open mgw sw installation_v2

Open Multimedia Gateway, Rel. Ui5.0, Operating Documentation, issue 2 Open MGW Software Installation Issue 1-1 Nokia Siemens Networks is continually striving to reduce the adverse environmental effects of its products and services. We would like to encourage you as our customers and users to join us in working towards a cleaner, safer environment. Please recycle product packaging and follow the recommendations for power use and proper disposal of our products and their compo- nents. If you should have questions regarding our Environmental Policy or any of the environmental services we offer, please contact us at Nokia Siemens Networks for any additional information.

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How to install Open MGW SW


  • Open Multimedia Gateway, Rel. Ui5.0, Operating Documentation, issue 2

    Open MGW Software Installation

    Issue 1-1

    Nokia Siemens Networks is continually striving to reduce the adverse environmental effects of its products and services. We would like to encourage you as our customers and users to join us in working towards a cleaner, safer environment. Please recycle product packaging and follow the recommendations for power use and proper disposal of our products and their compo-nents.

    If you should have questions regarding our Environmental Policy or any of the environmental services we offer, please contact us at Nokia Siemens Networks for any additional information.

  • 2Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This documentation is intended for the use of Nokia Siemens Networks customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which the document is submitted, and no part of it may be used, reproduced, modified or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia Siemens Networks. The documentation has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia Siemens Networks welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation.

    The information or statements given in this documentation concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products are given "as is" and all liability arising in connection with such hardware or software products shall be defined conclusively and finally in a separate agreement between Nokia Siemens Networks and the customer. However, Nokia Siemens Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia Siemens Networks will, if deemed necessary by Nokia Siemens Networks, explain issues which may not be covered by the document.


    This documentation and the product it describes are considered protected by copyrights and other intellectual property rights according to the applicable laws.

    The wave logo is a trademark of Nokia Siemens Networks Oy. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Siemens is a registered trademark of Siemens AG.

    Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only.

    Copyright Nokia Siemens Networks 2012/8/28. All rights reserved

    f Important Notice on Product SafetyThis product may present safety risks due to laser, electricity, heat, and other sources of danger.

    Only trained and qualified personnel may install, operate, maintain or otherwise handle this product and only after having carefully read the safety information applicable to this product.

    The safety information is provided in the Safety Information section in the Legal, Safety and Environmental Information part of this document or documentation set.

    The same text in German:

    f Wichtiger Hinweis zur Produktsicherheit Von diesem Produkt knnen Gefahren durch Laser, Elektrizitt, Hitzeentwicklung oder andere Gefahrenquellen ausgehen.

    Installation, Betrieb, Wartung und sonstige Handhabung des Produktes darf nur durch geschultes und qualifiziertes Personal unter Beachtung der anwendbaren Sicherheits-anforderungen erfolgen.

    Die Sicherheitsanforderungen finden Sie unter Sicherheitshinweise im Teil Legal, Safety and Environmental Information dieses Dokuments oder dieses Dokumentations-satzes.

  • Issue 1-13

    Open MGW Software Installation


    Table of ContentsThis document has 50 pages.

    Summary of changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    1 Introduction to Open MGW software installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    2 Installation medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.1 Using commissioning tools from the ISO image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.2 Command line interface for commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    3 Settings for commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.1 Setting up cabling for commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.2 Preparing the software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193.3 Creating the FSetup configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.4 Example of FSetup configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.5 Creating the commissioning session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233.6 Software installation on the network element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243.6.1 Permissions required during software installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243.6.2 Performing the installation with FEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253.6.3 Performing the installation from USB memory stick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323.7 Checking and updating the embedded software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    4 Commissioning troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404.1 Commissioning session fails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404.2 Network element is not configured with an IP address . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424.3 Network element fails to start the installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444.4 Software installation fails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454.5 Hardware management does not work after commissioning . . . . . . . . . 464.6 LDAP does not work after post configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.7 Multi chassis/multi shelf configuration is not working. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484.8 FEWS has an incorrect time settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.9 AHUB cannot automatically load configuration from CLA after reset . . 50

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    Open MGW Software Installation


    List of FiguresFigure 1 Commissioning workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Figure 2 Cabling between the FEWS and Open MGW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Figure 3 Serial cable connections to Open MGW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

  • Issue 1-15

    Open MGW Software Installation


    List of TablesTable 1 Pin order of the RJ-45 serial port connector, type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Table 2 Pin order of the RJ-45 serial port connector, type 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Table 3 Serial port interfaces on FRUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Table 4 The mandatory commissioning variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

  • 6Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


  • Issue 1-17

    Open MGW Software Installation Summary of changes


    Summary of changesChanges between issues 1-0 and 1-1

    The document title has been changed from Open MGW Software Installation on Bare Hardware to Open MGW Software Installation.

    The chapter Introduction to Open MGW software installation has been updated. The section Example of FSetup configuration file has been updated. The section Performing the installation with FEWS has been updated. The section Performing the installation from USB memory stick has been updated. The chapter Commissioning troubleshooting has been added.

  • 8Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    Introduction to Open MGW software installation

    1 Introduction to Open MGW software installa-tionOpen MGW software is installed on every Open MGW delivered from the Nokia Siemens Networks factories. This document introduces how to re-install the Open MGW software to the network element if such exceptional operations must be performed on installation site. Software installation requires special skills and tools. All customer specific data files and configuration settings will disappear along with the re-installation. During the software installation, the network element is out of service. After the software installation is done as described in this document, the remaining steps of commissioning have to be performed as described in Commissioning Open MGW and the Open MGW has to be integrated to the network again.

    Figure 1 Commissioning workflow

    Devices and tools for commissioning

    FEWS and Ethernet cable or commissioning workstation and pre-prepared USB memory stick

    serial cable for shelf manager serial cable for CLA-0 and other blades.

    g The interface pinout and baud rate for the serial cable connected to the shelf manager differs from the interface pinout and baud rate of the serial cable connected to the CLA-0 and other blades. Check the required communication parameters and interface pinouts from hardware documentation.

    Installation mediumThe FEWS is a laptop or other workstation which is used for setting up the commission-ing network and parameters. With the FEWS, the network element software is installed over the Ethernet connection via a netboot utility running in the FEWS. This Ethernet connection is called the commissioning network. The operating system in the FEWS must be Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.6 or 5.1. It is installed either by using the FEWS installer bootable CD-ROM or standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux delivery.



  • Issue 1-19

    Open MGW Software Installation Introduction to Open MGW software installation


    The Open MGW -specific commissioning tools are included in the SS_FEWS subsys-tem, which needs to be installed in the FEWS before the commissioning can be started. SS_FEWS contains tools for extracting the files from the iso image and installing the software to the network element. In addition, it contains tools and templates that can be used for configuring the commissioning parameters and hardware.

    In cases where the software is installed from USB memory stick, FEWS is used in pre-paring the USB memory stick.

    Settings for commissioningThe following software is needed:

    The SS_FEWS.rpm package that contains the commissioning tools. The Open MGW full software delivery. It is delivered as an iso image. TheOpen MGW incremental deliveries, if any have been released.Software will be installed automatically to the network element. Before the installation can be started, certain settings specific to the network element must be configured:

    1. Prepare the hardware.The installation medium is connected to the network element hardware and any nec-essary hardware-specific settings, cabling and port settings are completed.

