open access collections case studies

Open Access Collections: some case studies Jessica Coates Creative Commons Clinic October 2009 CRICOS No. 00213J C a r p e t e d c o m m o n s b y G l u t n i x , h t t p : / / w w w . f l i c k r . c o m / p h o t o s / g l u t n i x / 2 0 7 9 7 0 9 8 0 3 / i n / p o o l - c c s w a g c o n t e s t 0 7 a v a i l a b l e u n d e r a C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n 2 . 0 l i c e n c e , h t t p : / / c r e a t i v e c o m m o n s . o r g / l i c e n s e s / b y / 2 . 0 / d e e d . e n

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A brief presentation I gave recently for a Museum and Gallery Services Queensland ( event, highlighting some good examples of collecting institutions making innovative use of online technologies.


Page 1: Open Access Collections Case Studies

Open Access Collections:some case studies

Jessica Coates

Creative Commons ClinicOctober 2009

CRICOS No. 00213J

Carpeted com

mons by G

lutnix, http://ww

/photos/glutnix/2079709803/in/pool-ccswagcontest07 available

under a Creative C


ons Attribution 2.0 licence, http://creativecom

Page 2: Open Access Collections Case Studies

CRICOS No. 00213J

Powerhouse Museum

• released 1500 public domain photographs to Flickr Commons

• ‘Play’ worksheets available under CC BY-NC

• encouraged CC for ‘photo of the day’

• collection descriptions and data under CC

Woman holding decorated bicycle, Phillips Glass Plate Negative Collection, Powerhouse Museum,

• 20x increased visitation

• crowd-sourced metadata

• unexpected discoveries (eg locations)

• partnerships (eg ABC)

• reduced costs for Australian community and schools

• didn’t hurt sales

promotional + other benefits = net +ve $

Open Content Licensing and the Future of Collections, Paula Bray,

Page 3: Open Access Collections Case Studies

CRICOS No. 00213J

Powerhouse Museum

Powerhouse Museum collection record

“If your organisation is still having doubts about the value of making available un-edited, un-verified, ageing tombstone data then it is worth showing examples like these.”

- Seb Chan

Page 4: Open Access Collections Case Studies

Australian newspapers online

• Launched by the NLA, with partners, Aug 2009

• 547,430 pages and 6M articles available for full-text search

AUSTRALIApart of the Creative Commons international initiative

CRICOS No. 00213J

Crowd-sourcing text corrections – 1,300 volunteers have corrected 3.4 million lines from 160,000 pages

Courier Mail, Australian Newspapers,

Page 5: Open Access Collections Case Studies

Australian newspapers online

AUSTRALIApart of the Creative Commons international initiative

CRICOS No. 00213J

Page 6: Open Access Collections Case Studies


• 312 photographs now on Wikicommons - for use in Wikipedia (4th most visited site on Internet)

• avoided image copyright issues because volunteer photographers own material

AUSTRALIApart of the Creative Commons international initiative

• Museum of the tropics, Amsterdam

• “Wikipedia loves Art/NL” project - invited public to photograph collections and upload to Wikicommons

Ingang Tropenmuseum by GerardM

Page 7: Open Access Collections Case Studies


AUSTRALIApart of the Creative Commons international initiative

It was an easy way to…engage new audiences…[and] spread the stories from the collection…In the end I think more people will visit the museum and look online.

– Susanne Ton, Manager of Multimedia Production, Tropenmuseum

Images being used in articles and seen by audiences that have no connection to museum – with link back

Page 8: Open Access Collections Case Studies

Click and Flick • individuals to contribute to PictureAustralia by adding to Flickr groups• encourages CC licensing• 55,000 photos contributed since 2006• Now 100 remixes through Re-Picture Australia project

AUSTRALIApart of the Creative Commons international initiative

Y.A.P.O.M.A.S. by :/

The Argyle Stairs 1930 to 2008 by Rossco

Something about the dog on the tuckerbox by Broken Simulacra

Creative Commons licensing “encourages content contributors to think in terms of a librarian keeping in mind the public benefit of providing maximum access to content as part of Australia’s national collection.” – Fiona Hooton, Picture Australia

Page 9: Open Access Collections Case Studies


[email protected]

CRICOS No. 00213J

This slide show is licensed under a Creative Commons Australia Attribution licence. For more information see

Images in the slideshow are licensed as marked. Please remove any images that are not licensed appropriately for your use.

Carpeted com

mons by G

lutnix, http://ww

/photos/glutnix/2079709803/in/pool-ccswagcontest07 available

under a Creative C


ons Attribution 2.0 licence, http://creativecom