding!

Biggest Strength – amazing support from colleagues and students

Open Source Geospatial Lab founding meeting at UoN

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Why - Social ResponsibilityMaking resources including software and

data openly available offers an opportunity for knowledge to be shared widely so as to

increase learning opportunities. Example – Collaborating with educational initiatives like gvSIG Batoví

For details contact:Sergio Acosta y [email protected] Alvaro [email protected]

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 Thanks to Elżbieta Wołoszyńska-Wiśniewska and colleagues at UNEP-GRID), Warsaw

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Open softwareOpen data

Open Educational ResourcesOpen standard

Providing to an open geospatial ecosystem for education, research and business

Education + Empowerment = Geo4All

Access to quality education and opportunities is key for getting rid of extreme poverty and enable broadly shared prosperity for all.

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Open Geospatial Education & Research

Geospatial Standards (for ex. OGC spec.)

Maturity of open source software (for

ex. OSGeo stack)

Open Data

Ability for showing the operation of general laws

is fundamental for scientific research

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“Geo for All” Team

ICA-OSGeo MoU in Sep 2011

Over 100 labs established worldwide as of today

North America – over 20 labsEurope – over 40 labsSouth America – 9 labsAfrica – 4 labsAsia – 15 labsAustralia - 2 lab

Will be establishing over 1000 labs in universities and schools worldwide by 2018

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Who are we?Government organisations, academia, industry, startups, NGOs , teachers, students, …

FOSS4G 2013 @Nottingham

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We are Global community

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It is all about learning and sharing

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Open GIS Summer School in Girona

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And empowering the next generation

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Establishing open education ,research and training opportunities

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We are Multi disciplinary

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We are all passionate about Research and Education

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Science is NOT a Black Box

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UN Global Service centre, Brindisi, Italy 7-11 March 2016

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Vision 2030Science should always be open

Geospatial Science should be fully build on Open PrinciplesTransparency of research is fundamental (no black boxes or proprietary barriers).

Geospatial Science = Open Geospatial Science

Open Geospatial Labs are being established worldwide to scale up research and teaching globally as part of the ICA-OSGeo MoU

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Represents the individual content

creator on the World Wide Web

Why- Open Geospatial Science

helps in empowerment of staff and students capacity building developing creative and open minds in students which is critical for building open innovation contributes to building up Open Knowledge for the benefit of the whole society and for our future generations.

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Thanks to all colleagues in the “Geo for All” initiative

Let us all join to eradicate extreme poverty and enable shared prosperity for all

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Why - Social ResponsibilityMaking resources including software and

data openly available offers an opportunity for knowledge to be shared widely so as to

increase learning opportunities. Example – Collaborating with educational initiatives like gvSIG Batoví

For details contact:Sergio Acosta y [email protected] Alvaro [email protected]

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