    2. Prepare the software.The Open MGW software delivery and possible increments are extracted with the commissioning tools.

    3. Create the FSetup configuration file.The FSetup configuration file can be created prior to the commissioning session and can be used to override the default commissioning variables. If the FSetup configu-ration file is not created, the mandatory variables are requested during session cre-ation.

    4. Create the commissioning session.The commissioning session creates the necessary files based on user input and starts all the necessary services for the automatic netboot installation.

    5. Prepare the USB memory Stick.The existing session from the FEWS machine is copied to the USB memory stick. The USB memory stick will then act as a FEWS machine.

    Software installation to the network element

    1. Start the automatic installation.The installation is started by powering-up the network element and setting it to boot over the commissioning network or from the USB memory stick.Note that when booting over the commissioning network the automatic installation must be launched manually if the PXE boot loader is not supported by the hardware used.

    2. Perform the post-configuration.The items that are not configurable during the software setup phase are handled by executing a post-configuration script. For example, it synchronizes the commission-ing node system time with the other nodes, unlocks the network element and prepares it for operation.The post-configuration script also initializes the secondary cluster manager node (CLA-1), if it is physically available, and proceeds to synchro-nize its storage devices with those of the primary cluster manager node (CLA-0).

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    Open MGW Software Installation


    Introduction to Open MGW software installation

    After the procedures described in this document have been performed then proceed to Commissioning Open MGW document.

  • Issue 1-111

    Open MGW Software Installation Installation medium


    2 Installation medium

    2.1 Using commissioning tools from the ISO imagePurposeTo use the SS_FEWS subsystem from the ISO image to ensure compatibility throughout the commissioning process.

    Before you startEnsure that you have the root access rights to FEWS.

    Ensure that the delivery ISO image is accessible thru the FEWS file system.

    In this example the filename of the ISO image is R_UI50_3.4.1.2.isoSummaryThe SS_FEWS subsystem contains command line tools for extracting and mounting the software delivery in the FEWS.

    g This step needs to be done only once when using the same FEWS system. It has to be done again only if there are compatibility issues during software installation with FEWS.Steps

    1 Mount the ISO image to the FEWS file system.The ISO is mounted to the FEWS file system with the following standard UNIX/Linux commands.

    a Create /mnt/SS_FEWS/ and /mnt/fews/ directoriesCreate /mnt/SS_FEWS/ and /mnt/fews/ directories with the following command:mkdir -p For example:

    mkdir -p /mnt/SS_FEWS

    mkdir -p /mnt/fews

    b Loop mount ISO imageThe iso image can be loop mounted to the FEWS file system by using the following command:

    mount o loop For example:

    mount o loop R_UI50_3.4.1.2.iso /mnt/fews/

    c Copy ISO image to /mnt/SS_FEWS/ directoryCopy ISO image to mount point and rename the file as GNU Zipped Archive (gzip) with the following command:


  • 12Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    Installation medium

    For example:

    cp /mnt/fews/R_UI50_3.3.1.1.WR.x86_64.20110421T153248_WRx86_64.img /mnt/SS_FEWS/R_UI50_3.3.1.1.WR.x86_64.20110421T153248_WRx86_64.img.gz

    d Go to directory /mnt/SS_FEWS/Go to directory with the following command:

    cd For example:

    cd /mnt/SS_FEWS/

    e Decompress IMG imageDecompress the IMG image with the following command:

    gzip -d For example:

    gzip -d R_UI50_3.3.1.1.WR.x86_64.20110421T153248_WRx86_64.img.gz

    f Loop mount IMG imageThe IMG image can be loop mounted to the FEWS file system by using the following command:

    mount o loop For example:

    mount o loop R_UI50_3.3.1.1.WR.x86_64.20110421T153248_WRx86_64.img mnt/

    g Copy files from mounted IMG image to /opt/ directoryCopy files from mounted ISO image to /opt/ directory with the following command:cp -r For example:

    cp -r mnt/SS_FEWS/mnt/opt/nokiasiemens/SS_FEWS /opt/

    g After the commissioning is finalized, it is possible to un-mount the iso image with the fol-lowing command:umountFor example:

    unmount /mnt/SS_FEWS

    unmount /mnt/fews

    2 Add the path to the commissioning tools.In order to use the tools without using the full path to the commissioning tools, it is con-venient to add the path to the PATH environment variable.

  • Issue 1-113

    Open MGW Software Installation Installation medium


    To extend the PATH variable use the following command:

    export PATH=$PATH:For example:

    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/SS_FEWS/bin/The tool fsetupcli is now available from the command line.For example:

    fsetupcli help

    g Repeat this step each time when you start a new login shell.

  • 14Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    2.2 Command line interface for commissioningThe fsetupcli command line interface tool is used for extracting and mounting the software delivery in the FEWS, for configuring the hardware components and for managing the commissioning sessions. The syntax of the command is as follows:

    fsetupcli [[CATEGORY] [COMMAND] [OPTION...] [ARGUMENT...]]The following categories can be used:

    --session (short format: s): Control sessions --delivery (d): Patch deliveries --post (p): Post-configuration actions --hw (h): Hardware pre-configuration --usb (u): Create USB flash disk --ldap (l): Control reference Configuration DirectoryAvailable commands in each category are presented below.

    --sessionThe following commands are available in this category:

    --create (c): Create a new session. --remove (e): Remove a session. --start (s): Start a session. --stop (p): Stop session services. --reset (t): Reset session services and logs. --list (l): List all sessions. --dump (m): Create a compressed dump file (tgz) from session configuration.--deliveryThe following commands are available in this category:

    --meta (m): Display metadata of given unpatched deliveries. --sort (s): Sort given list of unpatched deliveries. --patch (p): Patch given deliveries. --list (l): List existing patched deliveries. --remove (r or e): Remove existing delivery.--postThe only command which is available in this category is configure. Note that this command can only be executed in the target network element, not in the FEWS. With the command you can use the following options:

    --logfile (-l): Write post-configuration logs into the file speci-fied.

    --skipsan (-s): Ignore creating a configuration for storage area network. --convert (-c): Execute data conversion scripts when making a major software

    upgrade. --interactive (-i): Execute the post-configuration script in interactive mode. --quiet (-q): Execute the post-configuration script in quiet mode. --unlock (-u): Execute the post-configuration script to unlock the network


  • Issue 1-115

    Open MGW Software Installation


    --hwThe following commands are available in this category:

    --list (l): List configurable hardware items. --configure (c): Execute hardware configuration scripts. --boot (b): Start node for commissioning. This command is available only in OBX

    hardware environment.

    --ldapThe following commands are available in this category:

    --create (c): Populate the Configuration Directory server in the FEWS and start it. --start (s): Start the Configuration Directory server in the FEWS. --stop (p): Stop the Configuration Directory server in the FEWS. --remove (e): Remove the Configuration Directory repository from the FEWS.For more information on all commands and available options and arguments specific to each command, see the help pages by entering the following command:

    fsetupcli --help

  • 16Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    Settings for commissioning

    3 Settings for commissioning

    3.1 Setting up cabling for commissioningPurposeTo connect the field engineering workstation (FEWS) or commissioning workstation to the Open MGW hardware.

    SummaryDuring the commissioning with FEWS, the FEWS is connected to Open MGW with an Ethernet and two serial cables. Either copper (RJ-45) or fibre channel can be used as an Ethernet transmission path.

    During the commissioning with USB memory stick, two serial cable connections from the commissioning workstation to Open MGW are required for configuration.


    1 Connect the FEWS ethernet cabling.This step is applicable only when commissioning with FEWS.

    Connect the Ethernet cable from the Ethernet interface of the FEWS to the sfp 1/6 interface of the leftmost hub blade (slot 8) in Open MGW. Either copper (RJ-45) or fibre channel straight cable can be used as an Ethernet transmission path.

    Connect the ethernet cable as shown in the figure below:

    Figure 2 Cabling between the FEWS and Open MGW

  • Issue 1-117

    Open MGW Software Installation Settings for commissioning


    2 Connect the serial cablesDuring the commissioning, two serial cable connections are required for configuration. In different stages of the commissioning process, one of the serial cables has to be con-nected to different blades.

    The other serial cable has to be connected from serial interface to the console port (RJ-45) of the shelf manager 1 in the Open MGW.

    The following tables present the pin orders of the serial port connectors of the serial cable connections required for configuration:

    Pin Signal Description

    1 DTR Data terminal ready

    2 TXD Transmit data

    3 GND Ground

    4 GND Ground

    5 RXD Receive data

    6 DSR Data set ready

    7 CTS Clear to send

    8 RTS Request to send

    Table 1 Pin order of the RJ-45 serial port connector, type 1

    Pin Signal Description

    1 RTS Request to send

    2 DTR Data terminal ready

    3 TXD Transmit data

    4 GND Ground

    5 GND Ground

    6 RXD Receive data

    7 DSR Data set ready

    8 CTS Clear to send

    Table 2 Pin order of the RJ-45 serial port connector, type 2

    Port type Compatible with

    1 ASMGR-A

    2 AHUB3-A

    ACPI4-A, ACPI4-B

    Table 3 Serial port interfaces on FRUs

  • 18Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    Settings for commissioning

    Example: Connect the cables as shown in the figure below:

    Figure 3 Serial cable connections to Open MGW

    g Serial cable is optional for connecting to the shelf manager.You can also use ssh session to connect to the shelf manager from CLA node.

    ExampleCreate an ssh session to shelf manager 1, use the following command:

    ssh sm-1-1In the above command line, sm-1 indicates shelf number, and -1 indicates shelf manager number.

  • Issue 1-119

    Open MGW Software Installation


    3.2 Preparing the softwarePurposeTo extract the software delivery and possible increments prior to the commissioning session.

    Before you startEnsure that you have the root access rights to FEWS. Check that the software deliveries are locally accessible in FEWS. They can either be copied to the local hard disk or reside in the remotely mounted directory. The steps mentioned in the section Using commis-sioning tools from the ISO image need to be followed in order to execute the fsetupcli command.

    SummaryThe software delivery can be extracted by using the fsetupcli --delivery --patch command.Steps

    1 Go to the build directory.Change the directory to the one where the software deliveries reside - for example, /build:

    cd /buildStoring the full software delivery and all its increments into a delivery-specific directory is recommended. This makes it possible to use wildcards with the fsetupcli command.

    Note that deliveries must not be placed in the /opt/nokiasiemens/fews/deliveries directory. It is used as a default delivery root, where the deliveries will be extracted by the FSetup.

    2 Extract the deliveries.To extract the deliveries, enter the following command:

    fsetupcli --delivery --patch For example:

    fsetupcli --delivery --patch /build/R_UI50_3.3*The software delivery ISO images are not needed after the extraction is completed. To save disk space, delete the images by entering the following command:

    rm -rf /build/R_UI50_3.3*

  • 20Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    3.3 Creating the FSetup configuration fileBefore you startEnsure that you have the root access rights to FEWS.

    SummaryThe FSetup configuration file is a user-definable and session-specific optional commis-sioning configuration file and is preferrably created each time when commissioning. If the configuration file is not created, or the mandatory values are not filled in the file, they will be requested during session creation.


    1 Create the FSetup configuration file.Create the configuration file, or edit the existing one, with any text editor, for example nano, by entering the following command:

    nano For example:

    nano /tmp/myFsetup.confSave the modified file after editing. If using nano text editor, press CTRL+X.The mandatory variables are presented in the following table.

    Variable Definition

    HW_PLATFORM The hardware platform.CPU_TYPE The type of the processor.CLUSTERID The name of the network element.COMM_IFACE The network interface in the FEWS that is

    used for the commissioning.

    COMM_FEWSIP The IP address and the network mask of the commissioning interface of the FEWS.

    PASSWORD_root The MD5 hash of the password for the root user account. The hash can be calculated by executing the echo cleartext password|openssl passwd -1 -stdin command

    PASSWORD__nokfsoperator The MD5 hash of the password for the _nokfsoperator user account.

    FSVER The middleware platform version.

    Table 4 The mandatory commissioning variables

  • Issue 1-121

    Open MGW Software Installation


    In addition to the mandatory variables, the optional variable COMM_IPMGMT_EXTERNAL_IP_SCRIPT is provided. With it, you can set a network con-figuration to the network element already in the commissioning time. With this variable the path to the external ipscript configuration file is defined.

    If the network is not configured during the commissioning it can be done manually later by using the local console connection. If the network is configured during the commis-sioning you can open a remote SSH connection to the network element right after the commissioning and thus using the console connection is not needed.

    Further informationIn addition to the user-definable mandatory commissioning parameters, there are number of optional commissioning variables that are usually not needed to be edited by the user. The default values of the optional parameters, as well as matching entries of the mandatory parameters, are listed in the FSetup prototype file defaults in the /opt/nokiasiemens/SS_FEWS/etc directory.

    COMM_KERNEL_VARIANT If the 6wind IP stack - and thus the related kernel variant - is used in the configuration, the value for this variable must be the fol-lowing:

    6wIn other cases the WindRiver kernel variant is used, and the value for this variable must be the following:


    Variable Definition

    Table 4 The mandatory commissioning variables (Cont.)

  • 22Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    3.4 Example of FSetup configuration fileExample: An example of the FSetup configuration file is shown below.

    CLUSTERID="MyOpenMGW"COMM_FEWSIP=""COMM_IFACE=eth1COMM_MODE="initial" # commissioningCOMM_NODE="CLA"CPU_TYPE="x86_64"HW_PLATFORM="ATCA" # systemCOMM_KERNEL_VARIANT="wr"FSVER="FP5LYNX"PASSWORD__nokfsoperator='$1$J8k5aLu5$vhl1J3d0ekBcbos3XwPfk1'PASSWORD_root='$1$6vfgeYys$Fx3CSTNjKYyMaiACHtc.p.'

    g For the passwords the single quotes must be used to prevent the Linux bash from eval-uating the value.

  • Issue 1-123

    Open MGW Software Installation


    3.5 Creating the commissioning sessionBefore you startEnsure that you have the root access rights to FEWS. The steps mentioned in the section Using commissioning tools from the ISO image need to be followed in order to execute the fsetupcli command.SummaryCreating the commissioning session with predefined FSetup configuration variables and starting the netboot utility.


    1 If you have changed the default passwords of hardware componentsThen

    Update the hardware credentials.The hardware credentials are stored in the /opt/nokiasiemens/fews/etc/credentials/ directory in FEWS. Each credential is stored in a text file .cred that can be edited with any text editor. Note that thus the credentials are stored as cleartext, the credential files must be readable only by the root user.

    g The credentials directory is not present in FEWS by default, but it must be created by the user to store the required credentials. For example, the password (clear text format) can be stored in the root.cred file under the /opt/nokiasiemens/fews/etc/credentials/ASMGR-A/ directory.

    2 Create the commissioning session.Create the commissioning session by executing the command below. The name of the session can be chosen freely.

    fsetupcli --session --create For example:

    fsetupcli --session --create mySession /tmp/myFsetup.conf

    3 Start the commissioning session.To start the netboot utility for the commissioning, enter the following command:

    fsetupcli --session --start For example:

    fsetupcli --session --start mySession

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    Open MGW Software Installation


    3.6 Software installation on the network element

    3.6.1 Permissions required during software installationIn order to have sufficient permissions for carrying out tasks in this section, assign the following default groups as secondary groups to the user account:

    _nokfsuimanage _nokfsuimonitor _nokfsuilog _nokfsuiseclog _nokfsuifiletransfer _nokfsuiwheeladd user-management group add user-management user primary-group secondary-groups _nokfsuimanage,_nokfsuimonitor,_nokfsuilog,_nokfsuiseclog,_nokfsuifiletransfer,_nokfsuiwheelset user-management passwd set-user-passwd user

    g The default login shell for the user account created at above example is fsclish (SCLI) shell. The user name must be the same as the primary-group name. Do not use primary groups for permission assignment.

    g SCLI daemon will cache authorization information per user. It's better to restart the SCLI daemon if you want to test immediately. Otherwise you have to wait for 10 minutes or so until the cache is automatically refreshed. The command for resarting the SCLI daemon is set has restart managed-object /SCLIFwkServer.

    For detailed descriptions of the groups and their permissions, see Table Predefined groups in the document Security in Open MGW.

    For more information on how to create user accounts, see Chapter User management with SCLI in the document Administration Guide.

  • Issue 1-125

    Open MGW Software Installation


    3.6.2 Performing the installation with FEWS

    SummaryThe automatic installation is launched by obtaining an IP address to the network element from the DHCP server running in the FEWS and starting the netboot.

    For instructions on how to install Open MGW from an USB memory stick, see section Performing the installation from USB memory stick.


    1 If you are installing software to the network element that already has software installed on hard disk


    Clear the Master Boot Record from CLA-1.Log into CLA-1 as the root user and enter the following command:dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=1 bs=512If you are using a disk that has an old installation while commissioning, the node might boot up from its local disk with the old installation.This might bring the system into an inconsistent state. Clearing of the MBR is done to ensure that booting does not occur from the local disk.

    2 Log into the console of the active shelf manager.Log into the shelf manager console. To check if the shelf manager is the active or backup one, enter the following command:

    clia shmstatusIf the shelf manager is not the active one, perform the switchover by entering the follow-ing command:

    clia switchover

    3 Lock and power off CLA-1 from active CLA-0 node.Example: hascli --lock --nowarning /CLA-1hascli --power OFF /CLA-1

    4 Disable non-CLA payload blades.To temporarily disable all other blades than CLA and HUB blades, enter the following command in the active shelf manager:

    clia deactivate board Example: clia deactivate board 3Repeat the step for all other blades than CLA and HUB blades from the active shelf manager.

    You can check from the active CLA node that all other blades are disabled.

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    Example# hwcli |grep availableCLA-0: node available /cabinet-1/chassis-1/piu-1

    g There should be only active CLA available.

    5 Launch the automatic commissioning in CLA-0.Log into the CLA-0 node as the root user.Restart the CLA-0 node by entering the following command in the active shelf manager:

    clia boardreset Example: clia boardreset 1During the node reset, press F12 in the CLA-0 to enter the boot device selection menu and check the boot device priority as instructed at step 6.

    Generally, the commissioning will start automatically. If the commissioning does not start automatically, launch the commissioning by pressing Enter in the boot prompt of CLA-0.

    The following will be displayed on the screen:

    boot: "manual" for manual installation (default)

    6 Change Boot device priority.a Enter ACPI4-A BIOS setup.

    Press F12 during ACPI4-A boot to enter BIOS setup.

    b Disable software Watchdog.********************************************************************************* Watchdog Timer Configuration * Select the BIOS POST ** *************************************************** * IPMI HW watchdog ** BIOS POST Timeout [Disabled] * timeout value. ** BIOS POST Action [No Action] * ** * ** OS Load Timeout [Disabled] * ** OS Load Action [No Action] * *

    c Set the Boot device priority as follows: Boot ********************************************************************************* Boot Device Priority * Specifies the ** *************************************************** * priority of the ** 1st Boot [PXE:IBA GE Slot 0200 v1338] * available boot ** 2nd Boot [SCSI:#0600 ID05 LUN0 FUJITSU MBD] * sources. ** 3rd Boot [USB] * *

  • Issue 1-127

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    * 4th Boot [Removable Dev.] * ** 5th Boot [CD/DVD] * ** 6th Boot [Disabled] * *

    d Save new BIOS configuration.e Exit BIOS.

    7 Wait until commissioning has finished.

    g Do not type anything to the console while the commissioning is going on.The process can be monitored from the session and node specific FSetup log files located in the following directory of FEWS:

    tail -f /opt/nokiasiemens/fews/sessions//log/FSETUP.logThe commissioning has finished when the following message is printed on the screen and in the log file of the node:

    #=============================================# # COMMISSIONING: FINISHED OK (0) # START DATE: 2009-01-21-110928 # END DATE: 2009-01-21-115233 # ELAPSED TIME: 00:43:05 #=============================================#

    8 Stop the commissioning session.To stop the commissioning session, enter the following command in the FEWS:

    fsetupcli --session --stop For example:

    fsetupcli --session --stop mySession

    9 Restart the primary cluster manager node and change the boot settings.a) Restart the CLA-0 node by selecting the reboot node option from the console menu

    displayed on the screen:

    0: reboot node1: debugging shell

    Please select "0" or "1"

    g If you are entering the debugging shell, the node can be rebooted by entering the following command:reboot -f

    10 Restart the hub blades.Wait until the CLA-0 has booted and restart the hub blades one after the other.

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    a Enter the following command to reset the active hub in the active shelf manager of each chassis:

    clia boardreset Replace with appropriate slot number.

    The slot numbers can be retrieved by entering the command clia board.Wait until restarted hub is loaded up, and then restart next one.

    11 Restart the shelf managers.Wait until both hub blades have booted and restart both shelf managers. Enter the fol-lowing command in the serial console of both shelf managers:


    a) Restart the DHCP services by entering the following command in the currently active shelf manager:clia dhcp restart

    b) Perform a switchover to make the backup shelf manager the active one by entering the following command:clia switchover

    c) Restart the DHCP services again by entering the following command: clia dhcp restart

    12 Shut down the standby TCU nodes.In Open MGW, the standby TCU nodes TCU-0, TCU-10 and TCU-22 should be kept both locked and powered off if the hardware is installed. The hardware is not installed when the command "hascli -s" shows "HW_STATUS = MISSING".If the standby TCU nodes are not in locked status, enter the following CLI commands in the active CLA:

    hascli --lock --nowarning /TCU-0hascli --lock --nowarning /TCU-10hascli --lock --nowarning /TCU-22If the standby TCU nodes are not in power off status, enter the following CLIcommands in the active CLA:

    hascli --power OFF /TCU-0hascli --power OFF /TCU-10hascli --power OFF /TCU-22The commands have to be run for each standby TCU separately.

    g Standby TCU in slot 3 of each shelf must be kept in locked and power-off state. TCU N:1 redundancy will be available in a later release.

    13 Enable non-CLA payload blades.To enable all other blades than CLA and HUB blades, enter the following command in the active shelf manager:

    clia activate board

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    Example: clia activate board 3Repeat the step for all other blades than CLA and HUB blades from the active shelf manager.

    14 Check that all nodes boot up.Use fstestcli command to check that all nodes have booted up before continuing to commission CLA-1 node.

    g The TDM node takes 10 to 15 minutes to boot up.In the fstestcli output, node status check shows the nodes that have booted up. Interrupt fstestcli check with Ctrl + C after node status check has been printed out.

    Repeat fstestcli until all other nodes except CLA-1 have become visible in the output.


    # fstestcli

    =====================================================================FSTESTCLI START=====================================================================

    ++++++ Executing: /opt/nokiasiemens/SS_BPASBV/test/ASBV/ ++++++

    Cluster status check:*********************/ Cluster NOK **!!!***********************

    Node status check:******************/CLA-0 Node NOK **!!!**/IPN-0 Node NOK **!!!**/TDMNIP-0 Node NOK **!!!**/TCU-0 Node NOK **!!!**/TCU-1 Node NOK **!!!********************

    Service status check:**********************NodeHA Service OKNodeOS Service NOK **!!!**NetworkManager Service OK

  • 30Issue 1-1

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    15 Perform post-configuration.a Power on CLA-1 with the command:

    hascli --power ON /CLA-1You can check state of CLA-1 with the command: hascli --state /CLA-1

    b Log into CLA-0 as root user and start post configuration with the command:fsetupcli post configure

    After the post configuration is completed, disk partitions are created and the network element is unlocked and ready for operation.

    g The network element is not ready for operation if the script has not been executed. Thepost-configuration script must be executed even if the CLA-1 node is not physically available. In this case it will proceed to perform the necessary configuration actions including unlocking the network element. To unlock the network element, enter the fol-lowing command:

    fsetupcli post configure --unlock

    16 Check that all nodes are up.Check that the nodes are in operational and UNLOCKED states by entering the follow-ingcommand:

    fsclish -c "show has summary managed-object /"Example: fsclish -c "show has summary managed-object /"the following is a sample output:

    CLUSTER SITUATION SUMMARYNODE STATUSNumber of present/configured nodes..........: 7/12Number of operational nodes.................: 5Number of non-operational LOCKED nodes......: 6Non-operational UNLOCKED nodes..............: 1/TDMNIP-0Missing nodes...............................: 6/IPN-1/TDMNIP-1/IPN-2/TDMNIP-2/IPN-3/TDMNIP-3Nodes in test mode..........................: 0...

  • Issue 1-131

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    Unexpected outcomeIf show has summary command shows missing nodes then use command show hardware state node with each missing node.If the hardware states for some nodes are node available then check and update the firmware and boot settings of those nodes according to Updating Embedded Software document.

    g The normal hardware state for a FRU that is physically not plugged in is node unplugged. The normal HAS state for such nodes is LOCKED.

    17 Configure IP address for SSH service on CLA unit.The following configuration assumes that the "Management LAN Setting" in BIOS of CLA blade has been set to value "Front Panel". For more information about checking and changing the BIOS settings, see ACPI4-A, ACPI4-B, CPRT4-A and CPRT4-B User Guide.

    Use the following commands to configure IP address for SSH service on CLA unit:

    fsclish -c "set config-mode on"

    fsclish -c "add networking address dedicated /SSH iface front_eth1 ip-address /28"

    18 Disconnect the cabling between the FEWS and the network element.

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    3.6.3 Performing the installation from USB memory stick

    SummaryTo commission a node from the USB memory stick, copy the existing session from the FEWS machine to the USB memory stick. The memory stick will then act as a FEWS machine. A valid session for the target node must exist on the FEWS to prepare the memory stick. The FEWS must be able to create bootable USB devices.


    1 Prepare the memory stick.Plug-in the USB stick to the FEWS USB port and enter the following command:

    % fsetupcli --usb --create mySession [--device /dev/sdx ]mysession is the session name used as an example.If the device parameter is not given, fsetupcli will present a list of possible devices.

    g The memory stick must have at least 16GB capacity.

    2 If you are installing software to the network element that already has software installed on hard disk


    Clear the Master Boot Record.Log into CLA-1 as the root user and enter the following command:dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=1 bs=512If you are using a disk that has an old installation while commissioning, the node might boot up from its local disk with the old installation.This might bring the system into an inconsistent state. Clearing of the MBR is done to ensure that booting does not occur from the local disk.

    3 Plug-in USB stickPlug-in the USB stick to the node's USB port (CLA-0).

    4 Log into the console of the active shelf manager.Log into the shelf manager console. To check if the shelf manager is the active or backup one, enter the following command:

    clia shmstatusIf the shelf manager is not the active one, perform the switchover by entering the follow-ing command:

    clia switchover

  • Issue 1-133

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    5 Lock and power off CLA-1 node from active CLA-0 node.Example: hascli --lock /CLA-1hascli --power OFF /CLA-1

    6 Disable non-CLA payload blades.To temporarily disable all other blades than CLA and HUB blades, enter the following command in the active shelf manager:

    clia deactivate board Example: clia deactivate board 6Repeat the step for all other blades than CLA and HUB blades from the active shelf manager.

    You can check from the active CLA node that all other blades are disabled.

    Example: # hwcli |grep availableCLA-0: node available /cabinet-1/chassis-1/piu-1

    g There should be only active CLA available.

    7 Launch the automatic commissioning in CLA-0.Log into the CLA-0 node as the root user.Restart the CLA-0 node by entering the following command in the active shelf manager:

    clia boardreset Example: clia boardreset 1During the node reset, press F12 in the CLA-0 to enter the boot device selection menu and check the boot device priority as instructed at step 8 in this section.

    8 Change Boot device prioritya) Enter ACPI4-A BIOS setup.

    Press F12 during ACPI4-A boot to enter BIOS setup.b) Disable software Watchdog.

    ********************************************************************************* Watchdog Timer Configuration * Select the BIOS POST ** *************************************************** * IPMI HW watchdog ** BIOS POST Timeout [Disabled] * timeout value. ** BIOS POST Action [No Action] * ** * ** OS Load Timeout [Disabled] * ** OS Load Action [No Action] * *

  • 34Issue 1-1

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    c) Set the Boot device priority as follows: Boot ********************************************************************************* Boot Device Priority * Specifies the ** *************************************************** * priority of the ** 1st Boot [USB:SMART USB] * available boot ** 2nd Boot [PXE:IBA GE Slot 0200 v1338] * sources. ** 3rd Boot [SCSI:#0600 ID05 LUN0 FUJITSU MBD] * ** 4th Boot [Removable Dev.] * ** 5th Boot [CD/DVD] * ** 6th Boot [Disabled] * *

    d) Save new BIOS configuration.e) Exit BIOS.After exiting BIOS the commissioning starts automatically with booting from the USB.

    Assuming that no errors have occurred, USB commissioning is performed after the first reboot.

    CLA-0 boots from USB stick and you have to choose number 1 from menu.

    Example*** ********** PLEASE SELECT FROM THE MENU ********* *** 1) Commission from USB drive*** 2) Boot from Hard Disk*** 3) ExitPlease enter your option (press "Enter" for Default[Boot from HDD]):

    9 Wait until commissioning has finished.

    g Do not type anything to the console while the commissioning is going on.The commission log files are stored in the following directory of the USB memory stick:

    /opt/nokiasiemens/fews/mySession/logWhen the commissioning is finished, the following message is printed in the log file:

    #=============================================# # COMMISSIONING: FINISHED OK (0) # START DATE: 2009-01-21-110928 # END DATE: 2009-01-21-115233 # ELAPSED TIME: 00:43:05 #=============================================#

    10 Stop the commissioning session.Remove the USB memory stick.

    11 Restart the primary cluster manager node and change the boot settings.Restart the CLA-0 node by selecting the reboot node option from the console menu displayed on the screen:

  • Issue 1-135

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    0: reboot node1: debugging shell

    Please select "0" or "1"

    g If you have entered the debugging shell, the node can be rebooted by entering the fol-lowing command:reboot -f

    12 Restart the hub blades.Wait until the CLA-0 has booted and restart the hub blades one after the other.

    a Enter the following command to reset the active hub in the active shelf manager of each chassis:

    clia boardreset Replace with appropriate slot number. The slot numbers can be retrieved by entering the command clia board.Wait until restarted hub blade is up, and then restart next one.

    13 Restart the shelf managers.Wait until both hub blades have booted and restart both shelf managers. Enter the fol-lowing command in the serial console of both shelf managers:


    a) Restart the DHCP services by entering the following command in the currently active shelf manager:clia dhcp restart

    b) Perform a switchover to make the backup shelf manager the active one by entering the following command:clia switchover

    c) Restart the DHCP services again by entering the following command: clia dhcp restart

    14 Shut down the standby TCU nodes.In Open MGW, the standby TCU nodes TCU-0, TCU-10 and TCU-22 should be kept both locked and powered off if the hardware is installed. The hardware is not installed when command "hascli -s" shows "HW_STATUS = MISSING". .If the standby TCU nodes are not in locked status, enter the following CLI commands in the active CLA:

    hascli --lock --nowarning /TCU-0hascli --lock --nowarning /TCU-10hascli --lock --nowarning /TCU-22If the standby TCU nodes are not in power off status, enter the following CLI commands in the active CLA:

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    hascli --power OFF /TCU-0hascli --power OFF /TCU-10hascli --power OFF /TCU-22The commands have to be run for each standby TCU separately.

    g Standby TCU in slot 3 of each shelf must be kept in locked and power-off status. TCU N:1 redundancy will be available in a later release.

    15 Enable non-CLA payload blades.To enable all other blades than CLA and HUB blades, enter the following command in the active shelf manager:

    clia activate board

    Example: clia activate board 6Repeat the step for all other blades than CLA and HUB blades from the active shelf manager.

    16 Check that all nodes boot up.Use fstestcli command to check that all nodes have booted up before continuing to commission CLA-1 node.

    In the fstestcli output, node status check shows the nodes that have booted up. Interrupt fstestcli check with Ctrl + C after node status check has been printed out.

    Repeat fstestcli until all other nodes except CLA-1 have become visible in the output.

    Example: # fstestcli

    =====================================================================FSTESTCLI START=====================================================================

    ++++++ Executing: /opt/nokiasiemens/SS_BPASBV/test/ASBV/ ++++++

    Cluster status check:*********************/ Cluster NOK **!!!***********************

    Node status check:******************/CLA-0 Node NOK **!!!**/IPN-0 Node NOK **!!!**/TDMNIP-0 Node NOK **!!!**

  • Issue 1-137

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    /TCU-0 Node NOK **!!!**/TCU-1 Node NOK **!!!********************

    Service status check:**********************NodeHA Service OKNodeOS Service NOK **!!!**NetworkManager Service OK

    17 Perform post-configuration.a Power on CLA-1 with the command:

    hascli --power ON /CLA-1You can check state of CLA-1 with the command:

    hascli --state /CLA-1b Log into CLA-0 as root user and start post configuration with the command:

    fsetupcli post configureAfter the post configuration is completed, disk partitions are created and the network element is unlocked and ready for operation.

    g The network element is not ready for operation if the script has not been executed. Thepost-configuration script must be executed even if the CLA-1 node is not physically available. In this case it will proceed to perform the necessary configuration actions including unlocking the network element. To unlock the network element, enter the fol-lowing command:

    fsetupcli post configure --unlock

    18 Check that all nodes are up.Check that the nodes are in operational and UNLOCKED states by entering the follow-ingcommand:

    fsclish -c "show has summary managed-object /"

    Example: fsclish -c "show has summary managed-object /"the following is a sample output:

    CLUSTER SITUATION SUMMARYNODE STATUSNumber of present/configured nodes..........: 7/12Number of operational nodes.................: 5Number of non-operational LOCKED nodes......: 6Non-operational UNLOCKED nodes..............: 1/TDMNIP-0Missing nodes...............................: 6/IPN-1

  • 38Issue 1-1

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    /TDMNIP-1/IPN-2/TDMNIP-2/IPN-3/TDMNIP-3Nodes in test mode..........................: 0...Unexpected outcomeIf show has summary command shows missing nodes then use command show hardware state node with each missing node.If the hardware states for some nodes are node available then check and update the firmware and boot settings of those nodes according to Updating Embedded Software document.

    g The normal hardware state for a FRU that is physically not plugged in is node unplugged. The normal HAS state for such nodes is LOCKED.

    19 Configure IP address for SSH service on CLA unit.The following configuration assumes that the "Management LAN Setting" in BIOS of CLA blade has been set to value "Front Panel". For more information about checking and changing the BIOS settings, see ACPI4-A, ACPI4-B, CPRT4-A and CPRT4-B User Guide.

    Use the following commands to configure IP address for SSH service on CLA unit:

    fsclish -c "set config-mode on"

    fsclish -c "add networking address dedicated /SSH iface front_eth1 ip-address /28"

  • Issue 1-139

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    3.7 Checking and updating the embedded softwareSummaryTo check and update the embedded software of all field-replaceable units (FRUs).


    1 Check the embedded software of all FRUs.After installation check the embedded software of all FRUs.

    The embedded software of all FRU locations can be checked with the following command:

    fsclish -c show sw-manage embedded-sw version fru-location or with the command:

    fsclish -c show sw-manage embedded-sw version node The correct embedded software versions are listed in the Release Note.

    2 If the embedded software has to be updatedThen

    Update the embedded software of all FRUs.For instructions on how to update the embedded software, see Updating Embedded Software document.

    3 If you have updated the embedded software.Then

    Unlock all nodes in the system.To unlock all of the nodes in the system run the following command:

    fsetupcli post configure --unlock

    g The fsetupcli post configure --unlock command is run to unlock nodes that may have been left locked in post configuration or node has been added after post con-figuration.

    4 Check that all nodes are up.Check that all present nodes are operational by entering the following command:

    fsclish -c "show has summary managed-object /"

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    Commissioning troubleshooting

    4 Commissioning troubleshooting

    4.1 Commissioning session failsDescriptionWhile creating a commissioning session, there can be a failure due to one of the follow-ing reasons:

    Delivery is not patched. Quotation marks missing from the FSetup configuration file. Inconsistencies exists between parameter values in the FSetup configuration file.SymptomsThe following error message is displayed to indicate when:

    The delivery is not patched.ERR: Delivery does no exist (R_FSPR5CAT_1.23.WR.32_GenWRx86), patch it first

    Quotation marks missing from the FSetup configuration file; for example: single quotes must be used for entering passwords to prevent Linux bash from evaluating the value./opt/nokiasiemens/SS_FEWS/bin/session/../../lib/ \ eval: line 281: unexpected EOF while looking \for matching `''

    An inconsistency exists between parameter values in the FSetup configuration file.ERR: Unable to find ramdisk with the given criteriaERR: COMM_KERNEL_VARIANT should probably be assigned as \"wr" instead of "6w"FATAL: unable to create netboot configuration

    Recovery procedures

    Check the delivery.1 Check the delivery is patched.

    The delivery ISO image must be patched before creating the commissioning session. To check if the delivery is patched, enter the following command:fsetupcli --delivery --listIf the required delivery is listed on the screen, perform one of the following steps: Check the spellings in the configuration file. Remove the delivery entry from the configuration file and select the delivery

    from the displayed list while creating the commissioning session.If the required delivery is not listed on the screen, patch the delivery with the following command:fsetupcli --delivery --patch Note that the version of the SS_FEWS must match the version for the delivery. If there is a mismatch, it can fail the patching of the image or the commissioning.

    2 Create the commissioning session.To create the commissioning session, enter the following command:

  • Issue 1-141

    Open MGW Software Installation Commissioning troubleshooting


    fsetupcli --session --create If the delivery is not patched up in step 1 or the commissioning session fails in step 2, contact your local Nokia Siemens Networks representative.

    Check the FSetup configuration file1 Check for misspellings in the FSetup configuration file.

    Check that there are no misspellings in the variable names or in the parameter values in the FSetup configuration file.

    2 Check the quotation marks.Check that no quotation marks are missing or doubled, and that the quotation marks at the start and end are equal. You can use single quotes () or double quotes ().Note that single quotes must be used for passwords to prevent the Linux bash from evaluating the value.

    3 Check the parameter values.Any mistakes in the following variables might cause a failure while creating the commissioning session: DELIVERY HW_PLATFORM CPU_TYPE COMM_KERNEL_VARIANTNote that the DELIVERY file must contain information on the software build of the hardware, the processor architecture, and the kernel variant defined in the FSetup configuration file. Inconsistencies in the parameter values of these vari-ables will cause a failure while creating the commissioning session.

    4 Create the commissioning session.To create the commissioning session, enter the following command:fsetupcli --session --create

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    4.2 Network element is not configured with an IP addressDescriptionA failure can occur due to the following while trying to establish a connection through commissioning:

    Cabling is incorrect. Cables are damaged. Commissioning session is not running in the FEWS. Commissioning session is running on the wrong interface in the FEWS.SymptomsThe network element is not configured with an IP address by the DHCP server running in the FEWS.

    Recovery procedures

    1 Check if the commissioning cables are connected correctly.Check that the FEWS is connected to the network element with ethernet and serial cable during the commissioning. For more information, see hardware-specific com-missioning documentation.

    2 Check the physical condition of the cables.Check the cable for visible damages. Damages will not be visible in case of fibre optic cables. Try to commission with other cables.

    To check if the ethernet frames are transferred between the FEWS and the network element, perform the following steps:

    a) Enter the following command in the FEWS:tail -f /var/log/messages

    b) Disconnect the ethernet cable from the network element.c) Check the messages displayed in the FEWS. If nothing happens, the cable is

    most likely broken or not connected correctly. If the following message is dis-played, there are no defects in cabling:May 12 10:07:19 fews kernel: tg3: eth1: Flow control is off for TX and off for RX.May 12 10:09:56 fews kernel: tg3: eth1: Link is down.

    d) Reconnect the cable to the network element and check if the link is up. If the link is not up, the cable might not be connected properly.

    Check the cablingCheck the commissioning session.

    1 Check the status of the commissioning session.To check the status of the commissioning session, enter the following command:

    fsetupcli --session --listBased on the output, if the commissioning session is stopped, start it by entering the following command:

    fsetupcli --session --start

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    2 Check that the DHCP server is running.After the commissioning session has started, check if only one DHCP server is running in the FEWS and enter the following command:

    ps aux | grep dhcpThe output should be as follows:

    root 13969 0.0 0.0 4460 1180 Ss May12 0:04 dhcpd -cf /opt/nokiasiemens/fews/sessions/MySession/dhcpd.conf eth1If similar line is not printed on the screen, the DHCP server is not started correctly by the FSetup.

    In this case, remove the commissioning session by entering the following command:

    fsetupcli --session --remove .Then, create and start a completely new session.

    3 Check the interface of the commissioning session.To check if the commissioning session is running in the correct interface, perform the following tasks:

    a) Enter the following command in the FEWS:tail -f /var/log/messages

    b) Disconnect the ethernet cable connecting the network element and the FEWS.c) Check the interface from the output as shown in the following example:

    May 12 10:07:19 fews kernel: tg3: eth1: Flow control is off for TX and off for RX.May 12 10:09:56 fews kernel: tg3: eth1: Link is down.In this case, the cable is connected to the eth1 interface.

    d) Reconnect the cable to the FEWS.e) Check that the interface is set correctly in the FSetup configuration file. If the

    commissioning interface is eth1, the following line is displayed in the FSetup configuration file:COMM_IFACE="eth1"

  • 44Issue 1-1

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    4.3 Network element fails to start the installationDescriptionWhile trying to launch the automatic installation through the commissioning network, a failure might happen if there are several DHCP servers running in the FEWS.

    SymptomsThe network element has an IP address assigned by the DHCP server running in the FEWS, but fails to start the automatic installation.

    Recovery procedures

    Checking the DHCP server

    1 List the DHCP servers running in the FEWS.To list the DHCP servers running in the FEWS, enter the following command:

    ps aux | grep dhcpIf the output contains more lines of information than the one as follows, you have several DHCP servers running in the FEWS:

    root 13969 0.0 0.0 4460 1180 Ss May12 0:04 dhcpd -cf /opt/nokiasiemens/fews/sessions/MySession/dhcpd.conf eth1

    2 Stop the commissioning session.Stop the commissioning session by executing the following command:

    fsetupcli --session --stop

    3 Stop all DHCP servers running in the FEWS.Based on the list displayed in step 1, stop all DHCP servers by entering the kill command. The is the number after the root user name in the beginning of the line.

    4 Restart the commissioning session.Restart the commissioning session by executing the following command:

    fsetupcli --session --start

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    4.4 Software installation failsDescriptionThe software installation fails with an error message.

    SymptomsAn error message as shown in the following example is displayed:

    #==============================================# # COMMISSIONING: FAILED (1) # START DATE: 2009-04-29-124525 # END DATE: 2009-04-29-125400 # ELAPSED TIME: 00:08:35 #=============================================#

    Recovery procedures

    Check the commissioning parameters1 Check the variables in the FSetup configuration file.

    Any mistakes in the following variables can cause the software installation to fail during commissioning: DEPLOYMENT: This variable defines the deployment script used for installa-

    tion. The deployment script is network element is specific and predefined by Nokia Siemens Networks. The script is included in the installation package and the user must use the correct script for the required network element. For more information, see hardware-specific commissioning documentation.

    HW_PLATFORM: This variable defines the hardware of the network element. If the network element uses other hardware than the one(s) defined in the FSetup configuration file, then the installation will fail. For more information, see hardware-specific commissioning documentation.

    CPU_TYPE: This variable defines the processor architecture of the network element. If the network element uses other type of processor than the one(s) defined in the FSetup configuration file, then the installation will fail. For more information, see hardware-specific commissioning documentation.

    2 Remove the commissioning session.To remove the commissioning session, enter the following command:fsetupcli --session --remove Note, the session must be restarted when it fails with a message that only one session can be run at a time.

    3 Correct the FSetup configuration file.Correct any mistakes in the FSetup configuration file and commission again with the corrected configuration file.

    4 Check the log files.Check the log files in the following location of the FEWS for the details of failures:/opt/nokiasiemens/fews/sessions//FSETUP.log

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    Open MGW Software Installation


    4.5 Hardware management does not work after commission-ingDescriptionHardware management does not work after commissioning.

    SymptomsHardware management can stop working after commissioning because of the following reasons:

    Shelf manager has incorrect IP address configured after commissioning. IPMI/clia user password is not set after commissioning.Recovery proceduresShelf manager can have an incorrect IP address configured after commissioning. Restart the DHCP on the shelf manager to retrieve the correct IP address.

    1 Login to shelf manager.Login to shelf manager using the serial line or the ethernet.

    2 Restart the DHCP on shelf manager.To restart the DHCP on shelf manager, enter the following command:

    clia dhcp restartIPMI/clia user password is not set after commissioning.

    1 Login to shelf manager.Login to shelf manager using the serial line or the ethernet.

    2 Check the users in shelf manager.To check the users in shelf manager, enter the following command:

    clia userMake a note of the id number for flexiuser.

    3 Change/reset the password for flexiuser.To change/reset the password for flexiuser, enter the following command:

    clia user passwd Note that the password is always flexiu7er.

    g All the shelf managers in a system (rack) have to be configured with the correct IP address and password; for example, all the six shelf mangers in a three shelf instal-lation have to be configured.

  • Issue 1-147

    Open MGW Software Installation


    4.6 LDAP does not work after post configurationDescriptionLDAP does not work after post configuration.

    SymptomsLDAP may not work after post configuration, the reason can be that CMF is in the incor-rect state. That is sometimes CMF reflects the only the state of CLA-0 in the backup and the other CLAs are reported to be missing.

    Recovery proceduresForce CMF to be active on /CLA-0.To force CMF to active state on /CLA-0, enter the following command:

    fscmfcli -ef /CLA-0Note that if this does not make the /CLA-0 active, you need to reset the /CLA-0 node.To reset the /CLA-0 node, enter the following command:


  • 48Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    4.7 Multi chassis/multi shelf configuration is not workingDescriptionMulti chassis/multi shelf configuration is not working.

    SymptomsThe nodes (connected through interfaces) of a multi chassis network element are not reachable.

    Recovery procedures

    1. Check if the cables are connected correctly.Check if the Ethernet and serial cables are firmly connected to the network element, and there are no physical damages to the cables.

    2. Check for the shelf address from shelf manager.To check the shelf address, enter the following command:# clia shelfaddressThe following output is displayed:Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line InterpreterShelfAddress Info: "0000FFFFFF0XFFFF00.."where X = shelf number {1,2,3,.....} respectively. If the shelf address of the active shelf manager is not correct (for example, if shelf address of first shelf is not 0000FFFFFF01FFFF00), set the correct shelf address to the active shelf manager. For more information on setting shelf address, see hardware-specific commissioning documentation.

  • Issue 1-149

    Open MGW Software Installation


    4.8 FEWS has an incorrect time settingsDescriptionFEWS has an incorrect time setting that is set to the future in the commissioned system. During commissioning, when the CMF node is started, it has the same future time as in FEWS. The Network File System (NFS) service is started in the cluster and operates with the current invalid time. The cluster time is set correctly by the NTP service. The NFS server is out of synchronization until the current time reaches the invalid future time.

    SymptomsThe application nodes are not able to boot up after commissioning. It can be observed from the application node console that the startup fails with permission denied message, when the NFS mount is requested. It can be observed in FEWS that it has invalid time setting.

    Recovery proceduresIt is recommended to have the FEWS time synchronized by the NTP service, preferably from the same clock source as the commissioned cluster. Refer to vendor specific instructions for setting up the NTP in FEWS or debugging problems related to NTP.

    1 Check that the hardware clock and system time is set accurately in FEWS.If the NTP is not used, then the system time and hardware clock must be set accu-rately in the FEWS.

    To check if the time is correct in FEWS, enter the following command:

    # dateIf the time is incorrect, fix the time setting using the following command:

    # date [-u|--utc|--universal] [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]Example: To set the system time to Nov 15 2011, 10:00:00, enter the following command:

    # date 111510002011.00

    2 Set the hardware clock time.To set the hardware clock time, enter the following command:

    # /sbin/hwclock --systohc

    3 Recommission the system.Recommission the system after the FEWS has the correct time settings.

  • 50Issue 1-1

    Open MGW Software Installation


    4.9 AHUB cannot automatically load configuration from CLA after resetDescriptionConfiguration is not automatically loaded from the CLA after the AHUB reset.

    SymptomsAfter the updated switch configuration is saved and the switch is rebooted, the switch boots up with the changes made and not from the file in the CLA's tftpboot directory.

    Recovery procedures

    Enabling the switch to load the configuration from the CLA's tftpboot directoryTo make the switch load the configuration from the CLA's tftpboot directory (ssh ), enter the following command:

    rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/Then reboot the AHUB.

    Example: To load the fi switch configuration of Switch-1-8 from the CLAs tftpboot directory (ssh Switch-1-8), enter the following command:

    rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/Switch-1-8_fi.confThen reboot the AHUB.

    Open MGW Software InstallationTable of ContentsList of FiguresList of TablesSummary of changes1Introduction to Open MGW software installation2Installation medium2.1Using commissioning tools from the ISO image2.2Command line interface for commissioning

    3Settings for commissioning3.1Setting up cabling for commissioning3.2Preparing the software3.3Creating the FSetup configuration file3.4Example of FSetup configuration file3.5Creating the commissioning session3.6Software installation on the network element3.6.1Permissions required during software installation3.6.2Performing the installation with FEWS3.6.3Performing the installation from USB memory stick

    3.7Checking and updating the embedded software

    4Commissioning troubleshooting4.1Commissioning session fails4.2Network element is not configured with an IP address4.3Network element fails to start the installation4.4Software installation fails4.5Hardware management does not work after commissioning4.6LDAP does not work after post configuration4.7Multi chassis/multi shelf configuration is not working4.8FEWS has an incorrect time settings4.9AHUB cannot automatically load configuration from CLA after reset